DLL G6 Q1 WEEK 9 ALL SUBJECTS (Mam Inkay Peralta)

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GRADE 6 School: Grade Level: VI

DAILY LESSON LOG Teacher: Learning Area: ENGLISH

Teaching Dates and Time: JULY 29 - AUGUST 2, 2019 (WEEK 9) Quarter: 1ST QUARTER


A. Grade Level Standard The learner listens critically; communicates feelings and ideas orally and in writing with a high level of proficiency; and reads various text types materials to serve learning needs
in meeting a wide range of life’s purpose
B. Content Standards
C. Performance Standards
D. Learning Competencies/ Reading Comprehension Viewing Grammar Oral Reading Fluency Attitude
Objectives Evaluate narratives based on how
the author develop the elements: Analyze the characters/setting Compose clear and coherent a. Read grade level text a. Observe politeness at
-theme used in print, non-print and digital sentences using appropriate with 135 words correct all times
-point of view materials (Age and gender, race grammatical structures: per minute b. Show tactfulness when
and nationality, attitude and Subject-verb agreement b. Show openness to communicating with
behavior) criticism others.

Write the LC code for each (EN6RC-Ii-2.24.4, EN6RC-Ii- (EN6VC-Ii-3.3.1, EN6VC-Ii-3.3.3) (EN6G-Ii-3.9) (EN6F-Ii-1.13, ENGA-Ii-18) (ENGA-Ii-16, ENGA-Ii-17)
II. CONTENT Evaluating Narratives based on Analyzing the Characters/Setting Composing Sentences using Reading Grade Level Text with 1. Observing Politeness at
how the Author develop the used in Print, Non-print and Digital Appropriate Grammatical 135 words correct per minute All Times
Elements (theme, point of view) materials Structures: Subject-verb 2. Showing Tactfulness
Agreement when Communicating
with Others

A. References
1. Teacher’s Guides Lesson Guide in Elementary Lesson Guide in Elementary Lesson Guide in Elementary Lesson Guide in Elementary Lesson Guide in Elementary
English 6 English 6 English 6 English 6 English 6

2. Learner’s Material
3. Textbook Pages English for All Times 6 (Reading) English for All Times 6 (Reading) Across Boarders Through Across Boarders Through
pages 48-55 pages 48-55 Language 6, pages 179-186 Language 6, pages 179-186
4. Additional Reference Animated stories from the
from Learning Video Clips Video clips, reading materials Charts, sentence strips reading materials internet (youtube.,com)
Resource (Aesop’s fable)
B. Other Learning Pictures, real object Printed pictures of famous fairy pictures charts pictures
Resources tale characters
A. Reviewing previous Review of the different elements Read the selections below and Direction: Encircle the subject Drill: Reading downloaded Basic Let us review the characters we
lesson or presenting of a story using local stories identify the central theme of it: and underline the predicate in Sight Words had in our two featured stories
the new lesson (History of a local town hero) (English for All Times-Reading the following sentences: of the week:
pages 54-55) 1. The woman shouted 1. The Tale of the White
with joy upon seeing Squash (wife, husband,
the baby. baby)
2. The white squash is a 2. Protecting our Wildlife
magical fruit. (George, Dianne)
3. The couple was
childless for a long
4. Both couple became
greedy when they saw
the gold.
5. The gold disappears
together with the
B. Establishing a purpose ASK: If you were given a chance Look for the pictures of some Motive Question: What are the things that we need ASK: How must we treat people
for the lesson to have a magical wish come famous fairy tale characters then 1. What is the status of to remember in oral reading? who are older than us?
true, what is that thing that will in your own words describe each wildlife now? Silent reading?
make you happy? one of them. 2. In what way do people
endanger wildlife?
3. How is wildlife
Original File Submitted and
Formatted by DepEd Club
1. Elsa 2. Pinocchio Member - visit depedclub.com
for more

3. Rapunzel 4. Sleeping beauty

C. Presenting examples/ Using the table each character Presenting a short story: Presenting a selection Presenting the downloaded
instances of the new Reading of a short story “The Tale in the story “The Tale of a White Protecting Our Wildlife “Protecting Our Wildlife” animated story featuring
lesson of the White Squash (pages 48- Squash” will be described and “Do you see those 1. Class reading “politeness”
55) analyzed. pictures?” asked George. 2. Group reading “Let’s Respect Everyone”
Chara Of course! They are the 3. Individual reading
cteris wife husband green turtle, the Philippine
tics tamaraw, and the Palawan
age deer,” replied Diane.
gend “Maybe there will come a
er time when we can only see
race them in pictures. They have
Natio now decreased in number
nality because of irresponsible
attitu hunting,” explained George.
de “Yes, the wildlife population
is in dangerous levels,” agreed
Diane. “Many people have
been destructive. They destroy
forests which are habitats of
plants and animals. They also
collect and destroy wildlife
species,” Diane added.
“The wildlife management
must do something about this,”
said George.
“Our wildlife is protected by
laws. We hope to see more
wildlife species in the future,”
said Diane.
“That’s good,” answered
George smiling. “We look
forward to seeing more
national parks and game
sanctuaries for our wildlife.”

D. Discussing new Comprehension Check-up: Discussion and Analysis: 1. Answering the motive Group Activity: Analysis and Discussion:
concepts and practicing Analysis and Discussion 1. “Squash is the only food questions. Group will be given a short 1. How can you describe
new skill #1 1. Who were the main that the couple eats every 2. Study the following story (a fable). Then they will Benny? Clara?
characters in the story? day.” From this sentences. The words monitor each of their member’s 2. Why did people love
2. What is so special about statement, tell the setting highlighted in yellow reading ability. Benny than Clara?
the white squash? of the story and the are the subjects and 3. How did Clara felt
3. Did the couple source of income of the the words highlighted about it?
appreciate the people. in blue are verbs: 4. How did the dwarves
opportunity given to 2. What negative trait does a. An alligator looks like reward Benny? Clara?
them? the couple possessed? a crocodile. 5. What must we
4. Explain: “Money is the 3. If we are to analyze the b. It is a ferocious remember when
root of all evils”, was couple’s characters, they animal. dealing with other
this saying shown in the were not as greedy as c. Pangolins live in the people?
story? they were when they are forests of Palawan.
5. If you were the wife, still poor, what do you d. They eat ants and
would you do the same? think have changed their other insects.
Why? behavior? e. They are endangered
4. What do you think will animals.
happen if the couple
became contented with
what they had?
5. What lesson did the story
taught us?

E. Discussing new Study Skill Development Group Activity: Verbs in the present tense end To compute for the Speed Politeness is a behavior that is
concepts and practicing Elicitation using graphic Watch the short story “Too Many in –s when the subject of the Level use the formula below: considerate and respectful of
new skill #2 organizer: Bananas” (Bookbox.com) then sentence is singular except other people.
1. What is the central idea analyze the following: when the subject is You and I. no. of words in the passage Give instances in the story
or message that the 1. The setting of the story Verbs in the present tense use /reading time (seconds) X 60 where the characters show
author wants to convey? 2. Fill up the details of the the simple form when the politeness.
2. How did the author characters: subject of the sentence is example: Tactfulness-  A
develop the theme of a. Age plural and when the subject is 131/80 seconds(60) =98 word per tactful person is appropriate
the story? b. Gender You and I. Intervening words minute and sensitive, never rude or
3. If you will be the main c. Race or expressions do not affect careless. 
character of the story d. Nationality the subject. How did the dwarves
how would you narrate e. attitude rewarded Benny’s
it? the narrator? The Direction: Underline the tactfulness?
author? subject in each sentence.
4. Did the author give Circle the verb in the
justice in making you as parentheses that agrees with
readers interested in the the subject.
story? 1. Dry leaves (fall, falls)
on the ground.
2. A strong wind (blows,
blow) them away.
3. The fallen trees
(blocks, block) the
4. The clouds (look,
looks) like dark
5. The sun still (shine,
shines) through the

F. Developing mastery Group Activity: Direction: Read the story below Group Activity: Partnership Activity: Pupils will be Group Activity:
(Leads to Formative Watch the video of a story then fill up the information Direction: Write 5 sentences given a story to read. Make a 5-minute skit showing
Assessment) entitled “The elves and the needed below: showing ways on how you can Then each of the politeness and tactfulness.
shoemaker” (BookBox.com). take care of our wildlife. Apply partners will monitor
A friend in need is a friend
Then accomplish the following: the subject-verb agreement in his/her partner’s reading
1. Identify the theme of each sentence. speed.
the story. Once upon a time there lived a
2. Retell the story as: lion in a forest. One day after a
a. Peter Schumaker heavy meal. It was sleeping under
b. The narrator a tree. After a while, there came a
c. The author mouse and it started to play on
the lion. Suddenly the lion got up
with anger and looked for those
who disturbed its nice sleep. Then
it saw a small mouse standing
trembling with fear. The lion
jumped on it and started to kill it.
The mouse requested the lion to
forgive it. The lion felt pity and left
it. The mouse ran away. 
On another day, the lion was
caught in a net by a hunter. The
mouse came there and cut the
net. Thus it escaped. Thereafter,
the mouse and the lion became
friends. They lived happily in the
forest afterwards. 
a. Where is the setting of
the story?
b. Compare the lion’s
characteristics with that
of the mouse’s
G. Finding practical How can we have better If you ever you meet a new friend, Why is it important for us to How can we improve our When must we practice
applications of judgment of a story? Why is it how will you get to know the learn the proper subject-verb reading speed? politeness and tactfulness?
concepts and skills in important to have a better view person well? agreement? How must we take criticisms if
daily living of a story told to us? we are not that good in reading?

