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Ultrasonics - Sonochemistry: Zhenjun Wang, Ri Fang, Hangyuan Guo T

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Ultrasonics - Sonochemistry 60 (2020) 104791

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Ultrasonics - Sonochemistry
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Advances in ultrasonic production units for enhanced oil recovery in China T

a,1,2 b,1,2 c,⁎
Zhenjun Wang , Ri Fang , Hangyuan Guo
University of Shanghai for Science and Technology, Shanghai 20093, China
College of Electronic Information and Automation, Tianjin University of Science & Technology, Tianjin 300222, China
School of Business Administration, Wonkwang University, 460 Iksandae-ro, Iksan, Jeonbuk 54538, South Korea


Keywords: With the development of oil recovery technology, ultrasonic technology has been involved in oil production and
Ultrasonic oilfield development. The mechanism of ultrasonic wave plugging in near well is different from the conventional
Oilfield oil recovery technology. Ultrasonic oil production technique is an effective method to enhance oil production
Enhance oil recovery with low cost, good applicability, and no environmental pollution. The core part of ultrasonic oil production
equipment for Enhanced Oil Recovery is a high-power ultrasonic transducer. The continuous high-power ul-
trasound is used to treat the reservoir, which changes the pore structure, the physical property and the state of
the fluid, thus improving the permeability and flows conditions of the reservoir, and increasing the oil yield and
oil recovery. Ultrasonic oil recovery equipment includes the generation of high-power ultrasonic signals, long-
distance transmission and the conversion of electrical energy to acoustic energy. In this paper, state-of-the-art on
the development of ultrasonic oil production devices for Enhanced Oil Recovery in China is introduced. The
purpose of this paper is to provide a reference for the development of high-power ultrasonic oil extraction
equipment and its promotion in tertiary oil recovery technology.

1. Introduction formation will cause blockage of pores in the near well, which will
greatly reduce the flow capacity of oil and lead to a decrease in pro-
Energy is the basic condition for the development of human society. duction [6]. When high-power ultrasonic waves act on the oil layer, the
In the last two hundred years, coal, oil, and natural gas are the basic sound wave propagation process will generate a large acceleration,
system of energy, which promotes the development of human society which can destroy the particle structure of the oil layer and achieve the
and civilization [1]. purpose of increasing oil permeability [7].
Today, the oil and gas industry is facing severe challenges: the total Ultrasonic oil recovery technology [3–5] refers to the use of ultra-
demand for oil and gas energy is accelerating, the oil production ca- sonic waves to treat near-well oil layers in water injection wells and
pacity cannot keep up with the consumption rhythm, and the contra- production oil wells, by changing the physical property and state of the
diction between supply and demand is becoming increasingly obvious; fluid in the reservoir, improving the circulation condition and perme-
under the trend of oil production by science and technology, the cost of ability of the near well reservoir at the bottom of the well, and solving
oil production by various oil companies has increased. In the face of the plugging of the injection wells and oil wells, the purpose of in-
high oil prices, the pressure on the oil market is great, and the inter- creasing the crude oil production, water injection rate and oil recovery
national political structure is complicated, which affects the normal is achieved [6].
progress of oil cooperation [1–4]. Ultrasonic oil production equipment is mostly vehicle-mounted,
In order to get rid of these difficulties, ultrasonic oil recovery mainly composed of ultrasonic detector, an ultrasonic generator, high-
technology has been studied in recent years. This technique was de- power armored coaxial cable, and piezoelectric ceramic transducer. The
veloped in the Soviet Union and the United States in the 1950s [5]. schematic diagram of ultrasonic oil recovery is shown in Fig. 1 [6].
Ultrasonic wave has shown the characteristics of low pollution, low cost The advantages of ultrasonic oil recovery are [6,7]: (1) no en-
and high efficiency for compact reservoirs. vironmental pollution. When ultrasonic waves are applied to an oil well
In oil exploitation, impurities such as sediment existing in the layer, they do not damage the formation or pollute the environment.

Corresponding author.
E-mail address: [email protected] (H. Guo).
Co-first author: Ri Fang.
The two authors contributed equally.

