Lesson 8 I. Objectives: DMR

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1. Show enjoyment in listening to a story;
2. Answer questions about the story listened to;
3. Infer the mood of certain events through the speakers’ action;
4. Make a character map;
5. Dramatize particular parts of the story;
6. Make a story pyramid;
7. Write a poem about the story/elements of the story;
8. Appreciate the value of being trustworthy;
9. Use plural compound nouns;
10. Give the general mood of the story/ selection
Reading-Writing Connection
11. Write a paragraph about one’s feelings/ emotions


Story: “Fish in the Forest”, Adapted
Basic and Beyond Reading 6, pp.185-188
Thinking Aloud
Using graphic organizer-character map, story pyramid
DMR-Inferring the mood of certain events through the speakers’ action
DELC- Using the plural of compound nouns
DDSS-Giving the general mood of the story/selection
Reading Writing Connection-Writing a paragraph about one’s feelings/emotions
Across the Curriculum Links:
Arts: Dramatizing parts of the story
Writing a poem
Values: Trustworthiness

flashcards of words: pike, roach ,perch, reflected, gravely, summoned, shrewd, dreadful, gossiper
picture of a fish


1. Spelling: Day 1- Pre-test
a. astonish f. obsequies
b. disarm g. poltergeist
c. guarantee h. restaurateur
d. impropriety i. slither
e. linage j.tapioca

Day 2- Teach Day 4- Supervised Study

Day 3- Follow-up Test Day 5- Mastery Test

2. Phonics:
Day 1
A. Preparation:
1. Showing the position of the lips for the /oo / and /ōō /
2. Sounding the /oo / and /ōō/
3. Imitating by the pupils. The first one /oo / (Pronounce the sound) belongs to Sound 1. The
second one /ōō/ (Produce the sound) belongs to Sound 2.
B. Recognition (Ear Training):
1. Here are the words for Sound 1
bulletin cookie hook
sugar woman cushion
football plural tourist
Here are the words for Sound 2
truth soothes trousseau
troubadour Luzon unscrupulous
2. Pronouncing by pairs by the teacher
bulletin-truth cookie-soothes hook-trousseau

Speed-read the daily bulletin. Culinary arts is a verifiable truth.

Have some cookie.
Hot lemonade soothes one’s cold.
Finish the project “hook or by crook.”
Trousseau is a bride’s collection of clothing.
3. Clap your hands if they have the same sound; raise your right hand if they differ.
cushion-caution tourist-tourist
wooden-wooden plural-floral
forsook-sock bull-hall

Day 2
A. Combined Recognition- Production Drill

Tell the word that does NOT belong to the group.

bull-bull-ball plural-floral-plural
caution-cushion-cushion forsook-sock-forsook

Day 3
D. Production Drill (Exposing the pair to the pupils)
1. Teacher serves as a model- produces the pair in the manner that he prepares the children.
/oo / /ōō/
woodpecker voluminous
pulmonary movement
push maneuver
2. Pupils produce after the teacher in this manner:
a. Sound 1 b. Sound 2 c. In pair d. at random
Day 4
E. Enrichment Drill
(Use such words in a short dialog, selection, etc.-identifying which has the /oo/ and /ōō/
Day 5
F. Evaluation
Listen very carefully. I’m going to read the following sentences. Decide which of the two words
is correct.
1. My mother prepared (cookie, khaki) for merienda.
2. We rested on a (caution, cushion) when we are at home.
3. Her (luke, look) makes her a star.
4. The men needed a little (push, puss) to move the cabinet.
5. (Tourist, Poorest) destinations in the Philippines need to be advertised.
1. Activating Prior Knowledge and Building Background
Where can you find fish? Do you think there is a fish in the forest?

2. Unlocking of Difficulties (through context clues)

pike- spiny-finned freshwater food fish
roach- fresh water fish of the carp family
perch- a freshwater fish with rough scaled and two dorsal fins, one spiny and one soft.
They scarcely entered when she found a pike, then a roach, and a perch on the ground.
With exclamations of surprise, she gathered up the fish and put them in her basket.
The labourer, worried over the buried treasure, tried to think of other possible
solutions. He reflected on what to do.
gravely- think deeply
Running how great the values of treasure were, he gravely told his wife of his plans.
summoned- called somebody into court
The Lord wanted to know the whole truth; so he summoned the labourer.
shrewd- clever
The husband thus outwitted the Lord of the castle by hiding the treasure. He was
indeed a shrewd fellow.
dreadful gossiper- fearful gossip maker
The labourer reflected his wife was a dreadful gossiper and by the next day the village
knows the secret.