H. Making generalizations Theme refers to the central Characters refer to the people Verbs agree with the noun of What must be considered to What can we get if we are polite
and abstractions about idea or message that the author involved in the story. They are pronoun subject of a sentence compute for the reading level? and tactful at all times?
the lesson wants to convey to the readers. categorized as major and minor both in tense and in number.
Point of view is the angle of characters. We can get to know This is called subject-verb
vision from which a story is told, more of them if we analyzed them agreement.
the perspective or vantage point through their age, gender, race, Thus, if a subject is
from which a writer views reality nationality, behavior and attitude. singular, its verb must also
or conveys action or information. Setting includes two major parts, be singular; if a subject is
There are four basic points of namely time and place. It gives the plural, its verb must also be
view which fall into two readers background about the plural.
categories (first person and third story.
I. Evaluating learning Read the short story below then Direction: Watch the story, “The Direction: Underline the Direction: Read the selection Direction: Put a check if the
answer the questions that lazy Brahmin” (youtube.com). correct verb form for each below. Compute for your own following situations show
follows: Then analyze the following sentence. reading level. politeness and cross if not.
characters: 1. The owl usually (hunt, “The Lion and the Hare” ___1. Shiela is always using
A Town Mouse and A Country
1. Brahmin hunts) its food at “Please” in asking for help.
2. Hermit night. ___2. Alex never considers the
A Town Mouse and a Country 3. Wife 2. Owls (is, are) helpful feeling of his classmates in
Mouse were friends. The Country 4. Demon to mankind. giving opinions.
Mouse one day invited his friend 3. They (eat, eats)_ ___3. Gina always wants to be
to come and see him at his home harmful rodents that treated as the leader of her
in the fields. The Town Mouse roam in our gardens. friends.
came and they sat down to a 4. That is why the owl ___4. Cindy speaks in low tone
dinner of barleycorns and roots (has, have) been every time she speaks with her
the latter of which had a called the night parents.
distinctly earthy flavour.  watchman of gardens. ____5. Candy always interrupts
The flavor was not much to 5. Scientists (has, have) her talking grandmother to
the taste of the guest and identified 145 species insert her reasons.
presently he broke out with “My of owls.
poor dear friend, you live here no
better than the ants. Now, you
should just see how I fare! My
larder is a regular horn of plenty.
You must come and stay with me
and I promise you shall live on
the fat of the land." 
So when he returned to town
he took the Country Mouse with
him and showed him into a larder
containing flour and oatmeal and
figs and honey and dates. 
The Country Mouse had never
seen anything like it and sat
down to enjoy the luxuries his
friend provided. But before they
had well begun, the door of the
larder opened and someone
came in. The two Mice
scampered off and hid
themselves in a narrow and
exceedingly uncomfortable hole.
Presently, when all was quiet,
they ventured out again. But
someone else came in, and off
they scuttled again. This was too
much for the visitor. "Good bye,"
said he, "I'm off. You live in the
lap of luxury, I can see, but you
are surrounded by dangers
whereas at home I can enjoy my
simple dinner of roots and corn in

1. What is the theme of

the story?
2. Narrate the story in the
town mouse’s point of

J. Additional activities for Choose a fable to read and Direction: Watch your favorite Direction: Write the correct Practice reading at home. Have a In a paragraph write how do you
application or using your own point of view, telenovela tonight, after that in a verb form for each sentence. family member monitor your practice politeness at home.
remediation retell the story. paragraph or two describe the (need) 1. Like all animals, all reading speed.
main character of the story. kinds of fish ____ rest.
(have) 2. Many kinds ____
periods of what might be called
as sleep.
(remain)3. Others simply ____
inactive for short periods.
(continue) 4. But even at rest,
many fish ______ to move
their fins to keep their position
in the water.
(sleep)_ 5. Some fish ____ at
the bottom of the sea resting
on their belly or side.
A. No. of learners who
earned 80% on the
formative assessment
B. No. of learners who
require additional
activities for
C. Did the remedial
lessons work? No. of
learners who have
caught up with the
D. No. of learners who
continue to require
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well?
Why did these work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my
principal or supervisor
can help me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized materials did I
use/discover which I
wish to share with
other teachers?
GRADE 6 School: Grade Level: VI
Teaching Dates and Time: JULY 29 - AUGUST 2, 2019 (WEEK 9) Quarter: 1ST QUARTER


Pamantayang Nilalaman Nalalaman ang mapanuring pag-unawa at kaalaman sa bahagi ng Pilipinas sa globalisasyon batay sa lokasyon nito sa mundo gamit ang mga kasanayang pangheograpiya at
(Content Standard) ang ambag ng malayang kaisipan sa pag-usbong ng nasyonalismong Pilipino.

Pamantayan sa Pagganap Naipamamalas ang pagpapahalaga sa kontribusyon ng Pilipinas sa isyung pandaigdig batay sa lokasyon nito sa mundo.
(Performance Standard)
Pamantayan sa Pagkatuto Nabibigyang halaga ang mga kontribosyon ng mga Natatanging Pilipinong nakipaglaban para sa kalayaan
(Learning Competencies)
Hal: Emilio Aguinaldo, Gregorio del Pilar, Miguel Malvar, Iba pang bayaning Pilipino

Layunin (Lesson Objectives) Nabibigyang halaga ang mga Nalalaman ang mga Naipamalas ang kahalagahan ng Pagbabalik aral sa mga Naisasagot nang wasto ang
kontribosyon ng mga Natatanging kontribosyon ng mga mga kontribosyon ng natatanging natalakay sa unang markahan katanungan sa Unang
Pilipinong nakipaglaban para sa Natatanging Pilipinong Pilipinong para sa kalayaan Markahan
kalayaan nakipaglaban para sa kalayaan

1. Emilio Aguinaldo
2. Gregorio del Pilar
3. Miguel Malvar

Paksang Aralin Kontribosyon ng mga Natatanging Kontribosyon ng mga Kontribosyon ng mga Natatanging Balik-aral sa mga leksiyon sa Pagsusulit sa Unang
(Subject Matter) Pilipinong Nakipaglaban para sa Natatanging Pilipinong Pilipinong Nakipaglaban para sa Unang Markahan Markahan
Kalayaan: Nakipaglaban para sa Kalayaan:
a. Si Emilio Aguinaldo Kalayaan:
Miguel Malvar
Gregorio del Pilar
Gamitang Panturo Pilipinas Isang Sulyap at Pagyakap 1. Pilipinas Bansang Pag-unlad Pamana 5 1999 pahina 131-133
(Learning Resources) 2006 pahina 180-186 6.2000 pahina 191-194

a. Reviewing previous lesson/s or Pagpapakita ng larawan ni Emilio Pagpapakita ng larawan ni Pagpapakita ng larawan ni Miguel
presenting the new lesson Aguinaldo Gregorio del Pilar Malvar
b. Establishing a purpose for the Anu– ano ang mga pagbabago sa Itanong ang mga sumusunod: Paggawa ng maikling jingle tungkol
lesson patakaran ni Emilio Aguinaldo? Sino si Gregorio del Pilar? sa pamumuno ni Miguel Malvar.
c. Presenting examples/instances Pagpapakita ng video clip na Itatanong sa mga bata ang Sabihin: Mayroong tayong
of the new lesson nagpapakita tungkol sa mga tungkol sa mga larawan tatalakayin tungkol sa mga
nagawang kabutihan ni Emilio ((Idikit ang mga larawan nga kontribusyon ni Miguel Malvar.
Aguinaldo para sa bayan. mga naging pangulo kabilang  Pamumuno sa
si Gregorio del Pilar) sandatahang hukbo ng
 Tinaguriang kahuli-
hulihang heneral na
sumuko sa hukbo ng mga
d. Discussing new concept Mga Tanong: Mga Tanong:
Ang pagkaroon ng kaalaman
1. Anu – ano ang mga pagbabago sa 1. Ano sa inyong palagay ang tungkol sa buhay ni Miguel Malvar
panahon ni Emilio Aguinaldo? kinalaman ng mga larawan sa
ay nakakatulong para mas makilala
ating paksa ngayon?
nation siya bilang isa sa mga
2. Naibigan o nagustuhan ba ng mga
Pilipino ang mga nagging 2. Sa mga larawang ito, alin pangulo ng bansa noon.
kontribusyon ni Emilio Aguinaldo? dito si Gregorio del Pilar?
3. Ano ang kabutihang naidulot sa
mga pagbabagong ginawa ni Emilio 3Ano ang kaibahan ni
Aguinaldo sa ating bansa? Gregorio del Pilar at Emilio

e. Continuation of the discussion

of new concept
f. Developing Mastery Pangkatang Gawain Gamit ang iba’t – ibang uri ng Gumawa ng poster tungkol sa mga
Pangkat 1 –Pagtala sa mga graphic organizer, ipakita ang pagbabagong naganap sa
pagbabagong nagawa ni Emilio mga programang nagawa ni pamumuno ni Miguel Malvar.
Aguinaldo. Gregorio del Pilar.
Pangkat 2 – Paggawa ng semantic
Pangkat 3 – Paggawa ng poster
Pangkat 4 – Pagpapakita ng isang
dula - dulaan
g. Finding practical application of Bumuo ng pangkat na may limang Magkaroon ng isang dula – Tanong: Paano mo mabigyang
concepts and skills in daily living kasapi. Lumikha ng jingle tungkol sa dulaan na nagpapakita sa halaga ang mga naging nagawa ni
pagbabago sa patakaran ni Emilio pagpapahalaga sa programang Miguel Malvar sa ating bansa?
Aguinaldo. nailunsad ni Gregorio del Pilar.
h. Making generalizations and Sino ang makapag ulat ukol sa mga Anu – ano ang mga Isa-isahin ang mga pagbabagong
abstractions about the lesson pagbabagong nagawa ni Emilio programang ipinatupad ni nagawa ni Miguel Malvar sa
Aguinaldo? Gregorio del Pilar? Pilipinas?
i. Evaluating learning Sagutin ang mga tanong: Sagution ang mga sumusunod: Gumawa ng pangkatang
1. Kailan ipinanganak si pagtataya(graphic organizer)
1. Sino ang unang pangulo ng unang Gregorio del Pilar? tungkol sa mga pagbabagong
republika ng Pilipinas?
naganap sa panahon ni Miguel
2. Anu – ano ang mga hanapbuhay ni 2. Paano nakipaglaban si
Emilio Aguinaldo bago siya naging Gregorio del Pilar sa mga
pangulo? Amerikano?
3. Ano ang naging hangarin ni
Aguinaldo sa pag-aklas?
4. Bakit hindi siya nagtagumpay sa
kanyang pag-aaklas sa mga
5. Naibigan ba ng mga Pilipino ang
pamumuno ni Emilio Aguinaldo?
j.Additional Activities for
application or remediation


a. No. of learners for application or

b. No. of learners who require
additional activities for remediation
who scored below 80%
c. Did the remedial lessons work?
No. of learners who have caught up
with the lesson
d. No. of learners who continue to
require remediation
e. Which of my teaching strategies
worked well?
Why did these work?
f. What difficulties did I encounter
which my principal or supervisor can
help me solve?
g. What innovation or localized
materials did I use/discover which I
wish to share with other teachers?
GRADE 6 School: Grade Level: VI
Teaching Dates and Time: JULY 29 - AUGUST 2, 2019 (WEEK 9) Quarter: 1ST QUARTER


