Autotoxicity in Vegetables and Ornamentals and Its Control: Toshiki Asao and Md. Asaduzzaman
Autotoxicity in Vegetables and Ornamentals and Its Control: Toshiki Asao and Md. Asaduzzaman
Autotoxicity in Vegetables and Ornamentals and Its Control: Toshiki Asao and Md. Asaduzzaman
Autotoxicity in Vegetables
and Ornamentals and Its Control
Toshiki Asao and Md. Asaduzzaman
Department of Agriculture,
Faculty of Life and Environmental Science,
Shimane University, Kamihonjo, Matsue, Shimane
1. Introduction
Allelopathy comes from the Latin words allelon ‘of each other’ and pathos ‘to suffer’ refers
to the chemical inhibition of one species by another. The ‘inhibitory’ chemical is released
into the environment where it affects the development and growth of neighboring plants.
Allelopathic chemicals can be present in any parts of an allelopathic plant. They can be
found in leaves, flowers, roots, fruits, or stems and also in the surrounding soil. Around 300
BC, the Greek botanist Theophrastus was possibly the first person to recognize the
allelopathic properties of plants when he observed and recorded that chickpea plants
exhausted the soil and destroyed weeds. Later, Pliny the Elder, a Roman scholar and
naturalist, noted that walnut trees were toxic to other plants, and that both chickpea and
barley ruined crop lands for maize. The term allelopathy was first introduced by a German
scientist Molisch in 1937 to include both harmful and beneficial biochemical interactions
between all types of plants including microorganisms. Rice (1984) reinforced this definition
in the first monograph on allelopathy. Research on the recognition and understanding of
allelopathy has been well documented over the past few decades (Rice, 1984; Rizvi & Rizvi,
1992). These include the symptoms and severity of adverse effects of living plants or their
residues upon growth of higher plants and crop yields, interactions among organisms,
ecological significance of allelopathy in plant communities, replanting problems, problems
with crop rotations, autotoxicity, and the production, isolation and identification of
allelochemicals in agro ecosystem.
Autotoxicity is a phenomenon of intraspecific allelopathy that occur when a plant species
releases chemical substances which inhibit or delay germination and growth of the same
plant species (Putnam, 1985; Singh et al., 1999). It been reported to occur in a number of crop
plants in agro ecosystem causing serious problems such as growth reduction, yield decline
and replant failures (Singh et al., 1999; Pramanik et al., 2000; Asao et al., 2003). Plants when
experiences autotoxicity it releases chemicals to its rhizosphere (Singh et al., 1999) through
various mechanisms such as leachation (Overland, 1966), volatilization (Petrova, 1977), root
exudation (Tang & Young, 1982), and crop residue decomposition (Rice, 1984). Autotoxicity
was found to be pronounced if the plants were cultivated consecutively for years on the
same land or grown by hydroponic culture without renewal of nutrient solution. One of the
68 Hydroponics – A Standard Methodology for Plant Biological Researches
principal causes of this autotoxic growth inhibition in the successive culture of plants has
been attributed to the effect of exuded chemicals from plant roots. Root extracts and
exudations are the common sources of allelochemicals with potent biological activity and
are produced by numerous plant species, with great variation in chemical components
(Inderjit & Weston, 2003). It represents one of the largest direct inputs of plant chemicals
into the rhizosphere environment. The synthesis and exudation of allelochemicals, along
with increased overall production of root exudates, is typically enhanced by stress
conditions that the plant encounters such as extreme temperature, drought and UV
exposure (Inderjit & Weston, 2003; Pramanik et al., 2000). Accumulations of these
allelochemicals are immense in reused nutrient solution during hydroponic culture.
Vegetable and ornamental plants generally cultured through hydroponics in Japan and
other developed countries and recently closed type hydroponic systems gained popularity
for the production of these crops on a commercial basis. However, this managed and viable
technique has the autotoxicity constraint. Therefore, we have studied autotoxicity
phenomenon in several vegetables crops such as cucumber (Cucumis sativus), taro (Colocasia
esculenta), strawberry (Fragaria × ananassa Duch.), some leafy vegetables, and many
ornamentals at the glasshouse of Experimental Research Center for Biological Resources
Science, Shimane University, Matsue, Japan using hydroponic culture. We have also
investigated the isolation, identification, phytotoxicity evaluation of the allelochemicals and
means to recover growth inhibition. In this chapter we illustrate autotoxicity of the above
crops in hydroponics, its occurrence, autotoxic substances isolation and phytotoxicity
evaluation, and control methods.
