Assam Power Distribution Company LTD
Assam Power Distribution Company LTD
Assam Power Distribution Company LTD
Invitation to Tender
E-Procurement Notice
(National Competitive Tender using Two-Envelope e-Procurement Process
without Prequalification)
5. The tender document in English is available online on 13/05/2020 in the e-procurement website
( to 15/06/2020, 13:00 Hrs for a nonrefundable fee as indicated in
the table below. The method of payment will be online in the e-procurement portal. Payment
documents are to be submitted as per the procedure described in paragraph 9 below. Bidders will
be required to register in the website. The bidders would be responsible for ensuring that any
addenda available on the website is also downloaded and incorporated.
6. For submission of the bids, the bidder is required to have Digital Signature Certificate (DSC) from
one of the Certifying Authorities (CAs), authorized by Government of India for issuing DSC.
Bidders can see the list of licensed CAs from the link ( Aspiring bidders who
have not obtained the user ID and password for participating in e-procurement in this Project, may
obtain the same from the website: A non-refundable fee of Rs.
30,000/-(inclusive of tax) or US$ 419 or equivalent amount in a freely convertible currency, is
required to be paid. The method of payment will be online in the e-procurement portal. Payment
documents are to be submitted as per the procedure described in paragraph 9 below.
7. Tender comprise two Parts, namely the Technical Part and the Financial (Price) Part, and both
parts must be simultaneously submitted online on on or before
15/06/2020, 13:00 Hrs. Any bid or modifications to bid (including discount) received outside e-
procurement system will not be considered. The electronic bidding system would not allow any
late submission of bids. The “TECHNICAL PART” of the Bids will be publicly opened online on
16/06/2020 at 15:00 Hrs in the presence of the Bidders’ designated representatives and anyone
who chooses to attend at the address below at 15:00 hours, and this could also be viewed by the
bidders online. The “FINANCIAL PART” shall remain unopened in the e-procurement system
until the second public Bid opening for the financial part. If the office happens to be closed on the
date of opening of the bids as specified, the bids will be opened on the next working day at the
same time and venue.
8. All Bids must be accompanied by a Bid (Tender) Security of the amount specified for the Work in
the table below, drawn in favour of Assam Power Distribution Company Limited payable at
Guwahati. Bid (Tender) security will have to be in any one of the forms as specified in the bidding
document and shall have to be valid for 45 days beyond the validity of the bid. (The original bid
security documents in approved form shall be submitted as per the procedure described in
paragraph 9 below).
9. The bidders are required to submit (a) original payment documents towards the cost of bidding
document (Not required for online submission) and registration on e-procurement website (if
applicable); (b) original bid security in approved form; and (c) original affidavit regarding
correctness of information furnished with bidding document, with address as D. K. Das, Chief
Project Manager, PIU, APDCL, Bijulee Bhawan, Paltan Bazar, Guwahati-781001, Assam, India
one (1) hour prior to the Bid submission deadline given above, either by registered post/speed
post/courier or by hand, failing which such bids will be declared non-responsive, and will not be
10. A pre-bid meeting will be held on 27/05/2020 at 14:00 hrs. at the O/o The Chief Project Manager,
PIU, APDCL, Bijulee Bhawan, Paltan Bazar, Guwahati-781001, Assam, India to clarify the issues
and to answer questions on any matter that may be raised at that stage as stated in ITB Clause 7.4
of ‘Instructions to Bidders’ of the bidding document. Bidders are advised to download the bidding
document prior to the pre-bid meeting in order for bidders to have a good understanding of the
scope of the requirements under this contract for discussion and clarification at the pre-bid meeting.
11. Other details can be seen in the bidding document. The Employer shall not be held liable for any
delays due to system failure beyond its control. Even though the system will attempt to notify the
bidders of any bid updates, the Employer shall not be liable for any information not received by
Registered Office : Bijulee Bhawan , Paltan Bazar, Guwahati - 781001
CIN- U40109AS2003SGCOO7242
2nd Floor, Bijulee Bhawan, Paltan Bazar, Guwahati – 781001
Tel No.-+91361-2733094; email: [email protected]
the bidder. It is the bidders’ responsibility to verify the website for the latest information related to
this bid
12. The address (es) referred to above is (are):
Assam Power Distribution Company Limited
Dipak Kr. Das, The Chief Project Manager, PIU
APDCL, 2nd Floor, Bijulee Bhawan, Guwahati,
Assam, India, Pin: 781001.
Telephone Number: +91361-2733094
Email: [email protected]
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