Delta Green Future Perfect 4 PDF
Delta Green Future Perfect 4 PDF
Delta Green Future Perfect 4 PDF
Published by Arc Dream Publishing in arrangement with their kind. For clarity, we call the physical universe as they
the Delta Green Partnership. The intellectual property perceive it “the Construct.”
known as Delta Green is ™ and © the Delta Green Part- Atemporal intangibility is their native state. What
nership, which has licensed its use here. The contents of could be called the “physical” forms of the Great Race are
this scenario are © Dennis Detwiller. Editing, layout and their excursions into the Construct’s materiality. The cone-
additional material by Shane Ivey. Updated 18 OCT 2019. shaped entities of the ancient past, their modern human
puppets, and the coleopterons of the distant, radioactive
Introduction future are merely temporary forms. Those forms are tools,
as a shovel, a gun, or a flashlight is a tool to humanity.
In Future/Perfect, Part 1, the Agents encountered the The Yithians use and discard these forms as needed to
impact of a time gate built by the sorcerer Xichlasa of the maintain the integrity of the Construct upon which their
serpent-folk in the guise of inventor Arthur Hunt. Another real forms exist. Without the “environment” provided by
time gate still lurks at the heart of Hunt Electronics, at the the surface of the Construct, the native intelligences of the
headquarters of Hunt Specialty Services. Xichlasa meant Great Race would perish.
for those gates to allow the serpent-folk to pour from the
troubled past into a future that they could conquer. But
meddling with time attracted minds even stranger and
more potent than Xichlasa’s.
The Great Race of Yith can never be fully understood
by the minds of humanity, but since they play a major part
in the possible resolution of Future/Perfect, we will at-
tempt to make their machinations comprehensible. At best,
what follows is what a researcher completely immersed in
Great Race culture might be able to discover with decades
of unfettered study. Even this explanation does not do
justice to the plans of the creatures we call the Great Race.
The minds of the Yithians—so vast they can conceive the
entire universe in one unblinking thought—will never be
accessible to a human who remains sane.
Before the Great Race of Yith were as they are now,
they were tangible, mortal beings, trapped in the linear ex-
istence we call reality. At some point in what we consider
the distant past, they managed to escape the shackles of
physicality and move into a higher form of consciousness, Pivots
unbound by time. The Construct is fragile. There are great swaths of the
The Great Race do not travel through time. They Construct which the Yithians cannot enter, since there are
exist within time itself, as if all the history of the physi- no biological forms for them to inhabit. And there are
cal universe were a single, giant object upon which their areas dominated by creatures inimical to them and im-
consciousnesses could move and interact with others of mune to their influence, such as the hideous things we call
spectral polyps. But certain portions of the Construct are
// Future/Perfect, Part 4 // // Delta Green //
awash with creatures and forms that they can easily access. changes. Those changes tell the Great Race when their
Earth is one of these. At these points, the Great Race focus influence has altered or broken the Construct.
their efforts. We call these points “Pivots.” The Great Race are not omniscient. They have a vast
The Yithians focus their consciousnesses in the array of data, but some things are beyond their reach.
Construct within biological forms such as human beings. They constantly strive to understand events and reinforce
While in these forms, their actions at Pivots can alter, the Construct.
sometimes quite drastically, the structure of the Construct.
Small changes at certain points in history can bend, shape, Servants and Actuators
cut off, or even obliterate the Construct. Of the all the unnatural but intelligent species known to
To prevent the worst damage to the Construct, the humanity, the Great Race is the closest to benign. The net
Great Race have set up choke points throughout histo- effect of their machinations on human culture is positive,
ry. At these times and places, they gather a multitude of in that they stabilize and normalize time. This is not to say
their consciousnesses, to control a Pivot or to maintain a they are friendly. They have deep contempt and disregard
“safe” store of information from other, more chaotic Pivots. for human life. But at this particular Pivot, we are the only
Pnakotis, the library of the Great Race founded 65 million tool available to reshape the Construct. To the Great Race,
years ago, is the most secure Pivot contained within that humans are backwards, troublesome, and difficult to con-
portion of the Construct concerned with Earth. At Pnako- trol. The Yithians seem distant, fickle and even downright
tis, and in a distant, future time, the Great Race consider evil to those humans exposed to their activities.
themselves “safe.” To the Great Race, these points exist Their methods in our portion of history are two-fold.
simultaneously. In human terms, these two choke points, Their first and most often used tool a cult of human ser-
separated by time, are akin to two distant outposts sepa- vants, known as the Motion. They are a disposable supply
rated by hostile terrain. of temporal laborers, swayed by the magnificence of the
For a myriad of inhuman reasons, Pnakotis is ideal Great Race and revering them as gods or ascended masters.
as a Pivot point. Even the spectral polyps—multi-dimen- Natives to a particular point of time at a Pivot have a lim-
sional monstrosities bent on the destruction of the Great ited range of effect on it. They are capable of subtle shifts
Race in the Cretaceous—represent not a threat but an in the future with minimal risk to the Construct itself. The
annoyance. The Great Race choose to exist within the Motion exist throughout all of human history, and go
moments of the Pnakotic Pivot that do not feature the
spectral polyps. They built each Pivot with as much width
and stability as possible, and project themselves into such
protected moments.
From these Pivots, the Great Race monitor time and
launch expeditions into it. These explorations are not sim-
ply scientific investigations. They keep the Construct sta-
ble. Humans transplanted to Pnakotis might mistake the
records gathered there, from every period of Earth’s histo-
ry, as a “library.” It is in fact a huge instrument to monitor
changes in time, a sort of temporal barometer. This is one
reason the Great Race abduct human consciousnesses to
record recollections of their time in odd, rectilinear, inde-
structible books. It is also the reason the Great Race don’t
simply spy on such creatures and write concise, all-know-
ing reports themselves. These books, gathered from beings
at all points in Earth’s history, change as the Construct
// Future/Perfect, Part 4 // // Delta Green //
by various names and titles, but their methods, access to gate, which opens the way between modern Duxbury and
Great Race technology, and fanatical selflessness remain a base in the distant past. With tiny shifts in history, they
the same. The Motion will do anything to complete mis- have killed the entire population at the Offsite location.
sions assigned to them by the Great Race. They have erased the Duxbury facility. They have folded
Second, the Great Race hurl their own minds into the both gates in on themselves, removing key personnel at
Construct. Most often, this is simply to exchange minds particular points in time. Each attempt has failed to re-
with a temporal native in order to expand the library of solve the conduit through time. Each attempt either made
Pnakotis. Most members of the Great Race have limited things far worse at a later date, or simply disintegrated the
experience with the human portion of the Construct. Each Construct past that point in time.
jumps into a creature of such limited brainpower and The events of Future/Perfect present a possible solu-
perception damages a Yithian’s consciousness. tion: the Agents of Delta Green.
