Thesis Juwita
Thesis Juwita
Thesis Juwita
Submitted as a Partial Requirements for the Degree Sarjana in English
Education Program of IAIN Bengkulu
By :
NIM : 1416232844
In the name of Allah SWT, the most gracious and merciful, all praise
and gratitude to Allah SWT who has given strength, patience, easiness, and
perseverance in finishing this thesis. Shalawat and salam to our prophet
Muhammad SAW, his family and friends who guide us to be muslim. 1 proudly
dedicated this thesis to:
1. My beloved parents; my father SARIJAN and My mother (Almrh)
ZALIAH, who always love me more than anyone in this world. Yo are the
ones who expect the best for me. No matter how much my mistake, with
your sincerity you always forgive me. This little present can not pay
anything from you. All my life is dedicated to obey you, after Allah, His
Messanger, and my family. I thank you so much for sacrificing so much for
me. May Allah always bless your life.
2. My beloved sister Rahayu, M.Pd and My beloved brother Dody Saputra
who is always by my side to correct my mistake, support my life, and pray
for me. I thank you so much. I expect you will be always better than me in
every field of life.
3. My specially Arief Farizal, Amd.Kep who always give enthusiasm to work
on this thesis, thank you my love that always prays for me, accompanies,
helps, guides, gives encouragement until I finish college.
4. My big family, thanks for everything and you are everything that I have.
Love you all.
5. My first supervisor Risnawati, M.Pd and my secon supervisor feny Martina,
M.Pd thank you so much for your suggestions, correction and ideas during
the process of writing this thesis.
6. All of my lectures in IAIN Bengkulu, thanks for knowledge and lessons you
taught during my college so I could finish my study well in this campus.
7. Conefi, S.Pd as headmaster and teacher in SDN 56 Bengkulu that had
given me chance to do research in the school. Thank you so much.
8. Thank you very much to my friends Ahir and Devi who always provide
information and knowledge that is useful to me.
9. My classmate friends PBI-B and all my friends of English Study
Programme, special anggi, wiwit, wirasmi, handayani, fera, saras, rahmi,
umi, sony, iwan, bagus, hanafi, faiz and my close friends that I can not
mention here one by one. Thanks for your advice, joke and togetherness. I
miss you so much.
10. Thank you Rizka Andriyani, S.Tr.Kep and Prayoga Novan Liano, S.Kom
who have given support, thank you very much.
11. Thank you friends of different arms of the university, thank you very much
Dwi indriani, S.Pd jalal, rio, fery, derek, fitri, who have been refreshing
and encouraging again.
12. All of my friends who helped in finishing this graduating paper.
13. My great almamater and beloved green campus.
Juwita 2019.
The purpose of this study is to find out the use of TPR with objects that can
improve students' mastery of vocabulary. In SDN 56 Bengkulu, the students were
not focused on learning English, they found it difficult to memorize vocabulary,
because the teacher did not use the right media or method of teaching. The
researcher carried out class actions carried out at SDN 56 Bengkulu. This research
was conducted in two cycles, namely cycle I, cycle II. Data collection methods
used in this study include observation, test and documentation. The results of data
analysis showed that there was an increase from 56.4% to 80.7% towards students'
vocabulary mastery. Thus researchers concluded TPR with effective objects to
increase student vocabulary.
Juwita 2019.
First of all, the researcher would like to express thegratitude to Allah SWT,
the almighty that has given hidayah during the researcher wrote this thesis entitled
“The Current Practice of Extensive Reading in Literature Class (A Descriptive
Qualitative Research at the Third Semester Students of English Education Study
Program of IAIN Bengkulu in Academic Year 2018/2019)”. This thesis is as one
of the requirements to get full degree (sarjana) in English Education Program of
Tarbiyah Faculty of IAIN Bengkulu.
Shalawat and salam is also sent to Prophet Muhammad SAW, who had
changed everything from the darkness to the lightness. In the process of writing
this thesis, there are many people provided motivation, advice, and support the
researcher. In this valuable chance, the researcher aims to express the deeply
gratitude and appreciation to all of them. The researcher presents her sincere
appreciation to:
1. Prof. Dr. H. Sirajuddin, M.Ag, M.H, the rector of IAIN Bengkulu.
2. Dr. Zubaedi, M.Ag, M.Pd, the dean of Tarbiyah and Tadris Faculty.
3. Advisor, Risnawati M.Pd. and Co-Advisor, Feny Martina, M.Pd.
4. All of English lecturers and administration staffs of IAIN Bengkulu.
5. All of my best friends, especially in English Program of IAIN Bengkulu
It is hoped that this undergraduate-thesis will be useful for all readers. Then,
the researcher also realizes that this thesis is still not perfect yet, therefore critics,
correction, and advice from the readers are very expected to make it better.
Finally, Allah My always bless us in peace life.