Received 21 March 2019; Received in revised form 7 September 2019; Accepted 11 September 2019
Available online 12 September 2019
1350-4177/ © 2019 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Z. Wang, et al. Ultrasonics - Sonochemistry 60 (2020) 104791

the structure of crude oil and reduce its viscosity [14,15]. Venki-
taraman [16] uses ultrasonic waves with different frequency energies to
act on the core contaminated by the drilling fluid. The results show that
the permeability of core is significantly increased by ultrasonic wave.
Gollapudi et al. [17] have carried out an experimental study on asphalt
sediments by ultrasonic wave. It is considered that ultrasonic cavitation
and thermal action are the fundamental reasons for reducing the visc-
osity of crude oil and enhancing the flow capacity of crude oil, and this
mechanism is used to explain the excellent effect of ultrasonic plugging.
The permeability of the reservoir increases after the plugging is re-
moved, thus increasing the flow rate of the oil [17]. According to the
theory put forward by previous scientists, Champion compares the
degree of near well clogging before and after ultrasonic action with the
results of field tests, and verifies its effectiveness, and tests the effect of
fluid seepage [18,19]. The results show that ultrasonic radiation can
improve fluid flow velocity. The cavitation effect generated by ultra-
sonic wave in the original, as well as the absorption inside the medium,
the friction action at the interface and boundary of different media will
release a lot of heat. If the intensity of the sound field is high, a lot of
energy in the wellbore is converted into heat. Thermal action can in-
crease the temperature of oil and reduce the viscosity of crude oil. As
the viscosity decreases, the interaction force between molecules in the
fluid and the resistance to fluid flow become smaller. This is beneficial
to increase the flow rate of crude oil in the formation and is beneficial
to improve water flooding efficiency and oil recovery. Tom W. Bakker
et al. [20] studied the ultrasonic cavitation alone and theoretically
derived the environmental conditions for cavitation in the well. Poesio
et al. [23] has mainly studied the change of fluid pressure in porous
media after the ultrasonic wave. The results show that ultrasonic wave
can reduce the pressure gradient of porous media, and then the acoustic
flow phenomenon of a porous medium under ultrasonic irradiation is
experimentally studied. Sau Wai Wong puts forward several key pro-
blems of ultrasonic high-efficiency oil recovery according to the effect
of the ultrasonic wave on near well zone [24]. Jose Gil Cidoncha
enumerates some field application examples, describes the develop-
ment course of ultrasonic oil recovery technology, develops the ultra-
sonic oil recovery mechanism according to the existing conclusions, and
Fig. 1. The schematic diagram of ultrasonic oil recovery [6]. 1) oil reservoir; 2)
forecasts the future trend of this technology [25,26]. Roberts [25,27]
ultrasonic downhole equipment; 3) packer; 4) tubing; 5) casing valve; 6) lu-
bricator; 7) flowout line; 8) cable feed; 9) cable; 10) wire line truck ПКC-5; 11)
has shown that ultrasonic energy can effectively remove sediments and
pump unit CИH-32, 12-house. restore the effective permeability of rocks.
With the development of ultrasonic technology, there are more and
more kinds of ultrasonic transducers, and the power is increasing.
For residual oil that cannot be produced, it can wait for later mining
Especially for the ultrasonic transducer with longitudinal vibration
with more advanced technology, without wasting resources, and the
mode, the design theory is basically perfect. In terms of transducer
technique meets the requirements of sustainable development; (2) ul-
theory, W.P. Mason put forward an equivalent network analysis method
trasonic treatment process is simple and easy to operate. At present, the
in the 1940s [28] and developed this theory into a transmission matrix
most commonly used ultrasonic oil recovery equipment is car-mounted
method for the analysis of one-dimensional longitudinal vibration of
type. In actual use, only one cable car and four or five workers are
complex structures for a long time. In 1970, Sen Rongsi first proposed
needed, which can save costs; (3) combining ultrasonic oil recovery
the apparent elastic method in the analysis of two-dimensional vibra-
technology with other development methods (such as sonic water in-
tion problems [29], which became the commonly used finite element
jection and sonic acidification or stimulation measures) can further
and boundary element method for analyzing three-dimensional vibra-
increase crude oil production and recovery; (4) ultrasonic oil recovery
tion problems.
equipment also has the advantages of wide application, faster -
It was only in the 1950s that China began to study high-power ul-
economic effect, and high efficiency.
trasonic transducers and their theories, beginning with ultrasonic pro-
The theoretical research and technical development of acoustic oil
cessing, cleaning, dropping, crushing and emulsifying, and further
production in the United States began around 1950, and the research in
studying magnetostrictive transducers [30]. After the 1960s, the main
acoustic oil recovery field has not been interrupted until now [8]. In the
attention will be devoted to the study of the sandwich piezoelectric
1960s, Professor Robert Verbeck of the University of West Virginia in
transducer and the establishment of one-dimensional theory using the
the United States made a good start for the development of ultrasonic
equivalent network. In the development and optimization of the
oil recovery technology by measuring the permeability of acoustic
transducer, the resonance frequency and efficiency of the transducer
waves through rock oil. Duhon studied the effect of ultrasonic vibration
with stress, electric load and loss are first given, the parameters de-
energy on fluid flow in porous media for the first time in 1964 [9–11]. It
termining the maximum efficiency of the transducer are proposed, and
was found that the fluid flow characteristics were different under the
the optimum design direction is given. Two-dimensional analysis of
action of the ultrasonic wave at different frequencies [12,13]. The
piezoelectric transducers for large-sized piezoelectric transducers has
conclusion is that ultrasonic wave can improve water drive recovery.
been carried out in China for the last two decades, and the design
He proposed for the first time that ultrasonic propagation would change
method of piezoelectric transducers for composite vibration is

