CI HI OIQN :: 2. Compounds, Differently Substituted On The E
CI HI OIQN :: 2. Compounds, Differently Substituted On The E
CI HI OIQN :: 2. Compounds, Differently Substituted On The E
3. Nitration of the Saturated Disalicylideneacetone in water and treated with excess carbon dioxide until de-
(VII) .-The chromanol (VII, 1 9.) was dissolved in glacial colorization was complete. The resulting yellow precipi-
acetic acid (20 cc.) and to it was added a t 40" a solution tate was recrystallized from benzene; m. p. 85.5" (alone
of nitric acid (3 cc., d . 1.48) in glacial acetic acid (9 cc.). or mixed with an authentic specimen of salicylidene acetyl-
After standing for several hours a t room temperature, the acetone (VIII, R = H) prepared by the method of Knoeve-
solution was poured into ice water (300 cc.). The result- nagel) .I4
ing solid (1.7 9.) was crystallized from glacial acetic acid; 3. Acetonylacetone condensed with salicylaldehyde
m. p. 180-182'. under alkaline conditions in every proportion yielded only
Anal. Calcd. for C I ~ H I ~ O I QV,N 13.28.
~: Found: N, disodium disalicylideneacetone. The method of prepara-
13.28. tion was described in A.l(a). The amount of salicyl-
4. Nitration of Tetrahydrospiropyran (VI).-Nitration
aldehyde varied from 1 mole to 3 moles. The resulting
of VI under the conditions a t 40" set out above afforded a salt after conversion to the free compound by the method
crystalline tetranitro compound, m. p. 180-182' alone or A.2 gave a crystalline compound, m. p. 160". The mixed
in admixture with a specimen of tetranitrotetrahydro- m. p. with disalicylideneacetone was unchanged.
spiropyran prepared as described above. Acknowledgment.-The authors are indebted
t o Dr. P. W. Kent for his advice and help in the
D. Condensation with Analogous Aldehydes preparation of the manuscript of this work.
Condensations and conversions to chromenol deriva-
tives from acetone and 3-methoxysalicylaldehyde, 5 - Summary
methoxysalicylaldehyde, 3-nitrosalicylaldehyde, 5-nitro-
salicylaldehyde were carried by the general methods de- 1. Some evidence is given for a possible 2-
scribed for salicylaldehyde and acetone. The properties chromenol structure in a model compound di-
of the derivatives are recorded in Table I. salicvlideneacetone.
2. Compounds, differently substituted on the
E. Condensation of Salicylaldehyde with Various Ka- phenolic hydroxyls of the model were prepared.
3. Diphenospiropyran and saturated deriva-
1. Salicylaldehyde (3 mols) was condensed with acetyl-
acetone (1 mol) in the presence of alkali in the same way tives were investigated*
as described for the formation of disodium disalicylidene- 4. Corresponding compounds were obtained
acetone. The product in this case was also disodium di- from acetone condensed with 3-nitro- and 5-
salicylideneacetone. nitrosalicylaldehyde and 3-methoxy- and 5-meth-
2 . Equimolar proportions of salicylaldehyde (12.2 8.)
and acetylacetone (10 9.) dissolved in ethanol (50 cc.) with oxysalicylaldehyde* The condensation Of
sodium hydroxide (8 g. in 12 cc. water) were condensed acetone Or aCetOnylaCetonewith excess salicylalde-
by being shaken for thirty minutes and standing a t room hyde resulted in the formation of the Same di-
temperature for one day. The product was filtered sodium salicylideneacetone.
rapidly and the solid recrystallized from a ueous ethanol.
The red crystalline product (VIII, R = NJ was dissolved NEWJERSEY
The Chemistry of Diazo Compounds. 11. Evidence for a Free Radical Chain
Mechanism in the Reduction of Diazonium Salts by Hypophosphorous Acid's2
When a diazonium salt is reduced with hypo- investigation was begun.s As will become evi-
phosphorous acid the diazonium group is replaced dent from the sequel, there now can be little
by hydrogen. Inasmuch as diazonium salts are doubt that the hypophosphorous acid reduction
readily obtained from aromatic primary amines, of diazonium salts is a free radical chain reaction.
this provides a simple and effective means for After preliminary studies had shown that the
- -
replacing an aromatic primary amino group by hypophosphorus acid reduction of p-tolyldiazo-
hydrogen4 nium hydrogen sulfate is profoundly catalyzedsa
HNOz Hap02 by small amounts of certain oxidizing agents,
Aryl-N,+ X- Aryl-H + among them potassium permanganate, cupric
sulfate, and sodium nitrite, attention was directed
Nn (1) to the kinetics of the uncatalyzed reaction.
