Frendx. ,,, ,,., I: ISSN 0160 - 1989

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ISSN 0160 -1989

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JULY 1982
Welcome to 44 new NASWA members who have joined
since our last ROLL CALL page appeared. We hope
they find their new association to be helpful.

BARRERA, Gabriel I., Buenos Aires,Arg. LIGHTHART, Charle R., Middle Grove, NY

BAUDINO, Jim, Joliet, IL LISS, Ira H., Holiday, FL

BRENER, Jerry R., Sierra Madre, CA MAINLAND, J., Wellington, New Zealand

BERG, Erik, Tacoma, WA NALLY, Sister Mary Passion, Normandy,

BERKELEY, Roy G., Ghaftebury, VT NELSON, Donald W., Santa Clara, CA
BUTLER, David H., Richmond, VA O'BRIEN, William P., Hinsdale, IL
CASSIDY, Richard, Logansport, OFFER, Stephen, Brooklyn, NY
CHAMBERS, George P., Florence, AL O'NEAL, H.S., Houma, LA
CUMMINS, Don, St. Louis, MO PLUM, William J., Irvington, NJ **
EARLY, Edward T., Lawrence, WA REGAN, John E., Danube, MN
EIDER, John, Montreal, P.Q. ROGERS, Darren R., Seaford, NY
ENGLISH, Don, El Paso, TX SHELDON, Jack, Voorhees, NJ
EWERS, Jack, Mansfield, OH STRANDBERG, Douglas G., Seattle, WA
FILKA, Dennis, Parma Heights, OH e* SURFACE, C.L., Anderson, IN **
FREEDMAN, Richard, Washington, DC TAILLARD, David L., Westland, MI
GERRAN, L. Charles, Jamestown, NY TALBERT, Rollo E., Redding, CA
GIUMETTI, H.J., West Palm Beach, FL TAYLOR, Dr. Craig S., Marshfield, WI
EIRATA, Tomaki, Akita, Japan THIES, James B., State College, PA
HIXON, Frank D., Chattanooga, TN VILLAFANE, Walter, Daytona Beach, FL Ce
KANON, Lee, Brooklyn, NY WOODS, Roger L., Norfolk, VA
KLEINER, Arthur, East Rockaway, NY YAMADA, Mikio, Aichiken, Japan
KOLHAGE, Danny L., Key West, FL ** ** Welcome back after a brief
LEGG, David B., Highland, IN absence!!

The next ROLL CALL listing will appear in the September issue of FRENDX.

The new Tropical Band Survey - 10 is now available from the Danish
Shortwave Club for 11 IRC's. Please send orders to:
DK - 2670
"%JAL billaVAL_


Just issues! "1982 Directory of Clandestine Stations and Programs." A 7-page
listing of all known clandestines in operation with frequencies and addresses
when known. The price is $3.00 cash, check, or money order. No stamps or IRC's.
Supplu is limited. Write to Gerry L. Dexter, RR 4, Box 80-D, Lake Geneva, WI


The 1982 ANARC Convention will be held in Montreal, Canada on July 23-25,
1982. Information can be obtained from Mr. Ian McFarland, Radio Canada Inter-
national, African Service, P.O. Box 6000, Montreal, Canada H3C 3A8 or write
to ANARC, 557 North Madison Avenue, Pasadena, CA 91101.


The Messinger, the monthly bulletin of the Canadian International DX Club,

is now printed in offset form. Sample copies are available for $1.00 from
CIDA FIG, 6815-12 Avenue, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada T6K 3J6. The club is also
celebrating its 20th Anniversary this year with the May 1982 issue bring the
anniversary issue. A 20th Anniversary Convention will be held August 28 and
29 with a post-convention beverage DX'pedition also planned. Details on the
convention are available for an SASE from Don Moman, CIDX Executive Secretary,
at the above address. Don addes that the 1982 WRTVH is still available from
the CIDX for $18.00 plus shipping which is $2.00 Fourth Class and $4.00 First


A meeting of St. Louis area Mers and .11y other interested hobbyists will be
held July 18 and September 26, 1982. The cost is $3.00 per person for all the
Bar-B-Qued hot dogs, chips and soda you can eat and drink with five cans of
foamy stuff at no extra charge. There will be displays of radios, OSL's and
pennants with for sale/trade items also appearing. Four great amateur films
will be shown for amusement. For fur:.-her details write to Terry Klasek, 9720
Vickie Place, St. Louis, MO 63136 or call (314) 868-7274, not collect, please.


This is a combined listing from 2000-5900 kHz by North American reporters

from February, 1976 to February, 1982. See all possibilities by frequency on
one list, even harmonics. Shows exact frequency including variations, reception
rarity guide for North America, country, station name, city, check spaces for
heard/()SLed/tapes, fade in/fade out or exact sign on/sign off times including
variations, languages, misc. notes, introduction with abbreviations, etc.
Available from George Sherman, Box 2284, Minneapolis, MN 55402 for $3.00 in
U.S./Canada/ Mexico and $4.00 elsewhere.

FOR SALE: R390/URR receiver in good condition with manual. Price $250.00. No
. but I will deliver anywhere in the San Francisco Bay area or vicinity.
Bob Hill, 2447 Alvin Street, Mountain View, CA 94043. Phone (415) 969-2122
eveniigs and weekends and (415) 361-4126 for office.

FOR SALE: DX-160 in good condition. Purchased December, 1979. Price $50.00.
ALSO:Twould like to contact any NASWA members who live in my area. John
W7rrace, Jr., 24902 Altimira Drive, Laguna Hills, CA 92653.

NOTICE, PLEASE: Larry Vipond, 303 East South Mountain Drive, #6, Phoenix, AZ
85040 would like to make contact with other NASWA members in Arizona. His phone
number is (602) 276-4628. Please do not call collect.

FOR SALE: Sony ICF-7600 Mini Portable, 4 months old and in excellent condi-
tion with original packing. Price $90.00 UPS prepaid and insured. Fritz
Apollon, 3412 Englemeade Road, Baltimore, MD 21208. Phone (301) 653-0212 '
tweem 0130 and 3400 GMT, Not collect, please,

Page 1
2825 WEBB AV., #51, (212) 549-6613
BRONX, NY 10468 2230-0330 WEEKDAYS


"I don't believe we've met." So, I'll introduce myself. Many of you will have read my
SPEEDX Western Hemisphere loggings column, now a long-running series (4À5 years). Some of
you might even remember when I was Europe/Africa Editor for the ASWLC, from 1973 to 1977,
(but I wouldn't bet on it!). You are now witnessing history -- I am the only person who
has been an editor for each of the three major shortwave clubs (ho-hum, so he's a maso-
chist!) In any case, I am almost 30 years old, a computer operator/word processor for
a tab house in New York. I've been DXing since 1970 or so, and consider myself a much
better editor than a DXer (shhh! that's a secret!) So, here we are! I'd like to thank
John Moritz for his yeoman service over the last several years as SUC editor, I'd also
like to thank Bill Oliver for offering me the post, and I'd also like to thank Stu Klein,
gh, and others for their kind words of encouragement and pleasure over my appointment.
(Gee, it almost sounds like I'm leaving before I've really begun, doesn't it!)


To keep sane, an editor -has to have some standards for submissions. I'll keep mine brief.
Submissions can be printed or typed, but should be double spaced. If you want acknowledge-
ment of your submission, a SASE or SAP (self-addressed stamped postcard) should be included
Anything which requires a reply from me should be accompanied by the aforementioned SASE.
Submissions become the property of NASWA, and will not be returned unless specified, with
the aforementioned SASE with sufficient postage.

The main requirement, however, is that NASWA members submit articles. We want your parti-
cipation to continue the tradition of SWC excellence in its field.

The first submission this month came in an unmarked manila envelope. After I'd read it,
I knew every MASWA member would be interested. So, I present...


My heart beat much more quickly than normal as I walked inte the spaciously appointed offi-
ces of the IWWDXA for my job interview. I knew chat chances were slim that I could get
my old job back, as I'd gotten into a bit of trouble a few years ago and been exiled to
the outer darkness (an island in the Pacific, sans electricity, sans natives, sans radio).
When I do penance, I do it right. I'd been away from my job as critic extraordinary for
the IWWDXA for such a long time that I feared I'd lost touch. I hadn't heard anything oven
a loudspeaker for quite a while. Radio might have changed -- the club scene might have
changed -- shortwave listeners might have changed. I could be a walking, talking, dodder-
ing old fogy, interesting only as a DX anachronism.

As I passed the battery of IWWDXA monitors busily listening to the world, my breath caught
in my throat. I could hardly believe my eyes -- these were radios? Digital readouts,
mechanical filters -- and all available to the average listener? I nearly turned back in
shame -- I could never cope with this new scene, I thought. My Hammacrafters Super-Space-
Whiz receiver, with readout accurate to + 100 MHz, could never compare with these real
super-whiz radios. My Hallafacters DDX-007, with the real charcoal filter that w3uld sepa-
rate stations 25 kHz apart with the greatest of ease, was just trash. I hung my head and

Just then the public tour of the premises rounded the corner, and I joined up. The tour
guide gave us the chance to listen in on some of the monitors. I marvelled at the profu-
sion of stations I'd never heard of before -- WYFR, WRNO Worldwide (worldwide??), Radio
Moscow World Service (so the Reds had finally taken over Britain!) When I ventured to ask
the guide whether anyone listened to Radio New York Worldwide anymore (one of my favorites)
the children on the tour began to point at me and laugh. Their elders hastily gathered up

Page 2
their progeny while muttering things like "Where's he been -- on an island in the Pacific?"
I took this opportunity to slip into the nearest broom closet and let the tour go by, but
as their footsteps receded into the distance t heard the guide say, "And here's the original
TWWDRA hectograph -- the first several years of the bulletin were printed on it. The orange
gelatine is still good -- here, sonny, want a taste...?"

I finally got to the offices of the head honcho of the IWWDXA -- my successor. He'd only
been a section editor, but after I'd hastily decamped for Oceania, he'd drawn the short
straw and eagerly moved into my office. Well, moved into my office, anyway. The Chairman
stood up and looked at me. When I gave him the requisite nod of the head, he smiled and
said, "Well, you're back." I replied, as humbly as I could manage (and I can out-Weep Weep
when I want to), "Yes, and I think you should hire me back."

"Why should we? After all, you were deposed formally by the Board of Overseers for various
offenses, such as being too smart for your own good, being a wiseacre, and not conducting
yourself as befitted the Chairman of this great organization. Besides, you took the trea-
sury with you when you left."

- I said the first thing that entered my head, which was, "But Chief, I was the funniest
journalist on the staff." He considered chis, and replied, "You're right about that, I
guess. And don't call me 'Chief.'"

He got out of his chair and began to pace the carpet, first speaking in a conversational
tone and then shouting as he got into his stride. "Come on, you're too old, too out of
touch for this game! What do you know about the modern shortwave listener or the modern
IWWDXA, with its thousands of subscribers, thousands of dollars, and its professionally
printed buUetin?" (An image of huge hectographs, supplied by the Gelatine Company with
thousands of tons of trembling product, ran through my head at this point. I suppressed
it with an effort.) The Chairman continued: "Tell me, what do you think you can write

"Chief. I'll bet I can write you a piece of lasting journalistic value about the feelings
of a 'Rip Van Winkle' DXer suddenly waking up in the New Age of DX. In fact, I'll write
it up now, and have it down to the presses in ten minutes."

The Chairman stood up and smiled grimly. "I'll give you ten minutes to fill the gap I have
in this month's issue. If you write something good, you get your job back. If it's tripe
(as I feel confident it will be), you get ten minutes to get out of here before I call the
security staff to kick your derriere all the way from here to Nibi-Nibi." He gave me an
enormous, white, terribly BLANK piece of paper, and turned to leave the room; as he went
out he turned to face me, his jaws trembling and his face a livid purple, and screamed:
"And DON'T CALL ME CHIEF!" The door slammed, and I began to type.

So, if you're reading this in the IWWDXA's journal, now called WHATZUPDX, I understand, I
got my job back. If you aren't reading this, you can write me in care of Nibi-Nibi and
tell me all about it. You might send me a pillow, too -- the security staff wear Army
boots. (Just kidding fellas1)

And, finally, you can sign me -- CHARLIE LOUDENBOONKR.

Accompanying the above was a short note, scrawled on a paper bag, to the effect that Char-
lie has learned his lesson and will no longer practice the argumentum ad hominem style of
satire. Besides, the climate in Oceania doesn't suit him. We look forward to his future
participation in SWC.
00000000000000000000()( 1 )(X)000000000000000000000


(submitted by Frederic J. Osterman. NCM-515 is a trademark) Japan Radio Company (JRC) has
been a respected name in marine communications for several decades. Recently they have
also been involved in radar, satellite navigation systems, commercial communications, and
industrial/medical electronics. This company has become increasingly involved in the ama-
teur and shortwave listener market as well. Just over a year and a half ago they intro-
duced a general coverage receiver called the NRD-515. It has become a popular radio with
serious shortwave DKers worldwide. I have been using the NRU-515 for one year and have
been pleased with its performance. Being primarily a "utility DXer" I was especially
attracted to its excellent stability, which is so important when listening to CW, RTTY,
or FAX. Most NRD-515 owners would agree that one of the key benefits to using the NRD-515
is its ease of operation. Tuning is simple, fast, and absolutely accurate. Additionally,
there are 24- or 96-channel memories available. With all this tuning convenience I was
surprised to learn of something new to make tuning and frequency entry even better and

The annual Dayton Hamvention is the biggest "bamfest" in the world. Electronics companies
often use thts event to preview or announce new products. This year JRC introduced

Page 3
a new product of special interest to the shortwave
enthusiast. The item is called the NCM-515 fre-
quency controller. The NCM-515 is a hand-held
keyboard entry/display device to facilitate fre- • •
quency entry and tuning into the MRD-515. This FRIOUVOCV
controller resembles a large hand-held calculator.
The cord connecting the NCM-515 to the NRD-515 is

21.39 1
6 feet long. It attaches via a special adapter
(supplied) to the memory port of the MRD-515.
Yes, you may attach the NCM-515 at the same time lab
your 24- or 96-channel memory is attached.
Installation takes about three minutes and
requires only a screwdriver. You do not have
to go inside the N.D-5l5 to install this device.
The controller derives its power (+10 VDC @ 100
ma) from the receiver. It has a standard cal-
culator keyboard with an audio response tone
as well as a six digit LCD display. The unit
measures 33
/ x 51
4 / x 11k.

The NOM-515 has several modes of operation:

For keyboard entry of a given frequency simply

turn the unit on, press the "P/MA" key once (dis-
play will show 0.0) and type in the desired
frequency in kHz, then press the "=" key. Sample

legal entries will be: "15070.0=" or "15070.="
or "15070=". Illegal entries will show "E" on

the display. In the remote mode you have taken
control from the NRD-515 and its MHz and tuning
know are now inoperative (RIT is still function-
al). All frequencies on the keypad will also
be displayed in the NRD-515. To enter a new
frequency simply key it in and press "=". There
is also an add and subtract function: if you are at 15300.0 kHz and want to nova to
18350.0 kHz, simply type: " + 3050.0=".

Whether or not you have the NRD-515's 24- or 96-channel memory unit you will now have the
ability to store 4 frequencies in the controller itself. To store the frequency you are
presently on, simply press ''M" and either MI, M2, M3, or M4. To recall any of the four
memorized frequencies in the future, simply press MR followed by Ml, M2, M3, or M4. Note
that when you turn the NOM-515 off you will not lose the memories stored in it, but
turning the power off on the NRD-515 receiver will erase the four memories.

There is a LOCK key on the NCM-515 which works exactly the same as the LOCK key on the
NRD-515. Press once to lock, again to unlock. The status of the "LOCK" is also shown on
the LCD display of the controller.

The most interesting and unexpected feature of the NOM-515 is its ability to automatically
tune up or down (slew) at different rates. I found myself enjoying this feature as much
as standard keyboard entry. You can slew by 1 kHz, or 100 Hz, increments, in either FAST
or SLOW mode. The resulting rates of tuning are: 1000 kHz in 16 seconds in Fast, 66 sec-
onds in Slow mode in 1 kHz steps; 160 and 660 seconds in Fast and Slow modes respectively
in 0.1 kHz steps. The "SLOW," "STEP 0.1" is nice for just scanning across the band. The
keyboard input combined with the 4 tuning ratas essentially eliminates any need (or desire)
to tune manually.

The NOM-515 also provides a very fast and effecient means to program your 24- or 46-channel
outboard memories. In summary, I am sure every NRD-515 owner (present or future) will want
to add this convenience to his listening post.

While in Dayton I talked to the Japanese engineer who designed the NCM-515. He felt it
should be available in the U.S. by June. A price has not yet been established for this
It should be explained that this evaluation was done on a prototype of the NCM-515 pro-
vided to be through the courtesy of Universal Electronics, Inc. of Reynoldsburg (Columbus)
OH. Therefore, it is possible that production units may have slightly different specifi-
cations. It should also be noted that my analysis was performed without technical docu-
mentation. Despite all this, I feel I have discussed the key features.

For more information, contact the nearest JRC. distributor, or write to:

Universal Electronics, Inc. Japan Radio Co., Ltd.

1280 Aida Drive, Dept. F4 More Building 5th, 17-1
Reynoldsburg, OH 43068 Toranonomon 1-Choree, Minato-ku, Tokyo 105.

Page 4
e WDX3UPA Bill Taylor, Box 132, Unionville, PA 19375

by Don Dickey

In 1921, at the age of 12 years, I constructed my first radio receiver with the aid
of an older boy in our neighborhood who had previously entered the great hobby of "radio
listening." It was a crystal detector set with a "cat whisker" -- using either a small
piece of silicon or galena. The balance consisted of hardware, hook-up wire, and a set
of inexpensive headphones. My antenna was 50 feet of 14-gauge single strand copper wire
externally mounted between our house and garage.

The receiver components were mounted on a breadboard; the amazing thing about all this
was not its appearance -- but the fact that it did actually work. Picking up such local
broadcasts as were "on the air" at the time, this crystal receiver had a listening range
of about thirty miles.
It/ next project was a one-tube single-circuit receiver with variable capacitance
and inductive tuning. This receiver provided a bit more distant reception; in fact, from
my home in Minneapolis, Minnesota I managed to hear broadcasts from Chicago, Illinois --
about 400 miles away -- not with great fidelity, however.

Then, I tried my hand at a 3-vacuum-tube job known as an "Armstrong Regenerative

Receiver." It employed variable capacitance, variable inductance, a series of switch
points or contacts, and a variable resistor known as a "rheostat" -- somewhat similar to
our present-day wire-wound potentiometer. In all, the operator of the regenerative •
receiver had five controls to adjust when tuning a signal.

The Armetrong Regenerative operated on the principle of controlled feedback from a

point of higher-to-lower signal potential. The "feedback" was controlled by the rheostat,
or what we would call today the "volume' or "gain" control. If the operator of a regen-
erative receiver advanced the rheostat too fer (past the halfway mark), the receiver
would break into oscillation and set up squeals and howls beyond description.

In addition to the annoyance that was caused the person tuning such a receiver, these
howls and squeals were fed back to the signal input and from there to the external
antenna -- then broadcast to the other listeners in the neighborhood.

My final experience in "homebrew" receivers was a 5-tube configuration known as the

"Neutrodyne" circuit (that was) neutralized by capacitative voltage feedback, which was
a breed of "tuned radio frequency" (and regeneratior6. This proved to be a vast improve-
ment over my previous attempts. But this, too, had its own built-in evils to plague the
listener. Its main problem arose from the fact that the vacuum tubes would not amplify
all carrier frequencies equally well. Reception was not stable, nor was the fidelity
too good, and the tuning of such a unit still required too many knobs and dials. Most of
these early receivers were limited to broadcast band reception.

I might mention another chronic complaint of early radio listeners. It was called
"body capacity." It manifested itself as follows: if one's hand approached the front
panel of the receiver, the radio would go into oscillation and squeal. The human body
acted as one plate of a capacitor -- the front panel, the dielectric -- and the metal
components inside the cabinet as the opposite plate, thereby setting up stray or
unwanted capacitance.

Early radio experimenters tried to solve "body capacitance" by various means. One
was the lining of the inside surface of the front panel with tin or copper foil and
then ennnecting this shielding to ground. This helped, but did not solve the whole

Another gimmick involved a remote tuning device which resembled a "plumber's friend";
a long handle with a rubber suction cup attached to one end to engage and turn the tuning

Page 5
controls -- thus keeping hands and the other parts
of the body away from the front control panel.

Of course, all the difficulties in early radio

reception were not due completely to inefficient
receivers -- the transmitting left much to be

When the "Armstrong-Hazeltine superhetero-

dyne" was introduced, radio had arrived; it
remains today the basic circuit for television,
broadcast band, and shortwave radio receivers.
In 1927 the AC plug-in receiver became
available, thus eliminating batteries as a
power source.

Thus, I can, as an old timer, look beck

upon a half-century of radio development.

In the early 1920's, wireless communications "GRANDPA'S GRABBER"

were in the "horse-and-buggy" stage, hardly
looked upon as a practical medium of home
entertainment. Radio was then for the most part the concern of the hobbyist and

There were a few factory made receivers available at that time which were both
massive and elegant, with price tags that relegated their purchase to the affluent few.
The performance of these factory constructed receivers was rarely better than the
"home made" variety.

I recall one such professionally manufactured receiver that sold for almost $1,000,
and it is ironic to note that a present day $15 transistorized radio can outperform
those early-day receivers in every department. (Editor's note: I take exception to the
last statement, as I have tuned up an old Atwater Kent Model 35 TRF which pulled in
many stations from the Midwest which a pocket radio couldn't touch even with inductive
loops. BT)


Atwater Kent Mfg. Co. Radio Corporation of America

Crosley Mfg Co. Zenith Radio Corporation
Federal Telephone & Telegr. Fada Radio, Inc.
DeForest Radio T & T Kellogg Switchboard
Magnavox Company Thordarson Electric Mfg. Co.
Stromberg Carlson Co. Westinghouse Co.
Grebe co.
Soue of these companies are still with us. Others are only memories of bygone days.
A few organizations specialized in radio components only. One of these was the William B.
Duck Co. of Toledo, OH. When the home building of crystal "sets" became a craze, F.W.
Woolworth 5+10 sold radio parts such as coil wire, coil-forms or cores, binding poets,
crystal detectors, antenna wire, and earphones. And, "Radio News" magazine was being
published by Hugo Gernsback.


The following list can be used as a source for restorers and kit builders. Bert Pas-
sanante, from Wilmington, DE, finally tipped me to get in touch with Modern Radio Labs
(est. 1932). I had been meaning to do this for about two years, at least. I'm sorry that
I waited so long. They have a great selection of coils, kids, literature, parts, and
phones. Thanx Bert, I needed that.

Modern Radio Labs **Kits, parts, Freeman-Tuell Speaker Repair **Coning

Box 1477 literature, etc. 7720 Ferguson Rd.
Garden Grove, CA 92842 Dallas, TX 75228

Antique Radio Parts **Parts, litera- Old Time Radio Co. **Coils, battery
Box 42 Cure, etc. 2445 Lyttonsville Rd. cords, parts
Rossville, EN 46065 Silver Spring, t' D 20910

Puett Electronics **Parts, litera- Hi-Inc **Manuals + schematics

Box 28572 ture, appraisals, Box 864, 1601 Av. D
Dallas, TX 75228 etc. Council Bluffs, LA 51501

(No, Bill didn't get a new typer. Chris H. retyped at Bill's direction for consistency)

Page 6

Here it is the last half of the year, and I'm still writing 1981 sometimes.
Tempus sure does fugit. The past few months have increased considerably the
number of correspondents to Technical Topics, for which we thank one and all.
Many subjects broached have required individual tutoring, and for the most
part we nave been able to deal with everyone satisfactorily. Please though,
remember to send stamps when you write and expect an answer. At 20c per each,
it gets expensive for editors to reply out of his own pocket. Thanks loads.

For July - A SUPER-SIMPLE construction project: A Hi-Z Pocket Testing Prod.

Here is an item that is the neatest in my entire collection of electronic

testing equipment. The idea is not really new, but few technician have one
to use, or have even seen one. What does it do?

Well, first of all it is (1) a continuity tester. That is, you hold the in-
strument in one hand and touch the probe tip to a circuit or wire to be test-
ed. Then you touch your finger of your free hand to the opposite side of the
circuit or wire. If the test light glows, there is continuity - through YOU:
There's no danger of shock, even while testing housepower. No need to drag
out a cumbersome meter just to test continuity. Just dandy for locating hot
wires inside of receivers or inside your automobile. You can differentiate
between hot wire glow and continuity glow simply by testing in opposite po-
larity. Continuity will glow; (—) voltage will not. Yes, it confirms which
end of DC voltage is positive - it glows. The negative side produces no glow.
(2) It tests capacitors. Hold one leg and test the other; reverse legs and
test again. If glow occurs continuously, there is a short; if there is not
a glow at all, the cap is open. If the light blinks on and fades away, the
cap is good. With practice, the user will be able to guesstimate the value
by judging how long it takes for the glow to fade away.

The probe will glow when touched to the ungrounded side of a wall socket. If
both sides glow, it indicates you have a floating ground problem.

Parts List: R1 - 10010.:W Resistor QI é Q2 : 2N3904 Transistors

R2 - 470.fl fW Resistor (Any gen'l purpose NPN
Cl - .001 200V Capacitor will do as well)
(Ask for the smallest DI- Red LED lamp
size you can find) 81- 9V Battery
Hardware needed includes plastic box, 9V battery clip, in
snap-in hole plug, it„,r reel •I
dedt---ToueM eul'Twg SetO*1

Ri Rz
2w 3/0A '

—4 8 .

scliplenc Pic roehet.

Construction hints: I built several of these in small square pill boxes. Size
is unimportant, but box should house all components without danger of shorts.
The collector side of the circuit is connected to the outside surface of the
box via the metal snap-in hole plug. Your thumb or finger has to touch this
in order to effect continuity. The tip is made by using a 1-" No. screw
and two nuts to affix it securely thru end of the box - grind it down to a
nice point. Write me for further help if necessary - and send return stamps.

Page 7
Comes word from several NASWA members that Radio Shack has advised those who
inquired...take your DX-302 back to the atore for full refund. This has hap-
pened in three cases reported to me. Apparently, Tandy is fully aware of the
failures of the receiver and are willing to satisfy at least some.

Martin H. Potter, Limoges, Ontario provided a definitive paper on how to im-

prove the i.f. selectivity of R-4C receivers. You first have to purchase a
new filter from one of several sources, and also devise someway to switch in
the filter, or purchase all necessary gear. Potter's paper is very informa-
tive, and well worth the stamps for xerox charges. Send me four 20e stamps
to cover reprint and postage.

Computerized Logging Program now available for Apple II 48K systems. Member
Michael Barbard, 70 Fawn Drive, Apt #6, Fairfield, Ohio 45014, advises that
his program is available on standard 5i" Disk-II, and program list for $15.00
or program list only for $5.00. His description is a menu-driven program to .
record SW reception details, to print, add, change, copy, sort, search, and
delete entries to the log file. This may seem limited to an exclusive client
but one of the features programmed in was structuring to permit easy mods.
Send inquiries and SASE to him, not me.


An audio processor popularly affixes to . Nearly all gear comes with glass
the Ming receiver directly through the . fuses, but what do you do when one
audio output terminals. The simplest four * blows and the nearest store is
functions that one popular (AUTEK QF-1) closed? Herewith listed are the
box performed were: A filtering roll-off amperage ratings of bare copper
of frequencies above ,a certain level, a wire in still air. It's now small,
possible aid in case of static crackle; trouble to rig your own.
roll-off of frequencies below a certain
level, a possible aid to reduce internal * 30# . .30 amp 22# = 1.92 amp
* 26# = .76 amp 20# . 3.06 amp
radio hum; then you can peak one certain
* 24# = 1.2 amp 18# = 4.87 amp
frequency while attenuating all others, ************************ ***** *******
a great aid in copying CW; but, the best
aid is in the notching out of frequency SIMPLEST LIGHT DIMMER - ONE PART
tones such as heterodynes leaving the
signal cleaner than before. Invaluable Make any incandescent bulb in your
for the serious OXer who wants to split house a two-level bulb. Merely in-
6005 and 6006. Even if you have the 1.f. sert any cheap 2 amp diode in one
leg of the cord. Observe some
selectivity to do it,
the het squeal is
* safety measures in doing so. The
still there of 1 KHz,
unless you notch it.
* diode stops current flow in one
***** **************************** ********* direction, making the power DC at
* approximately 2/3 voltage of nor-
FILTER by COLLINS. * on fluorescent bulbs or anv ther
TYPE 526-9427, 2.1 @ 6dB, 5.3. 60dB. * 4C instrument. 3. eWor
Sueeg LAmP
The most desired filter for serious DX. *
CL-Mi Lawl
Includes notes on capacitors to use with. *
$25.00 nlus $1 .no nostage. Write Ed Sha.
* 11.
*4,, GOOSi
***, * --******- ***.*****************.****.**********..***** ***** ******......
IMPEDANCE-MATCHING TRICK requires only a small 12.6V filament transformer.
Many military/professional receivers have 600 Ohm output for audio. To conver
this to 9 Ohm, connect the output to the 120V leads of the transformer, then
YU*tU*14fi(*t;iQitg;%%Ç*4*%4“*“*IQq*§AUW*ÎQV;Ç%*C9ç..%4Y;*ge.i 1
“;#*ttlï; *** 1
HOBBY PUBLICATIONS - 25% OFF, UP FRONT!: From time to time, all of us have
the need to pick up a paperback or two from one of the popular racks at Radio
Shack or your nearest book store. You'll have noted that Tab and Sams books
are the two leading publishers of books dealing with myriad subjects, among
them...Electronics, SWLing, Antenna Design, etc. Now, all these are available
from one source by 25% off at least. The more you buy, the more dis-
count you get. And, there are special sales as well. Don Erickson, CENTURY
PRINT SHOP, 6059 Essex Street, Riverside, CA 92504 offers a packet description
of the operation for a SASE. I've known Don for many years, and many others
of you have too without realizing it. Here is a source of book material you
can rely on. Get on it!


Complete SWL Handbook - 2nd

Pa ge 8 by Hank Bennett and Harry Helms:

For nearly a decade, beginning in May 1960, DXers took Swan Island for granted. It
was an easy catch and an easy country QSLed. Then the political situation changed, and
Swan Island became a silent "country" for listeners. Odds are it won't be back.
It was 22 years ago that both BCB and shortwave listeners were surprised to hear a
new station on the air -- Radio Swan -- on 1160 kHz and 6000 kHz.
It claimed to be a commercial broadcaster, operated by a New York firm, Gibraltar
Steamship Corp. One of a number of strange things about the operation that became
apparent before long was that the steamship line owned no vessels.
The station was located on tiny Swan Island, in the Gulf of Mexico, off the coast
of Honduras. It claimed to be an American commercial venture, broadcasting for bucks.
But the FCC said it had not licensed Radio Swan.
Conveniently, there was a dispute over the actual ownership of the island, with both
the U.S. and Honduras claiming sovereignty. Under this cloud of legal uncertainty, the
station broadcast anti-Castro-flavored programs to Cuba.
The commercial claim was weak, and before long it was reasonably common knowledge
that Radio Swan was a semi-black clandestine station supported by the Central Intelli-
gence Agency.
The "cover" never really was very good, and was totally blown in April 1961, during
the unsuccessful Bay of Pigs invasion by Cuban exiles. Radio Swan broadcast coded
messages, and then open exhortations to the Cuban people to rise in revolt in support of
the invasion. There was no popular revolution, the invasion attempt failed, and Radio
Swan's image was totally destroyed.
In September, 1961, the station's stateside headquarters was shifted from New York
to Miami. Gibraltar disappeared, supposedly leasing the station to a new "cover" firm
called Vanguard Service Corporation, "consultants." In November, Radio Swan became
Radio Americas.
The CIA attempted to rebuild the reputation of the Swan Island station. The
commercial venture fiction was doggedly maintained.
In the mid-60's, a rather silly controversy developed in the SWL world. Was Radio
Americas really on Swan Island? Or was it really somewhere else...and several other
Caribbean sites were suggested. Ultimately it was definitely established that the
station broadcast from where it always claimed to be -- Swan Island.
The attempt by the station to hide its real mission and operators was a virtual
invitation to DXers to play sleuth.
But times were changing, the U.S. was no longer as interested in supporting the
Cuban exiles and pushing direct confrontation with Castro. And Radio Americas -- as a
supposedly black clandestine -- was a flop.
And without any fanfare, in the late 60's, it disappeared from the air. Newcomers
to the DXing hobby lost the opportunity to log and verify Swan Island.
But there was a burst cf excitement, in 1975, when a station calling itself Radio
Swan came on 6185 kHz. It soon became apparent that the station was in Honduras, not on
Swan Island (for which the U.S. had relinquished claims two years earlier). While the
new Radio Swan was operated by anti-Castro exiles, it seemed to have no connection with
the CIA, or the original Swan Island broadcaster. This station soon disappeared too.

-- Don Jensen --

Editor's Note: Radio Swan is still listed in the WRTH on 6000 kHz, as inactive.

I'd just like to make a few more announcements. Effective immediately, all submissions
for "It Sounds to Me" should be sent directly to Chris Hansen. Al Sizer has decided he
should enjoy his retirement, and we all thank him for his efforts in the past, and for
any future submissions he might care to make.

It should also. be noted that advertisements for placement in the bulletin should go
direct to Levittown, not here or to any other editor. In addition, material directed
to either of the subsections should go directly to the sub-editor concerned.

FUTURE PLANS FOR SWC: Since my library of back issues of FRENDX extends to 1972, I will
be picking some of the best of the past issues for retrospective. Some ideas -- what
REALLY was Nibi-Nibi (an article by John Callarman from the May, 1973 FRENDX), and Don
Jensen's series on How to Get to the Top, a very popular and still timely series begin-
ning in June 1973. If any of you have a favorite "FRENDX Classic" article, bring it to
my attention. They might be old-hat to some of you, but to many of you (who were not DX-
ing in 1973) they are of timely interest. I have been especially surprised at the number
of people who are not fully aware of the story behind "Nibi-Nibi". This part of
history deserves to be recounted, if only to inform new DXers of a DXer's
tradition. I'll see all of you next month. 73's from Chris Hansen

Page 9
BY ALVIN V. SIZER, 22 Country Way,North Haven,CT 06473
I ask your indulgence in this column because I am
going to wax nostalgic and turn mostly to medium wave
although, as you will see, there are definite short
wave aspects to my remarks.
The occasion for my turning back the clock is a
sad one for me and many DXers. It was set in motion by
the demise of the Newark News Radio Club, the grand-
daddy of them all. I was sorry to see it go but frank-
ly it had just not kept pace with the hobby in recent
years. Tee ore, there was no call to take a parting
shot at USWA, which has or a thinly-veiled slur at
one of cur founders who,'fov my money, is and has
been for years this country s premie t DXer.
But I'd rather not çlwell on its sad departure.
Let me recall the club in its days of glory.
I was lb and in high school in 1931-32 and a MW
DXer of sorts when I first heard of the NRC. Ye father had a Philco con-
soleeceiver with one of those underneath speakers that were directed at
the flr oor. I used to crawl underneath and put my ear up close to the speak-
er so I wouldn't wake up the rest of the family. As was customary in those
days, we had a good outside aerial.
I was living in Bridgeport and the public library subscribed to the
Newark News. One day I sàw the club radio column in the paper and saw what
it could do for me by way of tips of special DX broadcasts. I couldn't aff-
ord to join the club but walked the two miles to the library at least once
a week to read the column.
Once I saved enough money to subscribe to the paper for three months
but I_couldn't keep it up.
All my records from that era have disappeared but I still have an old
diary that contains occasional mentions of DXing. My last mention, before
going tç college, cites my_ total as 312 stations and there are notatione
for having heard, among other things, California and ATHEIL, Sheboygan, Wis.
Some 1932 samples' Jan.2--Went downtown in the rain and snow to read
the Newark Nen feldio collem. t an eM--Got up and DXed. That darn am lamp
is ,Igr at .f2 ilM: w Jan.30--Anoiher station in Mexico: I think I got
ceM S

Oregon. Feb. 13--Went to bed at 7:45 to get sleep for the DX Frolic of the
NNRC. (Unfortunately, no fob o on that one.)
My family continued to complain about the nqise of the rx and when I
read in the NNRC about an easy plan for connecting earphones I wrote to a
member, explaining my predicament, admitting my ielorance of wiring and ad-
mitting I was not a member. He answered in detail, patiently and
t meticul-
le y outlining how to attach
ta earphones. They worked well. However, some-
me later when my dad was having trouble with the set he ripped out the
p ones. It didn't curs the mblem but d}d mark the end of my MW 10Xing. I
was about to go to college. e'en 1 came back to the hobby eventually It
would be in SW.
When he first got a two-tube set in the early 20s my dad was into DX
too. In fact, everyone who had a rx was a DXer then under the spell of the
magic of those first years. Everyone talked about what they had been able
to hear the night before. And there were jokest "Did you hear about Joe
Baker? He stuck his head out the window Iast night and got Chile."
I was eight years old in 1924 when the longest political convention in
U.S. history took 103 ballots for the Democrats to nominate John W. Davis.
I can remember my dad glued to the set and putting the headset on me to
hear the oft iterated chartr Alabama casts 24 votes for Underwood." (A
native son.)
My mother wouldn't let me stay up for the famous Dempsey-Tunney "long
count" fight in Chicago, Sept. 22, 1927, but my dad, rightly guessing I
was still awake, came to the foot of the stairs and announced that Tünney
had won.
1 never heard of shortwave until 1937 when I was living in a boarding
house off campus and one of the roomers was a very old retired history pro-
ang r ogé e nl
iggt h nheagR u e lann
tY tolanesUlligi hea RiibY.a alé e gir to hear
I was too busy wit ojher matters in those days--like chasing
but the seed had been planted. I w as in tr igue d by short waveve an d igirls--
t was in-
evitable that when I came back to the hobby it would be as a SW listener.
If I seem to have gotten off the subject of the NNRC, I have to say,
well, not really. That column I used to read in the Newark paper taught me
somethingI didn't forget. To be a lon e r in thi s hobby, with little or no
contact with kindred souls elsewhere, is a mistake. Ngt only will it make
goals difficult, if not impossible to obtain, but it will deprive you of
some of the hobby's greatest rewards--fellor.mhip, friendshic, understanding.
It was from the NNRC that I first learned this lesson. hat's why it
is a sadoess to hue it leave the radio scene. Lets remember its glory days
and profit from i,s mistakes.
Above all, lets not let it happen to us:

'hen the Falklands war is over I wonder whether anyone will be able to get
the fascinating story of what happened to the famous radin station.

Page 10
This Is The Way It Sounds To Them! (Some feedback on my comments on some
pirates I consider to be offensive.)
From SCOTT MCCLELLAN, Battle Creek, Mli
"I totallyagree with you regarding not giving publicity to the few
racist, overly obscene, or sexist pirates. Of the 50 pirates I've logged in
North America, I found only one offensive to me and that was WKKK. I didn't
think anything about it at the time because I was hoping for a QS1 (I should
have known better.) Those pirates who are out to deliberately offend a per-
son or group should be warned, if possible, and then if they persist, steps
should be taken to get them off the air, one way or another. But they should
be warned first. But I hope NASWA members will seek out and enjoy the talen-
ted pirates that are on the air at present (Syncom, etc.)"
From TERENCE H.V. BOWDEN, Toronto, Ontg (writer is Interface editor, DX Ont)
"Your editorial hit it on the nose. Pirates, yes. They can be very
ueEllve and amusing, e.g. R. Clandestineg and surely the rrd-lo waves belong
"Nevertheless, agitation for racial hate or grotesque obscenity which
defies community standards are not permissible modes of expression. Of cour-
se they are free to spout hatred: but it is our responsibility to frustrate
these efforts if we care for our societies. And we certainly must not give
these pecple publicity or we are accomplices. Radio is used to transmit
messages or music and it should be used reasonably. Hatred, sexism, big-
otry--all are irrational, all are diseases. Should FRENDX or any other be
a carrier of disease?
"I know when I read of WKKK I was revolted. My coeditor Steve Webster's
belief is the station was in Ontario, This makes sense since the real KKK
is still only a joke up here though we realize it's far from a joke in the
U.S. But these jerks who used Steve's name are certainly inconsiderate
people, treading on thin ice.
"I guess I just wanted to say I agree with you total e -y. To report a
pirate to the FCC or DOC is clearly stool-igeonish in my book, if that
pirate is not trying to spread antisocial ideas. But when the pirate is
plainly a hate-monger, it should be taken off the air. This would be a ser-
vice to 'legitimate' pirates who wouldn't have to put up with the damage to
the pirate name caused by these drunken operations. And never should we
give them publicity!"
From RUSSELL LAY e Virginia Beach. VAt
"I agree 100% with your cements on those pirates who stray too far
from what most of us woOld call decent programiting. I am very liberal min-
ded when it comes to free speech, etc. And - I am orten disturbed by the cen-
sorship placed on the U.S. airwaves by government and religious groups.
However, I draw the line on obscenity and when it is patently disgusting,
and aleo on racism such as that broadcast from 4KKK. There is no ñeed tá
publi cize such stations and when.I hear them. I sil tune away. I think
we a to wa cn what.we prin t in our bUlletin .......'us is a neb y
pubI @RtM and ng a proving und fer First Amen mé cases.
"We have people whose mora, religious and political news are diverse.
Also, we have to remember we have many youngsters in the club. Lets stick
to SW news and try to clean it up as much as possible.
"Also, a quick note on Micky Anderson's comments on a hobby-type BC
band. It's a good idea but I double it will solve the so-called pirate
problem. First, there will be non-conformists who simply will not obey the
rules under any circumstances. Secondly, the band will probably become
overcrowded, forcing pirates to once again appear elsewhere on the spectrum.
And last, there will no doubt be charges that the licensed 'pirates' have
seld out, so as to speak, and I suspect a new crop of alternativ e pirates
will come about to take their placee. Many pirates provide excellent pro-
grams so I hope we can eventually find a way to accomodate these people."
EDITOR'S COMMENT1 My thanks to the above correspondents who have made
my case much better than I did, especially so since they are obviously no t
enemies of free radio, quite the opposite in fact.
I must say I agree with Russell Lay's assessment that a hobby band
would not result in all pirate activity broadcasting there. As he says,
there are always non-conformists and isn't a good deal of the allure of
pirate broadcasting you're bucking regulations and thumbing your nose at
On another matter, I have decided after 21 months of writing this col-
umn that I should bow out and give someone else a crack at it. Any one
person's opinions get on your nerves after awhile and it would be good to
hear someone else's.
I am also finding that unexpectedly retirement is not proving to be an
era of complete leisure with plenty of time on my hands: Quite the opposite.
I write, speak and teach. My main writing is a Sunday column for The New
Haven Register on retired people and the problems of the aging. I envision
doing more in this field.
And so I have decided to relinquish the column for FRENDX although I
will always be a contributor as I have since I entered the hobby in 1968.
I've had a lot of fun, heard a lot of stations and countries and received
my share of QS1a. I have but one goal left--to convince my friends I am not
a ham radio operator. They'll never learn!