Z. Wang, et al. Ultrasonics - Sonochemistry 60 (2020) 104791

described [31]. When the eigenfrequency of the gas core resonates with the sound
Ultrasonic oil recovery technology has been widely used in the frequency, the gas core undergoes strong vibration. A large number of
United States and Russia, but has been technically blocked. In recent gas cores are rapidly combined in the sound field to form large bubbles,
years, China's ultrasonic oil recovery technology has been greatly de- and the continuously expanding bubbles quickly break away from the
veloped. Many new equipments have been carried out on-site opera- capillary channels to achieve the purpose of dredging [40]; (b) Cavi-
tions in some oil fields in China, such as Daqing and Shengli Oilfields, tation produces shock waves when the gas core collapses, and the
and achieved good results. The purpose of this paper is to promote the sawtooth wave formed when the large amplitude vibration propagates
further development of this technology by reviewing China's oil re- in the medium is a periodic shock wave. The gas inside the bubble is
covery technology. hot-compressed, and the temperature can reach several thousand de-
grees. The shock generated during the collapse has a strong impact on
2. Mechanism of ultrasonic oil recovery the surroundings, which greatly enhances the mechanical action of the
ultrasonic wave. Repeated cavitation bursts occur in formation frac-
Ultrasound treatment for oil reservoir is to put high-power ultra- tures or on solid surfaces, and the instantaneous high pressures caused
sonic transducer down to the position of oil reservoir, Under the by these bursts blast away particles that adhere to the surface. Because
functions of mechanical, cavitation, heat, sound flow, etc., the plug is of the alternation and transverse flow of liquids, particles are quickly
loosened and shed, and discharged from the well with liquid. removed from the surface [32]; (c) Cavitation can reduce the relative
Ultrasound has the following effects on reservoir and stratum: molecular mass of crude oil. Cavitation can break the molecular bonds
of crude oil and reduce its relative molecular mass, thus reducing its
2.1. Mechanical vibration [32–38] viscosity and improving its fluidity. When the acoustic wave acts on the
reservoir, the strong cavitation effect of crude oil will also cause local
Ultrasonic wave is the transmitter of mechanical vibration in elastic high temperature and high pressure instantaneously. This promotes
medium. In the process of propagation, the amplitude and velocity of chemical effects such as oxidation-reduction reaction, polymerization
elastic particles change significantly, resulting in stirring, loosening, or depolymerization of macromolecule substances, and fracture of
boundary friction, dispersion, fatigue damage, micro-cracks, degassing, bonded asphaltene molecular bonds, so as to achieve the goal of oil
acoustic fogging, disaggregation, impact fragmentation and thermal layer plugging removal [42]; (d) Cavitation can produce a series of
action. (a) Mechanical vibration can destroy the cohesion between the secondary effects. In the sound field, the bubbles in the liquid gradually
plugged particles and the reservoir rock; (b) Mechanical vibration form, expand, and then suddenly burst. During the rapid collapse of the
changes the capillary pore size, reducing the surface tension of the bubble, high temperature and high pressure appear in the bubble, and a
pores, resulting in expansion and contraction of the capillary; (c) The local strong shock wave is also formed in the liquid near the bubble.
impact pressure produced by mechanical vibration causes micro-cracks This also produces a range of secondary effects such as chemical effects,
in formation rocks. When the vibration reaches a certain intensity, the sonoluminescence, dispersion and emulsification. They all have a cor-
affinity between crude oil and rock is weakened, and the crude oil is responding effect on the formation.
separated from rock mass; (d) The boundary friction exerts a local
heating effect on the fluid. The local heating effect of boundary friction 2.3. Thermal action [48–53]
is one of the sources of ultrasonic thermal effect. Boundary friction
occurs locally and is intense, often producing local high temperature. The resistance of the oil body flowing is mainly caused by the in-
For crude oils with higher viscosity, the absorption coefficient is large, ternal friction in the crude oil. The concentration of crude oil decreases
and the local temperature rise caused by it is very considerable; (e) with the decrease of viscosity. Low concentration results in lower flow
Reduce the viscosity of crude oil and increase the seepage velocity. resistance of crude oil. Therefore, one of the main measures to improve
Crude oil is a fluid containing waxy, colloid, asphaltene and other the velocity of oil/gas seepage is to increase oil temperature and reduce
macromolecule compounds. Under the action of ultrasonic waves with viscosity. The thermal effect of ultrasound is a comprehensive effect. It
high frequency and high intensity, mechanical vibration causes large includes the whole heating caused by absorption, the local heating at
molecules to have large acceleration, forming relative motion between the boundary surface and the local heating at the wavefront when the
molecules. Due to the inertia of the molecule, the molecular chain is shock wave is formed. It is mainly manifested in the following three
broken and the macromolecule is pulverized, especially in the cavita- aspects: (a) The absorption of ultrasonic waves inside the propagation
tion state, and this depolymerization is more obvious. For the polymer medium causes the acoustic energy to be converted into thermal en-
compound in the crude oil, the depolymerization is sufficiently pul- ergy; (b) at the interface of different media, boundary friction can in-
verized to reduce the viscosity of the crude oil. Of course, this can only crease the temperature of crude oil; (c) cavitation releases a large
happen at high sound intensity and over long periods of time. The high amount of heat energy at the moment of bubble collapse, and the local
temperature produced by vibration can also reduce viscosity. temperature can reach thousands of degrees Celsius. With the increase
of ultrasonic frequency, the absorption effect and boundary friction
2.2. Cavitation [39–47] become better and more intense. As the intensity of the ultrasound
increases, cavitation and thermal effect become stronger and more
Ultrasonic cavitation refers to the process of the growth and collapse significant.
of liquid hollow bubbles under the action of ultrasound, as well as a
series of sound pressure changes accompanying them. Theoretical stu- 3. The influence of different factors on oil recovery efficiency of
dies show that high pressure over 105 MPa can be generated in the local ultrasonic treatment.
space of cavity collapse [39]. It can also cause a series of secondary
effects, such as luminescence, phonation, ionization, and chemical re- Recently, many studies have been carried out to explore the effects
actions. Cavitation is inhibited at high pressure, but it can be promoted of different factors on the efficiency of ultrasonic oil recovery tech-
by the presence of dissolved gas and particle contamination in the fluid. nology. It has been found that the oil separation rate after ultrasonic
(a) Cavitation causes changes in sound pressure and eliminates air re- treatment is 55.6%; the optimum temperature, power, and frequency
sistance. Almost all liquids contain dissolved or bubble-formed gases at for oil recovery from sludge is 40 °C, 0.1 MPa and 28 kHz respectively
room temperature and pressure. Crude oil dissolves more hydrocarbons [67]. In addition, the optimum condition for treating oily sludge by
under formation pressure. The existence of a large number of gas nuclei ultrasonic wave is that ultrasonic frequency, intensity, power, and the
has a great impediment to the flow of oil, which is called gas resistance. soil/water ratio are 25 kHz, 0.33 W/cm2, 300 W, and 1/2 respectively

