Frendx: September 1983
Frendx: September 1983
Frendx: September 1983
o Amore& andli AFAR MCMURDO
100.1 min là CEAN FPO, SAN FRANCISCO, C )1 \
We welcome 43 new and returning NASWA members
who have joined the ranks since our last listing
which appeared in the July issue of FRENDX. We hope they
will find their new association to be helpful.
ENKENHUS, Kurt R., Silver Spring, ND POTTER, Michael, St. Petersburg, FL**
A REMINDER: Since we have a little space left this time, may we take this
opportunity to ask renewing members to be sure to return the Post Card re-
newal notice which is sent about two months prior to a members expiration
This card immediately signals us that you are a current or recent member and
tells us when your expiration occurs, so we are then able to process the re-
newal immediately and without question.
If the card is not enclosed, we have to search back through past months ex-
pirations until we can find the member's file card. If we have trouble in
locating the card, the renewal processing is delayed until we eventually can
find it. In the event you loose the card we send, then a mere mention of
your expiration month will be as helpful. The number to the right of your
name on the address label is the expiration month.
Both our Publisher and Business Manager will appreciate membership assistance
in making our work a little easier.
... . ... . . ...... .... .
1VAL À -
This month's cover is another nice design by SWC editor John Herkimer.
Any member with an idea for a FRENDX cover is invited to submit it to
NASWA Headquarters,. If it's used, a suitable prize will be given.
Designs should be the same size as the present cover without the FRENDX
FOR SALE: BOONTON RADIO "Q" METER: Laboratory grade test instrument used for
winding/measuring/testing the "Q" of antenna circuits, LP coils, toroids, pot cored,
etc. Good shape, but needs new AC Line cord - $90.00.
MECHANICAL FILTERS: Collins plug-in units for the 51J-4 receiver.
Have one of each 6.0 kHz, 3.1 kHz, and 1.4 kHz bandwidths. New, boxed - S70.00 each.
VACUUM TUBES: A pair (2) type 6082WA Voltage Regulators used in the
Collins LP receiver R-389 URR and the Collins R-390. New, boxed, unused. Last
distributor price was $15.00 each, price here $25.00 for the pair.
LITZ WIRE: Two, 5 3/4 pound spools; new, full spools, unwrapped manu-
facturer's seal. Litz wire is modern type with nylon covering and appears to be
size equal to #24 wire. Estimated each 5 3/4 pound spool has between 1,200 to 1,500
feet of litz wire - $40.00 each.
METER: Line Level Meter for Collins R-389 URR LP receiver or R-390,
R-390A receiver - $25.00.
TECH MANUAL: TM 0967-063-2010, Op/maintenance manual R-390/URR in
binder with parts lists and circuit changes (original - not xerox copy - $20.00.
MILITARY COAX CONNECTORS: Type UG-421 and UG-422. These are the almost
impossible to find antenna connectors on the rear of the R-389, R-390 and R-390A
receivers. Have three (3) mating pairs, new in sealed distributor packages. Dist-
ributor cost when can be located is $13.00 for one and $15.00 for the other. Sold
here as a pair - $25.00.
R-390A/uRR REcErvER PARTS: Have replacement/spare parts as briefly
noted here - Audio subchassis, AC Line Filters, power supplies, SFO PTO, complete
slug racks (with slugs - none broken), I-F transformers, BFO expansion coupler,
front panels, meters, crystals, crystal oscillator plug-in, gears, oldham couplers
and other miscellaneous parts too numerous to list here. Send SASE with inquiry for
parts you require.
HAMMARLUND HQ-180 and HQ-180A PARTS: Hammarlund 24-hour telechron clock,
new, boxed, unused. - $30.00. Another Hammarlund 24-hour clock/timer, but this one
is used - $17.00. Hammarlund S-meter for either the model HQ-160, HQ-145 or HQ-180A,
new, boxed, unused - $40.00.
*** Please note, the prices noted above do not include UPS shipping; therefore,
please remit extra for shipping charges. I would appreciate payment for all items
via POSTAL MONEY ORDER. I can ship within 5 days of the receipt of your payment.
Steve J. Bohac, P.O. Box 421, Fairview, NJ 07022.
Noe 1
FOR SALE: Galaxy R530, SC-530 speaker with manuals, $275.00. Gilfer A-20
Pre-selector, $20.00. FRENDX - complete 1/77 to 12/81 and WRTH - 78 to
81. Best offers. Cashiers check or money order. All items plus shipping.
Al Drehmann, 11714 S.W. 129 Ct., Miami, FL 33186. Phone (305) 385-3879.
FOR SALE: Mint Yaesu FRG-7 in original carton, $195.00. Tentec Century-
. with manual, $195.00. Norm Sinclair, 740 Sorrento Inlet, Nokomis,
FL 33555. Phone (813) 966-6143.
FOR SALE: Panasonic RF -2200. Covers 3.5 to 28 MHz in five bands and has
AM/FM. One year old and used less than two months. No scratches. Shipped
with manual in original box. Price $105.00, cashiers check or money order.
I pay shipping. Kenny R. Johns, 50 Currie Avenue, Jackson, TN 38301.
Phone (901) 423-2366 from 0100 to 0230 UTC.
he SW pirate scene has been quite lively in England for the
last 11 years, but this is not news to FRENDX readers with
long memories. Several of the best English stations, particularly
European Music Radio, and one or two in the minor leagues, have been
heard and verified by East Coast listeners during the transatlantic
pirate seasons from mid-Dctober to early March. Unlike the BEC on SW,
though, pirates have represented all but one of the possible "countries"
in the British Isles, and they continue to give SWLs the only chance
of hearing the exotic ones via SWBC. Now that the winter season is near,
it is worth summarizing what may be available to North American
listeners in 1983-84.
Page 3
That still leaves 3 countries. British free-radio honor is
presently upheld best by SCJTLAND, which has no less than 4 active
stations. Each of them should be on the air in winter, on one or two
Sundays per month. The most interesting one is Radio Freedom, with
address, Dept. R, 67 Elm Rove, Edinburgh EH? 4A.d. It uses 6230, but has
recently started parallel tests on 9420 with 150 watts which have been
heard over long distances. 9420 should be a good choice for Sunday-
morning propagation to North America in winter. Radio Stella is usually
heard on the last Sunday of the month, on 7319 lately, and is not afraid
to get out of bed early enough for regular 0800 starts in winter. Full
.addressisRSI, 48 Pentland Park, Loanhead, Midlothian. Radio Lynda has
been on 6260 lately, but plans parallel operation on 6230 and 7315. It
isn't recommended to quote the station name in the address,vhich is P.O.
Box_13,*Falkirk. Falkirk, by the way, has always been a center of free
radio, and in the past it has been the home of two of the four nationalist-
flavored Radio Free Scntlands. Finally, there's Weekend Music Radio.
6240, which has had several transatlantic tests will. some (though
limited) success in previous winters. I hope that the operator can be
talked into waking up early on at least one winter Sunday this season.
WMR's address is 42 Arran Close, Cambridge, England. All four stations
send out good enough signals to make it to North America unless the
conditions are against them.
6280 Westside Radio, an old favorite, very regular, with chief operator
Prince Terry. Address: 53 Charleston Road, Dublin 6.
6293 Radio Ireland International, new since last winter. Excellent signals.
Address: 103B Barrow Road, Dublin Industrial Estate, Glasnevin,
Dublin 11.
at weekends and sometimes on other days too. r—
Since it can be heard in Australia, you
ought to have heard it already! Probably
about 200 watts. Address: 58 Inchicore Road,
240 NM
Dublin 8.
2 IRCs will cover return postage for any of the stations that I
have mentioned. Good DX: And let's have a few North American stations
giving us European listeners something to hunt for in winter too.
(Editor's note: Nice work, John, and thanks! We'll miss your
"Unofficial Radio" column in "Shortwave News" (the monthly
bulletin of the Danish Shortwave Clubs International). If
West Coast DXers think the above borders on teasing, keep in
mind that Indos are far and few between in these parts. So,
it's revenge of sorts, eh?-JH)
Jo The Tandberg 1521: A Modern Dinosaur
by Jerry Berg - 38 Eastern Avenue -.Lexington, MA 02173
Recently I found myself in the market for a new open reel recorder, my
inexpensive 13-year old machine having been teetering on its last legs for
some time. A tape recorder is an important part of my listening equipment. It
serves three main purposes. First, if I am on to a weak signal and I cannot
identify it "off the air", I can replay the ID until I can, hopefully, piece it
together. (I have often been surprised how , after a few days go by, you can pick
things out of an ID tape that you missed the first time around.) Second, I keep a
tape library of all my Latin American DX, and some non-LA DX as well. Third, I
sometimes send taped reports to stations. Except for casual listening or informal
band scanning, my recorder is running almost all the time I am listening.
I have, for several reasons, always been partial to open reel recording, as
opposed to cassettes, for recording from a receiver. The main advantage to me is
that open reel facilitates the physical editing out of a segment of a longer
recording. This is the technique I have used for my ID collection, snipping out
the desired segment and splicing it onto a master tape containing recordings
from that particular country. This is virtually impossible to do with cassettes.
Open reel recording also permits longer running time. I generally use a 3600 foot
reel of .5 mil tape which, at a speed of 7.5 inches per second, provides 96 minutes
of recording time without the necessity of rewinding or turning the tape over.
Finally, I still believe that on all but the most expensive recorders (where cassettes
will perform nearly as well as open reel), open reel recording provides better
Page 5
THE TANDBERG 1521 (cont'd.)
If you have been out of the open reel tape recorder market for a long time,
as I was, you are in for some surprises. With few exceptions, open reel machines
have become basically semi-professional pieces of equipment. They are designed for the
really serious recordist, and consequently they are very expensive. The sky is
the limit as to price, with most units being $1,000 or more. With few exceptions they
are decks, intended for use with stereo components.
If you owned an open reel recorder prior to the advent of stereo recording and
cassette machines, you will feel right at home with the 1521. It is a completely
self-contained unit, including a ten-watt amplifier and a speaker. It is of manageable
size, measuring 15,3/6" wide by 13-1/8" deep by 6-3/4" high. It comes with a snap-on
clear plastic dust cover that covers the entire face of the machine. Unfortunately,
it is designed for horizontal rather than vertical use, and this presented a problem
because, placed in a horizontal position on a desk, the counter and the VU meter
are not easily visible. For this reason, and for general ease of use, I constructed
a simple wooden stand that holds the unit at about a 45 angle and places the face
of the unit and all controls in a convenient operating position.
Tandberg is an old and well known Norwegian company specializing in the audio-
visual, educational and professional markets rather than the home stereo market.
Tandberg equipment is particularly popular in language labs, where ruggedness and
reliability in hard, daily use is required. The 1521 is designed strictly for mono
applications, such as recording from a radio, recording lectures or discussions,
making master recordings of educational programs, etc.
-The unit accommodates up to 7" reels and operates at three speeds: 1-7/8, 3-3/4
and 7-1/2 i.p.s. I use the 7-1/2 i.p.s. position, where the frequency response is
40 to 18,000 Hz -4- 2 db. The frequency response at 3-3/4 i.p.s. is 40 to 13,000 Hz,
and at 1-7/8 i.p.s. it is 40 to 7,000 Hz, although the differences seem hardly
noticeable to the ear. Using a 3600 foot reel of .5 mil tape, the unit records for
96 minutes at 7-1/2, 192 minutes at 3-3/4 or 364 minutes at 1-7/8, without turning
the tape over. There is a four-digit illuminated counter that permits accurate location
of recorded material. A push button resets the counter. The VU meter is easily
visible when the unit is in a slanted position. It is calibrated in black from -20
to 0 db, and in red from 0 to+6 db, and is illuminated when the unit is in the
record mode. The speaker measures 3" x 5-1/2" and produces excellent audio. The unit
contains 20 transistors. There are separate bass and treble controls for playback,
and they are quite responsive. There is an output volume control, of course, which
controls playback volume. A slide switch on the front panel permits selection of the
internal speaker, an external speaker or both together. There are two separate (concentric)
recording level controls, one for the microphone input level and the other for other
input levels (see below). Thus, a microphone and another signal source, such as a
receiver, can be connected at the same time and the recording level of each can be
separately controlled and mixed together. The heads and related mechanisms are under
two metal covers held on by three screws which are easily removable without tools.
Threading is accomplished simply by dropping the tape into a single slot and feeding
it onto the take up reel. The tape reels are held firmly in place by reel locks
(not rubber stoppers).
The microphone input is a regular phone jack and is located on the front panel.
All other inputs and outputs are located on the rear panel. Rear panel sockets are
as follows: a DIN input for a ceramic cartridge; a phono input for a ceramic cartridge;
a DIN socket for simultaneous or separate input from a receiver or amplifier and output
(unamplified) to a receiver or amplifier; a phono input for a receiver or amplifier
(which I use for recording from a receiver); a phono output for playback through an
external amplifier; a phone jack for output to a 4 ohm external speaker; and a second
external speaker jack (the design of which is unfamiliar to me). As noted above. a
Page 6
THE TANDBERG 1521 (cont'd.)
front panel switch permits choice of internal or external speaker, or both, and so
connection of an external speaker to the rear panel epeaker jack does not automatically
cut out the internal speaker.
When the unit is in the record mode, the amplifier is also activated. Thus, by
turning up the output volume control the recorded material is amplified as it is
recorded. If--as is usually the case when recording from a receiver--you do not want
the material amplified while recording, you turn the output volume control to its "O'
position. The unit has a useful feature in that, by placing the function selector
switch in the "up" or "amplifier" position, when the recorder is not recording or
playing back, the unit can be used as an amplifier only, with the recorder output
volume, bass and treble controls being operative. This is a useful feature if your
receiver audio is not very good and if an unamplified receiver signal is available.
The 1521 also has a pause control which can be used in the record or playback modes,
and which can be left in the pause position without the need to hold the control in
It is worth noting that Tandberg equipment has been on the market for many years
and is easily serviced. Of special importance in these days of foreign imports,
Tandberg has a reputation for long term parts availability, as befits the long life
expectancy of its products. Thus, there will be few difficulties in obtaining
replacement parts for many years to come.
While not priced in the same category as professional quality open reel stereo
decks, the 1521 is far from inexpensive. I was quoted a list price of $715 by two
dealers, though more recently the list price has been shown as $745 in the manufacturer's
literature. I was able to purchase the unit for $650. You may be able to do better
if you find the right dealer, but the potential savings are probably not very great
because the unit is rarely found "on the shelf" and must be special ordered. It is
readily available, however; the dealer obtained mine in a week from Tandberg's
American headquarters in New York.
The unit is also available in quarter-track mono format. In that format there
is a separate track selector that permits you to record or play back on track 1 (track
4 with tape side 2 up) or track 3 (track 2 with tape side 2 up), or to simultaneously
play back tracks 1 and 3 together (tracks 2 and 4 together with tape side 2 up). The
quarter track mono unit, Model 1541, lists for $835.
Page 7
The Charlie Loudenboomer Report
When the mailbox remained empty the next day, and the next, I really
became worried. After two weeks without mail, panic set in.
But after my tears of anguish had begun to dilute the magenta ink
of his stamp pad, he took pity and suggested that I contact the chief
postal inspector.
I was ushered into the office of Chief Postal Inspector Oscar Blunt.
The federal agent was the very picture of a chief postal inspector,
brisk, no nonsense, efficient. He fixed me with his steely eyes.
"So you're not getting any QSLs eh? Well you've brought your problem
to the right man. I'll look into it and you'll be hearing from me."
I went home relieved, and waited. Several weeks passed without mail.
Then one morning, my gloomy mood was broken by the doorbell ringing. At
the door stood someone I at first took for a complete stranger, until I
realized it was my mailman. He handed me two objects, a long overdue
club bulletin and an official-looking letter. I ripped open the latter
and found it was a letter from Chief Inspector Blunt:
Page 8
"The 1982 award for Man of the Year goes to Oscar M. Blunt,
a newcomer to the DX hobby. He is honored for his remarkable
achievements, which resulted in verifications from 215
different countries in the space of just three months time.
Congratulations, Oscar! Please tell us the secret of your
tremendous success!!"
"I recall the old Radio Nacional quite well. It was my (and I
suppose most of my contemporaries') first Brazilian QSL, maybe
30 years ago. A quick bit of research here indicates that PRI7
was on 9720 kHz; PRL8 on 11720 kHz and PRI9 on 17850 kHz, each
with 50 kw. One of the few major atations in South America
back then."
emember the radio sta- Manilow. They're part of the U.S. directly advocated only in VOA groups at work,readmg the news or
tions you grew up lis- government, and you won't hear editorials, some have sensed a conducting panel discussions in
tening to? Those "pro- their station in Amenca. strong anti-Soviet slant in die everything from Uzbek to Azer-
gressive" FM stations where the The station (more like anet- service's reports about Central baijani.
disc jockeys all programmed their work, really) is the Milt, of .A -net America. Small vender, then, that But the VOA is also charged to
own music without relying on for- aZed, white and blue broadcast even in these budget-tight times, "represent America...and...present
mat consultants or chart positions operation that each week beams the VOA recently had us annual a balanced and comprehensive
or advertisers to tell them what to ait 960 hours of programming budget increased by thirty percent. projection of American thought
play? Where seul music and rock in forty-two languages to the to $141 million. and institutions" Oras disc jockey
& roll could be played back to U.S.S.R., China, Asia, Africa and The bulk of VOA program- James "Russ" Woodgates puts it,
back and where the deejays' wildly South America. (It is not affiliated ming originates from its Washing- "When you think of America, yru
idiosyncratic tastes profoundly with Radio Free Europe.) The ser- ton D.C. complex, where twenty- think of rock & roll." Music may
influenced your own? Well, one of vice was founded in 1942 to provide six studios, amaster control board make up little more than an hour of
those stations still exists, in Wash- war news and under the terms of its that appears to date from the earls a typical service's eight-hour
ington DC. It has an audience 1976 charter,its primary purpose is Fifties and most of the agency's broadcast day, but with respect for
estimated in the tens of millions. Its to "serve as aconsistently reliable 1500 stateside workers are based U.S. foreign policy at apost-Viet-
deciays have total job securitv. and authoritative source of By and large, programs are record- nam ebb and American culture still
news." ed on tape here and sent to die ascendant, it's not hard to imagine
News is clearly the priority of VOAs thirty-one domestic trans- why an estimated 80 million to MO
the VOAs new director, Kenneth mitters, which in turn send out million people tune [Cont. )
moody tackle some mean' issues
VOA (the brouhaha over backward
masking, or hidden messages. on
albums, for example). they usually
IC.«. I in, for the music, emphasize success stones of young
From the music standpoint. the Amencans who made it big on
VOA seems considerably freer hard work and talent Woodgates
than die stations of che country it speaks slowly and overarncuLates
represents "We have no music for his foreign audiences, and the
director or program director effect is slightly maddening, like
standing then, saying, 'This is Dick Clark on Thorazine "Bob
your playlisc:" says Judith Massa, Seger ...a working-class ...trouba-
music editor of VOAs feature dour ... whose songs of love and
(news) division. "Anyone can go aspiranon...have made him ahero_
to the music library. pick out a to young ATIMM/11." Of
record and play it on the air. There Woodgates pucloshly points out,
is no one to sas no." Try that at "There's no tune-out factor on
Roos Woodson». the Ca», lam» of We Mod weld
an album-oriented radio station. shorneave."
Nobody takes bigger advan- Woodgates may be the systeny's Music programming to Poland. for has asignificant eftect on asong's
tage of that freedom than the bald- only jock heard throughout the example, was cut back when the commercial success in free-mar-
ing. cherubic Woodgates, athirty- world, but many of the individual VOA signal started getting ket countries. "When You talk
one- year-old whom VOA hired language services have their own jammed after the Gdansk shipyard about somebody doing well over-
fresh out of Northwestern Jour- music programs. Ukrainian uprising. "Music isn't seen ma seas, you can trace it back to when
nalism school. Woodgares is the émigré Peter Fedynsky's program posinve enough light by manage- VOA started placing the fer-
host of N01. *kit% U.S.A. ("Uh. features everything from heavy ment" says Massa. "It really de- ord." says Massa.
the tide wasn't my idea"), an "aca- metal to Abba ("What Ido is stab scenes ahigher prime, rating." Even more impressive is the
demic but hip" half-hour of rock around in the dark," he admits), "it's such acarrot," says Wood- case of Willis Conover, acraggy-
and soul that airs three rimes a and he will go to almost any length gates. "1 have discussions with Ithe faced, rumble-toned VOA vet
week throughout the VOA net- to find a Ukrainian hook. Fe- powers that be] once a month whose jazz programs single-hand-
work — one of the ven,few pro- dynsky therefore plays many cuts about its value. It's agreat way to edly created the development of
grams to be broadcast so widely. by the Romantics, agroup that in- get an audience." Tomlinson, a that music inside the Eastern bl.
"I'm die Casey Kamm of dse third cludes aUkrainian member, and self-described bluegrass buff, ac- and the Soviet Union. "Whrti Igo
world," he jests he likes to play anything recorded knowledge. that cutting back overseas. Iget mon attennon than
Unlike the Kasems of the lune at the RIlmore East, since that music is "a judgment call" but feels Ineed." he says. "On my first mp
tumid, Woodgates can and does legendary New York venue was strongly that news must be at the to Poland. in 1959.1 was met at the
play anything his bean desires. His across the street from aUkrainian forefront at all nrnes airport with cameras, tape record-
plavhsts am an eclectic, almost bi- meeting hall. The average radio station has ers. flowers hundreds of people
zarre mishmash of styles. Joan Since nobody really knowi how meetings almost daily on what behind barncades and a thirty-
Armatrading. An in America. many people listen to the VOA songs can and cannot be played; piece band And there were two
Wet Egan and an all-but-un- ("We base ir on ern polls" says after the one such meeting the concerts gown mm, honor by peo-
known Christian New Wave band Tank:non with alaugh I. letters VOA had this year, atranscript of pie from all over Poland to dent-
from Sacramento called the Sev- provide the only commumcanon ti wound up in the ?Yes Yórk Tyne. onstratc Iwas told, what they had
enty-Sevens all receive amplay between the VOA and its listeners The problems started in Februan. learned torn my. programs" That
along with the more traditional Woodgates says most of his corre- when program director Frank scene repeats itself whenever
AOR staples And unlike many spondence comes from India; Fe- Scott sent around a memo that Conover travels there.
other VOA programs. Woodgates' dvnsky never hears from his audi- asked programmers not to air EVCCI with that kind ot influence.
show is broadcast in Enghsh, which ence at all. Togo-born Roger-Guy "music lyrics which may be offen- VOA programmers ham trouble
he says can be grasped by the ma- Folly gets a thousand letters a I sise to émus segment of mie awl- getting ruck & roll artists or their
jonty of his listeners "There's month and uses them to program !ence." The tone of the directive record labels to cooperate with in-
always amanse tension on how his by-request-only show for the recalled Spiro Agnew 's rant terviews and other things. "I
much to spoon-feed them," he says West African (French) branch. lagainst drug lyrics, and the upshot always m to convince them that
while at work in his closet-size of- Hell play anything from Willie ,was a stormy hilarious meeting the whole world is listening.' says.
fice, stuffed with the promotional Nelson to King Sunny Adé. Ibetween Scott and some forty air frustrated Massa, who once fol-
detritus of rock & roll. "But they "Music makes alot of friends for lpersonalities and staff members. In lowed Charlie Daniels into amen's
have high 1Q3 and are tremen- America, says Folly. It serves as the course of the meeting. Scott room to get an interview. "I never
dously inquisitive." bait to keep people listening for die banned the playing of Marvin ask their, personal quesnons. Ijust
Not that Woodgates shrinks news." Gases -Sexual Healing" and want to talk about their music"
But the position of music on the nearly banned "Eke. and 'von" Nevertheless, the mood among
from aInde upbeat propaganda.
Though his "star profiles" VOA can be pretty precarious. from any use in South Africa—until VOA music programmers is up-
he learned that "Ebony and Ivory' beat. Massa is especially pleased
WIN Wm. Mask »mid bo •Wrler
Iwas South Africai Number One dim the service has finally begun
'song. an American Top Ten show; she
one programmer 'I don't attributes the delay in the show's
"Scott said.recalling
approval to the let's-kill-the-El
want the Voice of America to get in Salvador-government syndrome.
Though such fears on the part of
bed with the dev il.' And a co l-
league said. 'If the U.S. is in bed the Reaganites don't figure to
with the devil, we can' t p reten d abate. it seems likely that the music
that's not happening' -And while shows on the VOA will continue to
Woodgates acknowl edges that reflect what man, people wish
he's had no probl ems play ing what American radio were like.
he wants he wonders what will -I feel Messianic about the
•- i ,happen if a s ong ab y. El VOA." says Massa. "And rape-
`1Salvador should become popular. ctally about the music."
j The stakes are high because the "Sure. II'S propaganda."
'VOAs programming really does chuckles Vibodgates, who calls the
have an effect. Programmers say VOA aPR agency "But it's good
that the 'OAs playing of arecord Pn.P.P.46 ."
Page 10
Technical Topics
Editor: James G. Herkimer, 3255 South Drive, Caledonia, NY 14423
Similar to the format used by the SONY 2001 and 2002 receivers, Lhe
DX-400 has direct-entry pushbutton tuning and auto-scan, 6 AM and 6 FM
memory presets, lighted LCD frequency display, and a signal strength
meter. A choice of wide/narrow selectivity is provided plus fine-tuning.
Also included are an antenna trimmer and a 3-step RF gain control. A
sleep switch provides automatic shutoff, adjusted from 10-90 minutes.
Antennas provided are a telescoping whip and a BCH loopstick. A built-in
speaker is included plus jacks for external speaker, external antenna
and headphones. The price is $299.95 and the catalog number is 20-207.
Page 11
Page 12
1111111111R MI6 11111»:04 ; Shortwave Radio
Listening by George J. Poppin
It has been a few years since I built my first crystal set and one-tube radio
receiver to my present FRG-7 with digital readout. I have listened to and verified
radio stations in many parts of the world, corresponded with radio enthusiasts from
Mauritius to Osowatomee, Kansas, have had representatives from several international
broadcasters at my wife Dottie's dinners, met a lot of real shortwave radio buddies
and have learned a great deal about people in all parts of the world. This has been
a most rewarding experience...thanks to shortwave radio. Now I am doing my bit to
let other people know about our fascinating hobby....informing them that SW radio
is not mysterious—that it can and is being heard right in their own area and at
any hour of the day. Please allow me to share some of my experiences in promoting
SW radio with you.
My shortwave radio promotional projects on the local level have produced very
encouraging results. It is amazing what can be done in this direction if one is
enthusiastic about our hobby. One need not have the missionary zeal to get the
word across to the public but a little bit of that zeal, or one might call it an
interest in ecumenism, will help you in your endeavors. Due to the brevity of this
seminar I cannot go into a lot of detail but I will be happy to share those details
with any of my colleagues.
I learned that it helped a great deal to personally deliver the press release
to the editor of the newspaper. That personal touch helped! Many editors didn't
realize that SW radio programs were beamed from that language nation during prime
listening hours AND THAT THEY COULD BE HEARD!!! They published the press release
with my name and telephone number. Thus the potential listener could contact me
and I would provide information about the purchase of SW radios and how to properly
install an indoor as well as an outdoor antenna. I would mail the new listener
information pertaining to radio signal propagation, noise, interference, haw to
convert GMT to local time besides the station frequency schedules and programs.
I make follow-up telephone calls to the new listeners to determine how they are
getting along and to answer questions regarding SW radio which may be puzzling
them. I encourage the new listener to telephone or to write to me if any questions
arise regarding SW reception, etc..
The newspaper editors were put at ease once I told them that I wasn't in the hobby
to sell radios. The reader response has been very encouraging. One Creek-Orthodox
church bulletin published the entire press release in their parish bulletin and
this increased the responses from readers of Greek-American language newspapers.
I have invited some interested radio listeners to my QTH to get a first hand listen
to a broadcast from the nation of their heritage. That really clinched their
listenership and away they went to buy a radio set!!
Occasion has presented itself for me to tape news from Israel Radio so that
Carol Eisenberger, who produces a Sunday night program on KQED-FM, is able to
present listeners to her program with the latest news pertaining to that nation.
She always gives credit to Israel Radio for the news. I lent my old SONY SW radio
receiver to one ethnic agency to assist them in getting the latest overseas news
for their teJephone HOTLINE call-in nor, ire. I have attended newspaper seminar= and
conventions to spread the word about SW radio, got in touch with the various Consu-
Page 13
n doing so many more people "out there" will become aware that SW radio
ma do exist and that those programe CAN BE HEARD RIGHT NOW!!
George J. Poppin
Consultant-SF Unified School District
2654 Seventeenth Avenue
San Francisco, California 94116
3 May 1983
Page 14
The 1983 ANARC Convention was held on 15 - 17 July, 1983, at the Roselyn Westpark Hotel in
Roselyn, Virginia, just across the Key Bridge from Washington, DC. The convention vas
organized and hosted by the Washington Area DX Association (WADXA) under the able leader-
ship of Arlene Luskin. Attending the convention were representatives from most of the
ANARC clubs, broadcasters from • number of countries, and people representing all facets
of the radio listening hobby. The convention was centered around many formal activities,
but there was a great deal of time for just socializing. With an attendance of over 300,
a new record, from most aspects the convention was a success.
The convention formally opened on Friday at 5 PM; by that time, many people had already ar-
rived and were into the swing of socializing and examining the exhibits of various
receivers 6 equipment, and material laid out by several broadcasters. The pennants
brought as souvenirs by the representative of Radio Beijing quickly disappeared! After
dinner, a wine and cheese reception was held, compliments of several of the exhibitors.