Autotoxicity in Vegetables and Ornamentals and Its Control 69
solution container at 2-day intervals since the AC that absorbed Fe-EDTA and Fe2+ was
rapidly oxidized to Fe3+ and less available for the plants (Yu et al., 1993). During cultivation,
the water level of the solution containers was kept constant by regularly adding tap water.
Nutrient concentrations (NO3-, PO42-, K+, Ca2+, Mg2+, and Fe3+) in the solution were adjusted
as close as possible to the initial concentration at 2-week intervals on the basis of chemical
analyses with an atomic absorption spectrometer (AA-630, Shimadzu Co., Kyoto, Japan), a
spectrophotometer (UVmini-1240, Shimadzu Co., Kyoto, Japan), and an ion meter (D-23,
Horiba, Kyoto, Japan). At the end of the experiment growth parameters, yield and yield
components were compared with untreated control.
70 Hydroponics – A Standard Methodology for Plant Biological Researches
initially at 100 ºC for 2 minutes and then raised at 5 ºC/min. to a final temperature of 260 ºC
for 10 minutes. The injector temperature was held at 270 ºC. The ionization voltage and
temperature in the electron impact (EI) mode were 70 eV and 250 ºC, respectively.
Autotoxicity in Vegetables and Ornamentals and Its Control 71
adsorption by activated charcoal (Asao et al., 1998a), degradation by microbial strain (Asao
et al., 2004a) or auxin (2,4-D and NAA) supplementation (Kitazawa et al., 2007), electro-
degradation of root exudates (Asao et al., 2008) and TiO2 photocatalysis (Sunada et al., 2008).
Similar to successive culture, in closed hydroponics accumulation of phytotoxic chemical
leads to the occurrence of autotoxicity. In our lab we have investigated the autotoxic
potentials of several vegetables and ornamentals and suggested means to overcome it. Our
research history started with the selection of cucumber cultivars suitable for a closed
hydroponics system using bioassay with cucumber seedlings (Asao at al., 1998b).
Experiments were conducted to clarify why fruit yield decrease during the late growing
period of cucumber cultured in non-renewed hydroponic nutrient solution and results were
suggested that root exudates had induced the decrease in fruit yield, especially by affecting
young fruits, the decrease was reversible through removal of root exudates by AC (Asao et
al., 1998a). We found extended harvesting period in a closed nutrient flow system by
grafting 'Shogoin-aonaga-fushinari' on 'Hokushin' or 'Aodai' (Asao et al., 1999b) and
increased number of harvested fruits by adding AC in the nutrient solution (Asao et al.,
2000). Growth inhibiting substances of unknown origin found in the growing nutrient
solution of cucumber plants were isolated and identified. The growth inhibitors were
adsorbed on AC and extracted by organic solvent (Asao et al., 1999a). We developed a
bioassay technique to evaluate toxicity of aromatic acids to cucumber seedlings and to select
cucumber cultivars that release little or no 2,4-dichlorobenzoic acid (an autotoxic chemical
found in cucumber root exudates), thereby avoiding cucumber autotoxicity in the closed
hydroponics system (Asao et al., 1999a). Root exudates, which are detrimental to vegetative
growth and yield of cucumber plants, were adsorbed by the AC irrespective of dissolved
oxygen levels (Asao et al., 1999d).
The number of organic acids and their exudation rates were higher in high temperatures
and long photoperiods than that in low temperature with short photoperiod condition and
caused higher cucumber autotoxicity in the former conditions (Pramanik et al., 2000).
Species differences in the susceptibility to autotoxicity among leaf vegetables were also
investigated in hydroponics (Asao et al., 2001a). Autotoxicity of root exudates from taro
were showed benzoic acid as the potent growth inhibitor (Asao et al., 2003). A number of
aromatic organic acids were identified in several leaf vegetables (Asao et al., 2004b). 2,4-
dichlorobenzoic acid (DCBA)-degrading microbial strains, may degrade DCBA including
other growth inhibitors exuded from cucumber roots and avoid autotoxicity in cucumber
resulting increased fruit yield (Asao et al., 2004a). In strawberry we found vegetative and
reproductive growth inhibition due to autotoxicity developed in non-renewed nutrient
solution through accumulation of autotoxic root exudates, and the most potent inhibitor was
benzoic acid (Kitazawa et al., 2005). Foliar application of auxin such as 1-naphthaleneacetic
acid (NAA) avoided the growth reduction of strawberry caused by autotoxicity. NAA at 5.4
µM found to be the most effective for alleviating autotoxicity of strawberry and increasing
the yield (Kitazawa, et al., 2007). Autotoxicity in some ornamentals were investigated in
hydroponics with or without the addition of AC to the nutrient solution and several organic
compounds were detected (Asao et al., 2007). Benzoic acid being the strongest growth
inhibitor, its removal from the nutrient solution is imperative for sustainable production of
taro and strawberry or other crops exudates containing it. Therefore, electro-degradation
method have been tried to degrade benzoic acid and it was found to be recovered
strawberry yield up to 71% from non-renewed nutrient solution (Asao et al., 2008).
