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FRAS Final Report CSE 299

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A System For Everyone

FARHAT TASNIM -1410482042

K.M.H. MUBIN – 1621802042
Face Recognition Attendance System

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Face Recognition Attendance System

Table of Contents
Abstract ................................................................................................................................................... 4
Introduction .......................................................................................................................................... 5
1.1.Introduction ............................................................................................................................ 6
1.2.Background ................................................................................................................................. 6
1.3.Problem Statement ................................................................................................................ 8
1.4.Aims and Objectives ........................................................................................................... 9
1.5.Flow Chart ............................................................................................................................... 10
1.6.Scope of the project ....................................................................................................... 11
Literature Review ............................................................................................................................ 12
2.1.Student Attendance System ........................................................................................... 13
2.2.Digital Image Processing ............................................................................................. 13
2.3.Image Representation in a Digital Computer .................................................. 14
2.4.Steps in Digital Image Processing ........................................................................ 14
2.5.Definition of Terms and History ............................................................................. 15
Model Implementation & analysis .......................................................................................... 23
3.1.Introduction .......................................................................................................................... 24
3.2.Model Implementation ....................................................................................................... 25
3.3.Design Requirements ......................................................................................................... 26
3.3.1.Software Implementation ....................................................................................... 26
3.3.2.Hardware Implementation ....................................................................................... 27
Specification: The Raspberry Pi 3 Model B+ is the final revision in
the Raspberry Pi 3 range. ..................................................................................................... 28
3.4.Experimental Results ....................................................................................................... 31
Code Implementation ....................................................................................................................... 35
4.1.Code Implementation ......................................................................................................... 36
4.1.1.main.py ............................................................................................................................. 36
4.1.2.Dataset.py ...................................................................................................................... 39
4.1.3.AutoMail.py .................................................................................................................... 40
4.2.Summary ........................................................................................................................................... 43
Working Plan ........................................................................................................................................ 44

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Face Recognition Attendance System

5.1.Introduction .......................................................................................................................... 45
5.2.Work Breakdown Structure ............................................................................................. 45
5.3.Gantt Chart............................................................................................................................. 47
5.4.Financial Plan ..................................................................................................................... 47
5.5.Feasibility Study .............................................................................................................. 47
5.6.Summary ...................................................................................................................................... 50
Future Work .......................................................................................................................................... 51
6.1.Introduction .......................................................................................................................... 52
6.2.Future Scope of Work ....................................................................................................... 52
6.3.Summary ...................................................................................................................................... 52
Result ...................................................................................................................................................... 53
7.1.Introduction .......................................................................................................................... 54
7.2.Summary ...................................................................................................................................... 54

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Face Recognition Attendance System


Uniqueness or individuality of an individual face is the

representation of one’s identity. In this project face of an
individual is used for the purpose of attendance making
automatically. Attendance of the student is very important for
every college, universities and school. Conventional methodology
for taking attendance is by calling the name or roll number of
the student and the attendance is recorded. Time consumption for
this purpose is an important point of concern. Assume that the
duration for one subject is around 60 minutes or 1 hour & to
record attendance takes 5 to 10 minutes. For every tutor this is
consumption of time. To stay away from these losses, an
automatic process is used in this project which is based on
image processing. In this project face detection and face
recognition is used. Face detection is used to locate the
position of face region and face recognition is used for marking
the understudy’s attendance. The database of all the students in
the class is stored and when the face of the individual student
matches with one of the faces stored in the database then the
attendance is recorded.

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Chapter 1

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Face Recognition Attendance System


Attendance is prime important for both the teacher and student

of an educational organization. So it is very important to keep
record of the attendance. The problem arises when we think about
the traditional process of taking attendance in class room.
Calling name or roll number of the student for attendance is not
only a problem of time consumption but also it needs energy. So
an automatic attendance system can solve all above problems.
There are some automatic attendances making system which are
currently used by much institution. One of such system is
biometric technique and RFID system. Although it is automatic
and a step ahead of traditional method it fails to meet the time
constraint. The student has to wait in queue for giving
attendance, which is time taking.
This project introduces an involuntary attendance marking
system, devoid of any kind of interference with the normal
teaching procedure. The system can be also implemented during
exam sessions or in other teaching activities where attendance
is highly essential. This system eliminates classical student
identification such as calling name of the student, or checking
respective identification cards of the student, which can not
only interfere with the ongoing teaching process, but also can
be stressful for students during examination sessions. In
addition, the students have to register in the database to be
recognized. The enrolment can be done on the spot through the
user-friendly interface.


