PSYCH Autism OSCE Script

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Autism OSCE Script

You are speaking to a parent.

1. RCS - DSM Critieria

 Does your child have any repetitive behaviour or rituals?
 Does your child have restricted interests?
 Does your child have any delay in verbal development?
 Does your child have any stereotypies?
 Does your child have difficulties with non-verbal communication?
 Does your have self-injurious behaviours?
2. Behavioural problems
 Does the child have any temper tantrums or aggresion?
3. Comorbids
 Has your child gone for any IQ testing? How is his IQ?
 Has your child seen a Neuro doctor to do any EEG testing? Does your
child have epilepsy?
4. How is your child’s development according to paediatricians/child
psychiatrist/speech therapist? Any loss of language or social skills?

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