Review of Related Lit. IMLM

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The review of related literature forms the base material for the
investigator to have a clear idea about the general concepts, principles and
an exhaustive review for the development of the research. It implies
locating, reading and evaluating reports of research as well as reports of
observation and opinion that are related to the individual’s planned research

It helps the researcher to avoid the work that has already been done
in the area. It provides the investigator with an opportunity to gain insights
into the measures, objects, samples, tools and approaches employed by
other research scholars.

Literature review also helps the investigator to study the different

aspects of the problem. It enables the investigator to identify the research
gaps if any in order to create new ground in research. So a review of
previous studies in relevant area of the present study was attempted and
presented in this chapter.

The knowledge gained from previous research, not only leads to

greater understanding of the problem and stimulates the research worker,
but also provides comparative data on the basis of which one could evaluate

and interpret new research. To be able to benefit from previous research, a

survey of related literature becomes imperative.

The investigator should be familiar with the studies previously

undertaken on the same or allied areas before starting any new study. It
helps the investigator to understand the limitations of the previous studies,
and to expand the scope of the new investigation. With these objectives in
view, the investigator has reviewed some of the important studies.

Literature review also signifies the importance of the present study

and the relevance of the variables chosen. It also indicates the inter links
and gaps filled between the other studies and the present study.



Bhattacharya (1989) evaluated the status of teaching of chemistry

with the help of computers. The objective of the study was to develop the
tools for evaluating the effectiveness of available software in chemistry.
The result indicated that the available software in chemistry were of good
quality. Computer-assisted instruction could be applied most effectively to
an individual or to small groups; the softwares that have been selected for
classroom teaching mainly provided simulation of a real situation thereby
assisting students in long-term retention.

Bhardwaj (1990) studied “Development of Computer Aided

Instructional Material on Microbes for class VIII”. The objectives of the
study were: i) to study the effectiveness of computer aided instructional
material for teaching microbes in terms of achievement, and ii) to study the
reactions of students towards computer aided instructional material. CAI
was found to be effective and interesting. Students reacted favorably
towards CAI.

Chiu, Mei-Hung (1990) studied the effectiveness of

Microcomputer-Based Laboratories (MBL) in teaching scientific skills and
concepts in four seventh grade classrooms. The result revealed that students
had significantly greater acquisition of scientific concepts in the MBL
groups than in the control group.

Canaday, Kathlyn Yvonne (1991) determined and analyzed the

changes in knowledge and attitudes of a selected group of sixth-grade
mathematics teachers following the use of computer and student-oriented
software. The results showed that a significant difference exists between
the pre test and post test scores on mathematical knowledge and between
the pre test and post test scores of attitudes toward mathematics and
problem solving.

Huang and Aloi (1991) investigated the impact of using interactive

video in teaching general biology. Biology undergraduate students using a
computer-assisted interactive videodisc system which included dissection
simulations performed significantly better than students who had not used
the computer-aided instruction.

Jeyamani (1991) studied the effectiveness of the simulation model

in teaching physics to standard XI students through Computer Assisted
Instruction (CAI). The result indicated that the experimental group
obtained a higher mean than the control group. On the basis of the research
findings, it was concluded that the experimental group performed
significantly better than the control group.

Kalimuthu (1991) developed a video programme on environmental

pollution in biology for higher secondary students and investigated whether
students in higher secondary schools, who are taught environmental
pollution in biology by the video method, achieve more than those who are
taught by the traditional method. The major findings were that the higher
secondary students taught through the video programme learnt more of the
concepts on environmental pollution than those who were taught by the
lecture method. The higher secondary students improved their performance
in environmental pollution after viewing the video programme.

Purushothaman and Stella (1991) proved in their study that

computer assisted instruction group performed significantly better in
mathematics learning and that the time taken by the computer assisted
instruction group was nearly two-thirds of the time taken by the traditional
group to complete the instruction on the selected topic. Also in another
study they found out that the CAI was more beneficial to the low and
average achievers than the high achievers.

Wagh (1991) developed a multi-media instructional system for

remedial measures for class VIII students, in fractional numbers. The multi-
instructional system contains charts, flash cards, film-strips, audio-
cassettes, assignments, and a self-learning programme. The results
revealed that the Traditional Instructional System (TIS) and the (MIS)
remedial approaches both helped students in improving their performance
on all the six computational skills in fractional numbers.

Geban, Askar and Ozkan (1992) studied the effects of computer-

simulated experiments, problem solving, and conventional approaches on
high school students’ chemistry achievement, science process skills and
attitudes towards chemistry. The results indicated that computer-simulated
experiments and problem solving produced greater achievement in
chemistry and science process skills. Computer-simulated experiments
produced more positive attitude towards chemistry.

More and Ralph (1992) investigated the effectiveness of

courseware in a college biology class. Biology knowledge of about 92
undergraduate biology students using computer courseware increased more
than that of approximately 92 students using traditional animal-based

Morrell, Patricia (1992) determined differences in effectiveness of

computer-assisted instruction (CAI) compared to traditional instruction of
general biology students (n=54) for units on photosynthesis and
introductory genetics and to assess students attitudes toward CAI. Results

indicated that CAI tutorials are no more or less effective in promoting

student achievement, and the photosynthesis group preferred CAI.

Olson, John (1992) used computer assisted instruction in a unit on

fire which included a computer simulation of combustion. Sixteen students
were interviewed about the actual study of combustion and the simulation
of the process on the computer, and their attitudes towards classroom
experiments versus computer simulation were noted. The result indicated
that although simulations can contribute to conceptual change, they must be
used in conjunction with traditional teaching methods.

Stella (1992) studied the impact of Computer Assisted Learning

(CAL) material developed on the topic “The language of Sets” in
Mathematics, on the under achievers, normal achievers and over achievers.
The main findings of the study were: i) CAL was an effective
individualized instructional technique that helps underachievers reach their
optimum expected level of achievement, ii) It was found to be more
effective for underachievers than both the normal and over achievers in
terms of achievers in terms of achievement, iii) it was clearly seen that
some of the normal achievers could be helped to become over achievers
and the over achievers too could be helped to score better, though their
gain was not found to be statistically significant.

Kinzie, Strauss and Foss (1993) investigated the effects of an

interactive dissection simulation on the performance and achievement of
high school biology students. Findings suggest that an interactive

videodisc was at least as effective as actual dissection in promoting high

school student learning of frog anatomy and dissection procedures.

Bitter, Gary and Hatfield, Mary (1994) conducted a study on

“Training elementary mathematics teachers using interactive multimedia”.
Two studies were conducted wherein an interactive, multimedia-based
instructional system was piloted with pre service elementary school
teachers. The results of study indicated that this mode of presentation
enhanced their learning of mathematics teaching methods and their teaching
in other fields.

Dori, Yehudit and Yochim, Jerome (1994) developed and used a

studyware comprising a set of interconnected modules on human
physiology to improve undergraduate students' achievements. The results of
the study showed that the scores of those students who used the optional
computer laboratory sessions were enhanced over those who did not use the

Large et al. (1994) studied the influence of multimedia on learning.

There is a widespread assumption that the addition of still images,
animation and sound to text will enhance any information product. The
research reported in this paper is investigating such claims for multimedia
in an educational context and for a specific user group: grade-six primary
school students. The findings of the study suggest that the impact of
multimedia is subtle. Multimedia produced the greatest relative
improvement in recall and inference levels. Students who have seen only
the text are the most successful at recalling what they have read. The

addition of animation to a text produces more impact on inference than on

recall, and the multimedia group of students scored higher than the others
on inferencing. The study indicated that multimedia demonstrated a clear
advantage over text alone.

Lilienfield and Broering (1994) conducted a study on “Computers

as teachers: learning from animations”. The results showed that medical
and graduate students who used computer simulation achieved a
significantly higher grade in the cardiovascular section of the final exam
than their classmates.

Suits and Lagowski (1994) conducted two studies to determine the

effect of inductive and deductive computer-simulated experiments on
problem-solving abilities in introductory General Chemistry. No
significant differences were found among the groups of reasoners on three
cognitive levels of the final examination.

Burchfield, Michael Leonard (1995) developed a computer-

assisted instructional module to improve the science process skills of
community college students and additionally studied the effect of the CAI
module on the students’ integrated science process skills. There was no
significant difference between the mean gain in integrated science process
skills of those students who participated in the computer module and those
students who did not participate in the module.

Farr, Pamela Lynn (1995) presented a potentially powerful new

approach “Microcomputer based laboratories” to science laboratory
instruction. The results showed that students at the secondary level has
indicated that Micro computer based laboratory (MBL) may have positive
impact on student acquisition of graphing skills, science content knowledge
and science process skills.

Haddon et al. (1995) studied “Can Learning Via Multimedia

Benefit Weaker Students?”. Second year undergraduate students were
taught either by conventional methods or by a multimedia package. Use of
and attitudes to the package were generally positive. The results suggest
that multimedia is a popular and effective method of teaching and is more
successful than conventional methods for students of below average ability.

Mahapathra (1995) developed a software package for teaching

chemistry and studied its effectiveness in terms of students’ achievement on
a criterion test. The investigator also compared the scientific attitude scores
of students taught through the developed software package with those
taught through the traditional method. Developed software package was
found to be effective in terms of achievement of the students on a criterion
test. Seventy five percent students achieved more than sixty percent of
marks. The developed software package was not found to be superior to
the traditional method when assessed in terms of scientific attitude scores
of the students.

Parker, Zoann (1995) examined the performance and attitudinal

effects of a computer disk earthworm dissection program as compared to
the traditional high school biology dissection methodology. Scores from the
pre and post tests were examined for both groups. The result indicated that
no statistical difference was found in knowledge gained and retained
between the two groups.

Beerman, Kathy (1996) found that college students taught by

interactive multimedia had greater long term retention compared to students
taught by traditional methods. The same research concluded that from the
students’ point of view, multimedia is effective.

Chanlin, lih-Juan and Chan, Kung-Chi (1996) studied and

explored the instructional impact of using Computer Multimedia to
integrate metaphorical verbal information into graphical representations of
biotechnology concepts. The combination of text and graphics into a single
metaphor makes concepts dual-coded, and therefore more comprehensible
and memorable for the student. The results suggested that animated
graphics plus metaphorical treatment enhanced motivation the most.

Fisher-Stitt, Norma Sue (1996) studied the effect of an interactive

multimedia computer tutorial on students’ understanding of Ballet
“Allegro” terminology. It is found that the difference between the groups
attained statistical significance on the overall written test score and the
overall written and practical understanding of ballet allegro terminology.
For both groups, there was a high positive relationship between overall
written and performed understanding.

Gunn and Maxwell (1996) evaluated the impact of introducing a

generic, computer assisted learning (CAL) program in human anatomy for
medical education. The result indicated that use of different media
resources facilitated complementary aspects of learning. Both staff and
students were able to use their time more efficiently, and an improvement
in the overall quality of learning was noted. This was partly attributed to
high motivation and interest levels that resulted from the use of the CAL
program, and partly to the holistic approach supported by the combination
of resources.

Kettanurak, Vichuda (1996) studied the degree of interactivity in

an interactive multimedia instruction program. It is found that 1) students
have more positive attitude if they use an interactive program rather a non-
interactive one 2) interactive program does not necessarily influence
students learning achievement.

Reddy et al. (1996) investigated the effectiveness of multimedia

based modular approach in teaching English to slow learners. The findings
of the study indicated that the achievement of experimental group slow
learners was higher than the achievement of control group slow learners.

Shanmugasundaram and Stella (1996) studied the effect of

computer assisted instruction on learning English grammar. They found
out that the computer assisted instruction group performed significantly
better than the control group that was taught by the traditional method.

Warschauer, Turbee and Roberts (1996) examined whether

computer networks are indeed an effective tool for empowering second-
language learners, focusing on three aspects: autonomy, equality and
learning skills. They concluded that computer learning networks do have
the potential to empower students when they are used appropriately, and
provided some pedagogical suggestions for the effective use of computer
networking in the second- and foreign-language classroom.

Callaway, Judith Ann (1997) studied an interactive multimedia

computer package on photosynthesis for high school students based on a
matrix of cognitive and learning styles. It was found that the experimental
group performed significantly better than the control group on two separate
tests on photosynthesis, one multiple choice and the other short answer.

Christmann, Badgett and Lucking (1997) indicated that the

average students receiving traditional instruction supplemental with
computer assisted instruction attained higher academic achievement than
those receiving only traditional instruction.

Frear, Valerie (1997) examined the level of student involvement

with the content of science-based interactive multimedia as measured by
achievement, attitudes and higher level thinking skills. The preparation of
students with a passing grade was higher for those in the treatment group
than those in the control group. Experimental group students achieved
significantly better grades when compared to traditional students in a
science class.

French, Dorothy (1997) studied a CAI using interactive software

versus traditional instruction in a college pre-calculus course. It was
concluded that the use of interactive computer software does increase the
mathematics achievement of students.

Garnett, Hackling and Oliver (1997) designed Interactive

Multimedia Package to improve students' understanding of the
particulate/molecular basis of chemical reactions, and their ability to
balance and interpret chemical equations. The results of study indicated that
the provision of concrete representations of unobservable entities and
processes, and the use of an interactive approach with associated feedback
facilitated students' achievement of scientifically acceptable conceptions of
chemical equations and their application.

Jawad, Afif (1997) studied the impact of computer based interactive

instruction in improving the teaching-learning process in introductory
college physics. Computer as an instructional delivery system is an
alternative that may result in a higher level of student learning for many
higher education courses.

Joshi, Anuradha and Mahapatra (1997) compared the developed

software package with traditional method in terms of reasoning ability in
Science by considering intelligence as a co-variate. The results showed that
the students taught through developed computer software package were
significantly higher in the reasoning ability than the corresponding figures
for those taught through traditional method.

Ng (1997) conducted a study on “Teaching effectively with visual

effect in an image-processing class”. The objective of this study was to
propose a highly effective computer-based teaching method in an image-
processing course. With the multimedia technology, it is easy to implement
an innovative teaching method using computer to attract student attention in
the image-processing course.

Rangaraj (1997) developed a syllabus based computer software

package in teaching physics at higher secondary level and studied the
effectiveness of Computer Assisted Instructional in teaching Physics at
higher secondary stage. The analysis of the data revealed that there was
significant difference between the means of pre and post test in physics
among controlled and two experimental groups at all the levels of cognition
in favour of the posttest.

Ross, Sutherland and Kennedy (1997) developed an Interactive

Multimedia Learning Resource called ‘WoundCare’ for Health
Professionals to facilitate effective learning of wound assessment and
treatment. Its intention is to provide students with the opportunities this
form of learning affords will help to eliminate the 'hit and miss' associated
with the learning of technical procedures using traditional teaching-learning
strategies. If this can be achieved, students will be better equipped to
transfer their learning into the clinical setting.

Stewart and Gregory (1997) discussed the benefits of using

multimedia Computer Assisted Learning (CAL) as an alternative teaching
method. CAL packages may provide more flexibility in the course design,

encourage student-centered learning and help students of differing abilities

and academic backgrounds. They also examined problems associated with
the use of multimedia CAL such as the provision of computer facilities and
software purchase.