COVER ................................................................................................................ i
APPROVAL ........................................................................................................ ii
ADVISOR ............................................................................................................ iv
SHEET ................................................................................................................. v
MOTTO ............................................................................................................... vi
PRONOUNCEMENT .......................................................................................viii
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT .................................................................................. ix
ABSTRACT ......................................................................................................... x
ABSTRAK ........................................................................................................... xi
LIST OF CHART................................................................................................ xv
A. Baground ................................................................................................... 1
B. Identification of Problem .......................................................................... 5
C. Limitation of Problem ............................................................................... 6
D. Research Question ..................................................................................... 6
E. Research Objective.................................................................................... 7
F. Significance Research ............................................................................... 7
G. Definition of The Key Term ..................................................................... 8
A. Result ....................................................................................................... 41
B. Discussion ................................................................................................ 60
A. Conclusion .....................................................................................................63
B. Suggestion .....................................................................................................63
REFERENCES .........................................................................................................65
1. Figure 1
Action Research Model by Martler .................................................................. 36
1. Chart 1
Percentage of Students' Vocabulary Score in Pre-Assessment ..............42
2. Chart 2
Percentage of Students' Vocabulary Score in Cycle 1 ............................48
3. Chart 3
Percentage of Students' Vocabulary Score in Cycle II ...........................56
4. Chart 4
Percentage of Students' Vocabulary Score in Post Test .........................58
5. Chart 5
Percentage of Students' Vocabulary Score in Pre-Assessment, Cycle I,
Cycle II, and Post Test ...............................................................................60
A. Background
where English is taught early to young learners. The demand to speak English
both actively and passively has been anticipated by the State of Indonesia by
compulsory subject in junior high and high school. English lessons are given from
or express their own ideas. Wilkins wrote that “while without grammar very little
said that students do begin producing language, much of it takes the form of
Wilkins, D. A. Linguistics in Language Teaching. (Australia: Edward Arnold 1972). p.
Alqahtani, M. The important of vocabulary learning and how to be taught. International
Journal of Teaching and Education, 2015. Vol. 3 (3), 22. Retrieved from http:// 10.20472/ TE.
2015. 3. 3.002
the part of speech of each word whether it is noun, verb, adjective or adverb. As
foreign language learners, students have to know the meaning of the word. In this
case, students are expected to master vocabulary to supported their English skill.
When the students have enough vocabulary, it would helped them made their
However, the main problem faced by many students is the lack of interest
to found new teaching technique to overcome the problems and not to forgot to
encounter. The English teacher is suggested to be more active and the lesson to be
more interesting, as Jeremy Harmer suggested that English teacher should make
their lessons interesting so the students do not fall asleep in them.5 Through the
interesting lesson, students will be able to understand the lesson and they can
Schmitt, Nobert. Vocabulary In Teaching, (New York: Cambridge University Press,
2002). p.18
Lynne Cameron, Teaching Language to Young Learner, 8th printed. (New York:
Cambridge University Press, 2001). p.72.
Harmer, Jeremy. How To Teach English, An Introduction To The Practice Of English
Language Teaching, (Graficas Estella, 1998) Spain p. 1
vocabulary mastery. It was found that there were problems in the process of
grades of English are low and some students have other grades in English KKM
standards. The researcher then interviewed students to find out their opinions
about teaching the process of learning English in class. Students only remember
words, but they do not remember the meaning of the words they do not know how
the written form of words, and they cannot pronounce vocabulary correctly and
each lesson the teacher always uses the same method when teaching English in
so that students have a passion for learning. Allen and Vallate state that teaching
methods can improve the results of teaching and learning in the classroom
vocabulary for the better. One of them uses TPR with Object. In teaching
objects while mentioning English and their meaning. This technique can focus
students so that they are focused on an object, students will remember more when
mentioning English while looking at the object. One example is, the teacher in
Allen, E. D. and Valette, R. Classroom Techniques: Foreign Language and English as a
Second Language. Prospect Heights, IL: Waveland Press, 1997
front of the class shows one of the items on his desk like a book, pen, and ruler
while mentioning the English of the object one by one, unknowingly the student
will know the meaning of the English language when the teacher shows objects
There are several advantages to using the TPR with Object method to
teach English. They can focus on following the lesson without ignoring the
teacher. Students pay more attention to their teacher when the teacher explains
using objects, students become more enjoy while learning English because they
can know the meaning when looking at objects. This method makes the teacher
role and are involved directly in the TPR. The teacher is the determinant of what
is being taught, who is the model and presents the new material. Textbook is not
used in TPR. In this case, the teacher must actively select and provide the
Similar studies have been conducted to find out the total physical
by Bahtiar. The study is entitled Using The Total Physical Response to Improve
work book and real object as media can improve fourth grade students’
vocabulary significantly. At the first cycle, the result of student average score was
54.1. Thus, the researcher changes the scenario of learning that used for the
second cycle in order to the students easy to memorize the vocabulary taught,
Yuyun Bahtiar, Using The Total Physical Response to Improve Students’ Vocabulary
Mastery. Journal English language Vol. 2 (1) 2017. p. 9-12
make all students active and enjoy learning activity. Average score after
implementing the second cycle was significance improve become 100% and it
means that the target was achieved. By using this method, the research found the
