Whiteness and Trauma: Victoria Burrows
Whiteness and Trauma: Victoria Burrows
Whiteness and Trauma: Victoria Burrows
Victoria Burrows
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Victoria Burrows
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Acknowledgements viii
Notes 173
Bibliography 205
Index 220
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teach me to survive my
teach me how to hold a new life
help me
turn the face of history
to your face.
June Jordan1
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As knots can be untied and re-tied, they are not only processural and
dynamic but their structuring is also relational and ambivalent. They
can be knots of strength that hold things together, or snarls and obstruc-
tions that impede or hinder, or even both at once. Knots bind one to
one’s own history – individual and collective – but the unravelling
process provides a means of analysing historical, socio-cultural and
maternal genealogies that shape female subjectivity, a positionality
always multiply mediated through the axes of race and class as well as
However, in order to theorise the mother–daughter relationship, fem-
inist scholars have to remain very aware of two potentially disabling
problems. Firstly, we risk the danger of valorising mutual bonding, nur-
turing, reciprocity and intersubjective empathy, while omitting the fact
that this relationship is often infused not just with love, joy and sharing
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Introduction 3
Introduction 5
the other veers between distanciation from the social injustices of racial
meaning (Wide Sargasso Sea), to an ambivalent complicity yet gradual
resistance to imperialist ideologies (Lucy), and finally, to a rewriting of
black history through what Toni Morrison calls the ‘gift for metaphor’
(Sula). The painful mother–daughter dyad in Kincaid’s novel is knotted
around the ambivalent effects of colonial education, as represented by
the enchanted space of Western literature, while the mother–daughter
relationships in Rhys’s novel, and to a much greater extent in
Morrison’s Sula, circulate around the metaphor of veiling and unveiling
in relation to the iconography of clothing as a means of exposing what
Ahmed describes as the ‘encounter’ with the racial body.23 Indeed,
metaphors of clothing and needlework are very much one of Morrison’s
lyrical trademarks, as evidenced by her Nobel Prize acceptance speech
in which she pronounced: ‘Don’t tell us what to believe, what to fear.
Show us belief’s wide skirt and the stitch that unravels fear’s caul’.24
However, while there is a trope in Western philosophy of the ‘uncon-
cealing of being’ (termed aletheia), that suggests the exposure inherent
in an unveiling or unmasking which lays bare a hidden inner core,25
my reading of the trope of unveiling is indebted to the work of femi-
nist theoreticians and literary critics such as Ann duCille, Sara Ahmed,
Karla Holloway and Toni Morrison and the whole tropological symbol-
isation of masking and unmasking, veiling and unveiling in Black
English that grew out of and in resistance to the dehumanisation of
racialised slavery in the plantations of the New World.
In her monograph, Strange Encounters, Sara Ahmed explores the
interlinked notions of strangers, embodiment and the concept of
community in the contemporary Western world from a feminist
and postcolonial perspective. Central to her argument is the term
‘encounter’, which ‘suggests a meeting, but a meeting which involves
surprise or conflict’.26 Ahmed’s chapter entitled ‘Embodying strangers’,
from which I took her discussion of Elizabeth Grosz’s passage on
corporeal feminism, begins with an example of a distressing racial
encounter that happened to Audre Lorde as a child on the New York
subway.27 As a result of this incident, in which her small black body was
pinned down by the traumatic impact of the white gaze reading her
body as repulsive, Lorde began to query both the construction and the
meaning of racial hatred. Karla Holloway, also tells of similar encoun-
ters experienced by herself and her friends, and in her Codes of Conduct:
Race, Ethics, and the Color of Our Character she argues that black women
have to be aware of the stereotypes that code their bodies because the
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Introduction 7
Introduction 9
the places in the world where Relation presents itself most visibly, one
of the explosive regions where it seems to be gathering strength’.44 It is
through regaining the empowerment of a heritage of both historical and
creative or imaginative marronage that Kincaid’s protagonist, Lucy, is
finally able to turn the face of imperial history around and reconnect
with her maternal history, reflected, as it were, in her mother’s face.
In the context of postcolonial theory, fictionalised mother–daughter
relationships also provide an important space for a critical re-reading of
the familiar colonial trope of the family and its tensions allegorised as
the nation, and imperial powers as mothers of their colonised chil-
dren.45 This is the case in both Wide Sargasso Sea and Lucy, but with the
tropes reversed. By analogy, the white creole mother–daughter rela-
tionship in Rhys’s novel is represented as colonial daughter/island
deserted by the ‘mother’ England. In Kincaid’s novel, the young black
protagonist leaves her Caribbean island when she is 17 partly to escape
her mother’s Anglophilic tendencies. Interestingly, the daughter in both
these novels has a surrogate, or other-mother, from another race, to
whom each of them becomes inordinately but ambivalently attached.
Both texts take place largely in a white world. The third novel, Morri-
son’s Sula, almost entirely excludes any white presence, and delineates
the results of mother–daughter relationships irreversibly damaged by
the racism and poverty crucial to the implementation of slavery in the
United States. Audre Lorde speaks openly and with pain of the impact
of America’s racist white society on her relationship with her mother in
a passage that has great resonance for the mother–daughter relation-
ships in Sula:
Introduction 11
Introduction 13
which Cheryl Wall argues that for black women to make their ‘posi-
tionality explicit is not to claim a “privileged” status for our positions
. . . Making our positionality explicit is, rather, a response to the false
universalism that long defined critical practice and rendered black
women and their writing mute.’55 It is in relation to this white-enforced
‘muteness’ that I hesitantly offer my interpretation.
Avtar Brah maintains that ‘categories such as “black feminism” and
“white feminism” are best seen as non-essentialist, historically contin-
gent, relational discursive practices, rather than fixed sets of position-
alities’.56 To move into a new discursive realm that remains aware of the
long-standing existence of paralysing ethnocentrism in feminist theo-
ries and politics also necessitates a study of the enactment of power and
ideologies that are also relational but often concealed under a cloak of
whiteness.57 As Toni Morrison attests in Playing in the Dark: ‘The world
does not become raceless or will not become unracialized by assertion.
The act of enforcing racelessness in literary discourse is itself a racial
act.’58 Morrison’s literary heritage emanates, as she frequently stresses,
from the Black English oral tradition, in which, as Yvonne Atkinson
makes clear, ‘the surface meaning of words is rarely the complete
meaning. Definitions of words and word usage are derived from the
Black English oral tradition of linguistic reversal, using negative terms
with positive meanings as well as contextual meaning, a practice of
exchanging or masking one linguistic process with another language.’59
Indeed, it is Morrison’s writing – both fictional and critical – that drew
my attention to the political and theoretical implications of the use of
metaphor, as well as its ambivalence and the importance of both its con-
cealed and overt imaginative gestures:
Introduction 15
Ruth Frankenberg was one of the first white feminists to insist on the
intrinsic importance of dismantling the ubiquitous, unmarked power
contained within the ‘ “racialness” of white experience’.62 Since then it
has become a subject that is often mentioned, but it is still rare to find
the theory substantially put into practice in any kind of complex
reading of fiction. However, there is an ambivalence at the heart of
whiteness studies itself that must be addressed at the outset. Maulana
Karenga has this to say on the subject:
The new focus on the study of Whiteness by Whites and other schol-
ars engenders ambivalence on several levels. It immediately raises
questions about its intent, methodology and effect. As a Black studies
scholar, my tendency is to be ambivalent about new calls for
the study of White people when the majority of the curriculum is
about them and usually in the most Eurocentric and vulgarly self-
congratulatory forms.63
Introduction 17
which her lawyers claim that as a result of Clinton’s actions, ‘Jones now
suffers from post-traumatic stress with long term symptoms of anxiety,
intrusive thoughts and memories, and sexual aversion’71. Leys uses these
examples, both of which were reported in the American media in 1998,
to illustrate the extreme diversification of issues raised by the concept
of psychic trauma. At one extreme lies the indispensability of trauma
theory and its practices to deal with genocidal horrors of the twentieth
century, the other suggests how such theory and its praxis can become
a superficial and ‘debased currency’.72
Leys’s monograph is, as the title suggests, a genealogical reading of
trauma theory that begins with Freud and ends with Cathy Caruth, of
whose work she is rather dismissive. My project does not involve a cri-
tique of this work, except to emphasise the limited focus of Leys’s new
book, a text that is premised entirely upon a Eurocentric reading solely
indentured to a middle-class whiteness built on concepts of Western
individualism. The notion of a genealogy sets up a claim for a breadth
of vision and a comprehensive analysis of trauma history in which it
would be expected that there should be a substantial exploration of
racism, one of the major traumas of the twentieth century. However,
the interrelation of race and trauma – the subject of the opening para-
graph – is never again referred to except in a gestural nod to Freud’s
own naming of his ‘race’.73 Surely – and especially now we have entered
the twenty-first century which is shaping up to be one of almost
unimaginable racial tension and acts of repeated trauma – we need a
comprehensive remapping of trauma theory that is not white-centric
and gender blind.
In any event, almost every black text, fiction or theory, testifies to the
‘trauma of racism’ to which Toni Morrison refers, as the continuing and
ever present factor in the lives of people of colour.74 In an article delin-
eating a feminist perspective on psychic trauma, Laura Brown observes
how narrow definitions of trauma have been constructed from the ex-
periences of dominant groups in Western culture, which means ‘white,
young, able-bodied, educated, middle-class, Christian, men’75. Brown
admits to being protected by her white skin, her upper-middle class
status, her education and her access to language and resources, but as a
Jew and a lesbian she also deals with the small violences of the spirit
that can so often accompany these subject positions in her everyday
life.76 In this essay she builds on Maria Root’s concept of ‘insidious
trauma’ that refers to the ‘traumatogenic effects of oppression that are
not necessarily overtly violent or threatening to bodily well-being at any
given moment, but which do violence to the soul and the spirit’.77 Such
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Introduction 19
Introduction 21
literary texts that leads both to innovative writing and new possibilities
for working through trauma – as will become apparent in my readings.
Caruth maintains that we begin ‘to hear each other anew in the study
of trauma . . . because they [here she refers to the main disciplinary
fields that utilise trauma theory] are listening through the radical dis-
ruption and gaps of traumatic experience’.90 While this is certainly the
case, I would like to extend the idea of the ‘radical disruption’ of belated-
ness into a different way of addressing the notion of postcolonialism.
Together with the psychic implications and repercussions, belatedness
also entails the idea of disjuncture in historical time which raises impor-
tant questions about both the periodisation of colonialism and post-
colonialism and the long-term psychic effects of this imagined closure
suggested by the prefix ‘post’. In terms of the colonial/postcolonial
binary, the question of who gets to be fortunate enough to effect closure
on historical traumas is bound up with the imagined dismantling of
colonialism. There are ongoing traumas for many millions of peoples
whose lives are still disproportionately circumscribed by the often
intense suffering created by the changing face of power structures that
have transmogrified into neo-colonialism, cultural imperialism and now
the injustices (racial, gendered and classed) inherent in the universalis-
tic notion of global capitalism. Only those who can ignore ‘the belated
scar[s]’ – both metaphorical and literal – inscribed on the lives of mil-
lions who live the consequences of colonialism can retreat, in the words
of Robert Young, into the ‘safety of its politics of the past’.91 Belated-
ness then, also concerns the politics of relation, as Ruth Frankenberg
and Lata Mani suggest in a provocative article from which I now quote:
‘Post’ means ‘after in time’. But what happened during that time
– presumably in this instance a time between ‘colonialism’, or
‘coloniality’, and now? In what senses are we now situated ‘after’
‘coloniality’ in the sense of ‘coloniality’ being ‘over and done with’?
What, about ‘the colonial’, is over and for whom?92
The politics of location involve both the territorial (the physical loca-
tion of the body mapped by ownership of land or nation) and the
abstract (the psychic mapping of interpellation(s)). Moreover, the whole
idea of who will listen is not only intrinsic to trauma theory and the out-
comes of the possibilities of resolution through testimony, but also to
the politics of the postcolonial arena. In postcolonial theory the ques-
tion was raised by Gayatri Spivak, most notably in the words of the title
to her now famous essay, ‘Can the Subaltern Speak?’93 Two years and
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much controversy later, she answered her own rhetorical question: ‘For
me, the question “Who should speak?” is less crucial than “Who will
listen?” ’94 Amalgamating trauma theory and postcolonialism is not,
therefore, just about traumatic experiences not being assimilated at the
time of the occurrence: it is complicated by the cultural imbalances
bound by issues of psychic and material domination inherent in the
invisible whiteness of power structures – the differences between rulers
and ruled (both psychic and material) – and the length of the time frame
that is itself involved in historical disjuncture. Although on the posi-
tive side, the radical disruption of time unsettles the notion of histori-
cal progress, it must be remembered that for there to be any form of
listening, there has to be a voicing of unresolved historical loss and pain.
Hence the importance of fiction as a means of bearing witness and of
the figurative language of metaphor as a way to confront the unspeak-
able. Through its ambivalent structuring, metaphor provides both
the safety of a distancing mechanism and simultaneously, a linguistic
strategy to speak about something unspeakable, as if by analogy.
Caruth strongly advocates ‘the language of literature’ as the exem-
plary genre that encourages a shift into forms of narrative that enables
movement beyond the belatedness effect of trauma. This is because
literary fiction gestures beyond itself, the figurative language offering
an imaginative leap that moves beyond the denotative meaning.95
However, the possibilities of how to envisage the actual psychic move-
ment between traumatic memory that has previously been withheld
from narrative coherence and its processing as a belatedly assimilated
narrative, evaporates into vague gestures towards healing once a narra-
tive is attainable. My argument will be that it is primarily through
metaphor – both in its structure and its content – that trauma can be
worked through, provided the metaphors that are utilised are both his-
torically grounded and contextually orientated. Importantly though, it
is the heritage of the double-voice of black oral traditions – Black English
and in particular African-American literature – that most clearly sup-
ports such an interpretation. I would suggest, then, that it is in black
literature that the emotional and psychic effects of racism and sexism
on embodied subjectivity are most passionately and clearly articulated.
The multiple levels of fictional narrative differs from the writing of
theory or history because while all three combine images of social
groups and relations and their interactions with each other and the
outer world within which they live, fiction adds in much greater com-
plexity the inner depth of emotional and psychic responses that cannot
easily be encompassed within the other two genres. It is in the pages of
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Introduction 23
‘The White Hush between Two
Sentences’: The Traumatic
Ambivalence of Whiteness in
Wide Sargasso Sea
‘Jean Rhys’ by West Indian poet, Derek Walcott, invokes the lost world
of the white creole plantocracy through a reading of some old colonial
photographs. It is a vivid and imagistic description of the decaying
grandeur of early nineteenth-century white creole society in which the
people pictured have ‘drifted to the edge’, as if marginalised and dis-
possessed in both time and space. The white creoles appear transfixed
– ‘embayed’ is Walcott’s word – in their wickerwork furniture, suspended
between the world of their lost prestige and power and the beckoning
anxiety of never again belonging. For they are neither imperially white
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nor Dominican black, and they are entering a time of radical historical
change. The poem is suffused with a mild irony. Both the men and the
women (or it could be the mottled photographs at which the poet gazes,
or even the aging furniture, for the wording is purposefully ambiguous)
are ‘all looking coloured/from the distance of a century’, and the drift-
ing of these creoles from the seat of the power of their located white-
ness is merely a slow movement to the edge of verandahs. It is a
depiction of cultural stasis, stagnation, and slow physical and mental
disintegration. The only life affirming gesture, ‘the white hush between
two sentences’, is a sigh emitted by the child, Jean Rhys.2 This timeless
sigh floats, bird-like, between the cultural divide of the vividly
present(ed) landscape of Dominica and the far distant English county
of Cornwall, which is represented by a sepia image of a souvenir photo-
graph as somewhere always absent, perhaps longed for, but only ever
visited in the imagination. The poem, with its fleeting but intense
glimpses of the young Jean Rhys, forsees the literary impact she will
have with ‘her right hand married to Jane Eyre’, thereby interweaving
the focus between individual and historical narrative. The child who
stares at ‘the windless candle flame’ in the poem will become the adult
who rewrites this white creole historical trauma in her brilliant novel,
Wide Sargasso Sea. In the process Rhys will relate ‘the traumatic ambiva-
lences of a personal, psychic history to the wider disjunctions of polit-
ical existence’.3 The white hush then, moves beyond a simple sigh.
Walcott’s poem adumbrates many of the themes I shall address in the
three chapters on Wide Sargasso Sea, though most notably a sense of cul-
tural entrapment. It locates the unbelongingness of the white creole
position caught between two racially divergent cultures. In Rhys’s novel
this position becomes a position of anxiety which makes manifest not
a direct confrontation, but the ephemeral qualities of a melancholic sigh
that strives to make connection across the rhetorical hush that divides
the two sentences, or two rapidly dividing cultures. I shall argue that
what the poem hints at is the thematic focus of Rhys’s novel. The
psychohistorical dislocation that accompanied the dismantling in the
mid-1800s of the British Empire in the Caribbean resulted in a form of
collective stasis among the white creole population who believed they
had been deserted by the imperial motherland. The sense of entrapment
induced a form of damaging melancholia that is represented, if some-
what ironically, in Walcott’s verses. The poem also affirms the haunt-
ing qualities of metaphor and figurative language which will come to
play such an important role in the poetics and politics of Rhys’s novel.
For this is a text in which what lies beneath in the subterranean
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effectively erase the existence of another history. The first, and most sig-
nificant inappropriate borrowing is the notion of marooning, for it is the
metaphor that sustains the pathos around which the novel turns. It is
a concept-metaphor that has a situated Caribbean etymology which
Rhys chose to disregard. It is this textual cover-up – or metaphorical
hushing – of black Caribbean historical agency around which my argu-
ment revolves. Rhys’s second metaphorical appropriation concerns the
obeah practice of zombification. Although inextricably interwoven with
the historical ethos of marooning, zombification is not quite as impor-
tant to a postcolonial reading of this novel because the metaphor is
made explicit in the text – it is not concealed in the same way as
The earliest definition of the word maroon, in use by the early seven-
teenth century, refers to fugitive or runaway slaves and their descen-
dants in the West Indies, and all other islands of the New World in
which slavery was practised.25 A hundred years later, the term had come
to refer to the act of putting a person ashore, leaving him or her on an
island or coast as punishment for an infraction on a voyage, abandoned
without resources or hope to almost certain death. It is this second usage
that Rhys employs as a metaphor for the white creole historical trauma
of post-Emancipation. The word, however, is neither politically neutral
nor static, and in the West Indies has a valency that has become
depoliticised in today’s language use. Indeed, the etymology of this
word represents the normative processes inherent in the power of the
white hegemony’s assumption of the universalising normativity of
whiteness in language that in turn renders invisible other grammars and
other histories.26 This is particularly regressive in the Caribbean context,
where, according to Antonio Benítez-Rojo:
Of course Jean Rhys writes not history but fiction, but the power of
metaphor resonates through both disciplines, and in any case each is
imbricated in the other. Rhys implies the outward event of historical
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I would feel sick with shame at some of the stories I heard of the
slave days told casually even jocularly. The ferocious punishments
the salt kept ready to rub into the wounds etc. etc. [sic]. I became an
ardent socialist and champion of the down trodden, argued, insisted
of giving my opinion, was generally insufferable. Yet all the time
knowing that there was another side to it. Sometimes being proud
of my great grandfather, the estate, the good old days etc. . . . Perhaps
he wasn’t entirely ignoble. Having absolute power over a people
needn’t make a man a brute. Might make him noble in a way. No –
no use . . . the end of my thought was always revolt, a sick revolt and
I longed to be identified once and for all with the others’ side which
of course was impossible. I couldn’t change the colour of my skin.28
Yet, in Wide Sargasso Sea, the most obvious of all her novels in which
she could have focused on the black down-trodden, Rhys instead aligns
her story with white traumatisation. Moreover, slave resistance had
strongly impacted on her own family, as their house on the family estate
had been burned in 1844 by ex-slaves who feared a return to slavery.
This scene ‘returns’ in the novel as the trauma that spiralled Antoinette’s
mother into madness. White individualised family trauma thereby
replaces the collective subaltern history, and the many ways in which
slaves fought back against the white ruling class.
In her historical monograph on the maroons of Jamaica, Mavis Camp-
bell maintains that ‘[r]esistance was an integral part of Caribbean slave
society’.29 The most pervasive and disruptive oppositional practice in
which the slaves participated in massive numbers was the act of running
away to establish their own communities in the inhospitable country
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does not follow her own advice, often writing from a Eurocentric per-
spective that disregards the interwoven ambivalence of the history out
of which Rhys wrote. For instance, in a reference to Rhys’s use of
marooning, Savory assumes the universal definition (as do the major-
ity of critics), but goes further by suggesting that while this metaphor
merely means that Antoinette and her mother are now cut off from
society, Antoinette in her adult ‘defiance against a husband and a
culture that oppresses her . . . becomes a maroon in the Caribbean
sense’.54 This example is just one of many I could have picked from the
race-blind genealogy of much white middle-class feminism.55 How far
then have literary critical readings progressed around issues of other-
ness? Captive in the imperial attic, Bertha Mason’s otherness became
standardised by early white feminist readings of her as ‘Jane’s truest and
darkest double’.56 However, if feminist theoretical thinking continues to
concentrate solely on sexual difference in the reading of literary texts,
then Bertha Mason’s ‘race’ will always be disremembered.57 She will
remain the ‘closet monster of ethnocentrism’ in white feminism,58 and the
figure around whom the oscillations between ideological positions of
race and its historicity are left unwound. In the words of Patricia
Williams: ‘it is imperative to think about [the] phenomenon of closet-
ing race’,59 because otherwise the result is uncritical acceptance of
textual and cultural appropriations and, by extension, the continued
silencing of othered experiences, narratives and histories.
To move into a critically circumspect racial analysis then, it is vital to
keep in mind that while trauma narratives are cultural constructs of per-
sonal and historical memory, hegemonic cultural tropes and social nor-
matives serve to conceal or highlight these memories and construct
which versions of the past become legitimated knowledge.60 As Iain
Chambers states in an essay on the possibilities of postcolonial histo-
ries: ‘History is not merely partial, it is also partisan’.61 The unmitigated
whiteness of trauma studies today still binds the ideological framework
of what is considered traumatic in the historical past or in contempo-
rary acts of traumatic violence. My aim then is to demonstrate that the
invisible whiteness of trauma studies provides the possibility of politi-
cal avoidance by allowing a space for the white victim position.