This provided a chance for attendees to mingle and get to know their fellow
Earlier in the day, the ANARC club representatives held their annual meeting. Several mat-
ters were discussed including the proposed revision of the constitution and by-laws of
ANARC. While several clubs, including HASWA, were ready to vote on the proposed changes,
it was found that a majority of the club reps had not been briefed by their clubs on how
to vote, and the matter was postponed to a later date. Also discussed were the ways that
-ANARC could help clubs to publicize the hobby (and themselves in the bargain). John
McCann, vice-President of HAP-USA, spoke to the delegates about his thoughts on the future
of that organization, which, under his forthcoming leadership, appears to be bright.
Saturday saw the formal portions of the convention, with six seminars and the banquet.
The first seminar was on "Publicizing Radio Listening," and serving on the panel were
Randy Erickson (Moderator), Ian McFarland (Radio Canada International), John Trautschold,
Chris Davis (Sony), and Alfonso Montealegre(Radio Nederland). A number of ideas on the
topic were presented, and there was the opportunity for some audience participation after-
ward. It was pointed out that Sony has perhaps done more to publicize our hobby with
their receiver ads than all of the clubs put together!
The second seminar was devoted to "Trends in Broadcasting, Equipment, and Listening." On
the panel were Kim Elliott (Moderator), Larry Magne, Chris Davis, Roger Legge, and Bob
Grove. During this seminar, topics ranging from receivers & transmitters to programs E.
jammers were discussed. The third seminar was on "Computers in the Radio Hobby;" seivIng
on the panel were Mike Levintow (Moderator), Bill Krause, Skip Arey, and Jon Cohen. A
number of interesting ideas on the use of computers were discussed, including mention of
some of the computers which are being used in the hobby; Bill Krause had his VIC-20 on
display. Some of the useful types of programs were also discussed.
After lunch, the fourth seminar was held. I should actually say "seminars" as ther were
several running concurrently on various aspects of the hobby (e.g., shortwave, mediumwave,
utility, etc.). The shortwave session (of most interest to FrenDX readers) had on the
panel John Trautschold of SPEEDX, Jay Goldberg of WADXA, Dr. Richard Wood, who was visit-
ing from Saudi Arabia, and yours truly as moderator. The format for this seminar was a
free discussion, and during the course of the session, topics ranging from QSLs to DRing
to SWLing to satellites and SW were diacussed.
The fifth seminar was on "Commercial Shortwave Broadcasting." Joseph Costello of WRNO and
George Jacobs presented a talk on the difficulties in obtaining a license to operate a com-
mercial SW station in the United States. After this seminar, Kim Elliott presented the
RIB awards. This vas followed by the last seminar, the Broadcasters Forum. On the panel
were representatives from RCI, R. Nederland, VOA, SRI, R. Sweden, R. Beijing, HCJB, BBC,
R. Earth International, Zambia BS, and WRNO. It was an opportunity for those at the con-
vention to question the broadcasters about anything and everything, and I suspect that
this was the most popular session of the day; it was quite well attended.
Following this was the ANARC banquet. After dinner speakers were Pat Gates and Phil Irwin
of the Breakfast Show on VOA, and Joseph Costello of WRNO. The ANARC awards were made,
and the ANARC raffle drawing was held.
On Sunday, the Annual General Meeting of ANARC was held. A number of motions were
approved, and Toronto was selected as the site of the 1984 ANARC convention. Shortly
thereafter, the HAP auction was held with Sam Barto as auctioneer. When all was said and
done, over $2200 had been raised to help the efforts of HAP.
Page 15
isteners Notebook
GLENN HAUSER, Box 6287, Knoxville, TN 37914
ALASKA RNLS, Anchor point, ID, gospel chorus IS of several bars, all repeated 5 or
6 times 0215-0217* 8/7 on 11940 (D L Maclaughlan, Los Angeles CA) "I(NLS, the New
Life radio stn from Anchor Point in Alaska" hrd on 11820 2/8 0900-1000 apx, contin-
uous jazz and anmts in RS. Current ITU registrations for this are 0700-1100 & 1500-
1900 on 11820, 1100-1500 on 9690, to USSR. From 4/9, plans to use 9620 0600-1100,
6170 1100-2000 (WBI 4/8) This info is incorrect. S83 sked direct from the stn:
0900-1200 RS 9620, 1200-1330 Mandarin 6170, 1330-1630 Russian 6170. Expansion of
hours to 0700-2000 and addition of Ukrainian is not planned until D83 (gh) more, LMI
ALBANIAN R Tirana has relatively few bcs in its own language in the ES: Ans 0000-
0100 9790 7300 6200, 0200-0300 7300 6200; Eu 0400-0500 1215, 0600-0700 6200 1215,
1300-1400 7090 1458, 1800-1900 7090 & none to other target areas. Check these xmsns
for enjoyable music. EG sled seldom changes, but: 0000 NAm 9750 7065, 0130 & 0230
9750 7120 NAm; 0330 NAm 7300 6200. 0430 Af 9485 7300. 0630 Eu 9500 7080. 0700 Au
& As 11985 9500. 0930 Au & As 11985 9500. 1230 1.1Am 11960 9515. 1400 SEAs & Au
11985 9500. 1630 Eu 9480 7065. 1730 Af 15435 11985. 1830 Eu 9480 7065. 1930 Af
9500 7075. 2030 Eu 7065 1395. 2200 Eu 9480 7065 1395. (WBI 7/7) EG all 12 -hour
ARGENTINA LR4 R Splendid, 1 kW SW xmtrs LRS 11880, LRS1 9740, LRS2 5985, Mon-Sat
1800-0000, Sun 1200-0000. LR1 R El Mundo, 1.5 kW LRU 15290 weekly [sic, weekday??]
0830-0130; LW( 11755 7.5 kW weekly 0130-0830; LRX1 6120 10 kW weekly 0900-0700; LRX2
9710 7.5 kW Sun-Fri 1500-0100, Sat 0630-1600. LR3 R Belgrano, LRY1 6090 Mon-Sun 2200
-0300 (v Sat or Sun by sport events); LRY2 11180 Mon-Sun 1300-2000.
LRA1 R Nacional, Buenos Aires, 6060 Mon-Sat 0500-1700 & 2300-0000, Sun 0500-0300,
Mon only 0300-0500. 15345 Mon-Sat 1700-1900. LRA34 R Nacional Mendoza, 6180 24h.
LT17 R Provincia de Misiones 6160, inactive from 1982. LS5 R Rivadavia, 5882 & 10680
Mon-Fri 2100-0200, Sat 2300-0400, Sun 1800-0000. Evenings 5882, local days 10680.
RAE: 6060 0000-0500, 11710 1030-1330 & 0000-0500, 15345 1900-0500 weekly except
Sun. Langs: JP 1030-1100 & 1130-1200. EC 1100-1130, 1200-1230, 1930-2000, 2230-2300,
0100-0130, 0230-0300, 0430-0500. SP 1230-1330, 2030-2100, 0030-0100, 0300-0330. AR
1900-1930 & 2130-2200. GM 2000-2030, 2200-2230, 0130-0200, 0400-0430. FR 2100-2130,
2330-2400, 0330-0400. IT 2300-2330. PT 0000-0030, 0200-0230.
LRA36 R Nacional Arcángel San Gabriel, Antarctic Territory, 15474 & 6030 1300-1530
& 2200-0030. In SP only w/anmts in IT, FR, EG, requests reception reports to LRA36,
R Nacional Arcángel San Gabriel, Base Esperanza, 9411-Antàrtida Argentina, Argentina
(Argentine SW Panorama, 2/8, from Gabriel Iván Barrera, Bs As)
AUSTRALIA For 583, RA EG changes include moving one band down to NAm & Pac: 2030-
0100, 0200-0500, 0600-0630 on 15320 ex-17795; 0000-0330 17795 ex-21740; 0200-0400 on
15320 ex-17795; 0400-0500 15115 ex-15320 (RA Spectrum 15/8) RA fq anmt at 1100 on
9580 16/8 mentioned test on 9520, faintly hrd o/jamer just before 1115 when wiped out
by VOA Bethany 9525 (William 0 Dickerman, PA)
Page 16
ARMXC will no longer be announcing availability of QSL cards in any of its pgms, un-
less for spi occasion. Reports should be sent to ARDKC QSL Service, Box 227, Box
Hill Victoria 3128, Australia. Reports which satisfy our revised conditions will be
QSIed and sent by airmail (outside Australia). Conditions include: must be on club
official form or replica; r.p. required--two IRCs overseas; legible and detailed;
sent by airmail within one week of broadcast; non-members' reports should follow
EDKC Reporting Guide preferably on official report forms of DX clubs. Policy revis-
ions are partly caused by large number of reports received from overseas which are
illegible and very badly prepared. These emerge generally from North America, and
it is obvious that there are inadequate or ill-conceived guidelines available for
the correct manner in which reports should be submitted. This is something that the
primary DX clubs in NAm might address. Frankly, we've found that many reports are
atrocious, most are mere demands for a QSL, with little authenticating details. Re-
ports that are preapred on official report forms, issued by Clubs overseas, are in-
variably well laid out and properly written, Only one QSI. per station, even if
heard on more than one frequency. All this concerns ARDXC segments on these DX pro-
grams: R Australia Spectrum, MCJB DX Partyline, TWR Guam DX Listeners Log, SLBC Ra-
dio Monitors International (August Australian DX News)
R Australia ancd 1/7 that the Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC) came into
existence that day, replacing the A- B- Commission, which had been the natl beer for
51 yrs. It was changed to a corp after recommendations by the Dix Committee of enqui
ry, which reported to the fedl govt last year. (WBI 7/7) RA reported 24/7 that ABC's
MW pgms were being relayed on domestic SW xmtrs in Perth, Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane
--this SW svc due to be extended soon when four additional outlets from xmtrs in Lynd
hurst (south of Melbourne) became available (WBI 4/8)
VL2UV, Sydney operated by Univ of NSW, 1692 kHz now 0845-1100 Men-Thu, 0845-1000 Fr
but from 25/7 M-F will be 0845-1100; 500 watts (Arthur Cushen, NZDX Times July-Aug)
AUSTRIA ORF 583: 5945 0000-0200 ENAm, 0300-0400 NAm, 0400-0600 UNAm, 1900-2300 Eu.
6000=Aldrans Eu 0430-2300. 6155 0500-1700, 1700-1900# Eu. 7170 0900-1200 SEEu.
7205## 2100-2300 EAs. 9655 2100-2300 EAs. 9770 0000-0400 ENAm, 0400-0600 WNAm, 0900
-1000 Eu, 1200-1500 Eu. 11665 0200-0400 CAm, 2100-2300 ESAm. 11755# 0000-0200 &
2300-0000 ESAm. 11825## 1500-1700 SAS/SEAS. 12015 1300-1700 SWEu. 15115 2300-0200
SAm. 15230 1500-1700 SAs/SEAs. 15270 0700-0900 ## AuAs longpath. 15290## 1300-1500
EAs. 15410 0600-0900 NE. 15415## 1000-1200 AuAs. 15420## 1900-2100 WAf. 15560 two
xmtrs: 1700-2000 NE, 1700-2100 SAf. 17725 1000-1200 AuAs longpath. 17740 0700-0900
AuAs longpath. 17775 1700-1900 EAf. 17860 1200-1300# ENAm. 100 kW except ie300 kW,
##..500 kW. 6000 is HS, 10 kW (ORF 26/7)
BEIGIUM BRT ES to Af/Eu 1800-2145 now hrd on 5985 ex-6225, // 17595 1512 (WBI 11/8)
The urge to print inband fqs is not easily resisted; other sources say 5895 (gh)
BELIZE, see Last Minute Info
BHUTAN R NYAB is on a knoll just beyond and above the capital city, ihimpu, — in a 2-
storey natural colour cement building, housing studio, offices and transmitter. The
single self-supporting steel mast is on the side behind the main building. The xmtr
is a 300 w unit suppressed to 100. Programming consists of contemporary music from
overseas and local instrumentals and vocals. Verifies all correct reports with full
data QSL bearing a serial number. Addr is Box 1. Sked Wed-Fri 1100-1400 4620v, Sun
0600-0900 7040 (Adrian Peterson, India, UADX) Hrd on about 4608, very poor, and Sun
svc not hrd at all due to propagation but should become audible when we hit bottom
of sunspot cycle like in 1972 at 0700 (Victor Goonetilleke, Sri Lanka, ibid.)
BOLIVIA R Cobija, Riberalta, 4856, 0100-0310* 25/6 with sport, also hrd 7/7 w/ID as
"La Voz del Departamento de Pando" (Zella, Cotroneo, Monferini, Bennett, Play-DX)
Emisora Cuarto Centenario, Tupiza, 5030, since 6/7 2230-0100*, sometimes 0115* (Co--
tronco, Zella, Mbriferini, lawendel, Play-DX, Italy) R Norte de Montero, 4925, sent
personal letter in 55 days, after 2nd tentative report; sent on aerogram wino Is.
V/S Leonardo Arteaga Rios, Dir. Addr: Casilla 19, Montero, Depto de Santa Cruz (Cla-
udio Dondi, Italy's first to QSL this [allegedly], Play-DX)
R Santa Ana, in Santa Ana de Yacuma, ohs *1115 on 4804. In R Illimani nx bulletin
11/7, Urban Education Under-Secretary denied reports that Nicaraguan and Cuban techni
cians were assisting in the installation of a radio stn on the Bol-Braz border, for
the purpose of implementing the literacy campaign. No foreign tech assistance had
been necessary so far, but Spain, Ecuador and the Andean Pact had offered technical
cooperation (WBI 21/7) R Illimani reported that 20/7 the Pres'd inaugurated new being
Page 17
eqp at R San Gabriel, stn considered pioneer in adult education. Located in Topocaya
sector, run by religious organization, had expanded coverage area by installing a new
20 kW xmtr (14BI 28/7) more, LM I BRAZIL, LMI
CAMEROON R Douala, testing new xmtr; first day, 11/7, on 4900 at 1850 //4850, excel-
lent (if Guida, Italy, Play-D«) 14/7 & 15/7 on 4800 2050-2155*, 0500-, apparently look
ing for a fq, asking for reports; since 15/7 on 4795 1850-2303*; local pgne after
2200 (Cacciamatta, Monferini, Zella, Dondi, Calligaro, Lawendel, Guida, 'FS', Play DX)
New xmtr of regional stn R Douala, formerly on MW 1106 only, obi 20/7, 21/7 on 4795;
2100 relaying Yaoundé EG nx, 2305* apx (WBI 28/7) CANADA, LMI
CHINA Re BPM time signals, July LN -18: The reason some Chinese IS are a fraction of
a second different from others, and from UTC is that some are emitted coincident with
UTt while others are 1311. A check of the last annual report of the Bureau Interna-
tional de l'Heure in Paris (the international coordinating body for time and frequen-
cy standards, to which our NRC and your NBS contribute,) shows that the BPM second
pulses (or ticks, like WWV's) are on UTC (actually fixed at 10 milliseconds in ad-
vance of UTC), while the short tone dashed (or beeps, like CHU's) are on 1311. 1311 is
'mean solar time' corrected for a slight discrepancy caused by a periodic wobble of
about 15 meters in the earth's axis of rotation. It is the true navigator's time
scale and as such is very practical, which is why many UTO time broadcasts also give
coded "dUT1" corrections in the form of double pulses or double beeps to allow a user
to derive UT1 from the UTC broadcast. UTC, of course, is the internationally coordi-
nated time scale which is derived from atomic frequency standards and which has, ther
efore, a uniform frequency scale. In spite of this uniform fq, UTC is kept within
9/10 second of the slowly varying 1111 scale by means of "leap seconds" which serve to
correct for the accumulated errors in time as practised. At mid-1982 the difference
between UT1 and UTC was about 609 ms, but by nearly the end of the year (the 95%
point) this difference had decreased to about 272 ms. And so it goes, with the leap
seconds being introduced at convenient times to keep the difference less than + 900
ms. There are also the UTO and 1312 time scales! Those interested in learning more
about this esoteric but fascinating subject can refer to: a) Time & Frequency Users'
Manual, NBS Technical Note 695, US Dept of Commerce, May 1977. b) Frequency & Time
Standards, Application Note 52, Hewlett-Packard Co., Nov 1965 (probably out of print
now but still available in many labs and libraries). c) NBS Time & Frequency Dissem-
ination Services, NBS Special Publication 432, Dept of Commerce, Sept 1979 (a brief
description only). d) the BIB Annual Report for 1982, Paris 1983, from M. le Direc-
teur, Bureau International de l'Heure, 61, avenue de l'Observatoire, 75014 Paris. In
this BPM is placed in Pucheng, China, 35-00 N, 139-31E; continuous on 10000; 14-24 UT
on 5000, 00-14 on 15000; UTC is given minutes 0-5, 15-25, 30-35, 45-55; UT1 5-10, 25-
29, 35-40, 55-59. So the Chinese aren't so crazy after all! (Martin Potter, Ont)
"There's a new Domestic Minorities lang pgm from CPBS. Whereas until recently (?)
the last in the series of xmsns beginning around 1100 ended at 1456 w/Kazakh, now
there's a new one at *1500-1556* on 11375 15670, very strong; turned out to be Mongo-
lian when compared with *1200 which was on at least 8566. Why two hours of MG in the
local evening series? Something to do with recent alleged hassling of Chinese in Mon-
golia? Tuning sig for these is long version of "East is Red"; the Korean *1000 on
8566 9920 used overseas version as do several if not all the others; Sun 17/7. This
is not the only additional glitch in BBCMS PRC material in July LN. 1400 Kazakh is
not on 8566 and lower; it's on 15670 11375. There are other problems in the Taiwan
guangbo sked; at least I was right in that there are now two distinct Taiwan pgms;
that much is not obscured by BBCMS errors -- and more in the ZRGD DS. But I can only
perceive them piecemeal. The 0300 RS on 17450 (and likely all associated with it)
is not reversed; but I have reported this before. Looks like the majority of prob-
lem relate to the info being last season's--actual fqs in use are generally higher
than what BBCMS lists. At almost every turn that BBCMS sked is in the Twilight Zone.
The DML bcs are almost totally different now that what's listed.
9380: I have been chiding myself for not tuning the bands enough ever since learn-
ing about the new ZRGD Taiwan guangbo outlet on 6095 and the newer still on 9455. I
made progress toward rectifying this with discovery of the unlisted-by-BBCMS Taiwan
guangbo outlet here at 1315 13/7, //11100 9455 (Program I). So there.
Interesting, Matthew Francis in Tasmania hearing RB EC on 11735 at 1200; will have
to check, since the BBCMS sked can't be trusted, but I think that would have put ES
right atop DS Pgm I also on 11735 at that time. As bureaucratic as the Chinese are,
I can't recall them screwing themselves up in such a way before. I'm sure it has
happened with the Soviets, who also seem unable/unwilling to work things out closely
with their satellites -- the cochannel junk on 12070 being a good example. There
seems to be more willingness on the part of the Chinese to allow ES use of DS fqs,
tho, 15880, 11575, 11505, 15500 being some.
RB testing again 15245 11755 c. 27/7 but not commanding the bands as they did last
Page 18
time. Circa 1200, 1300... Sheesh, 19m--BBC on 11750 now badly bothered by RB up and
worse by Taiwan 11745, not to mention the Vietnamese a bit less than a kHz high.
Arggh. RB hrd 7/8 on 9535 11755 at 1300, but by 1600 was 11755 15200; 9535 off and
15245 a mass of jamming, so guess that's why they moved. Other programmed and an-
nounced //s also hrd. Local nighttime RB reception here awful; 9535 is incredible
when they use it, in local mornings.
When RB was on 15245, heard cw on it so started trying suspected feeder fqs. Hit
the jackpot on 6995: parallel ALA (hummy) QRM was on 6992, later moving closer to
6991. For a while RE engineers apparently got a notch on it, but it reappeared an
the RB sig when the fundamental went to 6991. Other RB parallel this day was 11755,
and QRM did not seem to be thereon, but as it's sandwiched so closely by Cuba-11760
and BBC-11755, beat notes at such a high pitch may have been masked by the 5 kHz ad-
jacencies. Only recognizeable characters from the ALA were "OMW" repeated several
times, and a few jumbled alpha-numerics. This 30/7 1239. Both test fqs have carried
identical ORM in past. You can tell if it's on feed by checking if it's on both
sidebands of RB signal. The feeder, by the way, is A3E, but with reduced carrier.
ITU nomenclature doesn't seem to know what to make of a reduced carrier AM radio-
telephone signal with both sidebands.... A UAO ham calling 00B CQ 6999 was not "re-
peated" via RB (David Newkirk, Seattle WA)
R Beijing in Esperanto: 1100-1130 Japan & Korea 15100 9860 6825. 1300-1330 SEAs
17745 15165 8425. 2000-2030 Eu 15110 11445 10750 9965 6825. 2230-2300 LAm 15600
11685 11515 (4BI 7/7)
COSTA RICA Since 30/6, R Impacto, TIRS, hrd on 6150 ancing 24h mx & unshed ox. Oc-
casionally carries this EC anmt: "R Impact, CR's new radio stn, can be hrd at 6150
kHz on the 49m band. We would be delighted to receive our listeners' reports on the
quality of our signal àbroad. Write to us at Radio Impact, Box 197, Santiago, CR."
(4BI 7/7) Santiago is incorrect; I recall BBCMS correcting this, but can't find
where they did it (gh) San José newspaper La República, 7/7, said CR Minister of
Info said imageof CR'd be considerably improved abroad when the radio stn "Costa
Rica International" started operating. In a report to the Govt Council, which had
been approved in full, Minister stated that R Reloj'd xmit on SW and that the Govt'd
accepted an offer in this regard. At present R Reloj, commercial stn in SJ, bcs on
730 and 4832 (WBI 21/7) And 6006, haven't you noticed? (gh)
9/7 La Prensa Libre stated that a net of rural radio stns to be known as the U-
ni6n Nacional de Emisoras Rurales (UNER) had been created. Composed of 15 stns in .
remote parts of CR, aim to demonstrate that local stns were of great importance to
their respective provinces or communities. New net'd offer very attractive ad rates
for all 15 stns or for groups of not less than 4. In addn, pgms'd be prepared joint-
ly for net being. This applied basically to sports such as soccer, but something
similar was needed for cultural & educational pgms. They'd soon have ox, tnx to
support and advice from the Nauman Foundation and the CR Journalists' Assn. Stns
comprising the UNER net included R Victoria, R Emmaus, R Alajuela, La Fuente Musical,
R Golfito, R Casino, R Bahía, R Sideral, R Cima, R Ultrasúnic, R Guanacaste, R Atlin-
tide, R Corobici (WBI 28/7)
CUBA For S83, RHC has several registrations in 13m per the THFBS: 21455 2200-0300,
21500 1100-2200, 21600 2200-0600, 21620 2200-0600, 21740 1100-1700, all intended for
SAm. These are tentative HF assignments; there is no guarantee that any, or all
will be used (Bob Padula, ADXN) & same goes for further 583 regs below. Weird that
RHC et al would anticipate using 13m for first time just when the band is dying and
most stns are moving down from it; rho there may be temporary resurgence in fall (gh)
ABC on 17613 0150 16/7, SP ox (Chuck Oliver, Spring TX)
Relays of All-Union Radio's domestic Hayek pgm have been hrd again on 4765 on
practically a daily basis since 29/6. Xmtr believed to be testing in Cuba (WBI 7/7)
Usually ohs 1900-1300 apx MI 21/7)
CYPRUS BBC relay has its first 250 kW xmtr on air, 1500-2000 17780 Russian; its use
at other tines is not known (Noel Green, UKOGBANI, DSWCI SWN July)
CZECHOSLOVAKIA 28/7, Czech R DS quoted Ghanaian diplomat who attended World Assembly
for Peace and Life against Nuclear War in Prague recently, as saying at a meeting or
the UN Special Committee against Apartheid that there'd been talks about using the SW
xmtrs belonging to Czechoslovak Radio for bcing the UN's anti-Apartheid pgms to Af
(4BI 4/8)
CHILE During a vist in last days of June to the stn R Nuevo Mundo, Santiago, they
told me this stn is promptly starting to bc on SW, because they have an old xmtr
fixed. They gave no fq (Gabriel Ivan Barrera, Argentina) Old WRTHs show it on 5950
or 5955; 11730 or 11740 (gh)
DOMINICAN REPUBLIC R Earth, studios in Neth Ants, xmtr in DR, reported in its 0330
Page 19
moan 22/7 that the Cuban govt'd sent an official note to the Dom authorities denoun-
cing use of a local SW radio stn to criticize and 'offend' the Cuban regime. Dom
Pres'd said a spi commission'd been set up to investigate Cuban claim and he'd
stressed that foreigners were not allowed to use Dom comma facilities tocarry out
political activities against other govts. R Earth said that tho the protest note
signed by the Cuban Couses Minister 'd said the stn'd been using secret being out-
lets, it had been confirmed that the stn referred to was in fact R Clarrn, the
same one used by R Earth, whose xmsn was preceded by a pgm oriented to Cubm and Ni-
caragua. R Earth added that its own pgms were totally independent, non-political
and non-religious and were directed to 'mass worldwide audiences'. It was hoped they
would not be affected if the Dom authorities decided to take any steps against the
airing of the pgms denounced by the Cuban authorities (WBI 28/7) See LMI, Cland...
Coincidentally (?), R Earth resked 26/7 from 0330 to 0200, more like the time they
wanted in the first place; LV del CID ancd 3/8 its Máximo Gómez sked via Clarrn as
1630-0130. However in the middle of R Earth's GMT Sun 14/8 bc, Clarrn vanished from
the air and was not hrd again until GMT 20/8, but running own SP pgming at 0200 in-
stead of R Earth; the following night it was off the air again tho there was a car-
rier on 11695, a fq R Earth hoped Clarfii could adjust to (gh) R Clarrn off air week
of 15/8 due to lightning strikes at xmtr (R Earth 23/8) Earth seems 75min now (gh)
ECUADOR R Nacional del Ecuador, via HCJB xmtr 15350, 2155-0030 SP to Anis relaying DS
for listeners abroad incl: 2200-2203 & 2230-2233 Nx headlines; 2300-2330 Sat/Sun En
la Noticia ox magazine; 2300-2400 Mon-Fri. 0000-0030 pgm for Ecs abroad. En I. No-
ticia includes 5 nuns of ox heads read alternately in SP & Quechua (WBI 28/7)
HCJB S83 EC NAm: 1215-1530 15115 17890, 0030-0700 9745, 0030-0500 15155, 0030-
0130 15250, 0500-0700 11910 6095 (HCJB) Am listening to re-bc of HCJB on 15060 at
0040 30/7 in EG. Intermittent lapses in carrier, also very weak. 0100 ID giving fq
as ...250 kHz. Don't know is re-bc or spur; 0130 call again but too weak to get fq;
started SP (Chuck Oliver, Spring TX) Sane old story: mixing product between 500 kW
xmtr and other fq on same band: 15250 and 15155 and 15060 are equally separated(gh)
LV de la Juventud, 6522, doesn't annc fq or site, but ads are 100% for town of
Catacocha, near Loja, 0145* (Gabriel Ivan Barrera, Aug WDXC Contact via gh)
FALKLAND ISLANDS FIBS pgm sked for July indicates 2380 ex-2370, 2030-0230. 3958
continues 1000(Sat/Sun 1100)-2030; 96.5 MHz VHF/FM thruout (WM 14/7)
FINLAND R Finland ancd 28/7 that 7-14/8 their MW to NEu on 558 1930 would not be
available due to possible QRM to TV xmsns from World Athletic Championships taking
place in Helsinki. RF'd continue on SW, LW 254, MW 963 then; 963 also incl EG Eu
Sets from 2100 (WBI 4/8) Hard to imagine how something as low as 558 could interfere
w/TV on VHF (gh)more, LMI
FRANCE RFI in EG 0415 noted on new 11705 20/8 (Rob Harrington, Nashville TN) RFI
EG 0415-0430 & 0445-0500 on 15155 11875 11735 9745 7135 6175 3965 (4131 14/7)more, LMI
GABON R Japan carried out tests to Eu 3/7, 4/7, 5/7, mx mixed w/anmts in JP, EG,
FR, GM, SP, PT saying "This is the intli xmsn centre Moyabi in the Republic of Gabon,
Africa". In addn to previous sked, there was a test 1030-1100 on 21755. Test for
ME 7/7 & 8/7 will be supplemented by another 0530-0600 on 21475 (481 7/7) NIIK let-
ter says these tests were well rxd in primary targets of Eu, ME, and were therefore
success. Reinforced intention of going ahead w/project to xmit RJ pgms by relay from
Moyabi (WBI 4/8)
HUNGARY R Budapest has new EG at 1600; and M-F 1050-1120; As M-F 1330 changed to
Mon-Sat 1430; all supposed to be on 6025 7155 9585 9835 11910 15160, but at 1600 hrd
on 7165 (Andy Sennitt, WRTH, Denmark, RNMN 7/7) 11/7 RB ancd changes in EG due to
listener requests: 1100 Mon-Fri expanded to 30 mins 1050-1120; new pgm 1600-1630;
Mon-Sat As 1330-1400 retimed to 1430-1500. On fqs above. All other xmsns and times
remain unchanged; Greek appears to have been dropped as a result (WBI 14/7) 1600-
1630 on 12000 11910 9835 9585 7225 6025, including DX pgm Tue/Fri 1617 (4BI 4/8)
INDIA AIR EG: 2245-0115 on Delhi 7215 9595 11765, Aligarh 15110 15270, Bombay 11895.