advantages of the use of TPR such as the learning process becomes more
enjoyable, the students find it easier to memorize the vocabulary taught, all
students were active involved in teaching learning process, and both students and
actively involved and understands what he hears according to Linse Using the
TPR method will make it easier for teachers to teach vocabulary more creatively. 8
B. Identification of Problem
teaching and learning process at SDN 56 Bengkulu city, focusing on the fifth
learning english because they have the vocabulary slightly visible on the reading
test. So, they they need time to understand the vocabulary quickly. The second
Linse, T. C. Practical English Language Teachinng Young Learners. (New York: 2005
problem is the student had poor vocabulary because students just remember the
word without considering the meaning of the word, they do not know how the
written form words, and they can not pronounce the vocabulary correctly. The last
problem teaching method are tools that teachers use to help students learn to
vocabulary and comprehend what they are learn. One problem with the method
used is often not taught or not using the right method. So, for the implementation
of increased vocabulary through the TPR with objects on the fifth grade students
C. Limitation of Problem
This research problem will be limited to the use of TPR with Object in
students’ in SDN 56 Bengkulu city, and students’ response to the use of TPR
D. Research Question
From the limitations of the above problem, the researcher formulates the
research question as follows: "How does TPR with object improve fifth grade
E. Research Objective
is: “To find out how does TPR with object improve fifth grade students'
F. Significance Research
There are some significant of this study that is benefit for the students,
1. For learners
The result of this study might help the students to increase their
3. For researcher
This study also can be a starting point to develop the teaching method
The researcher would like to clarify the terms used in the title to make
Linse, T.C. Practical English Language Teachinng Young Learners. (New York: 2005)
A. Young Learners
Young learners are referring to a student in five to ten years old.10 Define
young learners as children who have not yet started compulsory schooling and
have not yet started to read and can mean children up to the age of seven.11
Young learners will learn best if the people involved in the teaching
learning process facilitate the learning and take into account the way they learn
into the teaching practices. Piaget suggested that children developed through
d) Formal Operational Stage (from 11-15 years) in which children are able to
Scott, Wendy A. and L. H. Ytreberg. Teaching English to Children. (New York:
Longman Inc. 1990)
Reilly, V. and S. M. Ward. Very Young Learners. (Oxford: Oxford University Press,
Simatwa, W. M. Piagetis theory of intellectual development and its implication for
instructional management at presecondary school level. (Educational research and reviews. 2010)
Vol. 5 (7). p. 366-371
Young learners can be included into those aged 4-11 years or within
concrete operational stage, where they learn best from concrete things around
them. Piaget believed that children went through the stages above and that they
could only move onto the next stage when they had completed the stage before,
Based on the consideration above, the writer can conclude that young
learners are the children up to the age of six years old and who have not yet
started compulsory schooling and also have not yet read. But, in our country
(Indonesia) the children up to six years old mostly already started to school and
someone’s language skills can be seen from quality and quality their
vocabulary. 13 If the learners have many vocabularies, the learners will use
by learners in order that the learner can use foreign language by correct.
children learn languages better at young age.14 It is not easy to teach English
Tarigan, Henry Guntur. Teknik Pengajaran Keterampilan Berbahasa. (Bandung:
Penerbit Angkasa, 1986)
Brumfit, Cristopher. How applied linguistics is the same as any other science.
(International Journal of Applied Linguistics, 1997). 7/1:86-94
that more than anything else, children are curious, and this in self is
motivating. He also added that at the same time their span of attention or
or children is agood age to be taught about English. They have more attention
and also curiousity about someting new. They also more have good
b. They can argue for something and tell you why they think what they
e. They can use a wide range of intonation, patterns in their mother tongue.
a) They know that the world is governed by rules. They may not
always understand the rules, but they know that they are there to
Harmer, J. The practice of English language teaching. (London: Longman, 2001)
Scott, Wendy A and Ytreberg, Lisbeth H. Teaching English to Children. (New York:
Longman, 1990)
Scott, Wendy A and Ytreberg, Lisbeth H. 1990. Ibid, p.12-14
language used.
d) Their own understanding comes through hands and eyes and ears.
e) They are very logical- what you say first happens first.
years old. Children of five are little children. Children of ten are relatively
mature children with an adult side and a childish side. Many of the
Their basic concepts are formed. They have decided views of the
d. They are able to make some questions about their own learning.
e. They have definite views about what they like and don’t like doing.
g. They are able to work with others and learn form others.
Eight to ten years olds have a language with all the basic elements in
place. They are competent users of their mother tongue and in this connection
they are aware of the main rules of syntax in their own language. By the age
a. Understand abstracts.
foreign language in spite of differences in age and the time available.18 So far
agrees with. Much seems to depend on which mother tongue the pupils speak
and on social and emotional factors in the child’s background.19 What is clear
here is that most eight to ten years olds will have some sort of language
awareness and readiness which they bring with them into the foreign
language classroom.
decide the area of words that become the basic need for the pupil. Teacher
words are (verbal representation of concept) and how they are formed. 20
Huebner states the similar opinion about the area of vocabularies that is
taught for the first level. He also says that selection from 750-800 words for
the first year may be grouped under some forty of fifty headings. 21 Starting
with the immediate situation these may be school, the lesson, language, the
garments, women garments, color, time, months, the days, the body, health,
students’ need that much of the material which the teacher uses should be
familiar to the child in his everyday life, the family, nouns, colors, toys,
animals, time, month, season, an so on. It can be said that the English
material should be familiar and suitable with students’ need. Based on the
explanation above, it can be concluded that the area of vocabularies for the
first level elementary includes immediate situation such as: the school, the
family, the home, actual experience with concrete object, daily activity.
Burns, P.C and Broman, B.L. The Language Arts in Childhood Education. (Chicago:
Rand McNally College Publishing Company, 1975)
Huebner, K. H. The Finite Element Methods for Engineers. John Wiley & Sons, Inc.,
(New York: 1975)
B. Vocabulary Mastery
the four language skills. Vocabulary is also important factor that influences
list or set of word for a particular language or list of set of words that
individual speaker of a language might use. 10 Anyhow, this not means that
the words for communicating everyday, and for learning when people study a
foreign language.
