All in Alfloc2
All in Alfloc2
All in Alfloc2
{ T
for the
Sugar lndustry
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Boiler feed water treatment
for Sugar lndustries
Calcutta :
34, Chowringhee Rosd CElcutta 700 071
Tel€phone: 24.8111 Tel€r: 640 Roundol'CA
Bombay :
'Crsscent House'
19 Walchand Hirachand Marg Bombay 400 0Ol
Telephone: 2S8051 T€lex: 2663,lcidyes By
Madras :
. Delhi :
Hamilton House
Block 'A' Connaught Place New Delhi 110001
Telephone : 3,t-4089 & 34-3909 Telex : 24{i6 KEMIX DEL
,ALFLOC" 505
Product Description :
ln rec irculaling sysl6ans 'Attloc' 505 provrdes
excsllenl scal6 iohibrtron at s lr!p! ol 60-90 ps,n
'Altloc' 505 is 8n sdvancsd bilunctional Iho optimum levol depends utloi. (r ectlrc Flnnt
synlhelic liquid torn)ulation designod lo conttol ope16ting conditlons End wster ar':.,,riirt.
scale and i,, or0anlc ouling in rscirculslllJ 'Allloc 505 6En be convenrsnll) dosqd
and once th ro hc lin I Syslems. diroctly lrom its conloinet. lt can 6lio b€
dilured to any de6ired lcvel lor dosrng
Benefits: lhrough axisling equipment.
'Allloc' 505 containsan organic phosphalo
which prevenls scale depostion by means ol a Typical Specif ication :
powerlul threshold ett6ct. Appeorance : Cloar le yellow lrquri
'Altloc' 505 is a concentrated liquid and ils Gravity :
Sp. 1.0
stability and efliciency enabl€s il lo be used 5t pH : 6-6.65
low dosage levels in most cases. Solutlilily : Mis(:itrte water in all
'Allloc' 505 minimiEes fouling problems by
dispersive action ol a specially tailored organic
molecule. This dispersanl keaps in suspension Control :
any parliculate matlet. thus {acilitating ils Ths dosage ol'Alfloc' 505 can be conlrollcd by
removal durlng blowdown. dslornrinrng organi€ phosphate in a santl'te ol
'Atfloc 505 is bolh thermally 6nd hyd.olylically recirculaling waler lhrough 8 simpl6 lttralron.
stable and lherefors retains its inhibitive ACCI's T€chnical Sorvice Bep.€sentstiv6 will
properties over a wide range of pH and adviss you, il necessary, on details ol conlrol
'Atlloc'505 lunctions as ellective scale inhibitor Handling and Storago :
withoul lormation of lroublesome calcium 'Allloc'5O5 must bs hsndlod wilh care, Contact
phosphate sludges. wirh eyss. skin and clothing should tle avo:ded
ln case ol conlact wash lhs allecled aret wrlh
'Al{loc' 505 is a nsutlal liguid concontlste warm sospy watet. Eye conlatnrnalion shou:d
and lherelore it can be easily handled and be tleated by irrigalion with water lor at least
conveniently dosed inlo thG syst8rns. l0 minules, lollowed by medical atlenlion
'Al{loc' 505 is not s nuttienl for microorganisms 'Alrloc' 505 is halmtul il 6wrllowed.
'Alfloc' 505 does not croate pollulion problems 'Al{loc' 505 is completely stabla during etorage
in the eltluenl. €nd transportalion ovon under adverso condilioos
Principal Usea :
Spillage Disposal :
'Alfloc' 505 is specially designed lor prevention Spillages ol thiG mstoiial should bo soaked up
ot hard water scales and m8tal oxido dsposils using iarrh or sand and senl to a licessed
in both rscirculaling and once through cooling site. Ths contanrinated atoa 6hould br
watel systems. washed with water and delergent.
'Alftoc' 505 can work in coniunction with
biocide such as 'Allloc' 520 chlotine etc for Packaging:
prevonting any biologicel growth in the 'Atlloc' 805 is rupplied in 30 or 90 litt. hioh
cooling syslems. donEiry polYlhone c6rboyr.
Typic€l applicslion areas lor.'Al{loc' 505 are
coblino water systems used in relineries, Tschnical Service :
oetrochemical, complexes, lrrtilizct planls powel ACCI randers rtso lechnicrl seNice to 'Alfioc'
plsnls olc
;lants. airconditioning and relrigeration Our experienced lechnical sotvics
"uito*",aa careful and syslomtlic studY ol lho
Becommended Dosago and Application : ;lanl ooetslino conditions and w!tet 'ntlyti''
When used fot once lhtough systems
'Allloc' ,i" i6"omminoalions tor lroubl€ l'.€ op€rslron'
505 ehould b€ dosed continuouslv at'15-50 ppm' ol lhe cooling sYslems.
