Espanol Y English SOLAGBADE POPOOLA and T He I NT Er Nat Ional Council For I FA Religion (I CI R)
Espanol Y English SOLAGBADE POPOOLA and T He I NT Er Nat Ional Council For I FA Religion (I CI R)
Espanol Y English SOLAGBADE POPOOLA and T He I NT Er Nat Ional Council For I FA Religion (I CI R)
Solagbade Popoola es una lum inar ia en la I FA religión, aut or, m aest ro, él es un Awo
Baba a quien respet o, he t rabaj ado com o un colega en un proyect o con, y alguien a
quien considero un am igo. Escuché su recient e ent revist a y t engo algunas opiniones
sobre su liderazgo en el I CI R y cualquier ot r a consej os int ernacionales, el liderazgo,
la j erarquía o los int ent os por consolidar las m uchas ram as de la religión I FA.
Before we st art we m ust look at t he hist ory of each of t he groups who have
at t em pt ed t o consolidat e I FA, all have failed. The principal reason for t his is t hat
I FA is different in t he m any cult ures, count r ies, regions, languages. Many in
t radit ional I FA insist t hat I FA is universal, in som e ways it is, yet in m any ot hers it
is not . Even in Niger ia, t here are m aj or differences, for exam ple Ode Rem o does
not recognize t he fem ale I yanifa, while ot her St at es do. Most of Cuba does not ,
Brazil does. Many do not recognize t he ogboni out side of Niger ia. I n Cuba no ile ifa
can be st art ed unless t he Baba Awo has received Olofin. Gays are accept ed
t hroughout t he Diaspora in Or isha worship, but not as pr iest s of Orunm ila, nor are
t hey accept ed in m ost of Niger ia. There are m any differences; t he t raining is
different t hroughout t he world.
Ant es de em pezar hay que m irar la hist or ia de cada uno de los grupos que han
int ent ado consolidar I FA, t odos han fracasado. La razón pr incipal de est o es que la
I FA es diferent e en las diversas cult uras, países, regiones, idiom as. Muchos en
t radicional I FA I FA insist en en que es universal, en cier t o m odo, es, sin em bargo,
en m uchos ot ros no lo es. I ncluso en Nigeria, exist en grandes diferencias, por
ej em plo Ode Rem o no reconoce la hem bra I yanifa, m ient ras que ot ros Est ados lo
hacen. La m ayor part e de Cuba no lo hace, lo hace Brasil. Muchos no recon ocen el
ext erior Ogboni de Nigeria. En Cuba hay ifa ile se puede iniciar a m enos que el
Baba Awo ha recibido Olofin. Los gays son acept adas en t oda la diáspora en el cult o
Orisha, pero no com o sacerdot es de Orunm ila, ni son acept ados en la m ayor ía de
Niger ia. Hay m uchas diferencias; la form ación es diferent e en t odo el m undo.
For t he newcom er , t he fact is we call I FA t he religion as a whole, yet t here is also
ifa divinat ion, and Or unm ila is som et im es called I fa. I n Lucum i for exam ple we have
several com ponent s t hat m ake up I FA, basically are t here are t w o sides of I FA,
Orunm ila and Or isha worship. There are also t he com ponent s of The Dead and
Ancest or worship t hat do not require cerem ony, rank, or an invest m ent in m oney.
These are j ust a few ( of m any) exam ples. Then t here is t he second com ponent of
educat ion and t he t hir d of perm issions ( what defines if a pract it ioner is qualified
and perm it t ed t o perform services and cerem ony ) . Many of t he concept s of t he
( I CI R) are desired, like a code of et hics. I t is a sound idea t o sanct ion t em ples and
ile rat her t han individuals. This is a fresh idea and has m erit . But despit e t hese
noble goals, here is t he basic problem .
Para el recién llegado, el hecho es que llam am os I FA la religión en su conj unt o, sin
em bargo, t am bién hay adivinación I FA, y Orunm ila es a veces llam ado I fá. En
Lucum í, por ej em plo, t enem os varios com ponent es que conform an I FA,
básicam ent e est am os allí son dos caras de la I FA, Orunm ila y el cult o Or isha.
Tam bién est án los com ponent es de los m uert os y el cult o a los ant epasados que no
requieren cerem onia, rango, o una inversión en dinero. Est os son sólo algunos ( de
los m uchos) ej em plos. Luego est á el segundo com ponent e de la educación y la
t ercera part e de los perm isos ( lo que define si un m édico est á cualificado y
aut orizado a realizar servicios y cerem onia) . Muchos de los concept os de la ( I CI R)
se desean, com o un código de ét ica. Es una buena idea para sancionar a los
t em plos y ile en lugar de individuos. Est a es una idea fresca y t iene m érit o. Pero a
pesar de est os nobles obj et ivos, aquí es el problem a de fondo.
