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The document appears to be a parts book for a sewing machine model, providing information on parts, part numbers, and organization of the book.

The parts book is intended to help users identify parts, part numbers, and order replacement parts for the sewing machine.

The parts book is divided into sections according to the functions of parts. It provides part numbers, diagrams to identify parts, and codes to understand changes to parts over time.


® 1977·1
-+t 7· 7 -
model Dol 227 - & SUBCLAS~ES

Single Needle Lockstitch

Industrial Sewing Machine


.- .., . ... ~ . . ..




From the library of: Superior Sewing
I Machine & Supply LLC
From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC


1 As .ol><osoc proncople, thos parts book os dovided onto varoous sectoons accordong to the functoons of respectove parts.
2 . The pilrt nuonb!!rS of parts shown on the figure indocate the corresponding numbers( Ref No. ) shown by the Index.
3. Expl ;matoon of codes
1) I <> mark .. ... ... means thos par t is changed I rom the prevoous parts book
2 01, •02 .... ... wier to "Note" explanatoon at bolt om of page
2) Codes on the "E C. (Eng inee rong change)" column
CD A. 10 /7 4 .. . . Added I rom October, 1974
2 D.1/7 5 Obsole ted from January, 1975
3 When D (obsoleted) and A. (addcd) arc indicated together
D. 12/7 4)
A. 12/7 4
@ When prevoous parts (Obsoleted part) and new parts (Added parts) are not onterchangeable with each othe r:
In thos cas!!, even obsoleted parts( D.) can be ordered woth the obsoleted part number, so select the parts with changed dates and
place your orders.
Rei. Not e Ami
Pn rt No Dcscro ptto n E.C.
No Req .
nn ~9!: -¥Fl
nn % n
81401 · 10(}000 Needle bur ;-6:12t 7-4i _,' IJ ;f'! -
1· 1 81401-1 OO·OOO·A Needle bnr

_, , IJ *-
@ In case when prevoous pa rts and new part are onterchangeable woth each other:
In thos case the new part number is replaced on the" ~n% (Japanese" column of the previous parts, so please o rder by the new
part number:
Ref Note Amt.
Part No. Description E.C.
No. Req .
a c
~9! -¥Fl ~
811 05·200·000* Frame cover
r --- - - - ,
: D. 12/74 1

811 05·30(}000 F rame cover ~~·l2.£7~U 7 v-.b.7J,<-
4 C. 3/7 5 .... ......... . Th is ondicates error was discovered in March, 1975 and so it was corrected to a new part number.
Please note that on thos case, the co rr ected part number is shown in the part number co lumn and the wrong part
number os shown on the "n°n.:g,(Japanese" column, so please order by the correct part numbe r.
I Example)
Ref . Note
Part No.

I 811 05·50(}000

Frame cover
~9!:-¥ Fl
C.3/75 ::SJ 1115 6 99 ooa:::.=

.j. t
Correct No . Wrong No.

@ M. 5/ 75 ... . . .. .. ... The amount required is changed from March, 1975
The new amount required is shown in the "Arnt. Req." co lumn.
3 ) Codes on the "Amt. Req." column
CD 2 ....... .... .. .. ,... .... Indicates amount required is 2.
® 2. 0 .................... Indicates length in meters. (un it is meterl
@ - ......... ...... ....... Indicates parts obsoleted from the parts book.
G) ( 1) ... .. .... ...... ...... Indicates sub parts which construct the assembly part.
Assembly part is shown as "asm." and ? ~ in Japanese, in the "Description" column.
Ref. Note Part No. Amt.
Description E.C.
No. Req.
~Ji:.tF Fl
nn AA
10 B11 05-900-0AO 7 v -.b. n,,_, I
Frame covedasm.j
11 B11 05·900·000 Frame cover 7 v-.b.7J,<-
12 SS-811 031 Q.SP Screw 11 / 64-40 L=2.8 ~ .>' :::t- :::.> I I / 64-40 L = 2. 8

From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
I . .:. (1)' ,_ ':/ 7' ·:~ 7 11. /i;HIII c L ·c. fflttM)JIJl;: 7HTI ;:>. h t: -&l.t:l fll tr ":> t...·-:> ·c .t; I') !t -4-.
2. (Et::;ji:~ht:R~.\".,(!).ft,'lfl:t;t, I!<Ut::.'-":>h"Cl•-'!> No.(Ref. No.) t::~;fr,i::;·4-o1:.--7'·:~7.At::J:-:>·c. -t-(!).ft.'IS'tJ't-:>trl) ;t·4-o
3 . ftc -tJ- (1) n~ I!JJ
1> "iEt c· IIVJ(!)ftc·IJ
CD ;•.- En··············· JttJ [E)(!),'-':/ 7' ·:~ 7 1:: .l:t;t\11 L ·c ~@~~! ~~ ~t. t: llfl.ft. {,- :t;Y.IJ;!< L ;t -4- ..
ca> oo1. +02·····----::.-r(!) "i;tnc· (!)n~r!JJ {,-*'ft!t L -cr"" l•.,
2) ·lll:31!1!1 r-1 • IIVJ(!) c-r.t
CD A. 10 74··"'""19741f-IOF! J: I) illl1JJI ;!< ht:.
(I!) 0. I 75 ......... 19751f- I f.l J: I) I'IIJ~*;!L h t : .
<3) D . (l'fll~*l· A.(-iJ!i1JO) t>'i!llftcL"C<b-'!>iQ~.
0 . 12 74)
A. 12 74
a '!lll.ft. (1) :a. ~~·ljo tJ' t...· l' lit 31! (1) iQ -ft
.:. (!)I.Q?';-I.tl~IJ~* ( 0) 2- ~tt:.ft.'ll\--c· L ;api;t:SC-c- ~ ;t -4·n· o?. llt51!1f-f'1 1:: J: IJ. t•·4'~ttr(1):1B.ft, {0-ilHR L "Ci!Pi;EXT 2- l•.,
( fJIJ)
Ref. Amt.
Note Part No. Description E.C.
No. Req.
i;t!c oft, 'IS' lit 'I! 1f- 1'1 ;l(
r-- ----,
it 91401-100-000 Needle bar : D.12/74 ; ~' I) if!-
1-1 l~ 91401-1 00-000·A Needle bar I A.12/74 I ~' 1) ;t;-
L _ _ _ _ _j

(g) '!lB J'p (1) :a.~~ ijo ''' ;r., o !{,\ -&:- (1) lit :51:!
.:. (!)I.Q-1§:-1±. IB'!lll.ft.(!)'fOX.,"'.;g, IIVI t:: +h t:: t:.· 1-:> 7.> fiT L l' £ * tJ'ftcA. L -c J'J IJ !t ·4· (1) -c-. fiT L l' .,"',=lfl' -c·idPi;EXT;;:. l'
( fJIJ)
Ref. Amt.
Note Part No. Description E.C.
No. Req.
i;E!c 81. =Ill' llt31!1f-fl "' llt
r---- --..., ""
91105-200-000 Frame cover I D.12/74 I 91105-300-000

w 105-300-000 Frame cover
@ c 3 75 ........ · I 9751f- 3 ,Ej 1:: J'p'lf\. (1) :: .A tJ' f.IJH}j L t: :A. .iE L l' J'p* 1:: IT .iE;;:. n t: o
.:. (!)j.Q-1§:- I± J'p*iroll t::iE L l • J'p* {,-. '!'OXJ'p;g,lfVI 1:: flll>l'a l' (1) ,5'.,* t.>'ftcA L "C i1:> IJ !t ·r (1) -c •
.iE L l • 81.* -c ;api;tXT ~ l •
( fJJj)
Ref. Note Part No. Amt.
Description E.C.
No. Req.
i;tBc J'p * llt31!1f-F! 81. ;g. n
(1 I 911 o5-5oo-oo2J Frame cover C.3/75 ~~~
t t
iE L V•£3 rulllti "? ""( l ' t: ~c:l*

(._S) M. 5 75 .... .. .. 19751f- 5 ,Ej J: I) ll(. tJ' Jl:3f! (;: fJ.'-:> t:

.::(!)j.Q-g-;l{aif'<IJI-I;I.JJTLl•ll(.IJ'~'T<L"C<b I) ;t r
3) ";l( " ir<l! (1) !c -1%
CD 2 ...... ;St • 2 illl {,- N h L !t -·-
(aJ 2. o .... -· 2 -"' - t- Jt-- {,- ~ n L !t ·r
;;. .
(:l) -· · · · · .:. (1)' ' - ':/ 7· ·:~ 7 n· •':> ~11 ~~ ~ n t: $ &'n -c ·r o
@ (I )- .... ·Ht'!lBJ'.,{,-tMJ;XL"Cl•o-=f-'!lB.-\7,{,- n L !t ·r.
HtR!I.fl.I;J:.fl.;g,lf<l)t::'*'x-c- "asm,"'!'ox-c- 7 ._ c~;if.:L-c<bl') !tT.
( fJIJ)
Ref. Amt.
Note Part No. Description E.C.
No. Req.
i;tBc pn
"' * llt31!1f-Fl "' ;g. lUI
10 91105-900-0AO Frame covcrlasm.J 7 ~.---.L.::IJ,,_ 17._ 1 1
11 91105-900-000 Frame cover 71.---.L..::IJ''-
12 SS-811 031 0-SP Screw 11 /64-40 L=2.8 ~ -"' ;;r.-;_.; 11/64·40 L=2.8

From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC

§ *
!!llll6*~111l1.1'1 ... .... .................................................................................................................................................................... 2
..l:..ill. attllillll1N: ............................................................................................................................................................................ 4
"F*dl, tljlxtlli, lll..l:.'illll1N: ............... .............................................................................. .......................................................... 6
~ IJ IJilf.fl ... ................................................................................................................................................................................... 8
~idlllll1N: .................. ................................................................................................................................................................... 9
;m'iil. lllJ:.'innt.v: ...................................................................................................................................................................... 10
DOL- 227 it -:1 ~ 7 .A :eJ:Ifl li6Jl,- 'll ............................................................... ...................................................................... 11
it 7' ~ 7 .A ~ -;/;... ............................... ..................... ...... ............ ................................................................................................. 12
1. ODL-227-A ......................................... ... ................................ ........................................ .. ............................... .... .............. .... 12
2. DDL-227-H .. .......................................................... .................................................... .................. ..................... ............... ..... 12
3. DO L·227 ·M .. ... .. .. .. ....... ... ......... ..... ........ ..... ................................ ........ ..... ........ ....................... .. ........................ ..... .. ............ .. 13
4. DDL·227·W 13
5. DDL·227·L 14
!ffl:ij1J):£Xli6J'R ................................................................ ...... .......................................................................................................... 14
* 51 .............................................................................................................................................................................................. 15

From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC

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From the library of: Superior

- 1Sewing
- Machine & Supply LLC

Ref. Note Part No. Description Am t.