2300-2400 Delhi 9735. 0000-0115 Delhi 17790. 1000-1100 Delhi 15170 17705 17387
21695, Aligarh 17875 15320. 1330-1500 Delhi 11810, Aligarh 15335. 1745-1830 Delhi
9595, Aligarh 11620. 1845-2230 Delhi 9665, Aligarh 11620 (Alok Das Gupta, Calcutta,
R Australia Japanese DX Time 23-24/7) AIR in Konkani to EAf 0435-0445 on 17715 15165
(41BI 28/7) Rare opportunity to hear lang spoken in former Port colony Goa (gh)
Page 20
INDONESIA Indo govt has ancd plans for installation of a hi-powered 250 kW SW xmtr
at Cimanggis, near Jakarta, to provide enhanced coverage of DS pgms to Eastern Indo,
to serve an estimated 30 megapeople. Secondary purpose to offer alternative appeal
to the millions of listeners to R Australia's Indo svcs (ABC News via Ian Eadie, and
Melbourne Age via Leon Kolberg, ADXN August) RRI reported 18/7 that the power of
the Cinanggis xmtr, construxion of which'd be completed by yearend, 'd be increased
(sic) to 250 kW. In addn, 250 kW mmtr'd be installed in Medan to extend coverage
areaand improve quality of radio bcs for rural areas. RRI also quoted Info Minister
that there were some 569 non-RRI radio stns, as compared to 49 RRIs. Regs governing
non-RRI stns'd be strictly enforced, especially the one concerning obligation to re-
lay RRI nx bulletins (al 4/8)
RRI Sibolga back on 3240 25/6, relaying "Warta berita dari economy" at 1300; was
on 5259 in Apt until late June (Sarath Weerakoon, Sri Lanka, ADXN)
IRAN VOIRI, Tehran, DS pc I on Persian: 0230-0530 15084 9023 3779; 0530-0630 3779
(while the others carry Spanish); 0630-1230 17730/15260 15085/sic/ 3779; 1230-1630
17730/15260 15084 3775/sic/(exc 15084 in Bengali to 1315); 1630-1730 15084 9765 9022
7230 3779;(1730-2030 external svc); 2030-2130 sane fqs, and 2130+ ES in Persian "The
Familiar Voice" mu 21/7) Thu 0400-0430 pgm Comment from Colonialist Radios (ibid.)
IRAS V of the Masses, Baghdad, AR nx & mac 0700-1100 21582.2 119555, fair. Not Leb-
anon as reported by same sources (Gordon Darling, UKOGBAN1, UADX May/June)
IRELAND World Masic Radio will resume transmissions via Dublin, 6910, from Sept 4,
Sun 0700-0900 Eu, GMT Mon 0100-0300 NAm (Andy Sennitt, WMR, RNMN 18/8)
ITALY A stn calling itself R Europa International noted on 9424 peaking around 1430,
lots of pop mx & jingles giving fq but no mention of addr or location. R Milano
Intl hrd on new 7205, 1025 24/7, QRM-free channel & fair strength (Mike Barraclough
& Paul Watson reap., UK, WDXC Contact) R Milano Intl testingnew 1 kW xmtr in Torino
on 7215 hrd 25/7 1500-1900 in France, Italy (P Cacciamatta, Bergamo, Play-DX)
R Saverio Masetti, Firenze, 100 watt test on 6975 3/7 *1259-1305*, IS (Nonferini)
RAI Maltese svc 1430-1455 is currently radiated in Italian due to the indisposi-
tion of the Maltese ancr! (Noel Green, UK, DSWCI SW News) I believe the Italian
word actually means unavailabilily, not indisposition! (gh)
JAPAN R Japan EG S83: 2015-2045 ME/NAf 11705# 9625. Mm 2345-0045 17825# 15300.
N&LAm&Haw 0130-0230 21640 21610 17825# 15195. Eu 0800-0830 21610 17870#. 1830-
1930 Eu 11705# 9625. ANZ 0845-0945 15235 11875. SEAS 1215-1245 15235 11875. SAs
& Af 1615-1645 15235# 11840. Genl svc alternating hours in JP & EG: As 0100/0730
17810, 0800/1130 15195, 1200/2130 11815, 2200/2430 15195. As 1000/1130 9635, SAs
1200/1430 11840, SEAs 2200/2330 15235. Am 0500/0730 15300, 0800/1830 9505, 1900/2130
15300, 2200/0430 17755. Eu 0100/0530 15135, 0600/0930 17785#, 1500/2130 9675, 2200/
0030 9645. Sines relay 0700-0730 15235, 2200-2230 11740. 100 kW except #=200 W.
(via Bob Bodell & gh)
JIBUTI In a 27/6 bc, Jibuti R reported that the Pres'd inaugurated new xmtr for it.
Monitoring over past months reveals noticeable improvement in 4780 reception (rTBI 4/8)
R Debouti, 4780, extended pgm for Ramadan, since 28/6 hrd 1745-2210, but always ORM
from R Baku on 4780; better 28, 29, 30/6 (Giuseppe Zella, Dario Monferini, FS, Andrea
Lawendel, R Cotroneo, Italy, Play-DX)
KASHMIR AZAD AKR, Muzzafarabad, 1 kW xmtr now on 3670 as noted 17/7 1500. The only
real ARE-located xmtr. A lot of DXers who hrd the Rawalpindi relay will have to put
back their country scores (Victor Goonetilleke, Sri Lanka, AD)0) Still seems to be
some doubt/debate about xmtr locations (Peter Bunn, ADXN ed.)
KAZAKHSTAN Addl ES from Kazakh R, Alma Ata, obs recently on 7255 5915 5035 900: Jjhr
Kazakh at 1330, 1400, 1500, 1600. R Tashkent in Uighur on same fqs 1430 & 1530 (01
KOREA NORTH KCBS R Pyongyang ES to SK & Japan in Korean: 2000-2130 SK, 2130-2200
Jpn, 2200-0930 SK 6401 6251 3320, 0930-1030 SK & 1030-1100 Jpn 6401 3320 3015. 1100-
1500 SR 6401 3320. 1500-1800 6401 6251 3320 3015. 1800-1930 3015 SK. All + various
MW outlets (WBI 11/8)
KOREA SOUTH The 7275 EG offering is "World News Service", not "World Service News",
Page 21
making the use of 7275 a bit less absurd (David Newkirk, Seattle WA) For S83, R Korea
has registered several 13m fqs: 21575 0330-0530 HE, 0600-0900 Eu; 21580 1100-1300 SE
As; 21515 2230-0030 SA /sic--SAm or SAs?/; 21465 2230-0100 NAm (THFBS via AD)0)
With exception of previously given 7275 evc, here is R Korea complete new sisad w/
lots of tine changes! 0000-0030 Std CH & 0030-0100 EG to FE on 104.5 MHz; rest SW:
0000-0200 JP FE 9640. 0045-0115 PT Asas 15575 11810. 0115-0200 SP Asas 15575 11810.
0200-0300 EG Asas/FE 15575 11810 9640. 0300-0330 JP FE 9640. 0300-0500 KR Asas on
11810. 0330-0415 RS FEUSSR 9640, FR Eu/FE 11820 7275. 0415-0500 GM Eu/FE 15575 11820
7275; Std CH FE 9640. 0500-0600 EG Eu/Ama/FE 15575 11820 11810 7275. 0700-0900 JP
FE 7275 5975. 0900-0930 JP FE 5975, PT LAm 11725 9570. 0900-1100 KR ME/Al/FE 15575
6175. 0930-1015 SP LAm 11725 9570. 0930-1030 EG FE 5975. 1000-1100 KR FE 6135 1170.
1030-1100 JF FE 5975. 1100-1200 EC SEAs/ME/Af 15575 9570. 1100-1300 JP FE 6175 6135
1170. 1200-1245 FR ME/Af 15575. 1200-1400 KR NAm/SEAs/FE 11830 9750 9570 7275. 1300-
1330 EG FE 6135 1170. 1300-1345 FEUSSR 6175. 1330-1400 Std CH FE 6135 1170. 1345-
1430 Std CH 6175. 1400-1445 IN SEAs/FE 11830 9570 7275. 1400-1500 EG NAm 15575 9750.
1430-1530 Std CH FE 6175. 1500-1600 JP FE 1449 891. 1500-1700 KR NAm 15575. 1530-
1600 JP FE 5975. 1600-1700 EG Eu/ME/Af/FE 9870 7550 5975. 1615-1700 AR ME/Af 6480.
1700-1900 KR Eu/ME/Af/FE 9870 7550 6480 5975. 1845-1945 EG Eu 15575. 1900-1945 GM
Eu/ME 9870; AR ME/Af 7550 6480; RS FEUSSR 5975, 1945-2030 FR ME/Af/Eu/FE 9870 7550
6480 5975; GM Eu 15575. 2050-2100 JP FE 5975. 2030-2115 SP Eu/ME/Af 9870 7550 6480;
RS USSR 15575 15375 7275. 2100-2300 JP FE 5975. 2115-2145 PT Eu/ME 9870. 2115-2200
GM Eu/ME/Af/FE 15575 15375 7550 7275 6480. 2130-2200 Std CH FE 6135 1170. 2200-2245
AR ME/Af 7550 6480; Std CH FE/SEAs/Eu 15575 15375 9640 7275; 2245-2315 PT Eu/ME/Af on
15575 7550. 2245-2330 IN SEAs 15375 9640 7275. 2300-0100 KR FE 5975. (WBI 7/7)
LAOS ES on 7045 weaker than HS 6130; *1145 TI, then VT, KM, FR, EG to 1400*. Udomsai
6860 1130-1300; Houa Phan 1200-1300 c 4653; Pakse not hrd 6550-6600 (Sarath Weerakoon
Sri Lanka, SCDX 12/7) Obs 26/6 (ADXN) 7045 drifts to 7037, EG 1330-1400 (Victor Goo-
netilleke, Sri Lanka, RN non-le 28/7)
LIBYA HS talk in AR 15/7 0445 on 7645 (Robert Stafford, Jersey, WDXC Contact) This
was in a fq list between 7285 and 9515, so presumably not editor's typo, but? (gh)
MALAYSIA For S83, R Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur has registered 500 kW as follows for
Overseas Service: 15295 0545-1200 ANZ, 1500-1730 ME. 11900 1000-1200 China/Japan;
17725 1800-2100 Eu (THFBS via ADN) MAURITIUS, LMI
MEXICO R Nécleo Oro, 6020, 6/8 1144-1208 ads and ma, really good signal sounding
like more than listed 250 watts. Started with a few chimes (Chuck Bolland, FL)
MOZAMBIQUE Nampula, 7435, fair at 1914 17/7, PT features, local ID 1930, may be
higher power now; QRM Italian Navy (Steve Thurlow, NSW, ADN)
NEPAL R Nepal new SW eked: 0200-0350, 0720-1020, 1150-1720 on 5005 9590. All in NP
exc EG 0220-0230, 1435-1520. Plans to move 9590 to 7165, but 9590 still noted past
week or two (Adrian Peterson, India, RA JP DX 30-31/7) Using 3425 again morn & eve,
//5005 9590, 11/7 (Sarath Weerakoon & G Victor A Coonetilleke, Sri Lanka, UADX) Also
on 3425 // 9590 5005 0020-0350 & 1150-1720 (WBI 28/7)
NETHERLANDS RN some EG in S83: ENAm 0230 9590 6165, WNAm 0530 9715 6165, NZ/Au 0730
9770 9715, 0830 9715, all Bonaire; As 1430 17605 and Madagascar 11740 21480. Af 2030
B17605 B15220 M11740 Lopik11730 M9715 (Marian Marks, RN 5/7) RN in tent sisad from
25/9 shows one 500 kW in use from new Flevoland xmtr site; four 500s and one 100 being
Page 22
installed and should be fully operational by end of 1984 (Arthur Cushen, NZDXTimes)
Jonathan Marks visited new site on the open, windy, flat, desolate Flevoland Polder,
"the world's only underwater radio stn", 100m below sea level. Some masts already
up, three of five xmtrs installed, testing into dummy load. The 100 kW is a little
boomer for reserve. Being built in Belgium and delivered with most parts mounted. An-
tenna matrix system'll be computer controlled. Six masts are up, two halfway. No an-
tenna wire in place yet, but hoped to get on with that w/in next three weeks. First
ant to go up will serve N&SAm and As. Highest tower is 120m for 49mb. Took two days
to put up those large masts; positioning them required spi crane. Xmtr bldg also has
ant observation point, a sort of clear bubble atop, allowing engrs to look for physi-
cal damage caused by rotten wx. Several offls from other stns visit, incl a team
from Finland soon. Hope to go into full opn by end of 1984 (MN via Webster, DXO July)
NEW ZEALAND Pirate news: R Freedom/P. Star has dropped 41m and 23m, and now calls
self "K/WI", Kiwi Radio on 11844 and stronger on harmonics 5922, 23688 w/5 watts.
Power to be incr on conclusion of tech problems. Pgem C&W f. EZL mx. Reports wanted,
no rp req'd. KIWI Radio, P 0 Box 1437, Hastings, NZ. However, =ens may conclude
permanently in Aug for economic reasons (Letter from stn via NZDXTimes)
R Tropical: I am concerned that some overseas reports insinuate that 'senior mem-
bers of a major NZ DX club' know more about this stn than they are letting on. Stn
has been reported from many parts of NZ, and I note it has apparently given calls to
NZDXR1 members. No verles reported to DX Times and no recent reports of reception
noted. If any member does have info about this stn which will clarify its status,
then I'd appreciate hearing from them. I particularly wish to ensure that our repu-
tation for honest and accurate reporting is not compromised in any way (David Ric-
quish, NZDXTimes)
NICARAGUA A July 11 letter from V of Nicaragua says EG at 0100 & 0400 on 5950, but
soon will have new eked and 2 new 25m fqs, 11715 and 11840 (Someone in OH via Andy
Sennitt, RNEN 18/8) Those two fqs not registered for S83 (Sennitt) 11715 already used
sporadically recently with low power. 11840v weed briefly years ago pre-Sandinista.
Can't wait for them to start ORMing RMWS via Havana, hi (gh)
VON hrd in EG 31/7 0423-0503* on 5950, 44444; 1/8 0117-0200 when switched to SP,
on 5950, 21432. This is a composite report on the nearly identical pgms: 1. Contact
248, mailbag w/LAm mx mixed with letters; name refers to their P 0 Box number. 2. TC
s in local tine. 3. Several IDs w/jingle, slogan "A free voice in America", "sover-
eign territory in Central America." 4. List of requirements for US citizens visiting
Hic. 5. "We don't want war, but will defend by every means possible the rights we
have won." 6. Several statements on Sandinista health progress and land reforms. 7.
Bulletins on CAm & Hic ox, obviously slanted against the US. 8. Many LAm songs. 9.
Excerpts from a speech by Ortega, leader of the junta. Aside from the TCs and nx,,,
all the other parts of the pgm those two nights were exactly alike: Nx may have been
identical too, but am not sure. All the songs and statements were identical, but were
in different order. Believe VON may be automated, wrmix & match" splice-together of
a finite number of items. TCs, tho correct--strange (James Wildman, Cape Elizabeth ME)
VON ES w/some pgms: 1100-1300 SP 11715 ancd & 5950: 1100-1103 ox summary, 1115-
1120 intl ox, 1120-1130 comnentary, ox, mx; 1137-1145 editorial from "El Nuevo Diario"
1200-1230 relay DS ox, 1250-1300 ox. 2300-0100 SP 5950: 2305-2310 Nicaragua Today,
2330-2335 Nx, 2335-2345 "Today, Here, Now"-docestic, intl ox & counentary; 0000-0010
Nicaragua Today, 0030-0035 Nx. 0100-0200 EG: 0100-0107 Hic Today, 0130-0137 Nx 5950.
0200-0400 SP 5950 repeat 2300-0100; 0400-0500 EG repeat 0100-0200 on 5950 (WBI 21/7)
NIGERIA Eyes widened at an entry in Robert French's utility column in a Jan 83 sample
of DX Reporter: Donald Stidwell, Baltimore, reported hearing a relay of R Nigeria on
SSS 17971 at 1250; no date given as is usually and infuriatingly the case with this
rehash of the NNRC. This clicked. I reached back for my log of 15/10/77 on 17975.3:
"R Nigeria, strong w/IS 1400, ID, nx by man. On USB, fine quality when tuned properly.
Nx from abroad at 1406. Highly compressed tho it may have been my AOC. End of ox 1412,
off air, then short exch of voices. May have been relay by somebody. Sounded like FR
or vern, reply in EC something like 'That was the African ox for you" These fqs are
allocated worldwide to aero mobile svc, so likely a relay from ground stn (D Newkirk)
PAPUA NEW GUINEA R Western, Daru, 3305 kHz hrd well at 0900, still here, not on 3050
as reported by Andy Sennitt, MN 30/6. R Central, Port Moresby, 3290, strong *1900 w/
full ID, short devotional svc, morn mx 1905 (Arthur T Cushen, MBE, NZ DX Times)
PARAGUAY 9/7, R Primero de Marzo ancd that R lindute'd been ordered to close for 30
days by Interior Ministry. Stn was accused of disturbing public order and creating
social alarm (WBI 14/7)
PERU New stn is R Acobamba, 5322, from Acobamba, Departamento de Huancavelica. Sked
Page 23
1100-0230 (Jcsé L Carbone, Perú via Gabriel Ivan Barrera, Argentina) Stn on 7050 is
R Celend(n, 3735 is R Nuamachuco, 3835 probably R Huanta del Sur, 5740 is R Yungay,
0.1 kW addr Camino al Cementerio, Yungay, Ancash. Inactive are R Victoria 9720, R
Panamericana 5980, R La Crónica 6123 (Gabriel Ivan Barrera, WDXC Contact August via
gh) La Voz de Oxapampa is new stn on 3260, 1 kW, 2230-0400. R Vila Rica, Pasco Dept
is an unofficial stn w/100 w on 75m, fq unk, 2300-0100 (José L Carbone via Andy Sen-
nitt, WRTH, RNMN 18/8) R Pampas, Tayacaja, often hrd on 4854 0115-0316, beautiful mx
some of it Italian (Zella, Monferini, Cotroneo, Cacciamatta, Bennett, Lawendel, Play-
DX, Italy, 11/7)
Network information; refer to WRTH 83 for stn number identities. Nueva Red de
Emisoras Cruz del Peru, Avenida Los Incas 117 (Casilla 57), Neste; director Fernando
Cruz Rondinel. Stns: 45), 52x), 53), 76), 113), 172), 186). Organizaci6n Roberto Cru-
zado, Francisco Masi'« 575, San Isidro, Lima. Director Roberto Juan Cruzado Solari;
Tech Dir Carlos Zegarra Echegaray; sked 24h; stns: 32), 77), 112), 143), 159). Socie-
dad Radiodifusora Comercial S.A., Jirón Cádiz 285, Line 27. Main stn: 167), sked 24h.
Affiliated stns: 24), 26), 34), 56), 61), 88x), 74), 99), 116), 158), 180), 187). at
1000-0500. Associated stns: 50), 87), 115), 120), 137), 171), at 1000-1400, 1700-19
00, 2300-0100 (Aug WRTH LA Newsletter)
R La Merced, Chanchamayo Dept, is OCY4J on 4960.3, 500 W Platos -brand xmtr made in
Peril, 30% US type mx, 30% LAm mx, 40% varied; spl slot for folk ox in morns, per QSL
letter from Teodorico Fidehl F, gerente. Addr on flashy envelope differs from WRTH:
Jirén Junín No. 171, Apartado 112, La Merced (Ralph W Perry, TX, RNM Japan)
PHILIPPINES R Ventas Asia, Manila, EG: 0000-0030 SEAs 15280 15195, 1430-1500 India
& SL 15240 11955 (WBI 11/8) FEBC, Manila, EG: 0000-0500 FE/S&SEAs, EAf 21512 15305.
0500-1000 FE/AuAs 21512 11890. 1245-1600 FE/S&SEAs 15440. 2300-2400 SEAs 15460 and
21512 (WBI 11/8) R Ventas upsets Sri Lanka govt, see LY181
POLAND R Polonia ancd that from 11/7, EG svc'd be extended by four half hour xmsns
a day, for total of 10hpd. Novelty of new sked was merging of Af & NAm svcs into one
EG eve, tho w/retention of previous direxional aerials and spl spots for listeners in
these areas. All ,assns in Swedish have been dropped in favor of the new EG: 1130 7-
1155, 1500-1530, 2000-2025 on 7285 6095 5995 3955 1503; 1730-1855/sic/ 9540 6135 6095
5995 3955 1503. The 1730 pgm was previously on 9540 6135 only MI 14/7) R Polonia
also appears to have dropped Finnish, replacing it w/Esperanto & Danish. Two EG pgms
are carried now at 1730, not one: 1730-1755 9540 6135; 1730-1800 9675 5995 3955 1503.
Target areas not ancd, but fqs used suggest both to Eu. RP ancd 15/7 there were 16
bcs in EG to Eu & overseas between 0630 & 2230, plus two 1-hour bes to NAm 0200 &
0300. The former ccmbined PL/EG bcs to NAm now obs 0200-0300 & 0300-0355 EG, 1130-
1225 PL (al 21/7) However, when fully monitored R Polonia EG sked is reported as:
02015-0300 & 0300-0355 NAm 15120 11815 9525 6135 6095. 0630-0700 Eu 9675 7270 6135.
1130-1155 Eu 7285 6095 5995 3955 1503. 1200-1225 Eu 7285 6095. 1230-1300 Af 15120
11840 9675 9525. 1400-1430 Eu 7285 6095. 1500-1530 Eu 7285 6095 5995 3955 1503.
1600-1630 Eu 9540 6135. 1630-1700 Af 11840 9675 9525 7125. 1730-1755 Eu 9675 5995
3955 1503. 1730-1800 Eu 9540 6135. 1830-1855 Af 11840 9675 9525 7125. 1830-1900 Eu
7285 6135 5995 3955 1503. 2000-2025 Eu 7285 6095 5995 3955 1503, 2000-2030 Af 9675
9525 7145 7125. 2030-2055 Eu 7285 6095. 2230-2300 Eu 7270 7125 6135 5995 1503 (W111
Polish Pathfinders Stn, 1 kW on 7205 & 6195, 1100-1700(Sun 0900-1700), en- 28/7)
tertainnent pgms produced by the Polish Pathfinders Union (4111 28/7)
PORTUGAL unID time stn, same as previously noted on 5402, hrd 1/8 on 10410, 2335-
2347 on USB, PT YL every 10 sec w "0 segundo final serio -- horas, -- minutos, --
segundos" followed by 2 pips. 0005 recheck had audio breaking up badly. Also check-
ed while listening Lo Paraguay on 10415, and would pop up every now and then for a
few secs thruout eve. Its for GMT+1, F-G level (David Crawford, DXSF) Could that
be "Ao sonido final serio..."? That would make more sense (gh)
Since 4/8, RDP IS has relayed a 25-min na bulletin from DS RDP-1 at 1200 in svc to
Af 1100-1300 on 21700 & 17800, exc on Sun 7/8 when mx instead. Bull is repeated at
1230 (1000 Sat & Sun) in Eu ave 15125 11800 9740. These replace separate ES ox (WBI
11/8) For S83, R Portugal has registered several new channels, incl 21570 0900-1030
FE, 9520 0030-0330 NAm, 21735 0900-1030 China, 21685 1400-1630 NAUME/India (ADXN)
QATAR For S83, Doha has these tentative assignments: 11740 1730-2130, 11885 0245-07,
17895 1300-1730, 21525 0700-1300 for ES w/250 kW (THFBS via ADXN) OBS had nice sig
lately on 17910 1530-1630 (Kirk Allen, Ponca City OK)
SCOTLAND Current SW activity here confined to a few unoffl stns w/relatively low
power. However, some bes are being hrd thruout Eu and'd provide excellent targets;
R Lynda, first xmsn 26/9/82 on 6840, then moved to 6262, but Vat QRM caused move to
6230. Was to test in July on 7320 0900-1000 subject to availability of 80 watt =tr.
Page 24
Sked on 6230 is 0900-1000 on alternate Sundays. Reports to : John Dean, Box 13, Fal-
kirk. Radio Stella, present eked is 7318v on first Sundays. 3/4/83 it tested t. USA
on 7325. Reports to RSI, 48 Pentland Park, Loanhead, Midlothian, EMU 9AP. Radio
Freedom operates first and 3rd Suns, UTC mornings on 6228, also ancs 9420 but unhrd
there as yet. Reports to Dept. 5, 67 Elm Row, Edinburgh EH7 4AQ (Jonathan Gordon-
SEYCHELLES FERA final S83 fq sked: 7275 0027-0215. 9510 1627-1730. 9515 1827-1845
(1900 Sat/Sun). 9535 0045-0115 & 0248-0321. 9600 0127-0214(Fri-The 0229). 11760
0230-0248(exc Mon), 1612-1700. 11780 1700-1716(Wed-Sat 1731), 1731-1803, 1815-1833.
11800 0312-0400(Sat/Sun 0500), 0457(0500 Sat/Sun)-0530. 11845 0327-0415(Sun 0445,
Fri 0500) . 11855 0217-0305. 11865 1222-1415. 11895 1415-1608, 1608-1626 (exc Mon).
15170 0230-0248 (exc Mon). 15200 0312/0530 as 11800. 15320 1415-1500. 15325 1222-
1415, 1500-1608. 15405 1057-1145(Sun/Thu/Fri 1215). 15410 1612-1700, 1700/1833 as
11780. 15430 0912-1000(Mon & Wed 0945). 17875 1057-1145 (Sun/Thu/Fri 1215) (FEBA, gh)
SUDAN Sudanese news agcy SUN reported that during a 20/7 meeting w/Minister of Natl
Guidance & Info, Pres NUmayri issued his directives to begin the Koran BCing Stn as
of next August. (JBI 28/7) R of the Dem Rep of Sudan reported that xmsns of Holy Kor-
an Radio, V of Music and R of the Sudanese Nation'd commence 1/8 on separate fqs, "to
promote the bcing services, which aim to satisfy the desires of the honourable listen
ers". The People's Pgm (AR: Idha'at ash-Sha'6)'d begin bcing in Sept, thus compleuen
ting the other new svcs and the General Pgm. As a result, R of the Dem Rep of Sud'd—
bc 34% hpd, increase of 16% (WBI 11/8)
SWAZILAND Final S83 xmtr sked: #1: 0300-0345 & 0400-0430 3200, 0530-0730 6070, 1530
-1615 4760, 1630-2015 3200. #2: 0430-0700 9730, 1445-1530 9640, 1600-1645 5055, 1700
-1745 3275, 1800-1845 7295. #3: 0300-0345 9640, 1600-1845 9640 or 9525, 1900-2015 on
9525, 2030-2145 9715. #4: 0300-0345 3335, 0430-0600 5055, 0615-0730 11760, 1630-1715
9710, 1845-1945 9710. #5: 0300-0345 3275, 0400-0430 7295, 1600-1830 4790 (NR vía gh)
TAHITI FR3, Papéété, now s/off at later time of 0800 instead of 0730, in FR & TH on
6135 9750 11825 15170 (Matthew Francis, RA JP DX 6/8) Not when I checked 11/8, usual
0730*; and it's now RIO, isn't it, like other French overseas stns, as FR3 no longer
exists? The Aussies have a tendency to assure that a 2 kHz drift is a permanent de-
liberate fq change, and apparently the same applies to time variations, hi (gh)
TAIWAN BCC, CBS, VOFC "Chung-yang Kuang-po tien -tai tsy-yu chung-Iwo chih sheng", bc
to Mainland: 0945-2200 Cantonese 9690 6040, Bakke 3335. 1000-1130 Mongolian, 1140-
1310 Tibetan, 1320-1500 Uighur all 11905. Std Chinese Net-1 24h: 2045-0100 11905 7250
7150, 0100-0345 7250, 0345-0700 11905 7250 7150, 0700-1000 11905 7150, 1045-1600 7250
7150, 1600-1900 11905 7250 7150 /MW portions & fqs omitted here/. Std CH Net-2, 24h:
2150-0950 7105, 0950-2150 11775 6180. Std CH Net 3, Mx & MM 0955-2200 on 9630 6087.
(WBI 4/8) The 11775 directly above explains the jamming often marring BBC-Antigua be-
tween 1100 and 1330 (gh)
TURKEY Turkish Polis Radio, Ankara, hrd 0558-1000 .5 1058-1600 daily on 6340, also
Amos 95.5 FM (WBI 14/7) TRT VOT in Turkish for Turks abroad: 0355-0900 15435 15220
11820 7160, 0900-1000 17885 15220, 1000-1500 17885 15220 11955 9670, 1500-1600 17885
15220, 1600-2200 15220 9670 9610, 2255-0230 17760 11740 (411 21/7) Probably outdated
as before & after last xmsn given using 11755 to NAm in EG (gh) VOT using new 7155 ex
-9610 EG Eu 2200-2300 (Matthew Francis, Tasmania, RA JP DX 6-7/8)
1: A E R Dubai hrd on 15435 0330 9/7 w/EG nx, seems ex-15430 (Chuck Oliver, TX)
UKOGBANI Despite increased use of satellites to feed its relay stns, BBC con
tinues to use SSB xmtrs too and'll do so mainly as back up in future too. Two of
these xistrs, SSB Senders 1 & 2 using 30 kW PEP via rhombics tunable over all fq ran-
ges are located at Daventry and during the EDXC visit there at the endof May were wor
king as follows: Sender 1: 11070 0015-0300 & 2200-2315, 12189 0300-0715, 15670 0715-
0815, 20455 0900-1615, 12127 1615-2200. Other fqs available are 26490 22930 19455
18172 9858 9320. Sender 2: 6838 0015-0415 & 2200-2315, 20345 0900-1615, 15670 1615-
2015, 12179 2015-2200. Other fqs available are 19455 12129 12127 9320 7685. Both SSB
& ISB modes are used, fqs changed should propagation require at request of rx stn at
Page 25
relay site. Not intended for general reception but cuild provide useful signal dur-
ing periods of difficult reception, providing you have correct eqp. Two more SSB
senders are at Rampisham but their use may be disrupted due to installation work
(Noel Green, UK, DSWCI SW News) BBC feeder on 9320 at 2239 27/7: EG on USB // 15070,
PT on LSB // 15390 (Chuck Holland, Lakeworth FL)
BBC withdrew 25650 0900-1330 for As/Au beam 5/7 due to work at Daventry and poor
propagation. Will be retained for a short time 0900-1330 for ME/Af. 9410 Eu 1615-
1800 suspended Mon-Fri due to xmtr refurbishing. And from end of Aug, Singapore re-
lay'll be fed via satellite & pre-shipped tapes discontinued; should improve audio
quality particularly on topical pgms. Already uses satl for Canada, Cyprus, Maeirah.