For m e personally, I am very happy in Lucum i and have no int erest in convert ing t o
t radit ional I FA, or subm it t ing t o t heir leader ship. Of course I com e from a very
st rong ile t hat prom ot es educat ion, and has st rong leadership and st ruct ure. Many
in t he Diaspora insist t hat I slam has infilt rat ed t radit ional I FA, w hile t hose in Niger ia
insist t hat Chr ist ianit y has infilt rat ed t he Diaspora. I list ened t o t he seven
qualificat ions for om o awo and ent ry int o t he I FA priest hood; I was surprised t hat
t he t efa was not defined. I n Lucum i we require 16 Awo m inim um for t he t efa
ent rance cerem ony, it is at least 6 days ( sequest ered) . Only Baba Awo wit h Olofin
can lead t he cerem ony. I n Nigeria I have seen t his com pressed and cerem onies
preform ed wit h less t han t he m inim um we require in Lucum i. Som e in t radit ional
I FA insist t he t efa can only be perform ed in Niger ia, m ore conflict s t h at need t o be
addressed. There are also t he t radit ional t w o schools of I FA in Oyo and I fe t han
would need t o be consolidat ed. There is also t he ogboni’ s role t hat needs t o be
defined. There is also t he fact t hat t here ar e m any Oba ( Kings) who influence t he
religion in Niger ia, of course we do not have Kings in t he Diaspora. Each st at e in
Niger ia has a King and an Araba and an Ogboni, as I explained earlier w it h t he
exam ple of wom en and Ode Rem o, t here is not universal agreem ent . Recent ly t he
Araba of t he st at e of Osun has been prom ot ing subservient Araba in var ious
count ries including t he USA and Cuba as well as ot her count r ies in Lat in Am er ica.
While t his is supposedly only for t he Osun lineage, I see and expect ot her st at es in
Niger ia t o soon be est ablishing t heir own hierarchy t hroughout t he Diaspora. This
has m et wit h consider able resist ance ( and laught er) from t he m any respect ive
t radit ions in t he Diaspora and is also seen as a power grab.
Para m í, personalm ent e, m e sient o m uy feliz en Lucum í y no t ien en ningún int erés
en convert ir a la t radicional I FA, o som et erse a su liderazgo. Por supuest o que
vengo de una m uy fuert e ile que prom ueve la educación, y t iene un fuert e liderazgo
y est ruct ura. Muchos en la Diáspora insist en en que el I slam se ha infilt rado
t radicional I FA, m ient ras que los de Niger ia insist en en que el cr ist ianism o se ha
infilt rado en la diáspora. He escuchado a los siet e requisit os para AWO Om o y la
ent rada en el sacerdocio I FA; Me sorprendió que el t efa no se definió. En Lucum í
requerim os 16 Awo m ínim o para la cerem onia de ent rada t efa, es al m enos 6 días
( secuest rado) . Sólo Baba Awo con Olofin puede conducir la cerem onia. En Niger ia
He vist o est e com prim e y cerem onias preform ado con m enos del m ínim o que
requerim os en Lucum í. Algunos en la t radicional I FA insist en t efa sólo puede
llevarse a cabo en Nigeria, m ás conflict os que deben ser abordados. Tam bién est án
los t radicionales dos escuelas de I FA en Oyo e I fe que t endría que ser consolidado.
Tam bién es el papel de la Ogboni que necesit a ser definido. Tam bién est á el hecho
de que hay m uchos Oba ( Reyes) que influyen en la religión en Nigeria, por
supuest o que no t enem os reyes en la diáspora. Cada est ado en Niger ia t iene un rey
y una Araba y un Ogboni, com o he explicado ant es, con el ej em plo de las m uj eres y
Ode Rem o, no hay un acuerdo universal. Recient em ent e, el Araba del est ado de
Osun ha est ado prom oviendo Araba servil en varios países, incluyendo los EE.UU. y
Cuba, así com o ot ros países de Am érica Lat ina. Si bien est o es supuest am ent e só lo
para el linaj e de Osun, veo y espero ot ros est ados en Nigeria a ser pront o el
est ablecim ient o de su propia j erarquía en la diáspora. Est o se ha reunido con la
resist encia considerable ( y la r isa) de las m uchas t radiciones respect ivas en la
diáspora y t am bién es vist o com o una t om a de poder.
My habit is t o offer advice and at least part ial solut ions. My first suggest ion would
be t o lim it t his council t o et hics and educat ion. At t em pt ing t o be a governing body
of I FA worldw ide is overly am bit ious and not f easible ( in m y opinion) . Neit her is
consolidat ing all t he m any branches of I FA int o one religion, t here are t oo m any
cult ures, languages, m echanical differences, et cet era. Frankly, t o insist t hat all
priest s of Orunm ila out side of Niger ia are om o awo or st udent s is going t o be a
m onum ent al obst acle. Pursuing t his course of st rat egy is deat h t o any council.
