New Hysteresis Current Controller For Single-Phase Full-Bridge Inverters

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Published in IET Power Electronics

Received on 24th May 2008
Revised on 18th October 2008
doi: 10.1049/iet-pel.2008.0143

ISSN 1755-4535

New hysteresis current controller for

single-phase full-bridge inverters
P.A. Dahono
School of Electrical Engineering and Informatics, Institute of Technology Bandung, Jl. Ganesa No. 10,
Bandung 40132, Indonesia

Abstract: A new hysteresis current controller for single-phase full-bridge inverters is proposed here. The proposed
hysteresis current controller combines the advantages of both symmetrical unipolar PWM and hysteresis
techniques. As the proposed hysteresis current controller has a capability to ensure equal switching
frequencies among the switching devices, the capability of inverter switching devices can be fully utilised to
improve the output current waveform. The proposed hysteresis current controller is compared with
conventional single-band and double-band hysteresis current controllers. Simulated and experimental results
are included to show the effectiveness of the proposed current controller.

1 Introduction the zero output level is not used. An attempt to utilise the
zero level of voltage by using a double-band hysteresis current
A single-phase full-bridge inverter is commonly used in small controller was proposed in [10, 11]. In this double-band
and medium UPSs and bidirectional rectifiers. In most controller, a pair of switching devices is controlled by the
applications, a controllable AC current is desirable. In a smaller band and another pair of switching devices is
UPS, a current controller is useful to provide overcurrent controlled by the larger band. By using this double-band
protection, simplify parallel operation and improve the controller, a pair of switching devices is used to shape the
performance of the voltage controller. In a bidirectional output current and another pair of switching devices is used to
rectifier, the AC side current controller is useful to shape change the polarity of the output voltage. Although the
the input current waveform and to control the input power capability of the inverter to produce a zero voltage level is used
factor. by this double-band controller, the switching frequencies
of inverter switching devices are not equal. One pair of
Various inverter current controllers were proposed in the inverter switching devices is switched at high frequencies
literature, but few of them are dedicated to single-phase full- and another pair of switching devices is switched at the
bridge inverters [1–16]. The hysteresis-type current controller fundamental output frequency. Therefore in this double-band
is the most popular current controller because of its simplicity controller, the capability of inverter switching devices is not
in implementation, inherently limiting the current and very fully utilised.
fast response. Unfortunately, most of the literature on the
hysteresis current controller is directly applicable only to two- In the next section, the carrier-based PWM techniques that
level three-phase inverters. As a single-phase full-bridge are commonly used in single-phase full-bridge inverters are
inverter has three possible output voltage levels, the hysteresis discussed. It is shown here that the output current ripple can
current controller that has been developed for two-level three- be significantly reduced if the capability of the inverter to
phase inverters cannot be applied directly if a better produce zero output voltage is utilised. Conventional single-
performance is desired. If a simple single-band hysteresis band and double-band hysteresis current controllers are then
current controller is used, the capability of the inverter to discussed. For the same output current ripples, it is shown
produce zero level output voltage cannot be utilised. The that the use of a zero output voltage reduces the inverter
inverter switching frequency will be unnecessarily very high if switching frequency. The proposed hysteresis current

IET Power Electron., 2009, Vol. 2, Iss. 5, pp. 585– 594 585
doi: 10.1049/iet-pel.2008.0143 & The Institution of Engineering and Technology 2009

controller is discussed in Section 4. The proposed hysteresis Table 1 Possible switching states and output voltage
current controller is also using two different bands of
hysteresis comparators in order to utilise the capability of the S1 S2 S3 S4 vuv
inverter to produce a zero output voltage level. Different 1 0 1 0 0
from the conventional double-band hysteresis current
controller, however, the proposed controller has a special 1 0 0 1 Ed
algorithm that simulates the switching sequence of the 0 1 1 0 2Ed
symmetrical unipolar PWM technique. By using this
additional algorithm, the inverter switching devices are 0 1 0 1 0
switched at the same switching frequencies. Thus, the
capability of inverter switching devices can be fully utilised.
The proposed hysteresis current controller is compared with receives an ON (OFF) signal. A zero output level can be
conventional single-band and double-band hysteresis current produced either by simultaneously turning ON either switches
controllers. In Section 5, some experimental results are Q1 and Q3 or switches Q2 and Q4. It should be noted that
discussed to show the effectiveness of the proposed the power flow is bidirectional and therefore the discussion
hysteresis current controller. here is also valid for a single-phase full-bridge rectifier.