I.LAYUNIN (Objectives) Create problems (with reasonable Create problems (with Create problems (with reasonable Create problems (with reasonable Create problems (with
answers) involving division reasonable answers) involving answers) involving division answers) involving division without reasonable answers)
without or with any of the other division without or with any of without or with any of the other or with any of the other operations involving division without
operations of decimals and whole the other operations of operations of decimals and whole of decimals and whole numbers or with any of the other
numbers including money. decimals and whole numbers numbers including money. including money. operations of decimals
including money. and whole numbers
including money.
A.Pamantayang Pangnilalaman Demonstrate understanding of the Demonstrate understanding of Demonstrate understanding of the Demonstrate understanding of the Demonstrate
( Content Standards) four fundamental operations the four fundamental four fundamental operations four fundamental operations understanding of the four
involving fractions and decimals operations involving fractions involving fractions and decimals involving fractions and decimals fundamental operations
and decimals involving fractions and
B.Pamantayan sa Pagganap Able to apply the four Able to apply the four Able to apply the four Able to apply the four fundamental Able to apply the four
(Performance Standards) fundamental operations involving fundamental operations fundamental operations involving operations involving fractions and fundamental operations
fractions and decimals in involving fractions and fractions and decimals in decimals in mathematical problems involving fractions and
mathematical problems and real- decimals in mathematical mathematical problems and real- and real-life situations. decimals in mathematical
life situations. problems and real-life life situations. problems and real-life
situations. situations.
C. MgaKasanayan sa Pagkatuto Creating problems (with Creating problems (with Creating problems (with Creating problems (with reasonable Creating problems (with
(Learning Competencies) reasonable answers) involving reasonable answers) involving reasonable answers) involving answers) involving division without reasonable answers)
division without or with any of the division without or with any of division without or with any of the or with any of the other operations involving division without
other operations of decimals and the other operations of other operations of decimals and of decimals and whole numbers or with any of the other
whole numbers including money. decimals and whole numbers whole numbers including money. including money. operations of decimals
including money. and whole numbers
including money.
II.NILALAMAN (Content) Numbers and Number Sense Numbers and Number Sense Numbers and Number Sense Numbers and Number Sense Numbers and Number
(Learning Resources)
A.Sanggunian (References)
1.Mga pahina sa Gabay ng Guro
(Teacher’s Guide Pages) LG IN MATHEMATICS 6 pp.133-136 LG IN MATHEMATICS 6 pp.133- LG IN MATHEMATICS 6 pp.133-136 LG IN MATHEMATICS 6 pp.133-136 LG IN MATHEMATICS 6
TG MATH 6 pp.136-142 136 TG MATH 6 pp.136-142 TG MATH 6 pp.136-142 pp.133-136
TG MATH 6 pp.136-142 TG MATH 6 pp.136-142
CODE: M6NS-Ij-121.2; CODE: M6NS-Ij-121.2; CODE: M6NS-Ij-121.2;
CG p.189 CODE: M6NS-Ij-121.2; CG p.189 CG p.189 CODE: M6NS-Ij-121.2;
CG p.189 CG p.189
2.Mga Pahina sa Kagamitang pp.89-91 pp.89-91 pp.89-91 pp.89-91 pp.89-91
Pang-M ⁄ag-aaral (Learner’s
Materials Pages)
3.Mga pahina sa Teksbuk
(Textbook Pages)
4. Karagdagang Kagamitan mula
sa portal ng Learning Resource
(Additional Materials from
Learning Resources (LR) Portal)
B.Iba pang Kagamitang Panturo
(Other Learning Resources)
IV.PAMAMARAAN (Procedures)
A.Balik-Aral sa nakaraang aralin Drill: Mental computation Drill: Drill: Mental Computation: Solve the Drill: Mental computation
at/o pagsisimula ng aralin 1. Four kilos of onions cost P98.00. Mental Computation: Mental Computation: problem mentally. 1. Ten kilos of apples cost
(Review Previous Lessons) How much will a kilo cost? P450.00. How much will a
Vicky sold 36 kilos of Rico reads a book for 1.5 1. Mang Enteng sold 45 kilos of kilo cost?
Banana. If each person days. How many books mangoes. He decided to divide it
bought 1.5 kilos will he be able to read in equally to his 5 grandsons. how
each,how many people 7.5 days? many kilos of mangoes does each
bought the Bananas? grandson received?
B. Paghahabi sa layunin ng aralin Show pictures of different malls Show pictures of Toy Stores Show pictures of supermarkets Show pictures of Hardwares Show pictures of Gasoline
(Establishing purpose for the Ask pupils what are the things Ask pupils what are the things Ask pupils what are the things Ask pupils what are the things they Stations
Lesson) they see in malls? they see in Toy stores? they see in supermarkets? see in Hardwares? Ask pupils what are the
Have them write answers on the Have them write answers on Have them write answers on the Have them write answers on the things they see in
board the board board board Gasoline stations?
Have them write answers
on the board
C. Pag-uugnay ng mga Group pupils according to Learning Group pupils according to Group pupils according to Learning Group pupils according to Learning Group pupils according to
halimbawa sa bagong aralin Barkadas. Learning Barkadas. Barkadas. Barkadas. Learning Barkadas.
(Presenting examples /instances
of the new lessons)
D. Pagtatalakay ng bagong Group Activity: Group Activity: Group Activity: Group Activity: Group Activity:
konsepto at paglalahad ng *Each group will be given an *Each group will be given an *Each group will be given an *Each group will be given an *Each group will be given
bagong kasanayan #1 envelop containing pictures. envelop containing pictures. envelop containing pictures. envelop containing pictures.(things an envelop containing
(Discussing new concepts and (things they see in malls) (things they see in Toy Stores) (things they see in Supermarkets) they see in Hardwares) pictures.(things they see
practicing new skills #1. *Have each group create a *Have each group create a *Have each group create a *Have each group create a problem in Gasoline Stations)
problem involving division of problem involving division of problem involving division of involving division of decimals,mixed *Have each group create
decimals,mixed decimals or whole decimals,mixed decimals or decimals,mixed decimals or whole decimals or whole numbers a problem involving
numbers including money. using whole numbers including numbers including money. using including money.using the pictures division of
the pictures in the envelop. money.using the pictures in the the pictures in the envelop. in the envelop. decimals,mixed decimals
envelop. or whole numbers
including money.using
the pictures in the
E. Pagtatalakay ng bagong Before going to their “Learning Before going to their “Learning Before going to their “Learning Before going to their “Learning Before going to their
konsepto at paglalahad ng Barkadas” remind pupils the Barkadas” remind pupils the Barkadas” remind pupils the Barkadas” remind pupils the “Learning Barkadas”
bagong kasanayan #2 (Discussing guidelines in working with group guidelines in working with guidelines in working with group guidelines in working with group remind pupils the
new concepts & practicing new mates. group mates. mates. mates. guidelines in working with
slills #2) *After 5 minutes they will *After 5 minutes they will *After 5 minutes they will *After 5 minutes they will exchange group mates.
exchange works and will answer exchange works and will exchange works and will answer works and will answer the problem *After 5 minutes they will
the problem formed by the other answer the problem formed by the problem formed by the other formed by the other Learning exchange works and will
Learning Barkadas. the other Learning Barkadas. Learning Barkadas. Barkadas. answer the problem
formed by the other
*Presentation of outputs *Presentation of outputs *Presentation of outputs *Presentation of outputs Learning Barkadas.

*Presentation of outputs

F. Paglinang sa Kabihasaan Ask pupil to get a partner and Ask pupil to get a partner and Ask pupil to get a partner and Ask pupil to get a partner and Ask pupil to get a partner
(Tungo sa Formative Assesment create a simple problem create a simple problem create a simple problem create a simple problem (localized) and create a simple
3) (localized) involving division of (localized) involving division of (localized) involving division of involving division of decimals,mixed problem (localized)
Developing Mastery (Leads to decimals,mixed decimals or whole decimals,mixed decimals or decimals,mixed decimals or whole decimals or whole numbers involving division of
Formative Assesment 3) numbers including money. whole numbers including numbers including money. including money. decimals,mixed decimals
money. or whole numbers
Ask: Ask: Ask: including money.
1. Who would like to share their Ask: 1. Who would like to share their 1. Who would like to share their
work in class? 1. Who would like to share work in class? work in class? Ask:
2. Let us analyze the problem. their work in class? 2. Let us analyze the problem. 2. Let us analyze the problem. 1. Who would like to
3. What operations are involved in 2. Let us analyze the problem. 3. What operations are involved in 3. What operations are involved in share their work in class?
the problem? 3. What operations are the problem? the problem? 2. Let us analyze the
4. Is the answer correct? involved in the problem? 4. Is the answer correct? 4. Is the answer correct? problem.
4. Is the answer correct? 3. What operations are
involved in the problem?
4. Is the answer correct?
G. Paglalapat ng aralin sa pang *Have the pupils make a poster How will you show cooperation Are you wise in spending your Do you want to do what Medz and What is the importance of
araw-araw na buhay (Finding that shows the things they do at and helpfulness at home? money? Rose did? WhY? having patience in
Practical Applications of home during week ends. How? Cite some instances. everything we do?
concepts and skills in daily living)
H. Paglalahat ng Aralin (Making How are you able to create a word How are you able to create a How are you able to create a word How are you able to create a word How are you able to
Generalizations & Abstractions problem with your Learning word problem with your problem with your Learning problem with your Learning create a word problem
about the lessons) Barkadas? Learning Barkadas? Barkadas? Barkadas? with your Learning
What helped you in the activity? What helped you in the What helped you in the activity? What helped you in the activity? Barkadas?
What steps have you employed to activity? What steps have you employed to What steps have you employed to What helped you in the
be able to create and answer the What steps have you employed be able to create and answer the be able to create and answer the activity?
word problem? to be able to create and word problem? word problem? What steps have you
answer the word problem? employed to be able to
create and answer the
word problem?
I.Pagtataya ng Aralin (Evaluating Have the pupils go to the school Have the pupils go to the Have the pupils go to the school Have the pupils go to the computer Have the pupils go to the
Learning) canteen. school nursery. library. room. tle Room.
*Have them list all the things they *Have them list all the things *Have them list all the things they *Have them list all the things they *Have them list all the
see with their corresponding price. they see with their see with their corresponding price. see with their corresponding price. things they see with their
*Instruct each pupil to create a corresponding price. *Instruct each pupil to create a *Instruct each pupil to create a corresponding price.
simple problem involving division *Instruct each pupil to create a simple problem involving division simple problem involving division *Instruct each pupil to
of decimals,mixed decimals or simple problem involving of decimals,mixed decimals or of decimals,mixed decimals or create a simple problem
whole numbers including money. division of decimals,mixed whole numbers including money. whole numbers including money. involving division of
decimals or whole numbers decimals,mixed decimals
including money. or whole numbers
including money.

J. Karagdagang gawain para Cut pictures from magazines or Cut pictures from magazines or Cut pictures from magazines or Cut pictures from magazines or Cut pictures from
satakdang-aralin at remediation news papers,then create a word news papers,then create a news papers,then create a word news papers,then create a word magazines or news
(Additional activities for problem involving division of word problem involving problem involving division of problem involving division of papers,then create a
application or remediation) decimals,mixed decimals or whole division of decimals,mixed decimals,mixed decimals or whole decimals,mixed decimals or whole word problem involving
numbers including money. decimals or whole numbers numbers including money. numbers including money. division of
including money. decimals,mixed decimals
or whole numbers
including money.
V.MGA TALA (Remarks)

VI. PAGNINILAY (Reflection)

A.Bilangng mag-
aaralnanakakuhang 80%
sapagtataya (No.of learners who
earned 80% in the evaluation)
B. Blgng mag-
pang gawain para sa remediation
(No.of learners who requires
additional acts.for remediation
who scored below 80%)
C. Nakatulongbaang remedial?
Bilangng mag-
aaralnanakaunawasaaralin? (Did
the remedial lessons work?
No.of learners who caught up
with the lessons)
D. Bilangngmga mag-
remediation? (No.of learners
who continue to require
Paanoitonakatulong? (Which of
my teaching strategies worked
well? Why did this work?)
unongguro at superbisor? (What
difficulties did I encounter which
my principal/supervisor can help
me solve?)
mgakapwakoguro? (What
innovations or localized
materials did I used/discover
which I wish to share with other
GRADE 6 School: Grade Level: VI
DAILY LESSON LOG Teacher: Learning Area: SCIENCE
Teaching Dates and Time: JULY 29 - AUGUST 2, 2019 (WEEK 9) Quarter: 1ST QUARTER



The learners demonstrate understanding of different techniques to separate mixtures

A. Content Standards

The learners should be able to separate desired materials from common and local products
B. Performance Standards

C. Learning Competencies/ Tell benefits of separating mixtures from products in the community. S6MT-I-g-j-3
Objectives Describe the ways where separating mixtures like in food Describe the ways where separating mixtures like in preparation of herbal Presentation of Outputs
Write the LC code for (production/preparation) benefit the community medicines benefit the community and Critiquing
Ways on how separating mixtures like in food Ways on how separating mixtures like in preparation of herbal medicines
II. CONTENT production/preparation benefit the community


A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages
2. Learner’s Materials
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials
from Learning Resource
(LR) portal
B. Other Learning


A. Reviewing previous Leaners recall the benefits of Learners review the previous Leaners recall the benefits in the Learners review the previous
lesson or presenting the mining and quarrying to the activities done by the group community of food activities done by the group about
new lesson community. about the problem given. production/preparation. the given problem on preparation of
herbal medicine.
B. Establishing a purpose Show a picture of a woman Elicit responses on experiences Ask learners if what they know Ask the learners for additional
for the lesson cooking. Ask learners the things of learners about their interview about preparation of herbal information they gained in their
that they can recall on the about the given assignment. medicines. assignment about other benefits of
processes that their mothers herbal medicine preparation
do in cooking a dish in relation pertaining to separation of
with separation of mixtures. mixtures.
C. Presenting Present some processes you Show learners some home-made
examples/instances of know about separating and commercial herbal medicines.
the new lesson mixtures involved in food Ask them some ways on separating
production/preparation. mixtures related to the preparation
of these kinds of medicines.
D. Discussing new Present the scenario or Learners meet the team again to Present of scenario or problem to Learners meet the team again to Present the two
concepts and practicing problem to be solved by the further analyze the problem be solved by the learners further analyze the problem given outputs.
new skills #1 learners (Problem-Based given to them and infuse ideas (Problem-Based Learning). to them and infuse ideas gained
Learning). gained from the interview. See Activity Sheet 9.2 from their research (assignment)
See Activity Sheet 9.1 about other benefits of herbal
medicine preparation and others.
E. Discussing new Debrief the problem through Debrief the problem through
concepts and practicing questions of teacher about what questions of teacher about what
new skills #2 happened in solving the happened in solving the
problem/scenario including the problem/scenario including the
issues that the group faced. issues that the group faced.
F. Developing mastery Analyze and discuss the answers Analyze and discuss the answers of
(leads to Formative of the groups about the the groups about the
Assessment 3) scenario/problem. scenario/problem.
G. Finding practical
applications of concepts
and skills in daily living
H. Making generalizations
and abstractions about
the lesson
I. Evaluating learning Critique the outputs.
See Rubric
J. Additional activities for Learners will have time to Additional researches on the
application or validate their answers through benefits of the different processes
remediation interview their mothers or involving separating mixtures can
other people on how to cook help make a ginger herbal tea and
the mentioned dish in the its importance to the community.


A. No. of learners who

earned 80% in the
B. No. of learners who
require additional
activities for
C. Did the remedial lessons
work? No. of learners
who have caught up
with the lesson
D. No. of learners who
continue to require
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well?
Why did these work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my
principal or supervisor
can help me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized materials did I
use/discover which I
wish to share with other
GRADE 6 School: Baitang/Antas VI
Teaching Dates and Time: JULY 29 - AUGUST 2, 2019 (WEEK 9) Markahan UNANG MARKAHAN


Naipamamalas ang kakayahan sa mapanuring pakikinig at pag-unawa sa napakinggan
Naipamamalas ang kakayahan at tatas sa pagsasalita at pagpapahayag ng sariling ideya, kaisipan, karanasan at damdamin
Naisasagawa ang mapanuring pagbasa sa iba’t ibang uri ng teksto at napalalawak ang talasalitaan
A. Pamantayang Naipamamalas ang iba’t ibang kasanayan upang maunawaan ang iba’t ibang teksto
Pangnilalaman Napauunlad ang kasanayan sa pagsulat ng iba’t ibang uri ng sulatin
Naipamamalas ang kakayahan sa mapanuring panood ng iba’t ibang uri ng media
Naipamamalas ang pagpapahalaga at kasanayan sa paggamit ng wika sa komunikasyon at pagbasa ng iba’t ibang uri ng panitikan

Nasasaulo ang isang tula/awit na napakinggan at naisasadula ang isang isyu o paksa mula sa tekstong napakinggan
Nakasasali sa isang usapan tungkol sa isyu
Nakabubuo ng sariling diksiyonaryo ng mga bagong salita mula sa mga binasa; naisasadula ang mga maaaring mangyari sa nabasang teksto
B. Pamantayan sa Nagagamit ang nakalimbag at di-nakalimbag na mga kagamitan sa pagsasaliksik
Pagganap Nakasusulat ng reaksyon sa isang isyu
Nakagagawa ng isang blog entry tungkol sa napanood
Naisasagawa ang pagsali sa mga usapan at talakayan, pagkukuwento, pagtula, pagsulat ng sariling tula at kuwento

Naibibigay ang kahulugan Nabibigyang Nagagamit ang pangngalan Nagagamit ang dating Nagagamit ang OPAC sa
ng pamilyar at di kilalang kahulugan ang at panghalip sa pakikipag- kaalaman sa pagbibigay ng pagtukoy ng aklat o
C. Mga Kasanayan sa
salita sa pamamagitan ng pahayag ng tauhan sa usap sa iba’t ibang wakas ng napakinggang babasahin na gagamitin sa
Pagkatuto (Isulat ang code
gamit sa pangungusap napakinggang usapan sitwasyon teksto pagsasaliksik tungkol sa
ng bawat kasanayan)
F6PT-Ii-1.14 F6PN-Ii-19 F6WG-Ih-j-1 F6PB-Ii-14 isang paksa F6EP-Ii-9.2

Pagbibigay-Kahulugan sa Pagbibigay-kahulugan sa Paggamit ng Panghalip sa Pagbibigay ng Wakas Paggamit ng OPAC

mga Pamilyar at Di-Kilalang Pahayag ng Tauhan sa Pakikipag-usap sa Iba’t Gamit ang Dating
II. NILALAMAN mga Salita Napakinggang Usapan Ibang Sitwasyon Kaalaman

A. Sanggunian
1. Mga pahina sa Gabay
ng Guro
2. Mga pahina sa Gabay
ng pang-mag-aaral
3. Mga pahina Teksbuk
Sugnay/Pagbibigay- Sugnay/Pagbibigay- Sugnay/Pagbibigay-
Solusyon sa mga Solusyon sa mga Solusyon sa mga
4. Karagdagang Kagamitan Suliranin/Pagsulat ng Suliranin /Pagsulat ng Suliranin/Pagsulat ng
mula sa portal ng Learning Reaksyon 6876 Reaksyon 6876 Reaksyon 6876
Resource MISOSA Iba't-Ibang
Aspekto ng
Pandiwa/Pagsulat ng
B. Iba pang Kagamitang
Ipakita ang larawan sa p.2 Ano ang kahulugan ng Ano ang panghalip? Ano ang card catalog? Saan
ng MISOSA Sugnay wala nang sigla? Kaingero? ito ginagamit?
/Pagbibigay-Solusyon sa Nag-alsa? Pumagaspas?
A. Balik –Aral sa
mga Suliranin/Pagsulat ng Biktima
nakaraang aralin at/o
Reaksyon 6876.
pagsisimula ng bagong
Sino ang biktima?
Sa iyong palagay sino ang
B. Paghahabi ng layunin Ipabasa ang mga Basahin nang malakas/ Ipabasa: Sino ang biktima? Ang Ano ang OPAC?
ng aralin pangungusap. Mga Biktima Mga Biktima hangin ba o ang gubat? Ano ang pagkakaiba nito sa
1. Ilang araw nang hindi MISOSA Sugnay MISOSA card catalog?
umuulan, kaya wala nang /Pagbibigay-Solusyon sa Sugnay/Pagbibigay-
sigla ang mga pananim. mga Suliranin/Pagsulat ng Solusyon sa mga
2. Sinunog ng mga kaingero Reaksyon 6876 , pp. 2-4 Suliranin/Pagsulat ng
ang isang bahagi ng gubat Reaksyon 6876 , pp. 2-4
upang magkaroon ng mga
panindang uling.
3. Ang mamamayan ay
nagsama-sama at nag-alsa
upang mahinto na ang
maling gawain sa
4. Mabilis na pumagaspas
ang hangin kung kaya
medaling kumalat ang
5. Mabilis na nagpaabot ng
tulong ang pamahalaan sa
mga biktima ng sunog