Sometimes, however, they send special operatives
called Actuators through time. Actuators are sent into An Actuator in Part 3
human hosts repeatedly. Their expertise at fitting among
humanity is an important, developable skill. Actuators Future/Perfect, Part 4, takes place on the other side of
deal with difficult problems, particularly temporal loops HSS’s Duxbury gate, at a colony in the distant past called
and knots, and threats to the very existence of the Con- “Offsite.” Infiltrating HSS in Future/Perfect, Part 3, is ex-
struct. Actuators are prevalent throughout human history. traordinarily difficult and dangerous, but the Agents might
The largest threat to the stability of the Construct is get help from the Great Race. An HSS employee possessed
the prevalence of time travel and gate technology. The by an Actuator of the Great Race could approach the
Great Race must endlessly “update” history to correct Agents, either while the Agents are inside HSS, while they
interference in the structure of spacetime by beings incapa- are supposedly hidden at a safe house, or after they have
ble of seeing its long-term effects. Actuators are particular- been captured and are waiting to hear their fate.
ly likely to intervene when a gate in time is utilized.
The Actuator
The Hellbend and Duxbury Gates If the Great Race deem it necessary to contact the Agents,
The attention of the Great Race is drawn to the temporal they dispatch one of their most resourceful Actuators. The
gates at Hellbend, California and Duxbury, Pennsylvania. Actuator is an ageless, relentless creature so far in advance
The Duxbury gate found in Future/Perfect, Part 3, is a of humanity that it has difficulty articulating anything but
convoluted puzzle in causality, thanks to the influence of the most basic concepts to them. Even so, it represents
the serpent-folk on humanity. the epitome of Great Race/human relations. For all its
The Great Race have long since “completed” their trouble communicating, the Actuator understands hu-
regard of portion of history in which the serpent-folk were man behavior and reasoning to a startling degree. It is an
active, so interfering with them in the past is not an op- encyclopedia of the human era spanning a block of time
tion. And they carefully monitored Arthur Hunt’s develop- that stretches approximately from 100 years ago to a few
ment of the Gate, but attacking Hunt directly is likewise a years in the future. It knows the areas, people, places, and
last resort. Hunt’s many inventions are a necessary linch- events around Duxbury and Offsite especially well, in a
pin in human technological development. Interfering with way a surveyor might know the subtle dips and changes in
them risks altering the Construct too much. The Great elevation on a worksite after documenting it for months.
Race identified a point where they could safely shut down The Actuator can aid the Agents in a wholly unob-
the Hellbend gate, using an Actuator in the guise of Mi- trusive way, using its mastery of time to achieve results
chael Grunning. But attempts to shut down the Duxbury not possible otherwise. For example, the Great Race have
gate have failed. Millions of times, they have launched meticulous, to-the-second, shifting records of all person-
concerted efforts to neutralize the effects of the Duxbury nel, all codes, and all keycard combinations, as well as
// Future/Perfect, Part 4 // // Delta Green //
Another Way
If the Agents refuse to comply with the Actuator, it forces
personal histories and information about everyone in the them. A dozen members of the Motion unceremonious-
facility. With such information, a single Actuator can ferry ly kidnap the Agents. They use Great Race technology,
a team of Delta Green Agents through the HSS facility such as stun guns made of television remotes and ga-
undiscovered. rage-door openers.
The baffling aid of the Actuator, possessing HSS em- When the Agents wake, they are securely bound to
ployees, may lead to distrust, refusal to cooperate, or just wooden kitchen chairs in a dilapidated house. They have
plain violence. The Great Race are, of course, used to such been stripped of weapons and equipment. No one else is
reactions. They do not give up due to something as simple present. Surrounding them are what appear to be thou-
as their human vessel being beaten, tortured or shot. sands of meters of cable lines and high-voltage lines, all
Continuously confronted by such creatures in human intertwined and woven through the chairs, connected to
guise may be enlightening or disturbing. The knowledge the chairs, and connected to hand-made boxed filled with
that such beings haunts the periphery of all existence costs humming, spitting, and arcing electrical equipment. This is
1/1D4 SAN from the unnatural. a Great Race gate machine.
The Actuator knows and understands things no one The Agents should not be permitted to escape, though
could possibly predict or understand. This knowledge giving them a glimmer of hope would be a nice touch.
should startle the Agents. For example, the Actuator As they struggle to get free, a low hum builds. An old
might know that Elaine Walcott of 931 Deerlake Road in lightbulb above the stove explodes in a huge shower of
Duxbury will fall down the stairs in her home at 5:33:04 blue-white sparks. A huge, high-pitched whining, like
A.M., or that a dog belonging to Burt Brooker of Carlcliff that of an enormous generator, fills the air. It drowns out
Farms in Duxbury will be struck and killed by Walcott’s all other noise.
car on the day following due to her stiffness after this fall. Blue, white, and red lightning leaps from the boxes,
This complex interplay of facts is as clear in the Actuator’s arcing toward objects in the room. They seem to find an
mind as a road map might be to a human. Knowing such item, strike it once, and then pepper the target with grow-
detailed information about the “future” makes the Actua- ing tendrils of power until—to the Agents’ horror—the
tor capable of complex tasks outside the realm of possibil- object vanishes in an eruption of blue-white light, leaving
ity for normal people. a scorch mark behind. Seeing this weird destruction costs
Agents who come to grips with such knowledge can 0/1 SAN from the unnatural.
easily test the Great Race’s powers by asking questions When all large, metal items in the room have been
about the past or future. What the Actuator chooses to disintegrated, the lightning begins hitting a random Agent.
share with the Agents, if anything, is up to the Handler. It The process is agonizing to experience and terrifying to
should quickly become clear that something inhuman and watch, costing 1/1D6 SAN from the unnatural. A strick-
unimaginably powerful is attempting to stop HSS from en Agent takes 1D20 damage per turn. When the Agent
using the Gate. But the Actuator will consistently fail to reaches 0 HP, their body vanishes in a blue-white flash.
