2015 - Landgrave-Gomez Et Al - Epigenetic Mechanisms in Neurological and Neurodegenerative Diseases
2015 - Landgrave-Gomez Et Al - Epigenetic Mechanisms in Neurological and Neurodegenerative Diseases
2015 - Landgrave-Gomez Et Al - Epigenetic Mechanisms in Neurological and Neurodegenerative Diseases
published: 27 February 2015
doi: 10.3389/fncel.2015.00058
Edited by: The role of epigenetic mechanisms in the function and homeostasis of the central nervous
Victoria Campos-Peña, Instituto
system (CNS) and its regulation in diseases is one of the most interesting processes of
Nacional De Neurologia Y
Neurocirugia, Mexico contemporary neuroscience. In the last decade, a growing body of literature suggests that
Reviewed by: long-term changes in gene transcription associated with CNS’s regulation and neurological
Alexander K. Murashov, East disorders are mediated via modulation of chromatin structure. “Epigenetics”, introduced
Carolina University, USA for the first time by Waddington in the early 1940s, has been traditionally referred to
Jose F. Maya-Vetencourt, Italian
a variety of mechanisms that allow heritable changes in gene expression even in the
Institute of Technology, Italy
absence of DNA mutation. However, new definitions acknowledge that many of these
Rosalinda Guevara-Guzmán, mechanisms used to perpetuate epigenetic traits in dividing cells are used by neurons
Facultad de Medicina, to control a variety of functions dependent on gene expression. Indeed, in the recent
Departamento de Fisiología, years these mechanisms have shown their importance in the maintenance of a healthy
Universidad Nacional Autónoma de
CNS. Moreover, environmental inputs that have shown effects in CNS diseases, such
México, Ave. Universidad # 3000
Col. UNAM Delegación Coyoacán, as nutrition, that can modulate the concentration of a variety of metabolites such as
Apartado Postal No. 70250, 04510 acetyl-coenzyme A (acetyl-coA), nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD+ ) and beta
México, D.F., México hydroxybutyrate (β-HB), regulates some of these epigenetic modifications, linking in
e-mail: [email protected]
a precise way environment with gene expression. This manuscript will portray what
is currently understood about the role of epigenetic mechanisms in the function and
homeostasis of the CNS and their participation in a variety of neurological disorders. We
will discuss how the machinery that controls these modifications plays an important role
in processes involved in neurological disorders such as neurogenesis and cell growth.
Moreover, we will discuss how environmental inputs modulate these modifications
producing metabolic and physiological alterations that could exert beneficial effects on
neurological diseases. Finally, we will highlight possible future directions in the field of
epigenetics and neurological disorders.
described in literature generally comprise histone variants, Belkacemi et al., 2012; Kroeger et al., 2012; Lee et al., 2012; Varady
posttranslational modifications of amino acids on the amino- et al., 2013; Colman et al., 2014).
terminal tail of histones, and covalent modifications of DNA Consistently, some reports have shown that aging it’s a
bases. process that may be altered through some diets, such as calorie
In this chapter, we will discuss some of these epigenetic restriction (Colman et al., 2014). The precise mechanisms
modifications and how these modifications are associated with of how environment mediates epigenetic modifications are
neurologic homeostasis and diseases. not clearly understood, however in this manuscript we will
portray some studies that aim to epitomize the relationship
LINKING THE ENVIRONMENT, NUTRITION AND EPIGENETIC between environment, metabolism, epigenetics and neuro
MODIFICATIONS -logical/neurodegenerative diseases.
Although many aspects of nutrition and different kinds of
lifestyles influence metabolic status and disease trajectory EPIGENETIC MODIFICATIONS
throughout our life, emerging findings suggest that changing Within cell nucleus, the fundamental units of chromatin are
our metabolism with exercise or different dietary regimens such named nucleosomes. Each nucleosome is formed by 147 DNA
as ketogenic diets, low-carbohydrate diets, intermittent fasting base pairs wrapped tightly around an octamer of histone proteins,
or physical exercise can alter the concentration of a variety of which is assembled by two copies of each of the four core histones
metabolites, some of them capable of modulating the activity of (H2A, H2B, H3 and H4). The linker histone H1 binds to the
proteins that elicit epigenetic modifications (Figure 1; Shimazu DNA between the nucleosomal core particles, and their function
et al., 2013; Shyh-Chang et al., 2013). is to stabilize higher order chromatin structures. Moreover,
These epigenetic modifications seem to regulate important each histone protein consists of a central globular domain
networks of genes mediating physiological processes associated and N-terminal tail that contains multiple sites for potential
with the beneficial effect of these diets, providing a rationale modifications (Wang et al., 2013).
