Sequence-Based Differential Evolution For Solving Economic Dispatch Considering Virtual Power Plant
Sequence-Based Differential Evolution For Solving Economic Dispatch Considering Virtual Power Plant
Sequence-Based Differential Evolution For Solving Economic Dispatch Considering Virtual Power Plant
Research Article
Abstract: The economic dispatch (ED) of distributed energy resources (DERs) is an important and challenging problem in smart
grid operation. Different frameworks are proposed for solving this issue, among which the virtual power plant (VPP) is
considered as a promising means for ED in smart grids with DERs. This study presents a novel optimisation algorithm entitled
sequence-based differential evolution (SDE) for solving generation dispatch among several DERs with VPPs. In the proposed
method, a novel and efficient initialisation technique, namely sequence-based deterministic initialisation, is used to generate
high-quality initial population. Besides, a self-adaptation mechanism is utilised to eliminate the difficulty of tuning the problem-
specific control parameters of the algorithm. Subsequently, the SDE is applied for solving the ED model to obtain the optimal
power generation share of the VPP. Case studies compare the solutions obtained by the proposed method with several state-of-
the-art algorithms in the existing literature. It is validated the proposed method is advantageous for ED with VPPs in better
solution accuracy, less computational burden, and faster convergence.
IET Gener. Transm. Distrib., 2019, Vol. 13 Iss. 15, pp. 3202-3215 3202
© The Institution of Engineering and Technology 2019
aspects. Nonetheless, the application of global optimisation
methods in this research area needs further investigation.
Furthermore, we note that, in existing studies, the formulation of
economic dispatch (ED) with VPP mainly defined as a day-ahead
optimisation model with the time resolution as 1 h. Practically, the
characteristics of renewable power generation, energy storage
system, the intermittency of renewable generation, demands
uncertainty and dynamic market pricing in the intra-hour time scale
have not be thoroughly addressed.
IET Gener. Transm. Distrib., 2019, Vol. 13 Iss. 15, pp. 3202-3215 3203
© The Institution of Engineering and Technology 2019
2 Mathematical formulations of ED with VPP C(Pcg, i(th)) = αi(Pcg , i(th)) + βiPcg, i(th) + γi
The VPP aims to integrate synchronous scheduling of different + λi(ρisin(Pcg , i (th) − Pcg, i(th)))
resource pools, engage the market as a whole, and obtain the best
economic benefits when providing appropriate power balance. In where, λi($) and ρi(rad/MW) are the valve-point coefficients of the
other words, the distributed generation resources in the region are min
physically interconnected to the upstream distribution networks, generator i, Pcg , i (th) is the minimum power output of the ith
and the VPP has been empowered to participate in the electricity conventional thermal unit in time slot th.
market on behalf of all participants in the entire region. As a The cost function for the jth CHP unit is modelled as below
representative of the overall interests of all resource providers, the
VPP trades with the market and is bound to face challenges from 1
Cchp, j(th) = cNG ⋅ ⋅P (t ) ⋅ τ (4)
other competitors. Thus, the VPP should optimise its scheduling ηchp, j chp, j h
strategy to enhance its own advantages in the market and maximise
the entire portfolio's benefit, subject to various operational 1 2
cNG ⋅ ⋅P (t ) = achp, j × Pchp
constraints. ηchp, j chp, j h ,j
In the context of this paper, we make the following assumptions
on the operation of the VPP. First, the distributed generation units +bchp, j × Pchp, j + cchp, j .
in the VPP are centrally controlled. That is to say, despite that the
DERs are distributed geographically, the region being considered where cNG and ηchp, j are the natural gas price per amount of energy
are treated as an entity, and the DERs in one region are dispatched and electrical efficiency of CHP, respectively. In the actual
according to the scheme obtained by the proposed algorithm. operating environment, the cost function of the CHP unit is
Second, the VPP can obtain the required data (e.g. price and load), dependent on heat production and power production,
and that relevant time-series forecast techniques are available [26]. simultaneously, which can be expressed as follows [29]:
Third, modelled VPP participates in an electricity market
environment with a dynamic price, which is not influenced by its Cchp, j(th) = a j(P j)2 + b jP j + c j + d j(H j)2 + e jH j + f jH jP j (6)
scheduling strategy. In this environment, the transmission loss of
the power grid is borne by the system operators. Cho, k = ak(Hk)2 + bkHk + ck (7)