Planned for new satl links to Ascension, Antigua, 1984, now served by SSB feeders.
When Sing starts asti, SSB radio feeder'll be used as standby (Waveguide via Jonathan
Gord.n-Till, Don Rhodes, Alok Das Gupta, AD))
USA WRNO revised S83 sked: 1700-1900 17775, 1900-2200 15420, 2200-0000 11950,
0000-0300 9705, 0300-0500 6185. Sun also 0500-0600 6185, 0600-1200 6110, 1200-1400
9715, 1400-1700 11940 (George Jacobs, MD, 8/8) World of Radio is thus eked GMT Sat
0430 on 6185, GMT Sun 0230 9705, Sun 2330 on 11950. During Aug the 0230 bc was
pre-empted by exhibition football, but started late such as 0315, 0330. During the
regular football season, some of the 2330 broadcasts are likely to be pre-empted or
delayed. To be surest of hearing W.O.R., start checking for the first bc (gh)
VOA hrd on 12060 at 0315 16/7 w/baseball game (Chuck Oliver, TX) VOA does not be
baseball games. AFRTS does, via VOA xmtrs, and this is 2 x 6030 (gh)
KGEI S83 ITU registrations: 9525 0230-0615 Eu/USSR; 9675 0930-1230 USSR/FE/SEAs;
5980 1230-1400 USSR; 11745 1400-1600 Eu/USSR. All 500 kW (AD)Pi) 500? I thought they
only had 250; and this omits the LAm svc, probably w/very little change as usual(gh)
VATICAN PJP2 to reshuffle Vatican Radio, L'Osservatore Romano, and the Press Office
in October (UPI via SCDX 9/8) VR on 15115 0205 27/7 EG, ex-15110? (Chuck Oliver, TX).
VIETNAM Nghe Tinh now hrd on 4705, -1145 VT relay of Hanoi, 1145-1320v* VT local
pgms. Full ID not confirmed, but Nghe Tinh mentd during pgm anmts; last hrd early
1982 when on 4783 (Hiroyuki Komatsubara, Japan, DX Front Line 2/8 via gh) Hoang
Lien Son on 5602 & 6626, ex-6599, often KOed by Bac Thai nearby (Komatsubara and
Isao Ugusa, ibid.) Tent. Ha Tuyen again hrd on 4819 +1130-1230*, +1130-1330* Sun,
all local pgua in VT; amazing they have no ethnic lang pgms (Komatsubara, ibid.) Yes,
there are 14 ethnic groups in this largest province, indeed strange (Ugusa, ibid.)
Gia Lai-Kon Turn changed eked, obs in July: *1030-1100 VT local pgms, 1100-1145 VT re-
lay Hanoi, 1145-1230* Mon-Sat Montagnard, 1230-1245*Sun VT local pgms all on 4687
(lgusa, ibid.) Lai Chau moved to 6588 ex-6570 since 15/7 but 25/7 back to old 6570.
When they were around 6588, nearly co-channel w/Pakse, Lai Chau dominated there.
Binh Tri Thien back on 4669 *1300-1355*; Lang Son 6510; Cao Bang 6521; Bac Thai mov-
ing between 6618-6630 (Isao Ugusa, DXFL 2/8)
DENT IF IED 29229 6/8 *03 22_0323*, a drunk-sounding guy came on over
WWV and said WWV was no longer a std time stn--this was
the new one. He then gave a long, whoop-type ID (I think) which I couldn't hear.
"At the tone it will be 3 hours and 29 cents" or some such, and then went off. Hadn't
come back by 0332 when 1 tuned out. Not terribly strong, but no het (Mike MacCollum,
Harbor Springs MI) 7410, pirate presumed 0404-0410*(?) 4/7, feature about 28/3/64 &
R Caroline. 0409 xmen break, 0410 carrier gone, SIO 232. 7389, presumed pirate 0429
-0439 4/7, weak, them from "Good, Bad & Ugly", "Instant Karma", Lennon, ancr almost
Impossible to understand, SIC 232 at peak; pulled plug or f/out 0439 (Richard A. D'An
gelo, Wyomissing PA) 5340 22/7 0145-0220 someone relaying an FM stn from Fort Myers
FL; IDed as 97 FM so assure it was WINK. 43333, not hrd since ("ROR/5", SWNS)
Page 26
Dj„. INHOUE: ir IN r'RANNY Argentine Annie has verified! Those of ya
- with memories of 17740 kHz going back as
far as 1982 and a taste for signed photographs of the lady should redouble your ef-
forts to track "Liberty" down. Sorry, I can't give away any more information than
that (John Campbell, June DSWCI SW News) Oh, come on now....
R Soberanía Nacional, LMI
R Farabundo 1/7 ancd it bc at 1230 (not Sun), 1830, 0100. Obs 6/7 0100-0200 &
1230-1330 on 7040 & 6930, both + 10 MI 14/7) In an interview on R Sweden Interna-
tional's Sweden Calling DXers 12/7, a rep of RIN on a fundraising visit to Eu spoke
about the opn of these stns. Both R Venceremos & RIM were located within El Salvador,
not Nicaragua as had been claimed by some opponents. RV was in Morazén province,
whilst RIM cane from an underground base in Chaltenango /sic/. The hours of xmsn were
different; too, RV carried more mily info about FMLN opns, whilst RIN was 'more or
less the basis of democratic revolutionary govt of the future". (dBI 21/7)
R Guatemala Libre The rep also spoke about this new stn, R Free Guatemala, which was
being planned by rev friends in Guat. Not yet funxional, but tests being conducted.
RFG'd use two fqs, on SW and FM. It wasn't possible to say whether they'd use 31 or
40mb, but et the moment, experiments were being made in 40 (rIBI 21/7) About time
La Voz de Sandino , hostile to Nit govt, reported 29/7 that the "Lanza Squad, a mem-
ber of the Democratic Revly Alliance's Info system" 'd carry out a daily bc at 18 h
local on 106 MHz FM and over TV ch 2 (WBI 4/8)Lhave been listening to the xmtr of
Edén Pastora Gómez for the past several weeks. This notorious guerrilla fighter, aka
Comandante Cero, has stn around 6275, usually 0554* or continue in Miskito, otherwise
all in SP. At tines you have a female ancr w/5-digit code numbers; 12/7. 19/7: They
now transmit also on FM, each xmsn lasting 5 ems, fqs incl 120, 140, 150, 195 MHz.
These are directed to the Nic population and carry coded messages. Mostly 6-10 pm lo-
cal time. 6275 now seems to be sending from inside Nic judging by nx and other pgm-
ing. They are reading lists of 'war criminals', encoded messages, war bulletins,
just as of last night #35 on a battle near Costa Rica border, etc. ("BST", SWNS) This
one noted on 6220a 28/7 wiapparent La Voz de Sandino ID at 0119 during Miskito; no
sign of LV de Nicaragua Libre at that time. LV de Sandino ID again on 6220a 0158 31/7
then a LV de Nic Libre ID was hrd on sane fq at 0220. So these two ARDE stns are ap-
parently again sharing a common xmtr (SWNS)
La Voz del CID, LMI
Spy Numbers Hrd Spanish as stn, 5 digits, not repeated, in both MN & IN on about
6886 or so. Seems unusual in that number groups seem to be recorded as a group in-
stead of being spliced together from individually recorded numbers, as seems to be
the case with many (most?) other spy stns. This usually is on at 0600 or so (Mike
MacCollum) Seriously doubt physical tape-splicing involved in others; talking methane
Four digit Spanish as stn w/YL ancr monitored on 4665e, goes on all night and usu-
ally starts on the hour w/message sent twice in a half hour period. Vy strong in NH
("BST", SUNS) Noted 4/8 on the fq just before 0300 w/strength roughly comparable to
the presumed Cuban Mayak relay on 4765. Carrier does not stay on between xmsns (C M
Stanbury, Ont, SWNS)
The now-notorious stn of 3646 was first noted on this fq 10/3/82, having previous-
ly appeared randomly on 3445. A few years back 3040 was regular, and often ran con-
tinuously thruout local eves w/no breaks. Now 3646 is by far the most active, and is
audible all night. During daylight, 7397 (ex-7383) is the most active, but usually
runs open carrier, si/few actual messages. New fq 6211 first noted here 24/7 after
2200, on simultaneously with 3646 and 7397 but not //either. Other fqs to watch are
4640, 4720, 5015 USB, 5499, 5645, 5661, 5892, 6065 (most commonly hrd ones underlined)
These stns are rather bafflesome, and are so hysterical as to be amusing (David Craw-
ford, DXSF 10/8)
R Truth 5015, *0430-0500* 1/8 w/bird call IS, pop tune, ID, into highly propagandiv.
cd nx, strongly anti-Mugabe, commentary, pop mx. Many references to R Truth in 3rd
person, e.g. "...R Truth would like to point out that..." Best on USB. Voz da Regis-
tencia in well on 4950 as well, 1.a. Excellent nite for southern Af; tnx to Parks for
tip on this one (David Crawford, DX S Florida)
Voz de África Libre, anti-Mozambican stn, not hrd since Apr. This coincides with the
killing of Orlando Cristina, the genl secy of the Moz Resistance Mvmt (.INR) and main
editor at the stn. Cristina was victim of internal power struggle; mvmt is supported
by South Africa (Afrique-Asie, French magazine via Jacques Groen, Neth, SCDX 12/7)
V of Mozambique National Resistance Tho ancd that its regular bcing svc on 4764'd be
inaugurated 1/7, continued to carry repeats of its 23/6 xmsn until apx the end of the
2nd week in July. New pgming in PT & verns spoken in Moz first obs 17/7 & 18/7 (WV)
'Page 27
(PT: A Voz de ResistenciaNacionaldo Moçambique), 0400-0500 6. 1700-1800 in PT & verni
on 4764. Operated as V of Free Africa from Gwelo, Zimbabwe, from summer 1976 until
13/2/80 when closed down. Again hrd from diff location 31/3/80. Last hrd IDing as
VOFA at 1700 12/5/83. Was hrd again 23/6 ancing in PT as VOMNR (WCI 4/8)
✓ of Namibia pgm presented by SWAPO and bc by Zimbabwe Being Corp continues hrd on
Mon/Wed/Fri 1900-1930 in EC, AK, Namibian verns (WBI 7/7)
✓ of the Broad Masses of Eritrea Obs 1430-1630 8/7, 9/7 on 14337, 6260-6265, 7400-
7460 (WBI 14/7)
✓ of Palestine Rol Israel reported 14/7 that Yasir Arafat's supporters had inaugur-
ated a new radio stn by this name in Tripoli, Lebanon; only test xmsns at present
(WBI 21/7) V of the Palestine Revolution Libyan ox agcy JAMA in a report datelined
Damascus 30/7 quoted spoxeman of "new revly mvmt of Fatah" (hostile to the leader-
ship of Yasir Arafat) as saying it'd decided to establish a new radio stn of this name
Kuwaiti nx agcy (KUNA) report also from Damascus 30/7 said al-Fatah opposition leaders
ancd plans to establish a VOPR stn either in Syria or in the central Lebanese Beqaa
Valley (WBI 4/8) V of Palestine, V of the Palestine Revolution Stn named this in AR
hrd *0500 2/8 on 1412, supporting Arafat; opened w/the "Biladi" anthem and ancd: "Oh
masses of our struggling Palestinian People! Oh masses of our glorious nation! This
is the VOP,V0PR. We will always be with you, telling the truth inkeeping with a
brave bullet and expressing your aspirations, defending your revly line as the mouth-
piece of the PLO, of its natl charter and of the political pgms issued by the Pal Natl
Council". Gave sked as daily 0500-0700 & 1530-1730 on 1412 kHz (WBI 4/8) Believed to
be located in north of Lebanon, continues hrd; ancd from 9/8 eve bc'd be 2h later,
1730-1930; morn still 0500-0700 (WBI 11/8) 05-07 & 1730-1945 on 1412; times v (WBI 18/
Bizim. Radio, the stn/pgm of the Turkish Communist Party, has been a 'guest' in Roman-
ia and E Germany in the past (and present too, e.g. 95841), but is being a little
more adventurous on 5915 (and 6025?). A Russian-assisted eland beamed to Iran lives
there, but Bizim R has been hrd once in place of it (Noël Green, UK, DSWCI) Another
technician to the salt mines? (John Campbell, DSWCI Ed.)
✓ of Iraqi Revolution Hrd again 26/7, 27/7 on 7000, having been untraced since March.
Mists said VOIR'd be on the air 1400-1500 w/repeat of 0300-0400. The V of the Iraqi
People stn remains untraced (WBI 4/8) V of Iraqi Kurdistan, 6257 15/8 Kurdish 1505-
1607, AR 1607-1635* (RBI 18/8)
✓ of the Iranian Revolution 1/8 ancd it be daily 0915-1000 in Kurdish 1000-1030 in
Persian on 46 and (?41) m. Pems repeated 1230-1315 Kurdish, 1315-1345 Persian. Stn
obi 2/8 0910-0940 on fq varying between 6420.1 and 6460.8 (WBI 11/8) 7245-7300, 6420-
6440, 6366-6383 variable (9WBI 18/8) So 3 xmtrs, then?
R Salvation of Iran (Persian: Radyo Nejat-e Iran), pro-monarchist and hostile to Kho-
meyni and the Iranian govt, 0305-0400 9032 repeating 1830-1925 on 11660, both in Per-
sian. First monitored 23/6 but may've been on the air since at least 21/3 (WBI 7/7)
¡Cf Aug IN-22/Correct addr is thought to be P 0 Box 102, OK-2670 Grew Strand, Den-
mark and not as published (WBI 21/7) Hugs, Greve Strand is also the HQ of the Danish
SW Clubs International (gh) Clear ID in Farsi 0404 just before 0405*, seemed to coma
on 9032 at 0330. Obviously using sane xmtr as R Vatan; 16/7 (Craig Seeger, ADXN)
R Vatan *0415 suddenly on 9032 ex-9027; gave addr in W Germany at 0427 and has OSIA1
in the past. 1/15555 16/7, in Farsi (Craig Seager, ADXN) R Vatan now sked 0405-0600
on 15555 9027, 1605-1800 on same (Shigenori Aoki, Nagoya DXers Circle, via RA DX 14/8)
27/5 & 28/5, R Vatan (Homeland) hrd on 14990 0405-0605, 1605-1805 w/anti-Khomeni pgms,
but now back to wellknown 15555 (Supratik Sanatani, Asian DX Review) m/b Wood's unID!
V of Iran is hrd 0330-0400 on 15315, 1805-1900 on 15355 9785 9605 (Aoki, as above)
Page 28
V of the National Army of Democratic Kampuchea extended VT segment by one heur, cur-
rently s/off 1330 ex-1230. 23/5 surprised to hear them w/orch/instl mx from 1345 to
1415. Perhaps entertaining those resistance groups battling Viet forces w/some west-
ern delicacies! Meanwhile Prince Sihanouk has threatened to quit the anti-Viet Cam-
bodian coalition he's headed fora year in a new dispute with his non-commlnist resis-
tance partner Son Senn. So watch out for new developments (Sarath Weerakoon, UADX)
On 5200 1000-1300 & 2300-2400 Cambodian; 1300-1330 Vietnamese (WB1 18/8)
V of the Kanmuchean People In 11/7 issue, Bangkok nxpaper Matuphum reported a high-
level muy source as saying that the Kamp Peoples' Natl. Libn Front of Premier Son
Sann was preparing to set up a radio stn, VOKP. It was located at a secret site UnKam
puches. Stn'd carried out trial xmsns for a week, being thrice daily in Camb lang on
MW. No info as to when bcing'd begin officially. Per soiree, stn's xmtr power'd
limit reception to a 100 km radius. Part of eqp'd been donated by the Singapore govt
in 1982. More eqp needed to incr power (W81 14/7)
NORTH AMER IAN FIRA T.U_ V of the Border, 6/8 0412 on 7425.
Whose border is anyone's guess, but
from strength and fading, it probably was quite a ways away (Robb Browne, W Allis WI)
"KPRC" Raed from Pirate Radio Central, 1616, a plain paper, no data QSL, in reply to
two reception reports, one 5 months old, another 2. Both sent to ancd Exeter NH addr
and return postmark was for Middlesex-Essex MA (Paul E Choroszy, Saco ME, 8/7) The MW
pirate KPRC was hrd here 26/7 on SW, 6209, 0320-0600, saying this fq was //1616. They
had mbg pgm, mx, took calls from listeners, gave NH addr (Kirk Allen, Ponca City OK)
R Angeline(tent.) Hrd 2/7 0616-0625* on 7390. Seeped very satirical, sig not good e-
nough to understandnuch. Almost no mx, just "You Are My Sunshine" u/ID & whistling
notes at 0619. At tun hrd what sounded like white people trying to talk like black
people, but unseemed of V of Tomorrow or WICK ilk. Mentioned "our revolution" and
"White Sands Missile Testing Range" concluding w/hi quality sound-effects. Closed
w/IDs in several langs, finally EC; 80% certain of name; similar to R Cland but am
fairly certain it was not that. SIO 343-444 (Mike MacCollum, somewhere)
R Highlander, 7430, 0353-0357* 4/7, Scottish sounding instl mx, ending w/ID, signal/
carrier gone/cut. Never hrd of this one before; 353 (Richard A D'Angelo, PA) Most in-
teresting of the 4/7 pirates, 0336-0357 on 7429.7. M opr played mx sounding suchlike
Scottish highland tunes, G sig and very pretty mx (Kirk Allen, Ponca City OK)
"taAM" was on 7430 around 1830-1840 26/6 reading reporters' names, then playing rock
(SWNS) unID, possibly WRAM, 7/7 Thu nite, local, rather different for a pirate, 0339-
0406 t/out on 7425. Sig fairly unintelligible due static, couldn'tmake out IDs,1but
0353 ancd phone number, and something about Reagan & CAm, 0344-0347. Talk of revolu-
tion 0355, which made me wonder if this was a political stn, but maybe referring to
rev in mx. They played 4 songs of somewhat heavy rock, SIO 222 (Mike MacCollum, 7)
FCC has busted WRAM in Levittown PA; no, I wasn't involved in it (Bill Oliver, 23/8)
R Free Insanity 13/8 2238-2245*, after phone tip to check 98.7 FM at 1900, checked
but didn't hear until had another chance to check--first FM pirate I've hrd anywhere..
End of song, 2245 ID, mac to s/off. Strong sig, very clear, but could still hear mike
clicking on or off at one point. Hope to hear more from them (Mike MacCollum, Indy IN)
Jolly Roger Radio, 94.1 FM, Bloomington DI has been getting a lot of press by return-
ing to the air and taunting FCC. Operator "The Flying Dutchman" says he's moving to
England where he expects less trouble from authorities, and may go SW there. Power
here reportedly 1 kW (via Ken MacHarg, and Mike MacCollum)
V of Democracy 20/7 0247 on 7430a, ancd as 7530. asked for calls to NYC # but then
left air. Hrd again 30/7 on apx ancd 6225 0215 t/in w/classicalmx. 0235 ancd Wash DC
loop #, and later one in NY, then obviously fake communist propaganda supposedly re-
layed from R Moscow's studios via satl, sometimes IDing as V of Communism. By 0310
xmsn clearly intended to be taken as satire. Somewhat heavy handed but quite funny in
spots especially a few of the mbg bits. F strength, G mod, but HNL (CM Stanbury, SWNS)
V of Democracy hrd 21/7 & 22/7 on 7408 & 7428.5 resp, commentaries and Billy Joel mx
(Kirk Allen, OK) VOD/VOC hrd from 0307 to 0316 when I had to leave 30/7 on 6226a, an
cd 6225. Rather interesting spoof of VOA/R Moscow; gave phone 212 283 9977, which was
answered by a tape; seemed to have anticipated several questions so pre-recorded answ
ers, yes, no, Battle Creek adr, and then just pressed the right buttons. M & F (or
pretender) reading letters from praise from all over the world, including Khomeini and
a Cuban worker. Excerpts from Tchaikovsky's Piano Concerto No. 1. Closing ID by a
bland and earnest fellow. Anmts about VOC and VOD relaying each other, few VOD IDs
mixed w/bit of US NA, off, but back on later when checked 0424-0432* w/same IS tape.
(Mike MacCollum, Indianapolis IN)
Page 29
R Northstar International was busted by the FCC Sunday 21/8 around 2000 UTC. He had
been on the air 45 min before being visited by the 'head cheese' (Lani Pettit, IA)
Was located in southern California (gh)
Radio U.S.A. Hrd 7/8 0357-apparent s/off 0408 on 7375e, SSB, best in LSB. Claimed
to be coming from Atlantic Ocean, 200 W; gave A*C*E addr, send several 20c stamps
for QSL; DJ claimed to be "Mi Blue-Sky", all this in 0404 anmt. Mx seemed mostly
rock, 0405-0408, then anmt, dead air, no noticeable carrier, SIO 333-232 (Mike Mac-
Collum, Harbor Springs MI)
R Clandestine 2/7 0521-0557* on 7375. Nice mix of humor and soc, a switch from the
other times I've hrd them, when mm easily predominated. Spoof of the old "Mr Wizard"
show, amusing little bit with string of IDs going on far too long, anmts by host R.F.
Burns, engineer Boris Fignutzsky and a YL named "Wanda Lust," who gave the stn's ad-
dr (Box 982, Battle Creek); mx included more conventional pirate-type fare as well
as an 'oldies' section w/2 songs. Hi quality bc, G strength, audio quality, fq selec
tion and pgms--I only wish that I could hear them more often; SIO 444. Again hrd 7/8
0302-0352* on 7400a. Thought this was CID at first, as hrd several rock songs in a
row, but 0313 ID by R F Burns. This bc consisted mostly of soc, w/occl interruption,
as 0323-26 spoof of Emergency BC System. Sig not very good at first, with much static
and fading, but it got better. SIO 222-333 (Mike MacCollum, Harbor Springs MI) 7/8
0316-0353 on 7400. Host R F Burns had a "test of the universal space ship and flying
machine imperative locator, this includes all UFOs" (Kirk Allen, Ponca City OK)
R Crystal Ship 4/7 0441-0510 on 7425, ID mentioning 41mb. 2 ancrs talking about
Independence Day; gave Box 245 addr, mentd QSLs. Said they were "violating FCC regu-
lations" and "oh boy, we're in trouble now." Rock mx, 0455 played preacher condemning
rock & roll. 0501 "let us take you to another time and another place where Halloween
is every day." More em, SIO 242. Also 17/7 0304-0331* on 7425, SIO 232, rock, IDs w/fq
playing preacher condemning rock & roll, ID asked for phone calls to (301) 840-9948;
unfortunately none rec'd so they s/off with "73a and fight for free radio" (Richard
A D'Angelo, Wyomissing PA) 301 Maryland
New Wave Radio Int'l, also IDed as NWRI, on 7430.8, around 0500 4/7 (Kirk Allen, OK)
WOIS (?) Another 4/7 pirate on 7438.8 around 0500 (Kirk Allen, Ponca City OK)
KQSB Another 4/7 pirate, on 7432.8 around 0500. Again 14/8 0406 on 7385.1, "The
Old Art at Play", ancd mail-drop addr, P 0 Box 2571, Shawnee Mission KS 66201(Allen)
LAST NI LIT"; INFO ALASKA KNLS Anchor Point hrd on 9690 since 26/7;
1232 EG lesson, 1300 CH talk & ID to 1331*v;
strong sig, but poor fq due to jammers agains CBS Taiwan; 11820 is barely audible
1430-1600 w/strange mixture of RS religion, jazz & pop mx (Ernie Behr, Ont)
BELIZE Caribbean Nx agcy CANA reported 9/8 that the House of Reps'd passed bill pro-
viding for proper admn, management and regulation of radio & TV. Deputy PM, respon-
sible for bcing, said new law long overdue; govt'd promised Belizeans natl TV, and
planned to meet its commitment (WBI 18/8)
BOLIVIA The LAm stn reported on 6081.5 is definitely R 21 de Diciembre; hrd them
since 19/2 w/ID; check Apr LN -17 (Ernie Behr, Ont)
BRAZIL A VOA fq div rep indicated that from 14/8 Radiobras'd relay VOA in SP to LAm
0100-0300 via two 250 kW xmtrs, on 17870 & 15390 (dBI 18/8) R Mac da Amazóhia hrd
on new 6120 since 6/8, PT pgm, Ex 0100-0200*v, vy strong but BBC QRM; fi 11780 15445
R Universo, 11905, from 0100 w/"Voz da Libertaçio", 116020; both strong 8/8; no lon-
ger varies to 11906 (Ernie Behr, Ont)
CANADA RCI is installing three new 100 kW xmtrs to replace the old 50s, and as a
result Mon-Fri several of the 250s are off the air during the daytime, e.g. the Af-
rican service 1800-2000 is only on 17820 50 kW; however if weather is bad the nor-
mal schedule will be in effect, as it is on weekends. Similar restrictions on the
Eu svc, carried on Daventry relays only (RCI SWL Digest 20/8 4 Eu svc 21/8) The 50s
are hardly used by RCI at all but for the CBCNQSWS, so are the 100s actually for it?
EL SALVADOR R El Salvador was back on 9553.25 in SP 1200-1330 f/out 7/7, but gone a
fey days Later (Ernie Behr, Ont)
FINLAND Per anmt from R Fin 15/8, plans to intro new EG pgm for Eu 4/9, "Good Morn-
Page 30
ing" at 0630 (0730 from 25/9) on 11755 6120 (WBI 18/8)
FRANCE RFI plans to bc in EC to FE in 1984 or 85; Swahili, Hausa and other Af langs
in 1984. Once Guiana relay on air, greatly expand PT E. SP to LAm, maybe EG and FR
to NAm (RFI spokesman on SCDX 23/8)
IVORY COAST Rdif Ivoirienne, Abidjan, Mati Svc in FR: 0600-1600 11920 7215 4940;
1600-1900 11920 7215 (incl EG ox 1800-1815); 1900-2100 11920 7215 4940. 2100-2400
4940. Pgm in verns 1600-1900 on 4940 (WBI 18/8)
KUWAIT R Kuwait Gerd pgm 0225-2215 in AR: 0225-0400 9840 6055. 0400-0500 21545
17850 9880 9840 6055. 0500-0600 21545 17850 15495 9880 9840 6055. 0600-0730 15495
11990 6055. 0730-0930 17650 15495 11990 9750 6055. 0930-1300 17650 15495 15110
11990 9750 6055. 1300-1505 21675 17650 15495 15110 11990 6055. 1505-1600 21675
15495 11990 9840 6055 3950. 1600-1800 21675 15495 11990 9880 9840 6055 3950. 1800-
2105 15495 11990 9880 9840 7120=from 1830 6055 3950. 2105-2215 15495 11990 9840 6055.
2nd pgm & foro lang svcs: 0158-0500 Koran Arab Gulf, FE, Eu, NAf, S&SEAs, NAm on
15495. 0500-0800 EG Gulf/FE/S&SEAs/Eu/NAm 15345. 1600-1800 Urdu Gulf/S&SEAs/Eu/NAm
21545 to 1745. 1800-2100 EG Arab Gulf/NAf/SAf/Eu/NAm 11675. External svc to Eu in AR
0815-1300 21675 (iBI 18/8)
LEBANON 9/8 issue, Tel Aviv nxpaper 'Ha'aretz' reported Israel'd given permission
for a radio stn to be set up by the Druze in the Shuf mtns, in terr controlled by Is-
raeli forces. Druze'd promised in return to refrain from anti-Israel bes. Previously
Druze'd opd radio stn in terr now controled by Syrians. For several months they'd
been asking the IDE for permission to extablish a new stn & xfer eqp from old (iBI 18
/8) R Lebanon to Af hrd on 15360.4 1830-2030 incl EG 1830, AR 1900, FR 2000, not on
15355 (J P Turner, SCDX 23/8) Press reports that KING destroyed, but WORD hrd since
on new 684 in Cyprus (SCDX 23/8)
MADAGASCAR (or PAKISTAN) Cf Aug LN -18 & May LN -20. Re Mitch Sams' complaint, I found
no record of his original 6132 logging in Frendx; however, since gh requested more
info on this unID, I suggested Pak as another possibility, but I never claimed a def
mite ID (Ernie Behr, Ont)
PAKISTAN Karachi regional sve 1400-1800 on 4727 (Victor Goonétilleke, SCDX 23/8)
Quetta hrd at 0100 on 4879 (W German reporter to UADX via SCDX 23/8)
PHILIPPINES Iñ a despatch from Colombo, Sri Lanka, AFP reported 13/8 that SL Foreign
Minister'd summoned the Phil ambassador to express SL's "deep concern" over bes by
the Phil-based Roman Catholic R Ventas. SL authorities said RV'd been beaming "high
ly inflammatory reports" in its Tamil & Sinhalese bes, as well as 'derogatory refs'
to SL's armed forces during the communal riots (WBI 18/8)
SOUTH AFRICA R RSA S83 EG: 0200-0256 NAm +11730 9615 +5980. 0300-0426 C&E&SAf on
9585 7270 +5980 4990 3230. 063u-0730 W/E/SAUUK/Eire 17780 15220 +11900 7270. 1100
-1156 C&E&WAf/UK/Eire/ME +25790 21535 15220. 1300-1556 C&E&W&SAf/UK/Eire/ME +25790
9385 15220. 2100-2156 WAUUK/Eire +17745 15155 9585 7270. 4=500 kW, rest 250 (gh)
SWITZERLAND Red Cross Bcing Svc Sept sked of 'beamed' fqs: 27/9 As 0945 EG 21695,
15305, 9560; 0955 FR & 1005 EG 21505. 29/9 ME/Af 0945 FR, PT, EC on 21520 17830 15-
430; 0945 AR 21630 (WBI 18/8)
CLANDESTINE LV del Cid bcs via R Clar'n suspended last 'hie by Dom Telecomms Office,
for containing --??-- expressions against a foro govt; Today, Dom Assn of R BCers
formally protested suspension, saying govt position not right and this should be de-
cided in court (R Earth 23/8 news) R Mati Sovereignty R Cadena YSEL in San Salvador
quoted anonymous callers to nx agencies that a new stn, R SoberanA Nacional'd begin
bcing 13/8 0000-0200 & 1200-1400 in 41 & 43mbs. 0000 14/8 hrd on 7075, "v of a free
people who resist slivery of intl Marxism, who like and respect human rights, offer
their blood to prevent a violation directed from Moscow..." Closing anmt 0040 said
1200, 1800, 0000, 0200; hrd 0200-0220 6960, 1200 & 1800 on 7075 6 6960, the latter w/
10 sec delay (/BI 18/8)
Page 31
QS/r.. PORTS Sam Barto
47 Prospect Place
Bristol, CT. 06010 USA.