// Future/Perfect, Part 4 // // Delta Green //
This entire process is painfully drawn out, until, one of time before the Gate is closed and their trip to the past
by one, all Agents are disintegrated. will become their world of the present.
They wake in a lush green field under a humid blue
sky. A perfect circle is seared black around them, 12 Habitation
meters across. The Agents are all present and unharmed, The Offsite location is a bit hot, but otherwise ideally
thought their clothing and hair are scorched. They are sur- suited for human inhabitants. There are no significant
rounded by lightning-kissed and ruined kitchen appliances. predators. There are abundant fruit bushes, and small
The wooden chairs in which they were secured are lighter, game is recognizable as predecessors of modern species.
as if sapped of all water, and are now easily broken into Experiments in planting seeds of fruit-bearing plants
chunks of brittle wood and ash. which would have existed at this date succeeded, leading
Just outside the burnt circle are sets of jump suits experts to believe a long-term effort to colonize this time
and boots to clothe all the Agents, folded carefully on the period would be easy.
ground in a perfect row. The Agents’ names are inscribed The water supply was a significant problem but was
on the name tags for each jumpsuit. No one else is present. rapidly overcome by HSS money and resources. Early tests
Coming over a nearby ridge, the Agents see Base on Offsite water found virulent, unknown microscopic
Camp, the heart of Offsite. organisms which could easily sicken or kill humans. Arte-
sian wells pulled up cleaner but still dangerous water, filled
Offsite with different species of unknown bacteria. A concerted
effort was made to develop a water ecosystem with redun-
The Offsite colony is an enormous undertaking, represent- dant, experimental water-scrubbing facilities. Nearly two
ing hundreds of millions of dollars worth of personnel, dozen wells have been dug and made safe.
equipment, and supplies. Its soaring costs were covered Destroying these wells or sabotaging the scrubbing
by the recovery of valuable metals in the past, which were equipment is a fast way to bring the camp to its knees.
transported to the future and sold. But William Lassiter’s Everyone has become used to clean water, and the lack of
attempt at paradise still remains a long way off. it will be felt within hours. Within days, HSS must begin
Offsite has two inhabited areas and a number of work carting fresh water through the Gate, a very time-con-
sites. The inhabited areas are Base Camp, which holds suming and expensive undertaking, while the damaged
the Gate and supplies, and the Compound, where a large, equipment is repaired or replaced. The second time such
permanent residential colony is being built. equipment is set up, there will be guards watching over it,
Offsite is, quite simply, an attempt to create a com- making a quiet sabotage nearly impossible.
pletely self-sufficient home for the “rebirth” of modern
humanity. Personnel and supplies come through the Gate
at Base Camp. The larger community is still in construc-
tion at a site called the Compound. The Compound is
still two to three years from completion, but the capture
of Jonathan Emery at LaGuardia Airport with 100 kg
of illegal gold (described in Future/Perfect, Part 3) has
collapsed HSS’s timeline. Now, equipment and materiel
are being shoveled through the Gate at a breakneck pace.
Everything is coming in greater quantities than ever before.
More people, more equipment, more food, more supplies,
and more tools.
There has been no official announcement at the Off-
site location, but the message is clear: It is only a matter
// Future/Perfect, Part 4 // // Delta Green //
// Future/Perfect, Part 4 // // Delta Green //
by fixed heavy weapon emplacements such as mounted through the Gate are sent to the surface. This elevator
machine guns. is also used to move newly arrived recruits to the sur-
Cement bunkhouses extend from the interior wall. face for a tour.
Each can house nearly 100 people. There are more facili-
ties below ground, just as at the HSS plant. Security at Base Camp
Three large towers break the silhouette of the wall. Security at Base Camp is relatively light. Base Camp
They afford clear views of the countryside. These towers security officers are rarely armed with anything more
appear to be all glass, but they are actually bulletproof than a pistol. More often than not, they seem to be either
glass with gun-slits, allowing the ground to be fired upon distracted or wandering the grounds without a clear indi-
from nearly any angle. They are manned at all times by cation of what they are up to. A few minutes wandering
one or more guards, who use high-tech optics to scan the around the camp makes clear that security there is not
environment day and night for threats. all it could be.
There is a single entrance through the wall, a huge, Twice a day, security drills are called with a siren,
20-cm-thick double door of stainless steel, which recesses causing all the Security Detail in the Base Camp to rush
mechanically into the walls. The door requires power to to pre-set locations and prepare heavier weapons such as
open quickly, though a manual “ratchet” opening mech- fully automatic assault rifles. These drills seem to be for
anism allows it to be opened in under ten minutes. Two a hypothetical siege, as if the group expects outsiders to
murder holes in the ceiling above the entrance allow unre- attempt to storm Base Camp.
stricted fire on enemies below. The door is almost always Anyone wandering around for more than an hour, tak-
closed, and is open only for specific tasks like moving ing careful note of the Security Detail members’ positions,
equipment or large amounts of people of goods in or out. can see large, exploitable holes in it.
During these times, lights throughout Base Camp indi-
cate the facility is on alert, and the presence of weapons
increases dramatically.
The wall encloses an area of approximately half a
hectare (1.25 acres), composed of mostly open ground,
small, squat, one- and two-story cement buildings, and
large depots filled with storage boxes, equipment, and
goods to be transported to secure areas. The interior
buildings are heavily reinforced concrete, broken only by
recessed plexiglass windows and airlocks with steel doors
like those on a battleship. These buildings have three, four,
or five rooms, with general-use areas, speciality office
areas, stairs, and elevators leading down into the earth.
It is easy, from the surface, to mistake the squat concrete
structures as unimportant, but they are the entrances to
the most secure areas of Base Camp, including the Gate.