No. Req .
8!. :Jll: Jl, :g ft
81121·552-0AO Foce plote asm . ........ ......... ......... ............................ imt& (*jl) ······ ···· ··· ··· ······· ·· ··· ·············· ·················· 1
2 SS· 711112Q..SP . . . Screw ........... ................................................... . imt&.!l:.::t·:/ ·························································· 3
3 B 11 79· 552·000 . . . . . . rubber plug .......................................•.. iiD~&!Plilil::t-:/'Ji::f--t' •;J 7'................................... 2
4 B 11 04·122·000 Bed screw stud (A) ..... ........................................... -" ·;1 rJtti (A) ... .............................. ................ .
5 B 11 05·122·000 Bed screw stud (B) ............................................... . -"·;~ ~ Ji:H: (8) ... ..................... ...................... ... .
6 B111 Q-012-0AO Bed slide asm . .............. ......................................... .. ;ft IJ ~OC ( *11) ........................................................ . 1
7 B1111·012·000 Bed slide spring ·..................................................... . ;~I)~OCI{;t. ......................................................... . ( 1)
8 SS-606021 Q..SP . . . Screw ............. .................................................. ;it IJ ~OCI{;:t•.il:.;:t.:/ .............................................. . (2)
9 •01 B 11 09·012-AOO Throat plate (A) ..................................................... . fiH& (A) ............................................................ .
10 SS-211 092(} TP . .. Screw .................... .... ...................................... . jH&.!l:.::t-:/ ......................................................... . 2
11 B1122·552· 000 Face plate gasket .................................................. . ii!i~J.iil\·;~;f-:..- ..................................................... . 1
12 B 1188-552-0AO Arm oil shield asm .............. .................................. . imll!l;fhi!Jjt& C*.ll.) ..•...•.......................................... 1
13 CO- 202000Q..OO . . . Screw .............................................................. . ii!illB;fhlrlit&;m·C.· ................................................. . (0.1)
14 •01 SS-608041 Q..SP . . . Oil wick ................................. ........................ ii!illB;fhi!Jj:tl.ii:.!l:.::t-::; ··············································
15 B 1164·01 2·000 Counterweight screw hole plug .......................... . j~~ii.!l:.::t-:/'Ji::f--t' •;J 7 ·································· 1
16 B1117·552·000 Rubber plug .... ........................................................ .;1 ~ JL-.il:.::t-:/'Ji::f--t' •;J 7 .................................. 4
17 B 1117·552·000 Rubber plug ........................................................... . 7i:'Fl' 7 7 :..- 7 •w.~.~:.::t- ::;r.:.~.~:.~ ...........................
18 B 1189·415·000 Rubber plug for adjuster hole .............................. llllililti'Ji::f-"" ")7' ..............................................
19 B 1118·522· 000 Side plate ..•.. .......................................................... ~t& .................................................................... .
20 B1119·522·000 . . . Gasket .......................... .................................. ~:tl.ii:'' ..) :f- :..- ······················································ 1
21 SS· 711091 Q..SP .. . Screw ..................... ......................................... . ~tl.ii:.!l:.::t·:/ .......................................................... 8
22 B 1187·552· 000 Rubber plug ..................................................... ...... . .Uill.JI ~ JL- ;fh·C.·'Ji::f-"" ·;1 7·.............................. .
23 •01 B1113·155-0AO Needle thread guide pin asm ................................. . *~l*lt~ (l\.ll).................................................... . 1
24 B1113·155·000 Needle thread guide pin ......................................... . *~1*1~~ ............................................................. . (1)
25 B3148·123· 000 . Tension disc ..... ............................................. . *~l*lt~.nn ......................................................... . (2)
26 B3149-123-AOO • . . Spring ............. ..... ......................................... . *~l*lt~.Dlll{::t- ................................................. . (1)
27 SD-0380552·SL . .. . .. Stud ...................................................... *~l*lt~.nn·dl ····················································· (1)
28 B 1186-552-000 Rubber plug .................. .............. ........................... . J:.T~ 1 JO·:; r'Ji::f--t'·;J 7· ............................. . 2
29 B 1123·552·000-A Thread take-up lever cover .................................... 7': t: / j J I { - •• ••••••• ••• • ••••• •••••• •••• ••••• •••••••• •• •••••••• ••
30 SS· 711051 Q..SP . . . Screw .............................................................. . 7':1::"/jJI{-.il:.::t•Y ••·········••······•••••·•···••·•·····•·••
31 B 1128-522·000 Three-hole thread eyelet ....................................... *
.=. ") § lli.,. ..................................................... .
32 SS-811 051 Q..SP . . . Screw ..........................................................•.... .=. ·:; § * lli-T .1.1:. ::t· ::; ··········································
33 •01 B 1126-552-000 Frame thread guide (A) .. ....................................... . 7-J..,.ff.:~i*.J (A) ............................................ .
34 SS-509061 Q..SP . . . Screw ...................... ....................•.................... 7-J..,.ff.:~i*.J (A) .il:.::t-,;;. ...............................
35 B3114·761·000 Frame thread guide (B) .......................................... 7-J..,.ff.:~i*.J (8) ............................................ .
36 NS-606035Q..SP . . . Nut .................................................... ............. . 7-J..,.ff.:~i*.J (B) .1.1:.7"·;~ ~ -· ···· · ·· ······ ········· ····
37 SS-815071 Q..SP Thread tension post clamp screw ....................... . ff.:IIIFHl1=;*i::t·:/ ..............................................
38 B3127-127-000 Tension release auxiliary pin ....... ......................... . ff.:.:J..Jv .;~ tilillJJ t: :..- ······························ ················
39 B3118-552· COO Tension release pin ............................................... . ff.:.:J..Jl.-.;1 ~::·:..- ...•...•.. .•..........•....•...•.••.•..•.•..•.•.. •..••
40 B3111 · 552·0AO Thread tension post asm . ......................................• ff.:I11Fftl C*.ll.) ................................................... . 1
41 SS·809067Q..SP Screw ......................... ............................................... ff.:llll-7-tl.!l:.::t· ·/ ................................................. . ( 1)
42 •01 B3111·552·BOO Thread tension post socket .................. .............. . ff.:llll-7-~-t=; ......................................................... . ( 1)
43 •01 B3128·012·000 Take-up spring ....................... .............................. . ff.:llltiJ l{;t. ......................................................... . ( 1)
44 B3115-552-000 Thread tension post ............................................... . ff.:llll-7-tf ............................................................ . ( 1)
45 B3126·012·000 Thread tension disc ...............................................• (2)
ff.:l11l-T.Dll ·····························································
46 B3132·552-000 . . . Presser .............................................................. . ff.:llli-7-.Dlltljl.:c ..................................................... . (1)
47 •01 B3129·012-AOO Thread tension spring ...................... ...................... . ff.:lflj-'fl{;t•.......................................................... ( 1)
48 B3120·125-000 Thread .ctisc rotation stopper ................................ . ff.:llli-7-.Dll!El~.!l:. ................................................. . (1)
49 B3116·125-000 Thread tension nut ............................................... . ff.:l11l-T1"·;J ~ •.•.•...•. .•.•...•.•••.•.••.....•....•..•..•••.... .• •• (1)
50 B1147·555-000 Feed regulator pin ............................................... . ~ IJ 111!)!i7i !::"/ ..................................................... .
51 B1148-555-000 . . . Spri ng ....................... ........................................ ~ IJ 111!)!i7i 1::' /1\;:t. ..............................................
52 B1166-552-00Q..A Hookshaft rubber plug .. .. ..................................... . TfillCfll".f............................................................. .
53 B11 06·122·000 Bed support ....... ................................. ................... . " ' •;J ~ Ji: t~t& ............................... ···················· .. 1
54 NS-615031 Q..SP . .. Nut ............... ........... ........................................ "'·:; ~ Ji: t~:tl.ii:.!l:. j- ";I " •• ••• •••••• ••• •• •••••• •• •••••• •• •••••• 2
55 B 11 08·1 22·000 Feed driving shaft support block ........ ............... . J:. T ~ 1J•mtiJixt.oc ........................................ ~ .. .
56 SS-609242Q..SP . .. Screw ........... ........ ... ... ..................................... . J:. T ~ IJ fdltljlx :t&.!l:. ::t-::; ·································· 2
57 B 11 07·122· 000 Feed rock shaft support block ................. ............ . Jjc.ljl~ IJ '"tiJI.:c:t& ............................................. . 1
58 SS-609151 Q..SP . .. Screw ....... ....... ... ............................................. . Jl<.lfl~ IJ UtiJI.:ct.oc.!l:..:t-:/ ·································· 2