2.1 Objective function where a j, b j, c j, d j, e j, and f j are the coefficients of jth CHP unit.
The objective of the ED problem is to minimise the operational Cho, k is the cost of kth heat-only unit for producing H MWth heat
cost of the VPP in the time horizon H with a time step size τ, and and ak, bk, and ck are its coefficients.
here H = 24 h and τ = 5 min. Thus, in this paper, the objective The operational cost Csto, s(th) of sth storage system for interval τ
function formulated with the generation cost of the conventional can be modelled as below
generation unit, the operational costs of the RES (expressed in the
form of generation cost), the fuel cost of combined heat and power Csto, s(th) = csto, s ⋅ Psto, s(th) ⋅ τ (8)
(CHP), the operation cost of the heat-only unit, the operational cost
of storage unit, and energy exchange cost of market can be written where csto, s is the average operational cost of storage per unit
as power.
H Ncg Nchp Nsto
2.2 Power balance constraints
Min: ∑ ∑ Ccg i(th) + ∑ Cchp j(th) + ∑ Csto s(th)
, , ,
th = 1τ i = 1 j=1 s=1 For the stable operation of VPP, it must safeguard the generated
(1) power in accordance with the load demand power at each th. Thus,
Nho Nres
+ ∑ Cho, k(th) + ∑ Cres r(th) + PEM(th) ⋅ cEM(th) ⋅ τ
, the power balance equation can be formulated as
k=1 r=1
Ncg Nchp Nsto
where Ncg, Nchp, Nho, Nsto, and Nres are the number of conventional ∑ Pcg i(th) + ∑ Pchp j(th) + ∑ Psto s(th)
, , ,
generation unit, CHP unit, heat-only unit, storage station, and RES i=1 j=1 s=1
units, respectively; Ccg, i, Cchp, j, Csto, s, Cho, k, and Cres, r represents Nres
the generation cost of ith conventional generation unit, the + ∑ Pres, r(th) + PEM(th) = Pl(th) .
generation cost of jth CHP unit, the generation cost of kth heat- r=1
only unit, the operate cost of sth storage unit and the generation
cost of rth RES unit, respectively; PEM is the power exchanged where Pchp, Psto, and Pres are power generation of CHP, storage and
toward electricity market and cEM is the market price; th denotes RESs, respectively; Pl is the load demand power.
current time slot.
In the following equations, a more detailed description of the 2.3 Heat balance constraints
different components of the objective function is given. The cost Nchp Nho
equations for each renewable resource are modelled as a quadratic
function, which is commonly used in the VPP literature [22, 27, ∑ Hchp j(th) + ∑ Hho k(th) = HD(th) .
, , (10)
j=1 k=1
28]. It can be shown as follows:
where PD is the thermal demand of the system.
C(Pres, r(th)) = αrPres , r (th) + βr Pres, r (th) + γr . (2)
2.4 Power generation limits
where C is the hourly cost in currency unit per hour, αr($/MW2),
βr($/MW), γr($) are the cost coefficients of the rth RES unit. In realistic power systems, the generation of resources should be
The cost function of the conventional thermal unit becomes within its generation range.
non-convex by adding a sinusoidal term to the quadratic objective
function when considering the valve-point effects and can be • Capacity limits of the conventional thermal unit
modelled as min max
Pcg , i (th) ≤ Pcg, i(th) ≤ Pcg, i (th) (11)
3204 IET Gener. Transm. Distrib., 2019, Vol. 13 Iss. 15, pp. 3202-3215
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min max based on the power levels of the storage system at which the
where Pcg , i and Pcg, i are the lower and upper bounds for the
power output of the ith conventional thermal unit. scheduling starts.