Tajudeen (1997) found out that the learners taught through

computer assisted language learning scored better and had favourable
attitude towards computers than the learners taught through conventional
method in English grammar. Further, the study has found out that there is a
positive correlation between the attitude towards computers and the
achievement score of the experimental group.

Taylor, Violette (1997) studied the effect of computer simulation

and experiments on sixth-grade students learning in science. It is found
that the students scored higher on a post test than a pretest after
participating in the experiment. Further, the students increased their
understanding of scientific concept due to hands-on instruction and
computer assisted instruction. The response of the teacher and the students
towards the computer software being used was positive.

Anandan (1998) found that computer assisted instruction had

produced significant positive effect on the achievement of students in
Indian Economics when compared with traditional method. Significant
favourable achievement was observed in the components of knowledge and
comprehension but not in application.

Beerman, Brown and Evans (1998) found that there was a

significant benefit of new technologies, as opposed to traditional texts, and
hence it is better to allow students to learn in their own style and at their
own pace. An additional argument is that CD-ROM provides media and
visually rich material that is more likely to correspond effectively with
students’ individual learning styles.

French and Rodgerson (1998) developed, trialed, refined and

implemented a multimedia computer package, called Gecko. Gecko
provides easy-to-access, accurate information whilst encouraging
independence in learning. Gecko provides all the necessary information
required to complete the task and enables students to work individually at
their own pace through the series of tasks in each practical. The result
indicated that the majority of students feel that these practicals helped them
achieve their learning outcomes and that they were able to engage with the
subject material more than in other practicals.

Orman, Evelyn (1998) investigated the effects of development and

implementation of an interactive multimedia computer program on the
achievement and attitude of 44 sixth-grade saxophonists. For 3 weeks, the
control group participated in band, while students in the experimental group
individually worked on the computer program during 8-15 minutes of their
daily band class. Findings indicated that experimental students
demonstrated significantly higher levels of perceived knowledge and
performed significantly better than did control students on written and
videotaped assessments. Data suggest that proper development and

application of educational multimedia computer programs may benefit

instrumental education.

Perry and Perry (1998) concluded that multimedia can improve

student learning in a positive manner. In this study they reported that when
multimedia was used more material was covered, they were able to
understand difficult concepts better and retained course material better.

Sethuraman (1998) conducted a study on “Effectiveness of

computer Assisted Instruction in Teaching Chemistry at Higher Secondary
Level”. The results of the study showed that the students of the
experimental group show a better performance than the control group.

Speelman, Pamela (1998) studied the effects of computer

generated text slide with animation on short-term retention of knowledge.
It was found that there was a significant difference in the achievement
scores of post test between the treatment groups’ receiving animation and
those receiving no animation. Gender and age as covariates to the
dependent variables or the two post test showed to have no significant

Cox, Robert and Killingsworth, Clifford (1999) studied the impact

of Multimedia-Based Instruction on Learning and Retention. The findings
indicate that multimedia-based, self-paced learning offers very distinct
advantages over traditional, instructor-led classroom learning. Overall, both
the high-school and university student groups involved in the study
exhibited superior retention rates when learning from the multimedia-based

materials. Higher scoring students in the classroom showed little difference

in either media, while students who tended to score at the low end of the
grading scale uniformly scored higher on multimedia-based materials. The
reduced variation in student performance based on test scores in the CD-
ROM instruction indicates the positive effects of multimedia-based

Frear and Hirschbuhl (1999) examined the effects of Interactive

Multimedia instruction upon the variables of achievement and problem
solving skills on non-science majors in an Environmental Science course at
a Mid-Western University. The findings indicate that the Interactive
Multimedia had a significant effect on both the variables.

Korfiatis et al. (1999) studied the effectiveness of computer

simulation programs in enhancing the familiarity of biology students with
ecological modeling and ecological concepts. The results, expressed in
mathematical form showed that computer simulations improved the
comprehension of ecological processes. Thus, a balanced teaching
procedure, involving both simulation programs and textbook-based
lectures, is considered more appropriate for the teaching of ecological

Batchelder, John and Rachal, John (2000) studied the “Efficacy

of a computer-assisted instruction program in a prison setting”.
Achievement scores of inmates in the experimental group were not
significantly higher than those in the control group.

Brown, Frank (2000) conducted a scientific study of the effect of

CAI on mathematics achievement. The study demonstrated that the
students who utilized the CAI scored significantly higher than the students
who did not participate.

Dharmappa, Corderoy and Hagare (2000) developed an

interactive multimedia software package to enhance understanding of and
learning outcomes in water treatment processes. The software package
incorporates several different media modes including text, drawings,
photographs, animation, and simulation. The preliminary pilot evaluation of
this package using third year engineering students indicated that it provided
greater insight and understanding of the complex treatment processes being

Dooley, Kim et al. (2000) examined the use of animation as a

learning tool for complex, life science content in a College of Agriculture
and Life Sciences upper-division course. This study supports animation as
an asynchronous learning tool to improve cognitive understanding, student
performance, and student self-efficacy for continued learning throughout a

Hitchcock and Noonan (2000) studied “CAI of early academic

skills”. The results suggested that CAI is an effective means of promoting
attainment and maintenance of pre academic skills in young children with

Panda and Chaudhury (2000) determined the degree of attainment

of cognitive skills through computer assisted learning (CAL) compared to
traditional approach to teaching and compared the effect of CAL on the
learning achievement of boys and girls. Data analysis indicated that 1) the
computer assisted learning (CAL) resulted in greater learning achievements
in all hierarchies of cognitive domain, 2) Male students were found to be
superior to female students in learning physics. The results established the
superiority of CAL over traditional approaches.

Thilaka Suresh (2000) developed a CAL programme ‘BIOTECH’

to teach the basic principles of Biotechnology and studied the effectiveness
of Tutorial ‘BIOTECH’ CAL package in attaining the content objectives
when used independently by students and examined the influence of this
instructional strategy change on the achievement in Biotechnology. The
results of the study showed that the CAI strategy has a significant influence
on the achievement in biotechnology, under the influencing conditions of
students’ receptivity, computer familiarity, Biology proficiency and attitude
towards science among the total experimental group students. And also it
indicated that the experimental group students had a significant favourable
attitude towards science after learning Biotechnology through CAI.

Walker, James et al. (2000) developed multimedia-based

resources to study human anatomy. These resources include the integration
of video and audio with animations, text, and graphics. The result revealed
that the greatest impact of these resources on learning will be to strengthen
the student’s basic science knowledge and to provide them access to
materials that integrate structural and functional components of specific

body systems as well as to use their time efficiently, foster active and
independent learning while at the same time maintaining their interest and

Balasubramanian and Jayaraman (2001) revealed that there is

significant difference among different modes of computer based instruction
in their effectiveness in realizing the instructional objectives. Simulation as
one of the modes of computer assisted instruction is more effective when
compared to tutorial and drill and practice. It is also concluded that tutorial
and drill and practice are equally effective in realizing the instructional

Boudinot, Sally and Martin, Bradley (2001) developed the Online

Anatomy Lab for first year pharmacy students. They developed and
implemented a self-regulated, instructor-guided module to facilitate
learning in the human anatomy laboratory. Performance and participation
on the OAL quizzes is significantly and positively related to performance in
the Anatomy and Physiology course. This study provides fairly strong
empirical evidence of the effectiveness of the OAL educational experience.

