OP Arena - Rules (2019)

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The key takeaways are that the game involves sending player characters called Dudes into an arena to battle other Dudes over multiple turns in order to earn victory points and be the first to reach 30 points to win.

The objective of the game is to earn victory points by having damage markers on Dudes when they die, by dealing killing blows, and through special game effects in order to be the first player to reach 30 victory points.

The game is played over a series of turns where players use their Dudes' abilities to attack other players' Dudes. Players earn victory points in various ways such as having damage on Dudes when they die or dealing the killing blow.





84 “Dude” Cards 1 Scoring Track 25 Shield Tokens


25 Nerph Tokens 18 White Reroll Cubes 1 Extra Six-Sided Die

For Each Player Color:

1 Six-Sided Power Die 30 Damage Markers 1 Scoring Marker

Overview and Objective Setup
The O.P. Arena has floated at the center of the M82 galaxy for 8 billion years 1. Shuffle the Dude cards together into a Dude deck and place it in the center
and has been home to the most intense battles of all time. Players from of the play area. Need to fill up on Dudes? This is where you draw them
across the multiverse send their champions to the arena in search of glory and from. And remember to leave some space beside the deck for the Dude
riches, but only a handful make it out alive. You’ve been training your Dudes Discard pile. Cause, you know, lots of Dudes are gonna die.
since you were a child, and your time has finally come!  Send your Dudes into
the pit, crush all those that stand before you, and emerge victorious! 2. Select a player color, then collect Damage Markers, Scoring Marker, and six-
sided Power die in the same color. Each player should place their Scoring
O.P. Arena is played over a series of game turns, where you will use your Marker near the Scoring Track.
Dudes’ abilities to attack other players’ Dudes. Earn Victory Points by having
your Damage Markers on Dudes when they die, by dealing killing blows, and 3. Dump all the Nerph and Shield Tokens on the table in one big, sloppy pile.
through special game effects. We’ll call that pile the Supply.

The first player to 30 Victory Points (VP) wins! 4. Give each player 3 Reroll Cubes and leave any remaining Reroll Cubes in
the box. Each Reroll Cube can be spent to reroll one die, one time. The
player who owns a Reroll Cube can only spend it to reroll their own die.
Once you use all 3 of your Reroll Cubes, they’re gone for the rest of the
Why not Dudettes? game. There is no way to get them back or earn more, so use them wisely.
When you use a Reroll Cube, return it to the box.
In O.P. Arena, we use “Dude” as a gender-neutral term because we
love the idea of referring to a T-Rex as a dude. That’s funny to us, and
5. Each player should take 1 Shield Token and 1 Nerph Token from the Supply.
we hope it’s funny to you. In early versions of our game, we referred
These are starting tokens that you can use on your turn, and if you want
to the various dudes and dudettes with respect to their gender, but
more, you’ll need to earn them.
we found that the text boxes got out of control fast. Every effect that
refers to a Dude had to be written as “Dude or Dudette,” and some
6. Deal 3 cards from the Dude deck to each player. This is your starting hand
creatures are sexless. Playtesters revolted. We respect everyone, but
of Dudes. There are many like them, but these are yours.
we decided to just stick with “Dude” because it lines up better with
the game’s intended humor.
7. Using any means necessary, determine which player is the First player.

8. Players 1, 2, & 3 must choose 1 or 2 Dude cards from their hand and place
them face down in front of themselves. Players 4-6 (if applicable) may
choose 0, 1 or 2 Dudes at their discretion and place them face down in
front of themselves. Reveal those Dudes simultaneously. These Dudes are
now in play under their owners’ control. When these starting Dudes are
revealed none of their abilities are triggered.