72 Hydroponics – A Standard Methodology for Plant Biological Researches
Autotoxicity in Vegetables and Ornamentals and Its Control 73
3.1.3 Effects of DCBA with or without microbial suspension on the growth and yield of
Cucumber plants were grown in hydroponics using different concentrations of DCBA with
or without the addition of microorganisms to the nutrient solution. Results reveal that the
length of the main stem and primary branches decreased with the increase in DCBA
concentration (Table 2). The dry weight of stem, leaf, root and primary branches of plants
grown with DCBA (10 µM/l) was also decreased by about 60, 30, 26 and 32% of that without
DCBA, respectively. This growth inhibition was significantly recovered by the addition of
soil microorganisms to the nutrient solution. This indicates that the microbes efficiently
degraded the added DCBA in the nutrient solution and thus restored the inhibitory effect of
DCBA on the plants. The date of male flower anthesis was unaffected by the addition of
DCBA and the microbial suspension. However, the presence of DCBA at a concentration of
10 µM/l shifted the date of female flower anthesis and harvesting time by about 5 and 16
74 Hydroponics – A Standard Methodology for Plant Biological Researches
z stem and leaf; ysignificant at the 5 % level (*), 1 % level(**), and not significant (NS) by T-test;
x significant at the 1 % level (**), and not significant (NS) by regression analysis of the concentrations.
Table 2. Effects of DCBA with or without microbial suspension on the growth and yield of
cucumber plants grown in hydroponics.
Autotoxicity in Vegetables and Ornamentals and Its Control 75
days, respectively. Addition of the microbial suspension to the nutrient solution enhanced
early flowering and fruit setting in the cucumber plants treated with DCBA. The number of
healthy female flowers and the harvested fruit number per plant also decreased as the
DCBA concentration increased, and this decrease was significantly compensated by the
microbial suspension.
76 Hydroponics – A Standard Methodology for Plant Biological Researches
z(+)= total renewal of the nutrient solution every other week; (−)= only supplement of the nutrient
solution which decreased during culture; yat the plucking of apical buds; xat two weeks after the initial
harvest; wstem and leaf; vdifferent letters within a column indicate significance at the 5 % level and not
significant (NS) by the Tukey test.
Table 3. Effects of addition of the microbial suspension at different growth phases on the
growth and yield of cucumber plants grown in the absence of DCBA.
Autotoxicity in Vegetables and Ornamentals and Its Control 77
including DCBA would have sufficiently accumulated in the nutrient solution through
cucumber root exudation at the reproductive stage. The degrader (applied two or three
times) probably became a source of nutrients for other microorganisms. In this case, the
degrader did not dominated more than other microorganisms. However, when supplied
once at 2 weeks after the start of harvest, the degrader did not become a nutrient source for
other microorganisms and degraded the DCBA exuded from cucumber. This was why the
DCBA exuded from cucumber sustained the microbial activity. In conclusion, DCBA-
degrading microorganisms, if added to the nutrient solution, may degrade DCBA including
other growth inhibitors exuded from cucumber roots and avoid autotoxicity in cucumber
resulting increase the fruit yield. Addition of the microbial suspension in the reproductive
stage of cucumber plants appears to degrade the growth inhibitors efficiently. However, the
timing of degrader addition to the nutrient solution for efficient mitigation of cucumber
autotoxicity needs further study.
78 Hydroponics – A Standard Methodology for Plant Biological Researches
Fig. 2. Hydroponic system used for strawberry cultivation at the greenhouse of Shimane
University, Matsue, Japan.
