The Title (Type The Title of Your Research Article)

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The title (type the title of your research article)

Author’s name,1Co-author’s name(s)2

Affiliation of the author and co-authors, City-Country

Background: Type your research’s background. Purpose: Type the purpose of your research. Methods: Type the
method used in your research. Results: Type the result of your research, including statistical analysis. Conclusion: type
the conclusion of your research.

Key words: first keyword; second keyword; third keyword; etc.

Correspondence: Type the name of corresponding author, Affiliation, Address including city and country, Email
address, Phone number.

PENDAHULUAN (INTRODUCTION) materials and methods of your research. Etc

(minimum 2 sentences in a paragraph).
Type the first sentence of the first paragraph of
the introduction of your research. 1 Type the METODE (METHODS)
second sentence of the first paragraph of the
Type the first sentence of the first paragraph of
introduction of your research. Type the third
the materials and methods of your research. 1,4
sentence of the first paragraph of the introduction
Type the second sentence of the first paragraph of
of your research. Etc (minimum 2 sentences in a
the materials and methods of your research. Type
the third sentence of the first paragraph of the
Type the first sentence of the second materials and methods of your research. Etc
paragraph of the introduction of your research. (minimum 2 sentences in a paragraph).
Type the second sentence of the second paragraph
Type the first sentence of the second
of the introduction of your research. Type third
paragraph of the materials and methods of your
sentence of the second paragraph of the
research. Type the second sentence of the second
introduction of your research. 2Etc (minimum 2
paragraph of the materials and methods of your
sentences in a paragraph).
research. Type third sentence of the second
Type the first sentence of the third paragraph paragraph of the materials and methods of your
of the introduction of your research. Type the research.5Etc (minimum 2 sentences in a
second sentence of the third paragraph of the paragraph).
introduction of your research. Type third sentence
Type the first sentence of the third paragraph
of the third paragraph of the introduction ofyour
of the materials and methods of your research.
research.3Etc (minimum 2 sentences in a
Type the second sentence of the third paragraph of
the materials and methods of your research. Type
third sentence of the third paragraph of the
materials and methods of your research. 2,6Etc
Type the first sentence of the first paragraph of (minimum 2 sentences in a paragraph).
the materials and methods of your research. 1,4
Type the second sentence of the first paragraph of HASIL (RESULTS)
the materials and methods of your research. Type
Type the first sentence of the first paragraph of
the third sentence of the first paragraph of the
the result of your research. Type the second
sentence of the first paragraph of the result of your paragraph). Type the conclusion of your research
research. Type the third sentence of the first in the last paragraph of the discussion.
paragraph of theresult of your research. Etc
(minimum 3 sentences in a paragraph).
Type the first sentence of the second UCAPAN TERIMA KASIH
paragraph of the result of your research. Type the (ACKNOWLEDGEMENT)
second sentence of the second paragraph of the
result of your research. Type third sentence of the Type the authorities or persons which
second paragraph of the result of your research. contribute to funding or assistance in your
Etc (minimum 3 sentences in a paragraph). research if any.
Type the first sentence of the third paragraph DAFTAR PUSTAKA (REFERENCES)
of the result of your research. Type the second
sentence of the third paragraph of the result of 1. Type your first reference according to guide for
your research. Type third sentence of the third author.
paragraph of the result of your research Etc 2. Type your second reference according to guide
(minimum 3 sentences in a paragraph). Figures, for author.
charts, photos, tables must be typed accordingly in 3. Type your third reference according to guide
the result section. for author.
4. Type your fourth reference according to guide
5. Type your fifty reference according to guide for
Type the first sentence of the first paragraph of author.
the discussion of your research. 1 Type the second 6. Type your sixth reference according to guide
sentence of the first paragraph of the discussion of for author.
your research. Type the third sentence of the first Etc.
paragraph of the discussion of your research. Etc
(minimum 2 sentences in a paragraph).
Type the first sentence of the second
paragraph of the discussion of your research. Type
the second sentence of the second paragraph of the
discussion of your research. Type third sentence
of the second paragraph of the discussion of your
research.2Etc (minimum 2 sentences in a
Type the first sentence of the third paragraph
of the discussion of your research. Type the
second sentence of the third paragraph of the
discussion of your research. Type third sentence
of the third paragraph of the discussion of your
research. Etc (minimum 2 sentences in a
paragraph). Type the conclusion of your research
in the last paragraph of the discussion.


Type the first sentence of the third paragraph

of the discussion of your research. Type the
second sentence of the third paragraph of the
discussion of your research. Type third sentence
of the third paragraph of the discussion of your
research. Etc (minimum 2 sentences in a

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