As shown in [17], PWM techniques for single-phase full-

2 Single-phase full-bridge bridge inverters can be classified as bipolar and unipolar ones.
In a bipolar PWM technique, the capability of the inverter to
PWM inverter produce a zero voltage level is not used. The unipolar PWM
The basic principle of a single-phase full-bridge PWM can be produced by two methods. The first method is by
inverter is first discussed in this section. The key waveforms considering the first leg (e.g. the left leg) as a high-
of inverter switching states and the output voltage under frequency chopper and the second leg (the right leg) as an
various carrier-based PWM techniques are then discussed. inverter. In this paper, this method is called asymmetrical
Although performances of single-phase full-bridge PWM unipolar PWM. In this asymmetrical PWM technique, one
inverters are well known and well documented in various leg of the inverter is switched at high frequencies and
textbooks, a discussion on the output current ripple is another leg is switched at the fundamental output
included here to show how the zero output voltage level frequency. The ON – OFF signals for the first leg can be
can be used to reduce the inverter output current ripple. obtained by comparing a high-frequency carrier signal with
a rectified sinusoidal reference signal. The ON – OFF
Fig. 1 shows the scheme of a single-phase full-bridge inverter. signals for the second leg can be obtained by detecting the
The DC voltage source is assumed as constant and ripple free. zero crossing of the reference signal. In the second method,
The switching devices are assumed as ideal switches. The load the two legs of the single-phase full-bridge inverter are
is represented as a series connection of a resistance, an considered as two half-bridge inverters. Both inverter legs
inductance and a sinusoidal emf. The inverter has three are switched at the carrier frequencies. The ON – OFF
possible output voltage levels as shown in Table 1. In this signals for the inverter switching devices can be obtained
table, S1, S2, S3 and S4 indicate the switching states of by comparing two sinusoidal reference signals (with the
switches Q1, Q2, Q3 and Q4, respectively. The switching same amplitude but opposite in phase) with a high-
state is equal to unity (zero) if the corresponding transistor frequency triangular carrier signal. As the ON – OFF
signals for the two legs are symmetrical, this unipolar
PWM technique here is called symmetrical unipolar PWM.

By using the same approach as detailed in [18], the output

current ripple expressions under three carrier-based PWM
techniques have been derived. The results are summarised in
Table 2. In these expressions, Ed is the DC input voltage, L
the filter or load inductance, fs the switching or carrier
frequency and k the modulation index. Under the same carrier
Figure 1 Scheme of-single-phase full-bridge inverter frequencies, the output current ripples under three PWM

Table 2 Output current ripple under carrier-based PWM techniques

Bipolar Asymmetrical unipolar Symmetrical unipolar
  1=2    1=2    1=2
output Ed 1  k2 þ ð3=8Þk4 Ed k2  ð16=3pÞk3 þ ð3=4Þk4 Ed k2  ð16=3pÞk3 þ ð3=4Þk4
current Lfs 48 Lfs 24 Lfs 96

586 IET Power Electron., 2009, Vol. 2, Iss. 5, pp. 585– 594
& The Institution of Engineering and Technology 2009 doi: 10.1049/iet-pel.2008.0143

Figure 2 Output current ripples as a function of modulation


techniques are plotted as shown in Fig. 2. This figure shows that

the output current ripple under bipolar PWM is the highest.
The output current ripple is maximum when the modulation
index is zero. Fig. 2 shows that the output current ripple is
significantly reduced if the capability of the inverter to
produce a zero output voltage level is used. As the inverter
switching devices are switched equally, the symmetrical
unipolar PWM technique produces the best output current
waveform. In this paper, the switching sequence as the one
generated by a symmetrical unipolar carrier-based PWM
inverter is considered as the optimal one and will be used as
the basis to improve the conventional double-band hysteresis
current-controlled inverter. It should be noted that under
carrier-based PWM techniques, the switching frequency is Figure 3 Single-band hysteresis current controller
constant but the current ripple varies with the modulation
components as follows