3.2.2 Effects of non-renewed nutrient solution on the growth and yield of strawberry
In the treatment '-AC', the number of leaves, FW of shoots, DW of shoots and roots per plant,
and the root length decreased by 75%, 59%, 50%, 81% and 45% of control values,
respectively. In the '+AC' treatment, each value was 103%, 83%, 75%, 102% and 98% of
control values (Table 4). Although the number of flower clusters per plant was not
significant by different between treatments, values in '-AC' and '+AC' treatment were 85%
and 89% of control values, respectively (Table 4). In the '-AC' treatment, the number of
flowers per plant decreased significantly to about 74% of control value. In the '+AC'
treatment, each value was approx. 102% of the control value and there was no significant
difference between the '+AC' treatment and control. In the '-AC' treatment, the number of
harvested fruit per plant decreased significantly by approx. 49% of control values. In the
'+AC' treatment, this value was about 107% of the control value, and there was no
nutrient solution which decreased during culture; yvalues in column followed by a different letter differ
significantly by Tukey's test (P = 0.05; n = 9).
Table 4. Effects of non-renewed nutrient solution and activated charcoal on the growth,
yield components and yield of strawberry in hydroponics.
Autotoxicity in Vegetables and Ornamentals and Its Control 79
significant difference between the '+AC' treatment and control (Table 4). In the ‘+AC'
treatment with non-renewed nutrient solution, the growth and yield of strawberry plants
were eventually equivalent to control plants.
80 Hydroponics – A Standard Methodology for Plant Biological Researches
Benzoic acid was also the main inhibitor of growth and yield in taro plants (Asao et al.,
2003). The phenolic and aliphatic acids identified in strawberry root exudates may have the
potential to inhibit growth. The inhibitory potential of root exudates has been tested using
germination test of lettuce seeds (Tsuchiya & Ohno, 1992). However, Asao et al. (2001a)
suggested that lettuce plants suffer autotoxicity from their own root exudates. Vanillic acid
was the most inhibitor of the growth of lettuce (Asao et al., 2004b). Thus, the potential of
each compound identified in our study was evaluated using plantlets of the species which
they originated. Five compounds including phenolic and aliphatic acid were found to affect
plant growth but only benzoic acid significantly inhibited increases in the FW of shoots,
Autotoxicity in Vegetables and Ornamentals and Its Control 81
Fig. 3. Gas Chromatograms of all components from root exudate of strawberry plants
adsorbed and released from AC. Methyl esters of lactic acid (peak 1), benzoic acid (peak 2),
succinic acid (peak 3), adipic acid (peak 4) and p-hydroxy benzoic acid (peak 5) are
identified based on known standard retention times.
DWs of shoots and roots, and root length at all concentrations (Table 5). Therefore, it was
thought that benzoic acid was the strongest inhibitor of vegetative and reproductive growth
in strawberry. In conclusion, inhibition of the vegetative and reproductive growth in
strawberry caused by non-renewed nutrient solution may occur through autotoxic root
exudates, and the most potent inhibitor was benzoic acid. Reduction in the yields of
strawberry grown closed hydroponic systems would, therefore, appear to be related to the
allelochemicals exuded by the strawberry plant itself. Finally, for strawberry cultivation in a
closed hydroponic system, AC should be added to the nutrient solution to relieve the
autotoxicity caused by root exudates.
82 Hydroponics – A Standard Methodology for Plant Biological Researches
hypocotyls and radicle growth of turnip. The foregoing results reveal that growth inhibitors
from taro were connected with replanting problems. Our laboratory has established used
hydroponic culture system to assess autotoxicity in crop plants (Asao et al., 1999c; Pramanik et
al., 2000). Thus, an attempt was made to identify the chemicals exuded by taro roots and to
evaluate the allelopathic effects of these exudates on the growth and yield of taro through this
established hydroponic culture system.
Fig. 4. Hydroponic system used for taro cultivation (A) taro plants in plastic containers, (B)
sketch of taro hydroponics showing different components.
3.3.2 Effects of non-renewed nutrient solution on the growth and yield of taro
Results revealed that plants grown without AC had experienced significant shoot growth
retardation compared to those grown with AC. The leaf numbers and shoot dry weights of
the plants grown without AC decreased to about 90% and 67% of those grown with AC,
respectively (Table 6). Addition of AC to the nutrient solution also improved yield
significantly. The total yield per plant without AC decreased to about 34% compared to that
on the addition of AC (Table 6). Larger corms were harvested from the nutrient solution
with AC.