Face recognition is crucial in daily life in order to identify

family, friends or someone we are familiar with. We might not
perceive that several steps have actually taken in order to
identify human faces. Human intelligence allows us to receive
information and interpret the information in the recognition
process. We receive information through the image projected into
our eyes, by specifically retina in the form of light. Light is
a form of electromagnetic waves which are radiated from a source
onto an object and projected to human vision. Robinson-Riegler,

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G., & Robinson-Riegler, B. (2008) mentioned that after visual

processing done by the human visual system, we actually classify
shape, size, contour and the texture of the object in order to
analyze the information. The analyzed information will be
compared to other representations of objects or face that exist
in our memory to recognize. In fact, it is a hard challenge to
build an automated system to have the same capability as a human
to recognize faces. However, we need large memory to recognize
different faces, for example, in the Universities, there are a
lot of students with different race and gender, it is impossible
to remember every face of the individual without making
mistakes. In order to overcome human limitations, computers with
almost limitless memory, high processing speed and power are
used in face recognition systems.
The human face is a unique representation of individual
identity. Thus, face recognition is defined as a biometric
method in which identification of an individual is performed by
comparing real-time capture image with stored images in the
database of that person (Margaret Rouse, 2012).
Nowadays, face recognition system is prevalent due to its
simplicity and awesome performance. For instance, airport
protection systems and FBI use face recognition for criminal
investigations by tracking suspects, missing children and drug
activities (Robert Silk, 2017). Apart from that, Facebook which
is a popular social networking website implement face
recognition to allow the users to tag their friends in the photo
for entertainment purposes (Sidney Fussell, 2018). Furthermore,
Intel Company allows the users to use face recognition to get
access to their online account (Reichert, C., 2017). Apple
allows the users to unlock their mobile phone, iPhone X by using
face recognition (deAgonia, M., 2017).
The work on face recognition began in 1960. Woody Bledsoe, Helen
Chan Wolf and Charles Bisson had introduced a system which
required the administrator to locate eyes, ears, nose and mouth
from images. The distance and ratios between the located
features and the common reference points are then calculated and
compared. The studies are further enhanced by Goldstein, Harmon,
and Lesk in 1970 by using other features such as hair colour and
lip thickness to automate the recognition. In 1988, Kirby and
Sirovich first suggested principle component analysis (PCA) to
solve face recognition problem. Many studies on face recognition

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were then conducted continuously until today (Ashley DuVal,


1.3.Problem Statement

Traditional student attendance marking technique is often facing

a lot of trouble. The face recognition student attendance system
emphasizes its simplicity by eliminating classical student
attendance marking technique such as calling student names or
checking respective identification cards. There are not only
disturbing the teaching process but also causes distraction for
students during exam sessions. Apart from calling names,
attendance sheet is passed around the classroom during the
lecture sessions. The lecture class especially the class with a
large number of students might find it difficult to have the
attendance sheet being passed around the class. Thus, face
recognition attendance system is proposed in order to replace
the manual signing of the presence of students which are
burdensome and causes students get distracted in order to sign
for their attendance. Furthermore, the face recognition based
automated student attendance system able to overcome the problem
of fraudulent approach and lecturers does not have to count the
number of students several times to ensure the presence of the
The paper proposed by Zhao, W et al. (2003) has listed the
difficulties of facial identification. One of the difficulties
of facial identification is the identification between known and
unknown images. In addition, paper proposed by Pooja G.R et al.
(2010) found out that the training process for face recognition
student attendance system is slow and time-consuming. In
addition, the paper proposed by Priyanka Wagh et al. (2015)
mentioned that different lighting and head poses are often the
problems that could degrade the performance of face recognition
based student attendance system.
Hence, there is a need to develop a real time operating student
attendance system which means the identification process must be
done within defined time constraints to prevent omission. The
extracted features from facial images which represent the
identity of the students have to be consistent towards a change
in background, illumination, pose and expression. High accuracy
and fast computation time will be the evaluation points of the

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1.4.Aims and Objectives

The objective of this project is to develop face recognition

attendance system. Expected achievements in order to fulfill the
objectives are:

• To detect the face segment from the video frame.

• To extract the useful features from the face detected.
• To classify the features in order to recognize the face
• To record the attendance of the identified student.

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1.5.Flow Chart

Fig: Flow Chart

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1.6.Scope of the project

We are setting up to design a system comprising of two modules.

The first module (face detector) is a mobile component, which is
basically a camera application that captures student faces and
stores them in a file using computer vision face detection
algorithms and face extraction techniques. The second module is
a desktop application that does face recognition of the captured
images (faces) in the file, marks the students register and then
stores the results in a database for future analysis.

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Chapter 2

Literature Review

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2.1.Student Attendance System

Arun Katara et al. (2017) mentioned disadvantages of RFID (Radio

Frequency Identification) card system, fingerprint system and
iris recognition system. RFID card system is implemented due to
its simplicity. However, the user tends to help their friends to
check in as long as they have their friend’s ID card. The
fingerprint system is indeed effective but not efficient because
it takes time for the verification process so the user has to
line up and perform the verification one by one. However for
face recognition, the human face is always exposed and contain
less information compared to iris. Iris recognition system which
contains more detail might invade the privacy of the user. Voice
recognition is available, but it is less accurate compared to
other methods. Hence, face recognition system is suggested to be
implemented in the student attendance system.

System Type Advantage Disadvantages

RFID card system Simple Fraudulent usage

Fingerprint system Accurate Time-consuming

Voice recognition Less accurate compared to
system Others
Iris recognition
Accurate Privacy Invasion

Table 2.1: Advantages & Disadvantages of Different Biometric


2.2.Digital Image Processing

Digital Image Processing is the processing of images which are

digital in nature by a digital computer[2]. Digital image
processing techniques are motivated by three major applications

• Improvement of pictorial information for human perception

• Image processing for autonomous machine application

Arun Katara et al., 2017
Anil K Jain, Lin Hong, Sharath Pankanti, and Ruud Bolle, Biometric Identification. IEEE, 2004

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• Efficient storage and transmission.