3 Conventional hysteresis current vuv ¼ v uv þ v~ uv (2)

controller io ¼ ior þ ~i o (3)
3.1 Single-band hysteresis current
controlled inverter For the current, the average value is equal to the reference and
the ripple component is equal to the error component. If (2)
The scheme of a single-band hysteresis current controller is
and (3) are substituted into (1), then the following is obtained
shown in Fig. 3. In this case, the inverter will produce a
positive output voltage when the current error touches the
lower hysteresis limit. On the other hand, a negative output v uv þ v~ uv ¼ R(ior þ ~i o ) þ L (ior þ ~i o ) þ e (4)
voltage is produced when the current error touches the dt
upper hysteresis limit. The output voltage waveform under
this current controller is similar to that of bipolar PWM As the average and ripple components on the left-hand and
that has been discussed in the previous section. right-hand sides of (4) must be equal, the following
equations can be obtained
In general, the output voltage expression can be written as
follows dior
v uv ¼ Rior þ L þe (5)
dio d~i
vuv ¼ Rio þ L þe (1) v~ uv ¼ R~i o þ L o (6)
dt dt

The output voltage and current can be decomposed into the The ripple voltage drop across the load resistance R~i o is
average (averaged over one switching cycle) and ripple usually small and can be neglected and, hence, (6) can be

IET Power Electron., 2009, Vol. 2, Iss. 5, pp. 585– 594 587
doi: 10.1049/iet-pel.2008.0143 & The Institution of Engineering and Technology 2009

simplified into The average switching frequency over one fundamental

period is
d~i o !
v~ uv ’ L (7)
dt k2
fs,av ¼ fsms 1 (16)
Thus, the output current ripple can be calculated as follows
ð ð where
~i o ¼ 1 v~ uv dt ¼ 1 (vuv  v uv )dt (8)
L L Ed
fsms ¼ (17)
The average value of the output voltage can be assumed to
vary sinusoidally at the fundamental output frequency is the maximum switching frequency. The rms value of the
current ripple is constant at
v uv ¼ Vm sin u ¼ kEd sin u (9)
I~ o,av ¼ h= 3 (18)
where k ¼ Vm/Ed is the modulation index.
Under a hysteresis current controller, the output current ripple is
When the transistors Q1 and Q4 receive ON signals, a constant but the average switching frequency varies with the
positive output voltage is produced, v uv ¼ Ed . This ON modulation index. The average switching frequency will be
period lasts until the output current error reaches the upper maximum when the modulation index is zero.
hysteresis limit. Thus, during the ON period, the current
error is changing from 2h to þh. Based on (8), the following
expression can be obtained
3.2 Double-band hysteresis current
Ed  v uv The use of a double-band hysteresis current controller to control
h¼ TON  h (10)
L the output current of the single-phase full-bridge PWM
inverter was proposed in [10] and has also been used to
where TON is the ON period of switches Q1 and Q4. Based control the input current of a single-phase full-bridge PWM
on (10), the ON period can be obtained as follows rectifier in [11]. The scheme of this controller is shown in
Fig. 4. In this controller, one pair of switches (e.g. Q1 and
TON ¼ (11) Q2) is controlled by the smaller hysteresis band and another
Ed  v uv pair of switches (Q3 and Q4) is controlled by the larger
hysteresis band. Because the hysteresis band is different, the
During the OFF period, that is, when transistors Q1 and Q4 output current error is mainly determined by the smaller
receive OFF signals (transistors Q2 and Q3 receive ON hysteresis band. The larger hysteresis band is active only when
signals), the output voltage is negative, vuv ¼ Ed . During the smaller hysteresis band has lost the ability to control the
this period denoted by TOFF, the current ripple changes from current error. The smaller hysteresis band cannot control the
h to 2h, that is current error when the average output voltage polarity is
reversed. When this condition occurs, the larger hysteresis
Ed  v uv
h ¼ TOFF þ h (12) band will become active to change the polarity of the output
L voltage. Thus, the pair of switching devices that is controlled
by the larger hysteresis band is switched at the fundamental
Based on (12), the OFF period can be calculated as
output frequency. During the positive half-cycle of the output
2hL voltage, switch Q4 (switch Q3) receives an ON signal (OFF
TOFF ¼ (13) signal). On the other hand, during the negative half-cycle of
Ed þ v uv
the output voltage, switch Q4 (switch Q3) receives an OFF
signal (ON signal). The output current error is controlled by
Based on (11) and (13), the switching period can be
switches Q1 and Q2. The output voltage has a unipolar
calculated as
characteristic similar to asymmetrical unipolar carrier-based
4Ed hL
Ts ¼ TON þ TOFF ¼ (14)
(Ed  v uv )(Ed þ v uv ) During the positive half-cycle of the fundamental output
voltage, a positive output voltage is produced when switch
By using (9) and (14), the switching frequency can be Q1 receives an ON signal. If switch Q1 receives an OFF
obtained as signal, then the output voltage will be zero. The period
  when switch Q1 receives an ON signal, which is denoted
1 Ed by TON, can be calculated by using (11). During the period
fs ¼ ¼ (1  k sin u)(1 þ k sin u) (15)
Ts 4hL when Q1 receives an OFF signal, the output current error