Kadhiravan and Suresh (2001) found out whether the three

different instructional strategies (viz. Lecture Method, Computer Assisted
Instruction as Individualized Instructional Strategy and Computer Assisted
Instruction (CAI) with Peer Interaction) are helpful in enhancing the use of
Self-Regulated Learning Strategies among the students. The results of the
study revealed that CAIPI and CAI strategies are more effective in

enhancing the students’ use of higher order learning strategies than the
lecture method.

Liu and Hsiao (2001) examined the impact of a cognitive

apprenticeship-style learner-as-multimedia-designer environment on middle
school students’ cognitive skills development. The findings showed that
engaging students’ as-multimedia-designers could increase their
understanding of the importance of the cognitive skills involved.

Ramabai, Adinarayana and Anandavalli Mahadevan (2001)

found that the teaching learning packages (experimental method) for the
XII students are more effective than the traditional method in learning
science concepts relating to biotechnology.

Youngblut, Christine (2001) used multimedia technology based

Virtual frog dissection to provide solutions to existing curriculum
problems. Multimedia-based virtual dissection was more effective than
hands-on dissection in helping precollege students learn about frog
anatomy. Students using the virtual program achieved this result in 44%
less time than their peers who used animal dissection.

Balasubramanian and Meera (2002) studied the relative

effectiveness of different modes of computer-based instruction in teaching
biology. The results of the study revealed that CAI in Drill & Practice
mode is more effective when compared to the CAI in Simulation mode.

Bukowski, Elaine (2002) studied “Assessment outcomes:

Computerized Instruction in a Human Anatomy Course”. The results of this
study suggest that computerized self-study techniques may be a viable
alternative to traditional cadaver laboratory and instruction in human gross
anatomy courses.

Buzzell, Chamberlain and Pintauro (2002) examined the

effectiveness of a series of web-based, multimedia tutorials on teaching
methods of human body composition analysis. The results indicated that
web-based tutorials are as effective as the traditional lecture format for
teaching these topics.

Chang, Chun-Yen (2002) explored the effects of teacher-centered

vs. student-centered multimedia computer-assisted instruction (CAI) on the
science achievements of tenth-grade students. The results of the study
revealed that the teacher-centered teaching approach was more effective in
promoting students' science achievements than was the student-centered
method- especially on the knowledge and application levels of the cognitive

Howerton et al. (2002) investigated the influence of Computer

Assisted Instruction on Acquiring early skills in intraoral radiography. A
pre and post test was used to determine student performance and
instructional preference. There was no significant difference between pre
and post test outcomes, indicating that similar learning took place using the
interactive CD and/or lecture format. However, students preferred CAI to
lecture format.

Huppert, Michal Lomask and Lazarowitz (2002) investigated the

computer simulation’s impact on students’ academic achievement and on
their mastery of Science process skills in relation to their cognitive stages in
microbiology. The results indicated that the experimental group achieved
significantly higher academic achievement than control group. Students’
academic achievement may indicate the potential impact a computer
simulation program can have, enabling students with low reasoning abilities
to cope successfully with learning concepts and principles in science which
require high cognitive skills.

KekkonenMoneta and Moneta (2002) evaluated the effectiveness

of web-based highly interactive and multimedia-rich e-learning materials
by comparing students’ learning outcomes in the lecture and online
versions of an introductory computing course. The result indicated that the
use of carefully designed interactive e-learning modules fosters higher-
order learning outcomes.

Mahoney et al. (2002) developed and evaluated the effectiveness of

a CD-ROM –based multimedia program as a tool to increase users’
knowledge about the differences between ‘normal’ forgetfulness and more
serious memory loss associated with Alzheimer’s disease. This result
revealed that multimedia CD-ROM technology program provides an
efficient and effective means of teaching older adults about memory loss
and ways to distinguish benign from serious memory loss.

Rezaei and Katz (2002) conducted a study on “using computer

assisted instruction to compare the inventive model and the Radical
constructivist Approach to Teaching physics”. The quantitative results
showed the superiority of the inventive model over the models in
conceptual learning and the superiority of conventional instruction in
learning the basic knowledge.

Rudat, Clarence (2002) compared the effect of web-based

computer simulation activities to traditional text methods in preparing
inquiry-based laboratory activities in high school biology classes. Subjects
were assigned to either web-enhanced instruction or a text-based handout
with the same information. This study showed that there was an eight
percent higher increase in post-test scores of the web-based group when
comparing the other methods.

Segers and Verhoeven (2002) studied on “Multimedia support of

early literacy learning”. They developed a child-friendly computer
software program to enhance the early literacy skills of kindergarteners in
the Netherlands. The results revealed that kindergarteners trained using the
story and the vocabulary parts of the program are also reported. After a
short amount of training, the vocabulary of the children was found to show
significant gains.

Selvi (2002) investigated the effectiveness of CAELL (Computer

Assisted English Language Learning) at High School level. The study
indicated that the computer assisted instruction has been effective among

all sections of pupils. It was also concluded that computer assisted

instruction was more effective than traditional teaching methods.

Wiksten, Spanjer and LaMaster (2002) examined the

effectiveness of using a CD-ROM (Multimedia Technology), in an
introductory athletic training laboratory class as a supplement to traditional
lecture instruction. Attitudes towards the computer-assisted instruction and
usefulness of the CD-ROM program were also examined. The results of the
study indicated that, although no significant difference was found between
groups, given the correct application, computer-assisted instruction may
have a place in athletic training education. Student attitudes toward the CD-
ROM program were favorable.

Aly et al. (2003) developed and evaluated an interactive multimedia

courseware package in orthodontics and to provide dental undergraduate
and postgraduate students with an interactive means of self-study and self-
evaluation. The result indicated that the majority of undergraduate and
postgraduate students in this study were very enthusiastic about this form of
educational approach because it was experienced as very helpful in
understanding the orthodontic curriculum more efficiently.

Annaraja and Jenitha Rani (2003) developed and validated the

Visual Basic based CAI package on the topic “Joint Stock Company” for
XI standard and studied the effectiveness of the Visual Basic based
computer Assisted Instruction in teaching Commerce for the students of XI.
The ‘t’ test result showed that the experimental group was better than the
control group.

Dawson, Skinner and Zeitlin (2003) compared the learning

outcomes of students who had a traditional human anatomy and physiology
laboratory experience with those who had, in addition to the traditional
approach, a multimedia instruction. The results of the study revealed that
there was no significant difference between the experimental and control

Kukreti and Rajesh Nagarkoti (2003) compared the effectiveness

of CAI method and the traditional method of teaching on the basis of
achievement of the students in Economics. The analysis of data clearly
indicated that the students of the experimental group (taught through CAI
method) had scored higher mean scores than the students of the control
group (taught through traditional lecture).

Lafuze, Joan Esterline (2003) studied on “Engaging Students in

Learning Human Anatomy and Physiology through an Interactive
Multimedia Program”. The study indicated that students benefit by having
the course offered closer to home (in the case of interactive video) and by
being more actively engaged in the material in an asynchronous format

Macaulay, Michael (2003) investigated the effectiveness of

multimedia on the learning performance of non-English-speaking third
world children. The performance scores of two groups of 18 children were
recorded immediately before and after using either multimedia or no
multimedia to learn mathematics. The children who used multimedia scored
significantly higher than those who did not.

Powell, Aeby and Carpenter-Aeby (2003) studied the effects on

achievement of computer based instruction as compared to instruction
without the computer-based instruction. They found that an improvement
in the subjects’ academic achievement was found by the use of computer-
based instruction.

