Corporate Social Responsibility

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Answer No (1)

CLIMATE CHANGE-The term “climate change” refers to a rise in the average
global temperature due to an increase in the concentration of atmospheric greenhouse
gases, resulting in numerous climatic shifts and impacts around the globe.

Leading companies are taking action to reduce their own emission and become more
resilient to inevitable climate impacts. In current scenario companies are seeking a
deeper understanding of the risks and opportunities of a changing climate, and are
taking steps to reduce their carbon footprints. Externally, they are engaging suppliers,
key stakeholders and policymakers , and are publicly reporting emissions and energy-
usage data, climate-related risks and management strategies.


Chevron is an American Multinational Energy Corporation which believes that managing
climate change risk is an important element of their strategic focus to return superior
value to their stockholders.

Chevron takes prudent, practical and cost- effective actions to address potential climate
change risk as part of their commitment to run their business the right way and to unlock
the potential for progress and prosperity everywhere they work.

Below are two climate change policies which Chevron implements in order to reduce
negative climate change impacts :~

1)GREEN HOUSE GAS MANAGEMENT:- Chevron takes significant

steps to manage their greenhouse gas(CHG) emissions by improving energy efficiency,
reducing flaring and venting and fixing methane leaks when they occur. They are
addressing the CHG emissions in their operations and integrating CHG emissions
management into the execution of their business activities. Further, they maintain and
report inventories of their emissions, undertake projects to manage operating emissions
and apply innovative technologies to improve the energy efficiency of their operations .

2) ENERGY EFFICIENCY:- Chevron continues to find new ways to use

energy more efficiently in its own operations. From 1992 through 2012 they used their
Chevron Energy Index (CEI) to track energy use performance across all operations and
measured a 34% improvement.

They achieve energy savings in big and small ways, such as by maintaining their
equipment so that it runs smoothly , and through complex projects, such as building
high-efficiency power plants.

Chevron’s Pipeline & Power organization collaborates with the company’s Upstream
and Downstream businesses to help lower their energy costs, test new technologies,
achieve efficiency gains , manage emissions and improve power reliability.


Potential climate change risks are integrated into multiple Enterprise Risk Management
(ERM) risk categories because a truly global challenge like climate change requires a
comprehensive review strategy. The Board of Directors and Executive Leadership
believe this integrated approach is appropriate because it enables climate change risk
to be examined in connection with other broad-ranging risk affecting Chevron.

Climate Change is the world’s biggest sustainability challenge of our time, threatening
everything from our economic system to our political security to our very livelihood on
Earth. But climate change also presents investors and companies with opportunities to

Companies that look ahead and who turn detailed climate risk assessments into
innovation potentials combined with sound economic assessments and planning will be
far better equipped to face the new risks, changing market place conditions, and
policies, in a world impacted by climate change.

Solutions that promote clean energy and climate change resilience will help build a low-
carbon economy while protecting our planet for current and future generations.
Answer No (2)

India’s new Companies Act 2013 has introduced several new provisions which change
the face of Indian corporate business. One of such new provisions is Corporate Social
Responsibility (CSR). The concept of CSR rests on the ideology of give and take.
Companies take resources in the form of raw materials, human resources etc. from the
society. By performing the task of CSR activities, the companies are giving something
back to the society.

The concept of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is not new in India, companies
have been voluntarily contributing towards CSR. However, with the enactment of
Companies Act, 2013 it has become mandatory for some companies to contribute
towards CSR from the date on which provisions relating to CSR which are governed by
section 135 of Companies Act, 2013 has been notified i.e. 01.04.2014.


135,COMPANIES ACT 2013:~
1) Improved Public Image:-  Companies that demonstrate their commitment
to various causes are perceived as more philanthropic than companies whose
corporate social responsibility endeavors are nonexistent.A corporation’s public
image is at the mercy of its social responsibility programs and how aware
consumers are of these programs.. Corporations can improve their public image
by supporting nonprofits through monetary donations, volunteerism, in-kind
donations of products and services, and strong partnerships.By publicizing their
efforts and letting the general public know about their philanthropy, companies
increase their chances of becoming favorable in the eyes of consumers.
2) Boosts Employee Engagement:-Employees like working for a
company that has a good public image and is constantly in the media for positive
reasons.When companies show that they are dedicated to improving their
communities through corporate giving programs they are more likely to
attract and retain valuable, hardworking, and engaged employees.If a
corporation is philanthropically minded, job-hunting individuals are more likely to
apply and interview for available positions. Once hired, employees who are
engaged will stay with a company longer, be more productive on a daily basis,
and will be more creative than disengaged workers.

