An Environmentally Friendly Ball Milling Process For Recovery of Valuable Metals From E-Waste Scraps
An Environmentally Friendly Ball Milling Process For Recovery of Valuable Metals From E-Waste Scraps
An Environmentally Friendly Ball Milling Process For Recovery of Valuable Metals From E-Waste Scraps
Waste Management
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Article history: The present study reports a mechanochemical (MC) process for effective recovery of copper (Cu) and pre-
Received 30 March 2017 cious metals (i.e. Pd and Ag) from e-waste scraps. Results indicated that the mixture of K2S2O8 and NaCl
Revised 12 July 2017 (abbreviated as K2S2O8/NaCl hereafter) was the most effective co-milling reagents in terms of high recov-
Accepted 17 July 2017
ery rate. After co-milling with K2S2O8/NaCl, soluble metallic compounds were produced and conse-
Available online xxxx
quently benefit the subsequent leaching process. 99.9% of Cu and 95.5% of Pd in the e-waste particles
could be recovered in 0.5 mol/L diluted HCl in 15 min. Ag was concentrated in the leaching residue as
AgCl and then recovered in 1 mol/L NH3 solution. XRD and XPS analysis indicated that elemental metals
Ball milling
in the raw materials were transformed into their corresponding oxidation state during ball milling pro-
Metal recovery cess at low temperature, implying that solid–solid phase reactions is the reaction mechanism. Based on
Mechanochemical process the results and thermodynamic parameters of the probable reactions, possible reaction pathways during
ball milling were proposed. Suggestion on category of e-waste for ball milling process was put forward
according to the experiment results. The designed metal recovery process of this study has the advan-
tages of highly recovery rate and quick leaching speed. Thus, this study offers a promising and environ-
mentally friendly method for recovering valuable metals from e-waste.
Ó 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
0956-053X/Ó 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Please cite this article in press as: Zhang, Z.-Y., et al. An environmentally friendly ball milling process for recovery of valuable metals from e-waste scraps.
Waste Management (2017),
2 Z.-Y. Zhang et al. / Waste Management xxx (2017) xxx–xxx
the reacting phases may occur across the welded interfaces when Table 1
several ingredients are milled together. Recently, many researches Metal contents in the e-waste scraps used for ball milling experiments (wt.%).
have applied MC technology to metal recovery from e-waste, such Elements Content (wt.%) Elements Content (wt.%)
as waste fluorescent lamps (Tan et al., 2015), liquid–crystal display Ag 2.74 Ni 1.11
panels (Hasegawa et al., 2013), waste printed circuit boards (Ou Pd 0.28 Co 0.21
and Li, 2014), cathode ray tube funnel glass (Yuan et al., 2012; Cu 57.11 Pb 0.25
Yuan et al., 2013), phosphors (Mio et al., 2001), spent lithium-ion Zn 15.55 Fe 0.20
Bi 2.27 Al 0.10
batteries (Wang et al., 2016), and gold-containing waste Sb 0.47
(Ficeriová and Baláž, 2010) etc. The foregoing processes are mainly
MC leaching, MC sulfidization, and mechanical activation. MC
leaching produces aqueous slurry or solution of activated materials
of the dismantlement of electronic components. All of the chemical
and requires milling pots and balls made of special materials (Tan
reagents used in the experiments were purchased from Chemical
and Li, 2015). MC sulfidization converts non-ferrous metals oxides
Reagent Company of Beijing in analytical grade.
into metal sulfides, followed by pyrometallurgy, a necessary post-
treatment process (Guo et al., 2010). Mechanical activation
2.2. Ball milling and leaching experiments
involves an increase in the reactivity of target substances, which
could promote the subsequent leaching process (Nasser and
A planetary ball mill (QM-3SP2, Nanjing University Instrument
Mingelgrin, 2012). These techniques indicated that MC technology
Corporation, China) was used in the experiments. During the ball
exhibited potential benefits for base metal recovery from e-waste.
milling process, co-milling reagents and e-waste particles were
However, little attention has been paid to the recovery of precious
put together into a 250 mL-capacity corundum pot (100 mm in
metals. The influence of MC technology on precious metal recovery
diameter) with 120 g zirconia balls (9 mm in diameter). After
from e-waste with multiple metals is unknown.
