Expressing Past Time, Part 1: Chapter Summary
Expressing Past Time, Part 1: Chapter Summary
Expressing Past Time, Part 1: Chapter Summary
86 Chapter 8
❑ eXerCISe 4. Let’s talk. Page 225 • Read the direction line to students.
Time: 10 minutes • Have students choose the correct verb (affirmative or
part I
• Have a student read the direction line aloud. • Have students take turns reading the completed items
• Ask students to check all the words that applied
to them as children and also to include additional
adjectives that could also describe them as three-
year-olds. Chart 8-2. Simple Past Tense of Be:
Negative. Page 226
part II Time: 10–15 minutes
• Put students into pairs.
• Explain the direction line and instruct students to
begin with the boldface clause. Remind students that they have already learned how to
• After students have met with one another, have make negative contractions with the present of be and
partners describe each other to the group. As an that using the past will be even easier, as the past of
alternative, students can write one sentence about be has only two forms.
each class member on an index card.
88 Chapter 8
90 Chapter 8
part II
❑ eXerCISe 22. Looking at grammar. • Tell students they must write the time.
Page 236 • Play the track.
Time: 10 minutes • Correct as a class, referring to the script when
• Read the direction line and tell students to use only needed.
wasn’t or weren’t as the verb, to keep their sentences
• Give them time to complete the exercise as seatwork.
94 Chapter 8
❑ eXerCISe 48. Listening. Page 253 In Group 3, students should be able to discern some
Time: 10 minutes common patterns. However, these patterns are not
consistent, and you should point out this lack of
• Have the CD player and track ready. consistency to students. Explain that learning the
• Read the direction line to students. parts of common irregular verbs, as presented here, is
• Ask a student to read the completed example aloud. very useful, but also stress that students will become
• Emphasize that students must choose grammatically familiar with what sounds right and what sounds wrong
correct and contextually sensible endings. simply by using the language.
• Play the track and have students complete each item.
• Review as a class by having students call out their • Write the chart title on the board.
completions. • Have students read the simple present and simple
• Refer to the script to clarify any challenging items. past pairs aloud.
• Highlight the overt similarities between verb endings
in the simple present and similar endings in the simple
past, as you see them.
• Underline the final consonants in irregular verbs
ending in -t, such as left and sent.
96 Chapter 8
98 Chapter 8