• Capacity limits of CHP units When using the simplified model
in [22], the power production range constraints of CHP unit can 2.5 Power flow constraint
be expressed as N
PGk − PDk − V k ∑ Y ktV tcos(δk − δt − θkt);
min max
Pchp , j(th) ≤ Pchp, j(th) ≤ Pchp, j(th) (12) t=1
When considering a more practical situation, as done in QGk − QDk − V k ∑ Y ktV tcos(δk − δt − θkt);
Document 12, the production range constraints of the CHP unit t=1
can be expressed as [30–32] min max (21)
PGk ≤ PGk ≤ PGk ;
min max
Pchp max
, j(H j)(th) ≤ P j(th) ≤ Pchp, j(H j)(th) (13) QGk ≤ QGk ≤ QGk ;
min max
V kmin ≤ Qk ≤ V kmax;
Hchp , j(P j)(th) ≤ H j(th) ≤ Hchp, j(P j)(th) (14)
Pktmin ≤ PGk ≤ Pktmax;
min max
where Pchp , j(H j) and Pchp , j(H j)
are the lower and upper bounds
where N is the total number of buses; PGk and QGk are the active
for the jth CHP unit which is the function of generated heat H j;
min max power and reactive power generation of the kth bus, respectively;
Hchp , j and Hchp, j are heat generation limits of the jth CHP unit PDk and QDk are the active and reactive power load demand of the
which is the function of generated power P j. kth bus, respectively; V k is the magnitude of the voltage of the kth
• Production limits of the heat-only units bus and δk is the phase angle of the voltage of the kth bus; Y kt and
θkt are the magnitude and phase angle of branch admittance
Hkmin(th) ≤ Hk(th) ≤ Hkmax(th) (15)
between the kth bus and the tth bus, respectively. ∙max and ∙min are
the minimum and maximum limitation of the corresponding
where Hkmin and Hkmax are the minimum and the maximum limit variables, respectively; Pkt is the real power flow between the kth
for the heat output of the kth heat-only unit in MWth. bus and the tth bus.
• Production limits of the renewable units and the market To sum up, the proposed simplified model, in which the
objective function is convex can be expressed as below
min max
Pres , i(th) ≤ Pres, i(th) ≤ Pres, i(th) (16)
H Ncg Nchp Nsto
We note that the production of renewable units is uncertain. In Min: ∑ ∑ Ccg i(th) + ∑ Cchp j(th) + ∑ Csto s(th)
, , ,
th = 1τ i = 1 j=1 s=1
this paper, we model the output of renewable units using the
uncertainty set (or confidence interval), which describe the upper Nho Nres (22)
and lower bound of the uncertain variables. The proposed method + ∑ Cho, k(th) + ∑ Cres r(th) + PEM(th) ⋅ cEM(th) ⋅ τ
can also be applied to solve scenario-based stochastic optimisation k=1 r=1
problems and will be addressed in our future work. s.t. (2), (4), (5), (7) − (12), and (15) − (21) .
The exchange power of the market in each time period instant
depends on the transmission capability of the connection line. Also, another more realistic and the objective function is non-
Thus, there is a limit to where the market can produce/consume convex, and can be written as
H Ncg Nchp Nsto
PEM max
(th) ≤ PEM(th) ≤ PEM (th) (17) Min: ∑ ∑ Ccg i(th) + ∑ Cchp j(th) + ∑ Csto s(th)
, , ,
th = 1τ i = 1 j=1 s=1
Psto, i(th) ≤ Psto 3.1 Sequence-based deterministic initialisation
, i(th) (20)
The DE is categorised as the population-based algorithm. For these
The power capacity boundaries of the storage system have been methods, an individual of the population represents a point that
described in (18), (19). The initial values Esto, 0 can be assigned moves in the search space with the optimisation process. The
structure of each individual, in this paper, can be described as
IET Gener. Transm. Distrib., 2019, Vol. 13 Iss. 15, pp. 3202-3215 3205
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Xi = [PEM, i, Pcg, 1, i, . . . , Pcg, Ncg, i, Pchp, 1, i, . . . , Pchp, Nchp, i,
Psto, 1, i, . . . , Psto, Nsto, i, Pres, 1, i, . . . , Pres, Nres, i, Hho, 1, i, . . . , (24)
Hho, Nho, i, Hchp, 1, i, . . . , Hchp, Nchp, i]; i = 1, 2, . . . , N .