Match the meaning of words in column A with column B. Write the letter of the correct
1. pike a. think deeply
2. roach b. clever
3. perch c. revealed
4. reflected d. fresh water, the carp family
5. gravely e. spiny-finned freshwater fish
6. summoned f. called somebody into court
7. shrewd g. fearful gossip maker
8. dreadful gossiper h. high pitch
i. a fresh water fish with rough scales and two dorsal
fins, one spiny and one soft
3. Pre-viewing
Say: We are going to read a story about a labourer and his dreadful gossiper wife. The title of the
story is “Fish in the Forest.” What do you think is the story about?

4. Setting the Purpose for Reading

Read the title of the story once again.
Ask: From the title of the story, what do you like to find out?

Motive Question/s:
(Publish pupil’s questions on the board.)

Constructing Meaning
Read the story two times.
1st Reading- Reading without interruption (Silent Reading)
2nd Reading- Pupils read aloud.
Pupils are asked to read and stop at certain portions to answer prediction questions. Monitor
comprehension using some fix-up strategies. Teacher model how to think aloud.
In tilling the ground, a labourer found a treasure, and carrying it at home, said to his wife “See, heaven has
given us a fortune. But where do we conceal it? She suggested he should bury it under the floor, which he did
accordingly. Soon after this, the wife went out to fetch water, and the labourer reflected his wife as a dreadful
gossiper, and by tomorrow night all the village would know their secret. So he removed the treasure from its
hiding place and buried it in his bar, beneath the heap of corn. When the wife came back from the well, he said to
her quite gravely, “Tomorrow we shall go to the forest to seek fish; they say there’s plenty there at present.
“What? Fish in the forest?” she exclaimed.
“Of course,” he rejoiced, “and you’ll see other goodies there.”
STOP With his plan in mind, did the labourer show trust to his wife?
Very early next morning he got up, and took some fish, which he had concealed in a basket. He went to the
grocer and bought a quantity of sweet cakes. He also caught a hare and killed it. The fish and cakes he disposed of
in different parts of the woods, and the hare he hooked on a fishing-line, and then threw it in the river. After
breakfast, he took his wife with him into the woods, which they had scarcely entered when she found a pike, then a
roach, on the ground. With many exclamations of surprise, she gathered up the fish and put them in her basket.
Presently they came to a pear tree, from the branches of which hung sweet cakes. “See?” she cried. “Cakes on
a pear tree!”
“Quite natural,” he replied , “it has rained cakes and some have remained on this tree; travellers have picked
up the rest.” Continuing their way to the village, they passed near a stream.
“Wait a little,” said the husband, “I set my line early this morning, and I’ll look if anything is caught in it.” He
pulled in the line, and behold, there was a hare hooked on it!
“How extraordinary!” cried the good wife, “a hare in the water!”
“Why?” says he “don’t you know there are hares in the water as well as rats?”
“No, indeed. I knew it not.”
The wife experienced unlikely happenings. What could have
happened next?
They now returned home, and the wife set about preparing all the nice eatables for supper. In a day or two, the
labourer learned from the talk of his acquaintances that this finding the treasure was not secret in the village, and in
less than a week, he was summoned to the castle.
“Is it true,” said the Lord, “that you have found a treasure?”
“It is not true,” was the reply.
“My wife does not know what she says- she is mad, my Lord.”
Why did the labourer said that his wife is mad?
Here upon the woman cries, “It is the truth, my Lord! He has found a treasure and buried it beneath the floor
of our cottage.”
“On the eve before the day when we went into the forest to look for fish.”
“What do you say?”
“Yes, it was on the day that it rained cakes. We gathered a basketful of them, and coming home, my husband
fished a fine hare out of the river.”
The Lord of the castle declared the woman to be an idiot; nevertheless, he told his servants to search
under the labourer’s cottage floor, but nothing was found. So the shrewd fellow secured his treasure.
STOP Do you think the King (Lord) believed in the wife of the

Post Reading
After reading, the teacher will form groups and assign each group an engagement activity to work on. (All group
leaders must be provided with activity cards.)