Rosenberg, Grad and Matear (2003) did a study on computer-

aided learning (CAL), self-instructional programs that provide an
accessible, interactive, and flexible way of presenting curriculum material.
The study revealed that CAL was as effective as other methods of teaching
and could be used as an adjunct to traditional education or as a means of

Shanthi and Amalraj (2003) studied the effectiveness of CAL on

achievement in Bio-Zoology among the experimental and control group
students with reference to different mental abilities such as Gifted, Average
and Slow learners. The results indicated that significant difference was
observed when the pre-test scores were compared to the post-test scores of
the control and experimental groups separately. It revealed that the
experimental group’s achievement score was significantly high. This
shows that CAL has made significant favourable effect on achievement in

Vasanthi and Hema (2003) studied the effectiveness of teaching

Chemistry through Computer Assisted Instruction (CAI) over the
Traditional Teaching Method for I-year B.E. students. The results showed

that teaching Chemistry through CAI was found to be more effective than
teaching trough the traditional method.

Watts and Lloyd (2003) investigated the classroom interventions

using a particular form of multimedia ICT, and looked to study gains in
pupil learning that accrue from its use. The result revealed that children
can become self-directive and very active-exploratory-learners in a very
short period of time. They quickly enjoy the freedom and control that the
system permits and through which they can be shown to enhance particular
literacy skills.

Ambedkar (2004) conducted a study on “Effectiveness of computer

Assisted English Language Learning at High School Level”. This study
reveals that there is a significant difference in the achievement of the IX
Standard pupils in grammar among all the three treatment groups namely,
computer, computer with teacher support and conventional. Among the
three treatment groups the computer with teacher support group has the
most significant effect on the pupils’ achievement in grammar. In any of
the three treatments, boys and girls do not differ significantly in their
achievement in grammar.

Ardac, Dilek and Akaygun, Sevil (2004) studied the effectiveness

of multimedia-based instruction that emphasizes molecular representations
on students' understanding of chemical change. Students who received
multimedia-based instruction that emphasized the molecular state of
chemicals outperformed students from the regular instruction group in

terms of the resulting test scores and the ease with which they could
represent matter at the molecular level.

Chang, Chun-Yen (2004) developed a multimedia computer-aided

tutorial (MCAT) on the topic of debris-flow hazards for senior high school
students in Taiwan. The whole class presentation was presented through
combining the usage of a laptop computer and a high-resolution LCD
projector to display the MCAT contents on a large white screen in front of a
whole class. The results indicated that the MCAT accompanied by the
current ‘interactive whole class teaching’ form could significantly help
students’ grasp of earth science concepts and greatly improve their attitudes
toward earth science.

Haseen Taj (2004) developed a multimedia package such as audio

tapes, computers, etc. to enhance the performance and self-confidence of
slow learners and compared the effectiveness of the activity method and
multi-media package over Traditional Teaching Method (TTM). The
results of the study indicated that the activity methodology and multi-media
package is more effective than the traditional teaching method, because the
innovative activity methods and multi-media package helped the slow
learners to perform on par with the normal learners. The method adopted
by the researcher can enhance the performance of slow learners.

Kiboss, Ndirangu and Wekesa (2004) designed and used computer

technology innovation called the computer-mediated simulations (CMS)
program to enhance pupils' learning outcomes in school biology. The
findings of the study affirmed the impact of the CMS program on the

pupils' learning outcomes in that the mean gains of the participants in the
treatment groups were significantly higher than that of their counterparts in
the regular program.

Koroghlanian and Klein (2004) investigated the effects of audio

animation, and spatial ability in a multimedia computer program for high
school biology. Participants completed a multimedia program that
presented content via text or audio with lean text. The study examined the
effects of instructional mode (text vs. audio), illustration mode (static
illustration vs. animation) and spatial ability (low vs. high) on practice and
posttest achievement, attitude and time. Results indicated that spatial ability
was significantly related to practice achievement and attitude. Participants
with high spatial ability performed better on the practice items than those
with low spatial ability. Participants with low spatial ability responded
more positively than those with high spatial ability to attitude items
concerning concentration, interest and amount of invested mental effort.
Findings also revealed that participants who received animation spent
significantly more time on the program than those who received static

Kurihara et al. (2004) compared the effectiveness of computer-

based and text book-based self-instruction on the academic ability of the
students. This analysis suggested that the effectiveness of CAI might be
associated with the academic ability of students.

Latha Isabel (2004) developed a Multimedia web based digital

learning technology courseware for teaching ‘plant taxonomy’ for B. Sc.,
plant biology and plant biotechnology learners at graduate level. The results
indicated that the Multimedia Web Based Digital Learning Technology
Courseware proves to be effective and valid in teaching biological concepts
at graduate level as evidenced by judgment and empirical analysis. The
experimental group shows favorable attitude towards Multimedia Web
Based Digital Learning Technology Courseware.

LeDuff, Rhonda (2004) studied the use of the internet, interactive

whiteboards, and computer software to improve the quality of learning in a
biology classroom. In conclusion, the incorporation of IT into the biology
classroom can be accomplished by approaching variety avenues. The
complexity of the biology topics introduced can be overcome by connecting
the biological principles to the students’ “real-world” experiences.

Maag (2004) studied the effectiveness of an online interactive

multimedia-learning tool versus text only, text and images, and multimedia
learning explanations on math achievement, math self-efficacy, and student
satisfaction. This study indicated that compared to students in the control
groups, students in the interactive multimedia group demonstrated equal
posttest and retest knowledge of math; their math self-efficacy scores were
also the same. Interactive multimedia group students were more satisfied
with the method of learning, reported the technique to be enjoyable and
more interesting, and provided sufficient feedback.

McAndrews et al. (2004) developed a Computer Interactive

Multimedia Program for Learning Enhancement (CIMPLE) to enhance
student learning in an introductory agronomy course at Iowa State
University. The result indicated that students liked CIMPLE, found the
program easy to use and that CIMPLE helped them learn course material.
CIMPLE was successfully incorporated into the traditional methods on
campus course, was used to create a distance version of the course and
considered a valuable tool for learning to both resident and distance

Natarajan and Natesan (2004) conducted a study with the aim of

experimenting a quality educational Video Programmes relevant to
environmental science subjects and found out how to enrich the learning
experiences. The study revealed that the supremacy of the video
programme’s approach over the conventional method.

Ranade, Mridula (2004) prepared a Computer Assisted

Instructional CAI package on “Multiple Intelligence’ and studied the
effectiveness of the package in terms of achievement. In the analysis of
data, the ‘t’ test indicated that there is a significant increase in the
achievement in the post-test than in the pre-test. The result indicated that
the CAI package was effective in bringing about learning and in evoking
positive reactions towards use of CAI in teaching –learning.

Stith, Bradley (2004) studied the use of the digital animation in

teaching cell biology. The results indicate that lectures using animation lead
to more complete understanding of certain cell biology concepts than

lectures that use only static illustrations. The use of animation and
simulation will have an increasing impact on teaching.

Tabassum, Rabia (2004) designed and studied the effect of CAI on

the secondary school students’ achievement in science. The overall results
of the study indicate that CAI, improved students’ achievement in the
subject of biology at secondary level with higher achievement gains for the
groups of high achievers.

Tse-Kian Neo (Ken) and Mai Neo (2004) observed that the
multimedia educational design process will reinforce and strengthen the
traditional instructional communication process and foster a number of
innovative methods to communicate knowledge to the learners.

Tseng (2004) used multimedia advance organizers to promoted

pupils' learning retention. The study indicated that the learning retention of
the students who used computerized advance organizers was better than
those of students who used none.

Annaraja and Nirmala Sundararaj (2005) developed and

investigated the effectiveness of Power Point presentation in teaching
zoology for higher secondary students. The results indicated that the Power
Point presentation is effective in teaching zoology for higher secondary
students. Further, the use of Power Point presentation has improved the
knowledge, understanding and skill levels of the students. This may be due
to the fact that the animation effect of the slides motivated the students in

learning. Further the effect of the colour of the slides draws the attention of
the learners in learning.