Despite the widespread use of this deamination Although analytically pure, crystalline, p-tolyl-
process, nothing was known about the mechanism diazonium hydrogen sulfate, p-anisyldiazonium
of the second step of the above sequence when this (5) Recently Alexander and Burge [THIS JOURNAL, 72, 3100
(1) Paper I in this series: Kornblum and Iffland. THISJOURNAL, (1950)l have found biphenyl and g-terphenyl among the products of
71, 2137 (1949). the hypophosphorous acid reduction of benzenediazonium chloride
(2) A portion of this paper was presented at the New York meet- and have suggested that the formation of these by-products involves
ing of the American Chemical Society, September, 1947. free radicals.
(3) X-R Fellow of the Purdue Research Foundation 1947-1949. (5a) Actually, this is an induced reaction. The distinction be-
(4) Kornblum in A d a m , "Organic Reactions," John Wiley and tween catalyzed and induced reactions is not commonly made, how-
Sons, Inc.. New York. N. Y.,1944, Vol. 11, pp. 277-282. ever, and it is not invoked here.
1 2 3 4 5
II d
Fig. 1.-Variability of the rate of reduction of p-
tolyldiazonium hypophosphite a t 13.8’. The reaction
mixture in each case contains l/100 mole of p-tolyldiazo-
nium hypophosphite, 1/20 mole of hypophosphorous acid,
and l/200 mole of precipitated barium sulfate in 20 ml. of
solution, i. e., l/200 mole of barium hydroxide was added
t o a hypophosphorous acid solution of p-tolyldiazonium
hydrogen sulfate. Oxygen was excluded. All three
samples of the diazonium salt came from a single, freshly- 20
prepared batch.
z 40
for a few minutes, following which i t is completely
inhibited for a considerable time. An explana-
tion of this behavior is presented below.
8 Not only is the reduction greatly accelerated
by oxidizing agents but, as would be anticipated
for a free radical chain process, i t is inhibited by
small amounts of such substances as p-benzo-
quinone, tolu-p-quinone and quinhydrone. This
is most clearly demonstrated in the case of p-
0.5 1.o 1.5 anisyldiazonium hydrogen sulfate whose reduc-
Hours. tion is completely inhibited for 3.5 hours by five
Fig. 3.-Catalysis of the reduction of p-tolyldiazonium mole per cent. of benzoquinone a t 13.8' (Fig. 6)
hydrogen sulfate a t 13.8'. The reaction mixture in each and for an even longer period a t 0'. Similarly
case contained '/ZOO mole of p-tolyldiazonium hydrogen the hypophosphorous acid reduction of P-tolyl-
sulfate and */20 mole of hypophosphorous acid in 20 ml. of diazonium hydrogen sulfate is completely stopped
solution. At the point marked by a cross 1 / ( ~ 0 mole of by benzoquinone, but for a shorter time (Fig. 7).
catalyst (solid, powdered) was added: 0, potassium per- In the case of the 9-nitro- and pentabromoben-
manganate; 0 , sodium nitrite; 8 , copper sulfate. zenediazonium salts, which react very rapidly with
(7) Throughout this paper "mole per cent." refers to the number
hypophosphorous acid, the addition of benzo-
of moles of catalyst (or inhibitor) per one hundred moles of di= (8) The usefulness of this catalrsie from the synthetic point of
azonium salt. View is now being studied;
60 .
j .
;j 40
d .
20 -
5 10 15
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Fig. 5.-Effect of various substances on the rate of re-
Fig. 6.-Inhibition of hypophosphorous acid reduction
duction of p-anisyldiazonium hypophosphite a t 0'. The
of p-anisyldiazonium hydrogen sulfate by benzoquinone
reaction mixture in each case contained one mole of hypo-
a t 13.8'. The reaction mixture contained l/200 mole of
phosphorous acid, l/10 mole of @-anisyldiazonium hypo-
@-anisyldiazoniumhydrogen sulfate, l/loo~ mole of p-benzo-
phosphite and '/IO mole of precipitated barium sulfate in
quinone, and 1/20 mole of hypophosphorous acid in 20 ml.
