SG OtisElevator Interface (10.3)
SG OtisElevator Interface (10.3)
SG OtisElevator Interface (10.3)
first edition Copyright © 2011 Galaxy Control Systems All rights reserved
Walkersville MD 21793
Table of Contents
1 SYSTEM INTEGRATION OVERVIEW .................................................................. 5
1.1 OTIS INTEGRATION OVERVIEW .......................................................................................... 6
1.1.1 THE OTIS INTEGRATION DESCRIBED.................................................................... 6
1.1.2 UNDERSTANDING FLOOR GROUPS ...................................................................... 8
1.1.4 UNDERSTANDING DEC MODES.............................................................................. 8
1.2 SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS & TROUBLESHOOTING TIPS................................................ 11
1.3 GALAXY-TO-OTIS INTERFACE REQUIREMENTS ............................................................ 11
1.3.1 SOFTWARE SETUP REQUIREMENTS .................................................................. 11
1.3.2 HARDWARE REQUIREMENTS............................................................................... 12
1.4 TROUBLESHOOTING TIPS ................................................................................................. 13
1.4.1 VERIFYING DECS ARE ‘ONLINE’ AT THE GALAXY OEI BOARD ........................ 13
2 SYSTEM CONFIGURATION............................................................................... 16
2.1 QUICK STEPS – CONFIGURING THE INTERFACE........................................................... 16
2.1.1 HARDWARE QUICK STEPS.................................................................................... 16
2.1.2 SOFTWARE QUICK STEPS .................................................................................... 17
2.2 CONFIGURE THE GALAXY 635 CONTROL PANEL (Hardware)...................................... 18
2.2.1 QUICK CHECKS FOR THE CPU:...................................................................................... 18
2.2.2 QUICK CHECKS FOR THE OEI and DPI BOARDS: .............................................................. 18
2.3 CONNECTING THE 635-CPU TO THE ETHERNET NETWORK (LAN) ............................. 19
2.4 CONNECTING THE OEI BOARD TO THE OTIS LAYER-3 SWITCH ................................. 19
2.5 ABOUT INSTALLING the SYSTEM GALAXY SOFTWARE ............................................... 20
2.6 VERIFYING THE 635-CPU CONNECTS TO THE EVENT SERVICE.................................. 21
2.7 ADDING THE OTIS LOOP (Cluster) TO GALAXY SOFTWARE ........................................ 22
2.8 ADDING THE 635 CONTROL PANEL TO GALAXY SOFTWARE ..................................... 24
2.8.1 ADDING THE PANEL & SETTING THE CPU MODEL ........................................................... 24
2.8.2 ADDING THE DPI & OEI BOARDS TO THE CONTROL......................................................... 25
2.8.3 SETTING UP THE ELEVATOR FLOORS & DOORS ............................................................. 26
2.9 ADDING OTIS ELEVATOR DECs ........................................................................................ 27
2.10 CONFIGURING THE OTIS READERS ................................................................................. 28
2.11 CREATING SCHEDULES (Elevators, Floor Groups, & Interior Doors)........................... 29
2.11.1 CREATING A SCHEDULE (Loop-wide) .............................................................................. 29
2.11.2 SETTING THE ACTIVE/INACTIVE TIMES (Loop-wide) .......................................................... 30
2.12 CONFIGURING THE DEFAULT FLOOR GROUP (0).......................................................... 31
2.12.1 SETTING THE DEFAULT DEC MODE (System-wide Default) ................................................. 32
2.12.2 ADDING MORE DOORS & NEGATIVE FLOORS ................................................................. 33
2.12.3 ENABLING THE DEFAULT FREE FLOORS (System-wide Default) .......................................... 34
2.13 CONFIGURING OPTIONAL FLOOR GROUPS (1-10)......................................................... 35
2.13.1 RENAMING THE FLOOR GROUPS................................................................................... 36
2.13.2 SETTING THE OPTIONAL FLOOR GROUP SCHEDULE & DEC MODE ................................... 37
2.13.3 ENABLING THE ADDITIONAL FREE FLOORS (Assigned per DEC)......................................... 38
2.14 CREATING ACCESS GROUPS (Elevators, Floor Groups, & Interior Doors) ................. 39
1. Overview of the Galaxy Integration with Otis
a. Otis Integration Described with System Topology diagram
b. Floor Groups Described
c. Otis Destination Features Described
d. DEC Modes Described with System Flow diagrams of each DEC Mode
e. Requirements and Troubleshooting Tips
2. Chapter 2 covers the System Galaxy Configuration and Set Up of the hardware and software.
3. Chapter 3 covers Event Logging and Reports at System Galaxy.
4. Chapter 4 covers Troubleshooting, Resources and Glossary.
NOTE: It the passenger’s responsibility to board the correct elevator car and exit on the correct floor.
