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Bangladesh on a Pathway to Prosperity

Time is Ours, Time for Bangladesh

Budget Speech 2019-20

A H M Mustafa Kamal, FCA, MP

Ministry of Finance
Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh

30 Jaisthya 1426
13 June 2019
Table of Content
Topic Page

Chapter I
Bangladesh on a Pathway to Prosperity
Time is Ours, Time for Bangladesh
Celebration of the 100th Birth Anniversary of the Father of 1-9
the Nation, Profound Tribute and Deepest Gratitude,
Dedication, Sowing the Seeds of Development of the Country
in 1972 under the Leadership of Bangabandhu, Worst Killing
Spree of the History in 1975, Return of the Daughter of
Bangabandhu to her own country, Revolutionary Changes in
the Country from 1996 to 2001, Vision 2021, The
Government’s Last Ten Years’ Achievements in the
Macroeconomic Management, Position of Bangladesh in the
World Economy, Implementation of Verdicts on the Father of
the Nation Bangabandhu Murder Case, and the Cases on War
Crimes and Crimes against Humanity, World Leader Hon’ble
Prime Minister

Chapter II
The Supplementary Budget for the FY2018-19
The Supplementary Budget for the current FY2018-19,
Revised Revenue Income, Revised Expenditure, Revised
Budget Deficit and its Financing

Chapter III
Proposed Budget Structure of FY2019-20
Proposed Budget Structure of FY2019-20, Enhancing 12-16
Reveune Colleciton Capacity, Widening Tax Net, Overall
Expenditure Structure

Topic Page

Chapter IV
A Journey Towards Properous Future

Sectoral Strategies, Action Plans and Resource Mobilization,

Medium-Term Policy Strategy
Education: Quality Primary Education, Science and
Technology-based Secondary and Higher Education,
Employment-friendly Technical and Vocational Education,
Madrasa Education; Health and Family Welfare; Human
Resources Development; Employment Generation; Physical
Infrastructure: Power and Energy, Communication
Infrastructure, Bangladesh Delta Plan; Agriculture sector:
Fisheries and Livestock, Combatting Climate Change and
Protection of Environment; Local Government and Rural
Development: My Village, My Town, My House My Farm;
Industrialization and Trade: Promising Eco-Tourism, Blue
Economy; Digital Bangladesh: Achievements and Prospects;
Poverty Reduction and Social Safety Net Programmes:
Development of Disabled People, Interest-free Microcredit
for Poverty Reduction, Welfare of Freedom Fighters,
Empowerment of Women and Focus on Children; Planned
Urbanization and Housing; Sports, Culture and Religion;
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

Chapter V
Reform and Good Governance
Improvement of Investment Climate; Reforms in Financial
Sector: Good Governance in Capital Market, Reforms for
maintaining discipline in the financial sector, Insurance for

Topic Page
encountering risk; Public Financial Management (PFM:
Application of IBAS++, Radical Transformation of Project
Fund Release Process, Payment of Social Safety Allowances
through G2P; Reform of Pension: Payment of Pension
through EFT, Introduction of Universal Pension Scheme;
Public Administration for Public Service: People Friendly and
Efficient Public Administration, House Building Loan for
Government Employees; Use of ICT in Case Management;
Prevention of Corruption.

Chapter VI
Revenue Collection Activities
Revenue Collection Activities: Achievement of Revenue 76-78
Collection, Bringing Capable Taxpayers under Tax Net,
Automation, Implementation of VAT and Supplementary
Duty Act, 2012, Scanning of Import-Export Products

Chapter VII
Income Tax, VAT and Import & Export Duty
Direct Tax ( Income Tax): Tax Exemption Threshold and Tax 79-98
Rates, Company Tax Rate, Equity and Fairness, Social
Welfare, Incentives for the share market, International Best
Practice; Value Added Tax: Characteristics of the Act,
Proposed Reforms, Tax Exemption, Impostion of VAT,
Imposition of Supplementary Duty, Proposed Tax on Tobacco
and Tobacco Products, Import-Export Duty-Taxes:
Agriculture sector, Industrial sector - Milk Powder, Sugar,
Medicine, Other Industries and Export Duty, Tranpsort
sector, ICT sector, Risk Management System, Amendments
in First Schedule of the Customs Act

Topic Page
Conclusion 99-100
Table-1: State of Socio-economic Progress 102
Table-2: Progress in a Decade 102
Table-3: Supplementary Budget for 2018-19 103
Table-4: Proposed Budget Structure for FY 2019-20 104
Table-5: Annual Development Programme (Sectoral 105
Allocation) for FY 2019-20
Table-6: Sectoral Allocation in Budget 106
Table-7: Ministry/Division-wise Budget Allocation 108
Table-1: Revenue collection scenario in last ten years 112
Table-2: Tax rates for taxpayers other than companies 112
Table-3: Company tax rate 113
Table-4: Rates of surcharge 113
Table-5: TDs rate on the bill of contractors and suppliers 113
Table-6: Agriculture sector 114
Table-7: Industrial sector 114
Table-8: Transport sector 119
Table-9: ICT sector 120
Table-10: Firefighting equipment 120
Table-11: Gold import 120
Table-12: Tariff rationalization 121

In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful
Bangladesh On A Pathway To Prosperity
Time is Ours, Time for Bangladesh

Madam Speaker
01. I seek your kind permission to place before this august House the
proposed budget for FY 2019-20 and the supplementary budget for FY

Chapter I
Madam Speaker
02. Bangladesh is now well poised to celebrate the golden jubilee of
our glorious independence and the 100th birth anniversary of the Father of
the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, which is a rare
occasion in our national history. We are committed to the nation to
realize fully the Vision 2021 and implement the agenda for 2030 for
building a happy and prosperous future for the nation, and thus
materialize the Father of the Nation’s cherished dream of establishing
Sonar Bangla (Golden Bengal), which is the fundamental premise of our
current election manifesto too.

Madam Speaker
03. First of all, I pay my profound tribute and deepest gratitude to
the Father of the Nation, Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, the
man with colourful political personality, the possessor of a magical voice,
the greatest Bengalee of all times and the architect of independent
Bangladesh; I remember with profound respect all the martyrs of the
fateful night of August 1975. I also pay tribute to the four most competent
comrades of the Father of the Nation who were killed in jail, thirty lakh

martyrs in the war of liberation, all the valiant freedom fighters and two
lakh women who were brutally persecuted during the war. I pray to the
Almighty Allah for the salvation of their souls.

Madam Speaker
04. At this auspicious moment for the nation, on behalf of our people, I
would like to humbly dedicate, through you, the proposed national budget
for FY2019-20 to the Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur
Rahman and to those who stood by him in response to his clarion call for

Madam Speaker
05. I feel myself proud and most fortunate for getting the opportunity
to present this budget for the first time before the august House. I express
my profound gratitude to the Almighty Allah. I again pay my tribute to the
Father of the Nation who imbued with the national consciousness
embedded in him the vision of a prosperous Bangladesh. I would not have
got the opportunity to present today’s budget before this august House had
he not freed our beloved motherland. Alongside, I convey my gratitude to
our beloved leader Jananetri Sheikh Hasina, the worthy successor of the
Father of the Nation, the most successful and widely acclaimed statesman
in the country after the Father of the Nation. Had she not reposed trust on
me and given me the portfolio of the Finance Ministry, I would have never
got this rare opportunity to present the national budget for FY 2019-20
before this august House. And, my life would have remained
06. Hon’ble Prime Minister, for you, I have a lot of respect, a lot of
gratitude. May the Almighty Allah bless you. May your life dedicated to
the cause of our people be strewn with many successes.
Hon’ble Prime Minister, I am committed to repay all my debt to you and

to the Father of the Nation, by working for our beloved motherland with
full dedication.

Madam Speaker
07. I would like to inform the countrymen that the proposed national
budget for FY2019-20 has been structured around the spectacular
achievements of our government during the last 10 years, which surpass
even the fairy tales. While recounting all these successes achieved under
the leadership of our successful Prime Minister is a huge task; I would like
to highlight some of the major successes before the nation, especially to
the young generation through this august House.
08. You are aware that all our successes during the last 10 years did
not begin only in 2008; rather the seeds of development of the country
were sown in 1972 under the leadership of the Father of the Nation
Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman. After the glorious liberation war,
the Father of the Nation Bangabandhu took up the task of transforming
this war-ravaged country into the ‘Golden Bengal’. Unfortunately the anti-
liberation forces temporarily halted that effort in 1975 by killing
Bangabandhu, his family, and the jailed four national leaders in the worst
killing spree in the history of Bangladesh.
09. Jananetri Sheikh Hasina, the daughter of the Father of the Nation,
came back to her own people on 17th May 1981 spending long six years in
exile with endless miseries after 1975. The people of the country became
leaderless after the brutal murder of Bangabandhu. Her return from exile
was, therefore, a great source of jubilation for the people. Indeed, this was
a great boon for the nation.
10. Following a series of struggles for long 15 years, Hon’ble Prime
Minister Sheikh Hasina took up the task of revitalizing the nation after
winning the National Elections in 1996.

Madam Speaker
11. Under the leadership of Hon’ble Prime Minister the country
witnessed many revolutionary changes during the period from 1996 to
2001. The economy was also growing during this time. Inflation went
down to 1.9 percent, the lowest in the history of Bangladesh, GDP growth
rose to 5 percent, and power generation increased from 1,600 to 4,300
megawatts. Incentive system was introduced for farmers for the first time
in the history of the country. The country achieved self-sufficiency in food
by raising foodgrains production to 2 crore 68 lakh metric tons.
Community clinics were established throughout the country in nrural area
to provide healthcare to the doorsteps of the people, telephone service was
made cheap and easily available for the people. Unfortunately, the
people could not enjoy uninterrupted delivery of these basic services.
Progress in Bangladesh was again halted in 2002.
12. After Jananetri Sheikh Hasina’s assumption of office following the
2008 elections, Bangladesh again began to rise from the ashes like the
phoenix bird in Greek mythology. The whole world was then reeling with
the 2009 recession. Even the developed world lost an average of one-
fourth of employment, the capital market and their economies were in total
disarray. Bearing in mind the daunting challenge of global meltdown,
Hon’ble Prime Minister declared the charter for change - ‘Vision 2021’,
wherein she set a number of ambitious targets. These include, among
others, cent percent boys and girls will go to school by 2021. Electricity
will be available for every household in the country. Healthcare will be
taken to the reach of all people. Poverty will be reduced to a great extent.
Bangladesh will be made digital, and will be elevated to the status of a
Middle Income Country.

Madam Speaker
13. Hon’ble Prime Minister has fulfilled her pledges to the nation.
Almost cent percent boys and girls in the country go to school, the rate of
drop-outs has also reduced. Electricity has reached almost every
household long before 2021. Community clinics have been established
across the country. The poverty line has dropped from 40 percent in 2005
to 21 percent. Extreme poverty dropped from 25 percent to 11 percent.
Inflation has been kept at a tolerable level despite the sustained high
growth rates in our economy. We have been able to attract the attention of
the world community by achieving Millennium Development Goals
(MDGs) surpassing the performance of other countries. We have elevated
ourself from the status of a poor, least developed country to that of a lower
middle income country. We share the glory of achieving the same level of
development with countries like Brazil, South Africa, Russia, India,
Malaysia, Indonesia, and China.

Madam Speaker
14. I would like to inform the fellow countrymen about the outstanding
achievements of our government during the last ten years in some basic
areas of macroeconomic management by comparing our achievements
with that of the previous government, achieved during their tenure in FY
15. Please allow me to present first the performance of our import-
export trade: Our imports in FY2005-06 was US$ 14.7 billion, which has
risen now to US$ 58.9 billion. Our exports in FY2005-06 was US$ 10.5
billion, which grew 3.0 times to reach US$ 37 billion in FY2017-18.
16. Remittance receipts: Our remittance receipts in FY 2005-06 was
US$ 4.9 billion, which grew 3 times to reach US$ 15 billion in 2018.

17. Foreign exchange reserve: Foreign exchange reserve stood at
US$ 3.5 billion in FY2005-06, which by now grew 9 times to reach US$
33 billion.
18. Investment: Investment is one of the determinants of economic
growth. In FY2005-06, our investment was 26 percent of GDP. In
FY2018-19, it rose to 31.5 percent of the GDP. Private sector investment
grew from US$ 14.8 billion to US$ 70.8 billion.
19. Debt-GDP ratio: The debt to GDP ratio was 44 percent in
FY2005-06, which has declined to 32 percent, which is a proof of the
strength of our economy and our self-dependence.
20. Health sector: The health sector has also witnessed remarkable
progress. Infant mortality (per 1,000 live births) has gone down from 45 to
24. The number of medical colleges has increased from 46 to 111. Life
expectancy at birth was 65 years in 2006, which is currently 72.8 years. In
almost all the indicators in the social sector, Bangladesh has fared much
better than other South Asian countries.
21. Education sector: The literacy rate was 53.7 percent in 2006,
which is currently 72.9 percent. Cent percent enrollment in primary
education has been achieved. The drop-out rate has gone down from 50
percent to 18 percent. The rate of people receiving technical education was
2 percent, which has now risen to 17 percent. The number of universities
has increased from 80 to 148. Our achievements in the social sector are
presented in Table 1 of Annexure A.
22. Power sector: The power generation capacity was 4,385
megawatts in 2005, which has now increased to 21,629 megawatts. When
we began our journey in 2009, the amount of power in the national grid
was 3,200 megawatts, against which the generation today is 12,893
megawatts. The share of the population enjoying electricity connection

was 47 percent, which has now gone up to 93 percent. Gas supply was
1,443 million cubic feet, which has now increased to 2,746 million cubic
feet per day..
23. Digital Bangladesh: 5,000 digital centers have been established in
all the unions and municipal areas in the country. About 23,500 km optical
fibre cable was installed throughout the country. The number of internet
users has crossed 9 crore. Tele-density has crossed 93 percent. Twenty
eight High Tech Parks are being established in the country. Bangladesh
became the 57th satellite member country last year by launching its first
satellite Bangabandhu Satellite-1 successfully into the space. This
achievement has taken Bangladesh to a newer height in the global arena.
24. National revenue: National revenue earning in FY2005-06 was
Tk. 42,000 crore, which has increased to Tk. 3,16,000 crore. Revenue has
seen seven times growth.
25. Growth in GDP: The size of our GDP was US$ 72 billion in
FY2005-06, which has now increased 4.5 times to US$ 302.4 billion.
26. Per Capita Income: Per capita income in Bangladesh in FY2005-
06 was around US$ 543, which has grown 3.5 times and now stands at
US$ 1,909. Our achievements in the economic sector in the last 10 years
are provided in Table 2 of Annexure A.
Madam Speaker, Hollis B. Chenary, an American Professor of Economics,
commented in 1973 that Bangladesh’s per capita income will take 125
years to reach US$ 900. But we did not take 125 years. It reached US$
928 in 2011; that is, in only 40 years of independence. And it has become
double in the next 8 years to reach US$ 1,909 by 2019.
According to a recent estimate by the World Bank, in terms of growth in
per capita income, Bangladesh remained among the top countries in the
world during the last five years.

27. Size and volume of the budget: The size of our budget in
FY2005-06 was Tk. 64,000 crore, and the size of the proposed budget for
FY2019-20 is Tk. 5,23,190 crore, which is eight times higher than that in

Madam Speaker
28. Bangladesh played the role of a trailblazer in many respects. Once
we were used as an example to explain the differences and gaps between a
developed country and the poorest country. We used to be labelled as a
backward country with abject poverty frequented by floods, cyclone and
other natural calamities. By the grace of the Almighty Allah, Madam
Speaker, we have turned around. According to the latest GDP ranking
based on PPP published by the IMF, Bangladesh is now the 30th largest
economies in the world. In South Asia, Bangladesh is now the second
largest economy after India. Even the World Bank agrees, the way a
small country with a large population of 16 crore and within a limited span
of time has spearheaded development is now a wonder to the people of
the world. Ban Ki Moon, ex-Secretary General of the United Nations,
commented, “Bangladesh can, Bangladesh is a Role Model in the area of
economics”. Kaushik Basu, ex-Chief Economist of the World Bank, said,
“Today’s Bangladesh is wholly a tale of success”. Jim Yong Kim, ex-
President of the World Bank, said, “The progress in Bangladesh is
exemplary for the entire world”. Asian Development Bank observed,
“Bangladesh is an example for other Asian countries”.
29. Implementation of verdicts of the Father of the Nation
Bangabandhu murder case, and the cases on war crimes and crimes against
humanity signaled the end of the long-prevailing culture of impunities; the
nation has become free from the liability. Bangladesh’s visible success in
tackling militancy has been praised internationally.

Madam Speaker
30. After working tirelessly for the last 10 years, Hon’ble Prime
Minister Sheikh Hasina, garnering the support of the people of all strata,
has brought Bangladesh to this level. We are now enjoying a respectable
position in the world arena only due to her dynamic, intelligent and
effective leadership. The United Nations, it’s different organizations and
various international organizations have conferred Hon’ble Prime Minister
with prestigious awards for her commendable role in economic and social
31. Madam Speaker, in one word, Bangladesh is known today to the
whole world by the Prime Minister’s name. She is now a world leader. A
survey conducted by Fortune, the magazine of the Time Corporation in the
United States, has placed Hon’ble Prime Minister among the top ten world
leaders. Time, the New York-based famous weekly, has included our
Hon’ble Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina in its 2018 list of 100 most
influential world leaders, along with US President Donald Trump and
Japan’s Prime Minister Shinzo Abe.
Hon’ble Prime Minister, we the countrymen are grateful to you for taking
Bangladesh to such a great height.

Chapter II
The Supplementary Budget

Madam Speaker
32. At this stage, I am going to present the Supplementary Budget for
the current FY2018-19 and the proposed Budget Framework of the FY

The Supplementary Budget for the current FY2018-19

33. The targets for revenue earning and expenditure of the current
fiscal year 2018-19 was determined on the assumption that there will be
impending reforms in the structure of manpower and work procedures in
the National Board of Revenue (NBR) and the nation’s economy will
continue to grow. The amount of revenue collected upto March, 2019 of
the current fiscal year was 54.90 percent of the original annual target. At
the same time, government expenditure was 44.40 percent of the annual
allocation. A brief description of amendments and adjustments made in the
budget of FY 2018-19 has been shown in Table 3 of Annexure A.
34. Revised Revenue Income: The target of revenue collection for FY
2018-19 was set at Tk. 3,39,280 crore. After reviewing the revenue
collection in July-March of the current fiscal year, the target was reduced
by Tk. 22,668 crore, and re-fixed at Tk. 3,16,612 crore.
35. Revised Expenditure: The total government expenditure in the
current fiscal year was estimated at Tk. 4,64,573 crore. In the revised
budget, the expenditure was reduced by Tk 22,032 crore, and re-fixed at
Tk 4,42,541 crore. The size of the annual development program has been
reduced by 6,000 crore taka, from the original allocation of Tk. 1,73,000
crore, and set at Tk. 1,67,000 crore. On the other hand, the estimation of
other expenditures, including operating expenditure, was reduced by Tk.
16,032 crore.

36. Revised Budget Deficit and its Financing: The budget deficit for
the current fiscal year was estimated at Tk. 1,25,293 crore. However, the
deficit in the revised budget has been set at Tk.1,25,929 crore, which is 5.0
percent of GDP. Against the original budget deficit, the estimation for
external financing was Tk. 54,067 crore, which has been reduced to Tk.
47,184 crore in the revised budget. From domestic sources, the revised
estimation of financing from savings instruments and other sources is Tk.
47,850 crore.

Chapter III
Proposed Budget Structure of FY 2019-20

Madam Speaker
37. The budget of FY2019-20 is for all citizens of Bangladesh. No area
is left out, neither the Hill Tracts nor the plain lands; neither from north-
south nor from east-west. This budget has been prepared keeping in mind
the need of farmers, blacksmiths, potters, fishermen, businessmen, bedes,
various tribes, third genders, teachers, doctors, engineers and all
professionals. Sufficient allocation has been made to satisfy the needs of
all Ministries or Divisions.

Madam Speaker
38. I will now present an estimate of the proposed income and
expenditure of the next fiscal year 2019-20, which has been presented in
details in the Table-4 of Annexure-A.
39. I will first speak on our national revenue and annual probable
income receipts. The basic principle of tax revenue collection by our
government is boosting revenue mobilization not by increasing the tax
rate but by widening the tax net and coverage. To do that, we will
establish revenue offices in every Upazilas and Growth Centers in the
country. These will have necessary manpower and other logistics to
facilitate revenue collection. I would like to inform the august House
that we have not included any component in the budget of FY2019-20
that may cause a price spiral for essential commodities.
40. There is a slur on our revenue performance that the ratio of our
national revenue collection to GDP is lower than that of other countries.
From now on, we are determined to raise the ratio from its current 10
percent to 14 percent in next two years.

41. A culture has been established in our revenue domain for a long
time; that is, those who pay taxes to the government, only continue to do
so every year. Others, despite having taxable income, continue to evade
payment of taxes. We also want to get out of this bad culture. All
eligible taxpayers will be brought under the tax net.

Madam Speaker
42. There are 4 crore people in our country who are included in the
middle income group. However, the number of taxpayers is only 21-22
lakh. We will take the number to one crore at the earliest possible time
InshaAllah. And as part of the ongoing process, efforts to bring the
rest of the citizens under the tax net will continue.
43. I observe from long experience that our citizens are willing to pay
tax, but we fail to collect it for various reasons. Inshallah we will now pay
a special attention to that.

Madam Speaker
44. You will be happy to know that we are going to implement our
long-awaited Value Added Tax Act, 2012 from the coming fiscal year
(2019-20). To ensure effective implementation of this Act, we will provide
all types of logistical support including necessary manpower. Further, a
Joint Working Group will be constituted comprising officials from the
government and the private sector, which will oversee the implementation
of the law.

Madam Speaker
45. In this budget, we are proposing massive reforms in the revenue
administration. All tax laws (income tax, VAT and customs) will be
formulated in a simplified and transparent manner so that these are
easily comprehensible to all.

46. The policy decision of our government is that we are against
imposing tax as a burden on taxpayers in any way. Our policy in tax
collection will somewhat follow a statement by Jean-Baptiste Colbert, the
Finance Minister in the court of King Louis (XIV) of France:
“The art of taxation consists in so plucking the goose as to obtain the
largest [number] of feathers with the least possible amount of hissing."
47. We will gradually transform all types of tax rates into fully
business-friendly ones. We believe we will be able to take our tax
revenue collection to the optimum level when we will be able to
prevent all types of mismanagement, corruption and misuse in the tax
revenue management. For that purpose, the revenue management will be
fully automated. We will also ensure transparency in bonded warehouse
management and stop any clearance of goods through mis-declaration.
48. Therefore, we are taking measures so that all the imported and
exported goods must go through scanning machines. We will also
thoroughly examine whether goods are imported through over-invoicing
or under-invoicing. For this purpose, a Special Wing will be established.
Special efforts will be made to enhance the efficiency and skills of the
employees at the NBR. With all these measures, our revenue collection
will be enhanced and money laundering or similar activities, of which we
hear often times, will be stopped. Consignments intercepted due to
offenses of overinvoicing or underinvoicing will be confiscated and
punishments will be meted out to the wrongdoers. To effectively
implement these measures, necessary legal reforms will be made.
49. Tax exemptions to different sectors will be avoided as much as
possible. We will also avoid issuing SROs unless there is an emergency.
This will bring transparency in revenue management, and enhance
confidence among businessmen about the government.

50. Depending on these planned tax management steps, total revenue
collection has been estimated to be Tk. 3,77,810 crore in the FY2019-20.
Out of this, Tk. 3,25,660 crore will be collected through the National
Board of Revenue. Tax revenue from non-NBR sources have been
estimated at Tk. 14,500 crore. Besides, non-tax revenue is estimated at Tk.
37,710 crore.