400 ml. of solution, i. e., l/10 mole of barium hydroxide was
added to a hypophosphorous acid solution of the di-
azonium hydrogen sulfate. At the point marked by a 5
cross l/200 mole of the catalyst, dissolved in a few milli-
liters of water, was added dropwise: 0, sodium nitrite; 4
0 , potassium permanganate; 9, potassium dichromate.
Readings are not available for the dotted portions of two
of these curves.
explanation on any basis other than that of a free the presence of chloride, Ar-N=N-Cl. l 1 The
radical chain reaction. The following mech- second chain initiation process, (4),also seems
anism is suggestedg: t o be in accord with the order of reactivity since
depletion of the electron density of the ring
Chain Initiation would, presumably, serve to render the -N2+ more
Aryl-N=S-Y +Aryl. + XZ+ Y' (3) prone to accept an electron from HzPOz-.
An attractive feature of the proposed mech-
where Y = OPOHZ,C1, OH, etc.
anism is the simple explanation it provides for the
or Aryl-Nz+ +
Y - +Aryl' + NZ+ Y' (4) catalytic effect of oxidizing agents upon the
Chain Propagation'O hypophosphorous acid reduction of diazonium
Aryl' + HaPo2 +Aryl-H + [HzPO~]. ( 5 ) salts. Those oxidizing agents are effective which
[ H ~ P O Z ] ' Aryl-Nz+ +Aryl' + NZ+ [H~P02]+(6) are capable of bringing about a one-electron
oxidation of hypophosphorous acid or the hypo-
JHzO phosphite ion. The free radicals so produced
+ H+ react with the diazonium ion according to (6),
thus starting the chain. For example, with
Initiation and Catalysis copper sulfate the reaction would be
The first of the two modes of initiation, (3),
CU+++ HtPOz- +CU' [H?PO,].+
postulates a covalent diazo compound.1oa This is in [HzPOZ]. + Ary1-N~~ ---f Aryl' + S: + [H2POz]+
keeping with the order of reactivity observed for This catalysis of a reduction by oxidizing agents
the uncatalyzed reductions, (p-OCH3< p-CH3 < calls to mind the use of oxidation-reduction
p-NO2 < Br5), since electron-attracting groups in systems in catalyzing vinyl polymerizations, re-
the ring lower the electron density a t the -N2+, actions which, it is generally agreed, proceed via
thus increasing the tendency of the diazonium a free radical chain mechanisrn.l2
ion to go over to a covalent structure such as I t is a further consequence of the mechanism
Aryl-N=N-O-POH2, Aryl-N-N-OH, or, in outlined above.that the very rapid reduction of p-
(9) Minor modifications of this scheme are easily envisioned. For
nitro- and pentabromobenzenediazonium salts is
example, in the chain propagating sequence. due to the ease with which initiation takes place.
On this basis it would be predicted that a small
amount of a rapidly reducible salt, such as penta-
bromobenzenediazonium hydrogen sulfate, would
catalyze the reduction of a salt which is but slowly
reduced, e. g., p-tolyldiazonium hydrogen sulfate.
The pentabromo salt would initiate a large num-
ber of chains and these would be carried on by the
relatively abundant p-tolyldiazonium ion
LA 1
::fJ:: -::fJ:::+
(10) The [HzPOz]' radical produced in reactions (3) and (4) would
not be the same as t h a t of equation (j),if, as seems likely, a P-H
bond rather than an 0-H bond is broken in ( 5 ) . The hypophosphite
Nz + [HzP021'
radical in (3) and (4) would have the structure
;:Qz Elq-Br
Br Br
p - 0 - ; 1'
whereas that formed by reaction (5) would be
Quantitatively, this explanation is unsatis- Under such circumstances it is not surprising that
factory. It will be recalled that in the presence one anomaly exists,
of five mole per cent. of benzoquinone the reduc- Acknowledgments.-We wish to express our
tion of p-tolyldiazonium hydrogen sulfate a t 13.8’ sincere thanks to the Purdue Research Founda-
does not begin until 100 minutes have elapsed tion for an X-R Fellowship and to Mr. Alec
(Table IV). Consequently, if the hypophos- E. Kelley for carrying out some of the experi-
phorous acid reduction of benzoquinone is the ments recorded in this paper.