2. Vocabulary Mastery
and using the vocabulary. Vocabulary related to word and its meaning. The
Hornby, A.S 1995. Ibid,P.1331
Schmitt, N. Vocabulary learning strategies. Vocabulary: Descriptive, Acquisition and
Pedagogy. (Cambridge:Cambridge University Press, 1997)
learner should know both of the word and its meaning. It can support the
3. Types of Vocabulary
High frequency words in the example text, these words are not
marked at all and include function words: in, for, the, of, a, etc. Appedix 6
contains around 2,000 word families. Almost 80% of the running words in
b) Academic words
contains many words that are common in different kind of academic text:
headwords of this list. This small list of words is very important for
Nation, I. S. P. Learning Vocabulary in Aother Language, (New York: Cambridge
University Press, 2001) P.12
c) Technical words
Technical words the text contain some words that are very closely
related to the topic and subject area of the text. The words include
timber. These words are reasonably common in this topic area but not so
dealt with. Technical words like these typically cover about 5% of the
running words in a text. They differ from subject area to area. If we look at
Low frequency words the fourth group is the low frequency words.
Here this group includes words like zoned, pioneering, perpetuity, aried
There are thousands of them in the language, by far the biggest group of
words. They include all the words that are not high frequency words, not
academic words and not technichal words for a particular subject. They
consist of technical words for other subject areas, proper nouns, words that
almost got into the high frequency list, and words that we rarely meet in
Total Physical Response is the method that the students have fun
with the activity in teaching, because the students have to follow all
creative activities from the teacher, to make the students remember about
the more often or the more intensively memory connection is traced, the
This method takes relation with the memory, the more the
student remembers the material the better he does. In orther words the
student has to recall his memory to get the best understanding of the
Jack C. Richards & Theodore S. Rodgers, Approach and Methods in Language
Teaching 2nd Ed., (New York: Cambridge University Press,1986) p. 87.
Jack C. Richards & Theodore S. ibid, p. 87.
infant or a baby when he was first year, he does not speak except for
babling. The baby try to understand the language code, he tries to make
without thinking too much and reduces student nervousness and pressure
to recall the words they have learned if they use their body in learning
imperative sentences.
reduce the stress people feel when studying foreign languages and
level of proficiency.32
Stephen Mark Silver, Listen and Perform: The TPR student Workbook (Sky Oaks
Production, 1985), p. 6.
Diane Larsen-Freeman, Techniques and Principles in Language Teaching, (New Tork:
Oxford University Press, 2000), p. 113.
University of San Jose California named Prof. Dr. James J. Asher who
or student contains a command, and then the child or student will respond
physical response, students are not forced to speak. Instead, teachers wait
until students acquire enough language through listening that they start to
Asher, James. Learning Another Language Through Actions (5th ed.). Los (Gatos, CA:
Sky Oaks Productions, 1996)
the verb. Instructors issue commands based on the verbs and vocabulary
Asher, James ibid 29.
Byram, Michael, ed. "Total Phsyical Response". Routledge Encyclopedia of Language
Teaching and Learning. (London: Routledge, 2000) pp. 631–633.
The strategy of the total physical response: an application to learning Russian" JJ
Asher, 1965
Total Physical Response: Commands, not Control" William J. Celestino Hispania, Vol.
76, No. 4 (Dec., 1993), pp. 902–903
Total Physical Response: An Instructional Strategy for Second-Language Learners Who
Are Visually Impaired." by P. Conroy Journal of Visual Impairment & Blindness, v93 n5 p315-18
May 1999
Cook, Vivian (2008). Second Language Learning and Language Teaching. London:
Hodder Education.
total physical response method.40 Because the students are only expected
to listen and not to speak, the teacher has the sole responsibility for
students at any one time. This is to help students differentiate the new
their existing language knowledge. Asher suggests that students can learn
detailed commands that the teacher intends to use. He says, “It is wise to
write out the exact utterances you will be using and especially the novel
Larsen-Freeman, Diane. Techniques and Principles in Language Teaching (2nd ed.).
(Oxford University Press, 2000)
Larsen-Freeman, Diane (2000). Techniques and Principles in Language Teaching (2nd
ed.). Oxford University Press.
realia, posters, and props. Teaching materials are not compulsory, and for
the very first lessons they may not be used. As students progress in
ability the teacher may begin to use objects found in the classroom such
as furniture or books, and later may use word charts, pictures, and
This works with almost any object chopsticks, a jar, your purse,
a notepad etc. Take the object and start manipulating it such as Dirty
practiced with simple objects. For example, with a paper cup you could
learn: take, give, turn upside down, push, drop, fill, empty, drink, sip,
hold, crush, perforate, put in, take out, stack (if you have more than one),
spin, roll, balance on two fingers, etc. For a buck or two, you can buy bits
and pieces to practice colors, comparisons, shapes etc. There are many,
many possibilities.
The process is always the same: the instructor says the new
phrase and demonstrates it a few times, and then lets you do it. New
phrases are introduced one by one, and new and old phrases are mixed
randomly. In the initial session, the student just does the action and
Richards, Jack C.; Rodgers, Theodore S. Approaches and Methods in Language
Teaching (2nd ed.). (New York: Cambridge University Press, 2001)
Rosenthal, Judith W. Handbook of Undergraduate Second Language Education.
Mahwah, (NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 2000)
doesn’t speak, but student and instructor can switch roles the next day if
In short, to use the TPR with Object, Richards & Rodgers (in
2) Teachers play an active role and are involved directly in the TPR.
model and presents the new material, and who chooses the
3) Textbook is not used in TPR. In this case, the teacher must actively
select and provide the necessary objects, such as books, pens, and
other simple objects. For example, with a paper cup you could learn:
D. Part of speech
Parts of speech is a class of words based on the word’s function, the way
it works in a sentence. Parts of speech are types of words that are grouped based
on the function of each word, and its role in a sentence. Words can be considered
as the smallest elements that have their own meaning. Based on its use and
function there are several parts of speech in each language. In English there are
eight parts of parts of speech, in general vocabulary division is divided into four
major groups, namely, Noun, Verb, Adjective, Adverb. In addition, other word
groups such as pronoun, preposition, conjunction, and interjection. Nouns are the
simplest of the eight parts of speech, which is why they are the first to be taught to
1. Noun (object)
speech are types of words in English. Noun is a word used to name an object such
as people, objects, places, and concepts / ideas. Noun can be singular or plural.44
A. Abstract Noun
Nouns that are intangible or intangible nouns with the five senses
usually can only be felt and thought cannot be touched, referring to objects
that cannot be seen or felt by the senses. For example love, hate,
B. Concrete Noun
Concrete Noun is a noun that refers to objects that can be seen and
felt or nouns that can be observed with the five senses. Examples include:
a) Proper Noun
Levin, Magnus. Manchester United are my team: On concord with collective nouns. In
Moderna Språk. 1998. Vol. 92:1, pp- 18-18.
Levin, Magnus. Agreement with Collective Nouns in English. (Lund: Department of
English, Lund University, 2001)
name, country name, city name, day name, company name, and
b) Common Noun
c) Collective Noun
d) Compound Nouns
e) Material Noun
objects that come from raw materials and mining. Example: Sand,
vocabulary used for elementary school children is the most widely used
concrete nouns. Nouns that they can see and count or cannot be counted.
elementary school. They are focused first on singular and plural nouns so
plural nouns. After that it can apply the concepts of singular and plural
So, the words are in line with the curriculum of the English
competence begins with language actions competence. This shows that the
language skills that are presented more explicitly in the sense that the
to avoid replication. Several similar studies have been conducted to find out the
In his research in February 2017, Total Physical Response with work book and
real object as media can improve fourth grade students’ vocabulary significantly.
At the first cycle, the result of student average score was 5,4. Thus, the researcher
changes the scenario of learning that used for the second cycle in order to the
students easy to memorize the vocabulary taught, make all students active and
enjoy learning activity. Average score after implementing the second cycle was
significance improve become 100% and it means that the target was achieved. By
using this method, the research found the advantages of the use of TPR such as
the learning process becomes more enjoyable, the students find it easier to
memorize the vocabulary taught, all students were active involved in teaching
learning process, and both students and teacher enjoy teaching learning process.
Vocabulary Bahasa Inggris Pada Siswa Sekolah Dasar Tahun Ajaran 2017".47
Observation by doing field notes shows that in general the students respond well
to the use of the TPR method used in learning activities. This is shown during the
learning process, students look happy, enthusiastic, participate well without any
feeling of stress or stress. What's more, they understand both learning material and
Yuyun Bahtiar, Using The Total Physical Response to Improve Students’ Vocabulary
Mastery. Journal English Education Vol. 5 (7) 2017
Ice Sariyati, The effectiveness of TPR (total physical response) method in English vocabulary
mastery of elementary school children. Education Journal 2017. Vol. 11, No. 1, P. 38-49.
effective and suitable for elementary school students who learn English,
especially vocabulary.
Bahasa Inggris Siswa Kelas V SDN II Logandu Tahun Ajaran 2015/2016”.48 This
study aims to improve English vocabulary using the Total Physical Response
method. This research is a classroom action research. This was carried out in three
cycles, each cycle starting with planning, implementing, observing, reflecting, the
subjects of this study were the fifth grade students of SDN II Logandu in the
academic year 2015/2016. The data validity used triangulation of data sources and
documents Data collection techniques used are tests, interviews, observations, and
documentation.The results showed that the use of the Total Physical Response
method can improve English vocabulary for fifth grade students of SDN II
Rosita Nurjanah, “Penggunaan Metode Total Physical Response Untuk Meningkatkan
Vocabulary Jurnal pendidikan 2016 Vol 4, No. 5, hlm. 570 – 575
A. Research Design
SDN 56 Kota Bengkulu. The students fell bored entering the classroom because
of the teaching and learning process, other factors due to the techniques used by
the Teachers are less interactive and no longer interested, so researchers use.
Classroom action research has the important role and strategy to increase
learning quality when implemented right and carefully. In other words, classroom
actors in educational situation to fix the rationality and justice about: (a) their
educational practices, (b) their comprehension about that practices, and (c) the
to Harmer, action research is the name given to a series of procedures teacher can
engage in, perhaps because they wish to increase aspect of their teaching or
Kunandar. Langkah mudah penelitian tindakan kelas sebagai pengembangan profesi
guru., (Jakarta: Rajawali Pers, 2008), p. 46
Jeremy Harmer, The Practice of English Language Teaching, 4th edition, (Pearson
Longman, 2007), p, 414.
collaborative research. The researcher was helped by the teacher in order to teach
Action Research (CAR) is research done in the classroom while teaching and
learning activities to improve the quality of learning in the classroom and follow
some steps and procedures There are four steps each cycle, namely: planning,
The subjects of the study were fifth graders in public primary schools in
special needs in learning Most students come from middle to lower economic
In order to answer the research question, the research will employ some
data collection technique. The data collection technique used for qualitative data
and Documentation. Review these are the data collection techniques described
1) Test
group. In this study, the researcher used vocabulary test in her study as the
10% technical words 5% and, low frequency words 10%. High frequency
words are more commonly used in making items because it is seen from the
syllabus and the book, the words that are often used by elementary school
students are still standard words. Then, there until also vocabulary test after
implementing cycles of this CAR. Continue tests in the cycle I and the cycle
2) Observation
collect data or information from actual lesson. The researcher observed the
events in classroom during teaching learning process from beginning until the
used to describe a range of teacher and learner behaviors. The tool used for
in class.