and simple way to prevent or even treat these diseases. Some In this regard, a variety of different modifications on
reports have shown the efficacy of exercise and diet in cancer; amino acid residues of histones have been described. Histone
cardiovascular disease, diabetes, obesity, rheumatoid arthritis posttranslational modifications include acetylation, methylation,
and even in some neurological/neurodegenerative diseases such phosphorylation, ubiquitination and sumoylation (Table 1;
as Alzheimer and epilepsy (Müller et al., 2001; Ahmet et al., 2005; Sassone-Corsi, 2013).
The principal residues that are substrates of these
modifications are lysine, arginine, serine and threonine amino
acids (Rothbart and Strahl, 2014). These modifications have
been associated to repression or activation of gene transcription
depending on the site of the modification, strongly suggesting the
existence of a histone code. This hypothesis proposes that specific
modifications of histones induce to the interaction with proteins
associated with the chromatin, producing a differential regulatory
response of gene expression (Strahl and Allis, 2000; Table 1 and
Figure 2). These modifications are dynamic in the way that they
are actively added and removed by histone-modifying enzymes
in a site-specific manner, which is essential for coordinated
transcriptional control.
Histone methylation is currently associated with multiple
processes such as transcriptional activation and repression,
depending on the modified amino acid residue (Figures 2C,D).
This modification occurs mainly on arginine and lysine residues.
Additionally, these residues could be methylated multiple times
giving different signals depending on how many times the
residue is methylated, making its analysis difficult. In this
regard, current literature has shown that lysine residues can be
methylated even three times; meanwhile, arginine residues can
only be methylated twice (Strahl and Allis, 2000). Furthermore,
there have been some studies associating some processes with
these types of modifications for example H3K4, H3K36 and
H3K79 are associated with chromatin aperture. Nevertheless,
the methylation of these residues has been also associated
with other specific functions. On the other hand, H3K4
trimethylation has been associated with promoter regions. The
monomethylathion of this same residue recruits regulatory
elements that potentiate the promoter activity; such elements are
known as enhancers. Dimethylation of H3K36 has been related
to RNA POL II elongation during transcription (Li et al., 2007).
Also, the dimethylation of H3K79 is particular of promoter
regions stimulating a permissive chromatin for local transcription
(Jacinto et al., 2009). Conversely, the modifications associated
with transcriptional repression are performed on H3K9 and
H3K27 residues (Baylin and Jones, 2011).
In mammalians, DNA methylation is the covalent union of
methyl groups of cytosines that are found mainly in the context
of dinucleotide 50 -CpG-30 (Figure 3A; Klose and Bird, 2006).
The addition of methyl groups protrudes above the major
groove and when DNA is symmetrically methylated, the methyl
groups promote a conformational change of DNA structure.
The main consequence of methyl modification is that a variety
FIGURE 2 | Histone posttranslational modifications. (A) Schemes
of transcription factors cannot recognize the DNA and thus
representing the interaction of the N-terminal dominium of acetylated induce repressional transcription (Prokhortchouk and Defossez,
histones with the DNA strand (A) and the interaction of a non-acetylated 2008).
histone with the DNA strand (B). It can be noticed that acetylated histones DNA methylation generates patterns that are established
have a minor interaction with DNA strand compared with that of
during embryonic development and such patterns are maintained
non-acetylated histones whose positive charges are attracted to negative
charges of DNA. (C) On the other hand different specific marks of
by a mechanism when DNA replicates (Figure 3). Interestingly,
methylation of histone 3 are associated with both transcriptional activation these patterns change over time, principally due to environmental
(C) and repression (D). Also a specific mark of phosphorylation on the (S10) factors (i.e., nutrition, metabolites, exercise, chemical agents)
amino acid of histone 3 has been associated with transcriptional activation (Fraga et al., 2005). The mechanism of DNA methylation
(E) so the lack of this mark may be associated with transcriptional
is carried out by a set of proteins named DNA methyl-
repression (F).