2.3.Image Representation in a Digital


An image is a 2-Dimensional light intensity function

𝐟 (𝐱,𝐲) = 𝐫 (𝐱,𝐲) × 𝐢 (𝐱,𝐲) - (2.0)

Where, r (x, y) is the reflectivity of the surface of the
corresponding image point. i (x,y) Represents the intensity of
the incident light. A digital image f(x, y) is discretized both
in spatial co-ordinates by grids and in brightness by
quantization[3]. Effectively, the image can be represented as a
matrix whose row, column indices specify a point in the image
and the element value identifies gray level value at that point.
These elements are referred to as pixels or pels.
Typically following image processing applications, the image
size which is used is𝟐𝟓𝟔 × 𝟐𝟓𝟔, elements, 𝟔𝟒𝟎 × 𝟒𝟖𝟎 pels or 𝟏𝟎𝟐𝟒
× 𝟏𝟎𝟐𝟒 pixels. Quantization of these matrix pixels is done at 8
bits for black and white images and 24 bits for colored images
(because of the three color planes Red, Green and Blue each at 8

2.4.Steps in Digital Image Processing

Digital image processing involves the following basic tasks:

• Image Acquisition - An imaging sensor and the capability to

digitize the signal produced by the sensor.
• Preprocessing – Enhances the image quality, filtering,
contrast enhancement etc.
• Segmentation – Partitions an input image into constituent
parts of objects.
• Description/feature Selection – extracts the description of
image objects suitable for further computer processing.
• Recognition and Interpretation – Assigning a label to the
object based on the information provided by its descriptor.

N. Tom, Face Detection, Near Infinity - Podcasts, 2007
T. Kanade, Computer recognition of human faces. Basel [etc.]: Birkhäuser, 1977

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Interpretation assigns meaning to a set of labelled

• Knowledge Base – This helps for efficient processing as
well as inter module cooperation.

Fig: A diagram showing the steps in digital image processing

2.5.Definition of Terms and History

Face Detection
Face detection is the process of identifying and locating all
the present faces in a single image or video regardless of their
position, scale, orientation, age and expression. Furthermore,
the detection should be irrespective of extraneous illumination
conditions and the image and video content[5].
Face Recognition
Face Recognition is a visual pattern recognition problem, where
the face, represented as a three dimensional object that is
subject to varying illumination, pose and other factors, needs
to be identified based on acquired images[6].
Face Recognition is therefore simply the task of identifying an
already detected face as a known or unknown face and in more
advanced cases telling exactly whose face it is[7].

A. L. Rekha and H. K. Chethan, “Automated Attendance System using face Recognition through Video
Surveillance,” Int. J. Technol. Res. Eng., vol. 1, no. 11, pp. 1327–1330, 2014.
I. Kim, J. H. Shim, and J. Yang, “Face detection,” Face Detect. Proj. EE368 Stanf. Univ., vol. 28, 2003.
E. Shervin, “OpenCV Computer Vision,” 03-Oct-2010

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Difference between Face Detection and Face Recognition

Face detection answers the question, Where is the face? It
identifies an object as a “face” and locates it in the input
image. Face Recognition on the other hand answers the question
who is this? Or whose face is it? It decides if the detected
face is someone known or unknown based on the database of faces
it uses to validate this input image[8].It can therefore be seen
that face detections output (the detected face) is the input to
the face recognizer and the face Recognition’s output is the
final decision i.e. face known or face unknown.
Face Detection
A face Detector has to tell whether an image of arbitrary size
contains a human face and if so, where it is. Face detection
can be performed based on several cues: skin color (for faces in
color images and videos, motion (for faces in videos),
facial/head shape, facial appearance or a combination of these
parameters. Most face detection algorithms are appearance based
without using other cues. An input image is scanned at all
possible locations and scales by a sub window. Face detection is
posed as classifying the pattern in the sub window either as a
face or a non-face. The face/nonface classifier is learned from
face and non-face training examples using statistical learning
methods[9]. Most modern algorithms are based on the Viola Jones
object detection framework, which is based on Haar Cascades.

Face Detection
Advantages Disadvantages
1. Long Training Time.
1. High detection
Viola Jones 2.Limited Head Pose.
Algorithm 3.Not able to detect dark
2. High Accuracy.
1.Simple 1.Only used for binary and
Local Binary computation. grey images. 2.Overall
Pattern 2.High tolerance performance is inaccurate
Histogram against the compared to Viola-Jones
monotonic Algorithm.