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Keeping History Safe
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daughter, but progressively they also become aligned with loss that
accompanies both racial and sexual discord. In Rochester’s section of
the narrative they become more involved in the thematics of sexual and
racial disruptions, but nevertheless these tropes always intrusively
return Antoinette to the abandonment by her mother in early child-
hood. Generally, critics assume the burning of Coulibri to be the central
trauma of the novel. However, I read Wide Sargasso Sea as the narrative
of a daughter’s cumulative trauma, much of it carried over from her
mother’s own traumatic life, and as such never far removed from racial
politics. Antoinette, who is literally scarred by the rock thrown by Tia
at the scene of the burning, is already deeply psychically wounded by
her previous history of trauma and loss.14
While the feeling of lost safety is central to Antoinette’s relationship
with her mother, its early history lies in the death of her father. On the
first page of the novel, one sentence including the full stop is curiously
encircled by the safety of brackets: ‘(My father, visitors, horses, feeling
safe in bed – all belonged to the past.)’ (5). From the very outset, per-
sonal loss and trauma is always implicated in the outer framework of
dispossession and historical trauma. Without the authority of patriar-
chal and neo-imperial endorsement, racial jeering and threats from the
newly freed blacks begin in earnest. Her widowed mother, Annette, is a
figure of profound isolation as she paces on the verandah of Coulibri,
stared and laughed at by those passing. Her body reflects the pain of
her estrangement, as she stands, long after the jeering echoes have
passed, with her eyes shut and her fists clenched. Antoinette, anxiously
watching her mother’s withdrawal, seeks to comfort and be comforted,
but is met by cold indifference:
A frown came between her black eyebrows, deep – it might have been
cut with a knife. I hated this frown and once I touched her forehead
trying to smooth it. But she pushed me away, not roughly but calmly,
coldly without a word, as if she had decided once and for all that I
was useless to her. She wanted to sit with Pierre or walk where she
pleased without being pestered. (7, emphasis added)
This passage carries within in it all the seeds of personal trauma and the
interrelatedness of the traumatic relationship between mother and
daughter, and indeed, the relational structuring of trauma itself.
Antoinette reaches to smooth over the outward marking of her mother’s
psychic wounding, only to be met by double rejection. First, the physi-
cal rebuff, the pushing away, but then, in a gesture that will create more
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started to fan her, but she turned her head away. She might rest if I
left her alone, she said.
Once I would have gone back quietly to watch her asleep on the blue
sofa – once I made excuses to be near her when she brushed her hair,
a soft black cloak to cover me, hide me, keep me safe.
But not any longer. Not any more. (8–9, emphasis added)
contain the exoticisation of the wild and brave savage other who can
transcend pain because of a ‘natural’ fortitude gained by living an
‘uncivilised’ life. At the end of their day together they always part ‘at
the turn of the road’ (9). There can be no overlapping of their shared
time together in the wider framework of the society in which they live,
and indeed their friendship is suddenly and devastatingly ruptured by
their unthinking repetition of the racial hatred and divisions that sur-
round them. They have a childish squabble over a dare and their small
fight quickly degenerates as they fall into predetermined patterns of
racial denigration. Antoinette calls Tia a ‘cheating nigger’ and Tia re-
taliates with the accusation that white creoles most fear: ‘Old time white
people nothing but white nigger now, and black nigger better than
white nigger’ (10). One of the interesting things about this important
scene, is that while their interracial friendship is very short-lived,
Antoinette’s memories of these idyllic days will remain invested with a
preponderant significance for the rest of her life, as will become clear
at the end of the novel.
After their argument, Antoinette turns her back on Tia and so does
not see that Tia departs wearing her ‘starched, ironed, clean’ dress, and
leaving her ragged one in its place. Arriving back at the big house in
Tia’s dress, she is met by visitors, two women in beautiful clothes and
a ‘gentleman’, each of whom laughs at her bedraggled and somewhat
dirty appearance (10). The gentleman is Mr Mason, soon to become her
stepfather, and he laughs loudest and longest. After the visitors leave
her mother stares at her for quite some time (a highly unusual occur-
rence, for part of Antoinette’s deep-seated feelings of rejection result
from never being gazed upon). Annette demands to know why
Antoinette looks like she does, but when told it is Tia’s dress that her
daughter is wearing, reacts with the stereotypical manifestations of colo-
nial racism. ‘Which one of them is Tia?’ (11, emphasis added) implying
the endless similarity of the feared unknown other. This is combined
with an instantaneous revulsion: ‘Throw away that thing. Burn it’
(11), as if wearing the dress of the other is a contaminating act. This
scene has fascinating correlations with Ahmed’s concept of the racial
encounter which I outlined in my introduction, and in particular her
reading of Grosz’s naked (undifferentiated) body that is always ‘clothed’
by cultural prescriptions. In this encounter, Antoinette’s body takes on
the denigratory racial inscriptions of blackness by her skin having
come into contact with Tia’s dress that is described as dirty as against
Antoinette’s own stolen one which is starched, ironed and clean. More-
over, her arrival back at the plantation house that precipitates her
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mother’s reaction throws the encounter into one of ‘surprise and con-
flict’ (thus connecting with Ahmed’s configuration of the term) for two
reasons. They never have visitors, and now when they do Antoinette
stands out as aberrant because she has had to attire herself in the (dirty)
clothing of the other which places her in radical contradistinction to
the visitors: ‘They were very beautiful I thought and they wore such
beautiful clothes that I looked away down at the flagstones’ (10). The
lack of punctuation in this sentence means that the distinction between
beautiful people and beautiful clothes is lost so that their clothing
becomes a signifier both of all that is attractive about the strangers, and
also what plunges the child into a scenario of shame.
This extended scene – the first that involves a dress – signals the begin-
ning of Antoinette’s doubly traumatic childhood. It begins with a racial
encounter (Antoinette and Tia at the bathing pool), moves through a
short engagement with white-on-white politics (the shaming episode
on the steps of the plantation house) but then entangles these trauma-
tising moments with maternal rejection. Significantly, this defining
moment also encompasses both the inappropriate use of the metaphor
of marooning and the child silently witnessing her two ‘mothers’ fight-
ing over her moral degeneration, which inexplicably (at least to a child)
seems as if it can only be re-dressed, as it were, by what covers her body:
ference, clothing (and also hair), are the devices by which issues of racial
difference are displaced or evaded.
However, what remains central is the symbolism of clothing which
binds together personal and historical trauma. In Wide Sargasso Sea, this
is prefigured by the scenario that unfolds around Tia’s dress. Antoinette
has become friends with Tia because her mother ignores her: now Tia,
her only friend, has betrayed her. Maternal and racial rejection now
commingle: ‘All that evening my mother didn’t speak to me or look at
me and I thought, “She is ashamed of me, what Tia said is true” ’ (11).
Immediately afterwards the text moves into the first of Antoinette’s
three repeating dreams, which is most often read as a premonition of
her life ahead. Instead, I see it as a traumatic flashback of the events of
the day. In recounting this memory from an adult perspective, the
immediacy and haunting visuality of both the drama of the dress and
the dream are connected by the mother’s presence, in mind and body,
not by conjunctional grammar. The imagistic scenes are simply laid side
by side:
green with moss. The barrier of the cliffs and the high mountains. And
the barrier of the sea. I am safe. I am safe’ (12, emphasis added).
So great does the repressed impact of the traumatic confrontation
with her mother over the dress scene become, that years later, in trying
to speak her trauma to Rochester when urged by Christophine,
Antoinette has introjected the shame. Shifting from an earlier under-
standing that it was after the doctor’s diagnosis of Pierre’s illness that
left mother changed, becoming thin and silent and refusing to leave
the house (6), now as Antoinette retells the story it is as if she is re-
experiencing the dreadful day of double rejection all over again. As in
the earlier scene, racial shame is conflated with her mother, but now
she strongly blames herself, emphasised by the compulsive repetition
of the words of blame:
Then there was that day when she saw I was growing up like a white
nigger and she was ashamed of me, it was after that day that every-
thing changed. Yes, it was my fault, it was my fault that she started to
plan and work in a frenzy, in a fever to change our lives. (84, empha-
sis added)
Any attempt to release trauma from its encapsulated security – and thus
its assimilation into consciousness – is best worked through by nar-
ratavising this event to an empathetic listener or witness in the safe
rhetorical and physical space this provides.17 Rochester is far from this
ideal listener. Antoinette starts trying to unburden herself of some of
her fragmentary stories, only to be met by Rochester’s indifference, the
indifference of a white male imperialist to the traumas of white creole
women. She admonishes him to little effect: ‘You have no right . . . You
have no right to ask questions about my mother and then refuse to
listen to my answer’ (82). Because Antoinette can never find such a self-
protected space in relation to an empathetic other, the newly assimi-
lated knowledge can only (re)turn inward to again psychically wound.
It also accounts for her attachment to the ideal of safety.
Racial ambivalence comes to interact more strongly on personal
trauma when Antoinette’s beloved safe space, the house and garden at
Coulibri, is burnt to the ground. This scene is the turning point of
trauma. Fearing Mason’s intention to import coolie labour, the ex-slaves
are driven to vent their rage with the only option left open to them: ‘A
horrible noise swelled up, like animals howling, but worse . . . They all
looked the same, it was the same face repeated over and over, eyes
gleaming, mouth half open to shout’ (20, 22). While it can be argued
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that this description depicts fear of the terrifying solidarity of the antag-
onistic mob from a child’s point of view, it also verges on racist dis-
course. To dehumanise and animalise is a strategy that legitimates
persecution. The outcome of the rebellion is terrible: Pierre dies and
Annette descends into tortured self-blame and madness. There is,
however, one moment of stillness in these two or three pages of agita-
tion and racial bitterness during which the violence spirals out of
control. Annette suddenly disappears and Aunt Cora puts her arms
around her niece, saying: ‘ “Don’t be afraid, you are quite safe. We are
all quite safe” ’ (20, emphasis added). Antoinette rests her head on her
aunt’s shoulder, inhaling her comforting vanilla scent. Suddenly
another smell intrudes into this sense of safety. It was the smell of
‘burned hair’ and it accompanies her mother’s return into the room car-
rying a prostrate Pierre: ‘It was her loose hair that had burned and was
smelling like that’ (20), Antoinette remembers. It is the image of her
mother’s hair so loose and disordered in total contrast to its normal state
of being ‘carefully coiled’ (11), together with the overwhelming smell
of its burning, that for years will carry the weight of the terrifying chaos
and trauma of that night.
The climax of the scene is one of the most well-known moments of
the novel when Antoinette runs towards Tia who is part of the rioting
crowd: ‘I ran to her, for she was all that was left of my life as it had been
. . . As I ran, I thought, I will live with Tia and I will be like her’ (20).
Tia throws a stone which cuts Antoinette’s forehead, and the scene
abruptly ends.18 There is an elliptical textual space instead of a connec-
tive link and then another imagistic fragment, again intermixed with
maternal imagery of hair and loss. Antoinette, scarred within and
without, has been seriously ill for six weeks. Because of her illness her
hair has been cut off. As she slips in and out of consciousness she repeat-
edly dreams of a coiled snake near her bed, but now discovers it is her
discarded plait. In her almost death-like state she hears her mother’s
screaming, ‘screams so loud and terrible’ that she had to cover her ears
(25). It is as if her cropped hair (which she fears will grow back darker)
severs her connection to the destroyed Coulibri and now her physically
displaced mother.
Antoinette’s dissociation from her mother is exacerbated by a har-
rowing visit she pays her. Annette has been placed under house arrest
by Mason and is minded by a ‘coloured’ couple who abuse her. The fact
of their coloured status, rather than being named black, foreshadows
later depictions of racial abhorrence aimed at mixed-race hybrid char-
acters that surface at various points later in the text.19 In her mind
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Annette is part of Coulibri and now that is gone Antoinette does not
really expect to see her mother again. Partly for this reason she does not
immediately recognise the ‘white woman sitting with her head bent so
low that I couldn’t see her face’ (26). Antoinette knows her only by the
two outward markings that connect her to her internalised symbols of
trauma: ‘I recognised her hair . . . And her dress’ (26). Annette initially
effusively welcomes her daughter, hugging her so hard she can hardly
breathe. But she keeps looking over Antoinette’s shoulder to where
Pierre might have been:
This time the rejection comes with words: the repeated and loudly
enunciated negative and the physically inflicted hurt. However, of many
visits Antoinette pays her mother in her imprisonment, one particular
episode haunts the rest of her days. It is an intensely traumatic moment
in the novel: what she overhears and sees has a devastating impact.
However, it is not until she is trying belatedly to experience this event
in her enforced telling of it to Rochester, that the readers – like
Antoinette – encounter it for the first time. Her belated psychic re-
engagement with the event begins with Rochester accusing her of
forgetting her mother, to which she answers:
I am not a forgetting person . . . But she – she didn’t want me. She
pushed me away and cried when I went to see her. They told me I
made her worse . . . One day I made up my mind to go to her, by
myself. Before I reached her house I heard her crying. I thought I will
kill anyone who is hurting my mother. I remember the dress she was
wearing – an evening dress cut very low, and she was barefooted. There
was a fat black man with a glass of rum in his hand. He said, ‘Drink
it and you will forget.’ She drank it without stopping . . . I saw the
man lift her up out of the chair and kiss her. I saw his mouth fasten
on hers and she went all soft and limp in his arms and he laughed.
(85–6, emphasis added)
In hiding from view and witnessing her mother’s sexual and racial
degradation it is as if Antoinette watches this unimaginable act from
outside herself, a characteristic of extreme dissociation.20 This event also
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‘You like the light brown girls better, don’t you? You abused the
planters and made up stories about them, but you do the same thing.
You send the girl away quicker, and with no money or less money,
and that’s all the difference.’
‘Slavery was not a matter of liking or disliking . . . It was a question
of justice’ [Rochester replies].
‘Justice . . . I’ve heard that word. It’s a cold word. I tried it out . . . I
wrote it down. I wrote it down several times and always it looked
like a damn cold lie to me. There is no justice . . . My mother whom
you all talk about, what justice did she have? My mother sitting in
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‘You’re safe,’ I’d say. She’d liked that – to be told ‘you are safe’ . . .
[I] wonder if she ever guessed how near she came to dying . . . It was
not a safe game to play . . . Desire, Hatred, Life, Death came very close
in the darkness. Better not to know how close . . . ‘You are safe,’ I’d
say to her. (58–9, emphasis added)
There were two of them, a boy and a girl. The boy was about four-
teen and tall and big for his age, he had white skin, a dull ugly white
covered with freckles, his mouth was a negro’s mouth and he had
. . . the eyes of a dead fish. Worst, most horrible of all, his hair was crin-
kled, a negro’s hair, but bright red . . . The girl was very black and wore
no head handkerchief. Her hair had been plaited and I could smell the
sickening oil she had daubed on it, from where I stood on the steps of
Aunt Cora’s dark, clean, friendly house. (26–7, emphasis added)
sexuality, that she walks around ‘sans culottes’ (27, emphasis in origi-
nal).33 Antoinette runs away in racial terror, her ‘terrified consciousness’
inscribed on body and text by the stigmata of a ‘mark on the palm of
my hand and a stain on the cover of my book’ (27). However, it is not
the sneering words that follow her up the street. What haunts her is the
lingering smell of the girl’s hair, and a glimpse of ‘my enemy’s red hair’
(28) as he runs from her cousin, Sandi, who steps in to help her.
In Rochester’s section of the text, hair becomes implicitly associated
with both racial degeneracy and disordered sexuality. This begins with
discursive connections between the racial legibility of the body and
ideological assumptions. The servant girl, Hilda, wears a dress that is
spotlessly white, ‘but her uncovered hair . . . gave her a savage appear-
ance’ (44); Antoinette requests Christophine to stop putting so much
perfume on her hair as, ‘He doesn’t like it’, a silent association perhaps
with the notion of the other’s oiled and daubed hair (48); Amélie, ‘a
little half-caste servant’ (39) who comes to play such a pivotal role in
the failed honeymoon, has ‘white girl’s hair’ (75) for which Antoinette
immediately makes a grab when they physically fight over Amélie’s
accusation that as a white cockroach Antoinette has had to buy Rochester
as a husband (63).34 When references to hair are connected with
Antoinette in this section, Rochester’s escalating paranoia as to her
racial heritage still reveals a sexual and racial ambivalence, but also par-
ticipates more strongly in the ongoing intertextual dialogue. The
morning after the night of the obeah potion, ‘I woke in the dark after
dreaming that I was buried alive, and when I was awake the feeling of
suffocation persisted’ (87). This is an oblique reference to his zombifi-
cation, a situation he will later revengefully re-master by using white
law to defeat obeah rebellion. What in fact is suffocating him is
Antoinette’s hair ‘lying across my mouth; hair with a sweet heavy smell’
(87–8). It had been a night of brutal love-making, as Christophine later
discovers when she sees the markings of Rochester’s ‘savagery’ all over
Antoinette’s body. The symbol of suffocating, out-of-control sexuality
lies not with Rochester, however, but with Antoinette and the image of
her hair. Gradually they exchange places of zombification as Rochester
regains control, and Antoinette’s maternal legacy is seen to be taking
hold, in a crystallised, forceful image: ‘Her hair hung uncombed and
dull into her eyes which were inflamed and staring, her face was very
flushed and looked swollen. Her feet were bare’ (93). It is an ambiva-
lent condensation of the image of a zombi caught between the living
and the dead, a re-presentation of her mother’s trauma, accompanied
by her abusive jailer, broken glass and her bare feet, and a gesture toward
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‘Caught Between Ghosts of
Whiteness’: The Other Side of
the Story1
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mation for this white trauma novel. Christophine is the text’s strong
black matriarch, but she is endlessly loyal to her white mistresses and
never, except for a couple of asides, does she outrightly resist her own
positioning or that of her fellow ex-slaves. Instead, on a number of occa-
sions she uses her obeah power to frighten servants such as Amélie
into reluctantly obeying their mistress. She even takes the side of
Antoinette’s father – a slave-owner renowned for his sexual prolificacy
– against Daniel Cosway’s slave-mother: ‘His mother was a no-good
woman and she try to fool the old man but the old man isn’t fooled.
“One more or less” he says, and laughs. He was wrong. More he do for
those people, more they hate him’ (101). Thus although she will fight
to the end over Antoinette’s mistreatment at the hands of Rochester,
her textual prominence is always reliant on the legacy of her role as a
good black ‘nigger’ in service to her ‘legitimate’ owners. As a commod-
ified woman she is not only expendable but all too easily dismissible
for her ‘savage’ practices of obeah when her value is no longer employ-
able to shore up white defences. Rochester only has to display a letter
that symbolically represents the power of the white Law and
Christophine abruptly disappears from the text.
This said, Christophine is the only person in the novel who engages
Rochester in a face-to-face duel. There is a long sequence in Part II when
Christophine confronts Rochester on behalf of Antoinette. ‘Don’t think
I frightened of you either’ (96), she announces as she engages him in a
discursive show-down. Benita Parry argues that ‘Christophine’s defiance
. . . constitutes a counter-discourse’ and that she functions in the text
as the ‘free woman’ she professes to be.7 While there can be no doubt
that Christophine’s spirited interaction with Rochester is an outright
discursive rebellion against the imperialist, I do not agree that this
represents a counter-discourse. Christophine’s daring verbal assault is
always probing and protecting on the behalf of her white mistress and is
always the reported speech, the ‘she said,’ of Rochester’s re-statement.
It is, furthermore, also a re-duplication of the white creole trauma nar-
rative that belongs to Antoinette and her mother, not to Christophine
and her people. Although her poignant description to Rochester of how
Annette was driven mad occurs with a depth of understanding and
love that goes far beyond the loyalty of a bought servant (101), it is
also spoken from a white point of view. Despite her textual power,
Christophine is caught between the discursive ghosts of imperial and
white creole whiteness. The potency of her character is always under-
mined by the necessary double-consciousness that she has needed to
internalise in order to survive.
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[W]hen I was waiting there I was suddenly very much afraid. The
door was open to the sunlight, someone was whistling near the
stables, but I was afraid. I was certain that hidden in the room . . .
there was a dead man’s dried hand, white chicken feathers, a cock
with its throat cut, dying slowly, slowly. Drop by drop the blood was
falling into a red basin and I imagined I could hear it. No one had
ever spoken to me about obeah – but I knew what I would find if I
dared to look. Then Christophine came in smiling and pleased to see
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I think this is a very important, and not often discussed, passage in the
text. Antoinette’s desperate love for Christophine is always tempered
by what she overhears others say of her surrogate mother. In this time
of racial tension and historical rupture – accompanied by the change-
ability of racial positionings – fear and alarmed talk become more exces-
sive than ever. Much later in the novel, when fleeing to Christophine
for help after Rochester’s abrupt sexual and emotional abandonment,
Antoinette again enters Christophine’s space. It is an uncanny repeti-
tion of the earlier scene, except that the adult Antoinette now has the
power to buy her way out of a difficult situation:
Her bedroom was large and dark . . . after I had noticed a heap of
chicken feathers in one corner, I did not look round any more.
‘So already you frightened eh?’ [Christophine says]. And when I saw
her expression I took my purse from my pocket and threw it on the
bed. (74)
Herein lies the problem. Antoinette cannot face the reality of obeah
practices – the real chicken feathers – yet she wants to use obeah ‘magic’
in a desperate attempt to hold safe her place within the upper rankings
of whiteness to which she gained access by her marriage to Rochester.
Christophine has already tried to offer another way out for Antoinette
by suggesting that she leave Rochester and live with her in Martinique,
but Antoinette makes her choice to remain within the privileges of
whiteness. In reply to Christophine’s wonderful critique of the inter-
nalisation of an idealised England and Englishness – a ‘cold thief place’
(70) with its unseen ideological power to steal your soul – Antoinette
reverts to the stereotypical English thinking that Christophine decries:
‘how can she know the best thing for me to do, this ignorant, obstinate
old negro woman, who is not certain if there is such a place as England?’
(70). Christophine is hesitant to use her obeah powers in this situation,
telling Antoinette ‘that is not for béké [white person]. Bad, bad trouble
come when béké meddle with that’ (71), but succumbs out of love for
Antoinette, even though it is at great risk to herself, because of the out-
lawing of obeah on the island. Regardless of this, Antoinette is prepared
to bribe Christophine, if necessary, with her ‘ugly money’ (75). Her
action of throwing her purse on the bed displays her colonialist inter-
nalisation of the belief in the automatic ownership through money of
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any black knowledge. The implicit connection of money and the bed
also foreshadows Rochester’s buying of Amélie’s body as an act of
revenge against the use of the obeah potion against him. The double-
standard in gender and racial coding is interesting here, as Rochester’s
sexual transaction is represented as in part excusable because Amélie
‘offers’ herself to him.