Itanong: Sino ang tunay na biktima Itanong: Ipabasa: Ipakita sa mag-aaral ang
Ano-ano ang may sa napakinggang usapan? Ano-ano ang panghalip na Mga Biktima isang halimbawa ng OPAC.
salungguhit na mga salita ginamit sa usapan? MISOSA (Kung mayroon sa paaralan,
sa mga pangungusap? Ano ang pangngalang Sugnay/Pagbibigay- papuntahin ang mag-aaral
C.Pag-uugnay ng mga
Ano ang kahulugan ng pinalitan ng bawat isa? Solusyon sa mga sa silid-aklatan. Kung wala
halimbawa sa bagong
bawat isa? Suliranin/Pagsulat ng naman, magpakita buhat sa
Ano ang iyong Reaksyon 6876 , pp. 2-4 web.)
pinagbatayan ng Ano ang tawag dito?
pagpapakahulugan sa mga Nakagamit ka na ba ng
ito? ganito?
Ipagamit sa isang usapan Isipin at Sagutin pp. 4-5 Magsagawa ng dyad. Sino ang biktima? Ipakita sa mag-aaral kung
ang mga bagong salitang Papiliin ang mag-aaral kung Ano-ano ang natutuhan paano ginagamit ang OPAC.
natutuhan. aling set ang nais nilang mo sa usapan nina Hangin Bigyan ng pagkakataon ang
Matapos ang inilaang oras, gawan ng sariling diyalogo at Gubat? mag-aaral sa paggamit ng
tawagin ang bawat pangkat Ano ang nais mong wakas OPAC.
D. Pagtalakay ng bagong
upang iparinig ang sa binasang teskto? (Kung wala naman,
konsepto at paglalahad
inihandang usapan. Bigyang-katwiran ang maaaring gumawa ang guro
ng bagong kasanayan # 1
ibinigay na sagot. ng OPAC sa spreadsheet. At
gamitin ang Find na
function sa paghanap ng

E. Pagtalakay ng bagong Pangkatin ang mag-aaral. Pumili ng siyalogo ng isang Maghanda ng isang usapan Magpabasa muli ng isang Ipagpatuloy ang gawain
Papaghandain ang bawat tauhan at ipaliwanag ang gamit ang mga panghalip. maikling kuwento. hanggang sa ang lahat ng
pangklat ng isang usapan mensahe ng kaniyang RAFT Ipaguhit sa mag-aaral ang mag-aaral sa klase ay
na gagamitin ang mga pahayag. Role – Kalihim ng DENR nais nilang maging wakas makakita ng aklat na nais
bagong salitang natutuhan Anong damdamin ang Audience – kasama sa nito. nilang basahin gamit ang
sa aralin. nangibabaw sa mga Kagawaran Pasulatin sila ng katwiran isang OPAC.
konsepto at paglalahad nagging pahayag ng mga Format – usapan kung bakit ito ang nais
ng bagong kasanayan # 1 tauhang: Task –proyektong gagawin nilang wakas.
a. Hangin tungkol sa pangangalaga sa
b. Gubat kalikasan
c. Sapa
d. Ilog

Maghanda ng isang Ipakita ang larawan sa

talatang babasahin nang MISOSA Iba't Ibang
malakas sa klase. Aspekto ng
Matapos ang pagbasa, Pandiwa/Pagsulat ng
F. Paglinang sa ipatukoy sa mag-aaral ang Balita6780 p. 7.
kabihasnan (Tungo sa mga di-pamilyar na salita Dugtungan ang kuwento
Formative Assessment) at ipatukoy kung ano ang at lagyan ng angkop na
kahulugan nito sa wakas
pamamagitan ng

MISOSA Itanong: Ano ang gagawin mo Ano ang dapat tandaan sa

Sugnay/Pagbibigay- Ano ang dapat tandaan sa kung ang hindi ka sang- paggamit ng net sa
G. Paglalapat ng aralin sa Solusyon sa mga pakikipag-usap sa ibang ayon sa ibinigay na wakas pagsasaliksik?
pang-araw araw na buhay Suliranin/Pagsulat ng tao? ng isang kasama sa
Reaksyon 6876 pangkat?
Pagpapahalaga p. 5
Ano ang gagawin mo Ano ang natutuhan mo sa Kailan ginagamit ang Ano-ano ang dapat Paano gamitin ang OPAC?
upang matukoy ang aralin? panghalip? isaalang-alang sa
H. Paglalahat ng aralin kahulugan ng mga di- pagbibigay ng wakas sa
kilalang salita mula sa nabasang kuwento?
napakinggang teksto?
I. Pagtataya ng aralin Ipabasa”Pangalagaan ang
Kapaligiran,” MISOSA Iba't
Ibang Aspekto ng
Pandiwa/Pagsulat ng Balita
6780, p. 3. Papiliin ang
mag-aaral ng isang tinuran
ng tauhan sa usapan.
Ipatukoy ang ibig nitong
J. Karagdagan Gawain
para sa takdang aralin at
A. Bilang ng mag-aaral na
nakakuha ng 80% sa
B. Bilang ng mag-aaral na
nangangailangan ng iba
pang gawain para sa
C. Nakatulong ba ang
remediation? Bilang ng
mag-aaral na nakaunawa
sa aralin.
D Bilang ng mag-aaral na
magpapatuloy sa
E. Alin sa mga
estratehiyang pagtuturo
na nakatulong ng lubos?
Paano ito nakatulong?
F. Anong suliranin ang
aking naranasan na
solusyon sa tulong ng
aking punungguro at
G. Anong kagamitang
panturo ang aking
ginamit/nadiskubre na
nais kong ibahagi sa mga
kapwa ko guro?
GRADE 6 School: Grade Level: VI
DAILY LESSON LOG Teacher: Learning Area: MAPEH (P.E.)
Teaching Dates and Time: JULY 29 - AUGUST 2, 2019 (WEEK 9) Quarter: 1ST QUARTER


A. Content Standard Demonstrates understanding of participation and assessment of physical activity and physical fitness
B. Performance Standard Participates and assesses performance in physical activities. assesses physical fitness
C. Learning Competencies To be able to assess regular participation in Physical Activities based on the Philippine Physical Activity Pyramid. (PE6PF-Ia-16)
(write the LC Code)

II. CONTENT Assessment of regular participation in Physical Activities based on the Philippine Physical Activity Pyramid


A. References
1. TG/CG pages
2. Learner’s Materials
3. Textbook pages
4. Materials downloaded
from LRMDS
B. Other Learning charts , pictures ,tape measures , charts, meta card
A. Reviewing previous Conduct Warm –up exercise
lesson and presenting Conduct Review on Physical Activity Pyramid Guide. Let pupils the pupils identify and give an examples of the activities that belong to the recommended step like in
new lesson - Step 1: Daily Activities (walking to school, doing household chores, like cleaning and washing the dishes)
- Step 2: Always Activities (riding a bike, playing balls, and jogging)
- Step 3: Sometimes Activities (dancing, swimming, rowing, tumbling, and activities that develop flexibility?
- Step 4: Minimal / Limit these Activity (watching TV, playing video games using computers, and all activities that are in active) Also review the indicators of Fitness (past
lesson 2)
B. Establishing a purpose Sing Mag tanim ay Biro
for the lesson
C. Presenting Teacher will present a sample of a Test Paper and ask what is the object I am holding? (Test Paper) Ask: How do you feel before a test? Of course there is a feel of anxiety
examples/instances of and nervous. The test that you will experience may also bring the anxiety on your part. But this kind of test is a non – graded test, the result of which is a goal for you to
the lesson plan.
D. Discussing new The teacher Ask: What activities may be given to measure regular participation activities? Present different pictures to the class and let the pupils answer what did the
concepts and practicing picture is all about
new skills #1
E. Discussing new Base on the picture presented, which movement is a loco-motor movements and Non loco-motor movements? Explain Why?
concepts and practicing
new skills #2 Regular participation to physical activities improves ones physical fitness. Such can be assessed by self – testing exercises. Self -testing exercises are activities that one
does repeatedly to achieve a goal: to improve one’s own fitness level. They consist of exercises that improve one’s endurance, strength, and flexibility.
Self – testing activities help you achieve your level of physical fitness .You are taught to make goals for yourself .Try your hardest to attain them. Self- testing activities may
be done individually by pairs, or even by groups .All major muscles found in the legs, trunk, arms and shoulders should be exercised in the level of difficulty, duration, and

Here are examples of self-testing activities:

1. Non- Locomotors movements like stretching, bending, twisting, and turning, swinging, pushing and pulling improve flexibility.
2. Loco-motor movements - like walking, jogging, running jumping and landing.

Teacher will show/demonstrate to the pupils the skills in loco- motor movements and in Non Loco-motor movements.