Page 11

Compiled by Boger Legge, Box 232, McLean, VA 22101.

TO xesum aCW1aL leaTI lamnIoa


EDT ONT Station Frequencies (Ihs)
6:00-9:c0am 1000-1300 Moscow. USSR ' 9600h, 15135, 15150, 178%5
7:00-7:30am 1100-1130 leleiski, Yinlaad 15400, 17800
7:00-9:00am 1100-1300 Melbourne, Australia
958 0
7:00-9:30am 1100-1330 London, It:gland 9510e, 11775e, 15070
7:05-9:00am 1105-1300 TVA, Bonaire, EMI 11815

8:00-8:20am M-Y 12-1220 M-7 Montreal, Canada 9650, 11955

8:00-8130am 1200-1230 Helsinki,
15400, 17800 (511A. to 1325)
Jerusalem, ',ram' 15605, 17630, 21625
8:00-8:55am 1200-1255 Peking, China 15520
8:00am-12àoon 1200-1600 MCJIi, it°, lenador 11740(t01430), 15115, 17890
8:30-8:45am 1230-1245 Athens, Greece 12045, 17560, 21460
8:30-9:00am 1230-1300 Vienna., Auatria 17180

9:00-11:00am 1300-1500 Moscow, OSS1 1184012, 15135, 15150. 178%5 (to 1400)
9:00eta-len Su
1300-1600 Su Montreal, Canada 9575, 11 955
9:15-9:45aa 1315-1345 Berne, àwitserland 21570
9:30-10:00am 1330-1400 Helsinki, Rinlamd 15400, 170)0
9:30-10am M-1 1330-1400 14-1 Brussels. balgins 24525

10:00-10:30am 1400-1430 Stockholm, Braden 17790

12:00-12:30pm Su 1000-1630 Su Oslo, Norway 15125
12:00m-1:15pm 1600-1715 London, Ingland
15-1745) 15260b, 1/830c
12:00n -5:00pm 1600-2100 Moscow, USSI
118404, 12060, 15150, 154 55
2-2:30pm Su 1800-1E30 Su 0110, Yorway 15175
4:00-4:30pm 2000-2030 Jerusalem, Loran
15585, 17630, 21495
5:00-6:00pm 2100-2200 Moecow, 0851 1164011, 12060
5:30-6:C0pm 2130-2200 Sofia, Bulgaria 11750, 15135
6:00-6:30p. 2200-2230 Vilnius, Lith.SSR 11735 12020
6:00-7:00pm 2200-2300 Ankara, Turkey 9560
London, Bnilaal 6175r, 9590e, 15260m, 15420
6:00-8:00pm 2200-0)00 Montreal, Camada 5960 , 9755
6100-9:30p. 2200-0130 Moscow, 03711 9600h (from 0000),96E5 (from 003d, 9765,
11700,11710 (from 2300 ),11720,11750,11770,
11960 (to 0000), 12000
its30-7:00pa 2230-2300 JerabiLles, Israel 11640, 15585, 17630

7:00-7:30pm 2300-2330 Stockholm. 3eidolt 11705, 153,0

7:00-8:30pa 23C0-0030
London, Aneand 5975.6120c,0175w,7325.95900.11910,15260a
7115-8:00pm 2115-0000 rearlio, DCI 9730, 11975
7:30-8:00pm 2330-0000 they, Ukr.S81 9800, 11735, 12020
7:45-8:45pm 2345-0045 Tokyo, Japan 17E25, 21610

Page 12

IDT Glet
8:00-8:30pa 0000-0030 Jernaalea, Israel 9815, 11640, 15585
Montreal, Canada 5960. 9755
Tirana, Albania 7065. 9750
8:00-8:30pa an 0000-0030 MO Oslo, Barra, 11870„ 15205
8:00-a tarepa 0000-0045 Berlia, 9730, 11975
8:00-9:00pm 0000-0100 Peking. China 17680, 17855
Soa, Bulgaria 9700, 15110
8:00-10:00pa 0000-0200 Madrid, Spain 9630, 11880
8:30-9:15pm 0030-0115 Bruezels, Belgium 11695
8:30-10:30pa 0030-0230 HCJB, quit., lotador 9745, 15155, 17590
8:30-11:30pa 0030-o33o London, loglani 5975,61200,6175w,7325,11635 (to 0230),15260a

9:00-9:15pa 0100-0115 Tatican City 6015, 9605, 11845

9:00 -9:20pa 0100-0120 eat, Italy 9575, 11800
9:00-9:30pm 0100-0130 Budapest, Hungary (not an.) 9835, 11910, 15220, 17710
Jerusalen, Israel 9815, 11640, 15585
Montreal, Canada 5960 .9755
9:00-9150pa oloo-o150 Cologne, Germany 6040w,6085,6145,9545v,9565,9590a,11865a,
9:00-10:00pm 0100-0200 Prague, Czechoslovakia 5930. 73 45, 95 40, 97110, 11990
9:00-11:00pa 0100-0300 Petang, China 17680, 17555 (01-02)
9:00pm-12:50aa 0100-0450 Havana, Cuba 11930

9:30-9:45pa 0130-0145 Athens, areeca 9565, 12045

9:30-10100pa 0130-0200 Tirana, Albania 7120, 9750
Vi enn a, Austria 59 45, 9770
9:30-10:15pa 0130-0215 Berlin, DDI 9730, 11375
9:30-11:00pa 0130-0300 Moscow, OUR 9640h,9665,9635,9765,11700,1171o,1172o,i o.
9:45-10:15pa 0145-0215 Berne, Switzerland 6135, 9725, 11715, 15305
10:00 -10:30pa 0200-0230 Budapest, Hungary 9835, 11910, 15220, 17710
Jerusalem, Israel 9815, 116.40, 15585
9800, 11735,11770
Montreal, Canada 5960, 9755
Warsaw, Poland 4095, 1270, 9525, 11515, 15120
10:00-10:30pm àu 0200-0230 »o Oulo, Norway 1174o
10:00 -10:50pa 0200-0250 Johannesburg. So.Afriea 5980, 9580, 9615
10:00-11:00pa 0200-0300 Brasilia, Brasil 15290, 17830
Bucharest, 'Romania 5990, 9570, 119110, 15255
10:00-11:30pa 0200-0330 Cairo, igypt 9475, 12000

10:30-11:00pa 0230-0300 Beirut, Lebanon 11970

Stockbola, Sweden 11705, 15420
Tirana, Albania 7120, 9750
10:30-11:25pa 0230-0325 Hilversum, Holland 61656, 95906
10:30pm-1:00aa 0230-0500 MCJB, quite, Ecuador 9745, 15155

11:00-11:30pa 0300-0330 Lisbon, Portugal 6155, 11925

Montreal, Canada 5960, 9535, 9755, 11845, 11940
Warsaw, Poland 6095,, 7145, 9525, 11815, 15120
11:00pa-12adt 0300-0400 Prague, Csecoslovakia 5930, 73 45, 95 40 ,97110, 11990
11:00pm-1:00als 0300-0500 Moscow, USSR 9600 4,966 5.9700 (to 04 ).97 65. 11 720 .
11 735,
11750 (to 04).

Page 13
.110.613 I TO UST dk GIMBAL WWI allUre101, xay-Auguat 19E2 (3)
EDT afr
1:31:=11:45pm 03371:0345 Itnens, arson' 9865, 12045
1:30pa-12Mit 0330-o400 Dabai, urn 15320, 17775
Tirana, Albania 6200, 7300
Tlenna..Austrla 5901 5. 9770
1:30pla-12:30am 0330-0430 London, England 5975, 4175w
1.00pm-2:00am 0330-0600 Bavana, Cuba 11760

2:00-12:30*a 0400-0430 Bucharest, Bomaula 5990, 6155, 9570, 11940

2:00-12:30am Su 0400-0430 Mo Oslo, Norway 11895
2100-1:00am 0400-G500 gotta, Oulgaria 11750
100-1:15aa 0500-0515 Jerusalem, Israel 116140, 15105, 15585

»en LaJlteaNE BalligeaSTS TO usual MOBTX mum&

: :45am i3occr3155 Tokyo, Japan

:00-9:005.1300-1600 Moscow, 03211 (vis Neb.)
:30-7:00am 1330-1400 Relslakl, 71nlead 15400, 17800
:30-9:155.1330-1615 London, Ingland 117504,15070,15400a
:00-7:30ea Su 1400L14 Su Oelo,Iorvey
:00-8:445.. 1500-1 Tokyo, Japan
950 5
30-8:454m 1530-1545 athens, Greece 17560, 211460
100-5:30am Su 1600-1630 Su Oelo,Sorway 15125
:00-10:00*. 1600-1700 Seoul, Korea 11830
:00em-12Noon 1600-1 900 Moscaa,U081 (vis 1:404.) 9560,11755,1203o,12050.15425
):00-10130aa 1700-1730 Tokyo, Japaa

!:00-12:45pm 1500-1945 Tokyo, Japan 17755 (also at 2100, 2215, 2300)

!:00-5:00pm 1500-0000 Moscow, USSR (vis Domb.) 12050,15100,15245,15425,17700
40-3:40pa 2140-2240 Taipei, Taiwan 11825, 15345, 17800
00-3:30pm 2200-2230 Tilnlus,Llth.SSR (via nab.) 15130, 15405, 17870
00-4:30om 23oo-2330 Stockholm. Swedeu 11705, 15380
00-5:30pa 2300-0030 London, Inelamd 9590e, 1I5I0, 15260N, 15420
30- 5100Da 2330-0000 Ilev,--Okr.S31 (vis nob.) 15180, 15405, 17870


20-7:00p. 0000-0200 Madrid, Spats 9630, 11380

JO-8:00pm 0000-0300 Moscow, USSN (vis 120 50 ,15100,15245,15425,17?00
50-7:30pm 0030-0230 dCJB,j4to , Bcuador 9745, 15155, 17850
50-8:30pm 0030-0330 London, Bnilaad 61200,6175v,7325,11835 (to 0230),15260a

0-6:30p5 0100-0130 Buoapeet,dundary (not Su.) 9835.11910,15220,17710

Montreal, Canada 5960, 9755
Tokyo, Japan 17755
/0-7:00pm 0100-0200 Taipei, Talvan 11825, 15345
0-8:00pm 0100-0300 Melboursa,australla 17795, 21740
Pekin, Cblna 17680, 17855 (0]-02)
0-7:30pm 0130-0230 T0 Krn, Japa n
15195, 17825, 21610, 210

Page 14
BROADCASTS IV WeSTIRE MORTE 448aRIC1 Mer-August 1982 (4)
.p_01 GMT
7:0:30ea 020 -U230 Budapest, Bingary 9835, 11910, 15220, 17710
Jerusalem, Israel 9815, 11644), 15585
tiev, Ukr.S811 (via Bleb.) 15180, 15405, 17870
Montreal, Canada 5960, 9755
7:00-7:30pm Su 0200-0230 Mo 0.10, Norway 11870
7:00-7:50pm O200-250 Johannesburg, So.lfrice 5980, 9580, 9615
7:00-8:00pm 0200-0300 Ireeilia„ Brasil 15290, 17830
Seoul, Loris 11810
7:00-8:30pm 0200-0330 Cairo, ¡pt 9475, 121:00

7:30-8:00pm 0230-0300 Stockholm. Sweden 11705. 15420

7:30-8:15pm 0230-0315 Berlin, DDR 9560, 11840, 11890
7:30-10:00pm 0230-0500 MDJ-B, Quito, Ecuador 9745, 15155
7:55-8:00pm 0255-0300 Terevan,Irm.SSR (via Ihab.) 15180, 15405, 17870

8:00-8:30pm 0300-0330 Lisbon, Portugal 6155, 11925

Montreal, Canmia 5960, 9535, 9755, 11845, 11940
Tokyo, Japan 17755
8:00-8:50pm 0300-0350 Taipei, Taiwan 11825, 15345, 17800
8:00-9100pm 0300-0400 Prague, Cseoholovakia 5930, 7345, 9540, 97140. 11990
tt00-10:00pm 0300-0500 Peking, China 15120, 17680, 17855 (03-04)
8:00-9:00pm 0300_01400 mvscvv, 08Sit (via nab.) 12050,15100,15180,15245,15405,15425
8:30-8:45pm Athens, Greece 9865, 12045
0330-C) 47)
8:30-9:00pm 0330- Dubai, 0à8 15320, 17775
8:30-9:30pm 0330-0430 London, 1nglamd 5975, 6175w
8:30-11:00pm 0330-G600 Havana, Cuba 11760

9:00-9:30pm 0400-0430 Bucharest, Romanis 5990, 9570, 11940

9:00-9:30pa Su 0400-0430 ko Oslodiorsre, 11870
9:00-10:00pa pip00-05°0 Sofia, Bulgaria 11750
9:00pm-12set 0400-0700 Modacow,USSB (vie Lhab.) 9580,11710 (from 0530), 11755,
12030, 12050, 15180,15405
9:30-10:00pm 0430-05M Berne, Svitserlaad 9725, 11715
Vienna, Austria 12015
9:30pm-1230am 0430-0730 London, lsglszsd 6175v, 951ov

10:00-10:15pm 0500-0515 Jerusalem, Israel 11640, 15105, 15585

10:00-10:30pm 0500-0530 Liabon, Portugal 6155, 9575
Tokyo, Japan 15325 (.1.0 at 0700)
10:00pm-12t 0500-0700 MCJA, Quito, teuador 6095, 9745, 11915
10:00-10:50pm 0500-0550 Cologne, Germany 5960, 9545v, 9650, 9690, 11905
10:15-11:15pm 0515-0615 Madrid, Spain 9630, 11210
10:30-11:15pm 0530-0615 Berlin, DD1 6080, 11850
10:30-11:25pm 0 530-0b25 Silversom, Holland 6165b, 9715b
10:30-11:30pm 0530-0630 Seoul, lore' 11810
11:30p.-1:00&m 0630-0800 Havana, Cuba
2:00-2:30am 0900-0930 Tokyo, Japan 9505 (alee at 1100)

Relay stations: a-Ascension, b-Bonaire,NWI. -Canada (Sackville), 114,mvana, sa-Melta.

a- Singapore, sr -Vest Indies (Atina/Montserrat)

Page 15

ox 6287
noxville,TN 37914 8
Other publications and broadcasters may use material from LN
UPER ÇREO IT provided due credit be rendered to the priainal reporter and the
;WA Listeners Notebook. This courtesy does not extend to closed organizations which do not
Low reciprocal access to their publication. BBC Monitoring Service items (designated WBI
7 World Broadcasting Information) are copyright and may not be reproduced without BBC MS per.

;Ilion. The most important items have been broadcast immediately on RCI SWL Digest or WRNO
:ld of Radio, not otherwise mentioned herein. All times, dates and days are day/month GMT,
).s. All contributions to l2 are gratefully received, but your editor cannot promise a per-
msi reply because of severe time constraints. Reports to e should Dol be cut into little
7ips! It also helps if you use one side of paper only and do not mix LN items with other
7respondence. Please do not ask me for advice on receivers or other equipment. Thanks, (gh)
:Y Letters along left margin enable you to spot items in categories of interest: D = death,
.English, H = harmonic, J = jamming, L = program listening, M = mediumwave, P =.future
ms, g -QSL info, S = stamps & postal, T = time jumps, V = television, X = DX programo
'CBANISTAN On 21/4 I made a startling discovery which made my heart beat go racing: On
àecking Afgh's many HS fqs both USSR & Afghan based xmtrs, I discoverd that the USSR has
itarted using 3965 4450 4740 from xmtr bases in the USSR while hitherto these were based in
,fgh. Before this whenever I checked these three fqs were always synchronised with 1278 kHz
Ind also 5742 and 7199. But now 3965 4450 & 4740 have a half-second delay clearly showing a
etellite feed, and these are also synchro w/9500 & 11730 which are from USSR. Also noticed
tat a few times when 7199 and 1278 were on the other three fqs had a break in relay. And
emetimes after 1630 or 1700 there was no time lag between Afgh & USSR xmtrs carrying HS,
ut USSR xmtrs did have a HF-relay quality signal. Maybe after 1700 or so the HF circuit is
eliable and satl link is used for Eu svc which has time lag between 15077 & 11755/9665.
.fgh had 6 SW xmtrs before Russian takeover, until recently on 4965 4450 4740 6230 7199 si-
ultaneously and we were wondering whether 5742 was another one or the 7199 xmtr which was
err' to monitor after 1600 due to QRM, and 5742 used to f/in after 1645. 15677 xmtr is ob-
lously the same as the one on 6230. 21/4 I discovered that 7199 & 5742 are two separate
mtrs as they were in parallel and from Afgh. But this could be recent development as Kabul
hould now have xmtrs formerly used on 3965 4450 4740 on their hands. So this is sked as
onitored here and updated as of 24/5: HS via USSR: 3965 *0125-1930* (or with silent per-
od 0330-1340 as in WIITH). 4450 & 4740 ditto. 15255 *0125-1300, 17720 0125-1300. FS via
SSR: 9665 *1730-1930*, 11960 same. FS via Afgh: 6230 *1030-1625*, 15077 *1730-1930*. DS
is Afgh: 5742 1545-1930*, 7199 *0125-1930*. Former FS fqs of 11805, 15320, 15530 not hrd
inca 4/5 (Victor Goonetilleke, UADX) SSB-feeder channels which carried R Afgh DS in Pashto
.Dari 0125-1930 apparently discontinued: 10457k last hrd early morn 12/5, while 19637k
eased afternoon of 11/5 (WBI 20/5) R Afghanistan ES (* fqs are USSR relays, may very):
130-1530 Urdu SAs 15255* 11960* 6230, 1530-1600 EG SAs 6230. [Victor has this also on
5255* 11960*], 1630-1700 RS Eu & 1700-1730 AR HE both 11805 [contrary to GVG's obs], 1730-
e» Pashto/Dari, 1830-1900 GM, 1900-1930 EG Eu all on 15077 11905*=to 1830, 11960*from 1830
and 9665* (WB1 10/6) ALGERIA see last page
8ANIA R Tirana now being jammed by Russians. RE svc on 7065 0030-0100 (which follows EG
t 0000-0025) has been jammed for last couple of weeks I have checked. Soon after "Govorit
irana" ancd, J starts; wonder if Chinese are too on 16230, 14320, 10510 (Tony W Campbell,
A) R Tirana ES in BC; some fqs may vary + 5 US to avoid QHM. 0000 RAm 9750 7065. 0130
Ain 9750 7120, 0230 NAm 9750 7120. 0330-0400 NAm 7300 6200, 0430-0500 Af 9480 7300. 0630
u 9500 7080. 0700 Au/As 11985 9500. 0930 Au/As 11985 9500, 1230 NAm 11960 9515. 1400
!As 11985 9500, 1630 Eu 9480 7065. 1730 Af 15435 11985. 1830 Eu 9480 7065. 1930 Af 9500
075. 2030 Eu 7065 1395. 2200 Eu 9480 7065 1395. All EG bes half an hour; (can't say they
re chauvinistic since Albanian Lang ben are more limited tho hour lonsj 0000 Aso 9790 7300
200. 0200-0300 Ana 9782 7300 6200. 0400 Eu 1215. 0600 Eu 6200 1215. 1300 Eu 7090 1458.
600 Eu 7090 6170. (via BBCMS WBI 17/6) Figuring out their exact mintr usage would be fun &
nlightening, but suffice it to note that most of the time about 8 xmtrs are going at once,
r should I say 8 fqs? Whilst at 1800/1900 there are a total of 14 SW xmtrs on the air,
ainly because Russian at 1830 takes up six, probably to combat jamming; they are also (ins&
ertently?) cooperating with western beers facing the same problem by skedding Ruseian at
ommon time thus spreading jammers thinner; extra 6 xmtrs rounded up from ute services? (gh)
GOLA Emissor Provincial do Zaire, Bassacongo is on 4885, *1654 w/ NA, 1700 ID, MP1A anthem
ID again; s/oo time varies as with other Angolan regionals. Provincial nx 1730 & 2200,
207* w/14à. 6/5 *0500. Well hrd eves despite SABC-4880 (Sarath Amukotuwa, Zambia, DADE)

Page 16
Bassacongo stn listed on WW only in WRTH 82 (ch) 5014 kHz is Angolan regional, *0500v: 04541
E 0505. Had V of Namibia bc in EG 23/4 1630, P, appears on 2200+ when Luanda nx relay; s/off
may be 2400. 4820 Luanda not active 28/4-3/5, but hrd 29/4 & 4/5; other fqs 3355 3375 7245
7215 9535 11955 all hrd. 3970 Em Reg do Huila 21/4 PT est; Buea Cameroon not hrd here late-
ly. On 4849 ER do Uige 25/4 PT pgm, 2200 Luanda fix relay tho WRTF1 list 1745* (Sarath L Amu-
kotuwa, Zambia, UADX) R Cabinda hrd in Norway on 4970 to 2301* (SCDX 8/6) Recent monitoring
reconfirms use of 4820 by RNA A pgm. Em Reg de Cabinda obs on 4970, Em Prov Zaire on 4885,
E 12/6. Cabinda ex-5033 (WEI 17/6) R Nacional, 11955, G 18/5 2200 FR, 2230 EG, 2300 PT & mx
to 2400*v, but vy irregular; 119535 in QRM (Ernie Behr, Ont)

ARGENTINA Arg nx agency 15/5 said LRA 9600 (error for 9690?) was QRMed by powerful xmtr la
the northern zone of the continent; and said BBC superimposed LAm svc on RAE 11710. In
fact, BBC is on 11715 2315-0315 but R Moscow EG to ENAm on 11710 2300-0300 (WBI 20/5) This
may be first time BBCMS has ever mentioned a BBC sked... (gh) RAE now ancing 15345 11710
E 9690 6180 6060. At 0100 & 0230 in EG all I hear is 11710 w/Podmoskovskiye QRM, and 9690.
They've dropped the R Rivadavia relay on 9690. Also has EG 0430 on 11710 & 9690; other fq
above ancd but not hrd (Joel Rubin, CA) R Del Plata relay also cancelled; 11710 carrying R
Nacional when no RAE pgm available, 0700-1000. 9690 w/RAE pgms 0000+ (Peter Bunn, RA DX 30/
5) RAE has extended FS to this sked: 0300-0500 11710 9690 6180 6060. 1030-1200 & 1500-0300
on 11710. 0000-0300 9690 6060. 24h on 6180; exceptional sked due to conflict w/UK; 100%
Q QSL (Gabriel Ivén Barrera, Bs As, 31/5) RAE w/LRA HS relay on 9690 2230-2400, then ES //
11710 w/EG 0100 (Rolf Lévstr6m, Norway, 15/6) RAE ancd 26/5 that frm now on, 24h on 11710 &
on three 'new' fqs, 15345 9690 6060 (registered w/ITU as General Pacheco site); 30/5 anmt
said 6180 too--registered as 1 kW Mendoza. Relays of R Del Plata & R Rivadavia dropped &
ES pgms now to 0500 instead of 0300: 2200 EG, 2230 IT, 2300 FR, 2330 GM, 0000 PT, 0030 SP,
0100 EG, 0130 FR, 0200 SP, 0230 EG, 0300 SP, 0330 GM, 0400 FR, 0430 EG. 0000-0500 also hrd
on 9690; at 0500 both 11710 & 9690 relay DS R Nacional; before joining RAE ES 0000, 9690 has
been relaying Radionoticias Argentinas (WBI 3/6) RAE on 11710v has new sked since late May:
0230-0500 [as above], 119690 anncg 15345 11710 9690 6180 6060 (Behr) The Natl Director of
SOR said despite 100 kW, RAE did not have enough power; however, antennas had been improved.
Recent addition of three, then four fqs was due to [alleged] BBC QRM (WBI 10/6) R Provincia
de Misiones, LT17, has special EG pgm 2100-2330 on 6160 & 620, intended for Brit troops in
SAtl; 1 kW. R Mitre, LR6, on Suns has spi sports segment, football, 1700-2100 on 6120 &
15290 using R El Mundo facilities (Bob Padula, June ADXN) R Mitre hrd on another El Mundo 041
11755 at unsked time 0800-0835* 28/5 (Peter Bunn, ADXN) BBC said Thurs that Argentina has
j begun jamming "Calling the Falklands" pgm, rough buzzing noises started 5-6 days ago; in re-
sponse, BBC increased from two to four xmtrs for this svc (AP, London, 27/5) Yes, and BBC
SP to LAm had been jammed continuously on some but not all fqs since 3/5; this week came "e-
vidence that some BBC WE bcs in EG to ¡Am are being intermittently interfered with," the ore
said (UPI London 27/5) More, last page Last Minute Info
ASCENSION BFBS pgm for SAtl, previously reported to be on at 1100-1130 on 13 & 16m, inaudi-
E bic but did find it at *1130-1155* on 15105; joins in middle of pgm and cuts off before end,
going off for a few secs, then back on at 1155 w/IS preceding FR to Af; 31/5 (Terry L Krue-
J ser, FL) Same noted here for a few days, also jammed; more recently, no longer hrd (gh) EG
W read family letters to shipmates and dedicated songs, w/ship names mentd often (Krueger,
DX S Florida) Very rapid ID at 1130 & 1155; addr is Box 1234, London; 5/6 (R Wilkner, DXSP)
BBC ¡Am svc in SP 0120 on 15345 ex-15390 22/5; also *2300 on //17875 22/5 (Bob Padula, ADEN)
AUSTRALIA From 30/5, the DX pgm "Spectrum" will be bc every 5th Sun (Dick Speekman, R Austra
X lia, SCDX 1/6) I.e., 29/8, 31/10 in addn to first & third Suns (SCDX ed.) A A$3.8 million
P contract has been signed with ICI via Andrew Antennas of Melbourne for curtains at Darwin
S (Rob Williams, NSW) On 16/6 Australia Post puts on sale a spi set of 2 stamps honouring 50th
anniv of ABC, ve each, se-tenant, spi FDC available (Bryan Clark, NZDXT) Sad news for pir-
ate fans, R CBN is no more on SW. On 16/5 xmsn, major eqpmnt fault forcing abrupt closedown
33. --slowly being rebuilt, but won't be ready on SW for at least four months; in meantime, may
be hrd thru pgm exchange w/overseas pirates: R Telstar, GER; Jolly Roger R, USA; Britain R
Intl; IBC; R Flying Dutchman, Canada; R E Coast Commercial, UK; and R Concorde, Holland (Bob
Padula, ADICN) Radio for the Print Handicapped, Hobart, Tasmania, 7RPH plans to move from
1760 to 1648 kHz (Arthur Cushen, NZ, MIN 3/6) more, LMI

AUSTRIA Ed1 stn of Austrian Army, "Schulungssender des Osterreichischen Bundesheeres", is

leaving long used fq 6221 for 5030; 1 kW ERP from two alternating QTHs: Starhemberg base nr
Vienna, and Schwarzenberg base near Salzburg; sked M-F (exc holidays) 1100-1500 LOCAL TIME,
so in summer 0900-1300 GMT, differing from WRTH sked; has mx pgms, telegraphy course (Ger-
hard H Landauf, Austria, SCDX 1/6)
BANGLADESH HS *0030, not 0000; HS SW fq sked is correct in WREN 82; EG 0445-0515 dropped; 080
obs on 15512 11943; 1600-1915 xmsn obs on 11767 15285. Nepali 1215-1345 on 9617 ex-9730,.//
E 7220 (Victor Goonetilleke, UADX Apr) Overseas svc nx in EG hrd 4/5 1820 on 17463. SINT° 3333
3 (Duncan Fraser, London, WDXC Contact) That's a new one; error? (gh)

BELGIUM As from 6/6, BRT is dropping 15360, and putting both SAm & NAm metre on 11695 at
E 2300-0115; also SP 1900-1930 on 17595 changed beam from Af to ¡Am (Jim Conrad, LA, 2/6) 1/6
during DXpedition, unfamiliar IS hrd at 0420 on 15570, 0430 ID as BRT; fq not given in ASWIC
so is it new? (Ted Benchik, Tom Landen & Tom Laskowski, The South Bend Trio, IN) Appears in
J82 sked, 0430-0615 1117600, DS relay (via Kraig W (rist)
BOLIVIA R Comarapa, Casilla 3268, Cochabamba, is on 3958 with 0.5 kW tho reported on 4043;
mgr is Pedro Vargas, sked 1130-0300 (Stn, Robert Veltmeier, et al, WRTH LA 31/3) Cadena Pa-
namericana reported 20/5 that govt had ordered during a cabinet meeting that the radio stns
P owned by mineworkers (closed down after 17/7/80 coup) should be repaired and start operating
again (W8I 27/5)

Page 17
BRAZIL Since 12/6, VOA has been relayed by RadioBrés xmtrs! for SP to LAm 1130-1400, 250 kW
on 15385 & 17740, curtain antenna bearings 230/239°. Meant to give better coverage of deep
LAm, not related to Falklands; negotiations about this had been going on for some time. I
haven't hrd much of any signal on these fqs but would not expect to on those bearings (gh)
Radio Bras has added another lang to ES: GM, hrd at 1930 on 15125 & 17805, causing EG to
E be retimed to 1815 for Eu; studying introing JP & AR too (Carlo J Avogaro, los Angeles CA,
9/6) New GM svc of RNB at 2000-2100 on 17805 & 15125 following the 1900-2000 EG (WBI 3/6)
Which is correct? (gh) R Brasil Central, 4985, noted 0301* 13/6, no longer 24h (Gerry Bish-
op, PA) R Educadora da Bahia on new 9515 since 7/6, 2330-0130 w/mx & full ID 0053; //6025
poor u/Bolivia (Behr) unID Braz on 3245, 0119-0130* 12/6, F, playing "Don't Let Me Down" by
the Beatles, soft PT talk by OM, lite pops to s/off; probably R Clube Varginha as IDed by
Stu Klein (Chris Lobdell, MA) R Cacique, ZYG851, on 2470 & 1160 kHz from Votorantim, SP, is
active. R Dif de Poços de Caldas, ZIF208, on 4945 with 1 kW. 6125 stn is R Globo, Sbo
Paulo (Robert Veltmeijer, Brazil, WRTH-LA, 16/5) R Nacional Porto Velho has 50 kW on 4945;
R Aparecida on 11855 at 0900-1200 & 2000-0300 (Claudio R Moraes, ibid.) R Jornal Transama-
z8nica, Altamira on 5025 ex-5035 (Veltmeijer, ibid.)
BURMA Could it be that BBS uses its minority svc with many dialects to counter communist
clandestine bc which also strangely enough carries same lang segments? (S Weerakoon, UADX)
BURUNDI LV Révolution, Bujumbura, 3300, *0257 IS of rapid soft drumming, 0300 several drum
beats then into instl anthem by muy style band; quick ID by OM 0302 in FR, then pgm of folk
mx hosted by OM ancr w/vern anmts betw selexions. Still going at 0345 t/out; G Af flute as
Malawi also noted, 13/6; fair (Chris Lobdell, Stoneham MA)

CANADA RCI tested 15240 at 1255 for two or three hours 17/6, 18/6, 19/6 with IS then me, to
P see how it would work as a fq for WNAm during Sunday Morning; also asked NAm svc listeners
L on west coast whether they wanted to hear it at 6-9 am PT (gh) Excellent jazz pgm from CRC
French FM net now M-F 0201-0300 [GMT Tue -Sat I suppose], on 9625 & 6195 (Peter James, NS, 4/
6) It's summer rerun time for some CBCNS shows, such as Sunday Matinee 2005-2100, starting
4/7 with "The Newfie Bullet"; 11/7 "Old Friends". Likewise Nightfall, Fri 2330-2400 on NCI
9755 & 5960: 9/7 "Wildcats"; 16/7 "Angel's Kiss". Booktime, not on SW, Mon-Fri 10:25 pm
local starts 5/7 two weeks of readings of "Dubliners" by James Joyce (CBC Radio Guide)
CHINA CPBS Peking ancd summer DS SW fq sked 20/5, viz: First Pgm: 2000-2300 11925 11610
11330 11290 10245 9800'9080 9064 7935 7516 7504 7440 7335 7095 6750 6665 6493 6225. 230°-
2400 15590 15510 11610 11330 11290 10245 9800 9080 9064 7935 7504 7335 7095 6750 6665 6225
6200 5320. 0000-0100,15590 15550 15510 11610 11330 11290 10245 9800 9080 9064 7935 7504
7335 7095 6750 6665 6225 6200. 0100-1000 17605 15590 15550 15510 11330 11290 9080 9064
*7504 6665 (all with a break Tues 0600-0855). 1000-1100 15590 15550 15510 11610 11330 11290
9080 9064 7504 6665. 1100-1230 15590 15550 15510 15230 11735 11610 11330 11290 10245 9800
9080 9064 7935 7516 7504 7440 7335 7095 6750 6665 6225 6200. 1230-1400 15590 15510 15230
11735 11610 11330 11290 10245 9800 9080 9064 7935 7516 7504 7440 7335 7095 6750 5665 6225
6200 5320. 1400-1500 15510 15230 11735 11610 11330 11290 10245 9800 9080 9064 7935 7516
7504 7440 7335 7095 6750 6665 6225 6200 5320 4460. 1500-1733 15230 11735 11610 11330 11290
10245 9800 9080 9064 7935 7516 7504 7440 7335 7095 6750 6665 6225 6200 5320 4460. Second
Pgm: 2100-2200 9775 8320 8007 7770 6890 5990 5163 5075. 2200-2400 11505 10260=from 2230
9775 8320 8007 7770 6890 5990 5163 5075. 0000-0100 12200 11505 10260 7770 6890. 0100-0700
(exc break 0600-0950 Wed & Fri) 12200 11505 *11040 10260 7770. 0700-1200 12200 11710 11575
11505 *11040 10260 9775 9670 8320 7770. 1200-1300 12200 11710 11575 11505 10260 9775 9670
8320 7770 6090. 1300-1400 11710 11575 11505 10260 9775 9670 8320 7770 6890 5163. 1400-
1500 11710 11505 10260=to 1420 9775 9670 8320 7770 6890 5990 5163 4250. 1500-1600 11710
9775 9670 8320 7770 6890 5990 5163 4250. Fqs marked * not used 0515-0900 apx on Fri.
Yunnan PBS, Kunming, has been altering First Pgm 4 MHz fq: until 15/5 was 4760; 16/5 &
17/5 on 4750; 18/5 & 1/5 4740; since 20/5 4745. Sichuan PBS First Pgm hrd on 7225, Second
Pgm on 5900 (WBI 27/5) Sichuan PBS, Chengdu hrd *0920 for First Pgm third daily xmsn on 7239.
Heilongjiang PBS hrd on 5950 4925 4840 at 2050-0630 & 0850-1530. CPBS Peking DS minority
lang pgms now hrd: 0030-0125 Uighur 15670 11375 5800 4735 3990. 0130-0225 Kazakh 15670
11375 5440 4970. 0400-0455 Korean 9920 8566. 0500-0555 Mongolian 11375 8566 6974 40101458.
1000-1055 Korean 9920 8566 1206. 1100-1155 Tibetan 15670 11675 7110 5995 4035. 1200-1255
Mongolian 8566 6430. 1300-1355 Uighur 15670 11375 5800 4735 3990. 1400-1455 Kazakh 15670
11375 5440 4970. 2130-2225 Korean 8565 6430. 2230-2325 Mongolian 8566 6430 6080. 2330-
0025 Tibetan 15670 11675 (WBI 3/6) Recent monitoring shows Yunnan provincial radio stn, First
Pgm SW fqs from K'un-ming are now 7210 4782 2460, (WBI 10/6) Since 2/6, Yunnan PBS First Pgm
4 MHz fq has returned to 4760 (WBI 17/6) Sichuan PBS First Pgm often obs on 7225 instead of
3225 since late Mar, unk why, 116059 (Hideharu Torii, ABI 30/4) Recent sked sent from Gan-
nan PBS says 2220-0025(Sun 0035), 0355-0530 & 1000-1410 on 1332 & 5970. Tibetan pgms at
0000-0015, 0420-0430, 1100-1120, 1130-1145(exc Sat & Sun), 1315-1330(exc Sun), 1350-1405,
2310-2325, 2330-2340. Tibetan lang lesson for Chinese hrd 1240-1300(exc Sun). ,Atsutomo
Ohto, ABI 30/4) Fujian Front BS has new sked: First Pgm 1000-2400; 2nd Pgm 0400-1800 (Ken
EMomohara, ABI 30/4) R PekEnglish 1930-2130 to ME/Af now 15880 11515 9440, 15580 ex-15510,
interesting because in past tended to avoid using CPBS fqs for ES. 15880 being used for
Taiwan guangbo elsetimes. RP hrd 16/5 *1830 in seeming Hausa on15500, indicating refreq/re-
time. Korean on unlisted 7165 ex-6955, 115975 4620, *1300 21/5; KG to Af 1600-1800 on new
17700 15165 as ancd; massive sked changes (David Newkirk, WA, 22 /5 ) R Beijing *1500 29/5 on
117654 9900 in Nepalese. Cantonese to NAm (17745 et al) audio behind EG on 17855 0330 31/5,
not hrd on 17680. Aside from "QUOI" from correct audio, this did almost as well as the actual
L outlet on 17745: (Dave Newkirk, 31/5) R Peking features minority mx on Sunday "Alsic Album";
also, Sat 17/7, Uygur music (RIB) Timesig stn BPM says 1981-1983 sked is 0000-1400 on 10000
P 15000; 1400-2400 on 5000 10000. 1984-1987 during low sunspot number, 0000-1400 5000 10000;
1400-2400 2500 5000 10000. ID in Morse and female voice at 29th & 59th minute as : "BPM,
biaozhun shijian, biaozhun pinlü fabotai" (Ohtsuka, Yamanaka & Kondo, ABI 31/3)

Page 18
COLOMBIA. LV de la Selva, 6170 hrd 23/5 0010 #6160 w/spl political pgm ' (A Groppazzi & Dario
Monferini, Play-DX, Italy) Strange goings-on around 6.8 MHz: unID Colombian on 6775 0105,
unseems Neiva harmonic as not #4855. Zillion Caracol IDs on 6816, 0057-0300+, #4945 Colo-
sal for f(ítbol; recheck 5/6 1058, not litho both had Caracol pgms (Steve Reinstein, FL, DX
S-Florida) unID Caracol on 6816 0418-0500 1/6; whose xmtr is this? (Terry Krueger, ibid.)
R Sutatenza, 6856, 0100 G, IDs #5095; strange things happening in NJ-land (Reinstein, ibid)
CONGO Brazzaville reactivated 6115, FR 2203, Afro mx 2205-2300+ 8/5, G, seems ex-4765 (Bob
Padula, Victoria, ADXN)
COOK ISLANDS Correcting last month's report: It was the 11760 xmtr that was off the air,
for 24h, and was back in service only 3h before the DX test; no attempt to fire up 3265
(Harry Weatherley, Victoria, SCDXC DX Post June)
COSTA RICA R Casino, Puerto Limón has not been nationalized; relays pgm "Panorama Cultural"
P from R Nacional, Mons 0130-0230 (Giovanni Mora Céspedes, CR, SCDX 25/5) R Reloj does not
P plan to put its 50 kW xmtr on SW, just on MW 700; no changes in SW (Roberto Salgado Randel,
11 CR, RN Info-DX, April)
CUBA R Moscow hrd on three different occasions around 2100 blocking WWV on 15000 (Kevin Kelly
H NJ) Also has been on 10000 again, eves & morns (gh) 23/5 Havana harmonics on 19460 (9730) &
19370 (9685) around 2200; & who remembers from the olde days before 1950, hearing on SW 'Sta
tion COK of the Cuban National Sports Department'? (Loren Cox, Jr, KY) RHC in mid-May on new
Echannels, 15365 F/E 1900-2140 to NEu, QRM to WYFR; and 6060 F/E 0300 or earlier (William 0
Dickerman, PA) I guess F/E means French and English? Later checks of 6060 shewed only SP
(gh) RHC ES to ME/Af via USSR now hrd on 17710 ex-17765, 1500 AR, 1600 FR, 1700-1800 EG (TBI
10/6) Ceremony celebrated 20th anniv of ICR 22/5; condemned US plan to put 'R José Marti: . on
P the air and said Cuban being workers could counter ideological venom spread by this imper-
ialist stn (WBI 10/6)
CYPRUS GREEK CBC on new 6125 in GR to UR, 2215-2245 [Fri/Sat/Sun/ ex-9695, //7230 9585 (Bob
Padula, Victoria, RA DX 13/6)
CZECHOSLOVAKIA R Prague ES in EG: 0100-0200 Ams 11990 9540 7345 5930. 0300-0400 Ama 11990
E 9740 7345 5930. 0730-0800 Af/FE/SAs/Pac 21705 17840 11855. 0830-0900(Sa/Su 0930) Af/FE/As/
Pac 21705 17840 11855. 1430-1500 Af/SAs/FE/Pac 21505 17840 17705 15110 11990 7345. 1530-
1625 Af/SAs/FE/Eu 21505 17840 15110 11990 9605 7345 6055. 1630-1700 Eu 7345 5930. 1730-
1825 Af 17840 11990 9650 73 4 5 5930. 1900-1930 Eu 7345 5930. 2000-2030 Eu 7345 5930. 2130-
2200 Eu 6055 1287. Inter-Pgm includes EG 0745-0800, 0845-0900, 0945-1000, 1045-1100, 1145-
1200 on 9505 6055 1287 (exc Sun when multi-ling request concert 0900-1200); to Eu/NAm 0030-
0055 /no fq, presumably still 6055 & 9540/9740?/ (WBI 17/6) more DENMARK: LMI
CHILE Emisora Patagonia Chilena, 6080, hrd 2/6 1030 ID, ranchera nix (W J Parks, DX S Florida)
DENMARK Info from R Denmark says new 50 kW xmtr at Herstedvester, now in opn, capable of
P using different fqs; sked later. Two 500 kW mtrs planned for 1985 (WBI 10/6) See June LN
ECUADOR Phill Sandahl, EG pgm dir of HCJB will be at ANARCON; also speaking about HCJB Mon
P 9/8 at a church in Jeffersonville EN; and noon Tue 10/8 perhaps at Spalding College Cafeter-
ia; more info from me at 502/585-4076 after I get back from CAm (Ken MacHarg, IN, RIB) R
Baha'i, Otavalo, 2340 hrd 0400* in SP, thea IS; lowest fq latin hrd on SW this winter (Arth-
ur T Cushen, NZ, SCDXC)
EGYPT R Cairo "Palestine Svc" now at 0600-0800 on 17745 15475 621; 1200-1500 on 1107. Moni-
T toring obs since 1/6 show R Cairo still giving time as GMT+2 and despite earlier anmts has
not introed summer time (WBI 10/6) more EQ GUINEA:LMI
EQUATORIAL GUINEA Spanish govt is to donate a 10 kW SW xmtr to renew the present Malabo fa-
P cility. The unit (to be purchased commercially) must have fq range of 3.2-7.3 MHz (SWNS)
FALKLAND ISLANDS Verie letter for 5 KW 536 kHz Malvinas outlet rxd in 10 days signed by Er-
Q nesto M. Dalmau, Director (Néstor Rubio, Argentina, Play-DX 7/6) Naturally, FIBS is assumed
to be back on the air under original identity on 2370 & 536 since British victory (gh)
FRANCE (?) /Cf June LN unID section/ Behr's unID on 11880 in FR hrd Mondays only at 0800
matches with a BBCMS report of a Mon-only 0800-0830 broadcast in FR to Antarctica on 11880;
but which was not confirmed; strangely, this page only of WBI 27/5 was dated 5/2/81, indica-
ting a possible reprint of old info (gh) unID FR3 stn on 11880 hrd Mondays only, *0755-
0836*v, opening w/IS & TCs, ID for "Sociéte Nationale de Programmes FR3", no mention of RFI.
Always strong when no Eu sigs on the band; distinctive IS (Ernie Behr, Ont) I tried for this
21/6 but nothing on fq but weak het; condx, or off the air for winter vacation? There are
several French territories such closer to Antarctica than France; the most likely explana-
tion is that it's via Tahiti; a convenient time for them, having closed down R Tahiti svc on
nearby 25m fq half an hour earlier; and if from France, why couldn't BBCMS confirm it? (gh)
Coopération Radiophonique svc for re-bc by Af stns: 0915-0945 25820 21730 21675 17795 17775;
1515-1545 25820 21525 17850 17785, both Mon-Sat only, per R France (WBI "5/2/81") France-
E -Inter, main fq 164 kHz, ancd resumption 1/6 of info for EG tourists in F via short nx. bull-
etin daily after 0700 & 1400 FR nx (14BI 3/6) Previous summers also on various SW fqs (gh)
GABON New sked of Africa No. One: 4812 /sic/ 0500-0800 & 1700-2300; 7200 0800-1700; 11940
0500-0600 & 1700-2300; 15205 0600-1700; 11755 has been dropped (Italian SCDX reporter 22/6)