They lead to subterranean facilities that comprise nearly
forty percent of the overall structure’s area. Goods and Services
The underground complex is an air-locked series of Supplies in the camp are readily available, though they
tunnels, warrens, and sealed-off sections. Huge elevators tend to be all of the same type. Want a plastic razor?
move up and down, opening to ground level from a huge, It and 500,000 more just like it can be found packed
fold-out, stainless steel hatch which swings up when in crates all over the place. Need a DVD player? Hope
the elevator arrives. It is here that the largest items sent you like Sony. The methods of the HSS purchases seem
// Future/Perfect, Part 4 // // Delta Green //
somewhat mad on the far side of the Gate. An entire gym, a vast affair filled with cutting-edge equipment, is a
group of buying personnel spend weeks sourcing supplies popular social destination. As strange as it may seem, the
and buying them in bulk through resellers. HSS personnel are used to a particular lifestyle, and Off-
The three areas that were not “bargain-hunted” are site management has done its best to maintain such perks.
survival gear, military electronics, and weaponry. Though
this equipment is just as abundant (that is, there are The Daily Grind
hundreds, if not thousands of them for use in the camp), Most in Base Camp are either in logistics or are recent
it is of high quality. Life preservers, waterproof boots and arrivals, support crew, or under medical care. Base Camp
jump suits, night-vision equipment, and guns are all of a is the hospital, the gathering place, the starting point. The
uniformly high quality. Compound is usually the destination for those coming
A common worker Offsite has access to nearly any through the Gate.
amenity they had on modern Earth. Turbine power from Base Camp is the established “port.” All other sites
the nearby falls powers the electricity at the Base Camp, are are outposts that rely on Base Camp to survive. Some
and the Compound (described on page 9) has its own places, like the Compound, could survive for long periods
water-driven power plant. People in their rooms or dorms on their own, but they are not yet self-sufficient.
watch DVDs, play video games, and pursue other normal, As such, those personnel lucky enough to live and
boring activities. Table tennis, air hockey and more amuse- work in Base Camp are concerned with the planning,
ments are available in a cantina, though no alcohol is support, and execution of the HSS plan: to establish a
served. (There is medicinal alcohol, and a few bits of con- permanent colony of humans here, 1.1 million years in the
traband, but little good alcohol.) Personnel are required past. During an average day, such personnel move equip-
to mingle during “down time” and are encouraged to par- ment, account for equipment, plan the use of equipment,
ticipate in group activities like charades, movie watching, or coordinate with their counterparts at the Compound.
and sports. Dating is not restricted, but public incidents
stemming from romance are strongly punished by restric- Moving and Storing Supplies
tions. Restriction to one meal type for months remains the The Gate is active fewer than 20 hours per week. When
most popular and, strangely, most effective punishment. it is in use, a complex dance of personnel and equipment
No one has become pregnant Offsite…yet. takes place in the Reception Chamber beneath Base Camp,
Food is mostly freeze-dried survival rations secured where gear, people and goods come through.
from the U.S. Army in huge quantities by a shell compa- A huge amount of logistics, support and tracking must
ny. Entire hallways beneath Base Camp are filled front to go on for goods and supplies to be stored and account-
back with tons of these meals, a supply which could keep ed for. These flurries of activity are so ingrained in the
Offsite alive for nearly five years. personnel that few even think about their importance
These MREs (Meals Ready to Eat) are surprisingly anymore. Crates are rushed out of the Reception Chamber
variable and palatable. Even soft drinks are available in by lift or hand and stashed in tunnels bored from the rock.
abundance, though only in the form of generic brands, The outer areas of the under-levels are complex warrens
something which upsets not a few in the camp; mostly, with barely enough room to walk, filled floor to ceiling
people drink distilled water. with food, weapons, equipment, and other supplies.
Waste that cannot be recycled is discarded in huge,
bulldozer-dug pits a little more than a kilometer from Base Fitting In
Camp. These vast pits are filled with trash such as MRE All Base Camp personnel wear similar, loose-fitting cotton
containers, cans, and useless biological matter like coffee jumpsuits with their names written in marker on the right
grounds, rotten food and more. breast. All wear a single brand of boots, selected because
Common services such as haircuts, massages and even its material has anti-bacterial properties. This some-
personal trainers are also available at Base Camp. The times makes it difficult to pick out who is whom in the
// Future/Perfect, Part 4 // // Delta Green //
camp. These jumpsuits are an ideal ticket into nearly any running for shifts of four or eight hours, depending on
populated area. what is being transported. Personnel and light equipment
Jumpsuits are stashed in plastic containers all over the are generally sent in the four-hour shift. Heavy equipment
Compound and Base Camp. Grabbing one and slipping it is moved during the eight-hour shifts.
on requires only a few seconds of privacy. Wearing jump- Movement in and out of the Reception Chamber
suits, unless they draw attention to themselves, Agents during “transit” (as the open Gate is described) is re-
easily blend into the background of most areas. stricted. The three entrances to the Reception Chamber
Boots, however, are a commodity, and are far more are closed and locked, just in case of a malfunction. All
difficult to come by. Most people don’t pay attention who come through from HSS are stuck in that chamber
to what kind of footwear a person in the camp is wear- for the as long as the Gate is active. A small waiting area,
ing, but since almost everyone in the camp wears the off to the side of the room, holds seats and cots for these
same brand of boots, wearing something else can be a personnel to rest.
dead giveaway.
Agents foolish enough to tool around the camp in
their own clothing are likely to be instantly called out by
security officers. Keep in mind, all in the camp are aware
of the serpent Ahmed’s attempt to infiltrate the HSS plant,
and all are willing to kill intruders to prevent a catastro-
phe that might threaten the survival of humanity. Fit-
ting in is vital.
// Future/Perfect, Part 4 // // Delta Green //
services than Base Camp, far more “rustic.” Some build- foot traffic is allowed out of the Compound at night, so
ings have no power, others no water. anything outside the perimeter is shot if it fails to respond
At any time, nearly 200 individuals can be found toil- to a radio call.
ing away here, working from dawn until dusk. These indi- The best way to enter the Compound is to hitch a ride
viduals stay at this location full time. Once complete, the with a construction crew coming from Base Camp. There
Compound will support a population of 1,000 indefinitely. are no ID checks, or anything more complex than a nod
from a guard, upon entering the Compound. It is easy to
The Compound’s Environment blend into the Compound personnel, as long as you wear
The environment around the Compound is roughly anal- the same jumpsuits and boots as everyone else.
ogous to the Scottish Highlands if they were in Malaysia: It is also possible to traverse an outside path which
green, wet, and hot, averaging between 29 and 37 de- sweeps to the top of the canyon, and then climb down
grees Celsius (85 to 98 degrees Fahrenheit). The terrain is the rough, barely manageable switchbacks that descend
choppy, split by large deadfalls that rise and fall like sand towards the Compound. That allows the Agents to enter
dunes, but covered in thick mosses and grass. outside the line of fire of the nighttime snipers. During
Evergreen trees and large ferns are seen but are un- the day, Agents taking this route are quickly spot-
common. There places to hide during the day, and secu- ted and detained. See SECURITY DETAIL on page 13 for
rity personnel can spot someone approaching at signifi- more information.
cant distance.