F. Developing mastery Divide the class in two group.

(lead to formative Each group will choose leader.
assessment 3) The mechanics of the game is each group will choose one movement it’s either in loco-motor or non-loco-motor movements, the other group will guess the movement
they act. The group who will got the highest score will declare the winner
G. Finding practical The class will be divided into 4 Stations
application of concepts Station 1: Three minute Step Test for Cardio- vascular Endurance
and skills in daily living Station 2: Abdominal Strength Curl ups Test foe strength and Endurance
Station 3: The Zipper Test for Flexibility Station 4: Push- ups for strength and Flexibility

(Individual / Pair activity) – Pupils will execute and perform the assigned self-assessment.Look for a partner to record the result. Do the following physical fitness tests. .
Record your result in your notebook.
A. Three minute Step Test for Cardio- vascular Endurance
1. Go to a step (8 inches in height) of a stairs. Position in front of the step. At the signal “go”, Step –up and down at the rate of 24 steps per minute.
2. Go up the step starting with left foot followed by the right foot. Go down with the left foot followed by the right foot.
3. Record the number of pulse and multiply it by 6.
B. Abdominal Strength Curl ups Test foe strength and Endurance
A complete curl should take 3 seconds. To curl ups, use your abdominal muscles.
1. Lie down on an exercise mat with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor. Extend your arms straight forward .Place your palms flat on the ground.
2. Next, Curl Up slowly using your abdominal muscles. Your hands should slide forward a few inches toward your heels. Be sure to keep your head up at all times.
3. Slowly return to the starting position and repeat the exercise.
4. Record your number Curl-ups.
C. The Zipper Test for Flexibility
1. Stand Straight
2. Raise your right arm and bend your elbow to reach down across your back as far as possible.
3. Do the same with your left hand. Try to cross your finger over those at your right hand.
4. Observe whether your fingers touched each other.
5. Ask your classmates to measure the distance in which the fingers overlapped in centimeters.
D. Push- ups for strength and Flexibility
1. Lie down on the floor facing down.
2. Put your palms down on the floor under your shoulders with fingers pointing forward.
3. Straighten your legs slightly apart. Use your toes to support your feet
4. Push down until your chest reaches the floor two seconds and push- ups your body in one second.
5. Count the number of push – ups and down.
H. Making generalization What activities may be given to measure regular participation in physical activities?
and abstractions about What are the two types of self-testing Activities?
the lesson Describe each type and give examples.
I. Evaluating learning

J. Additional activities for Reflect on the following: Which skills / areas do you need to improve? What is your plan to improve it?
application or


VI. REFLECTION Assessing yourself as a teacher and analyzing the students’ progress this week.
A. No. of learners who
earned 80% in the
B. No. of learners who
acquired additional
activities for
remediation who
scored below 80%
C. Did the remedial
lessons work? No. of
learners who have
caught up with the
D. No. of learners who
continue to require
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well?
Why did these work?
F. What difficulties did I
encountered which my
principal can help me
G. What innovation or
localized materials did I
used/discover which I
wish to share with
other teachers?
GRADE 6 School: Grade Level VI
Teaching Dates and Time: JULY 29 - AUGUST 2, 2019 (WEEK 9) Quarter 1ST QUARTER


Objectives must be met over the week and connected to the curriculum standards. To meet the objectives necessary procedures must be followed and if needed,
additional lessons, exercises, and remedial activities may be done for developing content knowledge and competencies. These are assessed using Formative
Assessment strategies. Valuing objectives support the learning of content and competencies and enable children to find significance and joy in learning the
lessons. Weekly objectives shall be derived from the curriculum guides.
A. Content Standard Demonstrates knowledge and skills to create knowledge products
B. Performance Standard Create a multimedia knowledge product
C.Learning  Give steps in  Give the steps on  Insert action buttons in  Make a storyboard  Create a
Competency/Objectives creating a how to add sound a presentation that about their powerpoint
Write the LC code for each. Multimedia effects to an  Edit and Remove powerpoint presentation
presentation. animation. action buttons in a presentation. about their
 Identify the  Define what presentation.  Draft their simple product.
advanced features embedding is.  Record slideshow. powerpoint  Apply the
of Microsoft  Give steps on how to  Set up a slideshow. presentation. advanced
powerpoint. embed audio and TLEIE6-0i-15 TLEIE6-0i-15 features of
 Follow steps in video into a powerpoint
adding slide presentation. presentation to
transition.  Use hyperlink in a their slides.
 Define what presentation.  Follow steps in
animation in  Edit and Remove creating
Microsoft hyperlink in a Multimedia
Powerpoint is. presentation. presentation.
 Identify the steps in TLEIE6-0i-15 TLEIE6-0i-15
adding animations
in Microsoft
Content is what the lesson is all about. It pertains to the subject matter that the teacher aims to teach in the CG, the content can be tackled in a week or
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages
2. Learner’s Materials
3. Textbook pages ICT and Entrepreneurship ICT and Entrepreneurship ICT and Entrepreneurship ICT and Entrepreneurship ICT and
pp. 112-116 pp. 116-121 pp. 121-128 pp. 112-128 Entrepreneurship
pp. 129
4. Additional Materials
from Learning Resource
B. Other Learning Resource
These steps should be done across the week. Spread out the activities appropriately so that students will learn well. Always be guided by demonstration of
learning by the students which you can infer from formative assessment activities. Sustain learning systematically by providing students with multiple ways to
learn new things, practice their learning, question their learning processes, and draw conclusions about what they learned in relation to their life experiences and
previous knowledge. Indicate the time allotment for each step.
A. Reviewing previous lesson Review of previous lesson Review previous lesson about Review previous lesson about
or presenting the new about google groups. “Creating Multimedia steps on how to add sound
lesson Presentations”, “Adding slide effects to an animation, how to
transitions” and Applying embed audio and video, Use,
animation. edit and remove hyperlink.
B. Establishing a purpose for
the lesson
C. Presenting Present “Let’s Study” on
examples/Instances of the page 112.
new lesson
D. Discussing new concepts Discuss “Creating Discuss GROUP ACTIVITY:
and practicing new skills # 1 Multimedia Presentations”,  The steps on how to  Make a storyboard
 Adding slide add sound effects to about their simple
transitions. an animation. product
 Applying Animations  steps on how to  Draft powerpoint
on pp. 112-116 of TX. embed audio and presentation about
video into a their simple product.
 Use hyperlink in a
 Edit and Remove
hyperlink in a
on pp. 116-121 of TX.
E. Discussing new concepts Discuss GROUP ACTIVITY:
and practicing new skills # 2  Steps on how to  Let the pupils
embed audio and finalize their
video into a powerpoint
presentation. presentation and
 Use hyperlink in a present in in the
presentation. class
 Edit and Remove
hyperlink in a
F. Developing mastery GROUP ACTIVITY:
(leads to Formative Assessment Let the pupils do Activity
3) 6.1 on page 129 of TX.
G. Finding practical application
of concepts and skills in
daily living
H. Making generalizations and  What is
abstractions about the powerpoint
lesson presentation?
 What are its
I. Evaluating learning 20 item quiz on
Microsoft powerpoint
J. Additional activities for Let each Group finish/finalize
application or remediation their powepoint presentation
at home if unfinished.
Reflect on your teaching and assess yourself as a teacher. Think about your students’ progress this week. What works? What else needs to be done to help
the students learn? Identify what help your instructional supervisors can provide for you so when you meet them, you can ask them relevant questions.
A. No. of learners who earned
80% in the evaluation
B. No. of learners who require
additional activities for
remediation who scored
below 80%
C. Did the remedial lessons
work? No. of learners who
have caught up with the
D. No. of learners who
continue to require
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well?
Why did these work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my
principal or supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized materials did I
use/discover which I wish to
share with other teachers?

GRADE 6 School: Grade Level VI

DAILY LESSON LOG Teacher: Learning Area TLE-IA
Teaching Dates and Time: JULY 29 - AUGUST 2, 2019 (WEEK 9) Quarter 3RD QUARTER


A. Content Standards Demonstrates an understanding of and skills in recycling waste materials
B. Performance Standards Recycles waste materials following the principles of “five S”
C. Learning Discusses the principles of “five S” 
Competencies / (TLE6IA‐0i‐11)
Write the LC code for

Sorting (Seiri), Straightening (Seiton), Systematic Cleaning (Shine) (Seiso) 
Standardizing (Seiketsu), Service (Sustaining) (Shitsuke) 
Recycling of waste materials
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide
2. Learner’s Materials
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials
from Learning
Resource (LR)portal
B. Other Learning
Have the pupils report to the What is sorting? How do we straighten recycled
A. Reviewing How is sorting being
class some simple repair done at waste materials?
previous lesson or done?
home. Why do we straighten recycled
presenting the new lesson
waste materials?
B. Establishing a What are the waste When you are looking for Describe a place/workplace you like
purpose for the lesson materials do we have at home? something inside your house best.
What do we usually do with can you find it easily? Show pictures of a place and let the
those waste materials? Why? pupils describe them.
Show pictures of shelves with
things properly arranged.
Show pictures of waste Let the pupils group each Present the process on systematic
materials. Identify each waste material according to its cleaning
(residual, reusable, recyclable ) classifications and label or - eliminate obstacles in the
straighten them as reusable, workplace.
recyclable and residuals. - remove all things that are not in
- segregate unwanted materials.
C. Presenting
- place components according to
examples/ instances
their uses.
of the new lesson
- use cleaning as an inspection.
- prevent machinery and
equipment. From deterioration.
- keep workplace clean and safe to
- set cleaning frequency
- waste removal by cleaning.
What is sorting? Proper ways of straightening The teacher explains each process of
How do we sort waste waste materials systematic cleaning.
materials? If necessary, reassign spaces, What should we do to our
racks, cabinets etc. workplace at home/school.
Decide the right places for Why should we practice the
everything. systematic cleaning?
Put all materials at a place Why is systematic cleaning
allocated to them with proper important to us?
D. Discussing new
label or signalization.
concepts and practicing
Use alerts or indicators for out
new skills #1
of stocks situation.
Use floor paint marking to
define work area, path,
entrance/exit, cart
Trolley, equipment etc.
6. Use display cautious,
messages, instructions at
proper place.

