The document outlines ONGC's requirements for onshore and offshore work over rigs. It states that ONGC aims to acquire new rigs with capacities of 50-150MT using the latest technologies. For onshore operations, ONGC plans to replace aging rigs and charter hire additional rigs over the next few years. Offshore, ONGC will charter hire 3 modular rigs and continue using owned and chartered jack-up drilling rigs. The document provides tendering details and contact information for interested contractors to participate.
The document outlines ONGC's requirements for onshore and offshore work over rigs. It states that ONGC aims to acquire new rigs with capacities of 50-150MT using the latest technologies. For onshore operations, ONGC plans to replace aging rigs and charter hire additional rigs over the next few years. Offshore, ONGC will charter hire 3 modular rigs and continue using owned and chartered jack-up drilling rigs. The document provides tendering details and contact information for interested contractors to participate.
The document outlines ONGC's requirements for onshore and offshore work over rigs. It states that ONGC aims to acquire new rigs with capacities of 50-150MT using the latest technologies. For onshore operations, ONGC plans to replace aging rigs and charter hire additional rigs over the next few years. Offshore, ONGC will charter hire 3 modular rigs and continue using owned and chartered jack-up drilling rigs. The document provides tendering details and contact information for interested contractors to participate.
The document outlines ONGC's requirements for onshore and offshore work over rigs. It states that ONGC aims to acquire new rigs with capacities of 50-150MT using the latest technologies. For onshore operations, ONGC plans to replace aging rigs and charter hire additional rigs over the next few years. Offshore, ONGC will charter hire 3 modular rigs and continue using owned and chartered jack-up drilling rigs. The document provides tendering details and contact information for interested contractors to participate.
through engineered intervention. Arrest pressure decline / sustain production from matured fields by addressing reservoir related problems Address safety related issues Onshore Work over operations • Average wells worked over per year – 1500 • 85-90 rigs deployed every year • Mix of rig capacity 30 MT to 150 MT • Mix of ONGC owned and Charter hired • Presently 57 own rigs and 25 charter hired rigs in operation ONGC Owned Charter Hired Rig Capacity Under Under In operation In operation commissioning mobilisation 30 MT (140 HP) 0 0 3 0 50 MT (300 HP) 29 0 7 1 100 MT (525 HP) 27 1 10 1 150 MT & above (650 HP) 1 2 5 0 Total 57 3 25 2 Offshore Work over operations Average wells worked over per year – 100 10-12 rigs required every year Mix of jack up drilling rigs & Modular work over rigs Mix of ONGC owned and Charter hired
Rig type ONGC Owned Charter Hired
Modular Rigs with capability
for 6” drain hole drilling 0 1+2*
Jack up Drilling rigs 2-3 4-5
Note: *Presently there is only one modular rig in operation. 2 rigs are under mobilisation Points to ponder
Ever increasing requirement of Work over operations to
arrest pressure decline in mature fields. Ageing of owned Work Over rigs leading to efficiency reduction. Rig requirement – Onshore As per present work plan Acquisition plan - replace ageing fleet over next 2-4 years in phased manner Owned Rig No. of rigs Age range Capacity 50 MT 20 22-28 yrs 100 MT 23 21-30 yrs 150 MT 1 27 yrs Total 44 Charter Hiring plan – – Total requirement 28-30 rigs for three years period. – Tenders expected to be invited as under Expected Yr of No. of Rigs - capaicity-wise tendering as per 30T 50T 100T 150 T Total present work plan 2015-16 4 2 3 4 13 2016-17 0 0 6 1 7 2017-18 4 6 5 3 18 2018-19 0 1 3 2 6 Total 8 9 17 10 44 Note: In case of any change in work program, there may be addition / deletion to above. Rig requirement – Offshore As per present work plan
Charter Hiring plan – 3 Modular rigs to be in operation
after mobilisation of 2 rigs Continue to deploy jack up drilling rigs as per requirement (owned & charter hired) In Additional Rig type operation deployment Total Rigs Modular Rigs with capability for 6” drain 1 2 3 hole drilling
Jack up rigs 6-8 1-2 7-10
Looking for
Acquisition of new rigs (50-150MT) with latest technology
for efficient operation and safety. Charter hiring of Rigs – to be able to provide rigs with 30- 150 MT capacity. Expected to fulfill tender conditions, comply all industry standards / safety requirements and provide back ups for accessories and spares and. Ensure Timely Delivery / mobilisation. Offshore Engineering Services In Summation.... Contractors/Vendors are solicited to participate in the tenders.
Tenders are available at “ ”
Address of Offshore Engineering Services , Mumbai :
Executive Director – Chief Offshore Engineering Services 4th Floor, 11 High, ONGC Office Bandra-Sion Link Road, Sion (West), Mumbai-400017 Ph: 022-24088422 Fax: 0091-22-24088500 Contact persons for Technical / commercial queries : 1. S.V. Haviryaji, Head Offshore Design 2. S.C. Aggarwal, Head Offshore Works 3. Manas Chakraborty, Head Material Management 4. Mrs H.K. Joshi, Head Finance