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Differential Pressure Switch: Series 20

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Series 20

Differential Pressure Switch

General Instructions





Explosion Proof Weathertight A

General Installation
These instructions provide information for installation, This type of differential pressure switch can be
electrical connection, process connection and calibra- mounted in any position. Install low range models in
tion of SOR Series 20 Differential Pressure Switches. the same orientation that they are calibrated.

Series 20 Differential Principle Weathertight Housing

Basic construction is a Static “O” Ring diaphragm and Attach the device to a suitable surface or pipe stan-
piston pressure sensor. Process pressure acts on the chion bracket with two 1/4-inch diameter bolts. Line
diaphragm to produce force Fh against the piston. mounting by either process or electrical connection
Fh is counteracted by two forces: Fl, which comes is not recommended.
from the Lo side Pressure port through the electrical
housing, and Fs which comes from the adjustable Explosion Proof Housing
range spring. Since the Lo side process media The TA housing must be attached with 2-inch U-bolts
pressurizes the electrical housing, Lo side process over the housing hubs or two 1/4-inch diameter bolts.
media is limited to clean, dry air or inert gas. Line mounting by either process or electrical connec-
tion is not recommended.
When Fh exceeds the combination of F l and Fs,
the piston (and piston shaft) moves to actuate the CAUTION: Failure to mount the housing on a flat
electrical switching element. mounting surface may result in torsional forces on the
housing that could cause false trips or render the
There are only three wetted parts on the Hi side pressure switch inoperative.
process connection: pressure port, diaphragm and
IMPORTANT: When mounting to an irregular or
The force-balance system virtually eliminates friction uneven surface, install rubber washers on the bolts
and resultant wear while yielding excellent repeatability. between the housing and the mounting surface
(except in high vibration applications) to prevent
Series 20 Differential Pressure Switches are well housing deformation, which could change the relative
suited for a variety of process applications. They are positions of internal parts and affect calibration or
not intended for high pressure fluid power (hydraulic) render the device inoperative.
applications where high shock pressures and high page number covered
cycle rates are expected.

Design and specifications are subject to change

without notice.
For latest revision, see www.sorinc.com
SOR Form 536 (07.02) Printed in USA Registered Quality System to ISO 9001 Page 1 of 4
Process Connection Calibration
Pressure ports are marked HI and LO to indicate the
CAUTION: Before removing the cover during test or
high and low process pressure connections. Connect
while the unit is in service, relieve pressure inside the
process piping accordingly. Use two wrenches — one
housing by venting Lo side pressure to atmosphere.
to hold the hex pressure port to prevent it from
When replacing the cover, tighten it securely. Pres-
moving, the other to tighten the process pipe or tube
surize the Lo side and apply a liquid leak test solution
around the cover seal to make sure that pressure is
not leaking.
CAUTION: Low side port must be supplied with clean,
dry air, or inert gas only.
If a set point was specified for factory calibration,
IMPORTANT: Care should be taken not to loosen the there may be no need to remove the pressurized
pressure port from the body or the body from the electrical housing cover. Factory calibration can be
housing. verified on a test bench by connecting a continuity
tester across the common (C) and normally open
Electrical Connection (NO) wire leads. Pressurize the Hi side pressure port
and check actuation (deactuation) points on a cali-
CAUTION: Electrical power must be disconnected brated reference gauge.
from explosion proof models before the cover is
removed. Failure to do so could result in severe WARNING: Untis in Hazardous Locations-Prior to
personal injury or substantial property damage. calibration, make sure that the work area is declassi-
fied before removing the explosion proof cover to
Ensure that wiring conforms to all applicable local and calibrate the unit. Failure to do so could result in
national electrical codes and install unit(s) according severe personal injury or substantial property
to relevant national and local safety codes. damage.
SOR Series 20 Differential Pressure Switches have
18-inch 18 AWG color-coded wire leads which extend CAUTION: Disconnect electrical power before remov-
switching element contact circuits through a glass-to- ing cover in hazardous area! Avoid movement of the
metal seal. The glass-to-metal seal assembly main- electrical switching element or its bracket. It has been
tains Lo side pressure containment. Use two precisely positioned for optimum performance at the
wrenches, one on the seal assembly and one on the factory. Even slight movement will affect performance;
conduit fitting to avoid movement of the seal assembly excessive movement can render device inoperative.
during installation.
Wiring Schematic If no set point was specified for factory calibration, or
SPDT if the set point specification has changed:
Blue (C)
Black (NO) 1. Remove housing cover. Calibrate the device as a
Red (NC) gauge pressure switch. Turn the set point adjusting
nut clockwise to increase the set point, or counter-
clockwise to decrease the set point.
2. To verify Series 20 operation under system operat-
ing conditions, install the cover and tighten it
Green (GND) securely. Connect the HI and LO sides to suitable
(optional) pressure sources and raise the pressures simulta-
Differential Pressure
neously to the expected system operating
2-SPDT pressure. Apply a liquid leak test solution around
Blue (C) the cover seal to make sure that Lo side pressure
Black (NO)
Red (NC) is not leaking. Vary Lo side pressure to verify
Yellow (C)
Brown (NO) actuation (deactuation) of the electrical switching
Orange (NC) element at the desired Differential Pressure
Set Point.