E. Discussing new What are the proper ways of 1.Why straightening and What are the benefits /
concepts and practicing sorting waste materials? labelling important? importance of systematic cleaning in
new skills#2 Proper Ways of Sorting Waste the school, at home and work place?
Materials Benefits and importance of
1.Decide what is necessary and systematic cleaning.
what is unnecessary. 1. The work place becomes
2.Put a red tag on unnecessary free of dirt and stain which is the
items and keep them in a important point of quality.
separate area. 2. Equipment lifespan will be
3.Throw those items which have prolonged and breakdowns will be
not been used in the past one less.
year. 3. Creates a pleasant
4.Things used 6-12 months may environment.
be stored at a distance from 4. Prevents accidents.
work station.
5.Things used more than once a
month should be available at a
central point in the work place.
6.Things used hourly/
everyday/once a week should be
near the work station.
Why do we have to sort waste
F. Developing mastery Group Activity The teacher will give the name Use semantic web
(Leads to Formative of waste material, let the pupils Give the importance of systematic
Group 1- Identify the waste guess the cleaning.
Assessment 3)
materials shown in the picture. Classification of waste
Group 2- Classify waste materials as reusable,
materials. ( reusable, recyclable, recyclable or residual.
residuals ) Examples of waste materials
Group 3- Give the proper ways Paper, tin cans, canister,
of sorting waste materials. iron bars, tires, bottles etc.
Group 4- Give the importance of
sorting waste materials.
Group 5- Give other examples of
waste materials according to its
G. Finding practical What should you do about What are the things you see In your kitchen, how will you apply
applications of waste materials at home/ in inside the classroom? the processes of systematic
concepts and skills in school / Enumerate them. cleaning?
daily living Is sorting important? Why? How will you arrange them What are things that you should
following the proper way of remove?
straightening things? How will you arrange the
utensils, kitchen wares and others?
H. Making Why do we practice sorting What is straightening? What is systematic cleaning?
generalizations and waste materials? What is labeling Why is systematic cleaning
abstractions about the important?

I. Evaluating learning Direction: Write T if the Group the following waste Direction: Put a check ( / ) IF
statement is true and F if false. materials according to its process of systematic cleaning and
1.All waste materials are classification through ( X ) if not .
recyclable. straightening. ____1. Segregate unwanted
2.Residuals are waste materials Use the box provided. materials from the workplace.
that can be recycled. ____2. It makes the workplace
3.Waste materials should bo unsafe.
sorted through their uses. ____3. Waste removal
4.Sorting is removing unwanted ____4. Check and inspect
____5. Waste of time.
5.Sorting leads to cleaning.
paper tin cans
syringe pet bottles
plastic bottle of
batteries scrap metals
J. Additional activities for Apply the proper ways of sorting Visit your science laboratory, Put into practice the systematic
application or waste materials at home / observe the chemicals and cleaning in the work place at
remediation school. glasswares and see how your home/school
science teacher has kept
different chemicals and glass
formative assessment
B. No.oflearnerswho
es forremediation.
C. Didtheremediallessons
E. Whichofmyteaching
Why didthesework?
F. WhatdifficultiesdidI
n helpmesolve?
G.What innovation or
localized materials did I
use/discover which I
wish to share with other
GRADE 6 School: Grade Level VI
DAILY LESSON LOG Teacher: Learning Area TLE-HE
Teaching Dates and Time: JULY 29 - AUGUST 2, 2019 (WEEK 9) Quarter 1ST QUARTER


A. Content Standards Demonstrates an understanding of and skills in the basics of food preservation
B. Performance Preserve food/s using appropriate tools and materials and applying the basics of food
C. Learning 3.3 preserves food 3.3 preserves food 3.3 preserves food applying 3.3.1. selects food to be
Competencies / applying principles and applying principles principles and skills in food preserved/processed based on
Objectives skills in food and skills in food preservation/processing availability of raw materials, market WEEKLY TEST
preservation/processin preservation/processi TLE6HE-Oh-12 demands, and trends in the
g ng community
TLE6HE-Oh-12 TLE6HE-Oh-12 TLE6HE-Oh-12

II. CONTENT Food Preservation: Uses of Kitchen Tools and Equipment

A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide
2. Learner’s Materials
3. Textbook pages The Basics of Better Family Living
Gloria A. Peralta, Ed. D.
Rosella N. Golloso
Leonora D. Basbas, Ph. D.
4. Additional Materials
from Learning
Resources (LR) portal
B. Other Learning
A. Reviewing previous Recap of previous Recap of previous Recap of previous lesson. Recap of what happened the
lesson or presenting lesson. lesson. Last week, the class prepared for previous day.
the new lesson. Last week, the class Last week, the class the presentation of Mention the names of the group
prepared for the prepared for the processed/preserved products. who completed their presentation.
presentation of presentation of Today, the class will present by The presentation of the rest of the
processed/preserved processed/preserved group. groups willl continue (Groups 5-8).
products. Today, the products. Today, the As mentioned, the presentation will
class will present by class will present by contain the following:
group. group.  Recipe of the
As mentioned, the As mentioned, the preserved/processed food
presentation will presentation will  Tools / instruments used in the
contain the following: contain the following: activity.
 Recipe of the  Recipe of the  Equipment used in the activity
preserved/processed preserved/processe  Steps in preserving/processing of
food d food food
 Tools / instruments  Tools / instruments  Name and role of each member
used in the activity. used in the activity. of the group
 Equipment used in  Equipment used in
the activity the activity
 Steps in  Steps in
preserving/processin preserving/processi
g of food ng of food
 Name and role of  Name and role of
each member of the each member of
group the group

B. Establishing a Tell the class that on Tell the class that on Tell the class that on one hand Tell the class that on one hand
purpose for the lesson one hand through the one hand through the through the activity, each learner through the activity, each learner
activity, each learner activity, each learner will gain insights from each group. will gain insights from each group.
will gain insights from will gain insights On the other hand, the members of On the other hand, the members of
each group. On the from each group. On the group continue to learn from the group continue to learn from
other hand, the the other hand, the each other through collaborating each other through collaborating
members of the group members of the and working with one another. and working with one another.
continue to learn from group continue to
each other through learn from each other
collaborating and through collaborating
working with one and working with one
another. another.
C. Presenting The teacher requests The teacher requests The teacher requests the class to The teacher requests the class to
examples/ instances the class to give each of the class to give each give each of their group a name. give each of their group a name.
of new lesson their group a name. of their group a The 6 groups will present thier
name. The 6 groups will present thier performance in preparing atsara as
The 6 groups will performance in preparing atsara as one of the preserve food.
present thier The 6 groups will one of the preserve food.
performance in present thier
preparing atsara as one
performance in Order of presentation will be agreed
of the preserve food. preparing atsara as by the class.
one of the preserve
Order of presentation food.
will be agreed by the
class. Order of presentation
will be agreed by the

D. Discussing new The teacher presents The teacher presents The teacher presents the The teacher presents the mechanics
concepts and the mechanics of the the mechanics of the mechanics of the presentation: of the presentation:
practicing new skills presentation: presentation: Each group will present for a Each group will present for a
Each group will present Each group will maximum of 8 minutes. maximum of 8 minutes.
for a maximum of 8 present for a After every presentation, After every presentation,
minutes. maximum of 8 clarifications may be raised by the clarifications may be raised by the
After every minutes. rest of the group (3 minutes) rest of the group (3 minutes)
presentation, After every
clarifications may be presentation,
raised by the rest of the clarifications may be
group (3 minutes) raised by the rest of
the group (3 minutes)

E. Discussing new Each group will be Each group will be Each group will be given the time to Each group will be given the time to
concepts and given the time to given the time to present their work to the class. present their work to the class.
practicing new skills present their work to present their work to
the class. the class.

F. Developing mastery
(Leads to Formative
Assessment 3)
G. Finding practical
applications of
concepts and skills in
daily living

H. Making The teacher thanks The teacher thanks the The teacher thanks the members of Completion of presentation.
generalization and the members of the members of the class for the class for the effort they have The teacher thanks the members of
abstractions about class for the effort the effort they have exerted. the class for the effort they have
they have exerted. exerted. The teacher mentions that he/she exerted.
The teacher The teacher mentions was impressed with all of the The teacher mentions that he/she
mentions that he/she that he/she was presentation. (if applicable) was impressed with all of the
was impressed with impressed with all of the presentation. (if applicable)
all of the presentation. (if Remember that if a group was not Remember that if a group was not
presentation. (if applicable) able to deliver well, it may reflect able to deliver well, it may reflect on
applicable) on the guidance provided by the the guidance provided by the
Remember that if a teacher during the preparation. teacher during the preparation.
Remember that if a group was not able to
group was not able to deliver well, it may
deliver well, it may reflect on the guidance
reflect on the provided by the teacher
guidance provided by during the preparation
the teacher during
the preparation
I. Evaluating Learning Actual group Actual group Actual group presentation. Actual group presentation.
presentation. presentation.

J. Additional activities Search for principles Search for principles in Search for principles in food Search for principles in food
for application or in food preservation. food preservation. preservation. preservation.

A. No. Of learners who
earned 80% in the
B. No. Of learners who
require additional
activities for
remediation who scored
below 80%
C. Did remedial lesson
work? No. Of learners
who have caught up
with the lesson
D. No. Of learners who
continue to require
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well?
Why did these work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my
principal or supervisor
can help me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized materials did I
use/discover which to
share with other
GRADE 6 School: Grade Level: VI
Teaching Dates and Time: JULY 29 - AUGUST 2, 2019 (WEEK 9) Quarter: 1ST QUARTER


A. Content Standards demonstrates an understanding of scientific processes in animal/ fish raising

B. Performance Applies knowledge and skills and develops one’s interest in animal/fish raising
Standards Plans for family’s animal and fish raining project
C. Learning Competencies / TLE6AG0i-10
Objectives 10. Identifies animals/fish to 10.1 Prepare list of needed 10.2 Prepares schedule of works 10.3 Record potential income, 10.4 Maintain bookkeeping of
Write the LC code for each be raised as an alternative materials to start the project for the following: expenses and gains out of farm transactions made in marketing
source of income for the family  Raising animals and fish products animal and fish pro
 Caring
 Processing
 Marketing of farm/fish

III. CONTENT 10.2.Prepares Plan/Design of 10.2.1 Preparation of Gantt 10.3.1 Maintain Ledger of the 10.4.1 Maintain inventories of
 Development of Feasibility an ideal animal farm and fish Chart for : following transaction consumables, supplies and
study for the prospective farm intended for livelihood  Raising  Capital materials, tools and equipment
project (Animals/Fish 10.2.2. 1List down inventory of  Caring  Debit
Raising) supplies ,materials and  Processing  Credit
consumables needed for the  Marketing of farm/fish
project product