principal cause of its disappearance, i t would be
expected that upon treating benzoquinone with Experimental
hypophosphorous acid a t 13.8’ for 100 minutes The hypophosphorous acid used in these experiments was
and then adding fi-tolyldiazonium hydrogen sul- Mallinckrodt “purified 507070.” The organic compounds
fate no inhibition would be observed. Actually, employed, unless otherwise specified, were Eastman
Kodak Co. White Label products, recrystallized to con-
even after five hours of such pretreatment reduc- stant melting point. The inorganic salts were C. P. or
tion of the diazonium salt is inhibited for forty-five Reagent grade, and were used without further purification.
minutes. A reasonable interpretation is that the The “distilled water” employed was ordinary distilled
reaction between benzoquinone and hypophos- water which had been redistilled in all glass equipment
phorous acid is facilitated by the diazonium salt; from potassium hydroxide. Glassware was routinely
cleaned with hot, concentrated, sulfuric acid containing
alternatively, still another reaction, not involving a small amount of nitric acid ; a t no time was chromic acid
the loss of nitrogen from the diazonium salt, is of used.
significance in the destruction of the quinone. Preparation of Diazonium Salts
p-Tolyldiazonium Hydrogen Sulfate.-Fifteen grams of
It appears very likely then that the hypo- @-toluidinewas dissolved in 150 ml. of absolute ethanol and
phosphorous acid reduction of diazonium salts is diazotized a t 25-30’ with sulfuric acid and freshly pre-
a free radical chain reaction since on this basis a pared isoamyl nitrite’s according to the procedure of
Knoevenagel.lg After about thirty minutes the shiny
diversity of experimental facts fall into an orderly white plates of p-tolyldiazonium hydrogen sulfate were
pattern. However, the fact that either metallic isolated by filtration, thoroughly washed with absolute
copper or ferrous sulfate catalyzes this reaction ethanol and then with ether. The ether-wet product was
would not have been anticipated, since, except for immediately transferred to a large, ice-cold, test-tube
having a ground-glass stopper. The tube was then im-
these two, the substances which catalyze the mersed in an ice-bath and connected to a vacuum pump
reduction of diazonium salts are capable of acting (3 mm. pressure) for 12-16 hours. The yields of dry,
as oxidizing agents with hypophosphorous acid. white plates ranged from 35-53’3,. The salt was stored
The catalytic power of copper might be ex- in Dry-Ice under nitrogen.
plained in several ways. It has been reported14 Anal. Calcd. for C7HsN204S: Sod’, 44.4. Found:
that copper catalyzes the decomposition of hypo- sod-, 44.4, 44.1.
p-Anisyldiazonium Hydrogen Sulfate.-Sixty-nine
phosphorous acid into hydrogen, phosphorous grams of p-anisidine was added to a solution of 40 ml. of
acid, and other products. This could be a source 96Yo sulfuric acid in 130 ml. of water. The solution was
of free radicals which initiate the reduction. Or, cooled to 0’ in an ice-salt-bath and ethyl nitrite was then
alternatively, copper may react with diazonium passed into the thick slurry of p-anisidine hydrogen sulfate
until nearly all the soljd disappeared; the temperature
ions in the manner proposed for the Gattermann was maintained a t 0-5 . The mixture was filtered and
reaction15 ethyl nitrite was passed into the filtrate until a positive
Cu + Aryl-Nz+ +Cu+ + Aryl’ 4- Nf reaction was obtained with starch-iodide paper. A liter
of acetone, cooled to -5’, was added with vigorous
There seems to be no obvious explanation for stirring. The white crystals which separated were filtered
the fact that ferrous ion, but not ferric ion, pro- off and washed with a total of three liters of cold acetone.
motes the hypophosphorous acid reduction of The product was dried and stored in the same way as the
p-tolyl salt; yield 80 g. (64%).
diazonium salts.I6 I t should be pointed out, Anal, Calcd. for Ci.HaN20jS: sod’ 41.4. Found:
however, that the chemistry of hypophosphorous Sod-, 41.4,41.5.