It seems therefore as if Rhys’s openly expressed ambivalence about
her characterisation of Christophine only results yet again in the
recounting of one side of the story. Annette and Antoinette are trau-
matised by history, their personal identities fragmented by their collec-
tive and individual pain and loss: Christophine, the subaltern figure
representing the other side of the story, stands strong and fierce, indeed
she is the ‘judge’s voice’ of the novel (98). Yet there is no interior reading
of her interpellated subjectivity or of the constitution of self as imbri-
cated in the traumatising legacies of slavery. But how much of Rhys’s
displacement and disavowal of the ambivalence of the white creole posi-
tion is projected as a covert longing for blackness? Sometimes in Rhys’s
other fiction this yearning is explicit. In Voyage in the Dark the pro-
tagonist Anna Morgan admits: ‘I wanted to be black. I always wanted
to be black . . . Being black is warm and gay, being white is cold and
sad.’11 Rhys herself consciously acknowledges this long-standing desire
as somehow associated with her own mother’s indifference to her of
which she wrote in one of her vignettes entitled ‘My Mother’ that
appears in her posthumously published memoir, Smile Please. She writes:
‘She [my mother] loved babies. Once I heard her say that black babies
were prettier than white ones. Was this the reason why I prayed so
ardently to be black, and would run to the looking-glass in the morning
to see if the miracle had happened? And though it never had, I tried
again. Dear God, let me be black.’12 However, in Wide Sargasso Sea, her
novel most associated with the constitution of colonial relations, Rhys’s
evocation becomes a hidden, ambivalent desire. As I see it, this has
much to do with appropriation, its ambivalent origins and ambiguous
There is one space where Rhys’s appropriation turns against itself, and
this concerns the concept of mimicry, a term describing the ambivalent
relationship between coloniser and colonised and an important concept
in postcolonial theory because it offers a mode of resistance to the
colonised. In Homi Bhabha’s conceptualisation mimicry is:
and Antoinette has been removed to the attic in Thornfield Hall. The
third and last part of the novel returns to the trauma narrative in which
Antoinette is the quintessential victim. The racial tension and bitterness
of the Caribbean context and the historical trauma that has contributed
to both her and her mother’s madness is left behind. Antoinette now
lives entirely in an individualised state of traumatised imprisonment,
both in her mind and within the cardboard covers of Jane Eyre. No such
place as the idealised whiteness of the England she imagines exists, just
as Christophine had warned her. The psychic numbness that had
enshrouded her towards the end of Rochester’s narrative is beginning
to shift and stir. She knows there is something she ‘must do’, but she
does not yet know what this is. However, her mind is still confused and
clouded by ever-present images of her mother and the particular
doubled trauma that had engulfed her young life – her mother’s aban-
donment and the dreadful repeating scene of Annette’s abuse at the
hands of her jailers:
She sees herself drifting out of the only window that is so high up,
Antoinette has just told us, that she cannot see out of it, symbolic of
the traumatised gaze that cannot see herself or others with any sense of
narrative understanding. Her disintegrating subjectivity and her help-
less ‘drifting’ here represent the passivity and helplessness of the pro-
foundly dislocated, traumatised by a history over which she has no
control. She is entrapped in an endless melancholy and impossible
Much of this is the result of Antoinette’s inability to mourn her
mother’s abandonment and death, a mourning impaired by having no
one to listen and empathise with her story of profound grief and loss.
Her mother’s funeral, a ritual devised to enhance the chance of com-
pleted mourning, was rushed and incomprehensible. Held early in the
morning – suggestive of the shame of suicide – no one tells her how
Annette died, and she does not ask. Christophine cries bitterly, but
Antoinette has no tears. She tries to pray ‘but the words fell to the
ground meaning nothing’ (35). The Sister Superior had no answer to
her question about the terribleness of her mother’s life and death,
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Sandi in the immediacy of the past that appears to be the present.17 She
is again the white creole woman who can only read things in binaries
as taught by the imperial/colonial cultural system that has structured
her life. On one hand, she can never see beyond her longing for real
whiteness (‘I shall be different in England’); on the other, there is
her ambivalent love of blackness as symbolised by her feelings for
Christophine. In between is Sandi, who can offer her safety and happi-
ness (the two things Rochester so callously promised) and a place in the
new hybrid world of post-Emancipation Jamaica. However, reared as a
white creole, a group collectively interpellated as being on the periph-
ery of Empire, for Antoinette this hybrid space is the place of insecurity
and fear of what the in-between colour entails. Following her mother’s
legacy, Antoinette emphatically chooses the white path. She will not
stay with Sandi but goes to England with Rochester, ensuring her fate
as the madwoman in the attic:
Now comes the belated interpretation of her past act, the switching of
tenses from past into present and the repetition of the desperate
embrace – the ‘life and death kiss’ – signalling the move into conscious
assimilation of this memory. The bitter irony of belated understanding
begins to seep through. ‘The white ship’ (121) that takes her away to
England whistles the levels of her interpellation into imperial whiteness
that meant she would not consider happiness with Sandi. It whistles
‘once gaily’ (the enticement of seduction); ‘once calling’ (the hailing of
‘hey you’); ‘once to say goodbye’ (the loss of subjective agency and
departure into the white system). However, the flash of recognition is
lost as she returns to the present time – again conveyed by a gap in the
text – and the circumscriptions of Brontë’s text.
Antoinette takes the red dress out of the closet, holds it against herself
and asks Grace: ‘ “Does it make me look intemperate and unchaste?”
. . . That man told me so . . . “Infamous daughter of an infamous
mother,” he said to me’ (121). Rhys’s brilliant interweaving of quota-
tions from both ‘mother’ and ‘daughter’ texts draws attention to the
power of discourse to structure and control encompassing both gender
and racial ambivalences.18 However, the return to traumatic memory as
a cathartic healing cannot be efficacious in a text in which the trau-
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Lucy: Jamaica Kincaid’s
Postcolonial Echo
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erary life so far on Paradise Lost . . . almost all of my work centres on the
beginning of a paradise from which one falls and to which one can
never return’.18 Interestingly, Sharon Achinstein argues that ‘Milton’s
poetry has proven capable of supporting either an anti-imperial or pro-
imperial stance’, and Kincaid’s reworking of the power of Lucifer clearly
engages with what Achinstein terms ‘the dialectical nature of ideologi-
cal writing’.19 Where Kincaid totally diverges from any other post-
colonial rewriting of Paradise Lost that I have encountered is that the
paradise from which the young female protagonist always falls is
inevitably the very gendered symbolic space of ‘the paradise of
mother’.20 This is true of the majority of stories in her anthology, At the
Bottom of the River, her first two novels, Annie John and Lucy, and also
the oxymoronically titled Autobiography of My Mother.
Lucy, the focus of this chapter, is the story of a Afro-Caribbean young
woman, aged 17, who leaves her home island of Antigua to work as an
au pair in America for a rich middle-class white family that consists of
the mother, Mariah, her husband, Lewis, and four young daughters. We
assume the protagonist is called Lucy, but she is in fact not specifically
named until the last pages of the novel with carefully orchestrated dra-
matic intent. The American family has no patronymic, indicative of its
symbolic status as representative of white American liberal humanism.
The young woman has been reared on a colonial education, and arrives
on American soil with her head full of the books she has read – the
canonical classics of Western ‘civilisation’ – sure that her life now is
really to begin. She has left behind a fractured relationship with her
mother fissured by an almost pathological ambivalence that manifested
itself as an intense ‘feeling of hatred’. In many respects this novel
follows on and echoes the themes of Kincaid’s first novel, Annie John.
There is a continuation of the themes of both the tempting yet enrag-
ing indoctrinations of each protagonist’s colonial education and also a
profound maternal ambivalence. However, Lucy is unique in Kincaid’s
oeuvre in that this is the novel which represents what Edward Said
describes as, ‘Jamaica Kincaid in the white world’.21 Apart from her
recent book on gardening, My Garden (Book), which follows her latest
interest in forms of conquest, both literal and imaginative, that accom-
pany acts of ecological imperialism, Kincaid’s other fictional and non-
fictional work meditates upon the black world of her cultural home, the
Caribbean island of Antigua. It is only in Lucy that she directly inter-
rogates the intoxicating power of contemporary whiteness, and it is a
novel that is less overtly rebellious than the rest of her work, and in
many ways more painful.
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In Annie John the young protagonist literally throws off the shackles
of history when she defaces a picture of Christopher Columbus that
appears in her history book, a text of Empire entitled A History of the
West Indies.22 In Lucy, Kincaid is engaged with the subtle entanglements
of ideology and its internalisation bound up as it is in the living out of
this very history and its traumatic inheritances. Christopher Columbus
again features at the moment of belatedness in this text, but now
Kincaid satirises with a forceful but subtly biting irony the long-lasting
echoic legacies of Columbus’s ‘foul deed’ (135) that resulted in the
transportation of African slaves to the Caribbean. While the end of the
novel circles back to a confrontation with Lucy’s ancestral history,
which until then has been psychically subsumed under confusions of
positionality, the context of the novel is contemporary North America.
In particular, it concerns her relationship with her employer, Mariah,
whom Lucy grows to love as a substitute mother with a love seemingly
devoid of ambivalence, an emotion reserved for her own mother whom
she has gladly left behind in Antigua. Kincaid focuses intensively in all
her work on the mother–daughter relationship, but this is complicated
beyond readings of maternal ambivalence by her symbolic correlation
between the damaging effects engendered by the ‘mother-country’ on
the ‘daughter’ colony. The personal, and often antagonistic, relation-
ship between mother and daughter is problematised by the mother
having internalised the cultural mores of the colonialists. Resembling
in some form the ideological machinations of the colonial education
system, Kincaid’s mothers in both Annie John and Lucy act as agents of
colonial assimilation who try to mould their daughters into properly
disciplined colonial subjects.23 In Lucy, although the protagonist is now
physically separated from her mother by the vast expanse of the Atlantic
ocean, her ambivalent psychic bond remains profoundly connected.
Relocated and rehoused physically and mentally within the cocoon of
white liberal humanism as espoused by Mariah, Lucy works for a year,
has two love affairs with white men, forms a friendship with a young
Irish immigrant named Peggy, and gradually begins to break free from
the ideology of whiteness that has so enthralled her.
Considering the centrality of the mother–daughter relationships in
this text – that is, both real and surrogate – one of the ironies that will
slowly unfold in a close reading of the novel is that the literary texts in
which Lucy is most immersed (specifically named in the novel as Para-
dise Lost and the Bible, especially the Book of Genesis) are explicitly
gendered ‘stories of the fallen’ (152). Both Milton’s opus and the bibli-
cal story of the Fall from grace on which it relies are tales of shame,
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grief and the punishment of women. Eve’s temptation into ‘original sin’
in the Book of Genesis – or into the desire for knowledge, depending
on the perspective of the reader – precipitates not only the fall from
Paradise, but also brings about the creation of shame. In Lucy, the first
chapter is suffused with oblique references to the Bible, and in the last
of the five chapters there are a number of allusions to shame as the pro-
tagonist moves into a newly developing mode of self-consciousness.
It is interesting, then, that in Milton’s rereading of the Fall from grace,
with which Kincaid is avowedly familiar, the primal scene of shame –
when Eve and Adam realise that they are naked in the eyes of God and
reach for fig leaves to cover their nakedness – is textually connected
with the discovery of the New World:
Hide me . . . hide . . .
The Parts of each from other, that seem most
To shame obnoxious, and unseemliest seen,
Some Tree whose broad smooth Leaves together sew’d,
. . . Those leaves
They gather’d, broad as Amazonian Targe,
And with what skill they had, together sew’d,
To gird their waist, vain Covering if to hide
Their guilt and dreaded shame; O how unlike
To that first naked Glory. Such of late
Columbus found th’American so girt
With feather’d Cincture, naked else and wild
Among the Trees on Isles and woody Shores.24
The fall into shame is often blamed on Eve for succumbing to tempta-
tion and eating the forbidden fruit, then seducing Adam to follow her
lead. Yet, ironically, while they then suffer the punishment of banish-
ment from Paradise, they also gain access to knowledge. They can now
tell the difference between good and evil, right and wrong, inside and
outside, naked and clothed, shame and innocence, and so on.25 Perhaps,
if the question is posed from a postcolonial perspective, it becomes more
complicated. Interestingly, in Milton’s rendition (or at least in these few
lines) gender drops out of equation – ‘with what skill they had, together
[they] sew’d’. As Colombus reformulated the notion of discovery in the
New World by the genocide of the Arawak and Carib Indians that led
over time to the importation of slave labour from elsewhere, the
question then becomes: who is falling from Paradise, and who should
engender and suffer from notions of shame?
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Echoic ambivalence
A textual echo (or any echo for that matter) has a precursor. As Wide
Sargasso Sea echoes and rewrites Jane Eyre, Kincaid herself is haunted by
Brontë’s text, which she read over and over again as a child. Books, she
says, provided the greatest happiness in her difficult adolescent years
that were overshadowed by her growing alienation from her mother,
and Jane Eyre was one of her favourites. Reading the novel for the first
time when she was ten, Kincaid notices and then becomes captivated
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Inserting and refashioning the very English word into one of her own
stories diffracts and to some extent lessens the interpellative power of
the white literary echo. However, its distortions, as Kincaid intimates,
had lingered on in her mind for 20 or so years, suggesting that
metaphorical systems bind those educated through the colonial cur-
riculum in incalculable ways. This internalisation of the Western echo
can play a substantial role in suppressing or even denying alternative
readings and the possibilities of developing a self-conscious black sub-
jectivity uncontaminated by such symbolic processes.
Words can wound and heal, enthral and subjugate, and they are
intrinsic to constructions of both the interiority and exteriority of the
self. This is in part the subject of Spillers’ famous essay, ‘Mama’s Baby,
Papa’s Maybe’, which addresses the destructive power of the American
grammar, and in particular the impact that white stereotyping has had
on generations of African-Americans.31 The ongoing pathologising that
first justified the capturing of African bodies through the Atlantic Slave
Trade has metamorphosed into a linguistic strategy that uses the black
body as a ‘resource for metaphor’ Spillers argues, thereby turning the
literal possession of the ‘captive body’ into an abstract ownership
through the power of language. One of her examples is the infamous
Moynihan Report, which ‘freezes in meaning’ an extremely negative
understanding of the composition of the Negro family of the late 1960s,
thus continuing the literal marking and branding that had originally
been inscribed directly on the bodies of slaves.32 This prescriptive
othering and its internalised echoing then transfers down through
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while Narcissus pines away and metamorphoses into a flower: Echo ‘sur-
vives as a consciousness and a voice’.38 Like Narcissus, she too loses her
body, but her voice lives on in both mourning and mockery. In the place
of his body, and as a visible representation of his absence, grows the
beautiful flower that bears his name. Coincidentally, the narcissus
belongs to the same genus as the daffodil, synecdochic of Empire, as I
have argued, in much postcolonial fiction.
There is then, a tangential but resonant connection that enables a
reading of Narcissus as a symbolic white male coloniser in love with his
own image and seductive power, whose self-fixation ensures an almost
complete disregard for others, and Echo as his gendered subaltern
subject. Moreover, Kincaid’s reconstituted Echo is particularly subver-
sive as it reconfigures a founding Eurocentric myth of identity forma-
tion, a myth that has become a part of Western popular discourse
through its understanding of the concept of narcissism. However,
Kincaid’s remodelling of the negative aspects of the mythic Echo comes
from a completely different ideological and race-positioned perspective.
The echoing voice of the subaltern subject, distorted by both the West’s
original texts’ misrepresentations and the material traumas they have
inflicted, introduces a form of mimicking backchat that in the post-
colonial mode is a conscious act of belated acknowledgement and
accusation concerning past distortions and injustices of the previously
written. The subaltern echo may be able to repeat only a fragment of
the utterance, yet that fragment is also a form of postcolonial mimicry:
the echoing voice ‘knows’ the full utterance but only repeats the last
few words. The female subaltern subject is not merely indulging in the
mockery of mimicry (which is perhaps a lot less resistant than Bhabha’s
theory suggests, and certainly so for a woman) nor a form of passive
echolalia, but the agency of call-and-response theory as proposed by a
number of African-American theorists and writers, many of whom are
women.39 The protagonist in Lucy, as I shall go on to argue, is at first
caught up in the passivity of the Western literary tradition to which
Echo belongs, but gradually moves into participating in African-
American traditions of resistance that signify agency, though often in a
necessarily veiled form.
Importantly then, the echoic subaltern voice is a female voice. Even
more importantly, it connects in with the long tradition of African oral
culture that was carried over in and through the unimaginable trauma
of the Middle Passage, the event that Barbara Christian defines as ‘the
dividing line between being African and being African American’.40
Despite the trauma of disjunction of the Middle Passage, the slaves
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carried with them their African cultural traditions which, in the words
of Cornel West, included a ‘kinetic orality, passionate physicality, impro-
visational intellectuality, and combatative spirituality [that] would
undergo creative transformation when brought into contact with Euro-
pean languages and rituals in the context of the New World’.41 Once in
the New World newly captive slaves lived in a culture of pain in which
they were deprived of all basic dignities and fundamental human rights,
but one that they fought against with a fierce resistant power. In the
American Plantation system they created a veiled African-based culture
that was a forced synthesis of African cultural history, traditions and
memory with an appropriation of the only language now available to
them – the English language, and with it the rhetoric and symbolism
of the Christian Bible. Using the newly acquired white discourse and in
order to survive attempts to dehumanise them, slaves sang work songs
and spirituals while they worked in the fields. These helped to alleviate
suffering and loss but also masked codes of resistance and escape that
were unintelligible to white ears. Placed in the most disempowering
position ever imaginable, they turned the words of their oppressors’
own songs against them with what W.E.B. Du Bois calls ‘veiled and half-
articulate’ messages.42 In the final chapter of his highly significant work,
The Souls of Black Folk, Du Bois eloquently describes the beauty and pain
of the ‘sorrow songs’ of the slaves, arguing that, ‘the Negro folk-song –
the rhythmic cry of the slave’ was the oral voice of exile through which
‘the slave spoke to the world’.43 In Liberating Voices, Gayl Jones demon-
strates how African-American writers gradually came to shape and
modify their oral resistances into a canonical literature that used models
and literary techniques not only from European and European Ameri-
can traditions, but also from their own distinctive oral and aural forms.44
It is a literature that has always retained its roots in African oral/aural
traditions – the mainstay of their cultural heritage – a tradition which
the slaves transformed in the New World into spirituals, work songs,
proverbs, blues and jazz, which then in turn transformed white
American culture in often unacknowledged ways.45
In my reading of Kincaid’s novel, I want to try and participate in
Cheryl Wall’s suggestion that the impulse to define a distinctive sound
which was central to the formulations of a Black Aesthetic remains a
primary trope for Afro-American literary criticism today.46 My aim is to
follow the politics and poetics of Kincaid’s text that as I see it offers a
fascinating interweaving of the Western story of Narcissus and Echo,
and the antiphonal resistance of the African-American technique of
call-and-response, which Jones describes thus:
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(18). Leaving aside for a moment the fact of Du Bois’s gender bias typical
of his era,49 his original definition of double-consciousness speaks in
many ways to Kincaid’s character, Lucy: ‘It is a peculiar sensation, this
double-consciousness, this sense of always looking at one’s self through
the eyes of others . . . One ever feels his [sic] two-ness, – an American, a
Negro; two souls, two thoughts, two unreconciled strivings; two warring
ideals in one dark body.’50 Since Du Bois, the term has become one of
the most important concepts of African-American criticism, and indeed
for literary criticism in general. For instance, in The Signifying Monkey,
Henry Louis Gates Jr explores the connection between double-
consciousness and the inherently double-voiced and parodic nature of
the African-American text, but Gates remains wedded to the masculin-
ity of Du Bois’s original formulations.51 If, however, the notion of
double-consciousness is used to provide a paradigm for understanding
issues of identity within the framework of the power structures that
dominate cultural and racial conflicts and the differences they espouse,
then I think it can be very useful, provided that the intersections of
gender, and to a lesser extent perhaps class, are always present.
Theorised as a form of imposed socialised ambivalence, and utilising
the positive as well as the negative aspects of the resulting tensions, the
concept of double-consciousness provides a methodological paradigm
through which to explore ways of articulating the many forms of often
painful resistance by and through which African-Americans and others
have voiced a coming to self-definition, self-determination and self-
consciousness. Furthermore, as Jones remarks, not only is double-
consciousness a recurring theme in twentieth-century African-American
literature, particularly in character depiction, motivation, and revela-
tion, ‘[i]t is also a mechanism for elucidating the relationship between
personal experience, history, and society’.52 Importantly too, Du Bois
himself conjoins double-consciousness with the structural pattern of
call-and-response. He ends The Souls of Black Folks, a text suffused with
an Enlightenment world-view and ethos, with a call for a participatory
response: ‘HEAR MY CRY, O God the Reader; vouchsafe that this my
book fall not stillborn into the world-wilderness.’53
With this in mind I chose a metaphor that connects in with Jones’s
notion of the ‘liberating voice’ and its heritage within the oral tradi-
tions that evolved through the enforced synthesis of cultures that began
in the Caribbean and American plantations of the Deep South – that of
creative marronage. This is a term of Édouard Glissant’s that signifies the
cultural opposition that began with the physical resistance of the
maroon fighters of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries of which I
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The Search for a Voice
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she has ever known from eternity; she has never had to doubt, and
so she has never had to grow confident; the right thing always
happens to her; the thing she wants to happen happens. Again I
thought, How does a person get to be that way? (26, emphasis added)
Now, ‘how does a person get to be this way’ has come to mean how does
a ‘white person come to be this way?’ Lucy’s unspoken interrogation
is really about the normativity and unacknowledged presumption of
white-skin privilege and its matrix of naturalised power. However, it is
a question which Lucy cannot yet voice aloud, especially as this privi-
leged whiteness is symbolised throughout the text by Mariah, the beau-
tiful ‘golden mother’ who loves her children and Lucy, and whom Lucy
herself ‘grows to love’ (46). Moreover, not only is Mariah a surrogate
mother, but she seemingly offers an uncontradictory acceptance of
Lucy’s difference in both race and class status. Furthermore, while
Mariah not only outwardly expresses her love for Lucy, an understand-
ably seductive offering for a young woman alone in a foreign world, she
is also her employer. But Mariah is not just a perfect mother bathed in
a light of blinding whiteness, she becomes the white mother of Chris-
tianity, represented at this moment in the text as the Marian symbol of
goodness, femininity, loving maternity and selflessness:2
On the whole Lucy is distracted from her quest for self for she has
embarked on a pleasurable love affair, but while she experiences flashes
of intense resentment, these are still internalised responses. At one
moment she wants to say to Gus, a Scandinavian who has worked for
Mariah’s family all his life, ‘Do you not hate the way she says your name,
as if she owns you?’ (34); another time Mariah, returning proudly with
some fish she has just caught says to Lucy, ‘Let’s go feed the minions’
(37), and Lucy thinks bitterly to herself:
It’s possible that what she really said was ‘millions’ not ‘minions’.
Certainly she said it in jest. But as we were cooking the fish, I was
thinking about it. ‘Minions.’ A word like that would haunt someone
like me; the place where I came from was a dominion of someplace
else. (37)
Lucy caustically reframes the meanings of both dominion and its deriv-
ative minion by placing them firmly in a postcolonial perspective. She
aligns the words with the phrase ‘racial domination’, and with her home-
land, a place long haunted by its colonial ownership. But she says
nothing to Mariah, and instead tells her a story from her childhood.
What finally liberates Lucy’s interrogatory voice is an extraordinarily
insensitive race-blind statement by Mariah.
One evening, as the two women are about to go to bed, Mariah says
to Lucy: ‘I was looking forward to telling you that I have Indian blood,
that the reason I’m so good at catching fish and hunting birds and roast-
ing corn and doing all sorts of things is that I have Indian blood. But
now, I don’t know why, I feel I shouldn’t tell you that. I feel you would
take it the wrong way’ (39–40). Underneath Mariah’s statement, the
masked assumption of white privilege that permits the owning of
anyone’s identity (though ironically the one drop of blood policy in
America would have meant that if this was the case Mariah could be
considered coloured), to Lucy who is struggling to find hers, is almost
incomprehensible in its arrogance. Not least because Lucy herself has a
Carib Indian grandmother. Her anger now visibly rising, Lucy says to
If someone could get away with it, I am sure they would put my
grandmother in a museum as an example of something extinct in
nature, one of a handful still alive. In fact, one of the museums to
which Mariah had taken me devoted a whole section to people, all
dead, who were more or less related to my grandmother.
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‘All along I have been wondering how you got to be the way you are.