From the library of: Superior

- 2 - Sewing Machine & Supply LLC


I 37


101 \

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I 53

~~~~ (9 I
a ?()5 2 5 4 1I
L.: __________ _ I


From the library of: Superior

- 3Sewing
- Machine & Supply LLC

Act . Note Amt .

Part No. Descr ipt ion E.C.
No. Rcq .
"" ?t9!1F F! .fl. :£, ;i
B 1405-01 2·000 Rubber plug .................... ... .... ................................ . itt~U:. ,;i ~ Jvft ................................................. .
2 B 1402-552-000-A Needle bar bushing, upper .................................. .. i ttl .L .;1 ~ Jv ................. ................................... .. 1
3 SS-815031 0-SP . . . Screw ......................... ......... ........................... .. jH4\.L,;i ~Jv ll:.::t--Y ........................................ .. 2
4 •Ol B 1401-552-AOO Needle bar (A) ..................................... .................. .. i ttl ( A ) ............................................................ .
5 01 B1401 -552-BOO Needle bar (B) ....................................................... .. i t -tel ( 8 ) ...................................................... ..... ..
6 B1411-552-0AO Needle bar conn ection asm. ............................... .. itt41 ~8 :f (*ill .................................................... 1
7 SS-6090670. TP . . . Clamp screw ................................................. .. it -IC\ ~8:f ~ ::t--;; ................................................ .. ( 1)
8 •Ol B 1403-155-000 Needle bar bushing, lower ...... .......... .................. .. att• T ,;1 ~ ,~.- ................ .......... .. .. .... .. ................ ..
9 •Ol B 141 9-1 55-000 Needle bar thread guide ..................................... .. 2tt41:tf- ~ p;] ..........................................................
10 •Ol B1418-541-000 Needle bar thread guide .......... ...... ..................... .. i t -If* tll--7 ............................................... ......... .
11 •01 MDB·100B1400 Needle (DBx 1) ........................................................ i t ( DB I • ::;: 14 ) ......................................... ..
12 SS-708051Q-SP . .. Screw .................. ............................................. i t ll:.::t--;; .............................................................
13 01 B1418-227-TOO Needle bar thread guide (T) ............................... .. itt, :tf- lil- -7 (T) ................................................ .
14 B 1414-232-000 Needle bar connection gu ide block ................... .. ittl ~8 :f ~ p;) :J ~:~ ......... .. .. ...... ... .... ........ .. ... .. ..... .
15 B 1408-552-000 Needle bar crank connecti ng rod ...................... .. St -IC\ 7 7 : .--- 7 o --; r- ........................................ .
16 •Ol B1 209-552-000 Needle bar crank ............................................ ..... .. i t -IC\ 7 7 / 7 ................................................... ..
17 B 1903-552·000 Thread take-up crank left screw ........ ........... .. ..... . ;l:;t::':.---77:.---7:tt::t--Y ................................... .. 1
18 B 1905-541-BOO Needle shaft bushing .................................. ......... .. ;J:;t:::.----=.-1-"Jv•dt~ ....... ............. .................... .. 2
19 B 1904·552-0AO Thread take-up crank shaft stud asm................... ;l:;t::'::.---77::.---7,$ (*ill ..................................... 1
20 C0-2020000-00 . .. Oil wick ...................................................... .. ;~:; t:' / 7 7/ 7.tbi!·C.· ........ ............................. . (0.2)
21 SS-81 5115Q-SP . . . Screw ....................................... ...................... .. ;J:;t: ::.---77 :.---7Ull:.;t.-Y ................................ ..
22 B 1901·552-0CO Thread take-up lever asm. .. ................................. . I) ::.---7;1:;1::'/ (1'-ill .......................................... .. 1
23 CQ-2000000-00 . . . Oil wick ..... ................... ................................. •J : .--- 7 ;~:; t:· : .--- ;m·c.- ........................................... .. (0.1)
24 B1201·227·000 Main shaft ...... ............................ ............... .... ....... ... .LU ....................................................................
25 B 1213· 552-0AO Crank oil adjusting p in ........................................ .. 77/ 7 ;m.I.LU1it::':.--- .................................... ..
26 B 1224-552·000 . . . Screw ................ ............................................... 77::.--- 7 ;m•Ml ii1it::':.---ll:..:t--Y .......................... .
27 B1226·552-000 . . . Regulating f elt ................................... ............ . 7 7::.--- 7 ;m • lli'1~.& 7 .:o::Jv !- .............................. .
28 •Ol B1206·552·0AO Counterweight asm . .. .... ......................................... . ~~il' it (*ill ....................................................... . 1
29 SS-9661120-CP . . . Clamp screw ...... ... .. .. ........ ................ ............ .. 2N4\ 7 7/ 7 *!1t ;J'--Y ...................................... . (1 )
30 SS·868195Q-SP Screw (B) ......................... ..................................... . j~'fil' i! ll:. ::t--;; ( 8 ) .................... ......................... .
31 B 1212·552-AOO . . . Wearing plate .......................... ..................... . i~il-it f* li l& .....................................................
32 SS-866061 Q-TP . . . Screw ...................................... .................. ..... .. i ttl77 / 7ll:.::t-.Y ......................................... .
33 SS· 7681650. TP Screw (A) ...................................... ....................... .. ~~il'itll:.::t--Y (A) ........................................ .. .. .
34 R0-0442401-00 . . . Rubber ring .......... ........................................ . ~~il'it ll:.::t--Y 0 1) / 7".................................... ..
35 B 1202-552-00Q-A Main shaft bush ing, front ................................... . .LUiili,;i9 11-- ..................................................... . 1
36 SS-81511 50-SP . .. Screw ........... ................................. ................. .. .L.S,;i 7- JL-ll:.;J'--;; ............................................. . 2
37 SS·815115Q-SP Uplight shaft bushing screw ................................. :lr.S ,;1 ~ JL-ll:.::t--;; ............................................. . 2
38 B1203-227-000 Main shaft bushing, intermediate ....................... . .LU<P ,;~ 7- JL- .................................................... ..
39 SS· 715112Q-SP . . . Screw ........................................................... ... . .LU<P ,;~ ~ JL-ll:.::t--;; ........................................ ..
40 CS-147121A·SH Main shaft thrust collar ......................................... . ..c.••~ 7 ~ 1- ~-7 ............................................. . 1
41 SS-866061 Q-T P . .. Screw .............................................................. . ...c.u ~ 7 ~ 1- ~ .~r ll:.;t.-;; ................................ .. (2)
42 B1211-22&000 Forked rod sleeve ................................................. .. = 3Z. -1}'""' ............................................................ ..
43 B 1212-012-000 . . . Felt ..................... .......................... .................. . =:x -1}'-f' 7.:0:: JL- !- .............................................. .
44 B 1213-012-000 . . . Felt presser ..................................................... . =:x -1}'-f' 7 .:0: JL- 1- :fill :X: ..................... .......... .. ... ..
45 •Ol B 121 Q-226-000 Feed drive eccentric cam ................ ...................... . ~ 1 J ilil •C.•:tJ A .................................................. .. .. 1
46 SS-815071 Q-TP . . . Screw .............................................................. . ~ 1J fi •L' :tJ A ll:.;J'--;/ ......................................... . 2
47 B 1306-155-0CO Gear & Pinion asm. .. .......................................... . .L T .$:t!:!li (*ill ............................................... . 1
48 B130&155-0BO Gear & Pinion asm., upper ....................... ............ .. .L.$:t!:!li ( *il) ................................................... .. ( 1)
49 B 1305·012-0AO Gear (LARGE) .... .................................................... . .L.$:t!:!li (-);:_)..................................................... ( 1)
50 B130&155-0AO Pinion (SMALL) ..................................................... . .L.$:t!:!li ('l'l..................................................... ( 1)
51 B 1307· 155-0BO Gear & pi nion asm., lower ................................... . T .$:tl:!li (*il).................................................... . ( 1)
52 B 1307-155-0AO Gear (LARGE) ........................................................ . T .$:tl:!li (-);;_~ .................................................. .. ( 1)
53 B1308-155-0AO Pinion (SMALL) .................................................... .. T .$:tl:lli ('1'~ ................................................. .. ( 1)
54 SS-866081 Q-TP . . . Screw ............................................................. .. tl:!lill:.-1'--Y ........................................................ .. (8)
55 B1204-552-BOO Main shaft bushing (B). rear ................................ . .LUft,;i 7-11.- (B) ........................................... ..
56 R0-2943101·00 .•• Rubber ring ................................................. .. _L.Sft ,;1 1J. )I.- 0 I) / 7"..................................... .
57 B 1208·552-00Q-A • . . Oil seal ring ................................................... .L.Sft,;i ~ JL-::t 1 )1.-:/-Jl.- .... .. .... .... .... .... .... .. ..
58 B 1217-555-000 Hand wheel ...... ................................... .................. . I \;(~ $ ..... ...... ........... .. .. .. .... ...... ..... ... ............... . 1
59 SS-815155Q-SP . . . Screw ............................................................... 1\:;(~:!lill:.=I'---Y ...
............................................. . 2
60 B 1233-012-000 . • . End screw .................................................... .. I\;(~ :!li:ftll:/ .L ?';t.-;; .................................... ..
61 B 1301-552·000 Upright shaft ............................................................ :rru .....................................................................
62 B 1302-552-00Q-A . •• Bushing, upper .............................................. .. :lr.S...C.,;i ~ }!.- ............................. ........................ .
63 B1303·552-00Q-A . .• Bushing, lower .............................................. .. :lr.ST ,;i ~ JL- ..................................................... . 1
64 CO· 2020000-00 Oil wick .................................................................. it-te~ ~ ;m ;m·c.- ...................................................... 0.3
Note (;i lc) 001 ..... Special order parts ~}J t];i: X llll.f"
•01 ..... Standard parts '!JiJllll.fl.

From the library of: Superior

- 4 -
Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
""F,dl, tlfl.:r:~~. li*J:.if!Uif,f.

_0 ~ 37
,. 24 33 ~......._~ 36

~ 25 32
~\ ~35
~[@;23 28 30~31 ~9
20 21

~ ~~ --
:~ - 17

·i I • Q)

15 ,_ '

r---- -,
L ____ J

r ----------. ~
~~ 12 ~
i ) !

l_________ j I


. -~;· ~48 40

L- ---~ _J

43 .
,.J 42

46 ~44
47 ~-45)
57 56
54 50
From the library of: Superior
Sewing Machine & Supply LLC

Ref. Not e Amt.

Part No. Description E.C. Req