GERMANY EAST No sooner do I report that RBI is on 11970 ex-11975, they are back on 11975, at
E 0000, 0130, 0230. Also have new NAm bc at 2315-2359 on 9730 & 11975; 11975 QRMoscowed from
11980; 9730 has DW 9735 QRM. New ORMer is RHC 9730. 0545 bc retimed to 0530-0615, still on
6080 11890; 0530 was the originally ancd time for new bc; 0530 now confirmed (Kraig W Krist,
VA) 2nd 1982 issue of RBI Journal says it's the last; guess it was too expensive to publish
all the propaganda. It also confirms Kraig's obs above, but the 0230-0315 WNAm xmsn is list-
ed on 9560 11840 11890 (gh) RBI has ceased using LW 179 kHz for ES in Polish; were at 0300-
0350, 1400-1550, 1900-2000; back to V of GDR DS in GM then (WBI 10/6) But the aforementioned
RBI Journal still had that Polish; none on SW (gh)

Page 19
GREECE ¡cf June LN/ unID hrd 21/5 at 1739 on 15045 apparently in AR, conversations, mx inter-
' ludes, some harpsichord; bad audio, not hrd since; 333 (Mike MacCollum, MN) R Stn Macedoni
a hrd 4/6 w/mm to 2100 ID & nx; on 15045 &//15050, 2118* (Steven R Lare) Radiophonikós
Stathmós Makedonfas, 15040 7/6 1958-2100 nice GK mx, talk, occl YL ID, some ute CelM on hi
side, F (Chris Lobdell, MA) ERT Athens listed w/lowpowered Thessaloniki xmtr 1700-2115 on
15040 & 15050 in GK. 15040 recently amended to 15045 to avoid Soviet xmtr; further These.
svc can be hrd Suns only 0500-0730; mainly HS relays(RA DX 6/6) 35 kW; 0500-0730 Suns is
still on 9815 9855; daily on sane 0900-1630 (Bob Padula, ADXN) VOC J82 has many new 0011s:
Um 0000-0150 & 0200-0350 9865 15595 12045; 1200-1250 & 1500-1550 15595 17555 12045; AR/I0
0400-0450 9865 15595 9655; 1400-1450 15595 12045. Cyp/Turk/ME 0500-0615 9865 15595 9655;
1100-2115 9865 12045. Eu 0630-0730 9865 9655; 1900-1950 9865 7110 9655. Azores 0800-0850
15595 9865. Au 0900-0950 15525 17570; 2100-2150 9645 15595 12045; 2200-2250 15595. Japan
1000-1050 15525 17570; Egy/Lib 1130-1150 9865 12045. CAf 1300-1350 15595 17555 12045;
Taskend/sic--Tashkent?/ 1400-1450 9655; Balkans 1600-1700 9865 12045 9655, 2000-2050 9865
12045 9655. USSR 1715-1750 9865 9655 12045; SAf 1800-1850 15595 17555 12045; SAm 2200-2350
9865 12045; PCZ 2300-2350 15595 (Bob Padula, ADXN) unID Greek pirate hrd on 3220, 2 x 1610
H at 2325 7/5, F-G (P Serena, Venezia, Play-DX)
GUAM The address KTWR announces over the air, GPO Box 900, Agana, is wrong. Report sent
Q'there was returned marked "unknown"; should have trusted old reliable WRTH. Correct addr
appears on their sked, P 0 Box CC, Aggila GU 96910. Instead of 3 IRCs for airmail reply el-
sewhere, a ccuple of me stamps suffice in the US (Kraig W Krist, VA)
GUATEMALA R Rumbos is on 1210 kHz, MW (see Dec 81 LN), not 1200 (Don Moore, Honduras)
HONDURAS While currently inactive on SW, the 6125 stn is hrd here on MW 1250 Ming only às
"Super Q", a reference to their call HRQ (Don Moore, Santa Barbara, Honduras)
HUNGARY Besides the well known EG bcs of R Budapest, BBCMS confirms the additional ones
E carved out of Hungarian-lang tine and never mentioned by R Budapest's English section:
0030-0100 Wed & Sat to NAm on 17710 15220 11910 9835 9585 6025; 0300-0330 Mon on same. 1800-
1830 Tue/Fri to Eu 17710 11910 9835 9585 7215 6025; from late Sept will be an hour later(gh)
ICELAND R Iceland will have spl local elexions bc 22/5 1830 thon 1400 23/5 on 13797 and two
addl fqs TEA (Jon Sveinsson, Iceland, SCDX 18/5) For the record; 13797 only ever hrd (gh)
INDIA ¡Cf June IN/ AIR DS reported 5/6 that "All India Radio" term would be resumed immedia-
tely wherever it had been used before the recent switch to "Akashvani" (,181 10/6) Akashvani
derived from Akash = sky, and Vani = voice (Jose Jacob, India, ADXN) Symptom of internal
linguistic struggle? (gh) New J82 AIR channels: 9610 ex-9615 Bombay 1220-1245 nx hookup &
1300-1445 w/Vividh Bharati pgm; 7200 ex-7195 1430-1740 nx to Eastern Region; GOS 2245-0115
E NEAs 15330 ex-15335, 11900 ex-11895, and 17865; GOS SEAs 2245-0115 7215 9605 11765 15110;
GOS 1000-1100 NEAs 15350 17387 21695; Au 15205 17705 ex-17750 17875; SEAs 1330-1500 11810
15335 (Alok Das Gupta, Calcutta, ADXN June) AIR plans to intro 3-tier bc org--Natl channel,
P regionalstns, local stns. On SW two 500 kW xmtrs to be installed at Bangalore; two 250 kW
at Aligarh to improve ES; plus 50 kW SW xmtr at Shillong for NE region (The Hindu via 13
H Padaki, IDXCI via ADXN) AIR Simla hrd on 6965, 9th harmonic 774, SI -S2 strength; also.hrd
10th harmonic on 7740 at S1 level (B L Manohar, India, UADX) AIR nx reported 7/6 that AIR
had started using satellite to relay central nx & other pgms to Hyderabad & Ahmedabad, sup-
erior quality to former SW feeds; in next few weeks 12 more AIR stns incl Gauhati & Srina-
gar to be linked by Inset (WBI 17/6) About time; AIR reputed to have awfulest audio (gh)
INDONESIA RRI Jambi, 4927 hrd at 0900-1600 tho not listed in WRTH for that time; RRI Sibol-
ga, 5259, is inactive (Victor Goonetilleke, Sri Lanka, UADX)
IRAN VOIRI supervisor has been talking w/Algerian offls about possibility of using Alg mettra
P to bc voiRrs AR pgm to a wider area (BBCMS via May SPEEDXGRAM) I must've overlooked (gh)
ISRAEL Since war in Lebanon began, IBA Hebrew HS noted on all night, 15615 (gh) At 0145 22/6
on 11610 15615 17585 (Jim Conrad, IA) EG at 0000 & 0100 has added 17680; at 2230 11640 re-
E places 21490 (Joe Buczynski, MA) Also hear 11640 & 11655 both in EG (gh) 8/6 1500 IBA B pgm
in NB ancd that it would carry continuous nx, reports and mx, AN tfn; 11/6 A Pgm ancd 0629
it would do same preempting regular pgms, open for listeners to phone in greetings to sol-
diers & vice versa (WBI 17/6)
ITALY R Pace G in IT 0355-0500*, 2200 P on 15459 ex-15476; test tape (Leigh Morris, Roger
E Gammon & Simon Tuck, South Australia, SCDXC June) IBC hrd w/EG ID 0733, pop mx, jingles, P
on 11582 varying to 11584; said to be 300 watts, QSL via Holland addr (Robert Yen, Vic., RA
DX 6/6) Dreadful siga 0615 pop mx, 0621 EG & IT IDs 2/5 on 11584 (Craig Seeger, NSW,
ADXN) Hrd 2/5, 9/5, 10/5, F-G 0517/0634, 11582v11585; nothing hrd on 21440. Many IDs and
anmts, mente of IBC; EG "daily" 0600; EG ancr had US accent; VOA feeder QRM de 11580 from
10/5 (Patrick Fitzgerald, Vic, ADXN) Poorly modulated (Bob Padula, ibid.) New INC sked is
0800 Sat to 2000 Sun on 6275 11585; 0530-0830 daily on 11585 21440; in EG & IT daily; Sat &
Sun in EG, GM, IT; FR amen every 2nd & 4th week; 100 W on 6275; 500 on 11585, 300 on 21440
(Mark Fahey, NSW, RA DX 13/6) RAI bcs sports svc to Ams, E&SAf, Au Suns 1410-1730 on 21695
21560 17795 17715 15330 (WBI 20/5)
JAPAN NSB IDs its nx as "News Today" and "News Overnight"--in EG. Apparently in line with
E Japanese practice of promoting things as "modern" or "in" by naming them in EC; (Joel Rubin,
P CA) Kyodo nx agcy reported 7/6 that P&T ministry was investigating ways to improve Japan's
PR activites overseas; 8 megaV allocated for feasibility study on establishing overseas re-
lay stns (WBI 17/6) see also PORTUGAL
KAMPUCHEA WRIVH 82 details correct, but HS fo 7375 does vary cuite a bit.; they try hard to
keep it there but you might find it anywhere between 7300 & 7500 (Victor Goonetilleke UADX)
KOREA NORTH Non-EG fqs monitored here over past sesquiweek, not necessarily complete: AR to
ME/Af 1600-1750 11985v. CH to FE 1100-1250 11881v 11831v 3560. FR SEAs 1300-1450 11831v. Eu
1700-1850 11660v 9360. JP 0900-1450 6540v 3015. KR ME/Af 1500-1550 11831v 9750; 1800-1850

Page 20
11985v, Eu/ME/Af 1900-1950 11881v 11660v 9977 9360, Eu 2000-2050 11881v 9977. RS Eu 1500-
1650 11660v 6576v 9360. SP LAm 1300-1450 9745. Unable to find 1100-1250 SP on any fq.
Note KR 1500-1550; incredible choice of 11831 since Seoul has KR there at same time; rare
opportunity to hear the two Koreas slugging it out on one fq! Seoul wins hands down here.
DPRK xmtrs can often be hrd being dialed onto fq before xmsns; never hit the same fq two
days in a row and it's pretty poor to have to radiate sig while so tuning. Also, listen
to their carrier cuts w/BFO on; their xmtrs drift off fq before fading down -- I shudder to
think of what in the xmtr design/power plant might allow this And IS on *1958 Pyongyang
HS higher pitched than FS version -- intent or haplessness? (David Newkirk, WA)
KOREA SOUTH RK -- or, in KR, RH -- KR to Americas at 1430 isn't; it's 1500-1600 11830 9720.
And 11830 is hampered by its DPRK twin 11831v in KR at same time (see above), resulting 22/
5 in headaching het unless LSB product detexion is used (David Newkirk, WA)
KUWAIT AR pgm *0200 now on 15345 & 15495 (G Victor A Goonetilleke, Sri Lanka, RNMN 28/5)
LAOS Following stns are inactive on any SW fq: Vieng Xay, Luang Prabang, Savannakhet, and
also the [Vientiane] FS. Houa Phan using only one xmtr--6195, not 6168; and 4658 is inac-
tive. 4658 is nominal but usually 4657 comes up off and on. Xieng Khouang is off 5613,
now hrd only on 7178v. Pakse on 6587. Vientiane very regular and as per WITH sked (UADX)
LEBANON V of Hope hrd all night since IDF campaign began, unk if permanent or just for dura-
tion. Usual format of pop mx, Bible readings, prayers for Lebanon and promises--10/6 0152--
that the dead will rise again - which under circumstances may have been rather cold comfort
M ; also anos new 1600 kHz MW in addition to 945 and 6215 (Rolf L4vstrém, Oslo, Norway, 15/6)
VOH from Marj 'Uyun in southern Lebanon ancd it bcs Fris in Azeri 0830-0845; Aramaic 0845-
0900, both on 6215 only (WBI 10/6) IBA reported 12/6 that "the terrorists" radio stn in Be!
rut had been almost completely paralyzed because its main xmtr in Sidon had been hit and it
was bcing w/only 10 watts power around Beirut. Beirut Govt radio and the Phalangist radio
had ceased being on SW and therefore it was difficult to rx their bcs outside Beirut. IBA
also stated that a "leftist PIO ally" radio stn and one run by a former Lebanese president
were also operating in Beirut. A Beirut DS report said Israeli naval bombardment 11/6 had
hit the Lebanese Radio xmtr centre in Ra's Beirut, causing a disruption of forn-lang pgms'
xmsn on MW, but had been resumed on FM (WBI 17/6)
LIBERIA 1/6 letter from "Tom" at LBS says their 50 kW SW xmtr was off the air from 12/80 to
12/4/82 due partly to lack of spare parts, and because some engrs were training in US and
not there to fix it. Now on 6090 0800-1730, or will be when xmtr is fully operational; they
are awaiting a belt needed for automatic tuning. Right now on 3255 0530-0900, 1600-2400.
Their address is Liberian BCing Service, The Liberian Rural Communication Network, p 0 Box
594, Monrovia (Paul E Choroszy, Saco ME)
LIBYA On 30/5, SPLAJBC obs back on 17930 ex-17940 (TBI 3/6) see also SAUDI ARABIA
MALTA OW hrd on 11865 0100-0150 EG NAm; two xmtrs used at same time on this fq, one in Ger-
many and one at Cyclops. ID given by both stns at close of xmsn (Robert Chester, SA, RADX
23/5) Not necessarily conclusive unless site anmts overlap each other; relays of DW not un-
commonly relay the "Bundesrepublik Deutschland" ID from their feeder fq, then give own (gh)
MEXICO Pgm sked rxd mid-June says XERMX, RMT is on at 2000-0500; 2000-2200 on 15430 only,
2200-0500 on 5985 9705 11770 15430 17765. New addr: Apartado 24306, 06700 Mexico DF (Rolf
Lévstrém, Norway, 15/6)
MONACO TWR Spring-Summer 1982 sked shows EG on 31m: 0625-0755 M-F, 0625-0800 Sat/Sun, 0800-
E 1000 Sun, 0930-1000 Mon-Thu (via Tom Yingling, MD) I suppose 9495 as usual (gh)
MONGOLIA Ulan Bator Radio DS currently hrd 2200-1500 on these SWs: 11855 7263 4995 48954865
4850 4830 4750 4080 3960 (WBI 27/5) RUB ES: 0950-1025 Mongolian, 1025-1100 Std Chinese,
1100-1130 Mongolian, 1130-1200 Std CH all on 12070 6383. Russian Tue -Fri 1130-1200 on 3960
E 4080 4850 4865 4895 4995 7263 11855. 1200-1235 EG (not Sun) SEAs/FE 12070 6383. 1255-1330
Mongolian, 1330-1400 Std CH, 1400-1435 EG not Sun, 1445-1520 EG not Sun all on 12070 7235.
2030-2100 Mongolian, 2100-2130 Std CH 12070 6383 (WBI 27/5)
MOROCCO Rwm hrd on new 11900 since 19/5, in AR 0100-0400, then jumps to 11910; both vy
strung, anncg: "...min Tangjah" (Ernie Behr, Ont)
SMOZAMBIQUE EG from R Mon 1100-1300 on 11818 (Klaus Worle, GFR, SCDX 11/5) Oh? More, LMI
NEPAL Just rxd airmail registered letter from R Nepal containing QSL & personal letter from
Q K.B. Kharty, CE. Says they have ES pgm in EG daily 1435-1520 on 9590 (Baxter W Hensley, El
E Paso TX, 17/6) *1150 on 5005 ex-3425, /19590 (Geoff Cosier, RA Spectrum via Sam Ward, OH)
HS *0020, not *0200 as inWRTH, rest OK, but on 5005 9590 now; 3425 dropped early Apr. In
winter Nov-Mar you can expect 9590 to be replaced by 3425 (Victor Goonetilleke, UADX) No one
is assigned to QSL reception reports at RN. Best chance of reply from Mr B Shivakoti, not
the CE or Dir-Gen who are "too busy". Only the 100 kW xmtrs at Khumaltar are used present-
ly, with the 5 kW Australian -rade unit at Jawalakhel as standby. Still a chance to hear Ja-
walakhel: when the king is travelling, one of the 100 kW is assigned to beam pgms to where-
ever he happens to be, and the 5 kW does its job as standby. No advance sked unless yoù
know the king's itinerary. Tho they're building new MW stns I don't see how terrain will
P ever permit abandonment of SW (David Foster, DUDXS, after a visit to R Nepal, via RIB)
LNETHERIANDS RN has issued new EG pgm sked from July; changes in Tue & Sat pgra (RNMN 3/6)
NETHERLANDS ANTILLES TWR hrd around 0600 w/Caribbean Nightcall in EG on new 15445 //9755
E (Jim Conrad, LA, 28/5) Checked next night and found it *0425 w/LS, 0430 becoming //9755 &
E00; said it was new svc to SAm on 15445; but few nites later 15445 was in SP instead. Sub-
sequently rxd fq sked postmarked 25/5 w/no mention of either, m/b last-minute idea. By the
way, tho TWR's cable addr is "VOTAN", don't you believe that it's a front for Norse revival
--that's short for "Voice of Tangier," TWR's original stn in the 50s, long silenced (gh)
NEW CALEDONIA Nouméa now confirms by letter in FR saying 11710 4 kW reactivated 1900-1100
(Arthur Cushen, NZ, SCUM) Cf June IN, that syndicated 'Night Flight' EG pgm is also carried
on ŒG-1050 per a report misplaced at the moment (gh)

Page 21
NEW ZEALAND 12/5 press statement from chairman of the board of RNZ via Tony King: "In spite
P of govt cutbacks, the Corp will continue to bear the cost of the SW svc until August to ex-
plore all possible options, incl commercialisation, leasing, etc. There will be no break-
-outs of pgming from the Watt pgm as was the case giving overseas listeners Mailbag, NZ Cal
ling, & a Japanese lang segment"(via Rob Williams, SCDXC June) RIEZ hrd on 11959.5, 5/6
1047-1100 sports, comedy na, while on 2/6 1006 EG nx it was on 11960 (Chuck Bolland, FL)
4FFF, Radio Freedom, "The Pirate Radio Voice of the South", hrd on 3853 at 0500, from Dun-
edin with 1.9 watts. Pop mx and "Radio World', pgm of genl DX nx. Logged at Tiwai conven-
tion. QSL letter said possible future xinsns 1300-1400; G sig (Arthur DeMaine, Lindsay Rob-
inson, Bryan Clark, NZDXT May) BCs began 4/1/82, ceased 1905 27/4, as NZPO radio inspectors
and NZ Police moved to close down the stn then, removed xmtrs and studio equipment. Char-
ges may be laid against the op. Further info from Graham J Barclay, P 0 Box 1053, Dunedin
NICARAGUA R Zinica now relays LV de Nic daily 0000-0100 w/nx pgm "LV de la Defensa de la
L Patria" [6120+]. ES of LVN on 5950 has been off the air since Mar (Giovanni Mora Cçspedes,
CR, SCDX 25/5) Well, I've hrd it recently (gh) VON reported 20/5 that the development dir
P of Telcor (Nic telecoms & postal svc) said Nic'd be joining Intersputnik satl system, the
comma net USSR has devloped over past 20 yrs. Several Soviet techs'd arrive in Nic next
month to motionize project. Ground stn'd be located at Nejapa Lagoon, operational from late
1983 (WBI 27/5) So Nic'll have easy way to relay R Moscow too... (gh)
NIGERIA 21/5 0500, VON hrd much better on 7255, excellent, than on 11770 & 15120 (William
E 0 Dickerman, PA) 17800 active around 0700/0800 (Many ADXN reporters in May) more, LMI
OMAN 1500-2100 on 9655 ex-9510; 0155-0600 still on 9510 // 11890 (8 L Manohar & Victor Coon-
etilleke, RNMN 28/5)
PAKISTAN QSL letter from M H Qureshi, Senior BC Engr at Quetta, says stn has moved to 4885
Q ex-4710 as from 2/5; also asks that IRCs not be sent for rp (Bob Streeter, Schenectady NY)
At last a QSL from Pak itself arrived in only 17 days; had been trying for QSIa the last 16
years w/every trick I knew. My letter was to Dir-Gen of PBC during 2nd cricket test match
Pak vs Sri Lanka when I urged him to give us spl coverage. Also end l report with it asking
him to forward it to the Deputy Controller Research. He did that and Mr Malik Ali Chaudhary
sent a nice letter & QSL; addr: 35/A Satellite Town, Rawalpindi. They want no rp. Tnx to
Noel Green for addr and name of Mr Chaudhary. Now the war continues to QSL Bangladesh! (Vic
tor Coonetilleke, UADX) 7070 Islamabad now relaying Rawalpindi 1630-1830 which is 115007v.
Zonal svc on 9805v -hrd w/increased strength last few days as of 28/4, *0230-0600 (Sarath
Weerakoon, Sri Lanka, UADX) When R Pak IDs as "Islamabad, Multan, Dura Ismail Khan sur Aal-
ami Service" they mean pgms bc from studios of R Pak Isbad are being relayed by Multan, D.I.
Khan regionals as well as the WS. This also explains why 9645 sometimes Rawalpindi and at
others II Isbad WS. Natl svc is relayed from almost all regional stns w/ID "Qaumi Programme"
J At 1600 Isbad carries Darr svc on all MW/SW/FM outlets; 5095 is severely jammed, but sig is
strong (Taher Aftab, Pakistan, UADX) Indo svc of R Pak en 17637 1000-1045 23/5, previously
hrd on 17642 so varies a bit (Robert Chester, SA, ADXN)
PANAMÁ S6per Equis, Chitre hrd on 3020 kHz, 2 x 1510 MW harmonic, 6/6 0450 ending EG pgm by
H OM w/southern accent, then SP ID anmt & s/off w/NA at 0456*. Also noted 0215 7/6 w/SP pops
E & anmts, IDs. Strong here about 750 mi NW; will it make it all the way to the States? So
many DXers would love to log Paname but NASWA's no-harmonics policy says this doesn't exist.
An odd & close-minded attempt to take the fun out of Ming, I guess (Don Moore, Honduras)
PARAGUAY LV del Amambay, 5996, spl pgm 17/5 & 18/5 2325 of presidential speech; ordinarily
closes before 2200; got it all on tape, several IDs, P-G (Giuseppe Zella, Italy, Play-DX)
PERÚ R Esmeralda, Huanta, hrd on 3800 ex-5050 at 0925, IDs & anmts in SP & verns, fruit
juice ads, etc, tnx Dave Foster for spotting this one (Chris Rogers, Geoff Cosier, Nick
Lock, Sam Dellit, SCDXC June) There are a number of new SW stns in Peru, especially in the
disputed territory near the Ecuadorian border. 3735 R Los Andes in Huamachuco. 4300 R Mo-
derna, in Celendin, Cajamarca dept. 5340 R Santa Cruz in Santa Cruz (Cajamarca). 5620 R
Yucán, Cajamarca. 4915 R Vision, Tarapoto (San Martin).. 5110 R Ecos, Iquitos. 6725 R Sa-
télite, Sta Cruz. 9655 R Chachapoyas (Carlos Maldonado, Peru, SCDX 18/5)
PHILIPPINES FEBC's fqs are all 300-400 Hz off creating horrendous bets. I've pointed it out
over & over again but they just don't throw out that off-fq fq std of theirs or correct it.
I had a time convincing them I knew how to measure fqs before they bothered to check their
end. They now know they are off but nothing seems to happen. Result is that FEBC is real-
Q ly poor (Victor Goonetilleke, UADX) FEBC has new QSL & pennants available for 2 IRCs if you
send them the name of your favourite pgm (Rob Williams, Australia, 28/5) RVA changes for
E morn bes: 0000-0125 15135; 0130-0430 15195 ex-15215; 0000-0430 17815 ex-17705; EC 0030-G100
& 0300-0330 (Alok Das Gupta, India, RA DX 11/64 ADXN)
POLAND R Polonia shed rad 4/6, apparently covering NAm only: 1130 17865 11840 9525; 0200
E 0300 15120 11815 9525 7270 7145 6135 6095 (Steven R Lare)
PORTUGAL R Japan Sines relay at 0700 on 15195 ex-15235 (R Japan DX pgm via Joel Rubin, CA)
E From 13/6 at 0700 on 15190 ex-15235, //Japan 17810 17785 15325 (WBI 17/6)
QATAR QBS hrd on new 17910 since 1/6, AR 1500-2130*v, ex-15505 (Ernie Behr, Ont)
E ROMANIA Had Bucharest at 1500-1527 on 15250 in EG, for first tine (George Munz, NJ, 29/5)
SABAH 4970 used for Malay svc; tho not listed, also uses 5980 w/separate svc, presumably in
E EG & dialex, 2130-1600; EG hrd 1145-1215 & 1330-1600 (Victor Goonetilleke, UADX)
SAIPAN Robert Chester attended an FEBC meeting 4/6; new SW facility proceeding after delay
P caused by death of principal contractor. Work is progressing on construxion of ,tudio &
xmtr bldgs; on-air date not yet known (ADXN) One of the two 100 kW kmtrs is already on the
is/and, As of 24/4, Wm Haney, Exec Dir of FEBC opns said they were pouring roof for xmtr
bldg; will beam to Japan, China, Indochina, Thailand, India, Indonesia, USSR (Mike Kander.

Page 22
SARAWAK Despite reports that RTVM may eliminate domestic SW, a tender has been issued for
P four 10 kW SW xmtrs at Kuching--apparently to replace existing units (SWNS June) Correcting
info in WSTVH: Min i on G net, 3385 & 6060 2130-2300, 0400-0500, 0935-1500 (incl own pgm to
1300). Sibu G-net on 5005 & 6050 2200-2300, 0400-0500, 1000-1500. Kuching Y-net on 4835
at 2200-0130 & 0830-1600, 9535 0245-0715; 7145 2200-1600. G-net 4895 2200-2300 & 1000-1500
E and 7270 2200-1500. R-net (English) on 4950 2200-0100 & 0800-1600; 9605 0330-0730. B-net
on 5030 2200-2400, 0400-0530, 1030-1500; 7130 0400-0530. C-net (Chinese) on 7160 2300-1445
Three fqs not monitored but presumed are 7130 9535 9605 (Victor Goonetilleke, UADX)
SA'UDI ARABIA BSKSA keeps following Libya: both were on 17940 until late May, when Libya
moved back to 17930; on 3/6 BSKSA also back on 17930; 10/6 Libya again on 17940 (Behr) See
also LIBYA (gh) Recently rxd fq sked shows DS in AR from BSKSA since 2/5 to Eu at 1700-1900
on 15060 11685, 1900-2300 15060 9885 (WBI 27/5)
SIERRA LEONE What's this stn I've been hearing on 5980 at 0650+? Really yucky mx, old, old
stuff. Someone told me it was SL (Lani Pettit, IA, 18/6) SIBS active again on 5980, hrd
*0655-0720 fade (Joe Buczynski, Natick MA) West Africa magazine says British boats en route
E to Falklands have been refueling in Freetown; listen to SLBS on 5980 around 0600 to find
out which boats have docked; a couple container ships did 2/5. FM Thatcher thanked SL Free
Siaka Stevens (Mike Nikolich, SPEEDX June)
SINGAPORE SBC Radio One, 11940, 17/6 1400-1530, SIO 433, vy clear, pgm was Sinatra bio (Ar-
lo Hagler, Berkeley CA) 0942-0949 EG, top 40, ads and ID between tunes, F 2/6. 0938-1001
10/6, rock, IDs, TC & nx on air, F. Nil hrd on 15440 (Charles Bolland, FL) Expl 10 kW xmtr
has been popping up now & again, often ancing as SBC Radio 1; look for it on 15200, 9535,
15445 etc; s/off is 1603, not 1630 (Victor Goonetilleke, Sri Lanka, UAIX) One of my favor-
E ite BBC fqs isn't in June RIB--11955, 1700-1830, A-B reception--in fact, either it or WWV
10 MHz was first stn to fade beck in after a recent SID. 11750 G until 1615 [sic] when it
switches antennae, then F-G (Joel Rubin, Berkeley CA) BBC FES hrd in EN/on several times in
May on 15225 at *1600 (SWNS)
SOMALIA R Mogadishu, booming in at 0300 s/on 7/6 w/NA & ID (Don Moore, Honduras) On 6790?
(gh) 6790 blasts in at 1400-1900+; Hargeisa on 7120 1500-1800* (Victor Goonetilleke, RNMN
28/5) 19/5 et seq R Mogadishu ES, unhrd since 9/11/81, found on 6095 *1000; EG continues at
E 1100-1130. 6095 also used before 1000 for ogre produced by V of the Western Somali & Soma-
li Abo Liberation Fronts (WBI 27/5)
SRI LANKA SIBC, 7190 sent QSL & sked in one month, no IRCs sent, v/s Reggie Xavier, Fq Engr
Q --after innumerable reports & follow-ups (Fabrizio Magrone, Play-DX) DX pgm moved to Suns
X at 1332 on 9720 15425 (Steven R Lare, Holland MI) Topics on that pgm, better hrd at 1100-
1130 Suns on 11835--producer Adrian Peterson temporarily in Berrien Springs MI and planning
to attend ANARCON is pleased to be able to hear it w/little 4VEH Q11M--4/7 Reunion; Amelia
Earhart, 11/7 21.8 and R Ventas. 18/7 BBCYS & KING-WORD pt 2. 25/7 'SUR Manzini & Tower
Stations. 1/8 Station CC and RCI SWL Digest. 8/8 Cayman Is & World DX News (RMI)
SWEDEN Amendments for R Sweden effective 28/5: 1330-1400 Eu 100 0 11935 ex-11725. 1530-
E 1600 Wis 70° 15435 ex-15225. 2300-2400 NAm 305 0 .;.5271ex-15380 (STA 19/5) Including EC
J 2300-2330, much needed change'to avoid -ecrt o jamming (gh) Russian edition of SCDX, believed
X to be the only DX pgm in RS is now on Tues like all other editions, EG, GM, FR, SP, PT
V (SCDX 11/5) Misc extra features now that George Wood back, like SSTV pix 29/6 (gh)
LSWITZERLAND Jazz Panorama on SRI celebrates its 25th anniversary 25/7 (RIB)
TAIWAN One WYFR bc is carried by VOFC at 1500-1530 on 5980 (Martin Smith, England, SCDX 4/5)
I think this must be confused with the V of Asia svc sked then & there (gh)
THAILAND SWs from Bangkok on 4830 6070 7115 op 2245-1600, not to 1805 as in WRTH. Also,
7115 is vy irregular and when on the air goes off at 1330; FS sked is correct (Goonetilleke
in UADX) [Cf Apr LN] Behr's doubts on the 6160 logging are unfounded. James E Thomas, ori-
ginator of the report, has spent several yrs stnd in Thailand, and speaks Thai fluently.
When he hrd the stn (he admitted it was quite weak), he managed to hear & translate a por-
tion of the ID: "...5000 watts serving Bangkok, Laos and portions of Cambodia," and hrd That
mss. The Queen's msg was in Thai; unlikely pgming for HJKJ or CKZU (Andy Newton, USDXA)
TOGO Radio bcs are aired from Lomé and Lama-Kara. The Lome studios are in a suburb and use
a microwave STL to a site 10 km outside Lomé. I was treated a little less than courteously.
there] In Lama-Kara, some DJs invited me to their house. And their facilities are all in
one place (Norman Hill, Fairfax VA, May CANDX following a visit to Togo) Per QSL R Togo has
E EG 1030-1100 & 1600-1630 on 7265, 2000-2010 on 5047 (Allen Dean, WDXC Contact June) QSL cd
rxd in 80 days from R Lama Kara, 3222 for an EG report has sked differing from WRTVH, to
2300* rather than 2230*; also seems to have dropped "Lama" part of its name: "Service de
Rdif de Kara" (Mark Warner, WDXC Contact June) R Togo, Lama-Kara sked in French & Kabje
0530-0830, 1200-1430, 1630-2230 Mon-Fri; 0530-2230 Sat/Sun, on 3222 & 6155 (B. Annis SPEEDX)
TRISTAN DA CUNHA A H Patterson, Postmaster, replies concerning reports that Tristan R plans
P to replace its 40 watt xmtr with 1 kW. "Xmans are only for the island, very small-scale pa-
rochial opn and merely provides light entertainment for the island. We are not actually
broadcasting to the outside world. No plans for new 1 kW xmtr; someone has got confused w/
our marine xmtrs for ship corns and skeds w/Cape Town Radio, which have 1 kW peak-to-peak
output. Also, ham visit from St Helenan ZD7HH did not materialize as berths on the supply
ship are often at a premium." (via Paul Karagianis, England, SCDX 25/5)
USSR All-Union Radio, SW fq usage sked (not all info fully determined, and SSB feeder
channels subject to fqt variation; from 1/10/82 all xmans one hour later). First Pm 0100-
2100 for GMT+4&5 zones: AM 12045 05-15, 11940 06-12, 9800 05-18, 9775 01-18, 9595 01-05,
6020 01-03, 5940 15-17, 5910 01:18. SSB 17560 LSB 05-17, 10338 USB 17-21 & 01-03. First
Pgm - R Orbita-4 2300-1900 for GMT+6&7 zones: AM 15185 03-14, 11630 05-19, 9490 23-19, 7420
23-03, 7210 15-18, 7200 15-18 & 23-01. SSB: 16330 U 01.-19, 16030 U 01-19, 13820 U 23-19,
12205 L 07-13, 12135 L 23-01, First Pgm - R Orbita-3 for GMT+8&9 zones 2100-1700: All: on

Page 23
15480 04-14, 15275 10-14, 11760 01-15, 11750 07-14, 5935 22-24. SSB: 19845 L 01-16, 13710
U 21-01 & 161
2 -17,
/ 13380 L 21-17. First Pgm - R Orbita-2 1900-1500 for GMT+10&11 zones:
AM 15540 04-08, 15525 03-11, 15460 23-15, 11825 10-15. SSB: 18285 U 01-15, 17580 L 03-15,
13590 U 19-01, 11575 U 19-02, 10690 U 02-07. First Pgm - R Orbita-1 1700-1300 for GMT+12,
13 & 14 zones: AM 9810 17-18. SSB: 18830 L 03-05, 18460 L 06-08, 15545 U 23-13, 15490 L
22-13, 14850 L 22 1
2 -01, 9905 U 17-23, 7390 L 17-23.
/ 2nd lawn Mayak, 24h; on AM too numerous
to mention. SSB: 19320 L 02-17, 18195 L 06-11 12 , 15490 L 13-14,
/ 13820 U 19-21, 13710 U 17e18,
12240 U 17 1
/-01, 12205 L 22-01, 05-07, 12177.75 L 08-10, 12135 L 22-23, 10740 L 22-00 1
2 2 , 1031
U21-24. Third P.m 03-20: AM 11945 03-20, 1169003-20, 957003-16, 7255 14 1 2 -20, 7130 141
/ 2-
20, 4860 03-041/ & 16-20, 4055 03-20.
2 A time-shifted Third Pgm for FE introed 1/4 at 2300-
1600, no fq details available (WBI 27/5) B13CMS has published another of its biennial 51-p
E Moscow ES skeds, from which I pick a few extracts: R Stn Peace & Progress in EG: 1300-
1330 21615 21600 21585 17860 17765 17740 15515 15280 11925 11845. 1330-1400 21615 17860
17775 17755 15500 15435 15280 15140 11970 11845 11720. 1430-1500 21615 17815 17755 15425
15280 11970. 1530-1600 17795 15370 15280 11940 11770 11730 9565. All these to As, next one
to Af: 1800-1830 21565 17735 17700 15195 12050 12000. Fulani 1900-1930 17760 17700 15450
12070. Malagasy 1500-1600 15470 15405 15350 11775, 1700-1730 17875 15405 15350 11775. Ne-
palese 1130-1200 17900 17890 17835 17730 15140, 1430-1500 17900 17835 17775 15500 (WBI 3/6)
Last 3 langs are R Moscow, not P&P (gh) A few selected ES from regional centres: R Baku
E 0330-0415 Persian 6135 6110. R Dushanbe 0200-0300 Dari 4975. R Kiev EG NAm 2330-2400 on
17870 15405 15180 12020 11735 9800; 0200-0230 17870 15515 15405 15180 12020 11735 9800. R
Leningrad 2100-2200 RS for Soviet fishermen on Fri only, 9560 6200. R Stn Soviet Belorus-
sia, Minsk, in BR to Eu 1700-1730 11820 7420 7175, 2030-2100 11870 6175. R Riga Sun 0700-
0730 Swedish, 0730-0825 Latvian on 5935. R Tallinn, Sun 0700-0800 Finnish, 0800-0830 Swed-
ish; Mon-Sat 0815-0900 Finnish, all 6085. R Tashkent, 0300-0330 Persian 5915. R Vilnius,
2200-2230 EG Ams 17870 15405 15180 12020 11770 11735 11690; 0000-0030 Lith Ams 17870 17850
•15155 15180 12020 11735. R Yerevan, 0230-0300 AM & EG Ams 17870 15405 15180 12020. (WBI 10/
6) On 22mb: R Moscow LAm svc on 13785 (ADXN) RSP&P F on 12370 29/5 1420-1440, break at
H half hour for new xmsn, both Std CH; guess harmonic but absolutely nothing on 6185 (David
Newkirk, WA) Not sked on either per B13CMS (gh) RM SP weakly hrd 21/5 on 15000 fi 12030, 2340
-2402, still there w/20dB RF attenuation (Newkirk, WA) A different kind of echo-jamming has
J been noted against RFE/RL, such as 9660 17750 around 0200; if monitored with narrowband FM
tuner one can hear echoey Russian pgm, not Mâyak (David Walcutt, NY)
UNITED ARAB EMIRATES Xmsn sked from UAE Radio adds this note to their 'QSL 100%" item: "Yes,
Q we do accept cassette recordings from our listeners." (Bob Reinecker, PA, RIB July)
UKOGBANIATFI Feeder on ISB audible contrary to prop predictions, at 1100 on
/ in forn lang lower, WS upper; looking for BFBS (Rob Williams, Australia, SCDXC) See

also ASCENSION (gh) BBC feeder wherefrom? at 1415 on 26080, satellite? (B L Manohar, UADX,
India) Hardly, yet (gh) I hrd Letter from America 2/5 at 0545, on you-know-what; pulled la-
ter in the day as out of date due to some sinkings and S Georgia capture. These fqs used
from time to time for cricket coverage to the subcontinent: 17770 0945+, 9740 1330+ (affec-
ting WNAm), 6170 1700+ per Waveguide (Joel Rubin, CA) see also SINGAPORE; ARGENTINA (gh)
L July BBC WS highlights: 'The Dragon 4 the Bear", 5 talks contrasting Peking & Moscow, by
Philip Short, Sats from 10th at 2100 (except 17th at 1945), repeated Mons 0315, 1415 (exc
12th), Weds 1015. Assignment deals with computers, Weds 2030, Thurs 0230, 1130 1615. Pro-
ving that Church & State are identical in Britain, a "Thanksgiving Service" 12/7 at 1345
only w/EIIR attending, marks the 60th anniversary of BBC bcs in Britain, and 50th anniv of
BBC external services, including historical recordings; scripture; from St Paul's Cathedral.
The Prom Concert season starts 16/7 at 1830 w/live bcs on varying subsequent days at same
hour (London Calling)
USA VOA SP LAm vy strong on AM 7400 around 0100 13/6 & 14/6 (Gerry Bishop, PA) This outof
bander isn't even in what will become in-band per WARC. I checked VOA SP s/on anmt *0000
19/6 and the only ancd 17780 15400 15375 11895 9670 6190 1180; nor was 7400 on then, but at
recheck before 0100, it was; by the way, 15375 has satellite-delay compared to others; it's
E also new (gh) More VOA 00B: FR nx 0622 on 11580 (Jim Conrad, LA, 2/6) VOA 9840 peculiar fq,
to Eu EG to 0700* 29/5, definitely US site as way ahead of relay stns (Craig Seager, NSW,
ADXN) Way ahead by a split second, he means (gh) 17640 since 17/5 *1100-1530+ EC, FR 2200-
2230*, EG 0000-0300+. My guess is Greenville in our morns, Philippines eves; not on offl VOA
sked (Robert Chester, S Australia, ADXN) I understand that VOA's expanded 008 operations are
intentional; part of a directive from the president himself; would have done this sooner,
but IRAC wasn't sure, and military was stingy w/fqs (gh) VOA on new fq 0300-0500, 6020; un -
L like most fqs at 0300-0400, this is Eu ave, not Af, so carried "Daybreak" M-F, or "Breakfast
Show" S/S instead of "African Safari". Occl s/on a bit late, but then excellent, strongest
sig on 49m (Kevin Kelly, NJ) WRNO did replace 6155 with 6185, 0300-0500, much better. Also
has implemented 24h sked Sundays only: (gh) On 9670 until 1230; 15140 1600-1800 Suns (Joe
Hanlon, PA) And on 11940 1400-1600; 9670 sked 100C-1400 (gh) 13/6 airing of "World of Radio"
2340-0000, RTTY could be hrd under WRNO on 11855. Harmonic? (Paul Amend, Portage WI) Doubt
X it; depending on your rx could be image or cross modulation. I'd be interested in hearing
from people all over, about reception of World of Radio; however, this is a pgm and as such
does not issue its own QSLs (gh) The Knoxville World's Fair SW stn project fell thru because
of the Malvinas affair, Marvin Steffins feels--$600,000 in ad support had been confirmed
from Venezuela, but did not come thru due to cooloff in relations w/US (gh) KBZY Salem OR
• P-G on 2980 26/5 w/clear callsign after 1313 wx; now there's a way to hear graveyarders, 2
x 1490 (David Newkirk, Seattle WA) I notice the TIF 1610 kHz xmtr at Elksent, Smoky Mtn
Natl Park TN, putting out harmonics as high as 17708 (11th), of widely varying strength and
modulation--12879 best; but then 1 only a few dm away (gh) KFX-969, Big Bear Lake CA, hrd
on 1622 kHz 19/4 0345- 04 17+ w/BB, ads, city council meeting; verie says 250 watts to 210'
vertical. Cueing xmtr to remotes for KTOT 101.7 (Steve Mittman, San Pedro CA, IRCA DM)