Elevator Access Decision Process: From the elevator lobby, a passenger enters their floor request at the Otis
DEC Keypad (pushbutton or touch-screen). The passenger presents access credentials at a reader that is
mounted beside the keypad (the DEC Operating Mode determines whether the access card is presented before or after a
floor request). The DES (Destination Server) receives the floor request and the access decision from the Galaxy
OEI controller. It determines the best car to board and returns the instruction to the DEC. Passengers with
valid credentials are directed to the ‘most appropriate’ car. Passengers who present invalid credentials are
prompted to seek assistance. See the System Topology Diagram and Data Flow Diagrams in sections 1.4 /1.5
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System Galaxy Quick Guide Otis Compass Elevator System OTIS COMPASS ™ ELEVATOR SYSTEM TOPOLOGY DIAGRAM
The diagram below shows a basic topology of the System Galaxy integration to the OTIS Compass™ Elevator System.
» A Galaxy Operator programs the Elevator Configuration at the SG Client/Server and loads the configuration to the Galaxy 635 OEI Panel. The panel
programming, schedules, access rules, and cardholder data is stored at the Galaxy 635 Panel.
» The 635 OEI Board forwards the DEC configuration, floor groups, free floors and operation mode to each DEC via Ethernet to port 21 of the Otis
Layer‐3 Switch.
» When a user presents credentials to a reader, they are sent to the 635 Panel for authorization and the decision (approved/denied) is sent back to
the Otis DEC via the connection to the Otis Layer‐3 Switch. The DEC directs the user the most appropriate car or prompts user to seek assistance.
NOTE: Use the Galaxy 635 ‐ Configuration Tool to program your DPI boards to unique ID numbers (2‐17 is valid).
NOTE: Galaxy recommends supporting up to 32 readers with an OEI Panel (up to 16 DPI boards per panel).
WARNING: Carefully consider how DEC Modes are used. It is possible for a person to become trapped in
an elevator lobby if a DEC is in Mode-2/Card First and the person does not have valid credentials to get off
the floor. OTIS MODE‐2 DATA FLOW (Present Card First / High Security)
1. In MODE‐2 the DEC idle prompt displays “Present Security Credentials”.
» User presents credentials and requests a floor number at the DEC and card data goes to Galaxy 635 Panel
» IF the floor is restricted, the credentials are sent to the Galaxy Panel for a decision.
2. The 635 Panel returns the card authorization (or denial) based on schedules and access rules stored in the panel.
» The OEI Panel sends the DEC Mode and the List of Authorized & Allowed (free) Floors to the DEC
» The Galaxy OEI Panel sends events to the SG Server & Event Monitor
3. The DEC displays the “most‐appropriate” elevator car # if the requested floor is allowed free‐access or floor is authorized for that card.
» If the credential is not authorized or floor is not free access, the DEC prompts user to ‘seek assistance’
4. An Otis Audit Event is logged at SG Client by the 635‐Panel and shows the elevator car dispatched only if a restricted floor was requested.
» If a credential is not authorized for the requested floor, an Event & Otis Audit Event are logged (e.g. invalid credential, destination not)
635 OEI Controller (elevator control panel for Otis Elevator Interface);
You can find out which DECS are online by interrogating the OEI board with special commands. To determine
what DECS are listed at the OEI Board and their status, you can use a terminal emulator to issue an “online”
command and a “rows” command.
» When the OEI board is connected to the network, the DES/DER will send the list of DECs and their configuration to
the OEI. System Galaxy also sends its list of DECs and the floor group configuration to the OEI board.
» If a DEC goes offline after it was sent to the OEI, it will remain in the OEI list, but its status will change to ‘OFFLINE’.
» If a DEC is programmed in Galaxy (and loaded to the panel), but is not present in the Otis configuration, then the
DEC will be listed with an ‘offline’ status.
1. A message is sent any time the OEI negotiates a connection to the Otis System. This occurs whenever
the OEI board comes online, or when the Otis DES comes online.
2. A message is sent once per second for each DEC that is ‘pending’ an update. The OEI gets these
pending updates from the CPU whenever a change occurs to a floor group. Floor Group updates happens for
the following reasons.
a) Changes are made in the software programming of the floor group and loaded to the CPU.
b) When an existing floor group schedule becomes active or inactive.
3. A message is sent whenever a card authorization is issued from Galaxy. The authorization or denial is
sent along with floor group programming up dates.
4. Type ‘online’ (without the quote marks) into the emulator window.
5. The Galaxy OEI Board will list every DEC that it knows about.
The DEC number/name, its IP Address, its assigned DEC Operating Mode, as well as its
last known status (online vs. offline) will be displayed.
6. If a DEC is listed as ‘offline” it could be because it has lost it’s network connectivity. Make sure the
DEC is actually configured in the Otis System and is properly connected to the Otis system.
IMPORTANT: the OEI Board can display “offline” status for a DEC that has been added
from the System Galaxy programming and loaded to the elevator panel before it has been
added to the Compass system or been connected. To determine if the extra DEC is caused
by this situation, you can cold start both the CPU and OEI board in the panel. After the boards
are cold started, issue the ‘online’ command again and should see that the extra DEC(S) went
away. If you really needed the extra DEC, configure and connect it in the Compass system and
Load Data from System Galaxy’s GCS Loader program.
