Unemployment Problem
Unemployment Problem
Unemployment Problem
1.Title Page
2. Table of Contents
3.List of Graphs
4.1: Introduction :
List of References
4.1: Intoduction:
Unemployment means the state of being without any work both for the educated
and uneducatedfor earning one’s livelihood. Unemployment problem has become a
great concern all over theworld. But nowhere in the world is this problem as acute
as in Bangladesh. Thousands of peoplein our country are without any
job.Unemployment scenario of the graduate level in Bangladeshhas been a serious
problem. Lately, graduates are more prone to acquire business education,which is
more transferable to the job. Despite that, the business graduates are frustrated with
the burden of education, as there are concurrent occurrences of joblessness.
However, the prevalentdilemma of employability appears, as there are imbalances
due to expected skills/qualifications by the ultimate employers.
Description:4.2 History of unemployment in Bangladesh:
Historically for a long time British administration was the main cause of this
problem. After ending Mughol reign when British came in Sub continent (India,
Pakistan, Bangladesh) theystarted to do business, they exploited the sub-continent.
They did not establish any Industrywhich is helpful to remove the unemployment
problem. Though some Industry was made but allof them were placed in Indian
Territory. So Bangladesh region was neglected from the British period. After
ending British rule in 1947 Pakistan adopted the same rule they established
allkinds of Industry in West Pakistan not in East Pakistan. As a result of Pakistani
monopoly rulewe saw the freedom fighting war in 1971. After nine months
continuous war it is divided andnamed East Pakistan as a Bangladesh. After 1971
Bangladesh has been facing political crisis badly. As a result no government can
take long term massive step to remove the unemployment problem. Within 37
years Bangladesh has experience about eight new governments and
twoassassination incident at the top level country leader. So now political crisis is
one of the major causes of unemployment problem in Bangladesh. Among others
two major parties BNP andAowamileague are busy to gain only political power.
None of these parties are trying to do anything to solve the country’s major
problem “UNEMPLOYEMENT PROBLEM” Recentattitude and activity of
political parties are very hateful to the common people. By election if a party goes
to power then another party cannot accept that, they do not go to parliament they
do not express constructive opinion in the parliament which is helpful for common
people. But they should not do it. May be there is some discrimination of the
election result but there are overall acceptation of the common people.
4.3 Cause of unemployment:
Rapid Population Growth
Limited land
Fragmentation of land
Defective education
Fragmentation of land:
In Bangladesh, due to the heavy pressure on land of large population results the
fragmentationof land. It creates a great obstacle in the part of agriculture. As land
is fragmented andagricultural work is being hindered the people who depend on
agriculture remain unemployed.This has an adverse effect on the employment
situation. It also leads to the poverty of villagers.
Backward Method of Agriculture:
The method of agriculture in Bangladesh is very backward. Till now, the rural
farmers followedthe old farming methods. As a result, the farmer cannot feed
properly many people by the produce of his farm and he is unable to provide his
children with proper education or to engagethem in any profession. It leads to
unemployment problem.
Defective education:
The day-to-day education is very defective and is confirmed within the class room
only. Itsmain aim is to acquire certificated only. The present educational system is
not job oriented, it isdegree oriented. It is defective on the ground that is more
general then the vocational. Thus, the people who have getting general education
are unable to do any work. They are to be called asgood for nothing in the ground
that they cannot have any job here, they can find the ways of self employment. It
leads to unemployment as well as underemployment.