The box canyon where the Compound is built is more
than three kilometers deep at its base and a kilometer
wide at the mouth. The rocky walls of the canyon are
marked by moss and slippery, switchback paths. Water
spills down these walls at intervals, feeding the river on
the east side of the canyon. It is geologically stable, but
dangerous to climb.
The road from Base Camp to the Compound looks
like any freshly made, modern road, split by a single white
line and markers indicating every hundred meters. The
perfectly paved, black flattop runs the kilometer from Base
Camp through the canyon mouth into the Compound.
// Future/Perfect, Part 4 // // Delta Green //
// Future/Perfect, Part 4 // // Delta Green //
Managing Offsite associated with them. The thought has recently occurred
Tucker runs the entire Offsite operation. He is in absolute to Tucker that if these beings are real, and can trade minds
control of all aspects of the colony, at the express request with him, they might be able to do so with others, and not
of Lassiter, and has served flawlessly. Offsite is far from a only if they are asleep.
democracy, and Tucker’s commands are enforced by the Tucker, an outspoken opponent of violence, has begun
unquestioning loyalty of security crews who take his word carrying a sidearm, just in case.
as law. So far, he has never steered the group wrong, and
there has never been a reason for rebellion. Almost every- The Away Team
one present understands that Tucker operates on a higher Jokingly named after Star Trek’s exploration teams, the
level of intelligence than they could ever hope to achieve. Away Team is responsible for locating, identifying, and
Tucker’s decisive actions prevented a fatal outbreak recovering valuable metals from the mountains near Base
of “the Rot” in Base Camp and the Compound. His Camp. The Away Team was one of the earliest groups to
stringent but understanding work/rest ethic has won over come through the Gate. It quickly located valuable ore
many of the more menial workers. Tucker is seen as a concentrations in the soil, 100 to 200 times stronger than
fair but exacting leader. He doesn’t play favorites, broker those found in Greenland on modern Earth.
deals, or say one thing when he means another. He is also The Away Team numbers approximately 100 geophys-
sociable to a fault, mingling both in Base Camp and the icists, geologists, surveyors, and miners. It is split into two
Compound on a daily basis. His questions and suggestions groups, the Mapping Detail and the Mining Detail. The
are never seen as “management.” When he speaks about mappers tend to travel in small groups that are heavily
something, he understands it. When he doesn’t, he asks. armed, exploring the countryside as far as 80 kilometers
from Base Camp. Mappers are gone for as long as three
Tucker and the Yithians weeks at a time.
In the last three months, Tucker has been changing. Most The miners move in when the mappers locate some-
in the colony have not noticed, but Tucker’s usually thing worth exploiting. The Mining Detail explores the
amiable demeanor is being replaced by nervous energy, vein to see if it will “play.” If it does, a long-term mining
something like low-level paranoia. Tucker has been having camp is constructed at the site, and regular circuits of peo-
dreams of a giant, inhuman library populated by huge ple and equipment are moved in from Base Camp.
cone-shaped creatures that know every aspect of his life. In the past, the Away Teams played a vital role in the
In more ways than one, Tucker is not the person he Offsite mission, but with the seizure of Jonathan Emery at
once was. What he would have dismissed in the old days LaGuardia, Lassiter is moving to slow down and possibly
as a bad dream or minor anxiety episode, he now views stop the Away Team’s mission. Further, the Away Team
as threatening and very real. He doesn’t know what the is the group which was first afflicted with the Rot, the
dreams mean, but they mean something, and they threaten disease the camp has had to deal with in the last year and
his efforts Offsite. a half. It seems to always afflict one of these team mem-
John Tucker has long been a target of the Great Race’s bers first. The science team suspects that the infection is
inquiries into the gate paradox. Unfortunately, his past is native to caves.
so significant to future human development that altering it In its time of operation, the Away Team located three
is not a viable option. rich mineral veins, and have successfully played out one of
Instead, Tucker’s intellect has been tapped dozens of them (codenamed AUBURN), pulling the equivalent of a
times with nightly jaunts to Pnakotis, where he is interro- hundred million dollars worth of precious metals from the
gated and forced to write recollections of his interactions ground. Projections by the team indicate that one of the
with Lassiter and the specifics of the Duxbury gate. two remaining lodes could easily yield fifty to sixty million
These visits have jumped in frequency in the last three dollars (site OCHRE) on the “current” market. The third
months, and Tucker has begun to notice the odd feelings (site VERMILLION) may be much larger, and might
// Future/Perfect, Part 4 // // Delta Green //
account for two or three hundred million dollars. As can independent and questioning, pioneers who are eager to
be imagined, the Away Team is not pleased with the idea make their mark. Tempers sometimes flare in the high
of turning back. stresses of the colony, and fistfights are not uncommon.
Until they get the call to stop their activities, they will
continue to explore, map, and use geolocation technolo- Security Detail
gies to reveal valuable ores. The security team responsible for the physical safety of the
The Away Team’s most senior member and team lead- facilities and personnel is relatively small, at least com-
er is Amida Bensonal, a servant of the Great Race of Yith. pared to the insane level of security at HSS. It is composed
See AMIDA BENSONAL on page 16 for details. of fewer than 40 individuals. Most view even that many as
entirely unnecessary. Many workers consider the securi-
ty officers as slackers who don’t perform any real work,
when there is more than enough work to go around.
But the security officers are not goldbrickers. Their
leader, William Brandt, is honestly concerned with his job
and the safety of his camp, and his men have a similar
mindset. Brandt was a brownshirt at HSS for eight years
before being given the assignment of defending the camp.
He has found his three years at Offsite disappointing. In
the absence of significant threats, the level of watchfulness
in the camp has dropped by a huge margin. Brandt is still
certain creatures like Ahmed are constantly trying to gain
entry to the camp, but most workers think that risk is HSS’
problem on the far side of the Gate.
Several attempts by Brandt to get further backing or
initiative from Tucker have failed, leaving Security a large-
ly unused appendage of the Offsite crew. Brandt is waiting
for a significant security threat—like the Agents turning
Construction Detail up—to push Tucker further.