3) Interview
classroom action research. This is done to find out the general description of
the learning process, the situation of students in the classroom, and what
TPR. Researchers also interviewed students to find out that they responded
after class action research. In this case, the interview will be conducted by the
4) Documentation
activities during the teaching and learning process. The tool that will be used
The technique of data analysis in this research consists of two kinds, they
The data is the test performed by the students, first performed pre-assessment test,
Arikunto, S. Procedure penelitian suatu pendekatan praktik. Jakarta: PT Rineka Cipta,
In order to get the mean score the researcher could determine the
X : mean
x : individual score
n : number of students
Next, the writer tried to get the class percentage which pass the
Brown, H. Douglas. Language and Assessment Principles and Classroom Practices.
(New York: Logman, 2004) p.249
Anas Sudijono, Pengantar statistik Pendidikan, (Jakarta, Raja Grafindo Persada, 2008)
N : number of students
E. Research procedure
acting, observing, and reflecting. Teacher might probably find a new problem or
the previous unfinished problem yet after implementing first cycle. If it happens,
it is necessary to continue to the second cycle in line with the same concept of the
first cycle.
Stages of Research
Craig A. Mertler, Action Reseacrh Teacher as Researcher in the Classroom, 2nd ed
(Sage: America, 2009), p, 16.
1) Planning
preliminary study. In this phase, the researcher had some critical things that
a) The researcher wrote the lesson plan of learning teaching process for
reading comprehension.
reading comprehension.
c) The researcher prepared the material for the treatments and the final
test of cycle 1.
2) Action
take action in the classroom and apply technical techniques to the fifth grade
means are the researchers will open the class, check the list of students
present, tell about the material to be learned, teach the material, ask the
students to do the material test, motivate the students, and close the meeting.
Anne Burns, Doing action research in English language teaching. (New York &
london: Routledge, 2001)
1) Informed the students about the rule during the treatments were
going to do.
Whilst-learning activities
1) Informed the students about the materials they are going to learn.
the treatments.
6) The students had to understand about the materials that they have
3) Observation
students' activities in teaching learning process and while they are doing
assignment. They are many aspects that were observed the researcher and the
4) Reflecting
The reflection was done every time after the implementation of the
actions. The researcher have to analyze the evidence that researcher have
gather. Have the problem be solve or not? If not, what steps would researcher
try next? At the end of this period of reflection, ideas would usually arise for
further cycle of action research. If the result of the first cycle fails, there is no
renew its method by doing the second cycle to got the better result till got the
satisfy one. The successful actions would be continued in the next teaching
and learning process but the unsuccessful actions were modified into the ones
F. Indicator of Success
In this chapter, the result of the research was presented. The result
academic year 2018/2019 was slightly improved. It can be seen from the
comparison between the result of Pre-Assessment test and test of cycle II. It was
A. Result
1. Pre –Assessment
by 4 students ) The results of the calculation show that the average score
which is categorized as low. The detail table of the result was displayed in
the researcher applied the use of total physical response with objects.
Chart 4.1
Percentage of Students' Vocabulary
Score in Pre-Assessment
2. Description of cycle 1
an object raised by the teacher. students see objects while mentioning their
vocabulary and accidentally the students know the meaning of the word
after seeing the object. In this technique students listen to instructions from
the teacher and ask students to stick to the objects on the table such as lifting
pens, books, and rulers, all students follow instructions from the teacher,
when the teacher mentions the English the student must raise the object.
a. Planning
The first cycle was held on November, 2018. From the Pre-
tested in the test was categorical low again. In the cycle one, focused
treatment was low. Then, still got many revised for improving
decided to use the total physical response with the object to teach
of teaching learning)
b. Implementation
total physical response to the object that had been taken to solve the
1) Pre-learning activities
brings a pen, the teacher holds the pen and says the
have learned.
their material.
on topic.
tests for this cycle are administered. The test actually aims to find
c. Observation
31, 2018, November 7, 2018, and November 14, 2018. The topics
of the first cycle are objects that are in school and objects that are
in the class. Topics chosen in this cycle are based on four aspects
pens, and do not do other work that will disrupt the learning
Chart 4.2
Percentage of Students' Vocabulary
Score in Cycle 1
vocabulary is still low, only a few students get good grades, but many
students get enough grades. Although, there are still students who get
low scores and fail. There is still an increase compared to the first score
in the pre-assessment.
were only a few students understood what was being taught. They had
e. Reflection
there are some good things that have been achieved. However, there are
some things that must be rearranged and changed. The following good
were some things that had not been achieved well, and must be
feel lazy and say that it's difficult. That's because students lack
are diligent, at least there are many students who are eager to learn.
b) There are some students who have not dared to come to the front of
but there are also students who are eager and courageous to show
observe objects in their classrooms. But there are a few words that I
correctly in English.
3. Description of Cycle II
Cycle II was carried out as a follow-up cycle 1. In the first cycle the
researchers were not satisfied with the results of the student scores. In the
a. Planning
out actions.
d) Prepare a sheet for class observation (to find out the situation of
e) Prepare the test for cycle II (to find out whether the student's
b. Considering that students become more active when they are given
that they do not make the same mistakes in the next activity.
b. Implementation
2018, November 19, 2018, and November 21, 2018. In this step the
1) Pre-learning activities
actions. the teacher speaks the words correctly together and the
c. Then the teacher asks the students to repeat it over and over
c. At the end of the lesson, the teacher gave the students a short
this lesson.
c . Observation
supplies. The topics chosen in this cycle are based on four aspects of
focused and pay attention to the teacher when explaining, with this
class interactions. That shows that they are used to expressions. They
say that the objects in the class they see make it easier for them to
good in appendix.