Over the last 10 years Bangladesh has made impressive gains in key human
developmentindicators. In the 2004 UNDP Human Development Report,
Bangladesh ranked 138 among 177countries with an HDI score of 0.509, which
places it among countries considered to haveachieved medium human
development. This is the result of macroeconomic stability, low population growth,
increase in women’s empowerment, reduction in aid dependence, food self-
sufficiency, effective disaster management capacity, promoting non-governmental
organizations(NGOs), free and fair parliamentary elections, a vibrant, pluralist,
democratic civil societymarked by cultural activism and developmental debates,
and an active and free press.The UNDP Gender Development Index (GDI) for
2004 ranked Bangladesh 110 among 144countries, an increase of 13 positions
since 1999. This improvement reflects a closing of the gap between men and
women in key indicators such as life expectancy. However, a GEM ranking of 76
shows continued low levels of female representation in government, in decision-
making positions and in ownership of economic assets. A significant gender
disparity persists in bothincome and human poverty, especially at the lower end of
income distribution. The femaledisadvantage in child mortality has remained
persistent, while the female-male gap in acutemalnutrition has increased over the
past decade.The 1999-2000 Labor Force Survey estimates that of the 74.2 million
working age population(15 - 64 years), about 21.6 percent are employed for wages
and salaries, a two percent increasesince the 1995-96 LFS. However, while 33.9
percent of men work for wages, only 8.4 percent of women receive some form of
remuneration. There are an estimated 7.4 million working childrenout of which 3.2
million children are child laborers. Twenty four percent of the working population
is self-employed. Unemployment rates in Bangladesh, estimated at 4.3 percent, are
comparatively low due to pervasive under-employment and the large number of
peopleconsidered being out of the labor force. Unemployment rates are high
among the youth,especially among young men under the age of 30. There has been
a significant increase in thereports of violence across Bangladesh. Accurate
information regarding the nature and extent of violence in the country remains
scarce due to lack of data. There is, however, an emerging“culture of violence”
which is of rising concern. Violence within the family remains the mostunder-
reported crime in Bangladesh. Cases of marital violence are routinely labeled as
“domesticdisputes”, and as such do not merit assistance within families, let alone
police intervention. Thisreflects, among other things, the existing patrimonial
social structures that force woman into passive acceptance of violence. According
to government statistics, one woman is subjected toviolence every hour. Though
the Bangladesh Constitution is committed to the equality of rightsof all citizens,
there still remain significant sections of the population who are unable to
realizetheir right to development. A part of the process will necessarily involve
ensuring that the mostmarginalized and vulnerable groups – women, minorities,
children and others – do not get left behind amidst an overall positive scenario. It is
also important to focus on the guarantee of human security with the basic norms of
justice as a pre-condition for human development. Thecommitment to a transparent
government through the use of information technology for development is one
means of promoting accountability. The decentralization of administrativeand
financial responsibilities would help to accelerate the process. These are all
important stepstowards ensuring that citizens have ownership over the
development process. Finally, it isnecessary to focus on the crosscutting issues of
good governance and environmentalsustainability to ensure the achievement of the
MDGs and national development objectives. Inthe circumstances, one of the
biggest challenges to the Government remains ensuring the right to participation
and protection of the people of Bangladesh.
Government will need to act imaginatively and effectively in relation to each of the
above factors and more to improve the investment climate that in turn would
accelerate economic activities and make the desired impact on the unemployment
situation. However, there is also a need to be clear about the policies to be pursued
to create employment. New enterprises will absorb the unemployed. But capital
intensive enterprises will employ a smaller number than labour intensive ones
which will understandably employ a greater number. Thus, enterprise with labour
intensive character should be identified and encouraged. Government can make a
big contribution towards reducing unemployment by also building and operating a
large number of training institutions to train the jobless ones indifferent vocations
for them to be fit enough to take up employment in the country, to goabroad for
doing jobs or to engage in self-employment. Government's ample spending
for skill development is all the more necessary because private sectors may prefer
not to invest in this area out of a consideration of low profits. The high costs of
skill training under the private sector is also likely to exclude most seekers of such
training on theground of their inability to pay for the training. Thus, government's
role as a skill trainer is very important. But government can expect to recover the
investments it will make inthis area by receiving regular payments in instalments
from people who would get jobsafter such training.
Conclusion :
List of References: