Construction Equipment

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Power Shovels ‫المجرفة االلية‬

It is one of the types of equipment that have towers. It is to be used for

excavating and loading soil into trucks, carts or movable belt in large
quantities and when it is a relatively large depth of drilling or when the soil
and gravel is rigid or to be stacked with mud which can not be easily
excavated by other types of equipment. This machine can excavate and
load all types of soil except rocks.

Optimum Depth of Cutting ‫االرتفاع االمثل للحفر‬

It is the height which refers to the shovel’s highest productivity when to fill
the backet without any extra power provided by the machine. This height
changes with the type of the soil and the size of the backet. Table 1 shows
the optimum depth of cutting and ideal productivity for the mentioned
shovels and with various types of soil.
Table 1 - Ideal Productivity for Optimum Cutting depth

Productivity of Power shovel ‫انتاجية المجرفة االلية‬

The productivity of any shovel, which is calculated in cubic meters and
determined of the bank volume within a time scale, depends on the
following factors:
1. Class of the material excavated.
2. Depth of cutting.
3. Angle of swing.
4. Job conditions.
5. Management conditions.
6. Size of hauling units.
7. Skill of the operator.
8. Physical condtions of the shovel.

Angle of Swing ‫زاوية الدوران‬

The horizontal angle estimated in degrees between the status of the

backet while excavating and time during unloading. The total work cycle
time for the backet includes excavating and swing to the subject of the
discharge and then discharge and return to the status of excavating.

Conversion coefficient factor of Table 2. ‫معامل التحويل‬

Where the percentage of optimum depth = ( real height of cutting \

optimum depth of cutting in table 1) × 100%

Conditions coefficient of Table ‫معامل الظروف‬

The expected productivity of the shovel is calculated by multiplying the

ideal shovel’s productivity × conversion coefficient factor × conditions

Table 2 Conversion coefficient factor

Table 3 Conditions coefficient

Ex / At a construction project, a power shovel was used with number of trucks as the following:

Power shovel Truck

Size 0.8 m

Size 4.6m

Soil type Solid Cycle time 20 min

Depth of cutting 2.25 m Operation

50 min/hr

Angle of swing 75

Site Conditions Medium

Management Conditions Good

Find the following:

1- the expected productivity for the shovel.

2- the number of trucks required to transfer the soil.



From table 1, the optimum depth of cutting = 2.7 m

So, the ideal productivity = 111 m


The percentage of optimum depth =(2.25/2.7) 100 × % = 83.33%

From table 2, the conversion coefficient factor = 1.04 (approx.)

From table 3, Site and Management conditions factor = 0.69

Then, the expected productivity = 111 × 1.04 × 0.69 = 79.65 m



Number of work cycles in one hour = 50 /20 = 2.5 cycle

Productivity of one truck per hour = 2.5 × 4.6 = 11.5 m

The number of trucks required to transfer the soil = 79.65 /11.5= 6.93 = 7

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