transferases (DNMTs). There are two groups of these proteins;
(1) one for de novo methylation; and (2), one for methylation
HISTONE ACETYLATION maintenance. Both enzymes differ depending on the DNA
The acetylation of histones is a modification associated generally substrate: for example, maintenance of DNA methylation is
to transcriptional activity that indicates access of the transcription accomplished by DNA methyl transferase 1 (DNMT1). These
machinery to the genes and thus active mechanisms (Strahl proteins add methyl groups to pre-existing methyl patterns on
and Allis, 2000; Balazs, 2014). This effect could be explained a new strand of DNA during replication (Figure 3B; Jeltsch,
by the chemistry of this modification in which an acetyl group 2006). On the other hand, de novo DNA methylation are
(−COCH3) is incorporated to an amino terminal residue and carried out by DNMT3a and DNMT3b. Such proteins are
thus, the positive charge of histones is reduced, inducing a minor responsible for the addition of new methyl groups to cytosines
interaction with DNA resulting in a decrease of the chromatin that have not been methylated previously (Goll and Bestor,
compaction (Figures 2A,B; Shahbazian and Grunstein, 2007). 2005).
FIGURE 3 | DNA methylation. Scheme showing the addition of a methyl group on the 5 carbon of cytosine in the context of 50 -CpG-30 dinucleotide (A). The
maintenance of DNA methylation is accomplished by DNA methyl-transferases (DNMT1) when DNA replication occurs (B).
epigenetic changes that mediate the network genes involved in this Table 2 | Epigenetic modifications implicated in Alzheimer’s disease.
disease is a question that remains to be answered.
Observation Sample
At present, studies of epigenetic changes in AD are starting to
emerge. As we mentioned before, aging is the most important risk APP promoter hypomethylation in Human brains.
factor for AD an epigenetic changes have been observed in aging Alzheimer’s disease patients (Miller, 2003).
tissues. Recently, it has been observed that environmental factors Hypomethylation of promoters of ribosomal Human lymphocytes.
genes with aging (Decottignies and d’Adda
even transient ones in early life can induce AD-like pathogenesis
di Fagagna, 2011).
in association with aging (Wu et al., 2008a). Furthermore, a Decrements in DNA methylation Human prefrontal cortex.
difference in DNA methylation patterns typical of brain region (Al-Mahdawi et al., 2014).
and aging has been identified in this context (Balazs, 2014). In Differences in DNA methylation in a twin Human temporal neocortex.
this regard, a recent study by Hernandez et al. examined the pair discordant for Alzheimer’s disease
DNA methylation patterns in >27,000 CpG sites from donors (Al-Mahdawi et al., 2014).
APP promoter methylation Intact and gonadectomized
ranging in age 4 months to 102 years and a strong relationship
influenced by sex steroids and aging mice brains.
was found between DNA methylation and aging. Moreover, in the (Maloney et al., 2012).
temporal and frontal cortices pons and cerebellum regions, more PSEN1 is regulated by DNA methylation in Non-human primate cortical
than 1,000 associations were found between DNA methylation response to metabolic stimuli areas of mice brains.
at CpG sites and age and some associations were significant in (Zetzsche et al., 2010).
all four regions. Interestingly, the majority of the association sites
were in CpG islands and the pattern was similar in the frontal
cortex, temporal cortex and pons, but different in cerebellum. functions and biological processes, including hypermethylation
These results suggest that and age-dependent increase in DNA of genes involved in transcription and DNA replication, while
methylation may be important for maintaining gene expression membrane transporters were hypomethylated (Bakulski et al.,
with age (Hernandez et al., 2011). 2012).