Page 24
Other TIS 1610 hrd: WU -790, Sky Harbor Intl Airport, Phoenix AZ, 14/4, 0600-0700, sesqui-
minute tape loop on transportation within airport; under it occl QRM from another unID tape
loop in SP & EG, San Ysidro? (Mittman, ibid.) Yosemite Natl Park TIS, 1610, 6/5 audible at
various points in Death Valley; also hrd 4/5 20 mi E of San Lues Obispo (Frank Aden & Bill
Block, IRCA DX Monitor)
URUGUAY CXA30, La Radio, Montevideo, 6034, noted daily since 2/5 w/all-nx format mainly on
Falklands, 0707, clear after 0730 when VOA 6030 off; G (Bryan Clark, Auckland, NZDXT) G w/
full ID incl calls for MW & SW, 0735 on 6034v (Harry Weatherley, Chris Rogers, Geoff Cosier
& Sam Dellitt, Australia, SCDXC) SODRE 9620 is //650; 15275 //1050, both at 0900-0300 (Car-
los Lérner, Argentina, RN Info-DX, June)
VATICAN VR EG to As/AWL, 0200 Tue -Sun on 9605 11965 15120; 1500 Mon-Sat 11810 15110 17865;
E 2210 daily 9615 11830 15120 (RA DX 23/5) That 15120 ORMs Poland at 0200 in NAm; surely PJP2
would nix that if he knew (gh) VR aecd in Croat 21/5 that from 1/6 its eve bcs'd be on new
7450 in addn to present wavelengths (RBI 27/5)
VENEZUELA Believe R Maracaibo, 4860 had been off air, now hrd 3/6 or 2/6 0949-1004 SP, full
ID, steady SAm mx, E sis 20/9 (Chuck Holland, Lakeworth FL) Reactivated, 18/5 0500*, F-G
(C Dondi, Play-DX, Italy) Hrd past 0500 6/6 (Joe Hanlon, PA) Often on late recently, mx &
brief anmts, 0745 inviting listener requests to 528101, 528102, 528103 (Six SCDXC reporters)
R Turismo, Valera, 6180, E 0920 ID giving YVIell as 6180 call, not as in WRTH (Simon Tuck &
Sam Dellit, Australia, SCDXC) R Valles del Tuy, 6129, ID, local ads, 18/5 2230-2250*, 19/5
2301*, seems to s/off at sundown, F-G (Giuseppe Zella, Italy, Play-DX)
VIETNAM Survey of activity as WRTH updater: 4243 Vinh Phu as in WRTH. 4680 Bin Tri Tien
irr on 4670v. 4687 Gia lai Son Turn 1045-1300. 4770 Son La as in WRTH, //6330. 4782 Nge
Tinh as in WRTH but some days 1300*. 4820 Ha Tuyen as in WRTH. 5400 Hoang Lien Son 1200-
1330v /16588 and probably at other listed times. 6330 Son La as in WRTH 114770. 6450 Han-
oi as in WRTH. 6528 Cao Bang 1200-1400. 6588 Hoan Lien Son 115400. 6621v Bac Thai 1200-
1330 regular now. 7412 & 10060 Hanoi 116450. Inactive: 3998 Hanoi, 4238 Lam Dong, 4500
Lai Chau, 4648 Ha Bac, 4692 Lang Song, 4698 Quang Ring, 5140 Phu Ranh, 6165 & 9623 Ho Chi
Minh City, 6910v Lai Chau. Not monitored recently: 4600 Son Be, 4942 Hanoi (Sarath Weera-
koon & Victor Goonetilleke, UADX April) I wonder if all this inactivity is partially expla-
ined by the following? (gh) A VON DS report 23/5 said to date some 114 wired-radio stns
had been set up in Hau Giang province. In 1981 two SWBC stns were installed [in] Long Phu
district and Can Tho city and 19 wired-radio stns were set up in other districts (WBI 3/6)
ZAIRE Kinshasa hrd these days on 11720 //15245 from t/in around 0000 past 0200, obviously re-
placing 15350 (Victor Goonetilleke, UADX)
ZANZIBAR AFP reported 18/5 that China would be helping Zanzibar's govt to build a 60 kW SW
P radio stn to enable the island's radio pgms to be hrd outside Tanzania. 21 Chinese experts
had already arrived in Zanzibar and a further 29 were expected later. New stn being built
under bilateral agreement which called for Zanzibar to meet local costs. InfoBC Minister
said also plans to build a 50 kW MW xmtr to replacing ageing stn unable to serve whole coun-
try effectively (RBI 20/5)

eLANJEST INE D_BAEJNY R Voz ne Sandino 17/5 V of Nicaragua quoted Nic Depu-
ty Interior Minister as reporting in Havana the exis-
tence of a new radio stn "devoted to attacking the Sandinist revolution". He said that in ad-
dition to R Quince de Septiembre, there was a new one, R Voz de Sandino, sponsored by those
whom he described as "last-minute traitors". In a speech in Havana reported by VON 18/5, the
Deputy Interior Minister said at least two stns, in Costa Rica & Honduras, were broadcasting
a "continuous campaign of slander against Nicaragua" (WBI 27/5) LV de Sandino, 6222, 22/5
0419-0451* or 0459*, featured talks in SP about how this was the real voice of Sandino; mentd
human rights several times and played a tape w/speeches on it, including the line "The hour
has arrived--we won't permit it!" Also might have said something about "IN de Sandino comienza
" perhaps indicating it was the first be. Stn also asked for solidarity w/comandante some-
one, probably Cero, and said it was the official voice of FRN or FRLN or something like this.
Also played a tape of machine guns; martial net before they went off. G audio, like they had
a pro engr or xmtr, but still sounded better in SIB. Said were in 49m band, partial sked of
10 at night. I hrd electrical humming noise on this fq next nite on both rx, but nothieg here
in this time period since, at least when I've listened. Sounds too left-wing to be backed by
Argentina (Mike MacCollum, Northfield MN) LV del Frente Revolucionario, 6210 29/5 *0400-0434*,
Jamming still going at 0440; not hrd 30/5 (Terry L Krueger, FL) 6/6 0400-0434* on 6220.0, no
jamming; gave sked as 6 (or 3) and 10 pm; again hrd 0401 7/6 on 6220; subsequently just huge
jamming noise resembling video signal (gh) Hrd on 6220, 0402-0434* 6/6, to 0447* 7/6, but next
day obliterated by powerful buzz-jammer (Behr) Hrd 6/6 0407-0429 t/out in SP only, on ancd fq
6220. Gives sked of 0000-0045 & 0400-0445 daily. "Ésta es la Voz de Sandino, la voz de la
resistencia nacional." Usually IDs simply as LV de Sandino. Both anti -Somoza and anti-curi-ent
Hic govt. Many ments of "los nueve" (the nine), a reference to the 9-man junta. Alleges The
Nine are robbing Hic just as Somoza did with the earthquake aid in '73. Also called them
"the nine Somozas". Downed both the imperialist yankees and the soviets. Says those who co-
operate w/govt give the world false impression there is free enterprise in Ric. Apologized
for 4-day interruption but said had to move stn to avoid detexion by Hic govt army. Yet later
had comtry directed to the Costa Rican people that heavily implied they are located in CR. Al-
so noted 7/6 at 0025. Alternate M/W ancrs. Fun to listen to, strong here (Don Moore, Hondu-
ras) *0400 8/6 w/descending whistle IS, NA, quote from Eden Pastora Gomez, Comandante Cero,
ID and anti-govt pgm; both fq and s/on time were quite precise; USB w/carrier, no jamming hrd,
a/off w/another Pastora quote and NA at 0447 (Bob Rankin, KS, RIB) Hrd four times but yet to
get ID here tho others have been luckier. Hrd on 6220 *0400 11/6, IS thrice as descending
whistle, sounding like bombs dropping from the sky. Sane anthem as R Quince, then right into
talk about 20/7/79 statement of Com. Cero, then obliterated by jammers, very effective, sound-

Page 25
Log like buzzsaws. Much more effective than anything launched against Quince so far. 12/6
while following another unID on 6215, 2330-0115, which I now believe was V of Hope due to Leb
war, noted buzz sawn activated a bit higher up. Hrd eland on 6220, jammers centered on 6223
and wiping out everything 6221-6225 at 0032; suppose Bond site; it's no surprise that "Cero"
has taken to airwaves. I've hrd him interviewed several times on the "Entrevistas y Reporta-
jes" segment of LV de CID and I've hrd his name mentd a few times by Mr. "La Juventud Progre-
sista Cubana" 12/6 hrd 6220 again at *0400, exact same pgm as on 11/6, IS thrice, anthen
& brief tk by "Cero". Brief mx bridge and string of IDs as "La Voz de Campesino, la voz de la
resistencia nacional," & ment of "Frente Revolucionario Sandino", then jammers cane on and
adios eland (Steve Reinstein, FL) LV de Sandino obs since 7/6 on 6220 0400 to apx 0445. Per
Managua DS report 10/6, the Pres of the Nic State Council said the dir of "LV de Sandino", a
stn which "has the power to reach the San Juan river and the border areas with its counter-
-revolutionary messages" was the man who used to own R Mi Preferida & R Amor (WBI 17/6)
R Quince de Septiembre Regarding the alleged QTH in San Marcos de Colon, near Choluteca, Hon
duras, t talked to two Peace Corps Volunteers who visited S.M. de C. one weekend (God knows
why!) The town is about 75% exiled Somocistas who love to show a gringo a good time if the
gringo says lots of pro-Reagan things. Most carry "big guns". I'm sure if I went there it
would be easy to visit the stn, but somehow it doesn't sound wise to try (Don Moore, Santa Bá
bare, Honduras) This stn told listeners 28/5 that if it could not be hrd on either of its fq
it would be because the batteries for the xmtrs were becoming drained. Due to the difficul-
ties faced "in these mtns", it was very difficult to recharge them as quickly as one would
like (WBI 3/6) Returned after a week's absence, 25/5 0300 on 5560/5565--they switch fqs ev-
ery few mins, I don't know why--, fairly strong carrier but not fully modulating. More edito-
rials from the "---Patriótica Nicaradense" or the "--- DemocrAtica Nicarageense". That first
word might be "Junta" (Steve Bonadio, Watertown NY)
R Venceremos Random chex here 28/3 & 29/3 failed to turn up any xmsns by Venceremos or Fara-
bundo Martf; I really thought they would be going full blast [due to election]; 30/3 0057-
0117 tentatively RV, definite mente of San Miguel; severe xmtr problems, maybe explaining a-
bove absence tho not FM's (John Santosuosso, Lakeland FL) Sorry this got delayed (gh) Presum-
ed R Venceremos, 6852 7/6 0050-0125 political comments by M & W, sec, interviews, mentd many
comandantes and introduced them; occl mx, poor, distorted & QRM. At 0125-0140 same as 6852
hrd on 6953 w/better sig, F. Also unID on 6850 0037-0130, G w/steady SP mx (Charles Bolland,
FL) Believed to be fuuxioning as jammer (gh) RV 0249 25/5 on 6950, familiar voices and many
ments of El Sal, but difficult to be 100% positive due to QRM & QRN. On 6955 stn w/continuous
Cuban mx, no anmts, no LSB; mx not C/SAm type (Steve Bonadio, NY) 9/6 RV obs on 6953 //6853;
said two fqs to overcome jamming (WBI 17/6)
LV de Cuba Independiente y Democrática [see also LV Sandino] CID hrd 12/6 0100 on 5106 announ
cing yet another be time Mon-Sat 6 am on 5100 (actually 5106) [actually 1000 GMT] (Steve
Reinstein FL) LV del C.I.D. recently obs 0105-0130 on 4980; but closing anmt gave sked as
0000 Tue -Sat 11700, 0030 Wed & Fri 5100, 0100 Mon-Sat 7350 5100 (WBI 10/6) Interesting that
BBCMS does not draw the obvious connexion that the 4980 xmsn is via Ecos del Torbes (gh)
LV de la Resistencia Chilena, via Algiers, 0010-0035* on 15160, only fq hrd, also ancing 1422
6175 7245 9705 11470 (sic--means 11740) 9610 11810 7195 (Scot reporter to SCDX 8/6)
Radio Falklands-Malvinas hrd on 7400 0602 13/6 w/EG cmntry. Claimed to be the offl voice of
the Front for the Independence of the Falkland Islands and said FIFI wanted both sides out of
"our islands". However, the man reserved most of his criticism for the British. He claimed
that the US sacrificed its natl interest by supporting the British, both now and in the past.
Gave examples from both WWs I & II, quoted Hegel, said we should learn from history. Gave
addr as FIFI, P 0 Box 670, Ottawa, Ont KIS 5A3. Then mentd alleged record request from radio
op aboard the "Inffincible" and played the first few bars before apparent 0614*. Assume hoax,
but interesting (Bob Streeter, Schenectady NY) Not sure whether this for real but op has his
mind made up, Radio F-M, hrd 0627 13/6 on 7400.0. At t/in Led Zeppelin's "Stairway to Heaven"
was being played and I thot it mite be WRNR (who didn't show up this wknd as sked) but S meter
showed it bombing in, and sig was very clear. Then op said song was to show what they thought
of Mrs Thatcher: "Maggie Mae" by the Beatles, a sort of derogatory remark towards her. Later
played mx request (how?) from a guy in Bermuda. "King to the youth of the Falkland Islands"
and commented "be aware of foreign domination, both British & Argentine, for our Falkland Is-
lands." Gave Ottawa address for FIFI. If xmtr there, it would explain sig strength as Ottawa
is groundwave from here, and stn had same characteristics as CHU. Also read editorial "Who
owns the Falkland Is", very critical of Brit/Am position and the F.I. Company in general; to
0710*. I think it was a Canadian ham goofing around, probably won't return so we shouldn't
take it seriously (Steve Bonadio, Watertown NY) CMS should note VOA also on 7400 earlier (gh)
R Atlintico del Sur G here 2300-0200 21/5 0/jamming; nothing but J hrd at 0815 both on 9710
(David Newkirk, WA) 28/5 0835 on new 9700 adjusted from 9710 to compete with Arg fq 9690;
neither sig had any jamming (Bill McCain, Port Neches TX) Despite SWL Digest report that RAS
had moved to 9700, it was on 9710 at 2300 6/6 & 7/6 (SWNS) Pay attn, Stan, the morn bc moved
(gh) 28/5 morn be retimed to 0930-1030 on 9710; ancd addr of PO Box 478, GPO, London (Chris-
tian Zettl, Austria via Wim van Amstel, RNMN 10/6) Jaime Báguena on RN Espacio Diexista 29/5
gave addr as GPO Box 408, which proved correct: (gh) On 19/6, no-data info card rather than
QSL rxd from report previously sent just to Defence Ministry, London. Says stn from Ascension
"brings truth to the front"; mailed 14/6 from Box 408 and gave sked as 9700 0830-0930, 9710
2300-0200 (Tom Cavaras, MN) 12/6 0833 jamming started on 9690 while 9710 R Atlántico was in
clear; 0837 jamming moved from 9690 to 9710 (Artie Bigley, Houston TX) 17/6 around 0000
checked 9710, didn't hear R Atlántico del Sur (Tony W Campbell, VA) Yes, seems to have closed
as soon as British completed recapture of Stanley tho "Liberty" continued (gh) Estimated cost
for running the stn by Defence Ministry was 10 to 20 kilopoundsterling weekly (SCDXC, Williams)

Page 26
Liberty On 17738 since late May, fair sig even at 1800-1845v 30/5, but 0000-0045 usually has
hum or jammer noise, probably from own jammers at same site. 30/5 all Arg jammers were off,
and no hum on 17738 (Behr) Jamming on Liberty goes on and off at precisely the same time as
Liberty miter itself, so trust be from that same met- (Kim Andrew Elliott, MA) Move to 17737a
quite possibly to avoid HCJB 17745 splatter. All four xmsns, 1800, 2000, 2200, 0000 are on
this fq. Sometime prior to her 22/5 be, Liberty's STL began to malfunxion. This problem (er-
roneously reported by Hauser as jamming during 30/5 & 1/6 WRNO pgm) has been noted w/varying
degrees during every 0000 xmsn monitored at SWNS HQ since. This malfurncion has two results;
increase in background noise and the faint relay of a second bc stn which appears to carry
that nx produced by LR1 R Nacional [sic--R El Mundo is LRI; R Nacional is LRA-I at 2330-2355a
but not the I.R1 religious pgm which begins at 2355a. Tho Lib's carrier doesn't usually come
on until 2340a, it seemed to be fi 9690 24/5 & 26/5, and fi the same nx on 6060 1/6--9690 was
missing that date. On RCI 29/5 & 30/5 Hauser quoted David Newkirk that DF puts Liberty in
C6rdoba area... [pay attention, Stan, it was David Crawford, cf June LNI Addl monitoring and
tape rechex of 0000 1/6 shows timesig similar to R Nacional's on hour and half hour, hrd on
17737, i.e. a variable number of dots, brief pause, then a short dash. Number dots seems en-
tirely random: 7 at 0000 6/6, 4 at 2300, 2 at 2330, 5 at 0000 7/6. At 0000 8/6 TS agn hrd on
17737, this time w/3 dots. Cormcn: LR1 above s/b LRA1 (SliNS) Very enjoyable stuff, and the
use of EG isn't solem enough for the programmes to be produced in Cuba or Algeria. Sounds to
me like a local product, even down to the tubby "Argentine modulation" on the speech. If the
British military audience can understand most of what she is saying, they deserve a diploma in
speech therapy. Who'll be first to QSL Argentine Annie? Call your local Argentine embassy
"now'. (John Campbell, June DSWCI SWN) My guess is that the jamming on Liberty originates in
Argentina; very similar to that on 9710, and propagation makes UK source unlikely. I have
the impression after a lot of listening to Liberty that it is not for the troops but rather
for the home front--the same type of mentality that goes into establishing a "R Marti"--a
need by a segment of the population to feel as if they are doing something, albeit only yell-
ing at the wind. I get the feeling she is a mouthpiece for a faction within the govt rather
than the regime as a whole (Richard Varron, NJ, July RIB) Argie nx agcy Telam 6/6 quoted a
'reliable source' in Bs As that "Liberty" bcs from an unk place have been shown effective by
appearance of a Brit stn on Ascension "which does not really merit analysis". Source assured
that "the truth of the Arg cause" was continuing to reach Eu, US, British fleet. Liberty c'd
not be hrd in Be As region because techniques of xmsn ensured it reached the northern hemis-
phere w/max strength (WBI 10/6) I.e., xmtr site near Bs As w/sig skipping over (gh) Even if
the conflict is over, Liberty still being, hrd on 17740 0000-0045 17/6, no jammer (Tony W Cam
pbell VA) Flash--Liberty in Spanish for first time instead of EG, 23/6 0000 (Tom Cavaras, MN)
Radio turd Sen Roger W Jepsen (R-IA) introduced a resolution urging the admn and Congress
to do whatever is necessary--including jamming Cuban sign--to prevent continued interference
[from existing Cuban MW stns to US i61 stns). A week earlier, the Telecoms Subcommittee vot-
ed to prohibit use of AM band for R Marti, arguing it'd provoke retaliation from Cuba. The
Subcomte's amendment, sponsored by Reps Al Swift (D-WA) and Thomas Tauke (R-IA) would force
the admn to use SW fqs for R Martí. Forn Affairs Comte which previously approved plans to
put R Marti on 1040 kHz, maintains the proposed service'd have no effect on the 13-year-old
QRM problem. SWBC, per comte spoxeman, is almost never used in the Caribbean, and is there-
fore unacceptable substitute for AM. Also feels 530 & 1610 are unacceptable as these fqs not
protected by any intl treaty; if jammed, US would have no right to complain to ITU (Broadcas-
ting magazine 31/5 via Greg Monti) House Energy & Commerce Subcotnte on Telecoms, Consumer
Protexion & Finance, headed by Rep Timothy E Wirth, has approved and passed on to the full
Energy & Commerce Committee an amendment to the authorization bill for R Marti which would re-
strict this govt-sponsored stn to the SW spectrum. (Westlink 12/6 via Rufus Jordana, PA) With-
out waiting for Congress to approve R Marti , the Navy has started building four 250' antennas
for the gout stn, a Navy offl says. The advance construxipn of the xmting towers in the FL
keys drew sharp response from heed of House subcomte on telecoms. "Clearly, expenditure of
any funds for making R Marti operational without passage of authorizing legislation would be
illegal," said Rep Timothy Wirth, D-CO, Construction site is 12 mi N of Key West. Lt Crier
Mark Neuhart, public affs officer for US Carib forces, told Miami Herald the towers are inten-
ded for R Marti, but said they won't be used until Congress approves. Two towrs are finished,
and construction ',Mich started in May will be finished by summer (AP Key West 17/6 via Alpert)
)L Cubana de Africa seems to be the identity of 6045 stn, regular at *0500 & *1700 for one hour
tho IDs are infrequent, for Cubans in Angola (Vashek Kotinek, RSA, DSWCI) Pgming is not like-
ly to be displeasing to RSA: a classic "black cland", pretending to be something that it isn't
--I doubt if any Cubans are fooled (John Campbell, DSWCI)
V of the Resistance of thç Black Cockerel (PT: A Voz da Resisténcia do Galo Negro), hostile •to
Angolan gout, supporting the aims of Savimbi and the LIMITA movement, hrd 26/5 still on 4950.
In progress 0544-0606* (14BI 3/6)
✓ of Zimbabwe 15/5 edn of Zimb =paper "Herald" quoted 2imb Min of State in the PM's office
as telling annual meet of Midlans Chamber of Industries that RSA would be establishing north
of Pretoria a so-called VOZ, to be beamed to the Midlands and North Matabeleland in a few
months time. "A Propaganda adventure", aiming to "destabilise the socio-economic and political
fabric of our society and country" (WBI 3/6)
V e_the Militants of Chad (not the exact title) mentd on MIN as on 17810 announci ng 17805,
in FR to 2045*. sounds like pgm from Libya or Algeria, supporting some faxion in present in-
ternal wrangling in Chad (John Campbell, DSWCI SWN)
✓ of Palestine. V of the Palestine Revolution 2/6 ancd in EG pgm that from 3/6 would be week-
ly FR be for Eu, Thu 1700-1730 & to be expanded futurely; no fq (WIII 10/6) m/b SW, I guess.
Stn in trouble now w/Israelis taking over Lebanon, qv (gh)
✓ of the Free Sons of the Yemeni South also hrd 2000-2200 on 11180 (Win 27/5) Obviously the

Page 27
resurrected V of the Free Yemeni South which was widely believed to be in Saudi Arabia. It
was also rumoured to be in a cave which I doubt very much--don't hear any bats flapping their
wings in the background: Siga quite good over here (Victor Goonetilleke, Sri Lanka, UADX)
✓ of the Moiahedin-e Khalq, hostile to Iranian govt, now obs one hour later, Persian 1700-
1800 & 1830-1930 on fq ranging betw 6800 & 6850 (WBI 3/6)
✓ of Iranian Kurdistan 17/5 anmt said bcs daily 1330-1430 Kurdish, 1430-1515 Persian, 1515-
1545 Azeri, on 41m; "summary' of KO pgm repeated at 0330. Hrd on fq between 6790 & 6850 (WBI)
Voice of Free Kuwait and Voice of Free Bahrain are daily bcs from Iranian territory, urging
those countries to revolt, says Persian lang nxpaper "Iran-e Azad" published by Iranian emi-
gres in France, in its 5/6 edn; says Iranian govt has set up radio xmtrs opposing certain
Arab countries (14BI 17/6)
✓ of the United Muslim Fighters of Afghanistan, sked in Pashto/Dari 0100-0155 on 15460 9710;
1500-1555 15305 9710. Addr for listeners' letters given as: P 0 Box 507, 1010 Vienna, Aus-
tria. Hostile to Afgh govt & soviet involvement there (WBI 10/6)
R Solidarity In despatch from Warsaw, FR nx agcy AFP reported that R Solidarity made its 8th
bc 6/6 for 10 mina, "covered by loudly played Am pop mx', ancing i.a. that there was another
xmtr at Poznan, which had bc msg to Polish soldiers 12/5 (WBI 10/6)
Spy Numbers YL w/# codes in GM on 11108 USB, vy strong in NH, 14/5 0100, begins w/"Achtung".
SP #s on 6855 at various times incl 0100; another on 5149 w/YL 0300 (SWNS June) 28/5 1301-
1308* on 9465, local level SP W 5-digit counts, w/ improper shielding, permitting RHC LAm svc
1/9550 audio to mix at equal level. Two slaps on the wrists for this mistake (Krueger, DXSF)


E: month or two; pirate actcvity seems to
have declined after word got out about the Voice of the Voyageur. Also see Radio F-M, above.
The Voice of ACE ham stns WDOEWJ and WDOEQX have agreed to "discuss" pirate radio on the 2nd
Mon of each month--June 13--at 8:00 pm CST. Freq will be near extreme edge of 40m phone band,
around 7295 on USB. Listen for "EWE" calling "EQX" for abt 5 mina as an IS. Pgm will consist
of info rxd by Association of Cland Enthusiasts up to the 13th. This will serve as sort of an
A*C*E mid-month update. This is completely legal, and VDOEWJ will QSL reports via ACE (ACE)
Unfortunately rather confusing, as 13/6 was a Sunday, and did they really mean CDT? (gh)
"WNR" has arranged spl xmsn for ACE readers, and will annc phone no for phone-in show; fq
around 7390 at 0430 or 0500 on 4/6, 5/6, 11/6 or 12/6 on one or all of these dates (ACE)
✓ of Revolutionary Vinco, P 0 Box 8, Tire Hill PA, will make its first bc to WEu at 1800 Sat
24/4 around 21555 (Walter G Matthews, VORV) I checked & didn't hear; unfortunately this ar-
rived when only way to get word out in time was via RCI, and SWL Digest pre-empted that week
for Constitution coverage: Try again? With more notice pse (gh)
R Vienna Noted on 7426.5 to 0606* 21/3, anncg: "R. Vienna, the Voice of the Vienna Woods"
(Ernie Behr, Ont) 2/5 on 7410, 0216-0227, F but such QSB. 5 songs in row; ID just before s/
off but not sure due to deep fade. Where to send reports for this? (Reinstein, FL, ACE)
"KCFR" 18/4 1009-1032 on 6857, 300 watts, and 7357, 100 watts. Found this while looking for
CBN [Australia] but as I figured, no dice. Too bad; I woke up early especially for this.
(Steve Bonadio, NY) This California pirate hrd on 6857 4/4 at 0930, weak. Using new xmtr, 120
✓ into k wave vertical. S/on w/repetitive ID tape. Good fq choice, free of QRM. Tnx to Brian
at stn for phone notification of test. He also said to look for KCPR on 7350 at 0800 11/4 for
regular pgm & promised QSL for earlier reports (William Martin, Wilmington DE) KCFR ops are
interested in rxing recorded pgms from outside sources. Original, custom tapes are preferred,
but relay tapes of your stn (or your friends) are quite acceptable. If you have something
you would like best, pse submit it on cassette to Box 4948, Arcata CA 95521-3048. Kindly make
your tape in multiples of 30 mins. KCFR also looking for contribs to a DX report. Mx choice
is yours, but please keep it clean (ACE)
"WPM" 0312-0402 on 3485 14/3 w/songs, IDs, anmts as "commercial free all the time--WPOT SW
masic radio" w/Chuck Wood. "Keep your hand on your SW radio and look for us." (Kraig W Krist)
R Confusion, 14452 24/4 1704-1719* w/repeat bust, or someone else playing tape, w/IDs, Scott
McClellan's addr, me, ads for RIB. Weak siga, S-4/5. Afterwards had some sort of anmt in
speeded-up voice, like R Free Wave, but I couldn't copy it (Andrew llace, Chelmsford MA) R
Confusious [sic] hrd 6/4 0020-0135 on 7433 measured; QRN too great to get mailing addr (Paul
Walkendorf, Spring Lake MI)
✓ of Syncom 14615, *2000 22/5, rock me, anti-FCC format, G sig (Robert Wilknei, FL, DXSF) Pos-
sibly this stn, 0302 1/5 on 7425, SIO 444. Same IS as used on Syncom's 14/3 bc was played re-
petitively for 17 mis, but then no ID or pgm. If someone goes to the trouble to bc, why don't
they go ahead and ID? (Kirk Baxter, KS)
R Free Radio, testing 9/5 -0330 on 7425 SSB; not on long (tant Pettit, IA) 9/5 0331 on 7426
USB w/333 sig into the Midwest. Ancd being from undisclosed QTH, undisclosed power, etc. Ap-
parently had monitors listening as said QPM too great on 7426 and would QSY. Did go up to
7430 USB and played some new wave me; abrupt 0337* after anmt that would return later that
nite; I listened till 0600 but never hrd them on again; where's truth in advertising?(Baxter)
"Well" 1/5 0236 on 7425, a new one for me; audio very clear & clean; SIO 433. Arcata CA addr
for QSL, played selexion off Kansas' album "Audiovisions", 0239*; 2/5 0308 on 7425, SIO 434.
Very pro sounding stn; several songs, said future bcs on 41, 19, 13mbs; Arcata addr, 0316*
Shame they didn't stay on longer as was about the best quality sig I've hrd (Kirk Baxter, KS)
"KQFC" 7426 0313-0316* "You've been listening to KQSB, broadcasting on 41, 19 or 13 meters.
If you'd like a QSL, you can send reports to KQSB, Box 4948, Arcata CA 95521..." Sig vy str
but annoying het at times from 7427 ute; ID sounded like "KCSB" at times; 2/5 (Wallace, MA)
"WIWO" 24/4 0340-0615* on 6275; SIO 433; mainly old Beatles songs, ID 0351, G & clear me
level but voice audio too low most of the tire to understand. Periods of long talks, which

Page 28
sounded political. By 0515 playing old Three Dog Night songs; s/off 0615. Again 1/5 0202 on
6275, best hrd on ECSS USB, lots of adjacent channel CV QRM. Again playing mix of Beatles &
3DN. Gave Battle Creek addr for OSIs w/ID 0221; still going by 0400, but QR1.1 increased impos-
siblizing further reception (Kirk Baxter, KS)
"WBUZ-FM", self-assigned calls, has no regular pgm sked, no ads; 24-yr-old DJ Steven Roach
sometimes broadcasts 20 hours a day. Per hams, his 18-watt sig is one of more than a dozen pi
rates in the NYC area that bc on fqs reserved for commercial bcers or navigational comm. FCC
says they pose a threat to public safety because they may interfere with air traffic control
or emergency bus. Roach said FCC had caught him twice and fined him more than $750, which he
had not paid. "The FCC takes a look-the-other-way attitude most of the time toward pirates,"
said Thomas Kneitel, who edits a magazine for amateur radio [sic] enthusiasts. "There is an
unwritten rule that if no one complains about you, and you stay between certain frequencies
that are just beyond the range of the majority of radios, the FCC won't hassle you, providing
you don't use a lot of power. But the FCC really gets worried if you turn up elsewhere on the
broadcast band." WBUZ-FM has been taking the great risk of transmitting on 103.1 kHz [sic]
in the middle of the FM band. Its antenna, bought secondhand for less than $150, rises 20 ft
above the house in Patchogue, LI (James Barron, p 26 NY Times 24/4 via Jim Halsema, NY)
R Nomad hrd 2/5 0100, 104 MHz variable FM w/mx by AC/DC; said power 100 watts, with 3 [ft?]
longwire ant: Later relayed "Radio Stardust, coming to you from the free planet Krypton." Back
to R Nomad at 0400 (Diekman, LA, ACE)
"183M" FCC has swooped down on a popular pirate operated by a 28-yr-old Queens man w/an aud-
ience of at least 2 kilolisteners. "Pirate of the airwaves" Mitchell Steven might still be op
crating if pilots at LaGuardia Airport hadn't begun hearing R&R over their radios on takeoff
and landing and alerted the FCC. "WQVM" aired mostly top 40 and had listeners in all five bor
oughs; sometimes hrd as far away as Huntington LI, and Atlantic City NJ. Pgm on 108.5 had
its own professionally produced jingle, ran PSAs for Army and Navy. "It sounded more commer-
cial than most professional stns," said a radio buff in Queens. Steven was visited at his
Flushing home 20/3 by FCC officials, who dismantled his xmtr; the freelance radio tech was so
brazen that he used his own name on the air and often spoke w/listeners via phone. "I was an
asset to the community," said Steven. Four days after the raid, FCC issued summons of apparent
liability for $2000. The illegal stn operated for 41
2 yrs;
/ "It only came to our attn a month
before we caught him by using DF eqp," said FCC spokesman Al Zimny (Amy Pagnozzi, NY Post Via

David Alpert)
'(SUN" starts up when legal stn WNYE closes down at 10 pm on the same fq. Typically, KSUN
8cs listener call-ins, discussions of El Salvador, other nx, mx, anmts, all hosted by Pirate
Joe. Has been on air 2 yrs from hidden xmtr, trying to keep one step ahead of FCC; risks a
year in prison and a $10,000 fire if caught. But he believes that "in the age of Ronald Rea-
gan there is a real need for another voice, legal or illegal". There are at least 20 pirates
around NY and enough in New England to support the Pirate Radio Network. The Free Radio Cam-
paign claims 100 active affiliates and several llondred addl supporters. KSUN's $3000-rig has
a range wide enough to take in most of NY. Pirate Joe calls "fools" those who transmit over
ai/craft beacons (The Economist, 24/4, via Paul Rascoe, TX)
irate Central 1/4 0618-0700+ on 1618 kHz, purporting to come from NYC. "Pirate Joe" playing
tape of coverage of a march on Washington 27/3, intermixed w/a few records. Gave addr of PRC,
Box 747, Exeter NH 03833; said he'd take phone calls at 212-352-9906. Reception here G tho
deep fading; mod good but tone of whole bc was very tinny. By 0700 I got sleepy and frankly a
little bored (Brian Danus, Winooski VT)
"16-K" In San Diego area, we have this pirate on 1610+, F-G tech quality at times; will try
t) DF it (Mike Hardester, San Marcos CA, NBC DX News)
V of the VoyaReur [Items not fitting into June 119 space] It is with such displeasure that I
announce that the VOV was busted by the FCC shortly after 0600 GMT 9/5. They had signed on
6840 at 0355. The St Paul MN FCC office was notified by the Chicago monitoring post, and from
there it only took the FCC an amazing 10 mina to find the stn, in a suburb of Minneapolis. The
bc was rad well here, but with such QRM the first 20 mins, and QRN. Usual "Night-time Melodi-
es" pgm, and took phone calls for about the final half hour, and put them over the air live.
Tte "100 watts of total insanity" from "one mile north of nowhere" will not be heard again.
May the spirit of the voyageur be with you all (Scott McClellan, MI, 9/5) I found them 9/5
atound 0432 on 6840, vy G sig, took calls, many of them, after 0600 GMT ancd that the FCC had
a/rived, left air about 15 secs later (Steve Bonadio, NY) Busted by FCC agents Roger Anderson
and Garrett Lyziak. The Voyageur was first hrd--officially--by the Frendale, WA monitoring
stn. Other stns were notified, the St Paul office contacted and the agents dispatched. The
agents were bragging it only took them 10 mina to hear, locate and make the bust--a new FCC.
record. Voyageur was using Hallicrafters HT-20 xmtr w/500 W, and a Barker+Williamson BMW 370-
15 ant (ACE) VOV 24/4 6840a, first hrd 0341; lots of tech problems at first, it seemd, with
lots of blank air--VOV IS briefly 0344, then t/out; 0405 recheck buried u/RTTY, playing "Chamm
piDns"; 0427 & 0431 paying tape apprently from live show incl guy playing the IS, then "Cham-
pions" in what sounded like SSB. 0442 sounding live, cussing, ID including BB1 ment; female
listener on phone; ID, poem I couldn't hear at 0454 t/out; SIO went from 544 to 222 (Mike Mac-
Collum) VOV 6840 hrd around 0400 24/4, 25/4, 9/5 (lani Pettit, LA) 6840 9/5 0543-0604; t/in to
hear phone calls from DC, MI, VA, PA, MO, IN as part of "Nighttime Melodies". They said "This
is history in the making, believe me!" and indeed it was because at 0603 the mm was cut off 8.
this anmt was made: "...0K, be cool, everybody listening out there, the FCC has just walked in
th/ door, the [uncopyable] has happened once again, the Voice of the Voyager has just been
busted. The Voice of the Voyager will be signing and leaving the air. We're sorry, we hope,
et... that's right--P 0 Box 982, Battle Creek, MI 49016. The Voice of the Voyager has been
busted, we will now be leaving the air." And they signed off. If this was a real bust (not

Page 29
sure) it's like a death in the family (Andrew Wallace, MA, 9/5) VOV said they had a faithful
audience of about 400 around the country, including VA & PA. "We knew we were going to get
caught," said Martin. "It was a bust in the making. But we wanted to say that we did it." The
stn was located at 4175 Jordan Ave N. in New Hope. This year's comeback was caused by the
faithfulness of listeners before the 1978 bust (Patrick Marx, St Paul Pioneer Press 11/5,
which also ran a photo of Martin, Blixt and their station)

UN IDENTJ F1E0 5401 7 tnx to Klein tip, PT timesigs hrd on USB, 0150, no IDs
(Dave Walcutt, NY) 7/6 hrd here too; checks every 10 sec like a
telephone service, and was 5.5 secs off compared to WWV; PT rather than Braz accent, and in
tMT+1, most likely Portugal; Angola also GMT+1 but Klein says f/out time doesn't fit (gh)
CFL shows Azores, CSY31 Santa Maria, fixed aero stn w/10 kW (Steve Reinstein, FL, axsF)
7665 unk stn 23/5 0431-0513* "Love Makes the World Go Around", "We Got the Beat", "I Don't
Know What to Tell You", and "Good Morning Starshine"; anmt at 0500 in GM?? Thot I had a pir-
ate at first (Kraig W Krist, VA) Maybe Bulgaria HS if on 7670; or Venceremos jammer? (gh)

EIBLI.Qh:11DILS DX Reporter, published by the Association of DX Re por ters, 7237

Fairbrook Rd, Baltimore MD 21207, is the successor to the defunct
Newark News Radio Club. Many of the NNRC editorial staff are involved with this, including
Larry Ledlow, Hank Bennett, Roy L Fanslei, Bob Colegrove, Robert H French. June issue, #2,
is 22 mimeographed pages. Apparently intends to pick up where NNRC left off. Annual member-
ship by first class, $15; surface mail overseas, $17 (gh)
Pacific Northwest. British Columbia DX Club has been formed by Phil Bytheway, 9722 Mary NW,
Seattle WA 98117. Plans bi-monthly publication, all band, open to OR, WA, BC residents; in-
itial "dues", four SASEs (Canadians, 4 SAEs + C$1) (gh)
Tune in the World's Tinderbox--SWLinR from Cairo to Kuwait, article on pp 66-68 by Roger N
Peterson in June 1982 issue of 73 Magazine foreadio Alpteurs. Provides brief be history,
skeds, pgm couinent and background on Egypt, Israel, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Iran, UAE,
Afghanistan. Very interesting article, good PR for the SWL/DX hobby (Rufus Jordan, PA)
CQ Amateur Radio, May has article by Bill Welsh, pp 58-61 on "SWLing-Part 1"--items of inter-
est to beginner, band designations, basics of wavelength, fq, ITU. June issue has part 2, pp
74-79 on propagation; part 3 in forthcoming issue will cover publications, tapes, clubs. It's
vy satisfying to see our hobby getting this kind of publicity (Rufus Jordan, PA)
Radio Electronics, June has in-depth review of Japan Radio Company NRD-515 communications re-
ceiver on pp 25-28 (Jordan)
Radiovoice, first issue of cassette magazine: not much news for anyone following the SW scene
thou gh's pgms, FRENDX, RIB, etc., but perhaps that's an unfair comment. There was some in-
teresting SW fiction--a fantasy about a stn that foretells the future. When the female reader
misspelled Hilversum I became suspicious (Richard D Boltuck, IN)
Monthly Reports of the Asian Broadcasting Institute, English edition, is discontinued with
Apr 82 edition. From now on only Japanese edn will be published. ABI has been served by a
vy restricted staff, which has had enough to do to edit and publish the JP edns of 50-80 pa-
ges. But ABI will still provide DX news via R Japan and the Japanese DX News File (ABI)
Ear to the World, March 1982 edn of the Rotarian, by John M Dunn includes photo of my shack;
article of interest to all SWLs; $1 from Rotary International, 1600 Ridge Ave, Evanston IL
60201 (Stewart MacKenzie, ASWIC)
Media View, excerpts of which have appeared on RN's Media Network, is sesquihour tape about
historic and current African broadcasting with many tapes of stns. 27 rand, roughly 114 or
$23 from Richard Ginbey, 20 Liebenberg St, Sasolburg 9570, South Africa (RNMN 3/6)
1 Amidst all this talk of restarti ng /ex pan di ng OTHR s at a number of loca-
1111.-13112M3 [ions, I've been hearing a strong one, or what at least is likely one ,
on the mid HFs, 16/2 0400 on or near 11450; 19/2 0409 strong 12455-124 95, chirped and that's
chriped mp in fq, apparently "blanked" on "retrace". Again 4/3 0409 17490-17523. I estimate
sweep at 30 Hz, but that's just opinion; I intend to rerecord on reel to reel a few times to
slow it down enough to count. Sample peregrination of an OTHR I'm watching, local evening
but early UTC morn 11/3: 17635-17655 strong 0435*, 18417-18440 F=G found 0441-0446*, 19853-
19875 F 0445-0460*, 19910-19930 F found 0453-0457*, 19910-19930 tound here age 0503-0508* at
fair lvl. These fqs are the limits of the spread-spectrum sig, continuous between. Normally
sharp cutoff above high limit, gradual decline of strength to lower limit. Audible almost
every local eve I try; 0400 seems the certain hour. The suspected US OTHR blew away the bot-
tom 12 kHz of the 21 MHz hamband *0333-0337:07* 20980-21012 14/4, calculated sweep fq after
slowing it down by a factor of 16, is 55 Hz. Now that what we suspect is the OTHR has invad-
ed an amateur band I will respond with tape to both USAF and ARRL liq. ILa[er:] Hanscom AFB MA
denied this was coming from them (David Newkirk, WA) Maine got what NH wanted--the east coae
opns centers for a sophisticated new AF radar system. The center will be located at Bangor In-
tl Airport--a $350 million project that will mean 600 jobs by 1986. Maine US Senator William
Cohen's office said construxion will begin sometime after 1/10. The AT has been experimenting
with a scaled-down version of the so-called 'backscatter' system, with a transmitter in Moscow
Maine and a receiver in Columbia Falls ME. Bangor was picked as the site, mho senators from NH
& NY pushed to have the center located at AFBs in their states (AP Boston 3/5 via Buczynski)
Xmtr site will be Somerset County. Environmental Impact Statement for ME OTHER is available
from NTIS, Springfield VA 22161, as AD-A104 351/2, price $19.50 on paper, $4.00 on fiche; Aug
81, 228 pp--that s the draft report; the final EIS is only 18 pp long, AD-A106 870/9 for $4--
only on microfiche. Ex site to be in Washington County (Robert Horvitz, RCMA)
LAST-MINUTE ITEMS ALGERIA New 9600 0000 (Heldt SCDX) ARGENTINA EG 2230 ex-2200 on RAE (Rob
Williams, NSW) 23/6 0230 EG 11707 (S R Lare, MI) AUSTRALIA RA 11775 0830-0930* EG (Lare) DEN-
MARK New tent sked 27/6: 09-1050 17770, 11-1355 25850, 1630-0055 15165, 0100-0155 11900 (Kéie,
DSWCI) EQ GUINEA Bata 4926a 20/6 0444-0508 (McDaniel, IN) MOZAMRIQUE R Moz 4665-4670 0250 IDs
in EG, FR, PT, SH (Lévstrém, Norway) NIGERIA VON new EG be 2000-2100 11770 20/6 (Rolland, FL)

Page 30
Sam Barto, NASWA QSL Editor 06010 - '• 7
460 Emmett St. B-19, Bristol, CT.