The Construction Detail comprises the lion’s share of per- On duty, Security personnel wear pistols. They carry
sonnel who come through the Gate. They are responsible either AR-15 carbines on outdoor posts or shotguns
for building the Compound and all that it encompasses. on interior posts. At the Compound, tower guards bear
The Construction Detail is composed of architects, cement high-powered rifles. Heavier weapons are kept in lockers
experts, road engineers, water management personnel, at Base Camp.
electricians, bricklayers and more. The Construction De- At the Compound, guards patrol during the day and
tail is filled with no-nonsense, young, eager workers who keep a standing watch at night. At Base Camp, it is more
are all briefed in the realities of the HSS situation. lax. The Base Camp facility is almost always closed to
There are so many in the Construction Detail, and so the surrounding wilderness, and there is little need for
many people coming and going on the site, that it is nearly a concerted effort to “guard” the site except when the
impossible to detect outsiders—that is, if they are dressed Gate is open. Even so, Base Camp houses Brandt’s head-
properly. Most just assume the Security Detail has the quarters. He endeavors to maintain discipline, running
situation covered. They take nearly anyone in a coverall at drills twice a day.
face value until they see some reason for suspicion.
This is not to say the Construction Detail workers
are non-confrontational. HSS looks for people who are
// Future/Perfect, Part 4 // // Delta Green //
Other than ruthless guards, the greatest dangers Offsite The Rot
are native fauna, a disease nicknamed “the Rot,” and The Rot is a disease not native to modern earth, but which
emotional burnout among workers. has claimed 23 Offsite lives in the last sixteen months.
It first struck suddenly, claiming two personnel tasked
Native Species with mining a site called AUBURN, within days of their
Various native species, many far outside the realm of return. Despite biohazard protocols, the disease managed
“understood” science, have been discovered. Most are not to “jump” to a doctor before a complete lockdown of the
threats to the humans Offsite. camp stopped it. Since then, it has appeared four times,
All but 12 identified species of plants are off-limits claiming lives each time. It is now simply part of the rou-
for ground crews to eat. The 12 edible types of shrubs tine in the camp.
// Future/Perfect, Part 4 // // Delta Green //
The symptoms are always the same, beginning with No one is under any illusions about such measures.
bloodshot eyes, rashes, and fatigue, and ending with They mean that the luxury of “burnout” will no longer be
fever, heart palpitations, brain swelling, blood poisoning, allowed. Those pushing the limits of the new system with
leprosy-like symptoms, and death. No one has survived an anti-social behavior might find themselves on the wrong
active infection. end of a gun.
Unfortunately, time from first symptom to death can
vary from hours to weeks, and the earliest symptoms are The Dream
so subtle they can easily be overlooked. There is a strong Everyone Offsite has the Dream, though few remember it.
fear that an undiscovered outbreak could claim hundreds The Dream is always the same. They wake in a monstrous,
of lives in a single wave of infection. wholly inhuman time in a library the size of a stadium.
Examination by the Offsite science team has identified Odd, yet somehow harmless-looking, alien creatures glide
an unknown plant-like substance in the bloodstream of about like snails the size of mini-vans, observing the world
the infected individuals. This bluish-red plant cell is of an through huge eyes on tentacled stalks. They mill about the
unknown species and seems to flourish and reproduce in alien library, clutching strange “books” of metal and some
the blood. It spreads slowly at first, then suddenly over- unknown, solid substance. They bring the books to tables
whelms the host in a flurry of reproduction which com- large enough for an elephant. The books are filled with
presses blood vessels and bursts veins. incomprehensible, rectiliniar writing.
A relatively reliable blood swab test has been devel- Some of the creatures seem confused or ill. They stand
oped, allowing a simple pin-prick of a finger to establish at the tables and carefully write into the books with clum-
whether someone is infected or not. This is now routine sy tentacles and enormous writing implements like curved
for all people entering Base Camp. Still, the science team scalpels made of gold. They are carefully watched by the
and Dr. Tucker fear the possibility of an unknown microbe more confident members of the species.
simply wiping Offsite from the map in a matter of weeks. The dreamer attempts to stand, and finds their point
of view buoyed off the ground to a great height, like a
Burnout balloon tethered to the ground. They see their reflection
Occasional burnout occurs in the high stresses of Offsite. in a vast polished bronze wall, and see one of the im-
The most serious cases have involved people being sent mense creatures looking back. They realize they are that
back through the Gate to Duxbury. This procedure, once creature, that reflection, and abruptly wake up in unac-
commonplace, has ground to a halt. Two days after being countable shock.
informed of the possible exposure of Duxbury’s illegal Those who remember the dream lose 1 SAN from
shipment of gold abroad, Tucker gathered his leaders the unnatural.
together and they assembled a list of people they believed
“could not hack it.” This group of 34 people were sent
back through the Gate to Duxbury.
Individual leaders then met with their groups and
informed them of the dire circumstances on the far side of
the Gate, and of how contact with the “modern” world
might not last much longer. Even worse, they claimed,
they could no longer sanction movement back to Duxbury
from Offsite. Those who wished to leave were required to
do so by a set date. This group, consisting of 12 person-
nel, left seven days after the seizure at LaGuardia Airport.
Since then, personnel and equipment only come through,
they don’t go back.
// Future/Perfect, Part 4 // // Delta Green //
// Future/Perfect, Part 4 // // Delta Green //
and the recovery of precious metals from the earth. But By the time the Delta Green Agents get their hands on an
prior to 2012, none of this was true. She was homeless, individual occupied by the Great Race, the alien is gone.
HIV positive, and ready for death at the age of 26. She The Actuators are prepared, at a moment’s notice, to
still has clear memories of that existence. But it no longer seize control of the Gate. Almost all the time, at least a
happened, and the reality of it dwindles with each day. single member of the Gate crew is under their control.
The Great Race recruited her and restructured her They have caches of hidden technology around Base
past, transforming her into a suitable Motion agent. The Camp, including time gates and electric guns.
choice of Amida over six billion others in the world was The Actuators are fully aware of everyone Offsite, in-
due to myriad temporal requirements the Motion agents cluding the Delta Green agents (whatever cover they might
must fulfill, reasons understood fully only by the Great have) and of course the Motion agents.