Engagement Activities

Discussion Questions
1. Who are the characters in the story?
Group Activity 1
Describe the characters through a character map.
2. What did the labourer bring home one day?
3. Why did they have to conceal it?
4. Did the labourer really have to change its hiding place?
5. Why do you think the husband had to take her wife to the forest?
6. Is it true that fishes can be found in the forest? Why? How did unlikely things happen in the forest?
Group Activity 2
Dramatize the events showing how unlikely things happened in the forest and the reaction of the wife that day.
Deliver the dialogs with feelings so that the audience can capture the mood of the characters.
7. What happened after few days? Did the secret remain a secret?
8. How did the husband deal with it?
9. What did the labourer tell the Lord?
10. Do you have any favorite part of the story?
Group Activity 3
Discuss your favorite part /element of the story with your group mates. You can talk about the labourer, the
wife, the treasure or any thing about the story. Share it with your classmates through a poem.
11. Did you understand the story?
Group Activity 4
One way to look at the structure of a story is to make a story pyramid. Make a story pyramid showing the
characters, setting, important events and the lesson of the story. Use the guide questions below.
Who are the characters in the story?
What did they find while tilling the ground?
What did the labourer do with the treasure?
Where did they bury the treasure?
(more questions..)
12. If you were the husband, would you do that to your wife?
13. If you were the wife, should you have kept a secret?
14. Is it important to keep a secret?

Say: In the story, the labourer does not trust his wife anymore so he did things to save the treasure. Do you
have secrets? To whom do you share those secrets? Is being trustworthy of a person really important?
Write two or more sentences telling a story of how
you trust somebody so much.
Write a story on how you disliked a friend because
she or he did not keep your secret.


1. Review:
We learned that there are many classifications of nouns. Decide which noun falls under the given
Abstract 1. Table, love
Count 2. Ball pen, ink
Compound 3. Baby , rainbow
Proper 4. Mrs. Tan, employer
Concrete 5. Resourcefulness, books
Collective 6. Room, school
In the story, “Fish in the Forest,” the following words are used:
fishing-line breakfast pear tree

What are these words called? They are compound nouns.

Recall that compound nouns are nouns that have more than one word. That compound nouns can take
one of these forms. They can be separate word, hyphenated words, or combined words.
Compound nouns form their plural form similar with other nouns, though it is essential to determine
first which is the important word in the combination so that it will be the focus of making it plural.
Take this as an example:

In the compound word passer-by, the important word in it is the word passer, thereby, the rule on
pluralization must be applied on the word passer. In turn, the plural form of passer-by is passers-by.

3. Activities:

Group 1: Draw fifteen pairs of nouns that can form examples of compound nouns. On the last column, write
their plural form.


+ =

(rain) (bow) = rainbow rainbows

Group 2: Use the plural forms of the following nouns in a dialogue. Write the dialogue on the manila paper.

electric stove editor-in-chief headline fireman rainbow

Group 3: List many examples of compound nouns. Then use them in a skit . You may use the setting at home
or school or anywhere of your choice. Make sure the characters will be able to speak at least 10
compound nouns.

Group 4: Answer the list of riddles to be given to you. Then, facilitate a riddle game for the rest of the
groups. There must be two answers: first, singular compound noun and the other, plural compound

4. Generalization:
We form the plural form of compound nouns through adding –s or –es to the compound noun. In case of
separate compound noun, the most important part of the word is pluralized.

Think of five examples of compound nouns. Use them in sentences.

6.Evaluation: Write the plural form of the following compound nouns.

1. collarbone 4. lady-in-waiting
2. costume jewelry 5. passer-by
3. dustbin

D. Decoding and Deciphering Strategies and Skills

1. Motivation
Say: In the story Fish in the Forest, the writer was able to affect our emotion very strongly. Were you?
Would you also let other people think that your loved one were an idiot for the sake of something else?
Say: Listen as I read this selection:
Mrs. Santos had just arrived from Baguio. She brought fruits, vegetables and bottles of jam with her.
She told her daughter Angela to give their neighbour some vegetables to give their neighbour and a bottle
of strawberry jam. Angela went to their neighbour’s house and entered the gate. Suddenly, a dog leaped
on her.
Ask: What is the general mood of the story?
3. Guided Practice

Here are some passages. Analyze them very well. Identify the general mood projected in the selections.
1. The house was very dark. She pushed the door and the sound of the cracking hinges was heard. She
held her breath as she stepped very slowly into the room. Suddenly, a cold hand gripped her neck.

2. The wife weighed about 250 pounds. She walked in followed by her toothpick-thin husband. Every
time he tried to talk, she pounded his head with her umbrella. When she noticed that we were looking
at them, she smiled widely, showing her two Bugs Bunny teeth.