Just how it was that you got to be the way you are.’ (41)
Mariah tries a new disarming tack. She moves to hug Lucy. But Lucy
steps out of her path, and repeats: ‘“How do you get to be that way?”’
(41). The anguish on Mariah’s face ‘almost broke my heart,’ Lucy admits,
‘but I would not bend. It was hollow, my triumph. I could feel that, but
I held on to it just the same’ (41).
This ends the second chapter. Lucy has finally called the question she
has been building up to voice throughout this chapter. But it provides
her with no sense of triumph. Call-and-response is a collective enter-
prise, a joining in solidarity and communal resistance, and Lucy is alone
in the white world, cut off from her cultural roots. Reclaiming a self
signifies a self-conscious developed sense of interiority. It is about con-
nection, conjoining affect to event, and about reconnecting to a self
that is allowed to feel. While Lucy’s political consciousness and voice
are beginning to surface, she has to shut out, even as an echo, her pro-
foundly ambivalent feelings towards her own mother. What she has to
do now is to learn to feel again, which is the subject of the remainder
of the novel.
The third chapter is named ‘The Tongue’, the organ of speech, of taste,
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of sensuality and of feeling. It is also the fleshly agent of the voice. ‘Taste
is not the thing to seek out in a tongue,’ the adolescent Lucy decides
after experiments in kissing, ‘how it makes you feel – that is the thing’
(44). Importantly though, the tongue, voice and an ability to feel are
all intrinsic to the notion of double-consciousness and the sense of inte-
riority so long erased by white readings of black culture. The masking
performance of double-consciousness teaches a person to divorce herself
from her true feeling that Kincaid refers to earlier as ‘two-facedness’.
From Toni Morrison’s point of view, if she has made the reader feel the
event she is describing, it means she has succeeded in her work. When
asked in an interview whether she had read many slave narratives in
order to write Beloved, Morrison answered that she had read a number
of them, but because they could not alienate their audience which was
usually white, these ‘narratives had to be very understated. So while I
looked at the documents and felt familiar with slavery and overwhelmed
by it, I wanted it to be truly felt . . . I wanted to show the reader what
slavery felt like’.6 So a resistance narrative is not just about having a
tongue but about being able to give voice to inner trauma and pain, the
self-conscious ability to feel one’s interiority and to be able to voice this.
As Kincaid implies through her character, Lucy: ‘to feel is the thing’.7
How to feel, then, could be said to be the existential quandary of this
novel, but beyond that, how to speak what the protagonist feels, to be
able to name and speak of the ‘bad feeling’ for which she had no name,
but ‘only knew it felt a little like sadness but heavier than that’ (3–4).
However, first Lucy has to circumnavigate the cold heart of a self
negated and othered by her own mother who has adopted the cultural
mores of the British imperial nation that has colonised their home
island of Antigua. Thus Lucy’s self-abnegation is complicated not just
by her sense of cultural doubleness, the lines of which are blurred by
the internalisations from her schoolday teachings and then furthered
by the seductions of English literature and American white liberalism,
but also because this double-consciousness is so profoundly bound
up within the complications of her deeply ambivalent relationship
with her mother who sides ideologically with all that Lucy is trying to
While most adolescent girls fight strongly against becoming like their
mothers as a means of forming a separate identity, Kincaid’s obsession
with her mother dominates all her work and sometimes criss-crosses
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Mariah wanted all of us, the children and me, to see things the way
she did . . . The children were happy to see things her way . . . But I
already had a mother who loved me, and I had come to see her love
as a burden . . . I had come to feel that my mother’s love for me was
designed solely to make me into an echo of her; and I didn’t know
why, but I felt that I would rather be dead than become just an echo
of someone. That was not a figure of speech. (35–6)
She is not just refusing to become an echo of her mother: she is refut-
ing her mother’s passive mimicry of the imperial mother country. It is
only in the final pages of the novel that Lucy begins to move towards
understanding that it is not her mother’s love that burdens and
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suppresses her but the burden of colonial history that has damaged their
However, for most of the novel Lucy expends a great deal of energy
in repressing all feeling toward her mother. The fourth chapter, entitled
‘Cold Heart’, opens with the metaphor of ‘iron bars twisted decoratively
into curves and curls’ (85) that cling and bind around the organ of
affect. Lucy had believed that ‘a change of venue would banish forever
from my life the things I most despised’ (90), that once she had phys-
ically crossed the ‘vast ocean’, she could leave her past behind. But
whatever she’s doing, and however hard she tries to immerse herself in
her new position in the white world, echoes of her mother always inter-
vene. She may be feeding Miriam, the youngest of the children in her
charge and the one she loves the most, when she is suddenly reminded
of her mother feeding her when she was exactly the same age (44–5);
or she may be walking in the woods with the children when a memory
from the past suddenly intrudes into the present, this time a recollec-
tion of how when she was a child she would sit in her mother’s lap and
fondle the scar on her mother’s temple, a wounding from which she
had nearly died, and would have, if her own mother had not been able
to save her with her obeah healing powers (54–5). Time and time again
associative thinking somehow connects her back to her mother, until
one day it dawns on her:
To try and counteract her enormous psychic presence in her life, Lucy
refuses to open the 19 letters she has received from her mother, ‘I knew
that if I read only one, I would die from longing for her’ (91). ‘I would
rather die’ – Echo’s missing words to Narcissus – now echo through
Kincaid’s text in a series of repetitions. Having made love to Mariah’s
best friend’s son, Hugh, for the first time, and immediately realising that
she has forgotten to use contraception, her thoughts ricochet to a time
years before when her mother had taught her about abortifacient herbs.
She now wonders if she will contact her if she has to, as she ‘had always
thought I would rather die than let her see me in such a vulnerable posi-
tion’ (70). The psychic force of their connection is so strong that Lucy
begins to suffer from violent headaches exactly like the ones that used
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to afflict her mother (93), and it is when she is describing her mother’s
first paralysing migraine headache that the origins of this echoing rep-
etition become apparent. Once, in a bitter argument with her mother,
she had turned to her and said,
‘I wish you were dead.’ I said it with such force that had I said it to
anyone else but her, I am sure my wish would have come true. But
of course I would not have said such a thing to anyone else, for no
one else meant so much to me. (93–4)
The outcome of this had been days of childish terror. For her mother
was overcome by such a powerful headache that she retired to bed for
days, and during the night Lucy would hear strange sounds which she
imagined to be the undertaker come to remove her mother’s body. Each
morning when ‘I saw her face again,’ Lucy recounts as an adult,
I trembled inside with joy. And so now when I suffered from these
same headaches which no medicine would send away, I would see
her face again before me, a face that was godlike, for it seemed to
know its own origins, to know all the things of which it was made.
I did not mind my father saying these things about his sons, his own
kind . . . But my mother knew me well, as well as she knew herself:
I, at the time, even thought of us as identical; and whenever I saw her
eyes fill up with tears at the thought of how proud she would be at
some deed her sons had accomplished, I felt a sword go through my
heart, for there was no accompanying scenario in which she saw me,
her identical offspring, in a remotely similar situation. (130, empha-
sis added)
mother’s treachery on her tongue as her tears run into her mouth. She
now reads all her mother’s unopened letters, acknowledging that, ‘if I
had seen those letters sooner, one way or another I would have died. I
would have died if I did nothing; I would have died if I did something’
(139). She then burns them, writes a final letter, lying to her mother
pretending she will come home soon, tells her she is moving out of
Mariah’s house and finally, in an act of symbolic severence, gives her a
false address to ensure that she will never receive a reply. Lucy has
erased, she thinks, the maternal echoes in her head. Now she has to
divest herself of the shroud of whiteness.
When the snow fell, it hung on the trees like decorations ordered for
a special occasion . . . even I could see that there was something to it
– it had a certain kind of beauty . . . [it made] the world seem soft
and lovely and – unexpectedly, to me – nourishing. (22–3)
has no sense of beneficence: it is he, not Lucy, who represents the cold-
heart and callous behaviour, and an oblique connection can be made
here between Lewis and Narcissus, both of whom have stared too long
and lovingly at their own images.
Dinah, Mariah’s best friend, and Lewis’s lover, appears proprietary in
all areas of her life. She wants what Mariah has although she already
has so much of her own, her predatory arrogance symbolising a con-
trasting position to Mariah’s liberal well-meaningness within the ideo-
logy of whiteness in American culture. Dinah makes it quite clear to
Lucy that to a person such as herself, ‘someone in my position is
[always] “the girl” – as in “the girl who takes care of the children” ’ (58).
From Dinah’s perspective, Lucy is merely the newest manifestation of
the Mammy figure of preceding eras and, as such, easily dismissed: she
is just another black girl performing a different form of ‘involuntary
servitude’, to use a phrase of George Lipsitz.17 Indeed, among the many
iniquities of white capitalism is the labour structure that continues to
allocate black female immigrants such as Lucy to the position of domes-
tic labour in white American middle-class homes. It is quite beyond
Dinah’s comprehension to imagine that, in the words of bell hooks,
‘Many of the [whites] are shocked that black people think critically
about whiteness because racist thinking perpetuates the fantasy that the
Other who is subjugated . . . lacks the ability to comprehend, to under-
stand, to see the workings of the powerful’.18 This arrogant blindness is
humorously disrupted by Lucy’s unspoken aside: ‘It would never have
occurred to her that I sized her up immediately, that I viewed her as a
cliché, as something not to be, a something to rise above’ (58).
Lucy also meets Dinah’s brother, Hugh, at a party in the holiday home
organised by Mariah in part to entertain her employee. This party is the
epitome of a white masquerade. It consists of impeccably dressed and
behaved people, ‘their clothes, their features, the manner in which they
carried themselves were the example all the world should copy. They
had names like Peters, Smith, Jones, and Richards – names that were
easy on the tongue, names that made the world spin’ (64). During this
event, Hugh becomes Lucy’s first lover in America. For Lucy this
relationship represents the enjoyment of sex with someone who has
enough courtesy to ask which island she comes from in the Caribbean,
and importantly, the fact that he was about five inches shorter than she
especially pleased her. However, despite his attraction, he unconsciously
speaks the language of privilege: ‘“Isn’t it the most blissful thing in the
world,”’ he says to Lucy, ‘“to be away from everything you have ever
known – to be so far away that you don’t even know yourself anymore
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and you’re not sure you ever want to come back to all the things you’re
part of?”’ (66). His privileged position in society means that he does not
have to examine the great difference between the position of a wealthy
young white man who can travel the world for as long as he is enjoy-
ing it, and that of a young West Indian woman who travels into this
white world, her shoulders cloaked under the ‘mantle of a servant’ (95).
If a cold heart and narcissistic behaviour is epitomised by Lewis, it is
Lucy’s second lover Paul, who is connected in the text with direct ref-
erences to the classical Narcissus myth. He is an artist, textually aligned
to Paul Gaugin (unnamed in the novel but obviously referenced), and
indeed he seems to have inherited the earlier Paul’s fetish of visual own-
ership through representations of exoticised, but docile, black women.19
The younger Paul’s paintings are not ‘straightforward . . . the people [in
them] looked like their reflections in a pool whose surface has been dis-
turbed’ (97). With instant attraction redolent of the myth, on meeting
him all Lucy can think about is that she wants ‘to be naked in a bed
with him. And I wanted to see,’ she says, with the second reference to
Narcissus, ‘what he really looked like, not his reflection in a pool’ (97).
Consummated lust prevails in their relationship (unlike Echo’s celibate
and passive longing), and Lucy dismisses Paul as soon as he becomes
overly possessive of her. While Gaugin exoticised and sexualised Tahit-
ian women through his paintings, Paul fetishes Lucy’s hair and colour-
ing (100) and reproduces photographic images, such as one of her,
naked from the waist up, standing over a boiling pot of food (155). Both
are examples of othered women’s positionality within the global system
of white male ownership, whether by gaze and its representations, or
in the figurations of literal bondage, as the photograph of Lucy implies.
It comes as no surprise that Paul has a penchant for violent sex (113),
the feats of the great explorers (129) and also has a fetish for ‘things
that came from far away and had a mysterious history’ (156). If this is
not alienating enough for Lucy, his idea of an outing is to take her to
visit the ruined Plantation house of a rich slave-owner.
However, none of the males is represented as having good qualities
in this novel: only the women really matter. Peggy, Lucy’s closest friend,
and the second most developed white character in the text, plays an
important role in that her white trash heritage places her in between
Mariah’s WASP liberalism and Lucy’s black immigrant/servant status.
Mariah’s attitude toward Peggy is particularly interesting. She gives Lucy
‘lectures about what a bad influence a person like Peggy could be. She
said that Peggy was never to come to the house and should never be
around the children’ (63) as if her presence would pollute and conta-
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‘The Sea is History’
It was the oceans of the globe that enabled the discovery of the New
World and the implementation of slavery through the Middle Passage.
As described by Édouard Glissant in his Poetics of Relation (in which he
uses the title of Walcott’s poem as an epigraph) cries of unbearable suf-
fering emanating from thousands of slave-ships were only audible to
their captors. The plaintive echoes of torment and mourning dispersed
unheard over the vast Atlantic ocean, mingling only with the cries of
wheeling seabirds. Thus the reclaiming of that lost history is tied up
with the acknowledgement that sea and history overlay one another in
an ambivalent symbiotic relationship. Indeed, the symbolism of loss of
voice and the ocean as destroyer could be seen to merge in what Cornel
West describes as the ‘metaphorical association of black hearts, black
people, and black culture with water (the sea or a river) [which] runs
deep in black artistic expression’.2 It is interesting then that in Kincaid’s
novel, from the very beginning, there is a strong presence of water
imagery that is connected to the divisions between the young protago-
nist’s past and future:
I was no longer in the tropical zone, and this realization now entered
my life like a flow of water dividing formerly dry and solid ground,
creating two banks, one of which was my past – so familiar and
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The person I had become I did not know very well. Oh, on the
outside everything was familiar. My hair was the same . . . My eyes
were the same. My ears were the same. The other important things
about me were the same.
But the things I could not see about myself, the things I could not
put my hands on – those things had changed, and I did not yet know
them well. I understood I was inventing myself, and that I was doing
this more in the way of a painter. (133–4, emphasis added)
possible to have; and then one day I was not living like that at all. I
had begun to see the past like this: there is a line; you can draw it
yourself, or sometimes it gets drawn for you. (136–7, emphasis added)
has now merged with the resistance Satan has provided for African oral
traditions in the New World.
All this time Lucy has been lying in her bed. She gets up and looks
out of the window onto the white world below where she notices a
broken clock: ‘it made me even more conscious of a feeling I had con-
stantly now: my sense of time had changed . . . For a very long moment
I wondered what my mother was doing and I saw her face; it was the
face she used to have when she loved me without reservation’ (154–5).
The very long moment is a distillation of trauma and its passing into
consciousness. Lucy moves out of the latency of belated time. Instead
of the stilling of time around the moment of trauma of her mother’s
rejection in which the past had continually forced itself into an endless
repeating possession of her present, the past can now be aligned with
a future that can stretch ahead.
In her final act in the novel, Lucy is alone one night in the apart-
ment. She picks up a leather notebook with blank white pages that
Mariah had given her as a parting present:
The only other occasion in the book where Lucy cries was the profound
moment of belated understanding why her relationship with her mother
was scored with such a profound sense of ambivalent hatred and des-
perate longing for reunion. It was the moment when she finally admits
out loud that she was not an only child as her previous silence suggested,
but one with a traumatic past, a past haunted by her mother’s sudden
expiration of maternal love. But one of the echoing memories of that
terrible time was that her mother’s eyes also constantly filled with tears.
However, they were not tears of mourning for her lost love for her
daughter, but tears of pride at the thought of what great deeds her sons
might very well perform when they grew up. Lucy’s tears that flow as
she tells the story to Mariah tasted as if they were squeezed from an
aloe plant. In the Western pharmaceutical industry, aloe is used as a
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bitter purgative. But the label aloe means that the plant belongs to the
genus of the African lily. The entangled trope of taste and feeling has
threaded through this novel, and Lucy’s will-to-feel must always be as
ambivalent as the tears that taste of aloe. Now, Lucy’s tears flow again.
She begins to mourn the lost relationship with her mother, but her
future life and the self she is crafting will always hold that sense of loss
at her centre. She can never be totally free of either the literary or the
maternal echoes that haunt her life.
Separated from her African cultural roots by her mother’s assimilation
into the cultural mores of the colonists, Lucy’s method of call-and-
response has been partly subsumed by the deadening whiteness of the
responding echo that returns from Mariah, the only person she has
an empathetic face-to-face relationship with in the novel. I began this
section by describing two colonial punishments that Kincaid endured
as a child. I have already discussed the reconstitution of the echoes of
Milton’s Paradise Lost. However, the lines of Gray’s poetry, ‘Ignorance is
bliss: It’s folly to be wise’, which Kincaid was forced repeatedly to copy
follow a different trajectory which contains a wonderfully ironic justice.
In an essay entitled, ‘The Muse of History’, Derek Walcott describes how
in the Plantations of the New World ‘the slave [gradually] wrested God
from his captor’8 and with extraordinary dexterity reformed the only
language and imagery available to them into differing forms of oral
backchat. One such act of resistance was the Afro-Caribbean proverb
which turned the ideology behind the biblical proverb into one of
mimicry or mocking subversion. In the plantation fields of Jamaica the
slaves retaliated by reconfiguring the master’s language in a manner that
was all their own. The biblical proverb which reads: ‘Answer not a fool
according to his folly, lest thou also be like unto him. Answer a fool
according to his folly, lest he be wise with his own conceit’9 became,
according to Orlando Patterson, one of the slaves’ favourite proverbs,
but now reading, ‘Play fool, to catch wise.’10 Stereotyped as lying, cow-
ardly, lazy, subhuman and utterly unintelligent, the slaves re-troped the
ideological prescription imposed upon them by turning it into a double-
coded subversion that echoed, but rewrote, the original. As African tra-
ditions of orality provided a way of projecting a resisting voice through
and across the dualistic world that silenced them, so too has it enabled
the creation of a distinctive literary form. The socio-historical context
of Jamaica Kincaid’s Lucy is contemporary America, but the force of
its call is grounded in Glissant’s theory of ‘creative marronage’ which
explodes outwards from the Caribbean to become part of that subver-
sive tradition.
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‘Knots of Death’: Toni
Morrison’s Sula
The short untitled prologue of Toni Morrison’s second novel, Sula, pow-
erfully delineates the devastating potency of white American society to
create, structure, name, then destroy, a black community merely on a
whim. Her carefully crafted opening sentence expresses both the vio-
lence and loss that will permeate the novel: ‘In that place, where they
tore the nightshade and blackberry patches from their roots to make
room for the Medallion City Golf Course, there was once a neighbor-
hood.’2 ‘The violence lurks’, Morrison states elsewhere, ‘in having
something torn out by its roots – it will not, cannot grow again.’3 The
capricious destruction of the rural community by the ubiquitous ‘they’
also suggests a sense of the black community’s alienation and exclusion
from any participation in the history that had, and continues to have,
so much impact on the lives of African-Americans. However, the con-
nection between racial violence and white history becomes more appar-
ent when immediately after describing its death, Morrison explains the
story of the community’s beginnings, for she illustrates quite clearly
that the inhumanity and capitalist impulsion of slavery were not halted
by Emancipation:
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The ‘good’ white farmer therefore tricks the slave into believing that the
infertile land up in the hills really is ‘the bottom of heaven – the best
land there is’ (5). Thus the black community becomes called the Bottom
‘in spite of the fact that it was up in the hills . . . where planting
was backbreaking, where the soil slid down and washed away the seeds,
and where the wind lingered all through the winter’ (4, 5). This cruel
reversal of fortunes the narrator describes as a ‘nigger joke’, a survival
technique that inverts and masks the profound existential pain hidden
beneath the laughter, ‘[t]he kind [of joke] colored folks tell on them-
selves when . . . they’re looking for a little comfort somehow’ (4–5).4
However, as is already clear before the reader is more than two pages
into the novel, there is very little spiritual or material comfort to be
found cushioning the lives of the black characters in this novel, who
are often reduced to an existence of mere survival. As the narrator
describes it, ‘the laughter was part of the pain’ (4).5 Indeed, the repres-
sion of pain masked by laughter acting as solace is a recurrent trope in
the novel, as is an interweaving of laughter and death.
While Morrison, as Barbara Christian suggests, ‘weaves a fable about
the relationship between conformity and experiment, survival and
creativity’, death has an overwhelming presence in this novel, begin-
ning with the death of the black community itself.6 As Maureen Reddy
argues, ‘Each of the ten major chapters includes a death, sometimes
metaphoric but more usually actual’.7 The literal deaths are often almost
incomprehensible in their violence, and always involve a family
member or someone known to those involved; the spiritual deaths are
long and drawn out and equally as painful. While the novel’s surface
construction appears to be contained within the conventions of a
chronological timeframe, the text is divided exactly in half, with the
two almost identically sized parts separated by a 10-year interval. It
begins with an untitled prologue, then the chapters are titled by the
dates 1919, 1920, 1921, 1923, 1927 – the 10-year temporal rupture reg-
istered as pure absence – then 1937, 1939, 1940, 1941, and finally 1965,
which serves as an epilogue. However, the deep structure of the novel
does not progress along the assumed teleological ethos of traditional
historical time but moves in the rhythms of the psychic time-frame of
trauma. Morrison’s methodology involves placing each death at a
moment in history suggested by the chapter title: at first it is merely
described by the omniscient narrator – often in horrific detail, but also,
paradoxically, in evocative and hauntingly lyrical language. Then an
explanation from the character that has been most involved in each
death appears later in the text, usually in another chapter altogether.
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They did not believe Nature was ever askew – only inconvenient.