Chart 4.3
Percentage of Students' Vocabulary
Score in Cycle II
good. No qualified students fail and only a few students get low scores.
and cycle I. The researcher feels that the use of the total physical response
e. Reflection
second cycle, there are several improvements that have been achieved. The
words easily. Because the total physical response with object has the
4. Post Test
conducted a post test at the end of the study to investigate that peer tutoring
the Post-Test is accurately the same as the ingredients in the diagnostic test.
80.7%, which was categorized excellent. The detail table of the result was
displayed in appendix.
Chart 4.4
Percentage of Students' Vocabulary
Score in Post test
0% 0%
excellent. There are no students who are low qualified or fail. Many
students get moderate, good, and excellent grades. Researchers feel that the
mastery of vocabulary.
In analyzing the test of pre-assessment test and cycle II, the scores
Table 4.5 The analysis of the Percentage of Students’ Average Score in Pre-
Assessment and Post Test
Persentage of students’ Average scores Increasing
Pre-assessment test Post – test
56,40 % 80,70 % 24,30 %
From the table above, the prcentage of sudents' average score of Pre-
assessment test was 56.40 % and post test test was 80,70 % . It could be
Based on table 4.5 from the results of the above research, it can be
seen clearly that the pre-assessment results and the entire cycle showed an
increase in the mastery of students' vocabulary. This can be seen from the
(75.2) and post test (80.7) in other words, the use of total physical response
test, pre-assessment, cycle I, cycle II, and post - Test could be seen as in the
following chart.
48% 48%
28% 28%
19% 19%
14% 14%
10% 10%
0%0% 0% 0%0%
post test. This shows that most of the student grades are in the excellent,
B. Discussion
the action was given to students’. The results of this study also show that the
improving students' vocabulary mastery for two cycles. The findings can be
with students’ and collaborators, and questionnaires given at the end of cycle
technique in the first cycle, researchers found that not all students gave
attention to the teacher's explanation. Only a few students are active during
the teaching and learning process. Interaction between students and other
people and teachers is low. This shows that the research target has not been
in cycle II, there were several improvements that had been achieved. Student
most of them understood the material provided. Student mastery for high
frequency words, academic words, technical words, and low frequency words
increases. It is shown by their ability to complete tasks and how they explain
the action for two cycles. The purpose of increasing mastery of student
planned, acted, observed and reflected lead to the need to provide general
the teaching and learning process and interviews with students and teachers.
In short, improving the teaching and learning process during Cycle I and
Cycle II.
The action was carried out, most students became more active in the
teaching and learning process. The use of objects is new to students, so they
are interested in learning English. This helps students build their enthusiasm
to learn new words. They are active during learning and the most important
interesting ways. I also gave them a prize that got the highest score, so the
result, they easily memorized the words used with the object. This is
average score from the last post-test (80, 7%) was higher than the average
diagnostic test (56.4%). This shows that Total Physical Response with Object
This chapter present the conclusion an suggestion related to the result of the
A. Conclusion
category which was categorized as the average score (56.4). After taking
Student scores in the Post-test were included in the "excellent" category with
B. Suggestion
delivers the material so that they understand the material. Students must
techniques, and methods so that students enjoy the learning process and
teaching reading only but can be applied to other language skills as well,
The researcher hopes that this thesis can be useful for readers. So,
conduct further research that can improve this research, because this
Brumfit, C. (1997). How applied linguistics is the same as any other science.
International Journal of Applied Linguistics, 7(1), 86-94.
Burns, A. (2001). Doing action research in English language teaching. New York
& london: Routledge.
Harmer, J. (2001). The practice of English language teaching (3rd ed). Boston:
Pearson Longman.
Harmer, J. (2007). The practice of English language teaching (4th ed). Boston:
Pearson Longman.
Reilly, V., & Ward, S. M. (1997) Very young learners. Oxford: Oxford University
Labor Noun Tenaga kerja
Major Noun Bidang studi, utama
Occur Verb Terjadi
Policy Noun Kebijakan
Require Verb Mempersyaratkan
Role Noun Peran
Significant Adjective Penting, berarti
Similar Adjective Mirip
Source Noun Sumber
Achieve Verb Mencapai
Acquire Verb Memperoleh
Affect Verb Mempengaruhi
Appropriaite Adjective Pantas, tepat
Assistance Noun Bantuan
Chapter Noun Bab
Commission Noun Komisi
Conclusion Noun Kesimpulan
Conduct Verb Melaksanakan
Consequences Noun Konsekuensi, akibat
Distinction Noun Perbedaan
Equation Noun Persamaan
Features Noun Ciri-ciri
Impact Noun Dampak
Injury Noun Luka
Institute Noun Menetapkan
Investment Noun Investasi
Items Noun Benda, hal
Maintain Verb Merawat, menjaga
Obtain Verb Mendapatkan
Perceive Verb Menganggap,
Previous Adjective Sebelumnya
Primary Noun Utama
Purchase Verb Pembelian
Rage Noun Rintangan
Region Noun Daerah
Resident Noun Penghuni
Resources Noun Sumberdaya
Restrict Verb Membatasi
Seek Verb Mencari
Standar kompetensi :
- Siswa mampu memahami instruksi sangat sederhana dengan tindakan
dalam konteks ruang kelas, sekolah, dan siswa mampu menerapkan kosa
kata yang diberikan.
Kompetensi dasar :
- Mengidentifikasi fungsi sosial, menanggapi instruksi sangat sederhana
dengan unsur kebahasaan teks intraksi interpersonal lisan dan tulis yang
melibatkan tindakan dalam konteks ruang kelas dan sekolah sesuai dengan
konteks penggunaanya.