10.2.2 Discuss every works

1. References Curriculum Guide for Grade VI- Curriculum Guide for Grade VI- Curriculum Guide for Grade VI- Curriculum Guide for Grade VI- Curriculum Guide for Grade VI-
Agriculture Agriculture Agriculture Agriculture Agriculture
2. Teacher’s Guide
3. Learner’s Materials
4. Textbook Pages
5. Additional Materials Agri-fishery, Classifying the Agri-fishery, Classifying the Agri-fishery, Classifying the Agri-fishery, Classifying the Habitat Agri-fishery, Classifying the
from Learning Habitat of Animals, Habitat of Animals, Habitat of Animals, Aquaculture of Animals, Aquaculture Habitat of Animals, Aquaculture
Resource (LR) Portal Aquaculture Aquaculture
6. Other Learning Resources Charts, Pictures, Video, Charts, Pictures, Video, Charts, Pictures, Video, Charts, Pictures, Video, Guidebook, Charts, Pictures, Video,
Guidebook, internet, CBC Guidebook, internet, CBC Guidebook, internet, CBC internet, CBC Guidebook, internet, CBC
A. Reviewing previous lesson
 Review about Livestock and  Identify the types and kinds  Enumerate the hazards in the  Enumerate ways of preventing  Identify farm and fish product
Habitat of Animals and fishes of ruminants, Cattle and swine animal farm and fish farm hazards in the animal/fish farm and the marketing strategy
applied to

B. Establishing a purpose for the

lesson  Development of project  Prepare the inventories of  Prepare schedule of work  Maintain records/ledger of  Prepare or inventories of
plans and feasibility study of tools, equipment, supplies and involved in putting up the transactions involved in the project supplies, tools and materials and
the proposed animal farm and materials needed in putting up project consumables needed in the
fish farm the project animal farm and fish project

C. Presenting examples / Development of site Workplace Lay out of the Work scheduling and graphical Bookkeeping Record Management
instances of the new development plans for the project presentation
lesson animal and fish raising project
Design of the animal farm and
fish farm
D. Discussing new Site Planning and Farm Design Identifying manpower Work loads and schedule of Book and ledger maintenance Maintaining Marketing strategy
concepts and practicing requirement for the animal and constructions for animals and fish products
new skills #1 fish raising project
E. Discussing new concepts
and practicing new skills
F. Developing Mastery animals/fish to be raised as an Prepare list of needed Prepares schedule of works for Record potential income, expenses Maintain bookkeeping of
(Leads to Formative alternative source of income materials to start the project the following: and gains out of farm animals and transactions made in marketing
Assessment 3) for the family  Raising fish products animal and fish product
 Caring
 Processing
 Marketing of farm/fish
animals and fish products
A. Finding Practical Environmental Scanning for Preparation of canvass for the Document schedule of work, Keep track Accounting and records Maintain Marketing and
applications of concepts the animal and fish raining needed materials to start the time requirement and days to of the project Financial Status of the project
and skills project project be undertaken for the following:
 Raising
 Caring
 Processing
 Marketing of farm/fish

B. Making Site development Plans Design and materials Work scheduling involved in the Record and transaction keeping and Marketing Strategy
generalizations and requirement of the project project management
abstractions about
the lesson
C. Evaluating Learning Oral interview Oral recitation Reporting and presentation Group presentation Written examination
Demonstrations Demonstrations skills Ocular Inspection Product Analysis
Drafting of Plans
D. Additional activities Take photos of an ideal Canvass for the tools, Invite at least one practitioner Develop ledger, book for accounts Prepare marketing strategy of
for application or animals and fish farm project supplies ,materials and who can share his/her of the project the products and by product of
remediation consumables of the project experienced in maintaining animals and fishes
animal farm or fish farm/pond
A. No. of learners who earned
80% in the evaluation
B. No. of learners who require
additional activities for
C. Did the remedial lessons
work? No. of learners who
have caught up with the
D. No. of learners who
continue to require
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well?
Why did these work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my
principal or supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What innovative or
localized materials did I
use/discover which I wish
to share with other
GRADE 6 School: Grade Level: VI
DAILY LESSON LOG Teacher: Learning Area: ESP
Teaching Dates and Time: JULY 29 - AUGUST 2, 2019 (WEEK 9) Quarter: 1ST QUARTER


A. Pamantayang Naipamamalas ang pag-unawa sa kahalagahan ng pagsunod sa mga tamang hakbang bago makagawa ng isang desisyon para sa ikabubuti ng lahat
B. Pamantayan sa Pagganap Naisasagawa ang tamang desisyon nang may katatagan ng loob para sa ikabubuti ng lahat
C. Mga Kasanayan sa 1. Naisasagawa ang mga tamang hakbang na makatutulong sa pagbuo ng isang desisyon na makabubuti sa pamilya
(Isulat ang code ng bawat 1.1. pagsusuri nang mabuti sa mga bagay na may kinalaman sa pangyayari
Kasanayan) 1.2. pagsang-ayon sa pasya ng nakararami kung nakabubuti ito
1.3. paggamit ng impormasyon
Code: EsP6PKP-Ia-i-37

II. NILALAMAN Paksa: Maging matiyaga upang guminhawa

Kaugnayan na Pagpapahalaga: Pagkamatiyaga (Perseverance)


1. Mga Pahina sa Gabay ng

2. Mga Pahina sa
Kagamitang Pang-mag-
3. Mga Pahina sa Teksbuk
4. Karagdagang Kagamitan  K to 12 Gabay
mula sa Portal ng Pangkurikulum, Edukasyon sa
Learning Resource Pagpapakatao May 2016, pahina
 EsP6 DLP, Unang
Markahan, Ikasiyam Linggo -
Aralin 9: Pagiging Matiyaga

5. Iba pang Kagamitang Bond papers, larawan ng langgam

Panturo na nagtatrabaho, kopya ng mga
6. Curriculum Guide
A. Balik-aral sa nakaraang Bilang mag-aaral, ano ang Balik-aral sa nakaraang aralin Balik-aral sa nakaraang aralin Balik-aral sa nakaraang aralin Balik-aral sa nakaraang
aralin at/o pagsisimula ng maidudulot sa iyo ng pagiging aralin
bagong aralin mahinahon?
B. Paghahabi sa layunin ng Magpakita ng larawan ng mag-
aralin aaral nna nahihirapang gumawa
ng takdang aralin.
C. Pag-uugnay ng mga Magkarron ng isang laro na hahasa
halimbawa sa bagong sa masusing pag-iisip at pag-
aralin aanalisa ng mga mag-aaral
D. Pagtatalakay ng bagong Original File Submitted and Basahin at unawaing mabuti
konseptoat paglalahad ng Formatted by DepEd Club Member ang maikling kwento. “ Si Kiko
bagong kasanayan #1 - visit depedclub.com for more na Palaboy”
Magbigay ng ilang katanungan
kaugnay sa kwentong binasa.
E. Pagtatalakay ng bagong Panuto: Suriin ang bawat
konseptoat paglalahad ng sitwasyon. Ipahayag ang tunay na
bagong kasanayan #2 saloobin sapamamagitan ng
pagsulat sa sagutang papel
ng Palagi, Minsan, oHindi mo ito

Mga Sitwasyon:
1. Nagpupursiging pumasok sa
paaralan kahit walang baon.
2. Tinutularan ang pamilyang
umunlad dahil sa pagtitiyaga.
3. Gumagawa lamang ng gawain
kung may bayad o gantimpala.
4. Lumiliban sa klase para
maglaro ng computer games.
5. Pumapasok pa rin kahit huli na
sa klase dahil nag-aalaga pa
ngnakababatang kapatid.

F. Paglinang sa Kabihasaan 1. Ipakita isa-isa ang mga larawan

(Tungo sa Formative ng mga langgam na nagtatrabaho.
Assessment) Tandaan: Maaaring
gumamit ng iba pang mga
larawan na maykaugnayan sa

2. Itanong:
a. Ano ang ipinapakita ng
bawat larawan?
b. Paano ito maitutulad
sa tao?
c. Anong pagpapahalaga
ang ipinahihiwatig ng larawan?
d. Bakit mahalaga ang
pagpapahalagang ito?

G. Paglalapat ng aralin sa 1. Hatiin ang klase sa limang

pang-araw araw na buhay pangkat.
2. Pabunutin ang bawat
pangkat ng sitwasyon. Bawat
pangkat ay ipapakitaang nabunot
sa sitwasyon sa pamamagitan ng
malikhaing presentasyon,tulad ng:

Unang Pangkat: maikling dula-

Ikalawang Pangkat: paggawa ng
maikling kasabihan (saying)
Ikatlong Pangkat: paglikha ng
tatlong (3) “hugot line”
Ikaapat na Pangkat: malikhaing
Ikalimang Pangkat: paglikha ng

H. Paglalahat ng Aralin Talakayin sa klase ang

kahulugan at aral ng
sumusunod na kasabihan:
1. Habang maikli
ang kumot,
2. Pag may tiyaga
may nilaga
3. Nasa Dios ang
awa, nasa Tao
ang gawa
4. Ang Taong
nagigipit, sa
5. Apgkahaba-haba
man ng
prusisyon, sa
simbahan din
ang tuloy.
I. Pagtataya ng Aralin Itanong:
1. Sa mga napag-
aralang kasabihan, alin
dito ang tumimo sa iyo?
2. Paano mo ito
maiaaplay sa iyong buhay
at makatutulong sa pang-
arawarawmong gawain?

J. Karagdagang gawain para Isulat sa TALAARAWAN

sa takdang-aralin at ang sumusunod:
remediation 1. Gumawa ng
listahan ng iyong
mga pangarap o
nais makamit sa
2. Itala ang mga
pamaraan ng
iyong gagawin
upang ito ay
Gamit ang iyong
natutunay paano mo
mapaunlad ang iyong
A. Bilang ng mag-aaral na
nakakuha ng 80% sa

B. Bilang ng mga-aaral na
nangangailangan ng iba
pang gawain para sa
C. Nakatulong ba ang
remediation? Bilang ng
mag-aaral na nakaunawa
sa aralin.
D. Bilang ng mga mag-aaral
na magpapatuloy sa

E. Alin sa mga istratehiyang

pagtuturo ang nakatulong
ng lubos? Paano ito
F. Anong suliranin ang aking
naranasan na
nasolusyunan sa tulong
ng aking punungguro at

G. Anong kagamitan ang

aking nadibuho na nais
kong ibahagi sa mga
kapwa ko guro?

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