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Calibration White Paper

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How to calibrate
temperature sensors
BEAMEX Calibration White Paper

How to calibrate temperature sensors

Temperature measurement is one of the most common (DCS, SCADA). The standard 4 to 20 mA signal has been
measurements in the process industry. used for decades, as a current signal can be transferred longer
Every temperature measurement loop has a temperature distances and the current does not change even if there is some
sensor as the first component in the loop. So, it all starts with resistance along the wires. Nowadays transmitters with digital
a temperature sensor. The temperature sensor plays a vital role signals or even wireless signals are being adopted.
in the accuracy of the whole temperature measurement loop. Anyhow, to measure temperature, the measuring element
As any measurement instrument you want to be accurate, that is used is the temperature sensor.
also the temperature sensor needs to be calibrated regularly.
Why would you measure temperature, if you don’t care about
the accuracy? Measuring the temperature sensor output
In this article, we will take a look at how to calibrate As most temperature sensors have an electrical output, that
temperature sensors and what are the most common things output obviously needs to be measured somehow. That being
you should consider when calibrating temperature sensors. said, you need to have a measurement device to measure the
output, resistance or voltage, for example.
The measurement device often displays an electrical
What is a temperature sensor? quantity (resistance, voltage), not temperature. So it is
Let’s start from the basics... discussing what a temperature necessary to know how to convert that electrical signal into
sensor is: a temperature value.
As the name indicates, a temperature sensor is an instrument Most standard temperature sensors have international
that can be used to measure temperature. It has an output standards that specify how to calculate the electrical/
signal proportional to the applied temperature. When the temperature conversion, using a table or a formula. If you have
temperature of the sensor changes, the output will also change a non-standard sensor, you may need to get that information
accordingly. from the sensor manufacturer.
There are various kinds of temperature sensors that have There are also measuring devices that can display the
different output signals. Some have a resistance output, some temperature sensor signal directly as temperature. These
have a voltage signal, some have a digital signal and many devices also measure the electrical signal (resistance, voltage)
more. and have the sensor tables (or polynomials/formulas)
In practice, in industrial applications, the signal from programmed inside, so they convert it into temperature.
temperature sensor is typically connected to a temperature For example, temperature calibrators typically support the
transmitter, that will convert the signal into a format that is most common RTD (resistance temperature detector) and
easier to transfer for longer distances, to the control system thermocouple (T/C) sensors used in the process industry.

So how to calibrate a temperature sensor?

Before we go into the various things to consider when
calibrating a temperature sensor, lets take a look at the general
First, since the temperature sensor measures temperature,
you will need to have a known temperature to immerse
the sensor in to calibrate it. It is not possible to “simulate”
temperature, but you must create a real temperature using a
temperature source.
You can either generate an accurate temperature, or you
can use a calibrated reference temperature sensor to measure
the generated temperature. For example, you may insert the
reference sensor and the sensor to be calibrated into a liquid
bath (preferably a stirred one) and you can perform calibration How to calibrate temperature sensors 2

BEAMEX Calibration White Paper

But if you are not sure of the structure of the sensor you
should calibrate, it is better to be safe than sorry.
It’s never wrong to handle any sensor as if it was a SPRT.
100.00 °C In addition to mechanical shocks, a very fast change in
temperature can be a chock to the sensor and damage it or
100.00 °C affect the accuracy.
Thermocouples are typically not as sensitive as RTD probes.