Plague and drought were as ‘natural’ as springtime. If milk could
curdle, God knows robins could fall. The purpose of evil was to
survive it and they determined (without ever knowing that they had
made up their minds to do it) to survive floods, white people, tuber-
culosis, famine and ignorance. (90)
The problem with the enforced victim status of the community in the
face of omnipotent white manipulation is that it results in a resigned
obstinacy, which means that the inhabitants no longer have the
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[O]n quiet days people in valley houses could hear singing some-
times, banjos sometimes, and if a valley man happened to have busi-
ness up in those hills – collecting rent or insurance payments – he
might see a dark woman in a flowered dress doing a bit of cakewalk,
a bit of black bottom, a bit of ‘messing around’ to the lively notes of
a mouth organ . . . The black people watching her would laugh and
rub their knees, and it would be easy for the valley man to hear the
laughter and not notice the adult pain that rested somewhere under
the eyelids . . . somewhere in the sinew’s curve. (4, emphasis added)
The intrusion of the generic white man on capitalist business into the
apparently carefree atmosphere of the black community offers the first
sign of a masked critique. However, the more obvious allusion to the
white man’s objectifying, sexualised gaze, the superiority of his finan-
cial position and his inability to see the pain that lurks below the skin
– a distress which must be misrecognised in order to justify its contin-
ued existence – is accentuated by the fact that the white valley man also
fails to register the mimicking power of the dance known as the cake-
walk, a Sunday dance that originated in the plantation system. This was
a parodic performance undertaken for pleasure, a masked but public
satire in which, according to black musician and former slave, Shephard
Edmonds, slaves ‘would dress up in hand-me-down finery to do a high-
kicking, prancing walk-around. They did a takeoff on the high manners
of the folks in the “big house”, but their masters, who gathered around
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to watch the fun, missed the point’.17 Eric Sundquist maintains that
Edmonds was mistaken in asserting that the white masters always
missed the satire at their expense, but whether the mimicry was silently
acknowledged and then ignored by the white owners, is not really the
point.18 As I see it, this makes the impact doubly subversive, but it does
not necessarily, or only momentarily, lessen the existential pain of the
slaves. However, this example of subversive upstaging has a wonderfully
resonant energy because it also illustrates the ‘indomitable power of
slaves to assert their human agency in closely restricted circumstances’,
as Paul Gilroy says in relation to another form of resistance, Morrison’s
use of the Margaret Garner story for Beloved.19
Morrison’s vignette of the white valley man subtly evokes the oppres-
sive structure of the objectifying look and the reliance on exterior body
signs that feeds the otherness of racial prejudice. It also foreshadows
one of the most metaphysically difficult scenes in the novel when
Helene Wright, one of the women from the Bottom, is publicly humil-
iated and punished for being black and female by both a demeaning
racial censure and the lingering sexualised look of a repulsive white con-
ductor, when she mistakenly gets into the whites-only carriage of a Jim
Crow train. This episode, as I mentioned in the introduction, is emblem-
atic of Sara Ahmed’s reading of the racial encounter and, importantly,
is the politicised reversal of the encounter in Wide Sargasso Sea in which
the white creole child, Antoinette, is shamed by donning the ‘dirty’
dress of Tia’s blackness. In Sula, Helene’s humiliation is witnessed by
her 10-year-old daughter, Nel, an experience that will haunt the impres-
sionable girl for the rest of her life. It is a scene as piercing and echoic
as Frantz Fanon’s important work on the constitutive white gaze and
repeated trauma of being derisively singled out by the pointing finger,
and the accompanying words, ‘ “Look a Negro!” ’, which results in the
sprawling, distorted black body riven with psychic pain that is returned
to him ‘clad in mourning’.20 Yet, Fanon’s brilliant exposition of the suf-
fering black body distorted by ideological prejudice and ‘legends, stories,
history, and above all historicity . . . [metaphorically] battered down by
tom-toms, cannibalism, intellectual deficiency, fetichism [sic], racial
defects, slave-ships’21 and so on, was of course also famously masculin-
ist. In contrast, Morrison states in Playing in the Dark, ‘[m]y work
requires me to think about how free I can be as an African-American
woman writer in my genderized, sexualized, wholly racialized world’.22
Thus, while Morrison, like Fanon, is interested in confronting her
readers with the damaging embodied effects of white dominance of
American society – strongly implying that white control of history has
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safety, a comfort and a trap. Shadrack is then callously, and to him inex-
plicably, ejected from hospital with his trauma unhealed, and with
nothing but a fleeting memory of home and a longing ‘to see his own
face . . . [so that he can] tie the loose cords of his mind’ (10). This yearn-
ing to reclaim his lost identity, to see his face, directly results from his
sense of invisibility as mere cannon fodder in the wider historical frame-
work of a white man’s war. Shadrack, a black man with no patronymic,
is a generic symbol of trauma.41 However, and very importantly, while
his experiences were a common feature of trauma theory symptoms
registered by the inordinate number of shell-shocked soldiers in World
War I, Shadrack’s adaptation to and resistances against his trauma, and
the story that grows out of it, are both class and race-driven.42
Thrown in prison as a vagrant, Shadrack finally recognises his lost self.
Overwhelmed by a recurring desire to see his face, and as there is no
other mirroring surface to look into, he is forced to search for a sight
of himself in the water of his toilet bowl. Significantly, as if offering a
premonitory warning to his black community to which he is about to
return, Shadrack has first to shut out the contaminating white light that
surrounds him in his cell, by placing his prison blanket over his head.
In an ironic reversal of the Narcissus myth, he then catches a glimpse
of his face, which reveals not only that he is ‘real’, that he ‘exists’, but
‘the indisputable presence’ of his own blackness (13).43 Instead of falling
in love with his own reflection and pining away and dying by a forest
pool, Shadrack rediscovers life through acknowledging the ‘joy’ of his
blackness in a filthy cell of a country jail, and starts his personal fight
back against the straitjacket of white history, a trauma in which he has
been enmeshed by a force greater than himself. Finally back in his com-
munity of the Bottom, he inaugurates an annual National Suicide Day
which ‘had to do with making a place for fear as a way of controlling
it. He knew the smell of death and was terrified of it, for he could not
anticipate it . . . [so] he hit on the notion that if one day a year were
devoted to it, everybody could get it out of the way and the rest of the
year would be safe and free’ (14). Paradoxically, Shadrack, the only male
figure in Sula to gain an inner strength and sense of self, is thought to
be mad by the rest of the community, and yet his madness is imbued
with a strong sense of power that is almost Christ-like: as the Reverend
Deal, the minister who presides over the black church in the Bottom
says quite explicitly, ‘[m]ay’s well go on with Shad and save the Lamb
the trouble of redemption’ (16). Moreover, ‘[t]he terrible Shad who
walked about with his penis out, who peed in front of ladies and girl-
children [was] the only black who could curse white people and get
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away with it’ (61–2). Thus, Shadrack is both black victim and resister.
He is almost incoherently mad, yet he can still curse and thus intimi-
date white people, and the self-exposure of his black body, and in par-
ticular his penis, confronts a long-standing white fear and fetishistic
preoccupation with black masculinity.
At first the inhabitants of the Bottom are frightened of the very dif-
ferent Shadrack who has returned from the war, but ‘once the people
understood the boundaries and nature of his madness, they could fit
him so to speak, into the scheme of things’ (15). Gradually his annual
holiday becomes ‘absorbed . . . into their thoughts, into their language,
into their lives’ (15). To a lesser extent, it is as if Shadrack is also woven
into the natural fabric of the environment. In America the signifier
‘shad’ is applied, usually with a defining word, to many forms of fish,
the creatures he relies on for material survival and a species he loves
along with the river. His profound spiritual connection to the protago-
nist Sula Peace involves his reading of her birthmark: ‘She had a tadpole
over her eye (that was how he knew she was a friend – she had the mark
of the fish he loved)’ (156).44 But much more importantly, Shadrack and
Sula are also conjoined through his only conscious, heartfelt action in
the novel: when the tear-stained face of the 12-year-old Sula appears in
his immaculately tidy hut (one of the many ways in which he tries to
ward off the disorder in his mind) he looks at her face, sees the skull
beneath and knows instinctively that she is as deeply afraid and trau-
matised by death as he had once been:
as a loving gift of comfort. It is the only word he speaks in the text, and
it is of intrinsic importance. However, his comfort word is interpreted
by the young Sula not as a ‘promise that licked her feet’ (63), but as a
lifetime threat of trauma and overhanging guilt.
I have taken a long time to introduce both the death of the commu-
nity and Shadrack, who importantly frames the text. After his tale is
told at the beginning, he becomes only a shadowy figure in the narra-
tive, but one around whom the plot threads. Although the novel is
named after the protagonist, Sula Mae Peace, and tells the story of Sula’s
entwined friendship with her closest companion, Nel Wright, Sula does
not appear until 30 pages into the text and then dies about three-
quarters of the way through. This positioning and the amount of early
narrative space given to Shadrack and the community signals the tri-
partite entanglement of Shadrack, Nel and Sula as crucial, together with
the absolute centrality of the black community as socio-political, his-
torical, cultural and psychic context for both agency and victimisation
for every black character in the text. Thus, although Sula’s life quest is
to seek a self that necessarily lies outside the rules of her black com-
munity, this searching is always in relation to the wider framework of
race and gender oppression in American society, in which the Bottom
is necessarily immersed. Each main character has a double that inverts
and contradicts the other: the white town of Medallion is juxtaposed
to the black community of the Bottom; the stunted deweys, the ‘trinity
with a plural name’ (38), offset Shadrack, Nel and Sula; and the inter-
generational matrilineal members of the Wright and Peace families are
constituted in a complex interwoven opposition to each other. First
there are the grandmothers, Helene Wright and Eva Peace, then the
daughters, Rochelle and Hannah, and finally, the most important
pairing of the granddaughters, Nel and Sula. This is not a narrative that
proceeds on binary dichotomies, but one that consists of relational
cross-overs and entanglements.
As the second chapter begins, Morrison suddenly and abruptly trans-
poses the traumatic violence of the white male public sphere onto the
interior lives and material worlds of the black female private sphere,
focusing her (re)vision on the matriarchal Wright and Peace families.
By translating the historical into the personal, the public into the
private, and actual male violence and grand historical traumas into
repeated patterns of oppression, self-mutilation, and violence between
women, she draws all her readers into the untying of the patterning of
hierarchical and prescriptive binaries, thereby implicating us in her
rereading of history and its structures of representation and meaning.
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He wanted desperately to see his own face and connect it with the
word ‘private’ – the word the nurse (and the others who helped bind
him) had called him. ‘Private’ he thought was something secret, and
he wondered why they looked at him and called him a secret. (10,
emphasis added)
Ambivalent Maternal Inheritances
When reading a novel like Sula, we need to keep in mind, as Mary Helen
Washington reminds us, that ‘motherhood, complicated and threatened
by racism, is a special kind of motherhood’.1 This comment is especially
relevant to a text in which the greatest acts of maternal love are repre-
sented through the black matriarch, Eva Peace, who fights past her inner
pain and ignores the beckoning lure of the ‘comfort’ of death in order
to stay alive for the sake of her three young children, and then offers a
sacrificial leg as the only possible indemnity for their collective survival.
These are not the usual actions of motherhood, but ones that result from
the brutalities of poverty and pervasive social distress. This does not
mean that love between mothers and daughters does not exist, just that
it is transmitted in other forms. At one moment in the text Eva is ten-
tatively asked by her adult daughter Hannah: ‘ “Mamma, did you ever
love us? . . . I mean, did you? You know. When we was little?” ’ (67). Eva
abruptly answers: ‘ “what you talkin’ ‘bout did I ever love you girl I
stayed alive for you can’t you get that through your thick head or what
is that between your ears, heifer?” ’ (69). Unable verbally to express the
protective tenderness she feels, Eva hides her fierce maternal love under
her disparaging language and angry, ambivalent tone. The lack of punc-
tuation suggests an onrush of confusion and hurt at the question,
mingled with an instinctive self-protective defiance. The fight for phys-
ical and mental survival for herself and her children, in itself a supreme
act of maternal love, leaves her with no time or energy to articulate or
to encompass maternal nurturance in conventional terms.2 In her book
on trauma and recovery, Judith Herman argues that the ‘damage to rela-
tional life is not a secondary effect of trauma, as originally thought.
Traumatic events have primary effects not only on the psychological
structures of the self but also on the systems of attachment and
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looked deeply at the folds of her mother’s dress. There in the fall of
the heavy brown wool she held her eyes. She could not risk letting
them travel upward for fear of seeing that the hooks and eyes in the
placket of the dress had come undone and exposed the custard-colored
skin underneath. She stared at the hem, wanting to believe in its
weight but knowing that custard was all that it hid. If this tall, proud
woman . . . were really custard, then there was a chance that Nel was
too. (22, emphasis added)
to ‘shore up’ her new partner who marries her in a vain attempt to have
his ‘adulthood recognized’ (83, 82).18 Nel’s wedding marks the final
pages of the first half of the novel. Ominously, her wedding veil is too
heavy for her to feel the core of Jude’s kiss pressed on her head (85). It
is not only that the veil represents a mantle of social convention and
identity erasure that will negatively overlay the rest of her life, but in
marriage she has relinquished the one person who saved her imagina-
tion from being permanently driven underground. During the wedding,
Sula leaves the Bottom, and it will be 10 years before she and Nel see
each other again. When she returns, she will be accompanied by a
plague of robins, and will be dressed in the ‘manner that was as close
to a movie star as anyone would ever see. A black crepe dress splashed
with pink and yellow zinnias, foxtails, a black felt hat with a veil of net
lowered over one eye’ (90, emphasis added).
The repeated reference to veiling is particularly intriguing in a novel
that places a great deal of credence on the visual economy. There is even
a command to look, ‘Voir! Voir!’ (27),19 and textual emphasis is placed
on the different ethics between the active verbs see, watch and look.20
This I read as a strategy to make the reader look deeper, in order to con-
sider the ethical questions Morrison raises by the comparison between
these verbs. Subtly directed to what is veiled or masked, we begin to
‘see’ the double message that has always been not just a matter of sur-
vival for African-Americans in the white world, but a means of resis-
tance and subversion of the dominant culture and its constitutive
ideologies.21 Importantly, the veil metaphor has both an ideological and
literary history in the African-American tradition. In her essay entitled
‘The Site of Memory’, Morrison discusses her own literary heritage and
its relationship with the ‘print origins of black literature (as distin-
guished from the oral origins) [which] were slave narratives’.22 Written
to enlist the support of white audiences to help in the fight to abolish
slavery, these narratives necessarily avoided explicit renditions of the
most violent and demeaning details of this experience. ‘Over and over,’
Morrison relates, ‘the writers pull the narrative up short with a phrase
such as, “But let us drop a veil over these proceedings too terrible to
relate”.’23 Given the shift in time, Morrison sees her participation in this
literary heritage this way:
It is not just BoyBoy’s sartorial finery that sparks Eva’s hatred – for she
sees that it merely masks the ‘defeat in the stalk of his neck’ (36) – or
even jealousy at his attention to the other woman. It is, I think, the
‘big-city laugh’ that plunges Eva into a traumatic memory that has to
do with the loss of her leg. There are two adjectives that refer to the
city, and although it is not defined in the text, it seems likely that in
the mysterious 18 months of her absence she would have had to be in
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The water darkened and closed quickly over the place where Chicken
Little sank. The pressure of his hard and tight little fingers was still
in Sula’s palms as she stood looking at the closed place in the water
. . . Both girls stared at the water . . . There was nothing but the
baking sun and something newly missing. (61, emphasis added)
The ‘Gift for Metaphor’
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In a way, her strangeness, her naiveté, her craving for the other half
of her equation was the consequence of an idle imagination. Had
she paints, or clay, or knew the discipline of dance, or strings; had
she anything to encourage her tremendous curiosity and her gift for
metaphor, she might have exchanged the restlessness and preoccu-
pation with whim for an activity that provided her with all she
yearned for. And like any artist with no art form, she became dan-
gerous. (121, emphasis added)
While there can be no doubt that as both Nel and Sula had discovered
years before that as they ‘were neither white nor male . . . all freedom
and triumph was forbidden to them, they had [still] set about creating
something else to be’ (52). For me, what underwrites this text is the
incredible strength of black women in the community of the Bottom
who attempt some form of creative expression only too aware that it
may well fail, such as Helene’s careful crafting of her ‘elegant dress with
velvet collar and pockets’ (19) to carry her safely down South. Writing
on this passage, a number of years ago now, Renita Weems says that
the artist without art form applies to every female character Morrison
creates in her first three novels, and ‘[s]uch Black women are both
mourned and praised’.5 In the case of Sula, it is impossible not to want
to praise her. Yet, ultimately, it is Nel, the survivor, who has not only
to learn to grieve for the loss of Sula, but also to mourn for both their
gone things.
Sula may be a frustrated artist, but her tendency to become restless
and dangerous is more a result of her childhood traumas. Hers is not
the monstrous ego so often attributed to artists. In fact she has no ego
at all, the narrator tells us. With few avenues open to Sula, her artistry
becomes the lived performance of her life:
sent her flying up those stairs, ever since her one major feeling of
responsibility had been exorcised on the bank of a river with a closed
place in the middle. The first experience taught her there was no other
that you could count on; the second that there was no self to count
on either. She had no center, no speck around which to grow . . . She
was completely free of ambition, with no affection for money, prop-
erty or things, no greed, no desire to command attention or com-
pliments – no ego. (118–19, emphasis added)
Sula’s closed place in the middle had its traumatic birth on that cata-
clysmic day and from this day on she becomes gradually disconnected
from all others as she struggles to maintain a sense of self. Judith
Herman believes that the ‘damage to the survivor’s faith and sense of
community is particularly severe when the traumatic events themselves
involve the betrayal of important relationships. The imagery of these
events often crystallises around a moment of betrayal, and it is this
breach of trust which gives the intrusive images their intense emotional
power’.6 Despite Robert Grant’s disclaimer that ‘[t]oo often Hannah’s
comment is interpreted as a “determining” factor in Sula’s personality
formation, as if this one remark betokened a socio-behavioral pattern
and “key” ’, I believe that what Sula perceives as a betrayal by her mother
is supported by the text.7 It is her mother’s remarks that taught her that
she has no significant other to count on. Chicken Little’s death adds to
her loss of self. Together they crystallise into the imagery of traumatic
repression, the much-repeated ‘closed place in the middle’, a phrase that
carries immense resonant power. For the rest of her life her inner being
is overshadowed by this ‘closed place’. She is still dreaming of it as she
Writing at much the same time as Weems, Deborah McDowell also
discusses what she calls the figure of the ‘thwarted female artist’,
quoting the passage from Sula as a classic example of one of a number
of thematic commonalities in the work of contemporary black female
novelists, citing Morrison and Alice Walker as prime examples.8 How-
ever, it is McDowell’s third example of thematic parallels – the use of
‘clothing as iconography’ – as central to the writings by black women to
which I now turn.9 (Her second, which blends down from the first and
into the third is an obsessive ‘ordering of things’ for which McDowell
names Eva Peace’s ‘ordering the pleats in her dress’.)10 In the days
following Sula’s return to the Bottom after her 10-year absence, her con-
versation is marked by constant references to burning and a complete
change of dress. Surrounded by dying robins, Sula arrives back incon-
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Eva looked at Sula pretty much the same way she had looked at
BoyBoy that time when he returned after he’d left her without a dime
or a prospect of one . . . ‘Them little old furry tails ain’t going to do
you no more good than they did the fox that was wearing them.’
‘Don’t you say hello to nobody when you ain’t seen them for ten
‘If folks let somebody know where they is and when they coming,
then other folks can get ready for them. If they don’t – if they just
pop in all sudden like – then they got to take whatever mood they
find’. (91–2)
for from the moment that Jude leaves his tie Nel is harassed by the
haunting grey ball and the repression of a death-in-life existence. The
green ribbon is the marker of Sula’s final ‘spirit damage’12 that leads to
her death. And the final example of the intense focus on Sula’s belt only
happens just after Shadrack has accidentally seen Sula’s dead body in
the mortuary, described as ‘[a]nother dying away of someone whose face
he knew’ (158, emphasis added). This sighting of death may well have
triggered a series of flashbacks to his postwar experience in the mental
hospital when he is overcome by an overwhelming and repeated
longing to see his face because he now totally loses interest in the next
National Suicide Day, which happens to be the following day: ‘for the
first time he did not want to go. He wanted to stay with the purple-
and-white belt. Not go. Not go’ (158). His instincts are right as this is
the day when so many members of the Bottom community who have
usually ignored his call to celebrate a day of death now follow him
singing and dancing to what might be read as a multiple suicide.
The irony, of course, is that as a metaphor for the containment of
traumatic experience the ritual behind National Suicide Day is to devote
one day a year to death so that the ‘rest of the year would be safe and
free’ (14). Members of the black community, the text informs us, ‘knew
anger well but not despair . . . and they didn’t commit suicide [because]
it was beneath them’ (90). Yet, if so many well-known faces of the
Bottom died by accidental suicide, as it were, is there also an argument
for Sula’s death as self-inflicted? When Ajax suddenly leaves, Sula seems
to fall apart: ‘His absence was everywhere, stinging everything . . . When
he was there he pulled everything toward himself. Not only her eyes
and all her senses but also inanimate things seemed to exist because of
him’ (134). Soon after, Sula becomes ill, and lies dying at 7 Carpenter’s
Road, alienated and alone. She receives a single visit from Nel, from
whom she has been estranged ever since her brief fling with Jude, and
the visit does little to change this. Yet, after she leaves, Sula thinks long-
ingly of Nel and the loss of times past:
[S]he will walk on down that road, her back so straight in that old
green coat, the strap of her handbag pushed back all the way to the
elbow, thinking how much I have cost her and never remember the
days when we were two throats and one eye and we had no price.
From the pain of this loss, Sula drifts into a jumble of remembrances,
then abruptly, and following no particular sequence, an oblique refer-
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ence to one of the founding traumas of her life flashes into her mind:
‘I didn’t mean anything. I never meant anything. I stood there watch-
ing her burn and was thrilled. I wanted her to keep on jerking like that,
to keep on dancing’ (147). However, the trauma of her mother’s death
has yet to be integrated into her consciousness. Sula immediately falls
into a sleep and into her recurring nightmare of The Clabber Girl Baking
Powder Lady, who smiles and beckons. However:
When Sula came near she disintegrated into white dust, which Sula
was hurriedly trying to stuff into the pockets of her blue-flannel
housecoat. The disintegration was awful to see, but worse was the
feel of the powder – its starchy slipperiness as she tried to collect it
by handfuls. The more she scooped the more it billowed. At last it
covered her, filled her eyes, her nose, her throat, and she woke
gagging and overwhelmed with the smell of smoke. (147–8)
it is highly significant that Morrison prefaces Nel’s howl that will not
come with a long and evocative passage about how a collective of
women can keen and outpour their grief:
The implication is that the women can mourn because in the very phys-
ical act of their keening they can move from the state of melancholia
and into mourning. Mourning is a forward moving and dynamic
process while melancholia is static and self-destructive. Melancholia and
depression are passive acts of aggression against the self. Mourning is a
release of this repressed malignancy.15 The repression ingrained in Nel’s
psyche by her mother’s attempt to protect her daughter from the outside
world and its attendant vulnerabilties means that she is unable to let
herself go enough to keen aloud in her pain. Instead:
Hunched down in the small bright room Nel waited. Waited for the
oldest cry. A scream not for others, not in sympathy for a burnt child,
or a dead father, but a deeply personal cry for one’s own pain. A loud
strident: ‘Why me?’ She waited. The mud shifted, the leaves stirred,
the smell of overripe green things enveloped her and announced the
beginning of her very own howl.
But it did not come. (108)
Even though an attempt to keen her own internal agony, this contains
a passing reference and longing for the solidarity of communal pain.
‘Such a cry,’ Alan Rice avers, ‘would resemble a field holler, the cry by
which slaves showed their deep private despair in the antebellum
South.’16 But it is a cry from which Nel has been disassociated, for her
mother had severed any connection with her mother tongue and a
matrilineal inheritance that was not contaminated by the effects of
internalised whiteness. Nel’s conscious legacy of maternal repression,
which had been the basis of her emergent 10-year old ‘me-ness’, has
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There was something just to the right of her, in the air, just out
of view . . . A gray ball hovering just there. Just there. To the right.
Quiet, gray, dirty. A ball of muddy strings, but without weight, fluffy
but terrible in its malevolence. She knew she could not look. (108–9)
She refuses to look. The dirty ball’s intrusive haunting presence is empha-
sised by the repetition of the phrase ‘just there’ and Morrison’s use of
verbs and nouns connected with vision.17 It is a metaphor that could
only apply to the highly-controlled and ever righteous, Nel. It is as if
the hooks and eyes that earlier had simultaneously imprisoned and
revealed her mother’s body are converted here into a metaphor of
psychic repression. The tight ball of muddy strings that is ‘terrible in its
malevolence’ (109) is the maternal inheritance that Nel failed to escape;
both metaphorically symbolise dissociation from the traumatised body.