T. Matthew and A. Pentland, Eigenfaces for Recognition, vol. 3, Volume 3, Number 1 vols. Vision and Modelling
Group, The Media Laboratory, MIT: Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 1991
Y.-Q. Wang, “An Analysis of the Viola-Jones Face Detection Algorithm,” Image Process. Line, vol. 4, pp. 128–148,
Jun. 2014

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Face Detection
Advantages Disadvantages

Need not to have any

The result highly depends on
Ada Boost prior knowledge
the training data and
Algorithm about face
affected by weak classifiers.
1. Capable to deal
SMQT Features with lighting The region contain very
and SNOW problem in object similar to grey value regions
Classifier detection. will be misidentified as
Method 2. Efficient in face.
1. Detection process is slow
High accuracy only and computation is complex.
Neural-Network if large size of 2. Overall performance is
image were trained. weaker than Viola-Jones

Table: Advantages & Disadvantages of Face Detection Methods[10]

Viola-Jones Algorithm

Viola-Jones algorithm which was introduced by P. Viola, M. J.

Jones (2001) is the most popular algorithm to localize the face
segment from static images or video frame. Basically the concept
of Viola-Jones algorithm consists of four parts. The first part
is known as Haar feature, second part is where integral image is
created, followed by implementation of Adaboost on the third
part and lastly cascading process.

Varsha Gupta and Dipesh Sharma, 2014

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Fig: Haar Feature

Viola-Jones algorithm analyses a given image using Haar features
consisting of multiple rectangles (Mekha Joseph et al., 2016).
In the fig shows several types of Haar features. The features
perform as window function mapping onto the image. A single
value result, which representing each feature can be computed by
subtracting the sum of the white rectangle(s) from the sum of
the black rectangle(s) (Mekha Joseph et al., 2016).

Fig: Integral of Image

The value of integrating image in a specific location is the sum
of pixels on the left and the top of the respective location. In
order to illustrate clearly, the value of the integral image at
location 1 is the sum of the pixels in rectangle A. The values
of integral image at the rest of the locations are cumulative.
For instance, the value at location 2 is summation of A and B,
(A + B), at location 3 is summation of A and C, (A + C), and at
location 4 is summation of all the regions, (A + B + C + D) [11].
Therefore, the sum within the D region can be computed with only
addition and subtraction of diagonal at location 4 + 1 − (2 + 3)
to eliminate rectangles A, B and C.
Local Binary Patterns Histogram
Local Binary Pattern (LBP) is a simple yet very efficient
texture operator which labels the pixels of an image by
thresholding the neighborhood of each pixel and considers the
result as a binary number.
It was first described in 1994 (LBP) and has since been found to
be a powerful feature for texture classification. It has further

Srushti Girhe et al., 2015

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been determined that when LBP is combined with histograms of

oriented gradients (HOG) descriptor, it improves the detection
performance considerably on some datasets. Using the LBP
combined with histograms we can represent the face images with a
simple data vector.
LBPH algorithm work step by step:
LBPH algorithm work in 5 steps.
1. Parameters: the LBPH uses 4 parameters:
• Radius: the radius is used to build the circular local
binary pattern and represents the radius around the
central pixel. It is usually set to 1.
• Neighbors: the number of sample points to build the
circular local binary pattern. Keep in mind: the more
sample points you include, the higher the computational
cost. It is usually set to 8.
• Grid X: the number of cells in the horizontal direction.
The more cells, the finer the grid, the higher the
dimensionality of the resulting feature vector. It is
usually set to 8.
• Grid Y: the number of cells in the vertical direction.
The more cells, the finer the grid, the higher the
dimensionality of the resulting feature vector. It is
usually set to 8.
2. Training the Algorithm: First, we need to train the
algorithm. To do so, we need to use a dataset with the
facial images of the people we want to recognize. We need
to also set an ID (it may be a number or the name of the
person) for each image, so the algorithm will use this
information to recognize an input image and give you an
output. Images of the same person must have the same ID.
With the training set already constructed, let’s see the
LBPH computational steps.
3. Applying the LBP operation: The first computational step of
the LBPH is to create an intermediate image that describes
the original image in a better way, by highlighting the
facial characteristics. To do so, the algorithm uses a
concept of a sliding window, based on the parameters radius
and neighbors.

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The image below shows this procedure:

Fig: LBP Operation

Based on the image above, let’s break it into several small
steps so we can understand it easily:

• Suppose we have a facial image in grayscale.

• We can get part of this image as a window of 3x3 pixels.
• It can also be represented as a 3x3 matrix containing the
intensity of each pixel (0~255).
• Then, we need to take the central value of the matrix to be
used as the threshold.
• This value will be used to define the new values from the 8
• For each neighbor of the central value (threshold), we set
a new binary value. We set 1 for values equal or higher
than the threshold and 0 for values lower than the
• Now, the matrix will contain only binary values (ignoring
the central value). We need to concatenate each binary
value from each position from the matrix line by line into
a new binary value (e.g. 10001101). Note: some authors use
other approaches to concatenate the binary values (e.g.
clockwise direction), but the final result will be the
• Then, we convert this binary value to a decimal value and
set it to the central value of the matrix, which is
actually a pixel from the original image.
• At the end of this procedure (LBP procedure), we have a new
image which represents better the characteristics of the
original image.

