Alternative Uses of The Blockchain I (2019!12!17 19-12-19 UTC)

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MSc in Digital Currency

DFIN-511: Introduction to Digital Currencies

Session 6
Alternative Uses of the Blockchain I

DFIN-511: Introduction to Digital Currencies

Objectives of Session 6
Understand the original purpose of Bitcoin’s blockchain
Explore some alternative uses of the blockchain (e.g. colored coins, smart contracts, etc.)
Glimpse at possible future uses of the blockchain

Before we begin with this session, we need to clarify that boundaries between concepts are not always 100%
clear in an area of constant innovation. Being able to understand each innovation is more important than
agreeing what label should be given to its category.

Bitcoin is at its core, a technology that enables a series of achievements that were not possible before, and not
just “magic internet money”. Decentralized consensus can create more robust systems in a multitude of
ownership or attestation related roles. Currency is the first “app” of this technology and definitely not the last. In
the upcoming 2 sessions we aim to introduce a few different potential applications.
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1. Purpose of the Blockchain
2. Alternative uses of the Blockchain – Privacy Coins, Asset Management,
Sidechains, Contracts
3. Blockchain solutions for various industries
4. Conclusions
5. Further Reading

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1. Purpose of the Blockchain
Purpose of a blockchain
The blockchain is the public record of all transactions and it is shared and is collaboratively
maintained through global consensus by all nodes participating in the Bitcoin network. In
Bitcoin, the blockchain specifically serves a dual purpose, as it is used to:
Prove the permanence and immutability of all transactions (e.g. against modifications)
Prevent double-spending (i.e. Prevent malicious users from spending their bitcoins to two
different recipients at the same time)

As we have seen, each block in the

Blockchain contains:
A block header, and
Transaction data for all transactions

All blocks in the blockchain are chained together via header hashes; as a result, the name
"blockchain" seems to be more than appropriate.
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2. Alternative uses of the Blockchain
Alternative uses of the blockchain
As we have already discussed in session 2, Bitcoin has provided a practical solution to the
Byzantine General’s Problem through its use of the blockchain. Since BGP is a general
problem in distributed systems, the same concept can be employed for other purposes.

We will explore the following alternative uses of the blockchain in the areas of:
Altcoins Smart Contracts
Sidechains Smart Property
Asset Registration Financial Contracts
Colored Coins and Instruments
Solar Energy Distribution Digital Rights Management
Academic Certificates Supply chain
Permissioned Blockchains Real Estate Management

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Privacy Coins – Zerocoin (Zcoin)
There are thousands of cryptocurrencies out there. Many are
identical in principle and can be considered a clone of Bitcoin or
Ethereum, while others provide additional functionality on top of
these public, popular blockchains. Others are fundamentally different
in principles and functionalities, such as the Grin Coin which we will
examine in a while.

A notable example of a privacy coin is Zerocoin, which aims to further

enhance the privacy of Bitcoin payments by obfuscating user
identities from their payment patterns/habits

Zerocoin achieves its goal by employing zero-knowledge

mathematical proofs (see next slides). Unfortunately, Zerocoin had Source: Wikimedia Foundation
the disadvantage that it introduced additional bloat and delay to the
existing Bitcoin network, as it requires storing its proofs in the
blockchain - significant time taken by nodes to verify the proofs

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Alt-coins – Zerocash
Due to the limitations of Zerocoin, its original authors created an improved implementation
called “Zerocash” (an Alt-coin). Zerocash addresses Zerocoin’s performance and bloat issues
and provides further functionality, such as:
Obfuscating payment history
(e.g. payment destinations, amounts)
*Zerocoin hides a payment's origin, but not its destination or amount

While some users may currently work around some of Bitcoin’s privacy issues by employing
multiple addresses for separate payments, transaction graph analyses are still possible.
The authors of Zerocash (now forming the Zcash team) point out that Bitcoin exhibits the following
privacy concerns:
It is less private than a traditional bank account (due to its public ledger)
It makes your transaction history public for anyone to see (i.e. user identity can be deduced)
It introduces privacy-intrusion concerns (e.g. data-mining by third parties, etc.)
Over the next page we will see briefly how Zcash works