1. Connect one end of the Galaxy hardware programming cable to the OEI Board’s 9-pin serial port.
2. Connect the other end to the PC’s COM port (serial port).
3. Start the terminal emulator as appropriate and set up the connection parameters.
Bits per Second = 57,600K
Data Bits = 8
Parity = None
Stop Bits = 1
Flow Control = None
4. Type ‘rows’ (without the quote marks) into the emulator window.
5. The Galaxy OEI Board will list every Floor Group 0 and 1 thru 10.
The Floor Group number, its assigned DEC Operating Mode, as well as which floors are
assigned free.
The floors that are assigned free will be designated with an “A” for allowed. Floors that
require authorization do not have a letter designation.
This chapter covers the configuration of System Galaxy components.
(3.2) Configure the GALAXY 635 Control Panel
a. Install & Configure the CPU board:
» set the fixed IP Address, Subnet Mask and Gateway;
» set the Loop and Controller Unit number to match the Loop and Controller number in the
software; CPU must be numbered 1;
» DHCP can be set to YES, but a leased address should be used if fixed addressing is not available.
» set the Event Server IP address and set port 3001 and save settings
b. Install the OEI board: this board is factory flashed and is set to Board ID 1.
c. Install & Configure the DPI boards:
» The factory flash should match the CPU – if it does not, the board will update after a 10 sec.
delay. Use auto clear command to bypass the delay.
» Each DPI must be uniquely numbered between 2 and 17 (use 635 Configuration Tool)
d. Physically wire the card readers to the DPI boards.
» Only elevator readers can be wired to this panel. Use a separate panel for other door readers.
» Jumper the CNT and COM contacts together on the reader ports.
e. Complete panel installation as per 600‐635 Hardware Guide.
(3.3) Physically connect the 635 CPU to the corporate LAN using Cat5e cable. The CPU will connect to
the event server/communication server based on network programming.
(3.4) Physically connect the 635 OEI to port 21 on the Otis Layer‐3 Switch.
(3.5) Install the System Galaxy 10.1 software on the main Communication Server / Database Server
as appropriate. Register the software and clients as appropriate for the options purchased.
Installation of software is covered on the Install DVD Help. Registration is covered in the
Software Manual. There is no specific registration option for Otis, Elevators, or OEI boards.
(3.6) Check the Galaxy Event Service to confirm that the 635 OEI Elevator control panel is connected.
It may take a few minutes for the CPU to connect to the Event Service. TIP: Use the GCS Service
Monitor (Windows‐7) or Service Manager (Windows XP) to view connections to the Event service.
Open the System Galaxy Software for the remaining steps:
(3.7) In the Loop Properties screen, add the 600 Cluster using correct IP settings and port 4003.
(3.8) In the Controller Properties screen, add the 635 Controller & 635 CPU. Use GET BOARD INFO
button to add the OEI board and DPI Boards to the software. Choose the most common reader
type (such as proximity) used by most of the boards.
(3.9) In the Otis Elevator Programming screen, create each DEC your system will use.
(3.10) In the Reader Properties screen, define the readers as Otis Elevator Readers and assign a DEC
number that you want that reader to work with. Set the reader technology type if different from
the common reader type that you chose in step 3.8. Rename the reader using a logical name that
indicates where the reader is located (e.g. “Main Lobby DEC‐1”, or “Floor‐3 DEC‐6”).
(3.11) In the Time Schedules screen, create the time schedules needed for the
a. Otis Optional Floor Groups – used to add free floors and change DEC modes
b. Elevator Access Groups – for the cardholder to use the elevator readers and floors.
c. Interior Door Access groups – for the cardholder to have access to interior doors as needed.
(3.12) In the Otis Elevator Programming screen, configure the Default Floor Group‐0.
a. Choose the default DEC Mode
b. Add any additional floors or negative floors that were not added in step 3.8
c. Enable (check) any mandatory free floors that will always be free at every DEC.
(3.13) In the Otis Elevator Programming screen, configure Optional Floor Groups that you will need
(assign the DEC mode, schedule and free floors as needed).
(3.14) In the Access Group Programming screen, configure any Access Groups you need for cards.
a. Elevator Access Groups – for cardholders to use the elevator readers and floors.
b. Interior Door Access Groups – for cardholders who need access to interior door readers.
(3.15) In Cardholder Programming screen, assign Access Groups to access cards for each cardholder.
a. Elevator Access Groups – add the Elevator Loop and set the appropriate access group(s) for
the access card given to the cardholders.
b. Interior Door Access Groups – add the Interior Door Loop and set appropriate access group(s)
to the same card (or different card) as desired.
WARNING: Do NOT INTERRUPT POWER to a DPI board, or the panel, or the CPU until all boards have completed
their flash update.
NOTE: it can take up to 10 minutes for the CPU to begin auto‐updating flash. If you don’t want to wait, you can
issue a ‘clear auto’ command from a terminal emulator of your choice (see the hardware manual). A ‘clear auto’
command can also be issued from System Galaxy Loop Diagnostics screen provided you have installed the
software and brought the panel online with the Galaxy event service.
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System Galaxy Quick Guide Otis Compass Elevator System
Once the controller is configured, you can connect the 635 CPU to the corporate LAN.
The 635 CPU supports 100 MB via the onboard network connector.
» Both LED’S on the RJ45 network jack will be ON/SOLID when connection is established at 100 MB/ Base‐T.
