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The American Journal of Sports


A Prospective Evaluation of the Landing Error Scoring System (LESS) as a Screening Tool for
Anterior Cruciate Ligament Injury Risk
Helen C. Smith, Robert J. Johnson, Sandra J. Shultz, Timothy Tourville, Leigh Ann Holterman, James Slauterbeck,
Pamela M. Vacek and Bruce D. Beynnon
Am J Sports Med 2012 40: 521 originally published online November 23, 2011
DOI: 10.1177/0363546511429776

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A Prospective Evaluation of the
Landing Error Scoring System (LESS)
as a Screening Tool for Anterior
Cruciate Ligament Injury Risk
Helen C. Smith,* MS, ATC, Robert J. Johnson,* MD, Sandra J. Shultz,y PhD, ATC,
Timothy Tourville,* MEd, ATC, CSCS, Leigh Ann Holterman,* BS, James Slauterbeck,* MD,
Pamela M. Vacek,* PhD, and Bruce D. Beynnon,*z PhD
Investigation performed at the Department of Orthopedics and Rehabilitation,
McClure Musculoskeletal Research Center, University of Vermont
College of Medicine, Burlington, Vermont

Background: Anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injuries are immediately disabling, costly, take a significant amount of time to reha-
bilitate, and are associated with an increased risk of developing posttraumatic osteoarthritis of the knee. Specific multiplanar
movement patterns of the lower extremity, such as those associated with the drop vertical jump (DVJ) test, have been shown
to be associated with an increased risk of suffering noncontact ACL injuries. The Landing Error Scoring System (LESS) has
been developed as a tool that can be applied to identify individuals who display at-risk movement patterns during the DVJ.
Hypothesis: An increase in LESS score is associated with an increased risk of noncontact ACL injury.
Study Design: Case-control study; Level of evidence, 3.
Methods: Over a 3-year interval, 5047 high school and college participants performed preseason DVJ tests that were recorded
using commercial video cameras. All participants were followed for ACL injury during their sports season, and video data from
injured participants and matched controls were then assessed with the LESS. Conditional logistic regression analysis was
used to examine the association between LESS score and ACL injury risk in all participants as well as subgroups of female,
male, high school, and college participants.
Results: There was no relationship between the risk of suffering ACL injury and LESS score whether measured as a continuous or
a categorical variable. This was the case for all participants combined (odds ratio, 1.04 per unit increase in LESS score; 95%
confidence interval, 0.80-1.35) as well as within each subgroup (odds ratio range, 0.99-1.14).
Conclusion: The LESS did not predict ACL injury in our cohort of high school and college athletes.
Keywords: knee kinematics; ACL injury; injury risk; jump landing

Injuries to the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) of the knee amount of time to rehabilitate. These injuries are also asso-
are immediately disabling, costly, and take a significant ciated with long-term complications and early onset of oste-
oarthritis of the knee, a disease that currently has no
cure.9,10,14 An estimated 80 000 to 250 000 ACL injuries
Address correspondence to Bruce D. Beynnon, PhD, Department of occur each year, many in young, active individuals.5 Injury
Orthopaedics and Rehabilitation, McClure Musculoskeletal Research rates as high as 2.8 and 3.2 injuries per 10 000 athlete expo-
Center, Robert T. Stafford Hall, 4th Floor, 95 Carrigan Drive, University
sures in women’s collegiate basketball and soccer, respec-
of Vermont, Burlington, VT 05405-0084 (e-mail: bruce.beynnon tively, have also been reported.11 These injury rates in
*Department of Orthopedics and Rehabilitation, McClure Musculo- otherwise young, healthy individuals have led to research
skeletal Research Center, University of Vermont College of Medicine, efforts designed to identify factors that are associated with
Burlington, Vermont. an increased risk of suffering ACL injury. The ultimate
Department of Kinesiology, University of North Carolina at Greens-
boro, North Carolina.
goal of such research is to identify individuals at increased
One or more of the authors has declared the following conflict of inter- risk who may benefit from targeted interventions.
est or source of funding: Research funds were received from the National Biomechanical risk factors and specific at-risk multipla-
Institutes of Health (grant R01 AR050421-01A2). nar movement patterns for noncontact ACL injuries have
been identified using dynamic tests such as the drop verti-
The American Journal of Sports Medicine, Vol. 40, No. 3
DOI: 10.1177/0363546511429776 cal jump (DVJ).5,6,18,19 During the landing phase of the
Ó 2012 The Author(s) DVJ, these movement patterns include increased valgus