Autotoxicity in Vegetables and Ornamentals and Its Control 83
Fig. 5. Gas chromatograms of all components from root exudate of strawberry plants
adsorbed and released from AC. Methyl esters of lactic acid (peak 1), benzoic acid (peak 2),
succinic acid (peak 3), adipic acid (peak 4), m-hydroxybenzoic acid (peak 5), p-
hydroxybenzoic acid (peak 6) and vanillic acid (peak 7) are identified based on known
standard retention times.
the test material. Benzoic acid at 400 M/l induced severe growth inhibition of shoots and
The allelopathic potential of the identified compounds was evaluated using taro plantlets as
roots, while adipic acid at the same concentration reduced only dry weight of roots
acid at concentrations ranged from 0 to 400 M/l using taro plantlets. Both acids
(Table 7). Thus, we further evaluated growth inhibition potential of benzoic acid and adipic
retardation even at 50 M/l and growth decreased with increasing concentration of the
significantly inhibited the growth of plantlets (Table 8). Benzoic acid induced growth
acid. Benzoic acid at the highest concentration of 400 μM/l reduced fresh weight, shoot dry
weight, root length and root dry weight in taro plants to 54 %, 53 %, 54 %, and 75 % of
84 Hydroponics – A Standard Methodology for Plant Biological Researches
Tukey test; ysignificant at the 5 % level (*) and non-significant (NS) by regression analysis of the
Table 8. Effects of benzoic acid and adipic acid at different concentrations on the growth of
taro plantlets.
Autotoxicity in Vegetables and Ornamentals and Its Control 85
control values, respectively. Adipic acid only at 400 μM/l reduced fresh weight of shoots
and root length. Lower concentrations of this acid did not affect shoot or root growth.
As the nutrient concentrations and growth environment in the hydroponic cultures of taro
plants were apparently identical, the significant growth differences between the plants
grown with and without AC could be attributed to the variation in the chemical
composition of the nutrient solution. These chemicals would have exuded from taro roots.
Tsuchiya and Ohno (1992) indicated that water extracts from soils used consecutively for
taro cultivation over a period of years inhibited the growth of lettuce. Since the same
phenomenon was observed even when the extracts were autoclaved, it was considered that
the inhibition was caused by allelochemicals rather than by harmful soil
microorganisms. There have been many reports that taro residues exhibited an allelopathic
effect on plant growth (Miyaji et al., 1979; Tsuzuki et al., 1995; Pardales & Dingal, 1988). It
was made clear here that the vegetative growth and corm yield of taro plants were
decreased in the non-renewed culture solution and the loss was recovered by adding AC to
the nutrient solution. This result suggests that the chemicals exuded from taro roots had
induced the inhibition of growth and reduced yield. This inhibition was prevented by the
adsorption of the exuded allelochemicals in AC.
The substances adsorbed on the AC were extracted, analyzed and some of them identified
as phenolic and aliphatic acids although many compounds in the root exudates are yet to be
detected. The allelopathic potential of each identified compound was evaluated and found
Inhibitory effects of phenolic acids (Pramanik et al., 2001) and aliphatic acids (Yu & Matsui,
reduction of absolute leaf expansion brought about at 0.23 M of phenolic acid per gram
1997) to plant growth have been well recognized. In a bioassay, Blum (1996) found that 30 %
soil, while it required only 0.05 M in the presence of 0.06, 0.17, and 0.04 M of p-coumaric,
p- hydroxybenzoic, and vannilic acids per gram of soil, respectively. Thus, mixture of
allelochemicals can below their inhibitory levels. This indicates that taro plants exude a
number of compounds (Fig. 5) into its surroundings and those inhibit the growth taro plants
by synergistic or additive actions. In conclusion, taro roots exude a number of
allelochemicals including aromatic acids such as benzoic acid and aliphatic acids such as
adipic acid which inhibit the growth of taro plants by additive or synergistic actions.
Benzoic acid induced strongest inhibition. Thus, the decline in yield on the successive
culture of taro would appear to be related to the allelochemicals exuded from the taro plant
86 Hydroponics – A Standard Methodology for Plant Biological Researches
plants has been attributed to the effect of exuded chemicals from plants (Pramanik et al.,
2000). Growth of some vegetables such as asparagus, taro, cucumber, and tomato was
inhibited by allelochemicals found in their root exudates (Asao et al., 1998a, 2003, 2004b;
Shafer & Garrison, 1986; Yang, 1982; Yu & Matsui, 1993). Inhibition in growth of apple,
peach, rice, strawberry, and sugarcane has been documented for the autotoxicity (Kitazawa
et al., 2005; Mizutani et al., 1988; Rice, 1984). This autotoxicity in tomato (Yu et al., 1993) and
cucumber (Asao et al., 1998a; Pramanik et al., 2000) has been recovered by addition of AC to
the nutrient solution, because the added AC adsorbed the phytotoxic root exudates and thus
favored plant growth. However, research on autotoxicity in ornamentals is limited. Tukey
(1969) showed that when chrysanthemum was grown repeatedly in the same place for
several years, growth was reduced owing to accumulation of toxic substances in the soil.