AFGHANISTAN: Radio Afghanistan 9665 f/d "Ferry Kundoz River" cd.
in 7 wks, an my 10th try in 4 yrs:(Huniwell-NJ). 15077 f/d
"Aq Chah Market" cd. in 23 da. for 2 IRCa.(Wala-CA).
atISMNIA: Radio Tirana 7120 f/d cd. in 62 da.(Stephany-NY).
ALGERIA: RIVA 9510 f/d "Centre Nodal-RTA-Bouzareah" cd. in 50 da
* for 2 IRCa.(Fisher-MA).
ANGUILLA: Caribbean Beacon 1610 f/d "Studio Building" cd. in 20
da. for 2 IRCs. Sticker re:rd. v/s Bob Jensen, General Manager
(Cavaras-MN). same in 1 an. (Barb-CT). in 20 de. w/ sticker
for 1 IRC.(Stephany-NY).
LNTIGUA: BBC 6175 n/d cd. in 28 da. (Bryant-OK). Deutsche Wells
6040 n/d cd. in 2 mo.(Choroszy-ME).
ARGENTINA: RAE 11710 p/d cd. in 28 de. (Bryant-OK). p/d ltr. in
25 da. for 1 IRC.(Overstreet-CA). "Logo" cd. in 1 mo.(Lobdell
-MA). Radio Splendid 5985 f/d long cd. w/ microphone pennant
* in 7 an. for ma.(Barg..MA). LOL2 4856 p/d cd. in 13 wits. v/s
Pascual Jaime Patual.(Palmersheim,MN). (Connell-CA).
ARMENIAN SSR: Radio Moscow 7130 via Erevan f/d "Tomb of the Fallen Warrior" cd. in 43 de.
ASCENSION ISLAND: BBC 15260 n/d cd. in 41 dc. (Bryant-OK).
ASIATIC RUSSIA: Radio Moscow 21530 via Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsay f/d "St. Basil's Cathedral"
cd. in 52 da. (George-NC).
AUSTRALIA: Radio Australia 15115 f/d "Kookaburras" cd. (Heath-NY). f/d 'Platypus" cd. via
ShepParton in 18 ds.(Choroszy-ME). 21740 via Shepparton f/d cd. in 17 da. (Manning-TX) .
f/d cd. in 36 da. (Bryant-OK) . 17870 f/d "Black Swans" cd. in 2 mo.(Barto-CT). 9770 via
Shepparton f/d "Kookaburras" cd. in 18 da. for 1 IRC. v/s Peter Barnett.(Dillaman-M/).
9580 f/d "Black Swans" cd. In 1 an. for 2 IRCe.(Lunna-VT). f/d cd. in 11 ds.(Krist-VA).
9640 via Carnavon f/d cd. In 19 da. for 1 IRC.(Palmershelm-MN). VLW9 9610 via Wanneroo
f/d "Map/Logo" cd. in 20 da. for 2 ERCa.(Dillaman-M1). VI.H9 9680 f/d cd. in 229 da. for
2 IRCa.(Overstreet-GA). same in 10 an. (Manning-TX). same in 31 wks. for 1 IRC.(Wilkins).
AUSTRIA: ORF 9770 f/d "Lovers" cd. in 88 da. Stickers rcvd.(Cronin-NY). 12015 f/d cd.
in 59 da.(Hitsman-IA). 5945 f/d "Moosbrunn Short Wave Transmitter" cd. in 2
no. (Matthews - OH) , "Art" cd. in 43 da.(Krist-VA).
BANGLADESH: Radio Bangladesh 15285 personal ltr. in 1 yr. and 1 no.
* for 2 IRCa. v/s Mobarak Hossain Khan, Director. (Lazarus-
LA). 11767 f/d ltr. in 110 da. for 3 rms. v/s Md.
Khelilur Rahman, Research Engineer.(Gavaras-MN).
BELGIUM: BRT 11695 f/d "Belgium Art" cd. in 32 da.
(Krist-VA). 15570,17595 and 17600 f/d "Breughel
Memling/Logo" cda. in 17 da.(Palmersheim-MN). 21460
f/d "ORU3 RF Final" cd. in 2 wits. vi sticker. (Palm-.
ersheim,MN). 21810 f/d ltr. in 35 da. (Bryant-OK).
BELIZE: Radio Belize 3285 f/d cd. in 25 ds.(Bryanf-OK).
large"Map" cd. in 17 da. for 2 IRCa.(Warner-UK).
BENIN: La Voix de la Revolution 4870 f/d "Logo" cd. in 104 dim
for a FR rpt. and 2 IRCa.(Purdum,MI). f/d cd. in 109 da.
for a FR rpt.(Sarkisian-MI).
BOLIVIA: Radio Panamerica 6105 f/d ""'"I
"Map" cd. in 9 wits, for a SP
rpt. and ma. v/s Daniel Sanchez
Rocha, Sub-Director. (Wilkins-
CO). V/C 11100:
BONAIRE: Trans World Radio 11815 f/d
"Antenna Construction" cd. in 55
da. for 2 IRCs. Sticker rcvd. v/s
Theresa Goehring.(Palmarsheim-MN).
9755 same cd. in 58 ds.(Dillaman-MI).
same in 62 dB. v/s Saralyn Horsburgh.
(Paszkiewicz-WI). 11755 f/d cd. in 48 do.
for 2 IRCa.(Mayer-PA). Radio Nederland 9590
f/d cd. in 44 da. (Bryant-OX).
BORNEO: RRI Pontianak 3995 p/d EG ltr. via certified
* mail in 7 like. v/s Suryanta Salah, Station Manager.
(Neumann-AZ)... .Very nice!

Page 31
BRASIL: Radio Bras 15290 f/d "Night Scene" cd. in 3 mm.
eel ea
for an EG rpt. Sticker rcvd.(Field-MI). f/d "Birds at 1
and Buildings" cd. in 130 ds. for 1 IRC.(Purdum-
MI). Radio Taubate(ZYG864) cd. in 2 mo. for a
PT rpt.(Barto-CT). Radio Cultura Araraquara
3365 ltr. in 3 mo. for a PT rpt.(BartO-CT).
Radio Brasil Central 4985 f/d bi-lingual ltr.
in 20 ds. for an EG rpt. and 2 IRCs. v/s Luiz
E. de Carvalho.(Dillaman-NI).
BULGARIA: Radio Sofia 9700 f/d "Pamporovn" cd. in 60
ds.(Krist-VA). 11910 f/d cd. in 54 ds.(Bryant-OK).
BYELORUSSIAN SSE: Radio Moscow via Minsk on 15150 p/d
cd. in 32 ds.(Bryant-OK).
ÇANAU: CKZU 6160 p/d 'CBG Centre Vancouver" cd. in 13 da.
for ms. v/s D.J. Horner.(Wala-WA). CKFX 6080 p/d "Super
Country" cd. in 2 wks. for ms. v/s Triais Rattenbury.
(Wala-WA). CFRX 6070 p/d cd. in 48 ds.(Bryant-OK). CHNX
6130 via Halifax f/d "Scones of Nova Scotia" cd. in 14 da.
for ma. via Ken J. Arsenearn, Chief Engineer.(Stephany-NY).
CANARY ISLANDS: Radio Exterior de Espana 15365 f/d "Copa del
Mundo de Futbol - Espana 82" cd. in 31 ds.(George-NC). 11880
p/d cd. in 33 ds.(Bryant-OK).
CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC: Radio Centrafrique 5035 n/d personal ltr.
in FR in 39 da. after a follow-up rpt. in FR for ms. v/s Michel
Bata, Service Exterieur. Bata says the station is using only 4 kws.
because the regular transmitter is under repair.(Reinstein-FL).
CHINA: Radio Peking 17680 f/d "Peinai Park" cd. in 38 ds.(Sgrulletta-NY).
17855 f/d "Fragant Hills Park" cd. w/ pennant in 2 wks.(Yingling-MD).
f/d cd. in 19 ds.(Bryant-OK). Fujian Front Station of the PLA 6765 f/d
"Steel Factory" cd. in 39 da. via Peking.(Palmersheim,-MN).
COLOMBIA: Emisora Nueva Granada 6160 "Radio Cadena Nacional" cd. in 3 wks.
for a SP rpt. and 1 IRC. v/s Carlos Lulle Borda, Gerente Tecnico Nacional.
(Gliksman-IL). Radió Guatapuri 4815 form ltr. in 4 mc. after a follow-up rpt.
for a SP rpt. and ms. vis Anyela Danies Valverde C., Secretaria Corresponden-
cia.(Berg-MA). Ondas del Darien 6085 p/d personal ltr. in 15 da. for a SP rpt.
and 2 IRCs. v/s Manuel Cardona Agudelo, Director General.(Palmersheim-MN).
COOK ISLANDS: Radio Cook Islands 11760 f/d "Special DX-Cursion Commemorative" cd.(one
of only 50 printed!) in 2 wks. for ma. via Nooroa E. Tangaroa, Director and Chief
* Engineer. (Wala-CA) . f/d "Shell" cd. in 24 da. for a taped rpt. and 3 IRCs.(Sgrulle-
tta-NY). f/d cd. in 3 wks. for 1 IRC.(Gliksman-IL). f/d cd. in 25 ds.(Bryant-OK).
COSTA RICA: Radio Nacional de Costa Rica 6035 n/d cd. in 1 mo. for a SP rpt. Pennant rcvd.
v/s Sra. Haydee Stirbu T., Director.(Field-MI).
CUBA: Radio Habana Cuba 9525 "Air View of Habana" cd. w/ ltr. in 3 mo. for 1 IRC. v/s Maria
Montero Triana, Head of Correspondence Department.(Yingling-MD). 11840 for Radio Moscow
World Service via Habana f/d "Rad Square" cd. in 43 ds.(Connell-CA).
CYPRUS: Cyprus Broadcasting Corp. 7230 f/d "Venus" cd.
in 49 da. for a taped rpt. and 3 IRCs.(Sgrulletta-NY)

cd. in 72 ds.(Dillaman-MI).
Radio Prague 11990
f/d cd.
f/d in 50 da.(Hits-

"4°14° man-IA). 7345 cd. w/ ltr. in 81 ds.(Paszkiewicz-WI).

APARECIDA ECUADOR: HCJB 15155 f/d "Agriculture in the Andes" cd.

in 36 da. v/s Sam Rowley, Director of Engineering.
(Connell-CA). f/d "Tuna Rosada" cd. in 2 mo.(Lobdell-
MA). 17890 f/d cd. in 26 ds.(Bryant-OK). Radio Zara-
cay 3390 p/d ltr. in 45 da. for a SP rpt. and ms. v/s
Elsay Cun C.,Secretaria. Pennant rcvd.(George-NC).
* La Voz del Rio Tarqui 3285 personal ltr. w/ a blue
"Certificado de Sintonia" cd. w/ f/d in 4 mo. for a
taped rpt. and ma. after 1 follow-up. v/s Alicia Pulla
Celleri, Administradora.(Berg-MA). Radio Iris 3380
ltr. w/ pocket calendar depicting a-very friendly
9.635 KMZ woman in 4 mo. for a SP rpt. and ms. via J. Antonio
Marchan C., Sub-Gerente.(Berg-MA)....The calendars are
4.985 K Z
* something else: I got a few...Sam.La Voz del Napo 3280
1.600 K H Z
personal ltr. w/ large station pennant in 2 mo. for a
Sp rpt. and ms. v/s P. Heriberto Alvarez 0„Director.
(Berg-MA). Radio Paz y Bien 4820 f/d B&W cd. w/ very
APARECOA• MokutO nice salmon colored pennant in 6 mo. for a SP rpt.
BRASIL and ms. after a follow-up rpt.(Berg-MA).


Page 32
ECUADOR: Radio Cultural Antena Libre 3240 personal ltr. in 3 mo. after a
follow-up rpt. for a SP rpt. and ms. v/s Luis E. Velasco Leon.
* Gerente.(Lobdell-MA). same in 5 wks. for a SP rpt.
(Field-MU). in 3wks. for aSP rpt. and ms. Also rcvd
a short note in EG.(Berg-MA).
EL SALVADOR: Radio Venecermos 6910 Sent 3 different SP
rpts. to Mexico, Nicaragua and Costa Rica w/ ms. Rcvd.
* back in 75 ds. one n/d form ltr. unsigned and in 90 ds.
one n/d personal ltr. signed by Julio Méroche for Cesar
Marti "Responsable en el Esterior". Each ltr. contained a
different revolutionary banner but each had the same return
address: Apartado 7-907, Mexico D.F., Mexico.(Choroszy-ME).
ENGLAND: VOA via Wooferton 9760 f/d cd. in 9 ds.(Bryant-OK).
EQUATORIAL GUINEA: Radio Nacional 6250 p/d personal registered mail
* ltr. in 7 wks. for a SP rpt. v/s Maths Ovono Nsang.(Huniwell-NJ).
Haven't seen this beauty in a while!...Sam.
EUROPEAN RUSSIA: Radio Moscow 4860 f/d cd. in 45 ds.(Choroszy-ME).
They have been QSLing this frequency as Moscow...Sam. 7440 via Mos-
cow f/d cd. in 45 ds.(Choroszy-ME). 11980 cd. in 28 ds.(Bryant-OK).
i5375 via Serpukhov f/d cd. in 29 ds.(Choroszy-ME).
FINLAND: Radio Finland 21475 f/d cd. in 39 ds.(Bryant-OK).
FRANCE: Radio France International 21580 f/d cd. in 28 ds.(Bryant-OK).
Rcvd. a special Radio Nederlands ltr. QSL for the SSE transmitter near
Rambouillet that was used during break in the satellite link with Madagas-
car. 30 kws. This was #115 of a limited
edition QSL. v/s Jonathan Marks. (Berg-MA).
FRENCH GUIANA: FR3 5055 f/d folder "Map w/
....% Antenna and Logo" cd. in 64 ds. for a FR
4 114,
rpt. and I INC. Sticker rcvd.(Buer - FL).
,.. GABON: Africa Number One 11755 n/d ltr. in 36
da. (Bryant-OK)
Irire e
l eià es
. GALAPAGOS ISLANDS: La Voz de Galapagos 4810 rcvd.
(le eje * 2 cds. la/ a new pennant in 4 mo. for a SP rpt.
C v/s Remigio Andrade Gonzalez, Director. (Howard-CA).
GERMAN DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC: Radio Berlin International
9620 f/d cd. in 28 ds. w/ FDCs and stamps.(Blom-NY).
iaheadi v... ....„ 0 GREECE: Voice of Greece 11730 f/d cd. In 61 da.(Bryant-OK)
*Radio Station Makedonias 15045 f/d cd. in 2 wks. for 1
tià 41.21U1 ...U..__ IRC.(Gliksman-IL). 15040 and 15050 f/d "Beach" cd. in 14
54 7a io
z U
= . ds.(Krueger-FL).
GU: Tr 9855 "Athens" cd. in 2 wks. (Berg-MA).
lik ..... GUAM: World Radio KTWR 11945 f/d cd. in 14 ds.(Bry-
ant-OK). 11840 f/d "Sunset/Antenna" cd. in 18 ds. for as.
t e É4 ‘ 1* v/s Debbie Blosser. Sticker rcvd.(Connell-CA). same in
r4 o Till C11 40 ds. for ms- Pennant
Pet rcvd.(Krist-VA).
I èàà %à 1.4 GUATEMALA: Radio Nacional - La Voz de Guatemala 6180 f/d
tà ea fe C) blue/white "Logo" cd. in 61 ds. for a SP rpt. and 2 IRCe
e % U 1..1. v/s Arely de Affre.(Palmersheim-MN). same in 25 ds. w/
% IS) •,4r pet
pennant for a SP rpt. and 2 IRCs.(George-NC). 9760 cd.
144 ‘ii.6% w/ pennant in 5 wks.(Barto-CT). Radio Ham 4825 form ltr.
1 q% ..... in 5 wks. for a SP rpt. and ms. v/s Herminio Perez Lopez
2. -Director.(Berg-MA). Radio Tezulutlan 4835 f/d blue/and
white cd. in 4 mo. for a SP rpt. and ms.(Berg-MA). same
e % w/ pennant in 36 ds. for a SP rpt. and ms. v/s Oscar
j3:711e. Alenadro Chocc, Secretario y Technic° Grabador. (Warner).
GUYANA: GBC-2 5950 f/d form ltr. in 99 ds. for 3 IRCs.
This after 3 tries! v/s Joy Luke Fraser.(Palmersheim-M()

f .nd
u same in 39 ds.(Bryant-OK). form ltr. in 94 ds. for 2 INC
(Warner-UK). in 6 no, for 1 IRC.(Choroszy-ME).
re HAITI: Radio 4VEH 11835 f/d "Studio" cd. in 9 wks. for 1
tot) N N c.) IRC. v/s Mrs. Edna Beachy,QSL Secretary.(Wilkins-00).
same in 32 ds. for 1 IRC.(Dillaman-M2).in 27ds.(Bryant).

4NJ cm ° HAWAII: WWVH 15000 f/d cd. in 21 ds.(Bryant-OK).

e.• &- ", 0 1 0 ,..e
p. ÇD CL HOLLAND: Radio Nederland 17605 via Lopik f/d cd. in 16 ds

'el 7 : en
e tj er for EG rpt. (Manning-TX).
• 4*,,‘ " ' ... * r, Cg HONDURAS: !MC 4820 p/d cd. in 29 ds.(Bryant - OK). La Voz
7.3 12 <
17 ....; "le de la Mosquitia 4910 f/d cd. in I mo. for an EG rpt. v/s
ret `...
EA> e na Landon Wilkerson. (Field-MI).
0 n '1 -cs HUNGARY: Radio Budapest 11910 f/d cd. in 27 ds.(Bryant - OK).
Cia) I :C .1.. ICELAND: ISBS 13797 f/d "Thingvellir" cd. in 100 ds. for 2
IRCs.(Gavaras-MN). f/d cd. in 29 da.(Bryant-OK). same cd.
in 2 wks, for ms.(Wala-CA).

Page 33
ICELAND: ISBS 12175 f/d cd. in 46 ds. for 1 IRC.(Lunna-VT).
INDIA: All India Radio 11620 f/d "Pagentry Republic Day" cd. in 73 ds
v/s B.R. Chalapattu Rao, Director.(Stephany-NY).
LRAO: Radio Baghdad International 9745 f/d folder
cd. in 83 ds. for a taped rpt. and 3 IRCs
(Christopher-NJ). same in 93 ds. w/ penn-
ant.(Wallick-DC). in 81 da.(Stephany).
IRELAND: South Dublin Radio 6240 f/d cd. in 7
* wks.(Barto-CT). Radio Nova 6207 form ltr. w/
stickers in 16 da. for ms.(Warner-UK).
ITALY: Italian Broadcasting Corp. 6275 f/d cd. w/
* radio tube shooting an arrow across the Atlantic
* in 6 wks. Sticker rcvd. 100watts:(Berg-MA). Radio
Tele Pace 15450 and 15475 n/d personal ltr. w/
sticker in 1 mo. for an IT rpt. and ma.v/s Tim Holme
Addr: Via Grisai 2, 37122 Verona.(Santosuosso-FL).
IVORY COAST: RTV1 11920 f/d cd. in 71 ds.' for 2 IRCs.and
an EG rpt.(Bryant-OK).
JAPAN: Radio Japan 21620 p/d cd. in 27 ds.(Bryant-OK).9675
p/d "Buddhist Image" cd. in 21 ds.(Choroszy-ME). 21640
f/d "Straw Horse" cd. in 1 mo.(Palmersheim-MN). NSB 6115
f/d "Pac Man" logo cd. in 14 da. for 2 IRCs.(Connell-CA).
KAZAKH SSR: Radio Moscow 15450 via Petropavlovsk f/d cd. in 2
mo. v/s Mrs. Inna Lazareva, South Asian Service. QSL indic-
ate» that this site is located in Kazakhstan (Matthews-OH).
KOREA, REPUBLIC OF: Radio Korea 7550 via Kimje f/d "1988 Olympic
Site" cd. in 16 ds.(Connell-CA). 9720 f/d "Sea Harvest" cd. in
1 mo. for 1 IRC.(Palmersheirz-MN). f/d cd. in 48 ds. for 2 IRCs.
(Bryant-OK). f/d "Logo" cd. in 47 ds.(Tekulve-OH).
KUWAIT: Radio Kuwait 11675 f/d folder cd. in 40 da.(Dillaman-M1). f/d
cd. in 26 da. for 2 IRCa.(Bryant-OK). cd. in 34 ds.(Overstreet-GA).
LEBANON: Voice of Hope 6215 f/d cd. in 1 mo. for an EG rpt. Addr: P.O.
Box 7466, Van Nuys, CA. 91409.(Field-M1). cd. w/ sticker in 2 mo. for
EG rpt. and 2 IRCa.(Barto-CT).
LESOTHO: BBC 9515 n/d "Bridge" cd. in 11 wks.(Palmershaim-MN).
cd. in 30 da.(Gavaras-MN).
LIBERIA: ELWA 11930 f/d "Transmitter Site" cd. in 195 ds
for 1 IRC.(Overstreet-GA). 11870 same cd. in 70
ds. for ms. v/s F. Manuel.(Stephany-NY).
4765 same cd. in 102 ds. for ms.(Rein-
stein-FL). VOA 17870 via Monrovia f/d
cd. in 14 ds.(Bryant-OK).
LUXEMBOURG: Radio Luxembourg 6090 f/d "Antenna
w/ Logo" cd. in 59 ds. for 2 IRCs. Stickers
MALAGASY REPUBLIC: Radio Nederland 21480 f/d "Van
Gogh Art" cd. in 21 ds. Sticker rcvd.(Stephany-NY).
15220 f/d cd. in 14 ds.(Bryant-OK).
MALAYSIA: Radio TV Malaysia 7295 f/d
"Bowl Drum" cd. in 47 ds. for 2 IRCs.
Site was listed as Rªlarlg.(Sgrulletta-NY).
4985 via Penang ltr. direct from the station
in 22 da. for 2 IRCs. v/s Ooi Bang
Rust, Chief Engineer. (Warner-UK).
MALTA: Xandir Malta 9670 f/d form
ltr. in 3 mo. v/s Victor Aguilina,
Head of Radio Programs.(Lunna-VT).
ltr. in 4 wks. for 2 IRCs(returned)
(Leithner-TN). Malta Calling 9670 f/d
form ltr. in 3 mo.(Lobdell-MA).
MANCHURIA: Heilongjiang PBS 5950 f/d "Gate
* of Heavenly Peace" cd. w/ site via Peking
in 38 ds. for a taped rpt.(Sgrulletta-NY).
MAURITIUS: Mauritius Broadcasting Corp. 9709.3
* p/d cd. in 219 ds. for an EC rpt. and ms.
(not used). C/V #175.(Buer-FL).
MONGOLIA: Radio Ulan Bator 12070 f/d "Horseman"
cd. in 97 ds. for 1 IRC. Pennant rcvd.(Krist-VA).
f/d cd. in 3 mo.(Field-M1).
MONACO: Trans World Radio 9495 f/d cd. in 17 ds.(Bryant)


Page 34
VERIFICATION SIGNERS: Radio Chortis 3380 Juan
Maria Xhrouet, Executive Director. Radio Ne-
pal 9589 B.P. Shivakoti. RBI Bukittinggi 4910
Yul Chaidir. Radio Tele Pace 15475 Don Guido
Todeschini.Ecos del Atrito 5020 Frady Lopez.
Radio Nacional 5954 Sra. Haydee Stirbu V.,
Directora. La Voz de la Mosquitia 4910 Landon
Wilkerson. AIR Hyderabad 4800 0.P. Khushu. AIR
Kurseong 3355 V.P. Mangla, Assistant Station
Engineer. Radio Quito 4920 Alfonso Laso. Radio
Jesus del Gran Poder 5050 Jorge Enriquez. Radio
Antena Libre 3240 Padre Luis E. Velasco, Gerente.
Radio Nacional de Sao Tome 4807 Antonia Sebasti-
ano. Radio Senegal 4890 Mouhamed Faya. Radio Nei-
va 4855 Ines Garcia de Duran, Gerente. Radio Bata
5005 D. Matias Ovono Engonga. Radio International
1621 Flavio Mischl, Director. La Voix du Zaire
15350 Lepamabila Saye, Technical Director. Radio
Nueva America 4795 Elvira Llosa de Salmon, Dirac-
tor.AIR Lucknow 3205 0.P. Khusu, Director of Freq-
uency Assignments. Radio Rawalpindi 5010 Safdar Abbas,
Engineering Manager. Voice of Meteorology 6900 M. Cemil
Ozgul. Radio Yaracuy 4940 Humberto Valero. Radio Animas
4991 Angel Solano Ortega. Radio Clube Ribeirao Preto 15415
Demetrio Luiz Pedro Bon. Radio America 3240 Carlos Antonio Agui-
rre. Radio Timbira 4975 J. Ferreira, International Correspondent.
Emisora Nueva Granada 6160 Carlos Lulle Borda, Gerente. Radio South Dublin 6240 Phil Dixon
King of Hope 6215 Violet Kelley, Secratary.Radio Animas 4991 Angel Solano Ortega. Radio
Caracol 4945 Luis Fernando Navarro, Jefe. Emisora Meridiano 70 4926 Ernesto Cordoba S.,
Director. Emisora Nueva Granada 6160 Carlos Lulle Borda,Gerente....Hope these help you!

NAMIBLA: Radio South West Africa 3270 f/d "Aloe Dichotoma" cd. in 32 da. for ms. (Reinstain
-FL). f/d "Pondok Mountains" cd. in 98 da. for 2 IRCs.(Reinstein-FL). 4965 f/d cd. w/
color folder in 19 wka.(Neumann-A2). f/d "Aloe" cd. in 84 ds.(George-NC). same cd. in
10 wks. for 1 IRC.(Wilkins-00). cd. in 26 ds.(Blam-NY).
NEW IRELAND' NBC 3905 via Kavieng f/d ltr. in 28 da. for taped rpt. and to. v/s John Malls&
* Provincial Station Manager.(Sgrulletta-NY).
NEW ZEALAND: Radio New Zealand 17705 f/d cd. in 36 ds.(Bryant-OK).
NIGER: ORIN 5020 f/d "Map" cd. in 92 do, for an EG rpt. and 2 IRCs.(Blam-NY).
NIGERIA: FRCN-6050 via Ibadan form ltr. in 51
2 mo.
/ after a follow-up rpt. v/s V.A. Kalejaiye
(Berg-MA). Voice of Nigeria 7255 f/d "Remembrance Arcade" cd. in 103 da.(Purdum-M1).
* Kwara State Broadcasting Service 7145 via Ilorin f/d form ltr. after a follow-up rpt. to
Lagos. v/s H.O. Adewuyi. Mr. Christopher N. Nwobu, Controller of Audience Research in
Lagos sent the report direct to Kwara. Total time was 2 yrs.(Lobdell-MA).
NORTH SOLOMONS: Radio North Solamons 3322.5 f/d ltr. in 7 wks.(Huniwell-NJ).
NORWAY: Radio Norway 26035 f/d "Rostad" cd. in 51 da. Sticker rcvd.(Palmersheim, MM). 17840
p/d cd. in 28 ds.(Bryant-OK).
OMAN: BBC 15310 n/d cd. in 49 ds.(Bryant-IL).
PAKISTAN: Radio Pakistan 4710 via Quetta f/d ltr. in 7 wks. v/s H.H. Qureshi, Senior Broad-
* cast Engineer. (Berg-MA).
PAPUA NEW GUINEA: NBC P2T4 4890 via Port Moresby f/d "Map" cd. in 69 da. for 2 IRCs.(Bryant
-IL). Radio East Sepik 3335 via Wewak f/d "Map" cd.
*AUSTRALIAN RADIO DX CLUB direct from the station in 9 wks, for ms. v/s Paul
Kafafi, Assistant Manager. (Howard-CA). in 36 de.
VSI wah to thank you fOr yew rempnon report for 2 IRCs.(Warner-UK).
'Ne have found n tar roct and hereby acivionriedge PARAGUAY: Radio Nacional del Paraguay 11915 f/d ltr. in
nth this verification care Chris Lobdell 18 da. for a SP rpt. and 2 IRCs. v/s Carlos Tomas
Dee of nrception JO March 1982 Montaner, Technical Director. (Connell-CA). pa form
Transmnsenmmahewdon 15155 kHz ltr. via registered mail in 30 da. for a SP rpt. and
n”,e44er 02.40 - 02.46 2 IRCs.(George-NC).
PERU: Radio El Sol 5970 prepared cd. rcvd. in 7 mo.
'Ji., HCJB, Quito, Ecuador * after 2 follow-up rpts. for ms. v/s Gabriel Miro
We appreciate your interest in our peolverne one * Quesada 0.,Director-Gerente.(Berg-MA). Radio Huan-
nellueu te write again. 73% cayo 5950 personal ltr. w/ 47th anniversary pennant
in 7 mo. for a SP rpt. and ms. v/s Nicolas Bernal
- Cel MANAGER Rojas, Gerente. (Berg-MA). Radio Tacna 9485 form
(Peter nunne ltr. in 4 no. for a taped rpt. and ms. This after a
fou heard "SuUlM PACIFIC DX REPORT' follow-up rpt. v/s Yolanda Vda. de Caceres, Direct-
rierA ora General. (Berg-MA).Radio San Martin 4810 person-
‘oural..u, suello rr.: cm, al ltr. WI pennant and sticker in 4 mo. for a SP rpt.
«I hr,.. fo. M I/1 ,
V. tun& t'a. im.u.h. and ms. v/s Edgar Portcarrero Andrade, Director.

Page 35
adio Mélodia 5995 ltr. W/ blue,white &
sr pennant in 6 wks. for a taped rpt.
as. v/s J. Elva Alvarez de Delgado,
de Programacion.(Berg-MA). Radio Union
cd. w/ "Indian Symbol" in 64 mo. for a
pt. and ma. v/s Roberto Adrianzen Hua-
Gerente Genetral.(Berg-MA). p/d cd. in
ts. for a SP rpt.(Wilkins-00). cd. in
s. for a SP rpt. and 1 IRC.(Gliksman-IL
in 64 mo. for a SP rpt, and ms. (Lob-
-11A). Radio del Pacifico 9675 f/d cd.
achu Picchu in 4 mo. after a follow-up
for a SP rpt. and ma.(Lobdell-MA).
) Atlantida 4790 p/d ltr. in 147 dc.
t SP rpt. and ms. decal rcvd. v/s Ivan
rio Matute, Administrador.(Reinstein-
in 10 mo. for a SP rpt.(HuniwellNj).
(NES: VOA via Tinang on 15445 f/d cd.
ds.(Dillaman-MI). 15425 cd. in 20 da.
ter-UK). 6110 f/d cd. in 48 ds.(Palm-
tim,MN). 17640 f/d cd. in 7 da.(Pasz-
lcz-WI). FEBC 11890 f/d cd. in 135 da.
iisiatt-M1). 15440 f/d cd. in 43 du. for
:s.(Bryant-OK). f/d "Morse Logo" cd. in
. for 2 IRCs.(Palmersheim,MN).
Radio Polonia 15120 f/d cd. in 85 de.
Uck-DC). 7285 f/d cd. in 135 ds.(Hesch
.: Radio Free Europe 17835 "Nap" cd. in
i.(Purdum-MI). Radio Portugal 11925 f/d
ji 20 da. for 2 IRCs.(Bryant-OK). Radio Ran-
ca 11730 p/d ce. in 44 mo. for a PT rpt. and 2
,(Lobdell-MA). "Logo" cd. in 68 da. for a PT rpt. &
hatar Broadcasting Service 15505 f/d "Map/Logo" cd. in 3 mo.
IIRCs. v/s Jassem Maud. Al-Qattan, Head of Public Relations.(Leithner-TN).
Radio Bucharest 11940 fid cd. in 81 ds.(Dillaman-MI). cd. in 95 ds.(Choroszy-ME).
Iadio Malaysia 4970 via Kota Kinabalu f/d "Map" cd. w/ ltr. in 343 da. for ms. v/s
n Gobile. (Hensley-TX)....Thanks for the letter Baxter.. .Sam.
• Radio Nacional 4807 ltr. in 130 da. for 2 IRCs.(Blom-NY).
Radio TV Malaysia 4950 via Kuching f/d cd. in 36 di. for 2 Les. (Bryant-OK). sama
,da. for a taped rpt., ma. and 1 IRC.(Sgrulletta-NY)..7160 cd. in 45 ds.(Fisher-MA).
ASIA: Radio Jeddah 11855 f/d "Logo" cd. via registered mail in 97 da. for 2 IRCs.
aud Al Rasheed, General Director of Engineering. (Connell-CA). form ltr. in 2 yrs.
after several follow-up rpts. v/ Hussein Al-Askari, Director, (Berg-MA).
SEYCHELLES: FERA 15200 n/d cd. in 25 dc. for 1 IRC.(Overstreet-GA). 11855 n/d cd.
in 21 dc. for 3 IRCs.(Bryant-OK). 11820 same in 1 mo. for 2 IRCa.(Choroszy).
> SINGAPORE: Radio Singapore 11940 f/d "Skyline" cd. in 23 da. for ms.(Sgrulle-
tta-NY). same in 26 da. (Bryant-OK). in 17 da. for 2 IRCs.(Connell-CA).
SOLOMON ISLANDS: SIBC 9545 f/d B&W cd. in 20 da. for 2 IRCs , and a taped rpt.
(Cramton-IL). 5020 f/d cd. in 28 da. for 2 IRCs.(Bryant-OK).
SOUTH AFRICA: Radio RSA 15320 f/d cd. in 20 da. (Bryant-OK). Capital Radio
11750 f/d cd. in 49 ds.(Bryant-OK). Radio Five 3250 f/d cd. w/ pennant and
) stickers in 6 wks. for 1 IRC.(Wilkins-00). South African Broadcasting Corp.
4835 f/d cd. w/ pennant in 44 ds.(Boone-TX). cd. in 38 da.(Warner-TX).
jg SPAIN: Radio Exterior de Espana 11775 f/d "Lae Meninas" cd. in 7 wks.(Matt-
hews-08). 11775 f/d "Espana 82" cd. in
3 wks.(Matthews-08). 11880 f/d "The
Midgets" cd. in 36 de. for a SP rpt.
(Connell-CA)... .ID given as Radio Esp-
ana! 15365 f/d cd. in 29 ds.(Bryant-OK).
SR/ LANKA: VOA 7105 Colombo cd. in 20 da.
COLLINS COL011100 (Warner-UK). 15250 f/d cd. in 8 da.
I s (George-NC). cd. in 21 ds.(Bryant-OK).
• Adventist World Radio 11835 f/d cd. in
• 14 da. w/ pennant. v/s Jose Jacob, QSL
£1 - Secretary. (Hasch-NT).
SUMATRA: RRI 5886 via Pekanbaru f/d person-
Ile-4 al ltr. in 46 da. for an EG rpt. and 2
IRCa. v/s Zainal Abbas.(Palmersheim -MN).
:I ,
lay 1P

Page 36
SURINAM: Radio Apintie 5005 cd. in 38 da. for
ms. Pennant rcvd. v/s E. Vervuurt, Director
SWAZILAND: Trans World Radio 3200 f/d folder
cd. in 36 ds. for 2 IRCa.(Tutak-NJ). Radio
SR - Swaziland Commercial Radio 6155 f/d
'Warrior" cd. in 100 ds. for 2 IRCs. v/s
Bill Cookson, Chief Engineer.(Gavaras-MN).
SWEDEN: Radio Sweden International 15270 f/d
cd. in 6 wka.(Matthews-OH). 9695 f/d cd.
* in 60 ds.(Bryant-OK). Radio Titanic L1431
cd, w/ ltr. in 51 ds. for 1 IRC.(Warner-UK)
SWITZERLAND: Swiss Radio International 9725
f/d "SRI" cd. in 25 ds. for 2 IRCs.(Hart-
sell-CA). 11715 f/d cd. in 16 ds.(Bryant-OK)
TAHITI: FR3 15170 f/d cd. in 24 ds. for a FR
rpt. and 2 IRCs.(Tutak-NJ). same in 154 ds.
for 2 IRGs.(Lunna-VT),
TAIWAN: Voice of Free China 17800 & 15345 f/d
"Vase" cd. in 21 ds. w/ pennant.(Yingling-
MD). 11855 f/d "Plum Blossom" cd. in 99 ds.
w/ pennant,key chain and sticker. (Cronin-
NY), 9610(WYFR via VOFC) cd. w/ site in 62
ds. for 1 IRC.(Warner-UK). 9600 f/d cd. in
7 wks.(Matthews-OH). Voice of Asia 5980 via
Kaohsiung rcvd. red pennant 3 mo. after
* receiving their QSL. (Howard-CA).BSF 15000
Chung-Li f/d cd. w/ ltr. in 7 wks.(Taylor).
TANGIER: RTVM 17705 f/d purple "Map" cd. in 56
ds. for a FR rpt. and 2 IRCs.(George-NC). VOA
15245 f/d cd. in 4 da.(Choroszy-ME).
TANZANIA: Radio Tanzania 4785 f/d cd. in 38 da. for
Fr rpt. and 2 IRCa.(Tutak-NJ).
TOGO: Radio Diffusion Voix de la Nouvel:e Marche (Radio
Kara) 3222 p/d cd. in 2 mo. for a FR rpt; and ms.(Laza-
rus-LA). f/d cd. in 80 ds. for an KG rpt. and 2 IRCs.(War-
ner-UK). Radio Togo 5047 fid cd. in 53 ds.(Sarkisian-MI).
TURKEY: Radio Turkey 9560 f/d cd. w/ sticker in 25 ds.(Sgrulletta
UGANDA: Radio Uganda 4976 f/d cd. in 28 ds. for 2 IRCs. v/s -NY)
David R. Buga.(Warner-UK). 15325 cd. in 36 da. (Overstreet-GA). f/d "Building" cd. in 8
wks, for an KG rpt. and 1 IRC.(Wilkins-00).
UKRAINIAN SSR: Radio Kiev 17870 f/d cd. in 46 ds.(Bryant-OK). 15100 f/d cd. in 3 mo.(Barto-
CT). 11770 cd. in 2 mo.(Hitsman-IA). 7150 f/d "Kiev Dynamo Soccor Club" cd. w/ pennant
in 120 ds.(Krist-VA). 11735 f/d cd. in 114 da. (Boone-TX). Radio Moscow via Vinnitsa
11860 f/d "Hermitage Museum" cd. in 43 ds.(Connell-CA). 9710 via Kiev cd. in 28 ds.(Cho-
roszy-ME). 7190 via Simferopol f/d "Hotel Rossiya" cd. in 48 da. (George-NC).
UNITED ARAB EMMRATES: Dubai Radio and TV 17710 f/d cd. in 34 ds. for 2 IRCs. v/s H. Parker.
(Bryant-OK). 11745 'Map" cd. in 67 da. for 1 IRC.(Tutak-NJ). 17775 f/d cd. in 22 ds. for
2 IRCa. v/s K. Fenner.(Hosmer-M1). 21655 f/d cd. in 21 ds.(Paszkiewicz-WI). 17775.. f/d cd
w/ vinal pennant in 25 ds.(Reinecker-PA).
USA: WRNO 9683 p/d "Listeners Certificate" in 89 ds. v/s Joseph Costello III. (Cronin-NY).
13420 in 73 ds. for 2 IRCs.(Boone-TX). 11955 certificate in 67 ds. for ms.(Purdum-MI).