Z. Wang, et al. Ultrasonics - Sonochemistry 60 (2020) 104791

[68]. It is reported that the oil recovery rate can reach 95% when ul- that it can increase the flow of crude oil greatly, improve pump effi-
trasonic frequency, processing time, power, and temperature are ciency and increase production of oil wells. It has apparent advantages,
28 kHz, 15 min, 400 W and 60 °C respectively, when the ultrasonic such as safety, non-pollution and without additional power. In a word,
power increases to more than 400 W, the oil recovery rate will not in- this device is not only suitable for different types of oil wells, but for oil
crease [69]. wells with different wax content and water content.
Fabiane G. Antes et al. [21] carried out a comprehensive study for The scale removal of oil pipelines has always been a difficult pro-
the evaluation of ultrasound (US) frequency for demulsification of blem in the petroleum industry. In order to solve this problem, Zebing
crude oil emulsions. Results show that crude oil demulsification is Zhang et al. [56] invented an electromagnetic ultrasonic anti-scaling
achieved at frequencies in the range of 25–45 kHz for all tested emul- device. Its structure is shown in Fig. 3 [19]. In fact, the device is that
sions; no changes in the characteristics of the crude oil emulsions are uses an ultra-strong alternating magnetic field and ultrasonic sound
observed when the applied frequencies are higher than 45 kHz. From field together to process fluid. Physical morphology and chemical
the perspective of sustainable development, it is still a research hotspot properties of fouling substances in oil fluids will change under the ac-
to recover crude oil from oily sludge. Ultrasonic technology has been tion of the magnetic field and ultrasonic field, so that they are dis-
proved to be an efficient and environmentally friendly technology. To persed, crushed, loose, and not easy to adhere to the pipe wall to form
explore the influence of sludge characteristics on the efficiency of ul- scale. The test results show that the advantages of the device are good
trasound-assisted oil recovery, He, Shilong et al. [22] conducted the scale removal effect, good antifouling effect, long life length, no pol-
analysis of variance (ANOVA) on six types of crude oily sludge with lution, convenient maintenance, and non-environmental pollution [56].
hydrophilicity and lipophilicity separately based on five different ul- In order to solve the problems that the existing anti-wax viscosity
trasonic operation factors (ultrasonic power, frequency, ultrasonic reduction device cannot be applied to the wax content of more than
treatment time, initial temperature and pH). Results shows that the 25% of the wells, Ping Zhou et al. [57] invented a double sonic eddy
highest 92% of oil recovery rate is achieved when the applied ultrasonic current anti-wax viscosity reduction device (as shown in Fig. 4). The
power is 240 W and the contained sludge is hydrophilic. The result innovation point of the invention is that the two-stage ultrasonic os-
proves that oil recovery efficiency is mainly affected by the ultrasonic cillator is adopted in the device to improve the acoustic frequency and
power and hydrophilicity of sludge. Xin Zhang et al. [70] studied re- destroy the crystal of the paraffin wax completely so that the effect of
moving calcium carbonate plug from near wellbore by high-power ul- paraffin inhibition and viscosity reduction can be greatly increased. In
trasonic treatment. Results show that the transducer frequency, trans- addition, the eddy current technology is adopted in the device to im-
ducer power, ultrasonic treatment time and initial permeability of core prove the crude oil fluidity. The device can reduce the viscosity of crude
have great influence on the effect of ultrasonic scale removal; when the oil, prevent wax deposition, increase its flow capacity and increase the
cumulative ultrasonic treatment time exceeds 60 min, the core perme- production of oil wells. It is suitable for production wells of various
ability recovery rate tends to be stable; the effect is best when cumu- vertical, inclined and horizontal wells [57].
lative ultrasonic treatment time is 80–120 min. In addition, results in- In 2014, a new-type complete set of equipment for oil production
dicate that the optimum ultrasonic frequency range for removing near was developed by Shushan Zhao in China [58,59]. The working prin-