» Only one LED will be ON/SOLID when connection is established at 10 MB (full duplex required).
IMPORTANT: The network communication path between the 635‐CPU and the System Galaxy Event
Server must be unblocked (routers, hubs, switches, etc.) .
NOTE: Always consult the 635 Hardware Guide and the 635 Config Tool Guide for instructions that are
not covered in this brief section.
1. When the install DVD is inserted the Installation splash screen opens.
a. Select the View Galaxy Installation Help link at the top of the list t.
b. You must install Part 1 on every Galaxy computer
» You should read the Part 1 Read‐Me file.
» Part‐ must be installed on all servers and clients even if you are upgrading an existing system
from a prior version.
c. You will install Part 2 on every Galaxy computer
» You should read the Part 2 Read‐Me file.
» For new installs, the full database install must be done on the computer that will server as the
database server. This can be the same or different PC than the communication server.
» For upgrades, you must upgrade the database (instructions are in the Install Help)
» For all other Galaxy clients/servers you must install the ODBC Client components.
d. You will install part 3 on the Communication Server / Client choosing the appropriate option (i.e.
Comm. Server, workstation, etc.). For upgrades, you must back up all files, reports, photos, badging
templates and assets, and then uninstall the software before running Part‐3. If you are using Card
Exchange, consult the SG‐10 CEX Badging Guide for details.
2. Once the software is properly installed, it must be registered within 14 days.
a. You can configure all the loops, controllers, readers, schedules, and elevator DECs, operation modes,
and Floor Groups before registering since the Otis options are not associated with registration
b. Refer to Chapter 5 of the System Galaxy Software User Guide for registering the system. Register the
software & clients for the options purchased within the 14‐day grace period.
c. You must contact Galaxy Dealer Support to get your registration code.
d. Your product level, options and product code must match your purchase agreement.
1. (Windows‐7) Open the GCS Service Monitor to view the Event service connections.
2. At the top of the Service Monitor window, click on the [Fill Services List] button.
3. Select (highlight) the Event Service in the left‐hand list.
4. Click on the [Connect to Service] button at the bottom of the screen.
5. All controllers (CPU’s) that have successfully connected will display in the list. You can find the
Otis CPU by the IP Address listed in the Connections tab.
» If the CPU is not online after a reasonable amount of time, you should verify that you correctly configured
the CPU IP, MAC, and Gateway Addresses. Also make sure that the DHCP flag is properly set (set “no” if
you are using a 192 address; “yes” if you are using a dynamic address that is leased as a fixed address).
Verify that the Event Server’s IP address is correctly set. Make sure the CPU is using port 3001 to connect.
» Make sure the Ethernet cables for the Panel and for the Comm Server are connected and are properly
pinned. You should use a normal ‘straight thru’ cat‐5e Ethernet cable.
» Verify that port 3001 is not blocked at the Communication Server’s Virus software or Windows firewall
settings, or any network device (hub, router, etc.).
NOTICE: IF you use the Galaxy Loop and Controller Wizard, you must remember to manually set the CPU type to “635”
in the Controller Properties screen. See the Section 3.8 of this guide and follow instructions carefully..
1. Open the Loop Properties screen: from the menu Configure > Hardware > Loops
2. Once the Loop screen is open, click Add New Loop/Cluster.
» NOTE: The Cluster (Loop) ID # is a unique number set by the system.
» Record the cluster number to use when programming the 635‐series CPU. The cluster ID in the CPU must
match the system’s cluster number in this screen.
3. Enter a descriptive name for the Loop in the Loop Name field holds the (max. 50 characters).
4. The Serial Number field holds the serial number of the CPU. This number can be found on a label on the CPU.
5. Use the System Type droplist to select “600” (Otis interface is not compatible with 500‐series)
6. Set the Connect Using droplist to “TCP/IP”.
7. Set the Event Server IP Address field to the IP address of the computer running the Event Server for this
loop/cluster. The Event server is the computer where the Event Service will run. This is typically the same as
the Communication Server.
8. The Remote Port field is set to 4003 for 600‐series controllers. Do not set 3001 in this field.
9. The Communication Server field is the name or IP address of the Communication Server. The Communications
Server is the PC where the GCS Communicator Service is running. If the PC you are working from is
Communication Server, click This Computer button to auto‐fill the computer name.
NOTE: On the Advanced Settings tab, you can set the Time Schedule format – will default to 15‐
minute format (recommended). You can set 1‐minute format on 600‐series Loops. See the SG
Software Guide Schedule Programming in Chapter 7 for details – or see the 1‐Minute Schedule Guide.
10. A confirmation dialog will appear asking you if you want to overwrite any existing board programming. Click
YES to confirm you want to save and overwrite.
When you click the APPLY button to save this configuration, the system will prompt you to set up the
Elevator Floors and Doors.
» The Floors & Doors programming screen allows you to add from 2 to 120 floors. These will be floors 0 thru 118.
» You must specify whether you want to have front doors only or both front and back doors.
» If you need more than 119 floors, you can add them in the Otis Elevator Config screen.
» If you need more doors later, you can add them in the Otis Elevator Config screen.