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“Zero-knowledge proofs” allow one party (e.g. the sender) to prove to another (e.g. the receiver) that a
given statement is true, while not providing any further information beyond the fact that the statement
is true. For performance reasons, Zcash uses so-called “zero-knowledge Succinct Non-interactive
Arguments of Knowledge” (or zk-SNARK), which are mathematical proofs that are short and easy to
verify (it only takes milliseconds).
“A Z-to-Z transaction appears on the public blockchain, so it is known to have occured and that the fees were
paid. But the addresses, transaction amount and the memo field are all encrypted and not publicly visible.
Using encryption on a blockchain is only possible through the use of zero-knowledge proofs. More
information on these proofs and Zcash’s implementation of zk-SNARKs is available.
The owner of an address may choose to disclose z-address and transaction details with trusted third parties
— think auditory and compliance needs — through the use of view keys and payment disclosure.
Transactions between two transparent addresses (t-addresses) work just like Bitcoin: The sender, receiver and
transaction value are publicly visible. While many wallets and exchanges exclusively use t-addresseses today,
many are moving to shielded addresses to better protect user privacy.
The two Zcash address types are interoperable. Funds can be transferred between z-addresses and t-
addresses. However, is important that users understand the privacy implications of shielding or de-shielding
information through these transactions. More information on the various transaction types is available.”

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Zero-knowledge proofs
This concept aims to solve fungibility issues. Zcash addresses are either private (z-addresses) or transparent
(t-addresses). Z-addresses start with a “z,” and t-addresses start with a "t.“
Have a look at Zcash’s blockchain. Go through the statistics bar.
Shielded transactions (which are private addresses enhancing zero-knowledge proofs) are much less than transparent
transactions which are not private.
The process of creating a transaction with zero-knowledge proofs (zk-SNARKs) is not default and sometimes slow and costly –
requiring a full and up to 4GB of RAM
Users using privacy features usually hold large amount of funds and/or sensitive information so they may draw interest from
malicious parties to be attacked

A recent bug found in Zcash could reveal shielded full nodes’ IP addresses!

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Grin Coin
Since we are discussing privacy coins, “Grin” has been a recent implementation of
the MimbleWimble protocol, aiming to be a scalable and private coin that has no addresses, no amounts with
limited storage requirements. Grin is ASIC-resistant, so GPU and CPU are the methods to mine. Grin was
launched on January 15th, 2019.
MimbleWimble changes this bitcoin model by creating one multisignature for all of the inputs and
outputs. The parties involved in a transaction create one public multisignature key that can verify the
transaction. There are no addresses in the system because two parties engaging in a transaction share
what’s called a “blinding factor” where only those two parties know they are engaging in a transaction;
keeping the privacy of the network.
A blinding factor is a shared secret between the two parties that encrypts the inputs and outputs in that
specific transaction as well as the transacting parties’ public and private keys. MimbleWimble utilizes
a Pedersen commitment scheme where full nodes subtract the encrypted amounts on the sending side
of transactions (inputs) from the encrypted amounts on the receiving side of transactions (outputs).
A balanced equation means that no coins were created out of thin air – and the node never has to
know what the transaction amounts were.

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Grin Coin
Notice the last sentence of the previous slide. The only verification needed is that no new coins have been
created and that the parties in the transaction have ownership of their keys. Other than some exchanges, the
official Grin wallet (i.e. full node) can be used to manage Grin coins which and provide full control to the user.
Grin is community driven and it enhances PoW, but with a different algorithm – Cuckoo Cycle.
Development Funding -
Grin’s Monetary Policy
Approximate supply is 60 grin as block coinbase reward per minute.
Divisible to 1,000,000,000 nanogrins
It enhances a linear emission rate, therefore certainty and predictability for miners and investors
No ICO. Grin mined becomes available organically to the market.
Transaction fees are low with the only intention to prevent spammers. They are priced proportionately to the costs incurred by
the network when accepting a transaction
Alternative assets enhancing differing cryptography and policies are to be soft forked into the Grin protocol in the future.

