OBE Ballistics
OBE Ballistics
OBE Ballistics
Graduates should be able to:
1. demonstrate skills and competencies in one’s field of discipline for lifelong learning;
2. express proficiency in both verbal and non-verbal communication;
3. display social accountability and ethical responsibility towards the community and the environment;
4. exhibit proactive and collaborative attributes in a diverse society;
5. apply appropriate technology; and
6. manifest personal and professional work ethics.
The Bachelor of Science in Criminal Justice aims to produce graduates who can:
1. deliver efficient and effective services in crime prevention and investigation, law enforcement and custody and rehabilitation of offenders;
2. conduct research and inquiry related to crime and criminal behavior
3. uphold the values of leadership, integrity, accountability and responsibility while serving their fellowmen, community and country; and
4. pass the criminologist licensure examination and other related government service examinations
In consonance with the Vision, Mission, Goals and Core Values of the Institution and the College, the Bachelor of Science in Criminology aims to produce professionally
competent and morally upright graduates who can serve as:
1. Practicing Criminologist 6. Custom Officers
2. Law Enforcers 7. Forensic Specialist
3. Correctional Officers 8. Fire Officers
4. Special Investigators 9. Professors
5. Security Officers/Supervisors/Administrators
At the end of the course, the students can :
1. explain the importance of Forensic Ballistics in the field of law enforcement in our country;
2. discuss and identify the different types, kind, make and classification of firearms;
3. identify the pioneer on the discovery of firearms, including their respective contributions;
4. classify different types of ammunitions, explosives and its components;
5. discuss the class and individual characteristics of firearms;
6. explain the different functions of the various parts of the firearm;
7. recognize the various laboratory equipment necessary in the examination of firearms; cartridges, fired bullets, and allied matters; and
8. prepare reports and present pieces of evidence during court proceedings on time.
The teacher will Actual presentation Bullet Trimm, Harold H.
Demonstrate 3. Bullets discuss the definition of bullet comparison Comparison Forensics The Easy 3 Weeks
the Uses of Definition of of bullet, its origin, microscope with Microscope Way, 2005 U.S.A
CILO 4 bullet concept, and perform analysis of slugs and
Origin of bullet classification, the cartridges
equipment such
Classification of comparison of bullet, www.barronseduc.com
as bullet bullet cartridge and gun Operate the
comparison Bullet powder analysis. Bullet
microscope; comparisons Compariso
Cartridge The student can n PC, DLP and Laptop for
Comparison operate the bullet Microscope Ppt presentation
Gun Powder comparison With two
Residue Analysis microscope to types of
examine the bullet slugs and
for comparison, cartridges
cartridges and gun for PC/Internet @
CILO 5 powder analysis. comparison Firearm Identification
The teacher will Weekly Exercises
illustrate the types of 1 Week
hand gun.
Hands on Minnery, J. (1990).
CILO 6 The students can Draw and CIA: Catalog of
4. The types of compare a semi sketch the clandestine weapons,
Identify the Handguns automatic to a types of Laboratory / tools, and gadgets.
A Semi- revolver. handguns Handgun Boulder, Colo.: Paladin
Functions of the
Automatic analysis/examinatio Press
parts of n
firearms A Revolver
CILO(s) Assessment
Specific Intended Teaching/Learning Activities References/ Time Frame
being Competencies/ Topics Methods/Tasks
Learning Outcomes Equipment Used (in weeks)
illustrate a report The teacher will discuss Essay writing
of firearms, slugs, 7. Handling, Marking, the handling, marking, See rubric
empty shells, etc. Preservation and preservation and Trimm, Harold H. 3 Weeks
for legal Shipping of ballistics shipping of ballistics Forensics The Easy
Evidence evidence. Way, 2005 U.S.A
Fired bullets The students can Hands on Hands
CILO 8 Fired metallic cartridges organized the chain of on
Fired paper shot shells handling, markings,
Shot pellets preservation and
Shot wads shipping of ballistics
Loaded shell or cartridges evidence.
Shot or powder patterns PC/Internet @ 1 Week
Create a written None Firearm
report in ballistics 8. Guide to firearm Identification
examiners/ investigators The teacher will give www.firearmsid.co
Note taking example of a ballistic m
report, its process and
Ballistic report writing
1. explain the importance of Forensic Ballistics in the field of law enforcement in 1. Deliver efficient and effective services in crime prevention and investigation,
our country; law enforcement and custody and rehabilitation of offenders;
2. discuss and identify the different types, kind, make and classification of CILO 1, CILO 2
3. identify the pioneer on the discovery of firearms, including their respective 2. Conduct research and inquiry related to crime and criminal behavior
contributions; CILO 1, CILO 2, CILO 3, CILO 4, CILO 5, CILO 6, CILO 7, CILO 8
4. classify different types of ammunitions, explosives and its components;
5. discuss the class and individual characteristics of firearms; 3. Uphold the values of leadership, integrity, accountability and responsibility
6. explain the different functions of the various parts of the firearm; while serving their fellowmen, community and country; and
7. recognize the various laboratory equipment necessary in the examination of CILO 1-8
firearms; cartridges, fired bullets, and allied matters; and
8. prepare reports and present pieces of evidence during court proceedings on 4. Pass the Criminologist Licensure Examination and other related government
time. service examinations
CILO 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8,