milling for the predetermined time, the samples were collected
In this study, a new ball milling method was attempted for Cu
and preserved for further use. Totally six group of co-milling
and precious metal recovery from e-waste. The specialty of this
reagents were used to mill with e-waste particles for the selection
study was aimed to produce soluble metallic compound after
of an appropriate co-milling system. They are NaCl, NH4Cl,
treatment with dry ball milling and consequently benefit the sub-
EDTA2Na and the mixture of K2S2O8 (a strong solid oxidant) and
sequent leaching process. The mechanism of the ball milling pro-
each of the above three reagents. Various ball milling parameters,
cess used in our study is different from the existing MC leaching
including mass ratio of K2S2O8 to NaCl, mass ratio of co-milling
process. MC induced solid-state reaction is essential for the ball
reagents to e-waste particles, rotation speed and milling time,
milling process. New co-milling reagents need to be selected and
were also test during the experiment.
optimized. In this study, we used dry MC process to recover valu-
After milling, the ground sample was mixed in 0.5 mol/L diluted
able metals from e-waste scraps by co-milling with different
hydrochloric acid (HCl) (phase ratios, V/w = 40) and the mixture
reagents. After milling, metal recovery with dilute HCl was studied.
was stirred by a magnetic stirrer in a flask for 15 min at room tem-
Separation of Pd from the leaching solution and selective recovery
perature. Then, the mixture was filtrated by a suction filter
of Ag from the indissoluble solid residue were investigated. The
(0.22 lm) and the residue was collected and dried in an oven at
characteristics of samples after milling were studied and the mech-
105 °C. The filtrate was measured by ICP-OES to determine the
anism of MC induced solid-state reaction was proposed.
recovery efficiency of Cu, Ag, Pd and Zn. Pd in the leaching solution
was recovered by diisoamyl sulfides olvent extraction, same with
our previous study (Zhang and Zhang, 2014). Ag in the residue
2. Materials and methods
was then leached with 1 mol/L NH3 solution for 15 min and
reduced by hydrazine hydrate to precipitate Ag. The above process
2.1. Materials
was shown in Fig. 1.
E-waste scraps used in this work were supplied by XIAMEN
OASIS Sources CO. Ltd., which were mainly composed of multi- 2.3. Characterization of the materials
layer ceramic capacitors (MLCCs) and waste PCBsPCBs. Almost all
of the components (relays, capacitors, etc.) were disassembled The chemical composition changes and morphology informa-
from the PCBs when we received these materials. The bare PCBs tion of the solid samples during the ball milling process were char-
were pretreated with a thermal shock process and crushed in a acterized. The crystalline phases of the samples before and after
hammer crusher. Then, a centrifugal air separator was used to ball milling were characterized by X-ray diffraction spectroscopy
obtain the metallic components (Zhang and Zhang, 2013). MLCCs, (XRD, Rigaku D/max 2500) using Cu Ka radiation (c = 1.5418 Å)
which contains high content of Ag and Pd, were used as the raw with 30 kV voltage and 30 mA current. X-ray photoelectron spec-
materials along with the metallic components from bare PCBs. troscopy (XPS) measurement was carried out with an ESCALAB
The metallic components and MLCCs were mixed and sent to com- 250 Xi spectrometer (Thermo Scientific) with Al Ka radiation
minute in a cutting mill until the fraction reached particle size (hm = 1253.6 eV). Morphology of the samples before and after
smaller than 0.25 mm (referred to as ‘‘e-waste particles”). Metal mechanochemical treatment was observed on a JSM-7001F field
contents in the obtained e-waste particles were measured by emission scanning electron microscopy (FESEM). Size distribution
inductively coupled plasma-optical emission spectrometer (ICP- of the e-waste scraps before milling is measured with a Laser Par-
OES, Prodigy, Leeman, USA) after HNO3-HF-HClO4 digestion, as ticle Size Analyzers (Mastersize 2000, Malvern, UK)
described in details in our precious study (Zhang and Zhang,
2013). The contents of major metallic elements are given in Table 1. 3. Results and discussion
As shown in Table.1, the highest content of element was Cu
(57.11%), and followed by Zn (15.55%). Zn in the e-waste scraps 3.1. Comparison of different Co-milling reagents
has an uncommon high content, which is found to be from MLCCs
(see Fig. S1). Pd and Ag were the main precious metals while Au It is known that Cu could not be leached with dilute HCl under
was not detected in the e-waste scraps used in this study because room temperature without oxidant. As can be seen from
Please cite this article in press as: Zhang, Z.-Y., et al. An environmentally friendly ball milling process for recovery of valuable metals from e-waste scraps.