Page 32
BONAIRE: Radio Nederland 9590 f/d cd. *7/ sticker and pennant
in 13 ds.(Kanopka -NY). 6165 f/d cd. w/ pennant in 46 ds.
BORNEO: RRI Stasiun Palangkaraya 3325 f/d (Fortney -PA).
* personal ltr. in 18 ds. for an IN rpt, ms. and 2 IRCs.
v/s Djoko Suryanto. Addr:Jl. M.H. Thamrin No. 1,Palangka
raya, Kalimantan Tengah.(Vranes -IL).
BOUGANVILLE: Radio North Solomons 3322.5 ltr. in 70 ds. for
2 IRCs.(Warner-AUST).
BRASIL: Ceara Radio Clube 6105 n/d cd. in 1 mo. for a PT rpt
* and ms. v/s Mânoel Eduardo P. Campos, Director -Presidente.
* (Wilkins-CO). Radio Araguaia 4905 f/d prepared cd. in 17
ds. for a PT rpt. and ms.(Lazarus -LA). Radio Rio Mar 9695
cd. in 38 ds. for a PT rpt. and ms.(Warner-AUST). Radio
Nacional do Brasil 15290 f/d "Congonhas do Campo" cd. in
22 ds.(Wilkins -CO). f/d "Recife" cd. in 20 ds. for ms.
11•010' PEKING (Niekamp -MN). f/d cd. in 18 ds. for ms.(Kapinos -MA).Radio
Clube de Marina 3235 f/d prepared cd. w/ personal ltr.
1957 QSL
n Ron Luyster
e aL1 --- 1 - = n
lae:VOIX ID /ISRAe.1;
Pa ge 33
adio Macarena 5973 n/d ltr. in 32 de. for a SP rpt. and ms. v/s Enrique Zambrano
erente.(Wilkins-00). same in 59 ds. for a SP rpt.(Stephany-NY). f/d personal ltr
red cd. in 1 mo. for a SP rpt. and ms.(Lazarus-LA). p/d ltr. in 35 ds. for a SP
e and ms.(Choroszy-ME). Emisora Ondas del Orteguaza 4975 f/d personal ltr. in
or a SP rpt. v/s Carlos Julio Rodriguez. Sticker rcvd.(Fortney-PA). Radio Super
lin 4875 personal ltr. in 640 ds. for a SP rpt. and ms. Stickers rcvd. v/s Enri-
.(Kanopka-NY). Emisora Armenias del Caqueta 4915 n/d personal ltr. w/ cd. in 2
a SP rpt. v/s P. Alvaro Serna Alzate, Director.(Field-MI). cd. w/ poster in 31
a SP rpt.(Warner-AUST).
S: Radio Cook Islands 11760 f/d "Conch" cd. in 19 ds. for 2 IRCs. v/s Nooroa E.
.(Kanopka-NY). same in 2 mo. (Johnson-TX).
Radio Reloj 4832 cd. in 36 ds. for a SP rpt. and 2 IRCs.(Warner-AUST). Radio
de Costa Rica 6035 n/d ltr. in 3 mo. for a SP rpt. v/s Juan Ramon Gutierrez A.,
Habana Cuba 6020 f/d cd. in 100 ds.(Talbot-ALTA).11760 f/d "Guama Tourist" cd.
. w/ pennant and personal ltr. v/s Maria Montero Triana.(Fortney-PA).
15420 n/d cd. in 63 ds. w/ sticker.(Carleton-ONT).
KIA: Radio Prague f/d cds. in 43 ds. for many rpts.(Fortney-PA).
dio Denmark 15165 f/d cd. in @ 1 mo. for 1 IRC.(Kapinos-MA). f/d cd. in 15 ds.
C. v/s Fette Andersen.(Martin-IN).
ISLANDS (Rhodes): VOA 7205 f/d cd. in 15 ds. v/s Jennifer Dierffey.(Fye-21).
I "Rodeo" cd. in 8 ds.(Hosmer-MI).
EPUBLIC: Radio Clarin 11700 f/d huge "Map" folder cd. in only 63 mo: for an EG/
and 2 IRCs.(Vranes-IL). Radio Maximo Gomez 11700 via Radio Clarin f/d prepared
the Chicago address in 11 ds. for a SP rpt. and ms.
o Pena, Secretary of Information-CID. (Wilkins-CO). Thin mill verify and acknowledge
el CID 11700 via Radio Clarin f/d prepared cd. in your reception of 'Radio Vatan . ,
(Radio Homeland). We are group
iksman-IL). same in 6 ds.(Sobkoviak-IL). f/d pre- of free Iranians broadcasting the
truth to the Pao'''. Of Ir°°.
. w/ ltr. in 10 ds. for an EG rpt.(Swaringen-NC). schedule follow.:
Desk" cd. w/ poster in 45 ds.(Park-HI). 15175 f/d the great cultural heritage of
Iran alive. The eecond hour of
a" cd. in 45 ds.(Park-RI). La Voz del Napo 3280 ltr each program provide. news and
5. for a SP rpt. and 1 IRC. vis Fr. Evelio Ortiz, enelynie of current event, in
.(Wilkins-00). Iran. We hope you will tell
everyone you know of our humble
) Cairo 9475 cd. in 126 ds.(Cassidy-IN). f/d "Sadat effort..
' cd. in 4 mo. (Field-MI). Radio Vatan 15555 n/d The Pr.. People of Iran
Antenna" cd. in 34 ds. for an EC rpt.(Barto-CT).
gadio Venceremos 6852 n/d ltr. in 8 mo. for a SP
Mexico City. QSL mailed via Managua. v/s Rolando U6 021,
.(Vranes-IL). D - 6200 Mannheim 1
MUM: Medio Equatorial-La Voz del Rio Mimi 4926 West C,rnany
rpt. v/s
,s that he
USA with
:cow via
a 5 wks. QSL
ds. for
n 56 ds.
1 ds.
Page 34
FALKLAND ISLANDS: FIBS 3958 cd. w/ personal ltr. w/
* Cammerative envelope in 27 ds. for 2 IRCs.(Warner-
AUST).f/d cd. in 20 ds. for 2 IRCs.(Bryant-OK). sam
in 68 ds. for a tape and ms. v/s A.R. Davies.(Carle
ton-ONT), same in 7 wks. for 2 IRCs.(Wilkins-00).
FEDERAL REP. OF GERMANY: Deutsche Wells 9590 f/d cd.
in 49 ds.(Gaffin-NY). 6145 via Wertachtal f/d "30th
Anniversary" cd. in 58 ds.(Sobkoviak-IL). os-MA)
FINLAND: Radio Finland 17800 n/d ltr. in 31 ds.(Kapin-
FRANCE: RFI 17620 f/d "Antenna Farm" cd. w/ sticker in
56 ds.(Kremer-SC). 7135 f/d 1981 "50th Anniversary"
cd. in 29 ds.(KaPinos -MA)-
FRENCH GUYANE: REO 5055 via Matoury f/d folder cd. in
1 no. for a FR rpt.(Barto-CT).
GERMAN DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC: RBI 11975 f/d cd. in 18 ds.
GREECE: VOA 7205 via Ravala f/d "Rodeo" (Espinos -MA).
cd. in 5 ds. v/s Wayne Greene.(Hosmer-111).
GRENADA: Radio Free Grenada 15045 p/d cd. in 430 ds.
* for 1 IRC.(Rigas-IL). same in 216 ds. for 1 IRC.
Ceder-FL). 15103 f/d cd. in 188 ds. for 2 IRCs.
v/s Caroline Gellineau.(Kacir-M1).
GUAM: KTWR f/d cd. in 19 ds. for 3 IRCs.(Paszkiewicz).
HAWAII: WWVE 15000 p/d "Outrigger" cd. in 24 ds.(Kre-
HOLLAND: Radio Nederland 17605 via Lopik f/d mer).
"Flavo Site" cd. in 17 ds. for 1 IRC.(Kapinos-MA).
HONDURAS: Radio Luz y Vida 3250 p/d personal ltr. in EC
* in 3 mo. for a SP rpt. and ms. v/s Don Moore(how you be
old buddy!...Sam)(Lobdell-MA). HRVC 4820 "Logo" cd. in 22 ds. -VA)
(Hazeltine-WA). p/d cd. id sticker and pennant in 19 ds. for a SP rpt. and 2 IRCs.(Cones
HUNGARY: Radio Budapest 12000 f/d "Logo" cd. in 28 ds.(Kapinos-MA). tob-ONT)
ICELAND: ISBS 13797 f/d cd. in 140 ds.(Choroszy-ME). same in 20 ds. for tape and ms.(Carle-
INDIA: AIR 15335 f/d "Barge of Love"(!) cd. in 34 ds.(Cones-VA). 4800 via Hyderabad f/d cd.
* in 2 no. for 2 IRCs. v/s 0.P. Khushu.(Lazarus-LA). 5050 via Aizawl ltr. directin 108 ds.
for 2 IRCs.(Warner-AUST).
IRELAND: Radio Jellybean via South Dublin Radio 6243 cd. in 72 da. (Geraghty-UK). Radio Nep-
* tune via South Dublin Radio 6243 ltr. in 22 ds.(Geraghty-UK). Andromeda Independent
* Radio via South Dublin Radio 6243 cd. w/ personal ltr. in 43 ds.(Geraghty-UK). Apollo-
* Ireland via South Dublin Radio 6243 cd. in 12 ds.(Geraghty-UK). World Mimic Radio 'via
Radio Dublin International 6910 f/d cd. w/ stickers in 2 wks. for 3 IRCs. v/s Lee Alvin
(Plum-NJ). same in 19 ds. for tape and 2 IRCs.(Carleton-ONT). Radio Dublin International
* 6910 f/d "Map" cd. in 38 ds. w/ stickers.(Kanopka-NY). Radio Andorre International via
WMR/RDI 6910 f/d cd. in @ 1 mo.(Kleiner-NY).
ISRAEL: IBA 11655 f/d cd. in 65 ds.(Aden-OR). same in 51 ds.(Kanopka-NY).
ITALY: Radio Milani International 6220 via Zinasco f/d ltr. w/ sticker in 128 ds. for an
* IT rpt. and 2 IRCs. v/s Dario Monferini, QSL Manager.(Clifford-FRG).
IVORY COAST: Radio Abidjan 7215 f/d "Map" cd. in 30 ds. for an EG rpt.(Kanopka-NY).
JAPAN: Radio Japan 15195 "Hakata" cd. in 23 ds.(Blanchette-FL). 21610 p/d "Imperial Garden"
cd. in 30 ds.(Clifford-FRG). 15410 p/d cd. in 34 ds.(Clifford-FRG). JJY 8000 p/d cd. in
30 ds. for 2 IRCs.(Vranes-IL). NSB 3925 f/d "Super Wave Radio Tanpa" cd. w/ stickers in
* 75 ds. for a taped rpt.(Aden-OR). Far Eastern Network 3910 cd. in 68 ds. for 1 IRC.(War-
JAVA: RBI SurakPita 4900 f/d ltr. in 33 ds. for an IN rpt. and ms. v/s Moh. ner-AUST).
* Hasjim Benny BA, Kepala.(Vranes-IL). RAI Surabaya 3975 p/d ltr. in 37 ds. for an IN rpt.
1 IRC and ms. v/s Agus Widjaja, Program Manager.(Vranes-IL). ltr. in EG for an EG rpt.
and 2 IRCs.(Warner-AUST).
"THE CALL OF THE ORIENT" Moscow 11820 via
Non-cornmercial Missionary Station Frunze f/d cd. in
35 da. (Bryant-OR).
KIRIBATI: Radio Kiri-
bati 16433 f/d
* -ffitiCing Canoe" cd.
in 55 ds. for 2
in 63 ds. for 2
IRCs. v/s Miss T.
9.730 M.C.
NC). in 15 mo. for
31 Meters j. as. (Lazarus-LA).
in 49 ds. for ms.
Page 35
Korea 9570 f/d cd. in RADIO MALAYSIA
46 ds. v/ sticker and SABAH
7550 f/d "Rose of
13455 FT .
Sharon" cd. in 21
2 mo.
(name?) 15575 f/d
"Stone Pagodas" cd.
in 18 ds. WI sticker.
ELWA 4765
"Antenna" cd.
for 2 IRCs.(Plum-NJ).
in 90 ds
11816 p/d ltr. in 13
* mo. v/s Mohamr.ed Swe-
idan.(Plom-NJ). same
in 1 mo. for 1 IRC.
(Swaringen-NC). p/d
form ltr. in 125 ds. Addr: P.O. Box 17, Hamrun, Malta.(Fisher-MA). 11815 p/d ltr. in 42
ds. for 2 IRCs.(Bryant-OK).
LITHUANIAN SSR: Radio Vilnius f/d cd. in 96 ds.(Paszkievicz-Vii). 15105 cd. w/ folder and
ltr. in 126 ds.(Cassidy-IN).
LUXEMBOURG: Radio Luxembourg 6090 n/d "Group DJ Photo" cd. in 38 ds. for 2 IRCs.(Hosmer-MU).
MALAGASY REP: Radio Nederland 9715 f/d "Drawbridge" cd. in 50 ds.(Kremer-SC). -OK)
MALAYSIA: RTV Malaysia 7160 via Kuala Lumpur f/d cd. w/ 2 pennants in 44 ds. for ms.(Bryant
MALTA: Deutsche Walla 9590 f/d cd. in 52 ds.(Martin-IN). Radio Mediterranean 6010 f/d "Map"
cd. w/ sticker in 64 ds. for 2 IRCs.(Carleton-ONT). 6110 same in 5 wks.(Field-M1),IBRA
Radio 9515 p/d "CM Tower-Toronto" cd. in 47 ds. for 3 IRCs.(Clifford-FRG).
MAURITIUS: MAC 9710 p/d "Flag" cd. in 25 ds. for ms.(Reinstein-F1)...Fine:
MEXICO: Radio Mexico 15430 f/d cd. in 38 ds. for a SP rpt. and 1 IRC. Sticker rcvd.(Plum,
* NJ). XEUJ 5980 f/d personal ltr. v/ cd. in b wks. for a SP rpt. and as. v/s Marcelo Bec-
erra Gonzalez. Addr: A.P. 62, Linares, N.L., Mexico.(Lazarus-LA).
MONACO: TWR 11690 f/d cd. in 13 ds.for 1 IRC.(Kapinos-MA).
MONGOLIA: Radio Ulan Bator 12070 f/d "Logo" cd. in 7 wks.(Swaringen-NC). 4865 via Sainshand
* f/d cd. w/ site in 38 ds.(Warner-AUST). 4995 f/d cd. w/ site in 38 ds.(Warner-AUST).
MONTSERRAT: Deutsche Walla 9545 f/d cd. w/ site in 55 ds.(George-NC).
MOZAMBIQUE: Radio Mozambique 9620 n/d "Map" cd. in 27 mo. for a PT rpt. and ms.(Lazarus-LA)
* same in 60 ds. for 3 IRCs. and an EC rpt.(Vranes-IL).
NEPAL: Radio Nepal 5005 cd. w/ ltr. in 43 ds. for 2 IRCs.(Warner-AUST).
NEW BRITAIN: Radio West New Britain 2340 f/d ltr. w‘ pennant in 35 ds. for ma. v/s aloysius
* Rumina, Provinical Manager. (Bryant-OK).
NEWFOUNDLAND: CKZN 6160 f/d "Map" cd. w/ stickers in 51 ds.(Niekamp-MN). same in 42 ds. for
2 IRCs. v/s D. Uttaro.(Bryant-OK). in 58 ds. for ms.(Kanopka-NY).
NEW GUINEA: Radio Chimbu 2376 cd. w/ ltr. in 18 ds. for ms.(Warner-AUST). Radio Western
* Highlands 2450 cd. w/ ltr. in 28 ds. for me.(Warner-AUST). Radio Màdang 3260 ltr. in 28
ds. for ms.(Warner-AUST).
NEW IRELAND: Radio New Ireland 3905 ltr. in 86 ds. for 2 IRCs.(Warner-AUST).
NEW ZEALAND: Radio New Zealand 17705 f/d cd. 0 pennant in 13 ds. for 3 IRCs.(Sobkoviak-IL).
same in 20 ds.
( remer-SC). 15485. :
f/d cd. in 21 ds.
w/ pennant(Kapinos 4
* dine 6120 vague
ven i in propagandag - t•
ltr. w/ pennant ini
47 ds. for a SP
rpt. and ms. v/s a
Myriam Rojas Tru-
La Voz de Nicaragua 5950 n/d
personal ltr. v/ pennant in ACKNOWLEDGES AND VERIFIES YOUR
63 ds. for an EC rpt. v/s
Rodolfo Garcia Gutierrez, RECEPTION REPORT via John Wilkins
Director.(Choroszy-ME). in
57 ds. for 2 IRCs. Pennant 0F 25 May 820N 11.750 MHz
NIGERIA: Radio Nigeria 4770 via THANK YOU
Kaduna ltr. in 99 ds. for 2
Page 36
NIGERIA: Voice of Nigeria 7255 sked in 215 ds.
(Park-HI). FRCN 6050 via Ibadan f/d form ltr.
in 2 mo. for 1 IRC. v/s M.A. Ganiyu.(Plum-NJ).
* Bendel Broadcasting Service 4932 via Benin City
f/d ltr. in 9 wks. v/s L.I. Asoera, Chief Tech-
nical Officer.(Barto -CT).
NORWAY: Radio Norway 11870 cd. in 18 ds. for 1 IRC
(Espinos -MA). 15185 p/d cd. in 16 ds.(Kremer).
PAKISTAN: PBC 5743.5 via Peshawar personal ltr.
* direct in 25 ds. for 1 IRC.(Warner -UK).
PAPUA: Radio West Sepik 3205 ltr. in 22 ds. for ms
(Warner -AUST). Radio Southern Highlands 3275
ltr. w/ cd. in 48 ds. for ms.(Warner-AUST).
Radio Central 3290 cd. w/ ltr. in 13 ds. for ms
(Warner -AUST). Radio Milne Bay 3360 cd. w/ ltr.
in 57 ds.(Warner-AUST). f/d "Map" cd. w/ ltr. RADIO PEKING (13E1.1916)
in 11 wks. for 2 IRCs. v/s Penuel K. Dinaku. n, no .
reeC es en el
(Palmersheim-MN). Radio Madang 3260 f/d ltr. in 112 mo. for 2 IRCs.(Palmersheim)
/ --
PERU: Radio Los Andes 5030 f/d cd. w/ personal ltr. in 3 mo. for a SP rpt. v/s Pablo Card-
enas Valverde, Gerente General.(Field -MI). same in 20 wks. for a SP rpt. and ms.(Wil -
kins -CO). same in 10 mo. for a SP rpt. and ms.(Lobdell -MA). Radio Pampas 4855 certifi-
cate in 50 ds. for a SP rpt.(Warner-AUST). Radio Oriente 6189 prepared cd. in 31 ds.for
a SP rpt.(Warner-AUST). Radio Madre de Dios 4950 f/d ltr. in 5 wks. for a SP rpt. and
ms. v/s Frco. Javier Aniz.(Lobdell -MA). personal ltr. in SP in 16 ds. for a SP rpt. and
* ms.(Fye -F1). Radio Andahuaylas 4840 f/d prepared cd. w/ personal ltr. in 3 wks. for a
SP rpt. and ms. v/s Daniel Andreu Casafranca.(Lazarus -LA). Radio Atlantida 4790 very
nice personal ltr. w/ decal in 11 / mo. for a SP rpt. and ms. v/s Ivan Tenorio Matute,
Administrador..(Mayer -WI).
PHILIPPINES: FEBC 11890 f/d "Morse Code" cd. w/ pennant in 50 ds. for ms.(Kanopka-NY).V0A
Tinang 6185 f/d cd. In 128 ds.(Clifford -FRG).
PORTUGAL: Radio Portugal 17880 folder rcvd. in 2 mo. for 2 IRCs. v/s Maria da Paz de Barros
* Santos.(Park -HI). 11925 f/d "Aquarium" cd. in 28 ds.(Kapinos -MA). Deutschlandfunk 9650
f/d cd. in 1 mo. via Deutsche Walla -Sines for 1 IRC.(Palmersheim -MN). Radio Renascenca
9680 cd. in 98 ds. for 1 IRC.(Warner-AUST).
ROMANIA: Radio Bucharest 11940 p/d "Vidraru Dam" cd. in 60 ds.(Choroszy -ME). 9570 same cd.
in 65 ds.(Aden -OR). 11940 f/d cd. in 72 ds.(Kanopka -NY).
'WANDA: Deutsche Wells 17800 f/d cd. w/ site in 62 ds.(George -NC).
SAIPAN: KYOI 11900 f/d "Logo" cd. in 2 mo. for ms.(Wilkins -CO). same in 90 ds. for ms. v/s
Ralph Eugenio.(Vranes -IL). (Warner-UK).
SCOTLAND' adio Sylvia 6300 via World Music Radio ltr. and sticker in 121 ds. for 2 IRCs.
SF:NUM: OATS 4890 f/d white "Logo" cd. in 10 wks. for an EC rpt. and 1 IRC.(Palmersheim).
SEYCHELLEe: 1ELA 15200 f/d(!) "Logo/Map" cd. in 25 ds. for 3 IRCs.(Cones-VA)...UnusualP.:
SIERRA LEONE: SLBS 5980 f/d ltr, in 6 mo. for ms. v/s M.A. Lynch.(Kanopka-Ni).
SINGAPORE: Radio SineaP ore 11940 f/d cd. in 77 ds. for 1 IRC.(Rigas -IL).
SOLOMON ISLANDS: SIBC 9545 f/d "Logo" cd. in 23 ds. for 2 IRCs.(Niekamp -MN). 5020 f/d cd.
in 3 mo.(Aden -OR). f/d cd. in 30 ds. for 1 IRC.(Cones -VA).
SOUTH AFRICA: SABC 4835 f/d "Industry" cd. in 35 ds. for 1 IRC.(Niekamp -MN).
Radio RSA 9615 and 5980 f/d "Sailboat" cd. in 19 ds. for 2 IRCs.(Kacir -
MI). 15325 f/d "Brown-Hooded Kingfisher" cd. in 16 ds.
(Park-HI). 9615 f/d "Ebenezer Dam" cd. in 23 ds. (--‘•
(Plum-NJ). f.,U20 same cd. in 17 ds.(Cones-
VA). Capital Radio 3930 p/d "Pre-
senters" cd. in 78 ds. for 2
°NAIL« sbixor
IRCs.(George -NC).
SRI LANKA: AWR 11835 f/d
"RMI" cd. in 22 ds.
for 2 IRCs.(Cones -VA) HER
SUMATRA: RAI Pekanbaru
5886 nid ltr. in 3
mo. for an IN rpt.
(Barto -CT). RAI 3414
* Medan f/d cd. in 3
mo. for an IN rpt. KA.NDAH,AK„—J
v/s Cornell R. H.
Tobing.(Barto -CT). e IS r
SWAZILAND: Radio SR 6155<
f/d "Warrior" cd. in
117 ds. for 2 IRCs. v/s o
Bill Cookson, Chief Eng - BANIYAN / BUDDHA
ineer.(Stephany -NY).
53 Met, r
Page 37
SWEDEN: Radio Sweden International 11705 f/d cd. w/ sticker in 13 ds.(Kanopka-NY). 17841
(SSB) same cd. in 20 ds. for 1 IRC.(Kapinos-MA). 15270 f/d cd. in 15 ds.(Wilkins-00).
TAHITI: Radio Tahiti(FR3) 11825 cd. in 49 ds. for an KG rpt. and 2 IRCs.(Warner-AUST).
15170 f/d cd. in 2 mo. for a FR rpt.(Field-MI). same in 41 ds. for 2 IRCs.(Martin-IN).
f/d "Conch Blower" cd. in 6 wks. for a FR rpt. and 1 IRC.(Plum-NJ).
TAIWAN: Voice of Asia 5980 f/d "Chinese Opera" cd. w/ pennant in 3 mo.(Field-MI).
TANZANIA: Radio Tanzania 5050 p/d ltr. in 150 ds. for ms. v/s X.J. Mwangole.(Bryant-OK).
TURKEY: Voice of Turkey 11740 f/d cd. for 1 IRC.(Kapinos-MA). f/d "Ibis" cd. in 25 ds.
* (Plum-NJ). Turkiye Polis Radyosu 6340 f/d cd. in 401 ds. for 1 IRC.(Vranes-IL).
UKRAINIAN SSR: Radio Moscow 11950 via Kharkov f/d cd. in 43 ds.(Rigas-IL). 15530 via Ivano
Frankovsk f/d cd. in 44 ds.(Hosmer-MI). 9765 and 15465 via Lvov f/d cds. in @ 1 mo.
(name?) Radio Kiev 9685 f/d cd. in 2 mo.(Palmersheim-MN). 15240,11790,9685 cds. in 27
ds.(Aden-OR). 17870,15240,15100 f/d cds. in 27 ds.(Aden-OR). 15100,9685 and 11790 f/d
"Sports Parade" cds. in 1 mo.(Aden-OR).
UNITED ARAB EMIRATES: UAE Radio 21655 f/d "Map/Logo" cd. in 27 ds.(Kapinos-MA). same in 29
ds. w/ station information.(Kremer-SC).
USA: WWV 15000 f/d cd. in 13 ds.(Kremer-SC). ¡(VHF 6240 f/d cd. in 18 mo. for an SASE.(Park
* -HI). WRNO 9725 p/d "Logo" cd. in 102 ds. w/ sticker.(Mayer-PA). KPRC 1616 n/d "Antenna"
cd. in 60 ds. for ms.(Plum-NJ). Voice of Free China 5985 via WYFR f/d "Plum Blossoms"
cd. in 20 ds. w/ pin and sticker.(Blanchette-FL). Voice of the OAS 9565 ltr. in 20 ds.
* (Cones-VA). 11830 via Bethany ltr. in 96 ds.(Warner-AUST). WOIS 7438 f/d cd. in 23 ds.
for SASE.(Rigas-IL). La Voz del CID 11700,7355,5106,7465,4980 and 7400 f/d "Certificado"
in 2 mo. for a SP rpt.(Field-M1)...All rcvd. via the Chicago address. CO).
USSR: Radio Moscow 9730,9680 and 9760 cds. in 55 ds.(Aden-OR).15100 cd. in 28 ds.(Wilkins-
UZBEK SSR: Radio Tashkent f/d cd. in 37 ds. for 2 IRCs.(Brenesal-FI). 11785 f/d cd. in 35
ds.(Cones-VA). Radio Moscow 15515 via Tashkent f/d cd. in 44 ds.(Hosmer-M1).
VENEZUELA: Radio Lara 4800 f/d cd. in 61 ds. for an KG rpt. and ms.(Choroszy-ME). same in
4 mo. for a SP rpt.(Field-M1). Ecos del Torbes 4980 n/d "Map" cd. in 21
2 mo.
/ for a SP
* rpt. and ms. v/s Desiree Gonzales.(Meyer-WI). Radio Valles del Tuy 6130 n/d cd. in 10
mo. for a SP rpt. and ms. v/s Eleazar Ramos Bermudez, Director.(Lazarus-LA). cd. in 10
* mo. for a SP rpt. and ms.(Lobdell-MA). Radio Los Andes 6010 cd. in 44 ds. for a SP rpt.
and ms.(Warner-AUST).
VIETNAM: Bac Thai Broadcasting Station 6610 QSL folder via Hanoi in 93 ds.(Warner-AUST).
12ng 4875 f/d cd. in 31
2 mo.
/ for an IN rpt. and 3 IRCs. v/s A.F.C. Usmany
YUGOSLAVIA: Radio Yugoslavia 6100 f/d "Koper" cd. in 487 ds. for ms. (Davis-CO). .
