Controller 13KW Triplex-Ing
Controller 13KW Triplex-Ing
Controller 13KW Triplex-Ing
Lift: VVVF – duplex 2PE – Automatic Doors – Closed Doors Parking – Not Serial
1 6 (def.) TMA = Maximum opening doors time (to be regulated about 1-2 sec over
the time required to open the doors)
5 6 TMP = Engagement manoeuvre time (and A67fault signal time (P5)x4 sec)
8 1 RCPV = Slowing time delay for run between one floor to the next (0.1 sec)
9 4 TOC = Engage time from closing doors start for parking (to be regulated
about 1-2 sec over the time required to close the doors)
25 2 Automatic re-phasing
26 2 Inspection in high speed (reduced by VVVF) with stop on the re-phase impulsors
27 0 (def.) 0 = Fixed Confirmation Control and Directions signalling
30 0 2 = 30KG floor contact (CCO) disabled + full load contact (CCC) enabled
0 = 30KG floor contact (CCO) enabled + full load contact (CCC) enabled
36 17 Floors number