Waste Management (2017),
Z.-Y. Zhang et al. / Waste Management xxx (2017) xxx–xxx 3
Activated materials Leaching Filtration
Planetary ball mill Residue
100 (a) Ag 100 (b) Pd
Dissolution efficiency/%
Dissolution efficiency/%
Cu Cu
Zn Zn
80 80
60 60
40 40
20 20
0 0
Control NaCl NH4Cl EDTA K2S2O8 NaCl/K2S2O8 NH4Cl/K2S2O8 EDTA-2Na/K2S2O8
Fig. 2. Metal recovery efficiency of e-waste particles after ball milling treatment with different co-milling reagents (mass ratio of co-milling reagents to e-waste particles of
3:1, rotation speed of 600 rpm, milling time of 6 h; Without co-milling agent in the control experiments).
Fig. 2a, 22.6% of Cu was leached with dilute HCl after ball milling milling process. Pd is known to form unstable metal complexes
without co-milling reagent, implying that ball milling could with sulfate while the chelates of Pd with halogen are much more
change the leaching behavior of Cu and promote the leaching pro- stable (Hartley, 2013; Kragten, 1980). So, it may be the case that Pd
cess. After the addition of co-milling reagents, recovery efficiency was oxidized by K2S2O8 and formed chelates with chlorine during
of Cu was significantly increased. Recovery efficiency of Pd was the ball milling process. Hence, NaCl and K2S2O8 played the role of
only promoted by co-milling with NH4Cl. The recovery efficiency ligand and oxidant, respectively, during the ball milling process.
with NH4Cl was nearly 100% for Cu and 57.2% for Pd. In this case, It can also be seen from Fig. 2 that the ball milling process had
K2S2O8, an oxidant often used in advanced oxidation technologies little effect on the recovery of Zn. Recovery efficiency of Zn was
(Huang et al., 2016), was added to the ball milling to further about 95% under any co-milling reagent. The results are likely to
increase metal recovery efficiency. By comparing Fig. 2a with b, be related to the different chemical states of Zn in the e-waste par-
it can be seen that recovery efficiency of Pd was significantly ticles. Zn element in the e-waste particles is mainly from MLCC,
enhanced for NaCl and NH4Cl after the addition of K2S2O8, espe- and it is in oxidation state (Zincite, ZnO, Fig. S1) and can be dis-
cially NaCl. After the addition of K2S2O8, the recovery efficiency solved in HCl without any pretreatment. Since the ball milling pro-
of Pd for NaCl and NH4Cl increased, respectively, from 6.2% to cess had little effect on the recovery of Zn, data of Zn was not
87.5% and from 55.1% to 71.6%. As can be seen from Fig. 2b, the shown in the subsequent figures.
order of the recovery efficiency of Pd was as follows: K2S2O8/ According to the above analysis, after MC treatment, there’s no
NaCl > K2S2O8>K2S2O8/NH4Cl > K2S2O8/EDTA2Na. After MC treat- significant difference in different co-milling reagents with the
ment with K2S2O8/NaCl, recovery efficiency of Pd achieved 87.5%. recovery of Zn and Ag. Recovery efficiency of Cu and Pd achieved
It is interesting to note that the mixture of the NaCl and K2S2O8 the highest level of 99.6% and 87.5%, respectively, under K2S2O8/
was superior to single addition of NaCl or K2S2O8 for the ball NaCl. Therefore, K2S2O8/NaCl was chosen as the co-milling
milling process. The recovery efficiency of Pd after milled with reagents in the subsequent experiments.
NaCl/K2S2O8 was 15% higher than that with K2S2O8, 82.3% higher
than that with NaCl, respectively. This suggests that NaCl and 3.2. Possible mechanism of MC reactions
K2S2O8 may play different roles during the ball milling process.