3206 IET Gener. Transm. Distrib., 2019, Vol. 13 Iss. 15, pp. 3202-3215
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the DE is applied to solve constrained optimisation problems, its k k k
Ym , if (FC(Y m ) ≤ FC(Xm ));
performance depends largely on control parameters and it is Xm = (32)
generally difficult to select the best control parameters based on the Xm , otherwise .
problem [35]. Thus, in this paper, a self-adaptive method is applied
→ →
for selecting the most suitable control parameter, which is It is important to point out that the value of F and C r are also
described below. updated with the optimisation process. If the new solution is better
→ →
than the current solution, then, F m = Fm and.C rm = Crm
3.2.1 Mutation and crossover mechanism: Since mutation has
been applied to the algorithmic process, many mutation operators
have been proposed [36]. Unfortunately, there exists no single 3.3 Constraint handling strategy
optimal solution to all problems. We have noticed that the The ED problem is a nonlinear constrained optimisation problem,
optimisation mechanism of DE itself is simple and efficient, even which contains a large amount of equality and inequality
adding additional strategies that increase search power will not constraints. So, it is obvious that an appropriate constraint handling
have an unacceptable negative impact on the computational mechanism can improve the performance of the algorithm.
efficiency of the algorithm. Therefore, a new powerful mutation Generally, there are two strategies to deal with constraints of the
strategy that contains two mutation operators is considered in this ED problem, one is to use a penalty function which is achieved
paper. The main effect of the first mutation operator is to speed up through adding an extra objective function for punishing violations
the convergence, and the second one is to diversify the population. of constraints on the original objective function, and the other way
And a crossover operator named binomial, which has been proven is to generate solutions that satisfy all constraints by some
to have excellent performance [37], is considered. The generation strategies and maintain the feasibility of the solution in the
process of offspring is as described below. optimisation process so that optimisation is only done in the
First, in the mutation events, three individuals v1 to v3 obtained feasible region. The first method is simple and can maintain
from the population are randomly selected as v1 ≠ v2 ≠ v3 ≠ m. population diversity but not adequate for handling constraints. The
Consequently, a child individual Y m is generated as second method has high efficiency in finding a feasible solution but
lose population diversity. In this paper, a new constraints handling
Xvk1 + Fm(Xvk2 − Xvk3), mechanism can avoid their disadvantages while retaining
advantages has been proposed for handling various constraints,
if rand1 ≤ Crm and rand2 ≤ 0.5; which process will be described in detail next.
k k
Ym = Xm + Fm((Xvk1 − Xvk3) + (Xbesk
− Xvk2)), (29)
(1). Arrange individual (xi; i = 1, 2..., N) into a matrix form as
if rand1 ≤ Crm and rand2 > 0.5;
Xm , otherwise . x11 x12 ... x1D
⋮ ⋮ ⋱ ⋮
where, rand1 and rand2 are random numbers generated from a x = xi1 xi2 ... xiD (33)
uniform distribution in the interval [0, 1]. Fm is the amplification
⋮ ⋮ ⋱ ⋮
factor and Crm is the crossover rate. They should be fixed values,
but picking the optimum values for a specific problem is tricky. xn1 xn2 . . . xnD
Thus, a self-adaptation strategy was introduced to select the most (2). Randomly select a solution and check whether the solution
appropriate value, as described in the next subsection. satisfies system constraints. If a variable ( xij, j = 1, 2,..,D) is out of
the boundary, then
3.2.2 Self-adaptive tuning control parameters: For each
individual in the search space, with two control parameters (F and xij(th) = xij, min(th), if xij(th) ≤ xij, min(th) . (34)
→ →
Cr). In the beginning, F ∈ N(0.5, 0.1) and C r ∈ N(0.5, 0.1).