Temperature source
2 - Preparations
Sensor to be calibrated There are normally not that many preparations, but there are
some things to take into account. First, a visual inspection is
performed in order to see that the sensor looks ok and make
Reference sensor
sure it has not been bent or damaged, and that the wires look
External contamination can be an issue, so it is good to
at that temperature point. Alternatively, a so called dry-block know where the sensor has been used and what kind of media
temperature source can be used. it has been measuring. You may need to clean the sensor
As an example, using a stirred ice-bath provides pretty good before calibration, especially if you plan to use a liquid bath
accuracy for the 0 °C (32 °F) point calibration. for calibration.
For industrial and professional calibration, typically The insulation resistance of an RTD sensor can be measured
temperature baths or dry-blocks are used. These can be in prior to calibration. This is to make sure that the sensor is
programmed to heat or cool the temperature into a certain not damaged and the insulation between the sensor and the
set point. chassis is high enough. A drop in insulation resistance can
In some industrial applications, it is a common practice to cause error in measurements and is a sign of a sensor damage.
replace temperature sensors on regular intervals and not to
calibrate the sensors regularly.
3 - Temperature source
As mentioned, you need to have a temperature source to
How to calibrate temperature sensors – things to consider calibrate a temperature sensor. It is just not possible to simulate
Lets start digging into the actual calibration of temperature temperature.
sensors and the different things to consider.... For industrial purposes, a temperature dry-block is most
commonly used. It is handy and portable and typically
accurate enough.
1 - Handling temperature sensor For higher accuracy needs, a liquid bath can be used. That
Different sensors have different mechanical structures and is anyhow not typically easily portable but can be used in
different mechanical robustness. laboratory conditions.
The most accurate SPRT (standard platinum resistance For zero Centigrade point, a stirred ice-bath is often used.
thermometer) sensors, used as reference sensors in temperature It is pretty simple and affordable yet provides a good accuracy
laboratories, are very fragile. Our temperature calibration for the zero point.
laboratory people say that if a SPRT touches something so that For the most accurate temperatures, fixed-point cells are
you can hear any sound, the sensor must be checked before being used. Those are very accurate, but also very expensive.
any further use. Those are mostly used in accurate (and accredited) temperature
Luckily most of the industrial temperature sensors are robust calibration laboratories.
and will survive normal handling. There are some industrial
sensors that are made very robust and then can withstand
pretty rough handling. How to calibrate temperature sensors 3

BEAMEX Calibration White Paper

4 - Reference temperature sensor you know the accuracy and uncertainty of the device and
The temperature is generated with some of the heat sources ensure it has valid traceable calibration.
mentioned in the previous chapter. You obviously need to
know with a very high degree of accuracy the temperature of
the heat source. Dry-blocks and liquid baths offer an internal 6 - Immersion depth
reference sensor that measures the temperature. But for more Immersion depth (how deep you insert the sensor into
accurate results, you should be using a separate accurate temperature source) is one important consideration when
reference temperature sensor that is inserted in the same calibrating temperature sensors.
temperature as the sensor(s) to be calibrated. That kind of Our temperature calibration lab people gave this rule of
reference sensor will more accurately measure the temperature thumb when using a stirred liquid bath:
that the sensor to be calibrated is measuring.
Naturally the reference sensor should have a valid traceable • 1% accuracy - immerse 5 diameters + length of the sensing
calibration. It is easier to send a reference sensor out for element
calibration than sending the whole temperature source (it is • 0.01% accuracy - immerse 10 diameters + length of the
good also to keep in mind the temperature gradient of the sensing element
temperature block if you always only have the reference sensor • 0.0001% accuracy - immerse 15 diameters + length of the
calibrated not the block). sensing element
As for thermodynamic characteristics, the reference sensor
should be as similar as possible compared to the sensor to Heat conduction in a stirred liquid bath is better than in a
be calibrated, to ensure they behave the same way during dry-block and the required immersion depth is smaller.
temperature changes. For dry-blocks, there is an Euramet recommendation that
The reference sensor and sensor to be calibrated should you should immerse 15 times the diameter of the sensor added
be immersed in the same depth in the temperature source. with the length of the sensor element. So, if you have a 6
Typically, all sensors are immersed to the bottom of a dry- mm diameter sensor, which has a 40 mm element inside, you
block. With very short sensors, it gets more difficult as they immerse it (6 x 15 mm + 40 mm) 130 mm.
will only immerse a limited depth into the temperature Sometimes it is difficult to know how long the actual
source, and you should make sure that your reference sensor element is inside the sensor, but it should be mentioned in the
is immersed equally deep. In some cases, this requires a sensor specifications.
dedicated short reference sensor to be used. Also, you should be aware of where the sensor element is
Using fixed-point cells, you don’t need any reference sensor, located (it is not always in the very tip of the sensor).
because the temperature is based on physical phenomena and The sensor to be calibrated and the reference sensor should
is very accurate by its nature. be immersed into the same depth so that the middle points of
the actual sensor elements are in the same depth.
Naturally with very short sensors, it is not possible to
5 - Measuring the temperature sensor output signal immerse them very deep. That is one reason for the high
Most temperature sensors have an electrical output (resistance uncertainty when calibrating short sensors.
or voltage) that needs to be measured and converted to
temperature. So, you need to have some device to be used
for the measurement. Some temperature sources offer also a
measurement channels for the sensors, both device under test Remember that a temperature
(DUT) and reference.
If you measure the electrical output, you will need to convert sensor always measures its own
that into temperature, using international standards. In most
industrial cases, you will use a measurement device that can do temperature!
the conversion for you, so you can see the signal conveniently
in the temperature unit (Centigrade or Fahrenheit).
What ever means you use for the measurement, make sure How to calibrate temperature sensors 4