In reviewing the literature, it is considered that leaching of metals, To better understand the mechanism during ball milling pro-
especially precious metals, depends on ligands and oxidants in cess, characterization of the e-waste scraps before and after ball
metallurgical process (Jianmin, 2010; Senanayake, 2012). Accord- milling was studied. As shown in Fig. 3, X-ray Diffraction (XRD)
ingly, we can infer that during the ball milling process, the MC was used to clarify the phase change of samples before and after
reactions of metals are influenced by both ligands and oxidants. milling. Several significant changes were observed. It is found that
Researches showed that K2S2O8 was transformed into sulfate under the peaks in the XRD patterns decreased in intensity and broad-
the activation of ball milling. The activation of persulfate sup- ened after ball milling, suggesting dramatic size reduction and
ported an oxidation process (Huang et al., 2016; Liu et al., 2016). crystal dislocation or defects during ball milling (Motozuka et al.,
This suggests that K2S2O8 played the role of oxidant during the ball 2014). The peaks associated with K2S2O8 disappeared and the
Please cite this article in press as: Zhang, Z.-Y., et al. An environmentally friendly ball milling process for recovery of valuable metals from e-waste scraps.
Waste Management (2017),
4 Z.-Y. Zhang et al. / Waste Management xxx (2017) xxx–xxx
9k Fig. 4a and b–d, respectively. From the Cu 2p spectrum (Fig. 4b), it
6k can be found that the peaks at 952.2 eV and 932.4 eV were attribu-
table to Cu(I), while the peaks at 934.2 eV and 954.3 were attribu-
table to Cu(II) (Fu et al., 2012; Zhao and Peng, 2012). The Cu(II)
NaCl related shake-up satellite in the binding energy of 943 eV was also
(b) CuCl clearly observed in the spectra, which further confirmed the pres-
ence of Cu(II) (Chawla et al., 1992; Mekki et al., 1997). The result
3k K2SO4 2Na2SO4
supported the above inference of XRD that both of Cu(I) and Cu
2k (II) were presented in the milled sample. It was calculated that
the normalized Cu(I) peak area was 3 times size of that of Cu(II),
1k suggesting that approximately 75% of the Cu in the initial sample
10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 was oxidized into Cu(I) and 25% of the Cu was oxidized into Cu
2-Theta/deg (II). The XPS Ag 3 d spectrum of the milled sample shown in
Fig. 4c is helpful to study the behavior of Ag in the sample during
Fig. 3. XRD pattern of the sample before (a) and after (b) ball milling. milling. The peak of 368.2 eV and 374.3 eV was attributed to Ag(I)
(Liu et al., 2008), indicating the oxidation of Ag to Ag(I) during the
ball milling process. Although Ag was oxidized into Ag(I), there was
still only about 5% of Ag dissolved during the leaching process.
peaks corresponding to K2SO4 were detected, indicating that most Therefore, considering the high content of Cl in the milled sample,
K2S2O8 was transformed into K2SO4 or amorphous K2S2O8. It was this result may be explained by the fact that Ag was precipitated as
also observed from the XRD patterns that the peaks of Cu disap- AgCl during the ball milling and leaching process. Fig. 4d shows the
peared and the peaks corresponding to cuprous chloride (CuCl) S 2p spectrum of the milled sample. The most prominent peaks
were detected after ball milling. This result indicated that metallic located at 168.9 eV and 170.0 eV were attributed to SO2- 4 . Studies
Cu was oxidized and transformed into CuCl during ball milling. It is on SO2-4 indicated that a small shift may occur in binding energy
worth noting that the milled sample was changed from dark brown of the S 2p peaks depending on metal cations. The peak at
to light green. As it is known that CuCl is white crystalline powder 170.0 eV may be attributed to CuSO4 (Chawla et al., 1992;
and cupric (Cu(II)) salt is green. This phenomenon indicates that Kurmaev et al., 1996), which was shifted toward higher energy
cupric (Cu(II)) salts may be generated during ball milling. There- by 1.1 eV compared with the peak at 168.9 eV for K2SO4 or Na2SO4
fore, it is suggested that metallic Cu in the sample was oxidized (Lindberg et al., 1970; Yu et al., 1990). The results of XRD and XPS
into different valence states after ball milling. confirmed that S2O2- 2
8 transformed into SO4 during ball milling.
Na Cu
O Na
Cu Cu
Cu 2+
Cl Cu
K 2+
Cu Cu
1200 1000 800 600 400 200 960 955 950 945 940 935 930 925
+ 2-
Ag +
Ag 2-
2- S
380 376 372 368 364 360 174 172 170 168 166 164 162 160 158
Binding energy (eV) Binding Energy (eV)
Fig. 4. The wide-scan XPS spectrum (a) and deconvoluted XPS spectra (b–d) of the milled sample.