N(0.5, 0.1) means a normal distribution whose mean equals to 0.5 xij(th) = xij, min(th), if xij(th) ≥ xij, min(th) . (35)
and standard deviation is 0.1. Consequently, Fm and Crm in (29) are
generated as described below (3). To make solutions satisfy equality constraints. Here, first,
check if the solution meets the power balance constraint. The
→ → → feasibility of a solution is checked as
F v1 + rand1(F v2 − F v3), if (rand2 < δ);
Fm = (30) Np
rand3, otherwise .
∑ (Pi) − (Pload + Ploss) = ΔP < ε . (36)
→ → → i=1
Crv1 + rand4(Crv2 − Crv3), if(rand5 < δ);
Crm = (31)
rand6, otherwise . where, Np is the total number of the power generation unit, ε is a
tolerance limit factor, the value of ε, in this paper, from a larger
→ → initial value gradually reduced to a small final value set to 10−8.
where F mλ and C rmλ (λ = 1, 2, 3) are parameters of the
→ → The way ε changes can be given as
corresponding individual ( Xvkλ) in F and C r, respectively; and
randμ ∈ (0, 1) (μ = 1, 2, . . . , 6), are generated using uniform ε(0) = ϕ(xθ) = εθintial; (37)
distribution of 0–1. The value of δ, in this paper, set to 0.75
according to the test, appropriate range of Fm and Crm is 0.1 to 1, cp
ε(0) 1 − , 0 < k < T c;
so, if their value is outside this range, it is truncated to 0.1 and 1, ε(k) = Tc (38)
respectively [38].
The mechanism followed by a greedy selection process is such 10−8, k ≥ Tc .
that, the best one between the current individual (Xm ) and the new
where xθ is the top θth individual and θ = 0.4N. cp is a control
individual (Y m), will replace the position of the current individual parameter of the θ level and set to five in this paper. With the
and become the new offspring. The process can be written as number of iterations k increases to the control generation T c, The θ
level has been updated. There are no solutions that violate the
constraints in the population when the control generation is
reached, and the value of T c is 150 in this paper.
IET Gener. Transm. Distrib., 2019, Vol. 13 Iss. 15, pp. 3202-3215 3207
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Table 1 Initial values for the controlling parameters of 3.1). If ΔH > 0, randomly select an heat generation unit Hr to
algorithms reduce its own heat production until Hr = Hrmin or ΔH > 10−8.
Algorithm Parameter Value Repeat this step until all units are selected or ΔH < 10−8.
PSOw topology fully connected
3.2). If ΔH < 0, randomly select an heat generation unit Hr to
cognitive and social 1.5, 1.5
constants increase its own heat production until Hr = Hrmax or ΔH > 10−8.
inertial weight linearly decreases from 0.9 Repeat this step until all units are selected or ΔH < 10−8.
to 0.4
population size 30 (4). Return a feasible x to the algorithm.
CBA loudness A change using the sinusoidal
As this proposed constraint handling strategy does not place any
priority on a unit, it will be helpful for maintaining the diversity of
pulse emission rate R updated as the iterations solutions expected in evolutionary algorithms including the
progress proposed algorithm. Also, the ε-constrained method for handling
α,γ 2.3, 0.9 the equality constraints avoid the risk of missing some solutions
population size 30 which have good objective function values but marginally violate
MFA random movement factor α monotonically decreased the constraints, enhance the convergence rate of the algorithm by
from 0.5 to 0 both increasing the population diversity and boundary searching
light absorption coefficient γ 1 ability of the algorithm.
attractiveness parameter 1 and 0.2
βmax and βmin 3.4 Implement SDE to ED problem
population size 30 Implementing the SDE for solving ED problem can be briefly
described via the following steps:
3208 IET Gener. Transm. Distrib., 2019, Vol. 13 Iss. 15, pp. 3202-3215
© The Institution of Engineering and Technology 2019
4.1 Simulation results with benchmark functions microgrid system has three wind plants, two PV plants, and one
CHP system is utilised. The parameters of DERs are shown in
This section demonstrates the excellent performance of the SDE Table 4. In this case, Ncg = 0, Nchp = 1, Nho = 0, Nsto = 0, Nres = 5,
over the other most well-regarded and recent algorithms through
NEM = 0, and the corresponding objective function is (22).
