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International labour organisation

Submitted by:
Sania Rasool
Submitted to:
Sir saleem
BS English
Iub bahawalpur
of ILo:
The international labour
organisation (ILO) is a united
Nation agency whose mandate to
advance economic and social justics
through the setting of international
labour standard.
The ILO was founded in 1919 in the
wake of a distractive war,to pursue a
vision based on the premise that
universal,lasting peace can be
established only if it is a base on
social justice. The ILO became the
first specialized agency of the UN in
The ILO has 187 member states:
186 out of 193 UN member states
plus the Cook Islands. The Heead of
ILO is Guy-ryder. it is headquartered
in Geneva, Switzerland, with around
40 field offices around the world,
and employs some 2,700 staff from
over 150 nations, of whom 900 work
in technical cooperation
programmes and projects.

principles :
The fundamental principles of ILO
are following
1. Labour is not a commodity.
2. The freedom of expression and
association is essential.
3. Proverty act as a danger of
4. War aagains the want requires to
be carried on.worker and employer
should be enjoy equal status in
freedom discussion.

Structure of ILO:
The organization is unique in the
UN for its tripartite structure: All
standards, policies, and programmes
require debate and input from
governments, employers, and
workers. This framework is
maintained in the ILO's three main
1. International labour office
2.Governing body
3. International labour conference
International labour
office :
. it is the focal point for activities
for the international labour
organization under the supervision
of governing body.
. It is headed by Director-General.
. Its headquarter is at Geneva.
.Office employer 2700 official from
over 150 nations.
. Office also contain a research
center and documtation centre.
. It alao responsible for collect and
distribute information of labour and
social problems.
It promote decent work for all
women and men.The structure is
intended to ensure the views of all
three groups are reflected in ILO
labour standards, policies, and
programmes, though governments
have twice as many representatives
as the other two groups.
Governing body
The Governing Body is the
executive body of the International
Labour Organization. It meets three
times a year, in March, June and
. Elects director-General after every
5 years.
. Decide agenda for
ILC(international labour
. Scrutinize budget.
.follow up the recommendation and
convinction ILC.
Juan Somavía was the ILO's
Director-General from 1999 until
October 2012 when Guy Ryder was
elected. The ILO Governing Body
re-elected Guy Rider as Director-
General for a second five year-term
in November 2016.

This governing body is composed of

56 titular members:
28 governments
14 employers
14 employee
Futher,it consists of 66 deputy
28 governments
19 employers
19 workers
Ten of the titular government seats
are permanently held by States of
chief industrial importance: Brazil,
China, France, Germany, India,
Italy, Japan, the Russian Federation,
the United Kingdom and the United
States.The other Government
members are elected by the
Conference every three years (the
last elections were held in June
2017). The Employer and Worker
members are elected in their
individual capacity.

International Labour
The ILO organises once a year the
International Labour Conference in
Geneva to set the broad policies of
the ILO, including conventions and
. Policy making/legislative wing of
. Hold seesion once a year.
. ILO elect goerning body.
Meeting are attended by 4 delegates.
- two from government (generally
cabnit minister)
- 1 representatives of employee
- 1 representatives of employer
.Each delegates is accompanied by
advisor not exceeding 2 in numbers.

.Non-goverment delegates chosen

by government.
Functions of ILC:
The functions of ILC are following,
1. Formulate the international
standards (recomandation and
2. Decide expenditure budget.
3. To make amendment.
4.consider labour problems and assis
5. Select once in 3 year members of
governing body.
6. Elect president.

Function of ILO:
1. It is manpower organization and
vocational training.
2. It have mirgrant worker.
3. It have women worker.
4. It has child worker.
5. It have social security.
6. It work for health safety and
7. Other activities promotions of
handicraft and small industries
worker's educational programe.

The ILO Country

Office for Pakistan:
The ILO Country Office for
Pakistan was set up in 1970 in
Karachi and later moved to
Islamabad where it is housed in its
own building on land donated by the
Government of Pakistan. The ILO’s
major work in Pakistan has covered
a wide range of activities:
- promotion of International Labour
- prevention and elimination of child
and bonded labour
- job creation through employable
- mainstreaming gender equality
-strengthened labour market
- employment and livelihoods
- recovery in response to conflicts
and crises
- expansion of social security
- social safety nets
- especially in the informal economy
and the promotion of tripartism and
social dialogue.

Pakistan has been an important and

active member State of the ILO
since its inception in 1947, and has
ratified 36 Conventions, including
the eight core Conventions.
Representatives of the Government,
employers’, and workers’
organizations have served repeatedly
on the ILO’s Governing Body over
the years.

The CO-Islamabad supports the

constituents in their efforts to
achieve decent work and social
justice in Pakistan.
One UN Reform
“Delivering as One"

The ILO is a pro-active member of

the One UN Reform Programme for
“Delivering as One” in Pakistan. It
also works with other UN system
entities, multi- and bilateral agencies
and non-governmental and civil
society organizations to contribute to
national economic and social
development objectives and
international commitments such as
the Millennium Development Goals
(MDGs) and other international

The ILO’s work in Pakistan has

ranged from supporting the
ratification of International Labour
Standards to labour policy
formulation, labour administration,
labour and employment/industrial
relations, occupational safety and
health, social security, employable
skills and vocational training,
workers education, women workers
rights, gender equality and non-
discrimination at the workplace,
elimination of child labour,
prevention and elimination of
bonded labour, migration, rural
infrastructure and livelihood
recovery, among others.

ILO and covid-19

The world of work is being

profoundly affected by the global
virus pandemic. In addition to the
threat to public health, the economic
and social disruption threatens the
long-term livelihoods and wellbeing
of millions. The ILO and its
constituents – Governments,
workers and employers – will play a
crucial role in combating the
outbreak, ensuring the safety of
individuals and the sustainability of
businesses and jobs.
Efficient social dialogue at all levels
is essential for quick and effective
Workers’ organizations can play an
important role in participating in
decision making and policies
responses to the crisis on COVID-
19. They can contribute to the
prevention and protection of workers
by giving reliable
information. Workers' organizations
can promote solidarity and non-
discrimination / stigmatisation of
workers and sick persons.
Since COVID-19 spreads mainly
through respiratory droplets good
workplace hygiene practices are
essential, e.g. regular hand-washing,
using hand and surface sanitiser.
Avoid touching your face, cover
your mouth when coughing or
sneezing. If you feel unwell self-
isolate and seek medical assistance.
Encourage responsible behaviour,
cooperate with response measures
and stay calm.
Crictisim on ILO:
Yet since its birth, the ILO has been
criticized for being slow,
bureaucratic. He added that the
business community was often
ignorant of international labour
standards and the scope of the ILO's
work such as efforts to improve
supply chains.

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