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Grin Coin

The first Grin hard fork was completed on July 17, 2019 with the aim to discourage ASIC mining and to include
a new iteration of its bulletproof rewind scheme for Grin wallets.

The hardfork occurred on block 226,080. (

The Grin mainnet will continue to be hardforked at regular intervals, approximately every 6 months, where
previous transactions will no longer be recognized by the new mainnet.

This raises issues on how decentralized and secure the network can be.

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Asset registration
Global asset registration is another interesting use of the blockchain. For instance, a number of shares
(i.e. assets) could be matched to their equivalent worth in bitcoins (e.g. 1,000 shares of XYZ company
could be worth X bitcoins).
There are some interesting projects that aim to provide a consistent way of employing the
blockchain to support, among other uses, global asset registration.


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Asset registration
Blockchain technology is also able to address the issuing of shares and bonds, or the creation of
alternative currencies. The blockchain records an ownership state of an abstract value (unspent
outputs). If a group agrees that a certain amount of these represent another value altogether, can
they potentially use these “designated” bitcoins to transact in this value.

The Colored coins concept employs Bitcoin’s existing blockchain

infrastructure to achieve these goals. Colored coins add to
bitcoins further properties, effectively turning
them into tokens which can be used to represent anything (e.g.
specific coins that represent 1,000 shares of a company,
or deposits of physical gold in one company’s warehouse, and
so on). Trading those specific coins is essentially trading the issued asset. Source:

Colored coins is now a forgotten concept as better alternatives have emerged, mainly ERC-20 tokens.

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Colored Coins
Instead of building other blockchains (sidechains), colored coins allow attaching metadata to bitcoin transactions.
These coins represent other real-world assets which can be traded on the bitcoin blockchain

The value of such assets (Securities, shares, bonds, cars, documents, smart keys, digital rights etc.) is tied to a real
world promise (contract) by the asset issuers that they are willing to redeem digital tokens for these assets

This concept takes advantage of blockchain immutability and transparency

Example: Color 1 btc – each satoshi is tied to 1 share of XYZ stock. XYZ stock can be traded on the btc blockchain,
not the stock market

Disadvantage: Real world promise is a contract done outside of blockchain. So trust must be built. If I have 10k
satoshis and go to XYZ company to take my shares, they are not forced by the protocol to give me the shares.

Coins can be tracked. Anyone can color. But a special wallet is needed to check b/ces and distinguish which bitcoins
are colored. Colored coins are staying irrelevant because other solutions emerge which do not depend on bitcoin
blockchain e.g. ERC 20 Tokens

An examples of a Colored coins-enabled wallet is the ChromaWallet. The Government of Sweden tested a
blockchain system for registering and recording land titles in partnership with ChromaWallet in 2016.

Introduction to Digital Currencies

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Anonymity, integrity and security by storing an online distributed proof of existence for any

Documents not stored in any database or the Bitcoin Blockchain

No need to trust any central authority

By demonstrating data ownership without revealing actual data, copyrights

and patents can be safe

Abstract from website: “The document is certified via embedding its SHA256 digest in the
bitcoin blockchain. This is done by generating a special bitcoin transaction that
encodes/contains the hash via an OP_RETURN script. This is a bitcoin scripting opcode that
marks the transaction output as provably unspendable and allows a small amount of data
to be inserted, which in our case is the document's hash, plus a marker to identify all of our
transactions. Once the transaction is confirmed, the document is permanently certified and
proven to exist at least as early as the time the transaction was confirmed”

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Another use of blockchain technology - Sidechains
Sidechains: Blockchains completely independent from the main bitcoin blockchain

Allow bitcoin or other assets to be transferred between blockchains

Can be the architecture for new type of products/services by combining functionality/popularity of bitcoin with flexibility of other

