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LAB 10
In this lab we'll look at the response of first-order circuits as a function of frequency, the topic covered in Chapter 13
(../../../book/0/727) in the text.
Consider the series RC and RL circuits shown in Figure 1. The resistors are each 1kΩ; the C and L values are unknown.
Since we'll be asking you to complete a filter design below, let's analyze the frequency response of each of the circuits.
Recalling the component transfer functions on page 733 (../../../book/0/757) of the text
H R (jω) = R
H L (jω) = jωL
H C (jω) = 1/jωC
we can derive H (jω) = Vo /Vi for the series RL and RC circuits using these impedances and the voltage divider
technique shown in Example 13.4.2 (../../../book/0/761):
H RC (jω) =
jω + 1/RC
H RL (jω) =
jω + R/L
Think about the magnitude of the transfer function |H (jω)| for both low frequencies (ω → 0 ) and high frequencies (
ω → ∞ ). Are these filter circuits low-pass or high-pass? Hint: there's one of each!
∠H (jω) = tan
where x is the real part of H (jω) and y is the imaginary part. With a little algebra we can conclude
∠H RC (jω) = tan
∠H RL (jω) = tan
The break frequency is the frequency at which the filter response changes from essentially unity gain to a steadily
decreasing response. At the break frequency the phase ∠H (jω) is ±π/4 radians or ±45 . In other words, the break
frequency is the value of ω that makes argument to tan equal to ±1. The break frequency is also where where the
magnitude of the response reaches 0.707 = 1/√2 of its peak value. Please give the formula for the break frequencies
in radians/sec for the series RC and RL circuits:
R⋅ C
With all this analysis under our belts, let's look at plots of the frequency response for the circuits in Figure 1. The on-
line lab tool will calculate the frequency response of a circuit if you click on the AC analysis tool. You'll be asked to
specify the beginning and ending frequencies (the default values are fine) and where in the circuit to inject the tone
burst, a sinusoidal input of the form u(t)e (it has to be one of the named voltage sources). For each voltage probe,
ratio of the voltage at the probe to the voltage at the specified source is computed for frequencies in the specified
range. The results appear in two plots, both of which use a log scale for the frequency (x) axis. One plot shows the
magnitude of the response |H (jω)| and the other the phase ∠H (jω). The magnitude is plotted in decibels =
20 log(Vo /Vi ) -- for more on decibels, see footnote 8 on page 738 (../../../book/0/762) of the text.
The circuits in Figure 1 were entered using the schematic tool with voltage probes added to the Vo nodes. An AC
analysis was performed; the resulting plots are shown in Figure 2. The red plots come from one circuit, the blue plots
from the other, but it'll be up to you to figure which plots came from which circuit.
Figure 2. Results of AC analysis
Your job is to figure out the unknown C and L values based on the information in the plot. Remember that the R value
for both circuits is 1kΩ. You can perform your own experiments using the on-line lab tool or you can use the analysis
above to determine the unknown component types and values. Note that the formulas for the phase use the
frequency ω in radians/sec but that the plots show frequencies in Hz. Recall that 1 Hz = 2π radians/sec .
Type of unknown component in circuit that produced the red plot (C or L):
L Answer: L
Value of unknown component in circuit that produced the red plot (in farads or henries):
0.0008 Answer: 800e-6
Type of unknown component in circuit that produced the blue plot (C or L):
C Answer: C
Value of unknown component in circuit that produced the blue plot (in farads or henries):
20n Answer: 20e-9
Now that you're an expert :) use the on-line lab tool below to build a band-pass filter with break frequencies at 1kH z
and 1M H z. A band-pass filter passes frequencies between the break frequencies but attenuates frequencies above
and below the break frequencies, as shown in Figure 3, which shows the magnitude of the frequency response Vo /V1
using the logarithmic decibel scale. The expected response is approximately −3 dB (i.e., a ratio of 0.707) at the two
break frequencies and close to 0 dB (a ratio of 1) inbetween.
Hint: Cascade a low-pass and high-pass filter -- their effects are cumulative. We've just finished analyzing one of each
above! Complete the circuit below, adding the appropriate circuitry between the voltage source and Vo , the node
labeled "output" in the schematic.
After you've completed your design and run the AC analysis, click CHECK to have the system verify correct operation.
(a),(b) We are told that the break frequency is the frequency at which the phase of the transfer function equals
±45 degrees ( 4 radians), which is equivalent to setting the argument of the inverse tangent function equal to 1.
−ωRC = ±1
= ±1
We take the value which results in a positive frequency, so for the RC and RL respectively:
ω =
ω = L
(c),(d),(e),(f) To figure out which plot (red or blue) matches with which circuit, we only have to look at the
magnitude plots. Inspect the transfer functions for the RC and RL circuits, shown below:
H RC (jω) =
jωRC + 1
H RL (jω) =
jω +
As we can see, the RC circuit is a low pass filter (unity gain at ω = 0, 0 at ω ≫ ), and the RL circuit is a high
ω ≫
pass filter (approaches unity gain at ω ≫ , 0 at ω = 0).
So the component L matches the red graph, and C the blue graph.
We can also determine the values of both components, purely from the measurements shown on the magnitude
graph. For both transfer functions, at a value of 4.6H z on the log frequency scale, we have a value of −14.15dB.
Keeping in mind that:
Gain = 10 20
This corresponds to the transfer function having a magnitude gain of about 0.196 at a frequency of about
40KH z(80πK ). The last thing we have to do is find an expression for the magnitude gain, which amounts
to taking the magnitude of each transfer function (which can be accomplished by taking the magnitudes of the
numerators and denominators seperately):
| H RC | = −−−−−−−−
√1 + ωRC
| H RL | = −−−−−−
√ 2
+ ω
We plug in |H | = 0.196, ω = 80, 000π and R = 1kΩ into both of the above expressions, and solve for C and L
L = 8 × 10 H
C = 2 × 10 F
(g) Take the hint - cascade a high pass and low pass filter! The circuit shown below should work:
Where did the component values come from? First, because we want close to unity gain at midband, we want to
make R as small as possible, which will allow us to drop a minimal amount of the input voltage across the resistors
when travelling to the output (making vout ≈ v in ). So we set R = 1Ω .
This sets the initial values to try for L and C . The low-frequency break point is set by the high pass filter (L), and
the high-frequency break point is set by the low pass filter (C ). Plugging in to the previous break frequency
formulas we end up with L and C .
−4 −7
= 1.6 × 10 H = 1.6 × 10
However, if we use these exact values, our circuit won't check out. Why's that? It's because the low pass and high
pass filters we cascaded aren't completely separate; the extra impedance of the capacitor and second resistor
affects the transfer function of the high pass block, and vice-versa. There are second-order effects at work which
make our calculations close, but not exact.
How can we reconcile this? We could go back and recalculate the full transfer function, but it's an incredibly messy
and tedious endeavor. Instead, it is much faster to look at the plot we get and use some intuition to change the
values and make it right.
Shown here is the low-frequency break point with a value of L H. As we can see, at 1000H z, we are
= 1.6 × 10
down −2.959dB- almost −3dB , but not quite within the tolerance of the lab simulation. We need to lower the
value of L slightly, which makes the break frequency larger, and effectively "shifts" the curve to the right. Shown
again is the same point on the same plot, but with L
= 1.58 × 10 H :
We are now almost exactly at −3dB , at least within the tolerance of the lab simulation.
A similar trial-and-error process applies for the capacitor- at 1M H z, (log[f ] = 6), we again want to be at −3dB . I
ended up with a value of about 0.81 × 10 F. Simulating the circuit with the aforementioned values shold pass
the check.
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