Arulsamy and Sivakumar (2005) developed and investigated the

effect of an interactive multimedia CD based learning courseware for
learning zoological concepts at Higher Secondary Level. The supremacy of
the interactive multimedia CD-based learning was established over the
traditional method of instruction.

Glang et al. (2005) studied “an interactive multimedia program that

teaches young children safe pedestrian skills”. The result revealed that
significant effects were found on the computer-delivered and behavioral
measures. Children can learn to discriminate dangerous elements in traffic
situations using the Interactive multimedia program and transfer that
knowledge to real-life environments.

Helen Joy and Shaiju (2005) developed and examined the

effectiveness of the Computer Assisted Teaching on the topic, UNO in
History at the higher secondary level. The results indicated that there was
no significant difference between the control and the experimental (CAT)
group in the mean pre-test achievement score and the mean post-test scores
of the CAT group which was found to significantly higher than that of
Lecture Method group.

Lei et al. (2005) designed and used computer-assisted instruction

(CAI) in health science subjects that require visual learning. This study
revealed that students who used CAI programs scored significantly higher

on the final examination than those who did not. It was suggested that a
well-designed and appropriately used CAI tool may help students achieve
not only learning efficiency, but also better learning outcome.

Lim, Burt and Rutter (2005) constructed and used virtual-reality

model of three-dimensional animation for teaching iterscalene brachial
plexus block. The aim is to accelerate learning and aid retention of relevant
information. The result indicated that three-dimensional animation is a
promising new tool to accelerate the learning of regional anaesthetic

Mautone, DuPaul and Jitendra (2005) examined the effects of

CAI on the mathematics performance and class room behaviours of
children with ADHD. Students and teachers consider CAI to be an
acceptable intervention for some students with ADHD who are having
difficulty with mathematics.

McClean et al. (2005) developed and studied the impact of

Molecular and Cellular Biology Animations on Student Learning. An in-
class research experiment demonstrated that student retention of content
material was significantly better when students received a lecture coupled
with the animations and then used the animation as an individual study

Oh, Pok-Ja et al. (2005) studied the effectiveness of web-based

multimedia contents for a course of physical examination and health
assessment on learning achievement. The students in the experimental

group received lectures using web-based multimedia contents and the

students in the control group received regular lectures. The results indicated
that the mean score of the degree of educational achievement in the
experimental group was significantly higher than in the control group. It
was concluded that these web-based multimedia contents were found to
maximize the effectiveness of the teaching process when used as a teaching

Prinz, Bolz and Findl (2005) examined the effect of 3D animations

on the understanding of cataract and glaucoma surgery among medical
students. Students in the 3D group found the interactive multimedia
teaching methods to be a valuable supplement to the conventional surgical
videos. The 3D group outperformed the control group. The use of 3D
animations leads to a better understanding of difficult surgical topics among
medical students, especially for female users.

Rajshree Vaishnav and Parashar (2005) developed CAI in

Biology on topic “Food Nutrition and Health” and studied its effectiveness
in terms of achievements of students and compared the mean achievement
scores of the students studying through CAI and traditional method by
considering intelligence as covariate. The findings of the study showed that
the computer aided instructional material was found to be effective in terms
of the achievement of the students and the CAI materials are found to be
superior to the traditional method when intelligence was taken as co-

Razavi, Seyyed (2005) investigated the effect of two learning

strategies through educational multimedia. Experimental comparison
between inductive and deductive in science concept learning and retention
indicated that there is no meaningful difference in concept learning through
educational multimedia but meaningful difference in concept retention.

Siskos et al. (2005) investigated the effects of multimedia computer-

assisted instruction (MCAI) on academic achievement in physical
education of Greek primary students. The result indicated that this new
educational tool is an effective way to introduce health-related physical
education programs for young students in typical classroom settings.

Slocum, Ann and Beard, Carol (2005) developed and evaluated

CAI module to teach an advanced apparel construction technique. The
results showed that CAI was as effective as traditional instruction.

Su, King-Dow and Lee, Ming-Quey (2005) investigated the

effectiveness of integrating multimedia technology into mathematical
teaching and to focus on students’ conceptual understanding and scientific
application in the experimental group. It was found that this study created a
significant positive contribution towards students’ learning in, and
understanding of, mathematics. Generally speaking, it was found in this
study that only by incorporating multimedia technology into mathematics
teaching can students’ learning abilities be enhanced and their performance
in multimedia technology be upgraded.

Susskind, Joshua (2005) examined the effects of non-interactive

computer assisted instruction on student’s performance, self-efficacy,
motivation and attitudes. Half the lectures presented in a traditional lecture
format and half were accompanied by Power Point multimedia. The results
indicated that lecture style did not affect academic performance, and the
students who used Power Point had more positive attitudes about the course
and greater self-efficacy. In the class that started with PowerPoint lectures,
student motivation declined after PowerPoint stopped accompanying
lectures. However, student motivation did not increase after PowerPoint
was added in the other class.

Zhang, Dongsong (2005) examined the effectiveness of interactive

e-learning. Students in a fully interactive multimedia-based e-learning
environment achieved better performance and higher levels of satisfaction
than those in a traditional classroom and those in a less interactive e-
learning environment.

Cepni, Tas and Kose (2006) investigated the effects of a computer-

assisted instruction material (CAIM) related to ‘photosynthesis” topic on
student cognitive development, misconceptions and attitudes. The result
indicated that using CAIM in teaching photosynthesis topic was very
effective for students to reach comprehension and application levels of
cognitive domain.

Diseko and Van Der Westhuizen (2006) designed and developed

multimedia learning materials for the nursing science students. The result
showed that the students had an overwhelming positive experience of the
multimedia learning environment.

Fuchs et al. (2006) examined the effects of CAI to enhance number

combination skill among children with concurrent risk for mathematics
disability and reading disability. The results indicated that mathematics
CAI was effective in promoting addition but not subtraction number
combination skills.

Guan, Ying-Hua (2006) investigated the effects of multimedia

presentations (MPs) on learning efficiency and information-processing
strategy in the context of a learning scenario in which subjects were asked
to learn multimedia-based instructions concerned with an assembly task. A
2 (text mode: written/spoken) by 2 (picture mode: static/moving) factorial
design was employed. The results showed that spoken texts had a positive
effect on learning efficiency. However, this effect seemed to be limited to
moving-picture conditions. Moreover, picture mode did not exert an effect
on learning efficiency, which indicated that moving pictures were not
superior to static pictures in demonstrating the assembly procedures.
Nevertheless, information conveyed by moving pictures appeared to be
easier understood and remembered when it contained complex actions that
could not be clearly depicted by static pictures.

Ismail and Yong (2006) investigated the effect of Information and

Communication Technology (ICT) on students’ achievement in biology. A

biology topic on the Human Digestive System was chosen for the study and
it was taught to two groups of students using ICT and traditional methods
of teaching for four weeks. The results indicated that both methods of
teaching significantly improved student’s achievement and their confidence
level between students who were taught using ICT and those taught using
the traditional method.

Macaulay and Pantazi (2006) investigated the relationship between

varying levels of material difficulty and learning performance during the
use of multimedia for learning. Findings revealed that the effect of the
varying levels of difficulty of learning materials on learning performance
was similar irrespective of whether or not multimedia was used, in which
case, learning performance tended to decrease as level of difficulty
increased. In addition, multimedia is found to be only more beneficial to
learning performance than other learning material delivery modes when
materials are very difficult.

