India: All 'A'
India: All 'A'
India: All 'A'
Transport Bhawan
l, Parliament Street, New Delhi-ll000l
Dated the 28rh April, 2020
Subject: Filling up the post of Deputy Chairman, Haldia Dock Complex, Kolkata Port Trust-
Calling for Applications- -reg.
The Ministry of Shipping invites applications from All lndia Service/Central Services Croup
'A' officers and also from eligible Port Officers working in Major Port Trusts for the post of Deputy
Chairman in Haldia Dock Complex, Kolkata Port Trust. The All India Service/Central Services
Group'A' officers will carry their parent cadre pay scale and the Port Officers will carry the pay scale
of Rs. 75,000-90,000/- (in IDA pattem) (revised Rs. 1,80.000-3,20,000/-) as Deputy Chairman. The
Port Trust is an autonomous body governed under the Major Port Trusts Act, 1963. Appointment to
the post is made by the Central Govt. under seclion 3( I ) (b) of the Major Port Trusts Act, 1963.
2, The Deputy Chairman of the Port is one of the trustees of the Board. He is the Deputy Chief
Executive of the Organization and assists the Chairman in all aspects of Port functioning. He is
required to exercise administrative and financial powers and also to supervise the functioning of
various departments with the ports. Thejob requirements, therefore, are as following: -
3. Name of willins and elisible All India Services/Central Groun 'A' Civil Services officer. as
under. mav be recommended:
(a) The officers belonging to All lndia Services/Central Group 'A' Civil Services who have put not
less than l3 years of service in Group 'A' are eligible to be considered for the post. Preference may
be given to those having experience of working in Port and Shipping sectors. The terms and
conditions of appointment of the officers selected shall be as per the rules and instructions of Central
(b) The post is not a part of the Central Staffing Scheme. The appointment will be made on
deputation basis for a period of 5 years or as may be decided by the Competent Authority.
(c) The officers who satisfied the above criteria must have at least four years service before
(d) The Cadre Controlling Authority/the State Government is requested to give wide publicity to
the vacancy and forward names of suitable and willing officers for consideration for the post. The
ACRs (only attested photocopies) ofthe officer for the last five years i.e. from 2013-14 to 2017-18
(lf the ACRs of a particular yearlperiod between 2013-14 and 2017-18 are pending/ not available.
"No Report Certificate" along with ACRs of preceding years may be fumished) along with the bio-
data in the enclosed format (Annexure I), and clearance from admin istrative/vigilance angles and
Integrity Certificate may also be sent. The vigilance clearance of the officer may be sent in the
prescribed proforma attached with the application form.
Officers holding the posts of Deputy Chairman in Category ll ports with minimum 2 years of
regular service falling which from officers holding the posts of Dy. Chairman in Category ll ports
with less than 2 years of regular service but combined regular service of at least 6 years in the posts
of Dy. Chairman of Category II ports and HODs of category I ports or officers holding the posts of
Dy. Chairman in Category ll ports with less than 2 years of regular service but combined regular
service ofat least 7 years in the posts ofDy. Chairman of category II ports and HOD of Category II
Provided that incumbents of highly specialized posts of HODs such as Chief Medical Officers and
Chief Law Officers shall not be eligible for consideration.
Officer of KPL holding the post equivalent to the scale of pay of Dy. Chairman in Category II Port
with 2 years regular service failing which Officer of KPL holding the post equivalent to the scale of
pay of Dy. Chairman in Category II Port with less than 2 years' but combined regular service ofat
least 6 years' in the post equivalent to the scales of pay of Dy. Chairman in Category II Port and
HOD in Category I Port or Officer of KPL holding the post equivalent to the scale of pay of Dy.
Chairman in Category Il Port with less than 2 years' but combined regular service ofat least 7 years'
in the post equivalent to the scales of pay ofDy. Chairman in Category II Port and HOD in Category
II Port.
Provided that incumbents of highly specialized posts such as Chief Medical Officers and Chief Law
Officers shall not be eligible for consideration.
6. Port Officers and employees of KPL who are eligible to be considered for the post as per para 4
and 5 above may send their applications through proper channel as per the proforma enclosed
(Annexure I). While forwarding the applications, it shall please be ensured that the following
documents are sent along with the application form:
7, All the applicants, after registering themselves in the Online Recruitment Portal ic. in, are required to apply for the posr and rhereafter a prinrout of the
filled up application may also be sent to this Ministry in hard copy.
8. The applicants who have applied for the post against the earlier advertisements dated
1 6.04.209, 25.06.20 19, l 9. l I .20 9 and 1 1.02.2020 need not re-apply.
1 1
9. The application of the eligible candidates along with all requisite documents as mentioned
above may be forwarded so as to reach this Ministry on or before 12.06.2020. The applications
which are received after due date/not sent through proper channel will not be considered. The
applications may be sent to the undersigned at the following address and e-mail given below:
Copy to:
l. Establishment Officer & Special Secretary, Department of Personnel and training, Room No. I I 5,
North Bloclq New Delhi- I I 0001 for information.
2. Senior Technical Director, NIC, M/o Shipping for posting a copy ofthe
Circular in website of the Ministry of Shipping. It is also requested to send a scanned copy ofthe
vacancy circular to DOPT for posting it on their website. The e-mail address of DOPT is
persinfotech@nic. in with a copy to diracc( The subject of the e-mail should be "Vacancies in
Autonomous Organizations"
3. Technical Director, NIC, DOPT, Room No. I l/A, North Block, New Delhi.
4. Nodal Officer, Ministry of Shipping
5. Guard File
Annexure I
5. Contact Details
a) Office
l) E-mail Id:
2) Telephone
3) Mobile Number:
4) Address:
6. Contact Details
b) Residence
r) E-mail ld:
2) Telephone
3) Mobile Number:
4) Address:
7. Exam Year
8. Allotment Year
9. Date of Joining
10. Gender
t1. Date of Birth
12. Date of Superannuation
13. Category
l{. Present Pay level/ scale details
20. Two separate write- ups (not exceeding 300 words each) may be attached as follows:
(i) Write- up on the professional experience and core-competence ofthe officer in handling the
assignment applied for.
(ii) Write- up on how the applicant can fulfil and advance the mission and objectives ofthe
organisation that he seeks to join
2. Father's Name
3. Date of Birth
4. Date of Retirement
7. Positions held
(during the ten preceding years)