Race. Suffice it to say, she was the temporal equivalent to Great Race infiltration of the camp is total. They have
the Great Race of a stone to step across a shallow stream, the full run of all aspects of Base Camp and the Com-
so as not to get their shoes wet. pound, and can jump form person to person instantly (at
In exchange for success, education, and wealth, Ami- least in our limited conception of time).
da has sold her future. She serves the Great Race out of They do this mostly to observe, but they are known to
grudging necessity, having seen first-hand their ability to act on occasion.
“change” time. She understands that if she serves them and
completes her task, she has a chance of enjoying her new Goals
life free of disease. If she does not, they will return her to The overarching goal of the Actuators and the Motion
life on the streets of Kuantan to die. is to permanently shut down the Duxbury gate without
interfering with the Construct. The Great Race believes
its best bet lies with first ruining the Duxbury gate with
Great Race technology from the Offsite side, and then
removing Arthur Hunt on October 7, 1947. To do so, they
require the Agents.
If the Agents have already decided to destroy the Gate,
and are on the right track but might be sideswiped by an
Offsite member’s action, there is a chance the Great Race
might intervene. But there are rules to such an interven-
tion. Nearly any event can send the Construct spiraling off
into darkness. The Actuators and the Motion are careful
to avoid killing any Offsite personnel, due to some import-
ant part they must play in some future events.
Secondarily, if they can help it, they only seize control
Actuators of an individual out of sight of others. That reduces the
At any time, as many as five Great Race Actuators occupy risk to the Construct that might arise from, say, inciting
select Offsite individuals. They monitor progress, exam- suspicion and causing a witch-hunt which destroys the
ine options, and getting a clear picture of activity. Those stability of that point in time.
familiar with Michael Grunning, from Future/Perfect, Part Finally, the Actuators and the Motion reveal them-
1, might make a Luck roll. If it succeeds, they spot a blank selves only if there is no other contingency to get the
stare similar to that seen on Grunning’s face. However, Agents to act.
capturing an Actuator is virtually impossible. Even indi-
cating a suspicion that an individual is “odd” is enough to
cause the Actuator to flee back to the Library at Pnakotis.
// Future/Perfect, Part 4 // // Delta Green //
// Future/Perfect, Part 4 // // Delta Green //
and the Motion can jump in to save the Agents if they are double-breasted suits. Their pockets contain no identifi-
close to failing. Alternatively, with the Great Race’s mas- cation, but each has nearly $500 in oddly large $20 bills.
tery of time, entering the Reception Chamber could be as Careful examination finds “Series of 1929” printed on the
easy as simply looking at a watch and moving when told bills. In 1934, that’s enough to cover an Unusual expense,
to do so. What the campaign needs at this moment is, as or five Standard expenses, for each of them.
usual, up to you. A wristwatch has been carefully set up on a sheet
below a wall, as if it were some sort of holy item. It is
The Singularity an Elgin Aviator Chronograph, an exceedingly expensive
Entering the portal with the Great Race device is far and accurate timepiece. It has been modified extensive-
from just another jaunt through the Gate. Entering seems ly. Instead of a standard watch face, it counts from 1 to
normal for the first split-second. Then shuddering flashes 281, and has only a single hand. It is ticking, but the hand
illuminate a vast and seemingly endless black. The sen- changes places exactly once an hour.
sation is of hovering miles up in a black void: not falling,
but suspended somehow while the world blinks in and out
in staccato flashes of light.
The Agents have just enough time in the void to
realize the Gate is functioning differently than before.
Then they are literally ripped to pieces by arcing sheets
of fire. This process is exceedingly painful. It destroys
the Agent’s body, reducing it to a cloud of free-floating
atoms in seconds.
Return to Chester
Agents who enter the Gate with the Yithian device wake in
new bodies. The memory of their deaths, plus the realiza-
tion that they are no longer themselves, costs 1/1D10 SAN October 8, 1934
from the unnatural. Stepping outside immediately reveals something is off.
When they recover their wits, the Agents find them- Even Agents who do not realize the depth of their predic-
selves in a room filled with hastily rewired electronics of ament feel something is wrong. The house is dilapidated,
vintage quality. The house is abandoned and empty, ex- with peeling yellowed paint behind a copse of trees that
cepting this maze of wires, old radios, and other electronic shield a road. A picket of telephone poles can be spied
devices. (Agents who were forced to the Offsite location over the tops of the trees.
by the Motion recognize an identical setup here.) A perfectly preserved 1930 Ford is parked out front.
On the wall in front of the Agents, two lines are writ- The car is pristine. Agents examining the car find the keys
ten in charcoal: in it, as well as a pack of Topps Lemon Drops candies;
a page ripped from the Meigs County Examiner with
101 H, 7 M, 22 S the notice “ESTATE LIQUIDATION NOVEMBER 22,
KILL HUNT 1934”; and a 1934 Ohio road atlas with several marked
locations. Agents familiar with Chester, Ohio (from
The Agents have four days to kill Arthur Hunt. Future/Perfect, Part 2) immediately recognize the marked
The Agents’ new bodies are men of Mediterranean areas as the old Hunt plant (freshly opened in 1934), the
or Middle Eastern descent. They wear old-fashioned, Hunt farm, and the Serpent Mounds.
// Future/Perfect, Part 4 // // Delta Green //
In the front glove compartment is a new-looking Colt thriving electronics business. That business has kept the
M1911A1 pistol, manufactured in 1926, fully loaded with town working and its money has kept the town solvent.
seven .45 ACP shells. Most of the problems which have wracked the nation for
A sign nailed to the house door reads: the last five years have steered clear of Chester.
The town suffers from that deepest of American
REPOSSESSION AND ESTATE LIQUIDATION ailments, blatant and unapologetic racism. A carload of
BY ORDER OF MEIGS COUNTY SHERIFF, dark-skinned men quickly draws the attention of Meigs
THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 22, 1934 County Sheriff Thomas Cavanaugh.
The Agents might now piece together the clues to real- The Sheriff
ize when they are. Coming to this realization costs another Thomas Cavanaugh, the Meigs County sheriff, is a man
0/1D4 SAN from the unnatural. of staunch morals by the standards of his time and place.
In 1934 middle America, that means he’s mostly hon-
Chester in 1934 est, God-fearing, sexist, racist, and easily violent. He is
Agents who have visited modern-day Chester, Ohio rec- bent on maintaining the status quo. Cavanaugh gleefully
ognize it in the Chester of 1934. Those expecting a dreary, terrorizes individuals who do not fall into his definition of
Depression-era town will be disappointed in the clean, “human being.” This includes Blacks, Hispanics, Asians,
orderly streets. The town is held afloat by Arthur Hunt’s Jews and Italians.