Please cite this article in press as: Zhang, Z.-Y., et al. An environmentally friendly ball milling process for recovery of valuable metals from e-waste scraps.
Waste Management (2017),
Z.-Y. Zhang et al. / Waste Management xxx (2017) xxx–xxx 5
Fig. 5. SEM image of the sample before (a) and after (b) ball milling.
Fig. 5 shows the morphology changes of the sample before and AgCl was generated during the ball milling process. For Pd, DG of
after ball milling. It can be seen that the samples after ball milling reaction 9 is lower than reaction 10. It is probably that the Pd
have much smaller particles and loose surface morphology, com- related reaction was proceeded according to reaction 9 during
pared to samples before ball milling. The initial sample consisted the ball milling process.
of angular and compact particles (Fig. 5a). After milling for 3 h, pul- Base on the above analysis, a possible reaction mechanism is
verization, amorphization and grain refinement occurred and proposed to explain the MC reactions. Under the activation of ball
loosely packed agglomeration formed under the mechanical force milling process, K2S2O8 played the role of oxidant while the addi-
(Fig. 5b). The inset higher magnification image shows that the tion of NaCl reduced the activation energy of the reactions. Besides,
agglomerated particles were piled up with thin layers. Size distri- ball milling could reduce the particle size and thoroughly mix the
bution of the e-waste scraps before and after milling is measured components, resulting in an increase of the active interface area
with a Laser Particle Size Analyzers. The average particle size is between the reacting components. Meanwhile, lattice defects were
49.28 lm and d(50) is 3.88 lm before ball milling. After milling, created to provide chemically active sites and fast diffusion paths
the average particle size was significantly decreased. The average (Takacs, 2009; Tsuzuki et al., 1997). Researches showed that local
particle size decreased to 2.40 lm and d(50) decreased to transient temperatures induced by impact of the ball did not
0.23 lm. The result of SEM image and particle size analysis further exceed 110 °C in which mechanochemical energy allowed reac-
improved the above inference from XRD that dramatic size reduc- tions between the metals and ligands. This suggests that local
tion and crystal dislocation or defects occurred during ball milling. melting could not account for the reaction(Garay et al., 2007).
To further understand the MC reactions occurred during ball The solid-solid reaction occurred in our experiment is also
milling process, the probable MC reactions are listed in Table 2 between metals and ligands. It is possible to hypothesize that local
and the corresponding thermodynamic parameters were calcu- transient temperatures induced in the ball milling process was
lated. Thermodynamic calculations in Table 2 indicate that DG298 below 110 °C. As a consequence, solid-solid reactions, which would
of all the reactions are negative, which shows that all the reactions normally require high temperature to occur due to separation of
are favorable in theory. However, According to the data in refer- the reacting phases, can occur at low temperature in ball milling.
ence, the negative DG of reactions is found to be necessary but Soluble metallic compounds were produced after treatment with
not sufficient for the occurrence of the reaction (Chai et al., 2013; dry ball milling and consequently benefit the subsequent leaching
Takacs, 2002). It can be observed that DG of the reactions are sig- process. According to the above discussion, possible reactions
nificantly lower with the participation of NaCl. DG of reaction 1 is occurred during ball milling process is expressed as the following
the lowest among all of the 10 probable reactions, meaning that reaction:
reaction 1 is most likely to occur during milling. XPS result showed
ball milling
that part of Cu in the sample was oxidized into Cu(II), suggesting K2 S2 O8 þ 2NaCl þ nM ! nMCl2=n þ K2 SO4 þ Na2 SO4
the occurrence of reaction 2. Among the 3 reactions related to
Ag, DG of reaction 6 is much lower than reaction 7 and 8, implying
If M = Cu, n = 1 and 2 (two reactions for Cu).
that reaction 6 is the most probable reaction. Referring back to the
If M = Ag, n = 2.
XPS analysis that Ag was oxidized to Ag(I), it could be assumed that
If M = Pd, n = 1.
Table 2
Probable MC reactions and the corresponding thermodynamic parameters during the ball milling process (298–383 K).
Please cite this article in press as: Zhang, Z.-Y., et al. An environmentally friendly ball milling process for recovery of valuable metals from e-waste scraps.