acid is very imperfectly understood. Thus, in With p-anisidine the method of Knoevenagel’$ yielded
order to account for the kinetics obtained when a salt which gave a satisfactory analysis for sulfate, but
various inorganic ions are reduced by hypo- from which only about two-thirds of the calculated amount
phosphorous acid it is necessary to invoke the of nitrogen was liberated on treatment with hypophos-
phorous acid. Knoevenagel, himself, stated that he
hypothesis that hypophosphorous acid exists in a could obtain only one-third of the theoretical amount of
“normal” and an “active” form; the nature of this nitrogen from the diazonium salt prepared in this way,
“activated” hypophosphorous acid is not known. l7 even after boiling an aqueous solution for 24 hours. Pre-
sumably the diazonium salt was contaminated with p -
(14) Sieverts and Loessner, 2. anorg. Chcm., 76, 10 (1912). anisidine hydrogen sulfate which has a sulfate content not
(15) Waters, J . Chcm. Soc., 266 (1942). far from that of the diazonium salt.
(16) The oxidation of hypophosphorous acid by air is catalyzed p-Nitrobenzenediazonium Hydrogen Sulfate.-Six
by ferrous ion [Wieland and Franke, Ann., 464, 101 (1928)J. T h a t grams of p-nitroaniline was dissolved in 150 ml. of absolute
this reaction is not the source of initiating radicals is shown by the ethanol. Fifteen grams of 96% sulfuric acid was added
observation that ferrous sulfate catalyzes the reduction of p-tolyl- and the solution cooled to 10” under nitrogen following
diazonium hydrogen sulfate equally well in the presence or absence which 9 g. of freshly prepared isoamyl nitrite was added in
of air. Possibly. upon still more rigorous exclusion of air, ferrous
sulfate will fail to catalyze the reduction of diazonium salts. (18) Noyes, “Organic Syntheses,” Coll. Vol. 11, John Wiley sod
(17) Mitchell, J . Chcm. SOL,117, 1322 (1920); Hayward and Sons, Inc., New York, N. Y.,1943, p. 108.
Post. THISJOURNAL, 71,915 (1949). (19) Knoevenagel, Bcr., as, 2049 (1895).
one portion. After five minutes the faintly yellow crys- pletely submerged, except for the buret and thzee-way
tals were isolated by filtration and washed, first with
ethanol and then with ether. The salt was dried and
stopcock) in a constant-temperature bath a t 13.8 The .
current of nitrogen was reduced to a very slow rate. After
stored in the same way as p-tolyldiazonium hydrogen fifteen minutes stopcock F was opened, allowing the hypo-
sulfate; yield 6.1 g. (57%). phosphorous acid solution to flow into vessel A. Stop-
Anal. Calcd. for C6H6Na06S: SOa’, 38.9. Found: cocks D, E and F were then closed and stopcock G opened
Sod-, 38.5, 38.7. to the gas measuring buret. The solution was stirred
from below by means of a magnetic stirrer.
Reduction of Diazonium Salts by Hypophosphorous Acid
The examples given below illustrate the technique which
Time, hours Nn evolved, yozl Time, hours Nt evolved, yo*I
was used, with but minor variations, in carrying out the 0.5 10.4 4.5 77.8
various reduction studies. For further details the doc- 1.0 21.1 5.0 81.2
toral dissertation of G. D. Cooper, Purdue University, 2.0 41.6 6.0 85.0
1949, should be consulted.
Reduction of p-Tolyldiazonium Hypophosphite.-In 2.5 50.6 7.0 86.5
order to determine whether the presence of oxygen was 3.5 65.3 8.0 87.2
responsible for the inability to obtain reproducible rates 4.0 73.1 10.0 88.6
the apparatus shown in Fig. 9 was employed. To the
Despite the considerable pains taken, strict reproduci-
- - bility could not be attained. Nor were reproducible re-
NITROEEN sults obtained when the barium hydroxide was omitted.
TRAIN Since the absence of oxygen did not improve matters most
succeeding runs were made in the presence of air.
TO Catalysis by Copper Sulfate.-The apparatus of Fig. 9
VACUUM was used without excluding air. Twenty milliliters of an
PUMP aqueous solution containing 0.05 mole of hypophosphorous
acid was placed in B and 1.16 g. (0.005 mole) of p-anisyl-
TYGON diazonium hydrogen sulfate in A. Side tube H was loaded
TUBING with 0.064 g. (0.00025 mole) of finely powdered copper
sulfate pentahydrate. The assembled apparatus was
immersed in a constant temperature bath (13.8’) and
after fifteen minutes stopcock F was opened allowing the
hypophosphorous acid to flow into A. Stopcocks E and
F were then closed and G opened to the gas buret. Con-
stant stirring was provided. After one-half hour th:
1 0 0 M L BURET
copper sulfate was introduced into A by rotating H 180
F I L L E D WITH and tapping it gently.
DIBUTYL PHTHALATE Time, hours Nz evolved, %‘I
0.5 2.5
0.516 61.4
0.533 73.6
0.6 95.0
3.4 99.7
Catalysis by Pentabromobenzenediazonium Hydrogen
A Sulfate.-This was done in the manner described above,
except that 1.08 g. (0.005 mole) of p-tolyldiazonium hy-
drogen sulfate was substituted for the p-anisyl salt, and
0.149 g. (0.00025 mole) of pentabromobenzenediazonium
ENCASED IN P Y R E X hydrogen sulfatell was used instead of copper sulfate.
Fig. 9. Time, hours Volume Nz (ml.) at S.T. P.
reaction flask A was added 1.08 g. (0.005 mole) of p - 0.5 4.5
tolyldiazonium hydrogen sulfate. Barium hydroxide 1.00 9.7
octahydrate (1.58 g., 0.005 mole) was dissolved in 6.6 g. 1.0083 40
(0.05 mole) of 50% hypophosphorous acid, the solution
was diluted t o 20 ml. with distilled water which had been 1.0167 58.4
freshly boiled and cooled under nitrogen,m and then nitro- 1.033 62.3
gen was bubbled through the solution for one-half hour. 1.05 63.1
The solution was transferred to bulb B, the apparatus was 1.10 64.8
assembled, and reaction vessel A was cooled in Dry-Ice.
With stopcock E open the apparatus was evacuated ‘After one hour the 0.149 g. of pentabromo salt was
through stopcock C t o a pressure of about 3 mm. Stop- added. The maximum amount of nitrogen to which this
cock C was then closed and pure nitrogen was admitted quantity of pentabromobenzenediazonium hydrogen sul-
through D to a pressure somewhat greater than one atmos- fate can give rise is 5.6 ml. The maximum amount of
phefe. Stopcock D was closed and the system evacuated nitrogen which 1.08 g. of p-tolyldiazonium hydrogen sul-
again. This process was repeated several times. Then fate can yield is 112 ml.
with stopcock C closed and the apparatus filled with ni-
trogen, stopcock G was opened to the atmosphere and a (21) “Per cent. nitrogen evolved” refers to that fraction of the
rapid current of nitrogen was passed through the apparatus diazonium nitrogen which is released as gaseous nitrogen. Because
for four hours. The apparatus was then placed (com- of competing reactions some of the diazonium nitrogen is not liber-
ated as gas. Consequently, the per cent. nitrogen evolved rarely
(20) The nitrogen used in these experiments was freed of oxygen reached the 100 mark although it often ran well over SO%, especially
and water according to Pieser [“Experiments in Organic Chemis- with readily reduced salts or under the influence of catalysts.
try,” D. C. Heath and Co., Boston, Mass., 2nd ed., 1941, pp. 385- (22) Kornblum, Cooper, Kdley and Imand. THIBJOURNAL, to
3881. be published.
Inhibition by p-Benzoquinone.-Without excluding air, reactants were mixed and the gas produced measured as
20 ml. of a solution containing 0.05 mole of hypophos- described previously.
phorous acid was cooled to 13.8' and 0.0275 g. (0.00025
mole) of p-benzoquinone was dissolved in it by vigorous Summary
shaking. The solution was placed in B and 1.08 g. (0.005
mole) of p-tolyldiazonium hydrogen sulfate was put in A. The hypophosphorous acid reduction of di-
The apparatus was assembled and placed in the constant azonium salts is catalyzed by traces of oxidizing
temperature bath held a t 13.8'. After five minutes the agents and inhibited by small amounts of quin-
Time, minutes Nz evolved,Ql%
' Time, minutes Nz evolved,?' ones. This, in conjunction with other facts,
30 0.0 108 1.5 leads to the conclusion that the reduction of
60 .3 114 2.5 diazonium salts by hypophosphorous acid is a
90 .4 120 3.5 free radical chain reaction. A detailed mech-
96 .5 180 9.5 anism is presented.