Nicholson et al. (2006) examined the effectiveness of a computer-

generated 3D model in learning middle and inner ear among medical
students. The result indicated that the intervention group’s mean score on
the quiz was 83%, while that of the control group was 65%. This
difference in means was highly significant.

Ochaya, Willy Benson (2006) used 3D graphic and animation

software to enhance learning experience in GED (General Educational
Developmental) Math. The study indicated that students who used 3D
graphics and animation performed better and more inclined to learn via the

use of interactive visual features. The combination of 3D graphics

experience, the participatory approach, animation, interactivity, along with
the self determination of the respondent, seemed to enhance the student’s
ability to learn.

Ranade, Mridula (2006) developed CAI Presentations for Science

Teaching. The research suggested that information and communication
technologies (ICT) used in the form of computer assisted instruction (CAI)
may benefit student learning. The results indicated that CAI has led to
enhanced learning for a variety of science topics in this educational setting.

Thatcher, Jack (2006) conducted an investigation to compare the

efficacy of one representative computer animation to present concepts in
molecular and cellular biology with that of traditional textbook material.
The results indicated that the students who used computer animations
scored better than that those who used the textbook. After the study, a
majority of subjects indicated a preference for animation over the text. It
was concluded that CAI can be an effective tool for relating basic science to
medical students by improving comprehension and eliciting interest in the

Tsou, Wenli et al. (2006) developed a multimedia Storytelling

Website in foreign language learning. The website contains an accounts
administration module, multimedia story composing module, and story re-
playing module. The results of the study support the significance and the
education value of the multimedia Storytelling Website on EFL teaching
and learning. If such a Website can be used within elementary EFL

classrooms, the quality of teaching and learning can be improved and

students’ enjoyment and success in EFL learning may increase.

Weiss, Kramarski and Talis (2006) investigated the effects of

learning mathematics with multimedia embedded in different styles of
learning (cooperative learning versus individual learning) in kindergarten
on students' mathematical achievements, and also examined students'
preference for style of learning with computers in kindergarten. One group
was exposed to multimedia embedded in cooperative learning (CL), the
second group was exposed to multimedia embedded in individual learning
(IL) and the control group (C) was not exposed to multimedia. Findings
indicated that the CL and IL students significantly outperformed the C
group in mathematical achievement. The IL students further improved their
mathematical skills at the higher level, while the CL students further
increased their positive attitude about cooperative learning. Theoretical and
practical implications are discussed.

Brenton et al. (2007) used multimedia and web3D to teach anatomy

to undergraduate medical students and discussed the educational
advantages and disadvantages of using three-dimensional computer models.
The delivery method was the WebSET framework, a collaborative
environment that allows a teacher to manipulate 3D models over the Web
in real time whilst providing explanation and help to students. In this way
the courseware can be used for both self-directed study and ‘virtual
anatomy demonstrations’ within an online peer group.

Chen, Chiu-Jung and Liu, Pei-Lin (2007) evaluated the effects of

a personalized computer assisted mathematics problem-solving program on
the performance and attitude of Taiwanese fourth grade students. The
results of the study showed that the personalized computer assisted
mathematics problem-solving program on mathematics improved student
performance and attitude.

Kalet et al. (2007) developed the multimedia teaching modules

called ‘Web Initiative for Surgical Education (WISE-MD)’ to enhance
exposure to surgical disease and clinical reasoning. The results of the study
indicated that compared to students who did not view the modules, early
data show a trend toward improved knowledge and an improvement in
clinical reasoning for students who used the WISE-MD modules. Most
students felt the module was superior to traditional teaching methods and
enhanced their understanding of surgical technique and anatomy.

Kamsin, Amirrudin (2007) created a Integrated 3D Multimedia

Web Based Learning tool in Biology in order to provide users with a 3D
element multimedia study environment in Biology subject. 3D interactions
with multimedia elements relatively allow the learners to learn and grasp
the lessons being taught much faster than in a normal classroom.

Liao, Yuen-kuang and Chen, Yu-wen (2007) studied the effects of

computer simulation instruction (CSI) versus traditional instruction (TI) on
students’ achievement in Taiwan. The results of this study suggest that CSI
clearly has a more positive effect on students’ learning than TI.

Mi Jie (2007) conducted a study on “An application multimedia to

the teaching of machine design”. Multimedia teaching employs modern
learning theory and adopts engineering system method to optimize teaching
process and achieve favorable effect. An optimal course system is
introduced by using multimedia technology stimulates learners to study
with discovery, association, leap and creativity.

Nimavathi and Gnanadevan (2007) studied the impact of computer

multimedia programme in teaching science at the secondary level. The
students of the experimental group scored better in their achievement and
showed favourable attitude towards science than the students of the control
group, after experimentation. The results of this study revealed that
multimedia has an impact in teaching science to ninth standard students and
also in their attitude towards science and attitude towards computer.

O’Day, Danton (2007) studied the effectiveness of animations

versus graphics in the long-term retention of information in learning
biology. In this study, involving 393 student responses, three different
animations and two graphics were used to determine the long-term
retention of information. The results indicated that animations lead to
greater long-term memory retention than simple graphics.

Pereira et al. (2007) implemented innovative teaching methods -

blended learning strategies (Simulation and e-learning) - that include the
use of new information technologies in the teaching of human anatomy and
analyzed both the impact of these strategies on academic performance, and
the degree of user satisfaction. The study revealed that blended learning

was more effective than traditional teaching for teaching human anatomy.
Student attitudes toward the CD-ROM program were favourable.

Victoria, Roldan and Roldan (2007) conducted a study on

“Multimedia and Virtual Reality Application for Teaching-Learning
Human Senses and Therapy of Lateral and Space Location”. A computer-
tool was created based on non-immersive virtual environments that can run
online or without an Internet connection. This software pretends to be an
assistant tool in the teaching-learning process. This research suggests that
virtual reality, multimedia and Piaget's method helps the teaching- learning
process and therapy of lateral and space location of their body.

Chang, Kuo-En et al. (2008) studied the effects of learning support

in simulation-based physics learning. The results of the study revealed that
the outcome for learning about the basic characteristics of an optical lens
was significantly better for simulation-based learning than for laboratory

Djeassilane (2008) investigated the effect of computer aided

instruction (CAI) in enhancing the academic achievement of higher
secondary students in commerce. The findings of the study showed that the
computer aided instruction was effective in helping the students of the
experimental group to perform better in the post-test. It proved the
effectiveness of the computer aided instruction in commerce developed by
the investigator. And also it was found that the experimental students had
more favourable attitude towards computer assisted instruction.

Garnett, Hackling and Oliver (2008) developed an interactive

multimedia package to improve students’ understanding of the particulate
basis of chemical reaction, and their ability to interpret chemical equations
and solve problems based on equations. The study showed that Interactive
multimedia provided learners with access to a rich information source and
appropriate activities to promote learning and understanding.

Junaidu, Sahalu (2008) studied effectiveness of multimedia in

learning & teaching data structures online. This paper explores and reports
on the importance of creating multimedia-rich course content and the
important role that animations can play in creating a successful online
learning experience. Results indicated that students consistently perform
much better in questions requiring application of material taught in
carefully animated algorithms. These results should carry over to other
educational environments.