Kaul (2000) reported on autotoxicity in African marigold, but did not identify the
allelochemicals involved. Therefore, we attempted to investigate autotoxicity, if any, in
selected ornamentals along with a possible remedial measure to overcome the growth
inhibition from autotoxicity.
Autotoxicity in Vegetables and Ornamentals and Its Control 87
88 Hydroponics – A Standard Methodology for Plant Biological Researches
EC of 1.3 dS/m was applied to each container at 2-week intervals. The cultivation was
continued for 8 weeks. At the end of the experiment plant length, number of leaves per
plant, maximum root length, shoot dry weight and root dry weight, and number of flowers
per plant were recorded.
3.4.5 Growth and yield of prairie gentian plants when grown its replant soil
Performances of prairie gentian were very poor when successively grown for years in the
same land. Significant growth inhibition was noticed in the plants grown in soils from a
prairie gentian field without AC compared with those grown in reference soil (Table 11). It
suggests that soil from a prairie gentian field has some growth inhibitors. In hydroponic
culture, we also detected some growth inhibitors in the root exudates of the test plant
(Tables 12 and 13). Those inhibitors should have been adsorbed when the soil was amended
with AC. Thus, the growth of the test plants was increased with an increase in amount of
AC from 30 to 60 kg/10a followed by a gradual decline at the highest dose of AC (480
kg/10a). This high dose of AC might have affected other chemical properties in soil. Results
Autotoxicity in Vegetables and Ornamentals and Its Control 89
5% level (*), 1% level (**) and not significant (NS) by t-test (n=36); xno data.
Table 10. Growth performances of some ornamental plants grown in hydroponics in the
presence or absence of activated charcoal (AC) in the nutrient solution (%)z.
90 Hydroponics – A Standard Methodology for Plant Biological Researches
Allelochemicals Pot Toritelia Lily Rocket Sweet Stock Farewell Bishop's Snap- Prairie
marigold larkspur pea -to- week dragon gentian
Lactic acid +z + − + − + − + − −
Valeric acid − + − − − − − − − −
Malonic acid − − − − + + − − − +
Fumaric acid − + − − − − − − − −
Maleic acid − + − − − − − − − +
n-Caproic acid − + + − − − − − + +
Succinic acid + + − + − + − − − −
Benzoic acid + − + − + − − − − +
Malic acid − + − − − − − − − +
− − − − − − + − − +
− − + − + − − − − +
Adipic acid − + + − − − − − − −
Hydroxyphenylacetic − − − + − − − − − −
Hydroxyphenylacetic − + − − − − − − − −
Vanillin − − + − − − − − − −
− + − − − − − − − −
Vanillic acid − − − + + − − − − −
n-Capric acid − + − − − − − − − −
z Detected (+) and not detected (-).
Table 12. The compounds identified in the exudates of some ornamentals adsorbed on
activated charcoal (AC) added in the nutrient solution.