wellbore plugging caused by the chemical precipitation of inorganic ciple of this new invention is that ultrasonic generator in the downhole
salts is within 20–25 kHz; with the increase of ultrasonic transducer system starts to work after the underground system reaches oil re-
power, the plugging removal effect is improved; with the increase of servoir, and its resonant frequency drifts with the change of the liquid
ultrasonic transducer frequency, the plugging removal effect is im- temperature and pressure of the underground load. The relevant in-
proved, but with the continuous increase of frequency and power, the formation is collected through the data acquisition system to determine
plugging removal effect cannot be further improved. In a word, ultra- the load resonant frequency so that the frequency of the ultrasonic
sonic frequency and power should be controlled within a reasonable generator can be adjusted to achieve a solid-liquid coupling resonance
range. effect. The resonance excitation can produce cracking-thermal effects,
and cavitation effects in the oil reservoir, thus changing the molecular
4. The recent development of ultrasonic oil production equipment structure of oil reservoir molecules, improving the fluidity of the loaded
liquid and increasing the reservoir permeability. The test results show
Currently, in fact, the most commonly used transducers in the field that the invention has no environmental pollution, and has the ad-
of acoustic oil recovery are the transducers made of PZT. However, such vantages of simple operation, low cost, remarkable economic benefits,
piezoelectric ceramic transducers are prone to a large capacitive re- and remarkable social benefits. In addition, they have developed an
sistance in a transmission system consisting of ultrasonic power sources, ultrasonic generator. Its output power is between 0 and 100 kW, and
transmission cables, and piezoelectric ceramic transducers, so that the the output frequency is between 10 kHz and 35 kHz.
entire transmission system can produce a larger reactive current, To improve the transmission efficiency of the whole oil production
greatly reducing the transmission system transmission efficiency and system, three kinds of special cables, as shown in Fig. 5, were designed
resulting in a great waste of energy. According to the survey, the by Zou Yelong et al. [60]. The cable core of the three special cables are
transmission efficiency of the existing transmission system is only 10% all made of copper, the insulation of the signal line is made of cross-
to 20%. In order to overcome these problems, Dekun Luo et al. [54] linked polyethylene, the signal line is twisted by seven copper wires.
invented a kind of downhole ultrasonic oil production transducer with a The protective layers are all made of cross-linked polyethylene. In the
matching device. Field test results indicate that it cannot only improve long run, a signal line made of copper wire will be gradually replaced
the transmission efficiency of the transmission system greatly (the by optical fiber due to that optical fiber has many incomparable ad-
transmission efficiency of the existing transmission system can be im- vantages of less attenuation, small occupied space and is not sensitive to
proved up to 70%) but can release most of the trapped oil, dredge temperature.
clogged oil passages and increase the amount of mining. The device has In order to recycle oil recovery wastewater, Peng Xu et al. [61]
the advantages of high transmission efficiency and energy saving [54]. invented an ultrasonic radiation device (its structure is shown in Fig. 6).
Biqi Wang et al. [55] invented a kind of environmentally-friendly, It is composed of an ultrasonic generator, ultrasonic transducer, and
anti-wax and anti-scaling viscosity reduction device used for under- filter core. It can quickly remove the plug of oil recovery tank filter,
ground oil pumping, its structure is shown in Fig. 2 [55]. This invention reduce the pollutant content of the oil recovery wastewater and break
overcomes the problems that the existing similar products have a poor the bond of polymers and reduce their viscosity. The experimental re-
effect on wax prevention and viscosity reduction. It truly has a strong sults show that the ultrasonic radiation device not only has the char-
anti-wax viscosity and anti-scaling function. Field test results indicate acteristics of on-line processing, convenient use, lasting effect, and low

Z. Wang, et al. Ultrasonics - Sonochemistry 60 (2020) 104791

Fig. 2. The structure of a kind of en-

vironmentally-friendly, anti-wax and anti-
scaling viscosity reduction device 1-cyclone,
2-jet ultrasonic transponder, 3-jet ultrasonic
oscillator, 4-emo cavitation chamber, 5-

Fig. 3. The structure of electromagnetic ultrasonic anti-scaling device 1-inner tube, 2-flange, 3-front ring, 4-amplifier, 5-amplification rod, 6-transducer, 7-rear coil.

energy consumption but also has a direct impact on the polymer, no

secondary pollution, and low operating cost.
In 2015, Lixin Bai invented a coupling cavitation processing device
for the fields of energy, environmental protection, chemical industry
and medicine [62]. The apparatus comprises a fluid cavitation gen-
erator, an ultrasonic transducer, and a reaction chamber. The water
outlet of the fluid cavitation generator communicates with the reaction
chamber. The reaction chamber comprises a parallel disposed reflector
and a radiating surface. The reflector and the radiating surface form a
flat space. The reflector radiates the ultrasonic waves generated by the
ultrasonic transducer. When the ultrasonic wave is reflected and su-
perimposed repeatedly by the reflecting plate and the radiation surface,
the sound field in the reaction chamber can be strengthened so as to
form a large area of ultrasonic cavitation cloud spreading horizontally
along the reaction chamber. The invention can realize the efficient
coupling of the ultrasonic cavitation and the hydrodynamic cavitation
processing technology and has much potential application values in the
fields of energy, environmental protection, chemical industry, and
medicine. They have developed a new type of high-power ultrasonic
equipment in cooperation with Harbin land ultrasonic oil production
company, and achieved good oil production results in daqing oilfield
Fig. 5. Three kind of special cables for improving transmission efficiency of the
whole oil production system.
In 2013, Qiang Hu and Qiang Li invented a high-power ultrasonic
oil recovery device [63]. The equipmen comprises an oil reservoir po-
sitioning device and an ultrasonic processing system. The oil reservoir ultrasonic transducer positioning, positioning transmitter oil reservoir
positioning device comprises an oil layer positioning emitter and an oil recognition device, ultrasonic and ultrasonic operation by oil cable
layer positioning recognizer which are matched with each other; bridle and underground are installed in the casing. The equipment

Fig. 4. The structure of double sonic eddy current anti-wax viscosity reduction device 1-jet head, 2 -vibrating shrapnel, 3- bracket, 4-empty chamber, 5-spiral groove,
6-seat, 7-ball, 8- spiral groove, 9-jet section, 10-flow section, 11-shell, 12-wedge-shaped through-hole.

Z. Wang, et al. Ultrasonics - Sonochemistry 60 (2020) 104791

Fig. 6. The structure of a ultrasonic radiation device for recycle Oil Recovery Wastewater 1-inner tube, 2-filter, 3-stainless steel round tube body, 4-connecting
flange, 5-accommodating cavity, 6-fixing bolt, 7-piezoelectric ceramic plate, 8-electrode piece, 9-ultrasonic reflection block, 10-cable, 11-outlet, 12-silicone tapered
seal, 13-fastening nut, 14-high temperature insulation film.