(Choroszy-ME). 15240 f/d cd. in 494 ds.(Kanopka-NY). 9620 f/d "Restaurant" cd. w/ stick
ers in 100 ds. for ms.(Thibodeaux-LA). f/d cd. in 141 ds.(Hodgson-SO. AFR).
ZIMBABWE: ZBC 3396 n/d large cd. in 2 mo.(Barto-CT).
This time we had 8 119 countries reported. Pretty good. Some excellent QS1s especially
from KNLS, Rio Muni, Peru, Vatan and others. This month we ran an all Asian Column. Not
too sure about next month but we'll have something interesting.
Art Kleiner of East Rockaway, NY sent along his greetings and his first contribution to
the column via WMR Radio. Bill Mayer will be attending Kutztown University in a few weeks
as a Political Science major. Hope we will hear from you every now and then - don't keep
your face buried in the books all the time. Paul Brouillette sends along a very nice note
about the Column. Thank you Paul. Barry Brenesal says that he gets rather apprehensive
when Manokwari or the Turkish Police Radio doesn't reply in 4 months. Don't feel that way
Barry - we all get the same
type of responce.
Carleton Neil a
reports only t, 41 L 171164, hw k rtt,
few QSLs are coming
through. Nothing unusual
about that - just keep
reporting what you get
to us. Leslie Byron say
hello to all his DXing
friends. He has been
under the weather a bit
lately. Get well quick.
We miss you Leslie.
Charles Foxx needs a
correct address for
Radio Globo in Brasil.
Any help?
I guess we can end the
QSL Column here. Best o
DX to everyone... .Sam.
Page 38
upd tE
Spptember 1983***Number 146
Tom Allenan
636 E. 74th Terr.
Kansas City, MO 64131 USA
(816) 523-7292 7-10 pm central only
Reproduction permitted. Credit original reporter and HASWA UPDATE. Dates, times and days
are GMT. Freqs are kHz.
BOLIVIA R. Nueva America, 4796, in SP 1030-1102. Lively LA mx prgm, M sinner, ID 1045 then
into long ad string. Freq and PC. Station promo to 1100 and then UPE came on freq. (Nathan
Murff, NM 8-9)
BRAZIL R. Nac. de Tabatinga, 4815, presumed, in SP 0010. Often stating "desde Brasilia."
Tabatinga is near the Peruvian and Colombian borders; does the stn have SP prgms? Faded by
0045. (Tindall, NC 8-17)***A good question. Desde Brasilia implies a national prgm and there
have been some recent expansions of network prgming for the RNac group. I have no specific
knowledge of SP prgms here, though. Also, R. Guatapuri Colombia has been active on this
freq again. More checks are needed. tba***R. Anhanguera, 4915, in PT 0135-0204+. Religious
prgm w/ mx in background 0135, apparently about peace and var. Quoted Einstein and mentioned
Armageddon. ID, freqs 0204 and then mx. (Tindall, NC 8-16)***Very strong hereof late.tba***
R. Nacional da Amazonia, 6120, in PT 0758-1005. RNac AM talk and mx prgm ut MEW antlers. Many
ads for Brasilia businesses. PCs for Brasilia, and gave ,stns in network on hour. "A voz do
Brazil." Excellent till ORMed 1000. (Murff, NM 8-16)---Same in PT 0950-1020; absolutely killer
signal when first noted w/ ad strings, seemingly syndicated Radiobras prgms, RN Amazoéia ID
v/ freq (only caught 15445 but did mention at least one more) and usual list of net stns at
1000. Into "Jornal Nacional, w/ El Mundo clearly audible underneath. It finally surfaced by
1005 and then stns traded the freq. (Dan Sheedy, CA 8-17)---Same as unID 0915 v/ ad for Banco
do Brasil, mx and all very good. (Tindall, NC 8-16)
CUBA Mayak, 4765, in RS 0130-0200; clasical mx, anncmts, RS talk after 0130, easy listening
mx after 0200. (Tindall, NC 8-16)
ECUADOR R. Quito, 4920, in SP 0157; ballads and soft rock, ID. (Tindall, NC 8-16)
FALKLAND IS. FIBS, 3958, tentative in EG 1048-1118. Usual eclectic pop/MoR mx prgm. GMT-4
PCs. Missed ID on hour, if any. M inserted "time in Stanley, 7 o'clock exactly in BBC WS ax.
Nx to 1115 and then weather. Signal fair to good but dying rapidly after 1115. ARO ORM too
but still a real treat to hear. (Sheedy, CA 8-17) 1
KOREA (DPR) Pyongyang, 3560, in EG 1145-1215. M&W armors, EG prgm for SEAsia. Usual "Praise
the Great Leader" format--praise and patriotic mx. (Murff, NM 8-10)
NICARAGUA R. Zinica, 6121a, in SP 1158-1215; good ID for Sandino, into news program with
heavy emphasis on US/Nicaraguan relations. Used "R. Sandino voz de vanguardia" at 1206. TCs
nearly every minute. Never did hear a Zinica ID. Is this a nationwide prgm at this hour
(Sheedy, CA 8-17)
PERU R. Parma, 4775, in SP 1102-1115; M miner, s/on anntmt, gave MW freq as mil kilociclos.
M anncr w/ Peruvian mx prgm. Freqnet ads. (Murff, 8-9)+++R. Huancavelica, 4885, in SP 1116-
30; M antler, local mx. Many IDs and ICE.. (Murff, NM 8-10)+++R. Vision, 5360, in SP 0345-0403*.
M dj, latin ballads and US pops. Full ID and NA 0400. (Murff, NM 8-16)
USA VoA 6873 se, w/ two prgms on same freq. Hindi *0030 and EC Wednesday Morning. (Tindall,
NC 8-17)***Two feeders methinks. the
USSR RN HS, 5040, in RS 0200. Presumed tbilisi. Much ORM. IS, but nothing else audible. (Tin-
dall, NC 8-16)
In the scan slot we return to Takayuki Inoue's report from Japan:
Costa Rica R. Reloj, 6006 in SP 1000 7-31; poor. LA pops and TC/ID. Nice ID "Desde San Jose,
Costa Rica America Central, transmite Radio Reloj, 730 kHz onda media, 94.3 MHz frequencia
modulada, 6006 y 4832 kHz bandas de 49 y 62 metros. Telefonos 224344 y212470. Apartado postal
748, San Jose, Costa Rica, Ameirca Central. R. Reloj, numero 1 en Costa Rica. Gracias a Ud."
Nicaragua LVNicaaagua, 5949.5 and 11714.4, in SP fair *1050v-1130 f/out daily. IS and many
canned IDs. Slogan is "una voz libre en America."
Peru R. El Sol en los Andes, 3230, in SP poor-very poor in late July. OA um and talk byM.
R LV de la Selva, 4825, in SP *1000v-1100 fade out. S/on re/ NA E. prgm "Music& Folklorica
de Nuestras Andes." Nice Canned ID 1000: "Esta es la Voz de la Selva, 770 kHz Amplitud Modul-
ada y 93.9 MHz Frequencia Modulada."
---- R. Sicuani, 4827.3, in Quechua and SP 1000-1030; poor 7-20. Nice folklorico and many
ads. ID: OAX7T, 4835 kilociclos banda de 60 metros y onda corta QAX7R, 1995, bands de 225
metros onda media. R. Sicuani. Slotan is LV de Canchis.
Page 39
A •
p k
9 Hit
Editor: Dr. S. David Klein, 842 Cranbury Cross Road, North Brunswick, NJ 08902
2380 BRASIL R.Educ. Limeira; 0157 Seul ann in PT, ID, TC. f(Barto 7/23)
*2380 FALKLAND ISLANDS FIBS; 0105 EG BBC musical quiz show to 0120, into lite mor to
0140 f/out. Started f but started fading 0121, worthless by 0137. (McDaniel 8/14)
2410 BRASIL Unid; 0047 Sta playing US pops w/ads, M reading record title in PT. Left
this to hear Falklands. (McDaniel 8/14) Shawn, believe it or not, there are those
who would have stayed with the Brasilian...including me!--sdk
*2420 BRASIL R.Caraja; 0201 Inst mx, vocals, PT ann, ID, ment of Goias ans what
sounded like a ox pm at 0201. f/g(Barto /23)
*2420 BRASIL R.Sdo Carlos; 0908 Clear ID and sevl ments of Sâo Paulo, ballads, and
PT MJann. wk but in clear(Barto 8/4)
3020 UNID 0046 Time sig sta, no ann. vy wk. (Meyer) 1025 Pips 6 SP ann. wk(Hensley
in5 This is quite possibly a harmonic of HD2I0A on 1510--sdk
3220 ECUADOR HCJB; 0132 EG ID by M, W w/interview show, p thru QRN. (Gilster 7/27)
0943 EG pm called Discovery, foll by tel pm. On the hr, SG ID v/fqys, but didn't
ment this one. g(Bolland 7/28) 0950 Lang N w/t1k, mx, ID. g(Bubb 7/8)
3222 TOGO Lame Kara; 0520 OC into drum E. bell IS, NA, ID 0529, nonstop Afro vocals
right thru 0548 t/out. (McDaniel 7/12)
3225 VENEZUELA R.Occidente; 0140 Ads, TCs, LAm mx. p thru ORN(Gilster 7/27)
3230 PERU R.E1 Sol de los Andes; 1054 OM tlk 6 ID, jingle, ad, ann about local dance
that night. f(Moore-HOND 7/22)
3230 SOUTH AFRICA R.RSA; 0305 M ii/EG lel 6 wld nx. heavy QRN(Bobb 7/13)
*3239.6 ECUADOR R.Cult. Antena Libre; 0105 Uptempo SAm ballads v/tlk by M betw tunes.
Full SP ID 0111, foll by more mx. f(Bolland 7/27)
3250 - HONDURAS R.Luz y Vida; 0058 Strong ii/SP rd l mx 6 Bible verses by M. (Meyer)
3255 VENEZUELA LV de El Tigre; 0110 Usual criollo mx ii/ID by !I, into lost of tlk. ark
under lite QRN(Meyer) 0240 OM vocal mx, F/ann w/t1k, ID, more mx. p(Jordan 7/9)
3260 ECUADOR LV del Rio Carrizal; 0140 Ballads, many ads for "La Cooperative" store
that sells just about everything by the sound of it. (Moore-MONO 7/27) 0120T Wk
Lam uta, HC style mx, no ID. (Meyer) Same. p(Bolland 7/18)
3270 SOUTHWEST AFRICA SWABC; 0035 Mx to 0047 tlk by M foll by more mx. f(Bolland
7/15) 0118 Variety of mx incl electronic. //3295. (Johnson 7/12)
3275 VENEZUELA R. Mara; 0305 LAm pop mx, ballads, OM/DJ, ID every 2 sels. f/p(Jordan
7/9) 0315 LAm pops, OM/ann, sevl ID. f(Desrosiers 7/16) 0317 Mk to 0328 ad
string, 0330 ID, more mx, 0352 harp mx, s/off ann, NA, 0354.. f/g(Stephany 7/9)
1010 Long tlk by OM, one LAm song, ID, more tlk. (Hensley 8/8)
*3277 JAVA RBI Jakarta; 1150 F DJ w/IN vocal mx, 1258 ID, SCI, nX. (Murff 8/3)
3280 ECUADOR LV del Napo; 0036 LAm slo mx ii/usual flutes, etc., vy wk but still good
on rare QRNIess nice, ID, TC. (Meyer)
3285 UNID 1030 Something here v/Andean mx in mornings before Belize OC comes on at
1045-1100. vy wk, but daily. (Moore-HOND)
*3286 PHILIPPINES Phil. R.; 1202 M/ann in EG w/nx, ment Indonesia, Philippines, and
PNG. Gave So. Pacific wx, then into tlk & mx px, IDs as "This is the Philippines
broadcasting from Manila." Ute on fqy, p but readable. (Murff 8/3-4)
3288 MADAGASCAR Antananarivo; 0315 In what sounded like FR but could have been a
dialect. Clear ID by YL 0316. Heavy QRN(Barto 7/19)
3295 BRASIL R.Tapuio; 0120 Clear ID, PT pop mx, ad. Noted another .ta underneath
which might be SWAfrika. f(Klein)
3295 SOUTHWEST AFRICA SWABC; 0105 AK ID by M into long tlk by M, some strange EZL mx
for 10 mine, rather good sig. (Meyer) 0200 //3270, this one usually in earlier
and the stronger of the two. (Barto)
*3310 BOLIVIA R.San Miguel; 0026 M & W w/tlk using reverb mike foll by mx. Was foll
by a lengthy talk on what seems to be the reason that R. San Miguel is on the air.
Hrd many ment of Sabado, sugg that this is wknds only. Later on, comments were
rel. Tnx tip Wilkner. (Bolland 7/10) 0130T M/voc sel, ment Bolivia, tlk by W. vy
vk w/heavy QRN(Barto 7/9) 10157 LAm mx sung by groups .5 ann by W. f sig, could
pick out a few SP words but no ID. (Lazarus 8/12) 1030T Noted daily v/ballada 6
Andes mx. Presumed as never strong enough for ID. (Moore-HOND)
Page 40
*3310 PERU R.Bagua; *1052V Short interlude of violin mx foil by full ID by M, OA NA,
and px of OA mx w/tlk by M to f/out. Opening ID includes words: "OAX?T, mil do,
cientos...onda media, OAX??, 3310...onda corta, Radio Hague, la seffal..." Many
thanks to Jack Jones for tip. (Lazarus 8/10, II, 13)
3316 ECUADOR R.Pastaza; 0303 Andean mx w/OM ads, IDe, TCs, then solid block of
tropical mx to 0341, more ads. (Moore-HOND 7/23) 0325 LAm & HC mx, singing ID. wk
tho readable(Meyer) 0400 Soft inst LAm mx, ID by OM. f(Atkins 7/12)
*3330 PERU Ondas del Huallaga; 1045 Andean mx, ID 1050. f/p(Moore-HOND 7/21)
*3339 ZANZIBAR RTZ; 0310 Lel mx, many ann by M in SH. wk but clear(Barto 7/19)
3365 BRASIL R.Cult. Araraquara; 0213 M DJ v/50's style LAm mx, freq rents of
Araraquara, IDs. (Murff 7/24)
3366 GHANA Accra; 0537 Long simple drum mx %doze lite chanting by M to 0555 tlk & EG
ID. p/f(Meyer)
3375 BRASIL R.Nal Sâo Gabriel; 0948 In with a list of stations on the network by M,
then into mx. f(Bolland 7/27)
3381 ECUADOR R.Iris; 0131 Rel mx into tlk by M and end of px 0145, ID by M,
i77-(iii7er) 0330 LAm mx, EZL mx, OM/ann, fast IDs. f/QRN(Desrosiers 7/16)
3385T NEW BRITAIN RENB; 0950 M in PD w/Sun eve rel px, gospel songs. 1030 pop tunes.
Heavy QRN(Bobb 7/31) 1018 ?Vann in PD/EG w/mx sels. wk(Barto 8/6)
3394.5 ECUADOR R.Zaracay; 0031 F/ann w/t1k, ment various localities around the area to
0045 mx. f(Bolland 7/11) 0355 Pop mx, some in KG, ID, QTH by OM, tlk by YL.
f(Desrosiers 7/16) 0410 F/voc mx, SP tlk. vg(Lineback 7/11)
3476 BOLIVIA R.Padilla; 0117 F/ann in SP, some spot antis by M, LAm mx, ballads, many
vocals, TCs, sevl IDs. (Barto 7/9)
34801 BOLIVIA R.Padilla; 0036 Just coot tlk by M to 0057. p(Bolland 7/10) Seems to
be drifting around a bit--sdk
3560 NORTH KOREA Pyongyang; 1145 11 & F/ann in EC w/px for SEAs, usual praise for the
great leader, played a little patriotic mx. (Murff 8/10)
3925 JAPAN NSB; 1029 A few notes of mx, but mainly JP tlk by W, 1/9595. f(Bolland)
3930 TRANSKEI Capital R.; 0411 All pops, upbeat cmcl format, contests, pretty far
gone by 0500. Finally a decent log from this! (Berg 8/14) 0448 US pops, wi
report, ID 0453. (McDaniel 8/2)
3945 VANUATU RV; 0836 FR tlk by M & YL, //7260 about equal. f/QRM(Meyer)
3955 ENGLAND BBC; 0444 EG by radio, switch at 0445 to GM. f(Dearosiers 7/10)
3970 CAMEROUN Buea; 2245 Surprised to have this at both a decent level and free of
AROs. Runing lcl px of pseudo-hilife mx, OM px host (why do most of these aims
sound like they're broadcasting from the other side of the grave?). (Klein)
4000 CAMEROUN Bafoussam; 2240 Noted w/slight QRM off AROS, carries lcl px at this
time, Af chanting w/drums, OM/annin vernac. (Klein) 0457 FR tlk by M, 0500 ID, KG
& FR ox headlines fm Yaounde. (McDaniel 8/1) 05301 OM w/FR tlk, hrd ment of
Cameroun. p(Desrosiers 7/10)
4300T PERU R.Moderna; 0140 Ment of Peru, OA mx, TCs, etc, but no ID. f(Meyer) 0210
Presumed w/ballads, strong but UTE QRM(Moore-HOND 7/21)
*4420.4 BOLIVIA R.Reyes; 0112 LAm mx, sevl M/voc, IDs, nice inst mx. vy clear(Barto
7/9) 0022T Strong betw SP SSB net, EZL ballads, M w/TC & posa ID. (Krueger 7/18)
02401 Ballads, inst mx, nonstop to 0303 OM w/t1k, KOed by UTE 0304.f/p(Moore-HOND)
*4473.2 BOLIVIA R.Movima; 0020 Fair & clear using ECSSB w/ballads, SP M ID/TC, back to
mx. Regular for the past few months. (Krueger 8/1) 0100 Sevl vocals, flute mx, ID
0100. Heavy UTE QRM(Barto 7/9)
4485 AaRSFSR Petropavlovsk-Kamchatskiy; 1042 M & W in RS, appears to be a radio
drama or documentary. f(Bolland 7/7)
4501.8 UNID 0030 LAm w/nondescript ballads, wk & dificult due to UTEs. May be
fundamental or harmonic of 750, 900, 1125, or 1500 kHz. (Krueger 8/1)
4607.4 UNID 1118 Very poor sig w/deep fades. Seemingly pop mx w/M/ann betw eels.
Suspect RRI Serui but too wk to copy for sure. (Reinstein 8/15)
4635 TADZHIKSTAN Dushanbe; 2318 IS type mx to 2320 foll by ID by W 6 then alt tlk by
& W. 4610 & 4485 also in. (Barto 8/7)
4656 ECUADOR CRE; 0200 Many canned IDs, few TCs, usual LAm pops. g(Meyer)
4696.7 BOLIVIA R.Riberalta; 0100 Cmty or polit tlk in SP. Unusual-was // Abaroa on
4720. Expected other Bols to be same, but these two were the only ones. (Barto
7/9) 0145 Huaynos, mostly EZL, ID by YL. f/p(Mëyer)
4719 BOLIVIA R.Abaroa; 0222 Nice Altiplano mx w/occ anos w/lcl saludos, slogans, TCs
and IDs. Who says no goodies in summer? [Not I!!] g(Stephany 7/9)
4719 CELEBES RRI Ujung Pandang; 1018 EZL IN mx, Judy Collins sel, ID by W. g(Barto
1477) --i0451 M w/IN tlk, laughing, W w/ment of Indonesia, QRM off UTE. (Bobb 7/13)
4725.6T BURMA BBS; 1133 In with carrier to 1142, when weak sig v/music noted. This path
not ripe yet. p(Bolland 7/30)
*4740 BOLIVIA R.Mamore; 0031 Nix of huaynos and LAm pops, ID by M 0038. p level
white QRN on good LAm flute. (Meyer) Kevin, what do you have against dates?--adk
Page 41
4750 CAMEROUN Bertoua; 2305 Tail and of SG nmc, off • few minutes later after FR ID
and NA. (Berg 8/13)
*4755 BOLIVIA R.Emis. Bolivia; 0944 TC and ID, mx. 1059 Ann back w/tlk ou pm to be
hrd Saturday at 5. After this, back to mx. p(Bolland 7/13)
4755 PERU R.Huanta; 1015 YL vocal Andean mx & tlk. f/g(Moore-HOND 7/15)
4760 SWAZILAND NR; 0420 GM rel tlk pm. f(Lineback 7/14)
47623 PERU R.Inca; 0440 OA flute sels, M/ann w/clear "R. Inca" ID in SP, still on at
0530 recheck. f(Klein)
4765 BRASIL R.Nel. Cruzeiro do Sul; 1009 M w/tlk & morning mx. p(Bolland 7/26)
4765 CUBA Mayak; 0145 Usual RS mayak px of tlk & lite mx. f/g(Jordan 7/17) 0259
Mayak IS, time pips, tlk. vg(Alexander 7/16) 0400 Same. vg(Valko) It looks,
unfortunately, as though this is here to stay for a while--sdk
4765 LIBERIA ELWA; 2220 EG gospel songs, 2224 ID, sermon. f(Enkenhus 7/28)
4770 NIGERIA Kaduna; 2340 MX w/M DJ, na 0000 ment candidates of Unity pty of
Nigeria. f(Enkenhus 7/28) 0430 EG natl na, cmty, tlk on voting regs. f(Fye 8/5)
4770 VENEZUELA R.Bolivar; 0954 In with ads & mx, full canned ID given as "Grande
Bolivar." f(Bolland 7/27)
4774 JAVA RBI Jakarta; 1027 IN EZL mx and what sounded like a short ox pm starting
at 1030 after the ID. Nice clear sig(Barto 8/6)
47751 INDIA AIR Gauhati; 1040 Ind film mx, YL in lang 1057-1100, pips, into Ind mx,
then KOed by lama s/on. p(Moore-HOND 7/13) t(Murff 8 /9 )
4775 PERU R.Tarma; 1102 Warm, w/s/on ann, gave MW fqy, Wann w/OA mx pe, freq ads.t
4780 VENEZUELA LV de Carabobo; 0922 M/ann w/rancheros mx, TC, full ID. g(Bolland
7/12) 1000 OM ID, mx, ads, bugle mx, LAm vocals. f(Hensley 8 /6 )
4785 BRASIL R.Ribamar; 0220 US/EG pop/rock mx, IDs, tlk by M after every 2 or 3
sels. (Meyer) There are those who would argue that rock and mx are unrelated--sdk
4785 COLOMBIA Ecos del Combeima; 0245 Romantic vocals & TCs betw eels, ment of Super
net, full ID 0257. f(Mellberg 7/14) 0510 LAm mx sels, pops, ballads, etc, many
IDs, ments of Super. f(Jordan 7/28) 0610 LAm mx, M/t1k, ID. f/g(Summers 7/28)
0950 Tlk, HJ mx, full canned ID. f(Bolland 7/28) 1000 M w/mx, ID. f(Bobb 7/11)
4790 PERU R.Atlantida; 0255 Tlk by 2 OM/ann, promos, rock mx, folk mx. f/QRN(Jordan
'77T) 0943 Mx, TC, tlk. p(Bolland 7/7)
*4792 ECUADOR Emis. Atalaya; 0350 SP w/all tlk. QRM & spl off Atlantida.
(liii7F(7- 7/9) 0950 Rancheros mx to hr, NA, TC, ID, tlk, mx. f(Bolland 7/27) 1032
OM w/nx. p/f(Moore-HOND 7/15) 0400T Romantic ballads, many ment Ecu, ID not fully
understood, 0503*. f(Atkins 7/17)
4795 BRASIL R.Tabajara; 0145 ON witlk, into accordion mx, then a eta promo.(Brazzies
are fond of such, far more than the SP speaking SAm stations). (Klein)
*4795nF CAMEROUN Douala; 2240 FR tlk, FR pops, lcl Af mx, Nx 2301 w/EG na summary fm
Yaounde, back to FR 2305 and s/off w/NA. (Alexander 7/25) 0505 Lispy FR M ID,
hilife, tlk 0509-0520. f(Krueger 8/2) 0520 M/ann w/vernac tlk, ment Yaounde, to
R.Cameroun IS 0530 & Yaounde relay. Also noted afternoons 2200 to 2310*. Carries
Yaonde to 2215, then lcl px to s/off. Easily as powerful as Yaounde. (Klein) 05101
OM in vernacs, hilife, no ID. f/p(Atkins 8/6) .
4795 ECUADOR LV de los Caras; 0105 Long tlk by M v/IDs menta Ecu, usual UTE
garbage on, but toned down. f/p(Meyer)
4796 BOLIVIA R.Nueva America; 1030 Lively LAm mx px, M/ann w/ID 1045,then long
string of ads. Freq TCs, sta promos, ads to 1100 UTE. (Mbrff 8 /9 )
+4800 CAMEROUN Douala; 0140 Af mx, full ID 0202, off, back 0205 w/history px.
g(Mellberg 7/15) 0112 M w/FR tlk, full ID, OTH, etc, pose inaugural xmsn. More
tlk on sta, mx. g(Cunningham 7/15) 23031 FR M tlk, pop mx, FR mx. Prob test =an-
played tones & carriers game 2350-0002. f(Bolland 7/14) This has since moved to
4795, see above--sdk
4800 LESOTHO Maseru; 0420 Sesotho tlk px. f(Lineback 7/11)
4800 VENEZUELA R.Lara; 0045 Mellow vocals on Sun eve, TC, usual patter. f(Gilster
8/1) *0956 NA, YL & OM w/s/on ann, many ID, mx. (Hensley 8/8)
4801 ECUADOR R.Popular; 0215 Andean mm sels, IDs by M/ann at 5-7 min intervals, into
pass ox 0235. f(Jordan 7/21)
4803.71 BOLIVIA R.Santa Ana de Yacuma; 0055 In here w/mx, sounded like ox on the hr,
back to mx 0110. Tnx Wilkner. p(Bolland 7/8)
4810 GABON M. #1; 0550 Af mx, FR mx, FR tlk, ID. f(Desrosiers 7/10)
4810 GALAPAGOS LV de Galapagos; 0200 Wann w/inst mx px to NA & 0222*. (Johnson 7/18)
4820 ECUADOR R.Paz y Bien; 0215 Semi-rel style mx, EZLs, few IDs by YL. f/p(Mleyer)
0250 Lengthy ann & promo by OM wilDs & TCs, arch mx. p(Jordan 7/21)
4825 GUATEMALA R.Mam; 0055 ID, TC, marimbas. vg(Atkins 8/3)
4825 PERU LV de la Selva; 0215 "Discotheque Musical" px w/disco mx [no kidding!) and
freq slogans. Na 0250 to s/off ann & NA, 0256*. f(Stephany) 0300 ID w/fqys, NA,
0305*. f/g(Atkins 7/10)
4830 VENEZUELA R.Tachira; 0100 Uptempo LAm mx sels, Ins, Tes, etc. g(Jordan 7/17)
0920 OM/ann w/love songs & ballads, IDs. bad het(Hensley 8/16)
4832 COSTA RICA R.Reloj; 1034 M w/ID, tlk, mx. f/g(Bobb 7/11)
Page 42
4835 SOUTH AFRICA SABC; 0530 OM w/EG world & natl nx, cmty. bad lei QRM(Park 8/1)
4840 VENEZUELA R.Valera; 0241 Usual LAm criollos mixed w/slo pops, hint of a het.
(Meyer) *0930 NA, a/on ano by OM, ici anthem, saludos, into mx. g(Stephany 7/11)
4845 MAURITANIA Nouakchott; 0610 Mid-east mx, AR nx 0635 by M. f/QRN(Summers 7/25)
0645 ON w/AR nx, string inst ma, nx in FR 0700. g(Lausevich 7/31)
4850 CAMEROUN Yaounde; 2300 FR nx, FR & US mx. g(Fye 7/16) 2314 /4 & W w/FR tlk, ma.
f(Bolland 7/28) 0435 FR mot & tlk. g(Lineback 7/14) 0530 Noted in passing, M/ann
w/FR Af nx roundup, carried by Douala as well. vg(Klein)
4850 ECUADOR R.Luz y Vida; 0200 YL w/soft LAm ballad mx px, infreq IDs. S/off ano
and 0256*. vp(Lausevich) 1038 Mk foil by ads, full ID 1043, more mx. f(Bolland)
4854 YEMEN ARAB REPUBLIC San'a; 0304 AR tlk, recitations, //9780 not hrd. Next nite,
this in mud and 9780 vg. Good ME mx 0335-0400. f(D'Angelo 7/15)
4856 UNID 0342 Px of OA/Andean mx, posa HC, ann by OM but too wk to pull, s/off
0404* but missed NA. (Stephany 7/12) Foss Pampas--sdk
4860 PERU R.Chinchaycocha; 0110 Nx px - "R. Periodico," ID. f(Moore-HOND 7/10)
4870 BENIN Cotonou; 0320 Good ID on hr, long FR tlk by M w/Icl notes. f(Meyer)
4875 WEST IRIAN RRI Sorong; 1135 F/DJ w/rock ma px, IN ID 1145, then usual IN pop mx
to nx 1200. (Murff 8/1)
4880 SOUTH AFRICA SABC; 0500 OM/ann w/AK tlk, ment J'berg. f(Desrosiers 7/10) 0510
AK tlk, inst pop mx. f/p(Sharpe 8/6)
4885 COLOMBIA Ondas del Meta; 0953 M/ann w/tlk & ads, IC, full ID. g(Bolland 7/29)
4885 PERU R.Huancavelica; 1115 M/ann w/OA ma px, freq IDs & TCs. (Murff 8/10)
4890 SENEGAL Dakar; 2330 FR ID, into long tlk by YL, poss nx. f/p(Meyer) 0127 OM
w/t1k, NA 0137, ID, s/off. f(Desrosiers 7/10) 4892 at 2220, seems to have
drifted up a bit, noted w/M/ann tlk on Chad. (Klein) —
4895 BRASIL R.Baré; 0100 PT jingles, tlk by Wann, mx, more tlk. f/UTE(Valko 7/27)
0115 Warm w/TC, ID, into accordion mx, ad, sta promos, more mx. g(Klein) 0945
Full ID, cont tlk. f(Bolland 7/27)
4895 BRASIL R.Cult. da Bahia; 0250 Sevl OM/ann w/sta promos, fqy info, ma jingles,
to 0257*. f/QRN(Jordan 7/29)
4895 TURKMENIA Ashkhabad; 0137 Usual Mayak orch mx, F/ann w/RS tlk. wk sig, but //
4765 and 4930. (Reinstein 8/15)
4899 JAVA RRI Surakarta; 1340 IN pop mx, F/ann w/ID, tlk after 1400. p(Sharpe 8/7)
At the beginning of the column, I said it was special and so it is. We've had a mighty
fine turnout given that it's the middle of the summer! It is also special, for me, in
that it marks my 18th column; I find it almost impossible to believe that I have been
doing this for a year and a half. I guess that what they say is true.., time does fly when
you're having fun! It's been that, and more.