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522 Smith et al The American Journal of Sports Medicine

or abduction angle at the knee, increased intersegmental the fall season of 2008 and ran through the winter season
abduction moment at the knee, greater ground-reaction of 2011, a total of 5047 screenings of college and high
force, shorter stance time, lower activation of the semitendi- school athletes using the DVJ testing procedure were per-
nosus muscle, and increased activation of the vastus lateralis formed before their competitive athletic seasons began.18
muscle.6,18,23 This research has been accomplished in labora- Athletes participated in organized varsity sports at the
tory settings with complex measurement systems that have high school or college level in the surrounding region. All
the capacity to characterize the 3-dimensional kinematics competed in sports that are associated with sustaining
of the lower extremity and trunk during at-risk activities noncontact ACL injuries: soccer (n = 1257), football (n =
such as landing from a jump. While the use of these measure- 293), rugby (n = 61), field hockey (n = 446), basketball
ment techniques has led to significant advances in our under- (n = 1422), gymnastics (n = 55), lacrosse (n = 1496), and
standing of the relationship between lower extremity landing volleyball (n = 17). Some athletes participated in more
biomechanics and risk of noncontact ACL injury, they are than one sport per year and/or the same sport over multi-
complex and not easy to apply as large-scale screening tools ple seasons and so were screened several times over the 3
in the populations at risk for injury. There is a need for valid years. Because this has no bearing on the case-control sta-
and simple screening tools that can identify individuals with tistical analysis, these individuals were considered differ-
at-risk movement patterns. ent participants each time they were screened. There
The Landing Error Scoring System (LESS) is a reliable were a total of 3876 unique athletes who participated in
clinical screening tool that was developed to identify indi- the screenings (2021 male and 1855 female participants).
viduals at increased risk of suffering noncontact ACL injury There were 2910 high school athletes and 966 college ath-
through evaluation of landing biomechanics associated with letes. All participants were followed by the certified ath-
the DVJ test.18 Poor landing technique during the DVJ test letic training staff at each institution during their sports
has previously been shown to be associated with an seasons to identify those who subsequently suffered a grade
increased risk of knee ligament injury.6 The LESS is based III noncontact injury to the ACL. A noncontact ACL injury
on a continuous 17-point scale that assesses lower extremity mechanism was defined by our group as an event with no
and trunk positioning at the point of initial contact with the direct contact to the ACL-injured knee from another ath-
ground, maximum flexion, and global fluidity and range of lete, the ground, or extraneous structure. Athletes were
motion when landing from a DVJ through analysis of fron- not included who reported direct contact to the knee or
tal and sagittal plane video data. The LESS scoring con- where the injury mechanism was not clear. The ACL rup-
struct has been previously published by the developers.18A ture was initially evaluated by an orthopaedic surgeon and
higher LESS score indicates poor landing technique, while subsequently confirmed with magnetic resonance imaging
a lower LESS score indicates good landing technique. Intra- (MRI) and arthroscopic visualization at the time of sur-
rater and interrater reliability of the LESS has been gery. Injured participants were invited to participate in
established as good to excellent.16,18 The correlation of the study and were matched with up to 3 controls from
LESS scores with the previous, established standard of 3- the same team who were the same sex, were the same
dimensional kinematic motion about the lower extremity age within 1 year, and agreed to participate in the study.
has also been described.16,18 Participants and their matched controls were screened on
This study was designed to evaluate the LESS in a pop- the same date, and athletes who had a history of ACL
ulation of high school and college athletes. Our objective injury in either knee before the study were excluded.
was to determine if the LESS can be used to identify an
individual at increased risk of suffering a noncontact Testing and Data Processing Procedures
ACL injury. To our knowledge, the LESS has not been
applied in a case-control or cohort study to determine its During a preseason team meeting, each participant under-
association with risk of ACL injury. Our hypothesis was went a preparticipation screening that involved 3 practice
that the LESS will be able to predict individuals at DVJ trials, followed by 3 test DVJ trials according to the
increased risk of suffering ACL injury, where a higher LESS protocol described by Padua et al.18 The DVJ involved
LESS score indicates an individual at increased risk of sus- participants jumping from a 30-cm-high plyometric box onto
taining an ACL injury. the ground, landing with both feet at a distance of approxi-
mately 50% of their height in front of the box, and jumping
immediately back into the air as high as they were able.
MATERIALS AND METHODS Frontal and sagittal view video data were acquired using
standard HDV video camcorders (Canon Vixia HF200 and
Participants HV30, Canon Inc, Tokyo, Japan) that were positioned accord-
ing to the LESS protocol (Figure 1).18 Preparticipation DVJ
The Committee on Human Research in the Medical Scien- video data obtained from the injured participants and
ces Review Board approved this study. All participants matched controls were viewed by a trained investigator
and/or their legal guardians signed informed consent (H.S.) and scored using the standard LESS protocol.18 The
forms. This study was designed as a prospective cohort values obtained from 3 trials were averaged to obtain a partic-
study with a nested case-control analysis. There were ipant’s LESS score. The investigator was not blinded to
18 high schools and 8 colleges that participated in the pre- injury status. The video analysis was completed using Dart-
season screenings. During the 3-year period that started at fish ProSuite software (Dartfish Ltd, Fribourg, Switzerland).