Madam Speaker
51. In the FY2019-20, the size of the budget of the total expenditure is
estimated to be Tk. 5,23,190 crore, which is 18.1 percent of GDP. Total
allocation for operating and other expenditures is Tk. 3,20,469 crore, and
allocation for the annual development program is Tk. 2,02,721 crore.
52. Regional parity, human resource development, infrastructural
development and quality of expenditure have been given priority in the
allocation for the annual development program. The allocation of the
annual development program for the coming FY is presented in Table 5 of
Annexure A. I propose to allocate, from the annual development
programme, 27.4 percent for human resource (education, health and
related others), 21.5 percent for the overall agriculture sector (agriculture,
rural development, water resources, and related others), 13.8 percent for
power and energy sector, 26 percent for communication (roads, rails,
bridges, and related other communications), and 11.3 percent for other
53. The overall budget deficit will be Tk. 1,45,380 crore, which is 5.0
percent of GDP. It is to be noted that we had the same ratio last year. In
financing the deficit, Tk. 68,016 crore will come from external sources
and Tk. 77,363 crore from domestic sources. Amongst the financing from
domestic sources, Tk. 47,364 crore will come from the banking system
and Tk. 30,000 crore from savings certificates and other non-bank sources.

Madam Speaker
54. Overall expenditure structure: I will now present the overall
expenditure structure (Development and Operating) of the proposed
budget. As per the allocation of business among ministries/divisions, we
have categorized various activities into three main groups, namely: social
infrastructure, physical infrastructure, and general services.
55. Allocation proposed for the social infrastructure sector in the
proposed budget is Tk 1,43,429 crore, which is 27.41 percent of total
allocation, in which allocation for human resource (education, health and
other related sectors) will be Tk 1,29,056 crore. Allocaction proposed for
the physical infrastructure sector will be Tk. 1,64,603 crore or 31.46
percent, in which Tk. 66,234 crore will go to overall agricultural and rural
development, Tk. 61,360 crore to overall communications, and Tk. 28,051
crore to power and energy. Total Tk. 1,23,641 crore has been proposed for
general services, which is 23.63 percent of total allocation. Tk. 33,202
crore is proposed for public-private partnerships (PPP), financial
assistance to different industries, subsidies and equity investments in
nationalized corporations, banks, and financial institutions, which is 6.35
percent of total allocation. Tk. 57,070 crore for interest payment, which is
10.91 percent of total allocation. Tk. 1,245 crore for net lending and other
expenses, which is 0.24 percent of total allocation. Detailed information
about the allocations has been presented in Table 6 of Annexure A. A
ministry/division-wise proposal for budget allocation has also been
provided in Table 7 of Annexure A.

Chapter IV
A Journey towards a Prosperous Future
Sectoral Strategies, Action Plans and Resource Mobilization

Madam Speaker
56. At this stage, I would like to dwell upon our important policy-
strategies, work plans and budget allocation for the medium-term
including that for the next fiscal year. Through this budget, we will make
efforts to implement the pledges made in our Election Manifesto of 2018
and achieve Sustainable Development Goals and their targets. Next year
will be the terminal year of our 7th Five Year Plan; hence its
implementation will get priority in this budget. Given the resource
availability, we are actively considering those expenditure programmes
that fulfill the basic needs of the people.

Medium-Term Policy Strategy

57. Our GDP grew consistently at a very high rate in the last decade.
We expect a GDP growth of 8.13 percent in FY2018-19. Our
contmmitment is to achieve a growth rate of 10 percent by FY2023-24,
and maintain that rate until 2041 so that we can lay a solid foundation for
becoming a high income country by that time. To achieve this objective,
GDP growth rate has been projected at 8.2 percent for FY2019-20. The
inflation rate during this year is forecasted at 5.5 percent. Alongside, our
goal will be to enhance the competitiveness of all our business sectors,
including agriculture, industry, commerce, exports, real estate and services
sectors. The purpose is to reduce poverty, generate employment, and
attract foreign investment. Bringing the marginal people into the
mainstream of development, special measures will be adopted for small
and medium enterprises, and steps will be taken to reduce income

58. The main source of our growth is the strong domestic demand. Our
main attention will be on increased domestic demand through
consumption and investment, and increased external demand by enhancing
exports. Growth in remittances will continue to be our focus in the
medium term as well. We also aim to build a modern transportation system
through government investment, and ensure power and energy security.
59. To accelerate GDP growth and generate employment we need
enhanced growth in the industrial sector. This objective will be achieved
by establishing Economic Zones across the country. However, in order to
ensure sustained and balanced growth, development of the services sector,
especially tourism and real estate sub-sectors, and the agriculture sector
will also be given priority.

Madam Speaker
60. Tthe main thrust of our budget is to create an investment-friendly
environment for the private sector, expand export trade, ensure business-
friendly tax management, bring about required reforms in the financial
sector, and increase public sector investment to take our GDP growth to a
higher trajectory. Furthermore, we are aiming to achieve the double digit
growth as quickly as possible through timely implementation of all
nationally important infrastructure projects including mega projects such
as the Padma Bridge, Padma Rail Link Project, Dohajari-Cox's Bazar rail
line, Rooppur Nuclear Power Plant, Rampal Power Plant, Payra Sea Port,
Matarbari Power Plant at Moheshkhali, and Dhaka Metro Rail, etc.
61. Madam Speaker, our government's principal commitment is not
only to achieve growth, but also to ensure sustainable and inclusive
development. Our objective is to bring a qualitative change in the lives of
the people through poverty alleviation and reduction in inequality. To meet
this objective, we will attach more importance to expanding the coverage

of the social protection programme, creating employment opportunities in
home and abroadt, providing microcredit and imparting efficiency
enhancement trainings. Following the practice of every year, I have
presented this year, along with the budget speech, a 'Medium-Term
Macroeconomic Policy-Statement (MTMPS)' which contains details of
our medium-term policies and strategies.
62. In the next section, I will present sector-based specific action

Action Plans and Resource Allocation

Education, Health and Human Resource Development
63. I would like to begin with our education system and let me share a
good news for the Ministry of Education.
Bringing dynamism in education through new enlistment of MPOs

Madam Speaker
64. You are aware, the MPO (Monthly Pay Order) enlistment in the
Ministry of Education remained suspended for a long time. Upon request
from the Ministry of Education and under the special directive of the
Hon’ble Prime Minister, necessary funds have been earmarked in the
budget for this year for enlistment of new schools in the MPO list. I, on
behalf of the people of Bangladesh and on your behalf, extend sincere
thanks to our Hon'ble Prime Minister.

Madam Speaker
65. While giving my reflection on education, I would like to present a
memorable example from Japan. Japan was totally a backward country in
education and science before the Meiji restoration during the later part of
the 18th century. Emperor Meiji urged on acquiring western education and

technological knowledge and sent the Japanese students, even the prince,
to western countries, including the United States. He realized that in Japan
there was a dearth of teachers, not of students. He therefore brought
several thousand teachers, trained in different technologies, from the
western world to upgrade and update the Japanese education system. By
dint of such pragmatic and farsighted policy, Japan not only became equal
to the western world, it also achieved the glory of becoming the first
country which achieved 100 percent literacy. Our Hon’ble Prime Minister
Sheikh Hasina has also laid the highest importance on education. With the
aim of creating skilled human resource, targets have been set for the
overall improvement of education, reducing discrimination in education,
achieving quality, excellence, and expansion of education.
66. We do not have any scarcity of students now; but there is a dearth
of suitable and trained teachers. In all areas of education beginning with
the primary level, we want to engage our competent and trained teachers.
Much of our future depends on how we manage our education system. It is
now the demand of the time to ensure selection of competent teachers in
all areas of education, provide them with training, and ensure selection of
appropriate and timely academic subjects. Our government will take
necessary measures from this year to ensure their implementation.

Madam Speaker
67. The world is witnessing a transition from the Third Industrial
Revolution to the Fourth Industrial Revolution. We will have to prepare
ourselves to remain at par with the rest of the world. Otherwise, our future
will be at stake. Therefore, our classrooms will have to be subject-specific
where Nano Technology, Bio-technology, Robotics, Artificial Intelligence,
Material Science, Internet of Things, Quantum Computing, Block Chain
Technology and other similar technologies will be taught. Receiving
education in these subjects is now the demand of the time. We have no

shortage of students. We lack trained teachers. In order to teach these
subjects, we may, as Emperor Meiji of Japan did, have to bring in teachers
from abroad, if necessary, in order to meet present day demand. We would
like to start these activities from this year, and therefore, adequate budget
has been allocated for the education sector in FY2019-20.

Madam Speaker
Quality education, not the numbers, is the Priority of Coming Days
68. As we kept on laying emphasis on increasing the student
enrollment, Bangladesh achieved a great success in enrolling students both
at primary and secondary levels maintaining gender parity. Now, the main
challenge for us is to improve the quality of education and expand primary
education. Various measures have been adopted to ensure quality and
universal primary education. Included among them are- nationalization of
26,193 private primary schools, enactment of the Non-Formal Education
Act, distribution of stipends through mobile banking, improvement of
infrastructures in the newly nationalized and existing primary schools,
distribution of free text books, supplying computers and multimedia to
schools, and improvement of various education related infrastructures.
69. The Fourth Primary Education Development Project (PEDP-4) is
ongoing for the expansion and quality enhancement of primary education.
Stipends and school-feeding programmes will continue so as to ensure that
education of primary school students is not hampered. The government
will build infrastructures for schools, conduct basic literacy program
throughout the country to build a fully literate Bangladesh, and expand
digital primary education through the use of ICT. The capacity of primary
school teachers will be enhanced by providing practical and modern
trainings home and abroad to meet the standard of modern education.
70. To increase the involvement of private institutions including local

elites in the school feeding program and expansion and coordinated
implementation of the overall program, a process is underway to formulate
the National School Feeding Policy will be formulated in FY2019-20. A
pilot project titled ‘Digital Primary Education’ will be undertaken to
facilitate qualitative improvement in education by enhancing the capacity
of primary education together with the use of ICT. Under the project,
interactive classrooms will be established in 503 model primary schools.
The following programmes will continue in FY2019-20 to ensure the
ongoing development of primary and mass education, such as construction
of classrooms in schools on the basis of prioritized requirements; demand-
driven repair and refurbishment of schools; construction of wash-blocks
and tube wells in schools; providing budget for implementation of school
level improvement plan (SLIP) and upazila primary education plan
(UPEP) in all government primary schools; recruitment of teachers;
providing Dip-in-Ed and subject-specific trainings to teachers; supplying
comptuers and ICT equipment to schools, offices and training institutes;
distribution of free text books; and the stipend programme.
71. I propose to allocate a total of Tk. 24,040 crore for the primary
education sector, which was Tk. 20,521 crore in the budget for current

Madam Speaker
Science and Technology-based Secondary and Higher Education
72. The government has undertaken various programmes for the
expansion of quality secondary education, among which trainings for
secondary school teachers, construction of classrooms in academic
institutions in underdeveloped areas, providing stipends among poor and
meritorious students, etc., are the important ones. To facilitate the
qualitative improvement in secondary education, a five year Secondary

Education Development Programme will be implemented. Under this
programme, providing education service for Science, Technology,
Engineering and Mathematics will be given priority.
73. A total of 2 lakh 67 thousand secondary school teachers have
already been provided with trainings during the last two fiscal years, and 1
lakh 3 thousand secondary school teachers and 3 lakh 13 thousand ICT
teachers will be given trainings in the current fiscal year. As many as 580
classrooms were built in the schools in underdeveloped areas, and the
process of building another 350 classrooms in the current fiscal year is
ongoing. The government has introduced e-books, established upazila ICT
training and resource centers, transformed 1 private school in each upazila
into a model school, and established multimedia classrooms in 32,667
74. We are actively engaged in removing disparity and ensuring
qualitative excellence in the education sector. Tuition fee up to degree
(pass) and equivalent students is being provided from the Prime Ministers
Education Assistance Trust Fund to ensure education for the poor and
meritorious students who are otherwise deprived of education. Stipends in
this sector are provided to 2 lakh 21 thousand students in FY2018-19.
Besides, 18 crore 13 lakh free text books are being distributed to 1 crore
25 lakh students at the secondary level.

Enhanced Salary and Baishakhi Bonus for Teachers

75. To enhance financial benefits and facilities for teachers, an annual
increment of 5 percent on the basic salary is being provided from July
2018 to teachers/ employees of MPO-enlisted non-government schools
under the Secondary and Higher Education Division. Besides, a Baishakhi
Bonus amounting to 20 percent of the basic salary is being provided from
the FY2018-19. The introduction of the online system for enrollment,

registration, changing institutions, and publication of the results as part of
the innovative program in education management have largely reduced
harassment. From FY2018-19, special grants for academic institutions,
teachers and students are being provided through the online system, and
payments are made through mobile banking.

Construction of Secondary Educational Infrastructure and Supply of

Education Materials
76. The government has allocated Tk. 9,000 crore in FY2019-20 for
development projects in the secondary and higher education sector, which
is 54 percent higher than that in FY 2018-19. Construction of physical
infrastructure in 1,500 non-government colleges, 3,000 non-government
schools under the Secondary and Higher Education Division will be
completed by June 2019. Steps have been taken to construct 48,947
multimedia classrooms, 200 language-cum-ICT labs, 1,000 science labs,
2,120 smart classrooms and 46 hostels, and supply of furniture, office
materials and ICT equipment in 26,200 educational institutions throughout
the country. ICT training and resource centers have been established in
125 upazilas in the country, and the process for establishing the same in
another 160 upazilas is underway.
77. Stipends and other assistance amounting to Tk. 883.54 crore was
provided in FY2017-18 to about 41 lakh 44 thousand students from Class
VI to Degree (pass) levels, of which 75 percent were female students. An
amount of Tk. 1,900 crore was allocated in FY2018-19 against 42 projects
to develop physical infrastructure and other facilities at the public
universities in the country. Of these, development projects for 18
universities will be completed in FY2019-20. Besides, based on the
promise of Hon’ble Prime Minister Shiekh Hasina, 5 new universities
have been established as part of the program for setting up new public

78. I propose to allocate a total of Tk. 29,624 crore for the secondary
and higher education sector, which was Tk. 25,866 crore in the current
fiscal year.

Madam Speaker
Employment-friendly Technical and Vocational Education
79. Steps have been taken to expand technical and vocational
education to meet the growing demand for technical manpower. In
addition, the government has also undertaken measures to diversify the
technical and vocational education programmes. To reduce discrimination
in technical and vocational education, stipends are being provided to
students from the Dakhil, Technical and Ebtadayee levels. Again, the
government is providing one time grants as allowances to the poor and
meritorious students and hapless teachers, distributing free textbooks, and
providing special trainings to teachers of English and Mathematics.
Information and Communication Technology (ICT) has been included as a
textbook subject from Class VI to expand technical education and improve
its quality.
80. With a view to establishing one technical school at each upazila to
create skilled manpower in Bangladesh, construction of technical schools
in 100 upazilas at a cost of Tk. 2, 281.69 crore in the preliminary phase is
underway. Necessary budget has been allocated to develop land survey
education in Bangladesh, construct polytechnic institutes in 23 districts,
and implement projects to enhance the capacity of 64 technical schools
and colleges under the Directorate of Technical Education. Besides,
polytechnic institutes for women are being established in 4 divisional
towns (Sylhet, Barishal Mymenshing and Rangpur).

Madrasa Education
81. The government has taken numerous steps for the development
and modernization of madrasa education. Infrastructures of Madrasas will
be developed and multimedia will be set up in classrooms. Free text books
are being distributed at Dakhil and Ebtedaayee levels to remove
discrimination in education. A total of 1,800 new madrasas are being
established in the country.
82. I propose to allocate Tk. 7,454 crore in FY 2019-20 for technical
and madrasa education, which was Tk. 5,758 crore in FY2018-19.
83. It is worth mentioning here that currently 28 ministries and
divisions are implementing programs related to education and training.
The allocation for this purpose in FY 2019-20 is Tk. 87,620 crore, which
is 3.04 percent of GDP and 16.75 percent of total budget allocations.

Health and Family Welfare

Madam Speaker
84. The government has been working with dedication and sincerity to
develop a healthy and energetic population by ensuring quality health
services, nutrition, affordable and quality family planning. Following the
government interventions, the maternal mortality rate, infant mortality
rate, child (under-5 years) mortality rate, malnutrition, stunting rate, low-
weight rate, etc., are constantly reducing, and the average life expectancy
rate is increasing. The Fourth Health, Population and Nutritional Sector
Programme (4th HPNSP) is being implemented in the health service sector
at an estimated cost of Tk. 1,15,486 crore over a period from January 2017
to June 2022. Nested on 29 operational plans, the programme is providing
health and family planning services and improved medical education
throughout the country. It is worth to note that 84 percent of the HPNSP
programme is being financed by the government.

Ensuring Health Service
85. The projects undertaken by the government to ensure health
service include modernization and expansion of the Dhaka Medical
College Hospital, establishment of nephrology units and kidney dialysis
centers in government medical college hospitals and all district
headquarters hospitals, and establishment of cancer treatment units in all
medical college hospitals at the divisional level. Besides, steps have been
taken to establish medical college hospitals at Hobiganj, Nilphamari,
Netrokona, Magura and Naogaon districts. Alongside, steps have been
taken to undertake projects to construct hostels with modern facilities,
establish medical waste treatment, and create child cardiac units in each
divisional hospital.

Improving Maternal and Child Healh

86. Various priority programmes have been undertaken to improve
maternal and child health. Of them, the main activities related to the
improvement of maternal health include providing training to physicians
on emergency maternity services, providing ‘community based skilled
birth attendant’ training to field level health workers, providing safe MR
service, providing coordinated medical treatment to pregnant mothers,
encouraging the receipt of institutionalized child delivery services,
expanding maternal health voucher schemes, and advance identification of
cervical and breast cancer. On the other hand, to expand the neo-natal
medical service, Special Care Newborn Units (SCANU) have been
established in 10 district hospitals and 61 upazila hospitals. The
government has undertaken steps to recruit as many as 9,792 medical
officers to address the growing needs among citizens for health services.

Expansion of Health Services to the Grassroot Level
87. Bangladesh has achieved notable success in the health sector by
providing free health services to different strata of people starting with
those from the grassroots. Community clinic is the first service center to
provide primary health services to the rural people. Currently, 13 thousand
779 community clinics are operational in the country, in each of which
about 40 service recipients are getting services every day and 80 percent
of them are women and children. About 4 thousand community clinics
throughout the country are providing normal delivery service. Besides, the
‘Health Protection Programme’ is currently underway as a pilot project in
Kalihati, Ghatail and Madhupur upazilas in Tangail to lessen the financial
burden of the poor people.

Incentive to Encourage Expansion of the Pharmaceutical Sector

88. As part of the government’s effort to facilitate the development of
the pharmaceutical sector, a cash incentive at the rate of 20 percent is
being provided to encourage exports from the producers of pharmaceutical
raw materials and laboratory reagents. Construction of a Active
Pharmaceutical Ingredient Industrial Park is underway at Gazaria in
Munshiganj. Again, unani, ayurvedic and homeopathic medical services
are also being provided alongside allopathic medical services, and relevant
guidelines and pharmacopeia have been prepared. A separate testing
laboratory for traditional medicine is being established to ensure quality
and standards of traditional medicines (unani, ayurvedic, homeopathic and
herbal) produced in the country.
89. To ensure protection of mental health of citizens, provide universal
mental health service, and ensure overall welfare, the Mental Health Act,
2018 has been passed in Parliament abolishing the Lunacy Act of 1912.
Among other approved laws, Transplantation of Human Organs

(Amendment) Act, 1918, and Community Clinic Health Assistance Act,
2018 are worth noting. Besides, the drafting of the ‘Health Services
Protection Act, 2019’ by repealing the Medical Practice and Private
Clinics and Laboratories (Regulation) Ordinance of 1982 (amended in
1984) is currently underway.

Modernizing Medical Education System

90. The government will construct a 1,000-bed super specialized ward
and a one-point check up center, introduce afternoon health services, and
construct a cancer building to modernize the Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib
Medical University. A world class bone-marrow transplant unit will be
established at the University, together with vertical expansion of OPD
Bhaban-1 and OPD-Bhaban-2 to enhance the scope of services for general
patients. Besides, drafting of the law on alternative medicine systems, the
law on the establishment and operation of private medical colleges and
dental colleges, and the law on Bangladesh paramedical education board
are also progressing.

Health Services for Autistic and People with Special Needs

91. The government attaches priority to the medical treatment and
other social benefits for the autistic people and people with special needs.
They will be made fit to work by providing specialized trainings in
activities they are adept in and can perform.

Employment of Midwives and Nurses for Family Welfare

92. To fulfil the promise by the Hon’ble Prime Minister, 3,000 posts
for midwives have been created with a view to reducing the maternal
mortality rate. 5,100 senior staff nurses were recruited in 2018. Three
nursing colleges and five nursing hostels for boys will be established in
FY2019-20 to expand nursing education.

Madam Speaker
Advancement in Health Education
93. Under the directives of the Hon’ble Prime Minister, the
government has undertaken a plan to establish a medical university in each
division in the country to improve the quality of health education. Of
these, Chattogram, Rajshahi and Sylhet Medical Universities have already
started functioning. The government has undertaken various activities
including offers for fellowships and donations to modernize the medical
system through the use of new inventions in science and high end
technology. The number of medical colleges in the country and the
number of seats in the MBBS course have seen a notable increase during
the last 10 years. The number of medical colleges has risen from 46 in
2006 to 111 at the moment. Similarly, the number of seats in the MBBS
course has increased from 2,050 in 2006 to 10,300 in 2018.

Expansion of Science-based Medical Care

94. The government has taken initiatives to develop and expand
science-based medical care system. For example, 3 nuclear medical
physics institutes with ultramodern laboratory facilities have been
established to promote cancer treatment management. 5 Institutes of
Tissue Banking and Biomaterial Research with ultramodern laboratory
facilities have been established to enable processing for use in
animal/human tissue rehabilitation surgery treatment. Fifty two designated
reference institutes for chemical measurement have been established to
enable world class measurement and calibration in the country.
95. The government has established an Institute of Nuclear Medicine
and Allied Science, a Newborn Screening Central Laboratory in Dhaka,
and a Nuclear Medicine Centre and a Sterile Insect Unit in Cox’s Bazar to
diagnose the hypothyroid disease among the newborn babies. Besides,

research and medical care facilities in nuclear medicine centres at Mitford
(Dhaka), Comilla, Faridpur, Bogura, Barishal, Khulna, Mymensing and
Rangpur have been expanded and modernized. The government plans to
establish a mobile laboratory, a scientific and technological information
and research center and an applied industrial research laboratory in the
BCSIR and a BSCIR research centre in Gopalganj. In FY2019-20,
Institutes of Nuclear Medicine and Allied Sciences (INMAS) will be
established at the campuses of 8 medical college hospitals in the country.
Besides, and capacity of the existing 6 INMASs will be enhanced. The
laboratory facility in the Institute of Electronics will be developed and
modernized; a Standard Laboratory will be established for the purpose of
radiotherapy, diagnostic radiology, neutron calibration and control of

International Recognition for Achievements in HR Development

96. The benefits of various activities undertaken by the government in
education, health and human resource development sectors are now visible
as in different social indicators Bangladesh has made major advancements.
The average life expectancy in Bangladesh is now 72.8 years. On the other
hand, infant mortality of less than 5 years per thousand live births has
gone down to 31, infant mortality rate of less than 1 year has gone down to
24, and maternal mortality rate per thousand is now only 1.72 persons.
This remarkable success of the government has been duly reflected in the
new Human Capital Index 2018 of the World Bank, where Bangladesh has
secured 106th position out of a total of 157 countries surveyed. To keep
this momentum, we will continue our activities in FY 2019-20.
97. I propose to allocate Tk. 25,732 crore for the Health Services
Division, and the Health Education and Family Welfare Division, which
was Tk. 22,336 crore in FY2018-19. It is worth mentioning that currently
12 ministries and divisions are implementing programs related to health

and family welfare. The allocation for this purpose in FY 2019-20 is Tk.
29,464 crore, which is 1.02 percent of GDP and 5.63 percent of total
budget allocations.