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Fig: The LBP operation Radius Change

It can be done by using bilinear interpolation. If some data
point is between the pixels, it uses the values from the 4
nearest pixels (2x2) to estimate the value of the new data
4. Extracting the Histograms: Now, using the image generated
in the last step, we can use the Grid X and Grid Y
parameters to divide the image into multiple grids,
as can be seen in the following image:

Fig: Extracting The Histogram

Based on the image above, we can extract the histogram of each
region as follows:

•As we have an image in grayscale, each histogram (from

each grid) will contain only 256 positions (0~255)
representing the occurrences of each pixel intensity.
• Then, we need to concatenate each histogram to create a
new and bigger histogram. Supposing we have 8x8 grids, we
will have 8x8x256=16.384 positions in the final
histogram. The final histogram represents the
characteristics of the image original image.
5. Performing the face recognition: In this step, the
algorithm is already trained. Each histogram created is

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used to represent each image from the training dataset. So,

given an input image, we perform the steps again for this
new image and creates a histogram which represents the
• So to find the image that matches the input image we just
need to compare two histograms and return the image with
the closest histogram.
• We can use various approaches to compare the histograms
(calculate the distance between two histograms), for
example: Euclidean distance, chi-square, absolute value,
etc. In this example, we can use the Euclidean distance
(which is quite known) based on the following formula:

• So the algorithm output is the ID from the image with the

closest histogram. The algorithm should also return the
calculated distance, which can be used as a ‘confidence’
measurement. Note: don’t be fooled about the ‘confidence’
name, as lower confidences are better because it means
the distance between the two histograms is closer.
• We can then use a threshold and the ‘confidence’ to
automatically estimate if the algorithm has correctly
recognized the image. We can assume that the algorithm
has successfully recognized if the confidence is lower
than the threshold defined.

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Chapter 3
Model Implementation
& analysis

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Face detection involves separating image windows into two

classes; one containing faces (turning the background (clutter).
It is difficult because although commonalities exist between
faces, they can vary considerably in terms of age, skin color
and facial expression. The problem is further complicated by
differing lighting conditions, image qualities and geometries,
as well as the possibility of partial occlusion and disguise. An
ideal face detector would therefore be able to detect the
presence of any face under any set of lighting conditions, upon
any background. The face detection task can be broken down into
two steps. The first step is a classification task that takes
some arbitrary image as input and outputs a binary value of yes
or no, indicating whether there are any faces present in the
image. The second step is the face localization task that aims
to take an image as input and output the location of any face or
faces within that image as some bounding box with (x, y, width,
height).After taking the picture the system will compare the
equality of the pictures in its database and give the most
related result.

We will use Raspbian operating system, open CV platform and will

do the coding in python language.

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3.2.Model Implementation

Fig: Model Implement

The main components used in the implementation approach are open

source computer vision library (OpenCV). One of OpenCV’s goals
is to provide a simple-to-use computer vision infrastructure
that helps people build fairly sophisticated vision applications
quickly. OpenCV library contains over 500 functions that span
many areas in vision. The primary technology behind Face
recognition is OpenCV. The user stands in front of the camera
keeping a minimum distance of 50cm and his image is taken as an
input. The frontal face is extracted from the image then
converted to gray scale and stored. The Principal component
Analysis (PCA) algorithm is performed on the images and the
eigen values are stored in an xml file. When a user requests for
recognition the frontal face is extracted from the captured
video frame through the camera. The eigen value is re-calculated
for the test face and it is matched with the stored data for the
closest neighbor.

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3.3.Design Requirements
We used some tools to build the HFR system. Without the help of
these tools it would not be possible to make it done. Here we
will discuss about the most important one.

3.3.1.Software Implementation
1. OpenCV: We used OpenCV 3 dependency for python 3. OpenCV is
library where there are lots of image processing functions
are available. This is very useful library for image
processing. Even one can get expected outcome without writing
a single code. The library is cross-platform and free for
use under the open-source BSD license. Example of some
supported functions are given bellow:
• Derivation: Gradient / laplacian computing, contours
• Hough transforms: lines, segments, circles, and
geometrical shapes detection
• Histograms: computing, equalization, and object
localization with back projection algorithm
• Segmentation: thresholding, distance transform, foreground
/ background detection, watershed segmentation
• Filtering: linear and nonlinear filters, morphological
• Cascade detectors: detection of face, eye, car plates
• Interest points: detection and matching
• Video processing: optical flow, background subtraction,
camshaft (object tracking)
• Photography: panoramas realization, high definition
imaging (HDR), image inpainting

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So it was very important to install OpenCV. But installing

OpenCV 3 is a complex process. How we did it is given below:

Fig: Installing OpenCV

We copied this script and place it on a directory on our raspberry
pi and saved it. Then through terminal we made this script
executable and then ran it.

1. Sudo chmod 755 /myfile/pi/installopencv.bash

2. sudo /myfile/pi/installopencv.bash

these are the command line we used.

2.Python IDE: There are lots of IDEs for python. Some of them are
PyCharm, Thonny, Ninja, Spyder etc. Ninja and Spyder both are very
excellent and free but we used Spyder as it feature- rich than
ninja. Spyder is a little bit heavier than ninja but still much
lighter than PyCharm. You can run them in pi and get GUI on your
PC through ssh-Y. We installed Spyder through the command line

1. sudo apt-get isntall spyder

3.3.2.Hardware Implementation
1.Raspberry Pi 3:

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1.4GHz 64-bit quad-core processor, dual-band wireless LAN,

Bluetooth 4.2/BLE, faster Ethernet, and Power-over-Ethernet
support (with separate PoE HAT)

Fig: Raspberry Pi 3 Model B+

Specification: The Raspberry Pi 3 Model B+ is the final revision

in the Raspberry Pi 3 range.