11965 cert. in 74 ds. for 2 IRCs.(Warner-UK).
in 82 ds.(Dillaman-MI). in 110 ds. for ms.(Gavaras-

life MN). same in 101 ds. for ms.(Connell-CA). in 31 / mo.


(Lobdell-MA). 11890 p/d cert. in 103 ds.(Dunham-LA)

an jratitieo
same in 100 ds.(Krist-VA). in 3 mo. w/ schedule
(Lunna-VT). in 13 wks.(Gliksman-IL). 17895 and
15355 cert. in 14 wks. for ms.(Wa-
The Voióe of thee leteroewnal la-CA). 6155 same in 13 wks. for

Oran Colombia
Revolution/station ZRRZ ms.(Leithner-TN). in 10 wks. w/
Box 4948, Arcata, CL 95521-3C48 T-Shirt.(Wilkins-00). in 96 ds.
via John Santosuosso (Hitsman-IA). 15355 cert. in 3 mo. fe.
eThe Bay Area's only anti-gay, (Manning-TX). in 108 ds. for ms.
ait -fa Ge radio station is pleased (Palmersheim-MN). in 5 mo. for a
to confirm your reception on the taped rpt. and ms.(Choroszy-ME). 21.020
AA • ......... INC,

frequency of6c,, - ”:111,47 11 , on in 90 ds. for ms.(Buer-FL). 17895 3( i9/3

// 19ji:, at C( c2c9 . cert. in 105 ds.(Cramton-IL). in POTterLA moranAlerl

OTour report cannot be verified. 102 ds. for ms.(Palmersheim-MN).

O Other same in 109 ds.(Reinstein-FL). in QUITO-ECUADUR

Thank you for your interest. 14 wks. (Neumann-AZ).

Page 37

USA: WWV 15000 f/d cd. in 2 wites.(YinglineMD). VOA

21485 via Bethany f/d cd. in 6 ds. (Stephany-NY).
Voice of Free China via WYFR 5985 f/d "Opera" cd.
in 29 ds.(Palmersheim-MN). f/d "Jadeite Cabbage"
cd. in 114 dg. w/ key chain,pennant, stickers,
(Reinstein-FL) This counts as USA Steve. .Sam.
cd. in 2 mo. w/ 2 different pennants.(Field-MI).
11740 f/d "Flower" cd. in 89 ds.(Stephany-NY).
* Voice of the Pyramids 6240 f/d ltr. #31 for rece-
ption of their test transmission. (Neumann-AZ).
f/d ltr. in 50 da. for ms. v/s Mika Johnson,
* Owner and Operator.(Gavaras-MN). KQSB 7425 f/d
* ltr. in 30 dg. 15 watts!(Baxter-KS). WRNR 7397
f/d cd. in 54 da. Station said this was their 1st
* QSL!(Baxter-KS). KCFR 7345 nice yellow cd. w/ f/d
* in 3 wks. 125 watts. (Berg-Ma). Radio Free Radio
7426 f/d ltr. w/ photo of Charlie Chaplin and
rats sniffing out DX(I) v/s Edward MaCarthy.(Bax-
* ter-KS). Voice of the Voyager 6840 f/d large cd.
* in 35 ds.100watts.(Baxter-KS). WHFO 6275 f/d
"Flag" cd. in 12 wks. for ms.60watts.(Palmersheim
* -MN). WH(U)F0 6275 same in 56 ds.(Prokop-OH).
USSR: Radio Moscow 9760 cd. w/ ltr. in 54 ds.(Hits-
UZBEK SSR: Radio Tashkent 11785 f/d cd. man-IA).
in 53 de. for 2 IRCs.(Bryant-OK). 9650 f/d "Map"
cd. in 48 ds.(Choroszy-ME).
VATICAN: Radio Vatican 11845 f/d "50th Anniversary"
cd. in 2 wks.(Yingling-MD). f/d cd. In 26 dg.
(Bryant-OK). 11700 f/d "Marconi" cd. w/ pennant
in 183 ds.(Boone-TX).
VENEZUELA: Radio Turimmo. 6180 p/d cd. in 5 wks. for
a SP rpt.(Barto-CT). Ecos dal Torbes 4980 n/d cd.
in 120 da. for a SP rpt. and ma. (Boone-TX). Radio
Rumbos 9660 f/d cd. in 167 da. for a SP rpt.(Boo-
* ne-TX). Radio Libertador 3245 f/d prepared cd. in
64 yrs! after 21 follow-up rpts! This was for a
SP rpt. and ms.(Lazarus-LA)...Nice Henry! Radio
Valera 4840 large p/d cd. in 5 ma, for a SP rpt.
and ms. Sticker rcvd. v/s Carlos Julio Balza,
Director.(Berg-MA). Radio Occidente 3225 ltr. v/
postcard in 54 moo. after a follow-up rpt. v/s
Berta Puente A., Secretaria. (Berg-MA).
WEST BERLIN: RIAS 6005 "Building? cd. in 27 de. for
2 IRCs.(Blom-NY).
ZAIRE: La Voix du Zaire 15245 f/d ltr. In 6 wka. for
a FR rpt. and 3 IRCa.(leithner-TN).
ZAMBIA: Zambia Broadcasting Service 4911 via Lusaka
f/d cd. in 16 mo. for ms. v/s Peter Musuba. This
was after a third follow-up rpt.(Lazarus-LA).
ZIMBABWE: ZBC Radio One 3396 f/d "Map" cd. in 80 da.
for 2 IRCa.(Tutak-NJ). f/d oversized "Map" cd. in
130 de. for 2 IRCs. v/s J. Robertson.(Palmersheim-MN).

This month we had 121 countries reported. Thank you - great job:
Next month we should have a special column. Hope you like it!
If any of you old time DXers have QSLa going back quite a ways we would
appreciate illustrating these rare items in the QSL Column. If you send any copies to ma,
try to make sure they are of good contrast. Shades of gray will not work well... .Sam.

NOTES: Ron Howard passes on the following information.. .Mr. John D. Isinii is the station
manager at Radio Manus not at Radio East Sepik as listed in the WRTH. Also, Mr. Luke
limbo is the station manager at Radio East Sepik not as the listed Radio Manos.. .Thanks!
New member Bill Mayer write in stating that he likes the column and all of the features
in FRENDX. Another new oel; r Bob Streeter says that the v/s's came in very
ve handy. Glad
you like them. Also received corresponde nce from
\,,., ..0- Bill Kreuzinger, Terry Krueger, Wild Bill Taylor,
Serge Neumann, Sandra Manning,Dan Miller, Schoone
IMISORA5 • \‘‘ Jongen, Nelson George and many others. ..Sam.

i BEST OF QSLing and see you in Canada:

Page 38
July 1982.**Number 1/3

Tom Allman
615 W. 43rd Terr., Apt. 6
Kansas City, MO 64111 USA
(816) 931-5943 7-10 p.m. Cent. rime ONLY

UPCOMING DEADLINES: 11 July (Mid-July) 25 July (August) 10 August (Mid-August)

Reproduction permittied provided credit is given original reporter and nASWA UPDATE. Dates,
times and days are GMT; freqs are kHz.

ANGOLA R. Nac., 9535, in PT 2252; excellent. Surprised to find this on. at this time. PT end
US pop mx, "Noticias A Ahora" 2300, IDs and mx to 2355 s/off annemte, NA and off 0004*. (Chris
Leithner, ru 6-6)
ARGENTINA Argentine Annie, 17738, in EC 0030-45.; good. Usual stuff to close and then short
segment of OC to plug. (Kononchik, CT 6-14)---Same on 17740 at 2200 only and 17738 for the 0000
b'cast. Jammed. (Vied Cucura, PA 6-7)---Same, 17738, in EC 0005-45.; strong. Instr mx by Doc
Severeneen playing "Live and Let Die"--is there a massage here?--usual W miner and talk on Pope
visit. Better audio than when first noted in May. (Brian Alexander, PA).."-Tom Gaveras called
to say that this one it still on after surrender of Argentine forces on the islands. Noted 6-20
during 0000 b'east with iiii=rmac. (tba)
ASCENSION IS. R. Atlantico del Sur, 9710, in SP *2300-55; strong. IS and ID as "Suave entente
y uno; R. Atlantic° del Sur." US pop ace rock mx. Talk by M. (Alexander, PA 6-12)...Also accord-
ing to Tom Gavaras, this ona off after surrender, though operating for the first couple of days
unjanmed after the cease fire. He received a QSL for his 19 May reception of it by writing the
British Ministry of Defense. (tba)
BELIZE RB, 3285, in EG 0046; "A man's home is his castle," followed by promo for Belize Build -
ing Society selling shares. (!1! tba) Tom Jones song. (Neal Perdue, AL 6-6)
BOLIVIA R. Riberalta, 4696, in SP 0030-40; weak. M anncr, talk, Andean flute mx, talk by anncr
mention of Riberalte, ad and more mx. (Stu Klein, n.1)++.R. Abarda, 4710, in SP 0040-0115; poor.
W enact, Andean mx, children. chorus. ID just possible 0100 through QRS. (Klein, NJ)..-...R. Fides
4845, in SP 0029; strong. MAW «mere, nondescript mx, ID by W. In vy well at 0120 recheck w/
inner mx and fuul ID/site 0130. (Perdue, AL 6-8)...R, Illimani, 6025, in SP 1025-30; AFRTS spl-
ash. Nice Andean flutes, M tanner, ID, talk, more 'ex. (KLein, NJ)
BRASIL R. Iguatemi, 3295, in PT 0110-15; good. Samba mx, Il antler w/ TC, ID, more mx. (Klein,
Cult. Araraquara, 3365, in PT 0040-45, vy good. Nice love ballad, shouting M dj between
selections w/ ID, TC and another selection. (Klein, NJ)...R. Universo, 6020, in PT 0905-27; cov-
ered by IN 0927. Ad*, ID and PT mx. (Alexander, PA 6-13)
CAMEROUN RN, 9745, in FR 2250. Poor. Much Afr mx, s/off &uncut., ID and NA before 2300*.
(171777171ir, TN 5-23)
CLANDESTINE LV del CID, 5106, in SP 0122-30; vy good. M anncr giving full eked, repeated, then
chimes (IS?) and into commentary. (Klein, NJ)---Seme, 0105-36.. Talk by MAW, mx box type IS and
Ma scattered throughout. Off w/ Cuban NA. (Alexander, PA 6-12)
COOK IS Woo.. Is., 11760, in eeeee 071541810; W miner, phone talk, island lax. US pop rune. EC
ED 0800 and RAustralia ax. Week but clear. (Alexander, PA 6-13)
ECUADOR R. Iris, 1381, in SP 0030; march mx, ID, choral mx. (Perdue, AL)+-0->HCJB, 21477, in EG
1930-2000; M ennead 21477.5, "Passport" and slight het.(Kononchik, CT 6-13)
FR GUYANA FR3, 3385, in FR 0035-42; jazz mx pgm, M annex., unusual here at this time. (Perdue,

GALAPAGOS IS LVG, 4810, in SP 0110; antics:es by M, short Ezl. mx breaks. Ment both Ecuelor and
Galapagos. Regional ax, couple of long EDs. (Perdue, AL)
:UINEA RN, 4910, in veras 0600-10; week. Guitar IS to 0603, NA, M addrete to crowd, hollow
mx. (Klein, NJ)
KOREA (DPR) KCBS tentatively the one on 6348 1035-40. Per Lazarus. W toner w/ continuous RR
talk. (Klein, NJ)
WIIBERIA LBS, 3255, in EC *0458-0505; vy good. W anncr v/ 20, "Beginning morning xmin." Into
religious talk over religious mx. (Klein, NJ)
LIBYA K. Jamahiriya, 11815, in EG 2229-2301.; good. ID, mx, ax and Green Book readings. (Kowa-
, CT 6-13)
.MALI Rdf Natl, 4783, in vera *0555-0602; good. Harp IS to 0559, NA, M anncr w/ a/on proceed-
// 4838 a trifle weaker. (Klein, NJ)
MOZAMBIQUE Maputo, 3209, in PT 0252; poor. IS, several /Ds. NA 0255, talk 0257 into ax 0300.
(Alexander, PA)
NIGZRIA Jos, 5965, in vera 0500-40; vy good. M anncr w/ /D, mention Plateau and Jos (long 0)
to Amer soul mx, TC, ID, more mx. Ibadan 6050 also in well. (Klein, NJ)
PERU LV de la Sol en los Andes, 3230, in SP 0045-55; chatter by M, ID and Location. (Perdue, AL)
R. America, 3240, in SP 0710; fair. LA pops, DO, M DJ. (Alexander, PA 6-13)4-..R. Atlantide,
4790, in SP 0001-10; M w/ talk, IDs in synthesized mx riff. Neal Perdue, AL 6-64.-.R, Sanaren,
4815, in SP 0650-0700.; weak. Nondescript LAm pops, fast talk by M, cannded end of soccer game.
Finally ID, NA and off. Wish theyd choose either Sanaren or Amazonas as full time ID. (Klein, NJ)
***R. Adina, 4996, in SP 0520-30; vy good. Nine local mx, LAm stuff too. M anncr, ICs, :Ds.
Eco, 5112, in SP 0130-35; good. 3 Ads, M anncr, ID, TC, jingle, another ads
and local mx.(Klein, NJ) R. El Sol, 5970, in SP 1015-20; vy good. M &liner, "ti Sol en lot Andes"

Page 39
HASWA UPDATE/July 1982 2
morning pgm. (Rlein, NJ)+++11. America, 6010, in SP 1015-20; good. Lb by M: "R. America, la em-
icon * . . ."Nice Local pope, more talk by anncr. 1/9510 (Klein, NJ) +++R. Victoria, 6020, in SP
1020-25; weak. LAm pop tax, M anncr, TO, long ID, more mx. (Klein, NJ).+4.R. Union, 6115, in SP
1025-30; fair. Over Llano, M darer, IC, ID, nice local flute mx, talk and another piece. (Klein
NJ)+++R. Tacna, 9505, in SP 1030-40; poor and vy weak compared to R. America, 9510. Nice lilting
local mx, M anncr, IC, ID and talk. (Klein, NJ)
SOLOMON IS. SIBC, 5020, in EC 0928; local church service, ID 0932, local choral mx. (Alexander,
PA 6-13)---Same 9545, in EG 0655-0758*. M anncr reading listener mail, USpop and island mx. IC,
ID and ox 0730-40, more mx and abruptly gone 0758. (Alexander, PA)
We continue Jim Conrad's llm bandscan. If you subecribed to the Midmonth, you'd have the whole
thing. All notations are Jima.
1700 GMT-contd 1900GMT-contd 2100 GMT-contd
21525 WYFR in AR 21575 AR Lang stn 21685 RNederland in EC to 2120
21530 UnID 21585 Iraq in AR 21710 BBCWS
21545 Ar stn too weak to 21600 DV GM 21725 Algeria in AR
ID 21615 WYFR EC 21735 UnID
21550 VOA AR 21630 Ar lang stn 21797 DV in GM
21560 DV GM 21640 VOA in IS 21840 VOA EG
21565 RMWS 21645 Sweden SSS
21570 SRI 21650 DV (?) 2200 GMT
21575 VOA lang 21660 VOA EC 21460 VOA EC
21580 RFI FR 21685 RN FR 1925* 21470 VOA EC
21585 Iraq (p) in AR 21695 RCI 21477.5 HCJB
21600 DW FR 1700 21700 RNorway 21485 VOA EC
21610 VOA PT at 1730 21720 RS pgm w/ jamming 21495 VOA FR
21615 WYFR EC 1730 21725 Algeria in AR 21520 SRI EC to 2215*
21620 RFI FR 21840 VOA EG 21525 WYFR EG
21630 VOA lang 21585 Iraq in AR
21645 RSweden Swedish SSB 2000 CNT 21600 DV GM
21675 KolIsrael AR 21477.5 HCJB in EG 21615 WYFR in EG
21680 VOA EG vy poor! 21485 VOA in EC 21650 UnID FR pgm
21685 Kuwait/Netherlands 21495 weak EG lang pgm 21660 VOA EC
21690 RAI IT to 1745* 21510 WYFR 21675 UnID Ar stn
21695 RCI RS 1700, CM 1730 21525 WYFR 21710 BBCWS
21710 BBCWS 21550 VOA AR 21725 Algeria in AR
21725 Algeria AR 21570 SRI em week 21730 Un/D FR pgm--doubt France this
21810 BRT DI to 1752* 21585 Iraq in AR w/ later here. Vy weak at any rate.)
21840 VOA EG heavy jamming too 21745 VOA CH
21590 UnID FR pgm
1800 GMT 21600 DV in GM 2300 GMT
TirerrryFR FR, IT 21610 UnID in EC (pre- 21460 VOA EG
21470 UnID FR stn (BBC?) sumed Algeria) 21525 WYFR SP to 0051* (This freq
21477.5 HCJB GM 1830 21615 WYFR really should be used earlier to
21485 VOA EC 21630 Ar lang .3Crl LAm by WYFR)
21500 DV GM 21640 VOA in RS 21585 Iraq in AR
21515 RFI 21650 VOA in -RS 21600 DV GM
21525 WYFR 21660 UnID 21610 RJapen in EG from 2345. Very
21560 UnID AR (Presume 21675 UnID Ar Land stn weak.
DV) 21685 RWederland in EG 21680 RAustrlia tuning sig 2345, IS
2157G SRI from 2030 2355
21575 UnID AR stn 21695 RCI 21745 VOA CM
21580 API 21710 BBCWS
21600 DV in GM 21725 Algeria My sincere tnx to Jim Conrad for a
21610 RJapan GM 21797 DV in GM //17810 job well and smartly done. If you
21615 WYFR This freq had off- have a project like thià in mind or
21620 RFI air relay sound. a report from a DXpedition or some-
21630 UnID AR speaker 21840 VGA in EG thing inst unusual and interesting,
21645 Sweden SSS send it to me or drop ma a note.
21660 VOA EC 2100 GMT We'll try to make arrangements to
21685 RNederland FR 21470 VOA in FR use it.
21695 UnID 21477.5 HCJB
21725 Algeria in AR 21485 VOA EC In the meantime, beat of 73 till
21840 VoA in EC 21520 UnID in SP weak and the next as we approach our Gala Fifth
difficult Anniversary Issue.
1900 GMT 21525 WYFR in EC
2146) WYFR GM 21550 VOA AR
21477.5 HCJB EC 21575 UnID RS pgm
21485 VOA EG 21585 Iraq in AR
21500 OW GM 21600 DW in CM
21525 WYFR 21615 WYFR EC
21550 AR lang stn 21640 VOA in RS
21560 RAI IT to 1905 21660 UnID and very
2570 AFRTS weak

Page 40
log report section
642 Cranbury Cross Road, North Brunswick, NJ 08902 (201)846-1582 0030-0330 ONLY!

And so we come to the fourth chapter of a continuing saga...

2390.0 MEXICO R.Huayacocotla; 1236 SP tlk. (Lineback 5/30)

2428 ADMIRALTY IS R.Manus; 1210 ici mx, drums, conch shell, chanting, gal w/PD ann,
UTE on freq. (Murff 5/5) tpx. (Murff 5/15)
2475T umA Zhejiang PBS; 1158 YL tlk to 1200, six time pips, ID?, into oriental mxt
3200T SWAZILAND TWR; 0309 tlk, singing in vernac, off at 0346, back at 0400. Didn't
catch ID, so tent. f(Moman 5/26 likely, as sked confirms--sdk
3205 BRASIL R.Riberio Preto; 0115 M/ann in PT w/soccer game-g0000ls & all. f/ORN
(Klein 5/28) 0058 live spts match, eta break w/ID 0100. p/ORM(Choroszy 5/28)
3205 NEW GUINEA R.West Sepik; 1130 ici mx px w/Y1 DJ & PD tlk. ID 1200 by OM. (Murff
5/5) 11141 PD W/ann w/TC "14 after 9", John Denver mx. (Underdovn 5/6) 1134 tuned
across ID & song "Hang on Sloopy", OM/ann in PD. f(Moman 4/18)
3210 MOZAMBIQUE Maputo; 0252 IS to 0255 NA, OM w/opening ann in PT, than OM v/long
Ilk. (Murff 6/6)
3215 CELEBES RRI Menado; 1151 TI. ann, mx-"Roll Out the Barrel". ID 1152, into add
MoR mx. (Hensley 5/28) ?(Murff 5/26)
3220 ECUADOR HCJB; 0312 SP nxcast, ment of Arg-Brit conflict. f(Jordan 5/8)
3220 NEW GUINEA R.Morobe; 1204 OM DJ w/EZL mx pa, PD frequent TC and PSA betw selst
3222 TOGO Lama Kara; *0524 test tone to 0525 IS, into NA & nice FR ID 0530. f gig,
but very nice audio(Biller 6/13)
3225 BRASIL Lins R.C1.; 0110 sambas, ballads, Wean in PT w/ads, IC/ID, more of the
same mx. g/some QRN(Klein 5/28)
3225 VENEZUELA R.Occidente; 0310 OM ann w/SP ID 0322, into vocal mx sels. Much ORR
(Jordan 5/8) 0225 SP LAm voc mx, OM tlk betv sels, ID 0230. Thunder QRN(Valko
5/19) 0315 ID, Folkloric. Venezolana mx. f(Illa 5/18)
3210 R.E1 Sol de los Andes; 0045 SP chatter by M, ID & QTR. (Perdue 6/9) 0020
M/ann w/ID as "R.E1 Sol", tlk on LAm/US relations. f/p when UTE on hi side OC
(Kruger 6/5) Was pleased to note this at this QTR, tnx Terry's tip--sdk
3230 SOUTH AFRICA R.RSA; 0332 EC pa & pop mx. Vy faint, could not ID till // on 4990
(Cliksman 6/8) 0310 ox, cmty. (Murff 6/6 0305 ox. (Homan 5/26) 0350 pops(Jordan)
3235 BRASIL R.C1. Marilia; 2353 live telephone caller/lots of PT tlk. g(Choroszy
5/27) 30201 ranchera mx sels, 2-0M/ann witlk. p(Jordan 6/4)
3240V PERU R.America; 0340 opts coverage w/2 OM/ann. ID/freq/ann 0357. p(Jordan 5/8)
3240 SWAZILAND TWR; 0313 vernac native rel chorus. vy p/UTE ORM(Choroszy 6/6)
3245 BRASIL R.C1. Varginha; 0105 OM/ann caught in middle of full PT ID-most
fortuitous! p/UTE 5/28)
3250TT HONDURAS R.Luz y Vida; 0035 EZL US orch mx, SP tlk by M 0047, foll by more mx.
717i7:7- 7/7ID 0100. vk sig/heavy QM 95% on ID(Jordan 6/4)
3250 SOUTH AFRICA R.Five; 0435 string of Linda Ronstadt mx. f(Biller 6/9) 0240
Om/ann, oldy-goldy mx past 0435. f(Moman 5/26) ve think you mean Moldy-Goldy!--sdk
3253 ECUADOR LV del Triunfo; 1053 OM DJ v/ pm of HC mx, frequent ads. SP ID as LV
del Triunfo at 1057. (Murff 6/9)
3255 LIBERIA LBS; *0458 NA, F/ann w/ID, "beginning morn amen" & into rd l ilk over
tel mx. vg(Klein 6/4) *0500 rel tlk, KG TC, lcl mx & tlk. (Biller 6/9) 0511
nonstop Af mx, 0529 M w/ID, TC, into Ici tlk. (Cucura 6/3)
3255V VENEZUELA LV de El Tigre; 0326 OM/ann w/nx, 3 desc tones betw rpts. f(Jordan)
3260.8 ECUADOR LV del Rio Carrizal; 0324 just caught ID as above, ann, NA, and off
0331. f(Moman 5/26)
3275 BRASIL Rdf. Alagoas; 0120 M/ann w/soccer game, voice-over ID 0130.f(Klein 5/28)
3275 PAPUA R.So. Hilands; 1230 OM DJ in PD w/Eur sounding EZL ma pa, to s/off at
1300. (Murff 5/12) t(Mbore-Honduras 5/16)
3280 ECUADOR LV del Napo; 1002 much fanfare, assume just s/on, into vocal mx. fig/
3285 BELIZE RB; 0430 EG notes to listeners, disco crap. Better or equal level on /-
834 MW(Biller 6/6) 1230 EC vocals & ann. f(Lineback,5/31) 0046 "A man's home is
his castle" foil by Belize Building Soc promo selling shares. (Perdue 6/6)
3290 PAPUA R.Central; 1230 OM DJ in PD w/Sat nite mx pa. Sb o Euro vocals, la pop
rock mx, etc. UTE slop from 3285(Murff 5/15)

Page 41
3295 BRASIL R.Iguatemi; 0110 Samba mx, 2 sels, to Wants v/PT IC, ID, more mx. Hoping
for Tapuid but no such luck. g(Klein 6/12)
3300T BURUNDI LV de la Revolution; *0258 almost certain this one here w/OC from 0250
and into drum beats around 0258 to 0301 w/presumed NA, but wk and low at this time
M/ann 0303, could not make lang. 0308 sig stronger, could make Af vocals. 0327
drumming leading off next tune, then 0329 M tlk to 0338, at which time lang
sounded like FR, thot hrd ment Burundi. (Moritz 6/13) mx for a much detailed rpt
on this elusive one!--sdk
33201 SOUTH AFRICA SABC; 0350 OM tlk in AK, lasted past 0440, no ID. f(Moman 5/26)
3322.5 BOUGAINVILLE R.No. Solomons; 1150 ON DJ w/lcl mx pa, PD ID 1200, more ici me to
1230 EZL mx pa to 1300*. f(Mitrff 5/27)
3325 ECUADOR UNID; 0238+ SP sta active here, but usuallly covered by UTE. Is the ac
active these days? (Moritz) Si! Ondas QuevedeBas, cf. June LR-A--sdk
3325 GUATEMALA R.Maya; *1100 s/on ID w/Battle Hymn of Republic! strong(Underdown)
3330 INDONESIA UNID; 1020 Oriental sounding inat mx pa, OM/DJ, heavy ORM. (Murff
6/2) Only listing we have is RKDT2 Sukabumi, Java--adk
3335 NEW GUINEA R.Ea. Sepik; 1000 PD OM w/lcl mx px, market rpt. 1200 ID, Fri * top
hit parade, Sat * Sat mx pa. (Mirff)
3355 BOTSWANA RB; 0510 M/ann in lang w/presumed na. Vy poor under fax, ID poss by /-
4845 vg. (Klein 6/4)
3365 BRASIL R.Cult. Araraquara; 0040 nice love ballad ex, shouting M/DJ betw sels v/
ID, IC, then nother sel. vg(Klein 6/12)
33671 IRAQ Hurriyah; 0323 tlk by OM in ME lang, chanting, brief singing, tlk again by
OM, brief mx and off. Good aig, but no ID. (Valko 5/18)
33801 ,
161m1 Balantyre; 0305 native mx, grp chanting & drums, tlk in lang, EC IC
0311. Best from 0310-0320. (Biller 6/12)
3381 ECUADOR R.Iria; 0306 two OM/ann w/soccer match. Many ID/QTR. p(Jordan 6/3) 0030
march mx, ID, choral mx. (Perdue)
3385 FRENCH GUIANA FR3 Cayenne; 0008 native guitar mx, M/ann in FR. f(Choroszy 5/26)
0035 jazz mx pa , Wann in FR, unusual here at this time. (Perdue 6/6) 0105 Booming
in w/Icl pop & calypso mx, but poor singing. //5055. (Alexander 6/5)
3385 NEW BRITAIN RENB! 0900 Ici rock mx & EZL mx. IS on hour, NBC dodo bird then cot.
Noted w/s/off at 1300. (Mürff)
339011 COLOMBIA R.Neiva; 0000+ in-baud harmonic (3 x 1130). Huge sig but severe
distortion. //SW outlet 4855. 452011 hrd in All. (Reinstein) as is 2260--sdk
3395 ECUADOR R.Zaracay; 1017 mx, SP ann & cmts. f/g(Illa 5/21)
3396 ZIMBABWE Salisbury; 0400 EG na by M, mx, ads. (Stidwell 6/5) 0410 OM/ann in EG
w/ca. to'a mx, then na headlines. f(Jordan 5/8)
1451 INDONESIA RKPDT2 Kotabaru; cf. June LR-A, QSL info from DUDES #18 indicates
that this is located in Borneo--sdk
3478e BOLIVIA R.Padilla; 0038 W w/lengthy SP tlk to 0048 rousing folk numbers
w/yipping. ID as above 0040. p/ORN(Moritz 6/13) 0112 W/ann w/SP ann, ID/IC 0119,
lcl mx. (Cucura 6/3)
1490 INDONESIA UNID; 1115 OM & giggly YL here w/pop mx pa. Hrd sevl times this
month, bad flutter fade. (Mbrff 5/82) Have RPDT2 Tanah Laut, Borneo, listed --sdk
3905 NEW IRELAND R.New Ireland; 1100 OM in PD wild l na pr. Here most mornings amidst
the bountiful ARO ORM. (%rff 6/2) if(Moman)
3910 JAPAN FEN; 1049 "Coal Miners Daughter" to OM/ann in EG w/nx, ID. f, //61551
3925 JAPAN NHK; 1050 tlk, sporting event? f, //6055 f/g, 9595 f(Moman 4/18)
3925 PAPUA NBC; 0905 Ici na, // 4890, both f(Moman 5/26)
3945 VANUATU RV; 0900 PD na, ID. Unusually gud this PM, little ARO ORM. (Moman 5/26)
3960 CELEBES RRI Palu; 1115 F/w/IN vocal mx,ID into Am style pop mx sels. (Murff)
3975 JAVA RRI Surabaya; 1137 Gal w/px of children* mx, Freq ment Surabaya(Murff)
4000T CAMEROUN Bafoussam; 0450 lcl gutty vocals, tough copy, some ORM de 400S(Biller)
4000 CELEBES RRI Kendttri; 1133 Indo mx to 1140 YL w/t1k, ID. Lost 1159 to 10.
harmonic. RRI Padang not noted. (Murff 6/9)
46101 AsRSFSR Khabarovsk; 1125 w/opera mx. g(Moore-Honduras 5/16)
4656 ECUADOR CRE; 0220 romantic ballads rather than usual soccer match. gluons
5 /2 1)
10371 SP tlk by M, ment Ec, bad ORN. (Underdown 5/19)
4680 ECUADOR R.Nic. Espejo; 1030 M/ann w/plenty of SP ID, HC mx eels. f(Bolland 5/2)
4696 BOLIVIA R.Riberalta; 0120 long SP tlk, pose na. f ment Riberalta. (Biller 6/5)
0030 M/ann w/t1k, into Andean type flute mx sel, then ann w/TC, Riberalta ment,
ad, then more same delightful mx. wk(Klein 6/5)
4710 BOLIVIA R.Abaroa; 0040 F/ann betw Andes mx, kids chorus, vy wk, ID just poste
thru ORE, but clearly. (Klein) 01001 nonstop upbeat SP voc to 0114, M/ann, back to
mx. No ID. p/ORN/ORM(Moritz 6/13) 0330 OM/ann w/ID, ment Riberalta, LAm mx, TCs,
to 0548* p(Jordan 5/27) 0334 as UNID SP tlk. p(Bolland 5/22)
4719 CELEBES RRI Ujung Pandang; 1200 RRI net (Ix by M/ann. g(Lineback 5/30) 11041 Olf
w/IN na. p(Mbore-Honduras 5 /2 2)
4740T BOLIVIA R.Mamord; 2358 mostly poor w/nondescript Lem pops & OM in SP, IC for
GMT-4. No ID. Abaroa on 4711. (Reinstein 5/28-29)

Page 42
4756 BRASIL Rdf.Maranhio; 0810 PT pop mx, tlk by Milian w/ment of Brasil., ID & ID
tape terribly distorted. (Valk° 5/23)
4765 BRASIL R.Nal. Cruzeiro do Sul; 0259 wkly hrd w/ID 6 freqs by M/ann in PT. Some
splash and QM (Vallco 5/18) 0417 smooth OM/ann w/ID, OTH, promos & mx. f(Jordan)
4770 NIGERIA Kaduna; 2345-0000*, *0400-0530 with the usual mix of mx 6 tlk(6 rep)
4770 VENEZUELA R.Bolivar; 0100-0415 Lam mx, IDs, ICs, ads, etc. (5 rep)
4775 BRASIL UNID; 0035 often hrd in this time slot v/soccer match. Usually p/f.
Sergipe or Oeste? (Reinatein 6/3) Sergipe is all we've ever noted here--sdk
4777 GABON Libreville; 2305-0004*, *0430-0530 v/the usual lcl & pop mx. (7 rep)
4780 VENEZUELA LV de Carabobo; 0246 lively SP mx w/ads, ID. (Mellberg 4/24) 0345 LAm
mx to 0400* (Shortridge 4/10) *0901 NA. (Choroszy 5/11)
N ,4781 HONDURAS R.Juticalps; 1022 ID as above by OM in SP, ORR & poor sig, ranchera
style mx(Mellberg) 1035 SP px "Alborada Ranchera" w/ranchera mx,ID g(Illa)
4783 MALI Bamako; *0555-0630 harp Is to 0600 NA, ID, px of Af mx & tlk in FR and
vernace. Very popular, noted by (8 rep)
4785 BRASIL R.Ribamar; 0823 cont PT mx. «liolland 5/21)
4789 WEST IRIAN RRI Pak Felt; 1205 gal w/Jak nx relay, //4845 Ambon. (Murff 6/2)
•,4790 PERU R.Atlintida; 0000-0445, 0900-1015 Pv & non-Pv mx sels, LAm sels, many ID,
OTH, IC, etc. (7 rep)
4795 ECUADOR LV de los Cares; 0238 nice LAm mx, SP tlk by M & YL, fast ID. ORN/QSB
problems(Valko 5/19) 0120 mx folkloric& by groups of W. 0127 ID. g(Moritz 6/13)
4797 BOLIVIA R.Nueva America; 0140 mostly tlk, some piano mx, then 0203 ID & s/off.
No NA. ORM de Lara 4800 & het lo-side(Biller 6/6) 0345 OM/ann win:, ment Arg,
ranchera mx, IDs, etc., to 0400*. «Jordan 6/2)
'4800 VENEZUELA R.Lera; 0014 EZL mx, OM ii/SP ID, tlk(Mellberg 4/13) 0520 nov on past
0400 thus zapping beloved Lesotho. (Biller 6/6)
4801 ECUADOR R.Pop. Indep.; 0759 SP M full ID, "R. Pop. Indep. en Cuenca", to mx v/
barn yard sounds. g(Bolland 5/9) 0510 cont accord mx, ID by teann. «Jordan 5/28)
4810 GALAPAGOS LV de Gal/Indigos; 0135 inst mx, ballads, Andean tunes. ID 0244, RC
NA, and 0249*. P w/UTE, best near s/off(Reinstein) glad to see this back--sdk
48101 PERU R. San Martin; 0359 SP M cuts, believe nx on hr, foil by mx. p(Bolland)
4810 GABON Moyabi; 0516 pop FR mx, OM/DJ. g(Moman 5/6) 0515 Af mx(Eichenhorn)
4815 COLOMBIA R.Guatapuri; 0030-0430 LAm mx & tlk. (5 rep)
4815 PERU R.Samaren; 0650 nondescript LAm pops, fast tlk by M/ann betw sels. Canned
soccer triumph, finally ID, NA, & off 0700*. f/wk/ORN(Klein 6/1)
4.820 ECUADOR Rdf. Paz y Bien; 0910 mx, then OM/ann v/tIk on eta, ID/IC, etc, to nice
HC mx sels. vg(Klein 5/24)
4820 HONDURAS HRVC; 0250 piano sels, heavy QRN(Boone 5/21) 1200 LAm pops, SP aren.

f(Lineback 5/30) 0405 EC sermon, ID, gospel mx. g(Mellberg 4/19)

4825 PERU LV de la Selva; 0233 clear ID after long string of promos w/ment of
Iquitos. Then canned ID w/sound effects. f(Reinstein 5/26) 0440 EZ accord mx, tlk
by M/ann, ID, etc. «Jordan 5/28)
4834.8 GUATEMALA R.Tezulutlin; 0150 marimba mx, 'Weds, tlk(Boone 5/22) 0224 OM in Ind
Lang, 0225 SP ID(Mellberg 4/18) 1200 SP & Ind tlk. f(Lineback 5/30)
4840.0 CHINA UNID; 1200 M & W tlk in CH. p(Lineback 5/30) prob FEISS #2--sdk
4845 BOLIVIA R.Fides; 0131 presumed the one running late w/clasa & opera mx, serious
M/ann betv sels. Thot ment La Paz 0227, no ID. Bad QRN(Moritz 6/13) 0029 /1 & W ann
w/px of nondescript mx, ID by W. vg(Perdue 6/8)
48451 BOTSWANA RB; 0445 spot sermonette on perils of a womans body and need to save
self for marriage by ON in EG. (Mellberg) always thought this ata vas strange--sdk
4845 COLOMBIA R. Bucaramanga; 0130-0410* usual carryings-on, EG ID at s/off(7 rep)
4845.1 MOLUCCAS RRI Ambon; 1200 M & W w/IN tlk. f(Lineback 5/30)
4851 ECUADOR R.Luz y Vida; 0403 YL/DJ v/mx & ID. (Mellberg 5/24) 0238 LAm & Andean
flute mx, ON v/ID. g(Valko 5/18)
4860 EuRSFSR RMWS; 0112 EG nx. (Mellberg 4/30) this is feeder via Kalinen--edk
4860 PERU R.Chinchsycocha; 0413 SP mx, Inca Cola ad, no ID per se, but simply "ads
musics Chinchaycocha" hype by DJ. f(Connell) we'd call that a de facto ID--sdk
4860 VENEZUELA R.Maraceibo; our most popular station this time around, noted on all
nite with the usual shtick by (12 rep!)
4865 COLOMBIA LV del Cinaruco; 0912 LAm pops, ID. (Purdum 5/8) 0300 SP ID, ment
Caracol, then mx. (Mellberg 4/13) 0908 M w/ID, mx. (Eichenhorn 4/23)
4870 ECUADOR R.Rio Amazonas; 0313 end of rel px, SP ID, pop mx. g(Jones 5/18) 0112
M/ann w/tlk, punctuated by mx, full ID on hr. p(Bolland 5/22)
4875 WEST IRIAN RRI Sorong; 1230 gal %anon mx px. 1200 SCI, Jet nx relay. Loot 1325.
(Murff 6/2) 1200T RRI ID & Jak nx. g(Moman 5/26) 1200 same(Lineback 5/30)
4890 HONDURAS R.Lux; 0040 rock mx, OM vista promo & px-"Mdsica Internacional", ID
at 0112 w/"Lux Radio International". f(Méllberg 4/13)
4894.81 SARAWAK Kuching; 1200 W/ann v/tIk in Lang, unreadable. p(Lineback 5/30)
4895 BRASIL R.Baré; 0915 PT pops, screaming M/DJ w/ID, IC, etc. vg(Klein 5 /24)

All for this month, nad to cut a bit to fit into the allotment, but keep those loggings
coming in! Till next month, 3's & 7's,

Page 43
log report section
Quite a few reports had to be excluded thin month because the items were toc cia.
Remember, when you are sending in items in July for the August issue, please don't send in
it... from before June 1; and so on each month. Thanks . . .