Exact ly no one out side of Tradit ional Niger ia I FA will subm it t o t his insult . I t would
be a wiser t o not cast out and insult pr iest s of Orunm ila who have earned t heir
credent ials and are respect ed in t heir com m unit ies. I n ancient t im es Niger ia
operat ed like a universit y w it h specialist s in t he in t he m any disciplines of I FA and
Orisha worship. Personally m y opinion is t his is logical and Niger ia needs t o r et urn
t o it . Not every Baba is an expert diviner, nor is every Baba an expert in t he ast ral
planes of dream s, nor is every Baba an expert healer, drum m er, dancer, j udge,
invest igat or, expert on nat ure. Speaking of nat ure, I was disappoint ed it was not
m ent ioned in t he conversat ion, because it is a cent ral t hem e of I FA. The realit y and
wisdom of ancient I FA is t hat t he collect ive of t he ile is great er t han any of it s
m em bers. I f we t ruly wish t o address educat ion, we m ust recognize t hat no pr iest
knows all specialt ies in Niger ia or in t he Diaspora, not every Baba is an expert at
educat ion, or polit ics, t hese are specialt ies. Just as I FA cannot be com plet e wit hout
divinat ion, it is not com plet e w it hout The Dead. Just as Or isha w orship is a st rong
com ponent of I FA, wit hout ancest or venerat ion it is incom plet e. An odu is not
com plet e unless it is a set of ese, Pat akin, m essage and ebbo. All t hese m assive
differences need t o be addressed and solved before Awo Popoola and t he council
( whoever t hey are) st art nam ing six regions and t erm m em bers t o t his council. To
say t his is all going t o be built and ready in t hree m ont hs for nom inat ions t o t he six
regions is at best naïve ( in m y opinion) .
Som e m ay say I am a naysayer, a dest royer and not a builder, but I can t ell you
t his hist or ically m any religions have grown from t he sam e seed and prospered. The
Abraham ic branch cam e from Judaism , t his spawned Christ ianit y, Rom e and
Const ant inople divided, Mart in Lut her st art ed Prot est ant ism and it ’ s m any
branches. I slam was also birt hed by t he Jews and divided int o Sunni and Shi’ a.
each of t hese has m any sect s. Hinduism w as t he m ot her t o Sikhism , Jainism ,
Buddhism and all are t hriving and each believes it is super ior t o t he m ot her, an
im provem ent . Exact ly none of t hese would cast aside t heir cult ur e and
im provem ent s t o ret urn t o eit her Judaism or Hinduism , indeed t hey respect each
ot her and recognize t heir connect ion, but abandoning a cult ure or religion j ust does
not and w ill not happen. No one besides t radit ional I FA in t he Diaspora is w illing t o
have t heir individual t radit ions ruled by Nigeria and t hat is why t his m erger w ill
never happen. I love m y brot her Awo Popoola, and ot her leaders like Baba Olosun
and m any Araba in t r adit ional I FA, but t he m ore m y fr iends push, t he m ore
resist ance t hey w ill encount er. For m any Awo and Baba Awo in Lucum i we have
now seen t he lack of m ut ual respect t hat in t he past we have given freely, now be
not ret urned. All pr iest s of Orunm ila not m ade in Niger ia are om o awo? That m y
fr iend was t heir first m ist ake and confirm s t heir lack of respect for us. Finally, I
would like t o t hank I ya Ofae Ofae for host ing a st im ulat ing discussion.
Algunos pueden decir que soy un negat ivist a, un dest ruct or y no un const ruct or,
pero yo puedo decir est o hist ór icam ent e m uchas religiones han crecido de la m ism a
sem illa y prosperado. La ram a de Abraham vino del j udaísm o, el crist ianism o dio
lugar a est a, Rom a y Const ant inopla divididos, Mart ín Lut ero com enzó el
Prot est ant ism o y sus m uchas ram ificaciones. El I slam t am bién fue dado a luz por
los Judios y se divide en suní y chií. cada uno de ellos t iene m uchas sect as.
Hinduism o era la m adre para el sij ism o, el j ainism o, el budism o y t odos est án
prosperando y cada uno cree que es superior a la m adre, una m ej ora. Exact am ent e
ninguno de ellos habr ía hecho a un lado su cult ura y m ej oras para volver al
j udaísm o o el hinduism o, el hecho de que se respet an m ut uam ent e y reconocer su
conexión, pero el abandono de una cult ura o religión sim plem ent e no y no
sucederá. Nadie adem ás de t radicional I FA en la diáspora est á dispuest o a que sus
t radiciones individuales regidos por Niger ia y es por eso que est a fusión nu nca va a
suceder. Yo am o a m i herm ano Awo Popoola, y ot ros líderes com o Baba Olosun y
m uchos Araba en el t r adicional I FA, pero cuant o m ás m is am igos em puj an, m ás
resist encia que encont rarán. Para m uchos Awo y Baba Awo en Lucum í ahora hem os
vist o la falt a de respet o m ut uo que en el pasado nos hem os dado librem ent e, ahora
no se devolverán. Todos los sacerdot es de Orunm ila no realizadas en Niger ia son
AWO om o? Que m i am igo fue su pr im er er ror, y confirm a su falt a de respet o hacia
nosot ros. Por últ im o, m e gust aría dar las gr acias a I ya Ofae Ofae por acoger una
discusión est im ulant e.