Kisi-kisi soal
No Vocabulary Item List of Type of noun Total Max
Aspect number vocabulary Point
1 High 1, 2, 3, 5, Book, Concrete noun 30 2,5
frequency 6, 7, 9, Drawing Compound noun
words 12, 13, book, Concrete noun
14, 15, Dictionary, Concrete noun
16, 17, Crayon, Compound noun
18, 19, Color Concrete noun
21, 22, marker, Concrete noun
23, 24, Chair, Compound noun
25, 26, Table, Concrete noun
27, 29, Pencil case, Concrete noun
30, 32, Ballpoint, Concrete noun
33, 34, Pencil, Concrete noun
38, 39, Whiteboard, Concrete noun
40 Ruler, Concrete noun
Hat, Concrete noun
Bag, Concrete noun
Shoes, Compound noun
Ballmarker, Concrete noun
Broom Concrete noun
stick, Compound noun
Clock, Compound noun
Eraser, Concrete noun
Trash can, Concrete noun
Kartu soal
No. Soal: 1 Level kognitif: C1 C2 (C3) C4 C5 C6
Kd Mengidentifikasi fungsi sosial, menanggapi instruksi
sangat sederhana dengan unsur kebahasaan teks intraksi
interpersonal lisan dan tulis yang melibatkan tindakan
dalam konteks ruang kelas dan sekolah sesuai dengan
konteks penggunaanya.
Lingkup materi Descriptive text vocabulary
Lexico gramatical The use of Noun
Vocabulary Aspect High frequency words
Butir soal
This is my . . .
a. Binders c. Dictionarys
b. Books d. Drawing books
Kunci jawaban B
I have three . . .
a. Dictionarys c. Writing papers
b. Binders d. Drawing books
Kunci jawaban D
konteks penggunaanya.
Lingkup materi Descriptive text vocabulary
Lexico gramatical The use of Noun
Vocabulary Aspect High frequency words
Butir soal
This book is . . .
a. a book c. a drawing book
b. a dictionary d. a binder
Kunci jawaban B
It is an . . .
a. Abacus c. Calculator
b. chalk d. Marker
Kunci jawaban A
Butir soal
I have . . .
a. Color markers c. Ballpoints
b. Color pencils d. Crayons
Kunci jawaban A
It is a . . .
a. Ruler c. Table
b. Cupboard d. Chair
Kunci jawaban D
What is this . . . ?
a. This is a map c. This is ictionary
b. This is drawing book d. This is note book
Kunci jawaban A
It is a . . .
a. Chair c. Cupboard
b. Table d. Floor
Kunci jawaban B
This is a . . .
a. Pencil case c. Sharpener
b. Maker d. Eraser
Kunci jawaban C
This is my . . .
a. Eraser c. Pencil
b. Ballpoint d. Marker
Kunci jawaban B
I have one . . .
a. Pencil c. Eraser
b. Pen d. Crayon
Kunci jawaban A
What is this . . . ?
a. This is a whiteboard c. This is a blackboard
b. This is a chair d. This is a paper clips
Kunci jawaban A
It is a . . .
a. Bag c. Eraser
b. Chalk d. Ruler
Kunci jawaban D
Butir soal
This is my . . .
a. Hat c. Socks
b. Tie d. Shoes
Kunci jawaban A
I have a new . . .
a. Shirts c. Shoes
b. Bag d. Bow
Kunci jawaban B
These are my . .
a. Hat c. Sandals
b. Shoes d. Socks
Kunci jawaban B
This is a . . .
a. Dust pan c. Broom
b. Duster d. Floor Mop
Kunci jawaban A
What is this . . .
a. BallMarker c. Ballpoint
b. Ruler d. Pen ink
Kunci jawaban A
This is my . . .
a. wristwatch c. alarm clock
b. clock d. wall display
Kunci jawaban B
I have one . . .
a. Calculator c. Eraser
b. Duster d. Crayon
Kunci jawaban C
What is this . . .
a. a whiteboard c. a blackboard
b. a trash can d. a dust pan
Kunci jawaban B
It is a . . .
a. Broom c. Trash can
b. Duster d. Floor mop
Kunci jawaban D
Vocabulary Aspect High frequency words
Butir soal
This is my . . .
a. Broom c. Trash can
b. Floor Mop d. Duster
Kunci jawaban A
My . . . is new
a. Duster c. Dust pan
b. Floor Mop d. Eraser
Kunci jawaban A
This is my . . .
a. Tie c. Socks
b. Hat d. Skrit
Kunci jawaban A
I have one . . .
a. Belt c. Hat
b. Trouser d. Tie
Kunci jawaban A
What is this . . . ?
a. This is a belt c. This is a door
b. This is a window d. This is a flagpole
Kunci jawaban D
Vocabulary Aspect High frequency words
Butir soal
It is a . . .
a. Door c. Window
b. Curtain d. Floor
Kunci jawaban B
What is this. . . ?
a. This is a curtain c. This is a socks
b. This is a table cloth d. This is a Shoes
Kunci jawaban B
What is this. . .?
a. This is a table flowers c. This is a Floor
b. This is a table cloth d. This is a Window
Kunci jawaban A
This is my . . .
a. Uniform c. Skirt
b. Trousers d. Jacket
Kunci jawaban B
It is a . . .
a. Short c. Shirt
b. Skirt d. Jacket
Kunci jawaban A
This is my pair of . . .
a. Skirt c. Socks
b. Shorts d. Shoes
Kunci jawaban C