XORSTEG: A New Model of Text Steganography: Tapodhir Acharjee
XORSTEG: A New Model of Text Steganography: Tapodhir Acharjee
XORSTEG: A New Model of Text Steganography: Tapodhir Acharjee
Tapodhir Acharjee, Ashish Konwar, Rakesh Kumar Ram,Rahul Sharma, Dhrubajyoti Goswami
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Assam University, Silchar, Assam, India
[email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]
Abstract—Staganography is the practice of hiding secret starting and ending letter. Our proposed model overcomes this
information using texts, images and audio as the cover media. limitation which increases the efficiency of the approach.
But, using text as the target medium is not as easy as compared to
the other target media, because of the lack of available redundant The rest of this paper is organised as follows: Section II
information in a text file.This paper proposes a new model of
discusses the existing method and its limitations. Section III
key-based text steganography. Various methods in this type of
key-based steganography do not work when the cover file describes the proposed approach. Section IV shows the results
contained single letters and words which have the same starting and compares our proposed approach with the existing
and ending letter. The proposed approach works on this approach. The paper concludes with the conclusion in Section
limitation and conceals a message, without degrading cover, by V.
using XOR operation on the start and end letter of words of the
Keywords—steganography; text steganography; key-based text In this section we discuss an existing text steganography
steganography; cover file method[4] which uses any paragraph and hides the secret
message in the paragraph (cover file) thus generating a stego
I. INTRODUCTION key; without degrading the originality of the paragraph .
Steganography is a word stemming from the ancient Greek
with the meaning of covered writing. Steganography uses the The model works by hiding a message using start and end
help of a cover file (text, image, audio,video)to hide a secret letter of the words of a cover file. It works on the binary value
message. The secret message is embedded with the cover of a character. After converting the cipher text to a stream of
message by using various methods and is then sent to the bits,each bit is hidden by picking a word from the cover file
intended recipient. In steganography the text to be concealed and using either the start or the end letter of that word
is called embedded data. An innocuous medium, such as a depending on the bit to be concealed.Bit 0 or 1 is hidden by
text, audio, image, etc. used to hide the message is called the reading a word, sequentially, from the cover file and including
cover file. The key which is optional and is used in the the starting letter or the end letter, respectively, of the word in
embedding process is called a stego key. A stego key is used the stego key. A word having same start and end letter is
to control the hiding process so as to restrict detection from skipped. Since no change is made to the cover, the cover file
third parties and/or recovery of embedded data to the parties and its corresponding stego file are exactly the same [4].
who know it [1, 4].
The key file is generated by taking a bit from the converted 12. Convert the binary to string which will be the
binary secret message. If the bit is 1, the greater decimal value required message.
The results of hiding an example message of “This is a new
text steganography method” after implementing our proposed
IV. RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS method in Python are given in Figure 1, 2 and 3.
Here, we compare and analyze the two methods, discussed in
the previous sections. To find the efficiency of the two
methods we calculate the capacity ratio. Capacity can be
defined as the total bytes of a secret message which can be
stored in a cover file. The capacity ratio is computed by
dividing the amount of hidden bytes over the size of the
cover text in bytes [6].
1. America (7 bytes)
2. Every man has two sides to him (29 bytes)
3. With spikes growing out of their skulls (39 bytes)
4. The name milky-way is derived from Greek
mythology (50 bytes)
5. Black was the colour of sorrow and pain, black was
the colour outside the train. (80 bytes)
The message that has to be hidden is taken to be the same as
the cover file. Table 1 shows the capacities of the two
methods: Figure 3: The generated key-file
From the above figures we see that the stego file and cover file
does not differ, unlike other format based methods. This stego
Sample 1 2 3 4 5
file and key file which is generated is then sent to the intended
Existing 0 0 0 0 1
This type of key based steganography is more efficient than
Proposed 1 1 1 1 1
format based methods which alter the visual properties of a
text to hide the message. But similar to cryptography, if the
key and the stego file gets into the hands of any third party,
Table 1: Capacity of the two methods he/she can easily extract the message.
Moreover, we see that the cover file which is used to hide the
In the samples 1, 2, 3 and 4 the existing method’s capacity message has to be larger than the message which is to be
ratio turns out to be 0, 1.21, 1.95, 1.16 but is written as 0 hidden. This can be thought of as another limitation of these
because it cannot hide the message in the cover file as the total key based steganography methods.
number of bytes in the message is greater than the number of
words in the cover file, as some words are neglected by the The future work of this study can be done mainly on
algorithm because they contain the same starting and ending increasing its efficiency by being able to hide a message into
letters. It is also seen that single letter words cannot be used in
any length of a cover file. Support for other languages other
the existing method unlike our proposed method.
than English can also be added. To further increase the
security, we can use both cryptography and steganography Computers, vol.7, no.6, pp. 735-745, 2008.
methods to hide and encipher the message and the key and
[4] Monika Agarwal,"Textsteganographic approaches: a comparison"
then transmit the key to the receiver. International Journal of Network Security Its Applications (IJNSA),
Vol.5, No.1, January 2013.