eight typical benchmark functions, which are listed in Table 2. In
the table, dimensions are the number of the variables, search range The maximum generation of each wind DER was randomly
denotes the range of the variables, and f min indicates the optimum. selected from the real wind turbine data provided by the National
Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) [43]. The method presented
In addition, the two-dimensional (2D) versions of each benchmark
in [22] refers to the maximum generation profile of each PV. The
functions are depicted in Fig. 5. We aim to assess the quality of the
load profiles were from random selection for a period of 24 h,
final solution and the convergence speed of each algorithm after a
according to [44]. We decided to sample the required power
fixed number of iterations is reached. Table 3 reports the
profiles and the maximum generation of the DERs every 5 min,
comparison results of SDE with advanced evolutionary algorithms.
and assumed their values are constant at intervals. The reason why
We conclude from this table that the proposed method, which gives
we adopted such a time interval instead of the universally used 24
competitive results, is very effective. Its performance surpasses that
intervals a day is that the real system executes the ED at an interval
of the listed algorithms. In short, SDE nearly provides the optimum
of 5 min.
solutions for all the test functions with the fastest convergence rate,
The errors and estimated operation costs of the 50 independent
which means that SDE outperforms other listed algorithms.
trials found by the investigated algorithms are shown in Figs. 6a
and b, respectively. The errors are defined as
4.2 Simulation results for optimised power generation in N
microgrid using SDE e(i) = ∑k =g 1 Pk − Pl − Ploss(i), and i ∈ [1, 50]. Two criteria are used
in selecting the optimal solution, one is
In this subsection, the ability of SDE to provide optimum N N H
∑k =g 1 Pk(th) ≤ ∑k =g 1 Pk, max(th), the other is ∑th = 1τ e(i)(th) ≤ 10−8.
generation scheduling of DERs in the smart grid are tested. A
n Ackley 30 [−32, 32] 0
n i∑
F7(x) = − 20exp −0.2 xi2 − exp ∑ cos 2πxi + 20 + e
n n Griewank 30 [−600, 600] 0
1 xi
4000 i∑
F8(x) = (xi)2 − ∏ cos +1
=1 i=1 i
IET Gener. Transm. Distrib., 2019, Vol. 13 Iss. 15, pp. 3202-3215 3209
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Test function PSOw LSA [42] BSA [42]
Minimum Average Standard Minimum Average Standard Minimum Average Standard
F1 −79.85673 −79.14578 4.157 × 10−02 — — — — — —
F2 1.854 × 10−06 2.567 × 10−05 4.527 × 10−05 1.061 × 10−19 4.810 × 10−08 3.401 × 10−07 1.432 9.967 9.812
F3 1.375 × 10−03 3.641 × 10−03 2.843 × 10−03 2.217 × 10−07 3.680 × 10−02 1.562 × 10−01 4.551 × 10−01 1.197 5.285 × 10−01
F4 −8942.432 −8459.370 3.248 × 1002 −9193.912 −8001.388 6.691 × 1002 −10357.64 −9615.769 2.530 × 1002
F5 1.276 × 1001 5.942 × 1001 5.424 × 1001 5.600 × 10−01 6.428 × 1001 4.375 × 1001 2.083 × 1002 4.715 × 1002 2.311 × 1002
F6 1.427 × 1001 4.124 × 1001 9.456 4.079 × 1001 6.276 × 1001 1.491 × 1001 5.318 × 1001 6.575 × 1001 8.029
F7 9.132 × 10 −04 2.863 × 10 −03 2.415 × 10 −04 8.730 × 10 −08 2.686 9.108 × 10 −01 6.551 × 10 −01 3.153 1.491
F8 2.894 × 10−09 1.758 × 10−02 2.352 × 10−02 2.224 × 10−16 7.241 × 10−03 6.753 × 10−03 6.793 × 10−01 1.068 8.686 × 10−02
—, data not available.