BEAMEX Calibration White Paper

7 - Stabilization 10 - Calibration points

Remember that a temperature sensor always measures its own In industrial calibration, you need to pick enough calibration
temperature! points to see that the sensor is linear. Often it is enough to
Temperature changes pretty slowly and you should always calibrate 3 to 5 points throughout the range.
wait long enough to have all parts stabilized to the target Depending on the sensor type, you may need to take more
temperature. When you insert the sensor into a temperature, points, if you know that the sensor may not be linear.
it will always take some time before the temperature of the If you calibrate platinum sensors and you plan to calculate
sensor has reached that temperature and stabilized. coefficients based of the calibration results, you will need to
Your reference sensor and the sensor to be calibrated (DUT) calibrate at suitable temperature points to be able to calculate
may have very different thermodynamic characteristics, the coefficients. The most common coefficients for the
especially if they are mechanically different. platinum sensors are the ITS-90 and Callendar van Dusen
Often one of the biggest uncertainties related to temperature coefficients. For thermistors, Steinhart-Hart coefficients can
calibration can be that the calibration is done too quickly. be used.
If you most often calibrate similar kinds of sensors, it is wise When sensors are calibrated in an accredited laboratory,
to make some type tests to learn the behavior of those sensors. the points may also be selected based on the lab’s smallest

Often one of the biggest 11 - Adjusting / trimming a temperature sensor

uncertainties related to temperature Unfortunately, most temperature sensors can not be adjusted
or trimmed. So, if you find an error in calibration, you cannot
calibration can be that the calibration adjust that. Instead you will need to use coefficients to correct
the sensor’s reading.
is done too quickly. In some cases, you can compensate the sensor error in other
parts of the temperature measurement loop (in transmitter or
in DCS).

8 - Temperature sensor handle

The sensor handle part, or the transition junction, typically has Other things to consider
a limit of how hot it can be. If it is heated too hot, the sensor
may be damaged. Make sure you know the specifications of Documentation
the sensors you calibrate.
If you calibrate in high temperatures, it is recommended to As with any calibration, the temperature sensor calibration
use a temperature shield to protect the sensor handle. needs to be documented in a calibration certificate.

9 - Calibrated temperature range Traceability

With temperature sensors, it is pretty common that you don’t In calibration, the reference standard used, must have a
calibrate the whole temperature range of the sensor. valid traceability to National Standards, or equivalent. The
The very top of the range is something you should be traceability should be an unbroken chain of calibrations each
careful in calibrating. For example, a RTD sensor can drift having stated uncertainties.
permanently if you calibrate it in too high temperature. More info on metrological traceability, please see the blog
Also, the coldest points of the sensor’s temperature range post Metrological Traceability in Calibration – Are you
can be difficult/expensive to calibrate. traceable?
So, it is recommended to calibrate the temperature range
that the sensor is going to be used in. How to calibrate temperature sensors 5

BEAMEX Calibration White Paper

As always in calibration, also in temperature sensor calibration,
you should be aware of the total uncertainty of the calibration
Please check what Beamex can offer you for temperature
process. In temperature calibration the calibration process (the
calibration or for temperature calibration services.
way you do the calibration) can easily be by far the biggest
uncertainty component in the total uncertainty.
Beamex temperature calibration products
More information on calibration uncertainty, please see the
blog post Calibration uncertainty for dummies.

Automating the calibration

Temperature calibration is always a pretty slow operation RELATED BLOG POSTS
since temperature changes slowly and you need to wait for
the stabilization. You can benefit a lot, if you can automate If you found this blog post interesting, you may also like
your temperature calibrations. The calibration will still take these ones listed below. Please feel free to browse all
long time, but if it is automated, you don’t need to be there the articles in the Beamex blog, maybe you find some
to wait for it. interesting articles to read.
This will naturally save time and money for you.
Also, when automated, you can be sure that the calibration • Uncertainty components of a temperature calibration
using a dry block
gets always done the same way.
• Pt100 temperature sensor – useful things to know
• Thermocouple Cold (Reference) Junction Compensation
• Temperature units and temperature unit conversion
• How to calibrate temperature instruments [Webinar]

Thanks to our accredited temperature calibration laboratory

persons for their help in making this article. Special thanks
to Mr. Toni Alatalo, the head of our accredited temperature
laboratory! How to calibrate temperature sensors 6

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