This has also been a bittersweet column for ne because it is my last. When I took the
column, I told Bill that I'd do it as long as I could, but that if I ever felt I could no
longer give it my full effort, I'd give it up. My intention was to remain as editor for a
number of years. At that time, a year and a half ago, I had no idea that within a year
I'd be directing the publicity efforts of a major scientific meeting, yet that's exactly
where I find myself. That activity had greatly cut into the time I have available for
hobbies...or for editing a magazine column. I find it most regrettable, but have come to
the conclusion that I can no longer give the column the kind of attention that it
deserves, and that being the case, the time has come to pass on the reins to someone who
will be able to devote to it the effort that is required.
Having seen this coming a few months ago, I was able to make arrangements for a new
editor, someone who will do a super job. He is Mike Nikolich of Chicago, a well-known and
competent DXer, who is also very experienced at editing a DX column, having done one in
another bulletin for a number of years. Mike will be taking over next month...I hope that
you will support him as you have supported me. His address is: 2137 West Farwell Avenue,
Chicago, IL 60645.
Over the course of my 18 month tenure, there have been high and low spots, as there are
with anything. Of all that has transpired, I am perhaps most pleased by the fact that in
editing the column I have come to better know many of you, to the point where I now call
some of you friends. It is perhaps one of the most rewarding, yet little known aspects of
editing, and I'm pleased that I've had the chance. While my time is limited, I will still
be around, not editing, perhaps, but as a contributor...I am not leaving the hobby, as
many former editors do, having pushed themselves to burnout; this is more in the nature of
a sabbatical.
And so we come to the close. I can think of no better way to end than...
Until we meet again, hasta luego, até logo, à bientôt, and 3's & 7'
Page 43
4)900 lo 61 9 etH
-4905 BRAZIL R. Relogio Federal, 7-28 0045, ID MAW combo, pipe; POOr eig (Jordan).
4910 ZAMBIA Lusaka, IC at 0500 8-6, ID, into EG ox; fair Big (Atkins-IL).
4915 BRAZIL R. Anhanguera, EZ letng ax 0200 7-17, pops, etc; loud and clear(Rakianeshad -AZ).
4915 BRAZIL R. Nac. Macapa, excited futbol play-by-play 0110 7-28, ID's, anmte, TCs, fqy
TI7.77.1in); etn promo 0110, full ID, IC, two ads, accordion mx (Klein-NJ).
4920 AUSTRALIA ABC-Brisbane, EG talk 0945 7-18, poor with RI1T (Bolland -71); EG ni 1400,
lady anncr, pop lax, poor-fair sig, 6-2 (Hakimnezhad -AZ).
4920 HONDURAS R. Progreeo is back. rill ID with fug, 0057 7-12 (Johnson-TX); ox magazine
Prgm hrd 0107-0128 7-29, exc sig, //1110 MW (Moore -SOU).
4922 rEer Ondas del Titicaca, OA ax till KOed by RCJB e/on 1052 7-15; poor (Moore -HOND).
4925 BRAZIL R. Dragao do Mar, VG at 0105, etn hype, promos, samba ax (Klein-NJ).
4925 e3MnI1 Tent. Em.Merid.70, 0100 7-28, vy tough, LA mx, Bogota mentioned (Jordan).
4936 PERU R. Tropical, pope 0350 7-31, closing ID w/calle 0402, 0405* (McDaniel-IN); 1012
on 7-7, mostly mx but an ad after every tune; measured here on separate rxe(Bolland -FL).
4940 IVORY COAST Abidjan, local mx 2235 (Klein-NJ); ni 2355 7-14, 0002* after NA (Holland-FL).
4945 BOLIVIA Tent. R. Illimani, 0936 7-13 under Caracol, nx, mx 0939; would be at least
fair except for Caracol (Holland -FL). Also noted here arnd eame time (JB).
4945 COLOMBIA Caracol Neiva, talke 0202 7-14, ads incl.Coke 0205; poor, QRN (Laneevich).
4950 SARAWAK Iuching, EC nx 1330, comment on nationalism, prgt relay, 8-2 (Sharpe-CA).
4951 fair-ff. Madre de Dios, trope mx 0040 7-10, ID w/fue 0100, march mx, nx;F(Moore -HORD).
4955 BRAZIL R. Marajoara, 0135 with PT pops, ID., etc.; Campos in AM before this one e/on
4955 PERU R. Cult.Amanta, anthem 1040, /D; e/on? 7-15 (Moore-HORD); NA *1102 8-8 à.4Klein -NJ).
-17.Chrietian Sold!, into Indian lane poor (Jonee -MS); mx, ID 0310, 0402* (Atkins -AL)
4965 BRAZIL R. Poti, vy weak 0140, FT pop., lady armor, barely made the ID;bad het(Ilein -NJ).
4970 - EL& R. Rumbas, talk. chimee, 1001 7-15 (Bobb -MN); good with ID 0458 8-3(Summers-
I good 0145 7-10, LA mx, man anncr, pipe, IDe, good to 0235, then fady(Deerosiere -MA).
4972.5 CAMEROUN Yaounde, ID 2300, ni, but not //4850 or any other Cameroun. ([loin-NJ
4975 BRAZIL R. Timbira, good 0130 with ute off, PT pops, IC., ID, ads, talk (Klein-NJ).
4975 .-1,701 7-3IA Ondae del 0vtapuesa, 1005 7-28, talk, mx, ads, muffled Redo (Holland-FL).
4975 PU Radio del Pacifico, and talk 0220 7-27, ID 0304, fair-good (Moore -ROND).
4980 SWAZILAND R. Truro pripl, exc with DJ, ads, subcont.pope, 0408-0440 8-1, TC 0430
MKrieger "-- FL)1 0410-0457 8-6, EG,, travel contest, VG (Atkins-AL); 0420 7-13
with lady DJ, popa,, mid-east-type vocals, good eig (Idneback -TX).
4980 VENEZUELA Ems del Torbes, 0505 7-27, light instr, ID 0330, ne poor, RTTY(Lausevich).
4985 BRAZIL R.Br.Central, ID 2331 7-11, IC, mx (Holland-FL); ID 0000 7-11, reverb(Desroeiere -
4995 ECUADOR R. Baha'i, Andean vocals 0344 7-25, ID 0354, bad QRN (McDaniel-IN). MA).
4996 PERU R. Andina, 0920 7-13, mx, talk, excitable anncr (Bollend -FL); folklorico mx 1028
7-13, fading at 1039 (Robb-MN); good 0100, huaynoe, talk, Tee, the usual ([lain-NJ).
5010 CAMEROUN Garoua, ID 0455 7-14, FR ni 0500, EC 0503; fair (Lineback -TX).
5015 ECUADOR Esc.Rdf.Pop, talk, flutee, ID, 0935 7-29 (Robb-MN); 1029 IC, fair(Bolland-TX.
501 5 wan R. Cultura, talk 0552 7-24, march mx, ballads, ox 0605, IL, ad etring (Jordan .
5020 ALBANIA Gjirokaster, *0257 7-17, NA, ID, talk, later Albanian vocals, //5057(D'Angelo -
5020 SOLOMON IS. Honiara, sports more. 0832 7-31, ballade 0836, ID 0844(Lausevich); PA).
poor 0 930 (Holland -FL); BA nx 1000 (Enkenhus); Top 40 1120, 1132+, fair (Atkins-AL).
5025 BENIN Parakou, NA 2258 7-29, 2259* (Bo/land-FL); Afr mx 0401 7-11, good (Lausevich);
hi-life um, pope, FR, 0415 7-13, good (Lineback -TX); gengtuster Big 0500 (Klein-NJ).
5035 PERU R. Imagen, Bayer ad 1000 7-13, "Buenos Dise Peru" (daily 1-hr prgm), exc (Moore -
5035 CEbT.APR.RIP. Bangui, FR talk 2225 ([loin-NJ); NA to 2300* 7-11(Bolland -FL). ROND).
5040 PERU R. Libertad de Junin, ID 0505 7-14, EZ letng mx, SP vocals (Lineback -TX).
5045 BRAZIL Para, 0755 7-11, fading 0918 (Robb -MN); mx 0932 7-11, ID (Bolland -FL).
5047 TOGO Lome, good 2324 7-29 (Bolland -FL); ID 0535 (Jordan); vy poor 7-10, 0610(Deerosiere -
5050 ECUADOR R. Jesus del Cr.Poder, *0958 7-16, choir, ID, IC, mx; good(Bolland -FL). MA).
5055 FRENCH GUIANA Cayenne, tone to 0859, IS, NA, ox to 0905, VG but undermod. 7-21(Stephany -
5060 PERU R. Amazonas, best rcpn ever on 7-9, 0250-0503*, IDs, promos, jingles, mx NY).
raiiiningham); pope 0403-050G* 7-17, other ens mentioned, but Amaz.ID 0433.0457(Mellberg -
9395 COLOMMA R. Sutatensa, mx, ID 0230 7-23, RrrY(Summers -FA). IA).
5112 PERU R. Roo, crud 1000 various dates, mx, IDe, ox, ads, gerdy fair (Holland-FL).
5215 UKID. SP 1112-1138 7-22, local ate, TCs, disco, OA mx 1125 (Moore -HORD).
53 25 R. Nueva Acobamba, huaynoe 1108 7-15, man armor, mentioned Acobamba but no ID
noted; poor, and lost at 1127 (Moore -HORD).
Page 44'
5360 PERU R. Vision, 01 mx, ads, good and clear, 0050-0105 7-27 (Moors-BOND); bpsynos 0220
707ein.-NJ); 0232 8-2, EZ lstng prgm, full ID, organ fill, echo ID, to 0402* (Krueger-FL).
545 1 W. IRIAN RBI -Bisk, RBI nx 1200 7-17 (Lineback-TX); tent. 1019 7-30, talk (Bolland-FL).
5560 PERU R. Pucara, 0140-0158e 7-10, poor, ballada, anmte, several Ile noted (Moore-HORD).
5770 CLAUD. LV de NU Libre, 0047 7-4, ID 0053, mostly gal talking, to 0100 (Bolland-FL).
5883 ARGENTINA R. Rivadavia, sports 0120 7-15, a game, fair sig (Bolland-Fl).
5945 AUSTRIA ORF, EU 0128-0154, good sig. (Itiet-VA, Fraser-MA. Blanchette-FL,Desrosiere-MA).
5950 GUYANA Georgetown, relig. prgm 0805 7-31, ID, poor (Lausevich); "Early Bird" prgm 0818
7:177Tilllaman); "ports 0956 7-18, ade, ID, TC (Bolland-FL); EU 0100 7-23 (Mayer-PA).
5950 NICARAGUA Managua, EG 0115, ltre, ID 0130 7-26 (Stanley-AZ); 0150 7-15 (Dickson).
5960 CANADA RCI, EG ox, "As It Happens," 0120-0130 8-5 (Gaffin).
5965 BRAZIL R. Gualba, good with 2 men giving nx, 1001-1008 7-18 (Bolland-FL).
5965 MALAYSIA Kuala Lumpur, 10347-30, talk, Islamic tax, //9515 (Bolland-FL).
5965 NIGERIA Joe NA 0451 7-28, ID as "R. Plateau," fqye, into rock mc (McDaniel-IN).
5975 BRAZIL R. GUaruja, poor 0940 7-26, mx, canned ID 0943, relig.prgm 0948 (Bolland-7L).
5974 COLOMBIA R. Macaroni., LA mx 0941 7-12, ID, poor (Bobb-MN); 1021-1052 7-9, Ile after each
tune, many TCt (D'Angelo-PA); 1036-1055, mx prepared stn ID, good 7-30 (Holland-FL);
soccer 1601 7-24, surprisingly good (Irueger-FL); ID 0049 7-15, mx (Johnson-TX).
5980 SIERRA LEONE SLBC, 2315-2337, talk, mx, ID., PCs, poor, BBC-5975 QHM, 7-13 (D'Angelo-PA).
5995 MALI Bamako. pops 2322 7-24, FR DJ, killed by het at 2345 (Ehkenhue).
6015 VATICAN EU ID at *0050 7-29, *Many Splendid Thing" prgm, very good eig (1±ist-VA).
6020 BRAZIL R. Universe, mx 0650 7-29, ID 0658 (sumen -PA); ID 0814 7-1 5. //9545(Alerander-
6020 SOUTH AFRICA R. RSA, EG 0200 7-14, ox, aerie, on local events (Fraser-MI). VA).
6025 BOLIVIA R. Illimani, 0036-0047 7-15, mx, ads, full ID 0038, puble.drama (Bollard-FL).
6025 MALAYSIA Tent. I.Lumpur, 1115-1130 7-17, psble.CH, oriental mx, poor-fair(Bobb-MN).
6035 BRAZIL R. Globo, talk, electr.sound effects, ID 0009 7-27, phone calls (Johnson-TX).
6040 ANTIGUA DW relay, EG 0100 7-15, IS, ID, "Rpt frm Bonn," strong eig (Stanley-AZ).
6040 E.GERMANY RBI, gal anncr, start of SP prgm 0000 7-20, ID, nz (Deerosiers-MAT
6045 AUSTRALIA RA, ND 0840 7-16, ni, sports, weak but in the clear (Alexander-PA .
6045 MEXICO S.Luis Potosi, 0402-0453 7-29, spc1 45th anniv.prgm, choral songs
TUFZI.d-CA); full ID with calls, fqys after, to 0510e, 8-13 (JB).
6050 NIGERIA Ibadan, ni 0501 7-26, ID (Mcleniel-IN); pipe, TC, natl ox 0600 (Alexander-PA).
6060 ARGENTINA RAE, man with mx, mostly tangua, 1015-1030 8-4, ID 1027 "Aqui RAE"(Bobb-MB).
6060 PORTUGAL Lisbon, IS, NA at *0030 8-7, into FR (Johnson-TX); same, good sig 7-16(Mayer-
T1)7=0125 7-4, ID 0131, into mx prgm; believe PT le 0100-0300 (Bolland-Ft).
6065 COLOMBIA R. Super de Bogota, "Buenos Dias Colombia" 0805-0820 7-21, good (Bobb-Ml.
6080 CHILE R. Patagonia Chilena, good 1213-1228 8-2, pope, faded after 1230 (Howard-CL .
6085 COLOMBIA Tent. Ondas del Darien, talk, mx, ments.of Col, 1009-1020 8-1 Bobb-MN).
6090 AUSTRALIA ABC-Sydney, interview 0815 7-14, TC 0830, poor-fair in QRN (Bobb-MN).
6090 LIBERIA ELBC, good with EG ox at 0708 tune-in, 7-30, ID 0716, ads for Ovaltine and
Nail Housing A Savings Bank. Local mx (Alexander-PA).
6090 LUXEMBOURG R.Lux, letnre ltre 0025 7-11, gave UI address, hvy metal rock, good sig
but bad audio (Deerosiers-MA); 0112 7-16, rock, birthdays, IDs, call-ins(Blanchette-PL).
6095 ECUADOR HCJB, DL 0630-0700 7-16, QRM (ParkeHI); same 7-12 (Irist-VI).
6096 PERU R. Nacional, yippy OA mx 1106 7-23, ID by gal, another by OM, mentioned other stne
carrying ox which followed (Jones-MN); light pope, 0300-0315 8-4 (Howard-CI).
6100 W.GERMANY IN, GM folk mx prep 2320-2530, SP =nor, fair-good-7-9 (Bobb-MN).
6105 BOLIVIA R. Panamericana, good 0255 7-29, several Ile, ads, nice local mx (Howard-CA).
6110 MALTA R. Mediterranean, FR to 2230, then EC to 2350; EU ox to 2235, then mx, ax ago.
Annce EG 1800-1900, no mention of 2250-2330. Fair on 7-12 (Bolland-FL).
6110 PHILIPPINES VOA in EG at 1128 7-31, prgm about new prode, "Isauee in the Nx"(Passkiewicz)
6110 ENGLAND BBC, in SP 0015 7-12, ID. ox (Deeroelere-MA); tangos, 0140-0200 SP (Bobb-MN).
6115 COLOMBIA IN del Llano, man with lively mx pre, ID, 0723-0745 7-26, F-G (Bobb-M»).
6120 ARGENTINI R. El Mundo, 0920 7-31, talk, ID, mx, TC and ID at 0935 (Mobb- m).
6120 BRAZIL R.Nac.da Amazonia now here. *0752 8-4, big sig, chimes to 0758, ID with bossa
nova, then Br.mig tax to J.Jonee for tip (Lazarus-LA); 0918 8-1, some =tr problems;
mixed bag of mx, chatter, oozes; also 8-3, believe *0800, joins net 1000 (Jones-MB);
0930 8-7. 1/11780 (JE); 0940-1000, mx. ID, fair-good 8-1 (Bobb-MN).
6126 COLOMBIA R. Super de Cali, ranchera mx 0401 7-10, ID, TC (Mellberg-II); 0410 7-11,
many IN (Valko); ID 0753 (Bobb-MN); full ID 0901 7-11(Cunningham); ID 1008(Lobdell-MA),
6130 CANADA CHU-Halifax, mx 1132 7-24, ID 1144, big bingo gene; fair (Cassidy).
6135 SWITMRLAND SRI, IS, ID 0144, EU prgm followed, fair-good (Witsig 8-8, Stanley-AZ 7-20).
6145 NIGERIA Tent. Calabar, sev.times 0445-0535 under DW. Aft mx, (McDaniel-IN).
6150 COSTA R/CA R. Impacto still widely hrd. 0405-0430 7-8, ballads, ID. (Lausevich);
ID 0500, VG 7-17 (Fieher-MA)(hi. John--JB); acknowledging letnr ltrs in ND, SP at 0600
7-14 (Alexander-PA); LA mx 0705 7-29, ID, way over the QRN (SUamers-PA); canned ID at
1005 7-6, emc eig (Holland-FL); 110A-1123 7-9, many ID., PC., ballads, etc.(D'Angelo-PA).
6160 CANADA CKZU-Vancouver, CBC ID 0700 7-51, ox, sports, wx pope (Howard-CA); jazz, e/off
anmt and NA to 0807* 7-10 (Alexander-PA); ID, NI to 0806Z 7-16, hvy GIRM (Bobb-MB)1 and
call-in contest 2040 7-30, mx, baseball talk (Cassidy).
6160 COLOMBIA Em.N.Grenada, 0600-0700 7-15, promos, jingles, ox 0603, mx, much tilk(Alexan-
6190 PERU R. Oriente, OA mx to 1130, then EU pops, ID*, local ante (Moore-BOND). der-PA
6195 NIGERIA Sokoto, after CBC s/off pretty well, EU ID, TC 0535(McDaniel-IN). 7374m...
Page 45
00 to"
62/ 116)9 kHz
Editor: David L. Walcott, 211 West 56th, Apt. 36-F, New York, NY 10019
Page 46
9475 EGYPT R. Cairo; 0300 EG, IS ,ID, interview w/Egyptian W. graduate
of N.Y. University; news items; fair-poor (Stanley-AZ 7/11).
9485 RERU R. Tacna (presumed); 0957-1005 SP, tlk by M, huaynos by W,
possible ID w/ment. Peru; out by 1005 (Icbdell-MA 7/23).
9495 MONACO TWR; 0645 EG, "Back to the Bible", fqy, ID (Summers 7/14).
9503 PHILIPPINES FEBC; 1345 unid lang. w/ID in EG at 1358 (Zilmer 7/26).
9505 OrRYANY W. RI; 0230-0240 RU, ID poor (Jones-TX 7/12).
9508.8 ALGERIA R&TV Algerienne; 2206-225 FR, nx, documentary (Bolland
; 215-2240 FR, ni & mx interludes, //985 (Lausevich 7/3).
9510 gum KTWR; 1340-1400 EG, dx news, children's religious pgm,
QRM NHK (Zilmer 7/22, Bobb-MN 7/8, Hakimnezhad-AZ 8/2).
9515 MâleSIA VOM; 0948-1010 Malaysian, pop mx w/tlk by W (Bolland 7/14)..,
9515 MALTA R. Mediterran; 2035 EG, rel. pgm w/ID (Lausevich 7/29).
9525 ROLAND RP; 0200 EG, A-bomb history; improved audio (Dickson 8/6).
9545 BRAZIL R. Universo; 0903-0930 PT, tent., tlk show ment. Sao Paulo,
ti=1, Paulistas (Bobb 7/14); 1015-1031 PT, MN to 1018 mx; rel.
talk at 1021; this seems to be a daily program (Bolland 7/16).
9545 SOLOMON IS. SIBC; 0610 EC, sports scores (Hazeltine 8/6); 0730 EG,
mx, ads, shipping info; g (Bakimnezhad 8/5 ); 0734-0758 EG, mx, ad
for Mitsubishi car, soccer promo, shipping news (Alexander-PA 7/15).
9560 GERMANY E. RBI; *0229-0310 EG, ID, magazine (Keist 8/1, Stanley).
9560 NETHERLANDS ANT. TWR; 0830 PT, m w/ID, rel tx, mx ,g (Bobb-MN 7/21).
9565 GERMANY W. DW; 0100 EG, Sunday cultural features (Stanley-AZ 17).
9565 AUFEI--bW; 0455 EG, "Germany Today" on demonstrations (Park 7/20).
9570 PREA S. R. Korea; 1130 EG, "Let's Learn Korean", f (Zilmer 8/2 ).
9575 ITALY RAI; 0100 EG, IS,ID, W w/nx, mx item on Emanuele kidnapping
/Stanley 7/11); 0100-0120 EG, "This is RAI" ID by W, mx read by
hard to understand W; "Jailhouse Rock" mx (Krist-VA 7/11).
9575 PORTUGAL RP; 0530 EG, chimes, NA, ID, mx, lbx; poor (Parks-HI 7/30).
9580 AUSTRALIA RA; 1245 EG, "You Asked For It" on rustling (Fraser 7/17
9590 GUAM KTWR; 1315-1328* JP, M&W comment of a religious nature it
seems, with religious mx; TWR IS at 1327 (Bolland-FL 7/30).
9590 MALTA DW; 0100 EG, site ID at start of be (3 reporters).
9590 NETH. ANTILLES RN; 0235-0240 EG, Newsline program (Gaffin 8/8).
9595 JAPAN R. Tanpa (NSB); 1200-1220 JP w/EG ID, classic US C&W oldies;
vg (Atkins 8/7); 1405-1430 JP, Y1 chatter, pop & rock (Mellberg 4).
9600 CUBA R. Moscow; 0145 EG, "Leningrad Dixieland Orch." (Dickson 8 /8).
9605 VATICAN VR; 0050 EG, religious tlk, fair (Zilmer 8/5).
9610 AUSTRALIA VIW9,Perth; 1411 EG, wx, "¡- past 10", 6WN ni (D'angelo).
9615 SOUTH AFRICA R. RSA; 0200 EG, Afr. mx, cmntry SWAPO (Sharpe 8/4 ).
9620 GERMNAY E. RBI; *2030 EG, "DI program for Europe" (Krist 7/18).
9620 YUGOSLAVIA RY; *2115-2130* EG, IS, ID, ni by M, rpt on preparations
for the Olympics; fair (Mayer-PA 7/17); 2120-2126 EG, mx re: Yugo-
slav worker unemployment in W. Germany; fair (Cassidy 7/27); *2210.-
2235 Slovene, IS of 8 bell-notes, anmts, nx,poor (Lausevich 7/30).
9630 VPAIN REE; 0000-0202 EC, to N.Am., "Panorama" show (3 reporters).
9645 AUSTRIA OR!; 2225-2257* GM, M&W w/German mx pgm (Bobb-MN 7/10).
9670 SAIPAN KYOI; 1605-1635 EG/JP, rock mx, brief dual language commenta
by M&W, 1633 "KYOI - Your music station"; poor (Lausevich 7/23).
9675 BRAZIL R. Marumby; 2350-0025 PT, rel. tlks, mx, ID,f (Bobb-MN 7/9).
9680 AUSTRALIA VIH9, Lyndhurst; 1152 EG, TO, IS, ID (Bobb 7/16); 1200 3G,
9700 wteA
mx, weather, TC, Sunday Recital, fair (Paszkiewicz 7/31).
Page 47
9770 NETH. ANTILLES RN; 0750 EG, "The Inside Story" part 3 on
Dutch local broadcasting (Park-HI 7/28).
97 80 YEMEN ARAB REP. R. San'a; 0305-0330+ AR, Koran recitations
to 0330, ID at 0330 (Jordan-PA 7/21).
9795 USSR RM. W.S.; 1150-1200, lite mx, Kremlin chimes (Bobb-MN 7/ 20 ).
9800 mam RI; 2330 MG, "Radio Kiev" show w/interviews (Fraser-MA 7/21).
9815 ISRAEL KI; 0100 EG, IS,ID,nx, 'Spotlight" (Stanley 7/16); 0205 EG,
news, art, cinema, music; exc (Robinson-TN 7/7).
9835 HUNGARY R. Budapest; 0200-0227 EG, item on hero and heroine in
Hungarian films, "Record Release" pgm (Krist-VA 8/1); 0200-0230 EG,
IS,ID, opening anmts, mx by W, cmntry; good (Mayer-PA 8/6).
9865 GREECE VOG; 0335-0405 GK, trad. mx pgm with brief anmts between
selections; ID at 0359; poor (Lausevich 7/19).
9880 BELGIUM BRT; 0000-0030 EG, "DX Panorama" (Weinhold 7/28); 0030 MG,
Music Box" pgm, "DX Panorama" w/TWR interview (Blanchette -FI 7/ 11 );
0030-0115 MG, "Brussels Calling", dx pgm, fair (Hakimnezhag 8/1);
0037 EG, "Brussels Calling" inc. "Music Box"; g (Paszkiewicz 7/11).
9915 UK BBC W.S.; 0017 "Rafio Newsreel", "Outlook" (Krist-VA 7/30).
9977 LOREA N. R. Pyongyang; 1235-1250 EG, Asian mx; flutter (Atkins /7).
10060 VIETNAM VOV; 1100 VT, ment. Hanoi, Ho Chi Minh (Blanchette-FL 7/9).
10070 OREA N. R. Pyongyang; 1230 EG, ox, political tlk (Hakimnezhad7/22),
10415.2t YARAGUAY R. Chaco Boreal via ZPG4; 0126-0157*, per Crawford phoned
tip, exc, LSB mode w/amazingly current/progressive format of UK mx
including Tears For Fears "Pale Shelter" and Spandau Ballet "True",
ads, SP Y DJ w/TC's fitting Paraguay but alas, no clear ID before
audio cut at end of song 0157. P-T-P xmtr ZPG4-Asuncion, listed
here has previously relayed Chaco Boreal (Krueger-FI 8/1).
10877 USA VOA feeder; 0340-0400 EG, human interst pgm,vg (Sobkoviak 8/6).
11100 CHINA RB; 1515-1540 CH, 1530 ID in CH by M, low-key pgm of talk
interspersed with mx ("Wooden Heart"), Strauss waltz (Sharpe-CA 8/2).
11619 INDIA AIR; *1228-1225 EG, IS,ID as "This is Delhi", mx (Lobdell 8/7).
11620 fff7fulm BRT; 0036 EG, mx, solar greenhouses described; g (Robinson-
TN 7/8). BRT also now trying this 2300, co-channel INDIA & USSR! -ed.
11645 GREECE VOG; 0330 EG, IS, ID in GK then in EG; Greek music and songs
til 0350 s/off; exc (Stanley-AZ 7/22); 0333 GE/EG, local instrumen-
tal music, M with GK ID, W with EG ID & national mx (Park-HI 7/4),.
11655 ISRAEL KI; 2240 EG, news, pgm on animal behavior (Bauernhuber 8/7);
0200 EG, IS, ID, rev, of the arts in Israel; g, //9815,12025 (Stan-
ley-AZ 7/14); 0207 EG, ox, "Calling All Listeners" pgm followed by
"DX Corner" at 0220 (Witzig 8/8).
11665 AUSTRIA ORE; 0300-0315 SF, w/ID "Radio Austria" (Reed 7/6); 0435
MG, tourism show, "P.O. Box 700", co -ch ute (Park-HI 7/4).
11667 PAKISTAN RP; *1642-1700 EG, IS, ID in EG by M, freqs, then
Koran recitations; //15515 (Lobdell-MA 7/ 2 4).
11675 KUWAIT RE; 1850-1910 EG, rock mx, ID at i900, pgm "Mohammed Light
of Islam", back to rock at 1910; f-g (Cassidy 8/2). Not Miller Lite?
11699.8 DOMINICAN REP, R. Clarin; 0405 EG, "Radio Earth" show w/Hilton ad
and station sales pitch; mailbag; QRM USSR 11700 (Park-HI 7/6).
