Tips For Studying at Home

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Tips for Studying at Home

As the COVID-19 pandemic spreads exponentially schools worldwide are switching to

online-first instruction. As such, you might be spending a lot more time than usual studying at
home, of which one of the hardest parts is maintaining your focus. How you set up your
workspace, structure your time, and the techniques you use to learn play a big role in effectively
and efficiently studying at home.

A. Organizing your study space

Having a designated study space is a key element to successfully studying at home.
Maintaining some separation between where you relax and where you study can help get you in
the right mindset when the time comes for you to really focus. Deciding what to bring into your
study space (and what to keep out) is very important. Every medical student has his or her own
method, but many opt for a two-screen set up: you can use one for the video you’re watching
and one for your notes, one for the 3D anatomy model you’re exploring and one for your
reference text, etc. Of course, other tools such as a notebook and your textbook can also be
beneficial to have in your study space. However, keep distractions to a minimum: save snacks
or coffee for your designated break times, keep your phone in another room so you won’t be
tempted to use it in the middle of a study block, and choose your background noise wisely.
Block out unwanted background noise (including not-so-focused roommates) with
noise-canceling headphones or earplugs. If the sounds of your home aren’t conducive to
studying, you can always listen to music (without lyrics) or use an ambient noise app to simulate
a coffee shop or your university library. Especially if you need to use your phone as a timer, for
a virtual study group, or as the source of your ambient noise, make sure to turn off notifications,
and if possible, place it out of sight, out of mind.

B. Structuring your time

Your study space is set up and your distractions are minimized… but now what? One of the
important elements of a successful study session is not necessarily about the material you
review or the content you copy – rather, how you manage your time makes a world of difference
in the success of your study session. This starts with your to-do list. Before you start studying, it
is important to have a plan for what you want to study so that you can organize your time and
focus your efforts on the material that you need to review. Not only do you need to know what
you want to study that day, but you should also prioritize your to-do list. If you have a specific
exam coming up or you’ll be starting a new rotation soon, you know what is most important to
review every day or what you need to spend more time on. Once you have your prioritized to-do
list, how do you organize your time?

The ​Pomodoro Technique is very popular for this reason: it focuses on accomplishing tasks by
working in blocks of 25 minutes (“pomodoros”) with five minute breaks in between, rather than
just going down a to-do list. Before you begin, take your to-do list and group your tasks by what
you think can be accomplished in about 25 minutes at a time. Then start your timer and get to
work: once you have accomplished four pomodoros, you can take a 20-30 minute break. This
method helps you to maximize your use of time, minimize procrastination, and keep track of
exactly what you’ve accomplished. The five minute breaks between pomodoros help refresh
your mind and allow it to reset before starting the next block. The Pomodoro Technique has
been adapted by many students for their studies, and many study schedules also suggest this
technique or a version of it

C. Virtual study groups

Even in your dedicated study space, with your headphones on and your music or ambient noise
playing, studying at home can get lonely sometimes. Whether you prefer to review material out
loud with other people, or the presence of others studying motivates you to stay focused, study
groups are a go-to for many medical students. Just because you’re at home doesn’t mean that
you and your classmates can’t keep studying together – creating a virtual study group is one of
the best ways to continue learning in a group, even at a distance. Many free tools (such as
Facebook Messenger, Skype, and Google Hangouts) support group video chats. Having two
screens in your study space setup can also be very helpful for virtual study groups, as you can
keep your chat on one screen and your study material on the other. Are your classmates not
available or do you not want to video chat the whole time? Try using a shared timer to keep
yourselves on track, then check back in once the time is up.

D. Study techniques
Sometimes, however, your tasks won’t line up well with the fixed block schedule used in the
Pomodoro Technique or a study group doesn’t make sense for what you need to review. There
are dozens of other study techniques that can be used to ensure your retention of material.
Here are a few to get you started:

Active learning is something you can practice in a variety of study contexts. Instead of
passively watching high-yield videos or multitasking and thus not taking in as much information
as possible, active learning helps you give yourself direction and stay focused on the content.
To practice active learning, you should do small self-check-ins before, during, and after you
review. Before you start studying, establish what you’re about to learn and what you already
know about the subject. While you’re reviewing the material, make sure you know how it fits into
the bigger picture, that you understand what you just watched or read, and write down keywords
you might want to use for future review. After you’ve completed your study session, ask yourself
what you can take away from the study session and make notes of what you need to review or
continue learning the next time you approach this topic. By practicing active learning, you not
only give your current study session direction, but you can also reflect upon and adapt your
study technique in the future.

Reverse learning is a study technique recommended specifically for dedicated study, for
example, as you’re preparing for your licensing exams.

Unless you have a photographic memory, you likely won’t remember everything you studied on
the first try. Regularly reviewing what you’ve learned is as important as learning it right the first
time. There are many retention strategies out there – some people use paper or virtual
flashcards for recall, some people use songs to help jog their memories, and some use
mnemonics to keep information straight. But how often should you review certain topics?
Spaced Repetition is one method. The idea behind Spaced Repetition is that, instead of
learning as many facts as possible within a short period of time, you should review material at
increasingly spaced intervals after learning it.

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