~:\1!-l- fl Qtt :g
B1509·227·000 Presser spring regulator .................... ........ .............. 11Jl.:X: IllliliJ.:t- y ....... ......... .................................... .. ~·
2 B151 0.227-000 Presser guide bar ....... ........................... .. .... .. ......... .. 1lji.J: ~ J*l ~ ................................... ................ .......
3 •01 B1505-227-000.A Presser spring ........... ............... ........ .. ..... .............. .. 1lji.J:I/llili'i-'.:t- .................................................... ..
4 001 B1505-227-TOO.A Presser spring (T) .. .. .. ............................................ . flji.J: I/lliljJ, .: ,;t. (T) ... ................. ........................ ..
5 B1501-127-000 Presser bar ............................................... ................ 11Jl.:x:~~ ................................................................ .
6 B1507-552-000 Presser bar guide bracket ............................... ...... .. 1lji.J:~~ t~ =\'- ....................... .................................. .
7 SS-711141 O.SP . . . Clamp screw ....... .......................................... .. 1lji.J:.f$~ =\'-~.:t-:; ................................ .............
8 B1521 -552·000 Presser bar clamp thread guide ................ .......... . 11Jl .:X: .fal t~ =\'-!ft ~ J*l ............................................. .
9 SS·6090650.SP . . . Screw .............................................................. . flji .J:~~ t~ =\'- !ft ~ J*lll:..:t- y ............. ............ .... .... ..
10 B1502-541 -000 Presser bar lower bush ing ......................... .......... . 11Jl .:x: ~fT .;t ;;z Jv .... ......... ................ .. .. .. .. ... ........ ..
11 SS-815031 O.SP . . . Screw ........................... .............. ...................... 1ljl .:x: ~'T .;t;;, Jvll:..:t-:; .................................... ..
12 •01 B1524·012-0AO Hinged presser foot asm . ..................................... .. 13 E!:J1Iji.J: (*ll.l ......................... ......................... ..
13 SS· 709111 O.SP . . . Screw ................ ............................................. .. 13 E!:J1Ijl .:x:ll:..:t- y ................ ........... .... ......... ......... .
14 001 B 1421·522-000 Needle bar guard ................ ................... ............... . SH:l!~:i: :tJ, .:- ....... .......................................... .
15 B1520.552·000 Hand lifter lever ............................................... ...... . 11Jl.:x:J:.'TL--/ { - ............ ................... .................. .
16 SS-7120910-SP . .. Screw ............................................................. .. 11Jl.:X:J:. 'T L-- ' '-l.i:. .:t- .Y ..................................... ..
17 •01 B1 51 8·552-0AO Hand lifter cam asm. .. ..... .......... .......................... .. 11jl .J:J:. 7':h.L. ( ~11. ) ......... .................... ............... .
18 WP-0740516-SP Washer ............................................................. ....... . 11jl.:x: J:. 7'fdlmt i t.. ........ .... '............... ' .......... ........ ..
19 B1522·552·000 Oil seal ..................... .... ...... ....... ............. ................. . 11jl.:x: J:. 7'fdl ::t 1 JL-:/- JL- ......... .........................
20 B1 515-552-000 Lifting lever ........... .. ............... .............................. .. 51 =\'- J::. ?';t!X ........................................ ................. .
21 SD-0630275-SP . Hinge screw (A) .............. ........... ................... . 51=\'- ..1::. 'Tt'Yl~ .:t· .Y ( A) .................................... ..
22 SD-0630301 -SP . Hinge screw (B ) ................ ...................... .. .... . 51=\'- J:. 7';t!X~ .:t· .Y (B) .................................... ..
23 B1516· 552·000 .. . . Lifting lever li nk ............................... .. 51 =\'- J:.'T~& 1) / 7 .............................................. .
24 B1517·552·000 . Link shaft ....................................... .. ........... .. 51 =\'- J:. 'J'tJi IJ / 7fi!l ........................................ ..
25 B3431-581·000 . Gasket ................................................. .. 51 =\'- J:.'J'tJi IJ / 7,i!l, .; "J =\'- / .......................... .
26 RE·0600000.KO . . . . Snap ring ............................................ . 51 =\'- J:. 'J';tlj IJ / 7fi!lll:. ,;1 ~ .............................. .
27 B1523·226·000 . . . . Snap ring (B) ..................................... .. 51 =\'- J:. 'Tt& 1J :.--7fi!lll:..;l~ (B) ..................... ..
28 B3412-552·000 Lifting lever connect ing rod ...... .................. ........ . !::. -If J:. 'Ttlil'~:l! ................... ................................. .. 1
29 B3416·552·000 . . . Hinge screw ........ ......... ................................. . !::. -If J:. 'T~lil' ~:l!~ .:t· y ............ ....... .... .................. .. 2
30 RE-0500000.KO . . . Snap ring ....................................................... .. !::. -If J:. 'T~lil' ~~ll:. ,;1 ~ .. ...... ............................ .. ... . 2
31 B3414-552·000 Lifting lever link arm ........ ................................... .. !::. -IfJ:. JT I) / 7 1!1i! .............................................. .
32 SD-0720331-SP . Hinge screw .... .. .. ........ .... .............................. . !::. -If J::. JT I ) / 7 1!1i!~ .:t- .Y ................................. ..
33 B3417-552·000 . . . Spring ........................................................... . l::.-!fJ:. 7'1J :.--7 111il''.:t· .................................... ..
34 B3413-227·000 . . . . . . Suspension screw ................................ . !::. -If J::. 'J' IJ / 7 1!1i!''.:t-ffl--'r,dl.,........................ .
35 B3416·012·000 Swivel ........ .. ........................ ......... ........................ .. "/ 'J ~~ 7-'JL-? .................................................... ..
36 B341 8·552·000 . Screw ................. ... ... ........................................ "/')~~ 7-'JL-? ll:. .::t·.Y ..................... ......... ........... ..
37 RE ·0500000.KO . . . . Snap ring ................. ............................ "/ 'J ~~ ;;z- JL-? ll:..:t·.Y ll:..;t Ut.. ...................... ...... .
38 B3415·552·000 . . . . Connecting rod, vertical .................... . !::. -IfJ:. 'Ti!*6t~ ................................................ ..
39 NS-662031 O.SP . Nut ...................... ........... ....... ........................ .. !::. -If J:. 7'i!*6~l7 ·:; 1- ...................................... .
40 B1804-226-000 Hook driving shaft bushing, rear ......................... .. Tfill1l ,;t ;;, JL- .................................................... ..
41 B1806·038-000 . . . Oil felt ............................................ .............. .. T fill1l ,;t;;, JL-7 x JL- 1- .... ................................. .
42 SS·8151550.SP . . . Screw ............................................... .... .......... .. T fill1l .;t;;, Jvll:..:t-:/ ........... ............................. ..
43 B1801·412·000 Hook driving shaft ........................ ....................... . T C!dl ................................................. ....................
44 CS-0791 01 O·SH Hook driving shaft thrust collar (B) .......... .......... . T fi!I .A7.A 1- IJl:. -'r (B H*!l ) .......... .................. .. 1
45 SS-811 0520.TP . Screw ....... ............... ....... ...... ........ ....... ........... .. T f di.A7.A 1- IJl:. -'r (B) ll:..:t· .Y ....................... . (2 )
46 B1802·412·0AO . . . Bushing asm, front ..................................... .. T fdliitr .;t;;, Jv ............ ...... .. ............. .. ............. .... ..
47 SS-81 511 50.SP . . . Screw .............................................................. . T fill iitr .;t;;, Jvll:..:t·:/ ......................................... .
48 •01 B1835-012·000 Bobbin case holder positioning finger .............. . <P !i:11jl.J: ............................................................. .
49 SS-6111 01 O.SP . . . Screw ............................................................. .. <P !i:1iji.J:ll:..:t-:; ................................................ ..
50 •01 B1808-552-0AO Lower shaft front screw ..................................... .. TfdlliiJll:..:t·.Y .................................................... ..
51 B1809-552·0AO . . . Oil wick ................................................. ...... .. 0 .7/75 B 181 0.552·000 ....... ....................................... ..
B1810.552·000 . . . Oil wick ............................. ........................... . A.7/ 75 Tfilliitrll:..:t-:;;m·c.· ............................................ ..
52 CS-079106A·SH Hook driving shaft thrust collar ......................... .. T fi!I .A7.A 1- IJl:. -'r (*.ll.l .................................. .. 1
53 SS-811 041 ().TP . . . Screw .... ............................... .................... ....... . Tfi!I .A7.A 1- IJl:. -'rll:. .::t- .Y ................................ .. (2)
54 •01 B1830.127-0AO Lubricating hook a sm. .. ........................................ ~ ;m !i: <*.ll.l ...................................................... .. 1
55 SS·611 0560. TP . . . Screw ................................. ................ .............. :91-!i:ll:..::t-.Y .......................................................... (2)
56 •01 B1837·012-0AO Bobbin case asm. .. .............. .. ...................... ......... . ;f. I::";..-.;-- .A (*.ll.) ........................................... .
57 •01 B9117-012·000 Bobbin ..................................... ................... ........... .. ;f. I::":.-- ................................................................. . 1
58 ~001 B1524·012·0BO Hinged presser foot asm ........... ....... ..................... . A.3/76 13E!:J1ijl.:x: (*.11. ) ................................................. . 1
Note ( ;;U~) 001 ..... Special order part ~~}JIHi X !lll .!l.
•01 ..... Standard parts m* llll.fA

From the library of: Superior

- 6 -Sewing Machine & Supply LLC



29--JJ, ~
51 52


--~ j

12 13

From the library of: Superior

- 7 Sewing
- Machine & Supply LLC

Ref. Amt.
Not e Part No Ouscnpt1on E.C. Req .
.i. (! "
un ~ 4 F! QCQ .:g ft
1 +01 8 1613·012-AOO Feed dog (A) .......................................................... . illl ( A ) ........... . ......................... .................. .
1) 1
2 SS-4080620· TP . . . Screw .............................................................. . ,J5; 1) ll::.:t· ::; .. .. ........................ ............................ . 2
3 CS-0640860-SH Feed bar shaft thrust collar .. ......... ..................... . ~ · J~;fiiiA7A ~ ~ '7" ........ .............. .... ........ . 1
4 SS-811 051 O.SP . . •. Screw ........................................................... . it 1) i; fill A 7 A ~ ~ '7" ll::. :?· Y ........................ .. (2)
5 81602-012· 000 Feed bar .. ..................................... ....................... .. ~ ·) ..... .............................................................. ..
6 81604-012-000 Feed bar shaft ........................................................ . ~ !) ii t ill ...................... ..................................... ..
7 SS-862061 (} TP . . . Screw ............................................................. .. it 1) -t:,•fillll::. :?·::; ...... ........................ ................... .