» If you need to add negative floor numbers, you must add those manually from the Otis Elevator Config screen.
» You can choose whether the Default Floor Group is set to Mode‐2 or Mode‐3. You can change this later if needed.
11. Click the Apply button to save the Controller programming. The Otis Floors and Doors window opens.
12. Next the software will prompt you to choose a common reader technology type. Choose the most
common/typical type you have installed on this controller. If there are readers that use a different type
technology, then you must change them in their Reader Properties screen. Configuring reader properties is
explained in a later section of this chapter.
1. Open the Reader Properties screen, from menu Configure > Hardware > Readers.
2. Select the Otis cluster name.
3. Select the reader port you want to configure and click EDIT button.
4. You can rename the reader to a logical descriptive name for the Reader.
5. On the General tab, set the [Elevator Control Type] to ‘OTIS/COMPASS Elevator’.
6. For the [Otis DEC] field, select the DEC you want this reader to be linked to. The reader must be physically
mounted with the DEC so the passengers can use it when they are selecting their destination floors.
TIP: use the COPY feature to speed up programming by copying the setup of one day onto other days.
6. Enable (check) the [Affected By Holidays] option only if the schedule will be affected by a holiday schedule.
Then for Holiday Settings, create schedules as they should work on holidays (i.e. all day red, half day green).
7. Click APPLY button to save changes.
The Default Floor Group’s DEC Mode is always assigned to every DEC in the system (system‐wide default). The Default
DEC Mode is the only mode calculated for every DEC unless you assign an Optional Floor Group with a different mode
to every DEC.
IMPORTANT – ‘ALWAYS’ Schedule : The Default Floor Group (0) only uses the ‘ALWAYS’ time schedule. In System Galaxy,
the ‘ALWAYS’ time schedule is always active (on/green) every day/all day (i.e. 24/7).
» The Default Floor Group’s time schedule selection is set to ‘ALWAYS’ and cannot be changed.
» The ALWAYS Time Schedule cannot be changed or deleted thru the Time Schedule Programming screen.
IMPORTANT – DEC Mode Override: Every DEC uses the Default Mode until it is overridden by an Optional Floor Group.
Optional Floor Groups (1‐10) must be manually assigned to each DEC as desired. Optional Floor Groups are only calculated
when their time schedule is active (green) and only if they are assigned to a DEC.
IMPORTANT: Each DEC assumes the mode of the highest number Floor Group that is active and assigned to it.
5. Select the Default DEC Mode as desired. When deciding which mode to use, you should consider
how you want every DEC to operate when no other Floor Groups are assigned.
» Mode‐2 (Card 1st Operation): all DECs will prompt everyone to present a card. Everyone must
present a card at every DEC in the system unless it is overridden by an Optional Floor Group (1‐10)
whose mode is set to Mode‐3.
TIP: If all or most of your DECs need to be in Mode‐2 all the time, or by default until overridden by an
Optional Group, then it may be advisable to select Mode‐2 as your default mode.
» Mode‐3 (Floor 1st Operation): all DECs will prompt everyone to enter a floor number. Everyone
must enter their destination floor number before needing/presenting an access card unless the
DEC Mode is overridden by an Optional Floor Group whose mode is set to Mode‐2.
TIP: If all or most of your DECs need to be in Mode‐3 all the time, or by default until overridden by an
Optional Group, then it may be advisable to select Mode‐3 as your default mode.
If you need to add more doors, floors or negative floors, you must do so in the Otis Elevator Config. screen.
With this manual method, each Floor/Door is added individually.
TIP: You can also delete doors and floors from the Otis Elevator Config. screen as needed. You must be in edit
mode and you must highlight the floor name you wish to delete.
6. While in edit mode, click the [ Add New Floor ] button. The Otis Elevator Floor Properties dialog
window opens.
7. Enter the floor number you want to add (‐127 to 127 is valid)
8. Select whether this floor will have a main door or back door
9. Enter a logical description for this floor/door
10. Click OK and the new floor will be added to the Floor/Door list view.
The Default Free Floors are assigned to all DECs in the system at all times. These floors are never overridden by free
floors from higher Optional Floor Groups. Free floors from Optional Floor Groups are added to the default free floors
only when an Optional Floor Group’s schedule is active (green). See the section on configuring Optional Floor Groups
in this chapter.
IMPORTANT: Be aware that enabled free floors in the Default Floor Group are ALWAYS enabled/assigned
to every DEC in the entire system, even when an Optional Floor Groups are also in effect.
IMPORTANT: Unassigned and inactive Optional Floor Groups do not add free floors to the DEC(s).
11. Enable the Default Free Floors as needed:
» To enable a free floor, you must ‘check’ its checkbox
TIP: If there is a front and back door on the elevator floor, you must check the doors you want to be
free. Unchecked floor doors are not free.
» If you are using Mode‐3 (Floor 1st Operation) all DECs will prompt everyone to enter a floor
number. Everyone must enter their destination floor number before needing/presenting an access
card unless the DEC Mode is overridden by an Optional Floor Group whose mode is set to Mode‐2.
TIP: If all or most of your DECs need to be in Mode‐3 all the time, or by default until overridden by an
Optional Group, then it may be advisable to select Mode‐3 as your default mode.
12. Click APPLY to save changes.
The DEC Mode for an Optional Floor Group is should be assigned with careful consideration since it will override the
Default DEC Mode. If the Optional Floor Group’s is assigned to a DEC, the DEC will use the optional DEC Mode when its
schedule is active. When the schedule becomes inactive, the DEC will return to the Default DEC Mode.
» All changes to any DEC Programming must be loaded to the elevator panel using the GCS Loader Utility.
» You can assign more than one Optional Floor Group to a DEC. In that case, the DEC uses the Mode from the
Ranking Active Floor Group (highest number floor group that is active).
» You can also assign an Optional Floor Group to more than one DEC. In that case, all the assigned DECs will use the
mode from the Ranking Active Floor Group (highest number floor group that is active).
6. Select the schedule you want this floor group to operate on.
7. Select the Default DEC Mode as desired. When deciding which mode to use, you should consider
how you want the assigned DEC to operate when this Floor Groups is the ranking active group.
» Mode‐2 (Card 1st Operation): all DECs will prompt everyone to present a card. Everyone must
present a card at every DEC in the system unless it is overridden by an Optional Floor Group (1‐10)
whose mode is set to Mode‐3.
» Mode‐3 (Floor 1st Operation): all DECs will prompt everyone to enter a floor number. Everyone
must enter their destination floor number before needing/presenting an access card unless the
DEC Mode is overridden by an Optional Floor Group whose mode is set to Mode‐2.
It is also possible to permanently override a DEC Operating Mode if you give the Floor Group the ALWAYS
schedule. Only the DECs assigned to the “perma‐override” Floor Group will be affected. Remember not to
assign a higher ranking temporary floor group unless you truly want to temporarily change it.
The Additional Free Floors are only allowed at any DEC that has been assigned to the Optional Floor Group the free
floor belongs to. These floors are never overridden by free floors from higher Optional Floor Groups. Free floors from
Optional Floor Groups do not override the default free floors. Additional Free Floors are added to the collection of free
floors that are allowed at a DEC only when the Optional Floor Group’s schedule is active (green).
» All changes to any Floor Group Programming must be loaded to the elevator panel using the GCS Loader Utility.
» Do not duplicate a free floor that has already been assigned in the Default Floor Group.
» You do not need to duplicate a free floor that has already been assigned in an Optional Floor Group unless you
need a different schedule.
8. Enable the Default Free Floors as needed:
» To enable a free floor, you must ‘check’ its checkbox
TIP: If there is a front and back door on the elevator floor, you must check the doors you want to be
free. Unchecked floor doors are not free.
» If you are using Mode‐3 (Floor 1st Operation) all DECs will prompt everyone to enter a floor
number. Everyone must enter their destination floor number before needing/presenting an access
card unless the DEC Mode is overridden by an Optional Floor Group whose mode is set to Mode‐2.
TIP: If all or most of your DECs need to be in Mode‐3 all the time, or by default until overridden by an
Optional Group, then it may be advisable to select Mode‐3 as your default mode.
9. Click APPLY to save changes.
It is also possible to permanently add more free floors to a DEC by setting the ALWAYS schedule. Only the
DECs assigned to the “perma‐override” Floor Group will be affected. Remember not to assign a higher
ranking temporary floor group unless you truly want to temporarily change it.
2.14 CREATING ACCESS GROUPS (Elevators, Floor Groups, & Interior Doors)
In the Access Group Programming screen, you must create each access group that you will need for the
cardholders who use your elevator system.
» All changes to Access Group Programming must be loaded to the elevator panel using the GCS Loader Utility.
» Any schedule you need for the access groups must already be created. If you have not created the time
schedules, go to the Schedules screen and make your schedules. Close the Access Group screen to refresh its
connection to the available schedules.
» It is recommended you use separate schedules for the elevator access groups than you used for floor groups.
This way if you must change a schedule for a group of cardholders, you will not interfere with the floor groups.
» Elevator Access Groups must be created under the Otis Elevator Loop in order to provide access to elevator floors
and the DEC readers that are mounted in the elevator lobbies.
» You cannot use Elevator Access Groups to give card access to interior doors, since Access Groups are loop‐wide.
Interior Door Access Groups must be created given privileges to the interior doors that the card needs to open.
On the Access Privileges tab there is a list of ‘Unauthorized Readers’ (with red icons) that are available on the elevator
loop/cluster. Readers on an interior door loop will not appear on the elevator loop.
» All changes to Access Group Programming must be loaded to the elevator panel using the GCS Loader Utility.
» Cardholders who need access to their interior doors once they reach their approved floor, will require a second
access group to be created on the appropriate loop with the correct time schedules for those doors.
» Interior door schedules and access groups must be made under the loop/cluster that controls interior doors.
» If you have not given logical names to the DEC readers, you may want to do that before your proceed. Close and
reopen the Access Group programming screen to pick up your changes. Then restart these steps to ensure proper
1. Select the Access Privileges tab.
2. Using your mouse and the keyboard <Ctrl> key, select each DEC reader needed.
3. Click the []button to place the selected reader in the ‘Authorized Reader’ list. The Time Schedule dialog
window will open to allow you to choose the schedule used for this person’s access.
4. Choose the Schedule you want to give to the first reader in the list.
5. Set the [Use this schedule for all readers] option as needed:
» Checking/enabling this option gives the chosen schedule to all the readers you have selected.
» Unchecking this option will cause the software to prompt you to choose a schedule for each
reader you are adding.
» NOTE: you can also simply add the readers one‐at‐a‐time if you find that less confusing.
» will take this schedule unless you edit them individually ( covered in a following step)
On the Otis Elevator Floors tab there is a list of Elevator Floors that are unselected (no blue highlights). These are
available floors on the elevator loop/cluster. This tab does not appear on an interior door loop.
» All changes to Access Group Programming must be loaded to the elevator panel using the GCS Loader Utility.
» You must give access to the elevator floors the cardholder needs to access..
» If you have not given logical names to the Elevator Floors, you may want to do that before your proceed. Close and
reopen the Access Group programming screen to pick up your changes. Then restart these steps to ensure proper
» If you have not finished adding any elevator floors that were not dynamically created when the elevator controller
was added, then you should go do that before you proceed. Again you must refresh the Access Group screen by
closing and reopening it to pick up the new floors.
6. Select the OTIS Elevator Floors tab.
7. Select the OEI Board – there should be one.
8. Using your mouse and the keyboard <Ctrl> key, select each Elevator Floor as needed.
a. Selected floors are highlighted blue
b. Unselected floors are not highlighed
9. Click APPLY button to save changes now unless you want to add notes before saving (see next section).
On the Notes tab there is a text field provided that allows the system administrator to enter notes about the access
group. This is a good place to save any pertinent information about this access group. For organizational purposes it
is a good idea to place notes in the Elevator Access Groups that help you understand who uses this group and how to
manage the group.
Likewise, it is a good idea to include notes on access groups for your interior door groups when you create them.
» All changes to Access Group Programming must be loaded to the elevator panel using the GCS Loader Utility.
» Notes are optional and do not affect the functionality of the access group.
7. Select the Notes tab and enter information as desired.
8. Click APPLY button to save changes.
Consult the System Galaxy Software User Guide for any cardholder programming instructions that are
outside the scope of this Otis Elevator interface document.
» All changes to Cardholder Programming must be loaded to the elevator panel using the GCS Loader Utility.
» You can apply the elevator access privileges and interior door access privileges to the same card. But you can
supply separate cards if you desire to manage cards that way.
» SG supports multiple access groups (up to 4 per loop) on the access card
» SG supports multiple loop privileges on one access card.
» SG support giving multiple access cards to one cardholder, if you desire to provide multiple credentials.
2. If you are adding a new cardholder record, click Add New.
» You must provide a last name for a new cardholder
» Fill in and set any fields needed.
3. ‐‐OR ‐‐Select the Cardholder name if it already exists in the system and click EDIT.
4. Select the Card / Badge Settings tab
5. Select the CARD 1 from the droplist
6. Set the correct Card Technology that you will issue to the cardholder
7. Type in the Card Code in the fields provided. (if you have an enrollment reader you can simply place your
mouse cursor inside the ID code field by clicking it in the field – when the blinking cursor is inside the ID code
field, you can swipe the card at the enrollment reader. The code will auto‐populate in the card code fields)
8. choose ‘access card’ for the card role
9. (optional) set the active date and expiration date as needed.
In the Cardholder Programming screen you must assign the Elevator Loop Privileges to the card. This is done on the
Card/Badge Settings tab.
» All changes to Cardholder Programming must be loaded to the elevator panel using the GCS Loader Utility.
» You must assign the Elevator Loop to the access card.
» You must assign the appropriate elevator access group to the access card.
» You can assign the interior door loops and access privileges to the same card or to a separate card, whichever is
appropriate for your system.
10. once you have the basic information entered you can set the loop privileges
11. Select the Card / Badge Settings tab
12. .Click the EDIT LOOPS button
13. Use the [] button to move the elevator loop to the ‘Authorized Loops’ list. If you also want to assign the
interior door loops to the same card, you can do that now. If you need to enroll a separate card for interior
doors, then return to step 4 to do this after you are finished programming Card 1.
14. Click OK to return to the Card / badge Settings screen.
In the Card/Badge Settings tab , you must assign the elevator Access Groups to the card.
» All changes to Cardholder Programming must be loaded to the elevator panel using the GCS Loader Utility.
» You must assign the Elevator Loop to the access card before you can add the access groups.
15. once you have assigned the loop privileges, you can assign access groups to this card.
16. begin by selecting the Elevator Loop Name.
17. use the four Access Group droplists to set access groups for this card. You can set up to four access groups.
Personal Door programming is not supported for elevator loops.
18. If you are also setting interior door access you can now select that loop and then set the access groups for it.
Again you can set up to four Access Groups for this loop. Personal Door programming is supported for interior
door loops. Consult the SG 10 Software User Guide for details on how to program personal doors.
On the Personal tab you can enable the Otis Special Destination Features for a cardholder. These features are
represented by checkbox options, which are cardholder‐specific.