• Broadcom BCM2837B0, Cortex-A53 (ARMv8) 64-bit SoC @ 1.4GHz

• 2.4GHz and 5GHz IEEE 802.11.b/g/n/ac wireless LAN, Bluetooth
4.2, BLE
• Gigabit Ethernet over USB 2.0 (maximum throughput 300 Mbps)
• Extended 40-pin GPIO header
• Full-size HDMI
• 4 USB 2.0 ports
• CSI camera port for connecting a Raspberry Pi camera
• DSI display port for connecting a Raspberry Pi touchscreen
• 4-pole stereo output and composite video port
• Micro SD port for loading your operating system and storing
• 5V/2.5A DC power input

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Face Recognition Attendance System

• Power-over-Ethernet (PoE) support (requires separate PoE HAT)

ELP HD 8Megapixel USB CMOS board camera module adopt Sensor Sony
(1/3.2”) IMX179 is nice to use in Linux equipment, or those
equipment which come with windows, linux, Android system etc.

Fig: Webcam


• 1/3.2 inch Sony IMX179 USB webcam

• 8 megapixel high resolution Mjpeg USB camera

• UVC usb camera, Support windows, linux, Mac with UVC, also
for android system.

• Compatible with raspberry pi, Ubuntu, Opencv, Amcap and

many other USB web camera software and hardware.

• Webcam USB with 2.8mm lens

• 38×38/32x32mm mini micro usb board camera

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Face Recognition Attendance System

• USB webcam, well used in many machines, atm machine,

medical machine, automatic vending machine, industry

• USB camera module Parameters changable (Brightness,

Contrast, Saturation, White Balance, Gamma, Definition,

3.Power Source:

We use Mi 10000 mAH Power Bank for our power sources.

Fig: Power Source

4.Project Machine:

Here is our prototype device.

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Face Recognition Attendance System

Fig: Prototype Device

3.4.Experimental Results

The step of the experiments process are given below:

Face Detection:

Start capturing images through web camera of the client side:


• Pre-process the captured image and extract face image

• calculate the eigen value of the captured face image and
compared with eigen values of existing faces in the
• If eigen value does not matched with existing ones,save the
new face image information to the face database (xml file).
• If eigen value matched with existing one then recognition
step will done.


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Face Recognition:

Using PCA algorithm the following steps would be followed in for

face recognition:


• Find the face information of matched face image in from the

• update the log table with corresponding face image and
system time that makes completion of attendance for an
individual students.


This section presents the results of the experiment conducted to

capture the face into a grey scale image of 50x50 pixels.

Test data Expected Result Observed Pass/

Result Fail
OpenCAM_CB() Connects with the Camera pass
installed camera and started.
starts playing.
LoadHaar Loads the Gets ready for Pass
Classifier() HaarClassifier Cascade Extraction.
files for frontal face
Initiates the Paul-
ExtractFace() Viola Face extracted Pass
Face extracting Frame
Learn() Start the PCA Updates the Pass

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Face Recognition Attendance System

Algorithm facedata. xml

Recognize() It compares the input Nearest face Pass

face with the saved

Here is our data set sample.

Fig: Dataset sample

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Face Orientations Detection Rate Recognition Rate

O0 (Frontal face) 98.7 % 95%

18º 80.0 % 78%

54º 59.2 % 58%

72º 0.00 % 0.00%

90º(Profile face) 0.00 % 0.00%

We performed a set of experiments to demonstrate the efficiency of

the proposed method. 30 different images of 10 persons are used in
training set. Figure 3 shows a sample binary image detected by the
ExtractFace() function using Paul-Viola Face extracting Frame work
detection method.

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Chapter 4

Code Implementation

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4.1.Code Implementation
All our code is written in Python language. First here is our
project directory structure and files.

2. |__ Dataset
3. |__ main.py
4. |__ dataset.py
5. |__ database.log
6. |__ data_set.csv
7. |__ data_log.ods

All those file in the project directory.

1. Dataset: Where all the faces are saved.

2. main.py: Main program file to run the program.
3. dataset.py: Capture images and working on datasets.
4. database.log: To keep track the database events
5. data_set.csv: To save the details of data.
6. data_log.ods: Attendance save.

All the work will be done here, Detect the face ,recognize the
faces and take attendance.