8 81601 · 226-000 Feed rock shaft ............................... ...................... . *fit I) f ill ........................................................ . 1
9 CO· 2020000.00 . . 011 wick ....... ........... ................................... . *.ifi.~ ·J till ;m. c.· .. ........................................... .. 0 .8
10 81703· 226-000 Feed dnving shaft .............. ....... ............................. . J:. T ;a IJ f ill ....................................................... .. 1
11 CO· 2020000.00 . . . 011 wick ..... ......... .. ........ ...... ..... .................... .. Tit 1) fi;IIJ.(: ..... .................................... ······· 0 .6
12 8 1113·012-000 Center screw a sm . ..... ..... ....................................... .. :?·Y -1! / 1! - ............... ... .................................. . 4
13 NS ·67 4051 O·SP . . . Nut ............... ..... ...... ...................................... .. :?·Y -1! / 1! - -T ·~ ~ ... ..... ............ ..................... . (4)
14 8 170&012-080 Feed driv~ng shaft crank asm . ........ .................... .. J:. T~ I) ll!ii( f.!l ) ............................................... . 1
15 SS-711141 O.SP . . . Clamp screw .............. ...... .............................. . T~ IJ ll!ii*" :t· ::; ............ .... ..... ..................... .. (1)
16 B1635·552-000 01l w1ck holder ..................... .... ........................... .. ,J5; I) . iii.II!·C.· fljl.:r: ................................................ . 1
17 SS· 711 0540.SP . . . Screw .................. .......................................... .. 1) * : ; ........ ...........................
l ill ;lll·C.·fljl I. l.i::. 2
18 81620.226-000 F ecd rcgu Ia tor ................. ................ ................. ....... I) l!il"t;; ................... ... ......................... ........ ..
19 SS-666111 0-SP . Connecting link screw .... ............................ . = :x 1) / 7 t i ll::.:t· ::.> .......... ...... ......................... .

20 B 1622-555-000 . . . Hinge p1n .. .. .......................... ..... ....... .......... .. .. it 1) l!il "i:,'ll::. tlli ......................................... ........
21 SS-8151230-SP . . . Screw ........... .......... .......................... ... ...... ....... it 1J l!ilii ll::.U ll::. :t· ::; ..................................... .
22 B 1634-555-000-A Feed regulating screw ............................................ . 0 . 1/7 0 ,! IJ IJJi iij'j.:j". -/ ............................... ................... ..
22·1 B 1634-555-00(}8 Feed regu lati ng screw ............................... ............. . A.1 /7 0 ~~) l!il:t·Y ............. . ... ...... ... ......................... .
23 R0-0742401·00 . . . Rubber rong ........ .. ....................................... . ~ I) l)!l l!il ;t. Y Q 1) / 7 ....... ................. .............
24 81627-226-080 Reverse feed contro l lever crank asm. . ............ .. ~ IJ B/1 '-!il ( *.fi) ····· · .................... ........ ........... .. 1
25 SS-612121 (}SP . .. Clamp screw ....... ............................................ ~ 1) ~ ii'i Rle *'* y . .......................................... .. (1 )
26 SS- 762075(}-SP . . . End screw ................ ................ ............ ..... .... . ~ 1Jf~ fljl s.- ;t. ::; ................................................. 2
27 B 1648·1 22-000 Tension spring suspe nsion hook (B) .................... . 515a IJ /' :t·lli '7" ( B ) .... ......................................
28 WP-0371 016-SO . . . Washer ............... ................................... .......... 515a 1J t':t·lli-7"( B) ~~ ................................ ..
29 SS-4091 01 0-SP . . . Screw (8) ......... ........... .................................... . 51~ 1) '':t·lli-7"( B )ll::.:t· ::; ............................ ..
30 81646·122-000 Tension spring ................. ..... .......... ................. ..... ... 515a 1) /\ ;?- .. .... .. ...... ...... ... ...... .............. .. ......... .. . .
31 81647·22&000 . . . Suspe nsi on bracket (A) ................................. 515a 1) '':t· lli-7"( A ) .........................................
32 SS-815071 O.SP . . . . .. Screw (A ) ......... ..................... ............... 515a IJ ' ' :t· lli-7"( A h l:.:t· ::.> ... .......................... .
33 +01 8 1623-555-0A(}A Stitch d1al asm. ... .............. .. ........... ...................... . §lilt& ( *J! )......................................................... .
34 SS-6121 050-SP .. . Screw ............. .......... .... ................... ................ . § lilH&ll::. :t·::; ........ ...... ...................................... ..
35 81619-22&000 Feed regulator connecting link ........ .... ............. . = :x IJ / 7 .................... .. ........ ........................... .
" S0.0950802·SP . Hinge screw ...................... ....... ....... ............. .. 0.5/76 =:x •J;.,. 7 ~:t- ::; ............................................ ..
36-1 S0.0950802·SH . Hinge screw .............................. ........... ...... .. .. A.5/76 / 7 ~;?- ,;.> ... ..... ............... ... .... .. ..... ... ... . .. 1
" NS-668041 0-SP . . . . Nut .......................... ...... ~ ..................... ..
= x I)
=X 7 ~ :?· y -j- ·~ ~ ...... ............ .. ............. ..
I) / 1
38 8 1618· 226-000 . Hinge pin .................. ........ ............................. .. = : x I ) / 7fdl .................................................. ..
39 81613-125-000 Pitman ................................... ................................. . =xo -~r- ............................................ ........... ..
40 81701·125-0AO Feed driving shaft connecting rod asm ... ............ . J:. T ~ IJ o ·~ ~ (*!! ) ........................................ . 1
41 SS-6121610.SP . . . Clamp screw ..... ............................................ .. J:. 'f~ IJ p ·~ ~ ll",tlt ;t. ,;; ................................ .. (2)
42 B 1624·555·000 Reverse feed control leve r .... ................. ............. .. ~ I) .... , , _ ...... .. ....... .. ...... ....... .. ... . ....... ........... .. .
43 SS-8660970. TP . Screw (A) .... ............. ...... .... ........ .. .................... i!!S IJ .... / ' - ll::. :t ::; ( A ) .................................... ..
44 SS-866081 (} TP . Screw (8) .......................... ............................. .. ~ IJ '-'''-ll::.:t- ::;( B ) ... ............ .......................
45 WZ-1052010-KP . Washer .......... ............ ..................... ................ . i!!S I) 1.--/<-~~ ......... .. .. .. . .. . .. .... ... ... .... ... ... .... ..
46 81621 ·226-000 . Shaft .............. ........................ ..... .... ...... ..... ... .. ~ IJ J.f!IB/1 1..- /<-fill ..............................................
47 R0-0691801·00 . . . . Rubber ring, large ...... ...................... .. ~ I) i.--1'-fiiiQ IJ /7' (;k) .... ...... .............. ... .
48 R0-0611801 ·00 . . . . Rubber ring, small ........ ............ ......... . i!!S 1J '-' " -uo 1J /7'('1') ..............................
49 S0-1 020961-SP Hinge ......... .............................................................. . = xo -~ rti::t--/ .... ....................... ................. ..
50 NS-668041 O.SP . Nut ..... ........................................ .............. .... ... =:x o ·~ F ~:t- ::;-r -~ ~ ................................. ..
51 S0-1 020961-SP . . . Hinge pin .................. ............... ...................... . J:.T i!!S 1 JP·~ 1-"~:t-::.> .......................... ...........
52 NS-668041 O.SP . . . Nut ............... ... ................ .............................. .. J:.Ti!!S 1J o ·~ r~:t-::;-r ., ~ .. . .. . .. . . . . . ... ... ....... 1
53 81607-226-0AO Feed rock sh aft crank asm . ................................... . }j(!p.i!!S I) Jl!ii(*i!) .................................................. 1
54 SS-711131 O.SP . . . Screw ..... ........... ........ ......................... ......... ... .. * .if1.~ 1 Jil!iill::.:t·::.> ............................................ .. (1)
Note (;i:tc) +01 ..... Standa rd parts m-4!$.!1

From the library of: Superior

-8- Sewing Machine & Supply LLC


Note Part No. Descr iption . . .c.
;:uc. c
CD t?ta :g.
83526·552-0AO Oil felt ............ ............. ...................... .................. . ,fl. 7 I )1, ~ 0!0 .......................................... .
2 83529-226-000 .. . Presser .......................... ..... . ..... ............ ......... . il.t 7rll- ~ flj!I .. .... ...................................... ..
3 83536-122-000 Oi l return tube holder .. ................. ...................... . if.V \ 17'tlj! :x: ................................................. .
4 SS-711 071 0-SP . . . Screw ..................................... .... .............. ....... . ;jt ,\ 1 7'flji.I .!l: :?· / .. .. ................................. .
5 83524-552-000 Plunger thrust plate ............................................... . 7' 7 ;..--;; "I' - flj!:x:Ji ~ .................................... . 1
6 SS-7110910-SP . . . Screw ............ ......... ......................... ........ ..... .... 7' 7 :.- -;; "I' - f!llxii: J! .tt :?·-;; ....................... .. 2
7 81214-038-000 .. . Spring ....................... ........................... ............. 77 :.- .Y"I'-f!llii' · ..................................... .
8 83534-155-000 Lubricating pump plunger ......... ...... .. .................. . iJt ;f. ;..- 7 7' 7 ;..--;_;."I' - ............................... .. 1
9 S0-111 0402-MZ Oil tube connecting screw ..... ...... ..... .................... '' 1 7'i!*~ :?· -;_;. ................................................ . 2
10 8P-3000000.00 Oil sight window oil tube ..... ................................. . ;m· '+ to ' ' 1 :1 ... .. . .. ................................ .. 0.2
11 83516-552-000 Oil sight window gasket ...................................... . ;dlqJi,'+~ - - ., '+ :.- . .......................................... . 3
12 83531-552-000 Oil sight window base ....... ............... ............. ...... . .!ll~ '+ -f> ....................................................... ..
13 83513-352-000 Oil sight window ................................ .. ... ............. . ;!Bill!4- ~ ........................................................ . 1
14 83514-552-000 Oil sight window frame ................................ ...... . .m ~li 'f~f!llx ................................................... .. 1
15 SS-2091520-SP . . . Screw .............................................................. . .milli 4- to.tt::r-;.;. ................................................ . 4
16 83513-227-000 Main shaft oil tube ............................ .................... J:fiU" im'' 1 7 ............ ... ........ ............ ... ... ....... .
17 83512-122-000 • . . Clamp screw ...................... ........................... .. J:U~;!Il'' 1 7~:li: ::t·-;.;. .............. ......... ......... .
18 83511-122-000 . . . Clamp bushing ............................................ . J:fUt;iiB' ' 1 7-~ :li:: 7· -~ ""'~ .................... ..... ..
19 82616-372-000 Spring ........... ............... ..... ......... ... ....... ................. .... . i!B·~~:?· y l\ .:? .......... .. .. .......... ........ ..... .... ... ..
20 83514-412-000 Oil adjusting screw ........................................ ........ r U111! "' ~ JL-;111 1f1.lB!I ::r-·.-- ............................ ..