Bold and Bold-italic values will give a more intuitive understanding of the advantages of the proposed algorithm over other algorithms.
the total generation cost of 1481.34 ($); whereas DE, PSOw, CBA
and MFA achieves 1593.351, 1507.975, 1498.68, and 1494.384
($), respectively. Based on the generation cost of the day, the
ranking of the algorithms is SDE, MFA, CBA, PSOw and DE.
Again according to the distribution of error and the distribution of
optimised Fcost at each trial, which is illustrated in Fig. 9. It can be
dawn that SDE provides most optimum results with the most
stable, robust, and accurate, compared to other methods. The
average computational time for a single run of SDE at each period
is 2.37 s, much lower than 5 min. This illustrates that the
computing efficiency of SDE can meet the efficiency required by
real-time algorithm. Table 5 reports the generation cost at each
Fig. 6 Estimated operation costs and corresponding power mismatch with Hour × 12
hour CostHour = ∑th = (Hour − 1) × 12 + 1 Cost(th) (Hour = 1, 2, . . . , 24) of
50 trials of the investigated algorithms for case 2
(a) Error of Power mismatch, (b) Estimated operation costs
the whole day provided by mentioned algorithm. From this picture,
we can clearly obtain information about the difference in
generation cost required by the tested algorithms at each hour.
IET Gener. Transm. Distrib., 2019, Vol. 13 Iss. 15, pp. 3202-3215 3211
© The Institution of Engineering and Technology 2019
Fig. 10 Total power generation of wind and solar, load demand power, Fig. 13 Convergence curves of the investigated algorithms (case 3)
market price, and storage price (a) Mode1, (b) Mode2
3212 IET Gener. Transm. Distrib., 2019, Vol. 13 Iss. 15, pp. 3202-3215
© The Institution of Engineering and Technology 2019
Table 7 Comparison of performance for case 4.4
Algorithm Min_Cost Ave_Cost Max_Cost
CPSO [32] 119,708.8818 NA NA
TVAC-PSO [32] 117,824.8956 NA NA
TLBO [45] 116,739.3640 116,756.0057 116,825.8223
OBTLBO [45] 116,579.2390 116,613.6505 116,649.4473
GSO [46] 116,452.3150 116,463.6522 116,476.7524
OGSO [46] 116,403.3311 116,412.6214 116,423.9803
GSA [47] 117,266.6810 NA NA
TVAC-GSA-PSO [48] 116,393.4034 116,398.2042 116,404.6097
BA [49] 118,620.8913 118,644.5330 118,713.3496
ABC [49] 117,980.2510 118,017.6625 118,053.4593
BA-ABC [49] 116,250.0176 116,265.3372 116,279.4550
CSA-BA-ABC [49] 115,770.3910 115,781.6813 115,791.0402
IGA-NCM [50] 115,648.364 115,743.7491 115,793.1151
SDE 115,645.5875 115,690.4521 115,725.3845
Bold-italic values will give a more intuitive understanding of the advantages of the proposed algorithm over other algorithms.
Table 8 Details of the best solution provided by SDE for case 4.4
Unit Output Unit Output Unit Output Unit Output
P1 538.5904 P16 299.5442 P31 10.0452 H34 75
P2 299.2634 P17 159.8080 P32 35.0827 H35 104.9783
P3 299.3728 P18 110.2584 P33 81.0999 H36 75.0503
P4 109.8997 P19 109.9852 P34 40.0065 H37 40.0183
P5 159.8322 P20 109.9476 P35 81.0056 H38 20.1066
P6 109.8586 P21 109.8581 P36 40.0800 H39 469.3142
P7 159.7535 P22 109.8466 P37 10.0277 H40 60
P8 109.8402 P23 40.2248 P38 35.2649 H41 59.9985
P9 109.8905 P24 40.1918 H27 104.9282 H42 120
P10 40.1179 P25 55.1540 H28 75.0176 H43 120
P11 40.2550 P26 55.0731 H29 104.9652 H44 470.6422
P12 55.1391 P27 81.1576 H30 75.0735 H45 60
P13 55.0753 P28 40.0143 H31 40.0284 H46 60
P14 538.7613 P29 81.2376 H32 20.0511 H47 119.9714
P15 299.3844 P30 40.0519 H33 104.856 H48 120
total power = 4700 (MW) total heat = 2500 (MWth)
demonstrated the ability of SDE to fast converge. The detailed objective function, four test functions (F1, F4, F5, and F6) in section
optimisation results provided by the SDE are listed in Table 8. 4.1 are selected based on their mathematical characteristics, where