Employment Generation
Madam Speaker
98. While the government has taken up seriously the issue of entry of a
huge number of active population in the labour market, in one hand, there
is the reduction in demand for workers due to the adoption of modern
technology, on the other. The government has taken various steps to
resolve this dilemma. A three-year programme has been taken up to
increase the job creation rate in the industrial sector through improvement
of business and investment environment, ensure protection of workers,
and reform the legal and regulatory framework, and policy--strategies to
make them conducive for the entry of the backward population into the job
market in larger numbers. As many as 10 laws/rules, policies-strategies
were either formulated or amended in this financial year. The government
will facilitate qualitative employment for the growing population by
effecting reforms in the rest of the laws/rules and policies/strategies within
the next 2 years. I propose to allocate Tk. 100 crore for the training and
employment of specific group of people. The government will strive to
eliminate unemployment by 2030 by generating employment for 3 crore

Demographic dividend: Power of Youths and Prosperity for

99. We will have to exploit the full potential of the demographic
dividend that is available for Bangladesh. Acting under the slogan of
'Power of Youth: Prosperity for Bangladesh', the government is taking
necessary steps to transform youths, one-third of the total population in the

country, into well-organized, disciplined and productive forces. To create
jobs for the unemployed youths and generate self-employment
opportunity, skill development trainings in different subjects are being
provided to youths through 111 formal training centres across the country,
and 498 training centres at the upazila level. Extensive employment
opportunity will be created in the Economic Zones. Tk. 100 crore will be
allocated in the coming budget to provide start-up capital to promote all
types of startup enterprizes among youths.

Madam Speaker
Skill Development
100. The government has been working sincerely for human resource
development by enhancing the skills of our growing population. Steps
have been taken to train 15 lakh people. Skill development contributes to
the increase in labour productivity. This leads to the rise in labour wage,
which in turn contributes to poverty reduction. Alongside, there is an
ongoing special programme to create 1 lakh skilled and professional
drivers for the transport sector. Under the Prime Minister's Office, there is
a National Skills Development Authority (NSDA) to undertake various
skills development activities of the government in a coordinated manner.
There is also a ‘National Human Resource Development Fund’ to finance
the activities for the development of human resources.

Overseas Employment: Promising Destination for Bangladeshi

101. Considering the fact that 'a huge workforce is entering the job
market every year', sincere efforts have been made to expand overseas
labour market alongside the domestic market. Overseas employment in
Malaysia and South Korea has increased significantly owing to our
successful diplomatic efforts. We have been striving to develop skills of

our workers to make them competent for foreign labour markets. As a
result of our time bound plans and their proper implementation, the rate of
overseas employment has increased which in turn enhanced our image
and also played a role in increasing the remittances. The 'Free Malaysia
Today' report in 2018 on skilled foreign workers in the Malaysian labour
market revealed that Bangladeshis holds 37 percent of foreign workforce
in Malaysia in the category of managerial posts.
102. To explore new and prospective labour markets, the Ministry of
Expatriates Welfare and Overseas Employment has already completed a
survey titled ‘Demand Analysis of Employment of Bangladeshi Migrant
Workers in the International Labour Matket’ on labour markets in 53
countries. The survey has made recommendations for enhancing the scope
of overseas employment. Moreover, we have reformed the legal
framework by formulating the Overseas Employment and Immigration
Management Rules, 2017 and the Wage Earners Welfare Board Act, 2018
to regulate migration costs, ensure transparency and accountability of
legitimate recruiting agents and ensure safe migration.

Increase in Foreign Remittance

103. To mitigate the burden of increased expenses in sending foreign
remittances and to encourage bringing in foreign remittance through legal
channels, an incentive at the rate of two (2) percent on money remitted by
expatriate Bangladeshi will be provided from this financial year. For this
purpose, I propose to allocate Tk. 3,060 crore in this year. This will
significantly increase the remittance flow through legal channels and
discourage the ‘hundi’ business.
104. The expatriate Bangladeshi workers and their families often face
financial losses and risks due to accidents and various other cause as there
are no insurance facilities available to them. Preparations have been taken
to bring the expatriate workers under the insurance scheme, which will be

implemented shortly.

Madam Speaker
Safe Workplace, Workers Welfare and Labor Inspection Apps
105. The government has given special emphasis on ensuring the
appropriate workplace in mills and factories. With this aim in view a
database containing useful information of 4,808 ready-made garment
factories has been created. Preparation of a database containing
information of another 27,000 factories is underway. A complete
Inspection Checklist, based on labor law and labor rules in Bangladesh,
has been formulated, which will enable labor inspectors to ensure
compliance while inspecting factories and establishments at the field level.
Compliance of 8,261 factories and establishments has been ensured from
FY2015-16 to February 2019. Further, with a view to improving health,
safety and workplace environment for garment workers a toll free hot line
has been introduced through which workers can make complaints, free of
costs, on different issues.
106. To promote a worker-friendly atmosphere in mills and factories, a
piece of legislation called Bangladesh Labour Act (Amendment), 2018 has
been enacted in line with standards of International Labour Organization
(ILO). In addition, the government promulgated the EPZ Labour
Ordinance 2019, which introduced provisions for the recruitment of
workers in industries, owner-worker relationships, determination of the
minimum wage rate, payment of wages, compensation for injuries to
workers due to accidents during working hours, introduction of provisions
on health, safety, etc. of workers, formation of Workers’ Welfare
Associations, and formation of the EPZ Workers’ Welfare Association.
Besides, the Labour Inspection Management Application (LIMA) has been
implemented nationwide by the Department of Inspection for Factories
and Establishments under the Ministry of Labour and Employment to

ensure a safe workplace, sound work atmosphere and high living standards
for workers. This web portal offers the scopes for online trade union
registration, publication of inspection reports, and submission of opinions
by workers. In order to facilitate the employment of female workers 4,706
day-care centers have been set up in different factories till February 2019
under the supervision of the Department of Inspection for Factories and
107. The present government has been working relentlessly to ensure
economic growth through industrialization as well as safeguard the overall
welfare of workers. As of February 2019, a total of 2,262 'Safety
Committees' have been formed under the Bangladesh Labour Rules, 2015
in different factories to ensure a safe workplace. Minimum wage rates for
workers of all categories employed in a total of 31 factories and
establishments were re-fixed during FY2008-2009 to FY 2017-18. In
December 2018 of the current fiscal year, minimum wages were fixed in 8
industrial sectors including ready-made garments. The ‘Bangladesh
Labour Welfare Foundation Fund’, formed to ensure the welfare of
workers employed in both formal and non-formal sectors, have provided
assistance amounting to Tk. 28.05 crore to a total of 6,052 workers from
FY2012-13 till date. A sum of Tk. 57.05 crore has been provided to 2,981
workers employed in 100-percent export oriented garment industries from
the aforementioned fund from FY2016-17 till date.

Physical Infrastructure
Power and Energy
Madam Speaker
Power is the Pathway to Prosperity
108. Bearing in mind the slogan of Hon’ble Prime Minister Sheikh
Hasina for ensuing electricity in all households, the government has set

targets to generate 24,000 megawatts by 2021, 40,000 megawatts by 2030,
and 60,000 megawatts by 2041 respectively. To meet the demand of
electricity in short, medium and in long term, the projects for generation,
distribution and transmission are in different phases of implementation.
The benefits of these initiatives are already visible. Currently, the power
generation capacity has increased to 21,169 megawatts, and we have
succeeded to provide access to electricity to approximately 93 percent of
population. Besides, projects for construction of 53 power plants with
capacity to generate 14,202 megawatts of electricity are underway.
Alongside signing contracts for the establishment of 18 new power plants
with a capacity to generate 5,801 megawatts of electricity is in progress
(LOI and NOA has been given). It is expected that the plants will begin to
function shortly. Moreover, invitation for tender for 7 power plants with a
capacity to generate 1410 megawatts of electricity is in process. Plans
have been taken to establish 17 power plants with a capacity to generate
19,650 megawatts of electricity in the near future. Besides, there are plans
to generate extra electricity through BMRE of the existing old power

Madam Speaker
Enhancement of Energy Security and Energy Efficiency
109. In order to ensure energy security and sustainable energy supply
system, we have plans to reduce the use of fuel to 15 percent by 2021 and
to 20 percent by 2030. Fuel diversification has been adopted as a strategy
to reduce dependency on natural gas for electricity generation and for
energy security. The present government has implemented various projects
to set up coal based power plants as an alternative for natural gas. Some
mega projects are being implemented at Paira, Moheshkhali and Materbari
classifying these areas as power hub. We selected these areas considering
the land availability, transport facilities and load centers. The mega

projects that are worth mentioning include 1,320 megawatts Maitree Super
Critical Thermal Power Plant, Rampal, 1200 MW Ultra Super Critical
Coal Project, Materbari and Payra 1320 MW Thermal Power Plant
Project. Steps have been taken to establish 10,000 megawatts coal based
power plant at Moheshkhali through Joint Investment. Besides the natural
gas and coal based power plants, setting up of a nuclear power plant at
Rooppur with a power generation capasity of 2,400 megawatts is in
progress. In order to import Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG), an alternative
to indigenous natural gas, to ensure energy security in the country, two
Floating Storage and Regasification Unit (FSRU) with a daily capacity of
1000 million cubic feet have been installed, which currently adds around
650 million cubic feet LNG daily to the national grid.
110. Power system master plan 2016 is targeting about 9000 MW
installed capacity by 2041. Under this long term plan Bangladesh
government is working with neighbouring countries for regional and sub-
regional cooperation. As a result, power is being imported from India
since 2013. A Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) has been signed
between Bangladesh and Nepal for bilateral cross border trade of
electricity and negotiation is going on to import 500 MWs of electricity
from an IPP. The signing of an MOU between Bangladesh, India and
Bhutan to import hydro power from Bhutan is underway.

Renewable Energy and Energy Savings System

111. There are targets to generate 10 percent of the total electricity from
renewable sources by 2020. In order to promote electricity generation at
the roof-tops of private buildings using solar home system, a “Net
Metering Guideline” has been prepared. Steps have been taken to install
solar sytem panels at the rooftops of all educational institutions.

Expansion of Power Transmission and Distribution System
112. Our government has taken a series of actions in the last two terms
to improve the transmission infrustructures and to support the additional
generation capacity of the nation. As a result, the total transmission line
has now increased to 11 thousand 493 circuit kilometers and the
distribution line to 5 lakh 8 thousand kilometers. To ensure uninterrupted
power supply, the government has been implementing a plan to install
28,000 circuit km. transmission lines and 6 lakh 60 thousand km
distribution line through different projects by 2030. By next year, each
upazila of the country will have 100 percent access to electricity.

Oil and Gas Exploration Program and Expansion of the Distribution

113. We have undertaken short, medium and long term plans to explore
and extract unexplored gas and oil in land and sea areas. By now, the
excavation work of 24 oil wells has been completed by BAPEX. After
gaining new maritime boundary from India and Myanmar, Production
Sharing Contracts (PSCs) have been signed with international oil
companies for 4 offshore blocks to explore oil and gas in the sea areas of
Bangladesh. To accelerate oil and gas exploration and extraction, new
bidding rounds will commence after the approval of the model PSC for
both offshore and onshore.
114. I propose an allocation of Tk. 28,051 crore for the Power Division
and the Energy and Mineral Resources Division in FY2019-20, which was
Tk. 26,502 crore in FY2018-19.

Communication Infrastructure
Madam Speaker
115. A modern, safe and environment-friendly transportation and

communication infrastructure is required to sustain economic
development, and achieve a higher growth for the country. Bangladesh
ranked 103 out of 140 countries in The Global Competitiveness Index,
2018 published by the World Economic Forum. Making a massive
investment in the communication infrastructure sector is extremely
important if we are to ensure our current advancement towards higher
growth. Considering communication infrastructure, especially the railway,
as one of the priority sectors, the government has taken up and is
implementing numerous projects.
Development of Sustainable and Safe Roads and Highways
116. To transform our country into a developed one by 2041, we have
taken steps to develop and repair roads and highways, build new roads,
construct flyovers/overpasses and bridges/culverts. Steps have been taken
to gradually upgrade all national highways into four lanes or above in
order to modernize the road transport system. In this respect, 509 km
national highway has been upgraded into four lanes while upgradation of
another 507 km highways is ongoing. Narrow and damaged bridges and
culverts are being rebuilt. Rehabilitation, development and repairs of
zone-based district highways are ongoing. SASEC Road Connectivity
projects 1 and 2 are being implemented in order to be connected with the
global transport network so as to reap the benefits of globalization. Steps
will be taken to replace the risky bailey bridges with concrete bridges.
Construction of Bridges-Tunnels and Establishment of an
Uninterrupted Communication Network
117. To establish an integrated and uninterrupted communication
network in Bangladesh, we are implementing the Padma Bridge, the
Tunnel under the Karnaphuli riverbed, the Dhaka Elevated Expressway
from Hazrat Shahjalal International Airport to Kutubkhali of Dhaka-
Chattogram highway, and many other mega projects. About 2 km structure

of the Padma Bridge, being constructed entirely with our own resources,
has now become visible, and the overall physical progress of the project is
67 percent. The 2nd Kanchpur, 2nd Gomoti and 2nd Meghna Bridge have
been opened for traffic after completing their construction ahead of the
stipulated time. Hon’ble Prime Minister has opened these bridges for

Development of an Integrated and Modern Urban Transport System

118. To develop internal road networks in the Dhaka metropolitan area,
reduce traffic congestion at the entry and exit points of Dhaka, and
establish a planned and integrated modern public transport system in
Dhaka and the adjacent areas, we are implementing the Revised Strategic
Transport Plan (2015-35). Under this plan, the construction of the first
Metro Rail in Bangladesh, MRT Line-6 from Uttara to Motijheel is in
progress. Alongside, the implementation of Bus Rapid Transit or BRT
from Hazrat Shahjalal International Airport to Gazipur is underway.

Modern IT-based Safe Road Transport System

119. Steps to build a safe, environment-friendly and modern IT based
road transport and control systems are underway. We have identified 121-
black spots in national highway and taken preventive steps. A plan has
been taken up to install directional sign-signal and kilometer posts in
8,100 spots. Steps have been taken to build a separate lane for slow
moving vehicles. As part of enhancement of road safety, measures have
been taken to create a pool of skilled drivers. Apart from this, mass
awareness programs, namely seminar, sticker and leaflet distribution
activities are going on. Four automated vehicle inspection centres have
been set up in Dhaka, Chattogram, Rajshahi and Khulna divisions. This
service will be expanded gradually to district headquarters. And
meanwhile steps have been taken to set up vehicle inspection centres in 17

districts. Electronic toll collection system has been introduced at the
Meghna Bridge.

Madam Speaker
Development of Passenger- friendly Railway System
120. The present government is attaching a top priority to the railway
sector in order to make railway an economical, safe and environment-
friendly mode of transport. For the overall development of railway, the
government has undertaken a 30-year master plan spanning from 2016 to
2045 at a cost of Tk. 5,53,662 crore. As many as 230 projects have been
identified under this plan for implementation by 2045. I express my firm
belief that implementation of the projects undertaken to develop the
railway transportation system will ease the public transport, largely reduce
transport costs, expand business and commerce, create new employment
opportunity and improve the socio-economic condition of the people.
121. Activities, such as expansion of the railway service, construction
of new railway lines and rehabilitation of rail tracks, conversion of rail
line into Dual Gauge, opening of new rail stations and reopening of
closed stations, launching of new trains, improving the quality of railway
services and procurement of train coaches are underway. Steps have been
taken to construct 1,110.50 km dual gauge double rail track (km) and 52
new rail track (km), procure 100 locomotives, construct 2 ICDs, procure
locomotive simulators, construct 3 major bridges, procure 1,120 passenger
coaches, modernize/construct 3 railway workshops, and modernize the
signaling system under various development projects. The introduction of
e-ticketing has not only eased railway travel for passengers, but also made
it possible for them to easily learn the location of trains. The feasibility
study to construct Dhaka-Chattogram high speed trains is in progress.

Development of Trade-friendly Waterways and Port
122. Considering the significance of infrastructure related to sea-river-
land ports, and their efficient operational system in expanding
international and domestic trade, the government is implementing a
massive work plan to conduct capital dredging of our rivers, and to
develop standards and modernize our ports. Dredging activities are in
progress to restore navigability of 10 thousand kilometer long river ways.
Alongside the river ways, development of necessary infrastructure and
facilities at sea ports are also in progress. A plan for construction of the
Bay-Terminal at the Chattogrm port at a cost of Tk. 17,000 crore has been
undertaken. The handling capacity of the Chattogram port will be
enhanced in the next financial year from 2.8 million TEUs to 3 million
TEUs. Projects are being implemented to build necessary infrastructure
and facilities at the Pyara sea port.

Development and Expansion of Airports

123. To facilitate fast and standard international and domestic aviation,
the government has taken various steps for the infrastructural development
at airports and ensuring easy and safe air travel for passengers.
Construction of the third terminal at the Hazrat Shahjalal International
Airport is in progress to enhance its passenger handling capacity to 12
million. Besides this, the work for expanding the runways and enhancing
capacity of the Cox’s Bazar Airport and the Osmani Airport is underway
with a view to upgrading them to international standards. The feasibility
study to improve the Syedpur Airport to the international level has been
completed. Works for the site selection and feasibility study on the
construction of Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib International Airport is in
124. I propose to allocate Tk. 61,455 crore for the communication

infrastructure sector in the next FY2019-20, which was Tk. 53,081 crore
in the current FY2018-19.

Madam Speaker
Bangladesh Delta Plan: Water Resource Management and Tackling
Climate Change
125. Bangladesh has been placed at the 6th position among the
countries vulnerable to natural disasters due to climate change. Therefore,
the government has formulated an adaptive, long-term, integrated and
macro-level mega plan ‘Bangladesh Delta Plan 2100’ with the vision of
‘achieving a safe, climate change resilient and prosperous delta’. The main
objectives of the plan is to ensure sustainable use of water resources and
prevent natural disasters.
126. Implementation of this mega plan will require a huge investment of
2.5 percent of total GDP of which 2.0 percent would have be met from
public sector and the rest 0.5 percent from the private sector. 35 percent of
the total investment will be spent in flood control, preventing river
erosion, river excavation, dredging, river training and navigation. In the
first phase, a total of 80 projects have been proposed under the Delta plan,
whose implementation will begin in phases.

Flood, Drought, River Erosion and Land Reclamation

127. Steps have been taken for managing water resource, land use, and
mitigating effects of the environment and climate change by re-excavating
small rivers, canals and wetlands in 64 districts and assimilation of
Climate Smart Integrated Coastal Resource Database (CSICRD). We have
undertaken various plans to increase navigability of rivers, dredging of
510 km of rivers by 2022 to prevent river erosion and ensure supply of
water during the lean season, digging and reexcavation of 4,883 km of
irrigation canals, construction and repair of 200 irrigation structures to

extend irrigation facilities, construction of 3 barrages and rubber dams,
construction of 250 km flood protection and coastal embankment to
reduce flood, salinity and water logging, renovation of 1,040 km flood
protection embankment and coastal embankment, construction and
renovation of 590 flood protection and drainage infrastructure, excavation
and re-excavation of 1,325 km drainage canals, and conservation work of
195 km border river banks and 6 cross-dams.
128. A 20-year Haor Development Master Plan and Database has been
prepared for development of Haor areas. Under this, steps have been taken
in the haor areas to develop infrastructure, re-excavate rivers, canals, and
haors, and fostering socio-econmic development of the people of the
concerned areas.
129. In recent times, human habitations, schools, government and
private installations, business enterprizes, bazars, etc. are being devastated
by river erosion, and people in the affected areas are losing everything. To
facilitate rehabilitation of the people affected by river erosion, I propose to
allocate Tk. 100 crore in the budget.

Water Resources Management of Cross-Border Rivers

130. In view of the Framework Agreement on Cooperation for
Development signed between Bangladesh and India in 2011 for water
resource management and development of cross-border rivers through
sub-regional cooperation, we have undertaken a plan to form an
organization based on Ganges-Brahmaputra-Meghna river basins, such as
the River Basin Organisation/River Basin Commission.

Agriculture sector: Agricultural Development, Prosperous Country

Madam Speaker
131. Before I speak on the Agriculture Sector, I would like to present to
you a quote from our Father of Nation, which is relevant to this sector. The
Father of Nation Bangabandhu said-

“When people have food to their hearts’ content, have a respectable life in
this independent country, only then souls of thousands of martyrs will be

Madam Speaker
132. You know. Agriculture is vital to our national economy; 40.62
percent of total labour force is employed in this sector. Despite a gradual
reduction in cultivable land, the average growth of agriculture sector stood
at 3.7 percent over the last 10 years owing to sincere efforts from the
government and relentless hard work of the farmers. Today, Bangladesh
has secured the fourth position in rice production and the third position in
vegetable production. In addition, we are in the 7th position in mango
production and 8th in potato production.
133. We will continue successful interventions, such as agricultural
subsidies, other agricultural input incentives and support cards including
those for fertilizers and seeds, support for agricultural rehabilitation,
agriculture credit at easy terms, etc. For agricultural development, a 20
percent cash incentive for exports of agricultural products is being
provided in addition to general investment made for agricultural
development, and a 20 percent rebate on electricity bills is provided for
the electricity use in irrigation pumps. The number of farmers holding
agricultural support cards now is 2 crore 8 lakh 13 thousand 477.
134. As many as 15 new varieties of different crops and 10 climate-
resilient technology have been innovated in the current fiscal year. A total
of 329 high yielding variety of different crops tolerant to salinity and
water submergence have been innovated since 2009. Activities for
innovation of crop varieties tolerant to flood, drought, salinity and high
temperature by conducting applied research will get priority in the next
fiscal year in order to adapt to adverse effects of climate change. Besides,

extension of crop diversification, popularizing organic pest management
activities and mechanization of farming will be reinforced. Research
activities to develop diversified jute products will continue.
135. Providing subsidies to control the price of fertilisers in agriculture
has been in practice for many years, and this has contributed to the price
stability of agriculture produce through the reduction in costs of
production. A total of Tk. 5,201 crore was spent for this sector in FY2017-
18. The present government has kept the sales price of fertilisers
unchanged in the domestic market with a view to proteting farmers'
interests even though the import price of major chemical fertilisers
increased at times, which has indirectly assisted in checking consumer
price inflation. The sales price for chemical fertilisers will be kept
unchanged in the next fiscal year irrespective of their imuport costs, and
incentives for the agriculture sector will continue.
136. Mechanization of harvesting and the follow up activities will be
encouraged and subsidies will be provided to farmers to buy machinery
for this purpose.

Madam Speaker
Fisheries and Livestock
137. Madam Speaker, you know, we secured the fourth position in the
world in sweet water fish production. After the determination of
Bangladesh’s sea area in the Bay of Bengal, the government has developed
a Plan of Action to develop the marine resources. Considering the
importance of marine sea resources, the government has enforced a 65 day
fishing ban this year in the sea area. However, it provided 65 kg rice to 4
lakh 15 thousand fishermen during this time as food support.
138. Bangladesh is almost self-sufficient in livestock, especially cattle
and goat, production. According to a report published in 2017 by the Food

and Agricultural Agency of the United Nations, Bangladesh secured the
fourth position in the production of goat meat. Research are being carried
out jointly by local and international institutions for fisheries and livestock
development. We have formulated a plan of action for: (i) innovation of
four livestock related technologies and their transfer through research and
extension of effective models for the cure of foot-and-mouth disease and
PPR diseases, (ii) extension of dole (airtight storage) system for
preservation of fodder, (iii) completion of 35 research projects in different
subjects, (iv) setting up laboratories in three regional centres, and (v)
providing training in FY2019-20.
139. The government has taken strong steps to ensure food security.
Apart from introducing the Food Safety Act, 2013, we have formulated 6
sets of regulations and 2 sets of rules for implementation of the law. In
addition, a new food and nutrition policy is being formulated.

Combatting Climate Change and Protection of Environment

140. To ensure sustainable development through the protection of
environment, containing pollution, protection of bio-diversity and tackling
the adverse impact of climate, government has formulated the ‘National
Environment Policy 2018’. It has allocated tasks among different
ministries/divisions and departments to ensure their implementation. Steps
have been taken to conduct research for projection of sea level rise in
coastal areas of Bangladesh and its impact on agriculture, water resources
and infrastructure. The government has enacted Brick Making and Kiln
Establishment (Control) Act, 2019 to reduce air pollution. Steps will be
taken in the coming days for the protection of Halda river including
declaration of the river as an Ecologically Critical Area (ECA), and
introduction of eco-tourism in various protected areas. The allocation for
climate financing was 5.37 percent of the development budget in FY2014-
15, which has risen to 8.26 percent (0.75 percent of GDP) in FY2018-19.