Waste Management (2017),
6 Z.-Y. Zhang et al. / Waste Management xxx (2017) xxx–xxx
3.3. Optimization of ball milling parameters EM ¼ bnt M D ð2Þ
During the ball milling process, there are many factors affecting where mB, mS, tM, n, b and D refer to the weight of balls, the
the MC reaction performance and metal recovery efficiency. There- weight of sample, milling time, rotation speed, acceleration in
fore, a series of experiments were further conducted to optimize planetary mill, and mill diameter, respectively. It can be deduced
the ball milling parameters and the results are shown in Fig. 6. from Eq. (2) that the specific milling energy is in proportion to
As shown in Fig. 6a, the mass ratio of K2S2O8 to NaCl had a signif- the rotation speed of the mill rotation speed, implying that rotation
icant impact on Pd recovery efficiency while Cu (over 99%) and Ag speed is an important factor affecting the performance of MC reac-
(around 5%) were not affected. Pd recovery efficiency increased tions. Therefore, the effect of rotation speed was studied. As can be
rapidly from 32.7% to 87.6% when the mass ratio of K2S2O8 to NaCl seen from Fig. 6c, the recovery efficiency of Pd increased from
increased from 1:3 to 1:1. But with the further increase of the ratio, 41.9% to 96.1% as the rotation speed increased from 300 rpm to
recovery efficiency of Pd showed no significant change, implying 600 rpm. The recovery efficiency of Cu increased slightly with the
that the amount of K2S2O8 was sufficient for the ball milling system rotation speed increasing from 300 to 400 and then stayed
with the mass ratio of 1:1. On the basis of the above results, the unchanged. The above results suggested that 600 rpm was the
optimal K2S2O8 to NaCl mass ratio was determined to be 1:1 and appropriate rotation speed for the MC reaction.
the subsequent experiments were conducted with this condition. Fig. 6d shows the effect of milling time on metal recovery. As
Fig.6b shows the effect of the mass ratio of co-milling reagents can be seen from the figure, Cu was completely dissolved after only
to e-waste particles on metal recovery. The results indicated that 15 min milling, implying a fast MC reaction during ball milling.
higher mass ratios resulted in relatively better performance in Recovery efficiency of Pd increased rapidly in the beginning and
terms of metal recovery. The recovery efficiency of Pd increased then stabilized around 96% in the later stage of the experiment.
steadily as the mass ratio increased from 1:1 to 4:1 and then The recovery efficiency of Ag remained around 5% with all of the
stayed unchanged. Cu can be completely dissolved when the mass milling conditions. On the basis of the above results, the optimal
ratio was higher than 2:1 while Ag recovery efficiency was not time for ball milling was 3 h. Under this condition, the recovery
affected by the mass ratio. Although high recovery efficiency can efficiency of Cu and Pd were 99.9% and 95.5%, respectively while
be achieved with high mass ratio, more co-milling reagent was only 5.3% of Ag was dissolved.
needed as the mass ratio increases. Therefore, 4:1 was the optimal
mass ratio as both Cu and Pd could obtain high recovery efficiency 3.4. Selective recovery of precious metals after ball milling process
under this condition.
According to Heegn (1986), the specific milling energy EM can Pd recovery from the leaching solution was carried out by sol-
be defined by Eq. (2): vent extraction according to our previous study (Zhang and
Fig. 6. Effects of different ball milling parameters on metal recovery efficiency (a), mass ratio of K2S2O8 to NaCl; mass ratio of co-milling reagents to e-waste particles = 3:1,
rotation speed, 600 rpm, milling time 6 h; (b), mass ratio of co-milling reagents to e-waste particles; mass ratio of K2S2O8 to NaCl = 1:1, rotation speed = 600 rpm, milling
time = 6 h; (c), rotation speed; mass ratio of K2S2O8 to NaCl = 1:1, mass ratio of co-milling reagents to e-waste particles = 4:1, milling time = 6 h (d), milling time; mass ratio of
K2S2O8 to NaCl = 1:1, mass ratio of co-milling reagents to e-waste particles = 4:1; rotation speed = 600 rpm.
Please cite this article in press as: Zhang, Z.-Y., et al. An environmentally friendly ball milling process for recovery of valuable metals from e-waste scraps.
Waste Management (2017),
Z.-Y. Zhang et al. / Waste Management xxx (2017) xxx–xxx 7
Table 3
Extraction efficiency, distribution ratio and separation coefficient during the Pd extraction process.
