Application of High Voltage Engineering For Air Pollution Control ESP
Application of High Voltage Engineering For Air Pollution Control ESP
Application of High Voltage Engineering For Air Pollution Control ESP
Volume 4 Issue 3, April 2020 Available Online: e-ISSN: 2456 – 6470
@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD30392 | Volume – 4 | Issue – 3 | March-April 2020 Page 316
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) @ eISSN: 2456-6470
charged attracted to the positively charged plates which is dust particle is very important and for that a very high
second electrode and get deposited thereon plate. Once voltage gradient is required between negative electrode and
sufficient amount of dust particles are collected at the plate, positive plate. In order to maintain voltage gradient the
a mechanism will come into the picture by which the distance between each negative electrode and positive plate
deposited particles will be collected by shaking the plates; and the DC voltage applied across them are so adjusted.
this mechanism can be either manual or automated by
someone brushing them clean with the help of automated The flue gas which is released from various industries like,
shaking or brushing, this process is called as rapping. thermal power station, sponge iron etc. has dust particles
present in considerable amount. These flue gases are made
to pass through the ESP chamber which contains electrodes.
When air act as medium between the electrodes, and as the
electrodes are highly negativitely charged, there result a
corona discharge surround the negative electrode rods or
wire mesh.
2.2. Working Principle As a result of the process, the dust particles will be charged
The electrostatic precipitator’s working principle is very and move towards the positive plates and deposited there,
simple. It consists of two pair of electrodes in which one is therefore the positively charged plate is called as collecting
positive, and another is negative. The state of negative plate. The dust particles then fall due to gravitational force
electrodes are generaly of spike rod or wire mesh form, when the extra electron from the dust particles will be
while the positive electrodes are in the form of plates. Both removed on positive plates. After the entire process, the flue
these positive plates and negative electrodes are placed gases after passing through the ESP chamber become almost
vertically in the electrostatic precipitator in alternative free from ash particles and then it made to discharge
fashion i.e. one after another. through chimney into the atmosphere. Though there is no
direct contribution from ESP to produce electricity at
A high voltage DC source is mounted at the top of ESP and thermal power station, but it’s contribution to keep
the negative terminal of DC source connected to the negative atmosphere clean is very important for human beings. The
electrodes, and positive terminal of the DC source connected unite named, ‘Hopper’ is planned below the ESP chamber for
to positive plates. In many cases the positive terminal of the collecting dust particles. The various rapping mechanism
DC source is grounded in order to get stronger negativity in used from side of chamber or from top to accelerate the
the negative electrodes. For working of ESP the ionization of removal of the dust from the collecting plates.
@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD30392 | Volume – 4 | Issue – 3 | March-April 2020 Page 317
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) @ eISSN: 2456-6470
these major parameters, there are some other parameters as
well which can affect the collection efficiency of ESP like,
A. The volumetric flow rate,
B. Moisture content,
C. Chemical composition, and
D. Temperature
An ESP has designed with multiple discharge electrodes (to 4. RAPPING MECHANISM
which common negative charge is applied) between each set When the flue gas made to pass through the ESP chamber,
of collecting plates (which are charged with positive the corona effect causes the ionization of air and thereafter
supply/grounded), along with multiple sets of collecting dust particles will get negative charged and stick to the
plates in a single “field” which are oriented in the direction of positively charged/grounded plate. The dust particles are
gas flow. With such arrangement of structure, each field acts need to be separted out from the plate in order to get
as an independent precipitator. In many plants, to improve collected at hopper. The process of detaching the dust
the efficiency, multiple fields are be added in series. Mostly particle from collecting electrode and to get collected at
using three or more fields many ESP’s are working in various hopper is known as rapping mechanism. The mechanism for
plants nowadays. Some plants which required to follows rapping, to release deposited dust particles strong shearing
very strong rules of environment pollution control, use up to forces are transmitted to collecting plates. Rapping in other
12 fields in order to achieve collection efficiencies greater word is the process by which electrodes and particles are
than 99 percent. While designing the multiple field ESP broken apart by vibrations from the rappers. Depending
structure, temperature of the flue gasses and flow rate one of upon the specific characteristics of the dust being collected,
the key parameters considered. In such utility applications, there are various parameters like, number, size, and
each field is electrically divided into separate compartments frequency of the rappers vary from system to system.
to achieve higher degree of optimization for removal
efficiency. There are two major types of rappers available,
A. Mechanical Hammer
There are three major areas on which the particle removal B. Electromagnetic impulse units
effectiveness of an ESP is based,
A. The ability of a particle to hold a charge i.e. resistivity of 4.1. Electromagnetic impulse units
the particles The electromagnetic vibrator are mounted on the top of ESP
B. The gas flow properties, and structure which works on simple principle of
C. The quality and strength of the electric field produced electromagnetic theory. It consists of a coil which is
energized by alternating current. The energy creates a
In industry mainly, the thermal power generation, the vibrations which are transmitted through a rod to the
resistivity of dust particle in flue gas changes with change in electrodes or collecting plates.
fuel. Therefore various government agencies has designed
standeards to put limits on mercury and acid gas. These Now a days in many designs of ESP's magnetic-impulse
limits may require the addition of activated carbon injection rapper (MIGI rapper) are installed for the rapping of the
for mercury removal and/or dry sorbent injection for Collecting Electrode and Discharge Electrode. Whenever a
removal of acid gases. Adding activated carbon or dry current pulse is provided to coil, due to electromagnetic
sorbent to the gas stream may change the particle resistivity effect the heavy steel plunger raises inside the MIGI rappers.
and, therefore, the efficiency of ESP operation. Apart from When we cut the current pulse to the coil, then by the effect
@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD30392 | Volume – 4 | Issue – 3 | March-April 2020 Page 318
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) @ eISSN: 2456-6470
of gravity, the heavy plunger drops down and strike a frame climate change also occure due to these particles. In order to
which is connected to many plates inside the ESP. An get rid of all above mentioned and many more problems
electrical controlling system is used to decide the frequency caused by dust particles in flue gas the device named
and intensity of the rapper. Electrostatic Precipitator is used which helps to get the flue
gases filtered and free from the dust particles.
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@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD30392 | Volume – 4 | Issue – 3 | March-April 2020 Page 319