10 1016@j Conbuildmat 2017 04 102
10 1016@j Conbuildmat 2017 04 102
10 1016@j Conbuildmat 2017 04 102
h i g h l i g h t s g r a p h i c a l a b s t r a c t
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: Geopolymer appears to be an alternative to ordinary Portland cement as a new sustainable material. The
Received 22 October 2016 effect of the aggregate contents of quartz and K-feldspar on the microstructure and mechanical proper-
Received in revised form 30 March 2017 ties of Geopolymer samples was investigated in the present study. It was found that the aggregate
Accepted 12 April 2017
contents influence the compressive strength and bending strength of geopolymeric bricks. Also, The
K-feldspar/quartz mass ratio (F/Q) has a linear relation with the modulus of alkaline activator at the peak
value of bending strength. This is due to the fact that the quartz reacts with the sodium hydroxide and
forms [H2SiO4]2 which is the main component of sodium silicate, and that the K-feldspar has the ability
Geopolymeric brick
Alkaline activator
to provide additional alkaline. The results of electron-microprobe analysis indicated that the matrix
Aggregate phase is composed of more amount of [ASiAOAAlAOASiA]n polymerization monomer with increasing
Strength alkaline activator modulus ratio when K+ is not involved in the reaction. However, the polymerization
Microstructure monomer of [ASiAOAAlA]n was only favored despite of variation of alkaline activator modulus when
the K+ exists.
Ó 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction
0950-0618/Ó 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
544 L. Tian et al. / Construction and Building Materials 147 (2017) 543–549
2.3. Methods
The compression test was performed on the cylinder samples with diameter of
40 mm and height of 100 mm, and the bending strength was determined on cuboid
samples with size of 40 mm 40 mm 160 mm. The failure load of bending test
was determined by the load-distortion curve obtained from three-point bending
test using an electronic universal testing machine. The standars for measuring
the compressive strength and bending strength is based on the Chinese standar
GB28635-2012/ Concrete paving bricks. The microstructure of sample was studied
by the scanning electron microscope (SEM, Hitachi, S2300), and polarizing micro-
scope analysis (POM, caikon, XP400), respectively. Chemical composition was mea-
sured by electron probe microanalysis (EPMA, JXR-8230) with beam spot size of
5 lm at 50 nA and 20 kV.
3. Results
Table 1
The chemical compositions of metakaolin, quartz and K-feldspar (wB%).
Sample SiO2 TiO2 Al2O3 Fe2O3 MnO MgO CaO Na2O K2O P2O5 LOI Total
MKL-2 49.75 1.58 43.23 1.35 0.02 0.03 0.24 0.10 0.05 0.05 2.99 99.39
QC-1 96.33 0.03 0.40 1.13 0.01 0.21 0.12 – 0.08 0.05 0.05 99.66
KF-12 66.52 – 18.20 0.38 0.01 – 0.48 2.48 10.52 0.03 0.62 99.29
Fig. 3. Compressive strength vs alkaline activator modulus ratio curves under Fig. 4. Bending strength vs alkaline activator modulus ratio curves under different
different K-feldspar/quartz ratio for geopolymeric bricks. K-feldspar/quartz ratio in geopolymeric bricks.
Fig. 5. SEM micrograph of geopolymeric brick GM 1.33 - F/Q 0.2. (Note: a and b showed the corrosion surface of aggregate; c and d showed the fresh fracture surface of
Table 2
Composition of aggregate and matrix (wB%) determined by electron probe microanalysis.
Site SiO2 TiO2 Al2O3 FeO MnO MgO CaO Na2O K2O Total
A 46.80 0.10 20.38 0.35 – 0.05 0.51 18.69 – 86.88
B 86.51 – 4.48 – – – – 3.67 – 96.44
C 41.19 0.14 26.14 0.48 0.10 0.66 0.43 11.38 7.11 87.62
D 39.11 0.55 21.29 0.34 – 0.12 0.72 24.47 – 86.59
E 90.85 – 0.85 – – – – 0.80 – 92.51
F 40.89 0.21 26.69 0.13 – 0.31 0.22 11.98 6.87 87.29
Fig. 8. Relation between F/Q ratio and modulus of alkaline activator at the peak
Fig. 7. Relations between bending strength and compressive strength according to
value of bending strength.
modulus of alkaline activator in geopolymeric bricks made with different aggregate
these two linear curves. Therefore, the samples with higher F/Q
already corroded into small pieces. The extent of edge corrosion of ratio demonstrate more stable ratio of bending-compressive
quartz was greater than that of K-feldspar, which suggests that the strength.
quartz formed more chemical bonds with the matrix than K- Besides, the F/Q ratio has a linear relationship with the modulus
feldspar in alkaline solution. This may be the explanation why of alkaline activator which corresponds to the maximum of bend-
the geopolymeric bricks with lower F/Q achieve better mechanics ing strength, as shown in Fig. 8. Take the aggregate of quartz for
performance. example, quartz can be dissolved in the alkaline solution to form
In order to analyze the surface reaction between matrix and [SiO2(OH)2]2, the chemical reaction is given as
aggregate, the sites marked by A, B, C, D, E and F, as shown in SiO2 þ 2OH ! ½SiO2 ðOHÞ2
Table 3 part of matrix. This is due to the fact that K+ is more capable of
Component molar ratio of matrix. entering into the matrix to balance the negative charge of polysia-
Sites n(Si)/n(Al) n(K + Na)/n(Al) late than Na+, and thus increases the rate of ionization and
A 1.94 1.50 dissolution.
B 19.98 2.01 The matrix of geopolymer is mainly composed of amorphous
C 1.33 1.01 aluminosilicate gel, which has a short-range order three-
D 1.56 1.89 dimensional network, such as nano-zeolite [32]. The matrix will
E 95.76 1.74
F 1.29 1.02
partially evolves into a small mounts of zeolites when curing time
was prolonged [33]. These zeolites may be crystal-structurally sim-
ilar with analcite and hydroxysodalite according to the result of
EPMA. Base on our experimental results and thermodynamic cal-
Therefore, the F/Q ratio has a linear relationship with modulus
culation, the main chemical reactions that may occurr in this
of alkaline activator in theory. And the reaction of K-feldspar with
research are given as below.
alkaline solution is similar to quartz. The structure of K-feldspar
can be destroyed by the concentrated alkaline solution and the SiO2 þ 2OH ! ½H2 SiO4
K+ spread into the aluminosilicate gels to balance the charge of
[Al(OH)4]. Therefore, the K-feldspar have the ability to provide
Al2 Si2 O7 þ 6OH þ 3H2 O ! 2½AlðOHÞ4 þ 2½H2 SiO4
additional alkaline, and thus can decrease the consumption of
sodium hydroxide in geopolymerization.
KAlSi3 O8 þ 6OH þ 2H2 O ! Kþ þ ½AlðOHÞ4 þ 3½H2 SiO4
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Naþ þ ½AlðOHÞ4 þ 2½H2 SiO4
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