I am presenting in this august House the Climate Budget Report for 25
ministries for FY2019-20.

Local Government and Rural Development

Madam Speaker
141. Immediately after independence, the Father of Nation Bangabandh
Sheikh Rahman shared his vision about the local go overnance and rural
development. This has been enshrined in Article 16 of the Constitution of
People’s Republic of Bangladesh. The Article articulates how the local
government system would work. It reads as follows:
“The State shall adopt effective measures to bring about a radical
transformation in the rural areas through the promotion of an agricultural
revolution, the provision of rural electrification, the development of
cottage and other industries, and the improvement of education,
communications and public health, in those areas, so as progressively to
remove the disparity in the standards of living between the urban and the
rural areas”
Following the path shown by the Father of the Nation, a number of
initiatives have been implemented under the leadership of Hon’ble Prime
Minister. These have brought a sea change in the local governance system,
and made the rural economy vibrant. Activities in all sectors - both
agricultural and non-agricultural - have been multiplied.

My Village, My Town
142. The present government has focused on rural development by
setting up the slogan- ‘Village will be Town’. Following the concept of
‘My Village My Town’ as described in the Election Manifesto, 2018, we
will ensure establishment of agricultural machinery service centers
and workshops, generation of productive employment, manufacturing of

light machinery, and credit facility for marketing at the village level
retaining all the rural characteristics. Civic amenities and facilities of the
town will be made available in the villages. These include- modern
transport infrastructures, creation of opportunities for modern health care
and education, ensuring safe drinking water and sanitation, increasing
electricity and fuel supply, and computers and high speed internet access.
We will make necessary allocation for the relevant ministries.

My House My Farm
143. At present 60 lakh poor families are organized through 1 lakh 1
thousand 42 village co-operative societies under the project of ‘My House,
My Farm (Amar Bari Amar Khamar)’, a dream venture of Hon’ble Prime
Minister Sheikh Hasina, to alleviate poverty permanently by 2020. Around
95 thousand 386 co-operatives have been organized until March, 2019,
under which the total number of direct and indirect beneficiaries is 2 crore
12 lakh 33 thousand.
144. There is a target for construction of 5,500 km new roads and
30,500 metre bridge/culvert, maintenance of 13,000 km pucca road and
3,700 metre bridge/culvert, development of 190 growth center/markets,
construction/expansion of 64 Upazila Complex building and 130 cyclone
shelter along with different development activities in rural areas in
FY2019-20. Furthermore, steps have been taken for the construction of
roads/footpaths, drainage, expansion of sewerage facilities, repair of roads,
construction of bus/truck terminal, community centre, setting up of
dustbin and waste management and construction of flyovers in important
sites to reduce traffic jam in urban areas. Alongside, Bangladesh has been
efficiently doing massive work of providing health and other emergency
services including provisioning of residential facilities, supply of drinking
water, installation of sanitary latrines and building roads for more than 10
lakh Rohingya population who took refuge from Myanmar for more than

two years. Moreover, implementation of a modern innovative housing
program, namely ‘Palli Janapad’, is in progress along with the
construction of roads, bridges and culverts, growth centres, hat-bazars,
cyclone centres, the development of swamps, construction of sources of
clean water and of drains, expansion of sewerage facilities, etc. in rural
areas across the country as well as in three Hill districts.
145. I propose to allocate Tk. 66,234 crore for the agriculture and rural
development sector in FY 2019-20, which was Tk. 59,677 crore in the
current fiscal year 2018-19.

Industrialization and Trade

Madam Speaker
Science-technology based Industry in Knowledge Society
146. The government has been emphasizing on labour intensive small
and medium enterprizes (SMEs) development strategies to generate
greater employment opportunities and develop entrepreneurship. Heavy
and basic industries are getting importance as well, as these will contribute
to the growth of multi-dimensional backward and forward linkage
industries. The agroprocessing sector will be given priority in the
provision of special facilities. Science-technology based industries in a
knowledge society will be encouraged. The contribution of the industrial
sector rose to 31.31 percent in the GDP of FY 2018-19.

Madam Speaker
Secured Position in World Trade
147. To encourage the export sector, all kinds of support will be
provided and all obstacles will be removed so that the sector can remain
competitive. All types of facilities will be provided for those products that
have high export potential. Our ICT, leather, medicine, furniture,

jewellery, especially jems and stone cutting, could be important sectors.
148. In FY2017-18, Bangladesh earned US$ 41 billion by exporting 744
products and services to 202 countries. Responding to the persuasive
efforts from Bangladesh, the WTO extended the pharmaceutical patent
waiver rights for LDCs upto 1 January 2033, which has opened up a new
horizon for export of Bangladeshi pharmaceutical products. Under the
WTO, the duration of waiver on Preferential Market Access given to
developing countries for LDCs’ services has been extended to 2030.
Services exports from Bangladesh has increased significantly in recent
years, and it is expected that the benefits of LDC services waiver will lead
to a further increase in our exports.

Madam Speaker
Leather and Footwear Industries
149. You know, we are now in the 8th position in the world in footwear
exports. In future, more incentives will be provided by the government to
facilitate further advancement of this potential sector. In the meantime, a
Social and Environmental Compliance Handbook of Leather,
Leathergoods and Footwear Industry has been formulated. Giving priority
to the leather sector, the government will take all the steps that are
necessary for the development of the sector. Exports of leather and leather
products will be increased manifold, by ensuring environment-friendly
waste treatment.
150. On the other hand, to ensure safety of citizens, all chemical
warehouses are being transferred temporarily from the residential areas in
the Dhaka city to Shampur and Keraniganj of Dhaka. In future, this
temporary chemical village will be shifted permanently to Shirajdikhan in

Golden Future of Golden Fibre
151. The Jute Act, 2017 and the National Jute Policy, 2018 have been
formulated to resolve the problems that exist in the jute sector. With
assistance from the government, scientists have cracked genome of jute,
and invented golden bag as an alternative to polyethene bag. Steps have
been taken to enhance the use of golden bags made of jute.
152. In FY2018-19, export incentives have been offered against 35
categories of products. Export incentives provided in FY2008-09
amounted to Tk. 1,500 crore, which stood at Tk. 4,481 crore in FY2017-
18, and these incentives have contributed to the efforts of enhancing
export earnings.

Fast Growing Textile Industry

Madam Speaker
153. You know, we have acquired the 2nd position in the world in
exporting of ready-made garments. In the current context of international
trade, it is considered as a growing and promising sector. Keeping this in
mind, our government has kept on providing all types of facilities to this
sector including the existing incentives. Currently, four sectors of ready-
made garments are receiving export incentives at 4 percent. I propose to
provide an export incentive of 1 percent in the next fiscal year to the rest
of the sectors of ready-made garments. An allocation of additional Tk.
2,825 crore will be made in the budget for FY2019-20 for this purpose.

Promising Eco-Tourism
154. Bangladesh has many tourist spots, including the world’s largest
unbroken sandy sea beach at Cox’s Bazar, which are yet to be fully
introduced to the world. Work on establishing an Exclusive Tourist Zone is
underway at Sabrang, Cox’s Bazar, for foreign tourists. All the potential

tourist spots in the country will be gradually made suitable for both local
and foreign tourists.

Madam Speaker
Blue economy - the new horizon of opportunities
155. Through the conquest of the sea in the historic judgement by the
International for the Law of the Sea (ITLOS), under the dynamic
leadership of the Prime Minister, Bangladesh received exclusive rights to
1 lakh 18 thousand 813 sq. km of sea from neighboring Myanmar and
India, which is almost equivalent to the size of Bangladesh. There are
more than 13 heavy mineral resources in the coastal areas of the Bay of
Bengal which are very valuable. In addition, there are 475 species of fish,
and 36 species of prawn, and sea algae, etc. By utilizing these resources, it
is possible to increase our GDP by two percent. The proposed strategies
for proper utilization of this resources with immense potential are- quick
completion of multi-dimensional survey of marine resources; increase of
coastal ships and modernization of sea ports and their capacity
enhancement; intensify fishing in both deep-sea and shallow coastal
waters; introduction of sea eco-tourism and boat tourism in the private
sector; and keeping sea coasts and sea ports pollution-free.

Digital Bangladesh: Achievements and Prospects

Madam Speaker
156. Establishing 'Digital Bangladesh' is one of the key commitments of
the Government. Work on necessary infrastructural development and
extensive expansion of the information communication technologies has
been undertaken with a view to providing easy public service to the
doorsteps of the people in the country. Broadband internet access facilities
have been extended up to the union level. Already all districts and

divisions in the country have been brought under the 4G network, and
mobile networks have been established in inaccessible upazilas. The
government is taking necessary preparations to quickly rollout fifth
generation (5G) mobile services.
157. Around 18 thousand 434 government offices under the ministries,
divisions, directorates, districts and upazilas have been connected through
an integrated network. About 28 high-tech parks/ software technology
parks are being set up in the country. Meanwhile, work on three high-tech
parks has been completed. The setting up of ‘Bangabandhu High-tech City
on 355 acres of land in Kaliakoir of Gazipur is progressing well. The
government has set up the National Data Center (Tier-3 Certified). Steps
have been taken to ensure all types of information security across the
country to avoid security risks for the nationwide information technology

Bangabandhu Satellite-1 in the space

158. The successful launch of Bangabandhu Satellite-1 in the space,
draped in red-green flag colour, has been completed. Bangabandu
Satellite-1 has eased the expansion of broadcast-based services in the
remote areas. It has also ended our dependency on global
telecommunications services. There has been a lot of improvement in the
case of communications for defense and disaster management.

Strong Management Information System (MIS) in Government

159. We are giving priority to increasing the contribution of the ICT
sector in the GDP to ensure that the high growth trend remain integrated
and sustainable in the future. Steps have been taken to ensure all types of
information security across the country to avoid security risks for the
nationwide information technology network. A strong Management

Information System (MIS) will be set up in all government offices to
facilitate collection and collation of updated data, and exchange of
information, as per requirements of international organizations, among
various activities and services of the government.

Madam Speaker
Development of ICT-based Skilled Human Resource: We Are in the
Era of Fourth Industrial Revolution
160. The whole world is poised to enter into the age of the Fourth
Industrial revolution, which relies on the fullest use of digital technology.
The fourth industrial revolution is going to make massive changes in
industrial production, business, employment, administration, and on all
fronts. We cannot afford to lag behind. We will have to march forward
keeping pace with the world. ICT-based human resource will be the
driving force in our dream of attaining higher economic growth. To
consolidate the growth trend in the coming days, the ICT sector's
contribution to GDP will have to be increased. If we can increase
productivity through ICT, our GDP growth will reach two-digit figure
soon. Therefore, our dependence on ICT will have to increase further in
the coming days.

Blockchain: Internet of Value

161. Blockchain technology is becoming an inseparable and secure
medium of global information exchanges. In addition to financial
transactions, its application has also begun in the areas of business,
commerce, intellectual property, healthcare, preservation and sharing of
proprietary data. Time has come for Bangladesh to adopt the blockchain
technology to keep pace with the new trend. We will use the blockchain
technology next year on an experimental basis.

162. Effective application of innovation, i.e. new work or activity, has
created a new wave of global change in the field of technology, business,
management, etc. To nurture a culture of innovation in Bangladesh, the
government will work in the future, especially with the youth to harness
their creative talents. And necessary budget allocation will be made for
this sector.

Research and Development

163. Scientific research and development (R&D) is one of the
prerequisites for increasing productivity and maintaining long-term
economic growth. Opportunities will be created to encourage research and
development activities in the country. In the next FY2019-20, we are
proposing to allocate an additional Tk 50 crore for the research and
development sector.

Digital Land Management

164. Quarrels, affrays, and litigations in rural parts of Bangladesh
mostly originate from land disputes. The only way to get rid of this
situation is to automate the land management. Online delivery of reports,
e-mutation and e-settlement activities have already been started. Digital
land data banks and land zoning activities have also been taken. Necessary
budget allocation will be made for this purpose. Acquisition and
Requisition of Immovable Property Act, 2017 has been enacted to ensure
satisfactory compensation to landowners for acquiring land for public
interest. Digital land survey is in progress for modernization of land use.
Work is underway to automate the land related services delivery system
throughout the country to simplify the delivery of land related services.

Poverty Reduction and Social Safety Net Programmes
Ensuring Equal Opportunity through Elimination of Poverty and
Madam Speaker
165. According to Article 19 (6) of the Constitution, it is an obligation
of the State to eliminate social and economic inequality among humans, to
ensure equitable distribution of resources among citizens and to attain an
equal level of economic development throughout the Republic. The Father
of the Nation Bangabandhu started the struggle for independence from this
urge to free the people from poverty and exploitation. The Prime Minister,
the worthy successor of the Father of the Nation, has been continuing that
struggle to emancipate people from poverty. She sincerely believes that
poverty is our main enemy.
166. In the last decade, Bangladesh has made significant progress in
poverty reduction through a coordinated approach efforts of various
initiatives including the overall government development programmes,
private investment, and social security programmes. The poverty rate was
40.0 percent in 2005, which has been brought down to 21.8 percent in
2018. The government has declared to reduce poverty to 12.30 percent and
the extreme poverty rate to 4.50 percent by 2023-24.

Social Safety Net Programmes

167. The National Social Security Strategy Paper 2015 has been
formulated for reducing poverty and discrimination. Action Plan 2016-
2011 for its implementation has been approved. We are increasing the
allocation for the social safety net sector every year to ameliorate the
condition of the poor. By now, nearly a quarter of the families in the
country has been covered under the social safety net programmes. As per
our Election Manifesto, 2018, budget allocation in this sector will be

doubled in the next five years. The government has allocated Tk. 74,367
crore in the sector, which is 14.21 percent of total budget and 2.58 percent
of GDP in FY2019-20. In the revised budget of FY2018-19, the allocation
was Tk. 64,404 crore. We are also implementing various programmes for
the marginal communities besides helping the people with disabilities.

Madam Speaker
168. We are presenting before this August House a set of proposals to
widen the remit of social safety net programmes in FY2019-20:
 State honorarium for the valiant freedom fighters to be increased
from Tk. 10,000 to Tk. 12,000;
 The number of recipients of adult allowances to be increased from
40 lakh to 44 lakh;
 The number of recipients of allowances for widows and victims of
domestic violence to be increased from 14 lakh to 17 lakh;
 The number of beneficiaries of allowances for all insolvent persons
with disabilities to be increased from 10 lakh to 15.45 lakh;
 The number of recipients of stipends for disabled students to be
increased from 90 thousand to one lakh; and the rate of stipends to
be increased from Tk. 700 to Tk. 750 for primary students, from
Tk. 750 to Tk. 800 for secondary students, and from Tk. 850 to Tk.
900 for higher secondary students;
 To bring all third gender people under the net, the number of
beneficiaries of Third Gender Livelihood Development
programmes to be increased to 6 thousand;
 Additional 20 thousand beneficiaries from the gypsies and
disadvantaged communities to be included in the current list of 64
thousand persons;

 The number of beneficiaries of the financial assistance programme
for patients suffering from cancer, kidney, liver cirrhosis, paralyzed
due to stroke and congenital heart diseases to be increased from 15
thousand to 30 thousand;
 The number of beneficiaries of livelihood development
programmes for tea-garden workers to be increased from 40
thousand to 50 thousand;
 The number of beneficiaries of maternity allowances for poor
mothers to be increased from 7 lakh to 7 lakh 70 thousand;
 The number of beneficiaries under lactating mothers’ assistance
programmes to be increased from 2 lakh 50 thousand to 2 lakh 75
169. Priority is given for ensuring the selection of genuine beneficiaries
to enhance the effectiveness of social safety net programmes. For this
purpose, steps have been taken to establish MIS for all programmes and
database for all beneficiaries. Payments are being made directly from the
government to the beneficiaries through the G2P system.

Development of Disabled People

170. We are providing disability allowances, stipends for disable
students, disability support services and financial assistance to schools for
disable students, as well as increasing budget allocation. The National
Disability Development Foundation has been providing various types of
services for the empowerment and economic development of the
backward, deprived, helpless, autistic and disabled people of the country.
These include- small loans and grants-in-aid, establishment of Mobile One
Stop Therapy Service, organizing Disability Job Fairs in remote areas, and
skills development training. A separate plan will be made, and separate
budget will be allocated to engage the disabled people in businesses and
productive activities.

Interest-free Microcredit for Poverty Reduction
171. In 1974, the Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur
Rahman for the first time started the rural social service programme for
the purpose of reducing poverty of the disadvantaged and backward
population in the rural areas. Through the Department of Social Services,
families of the extreme poor people in villages have been receiving
interest-free microcredit in the range of Tk. 5,000 to Tk. 30,000 under four
microcredit programmes, namely- rural social services (RSS) activities,
rural maternity center (RMC) activities, rehabilitation of the people
affected by the burn injuries and disabled people and urban society
development activities. About 50 percent of people involved in these
activities are women. In the budget estimation for FY2019-2020, I propose
to allocate Tk 64.5 crore for this purpose.

Madam Speaker
Welfare of Freedom Fighters
172. The government is working relentlessly to preserve the memory of
the liberation war and the welfare of the freedom fighters. In order to
ensure the overall welfare of the freedom fighters, state honorariums are
being given to freedom fighters and their successors. The amount of this
allowance has been increased many times in the last ten years. Besides,
two festival bonuses, Glorious Victory Day allowance, and Bengali New
Year allowance are also being provided. Their allowances are now being
sent electronically to their bank accounts. A piece of legislation titled
Bangladesh Freedom Fighters Welfare Trust Act, 2018 has been enacted to
ensure the welfare of the freedom fighters. Besides, to provide housing
facilities to the freedom fighters, single-storied buildings are being
constructed for 15,000 destitute freedom fighters in the country, either in
their own land or through settlement in Khas lands, if necessary.

Empowerment of Women and Focus on Children
173. Bangladesh is rapidly progressing in terms women's involvement
in political empowerment, education and economic affairs. Bangladesh
has secured the top position in South Asia in reducing gender disparity.
Bangladesh is very much ahead in reducing gender disparity in the
Muslim world, and even among the developed countries such as te United
States and China. In accordance with Articles 19, 27, 28 and 29 of the
Constitution, we are committed to establish equal rights and dignity of
women and men, and ensure participation of women in all spheres of
national lives. The government has taken appropriate programmes to
ensure education, health, employment, and women empowerment. At the
same time, the government will strengthen programmes to mitigate and
prevent violence against women and also undertake effective measures to
create a gender-friendly environment in all spheres of lives. The gender
budget, containing budget allocation for women in 44 ministries/divisions
in FY2019-20, is submitted herewith. Increasing investment for children is
a priority of the government. The allocation for the children in the last
fiscal year was Tk. 65,600 crore. For the next fiscal year, Tk. 80,200 crore
will be allocated, which is 15.33 percent of the national budget.

Planned Urbanization and Housing

Madam Speaker
174. Bearing in mind the slogan of Hon’ble Prime Minister Sheikh
Hasina ‘Housing for all, there will be no homeless’, and the SDG targets,
the government has launched various programmes for planned
urbanization, which will continue.
175. The real estate sector in our country has remained almost stagnant
for a long time. The main reason behind its slow expansion is the
existence of an exorbitant level of stamp duty and registration fee. As a

result, the government is losing revenue, and the volume of un-disclosed
income is also rising. We will take steps to bring down these fees at a
reasonable level. This will facilitate the expansion of the real estate sector
on the one hand, and augment our revenue collection on the other. There is
a plan to build 60 thousand flats under the PPP system in Purbachal new
city of Dhaka. About 39 km of canals has been excavated in Hatirjheel,
Gulshan, Banani, Uttara, Kuril and Purbachal areas to reduce water-
logging and enhance beautification of the Dhaka city, and there is a plan to
excavate another 55 km of canals in the future. Besides, there is another
plan to reserve 62 percent of the 9,125 acres of area in the flood-flow
zones of the Turag River as reservoirs, and to build compact townships in
the remaining areas.

Sports, Culture and Religion

Madam Speaker
176. Our government is playing an important role in the development of
nationwide infrastructures for sports and culture to organise different types
of competitions and events at national and district/ upazila levels. Talented
players in various sports are being hunted and provided with long-term
training. In the budget for FY2019-20, I propose to make a special
allocation of Tk. 20 crore to Bangladesh Football Federation for the
development of football in the country.
177. Steps have been taken for modernization, digitization and
automation of the broadcasting system of Bangladesh Television and
Bangladesh Betar. We have also taken steps to launch nationwide digital
terrestrial broadcasting and establish Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Film
City. To provide support to the insolvent journalists, we allocate resources
to the Journalist Welfare Trust from the budget.
178. In the coming fiscal year, the country will celebrate the 100th birth

anniversary of the Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur
Rahman. Massive preparations are now afoot involving people from all
walks of life to celebrate the day at both home and abroad. For this,
adequate budget will be allocated for the next fiscal year.
179. We have formulated our National Hajj-Umrah Policy 2019 in
alignment with the e-Haj system of Saudi Arabia. As a result, Hajj
pilgrims can now complete pre-registration and registration through
hassle-free online system in 2019. The Hajj calendar was prepared for the
first time in 2018 following which the performance of Hajj was conducted.
At the same time, the inter-ministerial committee has, for the first time,
hired accommodation in Saudi Arabia for the Hajj pilgrims. Meanwhile,
constructions of 560 model mosques and Islamic cultural centers for the
development of religious education and promotion of Islamic culture are
underway in all districts and upazilas of Bangladesh. Alongside, funds are
being channelled to the Hindu, Buddhist and Christian Religious Welfare
Trust for the development of monasteries/temples/churches/cremation
grounds, and for providing financial assistance to the residential monks
and the destitutes.

Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

Madam Speaker
180. You are aware, the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) were
adopted in the historic UN Summit in 2015 to implement them over a
period from 2015 to 2030, in continuation of Millennium Development
Goals (MDGs). Bangladesh’s performance in achieving various goals and
indicators of MDGs has been remarkable. We are fully committed to
achieve similar success in implementing the SDGs. Meanwhile, 82 percent
of SDGs has been incorporated in the 7th Five Year Plan, which is
currently being implemented. SDGs Action Plans for ministries and

divisions have been formulated under which various ministries and
divisions are adopting projects/programmes. Regular monitoring of SDGs
implementation is being conducted and the ‘Sustainable Development
Goals: Bangladesh Progress Report 2018’ has been prepared covering all
the goals and targets. For localization of SDGs, about 40 priority
indicators have been approved for implementation at the district and
upazila levels. In the priority list, targets, such as reducing the rate of
poverty below 10 percent and extreme poverty below 3 percent by 2030
have been included.
181. We will need a huge amount of financial resources till 2030 to
implement SDGs. The role of the private sector, in addition to the
government, will be crucial to meet this resource gap. Besides, the
government is also emphasizing implementation of PPP project as an
alternative source of financing.
Providing Shelter and Humanitarian Assistance to Displaced
Rohingyas from Myanmar
182. The displaced Rohingya refugees, who escaped from Myanmar to
save their lives from torture, oppression and ethnic cleansing, have been
given shelter in Bangladesh as a humanitarian gesture. Bangladesh has
been providing all necessary physical support services, including food,
housing, health and other emergency services, to over 1.1 million
Rohingyas. Following the directions of Hon’ble Prime Minister, bilateral
discussions have been continuing to ensure safe, dignified and permanent
repatriation of Rohingyas to their homeland.

Chapter V

Reform and Good Governance

Madam Speaker
183. Reform is a continuous process. In the past, we took and
implemented a range of reform initiatives to improve the profile of
governance. In continuation of these initiatives, I would like to highlight
some of the important reforms initiatives undertaken by our Government.