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Vol. 40, No. 3, 2012 LESS as a Screening Tool for ACL Injury Risk 523

Figure 1. The drop vertical jump shown from the lateral camera view at initial contact (A) and maximum flexion (B) and from the
frontal camera view at initial contact (C) and maximum flexion (D).

Statistical Methods RESULTS

Reliability. Two investigators went through a series of Reliability
practice and learning sessions with an established LESS
evaluator to ensure that they applied it in the same man- Agreement in LESS scores between raters and between
ner as the developers. They then independently scored repeat assessments by the same rater was excellent. The
the DVJ videos for a subset of 10 participants at 2 time ICC value for intrarater reliability was 0.97, while the
points, separated by 1 week, to determine intrarater and ICC for interrater reliability was 0.92. The measurement
interrater reliability of the LESS. The reliability of scores errors for the 2 investigators were 0.45 and 0.59.
was assessed by concurrently estimating the between-
round and between-investigator intraclass correlation coef- Assessment of the LESS
ficients (ICCs) using the method described by Ellasziw
et al2 for random rater effects. A total of 32 participants (21 female, 11 male) from the
Assessment of the LESS. The objective of our study was cohort of 3876 individuals suffered noncontact ACL inju-
to apply the LESS as it was developed.18 The LESS scores ries, and 28 (19 female, 9 male) of these injured partici-
were analyzed as a continuous variable as well as on the pants agreed to let us analyze their data and were
categorical scale previously described by the developers retained in the study. These 28 injured athletes were
as poor (.6), moderate (.5 to 6), good (.4 to 5), and matched with controls (44 female, 20 male) for a total sam-
excellent (4).18 Statistical analyses were performed ple size of 92 participants (age, 18.3 6 2 years; mass,
using conditional logistic regression on both the continu- 70.9 6 15.6 kg; height, 171.9 6 12.4 cm) (Table 1). The
ous and categorical LESS scores to determine if there time interval between preparticipation screening and
was an increase in risk of ACL injury associated with an injury was an average of 224 days (standard deviation
increase in LESS score. Conditional logistic regression [SD], 150 days; range, 1-434 days).
directly compares participants to their respective The mean, standard deviation (SD), and range of the
matched controls and thus controls for exposure time as LESS scores for all cases; all controls; and female, male,
well as potential differences in landing techniques high school, and college participants are shown in Table 2.
because of type of sport, sex, and age. We selected 3 con- Conditional logistic regression analyses using the LESS as
trols per case because this number has been shown to a continuous variable did not reveal a significant relationship
provide good relative efficiency, with only minor improve- between LESS score and the risk of suffering ACL injury,
ments in statistical power if additional controls are either for all participants as a combined group (P = .32) or
used.21 Odds ratios (ORs) with 95% confidence intervals for subgroup analyses of female (P = .16), male (P = .67),
(95% CIs) were reported for all analyses. Significance high school (P = .37), and college participants (P = .66)
was set at P \ .05. Conditional logistic regression analy- (Table 3). Likewise, there was also no significant relationship
ses were performed on data from all participants as well between the LESS score as a categorical variable and the risk
as the following subgroups: female, male, high school, and of suffering ACL injury for all participants combined (P = .35)
college participants. All data were analyzed using SAS or for female (P = .26), male (P = .98), high school (P = .49),
(version 9.2, SAS Institute Inc, Cary, North Carolina). and college participants (P = .27) (Tables 4 and 5).