The maternal circuitry binding her psyche has become dangerously ven-
omous because she no longer has Sula, the one person who could keep
her restricted imagination alive, with whom to talk and laugh. Her
repressed imagination shrivels in its containment of the grey ball, a
colour that has connotations of whiteness in black American culture.18
The lost history of gone things – the howl of history – both individual
and cultural all have to be acknowledged if the move into mourning
can take place. Yet as Cathy Caruth asks: ‘How is it possible . . . to gain
access to a traumatic history?’19
the beginnings of mourning what has now reconverted back into the
temporality of loss and ‘gone things’ which become specific, individu-
alised and located. Now she realises it is not Jude, but Sula, whom she
has missed all these years, and can begin to move into a state of account-
able grief and mourning. Her feelings surrounding her estrangement
from Sula, compounded by Sula’s 25-year absence in death, are speci-
fied and named (spoken, or in this case howled) as her historically lost
other. To mourn is to be able to place history (individual and collective)
in the time-frame of gone things.
I believe that the location of metaphor as an act of transference (this
is its etymological source) aids the shift into belatedness, though this is
not the case in all metaphoric logic, as I demonstrated in the first chap-
ters. Metaphor in Wide Sargasso Sea, and most centrally the concept
of marooning, is divested of its historical specificity in order to justify
an assumption of the victimised position of African-Caribbeans for the
newly deterritorialised white creole family of the Cosway-Masons. Their
situation became one of structural trauma, an inward flight that enabled
evasion of the racialised socio-political ethics of that time. But as I have
been emphasising, Black English is a highly metaphoric language, one
created out of the ambivalent need to veil meaning while simultane-
ously providing a dissenting alternative.
The structure of a metaphor is inherently ambivalent. A metaphor
provides a bridge between two opposing worlds, feelings, events, images
and so on, but at the same time it can be – consciously and uncon-
sciously – utilised only as a distancing measure or defence mechanism.
Within the figurative language, of which metaphor is one of the most
fundamental components, terms literally connected with one object
are transferred to another and so achieve a new wider meaning, and
one that may well remain ambiguously concealed. The use of metaphor
provides a path to that which is too difficult and isolated but also
untouchable, and thus offers a viable, indirect approach to traumatic
name while her fingers lined up the pleats in her dress’ (72). By the end
of this chapter Hannah too has burnt to death in a scene of appalling
horror. Forty-four years later, Eva is trapped in her endless realigning of
the pleats and ‘dreaming of stairwells’ (167). The metaphor of pleats has
a double function: in the first place its patterning suggests the contrac-
tion of time into neat ordered segments that defy the intermingling of
past, present and future in a continuous flow of narrative time. Eva
orders and contains her past by a concertina-like repression, which
means that while the past may constantly intrude into her present, it
is contained within the folds of the knife-edged pleats of time. It is a
means of overcoming chronological time and its effects. By the time
Morrison reuses the metaphor near the end of the novel, the literal
pleats have, in Eva’s madness, become her tangible connecting psychic
life-line with Plum. As she talks to him, and he to her, so she thinks,
as she tells Nel: ‘ “Plum. Sweet Plum. He tells me things” ’ (169). The
metaphoric link between the fruit overlaid with suggestion of a delicacy
ready for eating, adds to the already existing ambivalence of the whole
mother–son relationship. Thus, figurative use of hems, hooks and eyes,
pleats, fragments of clothing and dress itself are all part of Morrison’s
black female artistry that both hooks into and defies the straitjacket
of white male history. It is an ambivalent figuring, however, because
both Shadrack, who is associated with the straitjacket, and Eva, with the
pleats, can only survive their pain in a state of devastating dissociation.
Indeed, the three main protagonists, Nel, Sula and Shadrack, all in
their different ways are silenced by the displacement of trauma. Ironi-
cally, it is Nel Wright who moves beyond the impact of her own per-
sonal incomprehension of the ‘stupidity of loss’ and into the beginnings
of belated understanding. ‘Virtue, bleak and drawn, [has become] her
only mooring’ (139), and in her capacity as community carrier of
extreme righteousness, towards the end of the novel she goes to visit
Eva, who, now aged over 90, has outlived both her daughter and her
granddaughter. It turns out to be a confronting visit for Nel. Eva sud-
denly accuses her of killing Chicken Little, and when Nel offloads the
blame onto Sula, Eva replies: ‘ “You. Sula. What’s the difference?” ’ (168).
Throughout the whole conversation between them, Eva continues
pleating and her imaginary ironing. Nel extracts herself and thankfully
escapes from the building, fastening her coat against the rising wind as
she walks. ‘The top button was missing so she covered her throat with her
hand. A bright space opened in her head and memory seeped in’ (169,
emphasis added). The implication is that the 30-year-old flake in her
throat is beginning to shift, and in her fear of what may unfold she
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Conclusion: A Meditation
on Silence
As my tongue unravels
in what pitch
will the scream hang unsung
or shiver like lace on the borders
of never recording
Audre Lorde, ‘Echoes’1
Audre Lorde believed in redemptive possibilities. All her life she actively
and eloquently fought discrimination in all its permutations – racism,
sexism, heterosexism and homophobia – in her essays, in her poetry, in
the way she lived and spoke. And as a black feminist lesbian mother
living in a society dominated by the social power of whiteness and patri-
archal heteronormativity, her fight was more complicated than most.
In 1977 she gave a paper entitled ‘The Transformation of Silence into
Language and Action’ that was to come to exemplify her public stance
against external and internalised pain that resulted from her position-
ing as a ‘sister outsider’.2 However, it was also immensely courageous
on another level, for in this talk Lorde unveiled her private battle with
breast cancer which was finally to take her life in 1992. But the break-
ing of silence always crossed between the public and private in Lorde’s
work and one gave strength to the other.3 So when she says, ‘My silence
had not protected me. Your silence will not protect you’,4 she is also
calling for a response from all of us, regardless of race, class, health or
choice of sexuality:
The fact that we are here and that I speak these words is an attempt
to break that silence and bridge some of those differences between
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Conclusion 161
us, for it is not difference which immobilizes us, but silence. And there
are so many silences to be broken.5
connection of the verb hang to the noun scream carries silently within
it reverberations of historical trauma and the violence of death by
lynching, and also recalls Billie Holiday’s 1939 blues song, ‘Strange
Fruit’, with its ‘strange bitter crop’ hanging silently in the trees, the
outcome of excessive white violence and silencing.10 However, read
within the cultural paradigm of whiteness alone, despite her eloquence,
the power of Lorde’s race politics are significantly undermined.
While I have focused on whiteness, ambivalence and trauma in the
chapters of this book – all of which compound acts of racialised silenc-
ing – I now want to offer a way to gesture beyond these difficulties. I
thus end with a close reading of Toni Morrison’s only published short
story ‘Recitatif’, which is a complex meditation on silence and the dif-
ficulty of gaining a voice in a world structured by racial hierarchies.11
As the musical metaphor of the title suggests, ‘recitative’ is a style of
musical declamation, intermediate between singing and ordinary
speech. The story is a riff on the traumatic ambivalence of silence that
threads through the lives of two young girls named Twyla and Roberta,
one black and one white, who meet for the first time when they are
both eight in St Bonney’s, a shelter for abandoned and orphaned chil-
dren. They have both been removed from or abandoned by their
mothers (it is purposefully ambiguous), Twyla because her mother
‘danced all night’ and Roberta because her mother was sick (243). Mor-
rison’s narrative concentrates on the working through of difficult (and
previously silenced) knowledge, which so often accompanies experi-
ences of cumulative trauma, and ends with a tentative speculation on
how to engage in more open and equal, but still difficult, interracial
‘Recitatif’ is, in many ways, an uncomfortable and demanding story
to read, not least because all the anger, pain and hatred are projected
onto the body of a mute woman named Maggie who has no recourse
to spoken resistance: in the words of one of the young girls who taunt
her, she ‘wouldn’t scream [because she] couldn’t’ (260). Moreover, in a
story in which Morrison deliberately erases all linguistic colour coding
in order to expose the hidden ideologies that are the mainstay of con-
tinuing racial prejudice in language, Maggie is the only ‘raced’ charac-
ter in the narrative, and indeed the colour of her skin is a constant
source of fascination.12 It is an unsettling, ambivalent reading experi-
ence that meshes with my work for a number of reasons. The two female
protagonists’ self-definition, read over a 30-year span, is hinged on the
knotted entanglement of their respective maternal inheritances and the
material and psychic effects of racial divisions. It is a story of damage,
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Conclusion 163
Conclusion 165
The minute I walked in and the Big Bozo introduced us, I got sick to
my stomach. It was one thing to be taken out of your own bed early
in the morning – it was something else to be stuck in a strange place
with a girl from a whole other race. And Mary, that’s my mother, she
was right. Every now and then she would stop dancing long enough
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to tell me something important and one of the things she said was
that they never washed their hair and they smelled funny. Roberta
sure did. Smell funny, I mean. (243)
Conclusion 167
So the first level of silencing contains many layers. There is the indi-
vidualised silence of repression or displacement through dissociation
which becomes so much a part of the lives of Rhys’s Antoinette,
Kincaid’s Lucy and Morrison’s Nel, and now, Roberta and Twyla. In the
stories I have discussed, this traumatic silencing centres on profoundly
ambivalent relationships between mothers and daughters. However,
as I hope to have demonstrated, this repressive silencing can never be
separated out from racial positioning, and in particular from the psychic
and material effects of the oppression and domination inherent in
the ideology of whiteness. It is an ambivalent protection, of course,
because knowledge hidden from the self remains in a state of stasis or
impasse and stifles the psychic movement necessary to move into a
state of mourning, thus curtailing forms of resistance. Indeed, this
individualised silence, or inability to share deep self-knowledge with
similar others, radiates outwards into the public arena. But at the same
time, this form of silence is constructed very ambivalently in Morrison’s
Two little girls who knew what nobody else in the world knew – how
not to ask questions. How to believe what had to be believed. There
was politeness in that reluctance and generosity as well. Is your
mother sick too? No, she dances all night. Oh – and an understand-
ing nod. (253)
However, ‘politeness’ and the liberal gesture can also mask white denial
(as is symbolised by Mariah in Kincaid’s Lucy), which is really only a
more benign form of the contemptuous dismissal. In a race-driven
society silencing is a power tactic of the privileged: ‘generosity’ as a pro-
tective shield can become a form of displaced denial made possible by
the shield of power.
In Morrison’s tale these forms of silence are shown to be socially con-
structed, as is racial prejudice, and the concepts are interwoven and
destructively tied together. The implication is that silent (or linguisti-
cally invisible) prejudices must be consciously confronted, disassembled
and laid bare in order that they may then be rethreaded in a different
configuration, one that makes the knots’ figurations a binding of posi-
tive strength. The second level of silencing in ‘Recitatif’, and one much
more entrenched and hard to break, is an essentialist one, tied to the
body, with the accompanying implications (and complications) of the
biological and the innate – the feminist taboo, as it were. In the text,
this tabooed area is further complicated by the fact that the mute figure
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in the text is Maggie who, as I stated earlier, is the only character explic-
itly connected to a racial positioning and the figure on whom all the
girls in St Bonny’s – regardless of race – vent their rage, violence and
cruelty. Abel describes her as a ‘figure of racial undecidability’ (472) –
she is variously drawn as ‘sandy-colored’ (245), ‘black’ (257) or even pos-
sibly ‘pitch-black’ (259) – she changes colour depending on the race of
the beholder and the vagaries of traumatic memory. What never alters
though is the fact that Maggie is punished for everybody else’s pain.
The gar girls push her down and tear off her clothes (254), Twyla and
Roberta also taunt and ridicule her, as if obsessed by her muteness:
But one incident in particular becomes for both the girls a traumatic
memory that will plague them for the duration of the story, overpow-
ering happy reminiscences of their past friendship nearly every time
they meet, as I shall demonstrate.
We first learn of Maggie’s existence through Twyla’s description of a
repeating dream of the shelter’s orchard in which ‘[n]othing really hap-
pened. Nothing all that important, I mean. Just the big girls dancing
and playing the radio. Roberta and me watching. Maggie fell down there
once’ (244–5). The sudden and abrupt inclusion of Maggie into the nar-
rative bespeaks trauma, but the depth of the repressed trauma and its
connection with the maternal only gradually becomes clear. After a brief
description of Maggie and a diversion into why she and Roberta ‘got
along’ – it is a friendship almost entirely based on ‘being nice about not
asking questions’ about each other (245) – there is a hint and fore-
shadowing of the interconnection in their minds of Maggie and their
mothers who have silently shut them out of their lives: ‘I think it was
the day before Maggie fell down that we found out our mothers were
coming to visit us’ (246). The agonies of the maternal visit (symbolic of
the many instances of distress that occur for both girls) become merged
with the horror of the day that Maggie falls down and is kicked and
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Conclusion 169
abused. They become condensed into one memory. All the children’s
self-hatred, their woundings from their mothers’ displacing behaviour
and their fear of permanent abandonment are projected onto Maggie,
whose mute coloured body becomes the repository for Twyla’s and
Roberta’s wounded bitterness and for the hatred and confusion of the
gar girls. Maggie becomes the abject, the object onto which all other
subjects expel the unspeakable aspects of their psyches in order to
survive.18 However, as ‘abjection is above all ambiguity’, it also simul-
taneously represents the failure of an abject displacement, ‘something
rejected from which one does not part’.19 Maggie has herself been raised
in an institution: she is all they might themselves become and, as such,
is loathed and persecuted. Yet ironically, it is the spectre of Maggie that
they take with them into the outside world.
Despite their tentative attempts to rekindle their past relationship,
three out of the four times Twyla and Roberta encounter each other over
the following decades, they are overwhelmed by the haunting memory
of the day Maggie fell down. At their first and disastrous meeting at
Howard Johnson’s, Roberta, falling back into her maternal patterns,
contemptuously dismisses Twyla apparently on racial grounds. They
part in anger and with a jibe about each other’s mother – the shared
part of them that is both a wound and a weapon. However, their next
chance encounter starts off promisingly by their being able to laugh at
what, at the time, had been a harrowing episode:
‘Maybe I am different now, Twyla. But you’re not. You’re the same
little state kid who kicked a poor old black lady when she was down
on the ground. You kicked a black lady and you have the nerve to
call me a bigot.’ (257)
What is particularly interesting about this scene (and also what makes
it hard to write about) is that what bothers Twyla about the incrimina-
tion is not that she is accused of bigotry, or that she has kicked an old
black lady, but the fact that Roberta says that Maggie is black:
With this epiphany, the story shifts into its final phase. On the way
home from buying a Christmas tree late one night, Twyla stops into a
diner, where she encounters Roberta, resplendent in a ‘silvery evening
gown and dark fur coat’ (260). Roberta leaves her grand circle of friends
and comes over and launches straight into an apology for her accusa-
tion all those years ago: ‘I have to tell you something, Twyla. I made up
my mind if I ever saw you again, I’d tell you’ (261). Twyla is reluctant
to re-enter this psychic space but Roberta insists:
‘Listen to me. I really did think she was black. I didn’t make that up.
I really thought so. But now I can’t be sure. I just remember her as
old, so old. And because she couldn’t talk – well, you know; I thought
she was crazy. She’d been brought up in an institution like my
mother was and like I thought I would be too. And you were right.
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Conclusion 171
We didn’t kick her. It was the gar girls. Only them. But, well, I wanted
to. I really wanted them to hurt her.’ (261)
She wiped her cheeks with the heel of her hand and smiled. ‘Well
that’s all I wanted to say.’ . . .
‘Thanks, Roberta.’
‘Did I ever tell you? My mother, she never did stop dancing.’
‘Yes. You told me. And mine, she never got well.’ Roberta lifted
her hands from the tabletop and covered her face with her palms.
When she took them away she really was crying. ‘Oh shit, Twyla.
Shit, shit, shit. What the hell happened to Maggie?’ (261)
1. June Jordan, ‘Gettin Down to Get Over’, a poem dedicated to her mother,
Naming Our Destiny: New and Selected Poems (New York: Thunder’s Mouth
Press, 1989) 75–6, emphasis in original.
2. Clifford W. Ashley, The Ashley Book of Knots (New York: Doubleday, 1946)
3. Sara Ruddick, ‘Maternal Thinking’, Feminist Studies 6 (1980): 368.
4. Rosi Braidotti, ‘The politics of ontological difference’, Between Feminism &
Psychoanalysis, ed. Teresa Brennan (London & New York: Routledge, 1990)
5. Nancy Chodorow, The Reproduction of Mothering: Psychoanalysis and the
Sociology of Gender (Berkeley, Los Angeles & London: University of Califor-
nia Press, 1978).
6. Patricia Hill Collins, ‘Shifting the Center: Race, Class, and Feminist Theo-
rizing about Motherhood’, Mothering: Ideology, Experience, and Agency, eds
Evelyn Nakana Glenn, Grace Chang and Linda Forcey (New York & London:
Routledge, 1994) 63.
7. Hill Collins (1994), 45–65.
8. Jane Lazarre, The Mother Knot (New York: McGraw-Hill, 1976).
9. Marianne Hirsch, The Mother/Daughter Plot: Narrative, Psychoanalysis, Femi-
nism (Bloomington & Indianapolis: Indiana University Press, 1989).
10. Future readings, Hirsch states, ‘should relinquish their exclusive depen-
dence on psychoanalytic models and will have to integrate psychoanalysis
with other perspectives – historical, social and economic . . . They will have
to include aggression, ambivalence, contradiction, even as they wish for
connection, support, and affiliation. They have to include the body even
as they avoid essentialism. See Hirsch (1989), 198–9.
11. As Spivak’s use of the metaphor has many similarities to mine, I quote a
central passage in full: ‘A subject-effect can be briefly plotted as follows:
that which seems to operate as a subject may be part of an immense dis-
continuous network (“text” in the general sense) of strands that may be
termed politics, ideology, economics, history, sexuality, language, and so
on. (Each of these strands, if they are isolated, can also be seen as woven
out of many strands.) Different knottings and configurations of these
strands, determined by heterogeneous determinations which are them-
selves dependent upon myriad circumstances, produce the effect of the
operating subject.’ Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak, ‘Subaltern Studies: Decon-
structing Historiography’, In Other Worlds: Essays in Cultural Politics (New
York & London: Routledge, 1988b) 204.
12. Diana Fuss ed. Inside/Out: Lesbian Theories, Gay Theories (New York &
London, Routledge, 1991).
13. Susan Rubin Suleiman, ‘Nadja, Dora, Lol V. Stein: women, madness and
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174 Notes
Notes 175
28. Karla F.C. Holloway, Codes of Conduct: Race, Ethics, and the Color of Our
Character (New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press, 1995) 34.
29. Holloway (1995), 34, emphasis added.
30. Lorene Cary, Black Ice (New York: Vintage, 1991) 58–9. Quoted in Holloway
(1995), 30. bell hooks has also written extensively of her notion of ‘talking
back’, see Talking Back: Thinking Feminist, Thinking Black (London: Sheba,
1989), especially 5–9. Jamaica Kincaid has a version called ‘backchat’ which
she uses in Lucy and which I shall discuss again in the chapters on her work.
31. See Holloway (1995), 30–6.
32. Valerie Smith, ‘Black Feminist Theory and the Representation of the
“Other” ’, Changing Our Own Words: Essays on Criticism, Theory, and Writing
by Black Women, ed. Cheryl A. Wall (London: Routledge, 1990), 45.
33. Articles which draw attention to such forms of appropriation are Norma
Alarcón, ‘The Theoretical Subject(s) of This Bridge Called My Back and Anglo-
American Feminism’, Criticism in the Borderlands: Studies in Chicano Litera-
ture, Culture and Ideology, eds Héctor Calderon and José David Saldivar
(Durham & London: Duke University Press, 1991) 28–39; Chela Sandoval,
‘The Theory and Method of Oppositional Consciousness in the Postmod-
ern World’, Genders 10 (1991): 1–24; Paula M.L. Moya, ‘Postmodernism,
“Realism,” and the Politics of Identity: Cherríe Moraga and Chicana
Feminism’, Feminist Genealogies, Colonial Legacies, Democratic Futures, eds M.
Jacqui Alexander and Chandra Talpade Mohanty (New York & London:
Routledge, 1997) 125–50; and Abby Wilkerson, ‘Ending at the Skin:
Sexuality and Race in Feminist Theorizing’, Hypatia 12:3 (1997): 164–73.
34. Holloway (1995), 18.
35. Patricia J. Williams, Seeing a Colour-Blind Future: The Paradox of Race, The
1997 Reith Lectures (London: Virago, 1997) 57.
36. Williams (1997), 59.
37. Williams (1997), 13.
38. Williams (1997), 13.
39. Elizabeth Abel, Barbara Christian and Helene Moglen, ‘Introduction: The
Dream of a Common Language’, Female Subjects in Black and White: Race,
Psychoanalysis, Feminism, eds Elizabeth Abel, Barbara Christian and Helene
Moglen (Berkeley, Los Angeles & London: University of California Press,
1997) 13, emphasis added.
40. Judith L. Raiskin, Snow on the Canefields: Women’s Writing and Creole Sub-
jectivity (Minneapolis & London: University of Minnesota Press, 1996) 98.
41. See Rosalyn Terborg-Penn, ‘Black Women in Resistance: A Cross-Cultural
Perspective’, In Resistance: Studies in African, Caribbean, and Afro-American
History, ed. Gary Y. Okihiro (Amherst: University of Massachusetts Press,
1986) 198–200.
42. Betsy Wing, ‘Translator’s Introduction’, Poetics of Relation, Édouard Glissant,
trans. Betsy Wing (Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 1997) xii.
43. Glissant (1997), 71.
44. Glissant (1997), 33.
45. See, for instance, Motherlands: Black Women’s Writing from Africa, the
Caribbean and South Asia, ed. Susheila Nasta (London: The Women’s Press,
1991); Vron Ware, Beyond the Pale: White Women, Racism and History
(London & New York: Verso, 1992).
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176 Notes
46. Lorde (1984), 149–50. The emphasis is mine. The interweaving themes of
survival and maternal love is an important focus in Sula.
47. Michelle Wallace, ‘Variations on Negation and the Heresy of Black Femi-
nist Creativity’, Invisibility Blues: From Pop to Theory (London & New York:
Verso, 1990) 214.
48. See ‘Ambivalence’, The New Fontana Dictionary of Modern Thought, eds Alan
Bullock and Stephen Trombley (London: Harper Collins, 2000) 26.
49. Muriel Dimen, ‘In the Zone of Ambivalence: A Journal of Competition’,
Feminist Nightmares, Women at Odds: Feminism and the Problem of Sisterhood,
eds Susan Ostrov Weisser and Jennifer Fleischner (New York & London: New
York University Press, 1994) 379.
50. Deborah E. McDowell, ‘Boundaries: Or Distant Relations and Close Kin’,
Afro-American Literary Study in the 1990s, eds Houston A. Baker Jr and Patri-
cia Redmond (Chicago & London: University of Chicago Press, 1989) 51–70
and Hortense J. Spillers, ‘Response’, 71–3. Spillers’ quotations appear on 72
and the emphasis is hers.