Improvement of Investment Climate

Establishment of 100 Economic Zones to Generate one crore
184. Establishment of 100 Economic Zones accross the country is in
progress for employment generation through increased investment. Almost
one crore new jobs will be created in these Economic Zones. Construction
work of ‘Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Industrial Area’ the largest, planned
and modern industrial area on 30,000 acres of land at Mirsharai, Sonagazi
and Shitakunda Upazila is progressing in full swing. Investment proposals
worth US$ 15.1 billion has been received so far for these Economic

Public Private Partnership

185. As an alternative of public financing, we will encourage approval
and implementation of projects under the Public Private Partnership
initiative for infrastructure construction. Rules for Viability Gap for PPP
Project, 2018 and Rules for PPP Technical Assistance Financing, 2018
have been issued for simplification of the government's financial
involvement process. A policy has been formulated for implementation of
PPP projects under G2G agreement. Implementation of 3 PPP projects is

underway at a cost of US$ 2.7 billion. At present, 61 projects have been
selected for implementation under PPP model. A good number of projects
are also in the pipeline.

Improvement of Ease of Doing Business Index

186. Rapid industrialization and employment generation will be
possible, if we can reduce the cost of starting business. To attain this
objective, reform activities have been strengthened to improve in the Ease
of Doing Business Index of Bangladesh within two digits. Amendment of
Companies Act, 1994 has been initiated for improvement of business
environment. Various registration fees applicable for companies have
already been significantly reduced. There will be no fee for companies
having capital of less than Tk. 50,000.
187. One Stop Service (OSS) has been introduced so that investors can
get different kinds of investment related services easily and quickly.
Provision of investment related services as One Stop in 64 districts will be
monitored, and investment related services will be gradually provided to
all districts through One Stop Service.

Reforms in Financial Sector

Setting up financial institutions on strong base
188. The government has initiated and implemented various activities
for the reform and development of banking, capital market, insurance and
other financial sectors.

Madam Speaker
189. We did not observe any mentionable reform initiative in some
areas, especially in the banking sector from the beginning. There was no
exit route for the loan recipient if he/she fails to repay the bank loan. This

time around, we have arranged an exit for the loan recipient through
effective insolvency and bankruptcy laws. We have heard for long about
establishing a Bank Commission for bringing discipline in the banking and
financial sector. We would discuss with all concerned in this matter and do
the needful.
190. We have observed that, no mentionable instruments were used in
our financial sector. This has led banks to give long term loans by
collecting short term deposits. This creates a mismatch. It may turn out to
be critical sometimes. We will take necessary measures to remove such
kind of mismatch. We will encourage instruments like Wage Earners’
Bond, venture capital, treasury bond including a vibrant bond market.

We are also thinking the following reforms:

- We will increase capital (authorized and paid up) of banks
- Bank Company Act will be amended so that our bank
management, all components of revenue management (VAT,
Customs and Income Tax) can function as usual, without facing
any conflict with other laws.
- Bank Company Act will be amended so that amalgamation, merger
and absorption of banks can be legally processed, if required.
- Stern measures will be taken against the willful defaulters of bank
- We have been working to bring down the interest rates of bank
loans to single digits with a view to making our industries and
businesses more competitive.
- Necessary ammendmends will be brought to the Bank Company
Act to modernize the functions of holding companies and
subsidiary companies.

Good Governance in Capital Market
Madam Speaker
191. You know, a strong capital market is required for any strong
economy. If an economy is strong, it means that its capital market is also
strong. As we want a strong economy, we would like to see the existence
of a strong, vibrant and well-functioning capital market. Capital market is
the ideal platform to collect fund for long term industrial investment.
However, there is a trend in Bangladesh to provide long term bank loans
from short term deposits, which is not evident in other countries. It creates
mismatch. The banks and loan recipients become the loser eventually. We
will take effective measures to encourage investors to collect long term
fund/finance from the capital market. Under the supervision of Bangladesh
Bank, an amount of Tk. 856 crore has already been released under the
incentive scheme, which shall be reused on a revolving basis for the
protection of small investors’ interest. Training will be provided to
potential investors for clear understanding on share market before their
investment in the market. Vigilance has been strengthened to ensure
compliance of the capital market. We shall offer numerous incentives for
the capital market in coming years. Dividend income from the listed
companies shall be tax-free upto Tk. 50,000. Double taxation on dividend
from listed companies will also be removed. Special incentives will
continue for encouraging investment in the capital market.
192. If a financially solvent company wants to merge/amalgamate with
the financially sick company, we will create the scope for that. We believe
that if this can be done even allowing for investment allowance, if needed,
through negotiation, it will lead to a strong capital market. Through the
process, the depth and stability of the capital market will be enhanced.

Reforms for maintaining discipline in the financial sector
193. Necessary reform initiatives have been taken so that the loan
recipients can repay their loan in time, for establishing improved loan
culture in the country. Central database for large credit (CDLC) has been
established for close monitoring of large loans and strengthening the
monitoring system of banks and financial institutions. Instruction has been
given to keep the weighted average spread of interest rates limited within
4 percent except for credit cards and consumer loans.

Insurance for encountering risk

194. Loss of crops due to natural calamities is quite frequent in our
country. In order to save the farmers from the financial loss caused by this,
a pilot project for ‘crop insurance’ will be introduced. In addition,
insurance of properties generated from large projects will be covered by
the local insurance companies. Measures will be taken to arrange group
insurance with more than one company, if necessary. Insurance for ‘loss of
profit’ will also be introduced. Accident insurance for factory workers will
be implemented.
195. The government is planning to introduce livestock insurance, small
insurance for poor women and health insurance for government employees
and common people. Digitization of the insurance sector and its high rate
of penetration have been planned. I believe, the use of life insurance is not
prevalent in our country; popularization of life insurance may contribute to
our economy to a great extent.

Public Financial Management (PFM)

Madam Speaker
Application of IBAS++ Software Developed by Local Experts
196. Our public financial management system has been elevated to

international standard from current fiscal year through the introduction of
new Budget and Accounting Classification System (BACS). In addition to
civil administration, we are going to apply IBAS++ (Integrated Budget
and Accounting System), a fully automated system developed by our local
experts, in defense and railway budget and accounting process.

Radical Transformation of Project Fund Release Process

197. Project fund release process has been simplified. Project Director
(PD) has been fully authorized to utilize project fund including 4th
installment without seeking approval from any authority. As a result, 1-2
months time will now be saved in the fund release process of any project.
Thus, the pace of implementation of development projects will be

Payment of Social Safety Allowances through G2P

198. Social safety net MIS has been established in the Finance Division
for bringing transparency and improving efficiency of social safety net
payments. With this MIS, selection process of beneficiaries has now
become easier after verification of information from the National ID
server. By using this MIS, payments from the government exchequer to
the beneficiary's bank or mobile bank account are now being processed
through the G2P method. All cash transfers will be gradually brought
under this G2P payment procedure.

Digitalization of Savings Scheme

199. Real time information is available now on sale, profit and
encashment of national savings schemes from the 'National Savings
Scheme Online Management System', introduced with the initiative of the
Finance Division for modernizing the management system of national
savings schemes transactions. Maximum purchase limit of savings scheme

can now be easily controlled and monitored through NID linked digitized
system. Payment of the principal amount and profit of the client can now
be automatically made through EFT. It will ensure discipline in public
financial management, and interest payment for this purpose will be
reduced gradually.

(4) Reform of Pension

Payment of Pension through EFT
200. The process of pension payment through EFT has started to reduce
the hassle of pensioners in getting their pension. System has been
introduced so that pensioners can automatically get their pension in their
bank or mobile account without any physical presence in any accounts
office or any bank. Payment of pension in pensioner’s bank accounts
through EFT has already been made to 27,000 pensioners. All pensioners
will be brought under this system in the next fiscal year.

Bringing all Government Employees under Group Insurance Scheme

201. Although there is a group insurance system for government
employees but in reality it is not an insurance. With the assistance of Jiban
Bima Corporation, the existing system will be reformed and converted
into an integrated insurance system for bringing all government employees
under the insurance coverage.

Introduction of Universal Pension Scheme

202. Government pensioners are only a small fraction of the total
population in the country. A 'Universal Pension Authority' will be formed
soon for gradual introduction of the universal pension for everyone
including all employed in formal and informal sectors of the economy.

Public Administration for Public Service
Madam Speaker
People Friendly and Efficient Public Administration
203. Provision of quick service for implementing the commitments
made in the Election Manifesto of 2018, training and improvement of
efficiency, institutional reforms and strengthening as well as bringing field
administration within the scope of information technology have been
identified as priorities. The Public Service Act, 2018 has been passed by
the Parliament. Public servants are now promoted and posted on the basis
of merit and efficiency.

Governance Innovation Unit

204. Under the Prime Minister's Fellowship program, Masters, PhD and
other fellowship programs in renowned universities of the world (such as,
Oxford, Cambridge, Harvard) has begun for creating government's own
expert panel on SDG goals.

Transparency and Accountability in Government's Service Delivery

205. Online Grievance Redress System (GRS) has been introduced in
all Ministries and Divisions of the government for improving quality of
service delivery, strengthening good governance and ensuring
accountability of the public administration. Decisions in government
offices are now taken through e-filing system for providing speedy
services to the citizens at a low cost.

House Building Loan for Government Employees

206. Provision of House Building Loan through the Banking System
Policy, 2018 has been formulated with the intension of increasing house
building loans of government employees to a realistic level. In this case,

state owned banks and Bangladesh House Building Finance Corporation
will operate the loan as implementing agencies. I believe, with the
introduction of this system, government employees would be more
enthusiastic, and will further their efforts to establish good governance at
all levels of administration.

Use of ICT in Case Management

Digitization of Judicial Management
207. Steps have been taken, to bring all courts of the country within the
ICT network through e-judiciary process to accelerate the disposal of
cases. In addition, a cyber tribunal has been established in Dhaka for
ensuring speedy and effective judgment of the offences committed under
the Information and Communication Technology Act. Establishment of 7
more tribunals in 7 divisional towns is underway. Renovation and
construction work of 4 chambers in the Appellate Division and 30
chambers including ejlash will be completed for enhancing the capacity of
the Appellate Division. All activities of the Supreme Court and sub-
ordinate courts will be brought under the automated networking system.
Present status, hearing date, result and complete judgment of all trial cases
in the jurisdiction of sub-ordinate courts will be published in the website

Prevention of Corruption
‘Bandha hole durnity, unnayoney ashbe goti’ (Stop corruption,
accelerate development)
208. Our government has adopted a policy of ‘zero tolerance’ against
corruption. The number of divisional offices has been increased to 8 from
6, and the number of integrated district offices has been increased to 36
from 22 for increasing administrative capacity of Anti-Corruption

Commission (ACC). An Intelligence Unit has been established and 1
platoon armed police has been attached with the ACC for speeding up the
activities of the commission. An web based software will be made for
proper monitoring of all activities of the commission starting from
lodgement of complaint, investigation, filing and follow up of corruption
cases. For effective use of this software 200 officers will be trained.

Chapter VI
Revenue Collection Activities

Madam Speaker
209. A large part of our total budget expenditure is financed from the
internal resources collected by the National Board of Revenue (NBR).
Generally, the internal revenue collection target is made on the basis of the
size of the budget. There are mainly three sources of revenue: NBR- Tax,
Non-NBR Tax and Non-Tax Revenue. About 85 percent of our revenue is
collected by the NBR. The growth trend of NBR tax collection in the last
decade was quite good. In FY2017-18, the growth rate of NBR tax
revenue was 20.24 percent. Table 1 of Annexure-B provides a set of
statistics of revenue collection during the last 10 years. Though the tax to
GDP ratio is comparatively low, the growth in revenue collection is
210. Our goal is to increase revenue collection in line with GDP growth.
We have taken many reform initiatives in the field of direct and indirect
taxes with a view to increasing revenue collection. A large number of
taxpayers will be brought under the tax net by conducting survey, bringing
administrative reforms, making TIN compulsory for receiving different
utility services, encouraging TIN holders to submit their tax returns. To
ensure efficient and effective tax administration, NBR is in the process of
automating and digitizing all operations of Income Tax, VAT and Customs
departments. We are expecting the number of our income taxpayers will
be more than one crore by the next few years. Income tax department has
taken a number of initiatives to create a taxpayers'-friendly environment
for building taxpayers trust in the revenue department.
211. The implementation of the Value Added Tax and Supplementary
Duty Act, 2012, which was supposed to start in FY2017-2018, but was

postponed for two years in response to the request from the business
community. This act will be implemented in this year. The NBR has
already reached a consensus informally with the business community. For
smooth implementation of the new VAT Act, proposal is being placed in
the Parliament for updating the Act by rearranging VAT rates. Our
government is implementing VAT Online project with a view to making
the VAT system completely automated. The NBR is working to set up
Electronic Fiscal Device (EFD) in every business organization to make
VAT collection more transparent. NBR is now in the process of procuring
these EFD machines.
212. The existing Customs Act 2019 is in English. While contemporary
issues of the Customs Department are updated every year through Finance
Acts, it was felt that the Act should be in Bangla. Following the
international best practices and the kind instruction of Hon’ble Prime
Minister, the Customs Act, 2019 in Bangla has been prepared, and the
process for placing it before Parliament is finalized. This law will replace
the existing Customs Act, 1969. Meanwhile the process of formulating the
new Income Tax Act following the international best practices has begun. I
hope that this new law will be placed before the Parliament next year.
213. Use of information and communication technology began in the
Customs Department a long ago with the introduction of ASYCUDA. As
part of the ongoing reforms, steps have been taken to introduce legal
provisions concerning scanning of imports and exports. Steps have been
taken to set up latest scanning systems in all customs ports and customs
stations. Likewise developed countries, the National Single Window
(NSW) project has been undertaken to connect all the stakeholders
associated with import-export to the customs software. It will provide the
facilities of One Stop Service in all activities related to imports and
exports. The current law has been amended with a view to introducing
Authorized Economic Operator (AEO), Risk Management, and Advance

Passenger Information System (API) to facilitate the clearance of goods
and quick handling of passengers. Furthermore, provisions to establish the
process of customs assessment of import consignments before their arrival
at the port as in developed countries, known as Pre-Arrival Processing
(PAP), and creation of a Special Functional Unit under the NBR have
been included in the law. These will contribute to improving the business
and passenger facilities and reducing tax evasion.

Chapter VII
Income Tax, Value Added Tax and Import-Export Duty

Madam Speaker
214. NBR officials work relentlessly to achieve the revenue target set
by the government every year. NBR tax revenue is basically collected
from Income Tax, Value Added Tax (VAT) and Import & Export Duty.
Except Income Tax, the other two are indirect taxes. Supplementary duty
and regulatory duty are also collected as indirect taxes. I am now
submitting revenue proposals one after another.

Direct Tax: Income Tax

215. Income tax is considered as an effective taxation system because it
ensures social justice and equity through redistribution of income. The
income tax system in Bangladesh will be made more effective to ensure
the reduction of income inequality so that the benefit of economic growth
and development can be distributed to all the citizens equally. We have set
a target of collecting 50 percent of total NBR tax revenue from income tax
by FY2021-22. By now we have made some headway in collecting
income tax. Even a decade back, the contribution of income tax was only
20 percent of total NBR tax revenue; the contribution has increased to 35
percent during the tenure of our government.
216. Our main principle is to collect more income tax by broadening the
tax base without increasing the tax rate. For this purpose, we have taken
an initiative to bring new taxpayers under the tax net instead of burdening
the existing taxpayers with more tax. During the last ten years of our
government, a large number of peoples are eligible to pay income tax;
thanks to the unprecedented economic growth and development that took
place in our country. To bring these people into the tax net, expansion of

income tax department is necessary. Effective initiatives have already been
taken to expand the Income Tax department. With this expansion program,
tax offices will be set up in every upazila in Bangladesh. At the field
level, the number of Taxes Zone will be increased to 63 from existing 31.
For making the tax administration more goal-oriented, job-oriented and
taxpayers-friendly, the tax intelligence, investigation and enforcement
unit; digital tax management unit; tax deduction management unit; tax
information unit; international tax unit; taxpayer service, public relations
and infrastructure unit; and tax dispute resolution unit will be set up. I
hope, with successful implementation of these initiatives, revenue on
average will grow by 25 percent in the coming years, and the Tax-GDP
ratio will increase to 15 percent by 2021.
217. To achieve Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by 2030 and
fulfill the dream of raising the status of Bangladesh to a developed nation
by 2041, we have to scale up revenue collection, in particular, income tax
collection significantly. However, we have to ensure that revenue
augmentation efforts do not affect adversely our businesses and
investments. We believe that, increase in investment will result in
increased business, increased production, increased exports, more
employment, increased income, increased profit of business, and
accumulate more capital for entrepreneurs, which in turn will be re-
invested. This virtuous cycle will result in more income of the taxpayers
and more tax revenue. Our principle is to increase revenue collection by
strengthening and accelerating this virtuous cycle. We need to generate a
large amount of revenue for the development and progress of our country.
We will collect this revenue in such a manner so that the taxpayers are not
unnecessarily harassed, and their business is not hampered. We want to
promote voluntary and spontaneous payment of taxes by ensuring a
taxpayers-friendly atmosphere. Now I am presenting the key proposal
relating to direct taxes -

Madam Speaker
Tax Exemption Threshold and Tax Rates
218. General tax exemption threshold of income of taxpayers, other
than company, for the last few years was Tk. 2,50,000/-. The threshold for
female taxpayers was Tk. 3,00,000/-. In addition, this threshold is higher
for other special classes of taxpayers. The criteria for keeping the
threshold unchanged for the last few years have remained same this year
as well. In developed countries, tax exemption threshold of income is
generally less than 25 percent of per capita income. Some countries even
do not have any threshold limit. In developing countries, it is mostly equal
to or below per capita income. In Bangladesh, the tax exemption threshold
is almost 1.5 times above the per capita income. Moreover, any increase in
the tax exemption threshold will push a significant number of taxpayers
out of the tax net, which will eventually erode the tax base. The tax rates
for all types of taxpayers except company have remained unchanged
during the last few years. The taxpayers got habituated with this rate of
tax. Considering all these, I propose that the tax exempted income
threshold and tax rate for all taxpayers except for company will remain
unchanged for the next year. Tax rates for non-company taxpayers have
been shown in Table 2 of Annexure-B.
219. Existing minimum tax for a taxpayer, except company taxpayer,
residing in Dhaka North City Corporation, Dhaka South City Corporation
and Chittagong City Corporation, any other city corporation, and other
areas is Tk. 5,000, Tk. 4,000, and Tk. 3,000 respectively. I propose to
maintain this structure of minimum tax for the next year as well.
Company Tax Rate
220. Currently multiple corporate tax rates are in existence for different
corporate sectors. For publicly traded company, tax rate in Bangladesh is

25 percent and for publicly non-traded company tax rate is 35 percent.
Besides, a good number of corporate sectors are enjoying reduced tax rates
and tax exemptions. When these facts are taken into consideration, we find
the effective corporate tax rate in Bangladesh is below 5 percent. In
addition, the tax rate for banks and financial institutions was reduced by
2.5 percent from last year, which resulted in significant reduction of tax
collection from this sector. Considering the facts, I propose to continue
with the existing corporate tax rate structure for the next year. The
proposed tax rate for company taxpayers has been presented in Table 3 of
Annexure-B,. Nonetheless, in view of reality, I propose to raise the
minimum tax for mobile companies to 2% of their turnover from 0.75%.

Madam Speaker
Equity and Fairness
221. Surcharge. At present, wealth tax law does not exist in
Bangladesh. Instead of paying wealth tax, wealthy individual taxpayers in
Bangladesh pay surcharge at certain rates based on their income tax. This
provision of surcharge has been in force for the last few years. We have
observed that a large number of wealthy people show little income in their
tax returns despite they possess huge amount of wealths. Consequently,
they pay an insignificant amount of surcharge because their revealed little
income. Considering all these facts, I propose an individual taxpayer
having a net wealth of Tk. 50 crore or above shall pay higher of 0.1% of
net wealth or 30% of his income tax payable as surcharge. Currently
surcharge applies to taxpayers having net wealth above Tk. 2.25 crore. I
propose to raise the limit of surcharge to Tk. 3 crore. Details on these are
presented in Table 4 of Annexure-B.
222. I propose a minimum surcharge amounting to Tk. 3,000, where net
wealth of an individual exceeds Tk. 3 crore and a minimum surcharge

amounting to Tk. 5,000 for individuals who have net wealth exceeding Tk.
10 crore. In addition, 2.5 percent surcharge on the profit of the business of
the manufacturers of cigarette, bidi, zarda, gul and other tobacco products
will remain unchanged.

Facilitating business and growth

223. The income generated through production of goods and services in
Economic Zones and High-Tech Parks has been given tax exemption
facilities at different rates for 10 years. With a view to driving up more
investment and create more employment, I propose a new provision in the
income tax law, to accept investment in Economic Zone and High-Tech
Parks, without any question on the sources of invested fund, by the income
tax department, if the taxpayer pays 10 percent income tax on such
invested amount. At present, Income Tax department does not raise any
question about the sources of fund invested in the purchase or construction
of any apartment or flat, and building if tax is paid at certain rates on such
investments. Taxpayers are not availing this opportunity due to the higher
tax rates. I propose to decrease existing tax rates to encourage the
taxpayers for voluntary disclosure of purchase or construction of any
apartment or flat, and building in their tax returns. I hope that taxpayers
will avail this opportunity and will voluntarily reveal their undisclosed
investment on purchase or construction of apartment or flat, and building
in their tax files to include them into the tax net.
224. Under the existing law, 21 industrial sectors and 19 physical
infrastructure development sectors have been enjoying tax holidays on the
basis of geographical locations at different rates for different periods of
time. This benefit will expire on 30 June of this year. With a view to
promoting business and investment, augmenting export and creating
employments, I propose the facilities of tax holiday to continue and also to
include some potential manufacturing sectors such as agricultural

machinery; furniture; home appliance – rice cooker, blender, washing
machine etc.; mobile handset; toys; leather and leathergoods; LED
television; plastic recycling.

Madam Speaker
225. Many people think that the tax deduction rates at source on the bill
of contractors and suppliers are high. We have examined this issue and
considering all aspects, I propose to decrease the maximum tax deduction
rate at source on the bill of contractors and suppliers from 7% to 5%.
Details on these are presented in Table 5 of Annexure-B.
226. A taxpayer has to pay tax in advance if the taxpayer’s last assessed
income is above Tk. 4 lakh. I propose to raise this to Tk. 6 lakh. On the
other hand, currently small and medium enterprises (SMEs) are not
required to pay income tax if the yearly turnover of the business is up to
Tk. 36 lakh. To promote SMEs, I propose to raise this yearly turnover
limit to Tk. 50 lakh. In the existing law, income derived from the export of
handicrafts is also exempted from tax. This exemption will expire on June
30, this year. To promote this sector, I propose to extend this exemption
facility for the next five years.
227. The tax rate for readymade garments is 12%. The rate is 10% if
there is green building certification. Besides, for textile sector tax rate is
15%. These sectors are enjoying reduced rates of taxes for a long period of
time. This advantage will expire by 30 June of this year. Considering the
contribution of these sectors to our economy, particularly in boosting
export and generating employment opportunities, I propose to continue
this provision of reduced rate of taxes for these sectors.

Social Welfare
228. Our government is doing its best to protect the interest of the

physically challenged people. We want to reflect this principle in taxation
as well. Study shows 10 percent of our population has some sort of
disability. Considering this fact, I am proposing a 5 percent rebate on total
tax of a tax payer if the taxpayer employs at least 10 percent of total work
force from physically challenged people.
229. For ensuring services to the persons with disability, imposition of 5
percent additional tax on a medical service provider who fails to ensure
special accessibility for physically challenged persons was introduced last
year. This year, I propose to extend its scope by imposing the application
of this provision on schools, colleges, universities and NGOs. However,
this provision shall come into force from the assessment year 2020-21 for
schools, colleges, universities and NGOs so that they have enough time
for the installation of necessary facilities for this purpose.