'Allloc' ir rho Regisr€rod Yrtdo Mark ol Nallloc PLC Ux Rlgisl"cd utt'l
Tht Alkrli ahd Chs.rkal Colootalion ol lndi! Li'6ittd
A{:C I
Technical lnformation Notes
a ,
,ALFLOC' 620
'Allloc' 520 is not suilable lor us€ in potable ln case of spillag.6' drench with watar or 6o8k
supplies. up with 6and Normal sewago work3 will
adequately procass contaminatod ottlu€nt'
'Alrloc' 520 can be used in conlunction with
inhibilors such is 'Allloc' 501 , Technical Servicc :
NALCcl 3t ALF[.OC 3l is a sPcciallY
Product Benefits lormulated pulverised Producl ALF LOC
necdcd to scavanqe dissolvcd p erforma
oxyocn proscnl in lho lco(,w,'ll()r Il cit talysl ro I owc r lho aclivalion
p(ovidos llrc lollowrrtg bcrrolrt:; : cnc r ol tll(] doox (l cn(:lioIl
re act rO n enablin inslantancouS
a o ox n 20-500r mes
Reduces Pitting tYPe corrosion
- and exterds equipment a e( nco mmgrcial uncata zed
lile/reduces down time. ox en scave ers l. This ouick
oxygen remova mr nimize metal to
Beduces iron pick-up in the leed
- water syslems and hence n rme ng
minimizes the iron dcposilion on mrnrma corroslon.
high heat transler areas.
For elficient operalion of boilcrs,lne waler. ResidualSullite level in the
Conlrol dosage ol ALFLOC 31 is corrtrollcd boiler is recommended based on
by delermining lhe residual sullite operating pressures.
(as SO. ) on a sample ol blowdown
Authollg.d Doo:o.r:
i 54-8, POLKCT.I.
PTIASI I, MAYUR VIHAfI, Phono: 226:1706
oELHI-1 10091 Fax: ol '1225567'l
. Technical -__q_
lnforination Notes
( The polyphosphate preser)t in .Alftoc. 35 rcnroves The chemicals should l>c adrted .,r,,r:rr lresh tet
calciurr and maglnesium rolts front hard watsr. walsr rs being pUnrpcd into tho b/.ir.rr
Tllls prevents incru:tation in boilers
'Alllor^' 35 i'or)l,t,ns
tlolyrn(.ric ortt.trriC C.rirpOlrnds For.e{ficient ope,ations ol bcilurs ,, . (,os.r9{, ol
tlli]l Iornr a co.lting ort I)recipitates and;,1._.ysp1 'Allloc 35 is conl,oIed lry .tele,,r .,:\,.t .t..
rher',r fronr slicking c,,tlo the boit€r surfai:s.
phosphare level (as PO4) on a s I,. r,t l,or,(,,
'Allloc 35 conrJins I glass\. phos,)hate L.rse(l DIOw Oown wtter lollow,,rg te I) r,.,,Cr:,,.
inlribitor lhat nrinirais4s boilcr coIlosion. descrihEd rn tlre Allloc Waler T,r,.,! Si_rvl.,)
B ook let.
'Allloc 35 nrilrrrrri.-<r:s borlsr 6s\,v, tinre, lhus
rl( ,,,Jsiu!l tllc runnln0 puriOcl anrl tlccreiiSing Blowdown:
LlIIl]cnitr)cr! cosls, It is ess!,ni;al lo btowdown litc l,or,:r,,; s,l|{l
lO enSUre c:OnlFlele r€mova! of siuilrl" f16;,q 1r."
Principal Uses : erllire Systern ThrS w,lr Jlso p,n". ,,: t1,., :,,rrt
'Allloc'35 is rccotr)menrlecl for chelltical dissolvert solids front exccedrng pr,,1r:r,t),!{j tii)rs
treatnrent ol l)orlers ot,etating al nledium Handling:
l)rr)ss ures.
'Allloc':r5 is not a hazdr(lor.,s ch,:, ,,:ct, r ,,r uol,
ll rs always reconrnicnderl lor use as a il m.ry illllate o'l]urn sk ). ll lhrs . :r , ,,r\,, '
l)host)l)ate con(rilioarln0 trfatnlent in boitcr l,,,rtt wilsh lhE allFctcd areas wrrlr t,lenty oi ,,..i
\&'a tcr wttl) low har(ilress. watcr rnd obta,n modical a Cntr(.r. :x)rr,.{l,.rtoly
Rubbcr Oloves, goggles or face shrcl0s hrus! bo
Furthermore,'Al{loc'3b can be used in worn wlirtc handling'Alfloc' 35
coniunction wirh'Allloc' 20,'Alftoc' 2.1 8nd
'Allloc' 60. elc. Packaging:
'Allloc' 3: is supplied in psrfectly soale(j. 50 t{,
Recommendod Dosago and Application : (nel) .nild sleel drums. lt is hyg.osccp,c rn
'Alfloc'35 treatn)ent levols and lhe need to nalure he c€ drums should be ti0lrlly ciosed
conrbine various treatnlents, is deicrmir,ed by altel usp, and storcd in a dry placrr
such facrorg 88 ths quslity oi ihe waler, type ol
boiler and ths amounl ol water €voporated, Tochnical Service :
otc. The quanlity is adjuoted ro ensU:e thar ACCI rendors free technical ser!ice , ) a!t At,tce
phosphate reserv( (eensrnlly 30-70 ppm) is cuslomers. Our experioncsd t€chni1 sl slafl. alt6.
riraintained in the i,ciler !./Bter at all tintDs I carelul and systemalic sludy ol plant and
boilor equipment, make recommefl.Jr: ions lor
'Alfloc'35 powder should be dissolvod in solt lreatment ol water and perlotnranc. ror
or condonsate water lo givo a solution oI not satisfactory maintonsnce ol boilers.nd therr
moro than 1;a strengrh. Tho powder shoutd bo auxiliarios.
'Alllrc rs th. So0islercJ Tr3dB MDrl of Nd loc pLC Ll(. RGgistcr.d us.,.:
The Alkali and Chenlical Corooration ot tndir !_irhit6d