Important: Players are not allowed to read the Dude abilities of any Dude
controlled by any other player and may not ask any other player about
their Dudes’ abilities. Players may only ask for a Dude’s name, type (i.e.:
Pirate Taco, Monster), and 2 special ability names (i.e.: Pistolas and Extra
Guacamole!). This info must be given if asked, but that’s it. As you play
more games, you will learn what each Dude can do, and you will gain the
power to crush n00bs in future games. In the meantime, enjoy the chaotic
beauty of the arena! If a player has great eyes and can read the abilities on
your Dudes from their seat, no big whoop. Don’t rules lawyer it. The reason
for this rule is to keep the game moving. Slowing down the game to read all
the text on every new card that comes out is lame. Just try to remember the
spirit of this rule:

Keep the game moving.

How to Play e. Activate any REACTIVE effects in turn order, starting with
the current player and moving clockwise. Yes, dear, that
O.P. Arena is played over a series of player turns, starting with the First Player. means you may be able to execute an ability AND enjoy
A turn is divided into 6 Phases. They are listed here for your reference, but using your Dudes’ REACTIVE effect(s). If you kill a DUDE before its turn, it
detailed on page 6 if you have any questions. does not get to execute any REACTIVE effect that would have triggered,
because it’s already dead. Duh.
Phase 1 - Discard a Dude f. If an ability you take on a Dude causes an effect to be triggered, the effect
a. The current player may discard any 1 Dude they have in play. Any other on the targeted Dude happens, and then the effect of the action. BOTH
player that has damage on the discarded Dude earns 1 VP per damage will happen even if death results, as triggered effects are simultaneous,
token of their color on the discarded Dude. while REACTIVE effects are not.
b. Do you have a Dude with an ability that lets you do something
automatically, without rolling, at the start of your turn? Lucky you, you Phase 6 - Cleanup
can use it here. a. Discard up to 2 Dudes from your hand.
b. Draw back up to 3 cards. If you have 3 or more, you may not draw cards.
Phase 2 - Call for Dudes!
c. Hand size is unlimited.
a. You must say aloud “Call for Dudes!” At this time, any player may put
a Dude in play if they have less than 2 Dudes in play, starting with the
player to the left of the current player. Play each Step in order, and don’t mix ‘em up. When you’ve completed your
Cleanup Step, play passes clockwise to the next player, and continues in this
b. Do you have a Dude with an ability that lets you do something when it is pattern until someone has scored 30 or more VP.
put in play, without rolling? Lucky you, you can use it here when you put
the Dude in play.

Phase 3- Play 1 Token (1 Shield or 1 Nerph).

a. You may play 1 token that you own. If this would cause an effect to be
triggered on a targeted card, the targeted card effect happens first, then
the token effect.
Phase 4 - Roll your Power Die
a. Roll your Power Die.
b. If you don’t like your roll, you may spend a Reroll Cube that you own to
reroll your Power Die. You only have 3 Reroll Cubes to last the entire game:
you may use all 3 in one turn, spread them out, or not use them at all.
You’re in control, Chief.

Phase 5 - Place your rolled Power Die

a. Your Dudes have several abilities and you get to choose one to execute
based on your die roll. You place the Die on a base attack, skill power, or
un-Nerphed special ability on one of your Dudes in play, as long as the die
placed equals or exceeds the value listed on the spot you place it on.
Noob Tip: You execute an ability before any REACTIVE effects are triggered.
b. If you cannot do anything because you rolled badly, or choose not to do
anything, you may take any 1 token from the Supply. N00b Tip: Try to have
at least one Dude in play that can do something with a low roll.
c. If you rolled a 1, and cannot activate an ability with this roll, and do not
reroll, this is an Epic Fail, and you may take any 2 tokens from the Supply
as a pity reward. But you should do so in shame. All other players may
ridicule you with insulting, off-color taunts.
d. Ask if anyone has any REACTIVE effects based on your roll.
REACTIVE effects are individual Dude powers listed on the bottom of each
Dude card.
Dude Anatomy 101
Every Dude is put together a little differently, but you’ll find they
share a set of common traits and icons. These are important, so listen
up! 1 3 4
Each Dude card features some, but not necessarily all of the following:
1. Basic Attack - The roll required for your Dude to hit with a Basic Attack,
and the amount of damage the Dude deals if successful. For
example, if you roll a 6 on your Power Die, and place it on a Dude’s
Basic Attack of 5, that Dude deals 5 points of damage to any 1 Dude.
To place your Power Die on a Basic Attack, your roll must equal or
exceed the number shown.
2. Skill Power - The roll required for your Dude to use its Skill Power, and
the number of tokens (Shield and/or Nerph) you may take when
the Skill Power is used. For example, if you roll a 5 on your Power
Die, and place it on a Dude’s Skill Power of 4, you may take 4 tokens
of your choice from the Supply. To place your Power Die on a Skill
Power, your roll must equal or exceed the number shown.
3. Persistent Effects - Indicates that the Dude’s ability text describes an
important ability that is not activated with your Power Die, but is [65]

always in effect, or triggered at a certain time. Read your Dude’s

abilities to determine what the persistent ability is.
4. Reactive Effects - A REACTIVE effect is an ability that is triggered when
a player rolls a particular number on their Power Die. Sometimes
a REACTIVE effect is triggered when any other player rolls the
number, or when any player rolls the number (this one includes 7
you). If multiple REACTIVE effects are triggered at the same time,
they resolve in turn order, starting with the current player and going
clockwise. If a single player has multiple Dudes with REACTIVE
effects that trigger at the same time, then that player chooses the
order in which they resolve. If a Dude is killed before it can execute
its REACTIVE effect, the killed Dude’s REACTIVE effect does not
5. Abilities - Little boxes on the bottom of a Dude card that describe a [41]
Dude’s 2 special abilities. Many of these abilities can be used during
the Dude Action Phase, but some have different timing. Some will
require a Power Die to activate, some are PERSISTENT, and some are
REACTIVE. No two Dudes are alike!
6. Health - A reminder that most Dudes can only take 7 damage before 5
they die. Yes, that means a Pirate Taco can take the same beating
as Cthulhu. Try not to think too hard about it. And besides, everyone
should know that the OPARC (O.P. Arena Rules Committee)
handicaps the health of participants with advanced science in the
spirit of fairness.
7. Portrait - A visual reminder of how awesome the Dude is, to make sure 6
you don’t ever forget it.

Phase 1 - Discard a Dude Phase 4 - Roll Your Power Die
You may choose to discard a Dude that you have already put in play. If you Now’s your chance to lay forth the mightiest of beatdowns.
do, award VP to each other player that has damage on the Dude; 1 VP for each Roll your Power Die!
Damage Marker that matches the player’s color damage on the discarded
Dude. So for example, if you discard a Dude you have in play that has 2
damage done by Dick (BLUE), and 1 damage done by Jane (RED), Dick gets 2
Phase 5 - Place your rolled Power Die
VP and Jane gets 1 VP. N00b Tip: Giving other players easy points like this is Regardless of how many Dudes you have in play, you may activate exactly 1
usually a bad idea, so try not to do it often. Dude during your turn and execute 1 of its Dude Actions. You may pick any
basic or Special Ability on any Dude you have in play, as long as the number
You do not gain any VP for your own damage on one of your Dudes that you
you rolled equals or exceeds the target number shown.
choose to discard. If there is no damage on a Dude you discard, lucky you, no
one gets any VP when you discard it.
A final roll that cannot activate any ability is a Fail and nets you a token of
your choice from the Supply. A roll of a 1 that is not rerolled and that cannot
Phase 2 - Call for Dudes! activate an ability is an Epic Fail:
At this point you must loudly proclaim, “Call for Dudes!” This is the time
grab any 2 tokens from the Supply. CHECK-CIRCLE
when new Dudes are allowed to enter the arena. Of course, to field new
If your roll equals or exceeds the
Dudes, a player must have space to do so. If you already have 2 or more
required roll for multiple basic and/
Dudes in play, you may not place another Dude. Dude placement must start
or special attacks/abilities across
with the current player, and then moves clockwise around the table. When
one or more of your Dudes, you
a player puts a Dude in play they must announce the name of the Dude
must pick one, and assign your die
(i.e.: “Introducing KARATE SAUSAGE!”) and the type of Dude (i.e.: “HE’S A Times-Circle [49]

to it by placing it on the associated

MONSTER!”). If any player places a Dude that has an ability that triggers on
die-shaped graphic. You may then
placement, that player may execute that ability.
execute that attack or ability. CHECK-CIRCLE
Oh, and this is important. You may only have 2 Dudes in play at a time. Higher numbers tend to have more
However, if a specific effect tells you to draw, steal, or otherwise put a new powerful effects!
Dude in play, you may exceed this limit.
If your die roll equals or exceeds
only one of the available options CHECK-CIRCLE
Phase 3 - Play a Token across your Dudes, you may
Now’s your chance to use those Tokens you’ve been piling up. execute that one ability or you may
You may play 1 Nerph on any 1 ability of any Dude in play or 1 Shield Token choose to Fail. If you choose to
on any 1 Dude in play. Fail, you may disregard your die roll
and take a single token from the
Supply instead. Hopefully, you’re
not so worthless and weak to Take 1 [12]

Tokens and How to Use Them Token

choose this option in the Arena.
Two different types of Tokens are used in the O.P. Arena. You can Times-Circle
collect Tokens from the Supply through a variety of game effects, but Resolve the action as follows,
most commonly from successfully using a Skill Power. If you don’t based on where you place your die:
have a token available, then you cannot play one.
• Basic Attack - If your roll is equal to or greater than your Dude’s Basic
Nerph Tokens - When you play a Nerph Token, name 1 specific ability Attack Power, you may place your Power Die here, and deal damage
on any 1 specific Dude in play and place the Nerph Token over the equal to your Dude’s Attack Power to your target. In O.P. Arena, your
ability. That ability may not be used again! Dudes can attack any Dude in play. That includes your own Dudes, or
Shield Tokens - When you play a Shield Token, place it on any Dude in even themselves.
play. When a player places a Nerph Token on a Shielded Dude, instead
of Nerphing an ability, return that Nerph Token and the Shield Token • Token Skill - If you roll equal to or greater than your Dude’s Token Skill
to the Supply. A Dude may only have 1 Shield Token at a time. Power, you may place the die on the Token Skill and collect Tokens from
the Supply equal to your Dude’s Skill Power. These Tokens may be in any
When a Dude dies, return any tokens that were on that Dude back to combination of Shields and Nerphs.
the Supply.
Only Special Abilities may be Nerphed; you may not Nerph Basic Noob Tip: Remember, you do not deal damage or take tokens equal to your
Attacks or Token Skills. roll; you go by what is printed on the Dude.