21 83521-552-0AO Hook driving shaft oil tube asm .. ......................... . lt~illl - ' 1 7' .................................................... 1
22 83501-552-000 Lubricating oil pump .................. ........ ................... lSilll;t; :.-7'~ ... ................................. .. .. ............. 1
23 PS-0200122· KO . Spring pin ........ ...... ...... ............ ..................... . ;t :.-7'~A 7' 1) / ? 1:::' -' ....... ...... ...... .......... ... ... .. 2
24 SS-712141 0-SP . Screw ..... ...... ... ................. ............ ................ ... . Jg ;!IPt- / 7'~Jl: :? "/...... ......................... ......... 3
25 83507-155-000 . Impeller ... .............. ......... .... .... .... ................... @)flit! ... .................. ......... ..... ............ .... ...... ....... .
26 SS-608101 (}. TP . .. . Screw ....... ........................... ................ . !lll fiiU.tt ::t· -;.;. ............... .............. ....... .............. ..
27 WP-0550800-SP . . . . Washer ................. ................................. . @)~·Si.lt.:?· -;;ffJi ..............................................
28 83502-122-000 . Cover .. .................... ........................................ . i;';;!l!;t :..- 7' ..................................... ............. ..
29 83545-122-000 . Oil guard ......................... ................................ Jgi!B;t / 7' .II!~ 'r ............ ................................. .
30 83503-122·000 . Frame ....................... ..................................... ~ idl;t. :.-7"h .. ......... ....................................... 2
31 83504-155-000 . Filter screen ........ .......................................... . "i/lil! ............................................................... 1
32 SS-608121 0-SP . Screw, for cover ............................................ . tSidl;t :.- 7' .:?·-/ ...................... .... .................... 3
33 83527-552-000 Lubrication tube rubber joint ....................... ...... . ~.;'; ift!,\ 1 / :i lo. ~~ - ............................ ........... ..

From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
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j 25
29 l

Ref. Amt .
Note Part No. Description E.C.
No. Req .
,:Uc. l\tJ!-'Ffl al':. ~ ft
1 B8217-552·0CO Oil reservoir asm . ........ ....... ................................... . ;~t~ ;i! (*.!1) .......... ................. ................................... 1
2 B8217·552·0AO Oil reservoir asm .................... .............................. .. ilti i:l (*ll ) .......... .............. ...................................... (1)
3 B8227-125·000 Felt pad ................. .................. .................... .. ........ . :lliffil~ -~ y :J :.- . . ... . .... ....... .... . .. . .. . .............. .. .. .... . (4)
4 B8226· 125-000 Rubber pad .................... ......................... .............. . Yl$Jl: .I ;::j .J. ....... .. ... .... .... ... ... .... ... .. ... ... ..... .... ... .. (4)
5 B8217·552·000 Oil reservoir ................... ... ... ......... .. ....................... . ;d!i:l ........................................................... .. ........ . (1 )
6 B8218·552·000 . . . Gasket .......... .... ... ..... ...................... .............. . ;m ~/ ' ., ;. . .......................................................
~ ( 1)
7 SS-6741 01 0-SP Oil drain cap screw ..... ......................................... .. lJF;IIi7\lf ;t. :/ ..................................................... .. ( 2)
llf.idl7\ ' ~ -~ '\'- :.- .......................... ................... .. (2)
. . . Gasket ....... ............................ .........................
Knee press rod asm . ............. ................................. ..
Knee press rod .... ................................ ................ ..
1::; -if .1:. -7 t•
ill ( *.!1) ................................ ............ ..
t;-tf~ Jt f* ........................................................ ..
( 1)
( 1)
11 B3427-122·000 . . . Bearing bracket .......................... ..... ............. . t: -tf ~JI UJ!ilit~ ............................................ .. ( 1)
12 SS-915154G-SR Rotating lever clamp screw .................. .............. . l:: -tf .1:.-T@Itz:.~ ~.:t- -/ ..................................... .. ( 2)
13 NS-615043(}-SR . Nut ........ ........ ................................. ................ . l:: -+t .1:.?-' @l ti l!f.!*i.:t- y-j- ') ~ ... ... .. .... ... .......... .. . (2)
14 B3426-552-000 . Thrust ring .... ............. ...... ............................. .. t;-tf ~ tlfifi ;t.7;!. ~~?- ................................. .. ( 1)
15 B3425-552·000 . Lifting (B) ..... ............................................... .. I:: if .1:. -T @l ti ~ ( B) ......................................... .. ( 1)
16 B3424-552-000 . Liftmg (A) ... ... .... .................. ...... ...... ............ . I:: -+t .L. -T@JtiKii!( A ) ...................................... ... .. (1 )
17 SS-915122G-SR . Screw ............ .................................................. . 1::; -+t .L. -T@Iti.!lil.LI: .:t· y ..... ........ ..................... .... . (1 )
18 SS-815208(}-SR . Pos 1t1on i ng screw (B) ........... ........ ............ .. I:: if .1:. 7@fl;Ji'lll1li?i .:t·-;..- ( B ) ....... .. .................. (1)
19 SS-815301 G-SR . Positioning screw (A) ..... ................. .... .. . . . .. I:: "'t .1:.7@tiJi'lll1li?i.:t· -;..-(A ) .. ........................ . { 1)
20 NS-6150430-SR . Nut ................. ........ ....... .......... .. ........... ....... . 1::; -+t .1:.7@tiJi'lll1liO* y-j- -~ ~ ....... ............ . .. (2 )
21 B3429-552-000 . Spring ................................. ... ................... .. 1::; -+t .1:.-T@fl; ~ , , _:t.................. ...... .... ....... ..... .. .. . ( 1)
22 SS-9182010-SN Clamp screw ............ .. .. ... ... ...... ... ... ........... ....... ... . 1:: -+t .1:.7.1Hi!lllilit!l!i!~.:t- :,; ............................. .. (2 )
23 B3421-552-0AO Knee press I ifter rod asm........... ............ ............... .. l:: if .1:. 7 tljl·/ ~' ( *.ll.) ....................................... ..
24 B8228·125-000 Oil reservoir magnet .... ....... ..... .. .................. ........ . ;m;ftl~:fi .............................................................. .
25 B3419-552·0AO Knee lifter plate rod asm. ... ......... ....... ...... ............. . 1::; -+t ~11:-fdi(*.!l ) .. ........ ........ ................................ . 1
26 B3419-122-000 Knee lifter plate rod ............ ................ ............... . 1::; -+t ~1l:fi!l ......................................................... . (1 )
27 B3431-552-000 Knee press pl ate cover ........ ..... ............... ........... . 1::; if~;ffli::h , , _ ................................................. .. (1 )
28 SM-9061 003-SE Stopper screw .... ....... ... .. . ..... . .............. .............. .. 1::; -tf~~Jit;t. ~ ':1 / \ - .ll:__:t. :/ . ..... ..... ............ ... .. .. ( 1)
29 B3432·552-000 Knee press plate stopper l:: -If~ ;ffli:;!. ~ ., " - ................. ...................... .. ( 1)
30 B3430-552-000 Knee press pl ate .. ....... . 1::; -+t ~;ffli: ..... ...... ... ........... ......... ............... ........... .. ( 1)

From the library of: Superior

-- 10 -
Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
DDL-227 if777.AJI;:J'H$~-~~
DDL-227 DDL-227-A DDL-227-W oi5I:227-H DDL-227-M DOL-227- L
Description Standard For ligh t weight For heavy we ight c
For P.P. For 5mm feed For 7mm feed aa -1;
materials materials
~ ~ lt~m P. P.Efl lltffl! ffl j251) . 5 1M1 .Efl ~IJ•7 - m
~1 Throat plate B 11 09-012-AOO 81109-012-iOO
01109·155-WOO 81109-555-HOB
* 81109-555-HOB itt&
" 2
Needle t hread gu ide p in asm.
Frame thread guide (A)
B 111 3- 155-0AO
B 1126· 552-000
0111 3-126-WAO 01113-126-WAO B 1114-012-000
* B 1114-012-000 *~F"l*' (MI.)
* B 1126-553-000 B 1126-553-000 7-.L..*~F"l (A)
* *
4 Counterweigh t asm. B 1206-552-0A O B 1206-553-0AO B 1206-553-0AO £~-g.~ (MI.)
* * *
5 Needle bar crank B 1209· 552-000 B 1209-552-AOO 81209-552-AOO B 1209-553-000 B 1209-553-000 it-::77:...-::7
6 Needle bar B1401-552-AOO B1401-552-000-A B 1401·552-000-A 81401-552-iOO 81401 -552-iOO it.ff
Needle bar bush ing, lower B 1403-15 5-000 B 1403-553-000 B 1403-553-000 it-T .:19Jt-
* * *
8 Needle bar thread guide B1418-541-000 81418-552-BOO B 1418-552-BOO B 1418-227-LOO
* it*'*lil--'r
9 Needle bar thread guide B 1419-155-000 B 1419-553-000 81419-553-000 B 1419-553-000
* B 1419-553-000 it*'*~F"l
10 Presser spring B 1505-227-00Q-A B 1 505-552-000-A 8 1505-552-000-A ¥jl.r.!lfliiil/'=~"·
* * *
11 Hand lifter cam asm. 81518-552-0AO 81518-552-AAO 8 1518-552-AAO ¥jl.r. J:: -7 jJ .L.. <*.ll.)
* * *
Hi nged presser foot asm. B1524-012-0AO 01524-126-WAO 81511 -543-BAO B 1 524-041-EAO Ia El3 ¥jl.r. ( *.ll. )
* *
B 1524-012-0BO 0 1524-126-WBO 81511 -543-BBO 81524-041 -EBO
.. 13 Feed dog B 161 3-012-AOO 81613-012-iOO 01613-155-WOO 8 1613-555-HOO
* B 1609-201-00Q-A :i2SIJ
14 Stitch dial asm. 8 1623-555-0AO·A
* * B 1623-227-HAO·A B 1623-227-HAO·A B1623-227-LAO EliHi <*.ll.)
15 Lub ricating hook asm. B 183Q-127-0AO
* * B 1830-555-HAO
* B 1830-555-HAO ~;II!~ <*.ll.)
16 Bobb in case holder B 1835-012-000 B 1835-555-HOO 8 1835-555-HOO tp~¥jl.r.
* * *
17 T hread tension post socke t 8311 1-552-BOO 83111-126-000 83 1 11 - 126-000
* * * *UH-·ti
18 T hread tension spring B3129-012-AOO 83121-352-000 83121 -3 52-000 B3114-232-000
* 83114-232-000 *llfl~''*
19 T ake-up spring B 3128-01 2-000 B3128-027-000 83128-027-000
* * * *lll11J''*
20 Bobbi n B9117-012-000 B9117-552-AOO B9117-552-AOO ;f. l:::";....
21 Needle
* * *
MOB-1008 1400 MOA- 100B0900 MOA-100B1100 M08-100B2200 MOB-100B2200 it
22 Arm oil shield screw SS-608041 Q-SP
* * SS-60803 20-SP
* SS-6080320-SP m
iii ll5 ;m t&.LC =t- ::;
23 Lower shaft front screw asm.
B 1808-552-0AO
* * 81808-227-HAO • 81808-227-HAO T.a;itr.LC;t.::; (U)
Feed drive eccentric cam
25 Bobbin case
* * 8121 0-227-HOO • 8121 0-227-HOO j2S IJ liH.- jJ .L..

* * • 01837-555-8AA
* ;f.l:::":...-7'-.A
Feed rock shaft crank asm. B 1607-226-0AO
* * • • 81607-201-0AO 7K"F:d5 1) ~ <*.Il l
27 Pitman =xo ../ 1-'
B 161 3-125-000 • * • • B 1613-20 1-000
28 .. . Pin
B 1611-155-000-A =xo"'/ 1-".IC.:Ifa
29 . .. Hi nge SD-1020961 -SP
* • • • =x o "'/ n~=t-::;
30 . . . Screw
SS-711 091 O·SP =x o ., 1-'.LC.:IfM=t-::;
31 .. . Nut N5-668041Q-SP
* * * * =x o ., 1- !9:=t-:/-T, 1-
32 Feed regulator B 162Q-226-000
* • • • B 1620-227-LOO ~ I} JJ!jij'j i;
- -- -

NOTE ( 5i.ic) Parts marked with * are same as standard parts *····· ffll*ll5.1"aC: :!i:li§ l: ft.Ef!To
--- ···Parts to be removed - - ··· ·· Jfi11J II* ( lma0a

From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC

DDL-227-A I 4 7 9 II

I 2 0 --
~ a
~ y
5 12


8 10


i ~ ~
6 7 14 /15
v I


/4 -
( l' ~ 10 ~16


r'" , u 8~

f) ~


• ~

Ref. No1e Amt.

Part No. Description
No. . Req.
;:tic "
~~ ~
1) DDL-227-A ( llt~lfl ) ( FQr light weight materials)
B 1109-012- iOO Throat plate ( i) ...................................................... it;f&(i) ................................................................
2 01113-126-WAO Needle thread guide pin asm. ............................. . *~~*~~'(*.Ill ..................................................... .