102 .8 INDIANA
This paper describes the results of a kinetic (CHS)~CHCH~' 151-152 1.4555 .9291
study of the hydrolysis of a series of thiolacetates (CHdaCd 38 (14 mm.) 1.4490 ,9290
and the corresponding oxygen esters in aqueous Wenzel and Reid, THISJOURNAL, 59, 1089 (1937), re-
acetone, and is a continuation of work on the port b. p. 98' (760 mm.); n Z 6 1.4600;
~ dSr 1.0170.
cleavage of the carbon-sulfur bond being carried Ralston and Wilynson, ibid., 50, 2160 (1928), report
the b. p. as 122-123 . The same b. p. is given by Ipatieff
out in this Laboratory. and Friedman, ibid., 61, 71 (1939). Rheinboldt, Mott
The only previous quantitative work on the and Motzkus, J . prakt. Chem., 134,274 (1932), report the
hydrolysis of thiolesters is the recent research of b. p. as31-32' (11 mm.).
Schaefgen2on the hydrolysis of ethyl thiolacetate
in aqueous acetone. This medium was also t-Butyl Thio1acetate.-This compound was prepared in
about 20% yield by the method described for t-butyl ace-
used in the present study, because its solvent tate.a The low yield was probably due to mechanical
properties were satisfactory over the range of difficulties. The thiolester prepared by this method was
composition studied, and the measurements were used in the kinetic study.
not complicated by back-reactions or exchange The following modification of the above method gave
quite satisfactory yields. Eighty-seven grams (1.10
reactions. The compounds investigated were the moles) of dry pyridine was dissolved in 400 cc. of dry
methyl, ethyl, isopropyl, isobutyl and t-butyl chloroform and the solution cooled in an ice-bath. To
acetates, and the corresponding thiolacetates. this was added 86 g. (1.10 moles) of acetyl chloride drop by
The rates of hydrolysis were measured under drop with cooling and constant stirring. When done in
this manner the resulting solution was nearly colorless.
basic conditions with sodium hydroxide, and t-Butyl mercaptan (90.2 g., 1.00 mole) was added drop-
under acidic conditions with hydrochloric acid wise over several hours, and the solution allowed to warm
as catalyst. spontaneously by standing overnight. Water was added,
the layers separated and the chloroform layer washed with
Experimental water, 1070 sulfuric acid, saturated sodium bicarbonate,
Preparation of Materials.-Methyl, ethyl, isopropyl and again with water. It was dried over Drierite and
and isobutyl thiolacetate were prepared by dropping the anhydrous potassium carbonate, and fractionally distilled.
appropriate mercaptan slowly into excess acetyl chloride. The yield was 81% of material with a b. p. of 38' (14
The resulting solution was diluted with ice, the layers mm.) . 4
separated, and the ester layer was washed with saturated The oxygen esters were dried over calcium chloride, then
sodium bicarbonate solution and with water. The thiol- over Drierite, and were twice fractionally distilled through
ester was dried over Drierite, and fractionally distilled an efficient column from potassium carbonate, the center
twice from anhydrous potassium carbonate through an fraction being collected each time. The physical proper-
efficient column. The center fraction which was collected ties agreed well with those in the literature.
each time boiled over a range of less than 1". The ob- The acetone-whter mixtures were made up by mixing
served properties are tabulated below. the correct quantity of boiled distilled water and purified
acetone. The acetone was purified by distillation from
CHICOSR potassium permanganate, followed by drying the distillate
B. p.. OC.,
over anhydrous potassium carbonate, and fractionation
R 760 mm. n22.6~ dS4 through an efficient column from potassium carbonate.
CHI" 95-96 1.4661 1.0111 (3) Hauser, et al., "Organic Syntheses," Vol. 24, p. 19.
(CHWH~ 126-127 1.4502 0.9322 (4) The preparation of this compound, in unspecified yield, by
the action of acetyl chloride on mercury t-butyl mercaptide, has been
(1) Harnish and Tarbell, THISJOURNAL, 70, 4123 (1948). reported by Rheinboldt, Mott and Motzkus, J. prokt. Chcm., 184,
(2) Schaefgen, ibid., 70, 1308 (1948). 274 (1932).