// Future/Perfect, Part 4 // // Delta Green //
None of the legal niceties of modern law and culture More Guns
are around to restrain the sheriff in 1934. He is not above There are several hunting shops and gun shops near
breaking a nightstick or two over a couple of “foreigner” Chester. Even with the June 1934 passage of the National
heads to “clean up” his town, or shooting them if they Firearms Act, which imposed taxes on firearm sales and
leave him no choice. requires registration of machine guns, short-barrelled rifles
If the Agents are brought to Cavanaugh’s attention, he and shotguns, suppressors, and explosive weapons, heavi-
pursues them and attempts to scare them off. Failing that, er weapons than the Agents’ sole pistol are easy to find.
he attempts to lock them up for “vagrancy.” If the Agents The risk is drawing unwanted attention.
are captured, they find themselves in the Meigs County Agents trying to buy firearms or explosives must make
courthouse jail, two filthy cells in the back of a small, a Luck roll. If it roll succeeds, the Agents acquire the
stone building. They are starved, subjected to insults and weapon without trouble. If it fails, the merchant refuses to
indignities, stripped of valuables, and driven to the county sell. And when the Agents depart, the merchant informs
line in a truck. There, at gunpoint, they are invited to Sheriff Cavanaugh what they wanted, which draws a visit
“come back whenever you fellas get bored of breathing.” from the law.
If it comes to gunplay, Cavanaugh breaks out a team The Luck roll is at a penalty of −20% if they are
of six deputies armed with shotguns to go on a full hunt trying to buy a weapon that has a Lethality rating. If one
for the Agents. They are soon joined by private citizens of the Agents makes a History roll to recall enough about
armed with hunting rifles to keep the peace. These posses local customs to smooth things over, the Luck roll has
criss-cross the town in flatbed trucks, looking for anything a bonus of +20%. The bonus could also be gained if an
out of sorts. If the Agents have fired on law enforcement, Agent makes a Demolitions roll to, say, explain their need
these vigilantes won’t bother with a warning. They open for dynamite by saying they work for a mine.
fire the moment they spot the Agents.
// Future/Perfect, Part 4 // // Delta Green //
// Future/Perfect, Part 4 // // Delta Green //
everything from receiving pedal pushes to reading steer- as his odd, serpent-like shadow in bright lights—he helps
ing-wheel turns. A small, black box beside the bronze box them destroy Hunt.
makes the noises of an ordinary engine. Hunt added that Mestemacher is a very valuable resource. He knows
only because Mestemacher mentioned his discomfort with all the nooks and crannies of the Hunt farm, as well as
the silent car. The bronze box can be popped out easily, Hunt’s schedule. With Mestemacher’s help, it is likely the
rendering the vehicle inert. The bronze box defies study. Agents can kill Hunt as he rests in a torpor-like sleep be-
No scientist, in 1934 or the modern era, can discern what tween 1:00 A.M. and 3:00 A.M. That prevents Hunt from
it does or how it operates. The car is, most literally, a employing protective magic.
perpetual-motion machine.
Embedded in the dashboard on the driver’s side of Killing Hunt
the Packard is a large, red push-button. This operates the Confronting Hunt while he is awake is extremely danger-
front gate at the Hunt farm. ous. Anything short of dynamite, shotguns, or machine
guns may be insufficient. Hunt maintains magical wards
Mestemacher: The Key while awake, making smaller weapons nearly useless.
Mestemacher was a farmhand known to everyone in the Hunt meets confrontation head-on, with no surprise
area when Hunt picked him as his personal assistant. That or hesitation, using powerful magics to destroy its attack-
was the summer of 1925, just after Hunt’s transformation. ers. If the attackers break off the attack, Hunt pursues
At first, Mestemacher was quite pleased to have fallen in them vigorously. Once they are dead, he destroys Me-
with the growing local celebrity. But by 1929, Mestemach- stemacher (whether or not he was involved), and contin-
er found himself keeping the job out of self-preservation ues its work after padding the pockets of local authorities
and fear. Despite the high pay and Hunt’s growing for- to silence the matter.
tunes, Mestemacher has become convinced, particularly Hunt rests two hours a night, entering a voluntary tor-
over the last few months, that Hunt is not right. Worse por where he simply stands still in the main room of the
yet, Hunt has noticed this. He has openly threatened farmhouse. The first impression upon seeing Hunt in such
Mestemacher with serious, undisclosed punishments if a state is that he is awake but drugged. His eyes are open
Mestemacher talks. but glassy. He does not wake due to noise, but a physical
Mestemacher can hardly be said to be religious, but attack causes it to wake after 1D10 turns of inaction. If
the various things he has seen over the past decade have the Agents manage to discover Hunt during its two-hour
turned his mind towards the supernatural. He is certain torpor, he is exceedingly vulnerable.
his employer is some sort of supernatural creature. He is
also certain that Hunt’s threats are not hollow, and that
his reach is nearly infinite. In the coming decades, the
secrets he gleaned at the Hunt farm will transform him
into a raving religious lunatic. But now, he’s just a terrified
man looking for a way out.
People in town have noticed Mestemacher’s discom-
fiture, but chalk it up to years of working for the brusque
and abusive Hunt. If the Agents can discover and lever-
age this fact, they might find an extremely useful ally
in Mestemacher.
Approaching Mestemacher is not easy. The best way
is for the Agents to confront him in town and reveal the
truth about Hunt and his plans. If they manage to confirm
or explain things Mestemacher knows about Hunt—such
// Future/Perfect, Part 4 // // Delta Green //
// Future/Perfect, Part 4 // // Delta Green //
// Future/Perfect, Part 4 // // Delta Green //
IMMORTALITY: A member of the serpent-folk never grows old, UNNATURAL BIOLOGY: Serpent-folk physiology would baffle
starves to death, or perishes of natural causes. If it fails any biologist. Making a called shot for “vitals” or another
to feed on fresh meat or blood, after a period of time, it apparently vulnerable area inflicts normal damage, with no
enters a torporous state which can sometimes last hundreds, special game effect.
perhaps millions, of years. SAN LOSS: 1/1D6.
INHUMAN DODGE: Serpent-folk have preternatural senses
and reaction speed, allowing them to Dodge even firearm