3) Attracts & Retains Investors:- Investors who investing money into

companies want to know that their funds are being used properly.Not only does this
mean that corporations must have sound business plans and budgets, but it also means
that they should have a strong sense of corporate social responsibility.When
companies donate money to nonprofit organizations and encourage their
employees to volunteer their time, they demonstrate to investors that they don’t
just care about profits.Instead, they show that they have an interest in the local and
global community.Investors are more likely to be attracted to and continue to support
companies that demonstrate a commitment not only to employees and customers, but
also to causes and organizations that impact the lives of others.

4) Increases Media Coverage:- An excellent CSR Policy or initiative will

ultimately get you noticed, not only by your competitors; but also by everyone in your
local community, immediate industry and most times, even by the society at large. That
in itself brings you publicity; the media notices your social contributions and your effort
as a company or business gets publicized for all to hear or see as a tool to motivate
others to do the same for the general betterment of the local community of larger
society. In effect, the good publicity is good for business, and it can be an excellent
reputation booster for your business.

5) Regulatory Authorities Become Less Hostile:-A corporation with strong

CSR programs will not be scrutinized by regulatory authorities as much as companies
without CSR programs. The authorities will be lenient in their regulation because they
feel that the company must be complying with all regulations as it is supported by firms
and people alike for its welfare work. A company with strong CSR programs will always
work within regulations to get benefits from these CSR programs. The authorities will
give fast-track preference to this company. It may also forego cumbersome paperwork
that is required to set up projects if it thinks that this project is going to help the
community to improve.

6)Engaging Customers:- Building relationships with customers is the cornerstone

of a successful company and having a social responsibility policy can impact the buying
decisions of customers. Some customers are willing to pay more for a product if they
know a portion of the profit is going to worthy cause. Also, if a company is active in the
local community – for example, a bank that offers loans to low-income families – the
company will be viewed positively by the community and perhaps boost the company's
sales as a result. In short, building a positive relationship with customers and their
communities can lead to increased sales and rising profits. 
7.Health Benefits To Societies:-Business organizations have their responsibility
towards improvement of the quality of the people of the community. They are engaged
in works like improving drainage system, adequate clean drinking water facility, pollution
control, improving sanitation, construction of toilets etc., which will prevent many water-
borne diseases. Medicines are distributed free of cost, healthy food to children, sick
people, pregnant mothers and aged people are offered free of cost by big business
organizations by way implementing csr plan & policies for providing health benefits to

8.Aid to Education in Urban Areas:- Progressive individual businessmen and

individual business houses are running or supporting schools, colleges and
technical/professional educational institutions by implementing one of csr goals
mentioned in their csr policies.
In fact, it is a part of modern social responsibility of business that it should support
educational programmes, more particularly technical education. In some cases, they
help by lending the services of their specialists (as visiting experts) and giving financial

9.Environment Protection:- Businesses are protecting the environment which

has acquired great importance all over the world they are discharging the corporate
social responsibility of protecting environment in following way:-
(i) Preservation of Natural Resources:-
Scarce natural resources should be used very carefully as these are depleting at a very
fast rate. The alternative sources can also be found out to save natural resources like to
save forests alternative to wood and pulp can be found, the use of coal can be reduced
by alternative source of energy.

(ii) Pollution Control:-
Appropriate steps should be taken to prevent environmental pollution and to preserve
ecological balance. The industrial waste should be disposed off carefully or if possible
can be recycled to minimise pollution. The toxic wastes, excessive noise, chemical
pesticides, automobile exhaust etc. need to be checked from time to time.

10)Rural Development:- Companies have been working toward betterment of

rural areas by providing infrastructure support such as building of check dams,
revamping of water pumps and laying down of roads to improve connectivity.
Companies have also been working for rural development through organizing
awareness generation camps for issues such as domestic violence, female feticide, and
importance of education among others initiatives .Therefore in this by implementing its
csr strategies companies are working for rural development.