As it has been reported in many studies, memory can be Also, some reports have focused on research DNA methylation
compromised during aging. Preclinical and basic studies have at the 50 promoter regions of candidate genes according to the
shown that epigenetic mechanisms are involved in formation basis of hypothesis concerning the molecular mechanisms of
and maintenance of memory (for reviews, see Levenson and AD as microtubule-associated protein tau, amyloid precursor
Sweatt, 2005; Zovkic et al., 2013; Jarome et al., 2014). For protein (APP) and preseniline-1 genes in the frontal cortex
example, inhibition of DNA methylation has deleterious effects and hippocampus of both control and AD cases at different
on neuronal plasticity together with histone modifications (Day Braak stages. Interestingly, there wasn’t any significant difference
and Sweatt, 2011; Zovkic et al., 2013). Moreover, it has been on CpG methylation between the control and AD samples
observed that associative learning was impaired in 16-month- (Barrachina and Ferrer, 2009). Other studies have reported
old mice compared with that of 3-month-old mice which was hypomethylation of APP in the promoter region of normal 70
associated with specific reduction in acetylation of H4K12 (Peleg year-old human brain (Tohgi et al., 1999). However, as mentioned
et al., 2010). above, no difference was found in methylation of selected regions
Until now, most of the studies have analyzed DNA of the APP gene in various stages of AD progression (Barrachina
methylation in the brain of AD patients (Balazs, 2014). and Ferrer, 2009). Also, it has been found that the change in
In this regard, a variety of studies suggest a genome-wide methylation status differed among transcription factor binding
decrease in DNA methylation present in aging and AD sites of tau promoter (Wang et al., 2013).
patients (Table 2; Mastroeni et al., 2011). Interestingly, the Additionally to DNA methylation, histone modifications have
folate/methionine metabolism is critically linked with DNA been studied in recent years. Francis et al. investigated histone
methylation mechanisms, consistently with this fact; studies show acetylation in mouse models of AD. In APP/presenilin1 double
that folate and S-adenosyl methionine are significantly decreased mutant transgenic mice, associative learning was impaired and
in AD (Bottiglieri et al., 1990; Morrison et al., 1996). All this this was linked to a marked reduction in H4K14 histone
data indicates that AD patients produce a hypomethylation acetylation (Francis et al., 2009). Furthermore, studies in vitro
across the DNA genome. Recently, Bakulski et al. provided a have shown that exposure of cortical and hippocampal cultures
semi-unbiased, quantitative, genome-wide localization of DNA to Aβ oligomers resulted in increased levels of acetylated H3K14
epigenetic differences in frontal cortex of control and AD cases. and a loss of dendritic spines, which was prevented by inhibition
These authors determined DNA methylation of 27, 587 CpG of histone acetyl transferase. Also, in young pre-plaque AD
sites spanning 14,475 genes. Interestingly, they found that in transgenic mice, these authors observed markedly increased
control samples, the methylation state is markedly affected by levels of H3K14 and H3K9me2 compared with those of wild-
age, with about the same number of sites being hypermethylated type non-transgenic mice. Most importantly, similar changes
as hypomethylated with age. Compared with controls, 6% of were observed in histone transcription activating and repressive
genes featured on the array were differentially methylated in marks in the occipital cortex of AD samples (Lithner et al.,
AD samples, but the mean difference was relatively modest 2013).
(2.9%). Gene ontology analysis revealed a relationship between Although there are now treatments against AD, these are only
the main disease-specific methylation loci and several molecular palliatives and the pathology is currently incurable, whereby,
there is an intense interest in the development of new potential et al. recently reported that reduction of folate and Vitamin B12
therapies. Epigenetic therapies have achieved some progress in in culture medium of neuroblastoma cell lines cause a reduction
the field of cancer, thus, several inhibitors of HDACs and DNA in SAM levels resulting in an increase of PSEN1 and BACE
methylation are approved for hematological malignances by the levels together with Aβ production. Conversely, the simultaneous
US Food and Drug Administration and have been in clinical use administration of SAM to the deficient medium restored the
for several years (Wu et al., 2008a). HDAC inhibitors (HDACIs) normal gene expression and reduced the Aβ levels (Fuso et al.,
are the most thoroughly studied and have shown acceptable 2007). Interestingly, the same group demonstrated that Vitamin
results in AD models. The inhibitors widely used in clinical B deficient-animals have shown that SAM inhibits the increase
research include trichostatin A (TSA), valproic acid (VPA), in progression of Alzheimer-like features (Fuso et al., 2012).
sodium 4-phenylbutyrate (4-PBA) and vorinostat (SAHA) (Wang This data suggests that folate or Vitamin B12-rich diets could be
et al., 2013). beneficial as therapy for AD patients; however, more studies are
In a study conducted by Su et al., VPA showed to inhibit Aβ needed.