588 IET Power Electron., 2009, Vol. 2, Iss. 5, pp. 585– 594
& The Institution of Engineering and Technology 2009 doi: 10.1049/iet-pel.2008.0143

Figure 5 Switching sequences of:

a Symmetrical unipolar PWM
b Double-band hysteresis

switching period can be obtained by using a similar

method. Because of a symmetrical operation of the inverter,
the switching period for one cycle of the fundamental
Figure 4 Double-band hysteresis current controller output voltage can be expressed as
2Ed hL
Ts ¼ (22)
(Ed  jvuv j)jvuv j
expression is
Thus, the switching frequency can be calculated as
L o ¼ vuv (19) 1
dt fs ¼ ¼ fsmd (1  jk sin uj)jk sin uj (23)
During this period, the current error is changing from h into
– h. Thus, the OFF period can be calculated as

TOFF ¼ (20)
v uv

Thus, the switching period can be calculated as

2Ed hL
Ts ¼ TON þ TOFF ¼ (21)
(Ed  v uv )vuv

The above expression is only valid during the positive half-

cycle of the fundamental output voltage. During the
negative half-cycle of the fundamental output voltage, the Figure 6 Two additional signals

IET Power Electron., 2009, Vol. 2, Iss. 5, pp. 585– 594 589
doi: 10.1049/iet-pel.2008.0143 & The Institution of Engineering and Technology 2009

Table 3 Truth table frequency is

S1 S4 Counter C C S10 S40 max 2

fs,av ¼ fsmd (26)
0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 1 X X The rms value of the current ripple is the same as that of the
single-band hysteresis current controller.
0 0 1 0 0 0
0 0 1 1 X X Comparison between (16) and (25) shows that for the same
output current ripples, the average switching frequency of the
0 1 0 0 X X double-band hysteresis current controller is lower than that of
0 1 0 1 0 1 the single-band hysteresis current controller. The average
switching frequency will be zero when the modulation index
0 1 1 0 X X is zero. Unfortunately, however, the inverter switching devices
0 1 1 1 1 0 are not switched at equal switching frequencies. Thus, the
capability of inverter switching devices cannot be fully utilised
1 0 0 0 X X to improve the output current waveform.
1 0 0 1 0 1
1 0 1 0 X X
4 New hysteresis current
1 0 1 1 1 0
It has been shown in the previous section that the
1 1 0 0 1 1 symmetrical unipolar PWM technique results in an
1 1 0 1 X X optimum sequence but no capability to control the output
current. On the other hand, the conventional double-band
1 1 1 0 1 1 hysteresis controller has a capability to control the output
1 1 1 1 X X current but the switching sequence is not optimum. In this
section, the advantages of both the symmetrical unipolar
X: don’t care condition PWM technique and the double-band hysteresis current
controller will be combined.
In one fundamental output period, the switching sequence of
E the symmetrical unipolar PWM technique is shown in Fig. 5a.
fsmd ¼ d (24)
2hL On the other hand, the switching sequence of the conventional
double-band hysteresis current controller is shown in Fig. 5b.
The average switching frequency is To take advantage of both the double-band hysteresis
  current controller and the symmetrical unipolar PWM
2 k technique, the switching sequence shown in Fig. 5b must be
fs,av ¼ fsmd  k (25)
p 2 modified into the one as shown in Fig. 5a.