Incentives for the share market

230. Investors expect cash dividends from their investment in the shares
of a company. From that point of view cash dividend play an important
role in increasing the value of the share and also strengthening the share
market. But we observed that the companies are generally distributing
stock dividend instead of cash dividend. As a result, investors are deprived
of their well deserved return. In order to encourage the distribution of cash
dividend, I propose imposition of 15 percent tax on stock dividend
distributed to the shareholders by any listed company.
231. It is also observed that, some companies retain or reserve the net
profit instead of distributing dividend to the investors. For this reason,
investors are deprived of getting dividend from their investment and this
in turn is adversely affecting our share market. For the sake of smooth
operation of capital market this tendency has to be addressed. Therefore, I
propose imposition of 15 percent additional tax on so much of retained

earnings and reserves as it exceeds 50 percent of the paid up capital of the
232. At present, dividend up to Tk. 25,000 received from the publicly
traded company is exempted from tax. With a view to incentivizing the
small investors and strengthening the capital market I propose to enhance
this limit up to Tk. 50,000. However, this exemption will only be
applicable for the individual taxpayers.
233. A provision was made in the income tax ordinance last year to
avoid the multilayer taxation on dividend income. However, the
application of the provision was limited only to the resident companies. To
promote foreign investment, I propose to extend the application of this
provision to the non-resident companies as well.

Madam Speaker
International Best Practice
234. The volume and the nature of cross border transactions have
significantly increased in the wake of progression of economic
globalization, import and export, investment and business. Therefore, the
issue of transfer pricing is becoming more and more significant in the
collection of tax. The provisions of transfer pricing have already been
incorporated in the Income Tax Ordinance. To operationalize the
provisions of transfer pricing, I propose that companies shall, in their
income tax returns, declare whether they have any international
transactions, and if they have any, they shall submit the details of such
235. Currently, many non-resident taxpayers are doing business through
permanent establishments. Home countries of many of such non-resident
taxpayers have double taxation avoidance treaties with Bangladesh.
According to the treaties, Bangladesh has the right to tax the business
income of a non-resident taxpayer earned through a permanent

establishment in Bangladesh. At present most of the non-resident
taxpayers are not submitting their return of income even though they are
earning business income through permanent establishments. I am
proposing to insert a provision of submitting the return of income for the
non-resident taxpayers who are doing business in Bangladesh through
permanent establishments.

Value Added Tax

Madam Speaker
236. Value Added Tax (VAT) is a modern indirect tax system. It is the
single highest contributor to the NBR tax revenue. Reform initiatives,
positive mindset of the taxpayers and hard work of the NBR officials have
contributed to this achievement. Considering the growth of the national
economy, demand, interest of the business community and the consumers I
am now placing before this august House the VAT related proposals for
creating taxpayer-friendly, revenue-friendly and development-friendly tax

Madam Speaker
237. The new Value Added Tax and Supplementary Duty Act, 2012 has
been formulated in line with the international best practices. It will make a
significant improvement in the “ease of doing business” index. Now, I am
presenting some of the salient features of the new law:
a) Taxpayers will have the opportunity to get online service for VAT
and Turnover Tax registration, tax payment, return submission,
refund etc;
b) The existing price declaration system before the supply of goods
will be abolished. The taxpayers will pay VAT on the basis of fair
market price;

c) Currently there is a provision to maintain sufficient balance in the
Account Current Register while supplying the goods. However,
according to the new law, there is no such provision and the
businessmen will be able to pay tax at the end of the month
through the VAT returns;
d) Wherever 15 percent VAT is applicable, the input tax credit can be
obtained through the VAT return;
e) Return will be treated as the application of refund.

Madam Speaker
238. As a gesture of our respect to the demands of our investors and
business community, I am now proposing few reforms and simplifications
in the new law to make it more time-befitting and business-friendly:
a) Exempt the small and marginal traders with an annual turnover up
to Tk. 50 lakh to keep them out of the VAT net;
b) Encourage the small and medium sector (SMEs) by giving
opportunity to pay turnover tax at 4 percent rate in the case of
annual turnover from Tk. 50 lakh to Tk. 3 crore;
c) The VAT registration threshold has been increased to Tk. 3 crore
from Tk. 80 lakh;
d) There are 3 schedules in the existing law. Exempted goods are
listed in the first schedule, exempted services are listed in the
second schedule and goods on which supplementary duty is
leviable are listed in the third schedule. Whereas, under the new
law, exempted goods and services are listed in the first schedule,
goods on which supplementary duty is leviable are listed in the
second schedule and goods and services on which either reduced
rate of VAT is applicable or specific tax is imposed are listed in the
third schedule;

e) Along with the standard VAT rate of 15 percent, there will be
reduced rates of 5 percent , 7.5 percent and 10 percent for specific
goods and services;
f) Considering the possibility of inflation, specific taxes have been
fixed for some specific products and services;
g) The VAT rate has been fixed at 5 percent for the local traders;
h) As a special measure, considering the sensitivity of the product, the
rate of VAT at the trading stage of pharmaceutical and petroleum
products shall be 2.4 percent and 2 percent respectively;
i) As the new law is online-based, it will be mandatory for the shop
owners and business entity to keep records of VAT challan/invoice
during sales/supply through Electronic Fiscal device (EFD) and
Sales Data Controller (SDC);
j) To make the new law easy, simple and more business-friendly,
several amendments, corrections and additions to the Value Added
Tax and Supplementary Duty Act, 2012 have been proposed;
k) In line with the changes in the law, some necessary amendments
and modifications of the Value Added Tax and Supplementary
Duty Rules, 2016 have also been proposed.

Madam Speaker
239. I am proposing to continue the existing VAT exemption facility in
the case of government's priority and fast track projects, such as the
Bangladesh Economic Zone (BEZA) and the Public-Private Partnership
(PPP) projects. In addition, I am also proposing to continue existing VAT
and supplementary duty exemptions given to the heavy industries like
automobiles, refrigerators, freezers, air conditioners, motorcycles, mobile
industries, etc. for the growth and development of heavy domestic industry
and export sector.

Madam Speaker
240. The government is following the principle of increasing the VAT
net, reducing the exemptions gradually, keeping inflation under control
and developing the local industry. For the sake of public interest and for
the development of our local industry now I am placing a few proposals
before this august House for VAT exemptions for FY2019-20, which are as
a) Considering the interest of poor and marginalized people, I am
proposing to provide VAT exemption on the production and supply
of bread, hand-made biscuits and hand-made cakes up to the value
of Tk. 150 per kg;
b) For incentivizing the agricultural sector, I am proposing to give
exemptions on the local supply of agricultural machineries such as
Power ripper, Power tiller operated seeder, Combined harvester,
Low lift pump, Rotary tiller etc.;
c) Providing VAT exemption on the rent of a business showroom run
by women entrepreneurs;
d) Providing VAT exemption on suppliers and electricity in
Bangladesh Hi-Tech Park;
e) Providing VAT exemption on the supply of natural gas, suppliers
and electricity in the case of investment in Bangladesh Economic
Zone (BEZA);
f) VAT exemption for the investors of Public Private Partnership
(PPP) projects on the procurement of services from construction
firm, consultancy and supervisory firm and legal advisor;
g) VAT exemption for Rooppur nuclear power plant project on the
procurement of services from freight forwarders, clearing and
forwarding agencies, insurance companies, suppliers and banking

Madam Speaker
241. I am proposing to impose VAT on the products such as plastic and
aluminum items, soybean oil, palm oil, sunflower oil, mustard oil etc.
which have been enjoying the exemption benefit for a long time. I am also
proposing to impose VAT on astrologists, marriage media services and on
supply of entertainment programmes, serials, drama, telefilms etc to be
broadcasted in the television channels and online media like YouTube and
Facebook. In addition, I am also proposing to impose VAT at the import
stage on telecom equipment as they have been enjoying exemptions for a
long time.

Madam Speaker
242. To reduce the use of non-essential commodities and to protect the
interest of the domestic industry I am proposing to impose supplementary
duty on the following products and services:
(a) In order to improve the traffic congestion situation and develop the
public sector transport system, 10 percent supplementary duty on issuance
or renewal of all kinds of vehicles registration, route permit, fitness
certificates, ownership certificate etc. except for passenger buses, trucks,
lorries, three wheeler, ambulances and school buses may be imposed;
(b) Chartered aircrafts and helicopters have become popular means of
transportation among the very rich people. Therefore, I am proposing to
increase the existing supplementary duty from 20 (twenty) percent to 25 (
twenty five) percent on this service;
(c) Imposition of 5 percent supplementary duty on ice-cream;
(d) To increase the supplementary duty from 5 percent to 10 percent of the
services provided through mobile phone SIM / RIM card.
243. Considering the health-risk and harmful effects of tobacco

products and to maintain compliance with global anti-smoking policy, we
are committed to reduce the use of tobacco and maximize revenue
collection from this sector:
(a) I am proposing to fix the price of every 10 sticks of low segment
cigarette at Tk. 37 and the supplementary duty rate at 55 percent. I am also
proposing to fix the price of every 10 sticks of the medium segment
cigarette at Tk. 63 and the supplementary duty rate to 65 percent while
fixing the price of every 10 sticks of high segment and premium segment
cigarette at Tk. 93 and Tk. 123 respectively and keep the supplementary
duty rate to existing 65 percent.
(b) I am proposing to fix the price of 25 sticks of non-filter bidi at Tk.
14 and supplementary duty rate at 35 percent and to fix the price of 20
sticks filter bidi at Tk. 17 and supplementary duty rate at 40 percent.
(c) Smokeless tobacco like Zarda and Gul are another two health-
hazardous items like cigarette and bidi. The detrimental impacts on health
from consuming these items are even greater since these items are directly
consumed. In order to reduce the consumption of smokeless tobacco
products, I am proposing to fix the minimum retail price at Tk. 30 per 10
grams from zarda and Tk. 15 per 10 grams for gul and fix the
supplementary duty rate at 50 percent.

Import-Export Duty-Taxes
Madam Speaker
244. In addition to collect correct revenue, simplification of trade is also
very important. In accordance with the previous steps taken by the present
government for the sake of continuing growth of our domestic economy,
we have invited budget proposals from all stakeholders for liberalization
and more rationalization of duty-tax structure for strengthening the
worldwide ongoing trade liberalization and the role of local industry in our

economy. With a meticulous scrutiny of 2,125 proposals received from
different stakeholders and evaluation of these suggestions, I am placing
the proposals through you before this august parliament for the protection
of local industry, trade and consumers interest.

Madam Speaker
245. Following factors have been reviewed in considering the proposals
received from the stakeholders regarding import duty, regulatory duty,
supplementary duty and Value Added Tax:
 Assist the investors and businessmen for creating investment
friendly environment;
 To provide incentives for export oriented backward & forward
linkage industries;
 To provide policy support for the development of ICT sector;
 To maintain consumer’s right and to keep the price of the essential
goods at reasonable level;
 To develop and protect local industries in agriculture, health,
leather, textile, fishery and livestock;
 To rationalize tariff structure by following the principle of equity
and justice;
 To formulate policy for Sustainable Development Goals (SDG)
and to increase internal revenue collection;
 To upgrade Bangladesh’s position in Ease of Doing Business
 To prevent smuggling, mis-declaration and misuse of bond

Madam Speaker
246. I propose existing 06 (six) slabs of Customs Duty (0%, 1%, 5%,
10%, 15%, and 25%), 3% Regulatory Duty on goods having highest
import duty, and existing 12 (twelve) slabs of Supplementary Duty (10%,
20%, 30%, 45%, 60%, 100%, 150%, 200%, 250%, 300%, 350%, and
500%) on import stage to continue in FY2019-20. Besides, existing 0%
import duty will remain unchanged for importing essential goods like
lentils, wheat, onion, edible oil, fertilizer, seed, raw cotton and raw
materials for some industries. Existing 0% rate will also remain same for
importing life savings drugs and medical equipment. However, for the
protection of local farmers, existing highest rate of customs duty at 25%
and recently imposed 25% regulatory duty will remain unchanged on rice
247. Now, I would like to present sector-wise elaborated proposals in
this august Parliament:

(A) Agriculture sector:

Madam Speaker
248. Agricultural sector is a priority sector in Bangladesh. Zero rates are
proposed to be unchanged for the prime ingredients of agricultural sector,
especially for fertilizer, seeds, insecticides. Concessionary rate of duty will
be continued for agricultural equipment and spareparts.
249. Fish, Poultry and Dairy: Fish, Poultry and Dairy is one of the
most important subsectors of agriculture. Government has been providing
some tax benefits and incentives to this sector for the last few years. To
ensure sustainable development in this sector, I propose these tax
incentives and exemptions should continue and extend this benefit to some
new raw materials and equipment. (Table-6 of Annexure-B).

(B) Industrial sector:
Madam Speaker
250. Industry is now the second largest sector in terms of contribution
to the GDP. This contribution of the industrial sector is increasing day by
day. Moreover, this sector is highly contributing to employment generation
and investment. Our present development strategies comprise of the
following elements: driving up industrial investment, maximizing
utilization of the installed capacity of the existing industries, making
export-oriented industries more competitive through its diversified
expansion. Considering these aspects, our proposals of import duties and
taxes on industrial sector are (Table-7 of Annexure-B):
(1) Milk Powder: At present, milk powder is importable on a
concessionary Customs Duty (CD) rate which is 5%. To protect local dairy
industry, I propose to increase this 5% CD to 10% on milk powder import.
(2) Sugar: I propose to increase existing specific duty from Tk.
2000.00/MT to Tk. 3000.00/MT on import of raw sugar. For refined sugar
the specific duty will be increased from Tk. 4,500.00/MT to Tk.
6,000.00/MT. Regulatory duty will be 30% instead of 20% for both
refined and raw sugar import.
(3) Medicine: The quality of medicine produced in Bangladesh is
internationally acclaimed. It is one of the highly prospective export sectors
in Bangladesh. We have a steep growth in medicine exports and that has
been possible as the sector gets necessary facilities and required protection
from the government. Exemptions and concessionary rate of duties of
some pharmaceutical raw materials including that of cancer medicines,
have been proposed. Moreover, I propose to decrease regulatory duty from
20% to 10% on import of liquid Oxygen, Nitrogen, Argon and Carbon
Dioxide for making these lifesaving gases available to the poor patients at
low cost.

(4) Other Industries: To protect domestic industries, I propose to increase
regulatory duty on Maize (corn) starch, Manioc (Cassava) starch and
gypsum board import. I also propose to increase supplementary duty on
import of particle board and domestic electrical articles. Moreover, I also
propose to allow import of some essential raw materials of lift,
refrigerator, compressor, air conditioner, electric motor, mold and footwear
industries at a concessionary rate.
(5) Export Duty: Rice bran is the prime raw material of rice bran oil. As
there is a huge demand from local rice bran industries, I propose to
increase export duty of rice bran from 10% to 25% to discourage exports. I
also propose to withdraw existing 10% export duty on unmanufactured
tobacco and to decrease existing export duty of building bricks from 25%
to 15%.

(C) Tranpsort sector:

Madam Speaker
251. Motorcycle: In the transport sector, motorcycle manufacturing and
assembling is a rapidly growing industry in Bangladesh. The government
is facilitating motorcycle manufacturing sector since FY2017-18 by
allowing concessionary duties on raw material import. I propose to
continue this concessionary duty benefits and inclusion of 3 new raw
materials in the concessionary list. To protect domestic tyre & tube
industry, I propose to increase regulatory duty from 3 percent to 5 percent
on the importation of 16-inch tyre, motorcycle tyre and tube used in CNG
baby taxi and light vehicles (Table-8 of Annexure-B).

(C) ICT sector:

252. Most of the products of ICT sector have been enjoying a reduced
rate of duties and taxes since 1996. As a result, ICT sector developed
significantly by this time. One of the main elements of the ICT sector is

cellular phone which is enjoying concessionary duty benefits on import of
some raw materials and parts. Some (5-6) local manufacturers have
already started manufacturing and assembling cell phones in Bangladesh.
10 percet customs duty is applicable on import of smart and feature phone.
As smart phone is used by affluent people, I propose to increase customs
duty of smart phone to 25 percent. However, customs duty of feature
phone will remain unchanged as it is used by relatively poor people
(Table-9 of Annexure-B).

Madam Speaker
253. Lightning has become a natural disaster to us. A number of people
have been killed and many important electrical equipment have been
destroyed because of lightening. To prevent these damages, I propose to
reduce the duty of lightning arrester from 10 percent to 5 percent.
254. We have experienced some fire incidents of huge scale recently. At
present, only VAT registered industries can import firefighting equipment
at a concessionary rate. To combat the rise of fire incidents, this facility
should be extended to all and I propose to allow this facility to all VAT
registered service oriented organizations like hotels, hospitals, educational
institutions, etc. I also propose to include a few more fire fighting
equipment in the concessionary list (Table-10 of Annexure-B).

Madam Speaker
255. I propose necessary amendments in Customs Act, 1969 for
introducing automated customs risk management system in accordance
with international best practices, for ensuring national and international
security and trade facilitation. In addition, for implementation of
automated customs risk management system, I propose to establish a
separate Customs Risk Management Department (CRMD) under NBR.
256. According to Customs Act, 1969, duty-tax is not leviable where

value and total duty tax is less than BDT 2000.00 of an import
consignment. In order to make this provision effective, I propose to form a
de minimis rule to expedite import of samples with a simplified process.
257. To prevent gold smuggling, a reduction of duty of gold under
Passenger (non-tourist) and Baggage (import) Rules-2016 and for
commercial import, from BDT 3000.00/11.664 gm to BDT
2000.00/11.664 gm has been proposed (Table-11 of Annexure-B).

Madam Speaker
258. Amendments in First Schedule of the Customs Act: We have
observed that there are mistakes and inconsistencies in the existing
structure of the tariff headings and H.S Code. In order to simplify
international trade process, I propose to rationalize the inconsistent duty
rates, creation of new H.S Code where necessary, deletion of wrong one
and correction of H.S Codes and notifications. (Table-12 of Annexure-
259. To combat under-invoicing, reduce consumption of luxury and
socially undesirable goods and to protect goods produced by local
industries minimum value and tariff value of some high duty imported
goods have been restructured.

Madam Speaker
260. The economic progress and development of Bangladesh are visible
now. Bangladesh has become a role model for economic development.
Revenue administration has to play a vital role to expedite this
development. We expect more vigorous efforts in revenue mobilization if
the reforms initiatives undertaken by the National Board of Revenue are
implemented effectively. The economy will reach a new height and
Bangladesh will be a middle-income country by 2021 and a developed one
by 2041.


Madam Speaker
261. The present government led by Hon’ble Prime Minister Sheikh
Hasina has expanded the horizon of our dream and at the same time
enhanced the capacity to translate it into reality. Assuming the
responsibility of office in 2009, the present government declared the
Vision 2021 to establish Bangladesh as a poverty-free, prosperous middle
income country. The government’s enviable capacity to realize this socio-
economic vision within the quickest possible time has already been
proven. Through the implementation of the planned and inclusive
development strategies of the government, the country has achieved a
sustained and high rate of growth with an unprecedented speed. The
positive changes in all sectors of the economy are quite visible. In tandem,
the rural economy has also become vibrant. No disparity exists between
north-south and east-west region of the country.
262. As a sequel of the Vision 2021, the present government brings
before the nation a new Perspective Plan ‘Vision 2041’. We are determined
to elevate Bangladesh from the status of a middle income country, and
become a peaceful, happy and prosperous developed country by 2041.
263. In our long enduring journey towards development, we have come
to a stage from where, if we look back, we will come across those hurdles
and obstacles that came in the way. We have to go a long way still which
is fraught with so many challenges. Madam Speaker, you are aware, a
nation’s journey towards the future can never be easy and linear. However,
we have enormous vigour to stand tall against all odds. Even amidst any
deep crisis, we, the Bangalees time and again found out the way forward.
Under the leadership of the Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh
Mujibur Rahman, the brave heroes of this soil gifted us this country. We
got a dream of establishing Sonar Bangla (Golden Bengal) from the
Father of the Nation who invigorated the nation to rebuild the war-ravaged

economy and began the ardouous journey with an amazing vision.
Hon’ble Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina following the footsteps left behind
by the Father of the Nation is taking us to the newer heights of

Madam Speaker
264. We are still unrelenting in materializing the dream of establishing
Sonar Bangla which will continue from one generation to another. This
journey will be inspired by our national flag with red and green, our
symbol of pride. Our future generation, our youth, the children of our
liberation war heroes shall put the nation in the highest seat of glory and
dignity among the nations of the world.

Madam Speaker
265. The Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman
since the emergence of Bangladesh, has been our constant source of
inspiration and will remain so forever. He will be shining among us as the
sun. Bangladesh will move forward following his dream. As people in
thousands came forward in response to his clarion call, so will they do in
the future – at all times. They will come forward to repay what they owe
to their parents, kith and kin and build Sonar Bangla what the Father of the
Naiton dreamt of and hoist atop our flag with red and green, which
symbolizes our integrity, solidarity and sovereignty.
Salamun alal mursalin, o al hamdulillahe rabbil alameen.
Madam speaker, thank you very much.

Jai Bangla
Jai Bangabandhu
Long Live Bangladesh

List of Tables

Table Title Page

1 State of Socio-economic Progress 102

2 Progress in a Decade 102

3 Supplementary Budget for 2018-19 103

4 Proposed Budget Structure for FY 2019-20 104

5 Annual Development Programme (Sectoral Allocation)

for FY 2019-20

6 Sectoral Allocation in Budget 106

7 Ministry/Division-wise Budget Allocation 108

Table 1: State of Socio-economic Progress
Life Population Poverty Extreme Literacy Infant Mortality
Year Expectency Growth Rate Rate (%) Poverty Rate Rate Rate (per thousand
(Year) (%) (%) (%) live birth)
2006 65.4 1.49 38.4 24.2 52.3 45.0
2007 66.6 1.47 36.8 22.6 53.3 43.0
2008 66.8 1.45 35.1 21.0 54.4 41.0
2009 67.2 1.36 33.4 19.3 55.5 39.0
2010 67.7 1.36 31.5 17.6 56.8 36.0
2011 69.0 1.37 29.9 16.5 55.8 35.0
2012 69.4 1.36 28.5 15.4 56.3 33.0
2013 70.4 1.37 27.2 14.6 57.2 31.0
2014 70.7 1.37 26.0 13.8 58.6 30.0
2015 70.9 1.37 24.8 12.9 63.6 29.0
2016 71.6 1.37 24.3 12.9 71.0 28.0
2017 72.8 1.37 23.1* 12.1* 72.3 24.0
2018 - - 21.8* 11.3* - -
Source: Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics, General Economic Divisions *Estimate

Table 2: Progress in a Decade

Investment Per Power Food Grain
(As % of GDP) Capita Generation Production Average
Fiscal Year Growth
Income Capacity (Lakh Inflation
(%) Public Private Total
(US$) (Megawatt) Metric Ton)
2010-11 6.46 5.26 22.16 27.42 928 7,264 360.7 10.9
2011-12 6.52 5.76 22.50 28.26 955 8,716 368.8 8.7
2012-13 6.01 6.64 21.75 28.39 1,054 9,151 372.7 6.8
2013-14 6.06 6.55 22.03 28.58 1,184 10,416 381.7 7.4
2014-15 6.55 6.82 22.07 28.89 1,316 11,534 384.2 6.4
2015-16 7.11 6.66 22.99 29.65 1,465 14,429 388.2 5.9
2016-17 7.28 7.41 23.10 30.51 1,610 15,379 386.3 5.4
2017-18 7.86 8.0 23.26 31.23 1,751 18,753 404.03 5.8
2018-19 8.13P 8.2P 23.4P 31.6P 1,905P 21,629b 429.93* 5.4a
(Projec 8.2 8.6 24.2 32.8 2173 - - 5.5
Source: Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics and Power Division, P= Provisional, a= Upto March 2019,
b= 30 May 2019, *Estimated from Department of Agricultural Extention, Ministry of Agriculture.

