Phoneme Lexical Set GA SS RP Irish Scots NYC

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NYC Features 1

Phoneme Lexical Set GA SS RP Irish Scots NYC

i Fleece i i i i i i § ´i*

Ethan really agreed with Fabrice on the degree of police *in stressed final

ɨ Easy i, ɨ I I, ɨ i I i

I Kit I I I I I ·, ø I§

I (unstressed) Rabbit I, ´ I I ´ I· ´

Sid didn't finish his awfully rich dessert because he felt pretty sick.

E Dress E e e E e, e… E

Len went for red heads but yesterday he said he would wed a brunette.

œ Trap œ œ œ a a∞ Ĩœ œ

“ar”: œÀr Guarantee E E´, œ œ œ a∞ œ

a Bath œ a A a, A a∞ Ĩœ œ

Barry had Sam back after the dance for a glass of apple cider .

A Palm A A A a, A a∞, A5 a∞

The psalm set by Bach was a calming balm to my father.

Å Lot A Å Å6 Å5 O a∞

ÅÀr Orange O Å Å Å Or a∞

OÀr Oral O O O O Or O7´

O Thought O¶ O O7… A O O7´

Scott thought he ought to applaud the author after the talk.

The song of the moth often bothered Rob, but not Tom.
He got me a coffee and a hotdog.

initial o Obey oU o ´U o o ´ øU

medial o Possess ´ o ´ o ´, o ´

Eric Armstrong - 11/1/19

NYC Features 2

Phoneme Lexical Set GA SS RP Irish Scots NYC

final o Window oU oU ´U ´ o ´ øU

Don't go home before you roll the ball through the goal posts, you oaf.

U Foot U U U U Ë, y U¶

u Goose u uÚ uÚ Ë Ë ´u

It's true, there's good food in the new cookbook and I'll prove it, you fool.

ø Strut ø ø ø U ø∞ ø5

The young mother punched the monk in the gut for touching her son.

øÀr Hurry ‰± ø.® ø.® both ø∞r ø

ø.® &

final ´ Comma ´ ´ ´ ´ ø, ´ ´„

medial ´ Inimitably ´ I I ´ I, ´ ´

‰ Nurse ‰± ‰ ‰ ø„ ør ø„

Bird Ir, ør øI
‰± OI
Pert Er Archaic

The murdered bird fell to earth from its perch and landed near the worm.

Diphthong Lexical Set GA SS RP Irish Scots NYC

eI Face eI eI e§I EI e… EI

Grace saved her razor for eight days while staying at her place upstate.

aI Price (+vsC) aI aI aI ´I EI aI

Pride (+vdC) AI øi AI
Pried (prie#d) aÚe

I tried to buy some Tide within five miles but the price wasn't right.
OI Choice OI OI OI aI
archaic ɝ archaic
The boy was annoyed by the noise coming from the toy.

Eric Armstrong - 11/1/19

NYC Features 3

aU Mouth aU AU AU øU Ë*, øU a6U

Shout loudly with the home town crowd.

oU Goat oU oU ´U OU o… øU

I don't know who the mauve brooch and the gold rope should go to.

Rhotic sound Lexcial Set GA SS RP Irish Scots NYC

Ir Near i„, I„ I´ I´ i„ ir i´, i.´

The weird cashier • at the pier had a beard.

Er Square eI„,E„ E´ E´ e„ er, Er E´, E.´

I don't care • if they're scarce, Mary, I need a pair • of canaries.

Ar Start A„ A´ A… a„ ar A5

The Park wasn't far from the art gallery where we started.

Or North O„ O´ O… O„ Or, or O7´ O7.´

During the war, Corporal George Thorpe played organ in New York.

Ur Cure U„ U´ U´, O… u„ ur U´ U.´

Assure the insecure tourist that Truro isn't in Huron County.

aIr Sapphire aI„ aI´ aI´ aI„ aÚ´r AI´

Enquire about the fire • in the spire started by the choir.

aUr Our aU„ AU´ AU´, A… øU„ ør, ur aU´


Our sour drinks were powerful. Gower cowered in the Bowery.

Consonant Lexical Set GA SS RP Irish Scots NYC

hw What w ʍ wʍ ʍ ʍ, xh w

When, where, which, while, and whatever... but not 'who.'

l Light l l l l : l

Eric Armstrong - 11/1/19

NYC Features 4

Consonant Lexical Set GA SS RP Irish Scots NYC

: All : l5 : l : :

l, : Lulling lø.:IN lø.lIN lø.lIN lø.lIN (:) l

All twelve elegant ladies leapt for the light lunch held by Helen.

initial r Right ®6 ® ®7 ®7 r, ® ®7

medial r Very ® ® ®, | ® r, | ®7 √

linking r Far away fA„.®´. fA´.®´. fA….®´. fa„.®´. r, | ®7

weI weI weI wøI

intrusive r Idea is - or / - ® ® - or / ®7

For running around the Bronx, Barry & Bertha always rented a car from Hertz.

initial t Tip t t t°s t1 t t ts

medial t Batting d or | t t°s t 1 / d or |

final t Hit t or t} t or t} t°s or t} t 1 or t}1 / t ts /

Terry better get to try out his turtleneck sweater between now and Tuesday.

final IN Singing IN IN IN ´n ´n In IN

After dancing, Stuart was putting on the engagement ring on Annie's finger & it
was stinging.

h dropping huge hIu çu hIu hIu hIu hIË ju

hubris, hue, humor, humid, huge, Hugo, Hughs

Eric Armstrong - 11/1/19

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