production in HEK293 cell transfected with a plasmid carrying
the Swedish APP751 mutation. Interestingly, using the APPV717F PARKINSON’S DISEASE AND EPIGENETICS
transgenic model of AD, VPA was able to inhibit Aβ production Parkinson’s disease (PD) is the second most common
in the brain of mice at biologically relevant doses of 400 mg/kg neurodegenerative disorder after AD affecting approximately
(Su et al., 2004). In another study, VPA showed to decrease Aβ 1–2% of the population over the age of 65 and reaching a
production and alleviate behavioral deficits by inhibiting GSK- prevalence of almost 4% in those aged above 85. Resting tremor,
3β-mediated γ-secretase cleavage of APP in APP23 transgenic bradykinesia, rigidity, and postural instability are the main
mice (Qing et al., 2008). These results give us the idea about the clinical symptoms of the disease often accompanied by non-
possible contribution of epigenetic modifications in AD, which motor symptoms including autonomic insufficiency, cognitive
suggests that the drugs targeting epigenetic process may be of impairment, and sleep disorders (Thomas and Beal, 2011;
future therapeutic value (Wang et al., 2013). Coppedè, 2014). The brain of PD individuals is pathologically
As mentioned widely in scientific literature, the interaction characterized by a progressive loss of neuromelanin containing
between diet and epigenetics is the best documented in cancer dopaminergic neurons in the substantia nigra with the presence
pathology (Ho et al., 2009; Shu et al., 2010). Furthermore, of eosinophilic, intracytoplasmic inclusions termed as Lewy
based on evidence in support of epigenomics in regulating bodies (structures containing aggregates of α-synuclein as well
gene expression in stress-mediated AD risk factors, and the as other substances) and Lewy neurites in surviving neurons.
pathophysiology of AD, there has been growing interest in Unfortunately, only some improvements of the symptoms
examining whether diet and nutraceuticals targeting epigenomics are offered by current treatments based on levodopa and
may prevent, delay, or reverse the course of AD (Chiu et al., dopaminergic therapy, but there is no currently available
2014). In this regard, the Mediterranean diet rich in vegetables, treatment to avoid the progression of the disease (Thomas and
fruits and nuts, legumes, olive oil and fish with relative low Beal, 2011; Coppedè, 2014).
intakes of red meat has been suggested to reduce the risk for AD The vast majority of PD cases are idiopathic forms, likely
onset (Scarmeas et al., 2009; Frisardi et al., 2010). Other studies resulting from a combination of polygenic inheritance,
appoint that anti-oxidant-rich diets and consumption of dietary environmental exposures, and complex gene-environment
phytochemical such as caffeic acid, epigallocatechin-3-gallate, interactions imposed on slow and sustained neuronal dysfunction
Gingko biloba, resveratrol and phenolic compounds present in due to aging (Migliore and Coppedè, 2009). In a minority of
red wine slowed down disease progression by inhibiting Aβ the cases, PD is inherited as Mendelian trail, and studies in
production or amyloid aggregation in animal models (Kolosova PD families allowed the identification of at least 15 PD loci
et al., 2006). (PARK1-15) and several causative genes (Nuytemans et al., 2010).
It is well known that DNA methylation occurs within In addition, there are genes such as LRRK2, SNCA, MAPT and
folate/methionine/homocysteine (HCY) metabolism which GBA that are associated with sporadic PD without family history
uses micronutrients such as folate, methionine, choline and (Table 3; Coppedè, 2012).
betaine enzyme’s cofactors (Chouliaras et al., 2010; Wang et al., Most of the studies evaluating the role of epigenetic
2013). Diverse reactions occur and methionine is converted in pathogenesis have focused on the analysis of promoter
to S-adenosyl-methionine (SAM) and then converted to methylation of causative PD genes in post-mortem brains and
S-adenosyl-homocysteine (SAH), which in turn is converted peripheral blood; however, the role of DNA methylation and its
to HYC in a reversible reaction. Most important, SAM is the links to PD pathogenesis is currently unclear (Coppedè, 2012).
common methyl donor for DNA methylation that regulates Recent studies have shown that methylation of SNCA gene (the
gene expression and determines the chromosome conformation gene coding for α-synuclein) may be involved in disease via
(Sezgin and Dincer, 2014). An early study showed that SAM levels structural changes or overexpression of the protein, leading to
have been found to be decreased in post-mortem AD patients protein aggregation or via impaired gene expression (Ammal
(Morrison et al., 1996). Also, lower bioavailability of SAM causes Kaidery et al., 2013). In this regard, methylation of SNCA
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