No. 1 No. 2 Green (GND)


Differential Pressure

Page 2 of 4 SOR Form 536 (07.02) Printed in USA

Dimensions in these instructions are for reference only. They may be changed without notice. Contact the
factory for Certified Drawings for a particular model number. Linear = mm/in.

Weathertight — NEMA 4, 4X, IP65 Conventional Explosion Proof

Designator: RB, RH Designator: TA

101.6 70.6 195.6 93.7

4.00 2.78 7.70 Process 3.69
Process 70.6
69.8 28.7 Connection Low 22.4
Connection 26.2 2.78
2.75 103.4 1.13 0.88
36.6 Low 1.03
4.07 2 Holes
25.4 Ø 7.87
96.5 9.9
1.00 0.31
Electrical. 3.80 0.39
Connection (TYP)
3.88 3/4 NPT(F) 212.9
with 457.2 8.38
Length wires

Piston Number 22
117.1 Electrical
40.4 7.1 *
4.61 Connection
1.59 0.28
197.1 3/4 NPT(F)
7.76 w/ 457.2
39.4 MIN.
58.2 18.00
2.29 78.5 1.55 Length wires 47.2
3.09 1.86
(TYP) Process
94.5 Connection
7.1 WD. x 13.5 LG. Ø High
.28 .53 3.72
Process Connection High

H i Side Process * Length

C onnection Siz e
1/4 NPT(F) Shown
1/2 NPT(F)

1 NPT(F) Add 5.6


2 NPT(F) Add 25.4


101.6 . 195.6 93.7

4.00 70.6 7.70 3.69
69.8 2.78
28.7 26.2 2.78 Process Connection Low 22.4
36.6 2.75 103.4 1.13 1.03 0.88
2 Holes
1.44 4.07
Ø 7.87 96.5
25.4 0.31 3.80
1.00 9.9
(TYP.) 0.39
Electrical. 212.9 * (TYP)

Piston Number 24
Connection 8.38
3/4 NPT(F)
with 457.2
Length wires 117.1 *
40.4 4.61
1.59 7.1
197.1 Connection.
* 0.2 3/4 NPT(F)
39.4 with 457.2 MIN.
58.2 18.00
* 78.5 1.55
Length wires
3.09 27.4
(TYP) 1.08
7.1 WD. x 13.5 LG. Process
.28 .53 Process 54.9 High
SLOT (TYP. 2) Connection Ø

H i Side Process * Length

C onnection Siz e
1/4 NPT(F) Shown
1/2 NPT(F)

1 NPT(M) Add 46.0


SOR Form 536 (07.02) Printed in USA Page 3 of 4

14685 West 105th Street, Lenexa, Kansas 66215 913-888-2630 Fax 913-888-0767 www.sorinc.com

Page 4 of 4 Registered Quality System to ISO 9001 SOR Form 536 (07.02) Printed in USA

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