Problem solved: How to advance the functionality of bitcoin without affecting the network
Sidechains become source of innovation and extension of the bitcoin blockchain - Can be built on top of any blockchain
Assets are transferred at a fixed or otherwise deterministic exchange rate
Coins “leave” the bitcoin network(in reality sent to a special address), so they are actually frozen not leaving the network
When a tx is confirmed – bitcoin owner sends a message to the sidechain containing verification of ownership
Sidechain creates an equal amount of pegged bitcoins(or other specified tokens) and send to the owner
These coins can be involved in transactions in the sidechain under whatever rules the sidechain has
Pegged coins can be redeemed back for bitcoins in the same way. Sidechain will destroy the pegged coins and bitcoins will be released on the main

Advantages: Extensions to original bitcoin capabilities with other capabilities - Environment for innovation - Better performance on
parent chain because of offload transactions in sidechains - Increased privacy

Introduction to Digital Currencies

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Sidechains – in detail
The technical basis of Sidechains is a “two-way peg”, whereby bitcoins can be transferred between any chain (i.e.
parent and sidechains) at a deterministic (or fixed) exchange rate.

In addition, “SPV (Simplified Payment Verification)

proofs” play a vital role in Sidechains. SPV proofs,
allow verifiers to check that some amount of work
has been committed to the existence of a special
output, and to determine history by trusting that
the longest blockchain is the correct longest


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Sidechains – in detail
There are two suggested models for Sidechains:

The “Symmetric two-way peg” model, whereby the transfer mechanisms between any chain are the same
and are based on SPV proofs. To transfer coins from the parent chain to a sidechain, the coins are sent to a
special output on the parent chain that can only be unlocked by an SPV proof of possession on the sidechain.
Furthermore, to synchronize the two chains, two waiting periods are used: (a) A “confirmation period” during
which a coin remains locked on the parent chain before it can be transferred to the sidechain, and (b) A
“contest period” during which a newly-transferred coin may not be spent on the sidechain.

The “Asymmetric two-way peg” model, whereby each user can independently fully validate the state of the
parent chain, without requiring SPV proofs, because all users are aware of the state of the parent chain.

In order to use Sidechains, special SPV-aware Bitcoin clients must first be developed. Spearheading the
sidechains development is Blockstream, co-founded by Adam Back, the developer of Hashcash and the PoW
principle that Bitcoin uses.

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Blockstream Launches Security Token Platform on Bitcoin Sidechain
Blockstream is a blockchain startup which announced the launch of a platform that lets users launch their
own tokens by utilizing its bitcoin sidechain, Liquid. The announcement was made during the Consensus
Conference in 2019. The platform is enforced by Bitcoin multi-sig.

The purpose is to enable faster coin transfers and privacy. Businesses can use the Liquid Network in order to
issue and manage security tokens on top of it.

Blockstream claims to tackle scaling, privacy and reliability issues faced by other blockchains like Ethereum,
which we will discuss further next week.

There are no coding requirements to launch a token on Blockstream, as several organizations intend to launch
coins on the platform, including BnkToTheFuture and TokenSoft.

The web interface allows such entities to set up rules such as regional restrictions and KYC/AML

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Smart contracts – to be examined on the next session
A smart contract is a contractual agreement that is
implemented using software. Unlike a traditional contract
where parties may seek remedial action through the legal
system, a smart contract is self-enforced (possibly also self-
executed), depending on whether specific conditions, that
are monitored through software, are met. Due to the way
the Bitcoin blockchain works, a “layer” can be built upon
the existing infrastructure to support smart contracts.

See here for some interesting solutions empowered by smart contracts technology
Smart contracts may provide several benefits, for instance:
They may automatically enforce power equality of all parties involved
They protect an individual’s rights by enforcing reasonable expectations for the signee
They eliminate the possibility of any signatory defaulting on their obligations

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Smart Contracts - Smart Property
Cryptographically protected physical ownership is commonplace in car immobilizers, phone PINs and access controls. Nick
Szabo first suggested the idea of “smart property”, as a means of cryptographically enforced ownership which is digitally
transferable and which can be liable to an arbitrary set of contracts between the provider/owner and a customer/lender.

Much like a vending machine is a low risk automated contract with the vendor and the customer, the ownership
transference that blockchain provides, is a dis-intermediated way to enable digital contracts that depend on specific
parameters. These could be used to “access control” services and actual property including cars, home keys, etc. Szabo uses
this example in his paper:

1. A lock to selectively let in the owner and exclude third parties;

2. A back door to let in the creditor;
(3a) Creditor back door switched on only upon non-payment for a certain period of time; and
(3b) The final electronic payment permanently switches off the back door.

At the same time, these contracts could enable a multitude of novel loan and collateral applications, but also in comparison
with oracles (independent digital arbitrators) a large array of property or financial instruments.

More information can be found at :

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Financial Contracts and instruments
“Smart Contracts” can also be defined as “Smart Agreements”. Most financial instruments are essentially a
contract/agreement depending on the issuer and the set of rules or dependencies set by them. In regulated markets, the
relevant security and exchange authorities monitor the compliance of the issuer and user of the contract/instrument to the
rules set. Since these third parties are costly and time-consuming, what if we could replace these with math? Oracles, in
this case, can act as the authority that determines compliance and adherence to the rules set.

Let’s imagine that Alice and Bob want to play rock, paper, scissors and the winner of 3 games wins a bet of 1mBTC.
In this case, an oracle can:
hold both their funds in escrow until a winner is determined
make sure that both players do not know what choice the other player commits to before they commit their own
have a rule set that determines that rock beats scissors, paper beats rock, and scissors beat paper
keep account of the winner of each game until someone wins three times
pay out the full sum to the final winner of the 3 games

All these can be done objectively, transparently and without trust between Alice and Bob. The same can take place for more
complicated financial instruments which rely on various external conditions.

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Financial Contracts and instruments
Such external conditions could be nearly anything that can be quantified and digitized. The variable in this
case would have to be retrieved from a source that is ideally verifiable and objective. Applications could
Stock Market or Commodity Indices, taken from the exchanges themselves
CFDs on weather variation in a city, taken from a central weather service
The results of a soccer match
The exchange rate of a currency at a point in time, as reported from Bloomberg or other service

Ethereum and Augur which we will go into in Session 7, is poised to create a more robust contract base that
could enable increasingly complex contracts.

Another sidechain based protocol aiming to offer equivalent and compatible smart contract functionality, is
Rootstock evaluation:

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3. Blockchain Solutions for Various Industries
What is the future of the blockchain?
As we have seen, the Bitcoin blockchain can be used for various purposes. Amongst other things, experts
envision that the blockchain concept may be further used to keep:

Public Records, for instance:

Land titles (as is currently explored with Factom)
Criminal records

Voter records

Court records

Private Records, for instance:

Medical Records
Trusts and Wills

Other uses, for instance:

Certifications (like our university uses to store certificates of MOOC completion)

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Prove Ownership and get Compensation via Blockchain
Blockchain can store a cryptographic hash representing a new

Official Video/Audio

Any other relevant information

Ownership is registered permanently therefore no need for record labels to have a

share of the artist’s work
Imogen Heap’s ’Tiny Human’ was the only track
UjoMusic - Based on the Ethereum blockchain and allows artists to publish their work available on Ujo as an initial attempt. (almost 150
immediately after uploading and manage licensing on their own terms. purchases)
You would need to set up Metamask in order to
Users fund their accounts with Ether access Decentralized Applications

Smart Contracts technology allows artists to set automated payments to them based
on licenses they design themselves

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Ujo’s interface

Artists can register and list their work

Fans can reward their favourite artists via blockchain


Introduction to Digital Currencies

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Academic Certificates - Blockchain Solutions
Ease of Publication & Distribution – Independent Validation