4900 VENEZUELA R. Juventud, Barquisimeto, US rock 0150 5-15, no ID; fair (Fraser-MA); ewe
as usual, 2/off anmt 0355, 0357*, 5-1 (Hallberg-IL); 0350 5-24 (Boone-TX).
4910 ECUADOR Em.Gran Colombia, Quito, full ID 0415 5-22, bank ad», fair (Bolland-TX); 5-6
at 0450, talks, IDs 0500 and 0505, echo effects, fair rcpn (Jordan).
4910 GEINEI Conakry, guitar IS 0600 to 0603, anthem, man addressing crowd, hollow drum and
harp mx, fair-weak with static on 6-5 (Klein-NJ).
4915 BRAZIL R. Anhanguera, Goiitnia, folk mx 2335 on 5-1, man LU, ID 0112 (Mellberg -IL).
4920 AUSTRALIA ABC-Brisbane, local ox 0905 5-26, poor (Moman -ABTA); fair 1200 (Linfibeck -TX).
4920 ECUADOR R. Quito, 0300 on 5-22, ID 0317 mentioning "la voz de la capital" (Boone-TX).
4925 CHINA Heilongjiang PBS, Harbin, CC talk 1200 on 5-31, poor (Lineback -TX).
4925 COLOMBIA m.Meridiano 70, Araiica, good at 0105 on 5-4, light SP mx, ID, to 0130; and
presumed them on 5c1, upbeat SP vocals 0359, to 0412*, poor audio (Mellberg-IL).
4930 VENEZUELA UV' de la Fe, Maracaibo, 0259 on 5-19, mentions of Maracaibo and Venesuela.
weird special effects and echo anmts (Valko). (Absent for years --JB).
4935a BOLIVIA R. Norte, Montero, bid 0212 on 5-4 with poor signal and Cd OM. ID 0230, mx
0242, lively full ID 0305, then ads (Mellberg-IL).
4935t BRAZIL R. Capixaba, Vitoria, no ID hid, tho. Sporting event 0207 5-25, TC., mentions
of Brazil. Talk by M&W. Belived the one here with het problems (Valko).
4945 COLOMBIA R. Colossi is apparently now IDing as Caracol Neiva. ID 0037 on 6-10, then
Noticias del Dia (Illa-FL); and very good on 6-5 at 0530 with popular love songe, IDing
as "Melva Caracol, primera en Colombia" (Connell-CI).
4950 PERU R. Madre de Dios, Puerto Maldonado, poor in QRN at 0017 on 6-3, ballads, then
clear ID by man, TC. First positive ID after many tentatives! Lost 0029 (Reinstein -PL).
4950 SARAWAK Inching, popular instrumental mx at 1050 on 5-23, gal gave ID on the hour,
then nx. Pair Rig (Moore-HONDURAS).
4955 BRAZIL R. Marajoara, Belem, PT pop mx at 0909 5-5, talk by MAW with many mentions of
Brasil. Fair with QRN, to 0920 (Valko).
4961 VENEZUELA R. Sucre, *mane, 0348 on 5-22, SP amts, chimes, ads, ID; poor(Bolland-YL).
4965 ODLOMBII R. Santa Fe, loos 5-2, ranchers ma, ads and comments. full ID. They always
give lots of phone numbers in their commercials. Pair (Bolland -FL).
49701 SABAH Presumed Kota Kinabalu, barely audible 1240-1245 on 5-1 (Lineback -TX).
4970 VENEZUELA R. Rumbos, Caracas, good at 0955 with ID, mx, ox by man, ID (Eichenhorn).
4980 VENEZUELA Enos del Torbes, San Cristóbal, folklorica ex 0900 on 6-3, ID (Illa -PL).
4985 BRAZIL R. Brasil Central, Golinia, rapid soccer-type anmts at 2335 on 5-23. ads, ID.,
jingles, interviews, very flamboyant (Leary).
4990 NIGERIA leRCN -Lagos, pop mx at 2253 on 5-10, ox 2300, ID, fqy mute, anthem, then oft
at 2306e; all EG (Leary).
4990 SOUTH AFRICA R. RSA, EG 0430 on 5-22, ID, anthem, ox (Samuel).
4990 VENEZUELA R. Barquisimeto, sports 0330 on 5-24, talk about volleyball (Boone-TX).
4995R SURINAM Presumed R, Apintie, Paramaribo, Indian mx 0859 on 5-2, Beamed like long
discourse in Dutch at 0905, apparently Sunday inc. Good sig, didn't catch ID(Bolland).
4996 PERU R. Indina, Huancayo, vy nice 0520 on 6-5, talk, mx, IDs, etc. (Klein-NJ); 5-25.
TC and ID 1023, then back to campo mx with a little shouting. Good 1v1, minor WWV
QHM. Before this, never teemed to be there when I was! (Cunningham).
5000 SOUTH AFRICA ZUO time sig Ito, Cd *ZOO" IDe every 5 mine, poor 0035 5-28 (Leary).
5000 HAWAII WWVH, pipe, UTC by gal, the usual, good at 0934 on 5-21 (Krist -VI).
5005 EQUATORIAL GUINEA Bata, hi-life mx 0445 5-31, tribal mx, fast drums in ID, poor-fair
(Witte-CA); very good, same general type of programming, 0520 5-16 (Klein-NJ),
5005 SARAWAK Sibu, language discussion by man 1129 on 5-16, //4895 -Kuching, both fair -
gim7cITgoore -BOND);
- gal talking, fair sig. 5-30 1200.1230; and tentatively them at 1235
on 5-1, Koranic chants, not listed this time but must be the one that's often hid when
Malaysians are good. Poor on 5-1 (Lineback -TX).
5010 CAMEROUN Garoua, religious-type talks, prayers, chants; ID and ox 0400 6-4 (Jordan).
5015 USSR Vladivostok, classical vocals 1200-1230 5-30, opera 1235 5-1, both fair (Lineback).
5020 ALBANIA Gjirokaater, anthem *0300, ID, nx 6-3 (Cucura); folk mx 0315 5-22, cmtry, good
iri- (Wlland -FL). *0400 5-6, time ticks, anthem, "Ju flet Tirana" ID, into ox. Was
//5 0 57. Gjirokaster, Tirana or what? (Valko).
5020 SOLOMON IS. Lots of loge of this one. Local ox 0850 5-8, ID 0900, weak (Moore-BOND);
Pidgin ni 0900 5-8, II, fair, ditto 5-26 (Moman -ABTA); island ex 0942 5-1, ID 1000,

Page 44
then male DJ took over (Bolland -FL); /D 0957 5-8, RA ni, ads, local band countdown
(Krist -VA); fair with EG talk, 1014 5-12 (Choroszy); Pidgin 1025 5-24, EG ni 1100
(Dillaman); guitar mx 1050 5-8, ID 1100, fun, nx (Mellberg -IL).
5025 PERU R. Quillabamba, OM anncr 0340 6-4, ballads, promos, ID*, very poor, much QRN
T.1-iiman); unid, but thought them, jazz inatrumentals 0150 6-5, ni 0153-0156, than
more mx (Gliksman-IL).
5026 UGANDA Kampala, Aíro mx 0314 6-3, ID 0331 as R. Uganda, into vernac.nx (Cucura).
5027 BRAZIL R.J. Transamazanica, Altamira, rustic mx 0841, Continente QRM from 0855(Choroszy
5030 SARAWAK Kuching, gel talking 5-30 1200; instr., pipe 1230 5-1, ni, fair (Lineback -TX).
5035 BRAZIL R. Aparecida, pop mx 0032 5-26. many ID., menticns of Brazil, good (Choroszy).
5040 PERU R. Libertad de Junin, 0250 5-25, OA mx, high-pitched IL, man ;inner with ID. Rvy
QED and Iled in between static bursts (Valko).
5040 VENEZUELA R. Maturin, SP vocals 0135 5-2, ID, good eig (Lineback -TX); R. Maturin jingle;
mug by group 0400 5-9, ID after every song (Boone-TX); NA on at 0912, then full e/on
ID, SP mx, good sig (Choroszy).
5045 BRAZIL R. Cultura do Pari, Belém, 5-9, 0820 with Brazilian jazz, ads, full ID on the
hour, fair sig (Eolland -FL).
5047 INDONESIA RRI -Jogjakarta, Indonesian talk 1215-1225 on 5-1, poor (Lineback -TX).
5047 TOGO Lome, IS 0525 5-6, anthem and ID 0530, poor with usual poor modul. (Moman-ABTA).
5050 ECUADOR R. Jamie del Gran Poder, Quito, scripture reading 5-11 1032, religious choral
mx; ID 1045 (Purdue).
5052 SINGAPORE R. Singapore, EG pop vocals, MAW limners, 1205-1215 5-1, fair Lineback -TX).
5055 COSTA RICA TIFC, "Singe in the Night" in EC at 0333 5-8, ID 0355, fair Manning).
5055 FR. GUIANA Cayenne, *0900 with FR ID, talk, etc., no //a hrd; poor 5-26 (Momam-LBTA).
5055 MAZILAND TWR, German religious prgm 0407 6-4. to 0430*. Poor, much QRN (Jordan).
5060 ECUADOR R. Progreeo, Loja, ID as R. Nacional 0420 5-2 (Mellberg-IL); vocale 0438 5-2.
rapid IDe, at., TCa (Luyeter); LA mx. ID, talk, 0440 5-22 (Samuel).
5095 COLOMBIA R. Sutatenza, Bogotà, EC language lesson 1048 5-21, good sig (Illa-FL).
5106 CURD. LV del CID, mx 0044 5-8, IS 0058, than "Attención, Cuba," exc eig (Rolland -FL);
bell IS 0118 5-3, ID, talk, vy weak (Underdown -AI); ID 0119 6-2, fair (Jones-MS); giving
eked 0122 6-5, ID, cmtry, vy good (Klein-NJ); ID 0200, druks (Mellberg-IL).
5112 PERU R. Eco, Iquitos, ad string 0130 6-5, ID (Klein-NJ); 0240 5-26, beet OA these daye
the only one) (Moman-ABTA); aleo hrd arad 0330 by Biller-NJ; Boone-TX; and
Lineback -TX; and arad 1000 by Valko and Bolland-PL.
5240 CHINA Fujian Front Stn (PLA), Fuzhou, CC talk by IL, 1224 on 5-23 (Grenier).
5402t PORTUGAL Seems like a Portuguese time zig stn, 0135-0140 on 6-5, Ire, female manor
giving GMT+1 time sig in PT, 2 pips, then at repeats. Who? (Klein-DJ).
5451 W. IRIAN Tent. RRI-Biak, Indo nx by MAW at 1215, 5-26, fair gig (Momm.ABTA).
5565 CLANS. R. 15 de Septiembre, 0345 6-6, fair till heavy jing at 0352 (Choros.).
5882 ARGENTINA R. Rivadavia, B.A., rapid-fire sports at 0027 5-19, ID 0033, jingles,
light we 0035, then back to sports; much static (Jordan).
5930 CZECROSLAVAXIA Prague, EC ID 0136, la lstng ax, ID, contest winners (Kononchik -CT).
5954 COSTA RICA R. Casino, Puerto Limon, US pop. 0425 5-10, EC ID 0500 with MW, SW, FM ftiVn,
all W(FIller -NJ); ease at 0500 on 6-2 (Illa-FL).
5950 GUYANA GBC, Georgetown, Early Bird Show 0755 5-31, Hindi mx (D'Angelo -PA); 0758 6-8,
heavy QRN (Illa-FL); mx and messages in EC 0802-0835, fair 5-7 (Manning); regional nx
and aporte 0903-0909 6-3 (Choro say).
5950 NICARAGUA LV de Nicaragua, Managua, long talk 0040 5-29, .any IDs (Mellberg-IL).
5955t BRAZIL R. Gazeta, S.P., lively PT DI with Br. and US mx, vy poor, no ID (Leithner-TN).
5955a COLOMBIA LV de los Centaurus. Villavicencio, full ID 1011 5-19, good sig (Mellberg-IL).
5955 GREECE VOA -Kavala, EG ox 1400, mx, IDs, 5-30 (Sarkieian-MI).
5965 BRAZIL R. Gaucha vy gad 0910 (Leithner-TN). Mean Gualba?--JB.
5965 NIGERIA Jog, ID 0500, &mil mx, vy gad 6-11, Ibadan-6050 also in well (Klein-NJ).
5970 PERU R. El Sel, Lima, ID 0535 5-6 (Moman-ABTA); OA mx 0926, 5-8 (Purdum); "Sol eû loa
Andes* 1015, vy gad 6-1 (Klein-NJ); IL ID 1022, chime at 1050, 5-8 (Mellberg-IL).
5974 3OLIVIA R. Nac. de Cochabamba, hrd 1008 5-26, just after a/on, good ID as "Radio
Nacional, la emisora de Bolivia" in canned echo (Reinstein-FL).
5975 BRAZIL presumed, unid. 0 835-0915 5-25. no :Ds, weaker after 0900, faded completely by
0930, a.: sounded OA but definitely PT (Biller-NJ). Probably Guaruàa--JB,
5975 DELAND BBC, 0145 5-12 (Sutkus); ni 0200 5-29 (Raleema).
5980 SIERRA LEONE Freetown, vernac. talk 0637, drums 0659, EG ID and pipe 0700, mx, 6-3*
(Cucura); good 5-27 w/pips, ID, ni 0700, way dorm by 0710 (Biller-NJ).
5980 soma AFRICA R. RSA, EC 0242 5-22, OPEC interview, fair, to 0250 (Holland -FL).
5985 USA Voice of Free China over WYFR, full ID and address 0318 6-1 (Koninchik -CT); talk
on coinage minting 0355 5-21, to 0400; fair (Fichenhorn).
5985 ARGENTINA R. Splendid, B.A., good on 5-29 at 1029 w/Irgeatine ax; to 1049 (Howard-Ca).
5995 AUSTRALIA RA, mx 0841 5-21, it.. on the Falklands, Pan ni, fair (Knit-VA); good on
5-26 a/off at 0957, //9760 (good) and 11820 (fair) (Moman -ABTA).
5995 VATICAN Vatican Radio, EG religious prgm 0100-0118 6-6, fair in static (Sutkus).
6005 CANADA CFCX -Montreal, 1800-2400 slot (Fraser.Choroezy.Dellberg,Dillaman,Moman).
6006 COSTA RICA R. Reloj, San Jose, ID 1015 5-12, light SP mx (Mellberg) -IL).
6010 PERU R. America, Lima, light pop-rock mx 1020 5-17, several IDe, ox headlines (Mellbe
fT.P, ID 1015 6-11, into pops with flutes; good, as was //9510 (Klein-NJ).

Page 45
6015 VATICAN Vatican Radio, *0100-0115*, good sig, 5-23 (Kononchik), 5-11 (Stephany -NY).
6020 PERU R. Victoria, Lima, 1020 6-1 with LA pops, TC, long ID, fair-weak (Klein-NJ).
6025 BOLIVIA R. Illimani, La Paz, local mx 0024 5-25, ID 0100, ni (Mellberg); .1016 with
brief mx, ID, into Indian lang, 6-1 (Jonee -MS); mx 1025, ID, AFRTS splash 6-1 (Klein -
NJ); tent. them, 1014-1031 5-23, 0028-0038 5-24, Bol. mentioneo (Gliksman
6025 BRAZIL R. Educadora da Bahia, Salvador, lively PT mx 0826, fast talking OM armor.
One ID, weak, no QRM but heavy UN 5-5 (Valko).
6030 USA AFRTS, hockey 0127 5-17 (Krist -VA), baseball 0148 5-24 (Saluera-FA).
6035 Bu4711 R. Globo, Rio futbol 2332 5-9, ID amid ads (Mellberg-IL); sports 0043 5-26,
IDs an d sirens at 0100 5-24 (Masan-ABTA).
6035 COSTA. RICA R. Nacional, San Joue, guitar mx 1006 5-5, kids singing, ID 1020, AFRTS
splash (Valko); marimba mx 1104, ID, 5-19 (Mellberg -IL).
6036 COLOMBIA R. rransamazonica, San Jose del Guaviare, ID 1034, TO, carpo ex 5-15(.1one..-
.6040 E. GERMANY RBI, SP ID, fors, talk, 0025 5-12 (Alexander -PA). Ns).
6040 W. Gamin DW, 32 ox 0100 5-12 (Sutkus); EC ID 0117, good sig 5-23 (Kononchik-cr).
6045 4usr8IIIt hA, EC ID 1130, ox, 5-25 (Underdovn -AK).
6050 ECUADOR RCJB, ID, talk about the new generation, good 1049 5-20 (Illa-FL).
6060 ARGEterINA R. Nacional., B.A., LA vocals 0742 5-27, several IDe, TCa (Glikeman-IL);
c, aa. mx after Pope'e visit, talk about the vi, 6-11 (Illa-FL).
6065 COLOMBIA R. Super, Bogotà, soccer yelling 0156 5-9, fair (Bolland -FL); LA mx 0257
5-19, ID, good w/QRM (Valko); shouting, Super ID, 0408 5-13 (Mellberg -IL); prgm abt
spiritual destiny, 0930 6-11 (Ills-FL).
64)65 SINGAPORE BBC FES, KZ ID 1158 ("This is the BBC Far Eastern Relay"), into English by
Radio, on 5-11 (Underdown-AK).
6070 CANADA CFRX -Toronto, 0125 (Mellberg-IL); 0700 (Gorman -CA); 1900-2400 (Chorysky,
D'Angelo -PA, Moman-ABTA).
6070 W. IRIAN RRI4ajapura. over CITX this day, 5-18, SRI ID 1140 (Underdown -AK).
6076 00STA RICA R. Rumbo, Cartago, call ltru at 0200 on 5-24, full ID twice, straggling
with 6075 QRM (Neumann-AZ); good w/ID at *1000 5-8 (Mellberg -IL).
6080 AUST9ALIA RI, mx request prgm 1230 5-17, ID, talk abt opera, fair sig (Manning).
6080 CANADA CKFI -Vancoueer, ID, local ox 0000 5-26 (Roman -ABTA); vy weak 0730 5-9. CAW
ec, after 0730 VOA. e/óff; only tent., too weak for positive ID (Alexander-PA); ni 0800
5-23, fades in and ont like a MWer (Biller-NJ).
6090 AUSTRALIA ABC-Sydney, mx prgm 0738 5-27, into IBC nx (Cliksman -IL).
6090 LUXEMBOURG R. Lux, many ads 0045 5-26, some mx, fair vinamty het (Fraser-KA); poor
with ID 0100 (Riga* -IL); ID, foja 0152, *good mite" and anthem to 0200, -24 (Salsera-
6094 UNID. SP stn w/flute nx 0317 6-1, mixing w/Br. -6095. What? (Neumann -A2). PI).
6095 W. GERMANY DW IS to 0200, ID, fun, Falklands ox; German. 5-24 (Raleema -PA).
6100 VENEZUELA YVTO time inn, 0200-1000 (Illa, Kononchik, Krist, Mellberg, Dillaman).
6105 MEXICO "Su Pantera," ID by gal 0141 on 5-25, "XEMGI-XEQM" by OM, coml.., pors(Jones -MS).
6106 BOLIVIA R. Panamericana, La Paz, ID 0028 5-25, after ni (Gliksman -IL); ID 0304 6-1,
noticias 0310, better than moat eves (Neumann-AZ); *1027, into "Bolivia an Antena."
5-26 (Reinstein-FL;; same prgn, 1032 on 5-16, good repo (Moore-HORD).
6115 ODLOMBIA LV del Llano. Villavicencio, romantic vocals 0413 5-13, ID 0435, poor w/
117iii- (gellberg -IL); exc 5-8 0953, ID 0956 (Mellberg ME).
6115 PERU R. Union, Lima, over Llano 1025 6-11, PC, ID, fair (Klein-NJ); unid., likely this,
v/OA network futbol coverage, 5-27 0040, unuer lots of slop (Glikaman -IL).
6120 ARGENTINA R. Ea MuiWo, B.A., EZ lstng mx 0855 6-6, ID, PC (Jones-MS); talks abt B.A.
at 0922, 5-19. Definite ID 0930, poor sig, static (Mellberg).
6120 NICARAGUA R. Zinica, Bluefields, rock mx 0417 5-15. ID and PC 0425, good sig (Mellberg-
IL); talk abt natl awards, 1118 5-21, fair mig, ID, revol. comments (Illa-FL).
6123t PERU Maybe R. La CrOnica, 5-16 to 0324*, mentions of La Crénica 0321, then NA by men's
chorma (brief). Nothing found on rechecks other nighte (Neumann-AZ).
6125 BRAZIL R. Nacional, S.P., poor with FT talk, jingles, 5-26, 0045 (Roman-ABTA).
6130 CANADA CRNK -Halifax, local tourist ads 1942 5-22, Fate Domino records, fair ((horoszy).
6130 ODLOMBIA R. Super, Cali, ID 0938, LA ea, low pitched het (Jones-MS). 6125, Jack? --JB.
6130 UNID. w/gong or bell 1201 5-22, into Orienta/ tlkng, vy weak but no HCJB. Laos?(Under-
6150 MILE R. Nacional, Santiago, many 'De 0103 5-14 (Mellberg-IL); 0403*(Sharpe) down-AK).
6155 SWAZILAND R. SR, poor 0331 6-1, pops, ads; to 0355 (Portugal off 0331 -0355)(Howard -CA).
6160 CANADA CKZU-Nancouver, 5:00 PC 000 5-26, CBC ID, local ni, poor (Moran-ARTA).
6165 MEXICO IN de la Amer.Latina, 0914 6-4, ID, maybe ni, distorted or bad modal. (Jones-MS).
6175 ANTIGUA BBC relay„ "Sports Roundup" 2251 6-1, ID, WS tune, nx, exc sig (Stephany -NY).
6175t BRAZIL R. Guarani, Belo Horizonte, 0925 6-6, mentions of Br. in promos (Leithner -TN).
6175 COSTA RICA TIFC, San Joie, SP ID 1115 5-20, good sig (Illa-FL).
6180 ARGENTINA R.Nac. Mendoza, 0915 5-16, PC 0930, ID, vy laid back (Klein-NJ).
6180 GUATEMALA R. Nacional, "El Agro y Su Jornada" 1105 5-20 (Illa -YL); marimba mx 1115
5-12, Tea between songe (Mellberg -IL).
6180 VENEZUELA R. Turimmo, Valera, ID 0842 5-20 (lila-FL); exc, musical 'Ds 0923 (Valko).
6185 BRAZIL R. Bandeirantes, S.P., fast FT talk 0046 5-26, no ID hrd thru 0105(Moman-ABTA).
6185 MUDD R. Educación, ID 1010, ranchera mx, good sig; s/on time? (Mellberg-IL);,
break for SW and MW IDs 1145 6-5 (Leithner -TN).
6185 USA WRNC, pops 0316 5-19, xmtr switching on and off; 6115 and 6155 in eked, not this
Tiiiko); exc in Ukrainian 0530-0545 5-30 (Sigma-IL). Tax to all; till August--

Page 46
log report section
31 REAVERBROOK ROAD BURLINGTON, NA. 01803 617 272.31142

6220 CLANDESTINE La Voz de Sandino; 0410-0437 SP, Ilk by OM w/ ments of Sandinista,

Nicaragua, and Costa Rica, occasional tlk by Ti. Many IDa as "La Voz de Sandino."
Special sound effect, between tlks. Also arced 49 meters. Good. (Valko 5/22)
(Stepnany 5/18)(Leary 5 /1 3)

6250 EQUATORIAL GUINEA R. Nacional Malabo; m3501 -0520 SP, Inst. NA & ID. (Choroszy 6/6)
6348/ NORTH KOREA KCBS; 1035-1040 KR, oar Lazarus, this is N. Korea not Echo of Hope. P
w/ annmt w/ cont/ KR tlk. Fair v/ QRN. (Klein 6 /1 )
16790 SOMALIA R. Mogadishu; *0300-0310 AR, Big carrier till 0300:45 then army band RA
followed by M with ID aa 'Salaam aleikem..R. Mocadiahu, id.haat al Jumhnriyah al-
Deuocratiyah al -Scmaliyah. , Into Koranic chanting. Good level at first but began to fade.
I would have expected the lang to be Somali, yet that ID sure sounds a lot like AR.
(Cunningham 5/30)
68140 USA PIRATE Voice of Voyageur; 0432 KG, rock Ex, comedy skits. This was the night
that they were busted by the FCC. (Cunningham 5/9) (Paszkievicz 5/9)
6856 CLANDESTIME R. Venceremos; 0244-3251 SP, 71k v/ manta of El Salvador. Brief Ma at
times, ID by OM. (Valko 5/2 7)
71k5 POLAMD R. Polonia; *0200-0238* KG, Mx, DI Club, Ilk on Polish Imigrants, Mx in
PDT!: (Kriat 5/ 2 4)
7160 SAMBA« R. Malaysia-Kuching; 1035 EC, Ilk on history of Malaysia by OM (Grenier 5/28)
7170 ed CALEDONIA R. Noumea; 0959-1132+ FR, pgm of it cl Mx, discussions in the studio
by 2 or 3 people abt the Mx, at 1058, anmtts by W, light Mx theme, then complete LD
by M as "...France Region 3, station de Noumea, Nouvelle Caledonia..." Then long list
of freqs 4 meter bands, .La Marseillaise' 4 off 1102* Ny first En (Cunningham 5/19)
(Manning 5/15)(Cucura 6/3)
71295 MALAISIA R. Malaysia-Penang; 1h35 Malay, western pop Mx, incl Everly Broa & Jim
— ii7.1x from K.L. at 1530. (Sharpe 5/12)
I 7345 CZECHOSLOVAKIA R. Prague; 0300 EC, Mx, review of Cmntry, folk Mx, "Stamp Corner."
(Manning 5/23)
9485 PERU R. Tacna; 1051 SP, Back here from a short stay on 9505 (Jones 5/2(i)
9505 rrik-u R. Tacna; 1030 SP, Pr/Andes Mx, OM/ann between sets, w/ tc and tlk. (Klein 640
9520 eg- GUI) NPC; Sports scores at 0815, KG. (Harrington 5/12)(Hosmre 5/8) 5/21)
9525 POURD 1. Polonia; *0200 En, IS, ED, Mx by M, "DX Club" pgm w/ "Mailbag" (Stephany
9535 weira RN Angola; 2250 EC, in the clear after SRI 2245*, Anti-US comments. Into PT
at 2300. (Biller 6/15); 1510 PT (Witte 5/11)
9535 SWITZERLAND SRI; 2205 KG, 2 Boba w/ Swiss SWMGR. co-channel QRM. (Reid 5/8)
9540 CZECHOSLOVAKIA R. Prague; 0105 KG, ex, local folk Mx, cmntry on the arms race. /1
9740, 5930, 11990, 73h5. (Alexander 5/23)
I 9560 TURKEY VoT; +2200 KG, IS, vid Mx by if, Cmntry by M, pgm by M w/ many IDs.(Stephany
/10)(Jordan 6 /1 ) 5/2 5)

9570 SOUTH KOREA KBS; 1050-1100* KG, Cmntry by )4 on trade relations.(Purdum 5/10)(Illa
9570 ROMANIA R. Bucharest; 0304 KG, Tlk abt Romanian Museums and agriculture. (Ills 5/
21)(/11a 5/20)
9575 ITALY RAI; 0100 KG, Usual nx by W., mention of Italian workers in Brazil. (Fraser
;/8)THosmer 5/23)(Halsema 5/24)(tichenhorn 5/6)
9580 AUSTRALIA R. Australia; 1220 EG, special pgm abt Falkland, till 1230. Australian
Nx e< wx till 1240. "The Australian Inventor." (Balsam» 5/22)(Krist 5/8)
9580 SOUTH AFRICA R. RSA; 0213 till 0240 KG, "Africa Today." (Manning 5/13)
9580 7NEDENTI.7M- 2030-2131 AR, Hrd in this time period daily. Quran, wailing by 2 men,
Arabic Mx, but too weak and VOA QRN to to. Any Ideas? (Valko 5/5)
9585 SOUTH AFRICA R. RSA; *2100-2157* KG, "This is R. RSA", Mx 4 Cmntry a Opinion.
:onversation Corner" (Krist 6/6) (Reid 5/29)
9585 HUNGARY R. Budapest; 0220 KG, Hungarian Mx by request. QRM from R. Nederland.
(Samuel 5/10)(Krist 5/17)(Reid 5/13)(Harrington 5/5)Etehenhorn 5/5)
9590 GUAM KIM; 1235 -1257* CH, rel pgm, mostly tlk 1235 -1250; organ Mx 1250-1255; s/off
15 1255-56, IS 56 -57, QSB & QP.N. (Puer 5/31)
9595 JAPAN NSA; 1358-1405 JP, Sore EC in Nxcast, Mx & ads (US style station) Time chimes
ii- IU00 4 then Mx. (Mellberg 5/1(i)
9600 GREAT BRITAIN BBC; 061.18 En by RAdio, in Fr. Labour up dismissed incompetent, raise
rabbits on Isle of Man. (FrokoP 5/2 3)

Page 47
9605 AUSTRAJ.1A R. Australia; 0100 KG, Australian Nx & world MX. (lila 5/2 7 )
9630 SPAIN "SR; 0043 EC, Mx, "Spanish Investments" "Spanish by Radio." (Krist 5/21)
-71Uns 5/e)
9675 BRAZIL R. Maromby; 0924 PT, it PT Mx, Tlk by M anncr w/ many cents of Brazil and 4
IDs in 2 mina along d/ freqs. Very Good signal. (Valko 5/5)(Mellberg 5/25)
9690 ARGENTINA RAE; 0252 EC, WAR Nx, Ancd 24 hour operation on 6060, 9690, 11710 & 15345
KHz. Annomts in SP, EC, ER, GM, IT, .1 maybe FT .,This is RAE, overseas ser?, of ARG.
Nat. Radio. into SP, fl 0300; GM at 0330 (Jones 5/27)(Kreuzinger 6/2 )(Mellberg 5/27)
(Jordan 5/27)(Jones 6/4)
9700 BULGARIA R. Sofia; *2230-2258+ EC, "This is R. Sofia-Bulgaria." Mx, item on youth
congress. (Kriat 5/31)(Dillamar 5/2 3)
9705 USA WRNO; 0215 Et, Rock Mx, ID. Good. (Rigas 5/30) 5/9)
9705 MaIL R. Nacional; 0115 PT, live foot ball w/ screaming anncr. (Ripka 5/9)(Moman
9709 MAURIfIUS NBC; 1150-1205 Indian long, sub-coot songs w/ sorts; good in LSB mode
until R. Aust. 1200 s/on 9710; still audible after 1200 in LSB (Ruer 5/31)
9710 ASCENSION ISLA R. Atlantico del Sur'; *2258-2345 SP, Kindly add my name to the
(probably long) list of loggings for this, England's answer to Argentine Annie.
Magazine format pgm of noticias, comentariosm & pop Mx hosted by M&W w/ good Argen-
tine accents, all oriented towards the Falklands conflict. Ex c level and clear at
first, but as local sunset approached, jamming became more and more obnoxious till
station almost unreadable by 7345. Had tuned to the freq. early, and noted that jam-
ming was there in the background as early as 2220! Interesting War of words as well
as bullets: (Cunningham 5/25) * many others. Thanks for all the details. Peter
9720 SOUTH KOREA R. Korea; 1350 KG, Tlk abt Korean Broadcasting Network. (Harrington 5/26)
9755 KETHERLAND ANTILLES MI; 0610-0700 EC, "Caribbean Mightcall", relig Mx on request.
!iTatgnai. (Stucky 5/27)(Kononchik 5/21)
9770 AUSTRIA Austrian Radio; *0129-0156+ Et. "Report from Austria", "Letter from Austria"
wProfile of Austria" (Krist 5/31)(Frasei. 5/8)(Reid 6/2)
9770 AUSTRALIA R. Australia; 1319 Et, OM Gentry on Aborigine /and claims and alcoholic
mothers. (Hensley 5/25)
9800 USSR R. Kiev; 2330 EC, Nx, "Housing in Kiev." Good. (Fraser 5/11)(Krist 6/5)
9815 Min. Kol Yisrael; 0100 Et, World Nx, pgm, "Time Out". (Witzig 5/21)(Bonnet 6/2)
9850 AUSTRifIA R. Australia; 1110 Et, "Australian Insight." (Meech 5/11)
9865 GREECE Voice of Greece; 0030 ED, Mx- "Zorba the Greek." Mx at 0040. (Fraser 5/26)
71-5 -6 /12)(Mellberg 5/21)(Krist 5/31)
9870 SOUTH KOREA R. Korea; 1223 KG, OM Cmntry on history of Korea. ID t freq. sked.
(Hensley 672)(Manning 5/11) 21)
9915 GREAT BRITAIN BBC; 0016 ED, "Radio Newsreel" Part 7 of "25 Years of Rock."(Krist 5/
9977 WTH KOREA R. Pyongyang; 1524 Et, Nx abt Korea; Japan relations. Mostly Communist
propaganda. 1530* (Kreuzinger 5/8)(Hensley 6/2)
10080 VIETNAM Voice of Vietnam; 1105 Et, Nx abt Nicaragua. (Mellberg 5/8)
11500 CHINA R. Peking; 1955 ED, s/off ancmts by Ti. (Manan 5/18) //9860
11585 2TALT IPC; -0355-0427, ED as "Italian Broadcasting Corporation." much tlk by M tanner
7/753.p type mx. Gradually getting better. Slight to moderate QRM. (Valko 5/9 )
11620 INDIA AIR; 2003 KG, Int'l Nx, Gentry, pgm sked, Indian Mx. (Choroszy 5/22)
11675 KUWAIT R. Kuwait; 1831 ED, Nx, Gentry, Big Band Mx. (Manning 5/28)
11695 1(EIG/VM BRT; *0030-0115e KG, "Brussels Calling", Mx. "Outlook", Wx, "SportsRoundup"
short story. (Krist 6/1 )(Connell 5/10)(Boone 5/21)(Illa 6/6)

That's about it from this side of the page. Thanks to all who contributed this past month.
Reluctantly, I will be unable to attend AMARC'82 in Montreal but I do hope that you enjoy
your expedition should you be lucky enough to head to the CBC Tower in Montreal.
Happy Birthday SpeeDIt Even though its just past 3 AM as I finish this, my Ice Tea is
waiting for me. Good Wx, enjoy your vacation time and most of all relax this siu,ert


Page 48
log report section
11700 TO 17699
11700 WIMINICAN REPUBLIC R. Clam.: 0000 -0D3O NA, ID, upoeat LAm mx, SP M
w/world ni, tlk on the Falklands. (Sharpe-CI. 6/1).
11710 ARGENTINI RAE: 2206-2230* EG lid az by M&W, reports on the Argentine
military actions. VG (D'Angelo 5/31, Cobb-ME 6/1). 0102-0135 EG ax on
the continuing war w/UK, into GM 0 0129 (Luyster, Valko, Mellberg -IL).
*0230-0300* EG ax by M o/Moecow. F-G (Reid-CV 5/29). 0815 "R Nacional"
ID's, SP tlk by m, EZ1 mx, //6060 (Alexander-PA 5/31). 1016 "R Del Plate
ID's, SP ni summary, W ancr in SP w/t1k, pop/vocal mx. a-VG(Jones.1S5/15
1117 "RAE' Arg. mx, SP ni items, sand. //6060,6180,9690,15345. G (Jones)
11710 ;KRAINIAN SSE Vinnitea-RM: *0100-0130 IS, ID, EG lid ax by M (Jordan)
11715 nITEERLAND SRI: 0210 EG anmts, Jazz mx(?). 0430 EG "Detelinto",Sharpe;.
11725 urn RPeking: 1220-1305 VT tlks b, W, I: b M., anmts to 1227*, *1229
EIR, ID's & openja.; uumts ay M&W, MoR type mx. Xlnt (Jordan 5/12).
11735 UKRAINIAN SSE Vinnitea-R Kiev: *0200-0227* EG ox, ID. VG(Manning,Krist)
11745 TAIW.N VoFC: 1405-1435 JP tlk of American GNP, G //11860 (Mellberg-IL)1
11750 UKRAtNIAN SS Lvov-RI: 0040 EG "Mailbag", cantry4 0100 ax (Sutkus 5/7).
11755 GABON : 0540-0600 FR ads, aunts, ID 0 0628, pop mx(Samuel,Hosmer)
11755 WR0PAY RSFSR Leningrad-1: 1830-1840 EG "Jazz Show" F (Manning 5/18).
11760 COOK IMD RCI: 0846-0902* pop mx, EG ID & S/off emits by M, poor-
fair w het Manning 5/18, Moman 5/26, Biller-NJ 5/23).
11760 RA: 1421430 Oriental instrumental mx, Cantonese ax I 1430,
t'llee abans.
" in 5-
SP (Buer-FL 5/16).
11765 WEST QEEMANY DW: 0615 EG sked, tlk an enviroment. F (Prokop-OH 5/25).
11770 UK:HA/I:IAN SSE Kiev: EG 0200-0230 pgm on 1500th birthday of Kiev(Hitaman
11770 INDONESIA RRI Jakarta: 0125-1033 lei mx, Indo aunts, ID. F (Buer-FL).
11780 R Nam: 0130-0150 "R Bras" It, lively vocal mx pgm (Boone-TX 5/21
et9C1040 full ID by FT M. ads, Braailian mx. G (Sharpe-CA, Bolland -FL).
11785 UZBEK SSP Tashkent: ne100 EG ax, lei mx, cmntry, "Mailbag" (Kr/at -VA)
11790 al&E.F.Zi Vol: 1310-1400 FR Polynesian Svce, 11.1 & Island mx, into EG
Sync te 1400 w/ID, lid nx by M, Gantry. VG (Moman,Leary,Krist,Stephany).
11793 ÇÇL'3IA Rdf Mac: 1147-1219 ID by W, EG vocal/pop mx(Mellberg,Bolland)
11800 ' RAI: 2254-2331 IT ?I w/"Sports Italia", ID, IT pop mx. G //9575
:aolland -FL). 0100-0130 EG lid ax by W, features & cmntry (4 reporters).
11805 5RAEI1, R Globe: 2343 in M w/t1k, ID's, mention other stns in net(Moman)
11810 INDIL AIR: 1330 EG Vid ni by M. F-G (Harrington-CO 5/20).
11815 um SPLAJBC: 2157-2222 EG "Green Book", Koran recitations. lid ax tcr'
M, Press review, S/off erupts to 2240*. VG (Manning. Mellberg,Hesch).
11820 POLANQ R Polonia: 0200-0237 EG am by M, "DX Club", cmntry on ARO'.,
sxcerpts from Erezhneve speech on nuclear arms, F (Witzig 5/17, Jordan).
11820 La' w M I,I2LUI,LE12 BBC-relay: 2118-2200 EG to the Falklands w/tapes of
relatives letters, ID, ni of the war. P-G (Buer-FL, Mellberg-IL).
11820 LUSTRALIA RA: 0730-0914 EG to Papua-New Guinea, ID, EG lid nx by M,
mixture EG/pidgin aunts, pop ax, "Australia Today", G (4 reporters).
11825 TAHITI Papeete: 0500-0600 FR tlk, Polynesian vocals, US pop mx, TT tlk
d 0540, into FR it 0600. Xlnt (Sharpe-CA 6/1, Connell-CA 5/23).
11830 SOUTH KOEU RK: 1450-1500 JP tlk to 1458, F (Inter-FL 5/16). 1600-1630
EG six & features, Korean pop mx, tlk of 1988 Olympics (Connell,Bolland).
11835 $R1 LANE SLBC: *1030-1110 EZ ID, ax by W, Letterbox, Ian McFarland*
DX pgm, interview w/local TV producer, ici mx. VG (Kriat-VA, Reach 5/2).
11855 4VEH: 2305-2350 EG religious pens, P w/Raf (Boone-TX, Harrington)
\/11835t URUGUAY R El Espectador: 0005-0030 SP ax items on Argentina.(Mellberg).
11840 7,11AY KTWR: 0745-0929 EG "Radio Bible Class", into RS 0 0930. Fair
çjones-MS, Lineman 5/30). Jones reported a Very-Good sig. -cd
11840 POPTUGA7‘ RP: 0100 SP to SAm, nz & features. F-G (Ille-F1 5/18).
11840 ,U,ST GERmAn RBI: *0230 EG ax, cmntry, "GDR Kaleidoscope". F(Krist-VA)
11840 ;APAN Rj: 1523 EG "Essence of Zen-part 1"., nut //9505 (Kreuzinger).
11845 VATICAN STATZ VR: 0100-0115 EG ni on the Pope. G (Harrington,Boone-TX)
11855 ArRNO*worldwide: 2300-0030 EG Hauser's "World of Radio", PSI'',
top-40/pop mx, "We are the Rock". P-F (Connell,Manning,Fraser,Purdum).
11865i 112853I R Clube Pernambuco: 2207-2300 PT M w/t1k, ID's, Brazilian pop lax
& anmts by a W 0 2230(Mellberg), 0838-0902 PT M sac:, Xlnt (Valk0)
11880 efAIN SP'?: 0000 EG "Panorama", pgm on SP culture. F (Sutaus,Fraser-KA.).
0545-0630 EG "Spain in tne 80's", SP lesson (Bitumen-IA
11890 PKILIPPINES FEBC: 0800-0955 EG religious pgms. F (Connell-CI,Harrington
11890 i„L.5.Ljàan RBI: 0622 GM ax. F (Prokop-OH 5/23).
11895 NORWAY RN: 0630 EG/Norwegian anmts P S/off. VG (Prokop-OE 5/23).
11895 ;UAM KTWR: 1437-1502 EG religious pgms & hymns, ID. P (Bolland-71 5/19