cannot generate pollution and damage to the oil layer, meets the re- sonochemistry, which belongs to the field of ultrasound and rock me-
quirements of environmental protection and the sustainable develop- chanics. At present, the application of ultrasonic in rock mechanics is
ment of oil fields, and has the advantages of low cost, quick effect, and mainly focused on the ultrasonic nondestructive testing of a rock mass.
high benefit [63]. The main research is the propagation low of an ultrasonic wave in the
In 2017, Xu Zhou invented a plug removal device for oil and gas rock mass, the dynamic elastic mechanical state and structural char-
wells [64]. The equipment consists of a short joint and nozzles, and an acteristics of rock mass can be understood by this research. However,
ultrasonic generator. The ultrasonic generator consists of a rectangular there are few studies on the changes of rock mechanics parameters and
nozzle, a reed whistle, and a red clip. The ends of the rectangular properties (constitutive relations, tensile strength, compressive
nozzles are connected to the short sections and reed clamps respec- strength, shear strength, elastic modulus, Poisson's ratio, etc.) under the
tively. The rectangular nozzle has an open circular tube at one end and action of ultrasonic and chemical combination treatment, which, to a
a rectangular nozzle with a rectangular opening at the other end. The certain extent, hinders the promotion and application of ultrasonic oil
blade at one end of the reed whistle is facing the rectangular nozzle. A recovery technology [65].
convex shaft is fixed at the corresponding positions on both sides of the In order to solve the above problem, in 2012, the apparatus and
reed whistle. The reed clamp is a strip-shaped metal member with a method for measuring downhole rock mechanical parameters under
through a hole and is mounted on the reed clip by a convex shaft. The ultrasonic and chemical action were developed by Chunsheng Pu and
device utilizes ultrasonic effects such as cavitation, temperature rise, Hongxin Xu [66]. The invented device comprises a sealed box body for
sonic flow, and microfluidic forces to remove clogging dirt from the placing the tested core, a rock mechanics testing machine for symme-
inner wall of the wellbore, borehole or near the wellbore. In addition, trically loading the tested cores from the left and right sides through the
sonic waves or ultrasonic waves of different frequencies can be ob- left loading shaft and the right loading shaft, a ultrasonic transducer, an
tained by adjusting the jet velocity of the liquid stream and the distance ultrasonic generator, a hydraulic booster, an exhaust valve arranged in
between the reed whistle and the rectangular nozzle. the upper part of the closed box, a pressure detection unit, an ultrasonic
In 2015, A device for the extraction of heavy oil was invented by power detector, an ultrasonic amplitude measuring instrument and a
Zhenlin Chen [65]. Specifically, the invention relates to a method and a display unit. The experimental procedures are as follows: (1) experi-
device for exploiting heavy oil viscosity and breaking the molecular mental preparation; (2) adding chemical reagents; (3) Starting ultra-
chain by exploiting the combined effects of sound, light, and electricity. sonic treatment equipment; (4) measuring the mechanical parameters
The device is divided into underground and downhole parts. The un- of rock. The research found that the device has the advantages of rea-
derground includes power and controller. The downhole part includes a sonable design, convenient installation, perfect function, and con-
hook for fixing devices, an ultrasonic instrument, a light source with a venient operation, in addition, the equipment can quickly complete the
wavelength of 1–500 nm, an electric heater and an oil quality monitor. measurement of rock mechanics parameters under the combined action
The downhole part is connected to the underground part by means of of ultrasonic and chemical reagents [66].
cables and detecting information feedback lines. The core of the in- In 2015, the research teams who are committed to improving ul-
vention lies in that the ultrasonic waves with optimum frequency bands trasonic oil production technique in Beihang University have developed
can be selected for the exploitation of different heavy oil, thus, it can a new high-power ultrasonic transducer [61]. The piezoelectric vibrator
make the ultrasonic waves exert its maximum effect and avoid un- of which is made of a new piezoelectric material-lithium niobate crystal
necessary energy consumption, so as to reduce viscosity and break (36°Y-Cut) due to its strong piezoelectric effect [55–59]. Fig. 7 shows
chain rapidly. Research indicated that the recovery rate can be im- that the piezoelectric vibrator is the core part of the transducer. Round
proved by about 1–5%, using this invention, in addition, the invention electrode and ring electrode are made of copper. Insulated wire of
has the following advantages: small footprint, suitable for all types of 1.8 mm wide can be used to insulate these two electrodes. The round
the reservoir exploitation in various types and stages, and simple pro- electrode in the middle is connected to the signal line, the area of which
cess, low energy consumption, no pollution, having the ability to clear is wafer’s effective ultrasound radiating area. The three-dimensional
the plug, good orientation, convenient operation, and easy manage- model is shown in Fig. 7. This structure is designed on the way of back
ment [65]. linings with air. One sensor has a number of lithium niobate piezo-
An important branch of ultrasonic oil recovery technology is to electric vibrators, due to same emission frequency and vibration phase,
study the changes of rock mechanics parameters and its properties ultrasonic acoustic fields exited by those lithium niobate piezoelectric
under the action of ultrasonic treatment and the action of vibrators are coherent wave field.

