Unj94 gkt9x
Unj94 gkt9x
Unj94 gkt9x
principles :
The fundamental principles of ILO
are following
1. Labour is not a commodity.
2. The freedom of expression and
association is essential.
3. Proverty act as a danger of
4. War aagains the want requires to
be carried on.worker and employer
should be enjoy equal status in
freedom discussion.
Structure of ILO:
The organization is unique in the
UN for its tripartite structure: All
standards, policies, and programmes
require debate and input from
governments, employers, and
workers. This framework is
maintained in the ILO's three main
1. International labour office
2.Governing body
3. International labour conference
International labour
office :
. it is the focal point for activities
for the international labour
organization under the supervision
of governing body.
. It is headed by Director-General.
. Its headquarter is at Geneva.
.Office employer 2700 official from
over 150 nations.
. Office also contain a research
center and documtation centre.
. It alao responsible for collect and
distribute information of labour and
social problems.
It promote decent work for all
women and men.The structure is
intended to ensure the views of all
three groups are reflected in ILO
labour standards, policies, and
programmes, though governments
have twice as many representatives
as the other two groups.
Governing body
The Governing Body is the
executive body of the International
Labour Organization. It meets three
times a year, in March, June and
. Elects director-General after every
5 years.
. Decide agenda for
ILC(international labour
. Scrutinize budget.
.follow up the recommendation and
convinction ILC.
Juan Somavía was the ILO's
Director-General from 1999 until
October 2012 when Guy Ryder was
elected. The ILO Governing Body
re-elected Guy Rider as Director-
General for a second five year-term
in November 2016.
International Labour
The ILO organises once a year the
International Labour Conference in
Geneva to set the broad policies of
the ILO, including conventions and
. Policy making/legislative wing of
. Hold seesion once a year.
. ILO elect goerning body.
Meeting are attended by 4 delegates.
- two from government (generally
cabnit minister)
- 1 representatives of employee
- 1 representatives of employer
.Each delegates is accompanied by
advisor not exceeding 2 in numbers.
Function of ILO:
1. It is manpower organization and
vocational training.
2. It have mirgrant worker.
3. It have women worker.
4. It has child worker.
5. It have social security.
6. It work for health safety and
7. Other activities promotions of
handicraft and small industries
worker's educational programe.