Autotoxicity in Vegetables and Ornamentals and Its Control 91
Allelochemicals Conc. Pot marigold Lily Rocket Sweet pea Stock Prairie
(μM) larkspur gentian
shoot root shoot root shoot root shoot root shoot root shoot root
None(control) 0 530bz 4.7b 1640a 63a 140a 4.4a 1210a 18a 130a 1.1a 560a 23a
Lactic acid 50 420c 3.1c − − 130a 3.5a − − 150a 1.1a − −
100 420c 3.3c − − 140a 3.7a − − 120a 0.9a − −
200 430c 3.4c − − 160a 4.5a − − 120a 1.1a − −
400 420c 3.4c − − 150a 4.6a − − 110a 0.8a − −
Malonic acid 50 − − − − − − 1340a 23a 110a 1.1a 530a 24a
100 − − − − − − 1320a 32a 140a 1.2a 510a 24a
200 − − − − − − 1330a 21a 140a 1.1a 510a 25a
400 − − − − − − 1070b 17b 110a 1.5a 490b 29a
Maleic acid 50 − − − − − − − − − − 490b 17b
100 − − − − − − − − − − 460b 17b
200 − − − − − − − − − − 420b 18b
400 − − − − − − − − − − 390c 18b
n-Caproic acid 50 − − 1410a 43b − − − − − − 530a 22a
100 − − 1380a 41b − − − − − − 580a 25a
200 − − 940b 34b − − − − − − 550a 23a
400 − − 850b 35b − − − − − − 530a 25a
Succinic acid 50 510b 4.7b − − 120a 4.3a − − 130a 1.1a − −
100 490b 4.3b − − 160a 4.7a − − 120a 1.7a − −
200 510b 3.7b − − 140a 3.9a − − 120a 1.2a − −
400 490b 4.1b − − 140a 3.9a − − 110a 1.3a − −
Benzoic acid 50 470b 4.2b 810b 34b − − 1150b 18a − − 460b 19b
100 750a 6.2a 810b 34b − − 1110b 18a − − 470b 18b
200 530b 4.3b 800b 34b − − 1090b 21a − − 480b 17b
400 440c 3.1c 890b 42b − − 1110b 21a − − 470b 16b
Malic acid 50 − − − − − − − − − − 510a 22a
100 − − − − − − − − − − 480b 22a
200 − − − − − − − − − − 380c 22a
400 − − − − − − − − − − 390c 22a
50 − − − − − − − − − − 520a 19b
100 − − − − − − − − − − 510a 18b
200 − − − − − − − − − − 510a 18b
400 − − − − − − − − − − 420b 16b
50 − − 990b 28b − − 1330a 21a − − 510a 22a
100 − − 1170b 35b − − 1310a 34a − − 550a 23a
92 Hydroponics – A Standard Methodology for Plant Biological Researches
Allelochemicals Conc. Pot marigold Lily Rocket Sweet pea Stock Prairie
(μM) larkspur gentian
shoot root shoot root shoot root shoot root shoot root shoot root
200 − − 1010b 31b − − 980b 15b − − 610a 26a
400 − − 1010b 35b − − 870b 16b − − 470b 25a
Adipic acid 50 − − 1370a 36b − − − − − − − −
100 − − 1210a 28b − − − − − − − −
200 − − 910b 29b − − − − − − − −
400 − − 970b 22c − − − − − − − −
Hydroxyphenylacetic 50 − − − − 110a 3.0b − − − − − −
100 − − − − 110a 2.8b − − − − − −
200 − − − − 110a 2.4b − − − − − −
400 − − − − 60b 2.2b − − − − − −
Vanillin 50 − − 1340a 38b − − − − − − − −
100 − − 1310a 34b − − − − − − − −
200 − − 1030b 27b − − − − − − − −
400 − − 1010b 26b − − − − − − − −
Vanillic acid 50 − − − − 140a 4.6a 1230a 19a − − − −
100 − − − − 140a 4.6a 1190a 19a − − − −
200 − − − − 120a 2.8b 1010b 23a − − − −
400 − − − − 110a 2.4b 1110b 21a − − − −
z Values in a column followed by a different letter differ significant by Tukey's test (P=0.05; n=10)
Table 13. Effects of the identified compounds at different concentrations on the fresh and
dry weights (mg) of shoot and root of some ornamental plants.
revealed that the test plant length was increased by 96% over control as a result of the
addition of AC (60 kg/10a). Shoot dry weight and root length were increased by 90% and
94%, respectively, over control for the same concentration (60 kg/10a). Flower setting was
also increased at 60 kg AC/10a. This indicated that the reduced growth of prairie gentian
after prolonged cultivation in a field could be corrected by amending the soil with AC at the
rate of 60 kg/10a. In conclusion, of the ornamentals experiencing autotoxicity owing to the
chemicals exuded from their roots being more specific, this autotoxicity could be reduced, at
least to some extent, using AC in the root media.
Autotoxicity in Vegetables and Ornamentals and Its Control 93
the root exudates of the plants are yet to be identified. However, at least one aliphatic acid
or phenolic compound has been detected in the root exudates of the studied plants. A
bioassay was carried out to evaluate the inhibition potential of some identified compounds.
