Physics Through Computational Thinking: Micro Lecture: Fixed Points in One Dimension Dymanical Systems
Physics Through Computational Thinking: Micro Lecture: Fixed Points in One Dimension Dymanical Systems
Physics Through Computational Thinking: Micro Lecture: Fixed Points in One Dimension Dymanical Systems
In this lecture you will learn about
" - x3
x= +x (3)
! The plot below shows three fixed points of this problem
x or f(x)
- 3 3
! We can check this numerically, that is the solution flows to one of the two stable fixed points
4 Micro Lec 01.nb
- x3
In[132]:= rateFunc[{t_, x_}] = 1, + x;
initial = {0, 0.1};
data4 = rk4rateFunc, initial, 10, 50;
ShowListPlotdata4〚 ;; , 1 ;; 2〛, Joined → True, PlotMarkers → None, PlotRange → {- 4, 4},
2 4 6 8 10
- x3
In[136]:= rateFunc[{t_, x_}] = 1, + x;
data1 = rk4[rateFunc, {0, - 0.01}, 10, 100];
data2 = rk4[rateFunc, {0, 0.5}, 10, 100];
data3 = rk4[rateFunc, {0, 4}, 10, 100];
data4 = rk4[rateFunc, {0, - 4}, 10, 100];
ShowListPlotdata1〚 ;; , 1 ;; 2〛, Joined → True, PlotMarkers → None, PlotRange → {- 4, 4}, PlotStyle → Magenta,
ListPlotdata2〚 ;; , 1 ;; 2〛, Joined → True, PlotMarkers → None, PlotRange → {- 4, 4}, PlotStyle → Blue,
ListPlotdata3〚 ;; , 1 ;; 2〛, Joined → True, PlotMarkers → None, PlotRange → {- 4, 4}, PlotStyle → Red,
ListPlotdata4〚 ;; , 1 ;; 2〛, Joined → True, PlotMarkers → None, PlotRange → {- 4, 4}, PlotStyle → Green,
Plot- 3, 3 , {t, 0, 10}, PlotStyle → Dashed, AxesLabel → {Style["t", 16, Bold, Black], Style["x", 16, Bold, Black]}
2 4 6 8 10
6 Micro Lec 01.nb
! where λ = f ′ (x0 )
! Substituting this in the ODE, near x = x0 , gives a local linear system
δx = λ δx (5)
δ x(t) = δ x0 ⅇλ t
⇒ x(t) = x0 + δ x0 ⅇλ t
! If λ = f ′ (x0 ) is positive then the solution is unstable (diverging away from the fixed point), while if λ < 0 then the solution is stable (converging into the
fixed point). Indeed, this is what we saw from the plot in the precious example.
λ>0 : unstable fixed point
λ<0 : stable fixed point (7)
λ = 0 : neutral fixed point (sometimes stable on one side and unstable on the other)
! Consider for example
- x3
x" = +x (8)
! As analyzed earlier, we have fixed points at ± 3 and 0. Let’s calculate λ = f ′ (x0 ) at all these points:
f ′ - 3 = - x2 + 1 = -2 < 0 STABLE
x=- 3
Micro Lec 01.nb 7
f ′ 3 = - x2 + 1 = -2 < 0 STABLE
x= 3