Elements Pd Ag Cu Pb Zn Ni Sb Bi
E(%) 98.57 23.63 0.15 1.42 0.19 0.08 0.19 0.01
DM 70.35 0.25 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
SPd – 2.83 102 4.78 104 4.89 103 3.67 104 8.65 104 3.64 104 5.29 104
Table 4 Table 5
Metal contents of the leaching residue (XRF, wt.%). Main components of PCBs and the category suggestion for ball milling process.
10k gCl Frames category USB frame, CPU frame, Line Fe, Al
interface frame
Bi3Sb3Zn2O14 Battery category Button battery Li, Mn
It is reasonable to treat these metals separately. It is known that
the composition of e-waste can change significantly in the wake
of technical, economic and social developments (Morf et al.,
2007). Valuable metals in different electrical and electronic equip-
2k ments or different components of e-waste may differ greatly
(Charles et al., 2017). Thus, it is suggested that electrical and elec-
0 tronic equipments should collect separately during gathering pro-
10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
cess. Before treatment with ball milling process, different
2-Theta/deg components of e-waste should be classified.
According to our measurement, precious metals are mainly
Fig. 7. XRD patterns of the leaching residue.
exists in the electron components, such as IC, Contacts, MLCCs
and thin film chip resistors. The bare mobile phone PCBs also con-
Zhang, 2014). Result in Table 3 indicated that more than 98% of Pd
tains high content of Ag and Au. These components were classify as
(II) was extracted by diisoamyl sulfide while the extraction of base
precious metal containing category. Main metal elements in TV
metals was negligible. Distribution ratio of Pd was 70.35 and sep-
bare PCBs, PC bare PCBs and Relays are Cu, followed by Tin and
aration coefficient of Pd(II) with base metals(M) was above 4000.
Lead, which are classify as Cu rich category. USB frame, CPU frame,
XRF data (Table 4) and XRD pattern (Fig. 7) of the leaching resi-
Line interface frame contains Fe and Al, which are classified as
due indicated that the major components of the residue were
frames category. Besides, batteries should collected individually.
Al2O3, AgCl, Bi3Sb3Zn2O14 and Zn7Sb2O12. The content of Ag in the
The category suggestion is shown in Table 5. Among these 4 cate-
residue was 19.8%, corresponding to 26.3% for AgCl. Ag in the resi-
gories, precious metal containing category and Cu rich category are
due was leached with 1 mol/L NH4OH in 15 min according to the
suitable for ball milling treatment process. Detailed classification
following reaction.
may need manual pre-processing and result in higher cost. How-
ever, researches have confirmed that automated processes involv-
AgCl + 2 NH4·OH = Ag(NH3)2Cl + H2O ing shredding of items with PCBs inside cause PMs to be dispersed.
Separation of fractions then results in significant PM losses by
Results indicate that the metals in the residue were almost unintended co-separation. Manual isolation of PCBs achieves the
insoluble except Ag during the leaching process (Table S1). The highest bottom-line recovery rates, which justifies the costs
solution was then reduced by sodium borohydride to precipitate (Charles et al., 2017).
Ag. Thus, Ag and Pd were successfully separated from base metals.
4. Conclusions
3.5. Suggestion for e-waste collection for ball milling process
The present study successfully developed an integrated MC pro-
According to the above discussion, Cu, Pd and Ag could be suc- cess for valuable metals recovery from e-waste. Soluble metallic
cessfully recovered from the e-waste scraps and Pd, Ag were sepa- compounds were produces after treatment with dry ball milling
rated from base metals during the process. However, this study has and consequently benefit the subsequent leaching process. Based
raised important questions about e-waste recovery with ball on the XRD, XPS results and thermodynamic parameters of the
milling process. It can be seen from Fig. 6 that recovery of Cu with probable reactions, possible reaction pathways during ball milling
ball milling process consumed much less co-milling reagents and were proposed. This process has the advantages of highly efficient
time than Pd. Besides, lower ball milling speed was needed. Only and quick leaching speed. Remarkably, the process can avoid the
15 min was needed for Cu recovery under the optimum condition. use of nitric acid or mixture of nitric acid with hydrochloric acid
Please cite this article in press as: Zhang, Z.-Y., et al. An environmentally friendly ball milling process for recovery of valuable metals from e-waste scraps.
Waste Management (2017),
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Please cite this article in press as: Zhang, Z.-Y., et al. An environmentally friendly ball milling process for recovery of valuable metals from e-waste scraps.
Waste Management (2017),