• Use a Special Ability - Refer to the Ability’s text for its Ability Terminology
effect. Any Ability that features a number in a die-shaped
graphic ( ) can be activated by placing your Power Die Adjacent - Refers to the players seated to your immediate left and to
with a number that equals or exceeds the number shown. your immediate right.
When you place your Power Die on a Special Ability,
execute the ability as described on the card. Persistent Discard - Means you toss the card in the Dude Discard Pile or return
and Reactive abilities cannot be used as Dude Actions, any game pieces to the Supply.
so they do not require a Power Die placement. They are Execute - Use a Dude’s ability, as specified by the card. No, this
always in effect or are triggered by a game condition as per the text on the doesn’t mean you get to chop someone’s head off.
card. Reactive effects are triggered just by rolling a specific number, not by
placing it. Kill - Kills a Dude outright. You are considered to be the player that
landed the killing blow. Kill effects do not deal damage to the Dude.
Global - You won’t see this word show up much, but a Global ability is
Down for the Count! one that immediately affects every Dude in play. For example, “Deal
2 damage to all other Dudes,” that’s what we’re talking about. Global
Whenever you deal damage to any Dude, you place your colored abilities do not target anything, so they can still affect Dudes that
Damage Markers on the injured Dude equal to the amount of damage can’t be targeted!
you have dealt.
A Dude dies when it has received damage equal to its health,
regardless of damage colors, or when an effect “kills” the Dude. A
Dude may not have more Damage Markers on it than it has health. Phase 6 - Cleanup
This means, if you attack a Dude and deal more damage than it has 1. You may discard any Dudes in hand.
health, you only place enough Damage Markers on that Dude until the
total number of Damage Markers equals its total health (most likely 2. If you have less than 3 Dudes in your hand, draw cards from the Dude deck
7). Damage over health value does not count toward determining the until you have exactly 3 in your hand.
most or second most damage.
When this happens, take the following steps in order: 3. If you have 3 or more Dudes in your hand, lucky you. You’re full. No new
Dudes for you!
Award 2 VP to the player or players (if tied) who dealt the most
damage to the Dude, based on the Damage Markers on the Dude at 4. Pass play to the next player in clockwise order.
the time of death.
Award 1 VP to the player or players (if tied) that dealt the second most
damage to the Dude, based on the Damage Markers on the Dude at Game End
the time of death. The game ends immediately as soon as one or more players have reached or
Award 3 VP to the player who dealt the killing blow. Put the killed exceeded 30 Victory Points. The player with the most Victory Points wins!
Dude in the Dude Discard pile. (Yes, you can get the VPs for killing In the case of a tie, the player with the most Damage Markers on Dudes
a Dude as well as having the most or second most damage on that remaining in play wins. If still tied, the player who has the most Dudes in play
Dude.) wins. If there is still a tie, the tied player who has the most Dudes in hand
wins. If there is still a tie, the player with a Dude in play that has the highest
When any player earns Victory Points, they should move their Scoring
Base Attack number wins. If there’s still a tie, the player with the most
Marker up on the Scoring Track equal to the number of VP they have
tokens wins. If there’s still a tie, nobody wins. The overseers of the O.P. Arena
demand a rematch, and that rematch is required to be played without delay.
If your Damage Markers are not present on a Dude, you cannot qualify
to have the most or second most damage!
A kill effect does not add damage to a Dude, it just kills it outright.
VPs are awarded as described above: the player doing the killing gets
3 VP. Those with the most Damage Markers on the Dude that is killed
get 2 VP and those with the second-most get 1 VP.

Super Savage Double Dip Grind Match - Play until someone has 50 VP
(instead of 30).
Mega Explosion Omega Death Mode - Play until every single Dude
in the Dude deck is dead or otherwise discarded, except for ONE. The
player with the last Dude standing wins!
Quadruple Fudge Gulag Team Clash - Pair up in teams of 2 and
combine your VP with your teammate. Play until a team has 50 VP
(instead of 30).
Extra Elastic Veteran-Only Throwdown - Draw up to 5 Dudes instead
of 3. Best for experienced players who know all the cards.
Ain’t Got Time For That Speed Bout - Play until someone has 20 VP
(instead of 30)
George P. Fustercluck Championship Tournament - There is no limit
to the number of Dudes players may have in play and rerolls are not

Designed by: Robert Burke and Nate Bivins
Art: Nicoleta Stavarache
Cover Art: Andre Garcia
Graphic Design: Luis Francisco

Playtesters: Mike Gurley, Mark Kale, Mike Mihealsick, Stephen Avery,

Richard Launius, Patrick Havert, Patrick Siebert, Brian Fiore, Ken
Shannon, Hal Greenberg, Jesse Birnstihl, Ike Maruri, Stephen Speers,
Chris Hawkins, Rob Ross, Al Ross, Chris Gaston, Don Riddle, Ashley
Morrill, Kiana Morrill, Ian Garner, Randal Lloyd, Shane Becker, Andrew
Haigh, Greig Allen, Tom Vasel, Zee Garcia, Peter C. Hayward, Joe
Burke, Aiden Burke, Quin Burke, Bobby Burke, MaryCharles Burke, Zev
Shlasinger, Stephen Eckman, Greg Dickson, Jason Maxwell, Shane
Myerscough, Josh Lobkowicz, Dan King, James Allen Enyart, Joseph
Rose, Matt Sloan, Aaron Yonda, QSF Games.

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