11910 BUNGAR/ Budapest: *0100-0130* ID, EG nx & cmntry. G (Krist-VA,Stephany)
11914 PARAGUAY R Mac: 0030-0143 ID, SP M w/tlk, Paraguayan campo mx pgm. G
(Boone,Mellterg,Moman,Rensley). 1011 SP tlk, ID. VG w/het (Jones-MS 5/11
11925 PORTUGAL RP: 0235-0300 SP to 0300, into EG w/ID & Wld nx(Krist,Hitsman)
11925 BRASII. R Bandeirantes: 2328-0001 PT M w/anmts, ads, ID, nx. G(Mellberg)
11930 LI8ERA E4WA: 0627 bells, trilling ID, into AR @ 0630. F(Prokop,Hitsman
11940 SINGAPORE SBC: 1459-1545 EG ID by M, nx summary, pop mx, TC, C&W mx,
strong but bad het. EG pgm to 1600* (Maman 5/13, Kreuzinger, Boone-TX).
11940 ROMANIA R Bucharest: *0400 EG ID by M, Wld nx, propaganda. G(Krist-VA).
11940 ASIATIC RSFSR RM-Chita?: 1230-1400 tlk by W in lang., apparent lang.
lesson by M&W @ 1232, IS ID's by M, nx, tlk on Vietnam. (Jordan). VT1-
11945 GUAM KTWR: 1430 EG "Unshackled", gospel mx. F (Mellberg-IL).
11950 EAZAKH SSR Alma Ata: *2300 back to back NA's. ID for Alma Ata I 2306,
QRM from R. Moscow. F (Biller-NJ 5/15).
11960 CHILE R Minería: 2150-2159 LAm mx, SP tiks by M&W, ID. P & destroyed
by R Moscow S/on • 2200 (Cobb-ME 5/30). Good work, ON-ye ed. (Krist//
11975 EAST GERMANY RBI: *0000-D040* EG nx, cmntry, propaganda,"Letterpox",/
11990 CZECHOSLOVAKIA Prague: 0115-0157* EG "Mailbag", "Join George", record
quiz pgm, opinions wanted for a World Peace Poll. VG (Krist-VA, Bonnet).
12000 AUSTRALIA VNG: 3740-0806 time pips, ID & TC anmts by M (D'Angelo,Krist)
12015 AUSTRIA ORF: 0430-0500 "Panorama Magazine" EG features(Hitsman,Prokop).
12020 UTVIAN SSR Higa RKiev-relay: *2330-2357* EG nx, cmntry (Krist-VA 6 /3 )
12030 ASIATIC RSFSR Petropavlovsk: EG 0610 "RMoscow" nx & features. VG(Har'on
12045 GREECE VoG: 0135-0148* GK instrumental mx, ballads, ID, GE nx by M
(Jordan 5/23). 0220-0230 GE folk mx pgm,//9865,15595 G P.igas-IL 5/23).
12070 RUB: *1155-1235* IS, ID by W, EG nx by M, "Q&A" pgm, S/off
einI /tked & fqys by W (Stephany-NY 5/22, Mellberg-IL 5/8, Jordan 5/27)
13797 CEUAND SBS: 1827-1903 IC e ancr w/ID & QTH, nx w/mentions of the
alklands, Orchestral mx. VP (Jordan 5/13). 2210 oldies mx & IC tlks//
15000 CHINA BPM: 1029 CW TO's & ID's, CH W ancr(Gliksman). (Underdown//
15000 JAPAN JJY: 1208-1221 EG ID's for JJT & TC's. u/WWV/WWVH (Gliksman-IL).
15010 yIN Voy: 2012-2030 nice SEAs mx, into EG @ 2030 (Howard-CA 5/31)
15040 GRCE RStn. Macedonia: 1950-2115* Heard almost daily w/GK ballads &
ici instrumentai mx, nx by M&W in GK e 2100, fqy eked & S/off anmts.
Rough copy because of over-modulation & SSB QRM(Cunningham,Moman,Rigas).
15045 GREECE VoG: 1820-1835 GK mx to S/off 0 1830, IS, GE t1k 9 1830. F-G
"Radiophonikos Stathmos Makedonias" GK W ancr introducing 1c1 mx, flute
IS from VoG, nx by M&W GK ancra @ 2100(Gliksman-IL, Underdown-ARK).
Gliksman already QSL'ed this one, verified as 15050 -ye ed
15045 GRADA RFG: 2100-0030* EG Wld & ici nx, ads, sports, unusual pop mx,
TC's, pgm discussing re-education since the revolution (5 reporters).
15050 GREECE VoG: *1700-1845 IS, ID, GE nx w/mention of the Falklands, W ancr,
Xlnt //15040 (Moman 5/16, Higas -IL, Valko 5/26).
15060 SAUDI ARABIA BSKSA: 2210-2250* AR M ancr between ME mx, full ID,
recitations by M&W w/musical accompanyment. G (Jordan 5/25, Boone 5/29).
15070 mi BBC: 0156 EG tlk of churches in Ascension Island, ID (Krist-VA 5/19)
15084 ;RAN VoIRI: 2110-0045 Booming in w/Farsi tlks, ID w/fqy anmts, apparent
tlk show, march mx, speech by M&W. Xlnt (Boone-TX, Mellberg 5/9).
15105 GRENAEA RFG: 2025-2115* EG reggae type mx, nx(Valko,Bolland,Kriat-VA).
15110 BULGARIA R Sofia: *2230-2254 EG W w/nx, cmntry, sports(Illa-FL, Cobb)
004 EG "DX program" F(Erist-VA). 0427 EG to Air (Prokop-OH 6/4).
15115 AUSTRALIA RA: 0659-6934 EG Wld nx, IS, "Report from Asia", pop mx,
0930 request show for Indian listeners, EG W w/fqys & sked (5 reporters)
15120 POLAYP R Polonia: *0200-0235* EG ID, lax, t1k on banking, "Review of
toe Polish Press"(Shortridge-IN, Krist-VA). 0300-0330 IS, ID, EG nx by
M, Polish lesson #7, ID, nx summary. F (Manning 5/9, Higas -IL 5/23).
15120 NIGERIA VON: 1409 EG tlk on the Falklands, Afro vocals & drum mx. F
Johnson 6/6). 1632-1659 EG Wld nx, cmntry, ici nx of Nigeria. VG
(Howard-CA 5/27). 2153-2202* EG M w/nx, pop/Afro mx, ID. F (Mellberg).
0600 Drums IS to ID in FR, FR S/on anmts & nx. G (Harrington-CO 5/27)
15130 SPAIN REE: 2315 ID, SP pgm w/tlk of FUtbal (Illa-FL 5/18).
15135 ,ULGARIA R Sofia: 2135-2158* EG nx w/M ancr, "Mailbag" pgm (Jordan).
15140 rcRoPLe RSFSR UnID QTH: 2315 SP to SAm. VG (Illa-FL 5/18).
15150 WEST GERUNY DW: 2006-2020* EG interview pgm, cochannel RMWS. F(Briscoe
15150 CHILE R Mac: 1820-0350 SP futbol game ID, SP/US pop mx, ads, SP nx
on Argentina. Way o/HCJB 15155 (Illa,Bhone-TX,Stephany-NY,Moman).
15155 ¡RANCE RFI: 3517 FR nx, cmntry, ID. VG (Illa-FL 5/21).
15165 DENXILZ RD: 1345-1554* DN/EG ID, DE M ancr w/t1k, NA (FUrdum 5/19).
DN to NAm. P w/hvy QRM (lila -FL 6/3 ).
15165 CEINA VoEampuchea (Clandestine): «1200 lively IS, Kampuchean tlk,
crlentsl vocal mx, speech by W on Vietnam. VG (Jordan 5/6). I neard
tris stn once last Fall on 12110, a R. Peking fqy -ye ed.
15160 AUSI:1LIA RA: 0510-.)C30 EG Wld nx, IT, TC,"Aus. Tockay"(Connell,Samuel).
15:70 eapeete: 1530-1550 Polynesian Island mx, TT tik (Boone-TY 5/30).
05-:-.539 FR tlk, Is-and mx. Xlnt (Samuel 5/28, Aitzig 5/29).
15175 EGÏF7 Caf.rn: 13D1-1,0C ME mx, AD tlk by M. G //1521,.: (Duer-FL 5/31)
15175 RN: 73D EG,G tlk, Ici vocal mx, EG pop mx. ID (Bonnet).

Page 50
15200 $R7rPM,Le.1 FEBA: 0400-0500 EG nx to 0412, religious pgms, papal mx,
w/QTH, into Swahili 0 0500 (MellbergOIL, Kimmell-ON).
15205 Afr #1: 1648-1657* FR W w/ID & fqys, lively Afro mx. G (Valko).
15210 =en( ORU: *1700-1707 IS, FR W w/ID & faja, pop mx pgm. G (Valko 5/17)
15215 Timbira: 0952-1052 PT sermon, full ID 0 0959 & 1052w/QTH & fs,
feEt ts by M, cigar ads, Brasilian pop mx pgm. (Gliksman 6/5 , Mellberg). qy
15220 â0UTH AFRICA R RSA: 0610-0630 FR Agricultural tlk pgm (Hitsman 5/12)/cot
15225 eNGAPORg BBC-relay: 1722-1803 EG M&W w/discussion "Reflections"(Bris/
15235 iAaa RJ: 1215-1230 EG nx, cmntry on Sino-Jap relations(Zilmer Rigas).
15240 ZA.ST GERMAN' RBI: 1200-1245* EG nx, cmntry, fqys & eked. F (Zilmer 5/28
15240 $WEDEN PSI: 1835-1958* EG w/anmt of fqy change, ID, IS. VP(Kononchik)
2100 EG nx, "Sweden Calling DXers" F (Zilmer). *0130 SP nx (Alexander).
15245 MOROCCO VOA-relay: 2055 FR to 2100, then into PL. Very heavily jammed
after 2100 (Choroszy). 0350-0359 EG "Stardate", Jazz mx. VG(D'Angelo)
15245 ASIATIC RSFSR RMWS*Petropavlovak: 2130 EG nx & Cmntry. G (Zilmer 5/25).
15245 ITALY RAI: 0140-0145 Chirping Birds IS, IT ID & nx. P (Rigas-IL 5/25).
15270 swEDgN PSI: 2300 EG nx, DX pgm, ex-15380. G //11705 (Zilmer, Connell)
*0000-0020 SP W w/nx & Cmntry. (Sutkus 5/11).
15275 WEST GERMANY ON: 0625 EG nx of Afr., G (Prokop-OH 6/4).
15280 CHINA R Peking: 1245-1255 EG language lesson, fqys & aked. F (Zilmer).
15285v BANGLADESH RB: 1815 EG ID by W, Hindi(?) nx of Falklands. G(Witte-CA)
15290 BRASIL R Bras: 0200-0258* EG nx, Mailbag pgm. G(Kononchik, Illa-FL)
15295 MALAYSIA VoM: 0749-0826 EG disco/pop mx we ancr, ID's, nx & cmntry,
After dinner EZ1 mx, IS e 0825, VG (Valko 5/5).
15305 $WITZERLAND SRI: 2200-2215 EG feature pgms (Bonnet-IN). 0112-0120 SP
nx of the Arg-UK war. F (Halsema-PA). *0144 IS, EG nx, "Dateline"(4 rpts
15320 EUROPEAN RSFRS Kingesepp: 1415 EG )WS w/tlk on Nuclear Freeze(Harrston
15320 AUSTRALIA RA: 0405-0430 EG M w/Wld nx & Aussie nx (Eichenhorn,Bonnet).
15320 ,UF„r_l_U,L,F,„â FEBA: 1225-1230 5-min of EG nx, IS, ID. VP (Jordan 5/25).
15325 UGANDA Kampala: 0305-0430* EG W ancr, traditional Afro mx as well as
Rock/disco & lcl pop mx. Letterbox pgm I 0345, into FR 0 0350 (7 reports
15330 FRANC Z RFI: *1800-1810 IS, ID, FR nx. P w/RC1 splatter (Rigas-IL 5/23).
15333 COLOMBIA Rdf Nac: 0325 Clad l mx, SP N ancr w/ID, Bells. G(Eichenhorn)
15335 INDIA AIR: 1444-1505 EG Indian film mx, fqys & ID J 1500, nx(Mellberg).
15340 M R CC Rabat: 2240-2330 ME style mx, AR tlk by M "Huna Rabat" e
02 & 2319 followed by ME vocal mx (Mellberg-IL).
15340 PORTUGAL RL-via Gloria: 3120-0130 RS tlk by W. P w/jamming (Rigas-IL)
15350 LUXEMBOURG RL: 2104-2300 "'NUN" jingles w/pop/rock mx, nx on the hour,
FR anmts. G (Choroszy-ME 5/16, Paskiewicz 5/12, Mellberg).
1O363 ÇANARY ISLANDS PEE: 0245 SP mx & anmts, off fqy. G (Zilmer 6/6).
15375 EUROPEAN RSFSR )4-Serpukhov: 0918 EG cmntry. F in hvy (Choroszy-ME)
15380 PORTUGAL Gloria-RFE: 2300-2315 Czech/Slovak nx, tlk on religion(Rigas).
15400 ASCENSION ISLAND 3BC-relay: 1805-2145 EG written & recorded messages
from England to family members in the Falklands(Buer-FL .,Ralsema,Krist)
15400 RF: 1327-10 EG IS, ID, EG nx & features (Mellberg 5/28).
15410 .teiJ
d 40
VOA-relay: 1323-1330 CH to EAs, M ancr w/nx. F (Halsema).
15415 BRASIL R Clube Ribeirao Preto: 0116-0220 PT speech, futbal match w/fast
M ancre in PT, nice, Bras. mx, several ID's(Mellberg,Howard-CA). 1024-
1032 PT M w/long string of anmts P. promos, taped ID, into PT morning
prayer service? Brasilian ballad pgm J 1027. Weak but clear(Cunningham).
15415 AL/STRIA IRF: 1230 EG "Report from Austria". F //17880 (Zilmer 5/27).
15425 ASIATIC RSFSR Petropavlovsk-RM: EG"listeners letterbox". Xlnt(Harringtn
15425 ISRA Sol Israel: 2255 EC closing anmts w/sked & address(Alexander).
15430 MEXICO XERMX: 0140 EG Jazz pgm presented by M&W ancrs(Eichenhorn?).
15435 GABON RFI-relay: 1958-2010 FR pop mx, ID by M a 2001. Xlnt(Stephany-NY
15445 BRASIL R Nac do Amazonica: 0135 PT ID, Bras mx, speech,G (Luyster 4/26)
1042-1334 PT M ancr, cmntry, ID's, Bras. mx. G (Beech 5/17, Valko 5/18).
15455 UKPAINIAN SS? Simferopol-RMWS: 1748-1930 EG nx, sports(Shortridge,Krist
15455 .LIBYA SPLAJBC: 2315-2323 AR nx by M, G //15415 (Rigas-IL 5/15).
15460 UZBEK SS? Tashkent: *1200-1228* EG nx, ID, lcl mx. G(Mellberg,Krist).
15476 ANTARCTICA LRA*36: 2245 SP M&W w/nx, many ID's. P-F (Witte-CA 5/11).
15485 NEW ZEALAND RNZ: 0334-1205 EZ1 mx, ID, Clscl mx, EG nx by M, Jazz mx,
pop mx, EG Nid nx a 1200. transcription of a British play (6 reporters).
15505 QATAR QBS: 1910-2127* ME mx, AR anmts by M&W. G(Mellberg,Hosmer,Steph'y
15540 UKRAINIAN SS? Kharkov-AMNS: 1420 EG "Argentine nx". VG (Harrington-CO).
15555 CLANDESTIN Z R Vatan: 0552-0600* Farsi Anti-Khomeni tlk, ME mx (Jordan).
15570 BELGIUM BRT: 0517-0546 DT nx, Clad l mx, interview pgm (Prokop-OH 6/4 )
15575 SOUTH KOREA RK: 2220-2230 EG "Mailbag" pgm, Korean geography. F(Leary).
15595 GREECE VoG: 1503-1515 GK nx, ID, 1cl instr. mx (Suer-FL). 0130 EG nx by
M, GE instr. mx (Dillaman Johnson). 0330-0349 GK/EG nx & tlk(Mellberg).
16433 KIRIBIT; RE: 3628-0700 11B, EG ID, tlk in KB, British Quiz Show, lcl
TC, "R. Worldwide" from Wellington 0 0630. 0645 tlk by M on fish drying
problems & storage, List of 1cl job openings wx forecast by W in EG.
mixture of Island & EG pop mx. P w/UTE USE gRm. (o reporters).

Page 51
g report section
17700 & ABOVE
USSR h Moscow via Serpukhov (URN); 2238-2248,0147-0200 EG, cmtry
on children's education, farming (Hensley 6 /2 ,Sharpe)
WEST GERMANY DW; 1930 EG, nx,cmtry to W Afr (Zilmer)
NEW ZEAt ND R NZ; 0200-0630 EG, mx, ni, sports, BBC pgms (6 rpts)
HUNGARY h Budapest; 0100-0130,0200-0230,0300 EG, nx, "Stage and
Screen" pgm, DX pgm, sports (7 reporters) (Samuel 5/16
ITALY RAI; 1450-1555 IT, soccer game Division I deciding game
DEA VOA; 2330 FR, 0000-0200 EG, "Art in America","Issues in the
Pis" pems (Hitsman 5/28,Ralsema,Erist)
ARGENTINA "Liberty"; 2009-2020,2200,0000-0050,EG,Argentine Annie
ruTFFEWiânda to lower the morale of British soldiers fighting in
the Palkland Islands. Played music of the Beatles,Tom Jones,
Helen Reddy. Sultry-voiced W anncr hard to copy, overmodulated,
jammed at times. Armor definately mentions "The Falklands",not
"Malvinas". Hrd at sign-off with "Yesterday", bagpipes, and ID
"I am Lioerty, a voice, a face, a country. A woman wào can proud-
ly say that the world listens when Argentina speaks." Reported
from 4/30-6/3 (16 reportera)
NORWAY R Norway; 1600 EG,"Listener's Letterbox",exc(Kimmell 5/2)
HUNGARY R Budapest;0115 EG, world cup football, IS 0127 (Kreuzing
er D/b)
JAPAN R Japan; 2312 EG, nx by id, cmtry on world economy,inflation
ID 2319 (Hensley 6 /2 )
WEST GERMANY R Liberty; 2000 RS, IS hrd twice then D's by W
and tlk. Esc tu l jammed after 2000 (Valko 5/10) hi! be
USA WRNO; 2105 EG, pop songe, frog anmts and IS 2113-2115, most-
17- poor w/ adj jamming (skipping over my .,TH?) (Boar-FL 5/21)
UNITED ARAB EMIRATES UAE Radio; *0329-0400 EG, nx, "Once Upon A
Time" pgm, good (Krist 5/31,Manning)
MALTA DW; 1243-1250 Indonesian; IS to 1245, xmtr ID in EG, mx;
ri177//17875 better (Cologne) (Buer 6/5)
SWEDEN R Sweden; *1400-1430 EG, nx, cmtry--tourist prices in
riiin-E; fought w/ BBC for freq until 1415 BBC s/off (Cobb 6/2,
AUSTRALIA RA; 0327-0400 EG, Asia Report, world mx, interviews
(Sharpe 5/30, Eichenhorn, Samuel)
WEST GERMANY DW; 2055 GU, IS, nx at 2100 (Alexander 5/22)
WEST GERMANY DW; 1010-1020 EG, interview abt US-Asian relations,
contest to name winning teams in WC Soccer matches (Bolland 5/28)
TAIWAN Voice of Free China; 2200 EG, ‘SL info, local mx, lang
In71 -617, good (Zilmer 5/26)
FINLAND RP; 120-1230,1311-1343 EG, "Airmail","Starting Fin(n)ish .
"Pop ZUene","Off the Cuff", other pgms (Manning 6/8,Hesch,Krist)
JAPAN RJ; 0120 EG, ni, current events, exc (iCreuzinger 5/30)
CANADA R Canada Int'l; 1831 EG, science features (Halsema 5/30)
BULGARIA R Sofia; 2030 EG, ni, cmtry to W Afr (Zilmer 5/22)
BRAZIL R Bras; 0200-0300 EG, tlk of travel in Brazil, mx features
--rid- Ei of Brazil (Groevenor,Eichenhorn,Samuel,Bitsman,Bonnet)
SWITZERLAND Swiss Radio Int'l; 1709-1715 IT, ni from various
reporters, fair 5/21 (Bonnet)
.PAKISTAN RP; 0055-0135 lang, talking and sub-cont mx,fair(Howard)
0230 EG, news (Harrington 5/21)
SWITZERLAND SRI; *1814-1844* EG, "Dateline", ox, fair (Irist)
PRANCE Rif; *1600-1655* EG, "Paris Calling Africa", Air nx, mx,
7rEnlih Magazine","P.O.Box 9516",fair (iCrist 5/20)
CANADA hCI; *2129-2158* EG, ni, DX Digest to Afr;vg (rist 5/8)
231t-330 SP, IS, nx (Hosmer 5/22)
ASCENSION ISLAND BBC; 1030 EG, church services, sermon for mea
in the Palklande, poor (Connell, CA 5/23) .

Page 52
17880 AUSTRIA CRP; 1250-1256* EG, letterbox pgm w/M anncr;very poor
TIUFFindous ,iiiii/.,RA (Jordan 5/25)
17890 ECUADOR HCJB; 0113-0153 EG, "Passport",g (Krist5/19,Sutkus)
1791Onf ,tATAR '
.7,BS; 1849-1905 AR, AR mx, wailing ',Rik by M, time ticks
which were 16 seconds late, familiar theme tune and ID by same it
then into ox; ID again à1904, fair-good; (Valko 5/26)
17940 LIBYA SPLAJBC;2015-2250 AR, heavy RM from BszsA, AR mx, oxen
mx le. "Bali High", chimes (Jordan 5/28,Eichenhorn)
17940 SAUDI ARABIA BSZSA; 1610-1633 AR, Koran, tlk by M, chanting,
ID; Libya RM;//15060 (Valko 5/26)
21470 UNIrED KINGDOM BBC; 1730 EG, to W Afr, ox, political cmtry(Illa)
21460 GREECE V of Greece; 1535 EG, mar, ID, very poor (Zononchik 6/1)
21465 EAST UERMANY R Berlin Int'l; *1230-1311* EG, nx, cmtry, "Youth
Magazine" ,fair (Jordan 6 /4 ,Krist) 0545 EG, SE Asian svc, ni, "The
Int'l Peace Movement" pgm, fair (Connell 5/23) (Cobb 5/31)
21475 PORTUGAL R Portugal; 1605 EG, ns by W, fair w/BBC 21470 gRM
21477.5 ECUADOR HCJB; *2130 FA, "DX Party Line", fair (Zrist 5/24)
21490 USSR RM via Irkutsk; 0205-0210 EG, ni by 4,//21530 (Riga» 5/23)
21515 1717 GERMANY RBI; 1715 EG, listener's letters pgm, (Connell)
21520 ENGLAND -70A; 1318-1325 RS, tlk, mix w/ Switz,fair Boer 6/5)
21525 BELGIUM ORO; 1400-1447* KG, folk mx, fair,//21810 !Zononchik,
gUMEZton) (Rigas 5/23)
21530 USSR RM via Irkutsk; 0210-0220 KG, fair signal, Moscow Mailbag
21560 iTEIT GERMANY DW; 1515-1600 GM, mx pgm by d & W (Bonnet 6/5)
21560 ITALY RAI; 1835 IT, ni, mx, cmtry, good (Illa 5/21) 1830-1900 IT
ox, sports, IT pop mx, to Canada, good-fair (Holland 5 /19)
21570 SWITZERLAND SRI; 1315-1330, 1533 EG, world nx,"Dateline", exc
(Jordan 6/4, Purdum)
21580 ?RANCE RFI; 1800 FR, ID, mx pgm, good (Illa 5/21)
21585 IRA :
1 h Baghdad; 2045 EG, ox, cmtry on id East sit, AR ms (Ills)
21595 PAZISTAN RP; 0230 EG, slow speed nx,poor (Harrington, Samuel)
21595 USA WYFR; 2050-2101 EG, ad for Mailbag pgm, UPI nx,exc(Jtephany)
21600 WEST GERMANY DW; 1230-1250 EG, to Afr, ox, cmtry, press rvw (Jor
21600 RWANDA DW; 2345 GM, opera excerpts, sudden off at 2355 don).
iT- r - in FR, good (Fraser 5/11)
21610 JAPAN RJ; *2345-0005 KG, "DX Program" for Asian SWL'ers, hist
-6T— Tipan 30 stations;//17825 (Jordan 5/25,Fraser)
21620 FRANCE RFI; 1615-1655* EG, ni, cmtry on trade unions, fading
7 (SEiftridge 6 /4 , Jordan)

21645 ?RANCE ÀFI; 1210-1240 PR, short play (Hitsman 5/23)

21650 UNITED KINGDOM BBC; 1839 EG, -:lk by if on Hollywood (Grenier 6 /1 )
21650 AUS-TRALIA RA; 0300 EG, ox, cmtry,//21740,21680 (Zilmer 6/6)
21655 UAE UAE Radio; 1640 EG, mx, financial ox, wx,into AR à1644,good
TfUlland 5/21)
21690 ITALY RAI; *1638-1655* Somali; best to Somalia (Cobb 5/31)
21695 /TAL? RAI; 1400-1422 IT, IS, ID, ox by W, EZ-listn mx (Purdum)
21710 UNMED KINGDCM- BBC; 1436-1525 EG, folk songs, "Radio Newsreel",
//21660g,21550p,21470f (Halsema 5/27)
21725 ALGERIA RTVA; 0155-0205 AR, vocal mx, tlk by M, time pips at
0200, ID, nx, good (Rigan 5/23)
21730 NORWAY RN; 1425-1430* EG,0015-0030* EG, play, education feature,
good Lheid 5/24, Purdum)
21740 AUSTRALIA RA; 2352, 0100-0200 EG, world and Australian ox, mx,
education features (Rigas 5/23,Reid,Lucas,Bonnet) well)
21757 PIIISTAN RP; 0230-0245 EG, slow speed ox, poor (Harrington,Stid-
23828h PARAGUAY' R Sacional; 2338 SP, ox, mx, ID (Illa)
25650 UNITED KINGDOM BBC; 1430 EG, "Discovery" (Shortridge)
25780 SWITZERLAND SRI; 1340 EG, end of "Mailbag" pgm,fair(Fraser5r15)
25790 SOUTH AFRICA R RSA; 1304-1515 EG, "Music in the Sun," training
of S Afr athlètes, interview on Soviet designs in S Afr, mx
26000 USA VOA; 1729 EG, ox, sports, Afr Service (Zrist 5/20)
26020 inADOR HCJB; 1329 EG, ID, time check, EZ-listening ms, rel mx,
TrUna- Ex, poor (Zononchik 5/21)
26040 USA VOA; 1945 EG, disc of arms control, to Afr, g;//26000 g
rrilsema 5/30)

73's for another month,

Page 53
Contributors to this month's Log Reports are:

Brian Alexander, Mechanicsburg, PA '(FRG-7700mod, R-4); Jeff Biller, East

Brunswick, NJ (FRG-7700mod); Charles Holland, Lakeworth, FL )FRG-7000);
Arthur Bonnet, West Lafayette, IN (DX-302); John Boone, Spring, TX (RF -2600);
Ken Briscoe, New Albany, IN (RF -2900, Trans-Oceanic); Paul Suer, Miami, FL
(SPR-4); Paul Choroszy, Saco, ME (FRG-7000); Ken Cobb, Portland, ME (RF -4900);
Charles Connell, Fort Bragg, CA (CRF-320); Vladimir Cucura, Reading, PA
(R-7, FRG-7); Larry Cunningham, Columbus, OH; Richard D'Angelo, Wyomissing,
PA; John Dillaman, Kalamazoo, MI (HA - 63); S.W. Eiohenhorn, ??,MI (SPR - 4);
Bob Fraser, Cchasset, MA (XCR-30); Sholom Gliksman, Chicago, IL (R-4C, RF -
2800); Pete Grenier, Azusa, CA (FRG-7, RF -2200); Norman Grosvenor, Hollywood,
CA (FRG-7); James Halsema, Glenmoore, PA (ICF-6700W); Rob Harrington, Little-
ton, CO; Michael Hawk, Hampton, VA; Baxter Hensley, El Paso, TX (FRG-7mod,
SX-190); Ruth Hesch, White Plains, NY (R-1000); Kate Hitsman, Des Moines, IA
(DX-100); Don Hosmer, Dearborn, MI (RF -3100); Ron Howard, Santa Barbara, CA
(SH-310); Homer Inaler, Plant City, FL; Jack Jones, Jackson, MS (R-600);
Rufus Jordan, Pittsburgh, PA (DX-302, Trans-Oceanic); David Kimmell, Repeso,
ON (ICF-2001); Joseph Kononchik, Ledyard, CT (DX-302); Bill Kreuzinger, San
Pablo, CA (RF -2200); Kraig Krist, Falls Church, VA (FRG-7700); Al Leary, Akron,
OH (SPR-4); Jerry Lineback, Conroe, TX; Rick Lucas, Stockton, CA (R-1000);
Ron Luyster, Canton, OH (ICF-2001), Sandra Mannino, Garland, TX (FRG - 7700);
Fritz Mellberg, Zion, IL; Don Moman, Edmonton, AB (R-7, FRG-7700mod); Don
Moore, Santa Barbara, Honduras (FRG-7mod); Sheryl Paszkiewicz, Manitowoc,
WI; Brian Prokop, Willowick, OH (RF -2200); Gene Purdum, East Lansing, MI
(FRG-7700mod); Andy Reid, Peterborough, ON (S-53A, DX-60); Steve Reinstein,
Miramar, FL (RF-4900mod); Christos Rigas, Chicago, IL (VEF-206); Chris
Samuel, Winnipeg, NB (RF -2800); Brian Sarkisian, Jasper, MI (RF -2600);
Bryan P. Sharpe, Castro Valley, CA (DX-302); Clayton Shortridge, Fort Wayne,
IN (R-1000); Nolan Stephany, Williamson, NY (R-392); Donald Stidwell,
Baltimore, MD (DX-302, FRG-7); Robert Strauss, Columbus, OH (FRG-7mod,
FRG-7700mod); Brad Stucky, Derby, KS (DX-100); Don Sutkus, Oak Forest, IL
(NC-98, DX-160); Bob Underdown, Fayetteville, AR; Dave Valko, Dunlo, PA;
Marge Witte, Torrance, CA; Eric Witzig, Annandale, VA (R-1000); Robert
2ilmer, Rio Rancho, NM (R-1000, ICF-5900W).

The deadline for Log Reports is the 12th of the month, unless you decide
to send your logginas directly to the LR editors. This deadline is firm;
all loggings are mailed early morning on the 13th and if yours aren't in
they'll be held until the next month. FRENDX log slips are the best format
to use when repJrting but reasonable facsimiles are certainly acceptable.
Note that a reasonable facsimile is not a slip of onion skin paper 4" wide
and 3/16" high. Our log slips are 8 1/2" wide and 1" high. Any other size
may hinder this editor and other editors in handling your loggings. Also,
if your name doesn't appear among the credits some month, ask yourself if
you included a signature slip (same size as a log slip) with your loggings.
Some reporters don't do this and it simply increases the amount of time it
takes to sort and distribute the loggings.

Those reporters who take the time to place their log slips in frequency
order are especially thanked as this makes the sorting job so much easier.
Believe me, your little extra efforts make a big difference on this end.

73 de tc 8120 Ripplewood Drive

Austin, TX 78758

Page 54


In the late 1980 Radio Netherlands began two projects in connection with the
weekly communications programme Media Network, broadcast on Thursday in
9 of the English transmissions. This has resulted in the production of two
pamphlets entitled The Receiver Shopping List'
. and the iBooklist.
, both of
which are intended to fill the information gap that exists about short-wave.
Now in their 5th edition both publications are intended to provide advice
on receivers and short-wave related publications, suggesting further sources
of information.

A number of manufacturers are now producing various accessories to enhance

the performance of a basic short-wave receiver. These include active filters
and antennas, preselectors, antenna tuning units, audio processors, RTTY
converters, light weight communications head-phones, timers/digital clocks,
and morse readers. The problem with this field is that various units may or
may not match any particular receiver and the purpose of this questionaire
is to gather listeners' reaction to a variety of products. This information
will eventually be compared with independent tests conducted in the programme
Media Network and the results made available free of charge to listeners.

If you can take time to fill in the answers to the following questions and
return this questionnaire to the address shown at the bottom of the sheet
your participation would be highly appreciated. Please be as specific as
possible and if necessary use extra paper to expand on your ideas.



Age Group: Below 18

(Optional) 18-25
65 & over

Number of years in short-wave listening (approx.)

Present receiver used with the accessory

Antenna used

Age of receiver

Name of accessory being used

Approximate price paid

Name and address of dealer where unit was purchased

Page 55
Did the dealer offer advice or specifically recommend that you buy this unit?
Xit not how did you know what to buy?

Does the performance with your receiver match the claims made in the
manufacturer's brochure?

Do you use the unit at all times or only for certain types of listening?

Does the unit offer good value for money in your opinion?

Have you noticed any problems with the use of this unit? (Distortion,
overloading of receiver, poor intelligibility, etc.)

Sow long is the Guarantee/Warranty on the unit for?

Has the unit ever gone wrong, if so, did you have to return the unit to the
dealer or to the manufacturer? If it was returned, how long did the service
take and was the nature of the fault ever described to you? How much did
you pay for servicing? (Include details of shipping/postal charges)

Mould you recommend the dealer to other short-wave listeners?

Please return this questionnaire as soon as possible to this address:

Jonathan Marks
Producer Media Network
al: et.
Radio Nederland Wereldomroep
w t.
English Section
Postbus 222
1200 JO Hilversum


HAP BID ITEMS: 0548: WHDH paper holders(10x12")mic. #549:WDR Radio(Germany)very large min
station poster. #550: Benelux DX Club(Belgium)1981 "20th Anniversary" sticker(3.5"cir)
limited edition! #551:Radio Prance International haton/c-nice! #552:42A Radio Southland
(New Zesland)sticker(4.5x5")m/c. #553:KOME sticker,2 different(4x4")black,yellow. #554:
Radio Nacional do Brasil sticker(3.5"cir)m/c. #555:WAYE metal badge(2.5"cir)red,white-rare!
#556:WINK sticker(4x9")m/c-beautiful! #557: WINK license plate(6x12")m/c. #558:Radio Manx
(Isle of Mann)sticker(2x9")m/c. #559 :Radio Clwyd(Wales)sticker(5.5"cir)m/c-beautiful! #560:
Cardiff Broadcasting Campany(Wales)sticker(2.5x5.5")blue,white. #561:Devon Air Radio(UK)
sticker(4x4")m/c-nice! #562:Radio Clyde(Scotland)decal(2.5x23")red,white - nice! #563:TIRN
Radio Nacional(Costa Rica)decal(1.5x8")m/c-georgeous:#564:CJFP„CKRT,CIMT,CHGB metal key
chain,blue,silver. #565:4ZA (New Zealand) metal badge(2"cir)m/c-beautiful! #566:3CR Comm-
unity Radio(Australia)metal badge(1.5"cir)pink,ffl-georgeous! #567:KIRD key chain,blue,
white. #568:Radio France International bag tag-plastic,blue,white.#569:Radio Bucharest
(Romania)metal pin(1"cir)mic. #570:Radio Victory(UK)double sided coaster(4"cir)m/c-nice!
#571:WITL large cigarette lighter,m/c.#572:NFW-TV(GermanY)sticker(5x 6")m/c. #573:Radio
Rumbo(Costa Rica)sticker(2.5x4")m/c. #574:Radio Tay(Scotland)sticker(2.5x8")BAW. #575:BRT
(Belgium)cloth pennant(5.5x10")red,black,yellow. #576:Deutschlandfunk(Germany)vinal penn-
ant(5x8")m/c. #577:WHOO license plate(6x12")m/c. #578:HCVG8 La Voz de Galapagos(Galapagos
Islands) pocker calendar(2.5x3.5")m/c. #579:WMAO-TV-5 "1980 Olympics Bag Tag"silver,black
really sharp! #580:5UV(Australia)sticker"Over 608 .(2.5x10")m/c.5UV sticker"Intelligent
Radio"(2.5x10")brown.#582:WCMF T-Shirt(L)"Long Live Rock"-double sided design!red,white.
#583:Greek DX Club sticker(4x4")m/c-very rare! #584:High Adventure Radio-Voice of Hope
(Free South Lebanon)sticker(3x9")yellaw,B&W-georgeous:#585:Radio Tashkent (Uzbekistan) 5
different postcards from the country,m/c. #586: Radio RSA(South Africa)5 different post-
cards from the station,m/c. #587:WPLR"Rock n' Roll" key chain,red. #588:KMJ "Cowboy"metal
badge(1.5"cir)blue,white. #589:BBC-World Service metal badge(1.5"cir)red,white,blue.#590:
CFOX sticker(4.5"cir)m/c-beautiful item! #591: WDR Radio(Germany)stickers,3 different!
#592:Capital Radio(UK)sticker,orange,black. #593:Capital Radio sticker(4"cir)blue,white.
#594:Capital Radio sticker(2x4")red,white,blue. #595:WDR Radio(Germany)station pen,black,
blue. /596:Metro Radio(UK)metal badge(2"cir)m/c-sharp! #597:CBC Radio iron-on T-Shirt
decal "Dr. Bundolo's Pandemonium Medicine Show"m/c. #598:WMMR metal badge(1.5"cir)m/c.
#599:Radio France International cloth pennant(4x8")blue,white. #600:Radio Sweden paper
pennant(4x8.5")blue,yellow. #601 :Radio Canada International vinal pennant(4.5x9")red,white

MAP BID WINNERS:Ducos(478,479,482),A. Algazi(457),J. Fenton(460,467),S. Ward(456),Krist

(481),R..Lavoie(444,468,470),Sixe(451),Vito(442),R. Vernetti(428,431),J. Keefe(448),
R. Lamb(433,434,440,449),Sorensen(445,454,455),E. Newlon(426,480,483),R. Harrington(435,
436,450,453,477),M. Strickert(427,443,446,459),T. Semesky(429,461,462,463,464,466),K. Hit-
aman(430,465),and N. Dickerson(432,437,469),....Thank you very much gang... .Sain.

DIRECT SALE ITEMS: The following stickers/decals are available at $.25 each or any five(5)
for $1.00. New since last issue:WQDR,Scheveningen Radio-PCH,KBRQ,WAYE,WKYX,KLAK,KFBK,CHUM,
Radio Clyde,Metro Radio,KCOL,Cardiff B/Cing Co. ,Radio Orwell,Centre Radio(large),Centre
Radio .
Portuguese Radio Marconi,KAZY and KIIX. Also available are: ABC-FM Perth,Radio France In-
ternational(large) and (small),5DN,Radio Tees,Radio Victory,HCJB,3MP,BBC-World Service,
12B4ORF,6KY,32B,Swiss Radio Internationa1,6WF,4GG,8DN and Radio France International u5Oth".
WDET(large),WDET(small),and WIT"-
ADDITIONAL DIRECT SALE ITEMS: The following stickers/decals are $.50 each:Radio El Mundo,
3CV,CKVO,WCMF(Stereo)and WCMF(Pat Benatar). The following SAW mini-posters are $.25 each:
5UV(Food),5UV(Clock),Voice of Syncom,Radio Fil Rose,Radio Caroline,Radio Landon,Radio
West(Holland),Radio Duomo(Woman) and Radio Duomo(Car) Special Offer: The following
metal station badges are only $.50 each: KZAK,KZAM "5th Anniversary",CFTK,Radio Forth,
CFTR,CFIR "Blues Brothers",WMET,WLPX,Radio City,WLUP and WMMR.
We also have the following items: WWWE large plastic tote bags at $.50 each,WINS blue
visor caps at $1.50 each,WSBT/WW.IY plastic ice scrapers at $.50 each.
SPECIAL OFFER: Send a $.37 SASE and receive an illustrated listing of many of our unadver-
tised items. I'm sure you will be pleased. Please remember, US and Canadian orders for
direct sale items should be at least $1.00 - no less! Overseas orders should be a minimum
of at least $3.00. Any foreign currency is acceptable. Please NO IRCs!!!
We have a very extensive listing of several hundred station pins, metal badges, coffee
mugs, cigarette lighters and numerous other items. These lists will only be sent to the
serious collector. If you are interested please send a $.54 SASE to me. By the way station
posters and T-Shirts are also included in this list.. .Sam.
NOTE: As we'are nearing the end of our annual fund raising drive for the various HAP organi-
zations throughout the world, I must take this time to thank all of you that have either
purchased the items that we sell or have donated items from your own collections.
ADDRESS: Send all of your orders for direct sale items and bids to Sam Barto, 460 Emmett St.
B-19, Bristol, CT. 06010 USA.



'31...Ted aeAotteH


euErl P-10 .11- -e-11-s ;

First Class North America $16
Overseas, Surface Mail $16
Airmail to Central America, Caribbean. South America. Europe $25
Airmail to Asia, Africa, Pacific $28
All remittances must be in U.S. funds and mauled to: NASWA, P.O. Box 13,
Liberty, IN., 47353, U.S.A.
Update: Besides FRENDX. NASWA also publishes UPDATE....a mid month
newsletter with the very latest DX news while it's still news. (UPDATE also
appears in each issue of FRENDX). It is only available to NASWA members.
North America (First Class) $4.00
Overseas (Airmail) $6.00
Sample copies of FRENDX and UPDATE are available for $1.00 in N.A.
Overseas $2.00

EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR & PUBLISHER -Bill Oliver, 45 Wildflower Road,

Levittown, PA 19057
BUSINESS MANAGER & TREASURER •Mac Leonhardt, P.O. Box 13, Liberty, IN 47353
SHORTWAVE CENTER -Cluipian P. Hansen, 2825 Webb Ave. Apt. 5-F, Bronx, NY 10468
LISTNERS NOTEBOOK Germ n Hauser, Box 6287. Knoxville, TN. 37914-0287
OSL REPORT -Sam Berta, 460 Emmett St., Apt B-19, Bristol, CT 06010
UPDATE EDITOR -Tom Alternan, 615 43rd Terrace, Apt. 6, Kansas City, MC 64111
DISTRIBUTING EDITOR •Terry Colgan, 8120 Ripplewood Drive, Austin, TX 78758
LOG REPORT (AI -Stu Klein, 642 Cranbury Cross Road, North Brunswick, NJ 08902
LOG REPORT (B) Jerry Berg. 38 Eastern Avenue, Lexington, MA 02173
LOG REPORT (CI -Peter Schipelliti, 31 Beaverbrook Road, Burlington, MA 01803
• in th 9world
- on Z. :710*C.T •./
.---isurau •

LOG REPORT (D) -Steve Wiseblood, 707 Loma Way, Santa Maria, CA 93454
LOG REPORT (El Brett Savior, P. O. Box 10, Whitehall, PA 18052 JUL I
SCOREBOARD -Jerry Lineback, 115 Wroxton, Conroe, TX 77304 4.; 0.3 7
AWARDS CHAIRMAN •Dan Henderson, 7921 Anfred Drive, Laurel, MD 20810
COVER DESIGNS -Wesley Thompson 454 Pheasant Drive, Huntingdon Valley, PA 19006
COUNTRY LIST CHAIRMAN -Dori Jensen. 5204 70th St., Kenosha, WI 53140
U.K. REPRESENTATIVE •Alan Thompson, 16 Ena Ave., Neath, W. Giamorgan,
Great Britain SA 113AD

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