Table 3: Supplementary Budget for 2018-19
(Crore Tk.)
Budget 2018- Actual 2018-19 Up
Sector Revised 2018-19
19 to March
3,39,280 3,16,612 1,86,304
Total Tax Revenue
(13.4) (12.5) (7.3)
NBR Tax 296201 280000 162054
Non-NBR Tax 9727 9600 5420
Non Tax Receipt 33352 27013 18830
4,64,573 4,42,541 2,06,340
Total Expenditure
(18.3) (17.4) (8.1)

Non-Development Revenue 251668 247747 140961

Expenditure (9.9) (9.8) (5.6)
179669 173449 47275
Development Expenditure
(7.1) (6.8) (1.9)

In which, Annual Development 173000 167000 46860

Programme (6.8) (6.6) (1.8)
33,236 21,345 18,104
Other Expenditure
(1.3) (0.8) (0.7)

-125,293 -125,929 -20,036

Budget Deficit
(-4.9) (-5.0) (-0.8)
54067 47184 722
External Source
(2.1) (1.9) (0.03)
71226 78745 24407
Domestic Source
(2.8) (3.1) (0.96)
42029 30895 1710
In which, Banking Source
(1.7) (1.2) (0.1)
GDP 25,37,849a 25,36,177b 25,36,177b

Source: Finance Division; Figures in parenthesis indicate percent of GDP; a= Projected

Nominal GDP at the time of budget preparation; b= Provisional estimate of nominal GDP

Table 4: Proposed Budget Structure for FY 2019-20
(Crore Tk.)
Budget Revised Budget Actual
2019-20 2018-19 2018-19 2017-18
1 2 3 4 5
3,77,810 3,16,613 3,39,280 2,16,555
Total Tax Revenue
(13.1) (12.5) (13.4) (9.6)
In which,
NBR Tax 3,25,600 2,80,000 2,96,201 1,87,103
Non-NBR Tax 14,500 9,600 9,727 7,223
Non Tax Receipt 37,710 27,013 33,352 22,229
5,23,190 4,42,541 4,64,573 3,21,862
Total Expenditure
(18.1) (17.4) (18.3) (14.3)
Non-Development Revenue 2,77,934 2,47,747 2,51,668 1,78,879
Expenditure (9.6) (9.8) (9.9) (7.9)
2,11,683 1,73,449 1,79,669 1,22,154
Development Expenditure
(7.3) (6.8) (7.1) (5.4)
In which,
Annual Development 2,02,721 1,67,000 1,73,000 1,19,538
Programme (7.0) (6.6) (6.8) (5.3)
33,573 21,345 33,236 20,829
Other Expenditure
(1.2) (0.8) (1.3) (0.9)
-145,380 -125,929 -125,293 -105,306
Budget Deficit
(-5.0) (-5.0) (-4.9) (-4.7)
External source (including 68,016 47,184 54,067 26,489
grants) (2.4) (1.9) (2.1) (1.2)
77,363 78,745 71,226 79,076
Domestic source
(2.7) (3.1) (2.8) (3.5)
47,364 30,895 42,029 11,731
In which, Banking source
(1.6) (1.2) (1.7) (0.5)
GDP 28,85,872a 25,36,177b 25,37,849a 22,50,479
Source: Finance Division; Figures in parenthesis indicate percent of GDP; a= Projected
Nominal GDP at the time of budget preparation; b= Provisional estimate of nominal GDP

Table 5: Annual Development Programme (Sectoral Allocation)
for FY 2019-20
(Crore Tk.)
Budget Revised Budget Actual Actual Actual Actual
2019-20 2018-19 2018-19 2017-18 2016-17 2015-16 2014-15
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
(a) Human Resource
1. Ministry of Primary 9,270 6,427 8,312 6,545 5,452 4,924 3,994
and Mass Education (4.6) (3.8) (4.8) (5.5) (6.0) (6.0) (6.2)
2. Ministry of Health and 9,937 8,261 9,041 5,339 3,540 3,362 3,288
Family Welfare (4.9) (4.9) (5.2) (4.5) (3.9) (4.1) (5.1)
3. Directorate of 8,927 6,149 6,006 3,375 5,003 3,659 3,785
Secondary and Higher
(4.4) (3.7) (3.5) (2.8) (5.5) (4.5) (5.8)
27,481 21,336 23,093 8,187 8,192 5,064 5,153
4. Others
(13.6) (12.8) (13.3) (6.8) (9.1) (6.2) (7.9)
55,615 42,173 46,452 23,446 22,187 17,009 16,220
Sub Total
(27.4) (25.3) (26.9) (19.6) (24.6) (20.8) (25.0)
(b) Agriculture and Rural Development
5. Local Government 29,777 26,620 25,338 15,030 17,995 15,285 13,983
Division (14.7) (15.9) (14.6) (12.6) (19.9) (18.7) (21.5)
6. Ministry of Water 6,257 6,018 5,606 4,660 3,671 2,718 2,061
Resousces (3.1) (3.6) (3.2) (3.9) (4.1) (3.3) (3.2)
7. Ministry of 1,823 1,807 1,844 1,398 1,637 1,733 1,406
Agriculture (0.9) (1.1) (1.1) (1.2) (1.8) (2.1) (2.2)
5,632 4,484 4,864 3,904 3,095 2,650 2,626
8. Others
(2.8) (2.7) (2.8) (3.3) (3.4) (3.2) (4.0)
43,489 38,929 37,652 24,992 26,398 22,386 20,076
Sub Total
(21.5) (23.3) (21.8) (20.9) (29.2) (27.4) (30.9)
(c) Energy Infrastructure
26,014 24,176 22,893 26,552 13,447 15,864 8,305
9. Power Division
(12.8) (14.5) (13.2) (22.2) (14.9) (19.4) (12.8)
10. Energy and Mineral 1,916 2,209 1,820 862 1,099 1,056 1,014
Resources (0.9) (1.3) (1.1) (0.7) (1.2) (1.3) (1.6)
27,930 26,385 24,713 27,414 14,546 16,920 9,319
Sub Total
(13.8) (15.8) (14.3) (22.9) (16.1) (20.7) (14.4)
(d) Communication Infrastructure
12,599 7,847 11,155 9,701 2,053 4,093 3,281
11. Ministry of Railway
(6.2) (4.7) (6.4) (8.1) (2.3) (5.0) (5.1)
12. Road Transport and 25,163 19,803 20,817 15,882 7,954 6,507 4,298
Highways Division (12.4) (11.9) (12.0) (13.3) (8.8) (8.0) (6.6)
8,561 6,344 9,112 3,220 3,738 5,266 5,299
13. Bridges Division
(4.2) (3.8) (5.3) (2.7) (4.1) (6.5) (8.2)
6,482 4,606 4,366 2,756 2,299 1,362 757
14. Others
(3.2) (2.8) (2.5) (2.3) (2.5) (1.7) (1.2)
Sub Total 52,805 38,600 45,450 31,559 16,044 17,228 13,635

Budget Revised Budget Actual Actual Actual Actual
2019-20 2018-19 2018-19 2017-18 2016-17 2015-16 2014-15
(26.0) (23.1) 26.3) (26.4) (17.8) (21.1) (21.0)
1,79,839 1,46,087 1,54,267 1,07,411 79,175 73,543 59,250
(88.7) (87.5) (89.2) (89.9) (87.7) (90.1) (91.3)
22,882 20,913 18,733 12,127 11,134 8,069 5,669
15. Others
(11.3) (12.5) (10.8) (10.1) (12.3) (9.9) (8.7)
Total ADP 2,02,721 1,67,000 1,73,000 1,19,538 90,309 81,612 64,919
Source: Finance Division; Figures in parenthesis indicate percent of total ADP allocation.

Table 6: Sectoral Allocation in Budget

(Crore Tk.)
Budget Revised Budget Actual Actual Actual Actual
2019-20 2018-19 2018-19 2017-18 2016-17 2015-16 2014-15
(a) Social 1,43,429 1,23,524 1,27,022 87,914 83,088 72,878 55,857
Infrastructure (27.41) (27.91) (27.34) (27.31) (29.97) (30.26) (26.74)
Human Resource
29,623 25,867 24,889 20,144 21,081 17,429 13,259
1. Ministry of Education
(5.66) (5.85) (5.36) (6.26) (7.60) (7.24) (6.35)
2. Ministry of Primary 24,041 20,521 22,466 18,344 17,330 16,240 11,898
and Mass Education (4.60) (4.64) (4.84) (5.70) (6.25) (6.74) (5.70)
3. Ministry of Health and 19,944 17,269 18,159 13,036 10,341 10,251 8,392
Family Welfare (3.81) (3.90) (3.91) (4.05) (3.73) (4.26) (4.02)
55,448 46,119 47,694 28,891 27,247 20,904 16,816
4. Others
(10.60) (10.42) (10.27) (8.98) (9.83) (8.68) (8.05)
1,29,056 1,09,776 1,13,208 80,415 75,999 64,824 50,365
Sub Total
(24.67) (24.81) (24.37) (24.98) (27.41) (26.92) (24.11)
Food and Social Safety
4,502 4,031 4,156 1,748 352 1,269 735
5. Ministry of Food
(0.86) (0.91) (0.89) (0.54) (0.13) (0.53) (0.35)
6. Ministry of Disaster 9,871 9,717 9,658 5,751 6,737 6,785 4,757
Management (1.89) (2.20) (2.08) (1.79) (2.43) (2.82) (2.28)
14,373 13,748 13,814 7,499 7,089 8,054 5,492
Sub Total
(2.75) (3.11) (2.97) (2.33) (2.56) (3.34) (2.63)
(b) Physical 1,64,603 1,41,081 1,43,981 1,12,728 81,806 81,984 65,167
Infrastructure (31.46) (31.88) (30.99) (35.02) (29.51) (34.05) (31.20)
Agriculture and Rural Development
7. Ministry of 14,049 12,788 13,910 9,237 7,626 10,740 10,345
Agriculture (2.69) (2.89) (2.99) (2.87) (2.75) (4.46) (4.95)
8. Ministry of Water 7,932 7,679 7,093 6,026 4,636 3,646 2,843
Resources (1.52) (1.74) (1.53) (1.87) (1.67) (1.51) (1.36)
9. Local Government 34,240 30,695 29,150 18,623 20,731 17,701 16,060
Division (6.54) (6.94) (6.27) (5.79) (7.48) (7.35) (7.69)
10,013 8,515 8,776 6,812 7,151 5,682 5,054
10. Others
(1.91) (1.92) (1.89) (2.12) (2.58) (2.36) (2.42)

Budget Revised Budget Actual Actual Actual Actual
2019-20 2018-19 2018-19 2017-18 2016-17 2015-16 2014-15
66,234 59,677 58,929 40,698 40,144 37,769 34,302
Sub Total
(12.66) (13.49) (12.68) (12.64) (14.48) (15.68) (16.42)
28,051 26,503 24,920 28,561 14,621 16,984 9,359
Power and Energy
(5.36) (5.99) (5.36) (8.87) (5.27) (7.05) (4.48)
Communication Infrastructure
11. Road Transport and 29,274 23,486 24,380 19,298 10,498 8,900 6,460
Highways Division (5.60) (5.31) (5.25) (6.00) (3.79) (3.70) (3.09)
16,263 11,231 14,542 12,406 3,489 6,334 5,093
12. Ministry of Railway
(3.11) (2.54) (3.13) (3.85) (1.26) (2.63) (2.44)
8,564 6,346 9,114 3,242 3,769 5,297 5,299
13. Bridges Division
(1.64) (1.43) (1.96) (1.01) (1.36) (2.20) (2.54)
7,259 5,285 5,045 3,346 2,849 1,826 1,036
14. Others
(1.39) (1.19) (1.09) (1.04) (1.03) (0.76) (0.50)
61,360 46,348 53,081 38,292 20,605 22,357 17,888
Sub Total
(11.73) (10.47) (11.43) (11.90) (7.43) (9.28) (8.56)
8,958 8,553 7,051 5,177 6,436 4,874 3,618
15. Other Sector
(1.71) (1.93) (1.52) (1.61) (2.32) (2.02) (1.73)
1,23,641 1,07,613 1,17,325 68,642 70,228 48,626 41,469
(c) General Services
(23.63) (24.32) (25.25) (21.33) (25.33) (20.19) (19.85)
27,637 28,068 26,594 22,052 20,646 16,474 13,161
Public Order and Safety
(5.28) (6.34) (5.72) (6.85) (7.45) (6.84) (6.30)
96,004 79,545 90,731 46,590 49,582 32,152 28,308
16. Others
(18.35) (17.97) (19.53) (14.48) (17.88) (13.35) (13.55)
4,31,673 3,72,218 3,88,328 2,69,284 2,35,122 2,03,488 1,62,493
(82.5) (84.1) (83.6) (83.7) (84.8) (84.5) (77.8)
57,070 48,745 51,340 41,765 35,337 33,117 30,973
(d) Interest Payments
(10.91) (11.01) (11.05) (12.98) (12.75) (13.75) (14.83)
(e) PPP Subsidy and 33,202 19,214 22,416 2,578 1,334 3,770 4,281
Liability (6.35) (4.34) (4.83) (0.80) (0.48) (1.57) (2.05)
(f) Net Landing and 1,245 2,364 2,489 8,235 5,443 432 11,127
Other Expenditure (0.24) (0.53) (0.54) (2.56) (1.96) (0.18) (5.33)
Total Budget 5,23,190 4,42,541 4,64,573 3,21,862 2,77,236 2,40,807 2,08,874
Source: Finance Division; () indicates % of total budget

Table 7: Ministry/Division-wise Budget Allocation
(Crore Tk.)
Budget Revised Budget
2019-20 2018-19 2018-19
President’s Office 24 23 23
National Parliament 328 299 332
Prime Minister’s Office 3,528 2,818 2,801
Cabinet Division 241 155 147
Supreme Court 195 213 180
Election Commission Secretariat 1,921 4,343 1,895
Ministry of Public Administration 2,938 2,854 2,624
Bangladesh Public Service Commission 102 128 77
Finance Division 1,30,810 95,682 1,17,142
Office of the Comptroller and Auditor General of
238 217 215
Internal Resources Division 2,899 2,320 2,427
Financial Institutions Division 3,042 2,237 2,622
Economic Relations Division 4,560 3,730 3,219
Planning Division 1,231 513 1,380
Implementation Monitoring & Evaluation Division 149 145 135
Statistics and Informatics Division 375 741 599
Ministry of Commerce 632 486 556
Ministry of Foreign Affairs 1,621 1,402 1,250
Ministry of Defense 32,520 30,670 29,066
Armed Forces Division 38 34 35
Law and Justice Division 1,651 1,577 1,522
Public Security Division 21,920 22,099 21,424
Legislative and Parliamentary Affairs Division 35 38 35
Ministry of Primary and Mass Education 24,040 20,521 22,465
Secondary and Higher Education Division 29,624 25,866 24,895
Ministry of Science and Technology 16,439 12,391 12,201
Health Service Division 19,944 17,269 18,166
Information and Communication Technology Division 1,930 1,737 2,681
Ministry of Social Welfare 6,881 5,582 5,591
Ministry of Women and Children Affairs 3,749 3,457 3,490
Ministry of Labour and Employment 313 271 227

Budget Revised Budget
2019-20 2018-19 2018-19
Ministry of Housing and Public Works 6,603 6,146 4,963
Ministry of Information 989 928 1,166
Ministry of Cultural Affairs 576 625 509
Ministry of Religious Affairs 1,338 1,495 1,168
Ministry of Youth and Sports 1,485 1,519 1,498
Local Government Division 34,241 30,696 29,153
Rural Government and Co-operatives Division 2,449 2,266 2,208
Ministry of Industries 1,556 1,572 1,352
Ministry of Expatriates Welfare and Overseas
591 596 595
Ministry of Textiles and Jute 800 1,614 738
Energy and Mineral Resources Division 1,986 2,290 1,984
Ministry of Agriculture 14,053 12,792 13,914
Ministry of Fisheries and Livestock 2,932 1,782 1,868
Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change 1,495 1,339 1,269
Ministry of Land 1,943 1,760 2,114
Ministry of Water Resources 7,932 7,679 7,093
Ministry of Food 4,814 4,316 4,524
Ministry of Disaster Management and Relief 9,871 9,718 9,658
Road Transport and Highways Division 29,274 23,485 24,380
Ministry of Railway 16,277 11,246 14,557
Ministry of Shipping 3,833 4,214 3,537
Ministry of Civil Aviation and Tourism 3,426 1,071 1,508
Posts and Telecommunications Division 3,456 2,835 3,379
Ministry of Chittagong Hill Tracts Affairs 1,194 1,360 1,309
Power Division 26,065 24,212 22,936
Ministry of Liberation War Affairs 4,453 3,848 4,261
Anti Corruption Commission 140 123 117
Bridges Division 8,564 6,346 9,114
Technical and Madrasha Education Division 7,454 5,758 5,702
Security Services Division 3,694 4,025 3,350
Ministry of Health and Family Welfare 5,788 5,067 5,227
Total 5,23,190 4,42,541 4,64,573
Source:Finance Division


Table Title Page

1 Revenue collection scenario in last ten years 112
2 Tax rates for taxpayers other than companies 112
3 Company tax rate 113
4 Rates of surcharge 113
5 TDs rate on the bill of contractors and suppliers 113
6 Agriculture sector 114
Fish, Poultry and Dairy: Agricultural machinery 114
7 Industrial sector 114
a) List of items on which duty is increased to protect
domestic industry
b) Raw materials of cancer medicine 116
c) Regulatory duty increased/decreased 116
Export duty increased/decreased 116
Lift industry 118
Compressor industry 119
Footwear industry 119
Mold industry 119
8 Transport sector 120
9 ICT sector 120
10 Firefighting equipment 120
11 Gold import 121
12 Tariff rationalization 121
Duty increased/decreased 121

Table Title Page
a) List of items on which duty tax has been reduced 121
b) List of items on which duty tax has been increased 122
c) List of items on which Regulatory Duty has been
d) List of items on which Supplementary Duty have been
List of items in which tariff description, H.S. Code has
been amended, split, merged and created
a) List of items in which H.S. Codes have been
b) List of items in which H.S. Code have been Split 125
c) List of items in which H.S. Code have been created 126
d) Restructuring of H.S. Codes of Heading 27.10 127

Table 1: Revenue Collection Scenario in Last Ten Years

Fiscal Year Target Collection Growth Rate

(Crore Tk.) (Crore Tk.)
(1) (2) (3) (4)
2008-09 53000 52527.25 10.73%
2009-10 61000 62042.16 18.11%
2010-11 75600 79409.11 27.98%
2011-12 92370 95059 19.72%
2012-13 112259 109152 14.83%
2013-14 125000 120820 10.69%
2014-15 135028 135701 12.32%
2015-16 150000 153627 13.21%
2016-17 185000 171656 11.74%
2017-18 225000 206407 20.24%
Source: National Board of Revenue

Table 2: Tax rates for taxpayers other than companies

(a) Tax Examption threshold
Existing (in BDT) Proposed (in
General taxpayers 2 lakh 50 thousand
Women and senior citizen aged 65 years and above 3 lakh
Person with disability 4 lakh
Gazetted war-wounded freedom fighters 4 lakh 25 thousand
(b) General Tax Rate
Total Income Tax Rate
On first Taka 2 lakh 50 thousand Nil
On next Taka 4 lakh 10 percent
On next Taka 5 lakh 15 percent
On next Taka 6 lakh 20 percent
On next Taka 30 lakh 25 percent
On the balance of total income 30 percent
(c) Special Tax Rate
Cigarette, bidi, zarda, chewing tobacco, gul or any other
45 percent
tobacco product manufacturer
Income of non-resident 30 percent
Income of Co-operative society 15 percent

Table 3: Company tax rate
Rate of taxes on Proposed rate
Types of Company
profit (Unchanged)
Publicly traded Company 25 percent 25 percent
Non-publicly traded Company 35 percent 35 percent
Publicly traded bank, insurance and financial institution and 37.5 percent 37.5 percent
bank, insurance and financial institutions approved by the
Government in 2013
Merchant bank 37.5 percent 37.5 percent
Non-publicly traded bank, insurance and financial 40 percent
40 percent
Cigarette and tobacco product manufacturing Company 45 percent 45 percent

Mobile operator Company

Publicly traded Company 40 percent 40 percent
Non-publicly traded Company 45 percent 45 percent

Dividend 20 percent 20 percent

Table 4: Rates of surcharge

Amount of net wealth Rates of
surcharge (as
% of income
(1) Net wealth upto BDT 3 crore Nil
(2) (a) Net wealth exceeding BDT 3 crore but not exceeding BDT 5 crore; 10 percent
(b) Ownership of 2 motor cars; or
(c) Ownership of house property having an aggregate area of 8 thousand
square feet in a city corporation
(3) Net wealth exceeding BDT 5 crore but not exceeding BDT 10 crore; or 15 percent

(4) Net wealth exceeding BDT 10 crore but not exceeding BDT 15 crore 20 percent
(5) Net wealth exceeding BDT 15 crore but not exceeding BDT 20 crore 25 percent
(6) Net wealth exceeding BDT 20 crore 30 percent

Table 5: TDs rate on the bill of contractors and suppliers

Sl Base value Rates of deduction
(1) Up to BDT 25 lakh 2%
(2) Above BDT 25 lakh but below BDT 50 lakh 3%
(3) Above BDT 50 lakh but below BDT 1 crore 4%
(4) Above 1 crore 5%

Table 6: Agriculture Sector
 Reduction of duty and taxes of feed ingredients used
Poultry/Dairy/Fish feed
Sl. H.S. Code Description Existing Rate Proposed
No. (%) Rate (%)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
1 2309.90.19 Ammonia Binder (Feed grade) 5 0
2309.90.19 Liver Protector, renal protector, 5 0
respiratory protector
3 2832.30.00 Vaccine stabilizer (Thiosulphates) 10 0

 Reduction of customs duty on Harvesting machinery by

creating new H.S. Code.