1. import cv2
2. import numpy as np
3. import os
4. from picamera.array import PiRGBArray
5. from picamera import PiCamera
6. import time
7. import sys
8. import logging as log
9. import datetime as dt
10. from time import sleep
12. cx = 160
13. cy = 120
15. # names related to ids: example

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16. names = ['None', 'Mouly',

18. #iniciate id counter
19. id = 0
22. xdeg = 150
23. ydeg = 150
24. cascadePath = "haarcascade_frontalface_default.xml"
25. faceCascade = cv2.CascadeClassifier(cascadePath)
26. recognizer=cv2.face.LBPHFaceRecognizer_create()
27. # creating a log file
28. log.basicConfig(filename='database.log',level=log.INFO)
29. file = open("/home/pi/Testnew/data_log.csv", "a")
31. images=[]
32. labels=[]
33. # save the images in the dataset folder
34. for filename in os.listdir('Dataset'):
35. im=cv2.imread('Dataset/'+filename,0)
36. images.append(im)
37. labels.append(int(filename.split('.')[0][0]))
39. recognizer.train(images,np.array(labels))
40. print 'Training Done . . . '
43. cap=cv2.VideoCapture(0)
44. lastRes=''
45. count=0
46. print ' Done 2 . . . '
47. # save in the log file
48. log.info("Date Time , Student Name \n")
49. file.write("----------------------------------------------
--- \n")
50. file.write("
51. file.write("----------------------------------------------
--- \n")
52. file.write("Time , Student Name \n")
53. # detect multiface and convert the faces into gray scale
54. while(1):
55. ret, frame=cap.read()
56. gray = cv2.cvtColor(frame, cv2.COLOR_RGB2GRAY)

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57. faces = faceCascade.detectMultiScale(gray)

58. count+=1
59. # Rectangel box
60. for (x,y,w,h) in faces:
61. cv2.rectangle(frame,(x,y),(x+w,y+h),(255,0,0),2)
id,confidence=recognizer.predict(gray[y:y+h, x:x+w])
65. # Check if confidence is less them 100 ==>
"0" is perfect match
66. if (confidence < 40):
67. id = names[id]
68. confidence = " {0}%".format(round(100
- confidence))
69. log.info(str(dt.datetime.now()) + ","+
file.write(str(dt.datetime.now().strftime("%H:%M:%S")) +
","+ str(id)+"\n")
72. else:
73. id = "unknown"
74. confidence = " {0}%".format(round(100
- confidence))
75. # after face recognize the name text will show in
white color
76. cv2.putText(frame, str(id), (x+5,y-5),
font, 1, (255,255,255), 2)
77. cv2.putText(frame, str(confidence),
(x+5,y+h-5), font, 1, (255,255,0), 1)
78. #cv2.putText( frame, str(lastRes), ( x, y
), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.5, ( 0, 0, 255 ), 2 )
80. cv2.imshow('frame',frame)
81. k = 0xFF & cv2.waitKey(10)
82. if k == 27:
83. break
84. cap.release()
85. cv2.destroyAllWindows()

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Dataset Implementation code are given below which is also in
python code.

1. import cv2
2. from picamera.array import PiRGBArray
3. from picamera import PiCamera
4. import time
5. import os
6. import numpy
7. import io
8. #Create a memory stream so photos doesn't need to be saved
in a file
9. stream = io.BytesIO()
10. cam = cv2.VideoCapture(0)
11. detector=cv2.CascadeClassifier('haarcascade_frontalface_de
13. #Convert the picture into a numpy array
14. buff = numpy.fromstring(stream.getvalue(),
16. Id=raw_input('enter your id')
17. sampleNum=0
18. while(True):
19. ret, img = cam.read() #cam output
20. cv2.imshow('frame',img) #screen output
21. gray = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
#convert black and white
22. faces = detector.detectMultiScale(gray, 1.3, 5)
#detect face
23. for (x,y,w,h) in faces:
24. cv2.rectangle(img,(x,y),(x+w,y+h),(255,0,0),2)
25. cv2.imwrite("Dataset/"+Id +'_'+ str(sampleNum) +
".jpg", gray[y:y+h,x:x+w]) #saving data in id
26. #incrementing sample number
27. sampleNum=sampleNum+1
28. #saving the captured face in the dataset folder
30. cv2.imshow('frame',img)
31. #wait for 100 miliseconds
32. if cv2.waitKey(100) & 0xFF == ord('q'):
33. break

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34. # break if the sample number is morethan 20

35. elif sampleNum>30:
36. break
37. cam.release()
38. cv2.destroyAllWindows()

Extra Feature :

In this project we add an extra feature called auto mail. It can
automatically sent the attendance file to specific mail. Auto
mail code given below:

1. import yagmail
2. receiver = "[email protected]" # receiver email address
4. body = "Attendence File" # email body
6. filename = "Attendance\data_log.csv" # attach the file
7. # mail information
9. yag = yagmail.SMTP("[email protected]", "mypassword")
11. # sent the mail
13. yag.send(
15. to=receiver,
17. subject="Attendance Report", # email subject
19. contents=body, # email body
21. attachments=filename, # file attached

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23. )

Sample Images:

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In this long yet useful chapter we managed to cover the entire
structure of how the system has been developed and how it
functions to give the best outcome.

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Chapter 5

Working Plan

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In this chapter, we observe the entire work structure, meaning how

the scheduling was maintained throughout the developmental phase.
We shall also see the financial foundation of this project and
furthermore the feasibility study should be also discussed.

5.2.Work Breakdown Structure

In order to develop this system, we gave enormous importance to

scheduling because we believed if we want to provide the best of
quality in a given period of time then we must give due importance
to scheduling which also helped us to achieve a better results.
The figure below focuses the weekly work we had accomplished.