Different test concentrations were made with the compounds and a bioassay was furnished
with some test plants. Almost all the compounds inhibited the growth of tested plants in a
concentration dependent manner. Lactic acid significantly reduced fresh shoot weight and
concentration (50 µM) (Table 13). Benzoic and p-hydroxybenzoic acid in lily, even at 50 M,
root dry weight in pot marigold to 79% and 66% of control, respectively, even at low
significantly reduced fresh weight to 49% and 60% of over control, n-caproic, benzoic,
dry weight in rocket larkspur to 68% of control (Table 13). Quantity and quality of exuded
allelochemicals varied from plants to plants (Inderjit, 1996) and in cucumber plants, root
exudation rate of different chemicals was found to range from 0.20 to 4.17 mg/d per plant
(Pramanik et al., 2000). This low concentration is apparently not enough to cause
autotoxicity in cucumber plants, but those cucumber plants experienced autotoxicity when
grown in absence of AC in the nutrient solution plant (Pramanik et al., 2000). Actually, in
natural conditions, occurrence of a chemical at high concentrations (100 μM or more) is rare
or absent. However, under field conditions or hydroponic culture, the exuded compounds
affect plant growth by additive or synergistic means (Inderjit, 1996) and thus, the
compounds even at low concentrations could induce significant growth inhibition in plants,
although their threshold inhibition at the individual level is quite high (Rice, 1984). Identical
results were found in the experiment (Table 13). So, it appears that the identified
compounds would be toxic enough to affect growth of the ornamental plants by additive or
synergistic effects.
We found a number of ornamental plants with autotoxic potential due to their root
exudation. Growth and yield of the ornamentals under investigation were found to be
improved in culture solution with AC supplementation where it used to trap the exudates.
Therefore, cultivation through hydroponics enables us to isolate the responsible
allelochemicals. Most of the autotoxic ornamental plants released mainly aliphatic acids or
phenolic compounds to the nutrient solution. Phytotoxicity was evaluated in terms of fresh
hydroxybenzoic acid showed phytotoxicity even at lower concentration (50 M). The
weight of shoot and dry weight of root and some compounds like lactic, benzoic acid and p-
aforesaid results would be useful for sustainable production of ornament plants. We have
tried AC to remove the allelochemicals from culture solution; however, more practical
measures should be investigated to manage the rhizosphere free of inhibitory exudates.
4. Conclusion
Intensive and continuous culture of vegetable crops on the same land for several years
causes replanting injuries like outbreak of disease and insect pest, exhaustion of soil fertility,
development of chemical interference (allelopathy) leading to growth and yield reduction.
Similarly in closed hydroponic system for the commercial cultivation of vegetables,
autotoxicity is also evidenced. Hydroponic culture solution accumulates root exudates
which in terns hamper water and mineral uptake due to root injuries. This managed culture
technique has the facility of trapping and isolating the chemicals released through plant
94 Hydroponics – A Standard Methodology for Plant Biological Researches
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Hydroponics - A Standard Methodology for Plant Biological
Edited by Dr. Toshiki Asao
ISBN 978-953-51-0386-8
Hard cover, 244 pages
Publisher InTech
Published online 23, March, 2012
Published in print edition March, 2012
Hydroponics-A standard methodology for plant biological researches provides useful information on the
requirements and techniques needs to be considered in order to grow crops successfully in hydroponics. The
main focuses of this book are preparation of hydroponic nutrient solution, use of this technique for studying
biological aspects and environmental controls, and production of vegetables and ornamentals hydroponically.
The first chapter of this book takes a general description of nutrient solution used for hydroponics followed by
an outline of in vitro hydroponic culture system for vegetables. Detailed descriptions on use of hydroponics in
the context of scientific research into plants responses and tolerance to abiotic stresses and on the problems
associated with the reuse of culture solution and means to overcome it are included. Some chapters provides
information on the role of hydroponic technique in studying plant-microbe-environment interaction and in
various aspects of plant biological research, and also understanding of root uptake of nutrients and thereof
role of hydroponics in environmental clean-up of toxic and polluting agents. The last two chapters outlined the
hydroponic production of cactus and fruit tree seedlings. Leading research works from around the world are
brought together in this book to produce a valuable source of reference for teachers, researcher, and
advanced students of biological science and crop production.
How to reference
In order to correctly reference this scholarly work, feel free to copy and paste the following:
Toshiki Asao and Md. Asaduzzaman (2012). Autotoxicity in Vegetables and Ornamentals and Its Control,
Hydroponics - A Standard Methodology for Plant Biological Researches, Dr. Toshiki Asao (Ed.), ISBN: 978-
953-51-0386-8, InTech, Available from: