College of Pharmacy QA Unit: Dispensing of Medications: PHCL 701507-2: 5/ 9: 2
College of Pharmacy QA Unit: Dispensing of Medications: PHCL 701507-2: 5/ 9: 2
College of Pharmacy QA Unit: Dispensing of Medications: PHCL 701507-2: 5/ 9: 2
Lecture ILOs
Course name: Dispensing of Medications
Code: PHCL 701507-2
Year/ level: 5/ 9 Credit hours: 2
Lecture/ Evaluation
Lecture and lab.
week Time ILOs (assessment Evidence
Teaching strategy
no. method)
define prescription
Lecture Mention the contents of a
Title: prescription Quiz mid term Sample papers of
e.g. Data Show 40 minutes
Introduction Mention the most prevalent exam Quiz exam
to dispensing errors
W1 prescription
10 minutes
Mention the rules to write a
prescription for controlled Quiz mid term Sample papers of
drugs exam Quiz exam
Lab e.g. Samples of
White board 90 minutes Examples of prescription assignment
Title: assignment sheets
College of Pharmacy كلية الصيدلة
QA Unit وحدة الجودة
Introduction 90 minutes
to Marks in
Working in groups Examples of prescription errors Practical problems
prescription evaluation sheet
Student in- lab Evaluation Last 20 ----------------
errors minutes
Lecture/ Evaluation
Lecture and lab.
week Time ILOs (assessment Evidence
Teaching strategy
no. method)
explain the mechanism of drug
College of Pharmacy كلية الصيدلة
QA Unit وحدة الجودة
-Disscus food/Nutrition effect on
15 minutes
drug absorption distribution
metabolism Sample papers
Quiz mid term
Discussions of
e Quiz , exam
Practical e.g. Samples of
- Solve problems of drug –
White board 90 minutes assignment assignment
Lab drug interaction
problems sheets
Title: drug- 90 minutes
druug interaction - Solve problems of drug – Practical Marks in
Working in groups
drug – food drug interaction problems evaluation sheet
College of Pharmacy كلية الصيدلة
QA Unit وحدة الجودة
Lecture/ Evaluation
Lecture and lab.
week Time ILOs (assessment Evidence
Teaching strategy
no. method)
Discuss the working
environment to ensure good
dispensing practice
15 minutes
-Mention the rules to ensure
Sample papers
good dispensing practice when Quiz mid term
Discussions of
measuring liquids exam
Quiz exam
College of Pharmacy كلية الصيدلة
QA Unit وحدة الجودة
Lecture/ Evaluation
Lecture and lab.
week Time ILOs (assessment Evidence
Teaching strategy
no. method)
Explain the basic -1
Lecture mechanisms of heat transfer
Title: unit
operation heat Explain a simple -2 Sample
Quiz mid
W4 transfer mass e.g. Data Show 45 minutes
distillation term exam
papers of
transfer Quiz exam
Mention - -3
factors affecting evaporation and
College of Pharmacy كلية الصيدلة
QA Unit وحدة الجودة
Explain the -4
importance of the unit operation
distillation in pharmacy
15 minutes
Calculate the -5
liquid and vapour compositions at Sample
Quiz mid
Discussions equilibrium assuming ideal behavior at papers of
term exam
atmospheric pressure at 180F the Quiz exam
vapour pressures of benzene and
toluene are 811 and 314 mm Hg
Lab - Demonstration lab equipment heat Samples of
White board 90 minutes assignment
Title: transfer evaporators distillers assignment
Heat transfer 90 minutes
Marks in
mass transfer - Demonstration lab equipment heat Practical
Working in groups evaluation
transfer evaporators distillers problems
evaporation sheet
College of Pharmacy كلية الصيدلة
QA Unit وحدة الجودة
Lecture/ Evaluation
Lecture and lab.
week Time ILOs (assessment Evidence
Teaching strategy
no. method)
explain the applications of filtration
in pharmaceutical practice
15 minutes
- describe ,giving examples in
pharmaceutical industry the Quiz mid term
Discussions papers of
different types of mixing exam
Quiz exam
College of Pharmacy كلية الصيدلة
QA Unit وحدة الجودة
Lecture/ Evaluation
Lecture and lab.
week Time ILOs (assessment Evidence
Teaching strategy
no. method)
Explain the importance of the unit
Lecture operation size reduction in
Title: pharmacy
Particle size
reduction and Explain the modified maceration - Quiz mid term Sample papers
W6 classification
e.g. Data Show 45 minutes
processes and mention their exam of exams
,granulation advantages
solid liquid
extraction - -Mention the types of
College of Pharmacy كلية الصيدلة
QA Unit وحدة الجودة
15 minutes
Sample papers
- Classify screening equipment Quiz mid term
Discussions of
give one example of each typ exam
Quiz exam
College of Pharmacy كلية الصيدلة
QA Unit وحدة الجودة
Lecture/ Evaluation
Lecture and lab.
week Time ILOs (assessment Evidence
Teaching strategy
no. method)
discuss the goals of
-Mention methods to
determine particle size s
15 minutes
Discus the method to Sample papers
Discussions determine powder flow Quiz Final Exam of
properties Quiz exam
College of Pharmacy كلية الصيدلة
QA Unit وحدة الجودة
Title: 90 minutes
Marks in
- determine powder flow
Preformulation Working in groups Practical problems evaluation
technology --------------------
Lecture/ Evaluation
Lecture and lab.
week Time ILOs (assessment Evidence
Teaching strategy
no. method)
Mention types of tablets
College of Pharmacy كلية الصيدلة
QA Unit وحدة الجودة
15 minutes
explain the manufacturing
methods of tablets Sample papers of
Discussions Quiz Final Exam
Quiz exam
Lab e.g. Samples of
White board 90 minutes - quality control of tablets assignment
Title: assignment sheets
Solid dosage 90 minutes
Marks in
forms Working in groups - quality control of tablets Practical problems
evaluation sheet
Lecture/ Evaluation
Lecture and lab.
week Time ILOs (assessment Evidence
Teaching strategy
no. method)
Mention methods of
preparation of solution
Title: -Discus preparation Sample papers of
W9 Formulation of e.g. Data Show 45 minutes
solution by chemical
Quiz Final Exam
Quiz exam
liquid dosage
form reactions
College of Pharmacy كلية الصيدلة
QA Unit وحدة الجودة
15 minutes
Explain preparation of
simple solution Sample papers of
Discussions Quiz Final Exam
Quiz exam
Lecture/ Evaluation
Lecture and lab.
week Time ILOs (assessment Evidence
Teaching strategy
no. method)
Discus methods of
preparation pharmaceutical
Title: suspension
Sample papers of
W10 Formulation of e.g. Data Show 45 minutes
-Write briefly about
Quiz Final Exam
Quiz exam
emulsion evaluation of pharmaceutical
College of Pharmacy كلية الصيدلة
QA Unit وحدة الجودة
- quality control of e.g. Samples of
White board 90 minutes assignment
Lab suspension emulsion assignment sheets
90 minutes
Formulation of quality control of suspension Marks in
Working in groups Practical problems
suspension emulsion evaluation sheet
College of Pharmacy كلية الصيدلة
QA Unit وحدة الجودة
Lecture/ Evaluation
Lecture and lab.
week Time ILOs (assessment Evidence
Teaching strategy
no. method)
Mention the types of
conventional semisolid dosage
Sample papers
e.g. Data Show 45 minutes -Classify ointment bases Final Exam of
Lecture Quiz exam
Explain fusion method to
Formulation of prepare ointment
semisolid dosage
15 minutes Describe methods of
W11 Discussions
preparation of semisolid
Final Exam
Sample papers
dosage forms
Quiz exam
College of Pharmacy كلية الصيدلة
QA Unit وحدة الجودة
Lecture/ Evaluation
Lecture and lab.
week Time ILOs (assessment Evidence
Teaching strategy
no. method)
-Define the primary and
secondary packaging
College of Pharmacy كلية الصيدلة
QA Unit وحدة الجودة
Lecture/ Evaluation
Lecture and lab.
week Time ILOs (assessment Evidence
Teaching strategy
no. method)
Mention the factors should be
taken for proper storage of
Sample papers
e.g. Data Show 45 minutes -Write briefly about storage of Final Exam
of exams
Lecture vaccine
Title: Storage
W13 condition of Enumerate requirements of
medications storage premises
15 minutes
Requirements of good storage
Sample papers
Discussions practice Final Exam of
Quiz exam
College of Pharmacy كلية الصيدلة
QA Unit وحدة الجودة
Lecture and lab. Evaluation
week Time ILOs Evidence
Teaching strategy (assessment method)
Define GMP
College of Pharmacy كلية الصيدلة
QA Unit وحدة الجودة