Fluid Mechanics
Fluid Mechanics
Fluid Mechanics
UNIT-I: Basic Concepts and Properties- Fluid–definition, distinction between solid and fluid -Modules
and dimensions - Properties of fluids - density, specific weight, specific volume, specific gravity,
temperature, viscosity, compressibility, vapour pressure, capillary and surface tension. Fluid statics
concept of fluid static pressure, absolute and gauge pressures – pressure measurements by
manometers and pressure gauges. Hydrostatic forces on submerged surfaces, Buoyancy and
UNIT-II: Fluid Kinematics - Fluid Kinematics - Flow visualization - lines offlow - types of flow - velocity
field and acceleration - continuity equation (one and three dimensional differential forms)- Equation
of streamline - stream function - velocity potential function - circulation - flow net, Dimensional
analysis- Buckingham's Pei theorem- applications - similarity laws and models.
UNIT-III: Fluid dynamics - equations of motion - Euler's equation along a streamline - Bernoulli's
equation, applications -Venturi meter, Orifice meter, Pitot tube, momentum equation, Free liquid
jet, orifices and mouthpieces, Notches and weirs
UNIT-IV: Viscous Flow- Viscous flow - Navier - Stoke's equation (Statement only) -Shear stress,
pressure gradient relationship - laminar flow between parallel plates - Laminar flow through circular
tubes. (Hagen Poiseulle's equation). Hydraulic and energy gradient - flow through pipes - Darcy
-Weisback's equation – pipe roughness -friction factor- Moody's diagram-minor losses - flow through
pipes in series and in parallel - power transmission, syphon, water hammer, three reservoir
problems and pipe networks.
UNIT-V: Boundary layers;- Boundary layer thickness, boundary layer over a flat plate, laminar
boundary layer, turbulent boundary layer, laminar sub-layer, separation and its control, Drag and lift,
drag on a sphere, a two dimensional cylinder, and an aerofoil, Magnus effect. Introduction to
compressible flow
Text Books:
Reference Books:
2. P.N.Modi and S.M.Seth (1999), Hydraulics and Fluid Mechanics including Hydraulic
Machines, Standard Book House, Naisarak, Delhi.