Amazon Lalala
Amazon Lalala
Amazon Lalala
Amazon is steadily expanding its lead in e-commerce. More and more manufa
and sellers offer their products via Amazon to bene t from this vast sales pote
rising competition forces salespeople to engage more intensively with Amazo
marketing channels.
Exte rnal Marke ting – Using promo channels not offered directly by th
Amaz o n SEO takes place on the platform (On-Amazon); most measures are f
charge (Non-Paid). Adve rtise me nt o n Amaz o n is usually subject to a fee (Pa
the advertising itself may take place directly on Amazon or other websites an
platforms (On- and Off-Amazon, respectively). Exte rnal Marke ting is Off-Am
and can be either Paid or Non-Paid.
Making sure your own products rank high on Amazon is all the more critical. As
Amazon SEO is one of the most essential elements in an Amazon marketing s
Here are the key factors for a successful ranking on Amazon:
1.1 Keywords: Essential Research and Proper
Researching and selecting the best keywords for a product is at the core of Am
SEO marketing. Once all the relevant keywords have been researched and as
to the product, a larger variety of search queries can display the product in the
results. The product becomes more visible.
The right placement of the keywords in the product is just as important for the
ranking. Through in-depth testing, we’ve found that the most important keyw
a product ranking are the ones in the title, followed by the generic keywords (
“search terms”). The latter are entered in the backend; they don’t appear on t
product page.
Both are followed by keywords in the product attributes (bullet points) and the
description. Repetition of keywords brings no advantage and is therefore not
necessary — in fact it merely wastes valuable space. For more details on keyw
SEO, check out The Complete Guide to Amazon SEO & Higher Rankings.
Tip: Use Sonar to nd the best keywords for your product listing – it’s a free Am
keyword tool with actual search volume for keywords on Amazon.
Take care when entering your “generic keywords” in the backend: Amazon w
them if they exceed 249 bytes.
Inf ormation: Provide all necessary information for the buying decision
Additional content marketing options are available for sellers with Amaz o n Br
Re gistry (Enhanced Brand Content (EBC)) and ve ndo rs (A+ Content). An inte
modular system, for example, enables the combination of texts and images to
quality product description. T he re sult: Vastly improved options to show off p
and brands and to utilize cross-selling.
While optimizing product content, it’s important to keep in mind how it will ap
mobile devices. Text (such as bullet points and product description) comes out
signi cantly shorter so that the most important information should always be
So-called product test or deal platforms can be used to generate reviews, but
important to double-check that they conform to Amazon’s review guidelines.
itself also offers vendors and sellers its fee-based review generation programs
Vine (vendors) and the Early Reviewer Program (sellers).
Doing so will also improve the information content of the product page: The q
often point to larger information gaps, which can now be added to the descrip
1.6 Product Information: Crucial for Filter
Additional marketing information can be entered for each product on Amazo
e xample about material, weight or energy ef ciency class. Fill in this informat
thoroughly as possible: The lter navigation in the sidebar of the Amazon sear
it, as well as specialized product nders. The information is also clearly displaye
dedicated section on the product page and can thus improve the conversion r
1.7 Price: Competitive Pricing Re nes Ranking
An attractive price is conducive to organic ranking. Whether or not a price is
“attractive” depends on the competitive environment of a keyword. Salespers
should compare the prices of the products above and below their own produc
possible, position themselves competitively. The be st way to de te rmine the
“perfect” price setting for a product during your Amazon marketing campaign
ultimately by simple experimentation. Sellics quickly reveals the impact of a p
change on the ranking.
In other words: You can achieve more sales and a better conversion rate with F
in turn, has a positive effect on the ranking.
2. Amazon Advertising
Newsletter campaigns
Flyers in parcels
Custom solutions
Like AAP, AMG is accessible to all advertisers (vendors, sellers, or third parties),
requires a relatively high minimum budget.
Free of Charge
Sale Price
A time-limited, reduced price offer is one of the most manageable actions. On
product page, the customer sees the regular price as a strikethrough price, fol
the sale price and the savings (“you save X%”).
Pro mo tio ns
Amazon merchants can use a varie ty o f marke ting & pro mo tio n to o ls to in
customers about sales or special discounts:
Pe rce ntage -of f : The item price will be reduced by an amount or per
of your choice. Discounts may be granted on a single product, on a spec
number of products, or on a particular combination of articles. The prom
either made visible directly on the product page (for example, for cross
or with the help of generated coupons, which you can distribute over d
Fre e Shipping: With this promotion, the shipping is free for your custo
You take over the costs instead.