F1 and F5 are the unimodal problems and F4 and F6 are multimodal
5 Effect of algorithmic design strategies on the problems.
overall performance An initial population of each function was generated using
uniform and sequence-based solutions, which is depicted in
In this section, we analyse the effect of two algorithmic design Fig. 15. For the proposed initialisation method, n was set to a value
strategies on the overall performance of the proposed method, of 10, which means that the population size was 3311 for all
namely the initialisation technique, and mutation strategies. function. Note that the objective function values were plotted based
on the sequences in which the individuals were generated by the
5.1 Effect of initialisation technique initialisation methods. It can be clearly seen from the figure that
the method we adopted was able to obtain much better results for
To demonstrate that the proposed initialisation technique is able to all problems.
provide useful information about the behavioural pattern of the
IET Gener. Transm. Distrib., 2019, Vol. 13 Iss. 15, pp. 3202-3215 3213
© The Institution of Engineering and Technology 2019
Fig. 15 Fitness values of the initial population using different initialisation methods for F1, F4, and F6 with 30D, in each subfigure, are with n = 10
(a) F1, (b) F4, (c) F5, (d) F6
6 Conclusions
One of the most challenging tasks of a VPP is to participate in the
Fig. 16 Effect of combined mutation in DE for solving ED problem (x-axis market of the smart grid is the optimal scheduling of power
in log scale) generation among different resources. This objective of this task is
to allow for fast changing in power generation of RES to maintain
To compare the quality of the initial solutions obtained by the power balance while minimising the cost of VPP operation. A
different methods, Table 9 listed the average fitness values of the perfect solution to this ambitious objective needs a robust and well-
best fitness values in the initial population for 30 runs. From the organised optimiser, which can effectively cope with the dynamic
table, it is clear that the quality of initial population obtained by our changes of the network. The work done in this paper is summarised
method much better than those obtained from the uniform method. as below
In conclusion, the initial technique we adopted in this paper indeed
does provide a high-quality initial population. (i) A new metaheuristic algorithm SDE is proposed for minimising
the cost of VPPs operation by integrating sequence-based
5.2 Effect of mutation strategy deterministic initialisation and parameters self-adaptive mechanism
into DE.
In this subsection, we analyse the performance of the first mutation (ii) A new equality constraint handling mechanism designed to bias
operator, the second mutation operator, and combined mutation the optimisation towards the feasible region and thus enhances
operator used in (29) with DE. A sample of 1000 iterations with convergence rate.
self-adaptive algorithm parameters mechanism for all variants and (iii) We have illustrated the effectiveness of the proposed method
the convergence characteristics for the optimal objective values of with eight typical benchmark functions.
each variant to solve the non-linear and non-convex constrained (iv) We have successfully applied SDE to deal with dynamic ED
optimisation problem in subsection 4.4 are shown in Fig. 16. problem of a microgrid with the aim of generation cost
Although the three algorithms variants have a fast convergence minimisation, and demonstrated the effectiveness of using SDE to
rate in the early evolutionary process, DE with the first mutation solve dynamic ED problem of VPPs participate in the market.
operation quickly falls into the dilemma of requiring multiple (v) We have successfully demonstrated that the suggested
iterations to escape from local optima due to lack of population algorithm has superior performance, to solve the large-scale, highly
diversity and able to obtain poor solutions at the end of iterations. nonlinear, non-convex, and high-complex ED problem in the smart
This dilemma situation is not so serious in DE with the second grid.
mutation operator because its mechanism is beneficial to
population diversity, and this is why we choose it for enriching The analysis of simulation results demonstrates that the proposed
population diversity; however, needs to iterate many times to methods exhibit superior performances in solving dynamic ED
3214 IET Gener. Transm. Distrib., 2019, Vol. 13 Iss. 15, pp. 3202-3215
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