FIR Filtering and Convolution
FIR Filtering and Convolution
FIR Filtering and Convolution
❖ The collected signal samples x(n), n=0, 1,…, L-1, can be thought as a
x=[x0, x1, …, xL-1]
❖ Convolution table
❖ The convolution
table is convenient
for quick calculation
by hand because it
displays all required
❖ Solution:
we can write y = Hx
❑ x is the column vector of the Lx input samples.
❑ y is the column vector of the Ly =Lx+M put samples.
❑ H is a rectangular matrix with dimensions (Lx+M)xLx .
❖ It can be observed that H has the same entry along each diagonal.
Such a matrix is known as Toeplitz matrix.
❖ MAC: Multiplier
❖ The total processing time for each input sample of Mth order filter:
❖ What is the longest FIR filter that can be implemented with a 50 nsec
per instruction DSP chip for digital audio applications with sampling
frequency fs=44.1 kHz ?
❖ Compute the output y(n) of the filter h(n) = {1, -1, 1, -1} and input
x(n) = {1, 2, 3, 4, @, -3, 2, -1}