Table 7: Industrial Sector

a) List of items on which duty is increased to protect domestic
Sl. No. H.S. Code Description Existing Duty Proposed Duty
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
1 Milk Powder CD-5 CD-10
1701.12.00 BDT 2000/MT BDT 3000/MT
2 1701.13.00 Raw sugar RD-20% RD-30%
1701.91.00 BDT 4500/MT BDT 6000/MT
3 Refined sugar
1701.99.00 RD-20% RD-30%

b) Raw materials of cancer medicine

Sl. H.S. Code Description Existing Rate Proposed Rate
No. (%) (%)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
1. 2903.99.00 Mitotane 10 0
2. 2925.19.90 Thalidomide 5 0
3. 2932.99.00 Brigatinib 10 0
4. 2933.29.00 Dacarbazine 5 0
5. 2933.39.00 Acalabrutinib INN 0 0
6. 2933.39.00 Cobemitinib 0 0
7. 2933.59.90 Dacometinib 5 0
8. 2933.59.90 Nilotinib HCI Monohydrate 5 0
9. 2933.59.90 Vandetanib 5 0
10. 2933.79.90 Neratinib Malate 5 0

Sl. H.S. Code Description Existing Rate Proposed Rate
No. (%) (%)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
11. 2933.99.00 Atatinib Dimaleate 0 0
12. 2933.99.00 Pazopanib HCI 0 0
13. 2937.23.99 Fulvestran 5 0
14. 2939.80.00 Vinorelbine Tartrate 10 0
15. 2941.90.90 Idarubicin HCI 0 0
16. 2941.90.90 Idelalisib INN 0 0
17. 2941.90.90 Niraparib Tosylate Monohydrate 0 0
18. 2942.00.90 Apalutamide INN 5 0
19. 2942.00.90 Durvalumab 5 0
20. 2942.00.90 Nintedanib Esylate 5 0
21. 3002.19.00 Denosumab 0 0
22. 3002.19.00 Eculizumab 0 0
23. 3002.19.00 Ipilimumab 0 0
24. 3004.49.90 Linalidomide 5 0
25. 3004.90.91 Letrozole 0 0
26. 3004.90.99 Abemaciclib 5 0
27. 3004.90.99 Alectinib HCI 5 0
28. 3004.90.99 Atezolizumab 5 0
29. 3004.90.99 Cabozantinib 5 0
30. 3004.90.99 Daratumumab 5 0
31. 3004.90.99 Enasidenib mesylate 5 0
32. 3004.90.99 Enzalutamide 5 0
33. 3004.90.99 Larotrectinib 5 0
34. 3004.90.99 Olaparib 5 0
35. 3004.90.99 Panitumumab 5 0
36. 3004.90.99 Pembrolizumab 5 0
37. 3004.90.99 Ponatinib HCI 5 0
38. 3004.90.99 Remucirumab 5 0
39. 3004.90.99 Ribociclib Succinate 5 0
40. 3004.90.99 Rucaparib Camsylate 5 0
41. 3004.90.99 Trametibib Dimethyl sulfoxide 5 0
42. 3004.90.99 Tretinion 5 0
43. 3004.90.99 Vemurafenib 5 0

c) Regulatory duty increased/decreased
Sl. Heading H.S. Code Description RD Rate RD Rate
No. (Existing) (Proposed)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
1 28.04 2804.21.00 Argon 20% 10%
2804.30.00 Nitrogen 20% 10%
2804.40.00 Oxygen 20% 10%
2 28.11 2811.21.00 Carbon dioxide 20% 10%
3 11.08 1108.12.00 Maize (corn) starch 10 20
1108.14.00 Manioc (cassava) starch 10 20

 Export duty increased/decreased

Sl. H.S. Code Description Existing Proposed
No. Rate (%) Rate (%)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
1 2302.40.10 Rice bran 10 25
Heading 24.01 Unmanufactured tobacco; 10 0
(All H.S. Code) tobacco refuse.
3 6904.10.00 Building bricks 25 15

 Lift Industry
a) Components for lift manufacturing on which duty-taxes are
exempted except 1% custom duty:
Heading H.S. code Description
(1) (2) (3)
40.10 4010.12.00 Conveyor belts/belting of vulcanised rubber reinforced only with
textile materials
40.16 4016.99.90 Rubber pad
72.16 7216.10.00 U, I or H sections or iron/steel, hot-rolled..., <80mm high
7216.21.00 L sections of iron/steel, hot-rolled..., <80mm high
7216.22.00 T sections of iron/steel, hot-rolled..., <80mm high
7216.31.00 U section of iron/steel, hot-rolled..., >=800 high
7216.32.00 I sections of iron/steel, hot-rolled..., >=80mm high
7216.33.00 H sections of iron/steel, hot-rolled..., >=80mm high
7216.40.00 L or T sections of iron/steel, hot-rolled..., >=80mm high
84.25 8425.31.00 Winches, capstans, powered by electric motor
84.31 8431.31.00 Guide shoe
8431.31.00 Overspeed governor
8431.31.00 Fishplate
8431.31.00 Door vane
8431.31.01 Lift overload device
8431.31.00 Door contact
8431.31.00 Sustainer
8431.31.00 Hydraulic buffer

Heading H.S. code Description
(1) (2) (3)
8431.31.00 Pollyurithin buffer
8431.31.00 AC choke coil
8431.31.00 Pit box
8431.31.00 Safety gear
84.83 8483.50.00 Pulley
8483.90.00 Door roller
85.01 8501.52.00 Motor
85.04 8504.40.90 ARD or UPS
85.05 8505.20.00 Electromagnetic brake
85.34 8534.00.00 PCB board
85.41 8541.50.00 Semiconductor device
90.31 9031.80.00 Photo sensor
90.32 9032.89.00 Controlling apparatus
9032.89.00 Lift hand terminal

b) Components for lift manufacturing on which duty-taxes have been

exempted except 5% customs duty:
Heading H.S. code Description
(1) (2) (3)
38.19 3819.00.00 Hydraulic brake fluids and similar liquids with <70% petroleum oil
40.10 4010.39.10 Rubber belt round not exceeding 10 in dia/flat
72.09 7209.26.00 Flat/Cold-Rolled iron/steel, not in coils, width >= 600mm, >1mm
but<300 thick
7209.25.00 Flat/Cold-Rolled iron/steel, not in coils, width >= 600mm, >=3mm
72.19 7219.33.00 Cold-Rolled stainless steel, uncoiled, >= 600mm by 1-3 mm
7219.34.00 Cold-Rolled stainless steel, uncoiled, >= 600mm by 0.5-1 mm
7219.35.00 Cold-Rolled stainless steel, uncoiled, >=600mm by <0.5mm
72.23 7223.00.00 Wire of stainless steel
73.18 7318.14.90 Threaded self-tapping screw
7318.21.00 Non-Threaded spring washes, nes of iron/steel
84.82 8482.10.00 Ball or roller bearings (incl. combined ball/roller bearings), nes
85.01 8501.20.99 Universal AC/DC motors of an output > 37.5 w
85.31 8531.20.00 LCD panel or LED panel or TFT panel or touch LCD panel
8531.80.00 Dot matrix indicator or seven segment indicator
85.36 8536.20.00 Electrical circuit breaker
8536.41.00 Relays for a voltage =<60 V
8536.49.90 Relays for a voltage 60-1000 V
85.37 8537.10.99 Control panel
96.06 9606.29.00 Other buttons, nes

 Compressor Industry
a) Components for compressor manufacturing on which all duty-
taxes are exempted except 1% customs duty:
Heading HS Code Description
(1) (2) (3)
25.05 2505.10.00 Silica sand
25.06 2506.10.00 Quartz grit
25.08 2508.10.00 Bentonite
27.09 2709.00.00 Petroleum base anti rust oil or preparation
34.03 3403.99.10 Compressor oil
38.16 3816.00.10 Coil protection grout / refractories
38.24 3824.10.00 Coal dust / lubricant, binder chemicals or preparation
40.16 4016.93.00 Vulcanized rubber parts for sealing, rubber plug for sealing
40.16 4016.99.90 Rubber grommet, rubber plug, rubber protection cap, rubber bush,
vulcanized rubber parts
68.14 6814.10.00 Mica sheet
72.02 7202.19.00 Ferro-manganese alloy
72.02 7202.99.00 Ferro alloy
72.05 7205.10.00 Sintered iron, steel shots, steel granules, sintered iron of alloy steel
72.11 7211.19.10 Hot rolled steel (thickness less than 4.75mm, width less than
72.25 7225.19.00 Silicon-electrical steel sheet (width 600mm or more)
72.26 7226.19.00 Silicon-electrical steel sheet (width less than 600mm)
76.01 7601.10.90 Aluminum ingot
84.14 8414.90.20 Parts and components of compressor
85.32 8532.29.10 Capacitor
85.34 8534.00.00 Printed circuit board
85.36 8536.30.10 Overload protector, motor protector
85.44 8544.11.10 Copper winding wire

b) Components for compressor manufacturing on which all duty-

taxes are exempted except 5% customs duty:
Heading HS Code Description
(1) (2) (3)
25.05 2505.90.00 Resin coated sand / core sand
27.08 2708.20.00 Carburizer, pitch coke
27.10 2710.20.00 Petroleum base lubricating oil
2710.20.00 petroleum base leak test oil
28.49 2849.20.00 Silicon carbide
34.03 3403.99.90 Mineral oil/ Petroleum
48.11 4811.90.90 Paper base gasket material, syntheseal n-8092, lexide Nl 2085
72.02 7202.21.00 Ferrosilicon alloy(>55%silicon), flux material (>55% silicon)

Heading HS Code Description
(1) (2) (3)
7202.29.00 Flux material (< 55% silicon)
72.08 7208.26.90 Hot rolled steel pickled (thickness from 3mm to 4.74 mm) in coil
7208.27.90 Hot rolled steel (thickness less than 3mm) in coil

 Footwear Industry: Components/Inputs for footwear Industry

on which Regulatory duty and Supplementary duty are
Heading H.S. Code Description of goods
(1) (2) (3)
39.17 3917.23.90 Tubes, pipes and hoses of plastics
39.26 3926.90.99 PVC Screen
59.03 5903.10.90 Textile fabrics, impregnated, coated, covered or laminated with PVC
5903.90.90 Other Textile fabrics, impregnated, coated, covered or laminated with
60.06 6006.90.00 Other knitted or crocheted fabrics

 Mold Industry: Components/Inputs for mold manufacturing

which are included in SRO:
Sl. No. H.S. Code Description Existing Rate Proposed Rate
(%) (%)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
1. 7408.21 .00 Brass wire 10 1
2. 7409.19.00 Copper plate 10 1

Table 4: Transport Sector

 Components/Inputs in the transport sector included in SRO
and on which duty tax Reduced /Enhanced:
Sl. H.S. Code Description Existing Proposed
No. Rate (%) Rate (%)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
1. 8409.99.90 Carburator CD-5 CD-5
2. 8421.31.00 Air filter CD-25 CD-15
3. 8714.10.90 Brakes CD-25 CD-15
4. 4011.20.10 Tyre of rim size of 16 inch RD-3% RD-5%
5. 4011.40.00 Tyre of a kind used on motorcycles RD-3% RD-5%
6. 4013.90.90 Other Inner tubes RD-0% RD-5%

Table 9: ICT Sector
 Components/Inputs in the ICt sector included in SRO and on
which duty tax Increased/Reduced:
Sl. H.S. Code Description Existing Proposed
No. Rate (%) Rate (%)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
1. 8541.40.90 Trasistors 5 1
2. 8541.60.00 Crystal diods 5 1
3. 8538.90.90 Charger connector pin 25 10
4. 7319.90.00 SIM slot ejector pin 25 10
5. 8517.12.11 Smart phone 10 25
6. 8517.12.19 Other phone 10 10

Table 10: Firefighting equipment

 Components/Parts of Firefighting Equipments which are
included in SRO and on which duty Increased/Reduced:
Sl. H.S. Code Description Existing Rate Proposed
No. (%) Rate (%)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
1. 2520.20.00 Promaspray-300 (Plaster/Cement) 5 5
2. 3208.10.90 Bondseal paint 25 5
3. 3208.90.90 Fire retardant paint 25 5
4. 6806.90.00 Fendolite MII (Mixture) 10 5
5. 8535.40.10 Lightning arresters 10 5

Table 11: Gold import

 Reduction of specific duty in gold import:
Sl. H.S. Code Description Existing Duty Proposed Duty
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
1. 7108.12.00 Gold BDT 3000.00 per BDT 2000.00 per
(Unwrought) 11.664 gm 11.664 gm
2. 7108.13.00 Gold BDT 3000.00 per BDT 2000.00 per
(semi- manufactured) 11.664 gm 11.664 gm
3. 9801.00.29 Gold bar (upto 234 gm) BDT 3000.00 per BDT 2000.00 per
11.664 gm 11.664 gm
(For Baggage) (For Baggage)

Table 12: Tariff Rationalization
 Duty increased/decreased:
a) List of items those duty tax have been reduced:
Sl. H.S. Code Description Existing Proposed
No. Rate (%) Rate (%)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
1. 0712.90.92 Dihydrated chives imported by VAT registered 25 15
biscuits and bakery products manufacturing
2. 2306.10.00 Cotton seeds 5 0
3. 2306.60.00 Palm nuts or kernels 5 0
4. 2517.49.00 Pebbles broken stone 25 5
5. 2711.14.10 Ethylene/propylene imported by VAT 5 0
registered PVC/PET resin manufacturing
industry in economic zone
6. 2905.31.20 Ethylene glycol Imported by VAT registered 10 0
PVC/PET resin manufacturing industry in
economic zone
7. 2917.36.20 Terephthalic acid imported by VAT registered 25 0
PVC/PET resin manufacturing industry in
economic zone
8. 3812.39.20 Anti-oxidising preparations and other 10 5
compound stabilizers imported by VAT
registered plasctic goods manufacturing
9. 3917.23.20 FEP/Teflon tube imported by VAT registered 10 5
medical equipment manufacturing industry
10. 5305.00.10 Coco substrate; coco pellet; growing media 5 0
11. 7210.49.10 Flat-rolled products of a thickness of 0.4 mm 25 10
or more imported by VAT registered pre-
fabricated building manufacturing industry
12. 9018.39.18 Fistula needle 10 5
13. 4810.99.10 Single or double side coated release paper 25 15
imported by VAT registered refrigerator or
freezer manufacturing industry
14. 7212.50.10 Steel plate imported by VAT registered 10 5
refrigerator manufacturing industry
15. 4009.11.10 Tubes without fittings imported by VAT 25 5
registered medical equipment manufacturing
16. 4802.57.10 Uncoated paper and paper board weighing 40 25 5
g/m² or more but not more than 150
g/m²mported by VAT registered medical
equipment manufacturing industry
17. 7408.19.10 Copper wire Imported by VAT registered 10 5
electric fan motor or water pump motor

Sl. H.S. Code Description Existing Proposed
No. Rate (%) Rate (%)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
manufacturing industry
18. 7601.10.10 Aluminium ingot imported by VAT registered 5 0
electric fan motor or water pump motor
manufacturing industry
19. 7318.22.10 Rotor washers imported by VAT registered 25 15
electric fan motor or water pump motor
manufacturing industry
20. 7227.90.10 M.S. rod/shaft imported by VAT registered 10 5
electric fan motor or water pump motor
manufacturing industry
21. 4821.90.10 Sticker imported by VAT registered electric 25 15
fan motor or water pump motor manufacturing
22. 4811.90.21 Insulated paper imported by VAT registered 10 5
electric fan motor or water pump motor
manufacturing industry
23. 3901.10.10 TPMC imported by VAT registered electric fan 5 0
motor or water pump motor manufacturing
24. 8503.00.30 Rotor/Motor bush imported by electric fan 1 0
motor or water pump motor manufacturing
25. 8532.22.10 Capacitor imported by VAT registered electric 10 5
fan motor or water pump motor manufacturing
26. 2524.90.10 Chrysolite fibre imported by VAT registered 10 5
cement sheet manufacturing industry

b) List of items those duty tax have been increased:

Sl. H.S. Code Description Existing Proposed
No. Rate (%) Rate (%)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
1. 0402.10.91 Milk and cream in powder, granules or other 5 10
solid forms, of a fat content, by weight, not
exceeding 1.5%, other than retail packing of
upto 2.5 kg imported by VAT registered milk
and milk products manufacturing industry
2. 0402.21.91 Milk and cream in powder, granules or other 5 10
solid forms, of a fat content, by weight,
exceeding1.5%, other than retail packing of
upto 2.5 kg imported by VAT registered milk
and milk products manufacturing industry
3. 0409.00.90 Natural honey in bulk 10 15
4. 1509.10.10 Olive oil wrapped/canned upto 2.5 kg 10 25
5. 1509.90.10 Other olive oil 10 25

Sl. H.S. Code Description Existing Proposed
No. Rate (%) Rate (%)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
6. 1901.90.20 Dry mixed ingredients of food preparations in 10 15
bulk imported by VAT registered food
processing industries
7. 3921.90.20 Multilayer extruded sheet for plastic laminated 15 25
collapsible tube imported by VAT registered
plastic tube manufacturing industries
8. 7011.10.00 Glass envolopes for electric lighting 15 25
9. 7008.00.00 Multiple-walled insulating units of glass. 10 25
10. 8501.10.90 Other motor not exceeding 37.5 W 5 10
11. 8501.20.91 Universal AC/DC motor of an output exceeding 5 10
37.5 W but not exceeding 750 W
12. 8501.31.90 Other DC motor not exceeding 750 W 5 10
13. 8501.40.10 AC motor single phase of an output not 1 10
exceeding 750 W
14. 8501.51.00 AC motor multy phase of an output not 5 10
exceeding 750 W

c) List of items those Regulatory Duty have been imposed/increased/

Sl. Heading H.S. Code Description Existing Proposed
No. RD Rate RD Rate
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
1. 13.01 All H.S. Lac; natural gums, resins, gum-resins and 0 5%
Codes oleoresins (for example, balsams).
2. 23.06 2306.10.00 cotton seeds 0% 5%
2306.60.00 palm nuts or kernels 0% 5%
3. 27.11 2711.14.10 Ethylene/propylene imported by VAT 0% 3%
registered PVC/PET resin manufacturing
industry in economic zone
4. 29.05 2905.31.20 Ethylene glycol Imported by VAT 0% 3%
registered PVC/PET resin manufacturing
industry in economic zone
5. 29.17 2917.36.20 Terephthalic acid imported by VAT 0% 3%
registered PVC/PET resin manufacturing
industry in economic zone
6. 85.44 8544.70.00 Optical fibre cables 0% 5%

d) List of items those Supplementary Duty have been
Sl. H.S. Code Description Existing Proposed
No. Rate (%) Rate (%)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
1. 1702.30.10 Dextrose anhydrous/ monohydrate BP/USP Pyrogen 0 20
free imported under blocklist
2. 2517.49.00 Pebbles broken stone 0 30
3. 7005.29.10 Ultra clear glass imported by VAT registered 45 0
refrigerator or freezer manufacturing industry
4. 3307.20.00 Personal deodorants and antiperspirants 20 30
5. 4410.11.00 Particle board 10 20
6. 6808.00.00 Panels, boards, tiles, blocks and similar articles of 0 10
vegetable fibre, of straw or of shavings, chips,
particles, sawdust or other waste, of wood,
agglomerated with cement, plaster or other mineral
7. 7010.90.00 Carboys, bottles, flasks, jars, pots, phials and other 0 20
containers, of glass, of a kind used for the
conveyance or packing of goods; preserving jars of
8. 8536.69.10 Plug terminal imported by VAT registered electric 20 0
fan motor or water pump motor manufacturing
9. 8516.60.00 Other ovens; cookers, cooking plates, boiling rings, 0 20
grillers and roasters

 List of items those tariff description, H.S. Code have been

amended, split, merged and created:
a) List of items those H.S. Code have been changed/amended:
Sl. H.S. Code Existing Description Changed Description
(1) (2) (3) (4)
1. 3812.39.20 --- Anti-oxidising preparations and --- Anti-oxidising preparations and
other compound stabilizers other compound stabilizers
imported by VAT registered tyre- imported by VAT registered tyre-
tube manufacturing industry tube or plasctic goods
manufacturing industry
2. 7210.49.10 --- Of a thickness of 0.4 mm or --- Of a thickness of 0.4 mm or
more imported by VAT registered more imported by VAT registered
refrigerator manufacturing industry pre-fabricated building or
refrigerator manufacturing industry

b) List of items those H.S. Code have been Split:
Sl. Existing Splited Description
No. H.S. Code H.S. Code
(1) (2) (3) (4)
1. 1509.10.00 1509.10.10 --- wrapped or canned upto 2.5 kg
1509.10.90 --- Other
2. 1509.90.00 1509.90.10 --- wrapped or canned upto 2.5 kg
1509.90.90 --- Other
3. 2711.14.90 2711.14.10 --- Ethylene/propylene imported by VAT registered
PVC/PET resin manufacturing industry
2711.14.90 --- Other
4. 3901.10.00 3901.10.10 --- TPMC imported by VAT registered electric fan motor
or water pump motor manufacturing industry
3901.10.90 --- Other
5. 4009.11.00 4009.11.10 --- Imported by VAT registered medical equipment
manufacturing industry
4009.11.90 --- Other
6. 4802.57.00 4802.57.10 --- Imported by VAT registered medical equipment
manufacturing industry
4802.57.90 --- Other
7. 4810.99.00 4810.99.10 --- Single or double side coated release paper imported by
VAT registered refrigerator or freezer manufacturing
4810.99.90 --- Other
8. 4811.90.00 4811.90.21 ---- Insulated paper imported by VAT registered electric
fan motor or water pump motor manufacturing industry
4811.90.29 ---- Other
9. 4821.90.00 4821.90.10 --- Sticker imported by VAT registered electric fan motor
or water pump motor manufacturing industry
4821.90.90 --- Other
10. 5305.00.00 5305.00.10 --- Coco substrate; coco pellet; growing media
5305.00.90 --- Other
11. 7005.29.00 7005.29.10 --- Ultra clear glass imported by VAT registered
refrigerator or freezer manufacturing industry
7005.29.90 --- Other
12. 7212.50.00 7212.50.10 --- Steel plate imported by VAT registered refrigerator
manufacturing industry
7212.50.90 --- Other
13. 7227.90.00 7227.90.10 --- M.S. rod/shaft imported by VAT registered electric fan
motor or water pump motor manufacturing industry
7227.90.90 --- Other
14. 7318.22.00 7318.22.10 --- Rotor washers imported by VAT registered electric fan
motor or water pump motor manufacturing industry
7318.22.90 --- Other
15. 7408.19.00 7408.19.10 --- Copper wire Imported by VAT registered electric fan
motor or water pump motor manufacturing industry
7408.19.90 --- Other

Sl. Existing Splited Description
No. H.S. Code H.S. Code
(1) (2) (3) (4)
16. 7601.10.00 7601.10.10 --- Aluminium ingot imported by VAT registered electric
fan motor or water pump motor manufacturing industry
7601.10.90 --- Other
17. 8433.59.00 8433.59.10 --- Harvesting machinery
8433.59.90 --- Other
18. 8501.40.00 8501.40.10 --- Of an output not exceeding 750 W
8501.40.20 --- Of an output exceeding 750 W but not exceeding 75
8501.40.90 --- Of an output exceeding 75 kW
19. 8517.12.11 8517.12.11 ---- Smart phone
8517.12.19 ---- Other
20. 8532.22.00 8532.22.10 --- Imported by VAT registered electric fan motor or
water pump motor manufacturing industry
8532.22.90 --- Other
21. 8535.40.00 8535.40.10 --- Lightning arresters
8535.40.90 --- Other
22. 8536.69.00 8536.69.10 --- Plug terminal imported by VAT registered electric fan
motor or water pump motor manufacturing industry
8536.69.90 --- Other

c) List of items those H.S. Code have been created:

Sl. New Description
No. H.S. Code
(1) (2) (3)
1. 0712.90.92 Dihydrate chives imported by VAT registered biscuits and bakery products
manufacturing industry
2. 9018.39.40 Fistula needle
3. 2905.31.20 Ethylene glycol Imported by VAT registered PVC/PET resin
manufacturing industry in economic zone
4. 2917.36.20 Terephthalic acid imported by VAT registered PVC/PET resin
manufacturing industry in economic zone
5. 8503.00.30 --- Rotor/Motor bush imported by electric fan motor or water pump motor
manufacturing industry

d) Restructuring of H.S. Codes of Heading 27.10:
Existing (FY 2018-2019) Proposed (FY 2019-20)
H.S. Code Description H.S. Code Description
-- Other -- Other
--- Fuel oils --- Fuel oils
2710.19.11 ---- Furnace oil 2710.19.11 ---- Furnace oil
2710.19.19 ---- Other 2710.19.19 ---- Other
--- Lubricating oils --- Base oils
2710.19.21 ---- Lubricating oil, that is oil 2710.19.21 ---- Base oil imported in bulk
such as is not ordinarily used by VAT registered petroleum
for any other purpose than products processing or
lubrication, excluding, any blending industry
mineral oil which has its
flashing point below 2200F by
Abel’s close test
2710.19.22 ---- Lube base oil imported in 2710.19.22 ---- Recycled lube base oil
bulk by VAT registered
2710.19.23 ---- Recycled lubricating oil 2710.19.29 ---- Other
2710.19.24 ---- Recycled lube base oil --- Lubricating oils
--- Other heavy oils and 2710.19.31 ---- Lubricating oil is that oil
preparations: which is not ordinarily used for
any other purpose than
lubrication and excludes any
mineral oil which has its
flashing point below 220°F by
Abel’s close test
2710.19.31 ---- Mineral oil which has its 2710.19.32 ---- Recycled lubricating oil
flashing point at or above
2000F and is ordinarily used for
the batching at jute or other
2710.19.32 ---- Mineral oil for the 2710.19.39 ---- Other
manufacture of insecticides
2710.19.33 ---- Partly refined petroleum --- Heavy normal paraffin
including topped crudes
2710.19.34 ---- Greases (mineral) 2710.19.41 ---- In Drum
2710.19.35 ---- Heavy normal paraffin 2710.19.49 ---- Other
2710.19.36 ---- Liquid paraffin --- Liquid paraffin
2710.19.37 ----Transformer oil 2710.19.51 ---- In Drum
2710.19.39 ---- Other 2710.19.59 ---- Other
--- Transformer oil
2710.19.61 ---- In Drum
2710.19.69 ---- Other
--- Greases (mineral)
2710.19.71 ---- Wrapped/canned up to
2710.19.79 ---- Other

Existing (FY 2018-2019) Proposed (FY 2019-20)
H.S. Code Description H.S. Code Description
--- Other heavy oils and
2710.19.91 ---- Mineral oil which has its
flashing point at or above
200°F and is ordinarily used
for the batching at jute of other
2710.19.92 ---- Mineral oil for the
manufacture of insecticides
2710.19.93 ---- Partly refined petroleum
including topped crudes
2710.19.99 ---- Other


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