A Virtual Laboratory For Distance Education: Virtual Control Lab Architecture
A Virtual Laboratory For Distance Education: Virtual Control Lab Architecture
A Virtual Laboratory For Distance Education: Virtual Control Lab Architecture
integrated circuit temperature transducer, AD590, soldered
beneath the steel plate produces linear current, 1 µA
per K, proportional to the absolute temperature of the
heated plate. The corresponding voltage reading taken
across 1 kΩ resistor is fed to an instrumentation amplifier.
This circuitry with quad Opamp converts the temperature
reading to ◦ C, raises its strength by a factor of 46 and
feeds it the ADC of ATmega16L. The sensitivity of the
system is improved by operating ADC in 10-bit mode and
restricting the temperature range to 0-90◦ C. The device
communicates with the computer serial or USB port via
UART of ATmega16L. The communicated commands and
input/output data are displayed on LCD. The setup is Figure 4. Local PID implementation
powered by a 12 V DC, 8 A, computer SMPS.
The microcontroller, ATmega16L, is the heart of this
setup. It is programmed to convert analog temperature
values to digital, serially communicate commands and
heater, fan inputs and temperature output to and from the
setup with the computer, generate PWM wave to deliver
proportional power to the load and facilitate display of
command and data bytes on LCD. The open source IDE
WinAVR and AVR Studio and the commercial ICCAVR
have been used for programming, compilation and loading
the codes [4].
IV. R EMOTE ACCESS OF CONTROL EXPERIMENTS Figure 5. Client-end panel for PID implementation on internet
effort to the setup and again acquires temperature from the the setup is low-cost and versatile, the remote access of the
setup, and sends it to the client. Depending on the output setup allows the exploration of the setup before adoption.
temperature, client algorithm again calculates error and As the proposed architecture is generic, it can be extended
the required control effort, and sends it back to the server. to labs that use expensive resources as well.
This goes on continuously. The explanation pertaining to This paper has also discussed the technology for live
plot is similar to that for local controller but for delay by data sharing which in turn leads to real-time control of
number of samples. This delay was found out to be of the experiments. With such platform, researchers can design,
order of 15 s. implement and test algorithms for timer synchronization,
3) Comparison: As expected, network delay plays an network delay prediction and robust control of the exper-
important role in implementation of remotely located con- iments through web.
troller. With local controller causing 5 s delayed response,
remote controller was found out to result around 15 s
delayed response. This may not be acceptable for an open The authors would like to thank Mahanand Mali and
loop unstable system or critical applications. A soultion Rupak Rokade for helping with the control experiments,
to this problem is discussed in next section. and Bharat Suthar for setting up Apache server for video
Proposed virtual lab architecture
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and video streaming will have login facilities for the iments on a coupled tank apparatus,” IEEE Transactions on
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[2] M. Stefanovic, V. Cvijetkovic, M. Matijevic, and V. Simic,
the experiments. With one user performing the experiment, “A labview-based remote laboratory experiments for con-
other users, the number depending on the configuration, trol engineering education,” Wiley Periodicals Inc., 2009.
will be allowed to see it. There will also be an open forum
for discussion. For the users having low bandwidth for [3] K. M. Moudgalya, “Introducing National Mission
communication, the audio and video streaming would be on Education through ICT,” http://www.spoken-
tutorial.org/NMEICT-Intro, 2010.
optional thereby taking care of all types of users. For live
data sharing, the possiblity of using LabVIEW executable [4] Virtual labs project, “Single board heater system,”
which when installed at the client end will enable live data http://www.co-learn.in/web sbhs, seen on 15 May 2010.
transfer, is being explored. Use of C, Java, C++, Python,
and GNU Radio for remote access and live data sharing [5] K. M. Moudgalya, R. Deshmukh, and A. Patil, “Syn-
chronous distance education at IIT Bombay,” in Proceed-
are also being explored. ings of the International Workshop on Technology for
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Real-time control
The PID control experiments were performed to observe [6] “LabVIEW user manual,” http://www.ni.com/, Tech. Rep.,
the role of network delay while controlling the experi- 2003, National Instruments.
ments through web. Network delay becomes crucial for [7] “Integrating the Internet into your measurement
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synchronization between server and client described in [9]. May 2010, Tech. Rep., National Instruments.
Once the system time at both the ends is synchronized,
[8] I. Arora, K. M. Moudgalya, and S. Malewar, “A low cost,
network delay can be predicted by communicating tokens open source, single-board heater system,” in International
with timestamp [9], [10]. Control strategy can then be Conference on E-Learning in Industrial Electronics. AZ,
devised using time delay compensation method by distur- USA: IEEE, November 2010, in review.
bance observer [11]. The work for timer synchronization
and network delay prediction has commenced. This work [9] S. Wang, B. Xu, Y. Jia, and Y.-H. Liu, “Real-time mobile
robot teleoperation over IP networks based on predictive
will be followed by implementation of robust algorithms control,” in Proceedings of IEEE Int. Conf. on Cont. and
for real-time control. Automation, 2007.
VI. C ONCLUSION [10] T. Shiotsuki, “A new structure for real-time control over
In this paper, a virtual control lab architecture bas been computer network,” in Proceedings of Int. Conf. on
Mechantronics, 2007.
presented. The architecture being simple and cost effec-
tive, has the potential to bridge the gap between theory and [11] K. Natori and K. Ohnishi, “An Approach to Design Feed-
practice and improve the quality of conventional distance back Systems with Time Delay,” in Proceedings of the
education in the area of control. The paper also has briefly 31st Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics
presented a single-board heater system, a low-cost control Society, North Carolina, USA, Nov. 2005.
setup used for performing experiments remotely. Though