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524 Smith et al The American Journal of Sports Medicine

Demographics of Study Participants

Cases, n Controls, n Age, mean 6 SD (range), y Height, mean 6 SD (range), cm Mass, mean 6 SD (range), kg

Female 19 44 18.0 6 1.74 (14-22) 165.3 6 5.64 (152.4-177.8) 63.04 6 7.94 (50.3-80)
Male 9 20 18.48 6 2.47 (14-23) 181.8 6 8.57 (165.1-208.28) 82.62 6 13.41 (66.2-121.11)
High school 18 38 16.88 6 1.17 (14-18) 169.53 6 8.49 (152.4-187.96) 66.67 6 11.17 (50.3-113.4)
College 10 26 20.17 6 1.34 (18-23) 172.23 6 12.39 (152.3-208.28) 73.36 6 16.00 (50.3-121.11)
Lacrosse 14 36 18.66 6 1.88 (16-23) 171.09 6 8.72 (152.4-193.04) 69.08 6 11.39 (54.4-98.9)
Soccer 6 11 18.24 6 2.33 (14-21) 164.88 6 5.55 (152.4-172.72) 62.02 6 7.55 (50.3-73)
Basketball 4 9 18 6 1.35 (16-21) 177.56 6 14.04 (165.1-208.28) 77.28 6 17.89 (55.8-121.11)
Football 2 3 15.2 6 1.3 (14-17) 178.82 6 8.54 (165.1-187.96) 86.35 6 15.67 (76.2-113.4)
Field hockey 1 3 16.5 6 0.58 (16-17) 163.2 6 3.81 (160.02-167.64) 61.33 6 10.89 (50.3-73)
Gymnastics 1 2 17 6 1.73 (15-18) 157.9 6 2.64 (154.94-160.02) 57.3 6 4.97 (51.7-61.2)

LESS Score: Mean Values for Cases and Controlsa Associations Between LESS Score Considered as a Contin-
uous Variable and Risk of ACL Injury: Odds Ratio for Each
Cases Controls 1-Unit Increase in the LESS Scorea
Group Mean (SD) Group Mean (SD) Group Odds Ratio (95% CI) P Value
All (N = 28) 5.48 (1.85) All (N = 64) 4.98 (2.00) All (N = 92) 1.14 (0.88-1.48) .32
Female (n = 19) 5.49 (1.85) Female (n = 44) 4.73 (1.93) Female only (n = 63) 1.25 (0.91-1.72) .16
Male (n = 9) 5.44 (1.97) Male (n = 20) 5.53 (2.08) Male only (n = 29) 0.89 (0.54-1.49) .67
High school 5.91 (1.86) High school 5.36 (2.08) High school only (n = 56) 1.16 (0.84-1.59) .37
(n = 18) (n = 38) College only (n = 36) 1.11 (0.70-1.77) .66
College (n = 10) 4.70 (1.64) College (n = 26) 4.42 (1.75)
LESS, Landing Error Scoring System; ACL, anterior cruciate
LESS, Landing Error Scoring System; SD, standard deviation. ligament; CI, confidence interval.

Categorical Variable Frequencya
Our study was unable to demonstrate that the LESS has
predictive value for identifying those at increased risk of LESS Category Cases, n (%) Controls, n (%) Total, n (%)
suffering noncontact ACL injuries. This was the case
Excellent (4) 6 (21.43) 23 (35.94) 29 (31.52)
when considering all participants as a group as well as for Good (.4 to 5) 5 (17.86) 14 (21.88) 19 (20.65)
separate subgroup analyses of high school, college, male, Moderate (.5 to 6) 6 (21.43) 11 (17.19) 17 (18.48)
and female participants. We screened 5047 participants Poor (.6) 11 (39.29) 16 (25.00) 27 (29.35)
over 3 years, identified 32 subsequent noncontact ACL inju- Total 28 (30.43) 64 (69.57) 92 (100.00)
ries, and analyzed 28 of these injured individuals. To our
knowledge, this sample of participants with noncontact LESS, Landing Error Scoring System.
ACL injuries is the largest to be evaluated with the LESS.
Post hoc power analysis revealed that approximately 148 a large-scale effort can be achieved. However, a nested
injured participants (37 in each of the 4 LESS score catego- case-control analysis, when conducted as in our study,
ries) would be needed to have 80% power of detecting an OR involves random sampling of controls from risk sets (partic-
of 3 or larger compared with the lowest category. Based on ipants with comparable time at risk) and the use of condi-
the incidence of injury that we have observed in our study, tional logistic regression. This analysis produces results
this threshold would require screening approximately that are very similar to Cox regression. Also, because both
26 000 athletes over 3 years. The effort required to accom- Cox regression and conditional logistic regression include
plish such a large study is far beyond the capacity of any the same number of cases, there is little difference in statis-
single research center. To gain a large enough sample of tical power, particularly because we controlled for potential
ACL-injured participants to effectively study the risk fac- confounders in the matching of controls, and thus did not
tors prospectively, it may ultimately be necessary to utilize need to include them as covariates in the regression model.
study designs that involve multicenter collaboration,17 and Controlled laboratory studies have determined that differ-
at the current point in time, it is unclear whether such ent movement and muscle activation patterns exist between