Week No. Proposed Work

Week-1 Project Proposal Report and Presentation

Week-1 Study related works

Week-1 Study in Python
Week-2 Study related works using OpenCV
Week-2 Study related works using Bluetooth
Week-3 Study related works using processing
Week-3 Study image processing
Week-3 Study image processing
Week-4 Sketching basic structure
Week-4 Prototype design
Week-4 Finalize Prototype design
Week-4 Flexible Box

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Week-5 Runnable with basic commands(Input, Output,

Turn on, Turn Off)
Week-5 Designing Lookahead table
Week-5 Designing Lookahead table
Week-6 Creating environment for image processing
Week-6 Creating environment for image processing
Week-7 Integrating all together
Week-7 Start coding
Week-8 Coding for basic instructions (Compare,
Result, Accuracy measure etc.)
Week-8 Coding for single face detection
Week-9 Single face detection and Compare with
Week-9 Multiple Face detection and Compare
Week-10 Detecting Multiple face, store and compare
with database
Week-10 Attendance collection
Week-10 File Generate base on collective data
Week-10 Daily file generation of attendance

Table: Work Plan

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5.3.Gantt Chart

Fig: Gantt Chart

5.4.Financial Plan

Money was required to build the system as we had to buy a lots of

components. Breakdown is given bellow:

Item Name Price

Raspberry Pi 4000
HD Camera 1000
SD Card 500
Total 5500

5.5.Feasibility Study

Depending on the results of the initial investigation the survey

is now expanded to a more detailed feasibility study.
“FEASIBILITY STUDY” is a test of system proposal according to
its workability, impact of the organization, ability to meet
needs and effective use of the resources. It focuses on these
major questions:

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Face Recognition Attendance System

1. What are the user’s demonstrable needs and how does a

candidate System meets them?
2. What resources are available for given candidate system?
3. What are the likely impacts of the candidate system on the
4. Whether it is worth to solve the problem?

During feasibility analysis for on our project, following

primary areas of interest are to be considered. Investigation
and generating ideas about a new system does the following

Steps in feasibility analysis

1. Form a project team and appoint a project leader.
2. Enumerate potential proposed system.
3. Define and identify characteristics of proposed system.
4. Determine and evaluate performance and cost effectively of
each proposed system.
5. Weight system performance and cost data.
6. Select the best-proposed system.
7. Prepare and report final project directive to management.

Technical feasibility
A study of available resource that may affect the ability to
achieve an acceptable system. This evaluation determines whether
the technology needed for the proposed system is available or not.
• Can the work for the project be done with current equipment
existing software technology & available personal?
• Can the system be upgraded if developed?

• If new technology is needed then what can be developed?

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This is concerned with specifying equipment and software that will

successfully satisfy the user requirement.

Economic feasibility
Economic justification is generally the “Bottom Line”
consideration for most systems. Economic justification includes a
broad range of concerns that includes cost benefit analysis. In
this we weight the cost and the benefits associated with the
candidate system and if it suits the basic purpose of the
organization i.e. profit making, the project is making to the
analysis and design phase.

The financial and the economic questions during the preliminary

investigation are verified to estimate the following:
• The cost to conduct a full system investigation.
• The cost of hardware and software for the class of application
being considered.
• The benefits in the form of reduced cost.
• The proposed system will give the minute information, as a
result the performance is improved which in turn may be
expected to provide increased profits.
• This feasibility checks whether the system can be developed
with the available funds.

Operational Feasibility
It is mainly related to human organizations and political aspects.
The points to be considered are:
• What changes will be brought with the system?
• What organization structures are disturbed?
• What new skills will be required?

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Face Recognition Attendance System

• Do the existing staff members have these skills? If not, can

they be trained in due course of time?
The system is operationally feasible as it very easy for the users
to operate it.

Schedule feasibility
Time evaluation is the most important consideration in the
development of project. The time schedule required for the
developed of this project is very important since more development
time effect machine time, cost and cause delay in the development
of other systems.

To conclude, we discussed the scheduling processes of developing
this system. Additionally we have also identified how feasible
the system is through the lens of evaluating using various
feasibility studies

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Chapter 6

Future Work

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This chapter discusses the future scope or the implementation of

this robot. To incerease the scope of this device we can add some
new features. As technology is becoming more advance it will be
mendatory to change the sturctute some day with better replacement
and sometimes based on customer requirements.

6.2.Future Scope of Work

There are so many future scope on this project. Some of them are

• Can improve security

• Can use Neural Network for high accuracy
• Can used in big factory or employee attendance
• Can build on fully web base system.


This chapter has described the possible future applications of the

design. But there are a lot of possibilities with the designed
device. The device may need some research for different
applications, though the principle of the designed system will
remain as it is.

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Chapter 7


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This chapter of the report contains the results that we achieved
throughout the course of using this system.

Results Achieved

From initiation through conclusion of developing this system the

following results has been achieved. They are as follows:

• The system can be administered by a non-IT technician.

• The system is market ready for commercial use.

• The system has the capacity to carry up to a thousand faces

to recognize.

• The system can serve as much people as they want within an


This chapter has covered the different types of results that we
have managed to obtain throughout the course of using this

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