Buy one , ge t one f re e : The buyer receives a free product for every
purchased product.
Give away: To create competitions. You can set individual prizes and con
for each sweepstake promotion.
The promotional discounts increase the conversion rate and sales, which in tur
positive effect on the ranking. Thus, coupons are another way to operate Ama
The promotions can be created and distributed free of charge. There are no fu
costs for the seller aside the discount.
Subject to a Fee
Amaz o n Lightning De als, Prime Day, e tc .
The “Amazon Lightning Deals” are a special form of discount. Here, a predeter
quota of an item is featured for a short time (4 to 12 hours) at greatly reduced
Consider them support for the classic Amazon marketing promotions.
An advantage of the Lightning Deals: The offers are listed on the central Ama
Deals page. This separate page is often accessed directly by customers (especi
promotions such as Prime Day), which is why, for a short time, products in the
Lightning Deals are extremely visible. In addition, a special label highlights the
products with Lightning Deals in the search result.
Amazon sets limiting criteria for item quantity and price to create a Lightning
Sellers can only generate Lightning Deals for products that have already been
selected or quali ed by Amazon. Vendors, on the other hand, can freely selec
products for Lightning Deals from their product catalog. The use of a Lightning
subject to a fee.
The participation in special Amaz o n marke ting pro mo tio ns such as Prime D
Christmas campaigns is also set up via Lightning Deals. Proposals must be subm
Amazon within a particular time frame before the promotion. Lightning Deal
slightly more expensive during these special Amazon promotions.
Co upo ns
“Coupon” promotions have long been reserved for vendors. Since recently, sel
also use them. A coupon will be displayed on Amazon in search results, on prod
pages, on the Amazon central landing page, in the shopping cart, and on Ama
dedicated marketing pages. With a coupon, you can grant customers a discou
choice on one or more products.
Increased visibility with a special coupons label in the search result and o
product page
Subject to a fee
2.3 Amazon Brand Stores
Vendors and sellers who have registered a brand with Amazon can create a b
store. This type of shop is assembled with a modular system and can contain se
navigational layers to present the assortment of goods. Use unique pictures an
to present your brand in an appealing way. The brand shop has its own URL an
therefore ideal as a landing page for external traf c.
3. External Amazon Marketing (aka Off-
Amazon): Lead More Customers to Amaz
Generate More Sales
After this detailed overview of the marketing activities that are carried out dir
Amazon or belong to Amazon’s promotional offers (On-Amazon marketing), le
take a look at the ways to advertise products on Amazon from outside (Off-Am
Off-Amazon measures guide users who are not yet on the Amazon website d
indirectly to your product page on Amazon. The principle is relatively simple: A
an external page leads to your product on Amazon. The external site directs us
Amazon, where they buy the product. Useful landing pages are a product pag
product selection page, or the Amazon Brand Store.
In contrast to Google, where the linking alone leads to a better ranking in the
results, the link to Amazon is only useful if it generates more purchases. The ke
question for sellers is, therefore: Where can I place links to my products to lead
additional buyers to my Amazon site? Here are some possibilities.
3.1 Amazon Marketing: External Strategy
“Pay-per-click” advertising
Pay-per-click models like Google Adwords, Facebook ads, or banners are an ea
to place external links. The ads link to the product on Amazon. When a user cli
the ad, they go directly to the product on Amazon.
Newsletter / E-Mails
Newsletters are also great for Off Amazon marketing. Sellers can regularly offe
customers new products via the newsletter. If these products link to Amazon,
recipients can conveniently buy the products. The seller thus generates additi
sales on Amazon, which he would not have achieved without Off-Amazon ma
Content T argeting
Another possibility is the marketing of products through content. If you provide
known bloggers, YouTubers, or Instagramers with your product for testing, the
publish the test results for their followers and link the product. You can also act
participate in expert forums and discussions related to Amazon marketing in s
Social Media
Brand pages in social networks can be used to grow brand awareness, strengt
customer loyalty, and raise awareness about the product offering on Amazon.
competition, for example, or point out new products or current Amazon deals
Amazon SEO:
Ke ywords: Tools for keyword research, keyword optimization, and rank
Re vie ws and Que stions & Answe rs: Tracking, email noti cation for n
reviews and/or questions & answers, review management tool, analytic
Amazon PPC:
All ke y gure s at a glance : Including pro ts from PPC campaigns aft
deduction of all costs
By Angela Yuan
Product Marketing Manager at Sellics