51. Geneva Smitherman, Talkin and Testifyin: The Language of Black America
(Detroit: Wayne State University Press, 1977) 10–11 (emphasis in original).
See Du Bois, (1989 [1903]) 5 for his concept of double-consciousness.
52. Homi K. Bhabha, ‘Of Mimicry and Man: The ambivalence of colonial dis-
course’ [1984], The Location of Culture (London & New York: Routledge,
1994(b)) 85–92.
53. Anne McClintock, Imperial Leather: Race, Gender and Sexuality in the Colonial
Conquest (New York & London: Routledge, 1995) 65.
54. Wahneema Lubiano, ‘Mapping the Interstices between Afro-American
Cultural Discourse and Cultural Studies’, Callaloo 19:1 (1996): 69.
55. Cheryl A. Wall, ‘Introduction: Taking Positions and Changing Words’,
Changing Our Own Words: Essays on Criticism, Theory, and Writing by Black
Women, ed. Cheryl A. Wall (London: Routledge, 1990) 2.
56. Avtar Brah, Cartographies of Diaspora: Contesting Identities (London & New
York: Routledge, 1996) 14.
57. Leslie G. Roman, ‘White is a Color! White Defensiveness, Postmodernism,
and Anti-Racist Pedagogy’, Race, Identity and Representation in Education, eds
Cameron McCarthy and Warren Crichlow (New York: Routledge, 1993) 72.
58. Toni Morrison, Playing in the Dark: Whiteness and the Literary Imagination.
The William E. Massey Sr. Lectures in the History of American Civilization
(London: Picador, 1993(a)) 46.
59. Yvonne Atkinson, ‘Language That Bears Witness: The Black English Oral
Tradition in the Works of Toni Morrison’, The Aesthetics of Toni Morrison:
Speaking the Unspeakable, ed. Marc C. Conner (Jackson: University of
Mississippi, 2000) 25.
60. Morrison (1993(a)), 63.
61. I refer throughout this book to Morrison’s fiction, which aside from my
close reading of Sula especially includes The Bluest Eye and Beloved, but also
her essays such as ‘Memory, Creation, and Writing’, Thought 59:235 (1984):
385–90; ‘Rootedness: The Ancestor as Foundation’, Black Women Writers:
Arguments and Interviews, ed. Mari Evans (London & Sydney: Pluto Press,
1985) 339–45; ‘The Site of Memory’, Inventing the Truth: The Art and Craft
of Memoir, ed. William Zinsser (Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1987) 103–24;
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Notes 177
178 Notes
Notes 179
1. Derek Walcott, ‘Jean Rhys’ in his Collected Poems 1948–1984 (New York:
Farrar, Straus & Giroux, 1986) 427–9 (emphasis added).
2. Walcott modifies the ‘hush’ with the racial marker white, for he is writing
about the racialised culture of the white creole in a cultural context in
which the meaning of the word creole changed along with the shifting
forces of colonisation. The racial and linguistic fluidity of the term ‘creole’,
its history and ambivalent status are outlined by Edward Brathwaite in his
Contradictory Omens: Cultural Diversity and Integration in the Caribbean
(Mona: Savacou Publications, 1974). I found while writing the chapters on
Wide Sargasso Sea that having always to insert a racial modifier extremely
problematic as this constantly reifies racial divisions.
3. This is a quotation from Homi Bhabha’s ‘Introduction’ to his collection
of essays published as The Location of Culture (London: Routledge, 1994a)
4. Thomas Loe begins his essay, ‘Patterns of the Zombie in Jean Rhys’s Wide
Sargasso Sea’, World Literature Written in English 31:1 (1991): 34–42 with
much the same line of argument about the suggestiveness of the unsaid in
Rhys’s Caribbean novel but with a different inference.
5. Caruth (1996), 24.
6. Helen Carr, Jean Rhys (Plymouth, UK: Northcote House, 1996) 18.
7. Kenneth Ramchand, The West Indian Novel and its Background (London:
Faber & Faber, 1970) 225. Ramchand was referring to three novels by white
West Indians: Jean Rhys’s Wide Sargasso Sea, Phyllis Shand Allfrey’s The
Orchid House, and Geoffrey Drayton’s Christopher.
8. Sanford Sternlicht, Jean Rhys (New York: Twayne; London, Prentice Hall,
1997) 118.
9. While Jean Rhys grew up in Dominica (hence Walcott’s references), Wide
Sargasso Sea is set in Jamaica.
10. Jean Rhys, Wide Sargasso Sea [1966] (London: Penguin, 1997) 122. This
Penguin edition has a useful introduction, appendix and notes by Angela
Smith. Gold was indeed the imperial idol, as is well documented by Eric
Williams in his early classic text, Capitalism and Slavery (London: Andre
Deutsch, 1964). The equation of wealth with the authoritative power of
imperial whiteness is so omnipresent in this novel that even as a small child
Tia says tauntingly to Antoinette: ‘Plenty white people in Jamaica. Real
white people, they got gold money . . . Old time white people nothing but
white nigger now’ (10).
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180 Notes
11. From the point of view of former slaves, the apprenticeship system was just
slavery in a new guise. They were effectively still owned by white masters,
only now these were special magistrates paid by the government. See Sue
Thomas, The Worlding of Jean Rhys (Westport, CN & London: Greenwood
Press, 1999) 167–71. See also Angela Smith (Wide Sargasso Sea 1997) 133–4.
12. The phrase ‘white but not quite’ is an intervention into Homi Bhabha’s the-
oretical exposition of his reading of the ambivalence of ‘mimicry as ironic
compromise’. See his essay ‘Of Mimicry and Man: The ambivalence of colo-
nial discourse’, Bhabha (1994(b)), 85–92. See especially 86, 89 and 91 for
variants of the phrase.
13. Brathwaite (1974), 6 (emphasis in original).
14. Brathwaite (1974), 11.
15. The notion of a creative ambivalence that radiates out from the Caribbean
is a theme I explore in the chapters on Jamaica Kincaid’s Lucy.
16. Brathwaite (1974), 34–5.
17. Brathwaite (1974), 38.
18. Edward Said, Culture and Imperialism (New York: Knopf, 1993). See especially
66–7, 295, 278–81, 316–17, 335–6. Importantly for my reading, Said’s inter-
pretative strategy stresses the importance of contradiction, ambivalence and
the power of metaphor. Indeed, Said’s metaphor of musicality echoes
through this book which ends with a reading of a short story of Toni
Morrison’s entitled ‘Recitatif’.
19. Said (1993), 66.
20. Charlotte Brontë, Jane Eyre [1847] (Oxford & New York: Oxford University
Press, 1993) 307.
21. In an interview in the late 1970s, Rhys describes how when she read Jane
Eyre she had wondered: ‘Why should she [Brontë] think Creole women are
lunatics . . . What a shame to make Rochester’s first wife, Bertha, the awful
madwoman . . . I thought I’d try and write her a life.’ Quoted in Nancy R.
Harrison, Jean Rhys and the Novel as Women’s Text (Chapel Hill & London:
University of North Carolina Press, 1988) 128.
22. Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak, ‘Three Women’s Texts and a Critique of
Imperialism’, Critical Inquiry 12 (1985): 244.
23. However, Dominick LaCapra, an important historian of trauma, also main-
tains that while empathy can be ‘mistakenly conflated with identification
or fusion with the other . . . it should rather be understood in terms of an
affective relation, rapport, or bond with the other recognized and respected
as such’, sympathy implies ‘difference from the discrete other who is the
object of pity, charity, or condescension’. LaCapra (2001) 212–3. Here I have
used the categories of empathy and sympathy interchangeably because in
Rhys’s novel they are affective weapons of power that are utilised in the
same way for the same result.
24. This point is also made by Judith Raiskin but with a completely different
focus from mine. Her reading of Rhys’s cultural appropriation solely relates
to the notion of zombification of which she writes interestingly and in great
detail. Raiskin (1996), 129–43. Of marooning she says little, just a one sen-
tence reference to the possibilities of the word’s double reading (132). Mary
Lou Emery is the only critic to my knowledge who discusses marooning in
its fully developed Caribbean meaning. See her monograph Jean Rhys at
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Notes 181
‘World’s End’: Novels of Colonial and Sexual Exile (Austin: University of Texas
Press, 1990) 39–45. However, Emery’s reading of maroon history and its
connections with Rhys’s character Annette, focuses on the betrayals of
maroon leaders and so has a completely different political focal point from
25. Oxford English Dictionary, Vol VI, L–M (Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1961) 178.
26. See Spillers (1987): 65–81.
27. Antonio Benítez-Rojo, The Repeating Island: The Caribbean and the Postmod-
ern Perspective, trans. James Maraniss (Durham & London: Duke University
Press, 1992) 254 (emphasis added).
28. Cited in Teresa O’Connor, Jean Rhys: The West Indian Novels (New York &
London: New York University Press, 1986) 36. The enigmatic insight of Wide
Sargasso Sea is that racial positioning is not always reliant on skin colour
that cannot be changed. Instead, the novel highlights the discursive con-
struction of racial subjectivity in all its contradictions, especially the split
subjectivity of the white, Caribbean, creole woman.
29. Mavis C. Campbell, The Maroons of Jamaica 1655–1796: A History of Resis-
tance, Collaboration & Betrayal (Granby, MA: Bergin & Garvey, 1988) 1. See
also Eugene D. Genovese, From Rebellion to Revolution: Afro-American Slave
Revolts in the Making of the Modern World (New York: Vintage, 1981) espe-
cially Chapter 2, ‘Black Maroons in War and Peace’, 51–81.
30. The root of the word maroon is the Spanish cimarron which referred to
domesticated cattle which escaped to the mountains. Carib Indians who
avoided being massacred by the colonisers by also escaping to the moun-
tains were then called maroons. However, it was when the African slaves
started fleeing the plantations in sizeable numbers, forming communities
and engaging with highly effective guerilla tactics against the plantation
owners that the term maroon became synonymous with successful resis-
tance. Maroon societies have survived on into the present day in Jamaica
and Suriname. Continuation of the maroon tradition of resistance to
oppression resonate in great freedom fighter icons of the twentieth century
such as Marcus Garvey, whose father was a maroon. Campbell (1988), 12.
The ‘chronic plague’ is a quotation taken from Lucien Peytraud, L’esclavage
aux Antilles françaises avant 1789 (Paris, Hachette, 1897) 373, and cited in
Richard Price, ‘Introduction: Maroons and Their Communities’, Maroon
Societies: Rebel Slave Communities in the Americas, ed. Richard Price (New
York: Anchor, 1973) 2.
31. See Campbell (1988), 47.
32. Price (1973), 2.
33. Hardly a decade went by without some kind of large-scale revolt that threat-
ened the white plantocracy. There were two Maroon Wars – the first begin-
ning in 1725 and lasting 15 years, the second from 1784 until 1832 – both
of which required the British to sign Treaties to end them. There was, of
course, one outrightly successful slave rebellion in the Caribbean led by
Touissaint L’Ouverture. See C.L.R. James, The Black Jacobins: Touissant Lou-
verture and the San Domingo Revolution (London: Secker and Warburg, 1938).
34. David Spurr, Rhetoric of Empire: Colonial Discourse in Journalism, Travel
Writing, and Imperial Administration (Durham & London, Duke University
Press, 1993) 31.
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Notes 183
45. Laroche believes that ‘it was apparently the trauma of slavery, transporta-
tion from Africa . . . [and] the experience of colonial oppression, which led
the Africans . . . to make adjustment in their conception of the living-dead’
46. duCille (1997), 21–56.
47. This is a quotation from Patricia Sharpe, F.E. Mascia-Lee, C.B. Cohen, ‘White
Women and Black Men: Different Responses to Reading Black Women’s
Texts’, College English 52 (February 1990): 146. It appears, and duCille’s
discussion of it, in duCille (1997), 49.
48. duCille (1997), 29, emphasis added.
49. Judith Herman, in her monograph on trauma written from a feminist per-
spective, argues that despite the fact that traumatic experiences are very
varied, ‘the recovery process always follows a common pathway. The fun-
damental states of recovery are establishing safety, reconstructing the
trauma story, and restoring the connection between survivors and their
community.’ Trauma and Recovery: From Domestic Abuse to Political Terror
(London: Pandora, 1992) 3 (emphasis added). Traumatic events destroy the
victim’s general belief in safety of self, a sense of safety that is initially estab-
lished in earliest life in the relationship with the first caretaker, who is most
often the mother. Herman (1992), 51.
50. In direct opposition to the idea of concealment in the white safety in
metaphor is the key black trope of testimony which Henry Louis Gates Jr
discusses at length in The Signifying Monkey: A Theory of African-American
Literary Criticism (New York: Oxford University Press, 1988). See especially,
51. Christophine was one of Annette’s former husband’s wedding presents to
52. This is a particularly bitter story of racial betrayal. The order for the mas-
sacre is thought to have been given by Philip Warner, Sir Thomas Warner’s
legitimate (white) son. See Thomas (1999), 173. See also Wild Majesty:
Encounters with Caribs from Colombus to the Present Day, eds Peter Hulme and
Neil L. Whitehead (Oxford: Clarendon Press; New York: Oxford University
Press, 1992) 89–106. A related part of the forgotten history is that Massacre
was one of the villages that was singled out by white authorities as a site
central to the powers of obeah practices. Thomas describes how a ‘moral
panic’ was engendered in the white population by outbreaks of obeah
rituals in Massacre which pushed forward the promulgation of The Obeah
Act 1904 amid much accompanying publicity. Rhys, Thomas tells us, was
14 at the time of the passing of the Act and would have been well aware
of its implications and the fear it engendered among white creoles (158–9).
53. Elaine Savory, Jean Rhys (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1998)
54. Savory (1998), 136. Hereby a gender reading completely overrides the racial
underpinnings of the metaphor and its power differentials and, in effect,
reproduces the logic of Western imperialism in its unthinking appropria-
tion of the difference of the other.
55. Another example that particularly struck me was a chapter on Rhys in a
text of literary criticism that focuses on metaphor in women’s fiction. The
chapter is entitled ‘ “. . . marooned . . .”: Jean Rhys’s desolate women’ and
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Notes 185
186 Notes
Notes 187
1. This phrase is Audre Lorde’s. It is the second line of one of her poems enti-
tled, ‘A Song for Many Movements’, which begins: ‘Nobody wants to die
on the way/caught between ghosts of whiteness’. Audre Lorde, The Black
Unicorn [1978] (New York: Norton, 1995) 52.
2. Spivak (1993), 226.
3. Jean Rhys Letters 1931–1966, eds Francis Wyndham and Diana Melly
(London: Penguin, 1985) 297.
4. Given the importance of naming in the novel, there is a certain sense of
irony in Rhys’s choice for Christophine’s surname. Even if Rhys had not
heard of W.E.B. Du Bois, many contemporary readers would be well aware
of the significance of this name. Moreover, Christophine exhibits many of
the hallmarks of Du Bois’s exposition of double-consciousness, albeit trans-
figured into female (Caribbean) form. The notion of double-consciousness
is a subject to which I shall return in greater detail in later chapters.
5. Spivak (1985), 252.
6. This point is also made by Caroline Rody, ‘Burning Down the House: The
Revisionary Paradigm of Jean Rhys’s Wide Sargasso Sea’, Famous Last Words:
Changes in Gender and Narrative Closure, ed. Alison Booth (Charlottesville:
University Press of Virginia, 1993) 307.
7. Benita Parry, ‘Problems in Current Theories of Colonial Discourse’, Oxford
Literary Review 9 (1987): 38.
8. Patricia Hill Collins, Black Feminist Thought: Knowledge, Consciousness, and
the Politics of Empowerment (New York & London: Routledge, 1990) see espe-
cially 119–23.
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188 Notes
Notes 189
21. See Thorunn Lonsdale, ‘Literary Allusion in the Fiction of Jean Rhys’,
Caribbean Women Writers: Fiction in English, eds Mary Condé and Thorunn
Lonsdale (New York: St Martin’s Press (now Palgrave Macmillan), 1999,
59–66. See also Belinda Edmondson, ‘Race, Privilege, and the Politics of
(Re)Writing History: An Analysis of the Novels of Michelle Cliff’, Callaloo
16:1 (1993): 180–91.
22. Caruth (1991), 423.
23. Elspeth Probyn, ‘This Body Which Is Not One: Speaking the Embodied Self’,
Hypatia 6:3 (1991): 116.
24. John Frow, ‘The Politics of Stolen Time’, Meanjin 57:2 (1998): 366.
190 Notes
Notes 191
York & London: Routledge, 1996) 176. Spivak contends that the impetus of
this essay is to ‘give woman’ to Echo.
29. See The Metamorphoses of Ovid, trans. & ed. Mary M. Innes (London:
Penguin, 1955) Book III. The myth of Narcissus and Echo is told in lines
256–510, on pages 83–7.
30. Bonetti (1992), 130.
31. Spillers (1987), 65–81.
32. Spillers (1987), 66, 67–8.
33. Spillers (1987), 68. Proverbs constitute an essential dimension of commu-
nication in Africa and the African diaspora, and creating or re-troping
already exisiting Anglo-European proverbs is an important part of resistance
practices inherent in Black English. See Jack L. Daniel, Geneva Smitherman-
Donaldson and Milford A. Jeremiah, ‘Makin’ A Way Outa No Way: The
Proverb Tradition in the Black Experience’, Journal of Black Studies 17:4 (June
1987): 482–508.
34. Hortense J. Spillers, ‘Interstices: A Small Drama of Words’, ed. Carole Vance,
Pleasure and Danger: Exploring Female Sexuality (Boston: Routledge & Kegan
Paul, 1984) 84.
35. John Hollander, The Figure of Echo: A Mode of Allusion in Milton and After
(Berkeley, Los Angeles & London: University of California Press, 1981) 8.
36. Ovid (1955), 84.
37. Ovid (1955), 84.
38. John Brenkman, ‘Narcissus in the Text’, Georgia Review 30 (1976): 297–8.
39. Bhabha outlines his theory of colonial mimicry most clearly in his essay,
‘Of Mimicry and Man: The Ambivalence of Colonial Discourse’, Bhabha
(1994(b)), 85–92. The word echolalia is both a psychiatric term that
describes the tendency to repeat mechanically words just spoken by another
person which can occur in case of brain damage, mental retardation, and
schizophrenia; or it denotes the imitation by an infant of the vocal sounds
produced by (maternal) others. I use this word with a sense of irony.
40. Barbara Christian, ‘Fixing Methodologies: Beloved’, Female Subjects in
Black and White: Race, Psychoanalysis, Feminism, eds Elizabeth Abel, Barbara
Christian, Helene Moglen (Berkeley, Los Angeles & London: University of
California Press, 1997) 364.
41. Cornel West, ‘W.E.B. Du Bois: An Interpretation’, Africana: The Encyclopedia
of the African American Experience, eds Kwame Anthony Appiah and Henry
Louis Gates Jr (New York: Basic Civitas Books, 1999) 1974.
42. Du Bois (1989 [1903]), 209.
43. Du Bois (1989 [1903]), 205, 208, 209. See Barbara E. Bowen, ‘Untroubled
voice: call and response in Cane,’ Black Literature and Literary Theory, ed.
Henry Louis Gates Jr (New York & London: Methuen, 1984) 199; Chapter
1, ‘African American History and Culture, 1619–1808: The Description of
the Conditions of Slavery and Oppression’, Call and Response: The Riverside
Anthology of the African American Literary Tradition, ed. Patricia Liggins Hill
(Boston & New York: Houghton Mifflin, 1998) 1–68.
44. Gayl Jones, Liberating Voices: Oral Tradition in African American Literature
(Cambridge, MA & London: Harvard University Press, 1991).
45. Bernard W. Bell, ‘Voices of Double Consciousness in African American
Fiction: Charles W. Chestnutt, Zora Neale Hurston, Dorothy West, and
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192 Notes
Richard Wright’, Teaching African American Literature: Theory and Practice, eds
Maryemma Graham, Sharon Pineault-Burke and Marianna White Davis
(New York & London: Routledge, 1998) 132.
46. Cheryl A. Wall, ‘Review of Houston Baker Jr’s Modernism and the Harlem
Renaissance and Melvin Dixon’s Ride Out the Wilderness: Geography and
Identity in Afro-American Literature’, American Literature 60 (1988): 680.
47. Jones (1991), 197 (emphasis added).
48. Toni Morrison, Beloved (London: Picador, 1988) 87–9.
49. Historian Darlene Clark Hine suggests that double-consciousness would
become a great deal more complex if both gender and class were also con-
sidered important in Du Bois’s dialectical model. If the Negro male was to
feel his ‘two-ness’, then, Clarke Hine argues, ‘he would have mused about
how one ever feels her “fiveness”: Negro, American, woman, poor, black
woman’ (emphasis is mine). Darlene Clark Hine, ‘ “In the Kingdom of
Culture”: Black Women and the Intersection of Race, Gender, and Class’,
Lure and Loathing: Essays on Race, Identity, and the Ambivalence of Assimila-
tion ed. Gerald Early (New York & London: Penguin, 1994) 338.
50. Du Bois (1989 [1903]), 5.
51. Gates Jr (1988).
52. Jones (1991), 102.
53. Du Bois (1989 [1903]), 217. For a reading of The Souls of Black Folk as a
classic Enlightenment text, see West (1999), 1967–8.
54. Glissant (1997), 71.
1. bell hooks, Black Looks: Race and Representation (Boston MA: South End
Press, 1992) 167.
2. For a reading of the whiteness of the Virgin Mary in Western culture, see
Richard Dyer, White (London & New York: Routledge, 1997) 66, 68.
3. Morrison (1993a), 9–10.
4. Spillers (1987), 65.
5. William Wordsworth, ‘I Wandered Lonely As A Cloud’, The Selected Poetry
and Prose of Wordsworth, ed. Geoffrey Hartman (New York: Meridian, 1980)
6. Morrison (1993b), 103, 104.
7. This seems particularly pertinent when you read what Thomas Jefferson
said of African slaves: ‘Their griefs are transient. Those numberless afflic-
tions, which render it doubtful whether heaven has given life to us in mercy
or wrath, are less felt, and sooner forgotten with them’. Jefferson went on
to explain that this lack of feeling in slaves was the reason why they pro-
duced no art or literature: ‘Misery is often the parent of the most affecting
touches in poetry,’ he stated. ‘Among blacks is misery enough, God knows,
but no poetry’. It would seem that Jefferson’s description would be better
utilised to describe both his own lack of feeling and any sense of empathy
for the traumas inflicted on others. Thomas Jefferson, The Portable Thomas
Jefferson, ed. Merrill D. Peterson (New York: Penguin, 1977) 187–88, 189.
Quoted in Atkinson (2000), 13.
8. Birbalsingh (1996), 143. Her early loving relationship with her mother and
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Notes 193
its connection with her mother’s immense pride in her precocious reading
ability and her love for reading is a frequent trope in Kincaid’s interviews,
much of the subject matter of which always revolves around her mother.
It is the subject to which she incessantly returns, even to the extent that
she admits that her mother is ‘the person I really write for, I suspect’.
Bonetti (1992), 141.
9. Jamaica Kincaid, My Brother (New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 1997) 132.
10. See Kristen Mahlis, ‘Gender and Exile: Jamaica Kincaid’s Lucy’, Modern
Fiction Studies 44:1 (1998): 168–9.