Liao, Yuen-kuang C., Chang, Huei-wen and Chen, Yu-wen

(2008) compared the effects of computer applications (i.e., computer-
assisted instruction, computer simulations, and Web-based learning) versus
traditional instruction on elementary school students' achievement in
Taiwan. The results suggest that computer application instruction is more
effective than traditional instruction for elementary school students in

O’Day, Danton (2008) studied on “using animations to teach

biology: past & future research on the attributes that underlie pedagogically
sound animations”. Multiple technical resources (commonly referred to as

multimedia) are currently used by many instructors to communicate

difficult topics and concepts to their students in meaningful ways. Various
sources have shown that animations are more effective than static
sequential images. This study evaluated how animations can be and have
been used as effective teaching and learning tools in biology and what more
needs to be done to understand their true value.

Ozmen, Haluk (2008) studied on “The influence of CAI on

students’ conceptual understanding of chemical Bonding and attitude
towards chemistry: A case for Turkey”. The results of this study suggested
that teaching-learning of topics in chemistry related to chemical bonding
can be improved by the use of computer-assisted teaching materials.

Ponraj and Nellaiyapen (2008) investigated the effectiveness of

CAI in teaching Zoology. The major finding of the study showed that the
experimental group performed better than the Control group in the post-
test. The results of the study revealed that experimental method of teaching
is more effective than the traditional method of teaching the topic ‘Nucleus’
in Zoology.

Pryor, Caroline and Bitter, Gary (2008) used multimedia to teach

in-service teachers and studied its impacts on learning, application, and
retention. The study found that the video modeling in the module was
effective in helping teachers learn, and discourse strategies were learned,
applied, and retained.

Rotbain, Marbach-Ad and Stavy (2008) used a computer

animation to teach high school molecular biology. The achievements of the
experimental group were compared with those of a control group. Analysis
of the post-test showed that the mean score of the experimental group was
significantly higher than the mean score of the control group.

Venkataraman (2008) prepared software packages (CAI) for XI

standard physics and studied the effectiveness of it’s among selected modes
of CAI in physics in relation to learners’ personality. The results of the
study showed that the CAI is effective with different modes. Computer
Assisted Instruction shows significant difference in the achievement of
different instructional objectives. Further Computer Assisted Instruction
enhances the retention of the learnt content.

Vernadakis et al. (2008) examined the effect of multimedia

computer-assisted instruction (MCAI), traditional instruction (TI), and
combined instruction (CI) methods on learning the skill of shooting in
basketball. Additionally, a comparison of the students’ attitudes towards the
MCAI and TI methods was made. Students took pre-, post-, and retention
written test covering techniques and rules of the games. Post-test results
indicated no significant differences between the groups concerning the
written test. Nevertheless, the attitude test scores of the CI group were more
favourable to MCAI method than the TI method. Retention test results
showed that groups retained the knowledge acquisition. However, the
combined method of instruction tended to be the most effective for
cognitive learning.

Victor, Adeosun Olufemi (2008) investigated the relative effects of

three multi-media instructional packages on Nigerian students’
achievement in social studies. The purpose was to determine which of the
combinations of videotape recording presentation, pictures and the chalk
and talk method; the combination of audiotape recording presentation,
pictures and the chalk and talk method and the combination of pictures and
the chalk and talk method. The study revealed that the combination of
pictures and the chalk and talk method was most effective among the
packages tested in the learning of social studies.

Dalacosta et al. (2009) developed and studied the effectiveness of

Multimedia application with animated cartoons in teaching science in
elementary education. The results of the study provide evidence that the use
of animated cartoons significantly increases the young students' knowledge
and understanding of specific science concepts, which are normally
difficult to comprehend and often cause misconceptions to them.

Jian Hu et al. (2009) investigated the effects of introducing a

software program, named the Dental 3D Multimedia System (D3DM), into
the education of a group of junior dental students in their preclinical
practice. One group received their training program in the traditional way,
unassisted by 3D technology. The second group received their training
program in the traditional manner, but also used the D3DM to supplement
their education. The results showed that the D3DM-assisted group achieved
higher scores and also indicated that the usage of 3D multimedia PC
software had a positive impact on several aspects of subjects’ performance.

Kanmani and Radha (2009) studied the Effectiveness of CAI

package in basic electronics teaching. There was a significant difference
between the control and the experimental group students in attainment of
knowledge level, understanding level, and application level objective in the
gain scores. Hence, the experimental group students were better than the
control group students in attainment of knowledge level, understanding
level, and application level objective in the gain scores. It was inferred from
the finding that the experimental treatment is effective to the students.

Korakakis et al. (2009) made a study on the “3D visualization types

in multimedia applications for science learning for 8th grade students in
Greece”. The aim of the study was to determine whether the use of specific
types of visualization (3D illustration, 3D animation, and interactive 3D
animation) combined with narration and text, contributes to the learning
process in science courses. The results indicated that multimedia
applications with interactive 3D animations as well as with 3D animations
do in fact increase the interest of students and make the material more
appealing to them.

She, Hsiao-Ching and Chen, Yi-Zen (2009) examined how middle

school students constructed their understanding of the mitosis and meiosis
processes at a molecular level through multimedia learning materials
presented in different interaction and sensory modality modes. The
dependent variables included subjects’ pre-test, post-test, and retention-test
scores, showing their understanding of mitosis and meiosis process at
molecular level. The results of the study showed that the group which used
multimedia learning material has a greater amount of visual attention and

consistent with their long term retained learning than the group which did
not use the same. This study adds empirical evidence of a direct correlation
between the length of eye fixation behavior and the depth of learning.
Moreover, it provides insight into the multimedia effect on students’
cognitive process through the use of eye fixation behavior evidence.

Anboucarassy (2010) studied the effectiveness of Multimedia in

Teaching Biological Science to IX Standard students. The results of the
study revealed that experiment group performed better than the control
group due to the exposure of multimedia based learning. Thus multimedia
helps the students to sustain their interest and also their retention power
compared to the traditional method of teaching. The constant use of
multimedia will make students understand more and achieve more in their
academic achievement. Hence it was concluded that the multimedia
approach is considered to be one of the best techniques for biology teaching
at IX standard level.

Ponraj and Sivakumar (2010) studied the effectiveness of

Computer-Assisted Instruction in Teaching Zoology in Relation to
Learners’ Personality. The major findings of the study indicated that
achievement scores of experimental group students were higher than the
control group students after the treatment.

Yusuf, Mudasiru and Afolabi, Adedeji (2010) investigated the

effects of computer assisted instruction (CAI) on secondary school
students’ performance in biology. The findings of the study showed that the
performance of students exposed to CAI either individually or

cooperatively were better than their counterparts exposed to the

conventional classroom instruction. Based on the research findings
recommendations were made on the need to develop relevant CAI packages
for teaching biology in Nigerian secondary schools.


It is very much important to have the summary of the findings of the

previous studies by the investigator as it helps him to formulate objectives
and hypotheses and design the research process. In this chapter, related
literatures are reviewed extensively.

The review of literature provides a clear picture about the present

status of importance of computers in education, computer assisted
instruction and multimedia programme in teaching. From the findings of
the recent researches on the students’ performance, the need for effective
teaching was felt. Hence it was understood that very few studies have been
conducted to see the effect of multimedia programme on the students’
performance. The very little studies have been concentrated on how
students can be motivated through multimedia programme and also
concentrated on the high and low achievers.

Hence it was inferred that only a few researches have been attempted
in multimedia programme in other subjects and biology in particular human
anatomy and that too at the school level. The summary of related studies
helps the investigator in indentifying the research gaps in the area of the
study. Thus in the present study, an attempt has been made to study the

effectiveness of multimedia programme in perceiving human anatomy

among higher secondary students. The investigator has formulated the
objectives, hypotheses and research design based on the findings of the
previous studies.

The studies conducted in India and abroad on the effectiveness of

multimedia programme in biology in particular in human anatomy and
other subjects are discussed in this chapter. The next chapter deals with
methodology of the study.

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