Foy: dlw. Expect reception improves to the west w/less QRM -ed.
Didn't quite make three pages and I was hoping to go for four; But
with your help this situation will definitely changes If you think
your loggings will not make the Distribution Editor's deadline of
the 5th, please feel free to send them directly to me at the address
above, with the usual proviso that this way you won't appear on the
Credits page if nothing was sent to the DE that month. 73,
Page 48
Editor: Brett Saylor, P.O. lox 10, Whitehall, PA 18052
NOTICE: When sending in loggings, please try to only send the most recent ones. I often
receive ones which would be over 2months old when finally published. Since I usually
run short of space, from now on any loggings more than one month old will be discarded.
Sorry if this sounds harsh, but old DX news really isn't news! Thanks for your support.
11700 FRANCE RFI (presumed); 0603-0618 FR. // 11800 with mostly entry by W and nx of
Afr, some FR pops; f (Lucas 8/4)
11700 DOMINICA REPUBLIC R Clarin; 1605 SP, LAY pop mx; f-p (Pickard 7/31) LVdelCID;
0010-0056 SP, long anti-Castro tlk, id, chimes played frequently arnd id's (which
incld ont of R Clarin and DR), nx 0030. mx 0035 (D'Angelo 7/21) R Earth UV':
0247 EG, ads for Curasao hotel, "World" pgm; p by 0257 (Jones 7/27)
11705 SWEDEr RSI; 0230 EG, //15420, Scand nx, intvw w/ Thor Heyerdahl (Stanley 7/14)
11710 swEnr; RSI; *2300 EG, nx, "Weekday Monday" pgm (Blanchette 7/16, Krist)
11710 ARGENTINA RAE; 0100 EG, "Report on the Malvinas" pgm,g (Stanley 7/12)
11715 SWITZERLAND SRI; 0145-0200 EC, //15305,9725,6135, "Dateline","SWMGR" pgmsig
Hazeltine 8/2, Stanley, Hakimnezhad, Paszkiewicz)
11715 NICARAGUA LV de Nic; 111C SP, sounded like political cmtry by M & W, marimba em
1122, ID 1125 (Jones 7/29)
11720 USSR R Kiev; *2300-2358* EG, nx, cmtry, "Hello from Kiev" (Krist 8/1.Joniss)
0200 EG, nx, DX contest for listeners, SIO 545 (Robinson 7/13)
11720 CANADA CRC NQS; 1715 Eskimo, nx by M,// 9625; vg (Fraser 7/16)
11730 UNITED ARAB EMIRATES UAE R, Dubai; *0328-0365* EG, nx, feature on desert oaravamS
and trade, //15435 g & 17775 f (Pickard 8/5)
11730 NETHERLANDS RN; 2030 EG, "Newsline" "SW Feedback" pgms; vg (Fraser 7/16)
11735 USSR RM NA m Svc; 0230 EG, tlk on battles w/ Nazis, mx, peace tlk (DiCksea 8/it)
11735 FRANCE RFI; 0450-0455 EG, tlk by M into FR 0455:f (Mayer 8/9)
11740 TAIWAN VofFree China; 0900 CH, s/on, id by M, tlk (Hakimnezhad 7/20)
11740 TURKEY VpfTurkey; 0300 EG, Irk press review, pop mx, s/off 0350 (Stanley 7/21)
11740 MADAGASCAR RN relay; 2030 EC, "Newaline" "SW Feedback" pgms; f (Fraser 7/16)
11750 BULGARIA R Sofia; 0430 EG, tlk on resorts in Bulg; g (Mayer 8/9)
11755 CHINA RB; 1540-1556 EG, Letterbox, poor modulation; f (Pickard 7/31)
11761a COOK ISLANDS RCI; 0659-0715 EG, het from 11760 OC which usually muffles Mt ai
nx to 0710, ID by M, isl & pop mx, IC for GMT-10hr; p (Lucas-CA 7/18)
11760 COOK ISLANDS RCI; 0700-0730 EG, wld nx, mx pgm (Fye 8/2) 0720-0735 EG/Maori, bea-
utiful island mx, ID as "Radio Cook Islands", slight quick fades; f (Valko) 0823 EG.
US pop mx, off 0900 (Dillaman 7/16)
11775 PORTUGAL RDP; 2030-2110 EG/FR, listener's letters, into FR 2100;f (Summers 7/8)
11785 ANTIGUA DW (per WRTH); 0838-0900 GM, operetta in GM; f (Bobb 7/14)
11790m SOUTH AFRICA? RSA (tent); 0808 âp,.pgm of concert piano mx fm Royal Albert Hall.
heavy QRN Dale Park-HI 7/26)
11795* USA R Clandestine; 1339 EG, comedy songs, tik, anned "Check out Clandestine", off
1354; f (Paszkiewicz 7/23)
11810 VENEZUELA YVTO? Caracas; 0312 SP, time pips, tlk by M in SP every minute under
DW; ID 0315 "Caracas, Ven" and brief CW. What is it! (Mellberg Iowa 7/20-21)
11815 POLAND RP; 0300 EG, "Panorama" pgm, on Solidarity; p (Stanley 7/19)
11815 JAPAN RA; 1325 EG, "Mailbag"; f (Hakimnezhad 8/5) *1600 JP, Gen Svc for Asia
« 7/31)
11815 NETHERLANDS ANTILLES TWR; 1115-1200 EG, "Morning Songs" request show (Hakimnezhad)
11815 LIBYA R Jamahiriya; 2200-2310 EG, wld nx, cmtry, pop mx, Tripoli & Malta address,
requested letters & IRC's (D'Angelo,Summers,Weinhold,Bauernhuber,Hakimnezhad)
0035 AR, vocal mx w/ string instrmts, id 0100 (Jones 7/28)
11820, ALASKA KNLS; *0900-0932 EG/RS, carrier on abrupt at 0900 w/ "Chariots of Fire"
theme for 30 sec, then id by M "Radio Station KNLS...begins its broadcast day.
Station KNLS is owned and operated by...According to the Fed Comm Comm, KNLS
broadcasts with a power of 100,000 watts shortwave from Anchor Point, Alaska,
United States of America" followed by similar in RS by another M, then more Chariots
mx; into tlk of Dizzy Gillespie and other jazz band greats then big band mx. Weak
but mostly clear (Cunningham 7/27) 0911-1011 RS (no EG), big band mx w id's
short cmtry on the mx at the hrs; into rel pgm 1000, not the first pgm, per
Padula via RA DX pgm of 7/31 (Lucas 8/1) 1043 RS, in the clear w/ jazz mx, F ann«.
and id on hr by M (Johnson-TX 8/6)
11835 UNITED KINGDOM BBC; 0103 EG, murder-mystery radio play to 0114, nx, "Outlook"
11835 SRI LANKA SLBC; 1050-1115 EG, organ mx, Radio Monitors Int'l DI pgm, (Jones 7/28)
rpts on Faroe and Solomon Isle; f (Cassidy 7/24) 1045 EG, pop up, rel pga at 1115
from Calif (Blanchette 7/7)
11840 EAST GERMANY RBI; 0230 EG. nx, DX pgm; f-p (Hakimnezhad 7/16)
11845 VATICAN VR; 0106-0015(2!) EG, mx, story on St Peter's Jubilee, mx. bells (Gaffin ea)
11855 USA WRNO; 2320 EG. "Shrine of St Jude" svc, ESE ad, gh's "World of Radio" pgm
11880 SPAIN SFR; 0000. 0100 EG, "Panorama","Spain in the 80's" pgms, "SP (Krist 7/31)
by Radio" (Krist 7/27, Stanley)
11890 USSR Mayak; 2200 RS, test tones then s/, 6 time pips ; f (Johnson 7/28)
11900 SAIPAN KYOI; 1045-1217 EG/JP, rock mx, id's (Cassidy 7/31.Johnson,Reed)
11900 SOUTH AFRICA R RSA; 0640 EG, "Comment" pgm, "Good Morn Afr" (Park 7/26) '2059 MG.
"Under the Southern Cross", "The Bushmen Story" (Krist 7/10) 2130 EG, wld nx by
M; f-g (Hakimnezhad 7/30)
11910 HUNGART R Budapest; 1930-1940 GM, IS, id, nx by !I (Mayer 8/5)
11923 JORDAN Amman; 1330-1359 AR, nx, entry, chorus, mx and TC 1359; p (Pym 7/14) What
sort of id was heard? If none, this should be marked tentative. be
11930 CUBA RH; 0227 EG, mx, stories on Cuba (Gaffin 8/8) 0059 EC, "Today in History"
Mist) 0215 EG, political history of Ghana ("Eyewitness Africa") (Dickson 7/24)
11935 BRAZIL R Clubs Paranaense; 0856 PT, tune-in to opening annemts, id, promos.
iiirTilexander 7/16)
11940 ROMANIA R Bucharest; 0200-0300, 0400-0430 EG, listener's club info. "Seven Day
Panorama" (Krist 8/1, Dickson, Stanley)
11940 GABON Africa ill; 2025 FR, id "Ici Africa Numero Un", several ad's, one sounding
like Busch Beer Comm. Local mx, good audio, some fading (Desrosiers 7/10)
11945 CANADA RCI; 2129-2158 EG, nx, wx, sports, "Spectrum" pgm on the Afr svc (Krist)
11955' LEBANON R Lebanon; 0230-0300 EG, end of AR pgm, they, opening id's by W in EG into
nx by M & W local and world; "Lebanon Today" pgm, mx, into SP 0300; f-p (10 rep)
11955 SINGAPORE BBC relay; 1045-1115 IN/JP, tlk by M and MEast mx, id, nx 1100 (Bobb)
11955 PHILIPPINES R Ventas Asia; 1405-1500 EG, nx, mx request, id (Hakimnezhad 8/1,
11960 NEW ZEALAND RNZ; 0550-0625 EG, National Program, nx, ws (Hazeltine 8/6,Alexander)
11990 CZECHOSLOVAKIA RP; 0100 EG, "Music for your tape recorder" (good ole
cmtry (Krist 7/17, Stanley)
12000 HUNGARY RB; 0100-0130, 0200-0230 EG, "Intel NxRoom," "DX Panorama" pgea (Dickson
7/31, Krist, Stanley, Hakimnezhad)
12025 ' ISRAEL FI; 0200 EG, nx, cmtry, strong signal (Stanley 7/13)
12030 USSR RM via Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky; 0642-0700 EG, Listener's History Club (Sharpe)
12070 MONGOLIA R Ulan Bator; 1208 EG, nx by W, then mailbag show, s/off 1234 (Johnson)
1450-1510 EG/RS, mx pgm w/M , id 1457, R Moscow relay w/ IS 1459, RS mx, nx;
(Lausevich 7/8)
13745 ISRAEL KI; 2230-2259 EG, nx, cmtry, id's,//15588a (Lucas 7/21, Krist)
13797 ICELAND ISBS; 1830-1850 Ice., W w/nx, ant "Iceland Atlantica" by M (Lausevich 7/30)
14896v MEXICO V de America Latina FEW; 0116-0133 SP, nx pgm w/ occasional ads & jingles;
id "La Voz de las Noticias, FEW"; horrendous modulation, wild flux in signal level.
Likely their 15160 xmtr w/ problems (Cunningham 7/28+)
15010 VIETNAM VoV; 1800 EG, nx, cmtry on post-war; g (Hazeltine 8/3)
15044v GRENADA R Grenada; 2158-2300+ EG, ads, "This Week in History" pgm (Stanley,Kria8)
15070 UK BBC; 1505-1950 EG, "Radio NxReel","Outlook" pgms (Gaffin 8/3, Krist)
15105t MOROCCO RTVM; 2000-2035+ AR, rapid tlk by M, AR instrm mx, per SPEEDXGRAM 7/83;
7773733 (Jordan 7/24)
15115 ECUADOR HCJB; 1311 EC, "Bible For You" ; 0230 EG, "DI Party Line" (Krist 7/31)
15115 AUSTRALIA RA; 0700-0724 EG, wld nx, rpt from Asia; g (Sharpe)
15120 AUSTRALIA RA; '0600 EG, finally caught this much-QRM'd sion, /117795 and 15115
(the latter s/on 0628);suspect this freq is to PNG (Lucas 7/27)
15120 SRI LANKA AWR via SLBC; 1104-1131' EG, RMI w/ 60 Ire of Adventist Radio, DX contest
17(PaT-k 7/17)
15150 WEST GERMANY DW; 1930 EG, "Window on the World" pgm; g (Bauernhuber 8/9)
15150 INDONESIA VOI; 0836-0901 EG, nx? to 0843, id, tlk, Asian mx, nx 0852-0857, time
Pi¡77777 more mx; p (Lucas 7/20)
15165 AUSTRIA ORF; 0430 EG, "Letter From Vienna","ASWP" pgms (Park 8/1,Stanley)
15170 TAHITI R Tahiti; 0200 FR, telephone call-in, rock-pop mx (Blanchette, Stanley)
15185 USA WINB; 2145-2200 EG, rai pgms, id; f-p (Mayer 7/18)
15190 t CONGO Brazzaville; 2032-2105 FR, Afr-type mx, tlk by M & W; after nx, at 2048
mx continues; p (Holland 7/23)
15190 SAIPAN KYOI; 0700 EG/JP, rock mx, id's, ads (Hakimnezhad 7/25)
15220 SOUTH AFRICA R RSA; 0700-0730 EG, to interior Afr, mx and short features (Sumatra)
15275 AUSTRIA ORF; 1230 EG, "Report From Austria" to ECNAm, SIC 333 (Zilmer 8/6)
15290 BRAZIL R Bras; 0200 EG, //1763o, "Mailbag", Braz mx; vg (Stanley 7/17)
15295 MALAYSIA Vol.!: 1540-1605 AR, voc mx, id by M 1600, nx (Sharpe 8/3) 0800-0815 10,
nx, pop mx, TCat vry weak but in the clear (Atkins 7/24)
Pine 50
15300 JAPAN RS; 1900-19t5 EC, nx by M (Reed 7/9) 2345 EG, //17825, *Japan Scene"
poor (Stanley 7/18)
15320 UAE Dubai; 1925-2035 AR, AR mx, nx 2030 by M; f (Holland 7/23)
15325 SEYCHELLES FERA; *1500 EG, nx of Si:ea & Afr, "The World This Week" (Park 7/30)
15345 ARGENTINA RAE; 0230 EG, nx, tlk on Malvinas 0240 (Dickson 7/30)
15345 USA AFRTS; 2038 EG, mx nx on Culture Club, Eurythmics etc (Gaffin 8/3)
15375 SPAIN SFR; 2022 EG, recipes, bagpipe mx, nx; f (Pickard 8/4)
15385 CHINA RB; 0430 EG, nx, cmtry, SIO 232 (Zilmer 8/3)
15405 GABON NHK Special Test relay; *0500-0530* SP/EG/JP, tape loop w/ 1 min of soft
trad mx and tlk; vp (Lausevich 7/8)
15425 SRI LANKA SLBC; *0030-0225 EG, "Morning Show" w/ US & Brit pop mx and M DJ intro
the songs: 0159 tlk by M. 6 pips, TC for 0730, into 5 min of wld nx followed by
more of "Morning Show"; good level at tune in but by 0215 had faded and R Moscow
co-ch began to dominate; //9720 covered (Cunningham 7/16,D'Angelo,Krist, Paszkiewicz)
15440 USA WYFR; 2100-2125 EG, rd l pgm, Bible study (Gaffin 8/3)
15445 BRAZIL R Nac de Amazonia; 1125-1135 PT, tlk by M & W, pop mx pgm; f (Bobb 7/10)
0110-0130 PT, sports cmtry by 2 M, frequent id's; vg (Lausevich 7/29)
15525 TAIWAN WIFR relay; 1400 EG, Bible study, SIO 333 (Zilmer 8/7)
15550 USSR RN; 0045-0100 SP, nx, mx, cmtry (Dickson 8/7)
15555 CLANDESTINE R Vatan; 0410-0557* Farsi(presumed), lengthy tlk by W, ant Iran;
MEast voc mx, clear ID 0425, ant Vetan 0432 (Jordan 7/21)
15575 TAIWAN VOFC; 1400 EC, nx, cmtry, SIO 343 (Zilmer 8/7)
15575 SOUTH KOREA RE; 1400-1500 EG, wld nx, "Short Wave Feedback"; g (Hakimnezhad 7/16)
1415-1500 EG, cmtry on religion, some pop mx, id's; into lang 1500 (Witzig 7/19)
0130-0145 SP, tlk by W w/ freq mot of Korea, nx, id; vp (Lausevich 7/29)
15580 USA VOA; 1730-1745 EG, nx in Special EG (Gaffin 8/9)
15585 ISRAEL KI; 1530 Fared, nx by M, tlk by W; f (Hakimnezhad 7/26)
15600 LIBERIA VOA relay; 1700 EG, nx, "Afr Panorama". nx in Special EG (Krist 7/26)
16433 KIRIBATI RE; 0600-0630 EG, wld nx, TC, wx, shipping nx , job info, mx (Fye 7/17)
17565 GREECE VoG; 1235-1244 EG, nx during GI! pgm, SIO 242 (Zilmer 8/5)
17605 NETHERLANDS RN; 1445 EG, "NxLine" (Krist) 2028 EG, //11730 not as good (Witzig)
2100-2120 EG, Afr Svc (Hakimnezhad 7/22)
17610 BELGIUM HRT; 1406-1442* EG, wx in Belgium, "Focus" (Krist 7/26)
17620 FRANCE RFI; 1600-1655 EG, "Paris Calling Africa" (Cassidy 7/28, Stanley, Krist)
17630 ISRAEL RI; 2000-2030 EG, nx, cmtry by W, g (Hakimnezhad 7/22, Jones )
17680 CHINA R Beijing; 0300 EG, //15120, 17855, "Profile" pgm (Stanley 7/15)
17705 NEW ZEALAND RIM; 0230-0400 EG, nx, wx, TC's,rel tlk,radio play, mx (Jordan,Stanley
Cassidy, Sobkoviak, Hazeltine)
17715 NORWAY RN; 1900 EG, nx, "Tasty or Not" pgm on food (Fraser 7/17)
17744.8 ALGERIA R Algiers; 2045-2100 SP, noted slightly off freq w/ pop mx, nx; hrd // ,
9685, 9640, 9508.8 (Alexander 7/15)
17745 ALGERIA RA; 2000-2034 EG, pop mx, nx, into SP 2030 (Zilmer 8/6, D'Angelo)
17775 CAE UAE Radio; 0330 EG, //15430,11695, nx by W, wx in Dubai,t1k on culture (Stanley)
17800 TAIWAN VOFC; 2142 EG, nx; 0300 EG, nx, cmtry, mx interlude, //15345,11825(Zilmer,
17815 BRAZIL R Culture; 0145-0215 PT, id 0200, classical mx (Reed 7/19) Stanley)
17840 SWEDEN RBI U.S.B.;0230 EG, "Weekday" pgm eideband xmsn (Solokoviak 8/6,Zilmer,Stanley)
17867 COLUMBIA R Nacional; 0155 EG lesson then id's by M & W, chimes on the hr, into SP
17900 USSR.R.Vilinus; 2200-2230 EG, nx, "Music Panorameqe (Hakimnezhad 7/29) R Kiev:
b-0228 EG, "Gloss Up On The Ukraine" pen (Krist 8/3) R Yerevan; 0250 EG, mx,
local nx, SIO 353 (Zilmer 8/6)
21477.5 ECUADOR HCJB; 2145-2200 EG, "DX Partyline" id,: f (Mayer 7/11)
21480 MADAGASCAR RN relay; 1007 Indo, request-show w/ W, Simon-Garfunkel, Andrews Sisters
mx Park 7/9)
21535 SOUTH AFRICA R RSA; 1725-1745 GM, nx, mx, financial rpt; g (Cassidy 8/2)
21600 RWANDA? DW; 1445-1450* Hausa, nx by M, GM ID 0250 s/off (Mayer 7/17)
21610 JAPAN RS; 0130 EG, wld, Asian nx, "Current Affairs" (Stanley 7/12)
21640 MADAGASCAR R Nederland; 1819* AR, MEast mx, id 1818 (Jones 7/17)
21640 JAPAN RS; 0130 EG, "Japan Scene" pgm (Stanley 7/22)
21740 AUSTRALIA RA; 0200 EG, //17795, "Four Corners" pgm (Stanley 7/19)
21725 USSR R Peace and Progress; 1300 EG, wld nx, cmtry; g (Hakimnezhad 7/13)
Thanks, Dave. Remember to send your most recent loggings into IR-D. 73's and god DX!
Page 51 '
Nick Pappas, 251 S. Olds Blvd., Apt. 243 Fairless Hills, PA 19030
Looks like many of us are escaping the summer heat by turning on our
air conditioners, and at the same time, our radios.
Page 52
HAP THANKS:For recent donations of articles for HAP we thank the following individuals
Mark SchIesinger,Ian McFarland,B. Robinson,T. Mooningham,J. Fortney,R. Howard,R. LaVoie,
C. Mann,?. Choroszy and the rest of the people at ANARC-83 in Washington D.0 Sam.
HAP DIRECT SALE ITEMS: The following stickers/decals are $.25 each or any five(5) for $1.00
New since last issue:Radio Clyde,Radio Bucharest,Radio Tees,Radio Milano International,
WSRS,Radio Canada International,KWK,Swiss Radio International,Radio France International
(large)(circular)(small)(blue)(red),Radio Vatican(square)(small)(semi-cir.),WIBV,WMAL,KMJK
WRIF,Radio Sweden International(small)(large)(circular),Radio Suede International,WCBW,
KCFM,ANARC(small),WEAM,WBLI,WGLI,CKGB,CFTI,Radio Moscow(red)(green),WJNC,WXQR and Radio
Berlin International(large)(small)....The following are also available at the same prices:
Radio Derby,RNE,WDR(small)(rock),WQMR,Radio 270, Break Radio,KRQR,KFOG,55-Country,KLRE,WMET
WABB,KBAM,FM,98,FM-102,Radio Monte Carlo,Rete Quattro,PCH,Polskie Radio(green)(blue)(gray)
(orange),Radio Budapest,Swansea Sound,BDXC,KTYD,RIAS,6WF,Radio DeeJay,ORF,6KY,42A,12B,WGCI
WPW(Stones)(Doors)(Rock n' Roll)(AC/DC)(Who),W1.1.2,WWC0(mini)and ESPN.
HAP BID ITEMS: /738:Voice of Indonesia cloth pennant(4x9")mJc-nice:#739:Norea Radio(Norway)
paper pennant(3.5x8")red,white,blue.1740:Radio Mexico sticker(3.5x4.5")m/c./741:Deutsch-
landfunk(FRG)vinal pennant(5x7.5")m./c-beauty:#742:Deutschlandfunk sticker(5x6")mJc./743:
Radio Casino(Costa Rica)cloth pennant(4x8")white,dark green.#744:Radio Universidad de Con-
cepcion(Chile)cloth pennant(2.5x3")mJc-beauty 1/745:Radio Veritas(Philippines)paper pennant
(3x5.5")red,black,blue./746:Radio Cayman(Cayman Islands)sticker(3.5x11")orange,BSW-rare:1
#747 :Radio Clyde(Scotland)metal badge(2"cir)red,white.#748:RFI(France)key chain,silver-
very,very nice10749:Radio Clyde key chain,red,white./750:Voice of Free China-NA Service
cloth pennant(5x8")red,white,blue./751:FEBC(Philippines)paper pennant(4x9")m/c.#752:11F1
bag tag,blue,white./753:5UV(Australia)sticker(2.5x10")yellow,brown.#754:Radio Peking cloth
pennant"Girl with Building"(6x11")m/c-beautiful 1/7 55:Radio Ulan Bator(Mongolia)paper penn-
ant(4x6")red,blue,gold.#756:Radio Bucharesti(Romania)cloth pennant(4.5x7")blue,white,pur-
ple-good looking1/757:Radio Korea cloth pennant w/ yellow tassel(4x9")./758:HCJB paper
pennant(4x9")yellow,black./759:Radio Peking paper pennant "Mt. Village"(5.5x10.5")m/c.
#760: Radio Peking paper pennant "Yeman"(5.5x10.5")m/c./761:Radio Peking paper pennant"Tien
An Men"(5.5x10.5")m/c.#762:Radio Peking paper pennant"Chingkank Mts."(5.5x10.5")m/c.#763:
Radio Studio 91(Italy)stickar(4"cir)mdc with woman-very beautiful1/764:TV-59(Italy)sticker
(3x3.5")mJc./765:TV-Abrozzese(Italy)sticker(3.5"cir)m/c-sharp1/766:Europm /1(FRG)sticker
(2.5x7")m/c-nice1/767:Radio Koper-Capodistria(Yugoslavia)sticker(2.5x3")m/c.# 768 :Radio - TV
Svizzera Italiana sticker(3x5")red,white,blue./769:Radio Milano International(ItalyWis-
matic sticker(3x8")mJc-beauty 1/7 70:Radio Voce(Italy)sticker(2x7")red,B&W./771:Deutsche
Welle(FRG)cloth pennant(6:13.5")blue,white.#772:RFT cloth pennant(4x8.5")blue,white./773:
KNE(Spain)cloth pennant(4.5x8")m/c.#774:AWR(India)paper pennant(4x10")blue,white,yellow.
/775:Radio Sweden cloth pennant(4x10")blue,yellow./776:HRVC(Honduras)cloth pennant(6x10")
Bel,blue-beautiful!!#777:Radio Korea double sided paper pennant(4x8.5")m/c./778:Radio San I
Sebastian(Spain)paper pennant(4x6")blue,B&W.#779:WBBM "Rainbow"decal(4x8")m/c./780:Radio
Sweden paper pennant(4x10")blue,yellow.#781:Radio Tees(UK)balloon,red,B&W./782:Radio Praha
(Czechoslovakia)cloth book marker"Woman"(3x8")m/c.#783:Radio Praha cloth book marker"Bldg"
(3x10")gold,BE.W./784:Radio Truro(Swaziland)sticker(3.5"cir)B&W-nice785:Radio Ventas
cloth pennant(4x7.5")blue,yellow,white./786:Radio Ventas cloth pennant(4x7.5")yellow,B6W.
/787:Radio Ventas cloth pennant(3x5.5")blue,white./788:RBI double sided cloth pennant
(6x9.5")mJc-beauty1/789:RBI double sided cloth pennant(5x8")m/c.#790:RCI(Canada)vinal pen-
nant(4x9.5")red,white./791:Radio Nederland cloth pennant(4x6")red,white,blue.#79 2 :RCI 3
different photo cards of their Western,African and NA Sections.(4.5x9")B&W.#793:RCI 2 cliff
erent QSL cards "B/C Year" and "Canada Council"(4x6")m/c./794:RCI 3 different photo cards
of their announcers(3x5")B&W.1795:Radio Nederland 4 different m/c stickers including "DX
Jukebox"His/Hers"Afroscene"I Listen To"./796:RSI(Sweden)35th anniversary QSL card(4x8")
mJc./797:ANARC metal badge(1.5"cir)ffl-rare,last issue1/798:RBI stick pin,blue,white-nice!
/799:Radio Nacional do Brasil sticker(3.5" cir)m/c./800:KGBX "Bo Duroc" pig photo(3x5")
m/c-interesting 1/8 01:RBI large litter bag(11x17")m/c.#802:CKOI sticker(3x8")red,white,
blue./803:WSK metal badge(1.5"cir)red,mhite,blue.#804:WINA "Bic Razoeyellow,B&W-it works!
/805:Radio Vatican First Day Cover 1981 "50th Anniversary" w/ stamp:#806:ANARC pen,B&W-
very rare: last issue:#807:KV00 station whistle(lx3")ffleellow.#808 :Radio Bucharest key
..- anda " cloth pennant(8x11")green,B&W
chain,m/c. #809:Radio Peking "P Something for you?
ADDRESS: Mail your bids and orders for direct sale items to Sam Barto,47 Prospect Place,
Bristol, Conn. 06010 USA.
ADDITIONAL DIRECT SALE ITEMS: The following stickers are $.50 each:Radio Nederland,Radio
El Mundo,KTTS,KGBX,BRT(silver)(red),Radio RSA,4MK,ANARC(large),Radio Vatican(pennant)and
VOFC(pennant). We also have 4X0,WDR(TV),7EX,RTE Radio 2,Radio Rumbo,CKCR,Radio London-266,
201,Radio Avon,2YB,Radio Deutsche Welle(black)(red),Peter Flowers Radio(large)(small),
Radio Rhema,Capital Kadio,CDXC,Kadio Waikato,TIR Radio,Canales TV,Radio City-299,Radio
Caroline(black)(white)....Also at quoted prices Radio Vatican(photo)(calendar)at $.25;
WPW,WŒB or WIL plastic ID cards at $.25 each;WMI1S push button at $.25;WIDS button at
$.25;WCIC key chain at $.50;4GC metal badge at $.50;WWMK,WIPX,KHJ metal badges at $.25.
Jamolgl!M St
First Class North America 916
Overseas, Surface Mail $16
Airmail to Central America, Caribbean, South America, Europe $25
Airmail to Asia, Africa, Pacific $28
All remittances must be in U.S. funds and mailed to: NASWA, P.O. Box 13
Liberty, IN., 47353, U.S.A.
Update: Besides FRENDX, NASWA also publishes UPDATE amid month
newsletter with the very latest DX news while it's still news. (UPDATE also
appears in each issue of FRENDX I. It is only available to NASWA members. •• ;2,
North America (First Class) $4.00
Overseas (Airmail) $6.00 L-4
Sample copies of FRENDE X and UPDATE are available for $1.00 in N.A.
Overseas $2.00