3. The priest walked down the aisle wearing the whites and gold cape. The organ music rose. The sound
of the choir voices filled the entire cathedral.
4. The sun is behind the mountains. The flowers are all in bloom. Birds are chirping. The children are

5. His mother has just died. A twelve-year old boy cannot support three children. One by one he gave
his brothers and sisters away.

4. Independent Practice

What is the mood of the following selections. Choose the letter of the general atmosphere conveyed in each

1. The shark slowly appeared from the deep water and started circling the boat. It’s big silvery small eyes
and saw like teeth made John tremble.
a. fear c. happiness
b. surprise d. glory
2. Little children holding cotton candies and colourful balloons were running all over the carnival grounds.
Clowns with painted faces performing funny tricks and making the crowds laughed. Everyone felt like
dancing because of the lively music coming from the loud speaker.
a. loneliness c. horror
b. happiness d. gloom
3. It was Saturday evening. The whole family sat on the balcony and watched the stars like a million
diamonds above a clear sky. A soft lullaby drifted throughout the quiet air while grandmother sat
dreamily on her rocking chair.
a. excitement c. peace
b. worry d. melancholy
4. All the children were opening their gifts. Their faces showed so much joy as each took out a toy from
inside colourful wrappers. But Lita had no gift to open. Tears started to flow down her cheeks. If only
my parents are still alive, she thought.
a. fear c. sadness
b. joy d. loneliness
5. The sun is set; the swallow are asleep. The slow soft toads out of damp corners creep.
a. restlessness c. bliss
b. silence d. fun


To identify the mood of the selection or paragraph is to determine the general feeling or atmosphere that the
selection conveys or projects to the reader.


Read the selections then identify the general mood of the story / selection.

1. Melo was absent for three days. When he returned to school, he had a black ribbon on his breast. When asked
by his teacher, tears rolled down his cheeks and said, “My father died in an accident.”
2. “Go away, I don’t need you !” shouted Mr. Lopez to his house boy. Mr. Lopez caught him stealing money for the
third time.
3. Lina received a nicely wrapped box. She turned it left and right, shaking it once in a while. What could be inside
this box ? Then she quickly opened it.
4. Ana opened her Christmas gift in her room. When she saw a dress, she frowned and said to herself, “A dress……
but I like a wristwatch.”
5. Mother wiped the perspiration from her forehead. She has been working all day. She washed all the dirty clothes
of the children. She did all the household chores. And now she sat on a chair and fan herself.

7. Evaluation

Identify the mood projected in the setting below. Choose the letter of the emotion or mood among those listed
below each passage.

1. The church bells slowly tolled a mournful six times as the sun set.
a. fear c. jealousy
b. industry d. happiness
2. Slum shanties, like mushroom springing up after a rain, showed brown roofs or rusting tin and peeling
a. joy c. poverty
b. industry d. abundance
3. When the loaded fishing boats come in, the market just a block away from the plaza becomes even noisier
than usual. The bargaining and the laughter echo through the narrow streets, bouncing from house to house,
an epidemic of sounds spreading from the stalls to the balconies and travelling upward to the sky above.
a. dreary c. joyous
b. dull d. emptiness
4. Like most people of Andalusia, the people of Archangel are poor. But they are too proud to quarrel with their
faith. Instead they make against sadness with songs and dances, with laughter, and with joy at just being alive.
That joy erupts like a volcano once a year during the three day fiesta.
a. serious c. lively
b. indifferent d. silence
5. Manolo and Jaime went to mass together, and afterwards they followed the procession winding its way to the
narrow streets of Archangel. They walked silently in the long morning shadow cast by the statue of the
Archangel Gabriel as it was being born aloft by the strongest men of the town.
a. violent c. frightful
b. solemn d. merriment


1. Motivation
The labourer in the story found treasure.
Have you ever dreamed of getting a good life/ fortune? How would you be feeling then?
2. Presentation
Say: Today, we are going to write a composition about one’s feelings.
3. Discussion/ Sharing
Are you contented with the life that you have today?
How do you regard your life?

(Write the pupils’ answers on the board)

4. Recording
The teacher will give ample time for the pupils to organize their thoughts in order to write a
meaningful composition.

Actual Writing (Individual Writing)

Using the data presented on the board, write your feelings / emotions about how you regard your life today.

Post Writing
1. Reading the composition
2. Revising
3. Final writing in the informal theme

F. Enrichment Activities

The teacher may think/ add applicable activities to enrich the learning of the pupils.
Teacher III
Tropical Village Elem. School

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