The average switching frequency will be maximum when the At any instance, the inverter state can be represented by the
modulation index k ¼ 2/p. The maximum average switching states of inverter switching devices (S1 – S4). During the

Figure 7 Karnough map

590 IET Power Electron., 2009, Vol. 2, Iss. 5, pp. 585– 594
& The Institution of Engineering and Technology 2009 doi: 10.1049/iet-pel.2008.0143

10,00,01,00,10,00,01,00,10, . . .

In a conventional double-band hysteresis controller, the

switching sequence is

Figure 8 Logic circuit 01,11,01,11,01, . . .

positive half-cycle, the switching sequence of the inverter
during the positive half-cycle, and
under symmetrical unipolar PWM is
10,00,10,00,10, . . .
01,11,10,11,01,11,10,11,01, . . . .
during the negative half-cycle. It can be seen that under
and during the negative half-cycle symmetrical unipolar PWM, the zero switching states

Figure 9 Simulated results

a Single-band
b Double-band
c Proposed hysteresis

IET Power Electron., 2009, Vol. 2, Iss. 5, pp. 585– 594 591
doi: 10.1049/iet-pel.2008.0143 & The Institution of Engineering and Technology 2009

are shown by the truth table, Table 3. It can be seen from

Table 3 that the C and counter C signals have no effect
upon the active states (11 and 00). If an active state has been
selected by the double-band comparator, the signals S10 and
S40 are the same as the signals S1 and S4, respectively,
regardless of the states of signals C and counter C. If a zero
state is selected, another zero vector will be used if the
selected zero state is the same as the previously used zero
state. The same zero state is used if the selected zero state is
different from the previous zero state. In one period of the
counter C signal, two different zero states are used. From
this table, a Karnough map as shown in Fig. 7 can be
drawn. Based on this Karnough map, the desired signals S10
and S40 can be expressed as follows
Figure 10 Average switching frequency as a function of
modulation index S 0 1 ¼ (S1  S4) þ (counter C  C) (27)

(10 and 01) are used alternately during both the positive and S 0 2 ¼ (S1  S4) þ (counter C  C) (28)
negative half-cycles. One complete cycle consists of two zero
states and two active states. In the conventional double-band In the above expressions, the dot indicates an AND operation
hysteresis current controller, only the zero state 01 is used and the plus indicates an OR operation. Based on these two
during the positive half-cycle and only the zero state 10 is expressions, a logic circuit as shown in Fig. 8 is obtained. This
used during the negative half-cycle. To achieve a sequence logic circuit is added into the conventional double-band
similar to symmetrical unipolar PWM, both the zero states hysteresis current controller so that the switching sequence is
must be used alternately in the conventional double-band similar to the symmetrical unipolar PWM technique.
hysteresis current controller during both the positive and
negative half-cycles. For this purpose, a signal is needed to To verify the proposed hysteresis current controller, a single-
indicate the use of the zero switching states. This signal can phase full-bridge inverter as shown in Fig. 1 is first simulated.
be represented by the C signal that can be obtained as an In this simulation, the DC voltage source is maintained
exclusive-OR operation of the states S1 and S4. Another constant at 100 V. The load is a series connection of a
signal that is needed is one to indicate that one complete resistance 2 V and an inductance 10 mH. A sinusoidal load
switching cycle has been completed. This signal can be emf is assumed connected in series to this impedance. The
obtained as a counter C signal. This signal changes the state amplitude of the emf is assumed 30 V and the frequency is
when the C signal changes the state from low to high. Both 50 Hz. A sinusoidal reference current is used in this
the C and counter C signals are shown in Fig. 6. One cycle simulation. The amplitude of the reference current is 10 A
of the counter C signal is completed when two different zero and the frequency is 50 Hz. A hysteresis band of 0.25 A is
switching states have been used. assumed. With regard to the conventional double-band and
the modified one, this 0.25 A is the smaller hysteresis band.
Both the C and counter C signals are used to modify the The larger hysteresis band is 0.5 A. Fig. 9 shows the
signals S1 and S4 to produce the desired signals S1’ and S4’. simulated results under three types of hysteresis current
Signals S1 and S4 are obtained from the output signals of controllers. It can be seen that under the same hysteresis
the conventional double-band hysteresis current controller. bands, the average switching frequency of the inverter under
The method of obtaining the desired signals (S 0 1 and S 0 2) the proposed hysteresis current controller is the lowest.