With new CSR regulation, the task of Companies has increased. They are not only
required to spend money but are also required to follow the disclosure and other
statutory requirement. It would take some time for companies to get used to these new
regulations. But this new regulations is good from social equality and development of
underprivileged. As far as these new regulation benefits society in large, it’s always

Answer No (3)

CHILD LABOUR- Child labor refers to the employment of children in any
work that deprives them of their childhood, interferes with their ability to attend regular
school, and that is mentally, physically, socially or morally dangerous and harmful.
Child labor is a serious social problem , not only in India but also in other developing

The most extreme and abhorrent forms of child labor involves child slavery, working in
the agricultural and textile sectors, factories, mining companies, sweatshops and home-
based operations. Companies employ them for their low wages which drives down their
operational cost.


1) POVERTY:-The main reason for child labor is poverty. Most of the country’s
population suffers from poverty .Due to poverty , parents cannot afford the
studies of their children and make them earn their wages from a tender age.
They are made to work to increase the income of their poor families at the
earliest. These decisions are taken only for the purpose of eking out a living for
their family.

2) LACK OF EDUCATIONAL SOURCES:-There are thousands of

villages in our country where there are no proper facilities of education. And if
there is any, it is miles away .Such administrative negligence is also responsible
for child labor. Sometimes the lack of affordable school for the education of poor
children leaves them illiterate and helpless. Children are forced to live without
studying. And sometimes such compulsions push them into the trap of child
economic backwardness is also the main reason for child labor. Socially
backward parents do not send their children to receive education. Consequently,
their children are trapped in child labor.
Due to illiteracy, many times parents are not aware of various information and
schemes for child education. Also, uneducated parents do not know about
impacts of child labor on their children.


PROVISIONS:-Although there are no of constitutional provisions against
child labor, they are not properly implemented. The Central as well as State
Government has passed a number of laws for child welfare in order to eradicate
child labor, but none of these laws have been properly implemented.

5) LURE OF CHEAP LABOR:-In the greed of cheap labor, some

shopkeepers, companies and factory owners employ children so that they have
to pay less to them and it amounts to employing cheap labor. Shopkeepers and
small businessmen make children work as much as they do to the elder ones,
but pay half the wages. With the development of globalization, privatization and
consumerist culture, the need for cheap labor and its linkage with economic
needs of poor families have encouraged child labor.
1)SUPPORT EDUCATION:- Free education holds the key to eliminating
child labor. Businesses should support for children’s education, in agreement
with the public education authorities, by paying to improve or set up schools near
a plantation or factory, or by helping families pay for their children’s school fees.

2)AWARENESS:-Creating awareness about the illegality of child labor can

also help in stemming the practice .Businesses should take steps to make aware
parents that sending their children to work has legal ramifications and the law
would take actions if they are found to
Be aiding this vice. Businesses should also conduct a campaign to create
awareness about its harmful effects.

3)EDUCATE YOURSELF ON THE LAWS:- Another step to make

child labor unattractive is that the businesses should know about the provisions
laid down in our constitution for the protection of children, as well as the various
laws in place to stop their exploitation and should abide these laws firmly in their
working places.


enterprise owner may also look at his own operations and consider ways in
which his pay or hiring decisions can help families. For example, if a parent and a
child work for the same employer, the employer may be able to increase the
parent's wages. Alternatively, if members of the family (parents, older siblings)
are unemployed, these might be hired instead of the children or to fill vacancies.

Child labor prevents from enjoying a normal, healthy childhood and it can also prevent
children from getting the best education for them. Fortunately, there are many ways in
which we can act to stop child labor. These include buying wisely, donating to charity
and writing to the government to ensure that they pass and maintain laws that protect
children from child labor. People who own their own companies are very well placed to
ensure that they can provide a space where child labor is not tolerated. We should all
act to prevent child labor, starting right away.

Child labor is like a termite which is affecting the strength and growth of child as an
individual and as a citizen and future of the country. It has to be eradicated from routes
so that the children of the country can have better future and help in the development
of the country.

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