3 B1401-552-DOO-A Needle bar (D) ......................................................... it~'( D) ..............................................................
4 B 1418-552-BOO Needle bar thread guide ...................................... . it~*lli"r ......................................................... .
5 B1419-553-000 Needle thread guide ............................................... . it~*~l*.r ......................................................... .
6 MDA-100B0900 Needle DAx1 (88x1,1128, Ser x 548) #9 ........ . jt(DAXI #9) .............................................. ..
7 B1518-552-AAO Hand I ifter cam asm. ............................................ . tljiiJ:.7':tJ L>.(*.lll ............................................ ..
8 B1209-552-AOO Needle bar crank ................................................... iHl77:.--7 ..................................................... .
9 B1613-012-i00 Feed (i) ................................................................. . ~'JJ!Ii{i) .............................................................
10 B3111-126-000 Tension post socket ............................................ . *llll-=f-~,t> ..........................................................
11 B3121-352-000 Tension spring ........................................................ . *llll-=f-/'*·· ........................................................
12 B3128-027-000 Take-up spring ......................................................... *IIX'l''=<"· ........................................................ ..
13 B9117-552-AOO Bobbin (A) .............................................................. . ;f- 1:: :.--(A) ........................................................ ..
2) DO L-227-H (For heavy weight materials) ( }!J~.Ifl )
it*&( H) ............................................................
B 11 09-555-HOB
B 1114-01 2-000
Throat plate (H) ......................................................
Needle thread pin asm. ......................................... *~~*~~' ...........................................................
7'-L>.*~r*.r( A) ........................................... ..
3 B1126-553-000 Arm thread guide (A) ............................................ .
4 SS-6080320-SP Arm oil shield screw ................................................ iiiifllliilli!M&.t!:=t--:-- ............................................ .
5 B1835-555-HOO Bobbin case holder positioning finger (H) ........ . <jl~jljii( H) ................................................. .
6 B1401-552- iOO Needle bar .............................................................. . H~ .............................. .................................... .
7 B 1505-552-000-A Presser spring ........................................................ tlj!Ilf!lij'i/<:1" .................................................... .
8 B 1403-553-000 Needle bar bushing, lower .................................. . jt~T-" ~ ;~ .................................................... ..
9 MDB-1 OOB2200 Needle DBx1 (16x231, 1738) # 22 .... ................ . it(DBX I :;::22) ............................................... .
B1613-555-HOO Feed (H) ................................................................ .. ~'JJ!Ii( H) ............................... ............ ............. .
11 B 1419-553-000 Needle bar thread guide ......................................... . H~*~l*.r ................................................... .
12 B1511-543-BAO Hinged presser foot asm ...................................... . 13 Jiltlj!I (*.ll) ....... ............ ........................... ..
12-1 001 B1511-543-BBO Hinged presser foot asm ...................................... . A.4/76 13 Jiltlj!I (*.ll) ...................... ... .................. ..... .
B 1623-227-HAO-A Stitch dial asm. ..................................................... . § g;f.!i(( *.ll) ......................................................... .
B 1206-553-0AO Counterweight asm ............................................... .. j':j.g-j!( *.Ill. .................................. .................. ..
15 B121 0-227-HOO Feed drive eccentric ............................................ . ~'Jii·l.·:tJL>. .................... .... . .................. ........ .
16 B3114-232-000 Tension spring ......................................................... *llll-=f-''*···························· .............................
17 B1209-553-000 Needle bar crank ..........................., ...................... . iHf7 7 :.--7 ............................................ ........ .
B 1830-555-HAO Sewing hook asm .................................................. .. ~(*.ll) ......................................................... ..... .
19 B1808-227-HAO Hook driving shaft front screw .......................... . "F"*rliiitr.t!:::t· -/ ........................ ........................... .
Note (;;ti c) 001 ..... Special order parts ~ !ill];i )'( flll ~~

• All parts besides above are in common use with standard parts of DDL-227 J:.ftcJ:.J.~}/ flll.l"~", DDL-227 ~ll\il!flll.l"~ ~ :!iiil!

From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
- 12-

I 2


~ 13 14

~ ~

Ref. Note Part No. Description Req.
;ur. "


3) DDL-227-M (For5mmfeed) (ztJ . 5mm.llll

SS-6080320.SP Arm oil shield screw ............................................ . 0.6/76 iilillfl5£1li!Ji:f& ~ -1· -;; ........................... ................. ..
2 B1623-227-HAO.A Stitch dial asm . ........ ............................................ .. El !.il:f&(*.ll. ) ............................................ ............. .
3 01837-555-BAA Bobbin case (with spring) .................................... .. ;f- 1:: :.-- 'r- ;;~. ( ' ' -1- }.._ 'I ) ................................. .

4) DDL-227·W (For P.P.) (P.P.IIl)

1 011 09-155-WOO Throat plate .......................................................... .. it~.& .................................................................... .
2 01113-126-WAO Needle thread guide pin asm. .. .......................... .. *~i*l4f(*1l.) .................................................... ..
3 B1401·552-DOO.A Needle bar ............................................................. .. it4f .................................................................... .
4 B1418-552-BOO Needle bar thread guide ..................................... .. it4f*:til-'r ......................................................... .
5 B 1419·553-000 Needle thread guide ................. ........................... . it4f*;!li; I*J ..........................................................
6 MDA·100B1100 Needle DAx1 (88x1, 1128, Ser x 548) #11 .... .. jt(DAXI ~11) .............................................. ..
7 B1518-552·AAO Hand lifter cam.......... ........................................... .. fljiiJ:.'J''h A( *.ll. ) .. ........................................... .
8 01524·126-WAO Teflon presser foot asm . ...................................... . "T 7 c:t :; fljii( *.ll. ) ............... .............................. .
8-1 001 01524-126-WBO Teflon presser foot asm. ....................................... A.4/76 7"7 c:t ;,- flji.I{ *.ll. ) ............................................. ..
9 B1209-552·AOO Needle bar crank ................................................. .. it4f7 7/ 7 ..................................................... ..
10 01613-155-WOO Feed ....................................................................... . m'Jlll!i ..................................................................
11 B3111·126-000 Tension post socket ........................................... .. *lll-=f-4f# ..........................................................
12 B3121-352-000 Tension spring .................................................... .. *lll-=f--'-1- ......................................................... .
13 B3128-027-000 Take-up spring ...................... ........ .......................... . * l!it'l''-1· .. ....................................................... .
B9117-552-AOO Bobbin ................................................. .................. .. ;f-1::':-- ............... .... .......... ................ .. ............ .. .. .. .
Note ( 5:£1(.) 001 ..... Special order parts ~~IJ5];j(tl{lcfl.

*All parts besides above are in common use with standard parts of DD L-227 J:.li!J:J.9j./ llflo"l," , DDL-227 Ul~ )llfi.H. ~ ~ii

From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
- 13-

9 t2



'V I

l ~


r .17

5) DDL-227-L (For 7mm feed) ( ~ 1J 7 mm.E!l)

B 11 09·5 55- HOB Throat plate (H) ...................................................... A.4 / 76 SH& (H) .......................................................... .
2 '~ B1114-012·000 Needle thread guide pin asm. ............................. . A.4/76 *~I*!~- (*.§.) ················································ ··
n Frame thread guide (A) ......................................... . A.4/76 7-.L.;'f-~i*J (A) ........................................... .
3 B 1126-553-000
n Arm oil shield screw ............................................. A.4/76 imft!Em~JH&ll:. ::f".::; ....•.......•........•........••.....•..•.•.
4 S5-608032Q.SP
5 ~~ B1418-227· LOO Needle bar thread guide ...................................... . A.4 /76 SH$:i'f-lti-"r ....................................................... .
n Needle bar thread guide ...................................... . A.4/76 SH$ff.:~i:ki ....................................................... .
6 B 1419·553·000
7 B 1835-555-HOO Bobbin case holder ............................................... . A.4/76 <Pii fljii ····························································
* B1401·552·i00 Needle bar ( i) ........................................................ . A.4/76 SH$ (i) ........................................................... .
8 *
9 n B 1505-552·000-A Presser spring ......................................................... A.4/76 flj! I IIl,)jjj'j/ o( ::j". ·····•············· ········•··•·················· ···
10 B 1403-553-000 Needle bar bushing, lower ................................... . A.4/76 SH•T-" ~it.- •.... ..........•..............•...........•.........
* MDB·100B2200 Needle (DB x 1 #22) ............................................ . A.4/76 St (DBX I :;i:22 ) ...................................... ... ....
11 '~
12 fl B1609·201·000·A Feed dog .................................................................. A.4/76 ~ IJ!i ·······························································
13 B1524-041·EAO Hinged presser foot asm ....................................... . A.4/76 Ill Eilfljii (*.ll) ···················································
* Hinged presser foot asm ....................................... . A.4/76 Ill Eilfljii ( *.ll) ···················································
14 n001 B1524-041·EBO
·:. Stitch dial asm. .................................................... .. A.4/76 §~ilH& <*.Ill ......................................................
15 B1623-227·LAO
Counterweight a;m ................................................ . A.4/76 S~ -&:-il (~.ll) ... .................................................. .
16 B 1206·553-0AO
17 ,,* B121 0-227-HOO Feed drive eccentric cam ...................................... . A.4/76 ~ 'JiliH:n.L. ( H) .......................................... .

18 ,, B3114·232·000 Thread tension spring ......................................... . A.4/76 :i'f- IJij'f-/':1· ·························································

19 B 1209·553-000 Needle bar crank .................................................. . A.4/76 SHl7 7:.--7 ....................................................
* Lubricating hook asm .......................................... . A.4/76 *%;mii <*.Ill ······················································
20 B183Q.155-HAO
* Lower shaft front screw asm. ............................. . A.4/76 T Uii!ill:.::f".:/ (l'.ll) ..... .....................................
21 '~ B1808-227·HAO
22 B 1607·201-0AO Feed rock shaft crank asm .................................... . A.4/76 *.:q;.~·JI!!e ( l':.ll) ·········································•····
23 ,,* B1613-201 ·000 Pit man ..................................................................... A.4/76 =x. p "/ ~ ................. . ....... .. ............................ .

24 n B1611-155-00Q.A . . . . Pin .............................................................. . A.4/76 = x. p ., F ll:.-" •a ... ...... ...................................

25 SS-7110910-SP . . . . Screw ......................................................... A.4/76 =xP ·:~ Fll:.-"*illll:.::t·:/ ................................ .
"' B 1620-227· LOO Feed regu Ia tor ........................................................ . A.4/76 ~·Jillliii'i# ........................................................
~f:llote.C:Uc) 001 ..... Special order parts 4>J5lll)iX8'Q
·~11 parts besides above are in common use with standard parts of DDL-227.


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Ref. Part No. Description E.C. Req.
;ilc ~~~~ £ ~ D:R:
1 B1830·127· TAO Hook for tricot asm. ............................................. r IJ ::I •:J r .E!J§I'i( l':.ll) ...........................................
2 B1130·541·0AO Silicon oil lubricating unit case asm .................. . .J:;;I. v /"r-;;!.(l':.ll) ...........................................
Silicon oil lubricating unit oiler asm. (30ccl. ...... . .:r:;;~.t..-;;-;m~:--(l':.ll) 130ccl .............................. .
3 B9135·123·0BO

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- 14-Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
Part No. Page Item Ref. Part No. Page Item Ref. Part No. Page Itern Ref. Part No. Page Item Ref.
.!!, • Jl Jfll3 No . .!!, • ll Ji113 No. .!!, 3 Jl Ji113 No . cf'p 3 j;i Jil.l3 No .

EXCLUSIVE PARTS J~Hilftfl.!l. 8 1306-155-0CO 4 2 47 81621-226·000 8 4 46 83419-552-0AO 10 6 25

81104-122-000 2 1 4 8 1307-155-0AO 4 2 52 8 1622·555-000 8 4 20 83420.552-0AO 10 6 9
8 11 05-1 22·000 2 5 81307-155-080 4 2 51 81623-227-HAQ-A 12 7-2 13 83420-552-000 10 6 10
81106-122-000 2 1 53 81308-155-0AO 4 2 53 8 1623-227-HAQ-A 13 7-3 2 83421-552-0AO 10 6 23
81107-122-000 2 57 8 1401-552-AOO 4 2 4 81623-227-LAO 14 7-5 15 83424-552·000 10 6 16
81108-122·000 2 55 81401-552-800 4 2 5 8 1623·555-0AO-A 8 4 33 83425-552-000 10 6 15
811 09-012-AOO 2 9 81401-552-000-A 12 7-1 3 81624-555-000 8 4 42 83426-552-000 10 6 14
81109-012-iOO 12 7-1 8 1401-552-DOO-A 13 7-4 3 8 162 7-226-08 0 8 4 24 83427-122-000 10 6 11
81109-555-H08 12 7-2 81401-552-iOO 12 7-2 6 81634·555-00Q-A 8 4 22-1 83429·552-000 10 6 21
81109-555-H08 14 7-5 1 8 1401-552-iOO 14 7-5 8 81634-555-000·8 8 4 22 83430-552-000 10 6 30
8 1110.012-0AO 2 6 8 1402-5 52-000· A 4 2 2 8 1635-552·000 8 4 16 83431-552-000 10 6 27
81111-012-000 2 7 81403-155-000 4 2 8 8 1646·122-000 8 4 30 83431-581-000 6 3 25
81113-155-0AO 2 23 8 1403-5 53-000 12 7-2 8 8164 7-226-000 8 4 31 83432-552-000 10 6 29
81113-012·000 8 4 12 81403-553-000 14 7-5 10 8 1648-122·000 8 4 31 83501-552-000 9 5 22
81113-155-000 2 1 24 81405-012-000 4 2 1 8 1701-125-0AO 8 4 40 83502-122-000 9 5 28
8 1114·012·000 12 7-2 2 8 1408-552-000 4 2 15 8 1703·226·000 8 4 10 83503-122-000 9 5 30
8 1114-012·000 14 7-5 2 8 1411-552-0AO 4 2 6 81706-012·080 8 4 14 83504·155·000 9 5 31
8 1117·552-000 2 16 8 14 14-232-000 4 2 14 81801-412-000 6 3 43 83507-155-000 9 5 25
8111 7-552·000 2 17 81418-227-LOO 14 7-5 5 8 1802-412-0A 0 6 3 46 83511-122-000 9 5 18
8 1118-522·000 2 19 81418-227-TOO 4 2 13 8 1804-226-000 6 3 40 83512-122-000 9 5 17
81119-522-000 2 1 20 81418-541-000 4 2 10 8 1806·.038-000 6 3 41 83513-227-000 9 5 16
8 1121-552-0AO 2 81418-552-800 12 7-1 4 81808·227-HAO 12 7·2 19 83513-352-000 9 5 13
8 1122-552·000 2 11 81418-552-800 13 7-4 4 8 1808-227-HAO 14 7-4 21 83514-412-000 9 5 20
8 1123-552-000-A 2 29 81419-155-000 4 2 9 81808-552-0AO 6 3 50 83514-552-000 9 5 14
81126-552-000 2 33 81419-553-000 12 7-1 5 81809·552-0AO 6 3 51 83516-552-000 9 5 11
81126·553-000 12 7-2 3 81419-553-000 12 7-2 11 8181 Q-552-000 6 3 51 83521-552-0AO 9 5 21
81126-553-000 14 7-5 3 81419-553-000 13 7-2 5 81830.127-TAO 14 8 83524-552-000 9 5 5
81128-522-000 2 1 31 81419-553-000 14 7-5 6 8 1830-1 27-0AO 6 3 54 83526-226-0AO 9 5 1
8 1130-541-0AO 14 8 2 81421-522-000 6 3 14 8 1830.555-HAO 12 7-2 18 83527-552-000 9 5 33
8 1147·555·000 2 1 50 81501-127-000 6 3 5 8 1830·555-HAO 14 7-5 20 83529-226-000 9 5 2
81148-555-000 2 51 8 1502-5'41-000 6 3 10 81835·012·000 6 3 48 83531-552-000 9 5 12
8 1164-012·000 2 15 81505-227-TOO-A 6 3 4 8 1835-555-H 00 12 7-2 5 83534-155-000 9 5 8
8 1166-552-00Q-A 2 52 81505-227-000-A 6 3 3 8 1835-555-HOO 14 7-5 7 83536-1 22-000 9 5 3
8 1179-552·000 2 1 3 8 1505-552-000-A 12 7-2 7 8 1837·012-0AO 6 3 56 8 3545-1 22-000 9 5 29
811 86·552·000 2 28 8 1505·552-000-A 14 7-5 9 81901·552-0CO 4 2 22 88217-552-0AO 10 6 2
81187-552-000 2 22 81507-552-000 6 3 6 8 1903·552·000 4 2 17 88217-552-0CO 10 6 1
8 1188·552-0AO 2 1 12 81509-227-000 6 3 1 8 1904-552-0AO 4 2 19 88217-552-000 10 6 5
8 1189-41 5-000 2 1 18 81510-227-000 6 3 2 81905-541·800 4 2 18 88218-552-000 10 6 6
81201-227-000 4 2 24 81511-543-8AO 12 7-2 12 82616-372-000 9 5 19 88219-125-000 10 6 8
8 1202-552-000-A 4 2 35 81511-543-880 12 7-2 12·1 83111 -126-000 12 7-1 10 88226-125-000 10 6 4
81203-227-000 4 2 38 8 151 5-552-000 6 3 20 83111-126-000 13 7-4 11 88227-125-000 10 6 3
81204-552-800 4 2 55 81516-552-000 6 3 23 83111·552-800 2 42 88228-125-000 10 6 24
8 1206-5 52-0AO 4 2 28 81517-552-000 6 3 24 83111·552-0AO 2 1 40 89117-012-000 6 3 57
81206-553-0AO 12 7-2 14 81518-552-AAO 12 7-1 7 83114-232·000 12 7-2 16 89117-552-AOO 12 7-1 13
81206·553-0AO 14 7-5 16 81518-552-AAO 13 7-4 7 83114-232-000 14 7-5 18 89117-552-AOO 13 7-4 14
8 1208-552-00Q-A 4 2 57 81518-552-0AO 6 3 17 83114-761·000 2 35 89135-123-080 14 8 3
8 1209-552-AOO 12 7-1 8 8 1520·552·000 6 3 15 83115-552·000 2 44 8P-3000000-00 9 5 10
8 1209-552-AOO 13 7-4 9 81521-552-000 6 3 8 83116-125-000 2 49 01109·155-WOO 13 7-4 1
8 1209-552·000 4 2 16 81522-552-000 6 3 19 83118-552-COO 2 39 01113-126-WAO 12 7-1 2
81209-553-000 12 7-2 17 81523-226-000 6 3 27 83120.125-000 2 48 01113-1 26-WAO 13 7-4 2
81209-553-000 14 7-5 19 81524-012-0AO 6 3 12 83121·352·000 12 7-1 11 01524-126-WAO 13 7-4 8
81210.226-000 4 2 45 81524-012-080 6 3 58 83121-352·000 13 7-4 12 D1524-126-W80 13 7-4 8·1
8121 Q-227-HOO 12 7-2 15 81524-041-EAO 14 7-5 13 83126-012-000 2 45 01613-155-WOO 13 7·4 10
81210.227-HOO 14 7-5 17 81524-041-E80 14 7-5 14 83127·127·000 2 38 D1837-555-8AA 13 7-3 3
81211 ·226-000 4 2 42 81601-226-000 8 4 8 83128-012·000 2 43
81212·552-AOO 4 2 31 81602-012-000 8 4 5 83128·027·000 12 7-1 12 THRUST COLLAR
81212·012-000 4 2 43 81604-012-000 8 4 6 83128-027·000 13 7-4 13 .7.77-l-1.17-
8 1213-552-0A 0 4 2 25 81607-201-0AO 14 7-5 22 83129·012-AOO 2 1 47 CS-0640860-SH 8 4 3
81213-012-000 4 2 44 81607-226-0AO 8 4 53 83132-552-000 2 46 CS-0791 01 0-SH 6 3 44
8 1214-038-000 9 5 7 81609-201-000-A 14 7-5 12 83148·123-000 2 25 C5-079106A-SH 6 3 52
81217-555-000 4 2 58 81611-155-00Q-A 14 7-5 24 83149-123-AOO 2 26 CS-147121A-SH 4 2 40
81224-552-000 4 2 26 81613-012-AOO 8 4 83412·552-000 6 3 28
8 1226-552-000 4 2 27 81613-012-iOO 12 7-1 9 83413-227-000 6 3 34 NEEDLE it
81233-012-000 4 2 60 81613-125-000 8 4 39 83414-552·000 6 3 31 MDA-10080900 12 7-1 6
81301-552-000 4 2 61 81613-201-000 14 7-5 23 83415-552·000 6 3 38 MDA-10081100 13 7-4 6
8 1302·552-000-A 4 2 62 81613-555-HOO 12 7-2 10 83416-012-000 6 3 35 MD8·10081400 4 2 11
8 1303-552-00Q-A 4 2 63 8 1618-226-000 8 4 38 83416·552·000 6 3 29 MD8-10082200 12 7-2 9
81305-012-0AO 4 2 49 81619-226-000 8 4 35 83417-552·000 6 3 33 MD8-10082200 14 7-5 11
81306-155-0AO 4 2 50 81620.226-000 8 4 18 83418-552-000 6 3 36
81306-1 55-080 4 2 48 81620.227- LOO 14 7-5 26 83419-122-000 10 6 26

From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
- 15-
Part No. Page Item Ref. Part No. Page Item Ref. Part No. Page Itern Ref. Part No. Page Item Ref.
8'~ =Ill= P JQE! No. ~ =Ill= :Pi Jj'i El No. ~ :jj!: :Pi rl'! J3 No. 8'~ =Ill= :Pi Jl'! J3 No.
OIL WICK :m·L.· R0-0742401-00 8 4 23 SS-6092420-SP 2 1 56 SS-8150310-SP 6 3 11
CO- 2000000-00 4 2 23 R0-2943101-00 4 2 56 SS-6110560-TP 6 3 55 SS-8150710-SP 2 1 37
C0-2020000-00 2 1 13 SS-6111010-SP 6 3 49 SS-8150710-SP 8 4 32
C0-2020000-00 4 2 20 HINGE SCREW G:.:t-:Y SS-6121 050-SP 8 4 34 SS-8150710-TP 4 2 46
CO· 2020000-00 4 2 64 SD-0380552-SL 2 1 27 SS-6121210-SP 8 4 25 SS-8151150-SP 4 2 21
C0·2020000-00 8 4 9 SD-0630275-SP 6 3 21 SS-6121610-SP 8 4 41 SS-8151150-SP 4 2 36
C0-2020000-00 8 4 11 SD·0630301-SP 6 3 22 SS-6661110-SP 8 4 19 SS-8151150-SP 4 2 37
SD-0720331-SP 6 3 32 SS-6741010-SP 10 6 7 SS-8151150-SP 6 3 47
NUT T"l 1- SD-0950802-SH 8 4 36-1 SS-7080510-SP 4 2 12 SS-8151230-SP 8 4 21
NS-6060350-SP 2 36 SD-0950802-SP 8 4 36 SS-7091110-SP 6 3 13 SS-8151550-SP 4 2 59
N8-6150310-SP 2 54 SD-1 020961-SP 8 4 49 SS-7110510-SP 2 30 SS-8151550-SP 6 3 42
N S-61 50430-S R 10 6 13 SD-1020961-SP 8 4 51 SS-7110540-SP 8 4 17 SS-8152080-SR 10 6 18
NS-615043Q.SR 10 6 20 SS-7110710-SP 9 5 4 SS-8153010-SR 10 6 19
NS-6620310-SP 6 3 39 SCREW ::t-:Y SS-7110910-SP 2 1 21 SS-8620610-TP 8 4 7
NS-668041 0-SP 8 4 37 SM-9061 003-SE 10 6 28 SS-7110910-SP 9 5 6 SS-866061 0-TP 4 2 32
NS·668041Q.SP 8 4 50 S0-111 0402-MZ 9 5 9 SS-7110910-SP 14 7-5 25 SS-8660610-TP 4 2 41
NS-668041 0-SP 8 4 52 SS-2091520-SP 9 5 15 SS-7111120-SP 2 1 2 -ss:866oa1o-TP 4 2 54
N8-6740510-SP 8 4 13 SS-2110920-TP 2 1 10 SS-7111310-SP 8 4 54 SS-8660810-TP 8 4 44
SS-4080620-TP 8 4 2 SS-7111410-SP 6 3 7 SS-8660970-TP 8 4 43
SPRING PIN jltl]l::"/ SS-4091010-SP 8 4 29 SS-7111410-SP 8 4 15 SS-8681950-SP 4 2 30
PS-0200122-KO 9 5 23 SS-5090610-SP 2 34 SS-7120910-SP 6 3 16 SS-9151220-SR 10 6 17
SS-606021 0-SP 2 8 SS-7121410-SP 9 5 24 SS-9151540-SR 10 6 12
SNAP RING E IJ /7' SS-6080320-SP 12 7-2 4 SS-7151120-SP 4 SS-91820 10-SN 10 6 22
RE-0500000-KO 6 3 30 SS-6080320-SP 13 7-3 SS-762075Q-SP 8 SS·9661120-CP 4 2 29
RE-0500000-KO 6 3 37 SS-6080320-SP 14 7-5 4 SS-768165Q-TP 4
R E-0600000· KO 6 3 26 SS-608041 0-SP 2 14 SS-8090670-SP 2 1 41 WASHER J£1i:
SS-6081 010-TP 9 5 26 SS-811 0410- TP 6 3 53 WP-0371016-SD 8 4 28
RUBBER RING Q IJ /7' SS-6081210-SP 9 5 32 SS-8110510-SP 2 32 WP-0550800-SP 9 5 27
R0·0442401-00 4 2 34 SS-6090650-SP 6 3 9 SS-8110510-SP 8 4 4 WP-0740516-SP \ 6 3 18
R0-0611801-00 8 4 48 SS-6090670-TP 4 2 7 SS-8110520-TP 6 3 45 WZ-1 052010-KP 8 4 45
R0-0691801-00 8 4 47 SS-609151 0-SP 2 58 SS-8150310-SP 4 2 3

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From the library of: Superior Sewing Machine & Supply LLC
Business Office : 23, Kabuki-ch o, Shinjuku-ku, T okyo, Japan ft ( 03 ) 480 - i ll1 ( ft )
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