Figure 11 Simulated result under transient condition

592 IET Power Electron., 2009, Vol. 2, Iss. 5, pp. 585– 594
& The Institution of Engineering and Technology 2009 doi: 10.1049/iet-pel.2008.0143

Fig. 10 shows a comparison of average switching output current can be controlled perfectly by the proposed
frequencies under three types of hysteresis current current controller. The fast response property of the
controllers. It can be seen that the single-band hysteresis conventional hysteresis current controller is still maintained by
current controller results in the highest switching frequency. the proposed current controller. Modifications such as those
The switching frequency of the single-band hysteresis proposed in [12–16] can also be added to the modified
current controller is maximum when the modulation index double-band hysteresis current controller to fix or limit the
is zero. On the other hand, both the conventional and switching frequency. Extension of the proposed method to
modified double-band hysteresis current controllers result in single-phase multilevel inverters is under investigation [19].
a zero switching frequency when the modulation index is zero.

Fig. 11 shows the simulated result when the amplitude of the

5 Experimental results
reference current is changed periodically. It can be seen that the To verify the proposed current controller, a small
experimental inverter system with the scheme as shown in
Fig. 1 was constructed. Bipolar transistor modules (600 V,
50 A) were used as the switching devices. The DC voltage
source was maintained at 100 V DC. The DC voltage
source was obtained from a variable AC voltage source by
using a filtered diode rectifier. A series connection of a
resistance of 6 V and an inductance of 12 mH was used as
the load. The fundamental output frequency was
maintained at 50 Hz. The smaller hysteresis band was fixed
at 0.5 A for all the hysteresis current controllers. The larger
hysteresis band was 1.0 A for the conventional and
modified double-band hysteresis controllers.

Fig. 12 shows the experimental results of the single-band,

double-band and modified double-band hysteresis current
controllers under the same smaller hysteresis band. A
sinusoidal reference signal with an amplitude of 10 A and a
frequency of 50 Hz was used in this experiment. The output
voltage waveforms are almost sinusoidal with the same THD
(about 4.1%). It can be seen that for the same hysteresis bands,
the inverter switching frequency using the proposed hysteresis
current controller is the lowest. With the single-band
hysteresis current controller, the average switching frequency
was measured as 1.9 kHz. With the conventional double-band
hysteresis current controller, the average switching frequency
of switch S1 is 1.45 kHz and the switching frequency for
switch S4 is 50 Hz. By using the proposed hysteresis current
controller, the average switching frequencies for switches S1
and S4 are equal to 0.75 kHz. Thus, by using the proposed
hysteresis current controller, the hysteresis band can be
reduced further to improve the output current quality.

Figure 12 Output current and ON signals for

a Single-band
b Double-band Figure 13 Waveforms of reference and actual output
c Proposed hysteresis current controllers currents

IET Power Electron., 2009, Vol. 2, Iss. 5, pp. 585– 594 593
doi: 10.1049/iet-pel.2008.0143 & The Institution of Engineering and Technology 2009

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