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Vol. 40, No. 3, 2012 LESS as a Screening Tool for ACL Injury Risk 525

Association Between Categories of LESS and ACL Injury Risk: Odds Ratioa

Group LESS Category (n) Odds Ratio (95% CI) P Value

All Excellent (29) 1 (reference) —

Good (19) 1.49 (0.34-6.53) .60
Moderate (17) 2.59 (0.61-10.99) .20
Poor (27) 3.62 (0.87-15.11) .08

Male Excellent (6) 1 (reference) —

Good (5) 0.70 (0.06-8.89) .78
Moderate (7) 0.76 (0.06-9.06) .83
Poor (11) 1.02 (0.07-14.27) .99

Female Excellent (23) 1 (reference) —

Good (14) 2.25 (0.33-15.34) .41
Moderate (10) 4.74 (0.68-32.95) .12
Poor (16) 5.86 (0.94-36.47) .06

High school Excellent (13) 1 (reference) —

Good (11) Unable to estimate —
Moderate (11) 1.32 (0.21-8.35) .77
Poor (21) 4.00 (0.60-26.53) .15

College Excellent (16) 1 (reference) —

Good (8) 6.08 (0.61-60.32) .12
Moderate (6) 11.41 (0.71-184.56) .09
Poor (6) 2.28 (0.12-43.06) .58

LESS, Landing Error Scoring System; ACL, anterior cruciate ligament; CI, confidence interval.

male and female athletes, and these differences may be same time, were the same age, and were selected from the
linked to an increased risk of ACL injury.20 Small cohort same team, and conditional logistic regression analysis
laboratory-based studies have also shown that female partic- was used to analyze the data. For example, if a change in
ipants land from a DVJ with less knee flexion and increased DVJ landing biomechanics and subsequent LESS score did
knee valgus when compared with male participants.1,3 How- in fact occur between the testing and the injury, we would
ever, mean LESS scores for the male (5.51 for control and assume that the change was the same for the participants
injured participants combined) and female (4.96 for control and the controls. Future work should focus on determining
and injured participants) athletes in our study did not differ how jumping mechanics may change over the course of dif-
significantly (P = .22). We also found that college participants ferent time intervals for high school and college athletes.
had lower average LESS scores (4.5 for control and injured Another issue to consider is that the DVJ may not be the
athletes), signifying better jump technique, than did high best task for evaluating ACL injury risk. While it is difficult
school participants (5.54 for control and injured athletes), to find a task that challenges the knee and ACL while main-
and this finding was statistically significant (P \ .01). taining a safe, controlled, and reproducible screening envi-
The range of LESS scores for our participants fell ronment, measurement of landing mechanics during other
between 0 and 11 rather than the full possible 0-to-17 range types of tasks may prove more predictive of injury risk.
and may have reduced our capacity to detect an association The LESS has been shown to correlate to other measures
with injury risk. It is possible that LESS score varies more of ACL loading and biomechanical measures of ACL injury
widely in groups that are undergoing rapid neuromuscular risk measured via 3-dimensional kinematics.18 Some of
development, such as younger athletes, or the military pop- these biomechanical factors increase the ACL strain values,
ulation upon which the LESS was developed.18 including increased posterior-directed ground-reaction force
The period between screening and injury was an average combined with an anterior-directed intersegmental shear
of 224 days, with a range of 1 and 434 days, and therefore, force acting at the proximal aspect of the tibia as well as
a majority of the study participants were screened within increased intersegmental internal/external and varus/
a 1-year time interval of the index injury. While screening valgus moments at the knee.22 Several case series studies
participants once per year is reasonable and practical have also been completed that attempt to identify exact
from the perspective of the demands placed on athletes at mechanisms in which an individual suffers a noncontact
increased risk for this devastating injury, it is difficult to injury to the ACL. Tibial internal rotation and knee valgus
know how the LESS score was influenced over this time motion have been identified as common mechanisms,7,8,15
interval by changes in conditioning and maturation. To con- especially for noncontact injuries, which occur when strain
trol for this, participants and controls were screened at the is applied to the ACL in multiple anatomic planes. This

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526 Smith et al The American Journal of Sports Medicine

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