Immutable Records - Digital fingerprints (hashes) of the individual

certificates issued, are placed permanently in a blockchain transaction

Reduced time to issue Certificates

Costs of re-issuing certificates in the case the hard copy is lost are minimal

Ease and instant authentication by interested parties (e.g. employers) even

if the application used or the institution’s website no longer exists.
Operational costs minimized

Universities and issuing authorities protect their brand names from being

Employers can examine job applications more efficiently, ensuring that a

candidate employee is presenting true information, without long waiting
times or processing costs

The University of Nicosia solution:


The solution using Ethereum-based Blockchain

Introduction to Digital Currencies

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Real Estate Management - Blockchain Solutions
Authenticity: Property holders could digitally prove and transfer ownership immediately without the need to pay and wait for third -party

Eliminate fraud and costs: Funds of sender and recipient can be logged using the multisig technology and be triggered upon smart contract
execution i.e. transfer a land title when funds are received. A “digital ownership certificate” cannot be replicated, and can be linked to one
property in the system, making selling or advertising properties you don’t own almost impossible. No further middlemen, paper work and delays

Transparency: Creation of unique digital IDs for real estate assets, buyers and sellers. Enable faster mortgage process and transfer of o wnership.
For the buyer, credit history and income could be instantly verifiable, avoiding time-consuming tasks involving banks, lawyers and estate agents.
Homeowners can prove ownership and time of residence within a property. For assets, digital identities could be assigned, whi ch would include
the chain of ownership, list of repairs etc.

Example: Bitfury and Republic of Georgia

Introduction to Digital Currencies

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Supply Chain Shipping – Blockchain Solutions
Digitize Supply Chain Process

Track the paper trails of shipping containers

Reduce time spent in transit and shipping


Enhance transparency and security of product

information exchanged between parties

Reduce costs and complexity

Improve stock management Image Source:

Reduce fraud and errors on the quality of


Example: IBM & Maersk

Introduction to Digital Currencies

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Solar Energy Management - Blockchain Solutions
Example: The Brooklyn Microgrid
Transparency through the whole process
Decentralized and direct buying/selling of energy among participants(mostly electricity) – Independence from a third
party power provider
Storage of transaction data and recording of electricity generated per participant within a network

Smart contracts application on distribution upon smart devices recordings

Blockchain technology can allow a neighborhood or a region to put together an energy trading system derived from
solar panels, to record transactions between locals. This would save them money and hassle
Users can trade excess energy between them instead of selling it back to the power company. Participants will be able
to access the transparent ledger any time they wish. Participants can decide how much, at what price and to whom to
sell their excess energy, while all the transactions will be recorded on the Blockchain. er

Introduction to Digital Currencies

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4. Conclusions
The concept of blockchain can be employed to solve more advanced problems than just serve as a payment

Meta-coins enable more advanced applications, such as smart contracts, asset registration, remote attestation,
voting, etc.

Future uses of the concept of the blockchain will increasingly give birth to a large number of promising applications
and further concepts. Ethereum (more details next week) looks like the most promising platform at the moment to
host disruptive decentralized applications

Besides the material presented on this session, you can also check out next week’s additional material posted on
MOODLE, which will provide an overview of consortium blockchain use cases like Hyperledger and R3. These
communities work to provide distributed platforms and frameworks which are able to innovate procedures within
many industries.

We will evaluate the hype around Facebook’s Libra Blockchain on following sessions.

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5. Further Reading
Some Further Reading
Zerocash: Decentralized Anonymous Payments from Bitcoin

Digital assets trading platforms:

Blockchain Use Cases and Applications by Industry

Grin Coin
Another Mimblewimble based coin:

Open Source Self-Verifiable Certificates That You Can Trust

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Some Further Reading
ODEM: Academic Validation on the Blockchain
Ethereum-based decentralized applications
Enabling Blockchain Innovations with Pegged Sidechains, Blockstream
Sidechains: Why These Researchers Think They Solved a Key Piece of the Puzzle, Amy Castor
Smart Contracts Switch “I agree” to “I negotiate”, Andreas Vlachos
Deloitte 2019 Global Blockchain Survey

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