11. See Diane Simmons, Jamaica Kincaid (New York: Twayne, 1994) 1–2.
12. Quoted in Paravisini-Gebert (1999), 25.
13. Selwyn R. Cudjoe, ‘Jamaica Kincaid and the Modernist Project: An
Interview’, Callaloo 12 (1989): 400 and 402.
14. See Allan Vorda, ‘An Interview with Jamaica Kincaid’, Mississippi Review 20
(1991): 12.
15. Kincaid tells an interviewer that the reason Antigua suffers from drought is
‘because the English people who settled it cleared it of its rain forest and
changed the ecology’. Pamela Buchanan Muirhead, ‘An Interview with
Jamaica Kincaid’, Clockwatch Review 9:1–2 (1994–95): 46.
16. Morrison (1993a).
17. George Lipsitz, The Possessive Investment in Whiteness: How White People
Profit from Identity Politics (Philadelphia, Temple University Press, 1998).
Lipsitz’s provocative thesis is a confrontational reading of the material
effects of white privilege in America and the demonisation of non-white
people. He deliberates from a clearly-argued historical perspective that the
so-called ‘color-blind’ public policy contributes to the maintenance of
racism: ‘Desire for slave labor encouraged European settlers in North
America to view, first, Native Americans and, later, African Americans as
racially inferior people suited “by nature” for the humiliating subordina-
tion of involuntary servitude. The long history of the possessive investment
in whiteness stems in no small measure from the fact that all subsequent
immigrants to North America have come to an already racialized society.
From the start, European settlers in North America established structures
encouraging such a view of whiteness’ (20, emphasis added).
18. hooks (1992), 167–8.
19. For a gender and race-cognisant reading of Paul Gaugin’s Melanesian art
and the racist discourse that structures art and art history, see Griselda
Pollock, Avant-Garde Gambits 1888–1893: Gender and the Colour of Art History
(London: Thames and Hudson, 1992).
20. For a reading of the status of white trash who act as the polluted border
between black and white races in America, see John Hartigan, Jr, ‘Unpop-
ular Culture: The Case of “White Trash” ’, Cultural Studies 11:2 (1997):
316–43; Annalee Newitz and Matthew Wray, ‘What is “White Trash”?
Stereotypes and Economic Conditions of Poor Whites in the United States’,
Whiteness: A Critical Reader, ed. Mike Hill (New York & London: New York
Univeristy Press, 1997) 168–84.
21. Caryl Phillips, The European Tribe [1987] (New York: Vintage, 2000) 2.
22. See Fran Bartkowski, ‘Travelers v. Ethnics: Discourses of Displacement’,
Discourse 15:3 (Spring 1993): 169.
23. Important though de Beauvoir’s work is, her philosophical destabilising is
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194 Notes
1. Derek Walcott, ‘The Sea Is History’, Collected Poems 1948–1984 (New York:
Farrar, Straus & Giroux, 1986) 364–7 (emphasis added). Édouard Glissant
uses the title of Walcott’s poem (minus the definitive article) as an epigraph
to his Poetics of Relation (Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 1997).
2. West (1999), 1974.
3. Grace Nichols, I is a long memoried woman (London: Caribbean Cultural
International, Karnak House, 1983) 31.
4. de Abruna (1999), 178.
5. Tzvetan Todorov, The Conquest of America trans. Richard Howard (New York:
Harper & Row, 1984) 28.
6. Todorov (1984), 28.
7. Liggins Hill (1998), 14–15. Because of the enforced illiteracy in the slave
plantations and the outlawing of their own languages and religions, slaves
drew images for songs and tales from biblical epic narratives of the Old Tes-
tament that they heard from itinerant preachers and missionaries. Their
favourite scriptural heroes were Moses, Joshua, Samson, David who killed
Goliath and especially Satan, with his propensity for lying and conjuring
8. Derek Walcott, ‘The Muse of History: An Essay’, Is Massa Dead? Black Moods
in the Caribbean, ed. Orde Coombs (London: Anchor Books, 1974b) 11.
9. Proverbs 26: 4–5.
10. Orlando Patterson, Slavery and Social Death: A Comparative Study (Cam-
bridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1982) 338.
11. Barbara Christian, ‘The Race for Theory’ [1987] rpt. in Making Face, Making
Soul Haciendo Caras: Creative and Critical Perspectives by Feminists of Color,
ed. Gloria Anzaldúa (San Francisco: Aunt Lute Books, 1990) 336.
Notes 195
Nigger Joke” ’, Black American Literature Forum 13 (1979): 130–3; and Madhu
Dubey, Black Women Novelists and the Nationalist Aesthetic (Bloomington &
Indianapolis: Indiana University Press, 1994) 57, 62.
5. Patricia McKee writes interestingly in relation to this scene about the
embodiment of pain in relation to spaces of experience that the white man
can and cannot enter. See Patricia McKee, Producing American Races: Henry
James, William Faulkner, Toni Morrison (Durham & London: Duke Univer-
sity Press, 1999) 151.
6. Christian (1980b), 153.
7. Maureen T. Reddy, ‘The Tripled Plot and Center of Sula’, Black American
Literature Forum 22:1 (Spring 1988): 29.
8. Morrison describes the importance of the cycle of seasons, of birth and
death and natural signs that can be read in her fictive world this way: ‘It’s
an animated world in which trees can be outraged and hurt, and in which
the presence or absence of birds is meaningful. You have to be very still to
understand these so-called signs, in addition to which they inform you
about your behavior.’ Charles Ruas, ‘Toni Morrison’, Conversations with Toni
Morrison, ed. Danille Taylor-Guthrie (Jackson: University Press of Missis-
sippi, 1994) 100.
9. Barbara Christian, ‘Community and Nature: The Novels of Toni Morrison’,
Journal of Ethnic Studies 7:4 (1980a): 67.
10. In general, Morrison stages a harsh critique of black masculinity in Sula,
but this is always tempered by both a sympathetic and political under-
standing of the historical structures that resulted in the powerless position
of black men in American society.
11. Wendy Harding and Jacky Martin, A World of Difference: An Inter-Cultural
Study of Toni Morrison’s Novels (Westport, CN & London: Greenwood Press,
1994) 89–90.
12. Amanda Smith, ‘Toni Morrison’, Publishers Weekly (21 August 1987): 50.
Quoted in Harding and Martin (1994), 90.
13. Geneva Smitherman, Black Talk: Words and Phrases from the Hood to the Amen
Corner (Boston & New York: Houghton Mifflin, 1994) 68.
14. Zora Neale Hurston, ‘Characteristics of Negro Expression’ [1934], African-
American Literary Theory: A Reader, ed. Winston Napier (New York & London:
New York University Press, 2000) 40.
15. The entwining of black musical and artistic forms are rarely acknowledged
in mainstream white American culture. See Sieglinde Lemke, Primitivist
Modernism: Black Culture and the Origins of Transatlantic Modernism (Oxford
& New York: Oxford University Press, 1998) in which she uncovers a crucial
history of white and black intercultural exchange, a phenonemon until
quite recently obscured by a cloak of whiteness.
16. The idea of those that can or cannot read black cultural references here is
not meant as a statement of self-satisfied superiority. Until I started my
research for this chapter, I had no idea what the term cakewalk represented,
nor, for that matter, the meaning of a jook, or the allusion to the reading
of a community called the Bottom. My intention here is to emphasise
the importance of the subversive double-coding through which black
Americans communicate with one another in ways that the white popu-
lation cannot understand. As the whole notion of double-conscious
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196 Notes
Notes 197
the most direct seeing of a violent event may occur as an absolute inabil-
ity to know it, that immediacy, paradoxically, may take the form of belat-
edness. The repetitions of the traumatic event – unavailable to
consciousness, but intruding repeatedly on sight – thus suggest a larger rela-
tion to the event that extends beyond what can simply be seen or what can
be known, and that is inextricably tied up with the belatedness and incom-
prehensibility that remain at the heart of this repetitive seeing.’ Cathy
Caruth, ‘Traumatic Awakenings’, Performativity and Performance, ed. Andrew
Parker and Eve Kosofsky Sedgwick (New York & London: Routledge, 1995b)
32. Caruth (1993), 24. Caruth goes on to suggest that ‘[i]t is only in recogniz-
ing traumatic experience as a paradoxical relation between destructiveness
and survival that we can also recognize the legacy of incomprehensibility
at the heart of catastrophic experience.’
33. Caruth (1993), 24.
34. Caruth (1993), 25. I have intentionally broken the textual flow here to
suggest the unsettlingness of an abrupt shift in ‘linear’ progression that is
effected by a ‘break in the mind’s experience of time’.
35. Morrison (1993b), 114.
36. William Hurt Sledge, ‘The Therapist’s Use of Metaphor’, International Journal
of Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy 6 (1977): 128. See also, Richard Billow,
‘Metaphor: A Review of the Psychological Literature’, Psychological Bulletin
84:1 (1977): 87. Sledge sees the use of metaphor as an heuristic tool because
the use of metaphor can represent a form of ‘indirect discourse’ that allows
the person speaking to maintain the necessary distance from conscious
awareness of something that may be unspeakable, and at the same time
provide a safe vehicle for an unconscious off-loading of latent content
37. Smitherman (1977), 70.
38. Hurston (2000 [1934]), 32.
39. Hurston (2000 [1934]), 32, 33.
40. See Daniel 1–3. See also Karen Stein, ‘ “I Didn’t Even Know His Name”:
Names and Naming in Toni Morrison’s Sula’, Names: Journal of the Ameri-
can Name Society (September 1980): 228.
41. Jill Matus, Toni Morrison (Manchester & New York: Manchester University
Press, 1998) 55–6. Matus also applies a trauma reading to Sula along with
all Morrison’s other novels. She refers to the straitjacket imagery and to the
notion of Shadrack as a generic trauma case, but her focus is different from
42. See Elaine Showalter, The Female Malady: Women, Madness, and English
Culture, 1830–1980 (London: Virago, 1991), Chapter 7 ‘Male Hysteria:
W.H.R. Rivers and the Lessons of Shell Shock’, 167–94. It appears that the
symptoms of shell-shock took different forms in officers and regular sol-
diers: ‘paralysis, blindness, deafness, contracture of a limb, mutism, limping
– appeared primarily among the regular soldiers, while neurasthenic symp-
toms, such as nightmares, insomnia, heart palpitations, dizziness, depres-
sion, or disorientation, were more common among officers’ (174). Mutism,
the most common shell-shock symptom among regular soldiers, was very
rare among officers (175). Interestingly, Shadrack suffers from limping and
contracture of a limb, and to a lesser extent a form of mutism, though not
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198 Notes
Notes 199
200 Notes
Differences Among Women in Literature and Culture (New York & Oxford:
Oxford University Press, 1992) 164–8, and for a discussion of the scene that
threads around the command to look, see 159.
20. See especially passages in Sula on 170 and 110.
21. For a careful discussion of the double-voicing of African-American litera-
ture, and especially as it relates to Morrison, see Marc C. Conner, ‘Intro-
duction: Aesthetics and the African American Novel’, The Aesthetics of Toni
Morrison: Speaking the Unspeakable, ed. Marc C. Conner (Jackson: University
of Mississippi Press, 2000) xix–xx.
22. Morrison (1987), 103.
23. Morrison (1987), 109–10.
24. Morrison (1987), 110.
25. ‘Both in the old-time black Gospel song and in black street vernacular,
“gittin ovuh” has to do with surviving. While the religious usage of the
phrase speaks to spiritual survival in a sinister world of sin, its secular usage
speaks to material survival in a white world of oppression . . . In Black
America, the oral tradition has served as a fundamental vehicle for gittin
ovuh.’ Smitherman (1977), 73. See also Smitherman (1994), 124. She lists
the term here as ‘git ovah’.
26. For a reading of the notion of ‘body memories’ and the embodiment of
traumatic memory, see Roberta Culbertson, ‘Embodied Memory, Transcen-
dence, and Telling: Recounting Trauma, Re-establishing the Self’, New Lit-
erary History 26 (1995): 169–95.
27. In a small vignette in her essay that connects memory to writing, Morri-
son draws an evocative picture of how ‘Hannah Peace’ came to be created,
which very much suggests the magnetism of the unsaid that surrounds
characters like Hannah and Rochelle. See Morrison (1987), 116.
28. Here again we have another metaphoric connection between sewing, seeing
and female distress.
29. J. Brooks Bouson, Quiet As It’s Kept: Shame Trauma, and Race in the Novels of
Toni Morrison (Albany: State University of New York Press, 2000) 52.
30. The position of the ambivalent narratee is a theme that I will explore in
more detail in my conclusion that is a reading of Morrison’s short story
31. Brooks Bouson (2000), 62.
32. Madhu Dubey states that ‘Sula’s refusal of reproduction is her greatest point
of difference from her community; it is what renders her evil and unnat-
ural to the people of the Bottom’. Dubey (1994), 58. Morrison, comment-
ing on Sula’s act of placing her grandmother in a home states in an
interview: ‘That’s more unforgivable than anything else she does, because
it suggests a lack of her sense of community.’ Anne Koenen, ‘The One Out
of Sequence’, Conversations with Toni Morrison, ed. Danille Taylor-Guthrie
(Jackson: University of Mississippi, 1994) 68.
Notes 201
202 Notes
1. Audre Lorde, The Marvelous Arithmetics of Distance: Poems 1987–1992 (New
York & London: Norton, 1993) 7 (emphasis added).
2. Audre Lorde, ‘The Transformation of Silence into Language and Action’,
Sister Outsider: Essays and Speeches (Freedom, CA: The Crossing Press, 1984)
40–4. Lorde’s self-reflexive positioning suggested by the term sister outsider
has both political and personal implications. Gloria Hull describes Lorde’s
choice this way: ‘When Lorde names herself “sister outsider”, she is claim-
ing the extremes of a difficult identity. I think we tend to read the two terms
with a diacritical slash between them – in an attempt to make some sepa-
rate, though conjoining, space. But Lorde has placed herself on that line
between either/or and both/and of “sister outsider” – and then erased her
chance for rest or mediation. However, the charged field between the two
energies remains strong, constantly suggested by the frequency with which
edges, lines, borders, margins, boundaries, and the like appear as significant
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Notes 203
figures in her work.’ Gloria T. Hull, ‘Living on the Line: Audre Lorde and
Our Dead Behind Us’, Changing Our Own Words: Essays on Criticism, Theory,
and Writing by Black Women, ed. Cheryl A. Wall (London: Routledge, 1990)
154 (emphasis added).
3. There is a wonderful moment in this essay when Lorde, struggling with the
knowledge that the transformation of silence into language and action is
necessarily an often painful act of self-revelation, discusses it with her
daughter who responds with a delightful and trusting openness that helps
her to proceed. Lorde (1984), 42.
4. Lorde (1984), 41.
5. Lorde (1984), 44 (emphasis added).
6. Evelynn M. Hammonds, ‘Toward a Genealogy of Black Female Sexuality:
The Problematic of Silence’, Feminist Genealogies, Colonial Legacies, Democ-
ratic Futures, eds M. Jacqui Alexander and Chandra Talpade Mohanty (New
York & London: Routledge, 1997) 180.
7. Scream is also an important word in Toni Morrison’s short story to which I
refer below.
8. Gilroy (1996), 203. In the last chapter of his book, Gilroy argues that black
people have not yet adequately dealt with the traumas of slavery. The ‘con-
dition of being in pain’ derives from the historical conditions of slavery
and its legacies but it is often an unspoken and unassimilated and there-
fore negative grief that carries over into contemporary black culture.
9. Smith (1987), 5.
10. The song is quoted in Angela Y. Davis, Blues Legacies and Black Feminism:
Gertrude ‘Ma’ Rainey, Bessie Smith and Billie Holiday (New York: Pantheon,
1998) 181. There is an eerie undercurrent of silence to the words ‘Black
bodies swing . . . in the Southern breeze’ (181). The imagery of silence cap-
tures the notion of haunting that is so significant to the idea of recaptur-
ing and re-engaging with memories of historical trauma.
11. Toni Morrison, ‘Recitatif’, Confirmation: An Anthology of African American
Women, eds Amiri Baraka (LeRoi Jones) and Amina Baraka (New York:
William Morrow, 1983) 243–61. Any further references to Morrison’s short
story will appear in parentheses in the main text.
12. Elizabeth Abel in her essay, ‘Black Writing, White Reading: Race and the
Politics of Feminist Interpretation’, Critical Inquiry 19 (1993): 470–98 – in
which she uses ‘Recitatif’ to open and conclude her argument – maintains
that it is Twyla’s and Roberta’s very different assumptions about the colour
of Maggie’s body that provides the racial ‘clues for our readings of them,
readings that emanate similarly from our own cultural locations’ (472).
However, while Abel’s article is admirable in many ways for its courageous
exposition of her own race-bound ways of reading, it is also problematic.
Both her fascination with attaching whiteness or blackness to Twyla or
Roberta, and her methodology of juxtaposing her white reading as against
her black female colleague’s black reading (Abel ascertains that Twyla is
white, her ‘black feminist critic’ friend Lula Fragd is ‘equally convinced that
she is black’ (471)) is in fact a replication of the divisive racial politics I
think Morrison is trying to undo.
13. Kalpana Seshadri-Crooks outlines the same kind of structural details, but
her focus is on a Lacanian reading, while mine is more concerned with the
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204 Notes
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218 Bibliography
Bibliography 219
Abel, Elizabeth, 165, 168, 175n39, Antigua, 72, 75, 83, 86, 93, 107–8,
177n66, 179n99, 191n40, 109, 190n20, 193n15
203n12, 204n23 Antze, Paul, 177n67, 184n60
abjection, 169, 204n18 Ashley, Clifford, 2, 173n2
Ablamowicz, Halima, 199n17 Atkinson, Yvonne, 14, 176n59
abreaction, 67, 188n14
Achinstein, Sharon, 75, 190n19 backchat, 74, 81, 86, 106, 175n30,
acting out, 19, 20 190n16, 196n16
African-Americans, 5, 199n13 Barrett, Deirdre, 185n15
creativity of, 118, 142 Bartowski, Fran, 193n22
experience of white violence, Bell, Bernard, 191n45
114 Barthes, Roland, 13
literature, 22 belatedness see trauma
oral tradition, 14, 81–3, 112, 142–3, Benítez-Rojo, Antonio, 32, 181n27,
194n7 182n39
segregation of, 117–18, 132, Bennefield, Robin, 177n63
199n13 Bhabha, Homi, 13, 64–5, 176n52,
racism and sexism, impact of, 6–7, 179n3, 180n12, 181n27, 182n39,
10, 127–8, 132–4, 137, 188n13, 191n39
198–9n10 Bible, 42, 76–7, 78, 82, 110, 190n20,
songs and music, 82–3, 118, 157, 194n9, 197n40
195n15 Biddle, Jennifer, 190n25
white stereotyping of, 79–80, Birbaksingh, Frank, 190n20, 192–3n8
125–6, 135 Bjork, Patrick Bryce, 199n12
African Caribbeans, 9–10, 69, 112–13, Black Aesthetic, 13
187 Black English, 6, 14, 22, 123, 154
see also maroons; slavery Black Studies, 13, 15
African Holocaust, 120, 196n27 Blanchot, Maurice, 188n20
Ahmed, Sara, 5, 6, 8, 47, 119, body, 4–5, 6, 7–8, 173
174n18,19,21,23,26,27, psychic trauma written on, 120,
177n67 133
Alarcón, Norma, 175n33 and race, 5, 6–7, 47–8, 90, 119,
aletheia, 6 120, 125, 126, 132–4, 135, 136,
Allen, Jon, 185n7, 186n20 167–8, 169, 174n22,27,
ambivalence, 3, 11–14, 27–8, 30, 203n12
70–1, 154, 180n18 and shame, 134
and echo, 79 see also white gaze under Sula
cultural, 28 Boehmer, Elleke, 74, 190n13
intersubjective, 28 Bonetti, Kay, 190n17, 191n30
socialised, 13 Bouson, Brooks, 141, 200n29,31
and whiteness studies, 15 Bowen, Barbara, 191n43
Anderson, Benedict, 189n10 Brah, Avtar, 14, 176n56
Anderson, Linda, 201n21 Braidotti, Rosi, 3, 173n4
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Index 221
222 Index
Index 223
224 Index
Index 225
226 Index
Index 227
228 Index
turning it out see defiance responses hierarchies of, 54, 59, 63, 102–3,
under racism 193n20
imperial, 25–6, 28, 29, 54, 60, 68,
unveiling, 6, 136–7, 146 69
identification of, 23
veiling, see under Sula invisibility of, 22
victim position of liberal humanism, 75, 76, 86–7,
African-Caribbeans, 154 89, 102–3, 167
African-American community, loss of, 28
116–17, 184n5, see also as norm, 3, 5, 7–8, 14, 16, 32, 89,
traumatised community under 100, 103
Sula and power, 92, 167
vicarious, 18, 31, 33, 35, 37–8, 40, and self-positioning, 4, 8, 23
59, 60, 66 and wealth, 28, 179n10
Viswanathan, Gauri, 74, 190n15 white-on-white racism, 9
Vorda, Alan, 193n14 white skin privilege, 3, 23, 89, 91,
102, 193n17
Wachtel, Eleanor, 190n18 whiteness studies, 14, 15–16
Waites, Elizabeth, 185n10, 188n14 Wide Sargasso Sea see Rhys
Walcott, Derek, 72, 105, 112, Wilkerson, Abby, 175n33
179n1–2, 188n13, 194n1,8 Williams, Patricia, 8, 175n35–8,
‘Jean Rhys’, 25–7 184n59
Walcott, Rinaldo, 171, 204n20–2 Williams, Sherley Anne, 23, 178n96
Walker, Alice, 37, 142–3, 144, 201n4 Willis, Susan, 198n6
Wall, Cheryl, 14, 82, 176n55, Wing, Betsy, 9, 175n42
192n46 Witzum, Eliezer, 201n24
Wallace, Michelle, 11, 176n47 women-of-color, voices of
Ware, Vron, 175n45 appropriation of, 8, 37–8
Washington, Mary Helen, 129, 198n1 exclusion of, 11, 14, 23
Weems, Renita, 143, 144, 201n5 marginalisation of, 37, 161
West, Cornel, 82, 105, 191n41, Wordsworth, William, 73, 79, 88,
194n2 192n5
white creole society, 9, 25–6, 68, 69, wound/wounding, 8, 11, 96
154, 179n2,10, 182n36 psychic wounding, 45–6, 184n5
abandonment, 28, 29, 34, 53 wounded space, 70
cultural entrapment, 26 working through, 19, 20, 21
as marooned, 31–3, 34, 48 Wyndham, Francis, 187n3
as victims, 34, 35, 59, 60
white control of history, 16, 114, 119, Xie, Shaobo, 184n58
white gaze, 6–7, 119 Young Allan, 202n26
whiteness, 4, 5, 8, 13, 89–90 Young, Lola, 186n30
ambivalence of, 13 Young, Robert, 21, 55–6, 178n91,
in America, 100, 102–3, 193n17 186n26–8
blindness of, 91, 99, 101–3,
193n16–18, 193–4n23 zombification, 31, 32, 35, 36–7, 56,
as cause of trauma, 16, 22, 119–20 58, 180n24, 182n42, 183n45
dominating, 99–100, 142, 161 as psychic numbing, 37, 186n29