Z. Wang, et al. Ultrasonics - Sonochemistry 60 (2020) 104791

acoustic radiation area, high radiation efficiency, uniform directivity

and high sensitivity along the radius. In addition to oil production, it
can also be used as underwater acoustic receiver or transmitter, mostly
used in underwater acoustic technology, ultrasonic technology,
geology, petroleum exploration, and other fields. The shape of the ra-
dial composite piezoelectric ultrasonic transducer is mainly related to
the shape of a vibrator. The common types of piezoelectric oscillators
for radial vibration are a disk, tubular and annular.
Different shape transducers are used in different fields: thin-walled
toroidal transducers are often used as standard hydrophones, super-
charged transducers are often used to emit and receive acoustic signals,
and planar radial vibration piezoelectric wafers can be used to measure
the properties of materials. Tank-type ultrasonic cleaning equipment
was replaced by the previous popular cleaning technology of circular
tube ultrasonic transducer. In summary, radial ultrasonic transducer
Fig.7. The structure diagram of lithium niobate piezoelectric vibrator. has a broad application prospect.
Although great progress has been made in the field of equipment
development, mechanism research and industrial application, there is
The latest typical ultrasonic oil recovery equipment developed in
still considerable room for the development of ultrasonic oil recovery
China is summarized in Table 1.
technology in China in recent years. The next research direction is as
5. Development trend of ultrasonic oil recovery technology
(1) Develop oil layer positioning and ultrasonic integrated downhole
There are many kinds of composite piezoelectric ultrasonic trans- transducers. At present, the ultrasonic operation, oil layer posi-
ducers that have been developed and used, most of them are divided tioning and ultrasonic treatment need to be separately positioned
into a longitudinal composite, longitudinal-torsional composite, and next to the instrument and the ultrasonic transducer. The operation
longitudinal bending composite vibration mode according to the vi- of one well requires two cables to be taken, which wastes time and
bration mode. increases positioning error. Therefore, there is an urgent need to
The high-power ultrasonic transducer for oil production is a radial develop a reservoir positioning and ultrasonic integrated downhole
composite piezoelectric ultrasonic transducer. This kind of ultrasonic transducer to improve efficiency and operational success rate.
radiators radiates ultrasonic waves outward by generating vibration (2) Continue to study the mechanism of ultrasonic oil recovery. Due to
along the radius. The vibrational transducer has the advantages of the complexity of the underground oil layer structure and the
simple structure, stable performance, large power capacity, large multidisciplinary nature of ultrasonic oil recovery technology

Table 1
The latest typical ultrasonic oil recovery equipment developed in China.
Patent Name Inventive time Technical characteristics

A kind of environmentally-friendly, anti-wax and anti-scaling 2008 [55] This invention overcomes the problems that the existing similar products have a poor
viscosity reduction device effect on wax prevention and viscosity reduction. It truly has a strong anti-wax viscosity
and anti-scaling function. Field test results indicate that it can increase the flow of crude
oil greatly, improve pump efficiency and increase production of oil wells. It has apparent
advantages, such as safety, non-pollution and without additional power. In a word, this
device is not only suitable for different types of oil wells, but for oil wells with different
wax content and water content.
Electromagnetic ultrasonic anti-scaling device 2009 [56] Test results show that the advantages of the device are good scale removal effect, good
antifouling effect, long life length, no pollution, convenient maintenance, and non-
environmental pollution.
a kind of downhole ultrasonic oil production transducer with 2010 [54] Field test results indicate that it cannot only improve the transmission efficiency of the
matching device transmission system greatly (the transmission efficiency of the existing transmission
system can be improved up to 70%) but can release most of the trapped oil, dredge
clogged oil passages and increase the amount of mining. The device has the advantages of
high transmission efficiency and energy saving.
Apparatus and method for measuring downhole rock mechanical 2012 [66] Test results show that the device has the advantages of reasonable design, convenient
parameters under ultrasonic and chemical action installation, perfect function, and convenient operation, in addition, the equipment can
quickly complete the measurement of rock mechanics parameters under the combined
action of ultrasonic and chemical reagents.
A High-power ultrasonic oil recovery device 2013 [63] The equipment cannot generate pollution and damage to the oil layer, meets the
requirements of environmental protection and the sustainable development of oil fields,
and has the advantages of low cost, quick effect, and high benefit.
Double sonic eddy current anti-wax viscosity reduction device 2014 [57] The device can reduce the viscosity of crude oil, prevent wax deposition, increase its flow
capacity and increase the production of oil wells. It is suitable for production wells of
various vertical, inclined and horizontal wells.
A coupling cavitation processing device 2015 [62] The invention can realize the efficient coupling of the ultrasonic cavitation and the
hydrodynamic cavitation processing technology and has much potential application
values in the fields of energy, environmental protection, chemical industry, and medicine.
A device for the extraction of heavy oil based on the combination of 2015 [65] Research indicates that the recovery rate can be improved by about 1–5%, using this
sound, light and electricity invention, in addition, the invention has the following advantages: small footprint,
suitable for all types of the reservoir exploitation in various types and stages, and simple
process, low energy consumption, no pollution, having the ability to clear the plug, good
orientation, convenient operation, and easy management.

Z. Wang, et al. Ultrasonics - Sonochemistry 60 (2020) 104791

(involving oilfield geology, oil recovery technology, logging en- Appendix A. Supplementary data
gineering, acoustics, seepage mechanics, rock mechanics, mechan-
ical and electrical engineering, etc.). Supplementary data to this article can be found online at https://
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