Otis Compass™ System must be specifically configured to recognize these Special Destination Features and respond to
them by providing the appropriate passenger accommodation.
System Galaxy passes the special feature indicator to the Otis System when the card is presented at a DEC Reader (i.e.
elevator reader). When these features are unchecked the indicators are not passed by System Galaxy.
» Physical Disability: When checked, this indicates the cardholder has a disability. The Otis system
recognizes this indicator and cab be set up to provide special accommodations (such as dispatch an
adjacent car, extended time to board an elevator car, provide audible announcements at each floor).
» Vertigo: When checked, this indicates the cardholder experiences vertigo. The Otis system can be set up
to accommodate this passenger by not dispatching them to a glass elevator.
» VIP option: When checked, this indicates the cardholder is a VIP. The Otis system can be set up to
dispatch an empty elevator car that runs non‐stop to the destination floor.
» Split Group: When checked, this indicates the cardholder is belongs to a split group. The Otis system is
set up to recognize this person as belonging to a separate group of passengers who use separate elevator
cars that are not used by the general population, (such as service elevators where technical or service staff
do not mix with regular guests).
1. Select the Personal tab and locate the special flags in the middle part of the screen under the main
2. Check the appropriate flag for the cardholder
Released with SG 10.1 MARCH 2012 Page 50 of 55
System Galaxy Quick Guide Otis Compass Elevator System
You can find out which DECS are online by interrogating the OEI board with special commands. To determine
what DECS are listed at the OEI Board and their online status, you can use a terminal emulator to issue an
“online” command and a “rows” command.
1. A message is sent any time the OEI negotiates a connection to the Otis System. This occurs whenever
the OEI board comes online, or when the Otis DES comes online.
2. A message is sent once per second for each DEC that is ‘pending’ an update. The OEI gets these
pending updates from the CPU whenever a change occurs to a floor group. Floor Group updates happens for
the following reasons.
a) Changes are made in the software programming of the floor group and loaded to the CPU.
b) When an existing floor group schedule becomes active or inactive.
3. A message is sent whenever a card authorization is issued from Galaxy. The authorization or denial is
sent along with floor group programming up dates.
» When the OEI board is connected to the network, the DES/DER will send the list of DECs and their configuration to
the OEI. System Galaxy also sends its list of DECs and the floor group configuration to the OEI board.
» If a DEC goes offline after it was sent to the OEI, it will remain in the OEI list, but its status will change to ‘OFFLINE’.
» If a DEC is programmed in Galaxy (and loaded to the panel), but is not present in the Otis configuration, then the
DEC will be listed with an ‘offline’ status.
The online command will return the list of DECs that the OEI Board is communicating with through the Otis Compass
System. If a DEC doesn’t seem to be responding to the access control system or does not update its floor groups or
DEC operating modes, you can query the DEC list to prove the OEI knows about the DECs. use a terminal emulator,
such as Putty or HyperTerminal to issue the online command.
1. Connect one end of the Galaxy hardware programming cable to the OEI Board’s 9-pin serial port.
2. Connect the other end to the PC’s COM port (serial port).
3. And start the terminal emulator as appropriate and set up the connection parameters.
Bits per Second = 57,600K
Data Bits = 8
Parity = None
Stop Bits = 1
Flow Control = None
4. Type ‘online’ (without the quote marks) into the emulator window.
5. The Galaxy OEI Board will list every DEC that it knows about.
The DEC number/name, its IP Address, its assigned DEC Operating Mode, as well as its
last known status (online vs. offline) will be displayed.
6. If a DEC is listed as ‘offline” it could be because it has lost it’s network connectivity. Make sure the
DEC is actually configured in the Otis System and is properly connected to the Otis system.
IMPORTANT: the OEI Board can display “offline” status for a DEC that has been added
from the System Galaxy programming and loaded to the elevator panel before it has been
added to the Compass system or been connected. To determine if the extra DEC is caused
by this situation, you can cold start both the CPU and OEI board in the panel. After the boards
are cold started, issue the ‘online’ command again and should see that the extra DEC(S) went
away. If you really needed the extra DEC, configure and connect it in the Compass system and
Load Data from System Galaxy’s GCS Loader program.
1. Connect one end of the Galaxy hardware programming cable to the OEI Board’s 9-pin serial port.
2. Connect the other end to the PC’s COM port (serial port).
3. Start the terminal emulator as appropriate and set up the connection parameters.
Bits per Second = 57,600K
Data Bits = 8
Parity = None
Stop Bits = 1
Flow Control = None
4. Type ‘rows’ (without the quote marks) into the emulator window.
5. The Galaxy OEI Board will return a list every Floor Group 0 and 1 thru 10.
The Floor Group number
The DEC Operating Mode assigned to the floor group
The free floors that are assigned to the floor group. The floors that are assigned free will
be designated with an “A” for allowed. Floors that require authorization do not have a letter
System Galaxy v10 Software Manual Configuration of System Galaxy software
System Galaxy v10 System Specification System, OS, PC, Network requirements, etc.
How to install and use the browser‐based configuration tool to
Galaxy 635 Configuration Tool
configure hardware boards in the 635 panel.